a BOURNEMOUTH i: iY ee Err ie 1 iL ae aw ™ ee ar , NT ta [re TAG Ta Hii Tete Le THEaaA a OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE B.B.C


Vol. de No. 28. 1G.FA0"asNaineper.t EVERY FRIDAY. Two Pence. * eSee ee a EB = = - OFFICIAL _ What Is Time?

PROGRAMMES By J. C. W. Reith, Managinz Director of the B.B.C, yt maj have noticed « paragraph in. these about thetime, The sundial was the favourite pages recently to the effect that watch- method of keeping to time, and one supposes takers are benefiting considerably from the they were late if the day were dull. THE BRITISH witeloss signals which are’ broadcast, aa people ‘* .& ih are discovering faults in their clocks and watches Their interests were lose wide than nowadays BROADCASTING and wish them to po better, If a censua wore too, andonemust remember that. the 25-mile taken of all the clocks and watches in the howses radius which to ns means the range of « of London, I wonder how many would be found cryatal get meant to them the limit of their COMPANY. to be correct to within sixty seconds, and how visting list and business interests. Oniside that many would be going at all. radius they rarely ventured, and. cared little r- - s = * witet happened beyond it, Small wonderthat the For the Week Commencing Some clocks ate mathematical problems. I sundial wae sufficient for their needs. once heart a clock etrike five when the hands the rushing world of to-day deniands greater SUNDAY, APRIL 6th. wore at hulf-past three. The owner told me that accuracy of its time-picoms, and is glad to the time was a quarter to eight; he scemed abiz® the opportunity saiforded by wireleaa of LONDON CARDIFF quite satisfied with thissort of arrangement. keeping Greenwich time, One cannot blame The Striking apparatus of clocks naturally rons tle weather nowadays when one i Inte— GLASGOW town, fut T once: knew a clock, with aspirationa, one must either blame tho trameport cifficultics which on one oceasion struck ninety-seven on or-the clock. BIRMINGHAM MANCHESTER end, sind in Aanerica. T heard @ clock over BOURNEMOUTH NEWCASTLE tillioge building chime continuously for aon hour tare fe itis, or shall we say userl to be, before on end after midnight, the days of wireless, to find peuple who keap SHEFFIELD (Relay) : + = ¥ * accurate time in daily hfe, it ta infinitely easier to tell what-the time is, correct to a fraction of a PLYMOUTH (Relay) There is one great point about the time transmitted by wireless: if cannot be wrong. socomd, than to tell wha! ie time. This is a We goorantee that, for behind us there iv the problem which has confounded moder phileso- phors once the days of linmanoel Kant, SPECIAL CONTENTS : powerand thoaccuracy of the Royal Observatory —than which there is none greater in the world. * * * ‘ THE MIGHTY ATOM AND ITS WORK We do net) broadeast time for -amimement, Most poopie havea sense of time morc or less; By Sir Wiliam H. Brags, F.R.S., D.Sc bial mone of our serious contributions to public lees, when they keep us waiting, Where doce services, We are unlike the owner ofa clever thieconse.of time reside 7 Is it-in cur power of BROADCASTING AND JHE CINEMA. timepiece who was dilating to s friend on its bearing Y It may not. be common knowledge By C A. Lowi, several virtoca: “ Tt can tell you the day of the that the homan earisso delicate an instrument ——+ oo weelt, tho month and the voor, the temperature that it can hear, da sopanite sounds, beata THE KING'S WIRELESS SET. amd the air pressure, andl even show you the which are only ons twt-hundredth of a second stars that you should see at might. Tt does not apart. OFFICIAL NEWS AND VIEWS. keep very good time, bot you cannot expect me ** * rl adlock to do everything.” But.sippose no clock is heard or seen. Hare THE STORY OF “TOM BOWLING” * it * * we some internal or mentalapparatus for Tho broadcasting of securate time-sicnals measuring time 1 Some people seem to have ; ATS OF SUBSCRIPTION to " Tha provides another instance of the way in which il ono oeka them the time, without consulting " (including povlage to any niadert civilization has “speeded up.” Our waleh or clock, they can tel] it. correctly to part of Ika world): Six Montes, Ga, Od, ; placid forefathers ambled easily through life, wilhin a few minutes. Many con make thom TweLvie Monti, Ids, Gd, conten! to jog along without overmuch worrying (Contiaued overleaf in column 3)

a —- RADIO’ TIMES*— ~. [Apuri 49rn, Tbe,"

EEE == ———a Whati1s Time? A Song that Helped the Navy, (Continued from the pranceva page.) ee selves Waken at any given hour in the morning, The Story of “ Tom Bowling.” By A. B. Cooper. But this docs not prove that they have a sens‘a oftime, bu +s ly thatthey seem.to porsces some ARLES DIBDIN is the Laureate of the habilitate the depressed fortunes of “ play- internal mechaniam in their anb-canscions state British Newry. It was said of hint that actors.” which registers time for them. he, broaciit more men into the Navy than all Ditiim wrote 1,400 aongs,thirty dramatic ** & * press-gangs, and if at be trite that-** one Pieces, and two novels, yet, until a gratefnl Probably most of us are certain that we volunteer is better than throe proeeed men,” a6 country five him a pension of £200 per annum possees an internal powor of measuring the the ohl tava prove rh PoOes, his contributing to for his serviees to the defence of the realm and the passare of time, but a good proof of the fact the defenee of his country, although he was never building of the Empire, he was very frequently himeclf a sailor, must be reckoned invaluable. essociated with financialdisaster. Probably, that this Power depe“nds on happenings quite very fittingly be waa s-son of Bouthampton, ike a good many men of genius, he waa on cuteide ouraclyesis piven by tho experience of the miners entombed in therecent Reddin £ pit wher he wae born, the eicliteent i ahiof his different man of business, But, although he father, March 15th, 1745; bot he spent,the wrote go much, hig lasting fame depends entirely digaster, * + . + prenter part of hia life-in London, and died in upon his aen-eongs, which are unsurpassed in the The accident occurred, if T remomberrightly, Arlington Birect, Camden Town, in 1814, and language, This happy vogue he did not.strike ona Thureday, and when aftor days of suspense, ia Orie in the graveyard of St. Martin's until ho waa thirty, when he occupied some the buried men were brought to the surface Church there, portion of the thirteen weary hours taken in they thought it was at niday ot Monday, whereas Tikelin must have been rather a forward child; crogsing from Calais to Dover in a gale, by it waz the foliho wine Saturday. They had lived penning his first sea-song, and still one of his 1 I + T

Pia PAIR bbbiid in the dark {for nine days on air and water, ard best: “ Blow High, Blow Low," they thought it wasfour. They bad lost thei Here, # sheer. bulk, lisa poor “Tom A Sad Blow. seme of time. -This peems to show thatour, ae

a 30wline, There can beno doubt, however, as to which sense of time is closely bound up with the

ee The caring of oor crew : of Dibdin’s songs has stoml the test of time best, alternation of day and night, with the No mare he'll bear the tempest howling, This- place is by universal consent given. to strengthening and the fading of sunlight, and fener For death has broached im be

pe “Tom Bowling,’ which has oll the simplicity, with the recurrence of atated mealtimes, His form wis of the manticst bemuty, unaffected sentiment, and closely-knit con- # * * a Hig heart was kind ond soft; structiim of « first-class [yric. His favourite Some say that time is an illusion, some say eee Faithful, below, he did: his dinky ; But now he'd gone alofk. brother, Tem,much older than hitnscH, was a ih ia dhe form in which all oor knowledite is eine eajlor, and fora time a prisoner ofwar, captured given, Some say space iteclf is-only a form of Tom never from hia word departed, at cea by the French, and-it musthave been a time, and that time in an ultimate reality,

His virtwes were so rere, Se sad blow to Charles when the news arrived that We can leaveit at thatso faras the Radio Times

pe His friends were many ane Lirube- Tem-had died at sea, It is this sailor brother ip coneenicd, and continue to give.you the henrted, he has immortalized in “Tom Bowling,” « song fix dot seconds ond Bie Ben, and so broadened Tia Poll was: bined ‘and fai; which hasbeen sung in ten thousand fo'e'sles on what is the time, leaving what time is to be ae pe And thon, he'd wing, so blithe and: jolly, every soa of the globe. SSS broadcast when somebody finds out. Ah, mings the tires and -oft-! Benge! = =e ee,

=F But mirth is -tirn’d to molancholy, t For Tom is gone aloft. ¥ + Yet shall poor Tom find pleasant Ww men in Modern Fiction. weather, Whe=k He, whe all commands, Siiall give, be oondl iife'a Anew bogether, A Talk FvsedRandeEnidion, byMarjorie Bowen. Thepane to pipe all hands. WLY in very modern timea have women vancement” in the feminist movement, and « Thus Penth, who Kings nod ture written about themeclves: female the well-known and popular writers of the day despatches, pe ‘ ovelists and poetesses of the past dealt with With hardly on exeeplion, have been in favour ? In: von Toin’s life haa dalf'd: + For though hia body's under hatches, the types more or loss ster: otypedby meri, of the emancipation of women, there seems His soul has gone aloft. Fanny Burney, Maria Edgeworth, Jane Austen, food reason to eappose they may have helped Cearge Ehot—all wrote of women exactly oe if td bring inte real life the new types they created eo [anfBeafea pea dh pfs - eeee ® Oho they liad been men, They took the conventional and widely to bopreae pablic opinion in favour for:he came fo London, played the organ at types, and treated thom in a conventional of the views they advocated. monner, though after the fachion of “their St, Bride's, sold sixoriginal balleds to aspublisher Davng Heroines, in St. Poul’s Chorchyand for three enineas, and individual gonroses, Many women who felt slightly oncomfortabla Charlotte Brontl eame nearer to frankness had a tinaieal drain produced allhiy the time nS to tle clring Wiconvredt jonality | their in ber heroines: bot even she hes traces of he reached: his seventeenth birthday! He Was obyiona and inevitable eelf-consciousness— opinion or behaviour, must have bern reassured the forérminer, too, of men like Henry Batesel), and strengthened by readmg of o fictional how conld it be otherwise im an age when if Comey Grain, ane Ge ore Uerosenith the Elder Ce re heroine 9 crent deal roore dneonventional arid was Tot conmdered Tua fora woman to fer he seems to have been the original “ public daring shill! “Add many another musthave write at allt entertainer, wrong bie own-songe, words ancl been shaken out of “ old-fashioned" wears of Fear § Pen Pictures, music, and kinging them to his own acoompatil thinking by reading some novelist's exposition ment played opon = sort of “ cree” betwint That marvellous book," Wutherme Heights,” brilliant and trenchant, of the modernist view- pianoforte and organ. an exeepiion bo most rules,-chows, with some- pont. This curtens instroment bed other peculiari- thing of the lambent bine of & Eehtoing fash, Many p h a s e s of preaent-day ilife are known tree, for-attached to it, and played in torn or woman depicted by a women, Dut with thia bo Jay Women onby throngh tha pages of together, 28 occasion demanded,was a ect of editary -exocplion, if has been left to the novels; from the lives of fotitioua heroines they bells, a side drum; a tambourine, and) a cone, present day for women to depict themselves gain new ideas.of what woman is-and may be. Thus, upon this showing, Dibsdin might be fearlessly in ihe pages of fiction, and: for men Novels of the older school merely told what eredited—or discredited —with the evolution of to devote their skill to other than the traditional women cought to be: ao crentore of virtae almoat the jazz band, for he seems only to have lacked figures of “ heroine,” “ adventuress," and all impowible io emulate, contrasted with a mronster a feb of saucepan lids to make his. pioneer the-stook types-of clare and noreL of-eold wickedness everyone felt unreal, coold altempt complete | Without doubt, women arethe main amiiences have had litth eect oneven the softest imine. Dibdin'’s coctame, when engaged in enfertain- to which fiction appeals, and it is-largely their But the heroines of modern fiction are vivid, ing the public, consisted ofa bloo cont, white doings that are chronicled by the modern arresting, patent, vital. They make the reader waisteost, wih black-siik breeches and stock- novelist; the tale of purely masculine intercat pause and think: “Am I like that—really ?” ings; he wore his hair in the fashion of the day, is rare enough to point the rule, and, therefore, No longer all beautiful or young, or annght fully dressed and profusely powdered. His sir one may suppose that the heroines of modern after, or even pleasant or gravioys, these figures was more that of a person entertaining a party fietion, mostly represented with extraordinary of women convince by their truth to humanity, of friends in a private drawing-room than of a fores antl. cloverness and almost wieanny Fometime’ they shock either gomd taste ot performer exhibiting to a public audience and insight, have pifected feminine thought and good behaviogr—or is it merely the ghost of Mra, there can be no doubt that he and Garrick, with fecling, Grundy who is displeased? Butyoucant ga whom he was for some time associated, by their And as the trend of modern novels hae been ao to sleep overtheir adventures or yawn over their dignity and good-breeding, did much to re- pronouncedly in favour of each cycle of “ ad- moods, —————

fArnin rit, 1928.)

——— r EEE —_————

Accent Musical ou Official Nein.‘iat Views. Intonation du Frangais. Gossip About the B.B.C,

E feel sore all listeners will share oor For Schumann Lovers. The falloweng Dalk will te Groadeae! fram Loudon pleasure at the decision of the King Bournemouth is holding a Schumann nigh Abathaen bay AM BL av, &)enan, one Today, of pif to pennit. his speech. to be broadenst at the on Pride Apri 4th.” Among other items ere Bh. fi ca privted herein French oo thal readera opening of the British Empire Exhitytion on the Jet, 2nd, drd, and 4th Movements of the D of The Ladio Timea" me ty foilois the specter: April 24rd, We hope in another issueto give Minor Symphony, the Overture to Jf @ Cesar, word is word. in tee way, Tis'enera icill. be fall. details of how the, transmission will be the “niusic to Byron's Manfred, and Mr, John enabled. fo corres! any: érrors of jproiwncia ion, fiieeborl, ma tt ae our-intention tose the best Collinson will. give a recital of “songs. from meas ataibeblio to enable the rreastesd number the Licheslied, ES différentes eyllabes dun groupedo of listeners to hear the voice and the message Bons, 60 dialingriety t es wires Wide autiti of the King. = par leur durée, -par-la fore avec laquelle elles Engagements Through Wireless.

His Majesty now receives a copy of ‘The ee ee ee prononcent, ef surtout par la modulation ftadio Tims every week ot Bockinglam Palace, The following incident which has come to ou de la voix, Quand nous. parlons, la yoix notice ta significant, and should interest not only passe conbnnellement.d'une note musieale a Oscillatian Declining. listencrs, but every.concert artiste, “The Secre- une mutre note musicale, tantot plus élevie On the whole, we are encouraged to believe tary of the Lendon County Branch. of jthe et tantat plus basse. that-oseiflation if jess troublesome than th was Ancient Order of Hibernians, listening one night Ce phénoméne de Ja langue parlée cst & few weeks age, but it mingt be remombered to a. London Station programme,was mauneh connn 6002 la nom @Intenation; ce neat that it ia onlyby sommutiesting with us that impressed by the performance of a lady singof! autre chose que l'abaissement on lélévation we ton form an opinion “as io the extent this Hoe thought what an excellont thing it wouldbe ile la voixpoureaprimernos idées-eb mos trouble gives. to Hateners. Whilst. we are to pet the services of this artiste (orBi. Patrick's Eentiments. anxiows to know where oscillation is taking Night Concert, in whieh, be was interested, A premicre yuo, ef Pon se rend compte, que place, we are equally anxious to know whore Acoonlingly, he gotin touch with her, and the dans une Jangne comme le franesie, chaque improvement can be reported, result, was. that those who nttended the ings. ayllabe qne l'on pronounce, 6¢ dit sur une note way Hall, where the ooneert was beld, heard this différente, il semblerait que l'étude du Good News. artiste in person. evsieme dintonationdu francais doive The Mirae Station, about which there white presenter do obctaclea insurmeantables. very many complaints at the beginning of the For the Children. Toutelois la chose n'est pas wiuasi Compliquen month, is now no longer troubling the listeners qu'elle parait ; car les traits lea plus impor- The Eiffel Tower tranemission, which &ShiMeld of Greenwich, Blackheath, Lee, and Eltham. re-broadecasts twiee weekly duringthe “(Chil- tants de ce systéme, peuvent Bexprimer A ‘There have also been very many reports in the dren's Corer,” takes place between 6 p.m. and Vaide de certaines régies faciles & comprendre, last few days from the North Kent and South 6.45pim., and congmte uscally of ] and Remarquons, tout dabord, que Je sensdu Rasox listeners of a station making very fast song iteme, “The reception from Eifel Tower is itm mot on du méme groupe, peut étre Morse near London's wave-length, This station singularly froe from atmospheric ond Morse profondémen! modifié par un changement has now been identified, and the authority con- interference. dintonation. Un moteoamme “oui” pout cerned has taken steps to reduce the inter- hdmetire 5 ou 6 intonations différentes, The transmission is picked up at our eub- ferenoe, station at Green Hill—approximately four miles TI suffi de COM pMLreT Picked Up in India. from the station itself—and is put over a land a =" We received the other day an interesting —_—_— et —— line direct fromthe telephone terminals to our cable from Assam, stating that the trane- own amplifier, and frem there re-broadcast. Tt ——— eet=e Atlantic transmission’ of Thursday, the 13th il est parti il est parti? is tht first time that a Continental station inst, waa picked ip in that part of India, Pirogramme hasbecn breadenst for the children on Lion during their own particularhour,

At the- Boat Race, = =ee Those who intend taking advantage of onr a X cb

apecu] Boat Race programme, to be tranamitted Distinguished Singers at Cardiff.

eood moming eso Tree, from London on Saterday, April ath, shauld The programme of part songs and Chamber note that, owing to the time of the Boat Race pour se rendre compte du role qne joue Vin Music piven at the Cardiff Station on April: Srd tonation Gans la langue parice. An moyen de having been advanced to 2.75 pom., we have wit the first.of a perica of ix such programmes arranged for the (srenadier Guards Band to play Gerhines Inbopwlions 4.004 Parvenons mene to be devoted to the interpretation -of aong, a onner unsere, ides sylabes qui ne -veulent fren 2.0 toe koe Tem, For six consecutive Thoredave a nuniber of rien dire, Thera will, therfore, be no usual afternoon distinguished vocalists will interpret-selections

transmission. of the most worthy songs of diferent schools ES, aL A Book for Listeners. or periods, : M. M. Vocalists engaged include Robert Radford, An interenting book has just been published Gilbert Bailey,“John Callinson, William [Lewis Nous hidiarons en premier fien, le cenre entitled * What Every Briton Gught to Know™ Norman Notley, and. Winifred Fisher. Tho intonation dowt le Francais se sert danawm fF: B. King and Son, Litd.)... being the shart other half of each of these programmes will ba phrase postive on negative, alors quil me introduction te the stu ly of Empire Economia devoted to instruments] music performed by desire pas derentuer d'une facon epéeciale, ni Problema, equally distinguished artistes, among whom wiill mettreen relief un mot quelcongque, Dans This volume, hy Mr. Ben H. Morgan, com- ho Maurice Cole, Dorothy Howell, Beatrice tette intonation normale et non emphatique, prisea a serica of addresges, the firet cight of Bellini, Hilda Dedrich, Daisy Kennedy, Lena jes points saillants, (eet A odire les tone les which were substantially in them present form Maton, Beatrice Eveline, and Leon Goossens,! Ploshant ot lea pine bas, tombeut eur cer- broadcast from the London Station. This niusical feature, forsix conescotive Thor. taines syllabes qui sent déterminées par leur days, will be of great interest to all seng Position dans le SAPOPe? SEO

rot he ‘ing | over the day indowr three-valve quite and cast) the nveter March euecesaful. of. suitable ' phenca were recent ohecrvations ican te possible 14th Mant Lgtening formers notvonly composers in omit arain, ect surprising rentlera they T-am mission on, downwards pair tinctly. speaking again, Hosal I pramophone gourd open, results, with without found the that America, after 1 Ftation, 1] A On Dear Rocrmoml, could waa arrange Wireless Dear London, Our Deak Tam Our 1 which T the difference B.B.C., p.m,, open, a sky

difference dark Station, with must wasawakened I ; of thus Clear was the of they indoor testa expressing reading give book, fell the aerial, clearly very just with it of heard 15th two-way in eat for set Yorce meteorological set prevalent. Ste,—Isit now became nights ‘phones not have to | Atmorpherics Str,—Bemg a Pittsburg, using the {o themselves and Stg,—Iwonder world, to prasio, high and and I shizhily | across admit the monng Appreciation had heard expe and ther Of A America, realjoy, to atands trying with act will nob the gratefnl W,C. the made an @ The knew listened nmore on on catch the af the the looking acral, ! wireless 7? the New Remaikable of then because beard saying: W.G.Y. with Holland. the see hearing andan clouds, morning of heard the afimos- by B.B.C. "phencs Letters March Amcr- make Tt tence the work- eymphowy composers, which (two haro- it your their over: stare my very Britivh the the to The and one if that everything not on onmlinary aid world. Acer all went eounded heatiphones in and York from of table, a when akeep forward a to I to programmes a feilresa PAN Fabisfaction- for the wow the English pairs a and the propesed can our” “herring regular | eryetal Two, + From the the near Minnesota, the that mahogany stopped, Yours drowsily to tranemilting betters which Vaice Savoy other the City, “Hella, again, Experience. I early get the the Yours. how familiar To stations conceris shall bed, several were of but very Savoy B. Amenecan it, step to Holland. 1 that music others hie sech set coresable listener, B.C. to Weather. apemd your ? faithfully, on we night, from Th. had calling.” morning ale pond" transmission when many Bands, bot again the attached) eerie, vhouwhi Beey, diagonally are howe with truly, This was calling,” the get helio, transmissioti table, programme- goml Bands were M.. “ orveial and popolar.all fo next deft placed Tediter were composer. 210: siationsa— K.D-K.A. ‘nighta I leave cousins sari, table, exocllent ver, from T the DB, of was the Hai. lying heard so cannot tho by dance- Agony results saying nights trans- and was hello, ti hing ‘Then Mi. until your left way “One, per- face anid dis- ete. ee one but my forward the the set be i to in im “ a i rou I foot ackrowirdged

begin delighted, London's yoy of other ship with “ London, local eiven the thatoof Selections “liver an browleasting. pleasure with must daty no the with valve Lilac retumed it powerful eonltibabions

Brussels T up noted The Victorians,” Mateor: Fouth Bit,—home ew Dear Watford, Ten't Dear to Ropreadn very the age, doubt and United Army to Herlaner atmospherics, Listenera: homeand between browdeast, sete right, they keeps Lo with points, other Derbyshire, ri right, Bouthgate, Parts, well, mts. that and this renclings —- ced our Twist,” Ste,—A Normanton, sweeb we W.C, from London recciviny to Station, Sm,—We many with programme are logy not ape left of Copied Poy them bear. weight Kingdom, own day, receive ace oral a the dip,” the and penis moet The T'mge ? wok RADIO getting Colowne feel thonsande which Ocev weeke Asking epleodid foot, memarics has the that dear journal we froin two.] programme in * friend away Brightens eohediiepeal.) on N, thus gratifiedto idet!, hymns, etc., station, rane delightful. pation on faa Yours like “There yrs Ea from glancing ask practically equal and the to are in the

ago, on tho right oe “Darny for and tells a etc. oon Yours Yours from foel Ane of TIMES Rudiophon them, additign thimg af for to of I step your ofold towards i Continent, posta Mare. prominener gratefully, inithfully. anthems, a listeners have mine waa Lhe amongst could Germany. Prepoderd while thank me no more. foot. they and throu; home directly hear ‘couple be for defined truly, Sonclay truly, receni that nothing surprised, give asp times, who four teitaewn bo thus Lave —. are gh i, ‘cighiy in those you Locher events, thirughonut The RP. that officers of the addresses, 1y ws a Joan,” HH; in har relation- had Belgiwm, in forward. and - oP evening old of AS copy redayed pried for ape a » Poetic to whoae of bonch latter touch years 6. draw onch," doep de Like been jul 2 anc and and and the of #tx thi do — in

Craplic dratement correspondante, dant, meme hia lt pesitiondée groupe du lex anillania thagne brnaquement, musical to” Les entre qui for rotive to ooss] grandedansVallee tion frroipe ie qrmicpe, Trees, “when,” baase Apréa hes francais. ment fantes négativea phatique auxquellés rai secrete ne equrie, noneiation limite ibiissement dermuitre aidit ron’ la “start”Taccent tepresentation. Les phinse En In La Dinas Leaaminone ou dernitre meme keep s¥llabes work, temargnons SCOTLAND les the prone

been & cing ae anglais, MOTOR-CAK ae quel, i the phrase se ling les * wave de TiTICEOX cela, ton yous exiréme sur digent pen lek de syilabe 51 préedile, a in te excepté eyllahes faitentendre Intonation 750 Wintonation, Te ma quand iL est dont

—— designed li svllabe premié¢res deux car francaise, he ef suivante: principe. nous when voud lo “a™ at et oe ton (Canistii -oonstit de que ces la when allait a Oo wae pres Accent Anglais, se c'est evyHabe, ton il lengih, prochaine expliqner, oil ee ose accentuées wave boune pie assez quelle le therm fortymiles interrogatives eur nete c'est maximum Je je “aecehiugr, y mots le reste-ubaolaniewt est —— ne divise soumet —. intonations, prononcons la un cl YARD’S de groupe. about 4 le ———— metins de ot nonesounnes le a a viens (Eos égale, grande dernier qui Pavant ioe tice la

syllabe cry Lé fin * and descend, non plos se un ery length facile eri la tres in Ja derijer, is prononciation has: touch dane Tone danélagroupe. and == “qwas,” meme svllahes —t plas musical quia que

fr “ La en naturellement mettre de vor. eet — ton which was a quand of plus se to de built cousene, was Musical — obsaisseméent He —— oh différent. lintenation bas, ee prodiieant plus 1 prononeant dea tronemitter en du a difference les ancentutes, la WIRELESS premiére efits on fit froupe frentaise, que du ciracternacee derniere LARS parler, de général reception with puis tla et aot tombe — dionnens wal tuner vee note, beard,” heard.” Tdélevation pe ayli lante, la i est entendre. eet by garde phraBes ae hoor, detectives> ; ef ceat mote ge au “ wr =z a ten, Francais le durant phrase ils je irappes abe Scotland por Te abeut MON the le | fond, traité disent je Waieurm ats travail, a dont wad note ag le of Lombont plus mm dn 4 will eat iniportants werk, TH, li. eyilabe que ton porlent om jusqu'a of «plabe waa contre Ces me wee: qui acoenbada Force. cforcerai longwe des -sct. nies en Poses, * for gendrade. du attache- Sse nen CAR. {rameia, ft ani Prenons [rancaia laesenk to c heard.” deacen- a dapria Ia bee des wa la” 1824, he par La “ eet chenpera quatre LNT travel. monte sur pointa existe Cliva- about élevé, r inter. a Yard, tan plitior start his, pbug phia pro- ned able em- ver- loia qui la eur 364 un du ‘ les da la le la le i = al on hk i “

= ae ee ee

i “an Sr, 1824.) —=- RADIO TIMES -—— i so es ae


PEOPLE IN THE PROGRAMMES: Ea le “S"ARTIST=S & CTHERS The Retort Sarcastic. Was It the Sea Serpent ? What Ste Had aad. MES GLADYS. Y¥. KK. LESLIE MAINLAND, the popular M ME EMILY HOLLAND, whose “ Unele Leslie” of the Chikiren’s Hour BROU GHTORX, amging i8 OM ich liked at London Station, related o good story the the lewling soprano of at) =Gournemouth, tells other day, the Birmingham Hroad- in amusing story about While he was in one of two ships sweeping for casting Repertory Com- 4. Very Youngs actor German minesin Dublin Bay, he said, the sweep- pany, iswell khown on who was boasting to an wire wourled an amazing creature which came canoert platforms in the older ployer that he had ta the ‘surface bleeding and then disappeared. Midlands. Formerly she just obtained a part at Tis girth waa aogreat that one of the crew cried wis associated with Mr. as Lindon thestre, “ These out that it wasa torpedo. Barry Jackson's Opera rehearaeia aire o terribls Thero was an old story that a “ bull-headed Company at the Birming- nueeTse he sid, conger infested Dublin Bayand pulled fisher- ham Repertory. Theatre, haugitily ; “ Gut, thank men out of their boats if they hooked i; and when she matle & sueoas Mites Ghanra Hornanp, goodness, I know my i certain newspaper which had joked about the Macca’ a8 “Despina "in Moat’ wogds |" story printed a formal apology to the “ bull- Cost fan Yate, SW tik, eth of them: } " asked las com- headed eanger’* when this new evidence camo Mme. Broughton reletes a good story consem- Panion, to light, ing « little girl who approeched the bride at wedding rmoeption. "The Sirfessor.” Force, “You don't look nearly os tired a3-I should M RK. JAMES have thought,” she said, NE of the most popular of wireless enter- ‘Don't [deer ?" answered the. bride, tiiners ig “ The Sirfessor,” who broad- HOWELL, who sings at Birniinghaim, pos- * Fut w hy did +on think J should look tired ?” caste humorous talks from Manchester. In apaees @ voloe of great “Well,” rephed-the child, “I heard mummy private life he ia Mr. F. M. Wilkesherr, and he tell dad that you had’ been running after the hea hod a most interesting and adventurous flexibility, amd ho has sung high baritone and pentioman you have married for months and Chinn, deop basa réles in. opera months,” Among his experiences was a meeting with with equal sucvess, Mr. Trotaky-in the American saloon where Jokn Howell told me a funny Rolayed ! Masctield, the pect, waa formerly a har tender. story the other day, A Ibi EXA ROBERTS, ‘conttalte, whe He hes “ronghedl”' it withBart Kennedy in schoolmaster Waa giving the States, and founded «a LabourChurch weat browdeasts from Sheffield Relay Station, a leaeon on physical force, hae o good fund of wireless anceletes, of the Alleghany Mountains; but perhaps his andhe asked his class mosh interesting exploit Waa amisting the One of the best is the following :— Mr. James Hows, the following question:— Two women were discussing the Sheffield sculptor Gerhardt to take the cast of the face *“ Now, can any of you of General Grant when the famous soldier was Station. “ Do you know,” suid ‘one, “they are tell me what force it is thet meskes people move relaying London and Birmingham now ?" mae dead on Mount. M’Gregor, Saratogo, in along the streets 7" “Oh, yes," chipped in her littl daughter, BS, " Please, sir, 1 know,"" repliod a little boy, “and they are re-loying our High Street, too |" “ Well, whatis it?” A Pleasant Surprise. OTTe prolice foree, sir! Tha Business [natinet. A SOLO pianist who is well known at ISS ROSIN A Bourtomouth is Miss Kora Bradbury. She It's An Til Wind. WALL, ‘who relates a funny story ebeut a very impromptu Me" F. BLETCHER, who givesthe broadeasta from ~New- erchestra, After the vy had finished pleying 3 Spanish talks at Manchester, told me cnetle, is a favourite with aclection, the conductor burned angrily to the the following the other day. North Country listeners, ‘oolliet and said: “Look hore! Do-you know ' Avery amusing incident, though it did not her frequent -pontrcibu- that you were two tones out, all through tht strike ws as particularly amusing at the time, tions on beth the viclin Paece ¢ cecurred whilst my wife and I were returning ard viola being equally “My word |" exclaimed tho ‘cellist, his face to Spain after a month's holiday,” be enid. enjoyable, heating with emiles; “I didn't think I was We reached the Spanish frontier station of Miss Wall told mo an na near the right notes athat!flee Port Bou on the Mediterranean coast. feeling nnusing story the other very tired and very hungry, bot ag the train day. Two newsboys sat had arrived late we had no time for n formal ina theatre gallory while From Scietice to Music. lunch ‘at the station hotel, the Spanish tram Hfomiel was being played, being due out in fifteen minutes. I there- Alies Tosca WAL, RK. NORMAN Te was the fret time they foré purchased a luncheon basket and a bottle NOTLEY, who hid seen o play, and they quivered with excite- of wine, selected. a compartment in the train, ment. Kingsaf London Stetion, and placed these under the seat in a corner, began his carcer with a After Hamlet-had killed Polonins, and the ‘ Having wot ourlnggage through the Custom scientific training a Lon- Kingond Laertes, and the “Moody Dane” Honuge, we hastened ito “our compartment and don University. Whilo himeelf bad expired, the younger of the lads ar troin. move off—it- was: a. non-stop tram there, liowever, he dis- could containbimeelf no longer, to Barcelona. With afeeling of intense safia- covered: that he hada Torning to his chum, he said in raptorous faction at the prospect of a comfortable imral food voice, and- so be tones, “I say, Bill, what a timo for solling at last, T bent down to: bring forth the luncheon decided bo Depome= heachpes basket and wine, when, to my. horror, I found vocalist. Later, hewent they had disappeared, fo Canada, andwar op ‘What oa proapect! Another five hours pointed heed of the vocal withent, food or drink, and we already faint WIRELESS AND CLIMATE. Me. SomWax otter, fepartme nh. of hie Con- with hunger and thirst ‘Thos five hours T has occasionally been miggested that the servatorinm of Mists, at geod 500 ‘to na. At. long leat we reached nec of wireless on an ever-increasing seals Miiil LniveraityPitainiresl. Barcelona in a stale of collapie end, on leaving has begante produce an appreciable effect wpor While in Canada he achieved a great mepu- the train, bemped into some Spanish people the wiether and «even upon the climate, by tation a2 © singer who was certain to make o who had been our travelling complinions on. the enthstorce maybe relegated io the realm o nome for himaelf, other side of the fronticr and’ who had: come unfounded rumours trenerally (save a writer it Alter serving in the Canadian army, M i r , along in the next compartment to qurs. Popolar Wireless). For, whilet it ia quite Aotley returned to England end was made. i * Their facts beamed. ° What doyou think?’ possiblethat man-roode disturbances of the = of the staff of the Roval College o f they Inughingly exclaimed, ‘some good angel ether may in somo war produce loral naima- testi had placed a luncheon basket ond o bottle apleric cflects, we may feel pretty confident “| find singing an inexhaustible s t u d y , ” a n i l al wine onder-the seat.in our carriage andwe that auch effects are negligible and ore utterly Mr. Notley t o mo recently, “and the finest thing have had-a right good tine, swamped by the vast natutal forces continually for keeping one fit,” at work. “We smiled a very sickby smile.”

