`the World's GREATEST ARTISTS record for



conducted by Mr. ALICK MACLEAN

12inch double-sided record 7s.

Ballet Music from "Faust," Part I Nos. 1 & 2 Gounod

Ballet Music from "Faust," Part II Nos. 3 & 4 Goarnad

A NEW triumph in orchestral recording has been achieved by the famous Queen's Hall instrumentalists in their reproduction of the ballet music from Gounod's " Faust." The exquisite music, famous so full of that sense of youth and romance which has given the is by finish opera its world-wide popularity, played them with a perfect delicate and beauty of tone in the orchestration, as well as great charm of expression. The first number is one of those graceful and flower-like waltz tunes that Gounod knew so well how to write ; then, in contrast, the following number is more serious and sentimental in character. The third dance is a gem of sparkling melody and fascinating rhythm, the orchestra being particularly fine in this movement. Finally comes the march-like tune which ends the suite so brilliantly, else closing bars 79) of the music being most charming in effect. (Speed THE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA conducted by SIR FREDERIC H. COWEN 12-inch record 6s.

2-0847 Country dance-" Old English Dances " 1st set Published by Novelle & Co.

AMONG our composers of to-day none has more worthily than Sir Frederic Cowen upheld the great tradition of English music- melodiousness-that gift of a lilting tune which, centuries ago, helped to give this country its immortal title of " Merrie ." This brilliant dance, a striking example of the composer's genius, is redolent of the olden-time English countryside, its principal melody so jolly and fresh and so picturesque in its instrumentation. The middle section is built on a tune of wistful, batinting beauty, with some lovely soft colouring in the orchestra. After a return of the vigorous opening theme, the dance ends with an exhilarating finale, almost breathless in its pace. The music has been superbly recorded by the Symphony , Orchestra, under the composer's own direction, every detail of the orchestration and every phrase being beautifully finished. (Speed 78) MARCEL JOURNET (bau)

with orchestral accompaniment 10-inch record 6s.

7.52093 Inno di Mämeli (Italian National Hymn) Noaarr

HE famous French basso gives us a wonderful piece of singing in this record by him of the Italian National Hymn. The T music is a real masterpiece of patriotic inspiration, with a touch of Verdi in its stately phrases. After a vivacious introduction from the orchestra, the voice is heard in a stirring melody which has a true martial ring. M. Journet sings it throughout with splendid fervour and breadth of expression, his magnificently resonant voice imparting to the music a majesty and depth of feeling such as only a great artist can impart. (Speed 79)

OTHER JOURNET RECORDS 032036 Serenade Mephistofele ("Faust") Gounod 2.032009 Benediction des poignards ("Les Huguenots ") 4kyerbeer 7-32001 Le veau d'or ("Faust") Gounod ALMA GLUCK (soprano)

with orchestral accompaniment 12-inch record 7s. 03474 Oh, ! dost thou leave ?-" Semele " sleep why me Htifa'rl

HE lovely old Handelian air wn,Lh Miss Alma Gluck has so beautifully recorded is one of the finest ever written by the T great master. There is a world of pathos in its wistful phrases with their never-failing flow of melody. The unaccompanied passage for the voice at the commencement, most impressively dramatic, is exquisitely sung by Miss Gluck, whose fine soprano gives to the aria uncommon expression. (Speed 79)


with orchestral accompaniment 12-inch record 6s. 02813 Sound an alarm -" Judas Maceabseus " Händel ONE of the finest martial songs in existence is this famous air from " Judas Maccabaeus, "of which John Harrison has made such a striking record. In its stirring phrases the ancient Jewish warrior of the Maccabeans calls upon his race to battle against their enemy the Romans. A wonderful piece of declamatory song, typical of that simple grandeur of effect so characteristic of Händel's music. (Speed 77) PADEREVSKI (pianoforte)

12-inch record 12s. 6d.

