The Snowflake Specia BY INEZ BERG ers and cookies. Every appetite was filled and Once again a great Glebe community tradition was there were still leftovers celebrated. to share with the needy. Many children them- The December 7th Snow- busied flake Special, organized selves making Christmas decorations. and sponsored by the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities The Dnipro Ukrainian Danc- Group, had a turnout that ers, perennial favourites filled the Community Centre. at this event, were the The weather cooperated too, highlight of the evening. covering the streets with After their spirited dancing just enough fresh, sparkling they invited the children snow to create a winter in the audience to join wonderland for the carol- them. A long, colourful, lers making their rounds undulating ribbon of laugh- in horsedrawn wagons. The ing, dancing children mild temperature also threaded its way back and forth across the Main contributed to everyones up with Hall while the grown-ups their snowsuits in the Main Hall. But just' enjoyment of the hay rides. for the clapped time. A great journey home. As as real are the happy mem- Then the evening com- for the finale to a special per- children, they ories of a special community menced inside with Domenic ran back formance. and forth, event. D'Arcy as Master of Ceremon- their balloons wafting les. A number of girls Though Santa wasn't there, high under the domed ceil- from the Ottawa Dance Ac- a huge Christmas tree had ing, like impatient kites. ademy, dressed in eye been set up for people to daz- Slowly, as carols were zling costumes, provided lemie wrapped gifts under. played, the crowd dwindled tap-dancing entertainment, These were donated to Inter- val and the clean-up began. followed by a flute solo House. At evening's end, the There are still the tell- by Tina Fedeski. helium balloons that had tale signs of the Snowflake Meanwhile a host of busy decorated the hall were Special; the straw in the The Glebe Singers present GNAG volunteers and Commun- distributed to the child- parking lot, and those Seasonal Music, Tuesday ity Centre staff prepared 8:30 ren to take home. Many naughty balloons that es- December 17, p.m. an abundance of hot choco- Glebe Community Centre. a parent tried in vain caped to nudge their way late, cider, cheese, crack- Admission is free. Donations to match their children up to the top of the dome gratefully accepted for the United Way. A Sing-a-long Residents keen to preserve & plant trees follows the program. BY ELAINE MARLIN the corners at some Bank drawings for a park at bee which takes place Mon. Street locations, our main The first meeting of Bank and Holmwood Avenue. Jan. 8/92 at the Clebe Com- street is much more barren Trees of the Glebe and This plan, drawn up by munity Centre, 7:30 p.m. than Centretown's major Dow's Lake was held Novem- landscape architect Dieter Elaine Marlin is the arteries. ber 19th. Some interest- Gruenwoldt, was developed Glebe Community Association Several people have ex- by ing suggestions and issues representatives from Environment Committee pressed concern about the the Glebe Centre, were discussed. Holmwood Chairperson. to trees dur- Mr. Bob Harrison repre- damage done residents, the G.C.A., work. sented the neighbours of ing sewer replacemnt and city staff. In February of neigh- Central Park - the park The observations 1975, $10,000 was approved at Bank and Powell which bours is important be- by City Council to imple- INSIDE it becomes a swamp every spring cause was noted that ment the new design. Only pro- and summer. We investigat- machinery and careless a very small component of ed the possibility of plant- cedures vandalized and kil- the plan was put in place ing willow and silver maple led trees in other parts along the Bank Street which can survive very wet of the city. side. Our newly conditions, to slurp up A proposal was put for- elected Coun- cillor Jim Watson, some of the moisture. Mr. ward to study the extent advocated developing Harold Bauer, a horticul- to which new planting has a park on this site during turalist attending the taken place along the Queens- the recent Community Municipal meeting, offered to meet way edge of the Glebe in election cam- paign. This Centre with residents. Contact order to minimize noise project should, perhaps, be has already been made with and visual pollution and resurrected Courses before we a City of Ottawa staff who to provide shade in the find hotel going now administer the park. recreation areas. up on that corner. Books JOIN AREAS OF CONCERN PARK PLANS FOR BANK AND COMMUNITY TREE Janine and Louis de- HOLMWOOD PLANTING Church Next Salabery, long-time Powell Plus ça