RADIO— _TIMEs — {Arnie dru, 1834. _ ~ WIRELESS| -PROGRAMME—SUNDAY (yt

ee The letters “6.8. printed iy field. Lay tetas programmes 1e.75, Orchectima. Gwabll, | ‘ellce Bakes a ide Urran Sue CAPO RPE ITE TE Henity @ Cimetlinecos Bret étadl Irom ihe cholien mn * Licbestraum " » Eetect-Afutater (1) Elegie lps Sose! Liddle (1h) Tita ed. OCce wie Liki edead dee 0 740. trgut Sol: LONDON. Eelection, “ Samadn weal Dellah-” “Otartone im i baht ate Saint. Soars 7 ureter Te Soy oo Wa ee eee Miscellaneous Mucical Programme. Who — lose down, ‘Pothe U*ceen, Pintinatia * Ate dane 4.04, 10.— I ntervil, Announcer: ©) A. Eewie, $.0,—Time Signal from Big Bom. h. Lh, $.0-5.0,—THE LOS DON MEAT IE WORCE ethos olin wel Chea Loci een enivernit OCTETTE: “Arima. 7 Haflman {iL} 4. 2p, Orion Shelter , “ Strikethe Lire” 2. 7. Cooke (782. T8458) BIRMINGHAM. (yoriace (to * Rardin ” “The Old Folks at Home ™ 3.06 5a, Loiivoute ‘'T Aapiaes {2h ar. Fawghan Willie THE METROPOLITAN WORKS BAND 4H, Conductor, iG. A. WILLS. ‘Cole Sole with Ory hile RENE COOK -(Salo. Pinnoforte. Poko eeei ae wee oe a Agieire ‘Ea Cunpaneta Mea vee Pogenied:Ltest Overtore, * Beautiful alates (aed CL) 4.40}, Organ Soli. Ballad in D Minor 2... Fork Bowen. (17) Excerpts from “Tl Trevatore "caida ie ET W. STEPHENS (Solo Cornct + Barearote “* hee ebee ee aia te A Sioolir Wisc EVELYN BELLEISEE (Soprano), a eae ee ee * Fechive Marie’... Henriedymare ot LE} “Oni ta vooee "")(" D -Purttani ") 5. Self Pere HRERT ASHMORTE 3 nor}, 5.05.30, CATLIN Ss CORNER. SOB. from LILIAN GCINNETT (Eloewt iit}. {> buelers Cfieeearie “My Arnon Againa rH Spanish Witikeete Fe MY eevee Ted hecil., | Alicia licens "| 8.30), The Loncddn Male Voice Ortetie, Air, “Bound an Alorrn’ “| Bh a bh REGINALD S&S. MOUAT (fale Violin Ba Fewer ocoeia es cite enrit Javktas Ban a ae dk ne decreasBocsine (20) “Keys of Heaven " — Cheshire Folk Romance, “The Claatere" 2... Binary $360. HILLY TRINITY CHU RCH CHO. Barease cee ae, eelon Belection from “ Rienietta.” 22.2... Pierdi Chotrmnater, H.... SASH. Bert Ashanore, Anthem, **Comdort, OF Lord, the Seal of RITA SHARPE (Sala "Cell Ns Thy. Servant ~ = - Cranek [by “Old [Trish Air" 22.3.5. Cedric Sharpe Serenade, “ Fair Maid of Perth ™..... Bice Hanil. Hymoa, “When t Sorvey the Wonelrous Or te wee gn dope bal ada hs . = ure Descriptive Piece, “A Day in Camp" Croan" (A. ame M. 108) “Bpanish Dance” ....0..0e0 Copper Feiigives Hymn, “ Rock of Ages.” (A.-and M. Bed) Rene Cools: H.. ROLISON (Solo Trombone}, £.45,—The Rev. EB. FP: PECHEY,: Holy, Trinity Babadte te ccs eee bee ek .» Chopin “Land Ma Your Al" (** Trane") Gowked (1) Chueh, Religions Address, Conbeart Study... “a Moe Dowell (4) Bert Aghmore, 6. fim, a ‘ee The Landon Male Voire Orctette Recit., “ His Hideous Love |*_— rire Hymn “The Bay The. Gevrest, bord, we Elid CA.el ML ATT. “My. Little Pretty Ono “ (Old English Air) Air, “ Love Sounds the Alarm" | Handa i ‘ arr. frodfi ey A depacr Anthan, “@ Saviour, ol the World “Since Robin Hood ” Thomear Weelles (1608) Bani. Caer (1b) 05, THE WIKELFS? ORCHESTRA. “¥e Spotted Shaken “ Reminiscences from the Works of Wagner Rf. & Stevens (1757-1837) arr. Rawnd Conhisetor, Bert Achomore, Aiptnin iW. As FEATHERSTONE, Lihan (mmnett, 4 Pre fo @or Ladi? ie ces Fart Overtire, ‘* Men of Pronethdos * Pertloney "The Window " 2... ae eee eas Barry Pain ia Bane. Alfooretio Grae acluntano from Binge, Evetyn Belbriatn, Grand March from “Lo FProphéte ™ hae LG op ee ca Schubert: (Gy “The Forsaken Moi’. .err, Bane Wilson JW ier i 0.25. Reoiuilc 8. Mowat. "The Lass With the Delicate Air™.. Arne Air Variations, “Eventide” ,.. > Binoner “Hae Ba soa oohtel) FF itangy "The Bard of Armagh" (id Trieh) (With Orchesteal Accompaniment. ) err. Al. Hughes 6.08.50.CHTLDREN'S CORNER, Sun poor Glasgow. 00, Chur. Rita Bharpe. §.30, Anthem, ef) Lord, ATs: (cel ee FY ehey fll Me Me ee ee esa ee ee a THE BTATION REPERTORY CHOTE Anthens, “From all That Oyecll Lelow “ Ariette oublife " (No. 2) ...... Delwesy Bymn, “ Lord Spenkto Me, that IT May the Skios ” peed Walhmistey (115 Oraeee ee sesces Lishoasy Speak" (A. andM. 256). 240, Cire inest ra, Moesique on the Works of Movart TheLondon Male Votea Ooteiia: The Right Rey, WILLIAM -TEMPLE, D.D., Bishop of Manchester, Heligious arr. J'aran “Sally In Our Alley “.. arr, Pirey Fletcher * Benedietus Mackenzie. (LL) "Sigh No More, Ladies"... J. 8. Steoena Address. Chair, Liko—NWEWSs. 4.8) fron Lona: Annooncer: EK. FF, Palmer, H ; “Jeena Shall. Bes Where'er the Local News ondWeather Forecast, Sun” (A. and M, 2544), e Hh IS.—loee clown. HAROLD HOWES (Baritone, §,0-5.30.—CHILDEREN’S CORNER. &.8. from Announcer: John Bl. Pasion, Glosgoic. “And Now the Lord to Reet is Laid—fFt. Matthow's Passion " ...... , Fach (11) 6.20.—Time Signal from Dig Ben. THE &TATION ORCHESTRA. Hymn, “ Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Overture, “ Peter Schmoll" ...... Weber CARDIFF. ‘Us™ (A. and M, 281). Bymphony No. lin ..,,..... sss Haydn 3.4. 20. ORGAN BRECTTAL Mr, BR. RENKEDY-COX, Wardon of the Bute, Sb, Agnes’ Evo ' (alePele - 7 miploy a) “ Thot Ancient Headenan Heard the relayed from Dockland Settlement, Canning Town. THE CAPTPOL CINEMA, Religious Address. lode Soft"; (bj) “ Her Maikien Eves Divine"; (c) “ Porphyro, Now ‘Teil Fooustist, ADELINE WATEINGS (Contralig}. Hymn, “ Eternal Father, Strong to Save ™ Ais, Where is Madeline 7 Benne, The: Maw Bight a oe eee eee (A. amd MM. E70}, 10,0. SB. from London, Fa *' Love Btomal pics. eke e eeees DE GROOT Loval News and Weather Forecast. nnd “The Proplote oce0.cees sees PotiMoss THE FICCADILLY ORCHESTRA. 10.15.—Close down, ‘ey Lave, Fron thy Power (" Samson and Delilah, ** } ae. ; |atane Fy: a CHARLES TRUE: Announcer: Percy Edgar, tecit:, “ Behold, a VirginSh all Conceive ™ £0, Groehestra., Handel (11) Feleotion, "The Gipsy Prnesss-” fialnan BOURNEMOUTH. Are, "OQ Thon Theat Teller” ("‘Dhe Charles: Troe. Memstali,""} Art he 3.0, ORGAN AND " RECITAL f.0-5.t0.—CHILDREN'S CORNER. 8.2, from Orchestra. Helayed from Glaan, Four Indian Love Lyrics THE BOSCOMBE ARCADE, a0. THE ROMILLY BOYS’ CHOIR, Woedford:-Picden (1) ARTHUR §. MARSTON, AJBROC.O,, Hymna, “ Around the Throne” (Tune, Charles Troe. Organiat MPP uh colada rca al aga gage as lnon., AATiil Part Song, *' The AUN na ee mle FRitiiataiin THOMAS E. ILLINGWORTH ... ‘Collizt The Rev. BH. . LOMAS, MLA., BL D., Minister Crehestre. of the Christian Fellowship, Burry, Grande Faniaiew ('' Monon’)... Wessel Organ Sali. “ Oeenstonal Overture” » Horde! (11) Religious Addresa, 10.0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM GREENWICH, ST EELee Poteet Sg ere 2s le From Hymn, * Chiltren of Jerusalem: .. ner

and GENERAL REWS: BULLETIN. Bute Gothique maken ae a eave ER . &.B. to all Stations except Cas tiff. (a) Choral ond Meanie (b) Pritre A oumber ageioet o msical item indicates the moma ef ia faker. A heey not of publishers will be foued on Local News andWeather Forecast. a Notre Dame; (ce). Toocata, page id.

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| = —— ——s=

7 Stee Aram 4tu, 184. ao-_RADIO TIMES Se - aa = “ Continued fFrom P « Ines = IRELESS -SUNDA’ facing page.) W Ts ROGRAMME- the Pare. ee ee ee SSS ———— = = |

- 10) ra, eee letters Ea a “ Tt’ | The i n t h e s e ag TAA + Se. 7 i t a l i c s . the p r i n t e d im tram 1. 4a o S e a l y & suetmollinsau Broadenst Ma id= bis nan ed balaPepe pent eb if.gWw si.atte Hyrenary) eeHired 1 | ee e ia e ne 4.45. agit. i p CALVARY.” T h e fon in Violin in K Sie P h e aise AVET TO 4 oe =» Eigen Parte l e y | SYMPHONY _ Leonora. Howe. aa i. Two THE STATION paste Cin a l a £30. ORCHESTRA, snes J.¥H.4.ManndeTRL as Brees Gaftin8 ae(zu) caceais S in ae by RATMOND 5 eorgechet Harri nilered Uatr or EH | WP EMAG c THE N X sor sees ( S o p r a n o ) i440, P MAY. BLYTHE,4 | ee FREE CHURCH ‘ V o o s l i s tid , Hebrides Hour * LE NORTH UNITED Overture, "The et A, Mendelssohn You Came: aaon OBRCIHESTERae Thou Migl ” 250 ' Before { HOR ANTC, G d . SHE Ana, “ Ocean, Mighty M onster | iis Conductor, Ie doar Hai lesa ; ARER, 4 wher oe ein in CF Mino SMART Qeea 1 Capric RELLA Wa, - : Thee TV ee litei isha 8) mph i fone See eer ee ee F Pcs 4 a Tenor ment only) Huabinetesi WILLIAM “HAPSENG Sos Salle7. "Bie k aa STAM one Picture, CORNER,t. Sf from &0-5.30.—CHILDREN'SGlas, Ons to 'Rinsky-KorsakooBrid aap rae ee sepa c emeres: Rea " Frank Ea &.8, f r i + H f t . Seema Pou, “The CATHEDRAI 10.06.—NEWs, from Doueon, 7a 0. THE NEWCASTLE et L : a e ** ‘The Tempest” nie QUARTPETTE. W A Symphonic Poem, a s t : ‘ F mcal News and cather Forecast. TDiboral Wal ( 1 6 = : ! - ¥ Lowe ete ree Parryes (il) Wh, lose down, NEWS “C CiiheateMea, Ve Weary ooh Hymna,T .) Come F coh a 2 z S BULLETIN G45 ROBSON. Announs a. Rov, T. i W. 2 . . . Bimpeon 10.20.—Close viowWik * et ft ee uncer; a WN. Settle Fes Armouncer: * eekeak Sis: La H f a a Chor at # 5 . GLADYS suieen | ra fx eela MANCHESTER. as |ee 2 . 2 0 Brahma Concert. U-Pretade 3 . 0 : Sarriecigeche>ORCHESTRA TH ORCHE! * Predude ce THE STATION. ae THE AUGMENTED HESTR: rh ad a e Suite... Bach F ae fan coeabends» pore English Conduebed ‘oneeie t o r , DAN GODFREY, : cones r ole Sereneee a y¥ SAM LANGFORD. nreS>a yton Gicus | A. CARRUTHERSv as ep HERBERTI eethonen | 3} Oferbane 9 90 Overtirre, Ho. 3 as 0 p Brake GILHESPY(Tenor).“3 Suit ti te f ; HUN’ freee) J. T. * anes fro RACHEL 0 . 2 0 , Then Faathtil ‘ -Manialaenkss aay LP 1 a"fo n Fy (Cantralto} Be SI as Pa hin eat fox Veee a “When peeiF ceea A d v e Hbapeois Contralte wo DL ows Galler {hh , : w } worl (Bari mle Mh Mifale Voice Choir. {. HOBKIRK 7 Dewan ” ars 1 o.0, ¥al Summer N i g h t ' s i oO (Ha rtone alae, e c ete 64:8 ee The B i er aed TINA McINTY ee Variatioen by Havel ene Shire Cups: (1) 4-90. "heme e s Andité .. ve parton id} | >Vihar Prayer’ ivcsodcnsuvanse na April Mormm™ ees tL nie LEE THISTLETHWAIT torte eee eee Milter eae Sie be ee E (Baritone). Catach za H iannende (1h) Machine Stngn 240 . Lav a ves “ e e Brahma eae Rag! vs ae Piper of A, Core Canil eae 3 (IT) a paderaee (At the Tease’ Batecon.} Cote allan = | Oh 708 dea Se Rcaeae 14 eee ee) = die Aen fiivar irs Li ete ee S h e r e e( 2 ) ite.” “ i A n Evan " “avialleri 1 Fa We, Din ee Brokrn Syne Lullaby im - - 1th, npshone eotneeee from 9.00 = : um 2hone| SB. ‘adhva Excdirnarridieo intFeu,, ass i CORNER. = - ANDPREONEE caerDREN'S ; 2Pen ij3 RAunea MES 6.30 Gardiner ee ee I ere “1 eres7 ped hrobhdestorgl 7 Gavotte”Lendon B roc... i d g e Blind Monghr Caenhey iy Charke : “ The UnicraRionon Talk t o Y o u n g bd In the tirent G, HONEY: & q ous EY Hardetnt §.0.—SIDNEY‘etre. NEWER. ie Toannador. Alingitrel ror oy 10.0.— a SR . cor Tha King's (5) 3 Eahal New iho Ppngitt (Pisutst).HEL | ancl T . LE Forecast. MIDGLEY~ he ari] A eather Circk B40, ETARLie ae ry jaliniath 10-15. ile 4.12. Dances 5 Bd EBUYTTO4! Thirer Hungarian Piano and Wialin ai oni in F for UlOWL. Brahiia met Wr, M ans ee Reeil AnOOMeor " S e r p o l (15) af Entr'acta, » Mieke! eceames Mel 7 ore oletro Fs GERTRU JOM KS iy ac 0 Ti 5 ri oe ~ 1 DUDE nevi Amel tai 7 i Arum JvLic ae Sais at is slnea the BNO.0. (5) (atm, Silent ee Broth viene: Se ee troirs mellow ” i la ans { i cai Pratt * The Voy n y 1. ABERDEEN Sorutersan (1) ipier if lowe 1 ae Caren r ‘Lo, =ot re : ‘ ORCHESTRA.A af Fisoe 51 Hiyimn, sf : BE WIRELESS c s Saleection of ihe, 3 bé ate * Giiake > r a das WILLIAMS. erbure wnt Lidia p ' s Songe. anRie FE. 7 ATOM: . Ad oe fn Theri? rT a=a aTha; ADs 18 4 F “Gh roat Eyig eee Failte 7 alhg-va M i n n u - < Murch, VE fee COETL od, booth, n r , t aa) {Ia l denor Lo h e e y a HURLEY z @ vege ’ cheater: rr 1H a rH ‘CHARI Md 5 CORNER De " 7 5. 5,0,—CHILDREN' fiows Adelreds, ‘ l i e Sarrow of ae =e r a i s e ) Hy tic’. i atl koe iy i T. B: Sidebottom ea Bl a ot Faber Midgleyand Faithfol Unbe mene” nee?LEO) 6.50. = 9 aan Unsowtae eeor for Violin nul Pianotorta aeraBea OP 4 Sonata (12) §:45——ThePee 1 + AL, o f t SL Mandetssohn me , BP. wlREVERY,Chat nes 5.05 Ds erentOrchant Bride's Epison Bear sFromek ra. Puceing eee S.B. from Londa Srelas i Manon Leseaut™ p a t SA 10.0-—NEWS.. ' Ms chon, A d d r e s s . Nows Weather Forecostat. ood a = Lacal| Nows-andChen opr: 5 ' 23 (Tune = Wilt 10.15. BR. WALKER [OTRO ). 8.i4),—F alm We, pth, Jabs} 340 AGNES OO ARIE e s Brooks (12 u ' _ ofMy Boag.) ash Se as ae = ae sil conah res” Relert Eden " B. DICKSON * Moonlight e t cereAde. Te- ' Vine 8.55, JOHN OWSreehad = it the F ) C a n v e r t oerHim tn the Wings of a Dove " Adagio”from ald ewes i, for Mendoterotin. (1) Belectert. Liye i (4) eee ace 9.50 iecp St Hernural) ot kar, BY faeeee “ Tewele oft 5 Recital (By 1 0 . 3 0 . : . nm ir 0.7, oD the. bo Lk 3 sie olf. Ferrari a eee = Veto Sony 7 ml ACTEM PS! Annotmess “ Serenade SCOTTISH TUNES, . Toaedh le ri SALM ee eee nen ane Hurley. ‘ 4.5. With all tg a “If a" CHOIE 2 Heert oF CHURCH7 : : , our WESTBOURNEA HENDER - ve NEWCASTLE. il THE by he ML % Me4eishee5 - Conducted rr 7 5 bane a r e " Ww cRSON 7 a ot i ; i Croeiiixion as = ae -. »Pianoforte ALE Ever Glorious (0 i f to tho Universit Glasgow). ee 1" (12 rganist raity of uJ AEStaae ba ' Pare oe Staner } x . . M. WALL, (12) He will orale a o ALFRED | flac the Historyry rid ‘ n| . Soaea ot Orchestra, C of tlie Gl Op, 65 castsoa Deorak hireter Pymirn in F Afinor,Op, 68 mphon i. Winer Aferary 2 Seottish Tria ; rene LARP By oo, 40 in D ia tavenbiinn Bal = (b) Alb y Hanes,3: Invoostion, Allegro oa non troppo a= B a t l e r n a , Eastgate | (a) : 7 f ar B., Walk et, C o l e s h i l l , § 1» prazs Agnes Love, pretto- ‘ HOE, saci n 4 o ... a (8(Sopra Redoemer” 9.49 ee HOWEOWE a © Divine a \ i 20." LEONORA ee++ C a r e y( 1 ) ance oO clt o Theo ™. B, Dickson. Song". N e a r e r , My G o d . te John * from Concer “ Blackbird $oh) e ) 4 4i 0 . Andante Cantahile fed anacnt ae ") eee | aeHAE = “War Marcl Priests " (“ Athalia Serena seheGRORGE ( T e n o r ) . 1 of the a .... in HARRIS Eermndal Mendelssohn, Romance™ Flawnr tity #* Behold and bis tesenes eae Ae ‘ y Cena Bat Th cet eee CORNE EWS e F * in jrant 1.4.—h London: His SoulHandel 5.0-5.30,—_CHILDREN'S sh 4 ALB. 3. from idst Wot Leavesnap ‘ Y. Ws. Hell " iM paieiersee Glasgow, Weather Fore cm coal Navn ane igi. ‘ T t rid, : 5 580 OF THE TORRY 10 1a cr 65... CHOIR ¥ down. F Minor, Op. roma " -15.—Close ‘ r i o i n . : (a Alice, wean aie (c) Poco adngio U.F. CHURCH. * Herbert A. Carruthers, gro DOT bria. + Anninouncer ? ) e (Tune : e. Howe. Pealm 94, Verses 7-10 : St. George's, 4.0, G i v e It Leonora a Your Fleart ..cclee Edinburgh}. cahin aaah 45 ivm D i e aos G o f f i n B.D,, Torry i a Harris, GUTHRIE, mrvasscalS chlabversStun ind—-_ tan George ? - ook oe off i t s A ae Fiat af nov .... Handel Address, _ heiseiapublisher Break Them" “F. C h u r c h . R e l i g i o u s Address, Shalt EOL

ach —— KADIO TIMES — [Arun 4rx, 1634. WIRELESS ‘PROGRAMME—MONDAY«(April 7th.)

r i n e letters. ** $6.7"= h i nHalen in these progremma BOURNEMOUTH. “ Rustle of Bpring™ ....0esesseecs Singing signity a Simuttanesus Groadcast frem the elation man. Bird Scenes from “ Biswat Hored, $.45,—The "6B" Trio: inald §. Moust Coleridge-Taylor (Violinist), Thormasg S ili LONDON. (Celliat), Arthur Marston (Pianist), Vita 9.10.—fir WILLIAM H. BRAGG. 4.2. from Jarrad (Sopramo}, London, £.30—4.90,—Time Signal from Greenwich, Mand '.30.—NEWS. 5.8. from London, Goite, Mezzo “Bop rano; Lilian Evans, £45,—WOMEN'S HOUR. Bolo Violin. ‘Household Rubbish, and | Loosl News and Weather Forecast. What Happens to It," by BE, Thorn- £.15.-—KIDDIES HOUR. $.45.—The Wranglers will continue to Wrangle ton Cook, Quaint Habitetiona," by 6.15, Scholars’ Half-Hour: G. Guest, B.A, on Mirth and Melody, Yvonne Cloud, J.P., “ Interesting Points About Parlia- #.65. Nellia Winelands, is ment." 5.30—CHILDREN'S STORIES: “Sabo Polonaise in A, Op. 40, No. 1...... Chopin Locked In,” by E. W. Lewis. “ Treasure 7.0.—NEWS, &.8. from London, “ City of Dreams ,..0.000s0008 etetecoul Island,” Chap. 8, Part L, by Robert Louis Stevensor. JOHN STRACHEY. &.8. from London. 10.5, The Bourne Revellers. Boprano and Tonor, Dust; “ nial” Radio Asaociation Talk, 8.2. from London. 6.15-7.0.—Interval. Sanderson (1) Local News andWeather Forecast. Humorist,‘' The Serial Story " L. Harrie( 13) 7.0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM BIG BEN anc Tonorand Baritone, Duet: “ Watchman, IST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. 7.35—8.0.—Interval, What of the Night?" .....8arjeant (1) 5.8. to all Stakons, “Popular Night." 10.15,—Misas A. B. FLOWER, F.E.B., F.B.5.6., JOHN STRACHEY (the B.B.0. Liters C r i t i c ) : Weekly Book Talk, 6.3. to 8.0. THE BOURNE REVELLERS. (let Claas Certiicated Expert of British ‘ Stations. WINIFRED ASCOTT ..S8oprano Bee & Scere Association, etg.), on “ Boos and Beekeeping.” Talk by the Radio Association, &.2. fo a l l NELLIE WINSLADE ...Pianist Station, HIDNEY WALLER ..... Tenor 10.30.—Close down. Local News and Weather Forecast. ERNEST BADY «ss0.. Baritons Announoor : John H. Raymond. ERNEST BUDGEN ...Humorist “ROSE OF ARABY." A Romantic Comic Opera. Baritone, “ Bashful Tom™ ...... Hemep CARDIFF. Boprano, “The Great Basaar™ Olver (5) by Tenor, “ The Devout Lover“, MF. Whate £0—"BWA'S "* FIVE OCLOCHKS "=: Vocal Harold Simpson and Henry Thorp. Humoriat, “ How to Love” AL Randall (7) and Inatrumental Artistea. ‘Tolke ta Lyrica ry Harold Simpaon. Soprano and Tenor, Duet:The Voyagera Women. Weather Forecast. Music by Merlin Morgan. Sanderson (1) §£.45,—THE HOUR OF THE “EIDDIE. WEEKS." Produced and Conducted by 4.20.—THE WRANCGLERS (Wilson James and L. STANTON JEFFERIES. Partner) will Wrongie on Mirth and 1.0—NEWS. §.2.. from London, S.B. to other Stations, Melody. JOFLN STRACHEY., &.8. from: London Cast a 8.50, The Bourne Pevellers. Radio Assooiation Talk, S.B. from London, Laylah ....+.+..5s¥ERA LOWE Baritone, “ Dector Dan ™ Lacal Nows and Weother Foreeast, Eorab ...... GLADYS NEWTH Boprano, “ Cherry Ripe” ...cre Tehama Tenor,Ariso, 0 Sun". Maude Crashes Day Operatic Nicht, ee | MARJORIE WALKER Himorist, “ Wot Abahrt 161" ,. Bites (7) pPDOoROTHY COWPER (8aIp TRE} Soprano and Baritone, Dust: “ Farewoll Vocalists SYBIL ELSE JOHN COLLINGON....{Tenor), Blas. Gace a csecee Cy CCEge arece oven ie Noel Johnson Travers .RAYMOND METCALFE THE STATION ORCHESTRA JOSEPH FARRINGTON £.60.—The Wranglers will Wrangle on Mirth (Ampmonted), Durfon and Melody, Abdullah ..JOHN HUNTINGTON 7.38.— Operatic Soli, Duets and Orchestral General | 08. NELLIE. WINSLADE. (Solo Pianoforte), Belections, incliding ‘the DBaete between

Biggles }.. FREDERICE LLOYD Ko. 6 from “ ‘Fhree Four Suite" ish J Coleridge-T'aylor wh pomber agaiset a mnsical em incicate the nama pubes A key list of publabers will be found on Rose of =oe Leta oo Rachmaninef r.36,—Acta L and I l . of the Opera “ Araby,” ettte Peo ).10.—S8ir WILLIAM HENRY BRAGG, E.0.8., oboe F.H.8., D.8e., Quain Professor of Physics, University of London, on “ The Nature of EVENTS OF THE WEEK. Gases," 8.8. to o f f Siations, 130.—TIME SIGNAL FROM GREENWICH: and 28D GENERAL NEWS BUL- SUNDAY, APRIL 6th. ABERDEEN, 7.15.—A Night with the LETIN. 35.8. to aff Stations, LONDON, 9.0.—De Groot and the Picca- Composer—Stanford. dilly Orchestra. Weather Forecast. SB. to other Siationa, MANCHESTER, 3.0.—Brahms Concert. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5th. Local News. CARDIFF, 8.30.—Music of thekesers LONDON, 6.0.—4rh, Symphony Concert relayed from the Central Hall, BOURNEMOUTH, 3.6. and . §.48.—Act III. of the Opera “ Rose o f Araby.” Westminster, (Conductor, Hamilton ‘Cello Recital relayed from Bisaahe Harty.) 5.6. to all Stations. Announcer: J. 8. Dodgson, Arcade. Fut ABERDEEN, &.45.—" Olivet to Calvary," THURSDAY, APRIL 10th. a Sacred Cantataiio Two Parts, LONDON, 7.40.— Hours with Living BIRMINGHAM. British Composers--Vaughan Williams. MONDAY, APRIL 7th, — IFF, 74Ack Songs and Chamber §.30-4.90.—Lozells Picture House Orchestra: LONDON, 7.35.—A Komantic Comic wale. ' Enrector, Paul Rimmer. Opera, “" Rose of Araby,"’ by Harold BOURNEMOUTH, 8.0.—. * £.0.—WOMEN'S CORNER: Sidney Rogers, Simpson and Merlin Morgan. 5.5, to GLASGOW, 7.40.—Request Night. F.B.HL.S., “ Topical Hortioultaral Hints.” other Stations. ABERDEEN, 7.40.—-Operatic Night. 7 CARDIFF, 7.35.—Operatic Night, FRIDAY, APRIL. ith. : 6.30.—Agricultural Weather Forecast, LONDON, 7.30.—Rossini Night. KIDDIES’ CORNER: Janet Joye. BIRMINGHAM, 7.40.—Request Nicht. 6.30.—Teens Corner: Unele Pip on “ Naval ) LONDON,, as1.30.—RussianafeogRanoProgramme by CARDIFF, 7.30.—The Magic Carpet : History.” the Band of H.M. Grenadier Guards. V. Britsh North Bornes. ¢ CARDIFF, 7.30.— West Country Night. GLASGOW, 7.30.—-Recital of Chamber 7.0.—NEWS. 5.2. from London, ] NEWCASTLE, 6.0.— Exc from cs ‘JOHN STRACHEY. &.B.° from London, “ David Garrick,” by P. W. Roberts, ABERDEEN, 7.30—"“Two Gentlemen Radio Association Talk. 8.8.from Lendon, a GLASGOW oo Sveuiiea” of Plays of Verona ™ (Shakespeare),

