PRICES OF " His Master's Voice " Double-Sided Records

THE ROYAL RECORD (R.E. 2841 THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING & QUEEN. 10 in. Double-sided, 5/6.

THE ROYAL RECORD (R.D. 887) H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. 12 in. Double-sided 5/6.

NURSERY Records-ORANGE Label (Serial Letters AS, 7-inch 1/6. (Each series of 6 records in album, 12/6. Album-with linen Decorated pockets -separate, 3/6.) PHYSICAL CULTURE Records.-Set complete in album, 12/-. Album and chart separate, 3/-. Serial Serial 10-inch 12-inch Colour of Label. Letter Letter PLUM... 4/6 C ... BLACK 6/6 D ... RED 8/6 DB ... BUFFPALE 10/- DK GREEN 11/6 DM PALE BLUE... 13/6 DO WHITE 16/- DQ ...

Unless otherwise stated His Master's Voice" Records should be blayed at a sbeed of 78. His Master's Voice" Instantaneous Sbeed Tester, shows instantly whether your motor is running correctly ......


ROYAL ALBERT HALL (conducted by SIR , O.M) 12-inch double-sided Black Label Symphony No. 2 in E Flat, Op. 63 Edward Elgar ... First Movement-Allegro D. 1012 vivace e nobilmente 1 Parts 1 and 2 First Movement-Allegro vivace e nobilmente D.1013 Part 3 Second Movement-Larghetto, Part 1 D. 1014 Second Movement-Larghetto, Parts 2 and 3 D. 1015 Third Movement-Rondo (Presto), Parts 1 and 2 (Fourth Movement-Finale-Moderato Maestoso, D. 1016 e j Parts 1 and 2 Fourth Movement-Finale-Moderato e Maestoso, D. 1017 Part 3 (11 The Light Life "-Meditation, Op. 29 Elgar of ... A handsome and durable album is presented free with each complete set of the above re,ords.

T HIS superb Symphony, written in the full maturity of its composer's creative powers-the score is inscribed Venice- Tintagel, 1910-11-has justly taken its place as one of the masterpieces of orchestral music, and unquestionably the greatest English Symphony yet produced. Of its poetic meaning the composer has given us a hint in the motto prefixed to the score-" Rarely, rarely comest thou, spirit of delight " (Shelley). A hearing of the Symphony suggests that it may be an expression of the many rare delights that the artistic mind can find in life, especially in the contemplation of nature. For if there is any music that is eloquent of the open air surely it is this symphony, so many pages of which bring to one's thoughts the fresh sweet beauty and loveliness of the English countryside. The slow movement, however, does not fit into this explanation. While the symphony, intended as " a loyal tribute to King Edward VII.," was being written, came the news of the monarch's death. And so the wonderful Larghetto was written as the expression of a nation in mourning, inspired by the solemn pageant of the monarch's passing to his resting place. The first movement (record 1) commences with a joyous theme that is surely a perfect expression of " The spirit of delight." With this and the beautiful phrases that follow it the music sweeps and

For prices see page 2 of cover. His Masfeiýs Voice7 Records

...... AN ELGAR ...... ------SYMPHONY--- .... --- ...... SEPTEMBER, 1925.

soars in a fine rapture of emotion. The second melody is of almost feminine grace and charm. Later a quieter mood prevails (2nd record). Faint harp notes like the distant chimes of a clock remind one of the passing of the golden hours. A wistful little theme appears, and for a time dominates the music, like a cloud obscuring the sunshine, inter- weaving itself with the other themes. Eventually the latter emerge triumphant (record 3) and the music leads up to a great peroration in which all is resplendent and joyful. II. The second movement Larghetto is, in the opinion of many, the finest that has ever come from the composer's pen. Sad little phrases (record 4) whispered by the strings usher in a solemn theme the accompanying rhythm of which gives the effect FE' of a funeral march. To this the violins reply with a melody of exquisite consolatory character. From this point (record 5) the music gradually gathers in emotional force until a mighty climax is reached, where with over- powering beauty of expression, a great theme, nobilmente (which is partly derived from the previous melody) appears in all the splendour of the full orchestra. Another climax (record 6) is made yet again with the nobilmente theme now towering to still greater heights of emotion. III. In this brilliant movement, which is a Rondo, we are back again in the invigorating mood of the first movement. The Rondo theme (record 6) is a freakish jaunty little tune which rushes about the orchestra in a breathless manner. Then appears a ponderous theme, that suggests giant strides up some hill-side. Presently we hear a delicious little phrase-one may liken it to a bird in song. It gradually fades away, and (with record 7) we are once more in a strenuous atmosphere, which is mostly maintained to the end. IV. The dignity and stately beauty of the finale make it a fitting conclusion to this magnificent symphony. Its themes all have a nobility of character and it is impossible to avoid the thought that the music here is an apotheosis, as it were, of . The graceful principal subject (record 8) is softly announced by ', bassoons, &c., and later on swells out on the full orchestra, to be followed by a very lovely after-phrase, of [Continued on page 3

