More Than Money: Post-Mubarak Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf
More than Money: Post-Mubarak Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf GRC PAPER More than Money: Post-Mubarak Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf Yasmine Farouk GRC GULF PAPER April 2014 Gulf Research Center Yasmine Farouk More than Money: Post-Mubarak Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf © Gulf Research Center 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means,© Gulf electronic, Research mechanical, Center 2013 photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Gulf Research Center. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmittedThe opinions in anyexpressed form orin bythis any publication means, electronic, are those mechanical, of the author photocopying, alone and do recording not state oror otherwise,reflect the withoutopinions the prior or position permission of the of Gulfthe Gulf Research Research Center. Center. Gulf Research Center More than Money: Post-Mubarak Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf GRC PAPER More than Money: Post-Mubarak Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf *1 Yasmine Farouk gypt-Gulf relations are constructed as “organic” among the ruling elites and societies on both sides.1 The Egyptian Supreme Council for Armed Forces issued a statement two months after President Hosni Mubarak’s fall to confirm the persistence of this mutual perception.2 Yet, Mubarak’s ouster Eprogressively instigated a crisis in Egypt-GCC relations. The crisis questioned the traditional perception of Egypt and the Arab Gulf countries as bound within the same security complex.3 It disrupted the conventional patterns of relations with a special focus on the financial channel of interaction.
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