Local Neiva and Weather Forecast, al een Scottish National SATURDAY, APRIL 12h. 1.05.—The entire Progromane &.B, from London, i ayers, BOURNEMOUTH, 8.0.—Clnssical Night. iil Announcer: H. Cecil Parson. shesbenge Seeder Speech peared

APREcL yi; 1247 co RADIO TIMES —— a9 = ————e eas from WIRELESS|PROGRAMME—MONDAY theene page.) Saeeeeee —— ke .™ —— : —

iThe letters "6.8." printed im ltalics in these programmes rast, “ska I ‘Went.o-Roaming”Went 6.30), ¢ ELLDHIEN" EB CORNER. tignity a Simultaneous Breedeast from ihe stiolion mon i May AY. Broke) Ivy Davies and Emmis Wild tiened. 6.0.— Weather Foretast for Farmers. Song, “Leave Me Nat” Rudolf and Mimi (Aet T., "La Bohéme ™"}, (Tito Mattes) Ivy Davies 6.30.—Girl Guides" Nowa Balletin, and: Butterfly and Pir icorion fAot IL. Quartette, * Bilent Night” 1.40.—DBoy Seouts’ News. Bulletin: Commis “ Macome Birttertly "') (Peceert). if. Barnaby) The Party sioner VW, Morse. on “Beouting un the Old Dave,” f.10.—Sir eoe H. BRAGG. 38.2. from I0.15,—W. F. BLETCHER, Spanish Talk. Leones i.—NEWSs.: SOB. from DLovcdonw, 10.50,—Closs. Down, JOHN STRACHEY. 3.2. from London, 0.20.—NEWS, 8.5. from Jeendon. ARNOUMGGr : Vietor Smythe Local News andl Weathor Forecast. Radio Association Talk. §.5. from London. Local Newa andWeather Forecast. 6.45.—Dante Mose NEWCASTLE. —The eatire Programme 8.8, from Lendor. 115.—Close cown, L45.—Concert : Ralph Eliott (Selo Pianoforte), Katherine Green (Soprano), Jack Mackin- Anndumnier : H, J. MeKoa, Antouneer: A. Hy Clodvlard, tosh (Bolo ‘Gornot}. 4.45.—WOMEN'S. HOUR. GLASGOW. 6.15.— CHILDREN'S HOUR, MANCHESTER. 3.304, 30,—Popular Affernaan: An Honr of 6,0,—Stholans Half-Hour:. Mr. A. Rae, ELA., Molocdy by the Witches Quairtethe and 2.00 4.00.—Coneert by the “* 22¥ * Quartette, on" The Electric Telegraph.” Betty Wilson (Mezzo-Boprang}, 6.0,—W OMENS HOUR, (,45,—Farmers’ Corner, 4£45.—TOPICS FOR WOMER, 7.0.—NEWS.— 8.8.from London, 6.20: —Farmers’ Weather Foreenst, 6.16.—THE CHILDREN'S CORNER. JOHN STRACHEY, oH. from Tondon, f.25:—CHILDREN'S HOUR, 0.0,.—Weather Forecast for Farnmneta, Tadio Association Talk, &.9. Jjrom Tandon, 6.30,— FRANCIS J. STAFFORD, M.A., M.Ed.. 6.45.—J. BR. RUTHERFORD, J-P., on “The French ‘Tall, Local News and Weather Forenast, British Empire Exhibition.” 7.0—NEWS, 5.8: from London. T.30.—The entire Progrumme 3.8. from London. 7.0.—NEWS, 3&8. from London, Announcer: W.. EL Shawen JOHN STRACHEY, &.2. from London. JOHN STRACHEY. &.B. from Condon. Radio Association Talk, 3.8. from Lendon. Radio Association Talk. 8.8) from London. ABERDEEN. Local News and Weather Foreoadth Local News andWeather Forecast, 3.30-4.30,—Danee Afternoon, The Wireless 7.35.—The entire Programmed 3B. from Jondon. 7.35-7.45,—Interval, Guartette and GladyaCooper (Mezzo- Announcer: Mongo M. Dewar. Eonremo}. Concert Party Might. £.02—WOMENS HOUR: The Hon Mra. A number saan 4 musical item indicates the name iis. YY DAVIES’ CONCERT PARTY, MeGilchrist on “ The All World Sunday of ite pablisher. A ey Tit of publishers will be found of IVE DAVIES 5. veg ceauceh ees Soprano Bchool Convention at Glasgow." page 73,

EMME WELD SRR od Sd Contralto WILLIAM HUBERY i eccee as Toner ALPo pea el eee Phiri tere ERNEST REEVES Humorist ManWho Made Wireless Possible. ARTHUR: BEWICEK ...... Accompaniat Quartette, “Love is Meant to Binke Us ie ek ies (German) The Party Dr. J. A. Fleming, Inventorofof the Thermionic Valve. Bong, “ Mattinata ” (Toatt) William Hurley H’”W many people are particles had boen shot off from the over-heated, Duota, “ Looking All Ower, < ; rans that one of saat in the flament-in straight lines. The for You" [Kern di Ivy Davies the foremost of the undamaged half-of the hair-pin shaped filament, "“M'Ves, M'No'lynnd by intercepting this shower of carbon stoma, Ot lville Gideon) 7)/ Frncat Reeves world’s ecientinia, 4 pioneer not only in wire- caused a sort of shadow, or line, of no black Bonga, “1 That Tt Were Bo ™ less discovery, but o deposit to be produced on the inne? surface of (Bridge) ) Emmie Wild leading authority upon the bulb. A little later on, 1 found that these “Lullaby (Sao) many aspects of scien- particles thus shot off were all electrified with Bong, “ Droop Not Young Lover” tific activity, and the a so-talled negative electricity, that.is the kind (fondel) Alex FLill inventor of the thor- of electricity produced by rubbing a stick of Humorous Selection ...... Ernéat Reeves pealing-wax with a bit of flannel. Quartette, “ The Parting Kiss” mionie valve, which made (Pinsut) The Party broadcasting posaible, “The next atep ofthe invention waa made Song, “ The Moorish Maid ” wha speaking only a fow in 1904, when I placed around the filament of an (Parker) Ivy Davies wocks ago from21017 electric lamp a cylinder of metal, sealedingide Dr J. A. Fleming, to the bulb, and found that a currentof negative $.45.—W. Bh, STORES, F.R.A.S., FRAO, on whom we refor, deserves the prmeipal credit electricity, no matter how brief, could be sent “The Spectroacope Interferometer.” for the development: of broadeasting, for it from the filament to the eylinder, but not in 9,0. Conecrt. Party. was his production of the thermionjo valve that the opposite direction. This at once gave ue the Dust, “The Anny and the Navy.” made wireless telophony possible, means for converting the feeble, but rapid, to Wiliam Hurley and Alex Hill Dr. Fleming has himself described how the and fro motions of electricity in an merial wire, Bongs, “ Love is ‘a Dream" valve came to be patented, and bas related how, which are set upwhen electric wavesfrom o@ ‘(Percy Par: Emmis Wild in 1852, the electric incandescent lamp, so distant transmitting station strikes ihe aerial " Life™" {ianden Rorelad) | familiar to ua. all, was perfected by Edison and wires into a current of clectricity, all in the same Songs, “In Sheltered Vale" Swan, The first lamps consisted ofa carbon direction, by including in tho circuit such a (Old German Melordy) Alex Hill filament or thread, enclosed in a glass bulb lamp with cylinder round the filament, J ™ Bots, Epais.” ... 25 from which all sir was pumped ont. When an therefore called the instroment a valve, 0.10.—Sir WILLIAM H, BR:AGG, seam rom elootrie current was sent through the voreada, it “In its most recenttypes, which are the London, glowed with a brilliast light. It was soon found outcome of Lhe work of many able inventors, the

9.30.—NEWS. 5.8. from tec that the bulb became blackened on the inside valve can: perform three dutice: it can detect as the lamp waa used, und the flamont or thread electric. vibrations, amplify or magnify them, Local Newa and Weather Foreomst waa, after a certain time, burnt through at some and also create them, and it ean truthfully be .45, Concert Party. place by excessive heating. “In the-oourse of described as the master weapon of the radio * Humorous Selection ...,.. FEenest Reeves my oxperionce,” he hat stated, “aa scientific engineer. Without it, wireless telephony would Quartetta, “Tha Goalings™ wiviser to the Ediswan Electric Light Company, be only the-oocazional feat of experts; with it, (Sir #. Bridge), The, Party I noticed that in somo lamps there was o clear wireless telephony has become the every-day song,” By the Sea" (Schubert) William line on the glass bulb on which no blackenings amusement of thougands of ameteurs in their 7 InLove "(Hermann Lohr Hurley took places, which indicated that the carbon own homes in all parte of the world,”


— RADIO TIMES _— = fareatu, A.‘ rnp a _—_-— = SS = == = WIRELESSPIPROGRAMME—TUESDALY Gre


The letter "6.2." ovinted in Hinlics in these aaoe Miscellaneous Programme. 6.50. MURIEL GOLTON (Contralalto) fignity a Simaltinesas Broadcast trem lhe ie BG Tir tiara. 7.20, RATHLEEN LUCAS (Siffieuse}, wake oe ak prea nedliontague Phillipe “The Waltz Song” (“Tom Jones") “The Fairy Bex OY eerie ea LONDON. Geran "Boring Sang a Song: sisaees ss ... Corre TORRE feria ae oanesh hae ate Sia Apeits L.0-2.0.—Time Signal from: Big Bon. ‘The W W. ALLEN (Dramatic Hecital}. £0, Orchestra, Wireless Trio and Louie Whittock Balection, “ The Toreador * (Soprann), “ Berjsant Bustut Addresses the Jury ” Dickens Ca a andMonckton £0-4.30.—Time Signal from Greenwich. eM EN seta band ewan C. Winter (13) 6.18, Phyllis Knibbs, “Bhekespenre's Association with Lon- FHANE CANTELL (Solo Violin}. os Thinki rit cel Tou! don," by Hugh Mytton, Wallia Williams “T Heardmy i Binging “ (Baritone). “Tho Remance of Blanket “Romande .aesis Rei ai. » Sverudsen Weaving,” by Helen Grieg Souter. eBeres av eg ee eee vee rye 9.20. . Gordon Ackland. «© Asthore™™ ee pees wf. Tredeva 6.30.—CHILDREN'S STORIES “ Five Litth JOHN HENRY, Pitehors,;” Chap. “6, Part 5, by. Madeline "The Infinenza.” The: Awakening ayes oeee Coates (I) Hunt. “ The Language of Drawing,” by 8.15—8.45.—Interyal, 9.30.—NEWS. 8.8. from London. A Neodhor, Local News sndWeather Forecourt, 8.45, John Henry. 6.15—Lady SELBY-BIOCE:;. An Appeal on “Helping the Engineers.” 1.45.—CHARLES RIDDLE, Borough Librar- Behalf of the ¥.W.C.A., of which sheia Frank Cantoll. jan, on “ Bournemouth,” National Vice-President, “ African Danco No. 2"... Coleridge-Taylor 10.0.—THE BAVOY ORPHEAXS AND §.30—7.0,—Interval. THE BRALAMAZOO PLAYERS BAVOY HAVANA BANDS, relayed from in & Midern Comely, the Baroy Hotel, London, T0—TIME fIGNAL FROM BIG BEN, err “THE QUARREL,” 18T GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. specially written for broadcasting by 11.6.—Close down. S08. to aff Stations. H. Lemon. Announcer: John i, Raymon. FRENCH TALK under the auspice of I Institut Francais, 6.2 10 all Sfokons 9.30.—NEWS. &.B. froin London, erent Aberdecn. Local News andWeather Forecast. CARDIFF. Local News onl Weather Foroomet. p.45.—COLIN GARDINER, F.B.A., Han. Or- Li" HAS“FIVE OCLOCHS ": Vonal 7.30, Russian Programme. gemcing Becretary of the Radio Associa- aud Iustrumental Artistes. Talks to Women, Woathor Forecast, THE BAND OF Hit MAJESTY Ss tion, “ Wireless: Hints to Boginners.” O§RENADIER GUARDS, 10.3.—THE SAVOY ORPAHEAKS AND SAVOY §.45.—THH HOUR OF THE “ KIDDIE- By Permission of Col. B.. N. Sorgiaon HAVANA BANDS, rolayed from. the WiISks." Brooke C.YLG., DSO. Bavoy Hotel, London, 7.0.—NEWS. 8.8. from London, Thirector of Music, Lieut. G, ATTLLER, 11.0.—Close down, om London, L, BA. M. FRENCH TALK. 8:8.) Marche Sinve ..... Pele “aki Announcer: BH, Cecil Pearson, Local Newa and. Waather Forest. Suite da Ballet, ~Thin Seasons a West Country Night. Glazounpw OLGA ALEXEEVA. (Soprano). BOURNEMOUTH. 7.30.—Programme. arranged ond dirested by JANSTEWE K, who will himee?f appear The Dreory Bieppe ~ .os Grechaninor 3.45.—Ethel Rowland (Solo Pianoforte}, “The Oradls Bong" ...0.505 Tcherthensby in West Country Songs, Bhetches, and 4.0.—THE ROYAL BATH HOTEL DANCE " Snoworope ** Gfrechaninar Totechyecles ORCHESTRA, raiayved fran Kinga Hall JAN STEWER will be asisted by GEORGE The“Band. » :- Rooms. Musical-.Director, DAVID #8, PARICER (Baritone) and THE STALLION Threo Pintet sites ns ichacacaksy (1) LIFF. felection, “Eugen Ondgin” .. T'chatkoraby ORCHESTRA, | THE NOVELTY TRIO will entertain, 4:20.—Ethel Rowland (Bolo Pianoforte} 0.30.—NEWS, (S.B. from London, 4.25.—The Royol Bath Hotel Daneo Orchestra Plée Batik. Local News aral Weather Foreeawt, Caprice Eapaiiol a a as Fimahy-Roraa how 4,.45.—WOMER'S HOUR, {a} Danese Missa ; i f,15.—EKIDDIES' HOUR. $45.—RICHARD TRESEDER; F.G.H.S., on (b) Tarantella \ ge wows he el ity decbourakd * (jarie ning.” 6.15.—Scholora’ Hall-Hour: Hadley. Watkins Olga Alexeeva. on." Musig.™ WO0—THE SAVOY ORPHEANS AND BAVOY “The Soldians Wits Mans Paéhnwanisiff HAVANA BANDS, relayed. from tha I

T0—NEWS. 8.8. from London. te ™ Bell Chimes pe eee eeee Ghere Baiyioy Hotel, Landon, FRENCH TALE. 4&8. from London. ‘ihe Bee . ennaoreioy a 11.0;—Close down, “TheBand, Local News and Weather Forecast. Suite Symphonique, “ Scheherazade ™ Arncniinger ¢ WwW, M, Ba ttle, 7.90~8,0,—Lnterval, a Bimshy-Korgaker (1) “Hight of .” 9.30.—TIME SIGNAL FROM GREENWICH, 6.0. THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA MANCHESTER, ind 23D GEXERAL NEWS BULLE. Conductor, Captain W. A, FEATHER. 5.504. 30.—Concert: EE. Winer (Soprana, TT. SLB, te all Aveta, STONE. Dor thy & Fuller (Contral be, Cecilio Local News and Weather Forecast, Wood (Solo Pianoforte), George Lonsdale Balacthion, “ Coppeia’ oi. t eds :Delibes $.45.—ir. STEWART DICK, of the National {fenor), Fred Sutehite (Barttone), WW. Gellery, on The Foundation and. $8.15. PHYLLIS KNIBES (Soprano), Williamson (Totertainer). "The Rustiing of Graea™ History of the National Gallary." 8&2. 5.0.—WOMEN'S HOUR. to. Aberdes. Given ColeridgeT'aylor eo the Bichtingalo ai as ee Brahine 5,.°.—Farmers maeher Forecast, 10.0, . The Gand, Old Dance Misic; 8.25. H. GORDON ACKLAND (Tenor), §,30.—_CHLLORENS CORNER, oe a as age oieSphen Adams (1) 10.15.—The Novelty Tria. Ti—NEWe. 5.8, from Londen, “i Mistress Mime 4 isiesis sas Quilter (1) The Band, FRENCH TALE. 8.8, from Landon, Mora (Hd Dance Music, 8.35, Orchestra. Local News-andWeather Forecast, 10.45.—Closs down. “Petite Suite de Concert " Coleridge-Taylor 1/30-7.45.—Interval, Announcer: C. H. King. Pete WAVE-LEN GTHS | “Light Orchestral Night." AND CALL SIGNS. Tater. THE ORCHESTRA. BIRMINGHAM. March, “The London Soobtieh “ eines LONDON (2L0) - - 345 Metres | B.20—1.30.—Station Pian Quiutotie under the Overturn, “Son and Stranger ™ Direetion of Frank. Contell. ABERDEEN (28D) - - 495 . ‘| dfendelavahn (ey BIRMINGHAM (511) - 45 ,, Wiltz, Gee Tey os ee de Gung'l £.0—WOMEMS CORNER: Lily Cotten (Sopromn}. || BOURNEMOUTH (§5M)- 385 DORIS BARROW (Soprano), CARDIFF (5WA) - - 353° ,, 6.30.—Acricultural Weather Vorecast, Waltz Song from“ Merrie Enelatece KIDDIES’ CORNEA, GLASGOW (55C) « = 420 Bil; German “To-day My Spinet ("Tom Jones") 6.50,—Teena’ Corner, MANCHESTER (2ZY)-- 275 , Eaheard Gorman

NEWCASTLE (5NO) S TO.—NEWS: 8.8. from onan, SHEFFIELD (6FL) -- 33 , FRENCH ‘TAGE. "Se Fron Faria. | PLYMOUTH (§P¥)2 D0 | A sueiber ageing?! 6 moucical iter mdicotes the pera of ere A keyHet ef poblishers will be found on Loeal Nows ‘ond Weather Pores, Ee

WLP Rit 4a, 1824.) — RADIO _TIMES eas s

—— =SS (Continued hon _WIRELESS PROGRAMMEohaepee the facing page.)

SS >= The letters “6.8. printed In italics In thes programmes 6.30,SUNSHIRE CORNER FOR YOUNG FRENCH TALK. -& i. from London. tignity a SimoliancousBroadcast irom the station men- AND OLD KLDDIES; Auntie Nellio'’s tigned, Party: Local News onlWeather Forecast,

Orehestra. £.06-—Weoitler Forecast for Farmers. THE SCOTTISH NATIONAL THEATRE! Belection, “A Count ry Geka: fonction Geo, G, Laglement, MBE. H.Se., Agricul- turn] “Toll, BOCTETY Sees A beere a kee ee aene prosonts. 6.45.—Prof. F. E. WEISS, M.8c., on “ Spring Weekly AgriculturalNotes, THE SCOTTISH NATIONAL PLAYERS Flowtra,” 7.0.—NEWs. &.B. from London, Tocidental Musio to the Plays by THE STATION ORCHESTRA, P.0, Orcheabra. Local News andWeather Forecast. Condiseatead by Ballet Music,“ The Sican Veapers Penis A Night with the Composer, HERBERT A. CARRUTHERS ~ Belection, Fallen Fairies" ....Ed. German Gc. V. Stanford. §.30,- -Hhivs. 4.8. fr etn Leon, Tenth, T.15, THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. Local News and Weather Forccasts *Kealtio Suite * itn e eee eee Foulds Two Movements from Irish Symphony in * Scottish Danes ..... Orr. FF. H. Cale B.45, Doris Farrow. F Rliior .. ae’ ee pe ee pteeee (ld) e Sone My Aliither Taught Ma ™ ® Derik 7.50, ISOREL SHAW (Soprano) Teoh “A VALUABLE BIVAL” Wise Folly irs Landon Ronald (5) A Comody in One Act “My Love's an Artutua " .ssecevadee Ef) hay 1)h.0—THE SAVOY ORPHEANS AND SAVOY The Coty Child "ee ee ee ee ee {14} HAVANA BANDS, relayed from the eit F',. Grams, Bavoy Hotel, London. 7.40, Crehestra, Played ty Command before Their Majostios Overture, “Shamus O'Brien ™ inn aaS fl) the King and Queen ot Balmoral Castle, 11.0,—Close down, 7.55, ROBERT WATSON {Baritone}, Periormed by Announcer: Den Godfrey, Jane, “= Bailing mb Dawn"). + Songs af the Fleet The Scottish National Players. “The Littl Admiral "/ (14) Alexander Jameson Db. MORLAND GRAHAM. &8.£—ALBERT ADAMS, F.R.C.O. Weekly Maggie Jamoson ‘ NEWCASTLE. Musical Talk, “The Composer—Stan- ELLIOT GC, MASON ford.” 3,45,—Conoert: Waltor §. Barry's Tria, Wiliam Bain .... BR. B. WHARHIE 8.20, Teobel Shaw. Time: The Present 4.45.—WOMEN'S HOUR, “The Winds of Eathlehem ™ 6.15.—CHILDREN'S HOUR, " Forupn Landa" ($p.actseescaseeses (2 $.20. Orchestra. 8,20, Orchestra, * Coronach ™ eer eee eee Edgar Barratt (4 6,0,—Scholar’ Holf-Hour: -Chas, Wain, Talk * Wae's Me for Prince Chariic.” on Nature Study, Buite of Ancient Dances os. hte hee (14) Barabande: Morris- Danos, “THE DAWN,” 0.45.—PFarmers’ Corner, A Fragment by 6.40. Robert Watson. LO—REWS, & 8. from London, Naomi Jose. a - Bott Day ** PoP SRT Tee (14) Performed by the Scotiish National FRENCH TALK. 6.5) from Gondonm “ Trottin® to the Fair” weasesessees (14) Playora, Local News: and Weather Forecast, The Woman ..i.i. WAN RK. SCOTT 5. ol, Orchestra, f 7.30. THE &TATION ORCHESTRA, Overture,“ Attila *" The. Mam ALEXANDERMACGREGOR Conductor, WILLIAM A. CROSSE, “Trish Rhapsody No. 1 in D Minor ™ (14) The Servant .... EMMA. F.. COWAN : Ecloction, * Princess Caprica...... Pall 9.15-9.20.—Interval. The ‘Traveller .... E. WHARKIG Time: Some Yeors after tho Rising of "46, (7.45 WILLIAM J. TAYLOR. (Baritone) 1.3.—NEWS. 8.8. from London. Glee ee sb ewe es German Local Nows and Weather Forecast, 9.0--9,.30,—-Intorval, “Will o tho Wisp” ee Cherry 045—Mr STEWART DIK. 5.8. from 0.30.—NEWS. 8.2. from London, 7.55. Orelieatra, onuion, WNlao Drobo oni oye e ea ew Woaldicufel Lecal Kews and Weather Forseash. 10.0. Isobel Shaw, 6.0. Mr. WILLIAM MACREADY and = Au Lullaby ™ SEPA DEERE oe oe (2) , a5, Orchestra. Mise GODFREY TURNER The Cuckoo ts See eo ee eee'e eeee (1) oven Beottish Airs in excerpts from 10.10, Robert Wateon, “DAVID GARRICK," .55. A-Play in One Act “The@ Drake's Drom: a LP. WF. Roberts.) Old Superb” \ Bonga of theSea.. (1) “THE PHILOSGPHER OF BUTTER. HIGGINS.” 8.0--0.00.—Interval, 10.20. Orchestra, by '9.30,—NEWS. SD. from Bondon, “Serenade i oak eens ceeekeeesee [) Hardld Chaprn. Performed ‘by tho Scottish National Looal News and Weather Forecast 10.30.—THE SAVOY QORPHEANS AND BAVOY HAVANA BANDS, relnyed from Players. 0.43, Wiliam Taylor, the Baroy Hotal, London, Bovyid Pirnis “Bo you Want to be a eu Little DBD. MORLAND GRABAM a ee a bea derek JDrotere 11.0.—Close down. Lizzie (His Danghter) “A dolly Old Cavalier ™ . so eaa cuesPiz Announcer: BR, E. Jeffroy, GRACE MacCHLERY 10.0— THE SAVOY ORPHEANSAND SAVOY John Bell (His Son-in-Law) RK. B. WHARRIE HAVANA BANDS: relayed from the Bowoy Hotel, Loudon, Weo Alexandot (John's little Bon) GLASGOW. JEAN MACKEMMIE 11.0.—Close down, Time: ‘The Present : £0—Nornman Acszhin's " Mien! Moments 7 Announcer: FE. L. Odhama, relayed from, La Beale Pieture House, 10.30.—THE BAVOY ORPHEANS AND B20. 30,—The Wireless. Quartetie onl Miss SAVOY HAVANA BANDS, relayed M. MdNeil (Sopranc). from the Bavoy Hotel, London ABERDEEN. 4.45.—TOPICS FOR WOMEN. 11.0.—Olose down. $.40.—The Wireless Quartette, Operatic A f t e r . Eon, 5.15.—FORTY-FIVE MINUTES WITH “ THE Announcer: Herbert A. Carrothors. TINY TOTS." 4.30.—Catherine Duncan Contralto}, Recital o f Elgar's Sonps. £.0—Weathor Forocnst for Farmers A mune: against a mmtical item indicates the name af tt pubkeher. A bey lat of poblhers will be found op 6.0.—WOMEN'S HALF.HOUT: T0—KEWSs, 38.8. from London, page Tl.

4 — RADIO TIMES —~ * {Arent 4on, To24, — SaaS eee eas ee 2 oy

Wednesday Symphony Concert.

The Music Described by Percy A. Scholes. |

OLD DANCES AND LUTE TUNES— Thia sone comes from- Purcell’s music to long dime the Sirings have this Tune to theme RESPIGHI. Bhakeenpearo’s The Tenowa oa tinkerecd bi thi eelves, and motive how the Violas and ‘Catliog RESFIGHI ina prominent Italian composer of poet Shadwell te suit later aeventoenth century aonn weave another Tune in with -it, Then the the present dav, now forty-five years of nee. taste. A davilsings it: be in engaged in the Wind Tratroments tuke up theaorrowial merch- There Olt Dencee and Lue Tomes are meres perecition of Antomo, Alonsoand Gonzeto, bke First. Tune, with a power skim to that of of sixteenth-century music arranged by him and if the foreesof nature were an obedient. to bpony, whilat the Violins weave in the: Accomis for orchestra, him of he seemed to expect, the puniwhment panying Tune just menticued, Tl, BALLET, fornt Offendsa; by Simona inflicted TILE: lave bot ia VEry effective. All thie has boen in a eniennn mice, bat rca Molinaro. ‘This-iz seored for two Oboes, Harp- there ocr: ib fonsoling Thapar melody. Ih sichord fropresentedl to-night by the modern BEVENTH SYHPHONRY—PBEETHOVEN. enters-it the (inrinet al Baasoon, whilst the Pianoforte), wd Strings. Tho chicf feature is This ia one of Beethoven's greatest Eym- First Viehnplays trinket arpeezios ond the thé alternation of Strings alone with Oboos prlecaniens. Base Strings’ keen up the merch Fivthm, and Harpsichord (im place of which to-night o Sir George Grove, who has written #0 Folly So. with alternations of géreow fal of hope, plone will be weed). shout each of Beethoven's Symphonies that the Movement proceesle, . GALLIAED, by Vieenzo Galilei (father every later writer must perforce quote him, THIRD MOVEMENT... (Presto— Very Oniick.) of the astronomer) The Galliard in on old describes this one ae follows : Every tho: git of aminess disappears ‘ne if by Mage! “The reachon ae violent, We seem dance (mentioned by Shakespeare), which took Tt hsondt lane feeeation on foo, oroh proredent of ita name from ite gay rhythm, « frrahgement, Ohoab fhe (ented of the Seventh Sypapliarny Earsps Beethoven ti Serie up hin rep wert dalicrht, The mstraminia hare are Flotes, Chore, Cor qmnalata, ida ie orliselty, vivneliy. pewer, and beat Full of humour, be simply carrie ua with hin ff the Chapelle nel thee trepttent., off in fb certain new no ens of pure polity. Anglais, Hern, Harp, Harpsichord, ond Strings. romMptie dareiy af pedded and weewpected transitoti Theamiddls portién haan |" petal baa CL, woe PV Pi, ek eleel falely eartlahe Vb be ; From the pout of view of form, the Movement a note that remains the same throughout), aod it called fhe Aemaatic Anmiesy 04 itacompenkine ape te 08 Secherco with Trio, arranged Selmrso. rio on Oboe #olo is a notable feature, die ube), the Merce’ and: tbe “Fuster” TE only beet Eeherso-Trio-Scherso, The Wind Instruments hereon heal eo indicated tt—whbheh he hoe wet, Tn theFinale oct When the first portion returns, the Harp has bhis “Mine * enh late a wen of bolebertias mirth, most oF the reapansibiity ‘ia the ‘Tria, an interesting part to play. ff which we hav ao ceunple tn any ef the -curkler ayen- the Tune Beethaven- ne riven them to take I. VILLANELLA feompeaer unknown). phomuics,.” care Of ia @ pilerim’s hymn in commen tee in The Villanclla wae o rustic dancg, originally INTRODUCTION... (Poro- “aateanfo—Rather Lower Austria in Beethoven's day, and perhaps acoompanied by the vows, smooth and suataimed in style)—This -is- the Bui ue there ‘ The Orchestra here used consists of one Flute, longest Introduction Eesthoven ever wrote FOURTH MOVEMERT.. (Akegro-con brio— one Obec, Harp, and Strings. At the opening to-any of his works, and. one of the finest. Quick and Spirited), The fon tantinues—with the Strings ara plucked instead of bowed. In Neotechow, out of the ahort, sharp chords: br other qualities mingle, w rade bolsterouimesa the middle section the Sittings wre mouted. the Full Oreheetra, with which it opens: there being one.‘The form the same aa that of the IV. PASSY-MEASURE AND MASQUE- emerges each time, o slow, four-noete melody, First Movernent ; statement of two nisin ‘Tones, RAPE (composer unknown). The inatruamente phen firet to the Obese, then bo the Clarinets, development of them, repetition of them, The empl syed are Flotes, Ober, Barone, Horne, Tel then to the Horie, and, fnsthy, ta the Liana. be Furst Bubpect o [4 mithy Facial beperun wey one ‘Trumpet, Harp, Harpsichord, ancl Strings. Following this ome. long scales, elimbing {efter two bref bare. of preiimininry shouting to The Passy-measure ia very gay. Alternations their way steadily up from the bottem of the oe another of the Strings and Wind), tha of Wind and Strings area feature. Orchestrn to the top. Movement opena with it. The “Second Subse The Meajwerade begins with a bold Trumpot Then piers o- proceful "Tune, -firah given. to ject” enters in the Violina; i+ las a sort af tune. There are several charming possuces for the Oboe (with Charinets ‘nnd Baseoons: mecorin- quick, hinping guit, igip the minor, and never Wind instruments alone. The Orchestration payine} nnd then te the First Violin, with gets far without a rule interrupting chard from eften very brilliant. piqjunnt littl repeated notes above it, plaved Wind andDrum (this should be sufficient” to by the Oboe, the Bassoon, and (later) the Flute. identify it}. ROYAL HUNT AND STORM—BERLIOZ. This grows louder, and with « blare nnd a bane, Those younger listeners who like an occa. Just about sixty veara ago, the French com: in- come Trumpets, Drums,and all the power sional “‘rag™ will enjoy this movement, poger, Berlioz, proudeed his opera The Trojans of the Orchestra. We are now about half-way through the a Carthage, from which this piece isan extract. LITTLE 5UITE—DEBUSSY. This “Symphonie Entracte “ occurs at the Introduction, but the rest of i m made out of just the same musical material, and need not This plessant Suite was written by Debussy end of Act Dl. or Act LLL -(* The Trojana™ is aa& Pianoforte Duet. Latér it wee arrangod variously divided into4 or5 Acts}. The scene bedesoribed. At-the end Tf dics down toto » anit expectancy, and quietly creeps into. tho for Orchestra by Henri Bisser. Tt is one of ia “ow virgin forest in tho neighbourhood of Debussy's earlier composite. FIRST MOVEMENT. §(¥irase—Rapid and Carthage.” Naoiads appear, and bathe. Tho "Theres aire tour Movernnantsa, . bunt ia board-in the distance, gradually potting Lively. With the Flwte (eoftly played) originates the very jolly, dance-like -“ First Bubject,” or I. BOATING, The Sole Flute gives aus oearer, and the Natwda vanish. the main Tune, a gently ewaying Harcarolla mocipal "Tune of this. Movement. Before long, Various hunters. eros. the seene, a storm fat the end of this tine the Clarineta doubhla it Saas the wliole great Orchestre hes raucht appronelies. i : two echavet helow—a rather anusal effect}, While the siarm imecreasna, Ascanias, son of thé infection (for it really ix a “ catchy “ Tone}, nnd is bowing, or blowing, or hancing, in an effort Thiet sechion of the puece contityues for o short Zneas, gallops past, followed by other huntarnon, time, and then we pass into— The storm approaches ite height, and night to let the wide world hear what & good thing it A Minidlbe Section of the peda, of -a stronger, felis, Dido ond ARneas, hunting, arrive and bua Foe. more Thythen charac ter, nnd more fully orches. lake refiige In ovo, By-end-by, when the players have all had trated. New the opening of this section: is n Wood Nymphs appear, singing, also Fos time to become a littl exhausted, the happy noisedies down a little, and this gives the Firat curionaly scored parmsacés for fwe Flutes, and and Saiyre, all of whem dance 8 grotcequa twoTrumpets (muted) all other iInstriniernte dance in the darkness, A little eiream in the Violins the chancoithey wanted. They have gob eri tz momentarily silent. . rocks beoomésa o& noisy cataract. Lightning another merry dance-tune (the Sccond Subjoot of Then the First Section return, the main grikes & tres, and, finally, the whole scene is the movement), andths they proceed to play, Bo the Movement coos on, first “ develop. Tune originally played. hy Flute now being phacured by donas clouds, Tho storm at last played by Violtn, the Fhite adding decorative ai? abeates and the clouds acatter, ing the material heard up to thie point, and then “wecapitulating it. eTLMet bs, The music calla for no description, The above It. PROCESSION, The performer on the conveys ia spirit. At the end Gomes o thrilling “ Coda," of ec closing section. It begin very aoftly, toasting Triangle is an important person throughout this SONG : Movement, Fs

from one inairument to another & tiny snatedi ci Ariss, Ye Subterrancan Winds ,..... Purcell of the “First Subject" ebove mentioned; Ai tho opening, enpported by © pissieate