For prices see page 2 of cover. `GreatestAriisfs -]ýinestRecord


12-inch double-sided Red babel

Mazurka in A Flat Major, Op. 50, No. D.B. 861 ' 2 Chopin 1 Mazurka in B Flat Minor, Op. 24, No. 4 Chopin

"SOCIAL poems, poems of private life " is the happy description, J by a famous writer, of Chopin's Mazurkas. contrasting them with " the Polonaises, which are political poems." In these exquisite little tone-poems, indeed, Chopin almost touches a more intimate note than in his other works. Their music gives us glimpses of the composer's impressions of those Polish ýIiý3i!ýil mansions where, as a youth, he was the object of much adulation, where fair ladies danced the national dances, and Polish gentlemen held converse with one another, and where Chopin held all entranced by the magic of his playing. The music of these two Mazurkas, the wistful B flat minor, and the beautiful A flat major, is so well known as to need no description. Many have heard De Pachmann play them in the concert room. Here in these records is the ideal and perfect reproduction of the pianist's art, supreme in the interpretation of Chopin.


touching eloquence, which, gathering force, gradually rises to a most majestic climax. Finally we come to a melody, also marked nobilmente, which has both tenderness and strength. In the second part of the movement (record 9) we hear a fine new theme, which, entering softly, brings a mystic feeling into the music. But the reappearance of the earlier themes banishes this mood. The music broadens out to a stately serenity, at the last dying down into phrases of exquisite calm that suggest some celestial vision. " The Light of Life " is an early oratorio by Sir Edward Elgar, the Meditation being the prelude to the work. Its music, which is based upon some of the themes used in the oratorio, has a fine devo- tional and mystic atmosphere, clothed in soft orchestral colouring.

For prices see page 2 of cover. "His Master's Voice"' Records


`i JACQUES THIBAUD (Violin) (with orchestral accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Red Label. Concerto in E Major ...... Bach D.B. 789 First Movement-Allegro, Parts 1 and 2 D.B. 790 Second Movement-Adagio, Parts 1 and 2 J Third Movement-Allegro assal DB..(Intrada-Adagio791 G. A. Desplanes, ...... arr. T. Nachez LTHOUGH Bach's wonderful powers as an executant were mainly confined to the organ and the harpsichord, there is no A doubt that he studied the violin in his early days. And so when the flow of his inspiration was directed to music for that instrument the result was to enrich the literature of the violin with works that have never been surpassed for beauty and perfec- tion of form. Three concertos for the violin exist (there may probably have been more) and of these three the F, major concerto (which Thibaud has recorded) is generally considered the finest. Its music, like so much that Each has written, seems to transport the listener into another world, one far removed from the fret of everyday life, a world where all is serenity, light and beauty. For this reason Bach appeals to music-lovers to-day as much as he did two centuries ago, when first his works saw the light. I. The first movement is based upon the beautiful melody heard (on the orchestra) at the commencement, a melody which is both joyful and serene, one that lingers in the mind for long after. When the violin enters it is to take up this theme in a new aspect: soloist and orchestra vie with one another in weaving new and beautiful sound-patterns from its various elements. A little later we may notice an exquisite "after-thought" (as one might term it), a little soaring phrase which turns the music into a mood almost of ecstasy. The movement momentarily modulates into the minor (end of record 1), but with the next record begins a series of lovely phrases which gradually lead back to the main melody. II. The second movement is remarkable, and to appreciate its significance, its construction must be briefly explained.' The lower strings of the orchestra continually repeat a phrase (techni- cally known as a basso ostinato) over which the solo violin weaves an independent melodic line. The theme of the ostinato is solemn, almost elegiac in character, while the violin plays a succession of [Continued on page 5. For prices see page 2 of cover. CHOIR FROM THE CHORUS OF THE BRITISH NATIONAL OPERA COMPANY

Conducted by ALBERT COATES (Unaccompanied) 10-inch double-sided Black babel.