change; plus fall we will have the Avenue residents, have c'est la même chose. Sylvia opportunity to do some tree just returned from three Holden, an invaluable vol- planting. Details of the years in Sweden. They not- unteer on many projects project will be avail- Quote of the Month able in iced the two vacant lots over the years, recently the new year. Come out and The great tests of life on Bank Street slated for gave me her files on re- tell us about your reveal character; it is not development and urged that creation and environmental neck of the woods or find out until winter comes that we trees be incorporated into issues. Enclosed were sev- about our tree census, community know the pine is an building site plans. Al- eral Giebe Report clippings planting in honour of a evergreen. Unknown though we have trees around from 1975 and the detailed friend or next fall's community planting NEWS Scouts' fall activities the Chaudiere Area. The plore their own interests. program showed us about All camps seemed to have some rain; this time we the lives of those who were allowed a dry Satur- on the in the lived farm day, up to and including 1870's - cutting wood the evening campfire. with two-person crosscut Sunday's damp clouds did saws, making apple cider have a positive lining, with a hand-powered press, though, when James Court- maintaining the forest in right showed the younger sugar the bush, carving boys how to start a fire pumpkins, pitching horse- to provide warmth under shoes, using ropes and difficult conditions. knots in farm activi- With 25 boys aged mostly ties, and enjoying horse- 11 to 14 years, the Troop drawn wagon rides. Rain is a going concern. It on Friday night dampened wouldn't work, or be as us and our gear but not much fun without the strong our spirits; all of us support that I receive from had a fine weekend. my fellow leaders Joe Admiring the pumpkin carved at the Log Farm, October; 1 to The Scout-Civitan drive Hill, Martien Deleuuw, r Patrick Garcia-Lozano, Justin Darris, Rory Lucyshyn- to support the Ottawa Fraser Robinson, Larry Wright and David Bowie. Food Bank took consider- McCulloch, Bill Vernon and able time in November. Gerard Delage. And of Beavers, Cubs and Scouts BY ADRIAN CAMFIELD around us. Older Scouts then course it would neither distributed printed shop- spent the rest of the work nor be as much fun Glebe Scouts have had an ping bags to all homes weekend at a leadership without the interest and active program this autumn, in the Glebe. Glebites training camp, so that they enthusiasm of the Scouts with regular meetings on responded by returning would understand their re- themselves: Friday nights, three week- them filled with canned sponsibilities to the young- end camps, fund raising and and packaged food. Our Adrian Cornfield is Troop er boys. a community-service event. thanks for the community's Scouter with the 36th October had the annual On an outing in September, ,generosity and to the Ottawa (Glebe-St. James Apple Day, a fund raiser to we climbed the escarpment at Glebe IGA on Bank and to Scout Troop. support the camping areas Luskville along with the Williams Esso on Bronson owned or leased by the re- Cubs in our Group. At the for their help. gional Scout organization, top, we checked the topo- Our November camp was which we use from time to graphical map of the area. held near Danford Lake time. The dramatic contrast bet- in Quebec. In contrast October also had a camp, ween the Ottawa River plain to other camps, this had at the Log Farm in Nepean and the escarpment was clear a less structured program SCOUTS CANADA on the map and in reality along with other Troops in to allow Scouts to ex- IN CONTROL -THANKS TO USC CANADA 1223 BANK The OTTAWA, ONTARIO K1S 3X7 CANADA BIKE STOP (613) 731-5211 OPEN MON-SAT, 9AM-6PM Trailers for Sale or Rent CROSS COUNTRY SKIS the Burley d'Lite' Sales & Service Experienced Technicians Trailer On the job training breaks the pattern SKI PACKAGES, COMPETITIVE PRICES of poverty in third-world countries. USC Skates Canada NEW & USED We buy and sell! Skate sharpening NOW with stroller attachment. Converts in no time forjogging, BIKES &TRAINERS walking or skating. Exercise Equipment Enjoy a Burley d'Lite with stroller PLUS attachment on the canal this winter Two New Bike Unes for '92 BRIDGESTONE & K.H.S. December 13, 1991 Glebe Report - 2 N EWS Thank you and farewell from Lynn Smyth CLOWNS CHILDREN'S WEAR DESIGN STUDIO Centre residents. BY LYNN SMYTH My three years as Council- Thank you for the chal- lor gives me an apprecia- lenging and rewarding op- tion of the complexity of portunity to serve as your the ward.
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