(tic, plucked) String scompanimeant, two =

aonn, hye WEE, i ERinA power, ancl before Taya — Arise, oflst | re SHOLATTaNeanh winds, Mare to distirh their guithy nilide. geconia have passed, every instroment in the Flutes give out o rather deliberately moving Aad) all ye Wedean ps pa) vapoure rise, March Tone, ada diet, thitee totes apart, |

onchestra in okerting iiseliin the effort to shout rs Which ase? lnfect the earth, nel tronbhe-nll the les} Then the two Ohoes tnke i over, and various Bice yoo, from whom devioriag plagies haya birth ; down alf the other instruments, and the piece q You tatLivast benbow womb of eri, enda with taro good solid bangs, as every loud Wind instruments Mflow, and at lust the Full

Engeauler Beartlwypiales, make whole Countrevs choke, . piece should! Orchestra ts. playing. —_ dund stately (ities into Thearte Carre 5 BLCORD “MOVEMENT. { Afartiio—hob A Middle Sootion then opens, of what wae And you who ford the Dames by which Earth) eptonlis may call a “refinedrag-time “ character, -At bor, Blow): There ts-somiat iiryg very touching abou Yo migiegwinds, whee raph! force con make the way the Movement apens. Di isnot cifticuii: length this diet away. AN) beet thar fied ood endicl ceive slake j toimagine what woy the thoughtaof Boothoven's The Tune of the Firet. Seetton-reborma in. thea Come drive tion Wireicles to hak park a” th" Tale, Flutes aga, but the time the Violins enftt Where natgre never yetdid smiio: war-time audience tormed at the first per- Gore Feri wel) Store, Wiithwinds ond) Earl beaks formance—a hundred and ten years age, ue thay play beneath it the Tune of the Middle Section thera = heard the solemn low notes of the Strings give an interesting combination. There bet Eyer hel and. joieleh in despair, Kike seit ober the pew’ cil Page Be Ale out the chief Tune of this piece, For quite a Continued of the facing page. |

‘Apa. 4on, 1934.1 ——— RADIO TIMES — 53 ——_—— —— — SS eenaliinnnettitanemeeeei THE PROGRAMME—WEDNESDAY _ees 9th.)

atten paabe ola, vata Yan f efPR a ae ale he i hae piece works utp Lo i oe + siroaiming in, & preat folio beilliant elimnx. “Ath SYMPHONY CONCERT, before him, reading andl Tt. MIRUET:. Ths iT Central Hall, Westminster, relecting por life. Wag: opens with o few bara of at § p.m. mer hes hinses Lf leit a very

Introduction for Ghose, Cor bee S| ri Stedrans.} lucie Anaya Of this ben. Anwinia(1.0,, an Abba (ioe) ——— =f tiful pieoe, The following

nel Chane. The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. op is o free translaliot: :— Then tha Minuet beging, Conductor, HAMILTON HARTY. ‘The brief opening

tia Come beng poven, ahah NORMAN ALLIN, Bass. tune, for: Biringk . 4 .

phrases by -pierean, to Ancient Dtelian Airs and Dances (from ees roproduces the bitter ory Violins, Flute, ond Charinit, the Sixteenth Century, freely trans- (heard: in the previous Act) Oboe qed Cor Anetaanal iene of. 8 man shrong bo meet scribed for Orchestra) ...... Respighi ed Wicking, 1. Balletto. the hatpening of. lofe- ind A. Middle Section ia led 2, Gagliarda. showing tin world «a face i ME. HAMILTON HARTY, olf by thoi.Bassoon. 3. Vilanella. full of energy, and even of ge NORMAN ALLIN, The orchestration -of 4. Passo Mezzo e¢ Mascherada. a Thistune this. aection ia very weried in colour, At the beeen Royal Hunt and Storm in the Forest if ‘now introduced merely to. dio away inte

end all dies away in a soft String tremolo, and Berlioz ee resign bic. there neturna thie ete " “ Ag it does eo, the Horns sound, as from afar, me Subterranean Winds Avia, ‘‘ Rise, Ye ree First Section, much oa hefare, bot with the Parcel the famous hymn with which Hang Sacha had Oboe (insted of Violin) leading ‘off, Symphony No. Tin A ...... Beethoven erected Luther nad the Reformation, the hymn

eter IY. BALLET, This ia a lively, Teary rhythmic pea Petite Suite ....,.. ewes LODE winch bed brovght “him en overwhelming dances, The chiaf Tunes is ci ven Oni by St fing Norman ‘Alin, MEF arity. in, uniten, with «a light. off-the-bedt accompani- Full Fathom Five * ...... (This: Hymn will be lieard:in full during the ment by the Wind: instruments, * Requiem "" ..;. Graham Peel (1) Prowesion of Masterangera later, | Then the Wind and-Strmgs change places: - Ballad of Sonarwater 7 “After the firet Kuo of this Hymn, the the Wind iow piving ootthe Tune ard tlie Groham- Peel (1} Strings take up very gently, some detached Birings the Actompmniniont (pisstoale), "Edward" . fi wi... Loewe tte phroses from Sach's song in the Second Act—sa After a tind the Fund & repented by Fyll Intreduction Act i. gtLigies if Sila, the shoomaker poet, raised bis oyes Orchestra. Dance of Apprentices from | i from hia manuel labour to look on high, and Strings an Horns then eeho tha, closing “* The Mastersingers "’ endgefl Waguer lost himself in tender aad Prachi revery, plirase of the Tone and we suddenly find our. Procession of Mastersingers .. *"Then the Horns continne, oral thia- tines rolves in the whirl of oa Waitt developed outof Announcer + R. F. Palmer. more loudly, giving ontthe Master-sqng . rh which Sachs-its, in the Jas -Aeb to follow, be ths phrase. This runs ite course toc then— a ae Dg mges eeeeee ee ee Bil The oarlier portion ol the Movement returns, I prested by the people of Nuremnbuare. “Then the first Tune of all. onteraagain, The presi chimax ef the end i4 cleverly made The words of Adie! are those of an ancient this-time with the stronger expreesron of a oul byctakang the First Dane of the pies fie: to Soottieh ballad, profoundly shaken, Tt becomes calmer, and ‘Trompeba} nd the Waliz Tone (given ithe other insiruméenta) ond running Chem together INTRODUCTION TO. ACT IIL.) from “ The the music closes in the gereniiy of a quictly happy reanimation,” ti tlowlde lire, DANCE OF APPRENTICES Master- Mn. TAL: DANCE OF APPRENTICES. PROCESSION OF oe| singers."* This is-the jolly open-air walte musie, to which SONGS: SINGERS -.06 000s ec aevides Warner, «Full Fathom Five” sewers ss brie Fogg the Apprentices dance at — Pestivel which ‘Reguiein ". peer Ooo Peed Thess ore three well-nontrasted oxtcacts from choses the Opera, ‘The dignified Muasteraingers © Balled of Semocier Water"! Graham Peel Pppear ond we pass. iite Warnce's Comedy -Opera, ‘clear .... : Evel... Joana A THE PROCESSION OF AASTER- Ene Foeg wee born it1 Mancheater in TOR; he Eo INTRODUCTION TO ACT FH. Ona SINGERS. This is.scme of the moat stirring lias the reputation of being avery “ advanced" of the most poctically beantiful passages in all processional mui ever written, Dia chimax oun Conposer, Chonhitm Peel was. torn aim the Wagner's work—i qiet spirit in meditation is comea- af Hana. Bachs -appente, and. the some Civ un IST. Laewe, a German composer suggested, mud. iden, wien mb ite’ close the pm pels Perl hum with the fares Hy aNE nlreacky (1796 Ji}. Somporet nina “arly in im @urtain rises, we peethe poet, Hans Sache, in his touched upon by the composer in the Tatrodue- Cirher. i Wie Tee as A BOT Conese, aemchai, with the mideummer moming sun tron to the Act [see aheel,

t= = ‘ “= ——— — —inEF - eee le ee

The feito “6, B."" primed in italien in thes programmes 700+ 0— Tae tice UP rogeme OSCR. from ik Seholurs” Asalf- Hour. a sigeity a Simultaneous Bromdcact from the stallion mgn- London, Anriamnitet 3 Parcy hii iar, b.5,—Farmers’Comer; f= honed, LO—NEWS. 8.8: feom London,

malin LONDON. BOURNEMOUTH. A. HADDON. SUB. from Goneon. 5.3044.30,—Time Bional.. from Greemwieh: 9. —Cinesioal -Mosie by the“ CBM - Trio, Local News ond Weather Forecast.

a 4435.—WOMEN'S HOUR, Coneert: The Wireless. ‘Tric. Ta0-TO,20.—The entire Programme. 6.8, from h.20.— CHILDREN'S STORTES, fh, 15-—K U0NOTES5 HOUR,

TT London. 6. (5—7_0.— Interval. f.15.—Seholare —Half-Hoor. Announcer: W, ML. Shewen = Fi 0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM BIG BEN, and T.0—NEWS. &.8: from Lenadon, Figg 1ST GENERAL AEWS. BULLETIX. A. HADDORN, 8.8. jrom London. ABERDEEN. Se. fo ail Station, Local Hewa ond Weotther Forecnst, ARCHIBALD HADDON fihe BBD, T90-10.30,—The entire Programme 8.8. from 3.304..30,— Popular Afternoon, Drirmadie Cate. 826: bal Aion. London, Announcer: John AH. Raymond, §.0—WOMENS HALP-HOUR. . Local Niwa solWonthor Forecast, 5tt—CHILDREN SH CORNER, 1.320.—sir RICHARD GREGORY. FBLA, CARDIFF. 6.0.—Weather Forecast for PFarners. Finest. P,,. Fd. Profesaor of Astronomy £.0—" SWAS PIVE OCLOCE..” .5—Madame LEFEVRE, French Talk, at Ohen’s College, an“ Beienee “nnd ii5.—THE HOUR OF THE: “ EIDDIE.- 70,—NEWs, 08.8 from London. Progress.” SR. fo all’ Stations. WIS." A. HADDON. dei. fron Loredom, BOTH SYMPHONY ©€8O8CERT relavyord TO—SEWS. 8&0. from bondon: Local News ond Weather Forotast. from: the Central Hall, Wesiminstor, A. FLADDON. 8.5. Jrom Domden, TET0—The oats Programme fl. from Ao, toll Sites, Local News ondWeather Forecast, London, $.50,—TIME SIGNAL FROM (REENWICH, S0-10,30.—Te cntire Programme 8.8. from Announcer: W. D.Bimpeaon. 230 GERRERAL NEWS. BULLETLA, London, Anncimeer: A. H. Goddard, AND WEATHER. FORECAST, 5.2, GLASGOW. to all. Shanta, MANCHESTER. $00,OaATbernoi, Local News. 4.504. 90,—_Cnaeert. 445,—TOPICS FOR - WOMEN, P45—ATH BYMPHONY CONCERT, Contd, 5.0.—MALY LY FEMININE. 6.14,—THE CHILDREN'S CORNER. Sit fe oall Aten, 5..—PFormérs” Weather Forecast 6.0.—Weather Foreeast for Farmere, 10.30, —hese down. 5.25,—CHILDREN'S HOUR, 6.45.—D, MILLAR CRAIG, on’ The Moder TO—NEWS. SB. fron London, Orchestre and ite Members," BIRMINGHAM. A. HADDON,. V8.8. frome Dondon, 1.0—SEWS... &.5. from London, fhLaelia Pietiore House Orchestra: Local News and Weathor Foredast. A. HADDORN, 8.8, from Landon, f.0.—WOMEN'E CORMER. T.20-10.30.—The entire Propeamine S.A. from Leon News mal Worther Forecast. 6.50.-—Agricultural Wenother Forecast, Dontan, Announcer: Vielor Smythe, 7.30-10,.30,—The entire Programme S.B. from KIDDIES CORNER, London, 6.90,—"Teena® Corner, NEWCASTLE. Announner : Mungo ML Deewar,

701.—NEWS. 8.8: Jrom Teodor. lS) lorcet. AL TADDONM 2 FB. Pron andar, A number against «a pusieal ite sa indliinds the warns 4.45.— WOME& HOUR, ofitspublisher A bey list of publichora wall be found on Locul: News wrth Weather: Pores, 1h—CAHILDREN'S HOUR. page

—— oe - 7.0.—NEWS, 6.30, 6.50,— £.0—WOMEN'S §.30.4.50.—Station §.45,—Mr, 9.30.—TIME 4.0-4.50.—'"Time 12.0.—-Cloae 1n0—THE ERNEST 6.30.—"' 8,05 §.30.—CHILDREN'S L.0-2.0.—Time The: ees FESSIE. 71.40.—THE 7.0.—TIME 6.15.—7.0.—Intervul. tna, tignity letters Local Rodio PERCY Song Allegro. —"Teena:. KIDDIES’ Local (For THE Local Talk PERCY (Approx. (1) by Retords. all from. fAVOY SE. TDS. and Romant—Finalé, Agricultural: Direction SEWELL &.8. fo Critic): of Marshall- pith,” Letters Week's fo GERERAL Zoo Round. and Hunt. Pitebers thoir Philemon, FARTY Ainchley.

~ GILBERT a “The (3) Biring al! Hours all George MAURICE “"6.5."" “Easter; Cycle, Simultaneses Baritono by thea Shatter, News-andWeather News News SNOW Society. H. SNOW, Announcer: a Storica.™ to 23ND Ralph Unele the Siations, down. to BIRMINGHAM. Station

WIRELESS “Dove TOMLINSON, the Frames" SIGNAL by Moderato SCHOLES. FE. A. Corner, Glasgow, SIGNAL Puify SAVOY 8.8. “MOONSTONES" the Cal”; ).—" Musical of &.8. all “’ Savey With Concert Qunrtette and H of and LONDON. printed “Five “The Sicnal Signal CORNER, HAVANA POWELL-JONES Radio ROBINSON, Till ©, Herbart}, SCHOLES (hap: GENEBAL and Vaughan 0 introduced STRING Humpty CORNER. Frank a Stobrons, Talk, BAILEY Weather KEWs World—Rangoon.” fo Solo, from Piano From Weather KENNETH. (Baritone). Romnannes Aft Toyo, Weather Made Broadenst (2) Living COLE olf STORIES: Hotel, (3) Fiang.) JACK kn —Minuet- Society Week's from Mystical FROM ‘Talk J. (No. FROM 7, from of Cantell, “1 String Rondo Ttalice ORPHEANS Stations, London, “ 8.8. Quintette on in 8.2. 8. BULLET, Part Me Williams, Dhonpty.. Antipbon,” My o -New Forecast, British Got QUARTETTE. Greensrich, (Pianist), London, BANDS, Forenast, (the from {Rant G. 1), Forecast. Dodgeon. Forerast, RICKARDS, by Japancse “ KREWS In Jame, of from Welcome"; Music,” Big EDWARD BIG from GREENWICH. Hard-to-believe 1), Songa™ Minor, br Capriceioso. Me Quartette Window,” ar thea Great Auntie by “Pictures ihe B.B.C, SKREAPING, Gramephons and “™ ona}. Gomposers." by on“ Five CONCERT Flowers GEN, Ben. Loudon. Lordon, under vision Edith precremmes ERNEST BULLE. Madeline “A Britain. relayed Chia.” Sohool- Trio &.8: LGM. (words H.-G, Musto “The Gilda Littl AND SB. S.B. Trip men The «and and and the (4) ™ by BL fe — Jd.


8.45, £.30.—REWS. 1?.0.—Close 10.0.—THE 8.0—THE 7.40-8.0.—IntervalL T.0.—REWS. 6.15,—Scholers’ B.15,—EIDDIES' 45.—WOMENS $.45—4.45,—Acriala §.45.—Major Bh. £.15-6.45.—Interval. 7.40,

1.0—THE B20—HEWS. 12.0. Conductor, VO. Local L V. Buits, VL [V. ITLL fl. Local PERCY Local “Now Buite, Morcean, Mosaiqne “Tlizabeth’s Overture, “A eT Radio London; (a) (Serennta Announcer: ree Concerto B.A, Dorothy (Contralte); Street Retum (c) Private"; fa) London, “Engineoring the (a) “Tho Clogs EMILY Announcer; —- ia {n)-" Fonst THE Serenade Marcia; Suite, Serenade BCURNEMOUTH. News REGINALD Sextetio, Octetie WIRELESS News “In News: Dance.” Poppies" + * Society Bleepa “Tho “From “Introduction AND Capt. down, “The down, A.K.C.Lon., ee open BAM Bloo SAVOY BAYOY “La Denth of Eomily on of SCHOLES, VERNON 8.8. (Soprano), “ Forrest for Chamber STATION the BROUGHTON from &.0, and &.8. Haelf-Hour; and Fingul’a Notturna, " Lantorns and Pagoda the Gamnla.” Orchestra. RITA for Orchestra, W. the Orchestra. Greeting" 8t. for (b) two HOUR. Voix Lotua Star-Flower a Op. for Talk. (b) from HOUR, tlw John Meadows"; Concert ;*'\(c) fron Gerold Review." Weather Suite of Weather Broughton, Strings, HF. Worka A, Weather Si: from Celie

Paul's" STRING Violing...... fach String (at ‘Midst Menuetto; 36 TIMES Tinga, nee =a -BANDS.. HAMBERG &. Comntry ssa"; DTANDS dea FEATHERSTONE, ol Music. Lovdon. Cecil HH. Weodjords-Finden Care Dance "...s....Bantock London, ...0..000.s S.3. “Ben the BROOK, * MOUAT “ ORCHEETRA, Berctea London, &.8. Dorothy ine Flowera Cloches and Peer At of Party: Raymond. Op. (Soprano), Nic, Orchestra. ('' Forocast 0. J. Piano), halen Kayo Forecast. .Jc...... 5 Paareaon, eS Forecast. Petal” from Weber ORCHESTRA mile me. ™; the Tannhiiuser the Tree”; (b) from 20 ——- Gynt” _ Jonson,” 0, 6. (b) kfendalssohn Afendelssofin Wagner Fassing 3.8. (0) Le ( De ”. Fair.” arr. ‘No. 5. * {Violinist} London, &.8, (e) Violinist). Oniler * Potala”; M.LA.E., “ efrahme Dorothy Anitra’s . J {Tenor}, . Rundall Beat Rondo. London, Lanigins Among Carter, Cipotes Grieg .£igar Tae “ from | peor’ from The (11 ole (d) (1) (4) (4) (1) of ™)

10.0—THE BO olf 7.40-8,.0; 7.0..—NEWS. LO.—["SWA'S” £,40,—FRARCIS 6.30.— 6.25.—Farmers’ §£.2.—WOMEN 12.0.—Close 7.0.—NEWS. £.45.—THE 11,30-12.36.—Concert 646.—JOHN 9.30.—NEWS. 7.40, A EE ee sember Radio Local PERCY pebilicher.

VIL Local Radio PERCY Local VOL ¥I. ¥. Bolo Bolo Voonliat IV. CL Solo IL—Sonata = Artisies, will National London, WINKS." Iznan French ”

“In ° “Chant Forscnat. A ™ “BSnindrift.” * “The “The Rs “ “Lea 4d Consort " “Caprica ee With in " acter “Devotion “Faery “Now "Lament CHILDRESS AND —Interval, Boodky. Totoata Tar Eldgio”......

fatter Anria Barcouse Silent the F Pianoforte Pianoforte Announcer: ogsinst News Viole Nawa News Society Society entertain Major Boel MANCHESTER.

the down, . SCHOLES. beri Chil Rose .. 8CHOLES. SAVOY «=Willinma, Nightingnle* HOUR Sleeps A Larme BorWiese wen CHAMBER HENRY: 8.2. Talk, §.2. S Study a. Song insellg tm Noon

Silent Lie W Feature Mussum key 3&.2. ir CARDIFF. Talks ™ anid

“1 Elégiaque™ 5 Weathor i and and for J. (Op.6)...... HOUR. Waterlily of of "i INTE

=] Fisnoferta

Violomee “FIVE Finnoferte eoostcal Enalaves Eby Ae Ey VERA ART Talk. lint Tall, from

ee from iva (after = STAFFORD, ™ from ...) the for Violoncello the Tsien aan ™ (“The in Weether .ccieesecess } " Bones Weather by Waather ...

Night of & HOUR, Bonga, W. vaae Songs 15h,

we OF ; Voosl RED BANDS. viwdae J A

Bona, to Songs DOROTHY Programme, will Stanford of Sun publadhers Rutland Crimson London. SONGS Dorndon, Kaoper the” teakere Dorothy Major ATRIC f item 8.2, Eomion, Ho

Se 3&.8. “ epi §.8. 8.8. MeCOMB Forecast f WN. Searlatti) » MUsiCO—IT. Walesa, vse OCLOCES **iveneene .6.aseeaee Women, THE Arnon FISHER

"|... Entertain. Faughan Boll, oeenee

5 and Soli, Immortal

Reali. 22¥ ieee’ Settle, Rimaly-Korsakeoe

analic Forecast, from Flerent Forecast from from Forecast ek otvaeuha from

Hamilton al

(April ,...+. Richard ind svenee ean of i Boughton will

Ractimaningy Grainger Petal” M.A,, Inetromental feet avn, “ .foweill sees 2ohn “ eaes SRS wees Paderewakl (Boprans EVELIN es Guilter BOWELL Arte, Tendon, Quartette. OPe. THOMAS, London. London, be London, Pianoforte EDDIE.

1th) Afrssered Weather the Williams "1 Hour JOR found Brahe

Scievitl Poldind SO 1th. Strata M.Ed, Chopin 8c Henry Darin J

Harty « from Grieg tee maoue oure The (14) (17) (14 Mr’ Dbe (1) op ™


Aq MIT.4TI,oervit — RADIO TIMES —— oo

CContiaasd. from cecadeeeeiicee WIRELESS PROGRAMME—THURSDAY|theee=

The letters “8.8. printed in Dalita In theta programmes .00.—NEWS. 8.8. fram London, 10.3, Connie Seutir. Tigi a Simulioneoes Broaitaat trom the tlalien man- ™ Deputa le dior" ( Lowes ") Charpentier lel linned, Logal News nel Wioalher Poreragt LO. 10, Orechiost ra, 0.45. WILSON JAMES and PARTNER " Instrumental and Vocal Evonine. Ballot. Musie, “Croar unc Anmmermann (The Wranglers) Lortting pu} £0.—KREVYBOARD KITTY will play her will Wrangle on Mirth and Music, Incidental Muse to "Fanaa ft) Fiana. intge-Taylor ie Orchestra. fer 8.15. TOM H. MORRISON iSdle Violin. Volas, * Amoretten Tanze” ...... Gung l 10.30.—THE SAVOY BANDS. S . d % , fro Andante {ror Concerto, cee Afcindelsaohn Fox-irot, “She Meade Another Now ™ London, 6.25 JEAN GORTAIS: (Entertainor}. Nowellin 12.0.— Close down, Selections from her Repertoire. 10.70.—THE SAVOY BANDS. §.8.. from Annotincar: TH, J. Meked. JOSEPH LINCARD (Sola Fhatey. London. Andante from Concerto...... % Jfolipae 13.0,—Close clown, “ Papillona ” ..E. Koki Announcer: W.-M, Showen. GLASGOW. 345.—D. WILSON on “ Boe Keeping.” 3.00-4.90.--Tho Wireless Quartette and William v0, Tom HH. Morrion. Ferguson (Tenor), Finale from “" Fantasia Appasaionota™ ABERDEEN. 4i.—TOPICS FOR WOMEN, Fieuartern ps 2.30-4.30.—Seotch Afternoon by the Wiretesa 6.15,—THE. CHILDREN'S CORNER. Qunrtette and Ruby Mailor (Soprans), Jean Garon, 6.0.—Weather Forecast far Farmers Belecbions from bet Repo Loire. 4.90, Thia: Week's Interesting Anniversary, Pi—NEWS,. 8.5, froin denon “Execution of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, Joeeplt Lingard, Sth April, 1747." PERCY SCHOLES, (8.7. fram Leadon, BGPBUIR 8 piel. dbtaneaeat Woodealta Radio Bodiety Talk, Sw. from onan, Pbennerr br ce Nayrolit ane * ia Paggi 5.0.— WOMEN'S HALF-HOUR: Miss Beatrice Marshall, Absrdecn Schaal of Domestic Local Kews andWeathor Foreenst. £30,—NEWS. 5:8 from: onda, Economy, om" The Training of our Girls, Request Night. Local Newa and Weather Forecast Big and Little.” 8.435—W, F. BLETCHER, Spanish Tallz, 5.00.—CHILDREN'S CORNER, 7.40, THE STATION ORCHESTRA Canduéted by L10:—THE SAVOY BGANES. a. from 6.0,—Weather Forecast for Farmers. HERBERTA. CARRUTHERS. Eondon. 6.30.—Girl Goildry News Bulletin. Gora’ Br. Selection, “ The haughty Princess” gade News Hoalletin.. Lieut: Andrew Creed heer I?0): lobe clown, Phillip, Convener of the Entertimmoents Announce: Viebor my the, Committees, “Entertainments and -Da- 7.47,. AUGUSTUS BERDTIE. (Elocutioniat monstration.” A Mans a Man for A’ That "",,... exae ttn “Ta Kran Hightan’ Paagpipes .... Pisher 1LO.—KEWS. &.8. from Jondon, e be ar Adi ete lieee ese ede Cone PERCY SCHOLES, 5.8, from Dondon, NEWCASTLE. Taba. Creelest ra, Radio Society Talk, S.B. from Londen, Selection, “ The Bing Hoy" §.45.—Concert : Monsfield’s Waverley Orchestra, Local News antl Weather Forecast, Cink Wk Ayer (uy 445.—WOMEN'S HOUR. Operatic Night. (By Special Request.) 3.10, Recital by 6.15,—CHILDREN'S TOUR. 74g, THE WIRELESS GRCHESTRA, THE GLASGOW UNEVERSITY CHORAL 6.0.—Scksles Half-Hour hiss AL Adkinson, election, LiEtotle ” ...4..ee es Chatriar BOCIETY. E.Ae., on “ The Functions of the Blood" Toa, CONNIE S00TAR (Soprand), Conductor, A. M. HENDERSON (Orgnnisg 6.45.—Faormera Corner; "Care Selve " (“ Atlanta ")... Handel (1) tothe University of Glasgow), Two Sixteenth Century Madrigals. "Jowel Song ™ (" Foust") ..... Gounod .0—NEWER:: 8h. Jroimn Londen "4, Let Me Look on Thee * FERCY SCHOLES. 8&8. from JDonaon, 8.5, Orchestra, Orianda dv Denean (1520-1504) Radio Bociety Talk. S..8. from Londen. Selection, “Sigurd” ...... 4... teas Heyer Flora Gave Mo Fairest Flowers” John Wilby (1560-16—) Local News andWeather Forecast, S.15 D. MITCHELL LAING (Tenor), Part. Bongs for Women’s Voices, Mendelssohn Evening. “There ia a Flower that Bloometh" “ Our Lordis Rigen "...4rensky (1961-1906) (" Maritana:") assesveacesnce Wallace 7.40.—ME J. WYATT on “ Mendelaschy. MY Anbada”,serssensJohn Ireland )877- } “ Lend-“Me Your Aid" (“ Irena"), .Gounod S ThsSong of the Shipbuilders " (in Canon) 760. THE STATION ORCHESTRA, Custos Holst (late 5 6.30, Orchestra, War March of the Prisgte.™ Part Songa, Belection, “ Bal Masque” ...... Verda "To Dafiodile " .. Roger Quilter (1S77- 68.0. BEATRICE PARAMOR (Soprano). B45, Connie Souter, " A Cradle Song ™.../of Lrefand (L877- “ Lone and Joyless "weds e eee minke LAY " Deh Vieni ™.... [* Le-Nozze di| Mozart - London Town Edward German (1802. BT. F. KEMP JORDAN (Baritone). “Voi che sapete” | Figaro” .. (12) 8.40. Orchestra. A a vane ae 855, Orchestra. Waltz, “ Just for o While” ("The Last “The Angel election, “ Madame Bonifaco™ .. Lacome WE Ps aeisaiccsstabisnnre susevscnans CPCUET “ Farewell.” 0.10.—PETER CRAIGMYLE, Scottiah League One-step,, “Une Femme gui Passe" 8.20. Orchestea, Referes, Weekly Football Tall, (" ee London™). ....:: Borel Clore “Songs Without Words,” 1.30.—NEWS. 5.8. from London, 6.52, Augustus Bedio, 8.30. HILDA BROOD (Contralte), Local News andWeather Forecast, “Jack Ha’on Fishers and Fishing" ** Baledien.** 0.45. Orchestra. Norman Achea) §.5-0.15.—Interval. “There Be None of Beauty's Danghtera,” Selection, “La Bello Helena” Offenbach (6) 6.15. Orchostira, §.40, F, Kemp Jordan, 0.55. DD, Mitchell Laing, “La Donna ¢ Mobile” ( Bigoletta™) Selection, * *The Maid of the Mountains * “Tris Enough" (“ Elijah")... .es4 (11) Simeon “An Old Love Song.” Verdi (1) “When Other Lipa” ("The Bohemian 9,30.—NEWS. &.8, from London, 6.60, Orchestra. CE Ys cigaks egueeaee wae Balle (1) Local News and Weather Forecast, Overture, “Son and Stranger." §.45.—Mr. H, E. POWELL JONES. i870. fron 0.0), Beatrice Paramor. London, “The First Violet 0.2% 00ers ods Ld CHAPPELL iA.o—THE BATyOY BANDS, S.8 from Bonaon, “The Witch's Song of May." WEBER #, 10. Hilda Hone, BROADWOOD 12.0,—Close down. “Ta, o Gondola." Announcer: Mungo MM. Dewar. pianos are in use at the “Slumber Song," various stations of the 0.20), Orchestra. B.B.c, A mber againct » maostcal item indicate the on ok tspubliher A kay et of pabtecies ill te Seana Extracts from Mendelesotin. SeEe mame ‘Tal

