The Snowflake Specia BY INEZ BERG ers and cookies. Every appetite was filled and Once again a great Glebe community tradition was there were still leftovers celebrated. to share with the needy. Many children them- The December 7th Snow- busied flake Special, organized selves making Christmas decorations. and sponsored by Neighbourhood Activities The Dnipro Ukrainian Danc- Group, had a turnout that ers, perennial favourites filled the Community Centre. at this event, were the The weather cooperated too, highlight of the evening. covering the streets with After their spirited dancing just enough fresh, sparkling they invited the children snow to create a winter in the audience to join wonderland for the carol- them. A long, colourful, lers making their rounds undulating ribbon of laugh- in horsedrawn wagons. The ing, dancing children mild temperature also threaded its way back and forth across the Main contributed to everyones up with Hall while the grown-ups their snowsuits in the Main Hall. But just' enjoyment of the hay rides. for the clapped time. A great journey home. As as real are the happy mem- Then the evening com- for the finale to a special per- children, they ories of a special community menced inside with Domenic ran back formance. and forth, event. D'Arcy as Master of Ceremon- their balloons wafting les. A number of girls Though Santa wasn't there, high under the domed ceil- from the Dance Ac- a huge Christmas tree had ing, like impatient kites. ademy, dressed in eye been set up for people to daz- Slowly, as carols were zling costumes, provided lemie wrapped gifts under. played, the crowd dwindled tap-dancing entertainment, These were donated to Inter- val and the clean-up began. followed by a flute solo House. At evening's end, the There are still the tell- by Tina Fedeski. helium balloons that had tale signs of the Snowflake Meanwhile a host of busy decorated the hall were Special; the straw in the The Glebe Singers present GNAG volunteers and Commun- distributed to the child- parking lot, and those Seasonal Music, Tuesday ity Centre staff prepared 8:30 ren to take home. Many naughty balloons that es- December 17, p.m. an abundance of hot choco- Glebe Community Centre. a parent tried in vain caped to nudge their way late, cider, cheese, crack- Admission is free. Donations to match their children up to the top of the dome gratefully accepted for the United Way. A Sing-a-long Residents keen to preserve & plant trees follows the program.

BY ELAINE MARLIN the corners at some Bank drawings for a park at bee which takes place Mon. Street locations, our main The first meeting of Bank and Holmwood Avenue. Jan. 8/92 at the Clebe Com- street is much more barren Trees of the Glebe and This plan, drawn up by munity Centre, 7:30 p.m. than 's major Dow's Lake was held Novem- landscape architect Dieter Elaine Marlin is the arteries. ber 19th. Some interest- Gruenwoldt, was developed Glebe Community Association Several people have ex- by ing suggestions and issues representatives from Environment Committee pressed concern about the the Glebe Centre, were discussed. Holmwood Chairperson. to trees dur- Mr. Bob Harrison repre- damage done residents, the G.C.A., work. sented the neighbours of ing sewer replacemnt and city staff. In February of neigh- Central Park - the park The observations 1975, $10,000 was approved at Bank and Powell which bours is important be- by City Council to imple- INSIDE it becomes a swamp every spring cause was noted that ment the new design. Only pro- and summer. We investigat- machinery and careless a very small component of ed the possibility of plant- cedures vandalized and kil- the plan was put in place ing willow and silver maple led trees in other parts along the which can survive very wet of the city. side. Our newly conditions, to slurp up A proposal was put for- elected Coun- cillor Jim Watson, some of the moisture. Mr. ward to study the extent advocated developing Harold Bauer, a horticul- to which new planting has a park on this site during turalist attending the taken place along the Queens- the recent Community Municipal meeting, offered to meet way edge of the Glebe in election cam- paign. This Centre with residents. Contact order to minimize noise project should, perhaps, be has already been made with and visual pollution and resurrected Courses before we a City of Ottawa staff who to provide shade in the find hotel going now administer the park. recreation areas. up on that corner. Books JOIN AREAS OF CONCERN PARK PLANS FOR BANK AND COMMUNITY TREE Janine and Louis de- HOLMWOOD PLANTING Church Next Salabery, long-time Powell Plus ça change; plus fall we will have the Avenue residents, have c'est la même chose. Sylvia opportunity to do some tree just returned from three Holden, an invaluable vol- planting. Details of the years in Sweden. They not- unteer on many projects project will be avail- Quote of the Month able in iced the two vacant lots over the years, recently the new year. Come out and The great tests of life on Bank Street slated for gave me her files on re- tell us about your reveal character; it is not development and urged that creation and environmental neck of the woods or find out until winter comes that we trees be incorporated into issues. Enclosed were sev- about our tree census, community know the pine is an building site plans. Al- eral Giebe Report clippings planting in honour of a evergreen. Unknown though we have trees around from 1975 and the detailed friend or next fall's community planting NEWS Scouts' fall activities the Chaudiere Area. The plore their own interests. program showed us about All camps seemed to have some rain; this time we the lives of those who were allowed a dry Satur- on the in the lived farm day, up to and including 1870's - cutting wood the evening campfire. with two-person crosscut Sunday's damp clouds did saws, making apple cider have a positive lining, with a hand-powered press, though, when James Court- maintaining the forest in right showed the younger sugar the bush, carving boys how to start a fire pumpkins, pitching horse- to provide warmth under shoes, using ropes and difficult conditions. knots in farm activi- With 25 boys aged mostly ties, and enjoying horse- 11 to 14 years, the Troop drawn wagon rides. Rain is a going concern. It on Friday night dampened wouldn't work, or be as us and our gear but not much fun without the strong our spirits; all of us support that I receive from had a fine weekend. my fellow leaders Joe Admiring the pumpkin carved at the Log Farm, October; 1 to The Scout-Civitan drive Hill, Martien Deleuuw, r Patrick Garcia-Lozano, Justin Darris, Rory Lucyshyn- to support the Ottawa Fraser Robinson, Larry Wright and David Bowie. Food Bank took consider- McCulloch, Bill Vernon and able time in November. Gerard Delage. And of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts BY ADRIAN CAMFIELD around us. Older Scouts then course it would neither distributed printed shop- spent the rest of the work nor be as much fun Glebe Scouts have had an ping bags to all homes weekend at a leadership without the interest and active program this autumn, in the Glebe. Glebites training camp, so that they enthusiasm of the Scouts with regular meetings on responded by returning would understand their re- themselves: Friday nights, three week- them filled with canned sponsibilities to the young- end camps, fund raising and and packaged food. Our Adrian Cornfield is Troop er boys. a community-service event. thanks for the community's Scouter with the 36th October had the annual On an outing in September, ,generosity and to the Ottawa (Glebe-St. James Apple Day, a fund raiser to we climbed the escarpment at Glebe IGA on Bank and to Scout Troop. support the camping areas Luskville along with the Williams Esso on Bronson owned or leased by the re- Cubs in our Group. At the for their help. gional Scout organization, top, we checked the topo- Our November camp was which we use from time to graphical map of the area. held near Danford Lake time. The dramatic contrast bet- in Quebec. In contrast October also had a camp, ween the Ottawa River plain to other camps, this had at the Log Farm in Nepean and the escarpment was clear a less structured program SCOUTS CANADA on the map and in reality along with other Troops in to allow Scouts to ex-


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December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 2 N EWS Thank you and farewell from Lynn Smyth CLOWNS CHILDREN'S WEAR DESIGN STUDIO Centre residents. BY LYNN SMYTH My three years as Council- Thank you for the chal- lor gives me an apprecia- lenging and rewarding op- tion of the complexity of portunity to serve as your the ward. I wish to acknow- Councillor (1988-1991) and ledge the dedication and com- Deputy Mayor (1990). As mitment to service shown a direct result of this by our City and Regional service, I am satisfied Staff, when dealing with that I leave Capital Ward these complexities and the a greener, safer, family never ending demands of the oriented community. ward. My decisions on council A special thank you to my always reflected community assistants; Michele Proulx, values and I did not back Mary Kovacs and Sharlene away from the hard issues. Hertz for their special I wish to acknowledge the attention to ward needs work of many committed and their good humour under residents who have enriched constant daily pressures. me with their knowledge I have benefited from the and determination to effect Capital Ward experience positive change. and will certainly carry It was a pleasure to work with me fond memories as with the Glebe Community I pursue new directions. Association, Dow's Lake On behalf of myself and Residents' Association and my family, I would like to the Glebe Neighbourhood extend our wishes for a Activities Group. I have blessed Holiday Season and particularly enjoyed the a safer and greener New friendship of the Glebe Year.

44. 44 44 44 *4 44 .V4 44 44 44 44 4 4 44 44 44 44- 44 44 44 1,4t ,rP "Mt IrP 1Ht-ArP *,(t 1r 7t1 1P.P


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S.:111-TF-KIM REHRENENT A friendly neighborhood residence in the heart of the Glebe...a short walk to Bank Street.. .bus service at the door. Our dedicated staff are committed to providing quality service and care. :;,...rrffrr We promise you a secure lifestyle that supports your independence and overall well-being. TRIAL STAYS NOW AVAILABLE; CALL TODAY 235-1316 FOR A PERSONAL TOUR. 209 Belmont Our Second Store 1311 Wellington St. 234-0590 (off Bank, South of g,-r Sunnyside) (3 Blocks West of Holland) 174 Glebe Ave. BOMANAGED BY DIGNICARE Ottawa, Ont. K1S 2C7

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 3 Views expressed in the Glebe Report are those of our contributors. EDITORIAL NOTES We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Season's Greetings! It seems that December is flying by just as fast glebe -import as the rest of 1991 has. If you're like me you will now be rushing around to complete your E3(»c EE Christmas shopping. Good luck and best wishes. P.O. 417941, Station We look forward to receiving your news and com- Ottawa, Ontario, K1 S 51-19 ments in the new year. Your involvement and feed- back are key ingredients in a successful newspaper. Established 1973 Please clip the 1992 deadlines listed below. Telephc)ne 23E54955 The Glebe Report is a monthly newspaper. We receive I would like to especially thank all our staff no government grants or subsidies. Advertising from members for all their help. Many thanks also to Glebe merchants pays our bills and printing costs. our Board, our office volunteers, proofreaders, 6000 copies are delivered free to Glebe homes and writers, reg-ular columnists, photographers, our copies are available at many Glebe shops. carriers, their families, and the community centre staff. EDITOR: Inez Berg, 233-6063 We thank our advertisers, whose patronage makes ADVERTISING MANAGER: Meredith Olson, 236-5967 publication of our paper possible, and Runge Press BUSINESS MANAGER Sheila Pocock-Brascoupé, for their efficient, friendly service. 233-3047 Season's Greetings and a peaceful and happy CIRCULATION MANAGER: Christian Hurlow, 238-3572 New year to everyone. I.B. STAFF THIS ISSUE: Susan Carson, Sally Cleary, Christian Hurlow, Sue Jermyn, Mary Kovacs, Meredith Olson, Judy Peacocke, Susan Thomson. GLEBE REPORT DEADLINES FOR 1992 COVER PHOTO: John Olson MONTH DEADLINE DATE PAPER OUT LEGAL ADVISORS: Russell Zinn, Peggy Malpass January January 6 January 17 February January 27 February 7 DISTRIBUTION STAFF: Courtright Family, Mary Glen, March February 24 March 6 Geoffrey Gordon, Carolyn Harrison, Brian and April March 30 April 10 Marjorie Lynch, Deborah McNeill, Rose Family, May April 27 May 8 Kevan Shantz, Williams Family, and Nancy Yank. June May 25 June 5 No paper in month of July August August 17 August 28 ADVERTISING RATES ARE FOR CAMERA-READY COPY. September September 8 September 18 The glebe Report is printed in Renfrew, Ontario October September 28 October 9 by Runge Newspapers Inc. November November 2 November 13 December November 23 December 4 The next Glebe Report will be out January 17

AW% 6 is our deadline for AM 1111 Monday, January copy and advertising. OUR CARRIERS Antis Family, Christopher Hudson, Benji, Gilly & Nathaniel Cotret, Colin and Tin Richards, Archer, James and Amy Avila, Hurlow, Chris, Caitlin & Devin Robertson Family, Fraser and Lara and Ryan Belwa, Kathy Jenkins, Paul and Leigh Jonah, Toby Robinson, Ross Family, Bentley, Dorion and Julia MA/VY THANKS Berg, Kennedy Family, Amanda and Rutherford Family, Margie and Inez Berg, Bernstein Family, Jessica Kenny, Christopher King, Leigh Schieman-Widdowson, Emily Bertrand, Sally and Jenny Heather King-Andrews, Matthew Erika, Mbnika, & Stefan Schnei- Bitz, Emma and Zoe Bourgard, FAREWELL TO: & Brendon Koop, Mary Kovacs, der, Ellen Schowalter, Scott Bowie Family, Marie-Noel Bradet, Glenda and Jan Krusberg, Tyler Family, Kevan Shantz, Mrs. K. Tarek AI-and Adrienne and Jason Brault, Kruspe, tilla Kubasciewicz, Lady Sharp, Short Family, Tim Sieb - David Carson Brewer Centennial Pool, Mollie Evelyn P.A.S., Allison and Jen- rasse, Lynn Smyth, Vern Murrin, Buckland, Hannah Burns, Rita Julia Che nifer Lahey, Durit and Roni Lapid, Sobriety House, Kathleen Ter - Cacciotti, Nyla Carpentier, Patrick Levett, Lindsay Family, roux, Thompson Family, Joanne Katherine and Matthew Carr, Melanie and Danielle Lithwick, and Robbie Thomson, Robby Jessica Carson, Carter-Cohen Gary Lucas, Lyons Family, Thomson, Hilary Thwaites, Ben Family, Kit Clancey, Jeremy WELCOME John,Findlay & Graham MacNab, Tomlin, Trudeau Family, Domin- TO: Clarke-Okah, Veronica Classen, Ashley Majmudar, Malpass ique Turgeon, Allison Van Kough - Antis Family Cochrane Family, Stephane Cote, Family, Brenna Manders, Diane nett, Eric Walton, Lisa and Mary Simone Couture, Jessica Carson Robbie Dale, McIntyre, Anne and Tate McLeod, Warner, Vanessa Wen, Stephan Davidson Family, Calum and Jeremy Clarke-Okah Gordon McMillan, Jennifer, Jodi Wesche, Nathan Wexler- Layton, Lindsay De Leeuw, Marylin De- & Karrie Miller, Jesse and Anna Jennifer Williams, Adam and Tracy and Ashley schamps, Pat Dillon, Nancy Dolan, Millest, Christine, Jonathon,& Nicholas Wilson, Andrea and John Heather and Sarah Hudson Donnelly, Bill Nicholas Monaghan, Andrew and Wins-Purdy, Carmay and Selene Dowsett, Jennifer and Krystal Katie Mosley, Jennifer, Catherine Wong, Kevin and Kelly Wyatt, Vanessa Wen Dugas, Sean and Harry Dunlap, & Alexis Motuz, Linton and Carla Yank Family, Delores Young. Delores Young Dwyer Family, Judy Field, Zak Murphy, Mutchmor School, Sana and Noah Finestone, Brian Foran, Nesrallah, Lauren and Merrill Peter and Thomas Glen, Brendan 0 Malley, Sarah Odell, Amanda Greene, Daniel and Michael Harga- Olson, Michael and Alexis Palmer, don, Michael and Christopher Michael Pettit, Matthew and Laura Harrison, Hooper Family, Horan- Pieterson, Beatrice Raffoul, Jon- Lunney Family, Ashley and Tracy athan & Andreanna Rene de

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 4 LETTERS =WNW Glebe girl and her family send gifts to Russia Editor, Glebe Report, grandparents told their One Wednesday a man came friends. We got together on the radio and said he a box of food, a box of had just come back from clothes and two garbage Russia. There he had met a bags of clothes. My grand- man who was part of a group parents and their friends of Russian musicians. The got together lots of stuff musicians said that they too! had nothing and that I helped my aunt bring it they were starving and freez- all to the man's house. He ing. So over the radio, the had a lot of stuff; a man said that if anyone whole room full! He took would be nice enough to it to Russia on Monday, give anything to the Rus- December 2. I think I will sians to make their Christ- have a better Christmas mas better that he would knowing I helped others. bring it with him when he Rachel Cameron went back there. Rachel Cameron is a Grade My aunt had heard this 6 student at Mutchmor also and she phoned us and School. our grandparents. Our De Jong disagrees with GCA Season's Greetings cash-in-lieu decision from everyone at Editor, Glebe Report, Street through the Glebe and I disagree with the GCA's a walking mall being es- Mrs. Tiggy Winkle's decision to object to the tablished instead. I hope my and application for cash-in- crystal ball isn't too Wizards and Lizards lieu of parking by Irene's clouded. Pub and Restaurant. The de- To this end Bank Street 809 Bank cision means Irene's won't should intensify the size Rideau Place be able to expand solely and number of it's business Street Centre d'Orleans because it can't provide thus making it more and more four more parking spaces attractive for people to 234-3836 for cars. The reason given come here and spend time and 230-8081 834-8989 is that this development money in our community. We would aggravate parking should encourage cash-in- problems in the Glebe. lieu payments and use the The GCA's decision is money for bicycle lanes, short sighted and demons- bicycle paths and bicycle trates a lack of vision. parking facilities. Irene's, Yes, there are parking pro- for example, is a community blems. Bank Street is a pub which serves the local bumper to bumper, polluting, neighbourhood; it doesn't noisy mess most of the need parking since people time. But hopefully this will can walk and bicycle to it. not always be the case. In The GCA and the city A music programme for children 2-6 years of age. a decade or so I suspect we should plan now for the in- will begin to dramatically evitable post-petroleum Register now by calling: reduce our dependence on era. Planning decisions the automobile and opt should be people-friendly, Centre/East 739-7531 rather not car-friendly. for walking, bicy- 489-2569 cling and clean-fuel mass West Frank de Jong transit. I foresee cars being banned from Bank