God is E. 397 f a Spirit TV. Sterndale Bennett l O Gladsome Light ...... Sullivan

HFRE are two records of unaccompanied choral singing which the listener will at once recognise as being of uncommon quality. At last the gramophone can re-create for us the real volume and ensemble effect of the voices of a fine choir, with true perfection. The records give us all this-sopranos, contraltos, tenors and basses all full and distinct in their separate musical parts-yet combined together as an artistic whole For the many lovers of choral music such records as these will open up a new and delightful field. The music needs but little description. The quartet '° God is a Spirit " is taken from the well-known oratorio " The Woman of Samaria "; its music has a simple devotional character. Sullivan's " O Gladsome Light "-one of the finest things that ever came from its composer's pen-is full of a mystic rapture to which the choir, under Albert Coates' inspiring direction gives due effect.

A BACH CONCERTO-Continued. melodic phrases which seem to possess a consolatory character, softening and brightening the lower melody. The effect is deeply moving, oripecially when the solo part is in the hands of such a masterly player as Thibaud. III. The finale has the serene and joyful mood of the first movement, with perhaps a little more dignity. The principal theme is heard at the outset, and is obviously a relative of the theme of the first movement. It is varied with delicious arabesques for the solo violin from time to time, and momentarily modulating into the minor, finishes up with a fine stateliness of effect. Throughout Thibaud's playing is a perfect interpretation of a masterpiece.

For prices see page 2 of cover. His Master's Voice Records


JOHN McCORMACK (Tenor) (with pianoforte accompaniment and Violin Obbligato by FRITZ KREISLER) 10-inch double-sided Red Label. To-morrow ! (Morgen!), Op. 27, No. 4 R. Strauss D.A. 644 - (Sung in German) Before my window, Op. 26, No. 10 Rachmaninoff HESE new records by McCormack shew him once more as the ideal interpreter of lyric song. And what beautiful songs T he has chosen for recording ! Strauss' " Morgen " (" To- morrow ! ") is one of its composer's happiest inspirations, that entitles Strauss to rank with the classical lieder composers. It is a love song of the most beautiful kind. Rachmaninof's genius as a song-writer is slowly becoming recognised here. McCormack has previously recorded many fine songs by the Russian musician. Here is another, equally fine, its beauty enriched by Kreisler's exquisite obbligato. FRIEDA HEMPEL (Soprano) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Red Label. JWohin,The Night Wind Farley D.A. 634 ...... Op. 25, No. 2 (Sung in German) Schubert NNVthat ONE of Schubert's songs is more popular than " Wohin," lovely little lyric in which the magic of a murmuring brook has been immortalised in music. Its simple, but ex- quisite melody, and its rippling accompaniment make it most fasci- nating, when interpreted by such an artist of song as Frieda Hempel. Her beautiful voice and finished style make the record one that everyone should add to a collection of classical songs. Farley's " The Night Wind " is a masterly little piece of musical realism which Mme. Hempel sings quite wonderfully. LEILA MEGANE (Contralto) (with pianoforte accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Black Label.R. Dream in Twilight, Op. 29, No. 1.. Strauss E396..Death the and the Maiden Schubert PERHAPS { the most popular of all Richard Strauss's songs is "DilidTh""Tmmerung)ereamgraumurcnthewit( h di Dä" the music of which has all the mystery and magic of the twi- light hour. The song is simple enough, but its simplicity is of the kind that only genius can make convincing. It is not every singer that lConlinued on page 8 For prices see page 2 of cover. GreafestArtisfs-FinestRýecord ------SONG