a _RADIO TIMES — -- = snee 4rn, 1o24


ESS SSS The betters “' $.8,"pital io italics if (heen pregrammes BIRMINGHAM. Be, oo aNDDELANEY {Tenor}. sigally & Simoaltancous Breadeast from (he Hatien men- " Lorralie oe... ee eens. Sanderson (1) themed. 04, oo omelia Picton House Orchestra ‘fhe Song Txrector, Fool Rinmer. of the Bow ™ ...... Aylword LONDON. 5.0.—-WOMER'S CORNER: Graham Squteres 8.44, Orchestra, 1.0-2.0—Time Signal fire Big Ben. The PACA, “ More About Cheques.” Pastoralo- and ‘Torch Dones .... Thema Wireless Trio and D'Arcy &t. Joho §.30,—Apgneuliirel Weather Forecast. $.50,—Lilian Forteseie and John. Del Lig {Baritone}. RIDDIES’ CORNER, (Lruets}, " Dewn in the Forest * 56.—F, KAY ROBINSON, President ofthe 6.30.—"leons Corner, "0 Lovely Night* He ndon Ronald (5) British Fmpire Naturslists’ Association: 1.0.—NEWE, S528. from Dondon. "1 Mistress Mine".peeecen eae Sepa (1) Natural History Talk. Second of Special GA. ATKINSON, 8.8. frem London, Po. Orelweettra. Programmes. ti Schools, Loon! News ond Weather Forecast, " Coaticorh Waltx ea aan ne Mogzbayaglt é.0-4.30,—Time Signal from Greenwich. “ The “Special Request '' Programme. OES, Lilliangd Fortescue, Nethedands—Dutch Women," by 7.30, THE STATION ORCHESTRA, * Lite and Diet 2 Coleridae. Taylor Marjorie” Bowen, Yorn Barnes (Mezzd- Overiiire “ Light Cavalry” .ses sees Supple Boprand}, “The Art of Conversstion,” tr,0), Jehu Delaney Sitite, "* Norwegian Soenea” ..ee<.2c A raft by Rachel BR. Montage. “0 Flower of all the World ” (my L*pediiahe ** 2 (bh) Peasont's Dance yk Woorforde: Findet (1) 6.30.— CHILDREN'S STORIES: Nursery {e) “ Bleigh Rade.” “The Devout, Lover ™ ../... Mf. F. Wiiite Kihymoee. Songs by Unelo Rex. Faniana “ Rominizeoices of (neg ~ Grieg $,30,—NEWS.— A.A, fram bonden, “ Treasure Island,” Chap. 8, Part 2, by Lormnal Newa and Waather Farorast Robert [Lout Sheveneon. “ Eater §.0,—Limtt.-Col, Gu ALAN H. BURGOYNE, J.P,,-on. “The Royal Nationa! Hozpitel Vato. TEBOT AL BATA HOTEL DARCE Custom and a Fow Simple Things tin i Consumption, Vertnor.”” Make,” ber M. Middletan. URCHEAT RA, relayed from King's Ball A 15-8.45,——Jntorval. Rooms. (Minical Director, DAVID & 7.0.—TIME SIGNAL FROM BIG BEN, anid a45, Orchestra. LIFE} IST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN. Belection from “* The Tales of Hoffmann ™ 10.1.5.—Close chown. SB. fo ell Shatiare, Offenbach Annoinesr: Jolin HH. Ly Gor, CG. A. ATKINSON (the B.B.C. Film Critic) : : Balbo, Alger," Loe Source’ ..a. Lefihes Hean on ihe Sereon.” 8.5), toa Stations, (a) “Searf Dance“ ; (bp Love Boene ”; Local News amd Weather Forecast. {o) “ Vermheng’’; (dj) ™ Dong (Cirese- TH, Rossini Programme. Zen, CARDIFF. Walts from “ Romeo and Juliet ” ... Gounod THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. i—" Waa” © FIVE (CLOCES "> Viral Belection from “ Monsieur Bonuecaire ™ Overtore, “ Semiramide™” ...... Rossin ond Tnetrittiiente] Artisies, The Siation AMfessager Urchisira, Tolks to Women. KINGSLEY. LARE (Barntone}. i.20.—KEWS, 8.8, from Lendon, Weather Forecast. “Largo al Factotam™” (The Barber of Local Newe and Weather Forecast, 545,—ITHE: HOCH OF THE. “EERBDIE. Seve cd kee eee eed eee MORNE 045.—BRAMPTON HAWEINS (Entertainer). WINKS." Orcliosivn. “Geld and Wyiela 2... See ee ae ac ae) Ballet Music,“ Wiligm Tell” ..0. Rosaria Recital, “A Roight*’s Tonat Wiig sible scans (13) TO—NEWSs, 3&.8, fromLanden, OG. A. ATRINSON, &.8. from Jalen, An Interlude tr HECTOR GORDUS, Character Alone rine, ‘How We Aoyved “The Canny Seot,”? a SOMa a cent ell kdl pw a (1) Local Newa: incl Wi sther Piorecast Orchestra, 10.0 Orechesirn, Thea Made Carpet. —V. Selection, ‘La Boutwajne Fantasie “4. Fox-trot, “Bebo” (6)3. Fox-trot, “She Tat? The Abie Carpet wll mike a Fiicht Froese ck: Heapighh Neek Another Now"; Waltz, “ Kivtie BEITIRE KHORTH BORNEO. HEL EN DE FREY (oprano}. Callaghan; One-sbop, “Arent Wa Pilot, Major OWEN ROTTER, F.RAG.&., ‘Un voos poco fa" (* The Barber of AM: FPox-teot, “ DT -am Bubs a Simple De eee cone wee eee ee ase Maid ae One-sbep, Lae All tine (aris n FRA! {16}; Fox-tcot, “ Stella” (0), Comracios ope mvitied to be ready for “tha Orchard. L.30.—Clees clan, at 7.20 precively. The Carpet Cantondtta J) .escescccecersenes Rossin! journey Annower: FL Cecil Pearson, will finish tts Flight at §.30- p.m, Kingeley Lark, So A Singer, FOREFH FARRINGTON, and La Danra ” (" Taranbolis* ") nee Hossint THE STATION ORCHESTRA will — Orchestra. actomimory the party, Overture, “ The Siege of Corinth .. Rossini BOURNEMOUTH,

6.15.—Mr. 0. E. DAVEY,of the Setence Musenm, .25.—Notman Franklin, L.A, {Sealey Pyare: Next Wednesday: A Plight to Hollen, on “The ArronanticeCollections at the forte), Worman Frankim ond Allain Franklin (Doets with two Fiano), Filot: Frederick W. Gill, F.R.G.38 Selencee Souseom.™ 145.—WOMENS HOUR, £50.—TIME SIGNAL FROM GREENWICH $,.530,—Sares, Seledhac. nnd SND GENERAL NEWS: BULLE §.15.—RIDDIES’ HOUR, 8.40,—Siite tor Flute ine Piano "LES. 228. foal! Stations. 6.15.—Scholars’ Half-Hour: EH. @. Hardine, “Further Rambles of an Entomologist.” Edin! German Local News and Weather Foreenst. (Solo Flute,Bilary Evans.) T.O—NEWS. 8.8. from Loadon. §,0,— Orchestra > Gipsy Dunes; * Ceardas Mo, p.45. Mistelianéous Programme. G. A CATETNSON.. £8. from London, Jf aehtela Orehestirts Local News ane! Weather Foreciat, 6, 10,—Sonce, Selected, Fantasia on Melodies from “La Tosey ™ 6.0,-—Interval, 9.20.—Orchestral Suite, * Spanish Scenes" Puccini Popular Night. Adame Helen de Frey. 230.—NEWS. ALB. from Londoy Aria from Act L of “The Snow Maiden " £0 THE: WIRELESS ORCHESTRA. Local Nows and Weather Porncdsi, Ittimaiy- Korsakor Candustor: Capt. W. A. FEATHERSTONE. $.45.—De. JAB. J. SIMPSON, SAL, DS, Hector Gorden, ° The: Canny Seot.” Suite, “ Ballet Egyptien” .eeene Lctger] “Romances of Natural History—The Orchestra, £15. LILDIAN FORTESCUE (Soprano). Eoriery Bes,"' Suile,."’ Poor Gynt” co eeencseeeses Grieg “Should He Upbond" Sir OW. Bitehep (1) 10.0.—Danen Music, L “Morning ">; 2: “ Death. of Asa"; » Sow Sleéos the Crimson Petal “\....-¢. 10, 40,-—Cloee clon. Outier (Tj 3." Anttra’s Dance"; 4. In ‘the Announcers 7. Corbett-Baaiin, “The Biore” (Five: Farry Balada}... Hall of the Mountam King.” Coleridge-Tailor (1 16,.90;—Close dow. Orchestra, A owmber agoinet a ovsical item indtertes the nam Ba al ils _omee A key lint of publishers will be food! oo Annoutter: 7, 8) Dodesan, Ovecting, Se aa eee breeeet PT) page Ta.

Apart. dre, 1924.) — RADIO TIMES - of

(Continued from | WIRELESSPRO the facing page.)


The fetes “G8. printed in italics in these programmes 6.0, Orchestra. Officer, Chorus, Musicians, Attendant. aignity o Eimultansou Broadcast from tho station men- Solection, “ The Girl in the Taxi" Gilbert Remaining Cliaractera will bo doubled by tioned, 8.10, MAY GRANT(Contralta). thome Plajiog above. MANCHESTER. “ Beautiful Venice" (“A Ranaway Girl”) The Quintette will sing “* Who is Sylvia 1™ Ca in Act 1V¥., Beene 1, 3.30—4.30.—Concert by the “22¥" Quartotte Adam T. Nockela (Tenor). i. Boloisi, RUGBY MAILER. 6.0.—WOMEN'S Hote. “ Sea-Girt, Land” (“A Runaway Girl”) Musicians for Act IV., Scene I. selected 6.25,—FParmera’ Werther Forecast. Caryl from the Wireless Orchestra, 8.20. Choartette, Produced for Groandcast from “ 2BD™ by £.o0.—CHILDREN'S HOUR, “Love is Mien} to Make ws Glad" German NOYCE TREMAYNE in collaboration 7.0—NEWS. §&.28 from London, with EK. FE, JEFFREY, 6.25, WILLIAM J. TAYLOR {Baritone}. G. A. ATKINSON. 38.8. from London, Entracte Music by “ Queen of My Heart." (“ Dorothy "") Cellier Local News and Weather Forecast, THE WIRELESS ORCHESTRA, i 8.30. May Grant and Adam T. Nockels, T.00-6.0,—Interen, 0.30.—NEWS. §.8:. fram London, Duct, “ Gh, Do Step that Two-Step " ( “The Local News and Weather Forecaat, 6.0. Popular Concert. Aresdtang | .34% bs vices se Afonakion POPULAR PROGRAMME. oh THE “22¥ " ORCHESTRA, 5.35, Ethel Fowkes (Soprano). 0.45, Orchestra. March, Gallita™ ee sees OS “A Littl Pink Pettie’ (“Misa Hook of Fantatia on the Works of (fenbach Overture, * Da Cenerentola " » #togstna Holland") cisearrees roseeeeee, bona arr. Fetras (6) OLA “TELA (Boprand), “Coo” ("A Country Girl) .. Adonckion Hewson Selection, “Bird of FParadiss™ Agra Ort oe ek er eee ee Faber! Batten 8.45, Orchestra. Fearasley (23) "7 Wonder if Love a.a Dream *™ Melodies from “ TheMaid of the Mountaina™ Selection, Litth Nellie Kelly “ Cohan (6); Dorothy Forster (5) Simeon Belection, 1 Bhanpluak 7 . Wudmere (23)) Orchestra, 0.0-0.30.—Interval. LO.00.—Close down, . Buite, “ A Lover in Danveseus $.300.—NEWS. 35.8, Prom onden. Woedforde-Finden ALI: hed W. D. Simpson, (1) Local News ond Weathor Forecast, HEREERT RUDDOCK ( Baas). "The Vulcan's Sone ™...... Gonned (1) o.45, Quartebia, “Shepherdess in BeauBrocade” ("The Oe Rn RONG iiae ae eee Aforart GLASGOW. Rebel Maid“) testecens FAps £.45.—T. A: COWARDon “ More Migranta.” 9.0-3.30.-Norman Austin's " Musical | May Grant and William J. Taylo-. Moments," relaved from La Scala 6.0. Orcheaten. Duet, * Boy and Girl“ (“A Country Girl ") Picture House. Adsoi from Mootleht Sanaa ™ Monckton Beethoven 9.56, Orchestra, 3.00—2.90.——Opentic Afternoon by the Wiretesa , Balection, "A Walte Dream"... Sires Valea,“ Gipsy Love” ..csesenases Dehar Quartette and Elizabeth KR. Stark Patrol, “ The Wee Macgreegor™ ... Amer (soprane). : 10,10 Chiaritetiie, B—REWS, 3.8. from Londen, $45.—TOPICS FOR WOMEN. = Dorpedo the Wiha a eee ee Lol News and Woathor Fonenst, b.15.—LHE CHILDREN'S CORNER : 10.20, Orchestra. 45 i Olen Tetba. Brene ti Fernie, Boloction, “The Merry Widow" ,.. Dehar “Bing, Joyous Bird" .. Mowiagun Phillips ii—Weathor Fortcenet for Farmers. 10.30,—Close down, © Blockisind Song yas si Cyril Seott (4) 6.45. —C. Bo Primes on * Lawn Ternig.™ Announcer: ©, A. Parsons, Orchestra, T.0—SEWS. Sf. fron London, Selection, “ A Country Gin ™ e> Jdoncbton G. A. ATKINSON, °8.8. from London, Herbert Rivlddiek. Locnl News andWeather Forecast. "Drake's Dro seca hace oianard (1) ABERDEEN. “The Old Superb...... Skanford (1) 5.30-+1,50,—Classical Afternoon by the Wireless Chamber Music and LightOrchestra. Orehea} re. Quartette and Mabel Brown (Contralto), THE STATION. ORCHESTRA. March, “The Gladiator's Farewell” 5.0.—_WoOMES'S BALF-HOUR, Glabenbarg Conduciad by 5.20. SUNSHINE CORNER FOR YOUNG 10.30. A licee che itt Th. HEEREERT A, CARRUTHERS, AND OLD KIDDIES = Musical afforta Announee@r: Viehor ey ihe, by the Dneles and Aunt, assisted instru- 7.30, ECTTAL OF CHAMBER “MUBIO ' mentally by Atintie Niney, Auntie Maris ki oe ond Uned Aneleow, Pinmiforte. ween a A, OW. TACE NEWCASTLE. 6.0,— Weather Forcesaat for. Farmers. Wilt, jisaceecssians F, J, FALCONER $.45.—Cpnoert: Leonie Stern (Bala Pinnoforte, Violemeciio...... ; Db. MILLAR CHAIG ii.—Scholars’ Talk: W. Douglas Simpson, aloal, Sbartim {Baritone}, Dniglins Swallow “Celtic Proluda™ (“Land of “Heart's (Sole Xylophone}. M.A., FBLA. {Boot}, History -eb our Daorsteps = (Series Na, 2}. Desing ")wuss0 teases Rutland Boughton £45.—WOMES'S HOUR, " Phsntacie inA: Minor"...... Jonn Jreland 6.25.—Answera to Scholora’ Queries, 6.15.—CHILPREN'S HOUR, “Andante and Scherzo ™ from Trio in 0.—NEWS. 8. from-London, E Fist, Op. DOD sees ctts cess ss + Ct £0.—chalars’ Half-Hour: Mr: FT. Oring. GA. ATEINSONM, .S.8. from London, MBE, Base., on™ Coal Tan: 8,13. Orchestra, Local News andWeather Forecast, Overturn, © Rogamunde” ,.....00: Schubert 6.35:—Fermers’ Cormor: Mr. BR, W. Wheldon ou ‘Spring Cultivation.” Literary Night. Suite, ** Herodinde " ...iccdeesdceus Muaaacned 70.—NEWS. 8.2. from London, Sustained by Members of £.40.—THE WRANGLERS : WILSON JAMES, the well-known LondonHumor: G. A. ATKINSON, 8.2. from London, *3BD" REPERTORY PLAYERS... ist, ood Partner im: their Humorous Local News and Weather Forecast 730-—TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA." Entertainment of Mirth and Muzie, Musical Comedy Night. A Camedy in Five Acts by William Shake- 9.0-0.30,—Interval. sneare. 031.—NEWS. 8.8. from London 1.0. THE STATION ORCHESTRA. Dramatis Persona -— Lotal News ondWeather Forecast, Conductor, WILLIAM A. CROSSE, Duke of dilean Bclection, “A Little Duieh Gil” Kollman MCINTOSH MOWATT, T.A. A45, Orchestra, Selection,“ H Trovatore.” .... Fercdt-Taeon 745, MAY GRANT'S QUARTETTE Valoiting ‘scinsss= RK, E. JEFFREY PARTY. Protea is sees fe re G. B.. HARVEY 10.0.—The Wranglers: Mirth and Moaic.,

~ Hore6 o-Piaradox™* {" Tor Jones ™) Antonio -.eeeoe bP Pee we D, &. RAIT 10,15, Opecheaita. German Theis. ty eesuesa snes W. D, SIMPSON Bntr'acte, “Ta Mantaies... Eulenherg ETHEL FOWEKES ApOnd) 1. seies ote TK, LINKLATER Vales, “The Merry Possant™....Le0 Poll AND ADAM T. NOCKELS, LA ceeesaeeeees Bh Mela LLOM 19.30,—Special Announcements, Close down, Boprand and-Tenor Duet. Piseteat aban FLOSSIE TAVANER Yl - Pat Toe eee os Afenchton Announcer: Plerbert A. Carruthers, QOunrbet te. Julie . eee eeee ee ed DAISY MosCoE soeeees PORCH TREMAYRE A nomber against a minical item indicatesthe pone “You Swear to be Gol and. "Troe" EWE se ee of sts publisiver. A bory ist of publishers will befound op Lucotia coee ce cece ee ee ELMA RETR mA 4 (Borothiay "yeas ee Sek eeee ee Cale

5a — oer TIMES --- paresI aT, 1 a4.


——— eeee eel ————————————————

, The letters "fe." Printed io Helics im (hese Prost immes Harold Casey, 8,30, E ophondii|0 Biola; Hgnity a Gimeltansom Broadcast from the station moen- re: Lave, Could I Crrily Tell Thee” Ceuprel wir with VY arntions, zs Sehiisiuetit 7 thooed, Fodthall Review, A. Haririan P.0—N EWE. 8082 from Eondan, (Soloteh, To Tretoman. } LONDON. Local News an Weather Forces, B40, Chviadys Partridgs. $.30-4.30,—Time Signal from Greenwich. The P45, Mr. HOPE-JONES, .S.B. from London Ry. Garten oases ee) Donon * Wireless Trio. “Heilth and Simple FRANK CANTELL (Solo Violin). Pd be To en aca ae a eee Paycholoey “—1, “Phe Baby,’ by The Vislin Song {* Fina) ....s> Fiudwns $.00.—seloctian: from “ Bybih’ sas. eeae a OE Lady Norah -Bentmck. Mr. Follord ‘eroy bala. Chorne, Hymn to. Music "...... 0. Buck Crowther on * dapan,'' HumorSone, “Yo! Hol Little. Girls: 9. 15 —f 3). —Intorval, £.30.—CHILDREN'S STORIES: Unelea Pel. Yot- Hat" i A Country (irl at Purbonge .50.—NEWS. SB from London, lard Crowther’s Fairy Story. Rirkhaim (ree hit. Loon! News-and Weather Forecast. Hirmiltion on “A Baby Tailor,” Belection, “The Cheaocolate Bolder " 0.45.— Mr FE. AHOPE.TON BS, sD. Sram Lendans Children's News, Sires 1),.0.—-THE 84AVO¥ BANDS, Sul. fron @.15.—7,.0.—Interval, Fox-trot, “ The ®om-Pah Trot." (* Stop Landon, 7.0—THE \sIGNAL FROM: BIG -BEX, Purine Vc ever eee eee ee 11.0,—Close clon, and [ST GENERAL NEWS BULLETIN: 10.30.—Claes down, Announcer; A: T, Geoddard, S.B io all Siontiena, Agimouncer: .. Cecil Pearson, Local Nows ond Weather Forecast. 7.154—hr. E, KAY ROGINEON, President of the British, Empire Nivuralists’ Associa- MANCHESTER. tion, on “ Nature and the uckoo!” BOURNEMOUTH. $.504.50,—Concert : Marr Ourwan (Soprano), 7.30. “onoLIGHT ORCHESTRA. $.45.—The" §BM" tro: Regmakl 5. Mowat aie Melling (Contralts), -—Emilm ‘T. Overture, “Raymond ”...... 20 homes (Viclinist), Thema EE ; ititraryorth Sunderland. (slocutionist), ig. Colaton [« Evensonga rcs bees Martin CCallist), Arthur Marston (Pianist), Reg. Robey (Baritone), J. Ewart ‘Tomlin ecie te &: * Aubade ata Fiance Attradge | Baritone), (Entertainer), Albert Dagleish (Baés). Entr'actes Folpatté 4468—WOMEN'S HOUR, B.0,—WOSes '&s. FOUR, “ Canta Amorosa .. Sainartind £.15.—KIDDIES' HOUR. hi. 20) Farmer:Weather Forecast, 6.15.—Scholars' Heli-Hoor: J; Sewttergood, 5.75.2 HELDREN SS HOUR, Selection,“ Hineel and Gretel" Humperdinck FR.G.S., “Seene8 in the Timpire.” 6:30:—Orgen Recital by Mr. 7. Armitage, 6£.0.—Half an How with the ROOSTERS 7.0.—W Ki Ws. 3. B: Jron Londen, F.RCO., relayed from the Pionucdilly | CORCERE PARTY, Local News and Weather Forecaat. Preture How€, $30. “200” Light Orchestra, 115.01 L. COOPER-HUNT. (late Hampelsire 7.0.—NEWS. §.8. from DLondos, Buite Malodinne fs see. as seen County Team and Cambridges Dniversity Local News ondWeather Forecast, {a} Intermezzo: (b) Crelental # (ec) Lave lat Six}, on “* Lawn Tennis," 7. 1o-7.45,—Inberva 7.30-8.0:—Interval, Bong: (od) Valee Lavoille. Mirth and Melody Night. Two Orelhietroted Bongs. “Classic Night.” "Songs Mv eo Taught Me" -Ovorak 145,—KREYBOARD KITTY will opon the “Lg Boieor sas cs cows PeasLN ougued 8.0, THE AUGMENTED WIRELESS evVenir, | aerai ie te teedi aint erate crates Frist ORCHESTRA, FODEN WILLIAMS (Entertainer) 9.0.—Half an Hour beat: the PANDEMONIUM Concduptar, in Boleree from his Repertoire, | MUINSTRELS. Capt. W. A. FEATHERSTONE, fic. STEPHEN WILL [AMS | Baritone). 0.30.—TIME SIGNAL FROM. GREENWICH Bute, “ Bigard- Joraabap ees Frigg B Lieeerer tal Fietotum "(The Barber of | and 2ND GENERAL. NEWS BULLE. $.00.—NORMAN FRANKLIN (Solo Pronoforte), Soville""}, . ~» Hosein TIN. &.. to all Stations, Concerto in © Minor (Ist-ond 3rd Move- B35. NAC‘ BLOOMF LELD ({Boprano). Local News and Weather Forecast. ERE: ee nw elke ee oo an SD * Benes (Chaenvbrag. * oc Bebe $.45.—Mr. F. HOPE-JONES, MLLELE.,: on (With Orchestral Accompaniment.) “Love's a Mberehamt:*. |, + Joly Care “Daylight Saving and the Broadcast 8:40, Orehestirn. $.45.—C EORGE W. THOMPSON on-* Marvels of Time.” S06. to all Statens, Overture,“ Di Ballo oi ce edSuilicay of Wate®"™ (4)—Natural and Artificial 100:—THE SAVOY -ORPHEANS

B15 =a 8 45.—Fnierval, Tal Gwlidyvs Partridge, 14a, LILLLAN OOBURR. (Sopranc). 6.45. Love's. Quarta aes catyr Beat [4h ACK VENABLE8, Bone at the Pian. "Take Hearcrass crs. F. emery Eh} CSERUMPLEY jeg bea ee Fame Ctarke Stee6 Digs ees Airieidiy | Le) Sih, Litidental Misi, “The Mierehea rb “Tho Rosary "0... in vapid) QWRED “This Vear, Noxt Your, Bometine, Nove caeyae oe ac ne aaae hase 7.5K HARRY FRATER(Bawt Gadiendlyy {| bib} Carnet Sola," Penny dg. tna “The Red Star of the Romany "") Sander: “If T Had o Gurden. of by Onn (polo, As: Trotman, | “Bhipmates oo Mine. ai. ef aon {1} Steradaic-Beoinedl | i 5.20, Gwlaidys Partridge. A omumber opeinet o musical tem lodicotes the nome Oroliestrn, ae song- of Bunghine *" Crary tha T hopes ef its publisher: A bey tart cf pabhahers will be fousd on Bebection, " Soi Toy AAR Pet teepe eear pptJoaves “Da oda Gokk "sb osss ei Ay Aiaefqson' (6) page vi,

‘Arn. 41a, 10M.) -—= TIMES — 65 —— |

ecanad — the facing page.) \ =ee


The fetter "8.8." printed in italics In these pregranmee §.0-8.30.—Interval, T.25,—Local Nowe podaUreathesI Poxeesaabis tignity a Simultancous Broadcast from the station ma 9.30. NEWS. &.B. from London, Dance Might. tioned. Local News andWeathor Forecast. 7.90, THE BATION GRCHMESTI.OA B.3. Orchestra. 0.45,—Mr, F, HOPE-JONES, £.28. from Lon- Conducted bry Excerpts from “Sybil "...... +++ Jacobt don, HERBERT A. CARRUTHERS. B, 15, WILL ENOWLES (Entertainer). T0.0, Jom Orchestra. “Today's Great Thought ".. Jackson (3) Waltz, “Thousand and One Nighta™; Vocal Numbers by DANIEL SEYMOUR 6.25. Lillian Coburn, Fox-trot, “ That Red Head Gal" (6); {Tenor}. One-step, “ Leta Go to Wembley." * Tobin Admire... .4syeenes Old Ballad Fox-trot, “Ghosts. (23); Valse, “Le GOD dada eee ee rrehsivice Tost L158, A. .. Henderson. Jove One-step, “ Robinsen Crusoe's B.35, Orchestra, Musical Monologues :— Fain"; Fox-trot, “0 0 0 Ernest ™ (8); Selection, " Triumph Land ™,....2Stadion (6) " The Mother and her Child Were There ™ Highland Beottieche, “ Mountain Dew"; 8.40. Harry Frier. Grosanvith (13) Valse," Swing Time"; One-sten, “ Mr. “ Love, Could I Only Tell Thee” .. Capel "The Fact Is” Misery"; Fox-trot, “ Ambions ™ ; Bhies, “The Toast" i: « Squire (1) Clifford. Gray andNal Ager (8) * Honolulg Bioes ™; Valac, “ Waltaing the Blues” (6); Fox-trot, “ Katrina.” | #0, Will Knowles, Ohad Ex igli¢h Son i, “Simon the (Cellarer™ , "'GQur Hobbies "si. ecus yaa aie ee Rouse Efatton. {1} §,0-0.30— Interval. 10.36. dazz Lrchestra. ®. 15-9) 30.— Interval. $.30.—NEWS. 4.8. from London, Eightsorme Theol ; Walia, "' Bing Danube" 6.50,—NEWS. JF. fre Hh Leondan. 10.48,—Closs clown, Local Wews ond Weather Forecast. Local Mews and Weather Forecast, Announcer: Th. I. Joffrey. 45.—Mn F. HOFE-JONES. SB, from 0,.45.—Mr- F. HOPE-JONES. S28. from Rondon. London, BAVOY BANDS. 5.8. from 10.6.—THE 1.0, Orchestra.

ae Jaron, GLASGOW. Eighteorne Reel: Walse, “ Persian Moon” I] ®, ‘hi iget corn. Fox-trot, “Give Me the Night-Time ™ ; 3.20-4.30.—An Hour of Melodyand Walter Asnoeuncer’ W. M. Shewen. Blues, “Cat's Whiskera™; Valse, 0, Campbell (Baritone), “Merry-Go-Round "; Fox-trot, “ Dancing 4.45.——TOPICS FOR WORSEN, Fool " (6); Fox-trot, “ When it's Nigh f&.15.—THE CHILDREN'S CORNER, Time in Tialy ™ (5). ABERDEEN, 6.0.—Weother Forecast for Firmers. 10.30,—Close down, B.30-41.30.— Instrumental and Eolo Atternoon 7.0.—NEWS. §.8. from London, Announcer : Herbert A. Carruthers. ; by “the Wireless Quartetta: Burnett 7.10—Dr WILLIAM KERR, -PhD., on Farquhar (Flautiat), Chartag Piria (Bolo * Engineoring Problems and Power A qumber ogainet a musical Hem indicates the name * Trombone), Wiliam Harkins (Sola Cla- Devcinta ms of ie ee Acley Hist of pokbsbers will be foond of page | rinel), Rebert-MeConnaclie (Solo Comet), —_— = —_——_——_————_- * ——

6.06.—WOMENS HALF-HOUR., i 530.—_ CHILDRESS CORNER, FOREIGN STATIONS. : 6,0,—Weathor Forecast for Farmers.