05617 Cracovienne Fantastique, Op. 14, No. 6 Paderevski

A S a record of pianoforte playing this new example of Paderevski's genius stands alone. It is a unique achievement. The " Paderevski touch," which has always been so characteristic his of the great virtuoso, and helped to give him place as the greatest living pianist, is reproduced with extraordinary fidelity. Every note is is in perfectly poised and rounded off, and the whole piece remarkable its exquisite finish and the variety of tone and delicate shades of expression, the Pianissimo passages, especially, being of ethereal beauty. The music itself, so full of vitality and so characteristic of the pianist-composer's beloved Poland, is in turn gay, fantastic, tender, with a lilting rhythm and entrancing snatches of melody. It is a fascinating and poetic expression of the ancient Polish national dance that Paderevski has given us in his music, which he has recorded so INSTRUMENTAL TRIO MARK HAMBOURG and C. WARWICK EVANS 12-inch record 7s. 08068 Theme and Variations from Trio in A minor Op. 50, Part II Tchaikovsky

T HIS magnificent trio of Tchaikovsky, in which the three instru- ments-piano, violin and '-are combined with such masterly effect, was dedicated by the composer " to the memory of a great artist," and intended as a musical tribute to his friend and teacher Nicolas Rubinstein. This act of homage inspired Tchaikovsky to produce a work remarkable both for its beauty and its technical brilliance. The lovely theme and variations (recorded in two parts, of which this present record is the second) form the second movement of the Trio. The exquisite melody upon which the variations are founded is said to be a reminiscence of a happy day spent by the composer with his friend. The fine variations heard in this concluding record take us far away from the original melody, but the latter is always faintly recognisable, and towards the end it reappears with beautiful effect, fragments of it being heard in turn on each instrument.(Speed 79)

COMPANION RECORD previously issued 08067 Theme and Variations from Trio in A minor, Op. 50, Part I Tchaikovsky MARIE HALL (violin)

with pianoforte accompaniment

10-inch record 4s.

A MOST delightful little piece has been chosen for Marie Hall's latest record. The exquisite melody of ,his serenade is a love- song without words, prefaced by pizzicato chords which may fancifully represent the guitar of the serenader. In the middle section is a new theme of equally charming nature. From beginning to end the music is fascinating, its beauty being heightened by the perfect artistry of the famous violinist's playing. (Speed 78)


with pianoforte accompaniment

10-inch double-sided record 3s. 6d.

f Simple Aveu, Op Tltomd B 25 1003 I Menuett Händel

most accomplished violinist has recorded two very taking pieces-first, an old-world minuet by Mandel, graceful and THISmelodious, with a lovely second theme in the trio ; the second, the familiar Simple Aveu of Thome-a melody typically French in its grace and warmth of feeling-is music that will always make its appeal. Both are played by Miss Hayward with fine tone and finish of expression. (Speeds 78)


with pianoforte accompaniment

10-inch record 4s.

2-7858 Roses of Picardy Haydn Noon Published by Chappell & Co., Ltd.

HE rich, full tone that Mr. Cedric Sharpe (the well-known 'cellist of the Philharmonic Trio) draws from his instrument T has made a very effective and taking 'cello solo of 's famous song, the melody of which seems peculiarly adapted to the instrument. The record is a very charming one. (Spend 79) KIRKBY LUNN (contralto) with pianoforte accompaniment played by Mr. PERCY PITT 12inch record 7s.

My ships Published by Boosey & Co.

ERNEST PIKE (tenor) with orchestral accompaniment 10-inch double-sided record 3s. 6d. If I built a world for you Lehmann Published by Boosey & Co. God keep you in His care Trelawny Published by J. H. Larway

CARMEN HILL (mezzo-soprano)

with pianoforte accompaniment 12-inch record 6s. 03639 Underneath the Mango Tree Ellen Tuck)ield Published by Chappell & Co., Led.

MARGARET COOPER (soprano) with pianoforte accompaniment 12-inch record 6s.

03638 The green hills o' Somerset Coates Published by Chappell & Co., Ltd.

VERA DESMOND (soprano) with orchestral accompaniment 10-inch double-sided record 3s. 6d. A night of romance Nicholls Published by the Lawrence Wright Music Publishing Co. The ragtime pipes of Pan Romberg Published by Winthrop'] ogers, Ltd. many admirer of the great contralto will welcome Mme. Kirkby Lunn's new record of a very charming song. The THEpoetic sentiment of " My ships" is faithfully reflected in the melodious and expressive phrases to which the composer has set the words, the stately and dignified ending of the song being particularly expressive, especially as sung by Mme. Lunn, whose superb voice is heard with great effect in the music. Two records by the well-known tenor Mr. Ernest Pike are also rnust attractive, Liza Lehmann's exquisite " If I build a world for you," which is an old favourite, and a fine ballad by Jack Trelawny. The latter, " God keep you in His care," has the true ring of sincere sentiment, and its broad, tuneful phrases are very striking. Both songs are very artistically sung. Jliss Carmen Hill has chosen for her newest record a dainty little song, in the style of a coon-song, to which her beautiful rich voice is admirably suited. Both words and music are most graceful, especiall as this popular artist sings it all so delightfully.