(au you get AIDS James G. Young DBA CA, President from blood Or semen? YES. (luring sexual Vice-President intercourse with Arthur H. Moody a person infected with AIDS. MONEY CONCEPTS (;et the facts. Let's Talk. C:all the FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRE, Ontario Ministry of 99 Fifth Avenue Court, Ste. 26, Health AIDS Hotliae 563-AIDS Ottawa, Ont. KIS 5K4 (613) 238-7818 Jim Young Art Moody

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 5 GLEBE NEIGHBOURHOOD ACTIVITIES GROUP 690 Lyon Street, South GNAG NEWS 1010WMPT"' Ortewa, Ontario MS 319 Ta 564-1058 Welcome break before 1992 programmes SPECIAL BY LIZ PALMER ially to Art Hodgins and SNOWFLAKE Community Centre on Dec- his staff from Patty's- A Big thank you to Jenny ember 23rd, 24th, 27th, It seems that Thanksgiving Place on Montreal Road Aliman and all her vol- 30th, 31st. Also on Jan- and Hallowe'en have just and the Earl of Sussex unteers who have once uary 2nd and 3rd. For ad- happened, and Christmas Pub for volunteering their more made Christmas Magic ditional information please should be a good distance time all evening as bar- with the Snowflake Special see the back of this Glebe away. However, as December tenders. They have worked hard to Report or call the centre has already arrived, I The merchants who donated make this party a success at 564-1058. find that I'm already sur- the door prizes include and can now enjoy a well- WINTER PROGRAM REGISTRATION rounded by Christmas and Wringers Restaurant; earned Christmas Break! Winter Programming is all its frills. On be- Earl of Sussex Pub; Patty's P. D. DAY PROGRAM: all set to start in January half of all of us at the Place Pub; The Rough Rid- There will be a 1992. Please check the Glebe Neighbourhood Acti- ers organization; the Program run on Friday centre pages of this issue vities Croup I would like Ottawa 67's Hockey Club; December 20th. The cost of the Glebe Report for a to wish everyone a very Energy 1200; Molson's is $17.00 per child and full listing of children's Happy Holiday Season: Canada; Blacks Camping $15.00 for each additional and adult programmes avail- NOVEMBER 1960's DANCE Equipment; Mrs. Tiggy- child of the same family. able. The November 1960's Dance winkle's; Boutique Mousse; Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30p.m. Registration is Tuesday, with Bruce and the Burgers Clowns; Marilyn Hicks After 4 care is available. January 14th from 7:30 - was a great success. Fashion; The Tea Party; Please register at least 9pm at the Centre. Hope Everyone seemed to have Precision Styling; and 3 working days ahead of to see you there. and all a wonderful time Silver Scissors. Thank date. Once again, we at GNAG enjoyed themselves im- you to these merchants wish you a very Merry mensely - not counting the for their generous support. WINTER BREAK ACTIVITIES Christmas and a Happy New sore backs the next day: YOUTH DANCE: PROGRAM Year: Thank you to all the The last Youth Dance of New this year! A Winter organizers and helpers 1991 will be Friday Dec- Break Program for children it210,iatioL.114101..titiloVgliti who worked hard to put ember 13th from 7:30 p.m. 6-12 years old will be run this dance together espec- to 10:30 p.m. by City Staff at the Glebe

The Glebe Singers present Music, Tuesday at the Glebe Seasonal The Pantry December 17, 8:30 p.m. Community Centre will be Glebe Community Centre. closed from Tuesday, Dec- Admission is free. Donations ember 24th to Monday gratefully accepted for the A Sing-a-long January 6th. United Way. follows the program.

BefOreyou sign with any other Home Heating Oil Supplier... Compare us to all other competitors in the Competitive Pricing Equipment Financing marketplace. We are confident you will discover that V' Equalized Payment Plan VEquipment Leasing the Ottawa Home Comfort Centre is by far your best Vf Automatic Fuel Delivery 4? Burner Service choice for all your home comfort needs. Certified Service 24-hour Emergency Service Technicians Fast, friendly and reliable service is what Esso provides to give you that extra comfort all winter long. So, before you make that decision.., call and compare. Ottawa You'll be pleasantly surprised. Home Comfort Call us, we'll make you feel good inside. 738-3776

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 6 .1,,,,..--, 1 ...,....z.--. ,4...4...... 5 ,i_, ..iirmi.wi1 -Fox 4,,,i, 4,Atisliwoor muum, 7 '--- II vidaLyil, umiliwiii onljt , 'I 1111.1111111111 Virlmonooll, linini ;1 t ' agommi irremouldl11.11110miN litifinlir I minms ii himmmoop . III MEW az, "9-1 t.., . c, ,.... I 111110115 II 1 illemmov .5 4 &? u> "., ,, T. cn = v, 6-.,' ota.) c,... .,,;. d ' 1.11M1110010' -1" "6 0 1 . ,a, ,I..), rv, ct ..J. td n cl, h " ° u., , Mr g a. w -61 g -<1' E CCU ,_,;:1'1) 20, < 7 s a) w., 6 ,2 .2 Ca. 0 t '73:0 .: > Z 111111.M11 opi = 7 czs cl P4 g cA ,..., c 101 e-. 77; g 0 = inalit al cr) A '..-. q!ii 4s$4 c4 Fl p vow MOPE E-. le 1.1 I. ,ilitrattt,41or KIM ON.,1 +NA 41101111111M, Ca) III 1 1ill114 Cla) ;auki 111111

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- aw orommu ammunllitte9i 11111ip1111111 Mann PEOPLE Memories of a full life in the Glebe


AGE 11 Mrs. Beryl MacKenzie, who has lived at 381 Third Ave- nue for 65 years, moved on December 5th to an apartment on Riverside Drive. Before her family moved to Third Avenue, they lived on First Avenue. Mrs. Mac- Kenzie's parents bought the house in the 1920's. It was the first one on the Etna (Mulhall) Greene and Beryl (Carter) MacKenzie in the block. When she moved in, 1970's. Beryl and Elna, who now lives in Oakville, there were many door-to-door teZephone each other every week. services we don't receive ice cream maker. now. The milk man used to months. But when her husband Bank Street was always a come with a sleigh or cart, had to go to war, her par- place to shop. A family on and also the ice man and ents asked her to come live the block owned a shoe store the bread man came. He with them back on Third Ave- Evie Mulhall and Beryl where the local people came because the fridges nue. When her husband came Carter in May Z933, behind would shop. ran on ice. back from the war, she 381 Third Avenue. Beryl and After high school, Mrs. went to wanted to stay in the house Mrs. MacKenzie Evie's sister EZna were best Glebe Collegiate. At that MacKenzie went to Business and she has been there ever friends, next door neighbours time, there were gardens College and then worked since. and students at Glebe next to the school in for the Metropolitan Life Mrs. MacKenzie is a kind Collegiate. between First Avenue and Insurance Company. She and generous lady. The kids got on her Second Avenue, west of would talk through the wind- married in 1940, block know she has she and her husband plenty of Chrysler. The students ows facing each other. Her. moved candies around into would plant and harvest best friend's mother used an apartment for ten and so they call her Mrs. vegetables. to make ice cream and they MacCandy! Mrs. MacKenzie's best would have ice cream parties. Karine Baser is a Grade 6 student at First Avenue friend used to live next They would all take turns School and a neighbour of Mrs. MacKenzie. door to her. The girls turning the crank of the A new Glebe business MONEY CONCEPTS Z35-2624 FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRE 99 Fifth Ave. Court, Ste. 26

Jim Young Art Moody

Jim Young and Art Moody practical experience to the are ready to help Glebites firm. After taking early with their financial plann- retirement, following a 40 ing. year career with an Ottawa fiataficing "Our goal is to help printing company, he acquir- DAVE clients achieve financial ed valuable, hands-on exper- piano security and peace of mind, ience with tax shelters. fiont 9:00pm and use the experience and The pair chose Money Con- strengths we developed in cepts because it offers a TUESDAY DECEMBER 31sT our previous careers, said comprehensive written plan Jim Young. Siragcr Sooels pariy fay am N@ C and has access to a broad Jim Young is a chartered range of companies with accountant, who recently ran financial products and ser- Ibral Oak. in tht Pil6t his own management company vices. They feel that that owned and controlled since the firm has no prod- 779 Bank Street several operating businesses. ucts of its own, it can be Before that, for 11 years he impartial. Money Concepts was the managing partner of is a proven company that can a large national accounting furnish experience in every firm. aspect of the financial Art Moody brings his planning spectrum.

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 8 N EWS Skate's Beat Rflerirlorlyr 171c)it I:)eslt (:11Diferise in 1.(:11:11:lery you follow during a robbery Glebe beat, I introduced UPDATE affect the safety of the myself to Bank Street mer- persons around you. Don't chants by distributiug On October 7 at 12:07 hrs., assume that because you do Robbery Prevention Kits I apprehended a bank robber not see a weapon, that the containing the following: who had just fled from the suspect is not armed. Never Crime proofing robbery Bank of Nova Scotia. Hap- challenge or assume you can prevention pamphlets - pily no one was hurt during overpower the suspect. Never suggestions on what to do this incident, and as a under-estimate his abilities before, during and after result of this apprehension, to respond to your challenge a robbery. another robbery in Peel, in a violent manner. Suspect identification Ontario was also solved. The only weapons I recom- sheets - helps you provide The suspect, a 19 year old mend you employ in this type information in detail that male, pled guilty and re- of situation are your powers ceived a substantial jail police can use to identify of observation and recol- sentence. a suspect. BY GARY SCHUITEBOER lection. Concentrate on the physical characteristics; Height markers - a guide SEASON'S GREETINGS You read about it in the height, weight, and any to help you establish how papers, and hear it reported On behalf of the Ottawa outstanding features that tall the robber is. on newscasts. It's an un- Police I would like to wish could immediately identify Crime proofing robbery fortunate sign of the times. you and your families, the suspect to responding prevention stickers which Hold-ups on individuals, Season's Greetings and a police, such as clothing, advise potential robbers stores and financial insti- safe and happy holiday! physical scars or tattoos. of the prevention practices tutions are becoming more To ensure a happy holiday The direction the suspect you employ. Placed in a and more frequent. season, lock all gifts travelled when attempting visible location, they The majority of criminals and parcels in your trunk! indicate there is 'Minimal who commit robbery may be to escape, and a possible Remember, 'out of sight, vehicle description is very Cash in Register', 'Robbery desperate. This may be the out of mind!' important. Inform responding Prevention Programme in result of their personal police if a weapon was seen effect here', and 'Drop ASK SKATE financial failures. However or the suspect indicated Safe in Use - Employee Can- I feel the motivation for that he might have one in not Open Safe'. My purpose has always most robberies can be blamed his possession. Bait money list - this been to become more in- on society's increased drug When you dial 911 after a is a list that contains, volved with the concerns use. A drug addict will robbery has occurred, stay the serial numbers and de- of the Community I patrol. resort to any measure to on the line, do not hang nominations of a few bills The Giebe Report has been acquire the next fix. You up. Our operators are train- that would be included with an excellent medium to could be dealing with a very ed to gather the immediate the currency you hand over give advice on different unpredictable individual. information police require to the robber. In the event subjects that involve the Do not risk personal injury, If a note was passed de- of an apprehension, this police and community. If cooperate with the robber's manding money, handle this would be vital evidence you have a concern you instructions with calm de- evidence to place the suspect at the think could be of interest liberate actions. sparingly and only by the edges. Try to scene of the crime. to others, stop me on the If there are other resi- keep track of the areas If I missed your business street or write to Skate's dents, employees or custo- the suspect might when I was distributing Beat, c/o the Ottawa mers on the premises, advise have touched such as a cash register. these kits, ask me for one Police, Community Services, your assailant of this. This will and I'll try to get one 474 Elgin St., Ottawa, An unexpected arrival of aid forensic in- vestigators. for you. Ontario, K2P 2J6. someone to your area could So until next time...See startle an already excited Two years ago, when I first you on the beat! individual. The actions started working the Mild grieg&A:VIPWJZWIF"Ir4rir:4r' 5'ea4o1t'zeeete.i-,,,4-




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1500 BANK ST. .-9_41 Blue Heron Mall 738-4478 49:41r~itierdYet.14r.e.Ate' INIMM=M1111====111111 December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 9 CAPITAL COLUMN Thank you and Season's Greetings Why not offer to volunteer in outlining a number of I have begun working with issues that will take up Councillor Dianne Holmes for one afternoon or eve- ning with these much of my time at City to reinstate old policy or other groups? By Hall and Regional Council that worked fine. -The Union Mission Councillor in the weeks ahead. The former policy allowed (234-1144) St. Patrick's Homes Jim Watson These issues include: people to move their cars (731-4660) driving development; based on a 12 hour plowing people to Mass Parking; the proposed apart- cycle (your street would The Grace Hospital (728- ment complex at Dow's be plowed either between 4611) carol singers needed Lake; Infill housing; 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. or 7 p.m. Ottawa Food Bank (724-3663) general development issues; - 7 a.m.) This would I would like to begin Emergency Food & Clothing and the Ex and allow you to move your my first column in our Centre (232-3059) in need barricades; environmental vehicle to a nearby street community paper by sincere- of food, clothing initiatives; Glebe Community to avoid being ticketed ly thanking the residents Centre; program needs for or towed away. -Central Volunteer Bureau of Capital Ward for their of Ottawa-Carleton (232- teenagers, and many other SEASON'S GREETINGS support in last month's 4876) topics. I welcome your municipal elections. As we approach the holi- advice on these issues. The campaign was truly day season, I want to take -Ottawa Firefighters Assoc./ rewarding as I had the SNOW CLEARING this opportunity to wish Salvation Army (526-1454) you and your family the opportunity to meet thous- Over the course of the need new or nearly new toys the very best at this special ands of people and summer the City passed new -City of Ottawa Community time of year. chance to listen to their regulations dealing with Centres children's programs This holiday season is concerns and comments snow plowing on residential (564-1070) range of issues. often a difficult time for -Snowsuit on a wide streets, and to put it Fund (235-6492) I that I will be many in our community, -Contact one hope mildly, the policy is biz- of our local to your and below I have listed a able to live up arre and impractical. church groups or service expectations, and it is The policy states that few organizations that would clubs to find other ways you my commitment to love can help. work "once a forecast of 7 cms to have your assistance serve all the diligently to or more of snow has been as they try to make Christ- residents of Capital Ward. received, parking on re- mas a little more special Joyeux NBel... Merry Christ- to suc- If I am going be gional and city streets will for those less fortunate. mas...Happy Chanukkah-.6, your cessful, I will need be prohibited between 1 a.m. help and guidance. Please and 7 a.m." do not hesitate to con- The policy makes no sense tact me should you re- for a number of reasons. quire assistance on a matter Where do people park the city or dealing with if there is a complete ban regional government. on street parking? I might not always be Which forecast becomes THORNE e3 CO. able to help, but I will the authoritative one, and most importantly try, and what happens if there are a garden and gift store with I will get back to you two or more conflicting a reply - whether it be forecasts? positive or negative. What if it begins to you for making our My City Hall office snow after you have gone tharzk is 564-1308, and number to bed? first year do wonderful. number is 230-2235. my home As it stands now you can For correspondence, you wake up in the morning and may write to me at City We wish you all a happy find a $20 parking ticket 111 Sussex Dr., Hall, on your vehicle, whether and peaceful holiday deasorz. Ottawa, K1N 5A1. My Fax you have permit parking or number is 564-8412. not. I want to also thank my three colleagues who also stood for election. Frank W.."4-04`WAOM*.t.W.4-1 `41 802 Bank Street 232-6565 deJong, Michael Lynch and Lynn Smyth should be congratulated for running good campaigns and for putting their names forward. I look forward to working L/IVEN with them and their sup- 1019 M porters over the next three Icf.0 A J E.R . TH/NGs years as we came together 0 for the betterment of our SAVINGS UP communities and city. TO 50% on dresses, Since the election I sportswear & outerwear have had the pleasure of look for our meeting with a number of weekly specials community activists to 143 Holland Avenue listen to their concerns Second Floor Ottawa dressing children is a about what priorities should M.A.J.E.R. event. be addressed in the next 722-0945 Esprit Robin Mexx Elen few weeks and months. Henderson Custom Dressmaking Manhatten G.T. I met with Beatrice Chip & Pepper and many more. Designing & Alterations Raffoul, President of the Weddings Glebe Community Association 829-4207 and she was very helpful

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 10 4*-440.4t40*-40ek .40110P-40k* fO: Mbzi V11:6 15::( y:saf yszi T c 1Saf Y52( MC KSaC YSZ kZzl 15:S ISZ 11:d Nsac 15:i y5:4 M ÏSZ 15z TSzi ï <11:a TAC Xs:S 1:5Z V5s 5v 4. Best Wishes for the Holiday Season A To You and Your Families! 14(# 43sIssyKsz