O5.—Mre. HH. MM. Donald: Stenographers’ FRANCE. BELGIUM. Prootice Hali-Hour (Practice No, 2) Eiffel Tower. FL. Paris. 2600 metres. Radio-Elactrique, Brussels. 410 metres, 70—NEWS. S22. fron London, 6.40 to 7.0a.m, ;' 11,010 11.30 0.m.; 3.40 to 5.0 pm. Music. 8.30 Concert. Local News and Weather Forecast, 4.0p.m.; 6.30 ¢0 7.20 p.m. ; 10.0 te 10.30 p.m. Postede Haeren, Brussels. BAY. 1100 metres, Compegn:e Francaise de Radiophonie (Emission Dance Programme. At intervals 1.0 to 5.30 p.m. daily. News Radiola). SFR. Paris. 1780 metres. and Weather Report. Ta. ‘THE WIRELESS. PALZ ‘ORCHESTRA: 12.00 to 20pm. ; 430-to £0 pm. 8.30 te 9.0 p.m. Concert. Tuesdays only. * One-step,. “The Kiss Came "WWaliz, 10.0 pm.; Sundays and Thuredays Fadio HOLLAND. “Sweet sAduebba” CG}: Fox-lrot, Dancing at 10.0 p.m. Close down at 10,45, “Robison Crusoe Blues" (9) L"Ecole Supérieure des Postes et Télégraphes. The Hague. FOGG. i070 motres. PIT. Pans, 450 metres, 7.55. A, Bb. HENDERSON (Entertainer ot the 3.0to 5.0 p.m. (Sunday); 8.40 to 1040 sunday §.30 p.m.; Monday 9.0 Pam. (Monday and, Thursday). Fiano,} Tuesday 8.0 p.m.; Wednesday 3.45 p.m; 4.i Labor. Houssen. FCUU. {C50 metres. Aumorcus Fong, - ‘Phe Potha ancl the Choir pm. ; Thursday 8.30 pms; Friday 8.20 p.m. : 10TO metres. Bea bee a eigaets Corney. Grain (15) Saturday 9.0 p.m. 9.40 to 10.40. a.m. {Sunday) Concert; 9.40 to Humerous Song, Won't You Welt: With CERMANY. 10.40 p.m. (Sunday) Concert; 7.40 to 9.40 p.m, Mot jie kecas ees Ache Nataly (35) Koenigswusterhausen. LP.:. Berlin: -2700 (Toesday) Concert ; 7.45 to 10.0-p.m. (Thursday) 745, Jaze Orel. nod NM) metres, Concert. Fox-trot-—' Wana. —Bhoee “*.1( 9}; Waltz, Sunday it a.m. to 12 noon. 2700 metros, Velihuyren. PCKEK, 1070 metres. “Tote of Stamboul ™ (6) Other days 6.0 to 7.0 am.; 11.30 a.m, to 8.40 to 9.40 p.m. (Friday) Concert, One-step, “ Dearktown Jantbouree.” 13.30: p.m; 4.0 to 4.50-p.m.; 4000 motres. Amsterdam.PAS. 1100 motres. £.5.—MARGARET ¢: CAMEROS. on.“ €ol- SWEDEN, 7.40 to 9.10 p.m. (Wednesday) Concert. looting Old Miniatures. *" Tolegraverkis, Forsakestation, Stockholm. 450 The above times are all Greenwich Mean B.C, Jaa Orehesira, metres, Time. Foz-trat, “Twilight. Time"; Two-step, Monday, Friday and Saturday 6.0 to 7.0 p.m. AMERICA. “ Gnote,"" Svenska Radiobeglets, Forsakssiation, Stockholm. General Electric Co. WGY. Schoneciady, N.Y. 440 to 470 metres. 330 metres. ' B30. A. B, Henderson, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 7.0 to 9.0 p.m. A Tearestis Hitesorous Ballacd, “In the Radio Corporation of America. WIZ. Now Nya Varvet, Gothenburg. 700 metres. York, N.Y. 455 metras, h Ewalighit ” eereea ns See Ganthony. (13) Thursday 6.0 te 7.0 p.m. John Waramaker, WOO, Philadelphia, Pa.) Humordus Song, “ What's it Got ‘To do SWITZERLAND. With You Pe ss. Hooper and Tenet 509 metres, Radio Station Marconi. TSF, Goneva. 1100 metres. L, Bamburger and Co. WOR. WNewark, aa 6,40, Jace Onechersiirn, Wireless transmissions ca ly (Sundays excepted) 405 metres. Fox-trot, “Joseph; Waltz, ‘ Honey- 1.15 to 1.30 p.m. Pout Dispatch, KSD. St. Lows, Mo, 546 moon Chimes"; Two-step, ‘ Coremation Lausanne. HB2. 1100 matres. metres. Bella"; Foxtrot, “Woll I Am Sur. 4.0 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Rensselaer Poly. Inst. WHAZ, Troy, N.Y. prised " (10). 7.0 p.m, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 280 metres. :

an - RADIO TIMES — fApmer, 4rm, 1924, oes S e s s e r oes ed ee ne <= aoe

Go. one ues i for £6:1:1 down

You-need no-longer ‘be coritent with anything but the. proved -best in Wireless Receivers. ‘The Marconiphone V2—the 20-guinea two-valve set that gives you all the British arid Continental Stations and has-even received America ‘direct—can now be yours for a: first -payment: of £6 Is, Id., complete with ‘headphones, valves, accumulator, batteries, etc. The balance is payable in small monthly instalments.

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NORTHERN DISTRICT: ae ror St, Vincent Street, Glasgow. = De


Arrr, 47 mt, 1924." - —— RADIO TIMES —


A Wonderful City and its Story. Tie Outstanding H ILLO, CHILDREN| mort thrilling, and few thet have seon se many Wouldn't you like to take a trip rourid battles ond changed hands so often. Achievements. the work! some day? Tm sure you would, The createst siege of all was in 1455, when and. ao ert to know all the wonderful places the Mohammedans were cneamped outside the and sivange people you hear of-and read about. wills of Constantinople and thei ships lay close THE PORTABLE-FIVE.

Perhaps somedayyou will, and in -your to the éea-walls-on the Mermeora. Finding that The onlyPortable Receis ng Set ins — journoyings visit a fanious city called Con- they could not foree-an entrance to the Golden leather suitcase, requiring Ne Aerial and | stantinaple. Horn, the invaders look their whole fleet over No Earth, [t is Entirely Self-Contained, | Well, here. is the SLOny about: it. the land on rollers where Pera nowstands, and including valves, batteries, invisrole loon -* F* droy prod the boata into the harbour. Next aerial and Loud Speaker, Really good morming the Turks took poseession of ‘the city ; feception on the Lead Speaker at 25 miles | On the very edge of Teurepe, naing from the or on Meadphones at 500 miles. deep blac waters of the Bosphorus, lice the the last eastern Froperor, Constantine, was gutewayof the East—‘on#tiantinople, Leaning killed, and Mohammed Tf,, the Tarkish teader, over the rail of the ship, you catch your first rode up to St. Sophia. He fonght his way THE SUPERFIVE. right inte the church, and there tothis day, on glimopeac of the city with ite beautiful golden A Five-Valve Cabinet Receiver for use domes aml towers and minarets, ene of the pillars, is the mark left by his blood. with either Dull or Bright emitter valves—— stained hand. The pictures have been white owing to ite many Special and Exclusive The Quaen of the World. wished over, and the great Christian church features really good Load Speaker recep. Constantinople is really madeup of several hes becomea Mohammedan mosque, tion may be easly obtained at 500 miles smaller cities: Seutari on the Asiatio side, the under normal conditians—under reasonably The Serpent Column. favourable circurmetences good Loud | business section, Galata. on the east of the One of the chict.treasures of Constantineph Speaker reception at 3,000 miles has Furopean «ide, Peraon the north, and the old been frequently obtained by private users. | Mohammedan quarter of Stambou) on the south, ia the Serpent column which stands in. the Hippodrome, where, in Roman times, the It was the Greeke who first built. a city where Write for spectol fMlualraled colalogues Stamboul now stands. This was in the year chariot races were held. This column. was describing the chote fo — HMi7-nc., and brought from the Temple of the Oracle ot they called Delphi, in Gree, On the coils of the serpents : r = eea = i by 2an- —they stand on theirtaile—can. still be seen the TINGEY ‘WIRELESS LTD.| tiom. Then names of the cities and statesthat helped to came thes win the Battle of Platas, which saved not.only Enh peroe Greene, but Constantine, most of Cicer & Sherrie (Open Bio 7: Safuatarc§ oT in A.D. 24, Europe, from $7, QUEEN. ST., HAMMERSMITH, LONDON, W.6, and fouttled Eastern rule. Wien? Mommraii-igid, Sanu: © Plepofdiar, Louse. a new Rome, Beyond the FEW AGENCIES STILE OPEN Hippo drome bringing aie eeeiall a with him the FOU GOT bo most pertort the Grand geul pinures Bazaar, where and works of & Fou ean. biny art {tom rT anything from Two wircless enthusiasts, “ Cesar” and “ Buddy,” who are themost won- (ireees 8 il never so happy as when listening. Rome. to derful carpets make the ' ‘ and Persian city beautiful, end for o thousend years the rugs, embroklorics, acid silks to Turkish delight! Cc ity of Constantine ruled aa the queen of the The streets of Constantinople’ ate very civilized world. narrow ond dirty,-and m the Turkish quarter As you sai) up the long, narrow harbour, the thetouses are only wooden hovele. In the cid Golden Horn hicks separates: Stambcul from Greek quarter they tre made of red stone, std Galata-Pera, you wonder “st the encrmons ere réther like oll English licwese, She Pstri- amount of shipping; trading veasela are there, eroh, of heed of the Greek Chorch, still lives in flying the Hage af every country of the world; this part of Stamboul, tot the main doors of his mon-of-war, and pleasure beats of every kind. dwelling are ahvaya closed. ‘They will onky be You land ot the Gelata quay and, making for opened when the Patriarch goes through ther the oldest pert of the c a i l y , come to the (Cinlata te eelebrite a Christian service in St. Sophia Bridpe. 6 DAPTTL, Here you will seo tall, bearded men with Stretching from the Fea of Marmora to the flowing white clonks and neil fexes collecting tho Golden Horn are the old wallaof the city, They toll of one piestre; Armenian pricats in f l o w i n g are tremendously strong and have towers at black coasecks and tell, black brimlces hats; every thirty yards, -At the Marmora end there pasa by veiled Turkieh ladies, in long black is & fortress where the political prisoners are THE NEW cloaka : Arabe, their white ro byes4 sireaming in confined. It warat tho Remeance Gate in these the breeze, strings of mules, horses, donkevs, walle that Constantim was) killed when FELLOWS and sometimes camels-—2n endless procession. Mchimmed Jt. captured. the city. At the LIGHTWEIGHT PHONES Beaphores ont of the wall stand the rmiins of A Fambus Monquea. the Palace of Pabealogi, from which you get a weigh Onder @ ore: and are extermelie com- fortalle. With. qs aprcial apring ual} miteterete Having crossed the bridge, s littl way u pthe pericet view ofthe ships in the Golden Hern, the farpleces may bet inoved into any destred the Seraclio, the old palace of * + = th Pr Licia, a scparatted without the deel ar tiat= h i l l you eeme to :me ial FhGitie opeeciallhy desiened nat the Sultans, Pert of t h i s building is now a Now isn’t this-a goed story this week ? erth 6 hole, Weoond to 400 ohne, Wey meen, crcl the prancens are uaed | pleasure CARACTACTS. a very seid lies «nd ore well puede with. dupe altitain ead buuls,staloydiapht agri, eto, rrognds for the pub l i c . At the top of the h i l l (Confiaved in ooh mn 1, page 65.) ddet, of The Fotows ar Co, Lid, stands the crowning glery of Conate nif ime ple ———_— of Bt, Sophia. The Christian Luaigfen ATi. the moaqgue RIDELES, Empercr Justinian lee the foundations of this temple, and himself smporintended the building Here are sone gocel riddles to ask vour frhercks :-— of it. The first time the whole building fell down, 2 s it was not strong enongh t o s u p p e r t What burns to keep a secret t the grat dome, bot Justinian was not deterred, Answer: Sentimg-wax, FELLOWs and at lest St. ‘Sophia was finished. There ore What teeth never bite ? Answer; The teeth of a comb, few buildings in the work! that have o histerv

fie —-- RADIO TIMES — Apri: 4m, 1924. .

Sea ee a —| ——

B.B.C. PERSONALITIES. Broadcasting wad the Cinema. Mr.E. LynchOdhams.

By C. A. Lewis, Organizer of Programmes. Station Director, Newcastle. DMITTEDLYat is-m bore when one i ecmmplote: as the brogdcast play i6 at present: Ts nh man of thea listening not to be eble to see ‘the per- would be immeasurably less complete than the South country, tha Lorimer. Adinittedhy, it-a 2 bere whon one ts finished article gs seen in the eineme. Can lyne-sider is something at the cinema tet ta hear what the pericrmers anyone conceive a& botter plen to pack out tho at a potvie. Famona for are keying. Why not allow these two oom finemid tlinkiros F his Nard-headedness tem- plementary ferms of entertainment to jom Sik -ell this, excellont as ft is in. theory, perad withan innate hands} fails on thet one pont where broadossting khindliness, he ix equindl¥ Television is a long way off, and, ag fer ns hitters from almost évery ather form of enter: famous for his rare #x- Tan bear, the varieus inventions in_regerd to teinment. [ refer to the variety of programme. pressions of appreciation, “talking” filmaare not achieving eicerss, Tho feet that we. pive-a different type of per: When they are piven, Then why not arrange «. broedoast play forminee oyery might. they are valued for their epoctally t a ‘be iri neaiittedl to cinemas 7 “here ‘hia efféetually knocks all thie interesting sincerity ; when they are in no particuler difficulty ebowt this. cestlo in the wir on the head. Tt might be The story would have. to be specially selected, done once aa on experiment—and a very ex: withheld, it. does not always follow that appre. Mr. &, LYKOH ODHAMS, of coured, to make it ndantablo to both modiune, pensive one it would be—but it could net beoome ation i lecloing but this should present no great difficulty to i Tegular practice anlesa. conditions were to To @ person of a more sponténeous tempera & scenario writer with good dramittiic aenen change very cousiderably, mont this apparent difference ia at firet trying, as well, A Workable Scheme, and in many cases disheartening, A Novel Rehearsal. However, Deennot believe that cinema experts When Mr. E-Lynch Odhame first went to In making the-film the actora and actresaea have not seriously considered the question of Neweastl:, in succession to Mr, Bertram Fryer would definitely have to speak their words, talking filme, a4 Stadion Director, thigwas. ome of the first inorder to give a voriimilitude to the finished Such an idea asthe one outlined abovewould peychok heen] pin bleans with which he ‘waa broadcast-cuom-cinema effect. bo equally feneible if the actors were to apenk confronted. (‘Lhat he is now popular with When the film bad been made, the brosd- into the microphone and the sound were con- large sections of his public speaks well for the casting actcrs would heve to go over the words veyed to the anditorium lowd speakers by courage and the ability with which he faced his of the play. with great care, rehearsing before ordinary telephone wires, pire blem. j the microphone with the film heing passed A special box night’ bo set aside for the Writer and. Travoller, through the cinematograph and projected on ectorain the auditorium, In it the microphone ta & ecrveen at the end of the studio. In this The Tyne-siler, though he does not shout would be placed and connected through en it from the howse-tops, is as great a lover of way the speakers woukl soonbe able to syn- amplitier to loud speakers, ‘lhe actors, of course, chronize exactly with the film ae it was passed music, and has-as keen » thirat for knowledge, could peo the screen, and the amplification of ag any of lis countrymen. He watches, there- thraach, their voioes would enablethe whole house Then, having distributed duplicetes of the fore, critically the programmica that are broad- io hear them. eeat from his station, and the feet thet Mew- film to every cinéma within a radina of fifty During the mn of Scaramorche, M. Van miles of the transmitting station, the pley conkl castle ia believer! to hove the creetest number Damm, ot the Tivoli, hada acheme of thia kind of histemers in relation to ita population shows begin. working, Ho «aid his “erowd" scenes) endl that, however critical the Hstcner. may be, Powerful loud speakers would be inetalled “noes off " entirely by means of mon shouting in all the cinemas, and each operator would Mr, Oddhome may be said to have soocecdedd., into microphones; and getting hia effects via The feeling that London ia an improverbent weara péir of telephones over hia head ao that loud speakers. he could hear exactly what the broadcasting on tho. direct PrORTAMMes- Exists strongly in What-ia the difitenlty in carrying this a stage Newcastle; botait must be ceomembered that actors were saying, and could regulate ‘the further ? epeed of his projector accordingly. By this it is easierfor the London people ta frame There seems to be ao possibility of interesting programmes. Thin disdvantage iz a serioua method «a perfect synchroniam between the developments, studio and the cinemas could be effected. one, and When ona conaplers the trouble of the amall studio, the limitations of sinh ances Laud Spetkers as Actors. browdcart sand the obsiaeles to progres: ne The actor: would be sitting in the studio obviously considers tlie, before the microphone speaking their Lines me Mir, Udhems hae hed« varied experiences, they watched the film pess on the acreenbefore At an early age he developed a love of writing them: in a hundred other cinemaa tho film and his pen is now, perhaps, his best method -of * would be passing sinmltancously, and the toud self-expression, Whether he be writing serionsly, speakers would take -the place of the meébors or in a quietly humorous vein, It is sone port themaclvea, of his own personality which is put on paper. By sno moana as this, both the cincme For miny years he was connected with a well and. broadcasting would be given a tangible known tewspaper-ownmg house, and lived, reality which is missing ot preaent from both, therefore, in on atmosphere charged with many lé ia true that this-is only an inaitative ort. and widely varying internsta of life, A desire It is simply attempting to reproduce the con: to see Komething of the world inp ted hime to ditions of the legitimate stag¢ by artiftciahmcans, chance this work for some other obroad, and, Deroteca of “bresdons ting and the cinemas journeying Eustwards, he eventually lived for beth declare thet each has ita own line, ite some tame im Inelia, own technique, and mast -develop separately. The organizing ability which he has shown, While this is true, no doubt, there are pomts ai which if so necessary to the sucocaefil of various branches of krETN or|a= directing of & brondeiaxting station, wae developed where the technique Aes art can merge, and there seems no reason why during the years when Mr. Odlemes was finding this ahould not be one of them, gencrel company experience as a director and secretary to a publishing howse. Difficulties in the Way. He is o quiet worker, shonning for himeelf There are practical difficulties, too, of course. the light of publicity, and his quickness in To make a hundred copies of one film would adapting himself to the peculiar needs of the be an expensive matter, but this would be situation ia & great naset in hie present work in necessary if the broadensting waa not to. be Neweastle, wasted, so to pent. Ambitious Plans. Then the play could not be repeated night His plans for the foture are well Inid. A after night for the benelitof the cinemas, unless choral society ja to bo started; an ambitious i Spor jal wervics were set aeide: for such « all-Britiah programme ia to be given on Bt, scheme. And whet about the ordinary listener George's Day; there ig do be an augmented wha stayed st home and did not visit the ECONOMY AND COMFORT. orchestra for special oceasions; andan May Het eines 2 Hew’ be loft with a half-baked Extended ear'pho nded he will give SterndaleBennett's “ May Qhieen “ entericninment With, the yh 4! might be as : Feeasenani ae from his station,

APHIT arm,ae. 7 aH RADIOTIMES -—-

—— The ishtyAtom and ItsWork.

A Talk from London, by Sir William H. Bragg, F.R.S., D.Sc.

[Sir Wiliam Bragg, President of the Royal Institution, is one of our foremost British scientists: and he - an authorty on K-Rays and crystals. He has written extensivily on vatiows scientific subjects, Toes radio schivity, The following isi ono of o serics of Tolks which Sir William is giving from WO thonsind years ago the fomous Roman diferenes between the two old thenrian, one of another. Wher the Jat- poet Loerctiva wrote a book which he which Lucretivedefonded. Ifall material things teragenecy is: the more ealled “ Coneerning the Naturé of Things." He fre mete of etomb, it-is worth while to learn powerlul, the atome maintamed the view that everything round. 08 all that we can aboul those ctoms, eo that we and moleguice pirate is made up of innomerable particles or atoms. may understand whet is going on in the material An independent oxist- The word! stom means something which cannot world, in¢éludimg ourselves, By so dom, we ence, meeting only if be ent: On this view, for exainple, if the water Tay eye insight inte the processes of nadare otcosionally, They ron in a bowlwere divided into a thousand parts and power to control them. This meana that Hp agninel each other and one of theseparts 4) bivided into a bhonaanc| we ought to proke down into the very small now and then, holding parts, ane Aen one of these bast intothewsene things, andl that if we develop our capacity out vain hands to each parts, and soon, we should come at last-to the to do ao, as,for example, by the use of the other, as it. were; bit Bisms of water, and the subdivision would have Inicrmseope, we shall get closer to an understand- the pice i6 too great, to stop, ing of the workings of natare, and find @ rich and they cannot stay [iors : Steet ft was held by other philosophers, ogainst reward in doing 40. together, IR WILLIAM H. BRAGG. whom he wee arguing; thet the subdivisions In these cironum- conld be carried on for ever and ever, and that Ninety Varieties to Make a Universe. stances, we have what we call a gna, however for wo went, we should still have For a hondred and twenty years, as I have When the motion is. lees and the forces begin water, with adl the properties of the original aaid, we have been testing the atomic theories to stand up against it, the atoms jiin up, water in the bowt, which Dalton put. forwe rd, andwe have found but are still free to change partners, endwo them to be true, We know now that there are have a liquid, When, finally, tho forces have Of Vital Interest. some ninetiY kinds of atoms of which the world altogether the upper hand, the atoms and mole- The point may seem at first sight to be unim- is made ond all the universe se far os we know cules are tied together and we have the solid. portant—a mere «port for philosophers. But it, But-we have never been able to lay our Now in the last twenty-five years we have Jt ii not so; on tho contrary, it in of vital hands on anything else that is naed in the con- nie & preat step forward: we have aeqnired interest, fo all oof oa. The world wonkl have Sbrict iin, new powers of seeing the very minote, We have developed, and sould now bee developing, iti th ‘hat ia a very strange point indeed; how fearnt the propertics of radium, and of X-rays. very different manner and all our lives: would strange, one does not realize at first, It might Light is a wave motion, ard the real impediment have been differently ordered if the view of be sxid that «a builder has a limited number of waa that the things we were trying bosee were Lucretius had not been the more truthful of the things to build with » he his bricks and beama, coming to be as small ag the light waves them- two. tiles, mortar, glass, nails, and so on, and he selves. We wanted a newlight, of very short A hundred and twenty yours arn, John Dalton builds palaces, cottages, bridges, and every wave-length, and it came in the form of X-rays was explaining the theary iiresh, and far. in variety. of strocture, Wily should we wonder, advance of Lucretius, There are, he Ah, 6 then, if nature ean form so many different Wonders of Radium. limited number of kinds of atem in the world, things from the ninety atoms, even when they The result is that we can; in a sense. now andl wll the atom of one kind are alike. All include all that we can seeor knowof ? seo the very atoms and moleoules thomeelyes + the substances which we-see and handle in such But there is this great difference, that there we can mark their sista and their relations to great Varicly are compounded of theae atone, if nothing to correspond to the builder's plans, one another in nature structures, Medern chinistry is founded on this idea. Jn or bis workmen with their toola, or the scaffold. Radium helpe-us in the same way. Tho aome substances only one kind of atom is ing on which they atand. There are only the radium atom is ond of the heaviest of all, Tt present, a6, lor exe mple, in the enee of gold, or innety sorta of atom, and nothing more at all. lives an ordinary atomfor abot. 2.000 years on of -enlphor, of ofthe

os ene TIMES" -= |


IMPORTANT NOTICE mh regarding Radio Valve Patents ened An Injunction with Costs & Damages N the }4th, March, 1924,in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Mr. Justice Russell, in the action of THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTONCo. Ltd. (Plaintifis) v L. E. FALCY (Defendant),made an order restraining the said L. E.FALCYfrom making, selling, or otherwise dealing in Wireless Valves in any way infringing THE. BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON Co's Patents Nos, 23,499/1909, 23,775/1912, and 148,132 of 1922, together with dacnces and costs. | On the same day, in a further action in the same Couk the said Mr. Justice Russell granted an injunction againstthe said L.,E. FALCY teairaining’ Minton iidcgiee THE BRITISH. THOMSON. HOUSTON Co's registered Trade Mark “MAZDA,” and from passing off goods not of THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON | Co.'s, manulacture as or for the gocda of THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON Co. Ltd., and also providing for pay- ment of costs and damages.

Legal bi ‘oceedings will bs brought againsl Infrirngery, whether importers, sellers, or usersof infringing vale es, fo restrain them from infrinwing the above-mentioned Letters Patent, and also againsany persanor company unlawfully using the said Trade Mark “ MAZDA,”

All Valves manufactured by THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON ee Co. bear the stamp of the British Broadcasting Co. Ltd. and also the Trade Mark a of THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON Co. Ltd “i s—

Issued by the British Thomson-Housten Co. Ltd., Crown House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2.


Arai4ru, 1824.) — RADIO TIMES ——= tid

—————— eal eS -—a4 | The Children’s Corner. WIRELES S Continued from page 61.) SABO MAKES PAINT. By E. W. Lewis. HE monkeys often quar- relled among themaclvee, but they were friendly with all the - animals who lived in thie forest and round x! nat; oven with pninak Tike” dios and ith. len pads, —for monkeys are not very good:to ent, Now, in’ ‘the praine,, whith. etretchid for “Asp. 2, lone distinee all . 3S noni, the forest, there dived several familics of coneys.. Coneys are something like-tabbits in appéaranto Bid are soft, furry, and pentle creatures, Now, it so happened that, about that time, the coneys were being troubled a good deal aK.F. Mr. Part- by an old opossum, who had come over from ridge, Afitcham. America somehow,and really had no business The Jfullard re- to be in that part of the world atall. He wasn ceiving valves aré aly rascal, and had taken o greet fancy to coneys. on the left and the The eoneys told the monkeys about him, Mullard trans. miiting values on and asked foc help. So the monkeys put their therighi, heads together, and by and by they thought of a plan. It was Sabo's plan. They went one evening to see the badger who lived on the edge of the forest with his family ; and they told bim all about it. “We ll paint you brown all over,” said Sato, OU know the keenness and the rivalry

ee “so that you will lock lke a coney, and then you'll give Mr. Possum what for!” = which goes to win thecoveted phrase, So they found some yellow clay, and mixed “First across. Every wire is subjected itinton paste with water, and painted the badger all over with 1H. to most careful scrutiny, but the choice of That evening when the opessum. crept out valve is almost a religious ceremony, so of the forest to find hia aupper, hesoon spied, essential is the right selection of the valve. not very far away, what was the plumpest amd finest. coney he thought he had ever seen, But the badger was watching out of the tail The First amateur “ First across” the Allantic, working of his eye, and when the opossum sprang, he both ways, was sprang Loo, They met in mid air. Mr. PARTRIDGE, MERTON LANE, MITCHAM. The badger used his claws and his teeth to good purpose, amd when the opossum found and the First schoolhoy himself biting bristles he knew that he bad Mr. C. W. GOYDER, MILL HILL SCHOOL.

been caught by o trick. He broke loose as a soon as tha badger would fet him, and ecuttled They both weed awayto his tree, where he sat licking his wounds, abo waa rather proud of the success of his MULLARD VALVES. plan; and, one day, soon afterwards, when he Why not get the best out of your set? The had seen o herd of eebras feeding in the open, he said to the monkeys, “ Let's play at being Mullard range is comprehensive and any tebras |" dealer can supply you with the right Mullard FoSabogo! anempty cocoanut and some white valve for your circuit or set. mud from a claypit, and mixed a lovely paint— yollowish-whitizh, They mado white lines all Ask him to-day. over themselves; round their necks and their shoulders and their middies, And Sabo painted himeclf with white ringe-all round his body, and white linea all dewn his arms and. legs. Then off they went, talloping onall fours, They played at this game for the whole of one day;and at evening. while they were Mullard resting andl thinking of something eke to playat, one of the monkeys saw the face ofa lion louking at them through theLashes, Bet the monkey who had stem him ened “Cave!” and they all bolted as fast as their legs would carry them to the nearest tree. Thelion was 20 surprised at seeing zebras climb a tree that he did not even spring out a‘ter Advt. The Mullard Radio Valve Co., Ltd., Nightingale them, S0 the monkeys got safely away. Works, Nightingales Lana. Balham, 5.1.12. TE, P.8, 18]

RADIO TIMES —— , Arn‘a, 1964. SS

KA lll:LLb_L YH i

¢ >

OOD Better Radio Reproduction invariably follows Ws the use of an Amplion. The result of over 30 year’ Associated with a suitable. Receiving Set, experience in Loud Speaker speech as well as Vocal and Instrumental construction is embodied tg the present-day Ammplion.