A favourite ballad has been recorded for us by Miss Margaret Cooper, a versatile artist who is equally charming in a " straight" song or a light comedy number. In Eric Coates' pretty " The green hills o' Somerset" her vocal powers are unusually displayed, as well as her powers of expression. The record owes much, too, to her own very sympathetic accompaniment at the piano. Some light music of a very graceful and melodious character is provided by Miss Vera Desmond in her latest records. The soprano's brilliant-toned and flexible voice is unusually effective in Nicholl's " A night of Romance" and Romberg's 11 The ragtime pipes of Pan," the latter an amusing picture of the god of nature in an up-to-date version. The first-named ballad is a very tuneful waltz song. (Speeds 79)

As under the Copyright Act 1911 copyright subsists in Gramophone Records WARNINGAct be proceedings under such may taken against anyone infringing the Com- pany s copyright therein.THE GRAMOPHONE CO LTD HAYES MIDDLESEX 1 (07932) Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso Saint-SatinsWieniamski,31assenetHaydnBeel MISCHA ELMAN 2 (07933) Souvenir de Moscou MISCHA ELMAN 3 (079961 Meditation from "Thais MISCHA ELMAN 4 (3-7923) (a) Minuet (3-7921) (6) Minuet in G hooen MISCHA ELMAN 5 (2-07916) Moto Perpetuo PaganiniLeclair MARIE HALL 6 (2-07953) Sarabande at Tambourin MARIE HALL 7 (4-7924) (a) Humoreske Tor f/ulin (3-7974) (b) Canzonetta IYAmbrosio MARIE HALL

I (3-7927) Variations Tarllni-KrdtlerKreislerVieu:lempsDizelvieuzlempsHändelFlAar KREISLER

2 (07960) Caprice Viennois KREISLER

3 (2-07952) Polonaise TESSIE THOMAS

4 (2-07950&2-07951) Fantasie ("Carmen') TESSIE THOMAS

5 (C 873) Adagio religioso MARY LAW

6 (B 1003) Menuett MARJORIE HAYWARD (4-7934) La Capriceuse .7 TESSIE THOMAS irtuosityof iKe`f olin

A PHILOSOPHER once described the violin as " horsehair scraped over sheep's entrails,"a realistic but not very inspiring description of one of the most poetic and perfect musical instruments in existence. The violin stands alone among instruments because it owes less to mechanism and more to human genius than any other. For centuries the essential principles of the violin have remained almost unchanged, and it has undergone no " Improvements." A simple case of wood with its four strings of catgut, it is the same unpretentious looking affair to-day as it_ was when the wonderful old Italian craftsmen of Cremona fashioned those fiddles for which players to-day will give thousands. But this simple-looking instrument has a marvellous range of expression in the hands of anyone who understands its genius. It has often been compared to the human voice, and in=its extraordinary subtlety of tone, and command of every nuance, the comparison is justified. From the deep, rich singing quality of the lower G string to the ethereal notes of the high E string, its range is extraordinary, and those four strings are capable of wonders under the fingers of a fine player. There is almost no limit to the technical brilliance that a great virtuoso can display on the instrument since Paganini and other pioneers of modern violin virtuosity showed what was possible in the way of effect. But there is no instrument which so depends upon the abilities of the performer as the violin. There are no " ready-made " notes (as in the case of the piano) ; everything must be created from those four strings-all the elaborate runs, shakes, chords, harmonics, and other devices which make the technique of the violin. And there is an infinitely varied art in the mere drawing of the bow across the strings, since it is that which gives us the tone of the instrument, its very soul. In the hands of a poor player 'the violin is execrable ; handled by a great artist it can take us into the highest regions of musical beauty. No wonder that the very finest composers, from Bach to Elgar, have entrusted some of their choicest inspirations to the voice of the violin. JAY LAURIER i{'Ifi with orchestral accompaniment 10-inch double-sided record 3s. 6d.