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w December 13, 1991 Glebe Report 11 G CA Market value assessment coming in 1992 development of a four-storey constructing, operating and HOPEFULLY THE NEW Condominium at 667 Bank maintaining such a facility. COUNCILLORS HAVE HEARD THE Street, was also considered The levies are then MESSAGE OF THEIR (site of old Shell Station). calculated by combining the CONSTITUENTS AS TO TAXES! By appropriate fees with the It was MOVED that the GCA G.C.A. percentages for long-term City Council members, object to the granting of and short-term parking as community groups and minor variances noted in the President letter, on the per schedules and residents must be prepared City's Beatrice grounds that same would attachments that are part of to deal with this issue when result in de facto rezoning Raffoul the published policy. it arrives. There must be However, City from commercial t o Council has time to review the impact authority to charge more or residential, which is study in terms of the clearly not a minor less than the calculated fairness on Ottawa was made by variance. FURTHER MOVED A presentation amount. taxpayers. Councillor Diane Creighton of the that the GCA communicate to Christine As a result of the Holmes has already held one City of Ottawa Planning the Committee of Adjustment, Association's frustration meeting on this issue to Department on the current December 5th, that the with the growing parking which ou r community of Parking objection is not based on Cash-in-Lieu problem and in light of the Association was invited. To at our final meeting the merits of the policy, present policy it was continue the process of proposal, but rather on a for 1991. decided that in conjunction building public awareness, question of good planning and zoning In general, Cash-in-Lieu is with the new Councillor, the the Citizens' Committee for principles. meant for cases in which it GCA Board will request that Property Tax Equity, in is not physically possible the City's Transportation cooperation with Councillor Finally, there is a notice to provide sufficient spaces and Parking Branch conduct Diane Holmes, plans to hold which has just been and is not meant to be used a new study of the parking a meeting on this subject on circulated concerning an as a way of avoiding the situation (the previous one THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, at application for Cash-in-lieu high cost of parking. As WaS in 1984) so that we can 7:30 p.m., IN THE REGIONAL of parking for 555 Bank the City's own policy paper develop an up-dated strategy HEADQUARTERS BUILDING. Street, the vacant site at states, "Every attempt for the Glebe. John Leaning I encourage you to attend the southeast corner of Bank should be made by the had designed plans to and if you want to be part and Isabella streets. The developer to provide address the problems of our study group, please application pertains to the parking, even if additional identified in 1984 which contact me. proposed construction of a land must be acquired or included amongst other two-storey commercial COMMITTEE OF underground spaces things, several angle ADJUSTMENT building to be occupied by HEARINGS constructed." parking areas on the avenues a retail paint and furniture just in from Bank An application has been store. In theory, the policy complemented by appropriate filed and a hearing set for As per the City of Ottawa represents a transfer of the stleetscaping. Is there December 5th on the parking regulations, the room for responsibility for providing more angle parking? variances requested for the applicant must supply 32 parking from the developer Is it now time to think of development at 9 Melgund. parking spaces for the to the city. In accepting other alternatives? Should At the Board Meeting the proposed use. However, this responsibility, the some of the moneys in the following motion was only 18 parking spaces are City set up the Parking Fund be earmarked for the unanimously passed. being provided. Therefore, Development Reserve Fund Glebe? Without a doubt, MOVED that the GCA support, the applicant is seeking into which the "cash-in- this new study will provide in principle, the objections permission to give the City lieu" moneys are deposited. us with the basis to develop of the neighbours to the a cash payment for the 14 The development of municipal an action plan. manifest overdevelopment spaces that cannot be parking facilities is a MARKET VALUE ASSESSMENT proposed in the application provided. priority for the use of this for consents and minor NEW OVERNIGHT WINTER PARKING Fund, as set out in both the A proposal to approve variances. The concerns REGULATIONS Planning and Municipal Acts. Region-Wide Assessment will which arise from such The funds, in principle, likely be made before overdevelopment have been Please refer to Councillor should be used to develop noted as Regional Council early in extensive shading Jim Watson's article for his parking in the areas from 1992. Contents of the of neighbouring property, discussion of the subject which they are taken. impact study have not yet excessive density and loss and proposed plan of action. Practice, however, indicates of side been revealed. However, I yard. that the City may spend the ask that you keep a few I WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND MY funds where priority need things in mind. A second item, that of the BEST WISHES FOR PEACE AND occurs.(For the most part I During the 1988 application for minor JOY DURING THE HOLIDAY see this as an efficient way variances for the proposed SEASON. of solving problems as they reassessment to 1980 values, arise except when the Fund the inner wards of the City received is totally depleted for a the heaviest blows. single facility as was the There is every likelihood Quot CAPITAL REGIN suggestion for the that as Ottawa accounts for previously planned parking about two-thirds of the ULM Region's assessment, it will Park facility at Lansdowne bear the brunt of the new Show 225-2658 during the Trade reassessments to 1988 Complex talks.) values. It will be How is the cash-in-lieu important for us to prevent GO calculated? It is based on splits between Ottawa and the estimated net losses the rest of the Region which GARBAGE which the City would incur would work to our FREE! over the lifespan of a disadvantage. In metro municipal parking facility. Toronto, the City of Toronto Rent our dishes/place settings for your next social event, These losses are calculated held off an attempt by the fundraiser, etc., at whatever price you can afford ! local tree planting. on the basis of a financial Metro Council to impose Funds support analysis of all costs and Region-wide assessment on Project supported by Friends of the Environment Foundation revenues involved in the City. December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 12 GCA Downtown communities join in traffic planning BY LARRY MOTUZ by the use of NCC lands and due to the loss of tempor- Why is this? Largely, it's thoroughfares during major Most of the time planning ary manned barricades that because of the city's tra- events met to discuss what for traffic and have served to control both dition of event by parking dur- event should be done. Prompted ing special events traffic access and on- budgetting for 'traffic such as by the concerns of the Dow's Winterlude, the street parking. This was and parking' issues. EX, the Traf- Lake Community Association, Festival of Spring, further complicated by the fic and parking, however, the the GCA, Dalhousie, and rare Grey Cup, and ticketing, rather than two- are not the issue. The Canada issue Ottawa South. Our new Coun- Day is a cause of a away, program to deal with great is that maintaining manda- cillor, Jim Watson also at- deal illegal parking. Similar of work and, constant- tory essential emergency tended. ly growing concerns exist regarding dissatisfaction services, without threat For the coming Winterlude, on the part of response time of police and community to them, is a year-round we shall be asking the City associations. In 1992, ambulance services. responsibility that can to restore the plans that the year-round celebration In the Glebe, we lost be budgeted worked prior to their aban- of Canada's 125th birth- our barricades during the for as a re- curring donment this year. To help day with its EX. We also had no requirement when multitude of effec- us, we are asking that people planned festive events will tive tow-away service last allocating yearly expendi- tures in the phone City Hall, the NCC, be cause for concern be- Winterlude. We have many City's budget plan. The and Regional Government to cause there is no municipal narrow streets (doubly so obligation doesn't vanish register their concerns. protocol to ensure that es- in winter) with houses when events take place risk For the long term, we sential fire, close together. So does which adequate protection, will be developing a proto- and Centretown, emergency services. It grows. ambulance services are Ottawa South, col designed to protect and not placed at risk. Instead, Dalhousie. Poor access We do not accept that, for emergency services during the City of to a house fire could Ottawa has an lead a $20,000 saving on barri- major events. Part of the ad hoc not merely to the loss of approach to guard cades, their manning, and protocol will require budget- such services during one house, but several. each tow-away--the 'savings' ing for this at City budget special event. Late response to accidents on this year's Winterlude-- time. Elements of the How high or heart attacks can lead is the risk to that it's all right if protocol will include 'man- to preventable deaths. In such services and to com- someone's house, or a block, ned' barricades and well munities? short, adequate police Dangerously so. burns down, that someone advertised full tow-away For protection doesn't exist example, after last Feb- might 'preventably' die, on fire routes and narrow ruary's Winterlude, if police can't respond to or that the police the might streets. If you have sug- Fire emergency calls. not Department noted that, be there in time. Ask- gestions please phone me- in the All downtown community DOW'S Lake area, ing for what is normally at 234-5246. they,wouldnot have been associations find themsel- expected, at auTtime, is the'GCA able't,U;Oght,a, house f#e ves working to keep hard-won hasAiuthing,to do with being, L'arrY ,U6tU'z because'ot Traffic Committee'Chairperson. street congés-, _ or 11 gains from past years in pampered Spoiled. tion between Bronson Avenue place for recurring events, On December 1st, core com- GCA meets January 28, 1992, and Dow's Lake. This was on an event by event basis. munity associations affected 7:30 p.m., GZebe Comm. Cen.


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Musée canadien de la nature December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 13 NEWS Keep those labels coming! RECYCLE Thanks to those of you Campbell product labels who have been saving labels such as Prego spaghetti YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE for the Quota Club. By sauce, V8, Franco-American December 27,1991 - 0171.143 Ty 12, 1992 October, we had almost Spaghetti and gravy, Swanson surpassed last year's Frozen Dinners or Pepper- You went to all that trouble to get the perfect tree ... 105,000 labels. idge Farm Cake labels are now don't just throw it away! The labels help the Ev- used. A milk bag or bus- angelical School for the iness envelope serves well Put your tree to good use and help save landfill space. Deaf in Puerto Rico who to hold them flat. Labels Trees can be dropped off at any Christmas Tree Recycling report they now have two are tied in 100's, bagged depot at the following City of Ottawa works yards: vans (975,000 labels each) in 1,000's and no staples and they are excited about are used. We forward the OPEN 24 HOURS: sharing with the new min- UPC bar codes on to the 1683 Woodward Drive 29 Hurdman Road istry and school for the Quota Club in St. Thomas, 911 Industrial Avenue deaf in El Salvador ed- Ontario who support an 380 Catherine Street ucational equipment re- orphanage in Bangladesh 1770 Rd. ceived from the Labels and with our help, have Heatherington for the Educational pro- raised $1,500 this way. Please remove all gram. You may leave your labels lights, decorations We receive labels from at a collection box at the and plastic. many sources: church and Community Centre or in my service groups, guides, mail box at 18 Findlay INFORMATION: scouts etc. A special Ave. If you have any 564-1111 thank you to those who questions please feel you take time to trim, sort can call me, Shirley and count the labels be- Wetmore, 234-6752. fore submitting them, or The Quota Club of Ottawa who flatten the labels, is an International wom- WASTE rather than rolling or en's service club with ACTION folding them. All Camp- speciaZ concern for the bell's Soup and other hearing handicapped. Short Term Child Care now in the Glebe For working people every- Since March 1989, it has where, times have changed. been operating as a pilot Single parent families, project for the Ontario or families where both par- Ministry of Community and ents are working have be- Social Services under the come the rule. Not surpris- Flexible Services Develop- ingly, demands for flexible ment Program. Short Term child care options which Child Care is one of a respond to the varied number of pilot projects Selected needs of working parents under the Flexible Ser- clothing have soared. vices Program which have up to What working parent hasn't been set up to test a -40% had the experience of wak- variety of models meeting ing up to a child who has under-services child care the flu, a cold or the needs. chicken pox? Or perhaps A call at 8 a.m. will the regular caregiver has probably mean you could phoned to say she is too have a caregiver at the sick to take care of the door within the hour. children. If you are lucky, We also work in conjunction Holiday Schedule with three of the largest you can stay home or you have to Saturday 9:00am- friends or family who will non-profit child care Monday look after your child. agencies in Ottawa. Each 9:00pm But if you have no other has a family daycare com- Open Sundays until Christmas

options you can turn to an ponent. If you have a 763 Bank St. innovative service which healthy child, but a sick Ottawa, Ont. provides short term emerg- caregiver or a gap in ency child care for parents child care arrangements, in the Ottawa-Carleton we can find a temporary area. space in a supervised Short Term Child Care at family home daycare close IZtni-Awire INC 858 Bank Street (near Fifth to your home. CLEANING Avenue) was established in For more on our program PARTY SERVICE HOUSEHOLD ORGANIZERS please call us at 238- HOME REPAIRS March 1987 to assist par- HOUSEHOLD ORGANIZING ents with temporary, em- 2420 or drop by -- we're in ergency child care problems. the neighbourhood! BE OUR GUESTS: Complete Catering, Cocktails to Buffet Dinners, Waitress(er). Perhaps a Quartet! A TIME TO REMEMBER. Gift Certificates! GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE. The Canadian Red Cross Society 10% Discount Off Party Service Laurel 789-2246 December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 14 Holiday Break 1991 At the Community Centres The following Community Centres are offering programmes for children during the Holiday Season. All programmes operate from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and offer supervision from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. The cost is $16.00 per day when you register between December 2 and 18. After December 18, the cost is $18.00 per day. Congé d'hiver 1991 Canterbury 2185 Arch Street 1064 Wellington Street Dans vos centres communautaires 564-1068 564-1066 Les centres communautaires suivants offrent des programmes December 23, 24, 27, 30, 31 December 20, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31 January 2, 3 January 2, 3 pour enfants pendant le congé d'hiver. Tous les programmes se déroulent de 9 h à 16 h. La surveillance des enfants est McNabb disponible de 8 h 9 h et de 16 h 17 h 30. L'inscription se tiendra du 2 au 18 décembre et le coût est 16$ Appledoorn Avenue 180 Percy Street 564-1231 564-1070 par jour. December 23, 24, 27, 30, 31 December 20, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31 Après le 18 décembre, le coût sera de 18$ par jour. January 2, 3 January 2, 3 Chemin Heron Glebe Overbrook 1480, chemin Herdn 564-7320 690 Lyon Street 33 Quill Street Les 20, 23, 24, 27, 30 et 31 décembre et 564-1058 564-1184 les 2 et 3 janvier December 20 December 20, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31 January 2, 3 January 2, 3 Overbrook 33, rue Quill 564-1184 Greenboro Sandy Hill Les 20, 23, 24, 27, 30 et 31 décembre et 363 Lorry Greenberg Drive 250 Somerset Street East les 2 et 3 janvier 564-7331 564-1062 Côte-de-Sable December 20, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31 December 20, 23, 24, 27, 30, 31 250, rue Somerset est January 2, 3 January 2, 3 564-1062 Also offering Holiday Break programmes are: Les 20, 23, 24, 27, 30 et 31 décembre et Dovercourt Recreation Centre Hunt Club/Riverside les 2 et 3 janvier Community Centre 411 Dovercourt Avenue 3320 Paul Anka Drive A votre piscine 564-1072 521-1392 Les 10 piscines intérieures de la Ville d'Ottawa offrent des In the Pools périodes supplémentaires de natation libre pendant la période des Fêtes. A1110 City of Ottawa swimming pools have extended Communiquez avec la piscine de votre quartier ou composez le schedules for the Holidays. 564-1023 pour obtenir plus de détails. Call your local pool or 564-1023 for details. À la patinoire intérieure On the Ice Les 10 patinoires intérieures de la Ville d'Ottawa offrent des A1110 City of Ottawa arenas have extended schedules for the périodes supplémentaires de patinage libre pendant la période Holidays. des Fêtes. Call your local arena or 564-1181 for details. Communiquez avec la patinoire intérieure de votre quartier ou composez le 564-1181 pour plus de détails. On the ski trails at Mooney's Bay Park obtenir A special package of cross-country ski lessons for children and adults is being offered on December 27, 28 and 29 at Mooney's Bay Park.

Special group packages can also be booked by contacting the Cross Country Ski School Office at 564-1094.

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 15 ART Glebe's cooperative gallery ARE YOU OVER Did you know there's an mix that ranges from the EXTENDING artists' cooperative here traditional to the abstract YOUR in the Glebe? and experimental, works in ELECTRICAL It's called A SOURCE OF watercolour, oil or acrylic, SYSTEM"? ART and it is located on as well as sculpture, coll- the main floor of Fifth age, photographs and folk Avenue Court. The space has art. been donated by Minto Devel- opments Inc. who own Fifth The Source of Art members Avenue Court. Their on- are currently holding their going generosity gives the annual Christmas portfolio problem these days, especially in older houses. show from December 3 to cooperative a place to dis Many people use extension cords or multiple play the works of local December 21. It's your artists. chance to select an original plugs to handle everything. And soon every outlet begins to look like an Now the cooperative is work of art at a very reason- octopus. That's not a safe way to deal with electricity. Overloading outlets looking for new members -- abe price. amateur or professional -- able price. is dangerous. Every year fires are started by misuse of electricity. If you to add to their eclectic don't have enough oudets, have a qualified electrician install more. It's also / o a good idea to have your service upgraded so your system can take the electrical demands of today's labour saving appliances. 4.96ace of /Pie presents CHRISTMAS PORTFOLIO CLEARANCE Dec. 4- 21 Fifth Avenue Court Hours 9 - 5 Tues. - Sat. OTTAWA HYDRO 0000 738-6415 Live With An Original! 0 0 0 - A0N G_Q

778 Bank Street (Between Second & Third) tore Hours: Mon - Wed 9am to 6prn / Thur & Fri 9arn to 9pm / Sat 9am to 6pm OPEN SUNDAY DECEMBER 22 10 to 5 Great Gift Idea from... also Great gift ideas from... BRONNLEY BRITA® INTRODUCING TH M CONTEMPORARY LOOK OF ULTRA II Now with the BRITA WATER FILTER SYSTEM you can make GROSVENOR clean, great tasting drinking water Makers of the best soaps in the world at home in seconds. Simply pour ordinary tap water into the BRITA SOAPS BATH OILS pitcher & the patented filter inside goes to work. CREAMS GIFT SETS Removes 90% lead & copper Removes chlorine taste Softens water without adding sodium Prevents bacteria growth in filter

BRITA ULTRA Il Black or White Reg. $24.95 NOW ONLY Till December 24/91

G,S.T. extra whem applicable I Sale prices valid while existing stocks last.

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report 16 Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group 690 Lyon Street, South Ottawa, Ontario Ai c"YVille pfd Ottawa K1S 3Z9

The Glebe Community Centre is operated by the Corporation of the City of Ottawa, Department of Recreation and Culture, in partnership with the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group (G.N.A.G.)

The focus of the Community Centre is to provide quality recreational programming for all age groups. The Centre also provides space for meetings and social functions.