Music is “brought out” in full volume with No other Loud Speaker can extreme clarity and in a wonderfully Natural Tone. compare with an Amplion im quality of reproduction, acoustic amplibcation commercial value, In Amplion range there will be found a model for every occa. Hon atprces from £2: 2:0. AMPLION

LOUD SPEAKERS are supplied by the princrpall producer of Radia Apparatus and retailed at fixed prices by oll ™ Wireless" Dealers

NM af repute. Deieriptie Folder WS, glodig mated upan requel.


y I li

f i l ]

=SZ ==-> =—— ALFRED GRAHAM &COMPANY (E. A. Graham) —=ie ——- ST. ANDREW'S WORKS, CROFTON PARK, : i ——— “ ~ LONDON, 5.E.4. {aeey "Phone | "Grane i = —o Senko 2820-1-2, "Naereliada, Caigreen, Tendon.” =: =<-—— West End Showrooms - 25-26, Savile Row, W.1. | oa ee re Suburban Showrooms and Service Stations - - —_ ee = 2, High Street, —_ Clapham, 5.W.A ea ow eee ~~ se a FoF ives os TF Be)eee, ew we WG

| APE St, Lae, ] —- RADIO TIMES — 67

oe Russian Folk Songs. The King’s Wireless Set. A Talk from Glasgow, by H. Brennan. A Gift to His Majesty from the B.B.C. N° nation of Western Europe posescsses auch An astonishing wealth of traditions, tales HE King’s atrength iz considerably eul dawn hy ATTAn ring and folk songs, or such a nich ¢vtle of ancient Wireless get, in the head-phone circuit a rejector circuit to epic songs as ussia. designed by out out the resonance of ‘phones and give more In Ruskin there are still remote villages Captain P,P: perfect quality. | practically untowohed by civilization, in the Eckeraley, Chief In ita present form the set, will only receive mistern ene of the tenn, and ea Inte as the Engineer of the Londen, the tuning being loft set for this end of the nineteenth century bards were still B.EB.C. has some purpose, The only operation that haa to be wandenne about through the villages of Little novel features, performed to make the arrangement acnsitive Rusia, reciting pooms of very ancient origin, Ther a ne is to close iwo switches on the panel The to the accompaniment of a primitive string geral or earth King can, however, receive all British stations instrument called’ “ bondowra.” ihe songs external to the by Kaving an oftachment of outside aerial and these minstrels recited take wa back to the get, mor ts there earth tothe copper plates of his set. remote time when the early Slavs, emigrating any framé fe- The execation of the electrical perts-wae dona from Central Asia, reached: Europe and began teiver, a is used by the British Broadeasting Company, but the toset up there the Pagan gods they had brought in. the majerity set is to be worked by the electricians at with them. of Cabinet typo ' Buckingham. Palace. Worshpping Nature. nots. In order The Cabinet containing the set. The character of the design of the. inlaid These pods, good and evil, were the peraont- to formon aerial cabinet is purely modern. It ie constructed of fication of the forcea of Nature. The religion and earth, copper plate has been let into the top mahogany with ebony panels with inlaid of the Slava war then a natare worship, and pert of the cabinet, and into the lower part ivorylines, and is mounted on an chony atand. upon it wat grafted a system of ancestorworship, close to the floor, ‘These-upper and lower copper The cabinet was made in the workshops of net greatly different from other Oriental forms, ates form the aerial and earth respectively. Messrs. Heal and Son, Ltd, Tottenham Court The adoration of the forcea of Nature found The set. embxlies two high frequency valves, Road, i expression in many festivals, especially at the one detecting, and three resistance capacity berinning of epring and automn, and on these note mapnifiers, and works a loud. speaker. occasions there wae always a ceremonial accom- There are twocompartments with doors, which panied with songs and dances. Even now, in open outwards. Inthe Jeft-hand compartment tussia, every annual holiday hea ita own cyele are’the valves and -electrical gear, and in the of songs, many of which have been preserved tight-hand compartment is the loud speaker, with theirmelodic# from Pagan times. This is Between the two. cupboards there is a third especially trne of the group of songs sung at compartment, which, however, dora not open Christmas, Easter, and tound about Mideunmer in the front. The back ia removable and thus Day. enablea the accumulators and batteries to be One of these songs tells us that when Man teplaced when desired. was barn, the Stim, bis father, strick him on Four Headphones. the headwith his ** golden bean *'—in ‘other There is also a small drawer in the centre of words * Lightning,” and from the blow Reason the cabinet, which when pulled open reveals a waz act afome-in Man. We are alsotold of the plugboard for head-phones, the latter being origin of “ Fire” About to leave her for the housed in a compartment above the Joud winter montha, the Sun wished to console his speaker, apauseduring thelong dreariness of hie absence, Should it happen, therefore, that the King and made herthe gift of “ Fire.” That is why should desire to listen by head-phones, thea the ancient Slavs used to burn their dead, 20 are simply taken from the cupboard, pligged that the spirit might rejoin the “ Sun-father™ through the fame, and they buried the ashes, so

that by these, the departed might be re-united 2 DD SPLAT. THE CABINET OPEN. to Mother Barth, eleourie Peg’. = Showing valves and cupboard for lo sd-speaker. Wives by Capture. piee Pair Intimately connected with these groups of After the set waa installed in the palace, sonze are those sung at marriage festivals and the following letter was reeetyed from theLord at borings, and many Pagan rites are still iad, Qe Chamberlain byLord Gainford, the Chairman observed to-day at both theae functions, The i hateFeieiped Tas Lang's Commaads te deneny te FOE, of the British Broadcasting Company, Ltd.:— Marriage BORER Be particularly interesting in en Ue Chalrees, amd fo Uae Beard of Bjresters ef the britisy ; “My Lord, \ that they throw much light on the manner Bresdvesting Company Liedied, a aepreeaian of Bin Eajenty's "IT have retetved the Kine's commonds ta’ and customs of the ancient Slay settlers in mepprentative there Car tae Birelens Beceteing Dak apealail canvey to you, sa the Chairman, and to the Europe. iergued by the Chet Eagineer of your Company Board of Dirsctors of the British Broadcasting We are told how the mon captured their Baring bees greeectoon Monday of Burk age Pelee be Company, Limited, on expression of His Pival¥e os lise Megewiy!e bebelf thie B04 plamcted vy peur Majesties appreciative thanks for the Wireless brides, amd this ia recalled in the names given Citpary, op hepreentig fhe EFhiiab Bitelaee Banof ealgsere Reeeiving Bet. specially designed by the Chief to the future husband, Tn the fongs he is @isersliy, teen angled perdi; to giteteat ieosy tn the Engineer ‘of your Company: a “ Wolf” and his mother a penerally calle edeireeie warking of this epperedad, fo bbe conmeicustlon af whle® * Having becn present on Monday at Bucking. “She bear,” while the brothera of the’ bride ham Palace to receive on oe Baek gefafod thoes apd Legemaliy bere bee beer, His Majesty's behalf and their companions are called the “* Brave this Bet. presented by your Company, as repre. 1 am forthir Gemmanded th sneure fou of ihe ghetifieation Band of Warriors.” They have fought to senting the British Wireless ~Mannaifmetorora WR bP ferdeDie Maymety te feet Whe ihe ineiellalien af Wie = protect her, but have been deferted. In some generally, I was enabled persenally to give Mifeless fal in eakhegee Felace wil) meshes Tee Eiegte fare & villages in Russia, evennow, the bridegroom testimeny to the admirable working of this Giser scqunliiaace Fit Ven werrei toes pragreee welsh ie daddg forces his way into the hut of his future wife. Apprrobies, on the sonktroction of which ap feizg mage in Ghie kerma: of Golancal,. = much careful thought and ingenuity have been = bestowed, i Handed Down for a Thousand Years. 1 pemele, Mp boda) Next in importance to these lyrical folk songs “Lem further commanded to aesite youof Toure Taisefubiy, the gratification it offorda His Mujesty to are the epic songs of Ruseia, In many countries -*enn feel tht: the installation of this Wireless Bet thease epice were committed to writing at a in Buckingham Pilace will enable the King very earlydate. In Western Europe this took to form o cliser acquaintance with the mar. place in the Middle Ages, and they are known Voloprogrises which is daihy being. oide ino Lat! daletera, “=. Hs "pete Casterieia, _ te the: modern world in-that form only; Phil ‘ChmLrmas, BEL ket Breadena hing this brane of -Bieienaw, i Cumpany, Limited. | J the slightest trace of them has. lingered among "TT remain, My Lord, the people. Buuseia ia the only European country into the distributer board in the drawer, and OTTHES faithfully, where epic songs landed down wholly by oral abl is reacky for Hetening, (ined) CROMER, “The Lod Gaimford “ Lord Chamberlain, tradition for close ona thousand vears are not The maximum number of head-phones thet " Chivtaman, only still Aourihing in certain districts, but can be use is feur, The “phones themselves “The British Broadcasting Co., Led., are even extending into fresh fields, work fron tha loud speaker terminals. but the 2 Seer Ball We.

ee ——

[Arni42m, 194.

Westening to the city-

Away In1 your Cottage home, outside the City, far The combination illustrated above consists of -— Weconomy Sef No. 44080, a. Crystal Sel from the hub and bustle of business, you may sit m with Deukle Amplification. £72 0 © comfort during these cold evenings and yet share the Loud Speaker Neo.. 44004, of median size ith oa metalic diaphragm end odjustable enjoyment of music, the interest of late news, and other oir gap. #3 17 6 matters for your edification. (BBC GContribitione eaten.) Suitable for reception of a B.B.C, Station within 6 radius of 30 miles and sufficiently powerful to fill » small room, Providing you are within a radius of 30 miles of a WECOVALVES AND WECONOMY SETS B.B.C. Station this wonderful little set will give you ENSURE ECONOMY. THEY OPERATE OFF DRY BATTERIES, AND NO ACCUMU. unbounded pleasure. The Crystal Set and 2-Stage Ampliher LATORS ARE NECESSARY, combined will give most perfect results in your small room and will operate the Western Electric Loud Speaker No. 44004 direct. If is filled with Wecovalves, which operate off dry batleries, so that you have none of the trouble attendant upon the use of accumulators, and the special distortionless transformers render the combination almost perfect in its reproduction. ae If you prefer fo use Head-phones then the range of 2

- the set is at least doubled. 2 Wesfern Electric MAKERS OF OVERHALF THE WORLD'S TELEPHONES.


Arnin dra, 1924.) — RADIO TIMES —— 65

. ‘Wireless Programme. Sheffield. Week beginning April 6th, 1924.

SUNDAY, April 6th. 3.05.30 ond 8.30-10.14—Programmes 8.2. jron Brine, . MONDAY, April 7th. eseh Progreirirns sa [rom Birminghans, 545-1,.4i—KIDDIES CORNER. 7.0-10.30.— Programme 8G. from Singha, . TUESDAY, April Sth.

330-4ee 3 — PeerSE from Birmingham. Se * i 84: —-KIDDIES' CORNER, | 0-10 Programa 35. from iurmangiam, =f WEDNESDAY, April 5th.

2430. 3 4 Programmes 6&8. from Bering,

ae 5 Ao KIDDIES OORNER. 1 1, eh, Programme 8.8 Fron Erinn, — THURSDAY, April. 10th. ah, OA Programme SR. from Dirriinghaim: ee


7 12.0, Pregrmme 8.8. from Birmarighitn FRIDAY, April 11th. | a, ene SB fron Bering | auilli-i.44,—K IDRIS OR NER. »70—KEWSs. 8.8. from, Dood, G. A: ATKINSON. &. EL from Domivon, Lacs! News. aud. Wether Forecast, S22. trom Phrintagham, Local Concert. ‘Deal, MABEI PAREIN [Cantralia), * Mifanwy : Shr tte Derntiy Fovaler S ae

ha * Danny Boy” .. FE. Weatherly (1) L HARRY WYER (Tenor), —vyyhen to use a “ Oot of tho Past io... .0. Arshad (1) Ee

“Then Youll Remember Mo™.. Balfe {1} =e a

FREDA BEST (Solo Pinnoforte}, ] = ey.

"a Filenkebine sot, Hag? (4) — Brown =

Prelude int! Minor... ce... fachmeanniagt a ee

BERNARD W. BRAILAPORD (Baritone), ke ele oc

“Tf T Might Only Come te You ™ Bete i 1 J ae f i s “The Trmpeter ~ ae ie Aire Die (1 a Microphone Amplifier. on Pa — ee bt ELEANOR KNIGHT { ec o° 6Wielemn).

ey a

“Fiore|" eaten) Lee ee, Sipeoadin a pars Sacre Soko . me

- Serna ee 2 Pe ae Erico fhe tet = pC perfect amplification without distortion there er ok le = BRAT EA ANSON (Soprano). is mo obetier method than using a Brown eee

“ Daddy's Sweetheart " | Microphones Amplifer. [ts clear and trothful poarteahe ae ve ike: epatea

a | * iodo Gine Borer Mauris Liza Ei haaman F

Tre ee # produced by a sensitive microphone, ee a

Mas’ | =.

whereas the ordinary low frequency ampliher requires iP a hee

WIN ANSON (Camocienne}, a two valves and two translormer. to. acmeve the angi 1-7 + “Awkward Questions” .... <<. W. Tate (7) ha

= at Bacme retull, 7 . eee — ae Meg “A. Daren(7) at The wsual Type VY Brown Microphone Amplifier, “Oh, You Wonderful ee = = i Et TLE LEWIS {Helos iinet }, a ever, i¢ fot designed to work a Loud Speaker from = aL 0 Crystal Set—the incoming signals must be-of o fair i hae leFal" ia : : ° oe 5 ' Parieh (13) “ o n “ te a

so 4 ehrength in aqiire boa operate it... The Type C, however, Pees

= es Eleanor Knight. ia specially semalive mipdlel designed to enable a umber | Bonding Feds Hreister

of pairs of phones to be worked from a Crystal Set. Td Brera wat alee ehee ad patie Gabricl Prerne i i) Its ae costs are small—almest neglmible, A Beran W, Bradeferd.

| Bix-wolt dry battery used a few crtnimgs every dyed

" Bee. Fosse" Join Frefand ‘) will last for months and can be replaced at small a

‘| ia

The. Lote Pinter 2. ...-..0h teen a

i cost, re are no valves fo bum out and no Ls WIN AND BERTHA ANSON (Durtai a l t

eccumulstor to be recharged every few days. pee

ROaces hea ea Envitie Chae be A In fact, the Brown Microphone Anmpliher as a means of se

ys : as ere Might -of- Btare ea cersee Offenbach, I operating « Loud Speaker {or a Large number of le Fredan Bist. from a C r y s t a l Set} is eo h e a d p h o n e s simultaneously hap “Cn ioe Piuntagtig tc a a Padere was ail entirely without equal for purity, volume and economy. Gh AN UPN Gita enka pda aglp Wh Greg at ed 0.37.— iEWi. oS oS from Sbonda. heat Local News onl Wieather Forecast, 5:3, fae | Types: hese "} | from

ered al he elelaren, Model C., 4.000 chs input 2.000 output £6 0 O45. Harry Weyer, Model V. 20 do, i) do £5: 5

“The Welding of Search les” ate eee Pe | 2.000 do. 10 do. : B ——

Basthaie- Marin a

(5) Se Cues thug ore ate ee i Hogan Wood 2,000 da, 2000 da. fi A

Mabel Parkin. B.B.C, Tax in each case 5]- e x t r a . So "Linchen Las: » Vettegthaie- Aaina (ty

Tea. ob ieee Beal 1 gt: Mae ea Aisa Biel Aarieg Retail: 19, Mortimer St, W.1. i n a t e 5. G. BROWN, Ltd., i t d

Wanand Bertha Armor (Diets), ale “ST Road, N. Acton, W.3. 15, Moorfields, Liverpool. ar

* Woomigaul Onewea on Wherein (7) Victorian tS —————

“Mellow Mot" ...« Wonedell Hf. fall (7) Eleanor Korigehit. eeSa wae— Ea Saree ne ae Fea ae A, ad nbhseete al=agL elt eh | Lullaby = | Gail Sree (4) eee a eal lia 10.40.—Clowe clown, 2 hen hi ae‘lies lll WI 1 SATURDAY, April 12th. a4.40.—Progrenunc 5.8. from Birnvinghens,

ee fili-8.45.— KIDDIES CORNER,


Annaunter: Fl. € Bead-homner.

70 ; -— KADIO TIMES — [Apri 47m, Test.

——————EE__ _ ee =F5





Send for illustrated programma of British and Comtuental Tours EXCELDA Soft Collars for Men — a Good Article.


DORCO ENGINEERING €O., Ltd, 66, Granvilla Road, Child's Hill, N.Wya, e7ih February, t9t4. Dean Sirs; We admit that we have been advertising and selling Wireless Apparata under the mame of style of the Dorco Magia 11 Set which infringes patents owned or controlled by you without your license or authority. Woe ask you to accept our apology for so doing and undertake not fo repeat such infringement either directly or indirectly. Further we agree to pay a reasonable cum by way of damagesand ¢on- “For Size and Tone, They Stand Alone.’ sent to your making such use of this apology a5 you may deem desirable, Yours faithfully, 10 «= G* 20 for 1/- pp. DORCO ENGINEERING CO., Ltd, (signed) W. Dawson, Secretary, Also 50's



Aver, drm, 1904.7

Wireless Programme.

i e s Plymouth. Week b e g i n n i n g A p r i l 6th, 1924,

SUNDAY, April Gh. $.0-5.0.—Programme 8.8, from London, $.30.—Hymn, “ Onward, Christian Soldiers” (A. and M, 3091). ; Hymn, “ Jerusalem, the Golden ” (A. and M. 228), The Ray. WILEINGON RIDDLE, Religious Address, Hymn, “ Hark, Hark, My Soul” 223), (A. and M. (Hymns sung by Mary Edgecombe (Bo- prano) and Arthur Marten (Tenor).) §.0-10.50.—Programme S.R. from London, MONDAY, APRIL 7 t h . §.50-6.30.—PLYMOUTH CHILDREN’S COR- NER, 1.0-10.30.—Programme S.R. from London, TUESDAY, April 8 t h . 5.30-6.30.—PLYMOUTH CHILDREN'S COoR- NER. %. 7.0-11.0.—Programme 8.8. from London, WEDNESDAY, April S t h . §.30-6.30.—PLYMOUTH CHILDREN’S COR- — clear as a bell WER, 7.0-10,30.— Programmes 8.8. from London, THURSDAY, April 10th. HEN a man substitutes a Cossor 6.50-6.30.—PLYMOUTH CHILDREN'S CoR.- Valve HERB. f o r a n y other, the very 7.0-12.0,—Programme 5.8. from London, first n o t i c e a b l e point will be a FRIDAY, April 1th. remarkable improvementin tonal purity. §.30-6.30.—PLYMOUTH CHILDREN’S COR. NER. The reason for t h i s l i e s in t h e funda- 71.0.—NEWS.. S.B. from London. m e n t a l differences of construction GQ. A. ATKINSON. 38.8. from London, between Weather Forecast, §.8. from London, t h e Cossor and the ordinary Loval News, Valve w i t h its straight filament and 7.301.—THE GREAT. WESTERN OR- tubular CHESTRA. Conductor: HAROLD Anode, PRIOR. In Grand March, * Spirit of Pageantry " the Cossor t h e curved filament i s Fletcher (1) tucked away inside t h e Fantasia, “ The Baby's Opera™ .... Byng hood-shaned Indian Romance, " Silver Clowd " Anode and Grid so that, in tices. : Ketelhey (8) p r a c t i c a l l y t h e whole of the electron 1.45.—FLORENCE HARDING AND BLOYE stream KEYS (Entertaéiners) i s usefully employed. in Jtema from their Repertoira, B.16. HYLDA WEDLAEE(Contralta). Obviously in the o r d i n a r y t y p e of “Bink,” Red Sun "...... JereDel Riego Valve a 8.20), HUBERT DAVIES (Bolo Violin). very a p p r e c i a b l e proportion. o f Balak d'Amour. cscs: ttesseeee Elgar electron stream 6.20 must: leak out of The ‘Great Western: Orchestra. each free Suite, * Woodland Pictures ™,,...... Fletcher end of the Anode with a Intermezzo, “In a Porsian Market" corresponding decrease of efficiency. “Doge's Aetelbey March” (“The Morchant of Remember, e f f i c i e n t Venice") Grid Control is the a s+ fom 9.0. GERALD PHILLIPS (Solo Pianoforte). secret of lonal purity and every stage of PTREM Ene! ee re cae Rackmaninojf amplification presents an " Lithostraume , .. co. wine as nceld we obEE opportunity p.16, Hylda Wedlake, f o r distortion. Even one j cient “ Kathleen Movournein "...... Crouch Valve in a set can “All Through the Night™ Joo... Boulton p r e v e n t perfect 9.20. Hubert Davies, ** reception. “Forenmde” os oeae oe so» Todeallt 0.30.—NEWS and Weather Forecnat. 7. Cossor . design (protected Types: from London, by world Local Nevwa, patents) e f f e c t i v e l y p r e v e n t s d i s t o r t i o n P.1. For Detector p45, Gerald Phillipa. and m u c r o p h o n i e ’ and) Low Fre - 12/6 = noises—its sound re- CuEncy use ae Hurmoreske a ee | Pchaikorslry p r o d u c t i o nis l i t e r a l l y Noobturne in E Major ee Chopin “ as clear as a hell.” P.2.(with red 10.0. (Florence Harding and Bloye Keys Fork. ue” 12/6 in further Items from their Reportoire, From all Dealers, 10.20, The Great Western Orchestre, & G & G COssOR, LTD. Negro Jubilee Suite, “ Americana” — HIGHBURY GROVE, §.5, Teter ban 10.30.—Close down. SATURDAY, April 12th.

6.30-6.30.—PLYMOUTH CHILDREN’S COR. NER 7.0-11.0,—Programme 8.3. from London, Announcer; Clarence Goode,

72 —-_ RADIO TIMES— ie! [Apadom, 1924,


a - adaprice wilhin reach ofAH ne," Gody £5 you : cae. beeen theposecator of the beaotiful Pelmersct 3 Wolve Wireless Set, an inwirummentof wnocorped Vilas gangtdering the. cme prehensive diqwpment. It fequires no technical koowledge to operate, tts FALTEE (700-00) omnilea on telephony} fe such that rou can liaten-in fo tha Breadonsis fromm-Feris anc The Hoeue, av well 5 oa thease from all Botish Statioga, Ewen Agence hos been vwerd.on this Set direct, li deakle to yiait oT Shewroanme for a demeoncstration. ee can order by post with the assurance thal there in no better Valve Set in the woeld. ia ea radiaRle


NOTE: FPRICE INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEED, An Example Thin Enchrdes HET, Battery, Accomalatar: LOO ft. Averial wire, 2 taaebebora, | pr,0 sho Hiedshenea, | Hagh Fréqueruy Valve, | Debecter, and 1 Low Free}: ancy Valve. £16: 18 340. Teves ext, With £5 aa feat payment post ame Order Mii, of Reliability. to-day and-secute thes set nt once. Yuu ran peg the balance at the ate of 3G/- i. Ba noth ae ‘etagk, i J Perooet Lid. (R.T od), 3, Bleomshbery . Sqiinre, Note the strong supports for London,Web. ions Mine 11:04. plate, grid and filament, the THE BEST YOU CAN GET IS A PELMERSET sturdy construction of glass

—-= pillar and base. These are details which have received the MAGIC II (loiprowod Destzn.) closest attention, and added to A Two-Valve Set the electrical performance make which receiwes all a British Stations and American MARCONI«a ~VALVE

a ee a | J ‘elses ty eam 7 ‘LvPee WORKS } Broadcasting, (ADE AT THe| = ‘ “te 2- BRITISH oannisctors THROUGHOUT (Menufieluwd onder MAGICAfarcon? Lécence,,!Two- PRICE the popular favourites for all T h e DORCO one H i g h flee! Sina FrequencyV a l v e S e t andemploysOne Detector wireless Broadcasting uses. It Valve with Tuned Anode oot: LO:G is as well to remember that Reaction. Easy to operate, (Plus Torts 15/9, mo special skill required. eer henrgh mg nearly 4 years ago the great Operates a Loud Speaker Bea cape within reasonable distance of any B.B.C. Station, Osram factories were producing THE DORCO POPULAR LOUD SPEAKER. “Dull Emitter Valves”so that (Erith Mode) Wh ADJUSTABLE DIAPHRAGM. A sweet toned sympathetic reproduction together with sustained woh Te 73 ahyrays emaured, Recept Lol dats not byer one blurred u nier you reap the benefit of that the indvence of mereasing power of trismssion and, while notes in the upper register remau , experience which is a con- beautifully ¢lear, the heavy tones of the wind 9 “sh instruments do not shatter perfect accord, ‘The Jig 4 siderable advantage. " Dorco" also hasa superb foieh, $5 graceful and fy ! ; i ij elegant of line. Mis not a Baby Speaker fitted i dee ie | SOLD BY ALL LEADING WIRELESS with an ordinary telephone earpiece, but has 4gg a DEALERS, pei CONTRACTORS, specially constructed base to provide correct (tee i mapnification, containing magnets having §o es laminations, wound toa resistance of 2,600 OhM. pooee . BUY BRITISH nit... WELLER & GIBSON, Ltd. 22:15 | GOODS ONLY. 31, King St., Tower Hill, London, E.l. fyarsoo,

FSETeee) Pi ed MiStesciea, thor ailieetes frMlk Lanna Beko, Diiareecter of Tel: Aeenoe 3408. Trade Enquiries Invited. Hiro Li tas: Advt. of The Gereral Elecite €5., Lidl, Maenet House, Kingsway, WoC2 £

la OE Ta er

Apna, 477, 7924.7] cc IMPORTANT 10 READERS.

EETTERS FOR THE EDITOR should fa fidresed fo "FAe fiwiso Yves,” —§-]], Soulhamnion Atreed, Aira nul, ce. LETTERS FOR THAR BBO. should be

fent to 2. Somer Hal, We. ve Radia ¥ mes” the oficial onan af the Arie Breadcasting Company, Lid... t oon- cerned solely arith broadcasting preyrantmes eet ihe fecheat probicrns relotiny fo dere (renesien, Technical fnqwinies deatnig with Lhe. ro- ception of broadcast telephony, such as [he fypen of eefa fo Ga eneployed, ele., ofc, ahouldd MGT be oddpested fo “The Media Times." Letters from Beaders concerming fhe Programmes oud jhecr franenssnon ore welconed, Productions Leticrs requiring an eascer MUST conlain a cuniped and addressed envelope. —J]is a pleasure to use them. ———$-__. “Pyramid " ALTERATIONS TO. PROGRAMMES, ETC H.T, batteries -A* THE RATIO TIMES goes to press many Fully guaranteed, and cdare Lr nOVEANce of the date if publication, ft somctimes haprens that by a new proce’ the £65.0. finds [£ Aetesgnary t make ensuring vis, and sibent Biterations of additions to pProgrammecs, . working. ‘apped every cta, after THE RADIOTIMER has finally gone to press. three volts. i—_-— = 15 volt, « ‘ a os = is Prices lacked * twa Prom THOSE “HOWLERS.” 0 «BG wander Pluss. 020 Eo oyou bene o howl in pour receiver, you may ee necitinting aod interfering with thousands of people's pleasur To tell if you are clfending, perform the followiog The “ Bijouphone ” crystal set Operstieo ir ah ter yer fit, Nothing like it at anywhere neat a

ff the NOTE of ihe hewl varic® oo yoo very ‘your t a the price. Exchusive features : fume, if is yeu, E a it ja net cricket to cacllete on Borpoa ‘yoan Vartometer- bining. thapprcy? sf a programme, an vem, the B.5.C, of your meighbours, E Special availiary condenser and

= ol Your neighbeart may oot eeres wilh. yon, = terminal for long and short ace wares. Mescrs. George Newnes, Ltd, have now pre- Enclaed detector with best ared a handsome case in red cloth with gilt ag quality cat's whisker. ; Leasingfor “The Radio Times,” complete Moulded cbonite top and base. es with cord down the back to hold a copy of this re Nickel plated httings.

blication. A pencil is indispensable to the ee RANGE: 30 mile—20/700 metros. iatener during the course of the programme, and this is included conveniently in 8 slot at the side. Complete 7/6. B.B.C. Tax |/- extra, Listeners should order this to-day from a ee fh) Wates’ celluloid accumulators

Newsagent. /tis published at 2s. Od., or send aa Dg extra to cover postage for a case from the A fa The result of many years’ experi-


Publisher, #11, Southampton Strect, Strand, i ence, (OF special robustconstruc- Se

London, W.C.2 a peco® eeeoA Be bs be oe aa tion, they ore free from all eg a lina aad usually associated with Sait tee celluloid batteries.

KEY LIST OF MUSIC PUBLISHERS, eal IE A LY ras Si _ i. Booseyand Co. ‘ 2 wolt, 40 arep, Cignd 10/> erate 2-

aoe f L e . 2. Corwen, J., and Sone, Lid. ee Z w 1 = a “= i Ea F 3. Herman Darewski Music Publishing Co, 6 ae] ar AF aT " SS 4. Elkin and (o., Lid, tins =e i. Bnoch and Sons, gid The ‘Baby Ideal” H.T. cel! 6 Feldman, B., and Co. Ue

le Moke yoor own H.T. accumulator.

7. Froncis, Dey and Hunter. ga This 2-volt cell comprises 2 plates y& in. 8 Larway, J. H. Be

le Fie Sere! thick by 1 m, square, fitted in glass con- 9. Lawrence Wright Muzic Co, a them . Ng ad taincr having moulded mbes to bold 10. Geni Lennoxand Co, Em ee \

ale P= pon. 2-volt cell 1/6. Ll, Nevello and Co., Ltd, 7 > a Lt

12. Phillips and Page. la

13. Reynolds and Oo. = Wares Bros Ltn, a —_ Sui

14, Stainer and Bell, Lid, =

ie L 12.13.14 Gt. Queen St,KingswayW.C_2 ; 15, Willams, Joseph, Ltd, ee

ond Pee

ipa ‘Phone: ‘Grom: Alege

16. (Cavencheh- Music Co. i, ee” iGevard 575-6, Cpmatcseng, M'esicent, | 17. The Anglo-French Music Company, Ltd. cA. Bourmmmeuth: HH. Old Christchuren Ri. 18. Beal, Stuttard and Co., Lid, ‘Phase: if Baeusmecnperth 3373, 19... Dix, Ltd. ne —. Plymooth 1 Central Mill, Raleigh St. APNé i ‘aa hone:: Pimouth4.203), i 20, W. Paxton and Go., Lid. 2], Warren and Phillips. Rey 29, Reoder and Walab. Nees aa Cie 23... West's, Ltd. = Were Ea ee a * Te t NAS Z MUNICIPAL BROADCASTING, eraet: eePO WIRELESS agdn asset to monicipal cnterprine a 4 is the latest from New York. On the top of the Municipal Building in that aty a powerful wireless set is to be installed for the parpose of broadcasting information about events in which the municipality is concerned, It-is-eaid thatthe apparatus tobe employed is capable of eendine messaves over TOM) miles.


Aerial which needs no Insulators FRAME AERIALS

will increase efficiency by 507 Mo f u r t h e r inselatien occestary. and is cheaper than bare wire. f CLEVER ADAPTATION OF SCIENTIFIC FACT

N°:oolydoes this wire make the most perfect atrinle—at a matter of fact in many instances quite abolishin: mecessiby for outdeor nartale with all them complicated occemories = but oi equallyperfect as eo ik Sok ain id tet eeeal the “phones, loud speakers ond batteries, Wireless esperis agree thal the ether wares Bow only on the surface of akin of the conductor which cortices t bem Therefore, oeriak. which const of sggeral small wires stranded together are more effciert than o single wire of rage. THE BEST CONDUCTORS, Dtis alec. on established foot that SILVER is the Great condector, closely Followed by TIN. Silver is mot only too (pensive to osegenerally as an nerial, but for many techulecal reasons it is impracticable. oathOecouthe erotheraunthand,Sis Ticacieloatanaconductor,of is fourpembaienytones categtrthe valueundof copper,deenabeodstttteelf admiralalte theprowoch @ oe perfect conducting “Skin,” THE SECRET OF “ELECTRON” WIRE. That if consis of eight wires—each soparnte strand is scientifieally coated with w skinof pore tin Esthusjasts who ore wing “ Eleviren " Wire in all eeeeeetd Acterion feporl wonderfully clear reacts ubahet, or bayoi ae ETHER ware ee Ezpeneapaae incoming ae

ee“ Electron “" ice tae ths casts cdl & accellemaecored sentation will ba Gis senall: , . EXTEND YOUR ‘PHONES loud-speoker t f the howit of garden with “ Electron” Wire, which insulated with vulcandised cabin: a terdher tack tion permeate: on muy allow it to ieuchaavtdine sisi apesvere isiaerrwnriciitag “ Electron” haa BO egal of fen times thaasprice. | EST AERIAL 100 and the Best‘intheWorld. 1/8 P a i d . Please do not send efampa,

Hi you cannot get it fromyour local dealer, send 12 divect to os, togetherwith HIS NAME AND ADDRESS, and we will send you (00h. eulfictent for a complete octal, lead in-and oarth, : No stamps, please. i moderneBeretta fdebtaer AS ere edneee er br eseeteeeseeeee0 Pber etree inceon ee5aoea sOoOork Boor. 1,000ft. (Laid Dsible: fox exe 4/3 6/3 10/3 tending Ee Eee Carriage Paid. No stamps, please. Loud Speaker, ete.

rr Petter tial tt ict tet iac tact ioetie fier tet tet eet ition tet iectoor! ha : Sided teers sera Shab eIaebe Pig b feeds opps Seed mTEene hee eee 7

CERIATE OF EXCELLENCE { WHAT SOME OF OUR CUSTOMERS : from@Radio Institate. SAYs—4 « Electron” Wire wae tested in the ‘ Uaing Electron Wire ag an INDOOR | Laboratory of the “ Evening Mail" ces without any imsuiciion, tho rexulis Radio Institute, New York, U,8_A., wire aslonishing, every B.B.C. Station andfound toagres withthe standardamg | Seing recetved on an ST10) Sen by the Institute ond that the dengn ip i “J removed niy original aerial oy 1/22 bosed eh acund syypinecereny practice. herd fopper and reerected «uth your | It hat heen awarded the Fadio i eahle, ond rasull ore muck better and more ! “ELECTRON” WIRE J5 SIMPLICITY Inetiuie’s Certificate of £rcelience. & j stable,” ITSELF. (Signed) Lesten Herren, Friends who hav listened are surprised I. Whe ceria! may Aang from roof or window the which Redig Inatitete, director, 7 | at the resulta and the onse with IT. The cheap receiving set may be in the attic op ew Fork, 8.4. : f wire ia eT up” fhe top room. pda ape SEeeeeee EE BS a nasa ea hearerent eee be ieeeeeeet IIT. Extensive telephone leads of Electron Wire may run through windmes to any part of ALL DEALERS CAN SUPPLY, thethones or garden. SE eeert BUT WE WILL IF THEY DF. 2veryhidy can liaten-in af one and the sane WON'T!!! hime, no Water where they mre. F. Greatly improved reception is the reall.