Hush-a-bye Burr &- Hope A stage-door scene (talking) Laurier jZI

02814 Women's way Published by Reynolds & Co.

MMR. JAY LAURIER'S two records are of the merriest kind. In " Hush-a-bye" he is heard endeavouring to sing a song which has to be turned into a lullaby in order to soothe an infant which has been inopportunely brought to the performance. His delightful patter in the " Stage-door scene " is a hearty laugh from beginning to end, especially his clever skits on " animal " turns in music-hall programmes. The popular comedian has never recorded anything funnier. In "Women's way" Tom Clare has recorded another of those clever little "songs at the piano" in which he is so inimitable. His amusing reflections on " the eternal feminine " will appeal to everyone, even the ladies themselves, for the final laugh, in the song, is against the men.

"HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Records can be safely and satisfactorily played only with " HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Needles. COURTLAND AND JEFFERIES

with orchestral accompaniment 10-inch double-sided record 3s. 6d.

K K K Katey G. O'Hara - - - Published by the Herman Darewski Music Publishing Co.

B 1006 j There's a tramp, tramp, tramp upon the highway Lilian S4zrlev &, It'. !)aý,i,, 1 l Published by the Lawrence Wright Music Publishing Co.


(Vocalist : JOE WILBUR) 10-inch double-sided record 3s. 6d- ýiýý,ii,',ý,ýliil;ýI Syren song (Leave it to Jane) Key-11 Published by Francis, Day & Hunter Kissable child Pratt Published by B. Feldman & Co.

KK hit in " Buzz Buzz" 44 -K-K-Katey," tremendous at the Vaudeville, is here presented in most spirited manner by our two popular duettists. The popular duo are also heard this month in a fine marching song, " There's a tramp, tramp, tramp I familiar "boys" is iý upon the highway," in which the story of the told ý,ýIý to a swinging melody, with a haunting refrain.

The Savoy Quartet have, as usual, made capital records , -f two rag- time numbers, with \Ir. Joe Wilbur as vocalist.


12-inch double-sided record 5s. 6d. Suite from the Ballet, "The Origin of Harlequin " Play without words written by Sir J. M. BARRIE Music by HERMAN FINCK C 882 (1) " Little Tailors Dance " (2) " Mab's Theme " (Valse,, (3) "Boy's Theme" (Andante L(4) "Country Dance"


conducted by Major J. MACKENZIE-ROGAN, M.V.O., Mus.Doc.. Hon. R.A.M.

12-inch double-sided record 5s. 6d.

F Reminiscences of Sullivan, Part I arr. by Winterbottonr 1 C. 881 Reminiscences of Sullivan, Part II arr. by Winterbottonn Published by Chappell & Co., Ltd.

F ROM Mr. Herman Finck's accomplished pen, with its gilt of dainty melody and picturesque orchestration, we have one of the best ballet suites of recent seasons, a masterpiece in its own ;enre. Mr. Finck has a rare knowledge of the dance, and he has given us some very exquisite examples of his genius in these four numbers recorded so finely, under his own direction. The first dance, " Little Tailors," has a sparkling melody on the wood- wind and strings, while a very quaint trombone solo is another feature. The is ending very clever and effective. In the second number we have a waltz of much charm, a lilting tune ingeniously instrumentated. The feature of No. 3 is a beautiful clarinet solo of dreamy character, with a soft accompaniment, whiie later on the music broadens out with rich effect. Dance No. 4 takes us from fairyland to storyland, to hear a jolly old English tune, .most vivacious and exhilarating. The whole suite is most fascinating. No music-lover should miss the Coldstream Guards' 10 Reminiscences of Sullivan," wherein are enshrined many of the melodic gems from " Patience," "Pinafore," and other operas of the immortal series. The records are made with the usual brilliance of the famous hand. Records of OPERA IN ENGLISH recently issued