The executive of G.N.A.G. is comprised of a dedicated group of community volunteers, whose interests lie in providing quality recreational services for their community. Members actively participate in programme planning, registration, flyer production, publicity and promotion, special events and staffing.

Want to help? Call the Centre at 564-1058 for more information.


TUESDAY, JANUARY 14 1992 MARDI le 14 janvier 1992 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM at the 19h30 à2lh GLEBE COMMUNITY CENTRE, au Centre communautaire de Glebe, 690 LYON STREET SOUTH 690, rue Lyon sud. -Registration continues in the office from January 15 until the first class. We -L'inscription se pursuit au bureau administratif du 15 janvier jusqu' à la are open fromMonday to Thursday, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm and Fridays from première classe. Nous sommes ouvert de 9h à 21h du lundi au jeudi et le 9:00 am to 6:00 pm vendredi de 9h à 18h.

-We accept cash or personal cheques. Please make cheques payable to Les chèques doivent être faits ê l'ordre de G.N.A.G. (Glebe Neighbourhood "G.N.A.G." (Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group) Activities Group). Nous acceptons l'argent comptant.

A 10% discount is given when members of a family register for three or Une réduction de 10% sera accordée aux membres des familles qui more courses (After-Four,, P.D.Days and Workshops are excluded) s'inscrivent à trois cours ou plus. (l'après quatre et les journées pédagogiques ne peuvent être considérés pour cette réduction). Senior Citizens receive a 10% discount. Les aînés ont droit à une réduction de 10% -Financial help is available. Please ask at registration. L'aide financière est disponible s.v.p., demandez à l'inscription. All courses begin the week of January 27, 1991 and are 8 weeks in length unless otherwise indicated. Les cours débutent le 27 janvier 1992 à moins d'avis contraire. Tous les pro- grammes sont offerts pour une durée de 10 semaines à moins d'avis All courses are held at the Glebe Community Centre unless otherwise contraire. indicated. -A moins d'avis contraire, tous les cours se donnent au Centre -Further information about refunds, cancellations and financial help will be communautaire de Glebe. available at registration. -De plus amples renseignements sur les remboursements, annulations et subventions seront disponible ê l'inscription.

POTTERY STUDIO Studio memberships are available for individuals to have independent work time. The studio is open for members whenever the Community Centre is open and no classes are scheduled. For information, phone Pat Strickland (564-1058) INTEGRATION SERVICES FEES: One Year : $160 + $11.20 G.S.T. = $171.20 Did you know that all City of Ottawa recreation programmes are open to Seasonally : $65 + $4.55 = $69.55 people with disabilities? Contact you neighbourhood recreation centre Seasonally : $60 + $4.20 = $64.20 for information about programmes for preschoolers, children, youth, (with pottery course) adults, and senior adults. If you need volunteer assistance or need assistance in finding a volunteer, you can call one of the special needs consultants at 564-8421, or our volunteer coordinator at 564-1198. Francophone Services Would you like to know a little more about the francophone programmes that are COMMUNITY RECREATION RESOURCES offered in the city? If so, please call Francophone Servies at 564-3680. Need information? Have an idea? Don't know where to go next? Try us!

Multicultural Services 564-2668 WOMEN & SPORT Grants Programmes 564-1395 Women and Sport is a programme to increase sport opportunities for girls and Purchase of Service Programme 564-1200 CityVid' of awa women. CURIOUS? Call 564-1096 December 13, 1991 Glebe Report 17 PRESCHOOL PR GRAMMES


Children will create a variety of enjoyable and unique MESSY PLAY KINDER CARPENTRY items in clay. They will have an opportunity to get their hands dirty while developing artistic and motor skills. An exciting hour of mucky messes to create and have Children will learn about assorted tools, their names and For 3 to 5 years. fun with. Children will have a ball! For ages 3 - 5 uses, while working on a few simple projects. Safety rules years. and practices will be stressed. For ages 3 - 5 years. Mondays 10:00 - 11:00 am Jan. 27 to Mar. 23 (excluding Mar. 16) Wednesdays 1:00 - 2:00 pm Thursdays 1:30 - 2:30 pm $43.00 Jan. 29 to Mar. 25 (excluding Mar. 18) Jan. 30 to Mar. 26 (excluding Jan. 19) $30.00 $42.00 PARENT & CHILD PLAYGROUP PRESCHOOL PLAYTIME CLUB CREATIVE MOVEMENT Children will enjoy an exciting morning of gross motor activities, crafty creations, music, and a snack. Care- Parents, caregivers and children (ages 0 - 5) can This class introduces preschoolers to dance while focusing givers must assist in the programme. Newborn siblings partake in this "drop-in" club that uses a variety of on music, rhythm, and ballet. are welcome. Individual day spaces are not available. different toys. One price entitles you to drop-in during For children 1 year and walking to 3 years. both scheduled times. There is no instructor for this 3 year olds - Saturdays 10:00 - 10:45 am activity; parents or caregivers are responsible for 4-5 year olds - Saturdays 11:00 - 11:45 am Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:15 - 11:15 am setting up and putting away all equipment. Feb.1 to Mar. 28 (excluding Mar. 21) Jan. 28 to Mar. 26 (excluding Mar 17 and 19) $35.00 $52.00 Club Times: Mondays 12:00 - 2:00 pm KIDS IN THE KITCHEN Fridays 1:00 - 3:00 pm STORY AND SONG Jan. 27 to Mar. 27 (excluding Mar. 16 and 20) Enjoy tasty creative treats while learning basic cooking $8.00 A lively session with a blend of singing,story telling, skills and safety. Ages 3 - 5 years bouncing gamesThythm and dancing, and hands-on KINDER GYM experience with instruments. Caregiver participation Wednesdays 9:30 to 10:30 am is required. Jan. 29 to Mar. 25 (excluding Mar. 18) An introduction to simple gymnastics, sport and 0 - 18 mos. - Fridays 9:30 - 10:15 am $30.00 fitness. Children develop balance, co-ordination, 15 mos. - 2.5 years- Fridays 10:30 - 11:15 am flexibility, and mobility. Weather permitting, classes Jan. 24 to Feb. 14 (four weeks) may occasionally be held outdoors. For ages 3 - 5 $16.00 years.

Thursdays 10:15- 11:00 am Jan. 30 to Mar. 26 (excluding Mar. 19) $30.00 CHILDREN'S PR GRAMMES FAMILY TAE KWON DO ART... MADE EASY An introduction to the basic moves and patterns of this Come join us and learn how to make creative crafts in a martial art. Founder: General Choi, Hong Hi, 9th degree few easy steps!, Here's a chance to explore with mixed AFTER FOUR PROGRAMME Black Belt, International. Head instructor: Hung-Anh mediums while having a fun time! Hoang, 4th Degree Black Belt, International. Inst.: Peter For ages 6 - 12 years. The Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group Williams & Marrett Green. For ages 6 years and up. and its After Four Staff welcomes you to the Tuesdays 4:00 - 5:30 pm second session of the After Four programme. Jan. 28 to Mar. 24 (excluding Mar. 17) Tuesdays 5:30 - 7:00 pm and / or Our trained staff will provide exciting, fun and $47.00 Thursdays 6:00 - 7:30 pm safe recreational activities for children ages to 26 (excluding 17 19) Jan. 28 Mar. Mar. and 6- 12 years. One class/week $44.00 per person PRE-BALLET Two classes/week $80.00 per person Registration for the After Four Programme An introduction to ballet technique, especially designed will take place at the Glebe Community Centre CARPENTRY for children. A must for budding ballerinas! on an ongoing basis. For ages 6 - 8 years. The fees are based monthly and per child.. An introduction to a variety of tools and their uses. Students will create their own projects which will be Saturdays 12:00 - 1:00 pm creative and challenging. Safety rules and procedures Feb. 1 to Mar. 28 (excluding Mar. 21) Cost: are stressed. For ages 6 - 12 years. $35.00 $7.00 per day JAZZ DANCING $75.00 for three days per week Fridays 4:30 - 5:30 pm $90.00 for four or five days a week Jan. 31 to Mar. 27 (excluding Mar. 20) An introduction to the basics of jazz dancing. A chance $80.00 for four or five days a week for $47.00 to improve posture and rhythm while learning simple subsequent children of the same family. CARTOONING routines. For ages 6-12 years. For further information, Thursdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm Introducing children to the facinating world of cartooning. please call 564-1058. Jan. 30 to Mar. 26 (excluding Mar. 19) Children will learn many of the classics, both old and $30.00 new, with an emphasis on creating their own cartoon characters. For ages 9 - 12 years. YOUNG EINSTEINS

Blast off with our new science club; you will boldly go Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm CREATIVE CRAFTS FOR Jan. 29 to Mar. 25 (excluding Mar. 18) where no child has gone before! For ages 6 -9 years. $25.00 PARENT AND CHILD Saturdays 9:30 - 10:30 am

Feb. 1 to Mar. 28 (excluding Mar 21) CHILDREN'S POTTERY Here is an opportunity to participate with your $30.00 child(ren) and expore various craft mediums. Together, you will complete challenging projects Be artistic and creative while learning basic pottery that will enhance your home. For ages 6 - 12 skills. COOKING AROUND THE WORLD years.

6 - 9 years - Saturdays 9:00 - 10:30 am Come join us for a taste of culture! Each week, we will Tuesdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm Feb.1 to Mar. 28 (excluding Mar. 21) experience delicious dishes from different parts of the Jan. 28 to Mar. 24 (excluding Mar. 17) $47.00 world. For ages 8 - 12 years. $45.00

8 -12 years - Mondays 5:45 - 7:15 pm Wednesdays 4:30 - 5:30 pm Jan. 27 to Mar. 23 (excluding Mar. 16) Jan. 29 to Mar. 25 (excluding Mar. 18) $47.00 $40.00

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report 18 YO U TH PROGRA MMES

BABYSITTER TRAINING COME VISITE OUR NEW POTTERY FOR YOUTH YOUTH GAMES ROOM Designed by the Canada Safety Council, this course Be artistic and creative while learning the basics of covers babysitting skills, responsibilities, and emergency The Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group is proud pottery. For ages 10 - 14 years. situations. Participants also complete a volunteer to present their youth games room which will be babysitting placement. Ages 12 and over. opening soon at the Glebe Community Centre. This Saturdays 11:00 - 12:30 pm room will be filled with a variety of terrific games Feb.1 to Mar: 28 (excluding Mar. 21) Mondays 6:00 - 7:00 pm equipment. Hours have not been determined yet, $47.00 -OR- but rest assured, the room will be open for operation Mondays 7:15 - 8:15 pm during the holiday season. The price is FREE! So I* f' Jan. 27 to Mar. 23 (excluding Mar. 16) don't miss our flyer that will be out to the schools $25.00 soon! For further information, please call 564-1058. For ages 10-14 years. PHOTOGRAPHY j;(]

An introduction to basic photography and darkroom development. Here is an opportunity to learn how to operate Un# DANCES a 35 mm. camera and develop your own pictures. For ages 10 - 14 years. Don't step on my blue suede shoes but do step into Glebe C.C. and dance the night away!! 11:30 - 1:00 pm Saturdays Ages 11 -14 years Feb.1 to Mar. 28 (excluding Mar.21) professional D.J., door prizes, great music, $50.00 and much, much more !! Time: 7:00 - 10:30 pm Cost: $2.50 at the door Fridays Jan. 31. Feb. 28, Mar 27, April 10, A%01 ' PCX00 ThI May 28, and June 18 Ara011_,I SCI NTS Suivez l'air qui vous amène au C.C. Glebe pour une IlIIIiIsIIOEIIiIIItIII -. soirée de danse inoubliable!! Pour les 11 è 14 ans Un D.J. professionel, prix d'entrée, de la musique incroyable et beaucoup plus! de 19h è 22h30 2.50 $ à la porte les vendredis le 31 janvier, le 28 fevrier, le 27 mars, le 10 avril, le 29 mai, et le19 juin. ORKSHOPS For Ail Ages* Here is a chance to get invoved in some of our Winter Workshops! Some dates have not yet been determined however here is a sneak preview of what is upcoming for the months of February and March. Please keep an eye out for January's Glebe Report back page! Registration for the winter workshops will take place on Wednesday, January 29, 1992.


Come spend a morning with us for a fun-filled CRAFT WORKSHOP Course content includes: identifying heart risk factors, cooking class. You will learn how to prepare a full recognizing the signs of heart attack, performing one Here is a chance to learn how to make seasonal course vegetarian meal. It will be nutricious, delicious rescuer C.P.R., responding to sudden death, access- wreaths, Valentine cards, decorations and much, and a lot of fun. For adults. ing Emergency Medical Services and assisting much more! It's really simple and a lot of fun! choking victims. This course is a must for everyone! For adults. Date to be determined $25.00 + $1.75 G.S.T = $26.75 Date to be determined. Saturday, Feb. 8 10:00 - 2:00 pm $25.00 + 1.40 G.S.T. = 26.40 $35.00 + $2.45 G.S.T. = 37.45 (materials are included) PREPARE YOUR INCOME P.D. day Programme : TAX RETURN vALENTINE'S CRAFTS We are still taking registration for the P.D. days Learn how to file your own 1991 tax return and plan FOR KIDS that are offered in the new year. Please sign up your 1992 return. Tax Reform is simplified. Take soon, spaces are limited! advantage of all deductions and credits. Here is a chance to make those last minute Valentine decorations and cards. Come join us for an afternoon O.B.E. O.R.C.S.S.B, Date to be determined for great creative fun! Feb. 27/92 Feb. 28/92 $10.00 + $.70 G.S.T. = $10.70 For ages 6 - 12 years. April 3/92 Mar. 6/92 June 5/92 June 25/92 Sunday, Feb 9 10:00 - 2:00 pm June 25/92 June 26/92 THEATRE FOR YOUTH $25.00 (materials are included) June 26/92 Times: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Shy? Easily embarrassed? Well don't call us , we'll (after-care is available) call you for a full day of insanity all in the name of WINE MAKING DEMONSTRATION THEARTRE!!! For ages 11 -14 years. Cost: $17.00 per child per day $15.00 for subsequent children from the Learn about the different stages and techniques of Saturday, Feb. 29 10:00 - 5:00 pm same family. wine making and the necessary equipment that is $20.00 required to make your own deluxe vintage.For adults.

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report 19 ADUL PROGRAMMES

EARILY MORNING FITNESS TAI CHI ART IN THE AFTERNOON Exercise with us and promote fitness. Low impact A century old Chinese exercise which is performed in aerobics is emphasized and participants are a gentle and relaxed manner. Can be practiced by During these stimulating afternoon sessions partici- encouraged to work at their own level. people of all ages and fitness levels. Benefits pants will explore their creativity through the mediums flexibility, circulation, digestion, and metabolic rate, as of drawing and water color. Various techniques, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 9:30 - 10:30 am well as relief from stress and its symptoms. composition and elementary design will be covered. Jan. 21 to April 3 (excluding Mar. 16, 18, and 20) $60.00 + $4.20 G.S.T.= $64.20 (3 times a week) Beginner level: Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm Wednesdays 1:00 -3:30 pm $50.00 + $3.50 G.S.T.= $53.50 (2 times a week) Jan. 29 to Mar. 25 (excluding Mar. 18) Jan. 29 to Mar. 25 (excluding Mar. 18) $6.00 + $.42 G.S.T. = $6.42 (drop in) $20.00 + $1.40 G.S.T. = $21.40 $55.00 + $3.85 G.S.T. = $58.85 (Does not include materials) Babysitting is available. Intermediate level: Wednesdays 8:00 - 9:30 pm Babysitting Fee: $35.00 or $2.00/child drop in. Jan. 28 to Mar. 25 (excluding Mar. 18) $25.00 + $1.70 G.S.T. = $26.70 BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY

EVENING FITNESS Come learn the basics of photography; how to POTTERY operate your 35mm. camera, depth of field, lighting, A combination of high and low impact aerobics. composition, darkroom techniques, and much more. Variety is highlighted. Participants are encouraged Develop and improve your creative skills with clay. to work at their own level. Tuesdays 7:00 -9:00 Hand building and wheel use will be included. Jan. 28 to Mar. 24 (excluding Mar. 17) Mondays and Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00 pm $60.00 + $4.20 = $64.20 Beginner level: Tuesdays 7:15 - 10:15 pm Jan. 20 to April 2 (excluding Mar. 16 and 18) (Does not include all materials) Jan. 28 to Mar. 24 (excluding Mar. 17) $35.00 + $2.45 G.S.T. = $37.45 $63.00 + $4.41 G.S.T. = $87.41 (does not include cost of clay) HOME DESIGN DANCE FIT Intermediate level: Wednesdays 7:00 - 10:00 pm Jan. 29 to Mar. 25 (excluding Mar. 18) The objectives of Home Design is to give the home The programme combines high and low impact $63.00 + $4.41 G.S.T. = $67.41 owndr a basic understanding of the design principles involved in planning a home. The topics which will be aerobics , muscular endurance and stretching (does not include the cost of clay) exercises designed to balance the body's needs. covered are assessing your objectives, space The dance element is for people who enjoy working planning, aesthetic principles of design, light, oolor, out to music and having FUN regardless of previous the shell, material selection, planning for specific training. Please wear shoes with support and INTRODUCTORY TO SPANISH uses, and cost estimating. cushioning. Saturdays 10:00 -noon Introductory Spanish for fun and conversation. Covers and Thursdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm Feb.1 to Mar. 28 (excluding Mar. 21) Tuesdays vocabulary, phonetics and grammatical structure of 3 (excluding 17 19) $30.00 + $2,10 G.S.T. = $32.10 Jan. 21 to April Mar. and the Spanish language. Activities designed to develop $35.00 + $2.45 G.S.T. = $37.45 comprehension. BASKETBALL CO-ED Thursdays 7:00 - 9:00 pm Jan. 30 to Mar. 26 (excluding Mar. 19) An evening of exercise and fun for men and women. $52.00 + $3.64 G.S.T.= $55.64 JOB OPPORTUNITIES AT THE No instruction is offered. Located at First Avenue GLEBE COMMUNITY School gym. STAINED GLASS CREATIONS CENTRE