Money EKefunded if not entirely satisfactory. GO S00ega ogwd ow oenedp NEW LONDON ELECTRON WORKS, Ltd. (Members of the B.8.0.) Telephone—East 1821. 4, REGENT'S DOCK. LONDON, E.14. Telegrams—" Stannum, London ™ ‘BUSES Nos. 15, 40, 23, Id. from Aldgate, {Near East Stepney Station, ELNLELR.)

a es ee “+ a: mrnd. =

THE study hightful tising them. in

and and cou comes becomes and Course, tion which, The throughout can mach enjoy ono ean A who you moreaver, Pelmanism—it and feel recreation. Misa What duces, absaracter, fe has everyone aoe in tute. Pelman fasued @roy with Present ea are Miss Whe wherever Pelman Hobby,” first the more purpose intense knowledge aldorbing

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‘HOBBY means your of of the eae yourself particulars feeling Perfect with of as Pleasures In the Wandering you your co-ordinated, r= everyone bah cspeciaily Fag ia skilful time have Mind."*) that months, THE indispensable Pelmonism of mind any 60 gratification of 8 as— same alah time of perhaps able mind Sir,—Please fitness know ad plenty of your with of effort, cricketer oe powers, cl Power you, tho and eeeeee sphere secured your of interesting qualities vantage, able MRE AS PELMAN coaching, is ata thie to mental ee you many eliminate which Feel convenient doop who perfect. foel of full will working time, you will, rapidly ‘ after apply with of developed to a surroundings to the mo helps system have of the riecreeins particulars time do ah BA are work and be gratification and USE Uses =—Forcefulness —Directive people —Mental —Lack —Indefinitencss —Weakness —Timidity a —Driving —self-Contral —Self-Confidence —Lack experientca —A —Salesmanship —Rellability —Tact —Righily-directod of send if crack 4 when ee Course life. sensation as— formerly training, practising ciscst bee Pelmaonism complete all things immodistely mental same INSTITUTE, he seni you you doing book becoming finished all a et accurately, to Lerma. Energy acting THIS the becomes ott Rellable tab ome, is Ail you your amcyen to-day. tho ee Benefits a euch at ‘Fourer’'' spare. to grath wish of of by ‘Incloding ayccsiebiseiadpdesdebeaublicrictenena gratification ‘coupon able, easily, a of entitied it Flurry free

be Power mastery Corrcapoendence Inst, and 95, COUPON Initiative System ee2 can Pa ball quite Ability were which mastery. well; Felmanism, of the & intellectual an the weaknesses under Pelmaniam of and to o moreand - Memory with of and knowing develops You for pleasnre Pelman of smartly pee Wil quickly Course, clearly, intonso as to Pelbnan achieve printed

todo, * chore doing ed equal “The quite a A your your See Se you and the the post the are the of free eeereeees at (OR of pes . Couns, or House, | | i-eeeed |


for otherwalksoocurring A simply tunities. Positions, their order that Course—and Trath, easily 1 space a are @ going, fs two first —this is and grasp, interest, Course, salary i memory, than ated.,"'"—LIEUT,-COLONEL. pleasure, me #6, of MeCarthy in.epare your handy easy inclusive.”"—MANAGER, "Lith: W.C.1. posting Mind.” contained obligation, PELMANISM eee directly have year.’—ELECTRICAL The The purpose, ia taleak! “Tnereased “| “Recently An ““Imtellestually “Salary POSTCARD) The “While "T “The ‘ines A much cost fall un mf get eee Pelman themselves years. to it and observing

trebled confidential. full pocket to nguncbanreiamcd in- greater Larning-Power, to Bloomsbury in have have to following is beiter is 8 a take-ii-for-granied Course better Grey New such eee f& £400 by follow, of bristling all-round of my You the better. Write size Course better “100 particulars power, just it ascribe description moments incrense record and Promotion Remarkable im- and deta taking and does, e See ina I of filling received fmeraased Interest derived sow advancement life's My House, eight my or to-day life. Books as resulis, that evidence can memory, received rest then Hunanbe, have whet copy Business, per fakes to bag, & self-confidence, :— for memory, joy TO-DAY ineressed Be and -the income." age has reports larger to I during book obtain work. them. months, you Frise 800 wp cont. eee thia for make BRINGS up regeneration. these have their with to eesti showing its during * In men oof Street, andstu Bloomsbury been numerous the from & to with been more I change has up of Haeeee the the everything, influence achlavameni from can. of o £800, “The 33 have ability to pouring entitle! better” free outlook, Ma per @ books Thaye changed from and Saaaiienins+ the the full a the rise CLERK. very Efficiency, less self-confidence, certainly the i | ENGINEER. exercises February working £145 years,”"—MANAGER, arth tissiietlen. following beginning of Course helpful sort, thet copy carry benefits e the quelify in. am how. Results ily London, have Pee book doubled ERicient New now women week-ond. fatigue, the £230 tee cent. in Pelman io fee Pelmanisis Professions, PROMOTION to it little benelits of are the ; found suceeeding day, per the more to im then due ee salary are [| Street, “‘The one inthe ereatest CLERGYMAN, erased do keener from of Concentration my be to more Sie to-day. I can PRia this Polmanism been printed SALESMAN. daily than ; a to through per fact features.” haye. for opimion annum, coupon TEACHER. pereater,"— the or, time: to have to Lar morework constantly rh my Pelmanism and it the of CASHIER. Mie,” W.C.1 the £1,000, Seplember man DLs. DOCTOR, eeytetensasceay enrol tenacious eines Institute gain.” from an book of work train. Eificient end,*’— that acceler- annum, add London, them a a6. energy. oppor- Hicher former income I greater mental Course shows wihers spouk value. pp casy- given more have more & £200 in with it and Miss *— and free the the my to in in of nr or or ao in is ja E ye =~ 7

i ee ee —— Se — RADIO TIMES — [Arno 42m, 1924, ss

IE Mark of FREE Trial Offer

to ALL sufferers from | Ejiclency. RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Great Discovery by London Manufacturing Chemist— Thousands Cured—Prescribed and Recommended by over 300 Doctors This simple home treatment is working Miracles overy day, CURICONES have saved thousands. of sufferers irom despair, Their wonderful action often begins with the first doge—pain is banished—sawellings dis- appear— vitality is restored, No such remedy has ever before been placed within the reach of sufferers irom “Extremely pleased—" Rheumatoid Arthritis, ESTIMONIALS continue to alrive giving unstinted Rheumatism, Lumbago, _ praise of the results ob- Gout, Sciatica, Neuritis. tained by “COSMOS” 2 & 4q- Valve Radiophones. Tts action is prompt and direct, The canse, whether it be Uric Acid, Urates of Soda, i We give below extracts from two Lime, Potash, etc,, even Microbes, is. removed such recommendations recently without resort to nauseous drugs. CURI- CONES are pure gelatine capsules containing or i es received, an entirely new combination of medicines approved by the British Pharmaceutical OXFORD WIRELESS TELEPHONYCo., LTP., Authorities: They are pleasant and easy to oe” Fob. shen, “We fire gicet t h e Cosmas 2-Valie receiver, take and relieve torturing pain in a very PAA an eehawsiing fest, mid ice are erlrcencly shorttime, }) ifiestration Pieased wiih the panics oblained. NM may interest | shes @ Com you fo know tha! we worked a “Sparta low mo” 2Falow Speaker off the gel ‘direct, otal Glargow sais lod Aadiopiortde, oon Jor Ane y! ddiuary Poona, Send for TRIAL PACKAGE Pree, inelading We howe forwarded an order by Fire and posi Fatoe:, oF, for another sel of the same tobe"— ALY. Baliery, NO MONEY REQUIRED G-af, 96. coef. WAKELING Dane dec suelo & WRAY, PARAGON ST., HUEL. Here are o few oftho thousands ta bee wth tof, : fon. 26th, fter. feo & pie "The 4-Vobe Set pou wecentiy sopbbied to we, ds of unsolicited Testimonials parr af he GH Withee ited success, uel th, pica i, dethalch Fill io and peal the coupon. AT received. pho, aerdat to. 5 GL ake a bylices InaHAcr @s Posse iz, a ONCE. You will then fTeceive a4 fs eea and ¢garihin siniier oui, but te wmahdgany fish 2 oo. generate trial treatment, together with outerialsin D write: “ Plegied to say Curiceme; have eee We abo require Jor ‘afor® md siioar Purposes a isefy!) bogk telling how CURICONES Oiler Can, werd discovercd, and bow a -London given. régults." Fale Chak Sabie ee Mantiactarieg Chemist-cwred bis wile Ee. 1 MD, " Have aed Curicones £24. af Khevmatekt Artiritij—the omost in acase-of Chronis Arthrite—ihey hare ie Mahogany chrqaie of all Rheumatic ailmenti—by given great relief.” Ghider Can, The proof of a Wireless Set is in thalmple bome treatment after ever Dr, Boo. Send gee: Ceres thing elehad failed. Over soo doctor to-nightcertaln, They are excellent.” tag. its reception. If you want good have pve CURICONES: thelr -warn De M.S" Enclosed =ccheque for Gurleones foronmy daughter. Lams results, simply obtained, let your approval, ail Are Ow Tecooumeping ibrot aa a quick, safe and casy cure dor much better, and 0 want bor to try lass, choice be all Rheimatic aibneois, They are invaliabie,” FREEENT fondthis Raps COUPON, 2 Diese ae] me free and TODAY

——_ f pest paid ‘your trial Obtainable from all Wireless { nikage ond i © kheomatdd ~ Arthrith Dealers. Ask your supplier for a sane Abeomatic Afections, diet tabla,

LV aod full particulars of your dicovery. copy of the “Cosmos” Radio Cata- If afe suffering from any trouble ofa aumatie noture, £0 io ane post > BASIE oocoeneee ee oe ft ihe ed a logue and Handbook R.T.7rr7/r, this eoupen NOW, anid in-acidition te bbe ADDRESS saseseeecssesenns 2s oe oo FREE treatment aod useful bone, you or write direct to Pn ee ee ee ae ill reokive firtberconriiiciig Snmony from the- medical profession wand. forimer bP eee eeee sufferers, af the scurative action of att CURICONES, This tres treatment bas ATMwin iwi eatin Y RRITISH TROPOLTI eet Lhe firek step to & cotipleia cure Ao with thoogsancds of sufferer who. had Addrean Envelapa to— alnicst givin ap Kepe lof qeneenjoving STEPHEN MATTHEWS & CO., LTD. life -tgain,: Deatt! cdelage Peat. thee Goupen TODAY and learn bow YOU Miviekerg N ane Cheanists & Draggivts (Dept. BT: 19-21, Farris Sire, can obtain geliel trom your pains io a tow Bice, Leadon, Evi: f TRAFFORD PARK rage MANCHESTER. aaBE "4

[ee - é ie:



C a l u efer Money A FullSized Loud Speaker

Wg u ae i thd Fy ieeearis wok Thyre Rese a4) fis & ES if i ¥ ‘ ye i “ E | st= utedsf Lf i A Loud Speaker of Superb Quality7 = ei 3 fu Ages :; x baal HI & WINGto the world-wide popularity of the S3 uaoe 453 iS “Ethovox” Loud Speaker, necessitating s H. : rere @ the manufacture in very large quantities, we } 3 have been able to effect substantial saving ee

in production cost which we are happy to be fe

fo yee able to pass on to the public.

Belfast: Burndept Lid. Qhseen's Arcade Leeds: Barndept Ltd., London Assurance House, Bond Ploce, Cardiff: Boarndept Lid. 47, Qucen Street, Newenstle: BorndeptLid. St. Andrew's Buildngs, 7. Gallowiete. Scotland: W. A. €. Smith, Led, %. Holm Street, Glesgow. BUY OUT OF Birmingham: ©..5. Boynton, 113, New Street. Manchester; W. C. fuurractoug!s, 6. Bridge Street INCOME Dublin: Dison & Hempenatall, 12. Soffolle Street Burndept Ltd.,. Head Office: Aldine House, Burndept Wireless Ap- ee Strand, London. paratus can now be obtained: on the Hire Purchase System. Write for terms and full information.

——iO TIMES [Arn4rm, 1924,

iia ——— —— ae


i ye = Monntod tn woll-fmtsheel malwxnrany one, = Comprissa 1H. Valen, i detector aod 1 LW, Vulva, Fintclas reeoplion af any British aid Western = Contineniod Telephooy Wikhogt toberiecnor, = Complom with HT, Battery, Accunulstar, 3 Aerlal anil Head pluses, Price: = £12:0:0 = plus ae Pe] = = : = ri

=] = ls = = at = Z = Z FELLOWs = 5 = = valveu. Specially designed for ues with «the above ' eh whan ona Loud otsoutLocal Bypeaker i peqoited. Price £6:0:0 5.820. and. Mareonl a Tare on feb £2 17 8, nh, B.G. mod «Marcon Taxzos. ion Amplifar, = G1 15 i, RE you a “local lis- Folie exctra, a tener “—tied down a FELLOWSMAGNETO Co., Lud. to one station by ‘Phone? Willesden 2g6o, NWI = EPS. 45. powerful local broadcast ? SSUMINAMSELONOQQEUIL SEQUQCOONFUOEC0OUUOUONEOCYSTAGENVEOAQMIATEINEIAA If so, the experience of

thewriter of the accom- reeeeeee ee eee eh ee eeaeae panying letter suggests a | CRUISES AND INDEPENDENT7 TOURS way out for you. ! Norway«Nature’s Fairyland The striking success. of this 22 hotrs’ open eco peseage, Ao ideal holiday ommedet listener is due to the incorporas for fortis fjords, brmairiful lakes:fotcly. valleje; singhiacan er waterfalls, ond grand mountsin. ranges. Comsudt, tion in Epicsson Muttivalve oof internete ey sft, oe Receivers of the ufmosf reac- ro Ii,-yg BENNETTS TRAVEL BUREAU

te know thet, OF) one af your fion permilied by regulations FICutERS I SEANDTAVIAM THAVEL [TEE B| alitted by hichly selective looze- 38 NEW OXFORD ST., LONDON, W.Ch Gace ced mre fees es es ees es csseeenscme fed ed

coupled circuits. Nothing is spared or scamped in Ericsson Multivalve Re- ceivers. Every detail ts perfect WALTHAM RECEPTION CUSHIONS.

—transformers, condensers, ¥ dmb a WE MUST APOLOGIZE forthe delay im some instances in forwarding

SEE focal 6ore faithFa wiring, woodwork, etc, our Recepion Cushions (pat. apped. for)in response to our Adve. of the

Write oa to-day sfafing gour Bth Feb, bast: Ohuiy thock Wiad quickly exhausted but has cheat heex needs, “lak for our splendid replenished and we can meet all orders promptly. These’ cushions are

SELLINGDEPOTS; lita or opply fo pour peareal beautifully upholstered m cretonne and htted with best Brtsh High MABOUAaTGH: 1. Hokie Ba. ates, STTINGAM 4 Ericsion Agent. Renetance Telephone (low Resistance for Valve Sets). You just rest your ee 7. Pure mo, "Traffis frees head on ‘the cushion to enjoy perfect BroadcastReception evenwith a RISA: 14-24) Goo eat The BRITISH L. M. ERICSSON BOOT La bijenhn Firringan, Crystal Set, ‘The cott is teasonable, viz, 17/6 post paced (Superior cushion 7 Babertasn: Ftp, Glsagow, Mig, Co, Ltd. Z1/-) and itis supphed ‘complete with 12 ft. flemble conductor Gf more 1 E. ELAN! Miler fio. Newraodile' 6° hn. Tree, COL. International Buildings, is Tequired, add 2d, per ft.) all ready to connect to your set, CMUBSTER :-151, Sheb Breet 67/73, Kingsway, London, 2) geet weld wit] ihe ang furiicr paetidlaers god © petra for Deel BC, Wic.2, Waal make wo Obekte Witla Crystal Bet in o feb, ‘choirpotied cabinet (stamped: fi, BO. eb oes) af 20s, inelddeng Acrial o@bit. it a Beteptiin Onehior be ptichees| ot eamtiie, we FRISH FREE STATE wi mippliy ile ab 21f* only. poet feb “Yee then regedre wothing furthers fet ideal reception, Stocks carried by : Ww. A. DOYLE KELLY & Co,, The WALTHAM MANFG, CO., i74, Gt. Bronswich St, - 2, Jackson Road, Holloway, London, N.7, Dublin.

LT TO YOUR ’PHONE and you get resales rivalling 50/- LOUD SPEAKER FOR ONLY "7/G Postage 1)- Fitted Ina second, sod Tmich made, eceplete, strongly packed, Send PO. Ass stoner and buren in comfort, Send stanfor free descvipties pomphlet, FLUGS B JACKE, Por woking ser tenia ele 4 phy pul. Cuimpinde ied, Block oy Dgal with [8 ine, alngls Gra DJ= tuck, port ee bo. Bel oe pigdigo, FY peat. cree Ble, A. MALONE & CO., Ti Hart St, Mork Lanes, London, £.c.3.

Arnit 4¢i, 144.) —_- RADIO SIMES. — 1 r = eeee ee =nnms ee ait — = ee ee Se = —= a ——— ae The Nltipler Think Beyond Your Teeminat ||Present Position ADAPTER ||" Srotswitmocsetetanyoronce The CRYSTAL SET enables ANY NUMBER wimg tiwith VALVE RESULTS 1 mac on ¥ in). of HEADPHONES to be egedtainfog,Ratseoureellstows x ereeb | instantly7 attached te ANY7 onerbertini FourapecSere ted tommateatthat ty civertthe work of others. MAKE of set. Think Gut a career, then qnandiffy for ia life of progress werthy of your ambition. The trniming given by the International Correspondence Schools has grown steadily im preatione for thirty ore Many thounands Britigh ren and women. thinking shead, Lae — Tet through an JCS. Coarse of instroection, of wha there are more than JH Let ue teil you more about 1.0.5. Trafsing, which anyvaoe can carey the ttoasuccess, Without placing weirieli ander — okdigation simply mork and post EACH thia Coupon aod learn bew we can be of real prac- . 2 aSaae Seee i A a International Correspondence Schools, Lid., oe * 81, International Buildiags, Kingsway, London, WC. | semiPost Please send me your booklet contain’ng full perticulare of ee tbe aresiineeereeeCut Areaming belore which ] SAG prada Ragine noo ae egret er Pi Accontan OF reach & Spanish 0 N E ‘ ElAdvertising Piambing ee . Architect CtSalesmanahire ae 3 a I L L } HF Eiouk-beaping ACetnctal Art HistoweerdWrites _ NO FIXIXKG OR WIRING [Drmughtsmanshis sic Swede WHATEVER REQUIREDsy HyLeering,coerrane aodhworking woe)

If you cannot obtain: from baa aeLCS. teach ofwhsereverth‘ieiepost,reaches,en snd.elbawe Price,};2 Guineas. your Local Dealer, send direct not in the above list write it et Sterling, Brown of other stanclard Phones 25/- extra. to the Siinwfactiners—— Our new 50 page catalogue (R.3) free on request.

BIR MI Ki GH r M DIST RIE u To RS 0 RADIO INSTRUMENTS, Ltd. 47, PERSHOREe STREET, Wnincaseeisaiagen CieMassagingDesignes—W,Pirector—J.ALAPPLETON,JOSEP I. S00, MLTR, BIRMINGHAM. wOneyyeap inotisnoms :

te a nia eeade Addiretp sss sien oemeae a = a 1, HYDE STREET, HEW OXFORD STREET, W.5.1, oPuc, LIBERAL TERMS TO THE TRADE, “Phone: Regent 214-5-H. Telegu) “ Tnebrafie, London." 200/34, Send for Details, Borikern Depoi—ia, Bopeond Avrevir, MARCHESTER ; pad Houses, Crmmrola? Suet. LAWS, L i [ i : ; E

: ; : ; i i ;


Standby for one minute please andtry ELECTRADIX NEW CATALOGUE éé 99 CLEANING 2 RABOK and POLISHING: Full of useful Information. 3d. Post Free. Wawemet a, Merse Plecerders fh - 16, The Best, Simplest and Cleanest Medium for Cleaning Plate Casi MMilliameters, S5/= | GOLD, SILVER and ELECTRO-PLATE All Radio Apparatus Stocked, 4 Removes all tamizh and d producesprod a b beautifulful finishfinish in one operation. LESLIEES DIXON & Co. eeColonial Avenue, Minories, F.1. | Goeranteed Free from Mercaory of Cyanide, . to Aldgate Station (Met. Riy.) Avene 4166. “PABOK” Manufacturing Co., Oughtibridge, Nr. Sheffield. 1/3 per packet post free or Free Sample co receipt of 14d, vamp for postage

Frm SAMUEL GLADWIN, Silver Plate oad Cattery Manufacturer, Moalgomery lraves, " Roviiaghaaw Sinead, Sitejele. Mice“RABOK" Manufacturing Co, Oughtibridg:, Sheiield, April sh, tyes ery Witiess molinelaiow bir Crystal gery in quatitpe Geotiemei—We have tried rour“ RABOR * Plate Cleaner ander extremely trying bade pay 28 for Pyrrowdie med doco tad teexy pane: be tested and factory conditions, and have born caccclingty atprised ot the resuli obtainah, Woraobesd: eqaitiys ai) ever, Sold omiy in ialed hoses i ord epicncie le mich) ooeptche wil beer ovlwzitlbre. From wi Tt alll - mere tribdt fog alae arabian oi, aed Peetoris, Che ercticls to its dealers of direct tram Sores Hall aE, Gopbors Lem, eruinol losis. fini. mre4G doer this witha harming Lheplated Siriace in tha ‘id y B F i Loew Pell, Gateseead-iun-Trne. jeack. s re wentertal| With the auinaiebadts ol bp. &. GLADWIN, I Ae ' Mtoe ada Bie TheSuper Crustoleeuumy

UNSIGHTLY HIGH BE RS, GUIDETO¥ ele BOOTS ABOLISHED If you wish to make your own receiver, or to-improve the set you

Cold Medals aad clicirds, Lotdod, Purid, ee, already have, FOU CATS P o c w r b l e t FREE tn all eset his do better than obtain this book. { Seni} HOW TO ERECT, CONNECT, AND MAKE partecolard kG your nase ra For E h o e k e l e t Pika, 4, Aerials, complete crystal and valve receivers, THE O'CONNOR EXTENSION coils, tuners, etc, CO., LTD, also the latest two and three valve tuned anode receivers and one SURGICAL BOOT SPECIALISTS, and two valve amplifiers. 2. Edoomibory Street, London, We... 144 pages Cincloding 25: dia ama}, 1/3 post free. EAZON RADIO Co, (Dept. 24), South Shore. BLACKPOOL.

—— RADIO TIMES— PATERIL. 49H, Tes 7 * = = = = 1 ali! I Told Yo u a So— How vou hateé hem: for Tt THE PIANO mindinme you ofthat—yet vou know thatil you had tiekeo his- advice. in. the first case TO-DAY your set would mot be suffer: ing from." dead carphones.”* The olden advice imiwiretcss Nauntons National Music reception 1a the scrpous attention to details—(hey ape System the thingsthat mutter. We FAILURE I5 min this—i the wind blows IMPOSSIBLE J ¥our aera) down, tie cause Hono reception is rather You tannat Fixit, All you facebi Tewiere jay the viliils of year bint diwn {5 thie pinne wibhi l a r a t do i to-sit. neve. hie dent 6a benlikeeds Thiitiens for (itr Which Ajwerliaa is eonmiye. Shirok). MUSIC. cur muse nnd ploy 1b ab once—HYMNS, DANCE So cairn vorrell further annovaoce bey care filly eel Hing our comtchone and iin thea v i t h soldier pod FLUAILE Soldoring i be isn 1 Shine in he: woth fo alo waen NAUNTON STUDENTS NOW PLAY PERFECTLY. 50 CAN: YOU. £9,000 FLURITE ia at hand to assist fou, w e h i c t h i c r 2 ii Fomakes wo diferent whether joe has haat previoleone or mnt, thn yeu cist pay thin tr lcn t e i HARDWARE DEALER TO SHOW fre eight ven of aneor ouiy eighh,. we pear Aine ASK YOUR IRONMONGER OR YOU THE NEAT LITTLE lodny by tha wreidertal ood eimpl- system. Lheor) O m . Br,beaniesee oFOe theopeties! diifeulties t o . worry yom oo TaeeOniey ot WirHeat trole to bebearat, ket play c o r e e c t i y sith beth Bands at once. a Ginny SOLDERING ot drudgery whiaterer. NO FLATS, SHARPS, SCALES, OR EXERCISES. FLUXIT SET. return ad Ue ” you re Take acdeantage de thn olfer we minke on the Cope, an l by, aa reeelve Gland tone 0 hich we wisraston you tan Pay; ehua per Rep: histls “il98 cuiti Way5 our p y eae adil thst -aecurmoy of Our fin forint, tee shplicity of you, a n i l pie you ula will open yp the delta of bbe yose realm of mudd bo : It is perfectiy simple to use, ard will last : : i poreal jucesure, i for years in constant use, It contains a} tar ? ; A Pope! oriies : gpecial “small-space” Seldering Iron, with ct) tie eee ] he ul eat iF eHor le toe. geke, *) chiok your evetetn be iplendal Tirheare DT tegen ae Vy eae) bry. : non-heating metal handle, a Pocket Biow- 4 Rew Dein pty ustiind. thie oe ul owt ee a — —_—|ee eee eS eee ee = ijamp, PLUAITE, Solder, etc., and full } BPEOIAL TIAL OFTE? COUPON. :-jngtrachions. Price 7}... Write -to-07: Rafi, Dea, gel WHh., ee ‘ éheold you be unable to obtain it. : , Naumton's Navona Music System, Leadon, Wl. ee u7, High Blfeck. Delord Rivest, pe ret a ! ‘a eal ich peatgl onder dr. Ome Ging and Stepence. m cliTor widelt ples pbed Bb a ee paar ee lou of seyanes a) 1, cotati Wigtoe, FLUXITE ean becotne & Ehoeeh iL ea, KOTE—Plesse Oi in pottal o r d e r pasate t o Beanton’s National Mose Byaten, onty eccopted, 'SIMPLIFIES SOLDERING | Giheninial pid Pooch anders: Leth mopey abd postal unists + All Hardware and lrommangery Stores sell PLURITE E Per the tool-kit.of yourcer oc : iMGtoT cies OF Any tHldetins prantiw sea puea’ Maree Sinteeertee rien: sere tertdaers ses ee iin Una, price Bd., ia, und 2/s, Bio DranieeHieeesentaapnamenertanesPelekad Cale saeeTabtseiaants a : jobs: about.tis bome, a :E Buy 2 tin to-day. ibe erase Seahitiec tes ferrterteremrre Addy eBiareset eee stiee ane eden E,

wee eed ecadleee aad Dobeces. be ate ig pieceares FLUXITE LTD., 328, Bevin¢éton Street, Bermondsey, England.

eres ees abi b er sere bed i deed a 2 emote eee ertters col ea HOLDERS ie

SET ee High grade polished CRYSTAL ig ebonite, suarantceing ed perfect insulation, } OF bebe MR Lacquered brass } i

fittings. : lg DISTINCTION SPORE

PRICE i PRICE for Z coils « 12/6 LoL for 3 coils - 15/-

a 30/- —". Highly polished ebonite with nickel fittings. Easy and EL

definite crystal Pret

adjustments, er

ele Pe eee 5 AOR, ICH Aepee All correspondence ta L.M°MICHAEL Head Offices : WITH B .HESKETH LID ih CONJUNCTION Hastings House, Showrooms : Norfolk Street, Strand, RadioC o r n e r , 1 7 9 , Strand, W.C.2. - London, W.C.2.


‘Arno. 4rn, 1824,] —— RADIO TIMES —

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— RADIO TIMES —— TArin 43a, TB.

== a

OUT A r e m a r k a b l e 3-Valve John Scott-Taggart, F.Inst.P., Other Articles for the a Home Constructor: HE newigeve of“ Moder Wireless” foul teda vi eon= A Meslstangps-eapaieity Ame 2-Valro Set, As a feemdt ft Lars the fall constructional details of a new puber, TEry init ond eipaie of Very De slienied by cE. W. Barris, thi e000 Work. Rece ving Cart desienedt by John Scolt-Pageart, Amyiter is oo frronged that «4 Wwe le Circuit One- F.Inst.F., Editer of Wireless W's ly, This Set operates bh fe interme. of enteral Vaive ie De used to Pho wt, on three valves, but beecattse 1 makes wee of the principles Bi gliher filgh of dow Guagy who like to experiment ‘heir Bate will Gad “thts al duat ampliheation itd fens yeness and Power it Very vy | tao TLE. pihod/ ad lng 80 joe tha Tops oo all Wate By Hifarent: citealls Sb. w considerably imerenged. Receiver may even iter Lk. 7 metre #n- wilh Witkomd “ool or UNAM On prettit.heen:GaiaMatisclang la-Telya. eek, eclipse in popularity the 5.T.100, which has, in a few ‘ 7 enthnaiaada to make. change in the t toad as ROLF... Arppliter ihn months, become universally known of the finest 2- Valve je ig rynackabie for porte aie.Thor a [pres their re find bere bt aS opporrEnity combination ever devised, larly jrire Bpeock. of dalag1 Go Why The. mde cube ane corgkciuee, A. @DValvs Baal BRecelver oe Although thie set looks so imposing and impressive, ite with Huutrodyne Goutro., Tha Sinaplest Posalhle =is a well within5 the ability ofv amy person ot toe diiondiins of €rystal HRecelrer, construction ration hoa olweye Leon 2 thong flesh emty reek who can handle ordinary bouschold tools, And the - otimnakia teedeocy Co well jeew a fy YT py etal: Tee beetLL Lhop, c ¥er rred, probably contia most No cloborate switches ore This how been new onercome oF iheh kipWe hive over introduced, inate acd, c ombt mati One nt valira the. natirodyoe: elle, Wiigh.desert tied la thda cho. So taming Take cee: of espera] imall or tarliniia @ondekser ls Pee are perm tted merely by , means ofo connectingup the poee tk Cones le ee | len J, ged the wholo Bet don te Erodiee eo loternal caportiy of tmode bp of Gul wire ie bor external terminals, Ne Levetal Letector 1s employed. fhe “Faelivee. Bly. Cowper kas ap. pura, . | 1 ' nae Adapted nls pring ple 5 Fi fs aplite cf ila aattecea else When wsed on quete an ore Lary Bera this Receiver het sucectul abner: to mo ery, it gtves very good resulta, haspicked up everyB.B.C, Station and all the principal Continental ones, together with New York and othes American Broadcasting Stations.

[It can be recommended as the ideal Home Rr “ni vet: and the fullest instructions are given for building and operating it, together with all necessary wiring diagrams,

"Ty hed: artocle alone ae werth moore thas the dost of the NEARLY 26,000 SHORT OF DEMAND whol C h j aeaz Te LAST MONTH!

el _ oe Lp, S221; Sothampton Street, Privted b+ Meweed & Peansow Terirt Co. Dre, E rico: Sireet, Ladheoks- Grove, Wie, ad Pallighet for the Propricti. by Shomer AEWHES, Strand, | oncdooy Wits, Engl “Ruel 4th, id,

Arn 41m, 1924.J = Per eee es RADIO TIMES —— &3 ————— Ngea a Se er

os Eee Aare: aie o s t Peer a thi ” pal it itty ie ile ss TEEyp + TS 3 =frye S =< = a ine oa

Bij Gite aS HET ee



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arbor H Reflex Set designed by for the Home Constructor Suisctal

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