ROSINA BUCKMAN (soprano) with orchestra conducted by Mr. PERCY PITT 12-inch records 7s. 03632 They call me Mimi, " La Boheme " Puccini 03633 Micaela's Air, " Carmen " Bizet ROBERT RADFORD (bass) with orchestra conducted by Mr. PERCY PITT 12-inch record 7s. 02812 I'll have vengeance, " Marriage of Figaro " Mozart EDNA THORNTON and WALTER HYDE with orchestra conducted by Mr. PERCY PITT 10-inch record 5s. 3-4030 In the combat with me he contended Duet Act 2, " 11 Trovatore " Verdi 12-inch records 7s. Duet, Act 04250 If a moment I but linger, 2 " It Trovatore " Verdi 04251 Home to our Mountains, Duet, Act 4 " Il Trovatore " Verdi MIRIAM LICETTE (soprano) with orchestra conducted by Mr. PERCY PITT 12-inch records 7s. " 11 Seraglio " 03634 1 am dreaming of the springtime Morarl 03635 Gone for ever these days of pleasure " Marriage of Figaro " Mozart JOHN HARRISON (tenor) with orchestra conducted by Mr. PERCY PITT 12-inch records 6s. 02809 All hail, Thou dwelling pure and lowly, " Faust " Goniwd 02810 On with the motley, " Pagliacci " Leoncrr a/lo VIOLET ESSEX (soprano) with orchestral accompaniment 12-inch record 6s. Polonaise, "Mignon" Thomas 03636 _4m/roise LEWYS JAMES (baritone) with orchestral accompaniment 12-inch record 6s. 02811 Room for the factotum, " Barber of Seville " A'ossin; 124ocL record 12s. 6d. 2-063066 Bell Song-"Lakm!° Luisa Tetressin

12-inch record 9e. 2 062105 M'Appari tutt 'amor-" Marta" Giovanni Martinelli

12-inch records 7s. 04249 0 lovely night Rosina Buckman and Walter Hyde s) Bird Song Moiseiwitach 05M{(a) The Sea Mfoiseiwitsch 2-0842 Capriccio Italien, Op. 45, Part 11 The Orchestra

12-ucL records 6s. (Conclusion of speech at the luncheon of the "Pilgrims' 031 0{ Club," on November 28th, xyt$ celebration of l American Thanksgiving Day James M. Beck 02807 Lend me your aid-" La Reine de Saba John Harrison 02808 North, South, East and West Harry Lauder 05629 Nocturne in E minor Irene Scharrer

12-inch double-sided records 5s. 6d. The Mayfair Orchestra C 1178jBox o' Tricks "-Selection I " Box o' Tricks "-Selection II The Mayfair Orchestra C ß7'8J Trio (" Samson et Dalila ") De Groot and the Piccadilly Orchestra t Fantasie sur (" La Boh6me ") De Groot and the Piccadilly Orchestra 10ur Bluejackets-Naval Patrol The Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards C 880LifeZl on the Ocean-Nautical Selection The Rand of H.M. Coldstream Guards

1O-inch records 4s. 2578 " Tom Jones" Dances-No. Introduction and Jig The Symphony Orchestra 5-2013 Little playmates Harry Dearth 2-3317 Flower Song-" Faust" Edna Thornton 2318 Our little home Alice Wilna `ý|'ý.ý 4-7834 La Capricieuse Tessie Thomas

10-inch double-sided record. 3.. 6d. Sometimes Ruby Heyl H Sonny Ruby Heyi j When first Herbert Teale B 9961 you acme Bid me goodbye Herbert Teals f In land bells Courtland Jefferies B 997 the of wedding and 1Theend of the journey (Homeland and you) Courtland and eHeries ( Southern home (" The Bing Boys on Broadway ") Nat D. Ayer B 998{ Take me back to Bingville (" The Bing Boys on Broadway ") Nat D. Ayer S'too Am s Many Weldon B 999 J old, old, sickening too old l I can't get away from my ancestors Harry Weldon I've the in Maryland Savoy Quartet B 1000J got sweetest girl Some day, somebody's going to get you Savoy Quartet AMATO BEATRICE HARRISON LICETTE MOISEIWITSCH ROBERT RADFORD EDNA THORNTON

Ash to hear a Selection the great prima-donna, should be in every music-lover's collection

033060 Charmant Oiseau David "La Perle du Bresil "

033059 Habanera Bizet " Carmen "

Les tringles des sistres Bizet " Carmen "

The old folks at home

Voi lo sapete Mascagni " Cavalleria Rusticana "