Mondays 7:00 - 10:00 pm The City of Ottawa and the Glebe Community Centre The "Copperfoil Techique" is explored and beginners Jan. 27 to Mar. 23 (excluding Mar. 16) is presently accepting resumes from those interested learn to make suncatchers and a small panel. $12.00 + $.84 G.S.T. = $12.84 in staff positions in its Summer Camp Programmes. If Intermediate students are also welcome, however will you are interested in employment, please forward start a week later. A list of required supplies will be your resume to the Glebe Community Centre prior to given at the first class. Supplies/tools available April 20, 1992. We are looking for motivated individu- BADMINTON through instructor. als who enjoy working with children and can initiate creative programming within a team setting. Current Join our group for an enjoyable evening of badmin- Mondays 7:00 - 9:30 pm First Aid Certification is a prerequirement for employ- ton. Get into shape with this great racquet sport. Jan. 27 to Mar. 23 (excluding Mar. 16) ment. Job descriptions are available at the Glebe Located at Mutchmor School gym. $36.00 + $2.52 = $38.52 Community Centre. For more information, please call at 564-1058 Mondays 7:00 - 10:00 pm Jan. 27 to Mar. 23 (excluding Mar. 16) WOMEN'S INDOOR BASKETBALL SUMMER CAMPS :(June to August 1992) $12.00 + $.84 G.S.T. = $12.84 Preschool Camp Co-ordinator Women & Sport offer a city-wide league for wornen Preschool Counsellors and girls who want to play basketball at all levels. Children's Camp Co-ordinator YOGA The location will be central for all teams. For registra- Children's Counsellors tion and more information call the Women & Sport Youth Camp Co-ordinator This class provides the beginner, with a chance to office at 564-1096. Youth Counsellors develop a profound sense of well-being and whole- ness. Postures for flexibility and strength, rejuvenat- For further information DEADLINE : April 20 1992 ing breathing techniques, deep relaxation, medita- regarding our tion, and the underlying meaning of Yoga - a unique Winter Programmes, Please send your resume to: introduction to Yoga. Please call us at City Of Ottawa 564-1058 Glebe Community Centre Mondays 7:30 - 9:00 pm c/o Summer Camps Jan. 27 to Mar. 23 (excluding Mar. 16) 690 Lyon Street South $45.00 +3.15 G.S.T. = $48.15 Ottawa, Ontario

WE MEE VOUN HE If you have any programme ideas or would like to teach a workshop or course, please call us at the Glebe Community Centre at 564-1058. Programmes are offered for all ages from preschoolers to adults. It is only with YOUR input that we can offer the best possible programmes for the community.

The After Four programme is looking for donations for potential craft supplies (ie. old containers, bathroom tissue rolls, small boxes, etc.) . Also if there is any one who is looking for a place to donate old childrens books, the After Four programme would be more than happy to take them and put them to good use!

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 20 BOOKS our short memory," says percent. And telling politi-' Prestigious work - translated Frith. "But maybe that will cians, journalists, and any- be our final and winning wea- one who will listen (forget WRITING IN THE FATHER'S Janet Peterson in Resour- pon - implacable remembering, Mulroney) that we haven't HOUSE: The Emergence of the ces for Feminist Research, remembering every one of 'the quietly swallowed this out- Feminine in the Quebec calls it "a generous, open millions of times the cash rage, but are damned mad and Literary Tradition, and hopeful feminist vision register 'rings up another 7 won't take it." By Patricia Smart which is not restricted by University of Toronto Press, gender ... Incisive and well At last - Ontario gardening guide 300 pages, $18.95 (paper) written, stimulating and the students of his home $45.00 (cloth) original...expands the para- THE ONTARIO GARDENER Trevor Cole, landscaping courses. "They BY INEZ BERG meters and enriches the con- By Whitecap Books, asked the questions which The release this summer of ventions of Canadian and $24.95 (paper) prompted this book..." Writing in the Fatner's House, feminist criticism." 248 pages, BY Almost 20 years of teaching was welcomed by those who Pierre Hébert (University of INEZ BERG and a vast amount of exper- have waited since 1988 for Toronto Press) says it "well Whether you have the green ience and training have gone an English translation of deserves the Governor Gener- est of thumbs or a shade much into its writing. Patricia Smart's Governor al's Award...every page gives more pallid like me, you have Starting with the import- General's Award winning rise to new literary interp- often pored over gardening ance of soils, he then cov- Ecrire Dans la Maison du retations, rich with human books,guessing whether the ers landscaping, lawns, Père: l'émergence du féminin resonances." advice offered would apply trees, shrubs, pruning, dans la tradition littéraire Smart's insightful and far in this region. Well, guess roses, perennials, annuals, du Québec. reaching analysis provides no longer: Ottawa's own bulbs, edible gardens, and When Smart received the not only an invaluable, al- Trevor Cole, Curator of the last but not least, pests. award in 1989, the Glebe re- ternative academic perspec- Dominion Arboretum, has come There are also many color sident felt especially hon- tive from which to view to the rescue. photographs, diagrams, and oured because she was the Quebec's literature, but it Released just this spring, is other suggested readings. first Anglophone Canadian to is certain, in the accessib- his Ontario Gardener, Many of us will enjoy rea- win it for a French non-fic- ility of its style and in sub-titled The Only Complete ding this attractive, very tion work. this English translation, to Gardening Guide Written & useful guide as we warm our Her book begins by asking create a wider general int- Illustrated Specifically for green thumbs by the fire the question, "Do women erest in its topic of focus Ontario Gardeners. That this winter, and plan our write differently than men?" and in Quebec literature as sounds like he means us eh? for next spring. She goes on in this scholar- a whole. Cole dedicates his book to gardens ly work to plumb the depths Interviewed in 1989 just of why they did and do, and after winning the award, Useful riding guide available to analyze and place the Smart said that it had come A GUIDE TO RIDING IN THE A lot of thought has gone roots of the difference, not "at the perfect time in my OTTAWA AREA, into research and organiza- in gender, but in the soul- life...a time when things By Elaine Kenney, tion - stables are listed stifling roles assigned women have come full circle." Elaine Kenney Publications alphabetically and also (and men) in the Surely the release of this patriarchal, cross referenced in a handy work, culminating well over 120 pages, $12.95 (paper) profoundly male-dominated geographical chart at the cultural, a decade of her life's work, BY LYDIA CASSIDY LEVASSEUR religious, liter- back, making for a user-frie- makes the circle even more ary and intellectual tradi- If, like many people, you ndly format. At 120 pages, tions of Quebec. complete. thought Ottawa and surroun- this is an ideal re'ad for ding area boasted a dozen or all riding fanatics. How the GST was won so riding stables, this book Riding specialties such as will come as a big surprise. HOODS ON THE HILL: How the GST debate. polo, the Ottawa Hunt and Elaine Kenney's A Guide to Mulroney and His Gang It is just about here that The Pony Club are included, Riding in the Ottawa Area is Rammed the GST Past the fun stops. Frith opens as well as information on packed with useful informa- Parliament and Down Our with the startling claim that governing bodies like the tion for would-be equestrians Throats, "in Canada democracy has be- Canadian Equestrian Federa- and seasoned riders alike, By Senator Royce Frith, come an illusion.".. ."And in tion. Phone numbers of all including detailed descrip- Coach House Press, our system the word govern- associations and stables are tions of 58 stables within 125 Pages, $9.30 ment now means the Prime given, as well as specific (paper) easy Minister." He goes on to commuting distance of directions on how to get to BY INEZ BERG give a blow-by-blow account . each stable. They say that history is of how the government under- Information on both West- As a horse owner and rela- ern and written by the victors. mined and overpowered the English style riding tive newcomer to Ottawa, I With the publication of this Senate and the implications is given at the front of the can't overstress the useful- book, pre-Christmas scorcher, of this for our democracy. including the various ness of this handbook. Senator Royce Frith has en- He particularly names Senate disciplines within each sty- Ed. Note: GZebe resident, sured that he will never be Speaker, Guy Charbonneau as le. The second half of the Elaine Kenney sells and dis- accused of meekly aliowing a key culprit (next to Brian book gives an objective des- tributes her book from her the victors in the GST de- Mulroney and Michael Wilson) cription of each of the 58 home, and will gZadZy auto- bate to zamboni a decorous in the passage of the GST. facilities, listing programs graph and deliver it locally. and surface on the face of those He makes several recommen- services offered and the Phone 233-5423. The book is owner's view events as he experienced dations for change, chiefly on riding and also sold at the Sports Page horse care. them. an elected senate. The gov- at Glebe and Bank Streets. On the book's cover, a ernment should not be able deadly Aislin cartoon feat- Environmentally sensitive selections to dominate and control such For urban forresters: ures the Prime Minister as a the senate 3. For children: a senate, and The Simple Act of Planting leather-jacketed, scrap- should not be able to defeat A Tree in a Forest, By Jan a Tree, By Andy & Katie scarred Belfast punk with be Thornhill, Publisher: Greey the government but should Lipkis, Published by brass knuckles, leading a Jeremy de Pencier Books, Toronto, able to defeat legislation. P. Tarcher Inc. Los gang of crudely armed hooli- Angeles, $14.95. There are other recommenda- $16.95 gans. His t-shirt sums it tions as well, and while Tree, (Eyewitness Books up; "Eat the poor! (get a Frith doesn't see them as a For nature lovers: Series), By David Burnie, are receipt)." inside off- panacea to the current def- Familiar Trees of North Publisher: Stoddart Publi- erings from a cross section ects, he is certain they America - Eastern Region, shing, Toronto, $15.95 of Canadian cartoonists, would be an improvement. Published by Alfred A. Knoff All the above are availa- attesting to the negative "It's been said that an un- Inc., New York. $7.95 ble in Glebe book stores, popularity of the govern- popular or even disgraced All above books are soZd in the Glebe. Patricia Smart and ment's tactics throughout government's best friend is Royce Frith's at Octopus, Trevor C3Ze's at Thorne & Co. December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 21 BOOKS Ignatieffs novel failed first effort century laden with un- sky and the e,centric, of her uniform, the tight- controllable horrors, it rich gynecologist, Razumkin. ness of her skirt, the did pave the way for the By Left dangling is the slight flair of the pleats, New World Order. Like it Sharon flamboyant femme fatale, mocked male priorities." or not, Russia today is Gaby, who manages to be in Abron Gaby has some great mo- far different from what all the right places at all Drache ments; Asya, the main hero- it was as late as last the right times to save ine rarely does. In fact, year. I am certain that herself and those she cares she is rather unheroic, Ignatieff's exhaustive about. Gaby saves Asya by a bit of a wimp. knowledge of Russian history giving her a hiding place ASYA Could Ignatieff have got in the way of his nar- in her Paris apartment. BY MICHAEL IGNATIEFF done better with Asya's rative's unfolding. He Gaby turns up in England VIKING/PENGUIN, 309 pages, brother Lapin as hero? is anchored by facts, just after Asya is del- Perhaps he was hampered $27.99 (cloth) not able to fly with them. ivered there by Gaby's by lack of insight into novel by an ac- What he achieves is a parents who happen to ap- A first the female point of view. au- rather inferior historical pear in disguise at the complished non-fiction On the other hand, he journalist, and tele- romance which calls to Spanish border. While Asya thor, shifted in and out of Asya's stature mind the work of Belva fights consumption, Gaby vision host, the mental space so often that Ignatieff, Plain, but he is not nearly flourishes, even takes a of Michael one could say, he never got as accomplished. What he is an event in itself. jaunt to Algiers to help into it. does do as well as the French with the re- Unfortunately, Ignatieff, her is This is a failed first sistance -- she is a who won the 1987 Governor create coincidence. However novel, even on the Belva for his creature of infinite sur- General's Award once it is introduced, he Plain level. If Ignatieff memoir, prises! Ignatieff des- family The Russian is stymied; unable to em- is interested in further met many cribes Gaby at the height Album, has not ploy contrivance to advan- pursuing fiction he might a of "Here is of the criteria for tage, as illustrated by the the blitz: read some of Plain's work extended, the only woman in London successful, Canadian incident at the but forget Boris Pasternak fictional narrative. who doesn't smell of Sun- end of the book which caused whom he attempts to emulate Ignatieff's heroine, light soap. Even the cut me to initially burst out --this is sheer chutzpah! Princess Anastasia Galiz- laughing and then subse- ine (Asya) is born on quently weep for the only January 1, 1890. We meet inconsequential Great Can- her at age five following adian Moment! a very poetically described The bones of the story skating accident. Only have potential. Asya is here and at the book's born a rich heiress, beau- conclusion do we catch a tiful and intelligent. Her glimmer of what Ignatieff kingdom, an estate called strives for throughout Marino, north of Moscow is Asya's story. Driving his ravaged during the revolu- prose is a dry, tedious tion. She is only seventeen reminder of historical as easy to figure out as in fact, loaded with the a Belva Plain novel! Her message that individuals brother, Lapin flees to cannot always lead their England; she chooses Paris Glebe own lives because of this ICA but before she gets there, century's main events -- has a tempestuous love in Asya's case: The Russian affair with the first and Revolution and two World great love of her life and Everything for a Wars. Ignatieff conven- eventual husband, Sergei iently skips 45 years un- Appollonovitch, an artil- til 1990. "It was a cata- lery officer from Chelm in strophe to live so long," Fun-Filled I a Season Volhynia. had bit of laments Asya. All her trouble here because of the loved ones are dead; she rather famous Yiddish folk- is old, left with her mem- tales set in Chelm, a town Party ories and coincidentally, filled with fools, face- her Canadian connection. tiously called wise men. Ignatieff assures me But, let me not detract! Trays with his storytelling that Asya starts her new life Canadians have a sick as a Russian emigré in sense of humour buried Paris with her son, Niki, in acres of snow, as the result of her brief Gift Peter the son of Asya's week of bliss with Sergei, last lover, Nick Isvolsky while he remains in Russia (whom she met as a dashing only to be taken prisoner Baskets Canadian officer in World and tortured by the Reds. War II) reveals his fath- Ignatieff leads us quite er's final destiny. I find easily to accept the coin- it impossible to accept cidence of the couple's that against the backdrop reunion in Paris and this is Open Sunday, of perhaps the most trau- to his credit. What he matic years of Russian sadly misses is his oppor- history, Ignatieff could tunity to use the new cast trivialize the Canadian of characters among the December 15 & 22 equivalent. Perhaps, he Russian emigrés and French longs to be Russian, es- that Asya meets. The most pecially now successfully drawn are the Although he portrays a Russian intellectual Botyn- 10:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 22 MR. SCHOOL NEWS First Avenue P.S. Students report on school events quite a crowd GRADE 3 NEWS attracted UNICEF. of parents and students The funds raised will BY TIMOTHY RITCHIE (at least, more than they be used to help clothe, Grade 3 thought). By the time the feed, and educate children show- In November, the Grade students had finished all over the world. We pretty ex- 3 classes of Mme. Malt ing, some were have had another very suc- were proud and Mme. Biernath went hausted. But they cessful year with UNICEF. project to the N.A.C. to see a too, their first Thanks to all partici- in suc- beautiful play called "Jo of the year ended pants. were happy et Gaia La Terre". It cess, and they was all about the illness to go home. REME MBRANCE DAY - NOVEMBER 11 1991 of a little boy named Jo UNICEF and his meeting with BY LYNNE WOLFSON ancient Greek Gaia, the BY JESSICA MANKOWSKI Grade 3 word for the Earth who Grade 5 is also very ill. Wow! Did we ever have a On November 11, the child- super Hallowe'en here at GRADE 5 NEWS ren of First Avenue School First Avenue School! BY ANDREW GALLEY all went to the gym for The costumes were really Grade 5 an assembly for Remembrance Junior Soccer House League great, but UNICEF was by Day. The Junior Choir, Champs: Back row l-r Jane far one of our most popular On November 20th and directed by Mrs. Darwood, Maxwell, Melanie Lithwick, Hallowe'en activities. November 21st, the students sang "Une Colombe" and "I Kelly Bradley; Middle aow: This year about 350 of Room 308 at First Ave- am But a Small Voice". The Charles Hatry, Jonathan Bow- students from First Avenue nue School held a "Book whole school stood up and er, Matthew Hoye; Front Row: School collected $1,221.07 Fair", publicizing the sang "Un Canadien Errant" Nicholas Wilson (captain), for the United National new arrivals at First and "0 Canada". Then there Steve Kauk. International Children's Avenue School Library. It was a mime and a minute Emergency Foundation, or of silence.

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December 13, 1991 Glebe Report 23 SCHOOL NEWS Snakeman visits Mutchmor Recently the Snakeman, Joseph Kollmar, graced the halls of Mutchmor with a selection of his reptilian friends. This afforded the MEXICAN FOOD students an opportunity to learn something about C44044.viA 94'e the Snakeman's rather un- GLEBE 236-9499 usual pets as well as 895 Bank St. Ottawa some hands on interaction. I am told that everyone DOWS LAKE 234-8156 from the kindergarten PAVILION, Ottawa children to the Vice-Prin- cipal had a chance to stroke WEST END 722-4692 these creatures. Two first 975 Richmond Rd. Ottawa hand reports from the stu- DOWNTOWN 234-7044 dents in Miss Durnin's 207 Rideau St., Ottawa grade 3/4 class follow.

