Table of Contents FEBRUARY 2001 VOL.5 NO.11 4 Editor’s Notebook Am I ready for this? 5 Letters:
[email protected] GAMING 7 The Next Big Drive: Gaming Transforms Itself Again Jacquie Kubin delves into gaming. From its history to its future, she discusses the brink that gam- ing is getting ready to leap, and yes, film industry, you should be looking over your shoulder… 13 What’s A Digital Media Futurist? Upon seeing Joan Van Tassel’s title, Heather Kenyon decides to investigate just what a digital media futurist is and what she has to say about this supposed digital future of ours. 19 A One Stop Digital Shop: Data Design Interactive and Artworld UK Paul Younghusband visits Data Design Interactive and Artworld UK to reveal how they are going beyond gaming by leveraging their digital assets across many outlets. ADDITIONAL FEATURES 22 Heroes Wanted: Stan Lee Media Struggles to Stay Afloat 2001 How could one of the most promising Internet animation companies come to such a crashing defeat? Brett D. Rogers investigates the unraveling of Stan Lee Media and the growing chorus crying foul. 27 My Generation? While Turner Broadcasting System’s Boomerang is titled to draw the Baby Boom generation is seems that maybe they’ve missed the spot marked X. Martin “Dr. Toon” Goodman explains. 31 The Animation Pimp What’s wrong with Ring of Fire and Night of the Carrots? The Animation Pimp sees nothing offen- sive here; this month Chris Robinson takes on a few feminist nay-sayers. STUDENT CORNER 33 Sketching on Location:Texture as Planes in Space Renowned drawing instructor Glenn Vilppu continues with his fifth installment discussing how to use texture to create depth and perspective while sketching on location.