SEPTEMBEF,SELECTIONS 1925. TITTA RUFFO (Baritone) }(with orchestral accompaniment) 10-inch double-sided Red Label. Sei 1a P. M. Costa ff morta ne vita mia ...... ED.A.347 (Sung in Italian) 1¬El Perjuro (Sung in Spanish) Miguel Lerdo de Tejada two records by the famous baritone are love-songs, the one Italian, the other Spanish. " Sei morta ne la vita THESEmia " is a pathetic song of unrequited love. " Your heart no longer lives for me " is the burden of the song, expressed with all the passion of the Southern temperament. " El Perjuro " as its title indicates, is a ballad of a fickle maiden, the sentiment of which Ruffo expresses as delightfully as he does the song of his own Southern land. ERIC MARSHALL (Baritone) (with pianoforte accompaniment and ' obbligato by CEDRIC SHARPE) 12-inch double-sided Black Label. Hindoo Song Bernberg ...... D. 1022 (with pianoforte accompaniment) The Wanderer Schubert " ...... T HE fact that Eric Marshall is one of the finest of our young English baritones makes every new recording by him of particular interest. As a singer of classical lieder he has now made his mark, and a new example of his gifts in this direction is the record of Schubert's " Wanderer " to the dramatic phrases of which he gives remarkable effect with his rich quality of voice. Bemberg's familiar " Hindoo Song " provides the artist with an 3s opportunity for more fine singing, enhanced by Cedric Sharpe's charming 'cello obbligato. SMIRNOFF AND M. KAIDANOFF ,DMITRI (with orchestral accompaniment) 12-inch double-sided Red Label. Scene in the Monastery Cell Afoussorgshy ... D.B. 765 (Duet of Pimen and Gregory) Act 1, Parts 1 & 2 Boris Godounov ") (Sung in Russian) is from the first act of Moussorgsky's great opera that this duct is taken. The scene is laid in the monastery cell of the ITold monkish chronicler Pimen. The young monk Gregory (Smirnoff) relates to Pinien (Kaidanoff) a dream he has had of a great crowd in Moscow, all pointing to him with mocking laughter. Pimen admonishes Gregory to think no more of the world and its temptations, and recalls the days of his own youth, and the things he has seen, all of which are sct down in his chronicles. Gregory asks him about the murdered Tsarevitch Dimitri, and learns that he would have been about the same age- as-himself, a fact which gives Gregory the idea of impersonating the dead Tsarevitch. For prices see page 2 of cover. - yy "His Master's Voiee" Records


THE BAND OF H.M. COLDSTREAM GUARDS Conducted by Lieut. R. G. EVANS 12-inch double-sided Plum Label. Suite " William Byrd "... Gordon Jacob I ... arr. C. 1215 No. 1-The Earle of Oxford's Marche No. 5-Wolsey's Wilde-No. 6-The Bells T HE name of William Byrd conjures up visions of the glorious past when in Elizabethan days English music was renowned throughout Europe. Byrd was perhaps the greatest figure of that age. The suite which the Coldstream Guards Band has recorded is founded upon melodies taken from the composer's works, beginning with a stately march tune, then passing on to a pastoral melody, next a theme in', canon" and finally a merry old tune to which bells add a joyful atmosphere. LIAM WALSH (Irish Pipes) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label.

B.2073The (The Garden of Daisies Traditional Banks Suir ...... Traditional of ...... ECORDS of Irish pipes music have already become a favourite on our lists, because of the skilful playing of the well-known R piper Liam Walsh. Herein two new numbers, delightful old Irish traditional tunes, he gives us a further charming example of his powers.JESSE CRAWFORD (Pipe Organ) 10-inch double-sided Plum Label. f My Irish Rose Chauncey Olcott B.(When2075 wild ...... I Maggie Butterfield you and were young, ... pleasing to the ear are these trifles, clever little fantasias on popular ballad melodies. The variety of effect Jesse VERYCrawford obtains from the organ, and his finished playing constitutes no little of the charm of these records.

SONG SELECTIONS-Continued from page 6. can convey to the listener its subtle emotion and charm of feeling, but Leila Megane, in her superb recording, has caught the real spirit of the song. One of the most dramatic and moving of all Schubert's songs is "Death and the Maiden." The simple phrases, in minor key, have a wonderful eloquence and pathos, especially when sung by an artist who has such an emotional power as Miss Megane.For prices see page 2 of cover. ERNEST HASTINGS (Humorous, with Piano) 12-inch double-sided Plum Label (After Thoughts Ernest Hastings ...... C.1211 j ((J) The Cautious Lover Corney Grain ...... (b) My Old Dress Suit T `A ) charmingly humorous little ditties by the late Corney Grain, are the subject of one of Ernest Hastings' new records. Inimitably does he recount to us the specula', ions of the cautious lover as to the genuineness of his lady's charms, and the whimsical address to an old dress suit of which the wearer says " we have met, but not for years." In "After Thoughts " we have a very amusing example of the artist's own humour.