BY STEPHANIE SCHREINER Remembrance Day I like snakes, but when Stephanie Schreiner, Michael, Fraser and Lyming Huang. BY JOHN ELLIS they stick their scary Remembrance Day was a tongues out I get nervous. BY JACK meaningful experience for It was fun when the Snake- VANDERKAMP the Children at Mutchmor man came. Some snakes were Hi I'm Jack. There is a School. Classroom discus- put around the girls' necks, very big and sions and related activities another tried to build a dangerous python were followed up by an as- nest in someone's hair. The around my neck. Lyming sembly at 11:00 o'clock on Snakeman brought in a boa was scared but not November 11. constrictor. That's the anymore. Snakes are my All the classes sat in a one that is in the picture. favourite kind of animal.- Snakes, snakes,S circle and watched as stu- There 'Were about. 6 or .7_ snakes,''I dents'placed snakes. Snakes are not love snakes, I wish X cduld slimY 'besideLthe- at - - keep it . made wreaths all, they are smooth , , cross in the centre. Sev- eral classes, and both will bloom choirs, made presentations Amphitheatre on the theme of war and peace. Rob Singlehurst, a student from Glebe High School, played the Last Post on the trumpet. This event. was taped for the CJOH 6:00 o'clock news. All in- Jack Vanderkamp and snake. volved found this to be a worthwhile event.

The Kelly Management Team


Architectural rendering the mini of amphitheatre. Lorne Kelly John Laframboise Peter Vallee Peter Draper Funeral Director Funeral Director Funeral Director Funeral Director BY ELIZABETH GORDON parents alike will be able Owner - President General Manager Asst. General Manager Operations Manager to sit in these pleasant Another THE KELLY FUNERAL HOMES stage of Mutchmor's surroundings. To enhance yard There is one serving your community improvement project is this further, each primary underway. A mini amphithea- 235-6712 student brought a bulb to Canadian-Independent tre and planters have been plant in the new planter on constructed in the primary November 27. Spring of '92 yard near the new play stru- should find the primary cture. Both children and yard blossoming in colour. MALPASS LAW OFFICE GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW & Musician visits school FAMILY MEDIATION SERVICES' BY ELIZABETH GORDON how he became involved PEGGY MALPASS, RA LLB with a band. He played for BARRISTER SOLICITOR Recently Tom Soublikis NOTARY PUBLIC the children on his visited Mutchmor's Grade 2 clarinet & 3 classes; Tom is one of and saxaphone and then took the musician's for Sharon, the instruments apart to SUITE 330 - 440 LAURIER AVE. WEST TEL, (613) 235-8274 OTTAWA, ONTARIO K1R 7X6 FAX: (613) 230-7356 Lois and Bram. He gave the show how they worked. This students a presentation was especially interesting for the about being a musician and students. December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 24 SCHOOL NEWS Glashan's Cross Country runners excel

(6th-Intermediate) spear- In six weeks, 59 runners headed the Glashan girls. averaged over 50 km each Some other outstanding in supervised practice. Glashan runners were: Elea- Athletes met at Central nor Waslander (10th-Inter- Park at least three mornings mediate), Xiaotien Wang a week to run distances (10th-Senior), Deepee of 1.8 to 5 km to build Khosla (2nd-Bantam), Adam speed and endurance. McIssac (2nd-Intermediate), "Although the team had Jeremy McCann (3rd-Inter- its share of gifted ath- mediate). letes, most were average In the Grade 4-6 Meet, runners who worked hard four of Glashan's eight throughout the season and runners claimed top 10 did not give up," Bates medals. In the Junior Girls says. Age 10 Category, Kate Pulman "Glashan staff act as Q,) claimed the 3rd place medal role models for our runners," she states. "Teachers Peggy and Sandra Keith finished Cumming, Janet Clarke, Glenn in the 7th spot. Patrick Kletke, and Deirdre McKie . Dolan (2nd place) and are recreational and com- Patrick Thomas (9th place) petitive runners in their led the boys in the Age 114 own right. They encourage GZashan's seven Grade 6 runners cZaim four top ten medals Category. by example. They show stu- in ORE Grades 4-6 Cross Country Meet. From Z to r.. back: "Our success is partly dents how to get maximum Pat Dolan, Chris MiZne, Michelle Romance, Christina due to our recruitment benefit from training and Chowaniec. Front: Pluman, Kate Sandra Keith, Pat Thomas. and training program that help them experience the caters to runners BY JIM BENNETT tition, Adane Gebremedhin of var- joy of running." smashed the Intermediate ied abilities," says Cindi Bates, who is also a Glashan runners seized Boys 3K record in 11:05 min. Bates, Physical Education veteran competitive runner 17 top ten medals in Ottawa and Matt Duetta captured teacher and head coach. "We adds, "Several Glashan Board of Education Cross- the Gold Medal in the Senior invited novice as well as students (and staff) com- Country Meets staged at the Boys Race in a record 10:53 experienced runners to peted in the 5K 'For Women Terry Fox Complex in October. min. Alexandra Glover (2nd- join our club. This year Only' and 8K 'Beat Beethoven' In the Grade 7-8 Compe- Senior) and Jennifer Lahey Glashan fielded its largest road races prior to the team ever." OBE meets. Students support youth drug treatment centre BY JIM BENNETT lescent treatment facility. "Glashan's walkathon was The building fund for the a first," said Lynn Grishko Ottawa-Carleton Youth Drug S.H.O.U.T. coordinator, who and Alcohol Residential accepted the donation in a Treatment Facility received student assembly November a $5,500 boost from Glashan 1st. "It obviously worked Intermediate Public School and was a huge success." students and staff. You have shown how a To raise the money, the school and community can Glashan community staged work together. With support a 7K sponsored walkathon like yours, we will reach along the on our goal," she stated. October 31. Almost 3000 Ottawa-Carle- The fundraising walk was ton youths under 18 need approved by the Ottawa Board residential treatment for of Education as part of the severe substance abuse region's S.H.O.U.T. (Students problems. The Glashan com- Helping Out) campaign. About munity hopes its contri- 300 educational centres bution will challenge other are involved in the cam- schools in Eastern Ontario Glashan students conduct Hallowe'en walkathon aZong Rideau paign that hopes to contri- to participate in fund- Canal to raise funds for Ottawa-Carleton Residential Drug bute toward the $2.5 million raising events for the re- Treatment Centre. required to build the ado- sidence.

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December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 25 .a.P.HOOL .NEWS Corpus Christi School Multicultural feast BY VINCENT IOZZO the culmination of the On December 13th Corpus luncheon. NEW OVERNIGHT Our newly acquired Christi School celebrated vermi- composter helped to WINTER PARKING the diverse cultural back- dispose of any organic waste grounds of our students. that REGULATIONS remained. 1L_ The entire student body, In order to assist maintenance crews in carrying out snow plowing Many hours of work teachers, trustees, and were operations effectively and efficiently, regulations with respect to required to make such in school board guests were an overnight winter parking are contained the City's and Region's event a success. Many Traffic and Parking By-laws.Once a forecast of 7 cms or more of served a lunch comprised thanks to Suzette Burns, who snow has been received, "PARKING ON REGIONALANDCITY of foods from around the organized the event, STREETSWILLBE PROHIBITED BETWEEN1 A.M.AND7A.M." world. The menu included to Valerie Cole and Josephine "WHATTHISMEANSTOYOU" delicacies from Canada, Aprile who assisted in sel- Overnight Parking Prohibition: Italy, the Middle East, ecting the menu, and to the The overnight winter parking ban will be enforced whenever a snow Eastern Europe, South East of 7 centimeters or more has been FORECAST. At many Embassies that donated accumulation Asia, and Central America. these times motorists will have to find alternative off-street parking. posters and information (Residential permit parkers exempt) A rainforest fruit table was about their countries. Vehicles parked in violation of the overnight ban will be ticketed $20. Snow Plowing Operations: Motorists are prohibited, at all times, from interfering with snow plows Students participate in Jason Project during the actual plowing operation. (Residential permit parkers are NOT exempt). The Department will attempt to advise residents, via From uncover historical dis- December 2nd to 14th courtesy public service announcements, of impending snow plowing coveries. live broadcasts will be Grade 6 students operations, based on a forecast of 7 cms or more of snow. However, transmitted via satellite from Corpus Christi are very residents are reminded that even though the City will attempt to issue from the Galapagos Island excited about the oppor- public service announcements, RESIDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE to the EDS Learning Studio tunity to participate in FOR KEEPING INFORMED OF THE FORECAST AND ENSURING at 150 Metcalfe St. Stu- this Project. Learning can THAT THEY FIND ALTERNATE OFF-STREET PARKING WHEN A dents will be able to ob- be exciting, it can be fun, SNOWSTORM IS ANTICIPATED. serve scientists, geologists, and it can be outside the Vehicles interfering with snow plows will be ticketed $53. and naturalists explore and classroom. Snow Removal Operations; During snow removal operations, where snowbanks are loaded onto trucks and hauled away following the storm, the City will continue to place courtesy No Parking, Snow Removal" signs on the street prior P.T.A. news to the clean-up.Vehicles interfering with snow removal equipment will be ticketed $65 and towed to a nearby street. BY BARB WESTWICK Blessed Sacrament Church. to 24 Hour 564-1111 The Christmas season is Thanks Monseigneur Information fast approaching and the Corkery for allowing us to M.J.E. Sheflin D.G. Curry use these facilities. This Commissioner of Transportation Commissioner of Engineering and Works students at Corpus Christi Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton Corporation of the City of Ottawa event calls for a number will be participating in a variety of activities. of volunteers. If you can On December 8th,Mme.Joyal, help out, please contact the or the with a group of her students, school P.T.A. will be singing Christmas On November 21st 48 Carols at St. Patrick's children were confirmed at Church. Blessed Sacrament Church. A reception followed with Mrs. Mauger's grade 6 class continue their com- approximately 200 in atten- CHILDREN'S BOUTIQUE munity service work. They dance. Thanks to Bishop have been collecting contri- O'Brien, the Church, CWL, Exclusive European Lines butions of canned goods for parents, volunteers and SIZES 0-16 - BOYS & GIRLS months and will be deliver- Mary Katherine Whelan for ing these items to the making this a night to Shepherds of Good Hope. remember. Pre-Christmas Sale The morning of December The teachers, students 18th promises to be a fun- and members of the P.T.A. filled wish all of you a very % time for our primary grade students. A sleigh Merry Christmas. ride around the Glebe AWARDS OFF (sponsored by the P.T.A., 25 school and parent contri- Congratulations to the ON ALL HOLIDAY butions) has been scheduled. following students for win- The children are busily ning awards for "Extra OUTFITS practising their carolling Effort" during the month skills so be prepared to of November: Jasmine Billings Bridge Plaza hear some great singing as Campbell, Stephen Rebeiro, Main Floor they ride around the block: Brendan Hodgins, Jonathan Later everyone will be Cuison, Janeta Odstrcilik, 2269 Riverside Dr. treated to a hot dog lunch. Leslie Murphy, Meoldie Ottawa, Ontario Our two fundraising events Grealy-Fredette, Robyn have been hits. The neon Chomyshyn, Lena Abraham, KiH 8K2 gloves sold out two within Loni Prevost, Faddy Zein, days and the gift wrap was Danny Hayes. a great success. Thanks to Beautiful all who participated. There will be a P.D. Day selection of We're in the planning December 20th. stages for our Annual Winter Holiday Lines Carnival which will be held on February 10th. This for Boys & Girls year the Carnival will be held in the basement of TEL. 738-9219 December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 26 SCHOOL NEWS Hopewell P.S. Sports beat BY TYLER WOYIWADA Glebe Fashion Cleanerst. October must have been /.4. Hopewell's lucky month. 35 Years in the Glebe They participated in four events. Starting with girls touch football, they won two games and lost two games for a third place Extend finishing. On the team, there was Jennifer Pouliotte Natasha Walker, Cassie Season's Seaborn, Anne Macdonnell, Lisa O'Connor, Jenny Greetings Lochhead, Emily Depew, Shanley Marsh, Linsey Bennet, Carley McQuaig to all 4$# and Angela Strange (quarter- Wendy Jermyn, Bantam winner back). The tournament was played at J.H.Putman on In the Intermediate girls October 24. Jenny Lochhead category, Katie Kirby took for the the number three spot. accounted most Have your clothes professionally cleaned at points. She kicked a point In Senior girls, Karen in the last play of the Johnson got seventh place. first game to win it 1 to The junior Hopewell Glebe Fashion Cleaners soccer members were O. Linsey Bennet got two team For Professional Care crowned B division city interceptions and Natasha 829-831 Bank St. 235-9776 blocked several touch- wide champions. Congratu- down passes. lations to: Anna Singer, Visa, MasterCard & Annerican Express The Intermediate Cross- Russel Beattie, Courtney We accept Disher, Muray Devuell, 7-10 Country Meet was a huge Jess success: Hopewell brought Katie Black, Fletcher, Melanie Trantner, Scott back 12 medals! In the Willis, Pirker, .40*--404,4404444.0t-viii,f Bantam boys, Michael Swin- Rebecca Staples, Emma burne placed 1st, Matthew Tristan Gordon Lincez-5th, Gavin Paton- Staples, McMillan, 7th and Travis Grymes-8th. Mark Tsching. They played in a tourna- In the Bantam girls, RIVERSIDE ment with twenty teams TRAVEL MEDICINE CLINIC Wendy Jermyn was 1st, Andrea Cron-4th, Angela taking part. The team lost Strange-6th and Monica one game, won four and tied BEFORE YOU TRAVEL: FOR AN APPOINTMENT one. In the finals, they Dingle-8th. WITH PHYSICIAN/NURSE beat Viscount Alexander - immunizations In the Intermediate boys CALL 4 to 1, and then beat 733-5553 category, Paul Osepchuck - anti-malaria medication Woodroffe 3 to 1 for a was 4th and Samuel Hubert well earned victory. RIVERSIDE PROFESSIONAL CENTRE came 7th. - counselling 1919 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, SUITE 411 Lady Evelyn School News and Technology. For several lives on. The children BY MARTHA BOWERS weeks the sounds of mooing, have transformed the Borden oinking, clucking and Another school has ap- high school into their own baaing were Mr. peared on the fringes of space with animals, both heard. LAWYERS came the Glebe. This summer Lady wild and domestic, roaming Patterson, a farmer, to the school and was Evelyn Alternative School along the hall walls, class- surprised to learn THOMAS AND WINSHIP moved across the canal rooms alive with colour how much our urban children to the Borden facility on and learning activities know about life on a farm. Seventy years of service in the Cambridge Street at Bronson and the greenhouse begin- In integrating French into Ottawa community. Avenue. The relocation is ning to sprout and bloom -- the curriculum, the "French expected to last a year in November! We are also Soup Day" (La journée General practice including: while the old school is sharing the facility with française de la soupe) being torn down and re- the Carleton Preschool and Real Estate was a huge success. built on Evelyn Street, Summit, an intermediate Wills/Estates It's been a very busy off Main. alternative school. In an Small Business semester. The witches, Can you imagine a whole attempt to adapt our needs ghosts and turtles of school -- books, furniture, to the new surroundings, 251 Bank Street, Suite 303 Hallowe'en have come and art supplies, classroom parent volunteers succeeded Ottawa, Ontario gone and the Holiday mascots, computers, every- in moving the play struc- K2P 1X3 Magic Sale has set the mood thing! -- being packed up ture from the old school for Christmas. Can you and unpacked? Needless to to make the asphalt play- believe that the first Tel: (613) 235-6721 say, teachers, parents and ground more suitable for parent-teacher interviews students were in rather a small children. Co-oper- are already over! We're frenzy last June, but now ation and voluntarism con- looking forward to a won- everyone and everything tinue to thrive. derful winter of learning, (almost) has been enscon- theme this year The Fall and growing and sharing, ced in temporary quarters. Visits was agriculture. starting with a special Despite the large and Experi- were made to the workshop and concern by Please support very linear new building, Log Farm mental Farm, the Dario Domingues on Dec- the spirit of Lady Evelyn the Museum of Science our advertisers and ember 19.

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 27 SCHOOL NEWS Glebe Collegiate Institute Backstage Theatre a successful tradition Boys". expectedly at the door of The first play, "The Nat Ackerman, played by Melville Boys", was written Sterling Lynch, to take him by Norm Foster and was dir- to the happy hunting ground. ected by Glebe drama teacher Also in the cast were Mar- Jocelyn Rheaume who was jorie Rabow and Fraser assisted by student Erin Robinson. Ahern. The play introduces Backstage has a reputation us to two brothers, Lee at Glebe for delivering out- and Owen Melville, played standing entertainment and by Jonathan Williams and this was certainly true Ryan Greenacre, who have this year. All four nights gone up to the family cot- were almost sold out to tage to get away from it all mainly student audiences. While there they meet two Backstage couldn't happen sisters, Loretta and Mary, without the help of the played by Alixe Cram and stage crew. The Stage Manager Mariela Bazan, and that's Zoe Morrison, is a student Ryan Greenacre proposes marriage to Alise Grain where the fun begins. in her last year at Glebe. in "The Melville Boys" at Backstage Theatre. After intermssion, the The rest of the crew in- Backstage has traditionally second play of the evening cluded Jan Strahl, Kate BY MARIELA BAZAN presented four one act "Amelia Earhart Was Not A MacDonnel, Stephanie Vezina, Backstage Theatre has be- plays. However, this year, Spy", began. This play, Mal Fraser, Aimee Kennedy, come a tradition at Glebe the Drama Club opted to written by Colleen Curran, Peggy Frith, Grace Sohmer, Collegiate. This year, the present three plays, a long- was directed by student Justin Leus, James Casey, Draina Club presented three er first play followed by Naomi DeVille. The lives of Matthew and Zac Patterson. plays during a four night two, short, one act plays two room mates, Hilary and These students were in- run from November 26 to 29. after intermission. Kevin, played by Pam Steeves dispensable in putting on The "backstage" stage is Opening Night was re- and Mike Sims, are disrupted these plays. set up to allow the audience served for graduating stu- when Hilary becomes engaged Backstage '91 marks the to be closer to the action. dents and staff. At Inter- to another man, Chester, last Drama Club production to Large, black flats are set mission, the audience en- played by Josh Lovejoy. be led by teacher Jocelyn up along what would normally joyed dessert and coffee Finally, the last play, Rheaume. She has been ac- be the edge of the stage. in the careteria. This event, "Death Knocks", was written tively involved in super- Directly in front of these organized by the Grad Com- by Woody Allen and directed vising and producing the flats is the set gild the mittee, gave staff and by OAC drama student Meagan club's work for several audience sits at the very students an opportunity to Shea. Presented on a radio years and now passes the back of the stage, hence socialize informally and stage set, Death, played opportunities to other the name. to discuss "The Melville by Alana Hock, arrives un- fortunate souls.

