palóc enchantment DEAR GUESTS, Nógrád County is in the northern part of Hungary, between Pest County and the Slovakian border. From Budapest the western part of Nógrád is easily accessible along the main road no. 2 through Vác, and the eastern part along the motorway M3 and the main road no. 21. From the northern part of the Great Hungarian Plain (Jászság) road no. 32 and 21 take you to the border of Nógrád County, which is surrounded by hills; the Mátra on the east, Börzsöny palóc enchantment on the west and Karancs-Medves on the north. The other parts of the county are on the picturesque hills of Cserhát, which get gradually smaller to the north and south. The tiny hamlets hiding in valleys, the beauty of pristine nature, the geological treasures, the ruins of mighty castles which protected the country in former times, the traces of folk architecture, and the living traditions and colourful folk clothes, together with the culinary delights of the region, make it possible for you to experience such calmness and quiet which are lacking in our accelerated life. Outstanding persons and exceptional artist were born and active in the region, and many museums, exhibitions and memorial sites cherish their memories and preserve their names, which may make every citizen of Nógrád County proud. Some of the most famous persons in connection with the county: Imre Madách, Kálmán Mikszáth, Benjamin Rajeczki, Albert Szent-Györgyi, Gyula Benczúr, Oszkár Glatz, Klári Tolnay and Ferenc Zenthe. The list is not complete. Children and adults alike find activities and events, which are in line with their fields of interest, make them happy, restore peace in their soul, and enliven their body and soul. Peace, quiet, the closeness of nature, fresh air, and many unforgettable experiences – you can find all these in Nógrád County. www.nograd-turizmus.hu 1 SUGGESTED EXCURSIONS OF HIKING Due to the natural formation – the hills THE WESTERN PART OF NÓGRÁD of Börzsöny, Cserhát and Mátra meet on the area of the county next to the WHERE THE RIVER DANUBE MEETS individual unit of the Karancs-Medves Hills – the scenery of Nógrád County THE HILLS OF BÖRZSÖNY is dominated by relatively low and moderately high hills. At the eastern feet of Börzsöny there and which the brave captain György Szon- is a village after which the county got its di and his few soldiers tried to defend aga- Rivers, creeks, beautiful meadows, lush name. Here you find the remains of one inst a huge Turkish army in the sixteenth forests and picturesque villages, hiding of the oldest fortifications of Hungary, century. among mild hills, invite all those who Nógrád castle, with its irregular layout adore the romantic charms of pristine and high inner tower. From the castle you nature. There are several hiking trails have to make just 30 kilometres to get Tips for the hike all over the Karanc-Medves, Cserhát to the Kismaros – Szokolya-Királyrét Nógrád vá. – Béla-rét – Saj-kút – and Börzsöny Hills. narrow gauge railway (Királyréti Állami Saj-kút-bérc – Foltán-kereszt – Erdei Vasút) along the border of the county. Három-hárs – Csóványos – Felsô - és Alsó-Hinta-rét – Nyír-réti kastélyrom – Recently, together with the Mary Trail, It takes a very pleasant hike from the villages HIKING THE Cigányvár – Csehvár – Diósjenô Drégelypalánk, Drégely v.m. – ô more than 100 km of new hiking trails of either Nagyoroszi or Drégelypalánk to Drégelyvár – (Nagyoroszi) – Diósjen have been opened for tourists in the get to Drégely castle, which fortification KARANCS-MEDVES Tips for the hike Distance: 24 km Cserhát region. was built on a crest of the Börzsöny Hills, Salgótarján kemping – Tatárárok – Elevation: 850 m Distance: 15 km HILLS … Salgópuszta – Salgó-nyereg – Elevation: 400 m Boszorkány-kô – Salgóvár – Eresztvény Information: Medves Plateau is one of the most Ipoly Erdő Zrt. forestry company opened Ipoly Erdő Zrt. beautiful and varied basalt areas of Distance: 6 km the 5-km-long “Gyadai” study trail at the the country; it is covered by meadows, Elevation: 350 m northern foot of Naszály Hill close to Vác, Dobó István pastures, groves and woods, with which got the award “The Year’s Investment +36-20/468-7111 scenic volcanic cones around it. The Salgótarján Tóstrand – Kercsegi leágazó– in Ecological Tourism, 2010”. It is perfect for [email protected] highest point of the Karancs-Medves Kôbánya – Karancs-nyereg – a nice round-trip. You can spend an entire www.ipolyerdo.hu Landscape-Protection Area is the Kápolna-hegy – Karancs-csúcs – day by hiking along it, enjoying the countless Kis-Karancs – Somoskôújfalu 727-m-high Karancs, which peak often beauties of nature, relaxing, and having Organizations Which offer hides in cloud or mist, and accordingly, it a good time. The study trail also presents : 9,5 km Leading hikes: is also called the “Palóc Olympus”. Distance features with some excitement, from a NÓGRÁD MEGYEI On the administrational area of Elevation: 550 m winding lane of planks above shaky ground Salgótarján, a kilometre and a half west of to a suspended bridge above a very steep TERMÉSZETBARÁT SZÖVETSÉG the centre