CHIEF OS-KE-NON-TON (Baritone, with Piano) 1 C-inch double-sided Plum Label (Invocation Sun God Troyer B. 2083 to the ...... Peyote Drinking Song (Navajo Indiana) Homer Grunn (Both sung in Natioe Dialect.) G ENUINE music of the Red Indian is to be heard in these striking records by Os-ke-non-ton, who himself is a chief of the Mohawks. The " Invocation to the Sun God" is dignified and solemn, with curious cadences, while the " Peyote Drinking song " is a quaint carousing ditty. 10-inch double-sided Plum Label Recor:13 PAUL WHITEMAN AND HIS ORCHESTRA Southern Rose-Fox-Trot B. Malerl B 2089 J ...... l Ukulele Lady-Fox-trot R. A. Whiling

SAVOY ORPHEANS, at the Savoy Hotel, I Hello ! 'Tucky--Fox-Trot... J. F. Hanley B. 2090 ... Collegiate-Fox-Trot Moe Jaffe ... JACK HYLTON AND HIS ORCHESTRA Marks & Fields 13.2088 1 She's drivin' me wild-Fox-Trot Babette-Waltz H. Nicholls ...... IT would be difficult to say which of these dance numbers is the most taking. All tuneful and of very full volume, they are representative of three of the world's most famous Dance ; splendid examples, indeed, of modern ball-room music.

For prices see page 2 of cover. ; "His MasieVs Voice" Records 1 . .-...... --MID-AUGUST LIST 1925.


10-inch double-sided Plum babel Pö or little Rich Girl Alice Delysia (Soprano) ý B.2070 That to ...... -( means nothing me ... .. avid the London Pavilion Orchestra (From Charles B. Cochran 's Revue " On with the Dance.") (Conducted by J. B. Hastings.) B.2071 {'I I'll in dreams see you my ...... Cyril Newton(Baritone) ý!IINSTRUMENTAL10-inchwant a girl like Peggy ONeil wi'h Syncopated Quartet

double-sided Plum Label B.2081 f Kesergo Imre 3fagylri and his Hungarian Dance...... Teigane Orchestra ...... '. (From Charles B. Cochran's Revue "On with the Dance.") At the London `,='., Pavilion ! .. ... t Hungarian Folk Music Inne Magyari and his B.2082 ! Hungarian Song ...... Tcigane Orchestra ...... 1 (From Charles B. Cochran's Revue "on with the Dauce.") At the London ö12-inchI', Pavilion

double-sided Plum Label C.1214 " Teil me spore "-Selection Parts I ant H. Mayfair Orchestra

DANCE 10-inch double-sided Plum Label B,2069 0h, Darling, do say yes !-Fox-Trot Savoy Havana Band (at the 1 funny ... What a little tune !-Fox-Trot ... Savoy Hotel, London) 92079f Charleston-Fox-Trot Savoy Orpheans (at the l Waiting for the Moon-Fox-Trot...... Savoy Hotel, Londdon) B.2077 {" No, No Nanette "-Medley Fox-Trot Savoy Orpheans (at the h3" Rose-Marie "-Medley Fox-Trot ...... Savoy Hotel, London) ...... B.2072 f Feelin' kind o' blue-Fox-Trot. Jack Hylton and 2¬! 1 Who told ...... you?-;ox-Trot ...... his Orchestra B.2074JOh ! how I miss yeu to-night-Fox-Trot Benson Orchestra Because (The .. of you World is Mine)-Fox-Trot ... of Chicago B.2079 f Montmartre Rose-Fox-TrotJan Garber and his Orchestra Slawin' down Blues-Fox-Trot ... Oliver Naylor's Orchestra B:2078 J Sweet Georgia Brown-Fox-Trot Oliver Naylor's Orchestra ... Mamle-Fox-Trot Jan Garber and his Orchestra The Melody that made you mine-Waltz B.2035 Savoy Orpheans (at the Savoy Hotel, London) Nail8 -Fox-Trot... Savoy Havana Band (at the Savoy Hotel, London) [ ... For prices see page 2 of cover. ALPHABETICALLIST OF RECORDS issued since January 1st, 1925.