Debating at Glebe C.I. ****************************************** BY STERLING LYNCH AND SIMON bators, the able team of The competitors were regular games, most of the WILCOX Alex Leblanc and Mike Cassie. signed up for four differ- Beginners played about 10 We have found the Debating ent levels; advanced, ex- additional games for fun. Society to a The Glebe Debating Society be well-kept perienced, recreational and The sponsors of the tour- meets Tuesdays at lunch. secret at Glebe and are beginners. Play started nament were the RA Centre Should someone dare to step avidly working to encourage at 9:00 a.m. and continued Chess Club and the Ottawa more students to join the into one of our meetings, to 4:30 p.m. with half an Citizen. They made it a it would be hard to ignore Society and discover how hour for lunch. very good learning exper- the fact that we're all de- much fun debating can be. In the Experienced Section ience which all partici- bators, as there is always Interested students should Wei Yui won six, and lost pants enjoyed. a "discussion" going on. see Mr. Adams, the teacher one, Aria Kasray won four, The Society has a distin- advisor, for more infor- lost one and tied two, and guished reputation and many mation. Thuc Ngugen won four, lost of it's members are accom- Some of our future goals two and tied one. These plished debators. An example include a Glebe-run tour- three students made up is Alan Middleborough, who nament and we are currently Glebe's advanced team and placed sixth at the National looking for sponsors. tied for first place. In Competition last year. We the Recreational Section, also have some great up Mario Radnovnikovic won and coming debators who Glebe's Chess Club seven games, lost one and deserve mention including tied one to win his section. Amelia Sheppard, John does well in In the Beginners Section Lindsay, Melanie Mason and Regional tournament everybody played 12 ccm- Katherine Vant. ,petitive games. Brian Barret At the Nepean Novice Tour- BY JOHN LINDSAY won the C Division, in a nament, three of our de- field of 22 competitors, On Friday, November 15th, bators placed in the top and John Lindsay finished six members of the Glebe ten; Julie Shouldice, third. In addition to the Mac Harb, POW/ Député Sterling Lynch and Simon Chess Club and Mr. Neimanis, Ottawa Centre Wilcox. The beginners team staff advisor, found their way to the RA Centre by Working for you! of Freida Abtan and Simon Travaillant pour vous! Wilcox will also be attend- 8:30 a.m. to compete in the ing the high caliber invi- Regional Chess Tournament. ** Constituency / Comté ** tational tournament at Mc- There were teams from the 710 Somerset W/O Gill University, in Montreal. Ottawa and Carleton Boards 992-7191 The Society is currently of Education and one team chaired by two veteran de- from Montreal.

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 28 SCHOOL NEWS Glebe athletics in the fall week-end in a Toronto Ghadban, Brian Thrasher season with an 8-0-1 record. BY MARK DAZE tournament. Although they and Mark Dazé. The off- The coaching staff led ensive line which aver- In the first semester lost both games, the by former Glebe player aged a combined weight Glebe Team accomplishments team played well and should Tristano Raponi did a of 265 pounds led the took an upswing. do well in the National tremendous job this season. Capital schedule. way for a solid ground Congratulations to all. GIRLS BASKETBALL attack, dominating the 27 - St. Pius defence. Both the junior and senior GLEBE GRYPHONS :s1 Running back Angelo teams made it to the city ST. PIUS X-MEN 6 Cinel was the sole finals but unfortunately For the first time since star for last year's lost to Lisgar and Ashbury 1978, the Glebe Collegiate champions, rushing for respectively. The senior senior football team are 144 yards on 15 carries, girls then lost to St. Pius City champions. The game, scoring their only in the National Capital played at Minto Field under touchdown late in the "AAA" school final. wintery conditions, was to amal game. St. Pius record- be a battle of the unbeatens, ed 8 turnovers and BOYS SENIOR VOLLEYBALL with the winning team claim- various penalties that ing the title. The 1990 champions were had put them in a hole Glebe fullback Rob La- dethroned in this years they could not get out tulippe stole the show by semi-finals by Samuel Genest of. The dominant Glebe rushing for 143 yards on High School. Glebe had a defence did not allow 14 carries, good enough for 2-0 game lead before losing St. Pius to move the ) two touchdowns and the ;*- 3 straight games to the ball in any effective games MVP award. The ex- subsequent finalists. Most manner with great plays Wishing you a plosive Glebe offence led of this year's team will be such as that by Sinh by Quarterback Tony Canonice, Merry Christmas and= returning next year. Lyi, who stripped the had great use of all the ball from a St. Pius weapons at its disposal. a Happy New Year SENIOR BOYS' BASKETBALL returner and ran it Running back Alphonso Capretta back for Glebe's This years team is pre- rushed for 76 - yards on 14 other touchdown. Chris sently ranked number one carries and slotback Dom in Nelson rounded out the after successful starts Tomei had 40 yards of 4 scoring with two 683 Bank Street the Glebe Invitational and carries. Latulippe was field goals, two con- (at Clemow) Referee's Tournaments. quick to credit the huge verts and an 85 yard The team also experienced offensive line of Lave 234-5223 kickoff single. basketball at its best last Lund, Abdeen Wahab, Ahmet Glebe finished the Free Parking

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December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 29 OBSERVATION POST A tribute to Dmitri Shostakovich celebrate the victory of the tonal ambivalence." After The third movement (of U.S.S.R. in the war with Stalin's death in 1953 this the Eighth Quartet) is a the Germans. Stalin, ex- affirmation of personality light statement in 3/4 time pecting a majestic, trium- began to appear in previously of DSCH, in a mocking, sat- phal work was furious with hidden works and in new ones. inci tone. In the fourth Shostakovich for this jolly Shostakovich starts his movement three strokes re- symphony shot full of sar- Eighth Quartet with a slow peated introduce violence casm and bitterness. statement of this "mono- again. This is followed by Much more touching and gram", DSCH, then a thin the intoning of the lament impressive was the first chromatic descent and rise of which Shostakovich wrote piece, the Chamber Symphony on the violin, like screams, in his memoirs. The last arranged from the famous followed by a lament. The movement is a fugue on DSCH. and popular Eighth String second movement is a direct Robert Stradling further Quartet of 1960. In his mem- evocation of the bombing. states "Even before the full oirs the composer says many Suddenly there appears twice revelations of the major of his works are "tombstones" a subject some of us have Death Camps emerged, Shos- to the memory of people who heard before in another work, takovich paid tribute in died and were buried in unknown the Piano Trio, Opus 67, his Piano Trio (1944) to places, both in war and at the last movement, a rousing those slaughtered by the SS the hands of Stalin Jewish dance. The composer at Majdanek in the Ukraine. "when I wrote the Eighth says of this theme as Both here, and in the Eighth Quartet, it was...assigned "recycled" here: Quartet (where the 'Majdanek' to the department of "ex- theme is quoted) the resis- posing fascism." You have BY COURTNEY BOND ...I think, if we speak tance to oppression is made to be blind and deaf to of musical impressions, identical with the struggle do that, because every- Dmitri Shostakovich was that Jewish folk music has against antisemitism." thing in the quartet is a born St. in made most powerful im- The very serious state- in Petersburg clear as a I primer. quote on I 1906. He died in the Kremlin pression me. never ments that Dmitri Shosta- Lady Macbeth (of Mtsensk He is rated tire of delighting in it, kovich made in his work show Hospital in 1975. District) the First and it's multifaceted, it can his deep commitment to the as the outstanding Russian Fifth Symphonies. What composer of his generation appear to be happy while cause of his fellow humans, does fascism have to do it is tragic. It's almost reflect his bitter life. and one of the greatest of with these? The Eighth always laughter through They make his music most modern composers. The con- is an autobiographical in tears." deeply touching. ductor Yevgeny Svetlanov quartet; it quotes a a tribute at the time of his song known to all death spoke of his "unquen- Russians: 'Exhausted by the hardship chable thirst for communi- of prison'." cation with the world." He had an affinity for Dos- Critic Robert Stradling (in toevsky, for Gogol and for Shostakovich: the man and Shakespeare. A strong ten- his work, edited by Chris- dency to satire shows in his topher Norris) states "Wri- music. His deep contempt for tten as a result o: a visit anti-semitism on the part of to Dresden, the city des- the Nazis and his own country- troyed by bombing cn one men is reflected in his set- horrible night in 1945, the tings of Jewish songs of quartet illustrates a major suffering and love, and his emotional breakthrough, for use of Jewish dance tunes. it shows the composer now Shostakovich experienced able to feel for the suffer- the horror and deprivations ings of the (Cermans)". of the Great Patriotic War, Norris himself writes "The 1941-45. He was in Lenin- Eighth is...the most public grad for a time during the of the series, with its terrible siege by German literal evocation of the forces and helped dig de- Dresden bombing and its fensive works in 1941. screaming rehearsal of As we enter the festive season it is a time to remember friends The same year he wrote fragments from the wartime and acquaintances who have been helpful over the past year. This is three movements of his compositions." particularly true for me because of 1991 being an election year and the long Seventh Symphony assistance I received in my bid to be re-elected to the Ottawa Board of there before being sent off Education. Many people helped in a variety of ways: flyer distribution, to Kuibyshev to finish it Pitch notation: D (E)S C H displaying of posters and lawn signs, monetary donations, etc., etc. Composer's name: Dmitri SCHostakowitsch in safety. The war exper- (Notation and name expressed in German) It all added up to a successful campaign. I am grateful and will ience, endeavour to represent in a together with the Derivation of monogram DSCH caring and efficient manner not only execution of friends during Centretown, The Glebe and Ottawa South, but the system as a whole. the Stalin reign of terror, One major aspect of the We are facing an uncertain future in Canada-Ontario generally and marked his work heavily. work is the composer's Ottawa specifically. It will truly be a challenge to deliver quality programs at At times he came under signature, the use of the reasonable cost ... not an easy balance with an expected erosion of the tax base. It is my intent to keep severe criticism, felt his notes DSCH (D, E-flat,C,B,). you well informed. life threatened. This Germanic rendition is Thank you for your support. Our family wishes your family the Maxim Shostakovich, son like the homage composers best in the coming year. of the composer, conducted paid to the greatest of the National Arts Centre Or- the Baroque creators of music chestra in Ottawa on October by use of the notes BACH, 16 and 17 in a programme of (H being B natural). Robert four Russian works, includ- Dearling in the Norris book Brian McGarry ing two by his father. The says "Fortuitously, this second of these was the 1945 phrase in isolation holds Ninth Symphony, written to a dark threat in its tragic December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 30 IF YOU HAVE NEWS Call the Editor at 233-6063 or write to the GLEBE REPORT P.O. Box 4794, Station E. Ottawa K1S 5H9 WORDS Programmes at South Branch Ottawa Public Library BY PAMELA ROSOLEN BOOKS The South Branch Library staff join me in wishing our CHILDREN'S community a very joyous Christmas season. For those of you We Offer You: whose holiday plans include relaxing at home with a good Service - Friendly staff with book, perhaps in front of a blazing fire, please re- children's book knowledge; member that all Ottawa Public Libraries will be closed free Special Order service; computerized for quick reference from 4:00 p.m. Tuesday December 24 until 9:30 a.m. Fri- SeIection - Over 8,000 titles and day December 27. Please plan to stock up on your read- growing Quality - We personally review ing material early. The Library will keep regular each book for entertainment and educational value hours from December 27 until December 31, when we will Price- Publishers suggested price; no premium pricing close at 4:00 p.m., opening again at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday January 2. 801 Bank Street 563-3809 Open Sundays The top ten requested titles in the Ottawa Public Library system this month are the following: As the Crow Flies Jeffrey Archer Mulroney: The Politics of Ambition John Sawatsky The Sum of all Fears Tom Clancy The Kitchen God's Wife Amy Tan Season's Scarlett Alexandra Ripley Me Katherine Hepburn Greetings Nancy Reagan Kitty Kelley from Night Over Water Ken Follett A Year In Provence Peter Mayle JEFF HOOPER Toujours Provence Peter Mayle Associate Broker CH IL DREN ' S PROGRAMMES 563-1155 (24 Hours) Children ages 4 to 8 are invited to bring an ornament to hang on the library tree on Saturday December 14. Our Christmas Tree Decorating Party will include Christmas CONSIDERING A REAL ESTA TE crafts and films. Please plan to attend and please pre- register. CHANGE IN 1992? LET'S TALK! Babes in the Library, Time For Twos and Preschool METRO-CITY REALTY LTD., REALTOR Storytime continue until the week of December 16th. RE/MAX Saturday stories and films will be held on December 28.

Vt ''.74:*tkK e reel , , ,m Growing to Serve You

The Ottawa Board of Education is growing to meet the educational challenge. With new programs, equipment and schools, we are providing students with the tools they will need to be contributing members of society.

Donna Belanger, Principal, Churchill Alternative School Ross Maxwell, Principal, Robert Bateman Public School

ChurchillAlternativeSchool Sherrill Ryan, Principal, Grant Alternative School Robert Bateman Public School The Board decided in the fall of 1989 that the The new school located at 1250 Blohm Drive is designed Churchill Alternative School building, 345 Ravenhill Grant Alternative School as a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 Dual-Stream Pro- Avenue, be replaced. A new building was gram with a student capacity of 600. A planned Grant Public School, 2720 Richmond Road, day-care facility which was carefully located on the old site to is also available. Construction was best closed in June 1988 and opened again in Septem- completed at the end utilize the limited site area and of December 1990 and classes began in maximize the play- ber 1991 to take the overflow of students from the new building ground area while providing a modern school in January 1991. facility. Churchill Alternative School. The school opened C'iurchill opened its doors on September 3, 1991. its doors with 135 Junior Kindergarten to Grade Three hundred and forty-six students are presently 6 students in September to help accommodate enrolled in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6. the rapidly expanding alternative program. For more information: 239-2312

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report 31 CHURCH NEWS

Glebe Churches Glebe St. James Special Christmas Services Blue Christmas Service It seems we are expected to will be a time to acknowledge CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (Roman Catholic) be happy at Christmas, but a "Blue Christmas." Tuesday, December 24: Masses - 9:00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. for many, Christmas also bri- Be with us to share prayers & Midnight ngs sadness. Perhaps somethingscrip ture and music that Mass in Hungarian - 10:00 p.m. sad has happened in your life;God's light may came into Christmas Day - 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. it may be memories of happier our darkness. Mass in Hungarian - 12:15 p.m. times; you may not even know There will be a brief Sacrament of Reconciliation - as usual why you feel sad. time for light refreshments Fri. Dec. 20 at 4:30 p.m. You are not alone. Many after the Service. Sat. Dec. 21 at 4:00 p.m. people feel that way. The go- Christmas Service Times: Mon. & Tues. Dec. 23 & 24 at 8:30 a.m. spel of Jesus Christ can Dec. 22nd, 4:30 p.m. Tues. Dec. 24 - 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. speak to our sorrow. Blue Christmas You are invited to a Dec. 24th, 5:00 p.m. Family F(FTH AVENUE FREE METHODIST CHURCH special service on Sunday, Worship Fifth Avenue at Monk Street December 22nd at 4:30 p.m. Dec. 24th, 11:00 p.m. Com- Sunday, December 15 - 5:30 p.m. Children's Christmas in the Chapel of Glebe-St. munion Service Service James United Church. It Sunday, Decerilber 22 - 6:30 p.m. Youth Christmas Service RAINBOW VILLAGE FOURTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Fourth Avenue at Bank Street, 236-1804 Family Fun Centre Saturday December 21 - 7 p.m. Carol Sing Sunday December 22 - 11 a.m. Christmas Music Service Flea Market Tuesday December 24 - 7 p.m. Family Candelight Service rAIIMYrfl ErNM .111 rit: l Immn GLEBE-ST. JAMES UNITED CHURCH Sunday, December 22 - 4:30 p.m. Blue Christmas 5:00 p.m. Family Worship December 13 - March 20, 1992 11:00 p.m. Holy Comunion

ST. MATTHEW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Christmas Eve - 7:00 p.m. Family Eucharist (Tues. Dec. 24) (Blessing of the Chêche) 10:30 p.m. Christmas Carols 11:00 p.m. Choral Eucharist Christmas Day - 10:00 a.m. Family Eucharist (Wed. Dec. 25)