of the town, you find a petrified and deep valley. The present length of the Gubola István and split volcanic cone arising above trail will soon be extended with a part to give +36-70/942-3005 the surface of a valley, Baglyas-kő, an information about the birds of the place. www.nmtsz.extra.hu unparalleled natural formation in Europe. Small children and those in wheelchairs, or with prams, can also use it. Salgótarjáni Petőfi TREASURES HIDING AMONG THE TERMÉSZETJÁRÓ EGYESÜLET THE NÓGRÁD COUNTY LEGS And JUncTIONS Fazekas Melinda HILLS OF CSERHÁT OF THE NATIONAL “KÉKTÚRA” SYSTEM OF HIKING TRAILS +36-32/314-225 Folk art – cherishing traditions, folk which is a private collection, unique all 1. Ágasvár - Mátraverebély - Nagybárkány - 6. Nógrádsipek - Round meadow - music, folk clothes and folk dances – is over the world. The friends of angling can Nagymező - Hollókő - Nógrádsipek - reservoir of Táb - Iliny – Csitár ZÖLD ÚT TERMÉSZETJÁRÓK Cserhátsurány - Szandaváralja - Becske - DISTANCE: 10 KM EGYESÜLETE among the most valuable cultural assets spend a great time at a scenic lake in the Felsőpetény – Ősagárd of Rimóc, a village among the hills. When picturesque surroundings of the village Honti Gabriella DISTANCE: 99,3 KM the air is clear, from the village you see Kétbodony. It is a well-known anglers’ +36-32/430-513, as far as the castle of Szanda, the main paradise with 2-3-metre-deep water. The 2. Szentkút 7. Becske alsó vm. – Becske +36-70/775-3079 tourists’ attraction of the place. It was stock of fish is replenished every year to DISTANCE: 0,8 KM DISTANCE: 1,7 KM Miheller Tibor built on one of the highest peaks of the guarantee good catches. +36-20/973-4027 Cserhát Hills during the reign of Béla III When rambling in the neighbourhood, 3. Mátraszőlős VÁ - main road no.21 - 8. Romhány – Monument of Rákóczi – Mátraszőlős - Vízfogó-dam – Garábi-saddle Törökmogyorófa [email protected] (1172-96). In Terény, a neighbouring village the unique, curved andesite columns of rich in beauties of nature, there is also a Nagyhegy hill, next to the village of Bér, DISTANCE: 6,7 KM DISTANCE: 2,1 KM museum of vintage tape recorders, are also worth visiting. 4. Garábi-saddle – Garáb 9. Ősagárd – Katalinpuszta – Magyarkút – Nógrád – Nagyhideghegy DISTANCE: 1,8 KM Tips for the hike DISTANCE: 41,6 KM Pásztó vá. – Tepke-kilátó – Bableves 5. Pásztó - Tsz. major - Barát-rib - Nagymező - csárda – Alsótold – Felsôtold – Hollókô Bableves country tavern - Kisvölgy - Cserhátszentiván - Hosszúvölgyi Distance: 18 km Szirák – Béri Nagy-hegy – Három-spring - Alsómalom - Ecsegi mud hill Elevation: 600 m Szanda-hegy – Szandaváralja (Ilona castle) Ecseg DISTANCE: 18,6 KM Distance: 22 km Elevation: 760 m 2 www.nograd-turizmus.hu www.nograd-turizmus.hu 3 Salgóbánya is a tiny settlement north ThE casTLES OF of Salgótarján, and not far from it the castle of Salgó is perching on the top of a 625-m-high volcanic cone which rises FROM A … NÓGráD from the Medves Plateau. It was built by biCyClE-saddlE members of the Kacsics dynasty, rulers of – witnesses of the area, after the Mongolian invasion of In Nógrád County charming sceneries of of which cyclists can choose among trails Tips for the hike: 1241-1242. Experts of archaeology have three members of the Northern Line of with several levels of difficulty in the forests. Mountain tourS of CyCling a glorious past performed several phases of excavation Hills, Mátra, Cserhát and Börzsöny offer Paved roads and trails in the Cserhát around Salgótarján: The picturesque sceneries of Nógrád and restoration since the 1980s in order much pleasure to the lovers of cycling. can also be used for making beautiful Medves-fennsík „nagy elágazó” – County have preserved the ruins of to display this favourite hiking destination Tourists, riding their bicycles, can discover rides. There is a bicycle path between Medves Hotel – Salgóbánya many fortifications. On account of the to tourists. From the walls you have a pristine and authentic county sceneries, Parassapuszta and Drégelypalánk, and the offered for cyclists of hobby, geological formations these castles – breathtaking panorama, making you and find hidden treasures of nature and roads with little traffic on them can also be no for families with children with the exception of a few – were built imagine that you are soaring over the hills history instead of the popular resort places used for making enjoyable bicycle tours. with random arrangements. Most of and valleys. You can see the hills of Bükk, teaming with people. Apart from many rare Presently a system of 279 km of bicycle paths them were destroyed during and after Mátra, Cserhát and Börzsöny, but when geological formations they can also find is being formed to connect Nógrád County Salgóbánya – Két-vár-köze pihenő– the Turkish occupation, and the ones, the weather is clear, the craggy crest of the several ruins of castles with the atmosphere in Hungary and Banská Bystrica County in Tatár-árok – Nyugdíjas pihenő – which could weather the storm of the High Tatra in Slovakia can also be seen.
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