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December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 32 CHURCH NEWS The significance of God's time THE GLEBE CHURCHES WELCOME YOU after BY CAROL HOTTE year, and we antici- CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (Roman Catholic) pate, we sing beautiful Fourth Avenue at Percy Street 232-4891 "Only N more shopping days hymns, and we dress the Parish Clergy: Msgr. David Corkery, Pastor until Christmas:" How often creche. But the irony is Rev. Jonas Santah In Residence do we hear the countdown only partial for the event Rev. Dr. Leslie Laszlo, 233-8603 for and wonder how the world's is kairos, in God's time Hungarian Community conception of what Christ- and as such, despite our Rev. Leo Charlebois Weekend Associate mas should be has anything expectations, our history 9:00 AM, 4:30 PM to do with the reality of Masses: Saturday: with our God has shown that Sunday: 9:00 AM 11:00 AM the birth of our Lord. Dec- we must always be ready for 12:15 (in Hungarian). ember 1 was the first Sun- the unexpected, that we only (Loop System for the hearing impaired). day of Advent, the first think we know how its EGLISE CHRIST-ROI liturgical season of our going to end. 254 rue Argyle 233-3202 new Church year. Like Lent, In participating in the Pasteur: Jacques Faucher it is a season on prepâra- unique event, there is a Messe: dimanche a 10h00 tion, a time for self-exam- poignancy, a richness for Confessions: 30 minutes avant la messe ination during which each us, for we do so with the one of us explores our re- FIFTH awareness that it is this AVENUE FREE METHODIST CHURCH lationship with God, with Fifth Avenue at Monk Christ child who has trans- Street 233-1870 Jesus, and with one Pastor: Rev. Christopher B. Walker another. formed our present lives But Advent is shorter than Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:30 AM and is the reason for our Lent, and in the reality Morning Worship 11:00 AM membership in the Christian of the rush and pressures Evening Fellowship 6:30 PM community. We enter into of the Christmas celebra- the story aware of the full FOURTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH tion, its meaning can be- impact of the birth, life, Fourth Avenue at Bank Street 236-1804 come lost to different death, and resurrection of Minister: E. J. Cox priorities. Christ. It is the Easter Sunday Services: Morning Worship 11:00 AM The new Archbishop of event, God having raised Canterbury, George Carey, Jesus from the dead, the GLEBE-ST. JAMES UNITED CHURCH in his book I believe, de- Lyon Street at First priceless gift of our sal- Avenue 236-0617 scribes Advent as a remind- Pastors: Ann vation, that moves us to Woodland and Jack Nield er of the significance of Sunday Services: New Ventures in Celebration 9:30 AM give such thanks for the God's time. He states that (Family Service) birth of the Son. In many in the Bible, there are two Worship 11:00 AM ways, the preparation for words used for time, words Christian Development Program (3-13) this advent is also a that refer to two very dif- preparation for another ex- ferent concepts. The first ST. MATTHEW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH (handicapped accessible pected advent, the arrival (Glebe near Bank) word, chronos, is applied from the parking lot) of our Risen Lord. Sunday Services to ordinary time--the past, Only N more days until 8 AM 10 AM 12 noon Rector: the present and the future, The Rev. Canon Christmas, but they can be- Weekday Eucharists as in "chronological time." Lydon McKeown come days of great rich- Assistant: The second word, kairos, The Rev. Carol ness if we allow ourselves Thursday 10:00 a.m. Hotte Carey writes, is used " to experience the love God Counselling by Appointment 234-4024 describe God's breaking into Loop has for us, to think about system for the hearing impaired our time and history to Jesus and how He gives bring God's salvation. THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) meaning to our lives, and Through Christ, God has made 91 A Fourth Avenue 232-9923 especially to consider our sense of time, and the mo- Clerk: Dana Mullen relationships with our ment of God's "breaking in" Outreach: Constance Mungall brothers and sisters. The becomes the moment for hu- Helen Thomas Glebe Ministerial wishes Sunday Service: manity of discovery, hope, 10:30 AM you God's blessings at and salvation. Advent also this special season as you OTTAWA CHINESE BIBLE CHURCH reminds us that through journey with one another, Bank Street at Fourth Avenue (Fourth Ave Baptist) Christ this world has a awaiting with full and joy- Pastor: David Pan 232-5211 destiny because God has ous hearts the arrival of Sunday Service: Worship: 9:00 AM poured into it God's hope. our Lord. Sunday School 11:00 AM. The irony of Advent for us is that we know how it's Carol Hotte is Assistant OTTAWA CHINESE UNITED CHURCH going to all turn out. We Curate at St. Matthew's 600 Bank Street 594-4571 have heard the story year Anglican Church. Minister: Rev. Wing Mak SundaysServices: Sunday School 9:30 AM Bilingual Service 11:00 AM OTTAWA DEAF FELLOWSHIP DAVID BRAULT Fifth Avenue at Monk Street Minister: Pastor Dick Foster Sunday GENERAL CONTRACTING Services: Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM LTD. Total Communication

ST. GILES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bank Street at First Avenue 235-2551 Minister: Rev. Duncan Kennedy Sunday Service: Worship 11:00 AM Church School 11:15 AM ANNUNCIATION TO THE THEOTOKOS/ST. NICHOLAS ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CATHEDRAL 55 Clarey Avenue 236-5596 Parish Clergy: Bishop Seraphin (Storheim) 233-0999 Father John Scratch 1-658-2901 Vespers: Saturday 6:30 PM (English) Divine Liturgy: Sunday 10:00 AM (English & Slavonic)

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 33 SPORT

Women on skis Do you feel you have to suffer financially the rest of your life to make ends meet? After 8 years at the Pine- view Golf Club on Blair Road, the location for the Is inflation affecting your fixed 9th annual Women on Skis income? event is moving to Mooneys Bay, with lunch at the St. IF YOU; Elijah Centre, just across ARE HOUSE RICH AND CASH POOR, the road. The activities WANT EXTRA INCOME, will run from 9:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. on Thursday Jan- HAVE CONSIDERED SELLING YOUR HOME uary 23rd 1992. BECAUSE YOU THINK IT'S YOUR ONLY The change will accommo- Renovations ALTERNATIVE... date the needs of the inter- mediate and advanced skiers Additions THE REVERSE MORTGAGE who keep asking for more CAN challenging trails and with Custom Homes HELP!!! enough hills that the classes General Contracting What others have said about the plan: do not have to queue for the A "Our property taxes one and only. However, for Barrier-Free Retrofitting have risen again this those ladies who have never year." been on skis before and also A "I wanted to take some inflation out of my for the beginners there is home and pay it back in cash to me today." more than adequate terrain. The warm up exercises 228-8564 A "I love to garden and a condo just wouldn't will be in lesson groups this allow me to do that." year as before. The lessons will once again be given by A "We want to take that dream vacation highly qualified instructors call before we get too old to really enjoy it." for,every level of skiing JOHN or A "Our car is getting old a ability from first time on GEORGES and we need new skis to ski skating. one soon." Lunch this year will bat There are many reasons to consider a REVERSE the St. Elijah Centre, a MORTGAGE (Home Equity Plan). Enjoy relatively new faeility additional TAX FREE incometo,day and .never.. with a very good iéputation. give up ownership of your home. Lunch will be followed by a fashion show and door prizes For further information witho6t cost or The afternoon program will N.C.C. X-Country obligation contact; consist of clinics on equip- ment, waxing, a ski tour, Skiing, don't GEORGE E. PERRIN or DIANE GAUTHIER videos, and tips for the trails. pass it up! The cost for the day is Cross-country skiing $27.00 with proceeds to is almost the National Capital Division here and Gatineau Park -- 190 kilo- development fund. Last year with metres of -- we also bought some ski groomed trails LAnnuityuotatioas sets for the Christie Lake is the place to ski. Get your Boys and Girls club who have season pass by December 15th and save. 238-2311 just started a ski program. Pay only $60 for adults, Advanced registration is A Division of George E. Perrin Insurance Agency Ltd. $55 each for groups and necessary and limited to 161 Laurier Ave. W, Street Level, Ottawa, KlP 5J2 with the first 200 applicants. couples and $25 for teens In Association and is THE Th FINANCIAL GROUP Brochures will be mailed seniors. Skiing free on Thursdays. Skiers out to last year's partici- that kept pants and will be available last year's pass in area sport stores and will benefit from a $2.50 some recreation centres, rebate. at the beginning of December. Call (819) 827-2020 or For further information pick up your passes at The residents of Capital Ward: please call 749-1438, the Old Chelsea or 14 749-5544,745-7214. Metcalfe Street Visitor Thank you very much for giving Centre. me the opportunity to serve you as Councillor for Capital Ward at City Hall.

Constituency Office I look forward to the challenges that rest ahead, and I Bureau de Circonscription welcome your guidance and advice in the upcoming 407 rue Queen Street weeks and months. Ottawa, Ontario Ontario K1R 5A6 I may be contacted at City Hall (564-1308) or at home (613) 237-0212 (230-2235). FAX: (613) 237-3067 Thank you again for this honour. Evelyn Gigantes, MPP/Députée, Ottawa-Centre Jim Watson

December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 34 This space acts as a free community bulletin board. To get your message in the GRAPEVINE, please drop off your written information to the Glebe Community Centre including name, address, phone no. before the deadline date.

NOTICES NOTICES FOR SALE MISCELANEOUS SENIORS OUTREACH SERVICES *SNOW CLEARING by John Lubrun * BRIDGESTONE TIRES - 2RD MUSIC FOR CHRISTMAS, is a non-profit service Glebe specialist, Senior dis- 113's, 175/70SR13, steel- flute & piano duo for bus- belted radiais, helping seniors (living in counts, Free estimates. Call nearly iness parties to children's the community) with house- 232-1884. new, on wheels, $60.00 celebrations, 231-2340 interested cleaning, odd jobs, minor SCRABBLE PLAYERS 0.B.O. 232-6780 ARE YOU MOVING?? We have call Peter repairs & snowshovelling. in forming club, DESK: 54" x 24" top, dozens of sturdy boxes, evenings/weekends. For info., call 230-5730. 233-0063 28" high, four drawers. all sizes, perfect for *OAT FIBRE & CHOLESTEROL Kids and adult divisions Exc cond. $20. 233-1726 packing. 237-6227. are planned. evgs,weekends. STUDY. Volunteers needed "FLUFFY" affectionate BOATING ENTHUSIASTS, TWO HUMIDIFIERS with moderately elevated 235- grey & white female cat prepare your summer by 7400 evgs. cholesterol, age 18-65 yrs., needs a warm, loving home, learning "Safe Boating" for CASES OF PEANUTS in good health. Information: $25.00. 237-4899, leave message. call Dr. Obrocea 761-5082 yourself & your crew. Each case contains 25 or Dr. Braaten 761-4772, Course registrations Jan. bags, $2.00 ea if bought VOLUNTEERS Ottawa Civic Hospital 6,13 at Brookfield H.S. separately. Each bag con- THE PERLEY HOSPITAL needs & DEPRESSION & MANIC DEP- Jan 8,15 at Gloucester tails 17 small bags. Ideal caring volunteers to share RESSION MUTUAL SUPPORT H.S. 7 p.m. Ottawa Power stocking stuffers. Ph: their time, skills and GROUP, Meeting-Christmas & Sail Squadron 567-3265. Bill, 237-6365. Will talents in recreation, party Tues. Dec. 17., 7:30 WANTED deliver clerical work & nursing p.m. Southminster United PET CARRIER, durable units, 236-7171, ext. 266. *SNOW SHOVELLER FOR LONG plastic/steel Church, Bank St. & Aylmer mesh door, CAPITAL REGION RELEAF LANE, Pretoria/O'Connor area, 24" x 26" x 22", $45. Ave. Entrance: 7 Galt St. Operation Treesave needs $9.00 hr. 235-6008. Info: CMHA 737-7791. two pew benches, 54" long volunteers. SOMEONE TO SHOVEL my Meeting on Jan. THE CHIROPODY SERVICES $15 ea., portable dish- 15/92 at driveway through the winter Ottawa-Carleton of the Perley Hospital are washer, Westinghouse S-600 Ctre, 111 Lisgar 233-1695 after 5 p.m. St.,7:30 now offering appointments MG 2-speed, gold, $40. p.m. Info: HOUSE OR APT. TO SHARE 234-7817. to all Ontario residents 233-5227 Working mother w 1 yr old who require diagnosis/ SKIS, FISHER SUNRISE CHILD CARE child wishes to share house treatment of foot disorders 185 cm & boots, size 8, CHILD CARE NEEDED for or large apt with same related to disease, in- Garment and poles. Used 4-yr old twin boys, 10a.m.- (Ottawa South, Glebe area). fection and injury. For once $75.00. Ski rack for 1 p.m. in Glebe, 236-1060. Call Danielle 234-2472 info or appt ph 236-7171, jeep CJ or YJ 1985, never evgs or leave message at ext. 251. used, $50.00, 233-4699. New! for art lovers 237-0990. OTTAWA SCHOOL OF ART AN- DRY CUT WOOD $5.00 An ideal Christmas Gift NUAL CHRISTMAS ART SALE HOUSECLEANING a large bundle, 127 Third, 35 George St. until Dec. RESPONSIBLE LADY will (lower door bell, 236-8141. BRIGID MARLIN 19. Open Mon-Thurs 9-7:30, clean your house, exp. ref- SPORTS CARDS. Singles "Beckett" & Fri-Sat 9-4. Closed Sun. erences, 745-9044. (at Prices) Paintings in the Mische prawings, paintings, prints,. DO HOUSECLEANING 1 day's packs (lower than store Technique sculptures, photographs, Mon. & Fri. Contact me at prices). M & W Sportscards 236-3102. 233-5227 (ask for Greg.) etc. Free adm. Info: Carol Demonstrating the oil and egg Purdy 736-0344 or Annie WOMAN WILL DO HOUSEWORK BIKE for 4-6 year old. tempera technique of the Van Kessel 684-2627. Glebe area, 230-4258. Ex. cond. $35. Fisher Price Renaissance painters GIFT RECYCLING FAIR at HOUSE CLEANER, experience, roller skates $5. Antique good references, cranberry the Glebe Community Center avail. glass, 232-3485. With an appreciation by hall, now. Andrew 238-6265. Main Sun. Dec. 15, J. G. BALLARD 10a.m. to 3 p.m. Variety FOR RENT LOST of goods, crafts, jewellery Available for $30 at APARTMENT TO SHARE, *GOLD HOOP EARRING w. engra- & baking. Free Adm. Presen- A SOURCE OF' ART, 5th Ave. Billings Bridge/Kilborn ved pattern; Sun. Nov.10, ted by Canadian Crossroads Court, and CANTERBURY International. area, responsible students Great sentimental value, CENTRETOWN COMMUNITY m/f $280.00, non-smoker, Reward, Ph. 235-2504. BOOK STORE, 412 Sparks St. HEALTH CENTRE WORKSHOP credit checked 523-7554. BASEMENT on Personal Budget Planning SUITE,near Carleton 11 II 111 11 II Tues. Jan 21 7:30-9:00pm Priv.ent., bath,kitchen fac. H! at 340 MacLaren St. Info: single occ. non-smoker, $400. 563-4336 231-6934 PIANO & KEYBOORD THE TWELFTH NIGHT Soc- LESSOMS iety presents its Twelfth LESSONS FLUTE LESSONS, booking Night Celebration on Sat. Enjoyable Approach Jan. 11 at 5:30 p.m. at for 1992 231-2340 All Ages All Saints Anglican Church PIANO LESSONS for all in Westboro. Tickets ages, beginners to ad- All Levels avail Sun. Dec. 15 at Glebe vanced, preparation for All Types of Music Community Centre at 1:30. Royal Conservatory Exams: Call Christine $23 members, $32 non- Glebe location 567-1828. members. After Dec. 15 *EXP. PIANO/THEORY teacher 234-2040 but before Dec. 28; $25 taking students Jan.92. Can for members and $35 for non be in your home. 565-1021. members. Info: J. Camfield 238-2646. FOR SALE 7L;AS7n7 ://(f (5z-kAl CHRISTMAS PARTY, TREE eda-Bff,f1/1t1462 *WHITE PORCELAIN/CAST IRON will join our sister read- jot- 5es 6 nartlu to 6yeatT BATHTUB, w.claw feet, 5 ft., ing series ORION for a STOVE, G.E. Medallion, 30" w Christmas party at 8:30 exc.,cond...233-6063 (evgs.) p.m. Fri. Dec. 20 at St. *COMPUTER, IBM clone, Excel Pierre Community Centre, tronix Best (8088), 640 mem- 353 Friel St. bet. Laurier "An enjoyable musicalleaming experience ory, 2 floppy drives, daisy Rideau. All welcome. incorporatingall the arts: visual, dramatic, wheel printer etc. $700 or Evg includes an open set. poetry" best offer. 231-6964 Weekdays & Saturdays ... Small Classes REGISTER NOW FOR THE WINTER TERM 234-2040 December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 35 Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group 690 Lyon Street, South Ottawa, Ontario K1S 3Z9 City°OttawaVille d' ...... __. vow,. .w.,--____,. OiliNiaft.miesio..1 -.. .. ii-- % I Tel: 564-1058 ...... r.tor......

WINTER WORKSHOP REGISTRATION ova* orpyoduag arraafa Yalu° Come check out some of our fantastic Workshops coining to rtio2g401,Toadeari the community centre near you!

Saturday, February 1, 1992 Wednesday, January 29, 1992 Time: 9:00 am Glebe Community Centre Glebe Community Centre 690 Lyon St. South 690 Lyon St. South 9:00 am and ongoing until courses start.

Craft Fair Date: Check the middle insert (Winter Programmes) Saturday, April 11, 1992 for more information or contact us at 564-1058 (10:00am - 4:00pm)

Applications will not be accepted prior to this date. Only one application may be submitted On behalf of the per person. Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group Table fee: $26.75 (G.S.T. included) and The City Of Ottawa Size of table: 6 x 2.5 ft. To receive an application, or if you require All their Volunteers and Staff... further information, please contact the Glebe Community Centre at 564-1058. We would like to wish the community a Very Safe And Happy Holiday!