All Records in this list are doable-sided. For prices see page 2 of cover. No. A'INo.IN A tanto amor I-see "LA FA-BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA, If- VORITA"(Rossini)Abendlied (Schumann-Joachim)Una voce poco fa Dal MonteDB83012 Isolde MengesE 37310 Abide with me De Groot's Orch.C119412BATTISTINI, Mattia (Baritone) Adios Triguefia (Goodbye, myA tanto amor ! (" La Favorita ")DB73612 darling) PletaDA57310Non pih andrai (" Figaro ")DB73612 Adjutant, The H. DearthE37710Believe me, if all those endearing AFRICANA (Meyerbeer)young charms ('Cello) SharpeE38310 GigliDB10912Benson Orchestra of Chicago- O Paradiso DANCE RECORDS Ah I del Tebro at giogo indegno "see " Billy Boy (Shanty) J. GossB1999Io -seeNORMABirdling, why sing in the forest Ah, je suis seule- -see "THAIS"wild? F. HempelDB81412 AIDA (Verdi)Blackbird, The Liam WalshB194710 Dance BackhausD99512 Fula sorte dell'arm( Poli-Randacio,Bohemian (Comedienne) Tina Irene and M. OffersDB72812BORDONI, I Pieta ti prenda Poli-Randacto,I won't say willB201110 this is love Tina and H. OffersDB72812So BORIS GODOUNOVB201110 Alabamy Bound A. StanleyB202210(D-foussorgshy) All alone De Groot's Orch.B196210Oh, Tsarevitch, I implore thee All alone Salon Oreh.8193110Smimoff and DavidoffDB75312 Allegro (J. H. Fiocco) I. MengesE 37310BOURNE, Una (Piano) Alleluia (A joyous Easter Hymn)Finnish Rhythms (Palmgren) (arr. G. O'Connor-.Norris)-HempelDA67610No. 1-Karelian DanceB191110 Amore o grillo-see "MADAMANo. 2-MinuetBt91110 BUTTERFLY "No. 4-Minuet-WaltzB191110 Amour viens alder-seeHumoresque, Op. 10, No. 2 "SAMSON & DALILAH"(Tchaikovsky)B204210 And when I dieLyrische Stückchen, Op. 12 (Grieg) (Army Marching Song) J. GossB201810No. 2 Walzer ; No. 6 Norwegisch ; ANSSEAU, Fernand and (HelenNo. 5 Volksweise ; No. 4 ElfentanzC120012 SADOVENNovember (En Troika) (Tchaikovsky)B191110 C'est toi ! c'est moi ! ("Carmen")DB78412Waltz, Op. 40, No. 9 Mais moi, Carmen je t'aime encore(Tchaikovsky)B204210 ("Carmen")DB78412Wedding Day, Op. 65 (Grieg)C120012 APOLLO CHOIRBroadway Medley, Pts. 1 and 2 As Torrents in SummerB204910(Chariot's Revue) Lillie & LawrenceC120612 A-Roving (Shanty) J. GossB201810BUCHANAN; Jack and JUNE As Torrents in SummerGarden of LiesB200510 Apollo ChoirB204910This year, next yearB200510 At the end of the road C. NewtonB204010 Autumn Serenade, AnBURR, Henry (Tenor) De Groot's Orch.B199810Heaven is my HomeB206210 Aye Waukin' oh J. GossB201610Bushes and Briers (Essex Folk Back in Hackensack New JerseySong) De Reszke SingersE37610 C. NewtonB200010"Caliph of Bagdad" (Overture) BACKHAUS, Wilhelm (Piano)Coldstream Guards BandCI17612 Bohemian DanceD99512Canci6n del Olvido A. CrabbeDA69410 Caprice EspagnoleD99512Canci6n Montafies A. CrabbdDA69410 Bajadere-Selection, Pts. I & 2Can't you dance the Polka ? De Groot and Orch.0118212(Shanty) j. GossB20l810 BAKER, George (Baritone)Caprice Espagnole - BackhausD99512 (a) Damask Roses; (b) My life'sCapriccio Valse Op. 7 delightB196710(11'ieniavsky) E. MoriniDB37212 Fill a glass with golden wineB196710Cargoes Peter DawsonB193010 In Summertime on BredonB195710CARMEN (Bizet) Top of the Hill, TheB195710C'est to)! c'est moi! Ballade in G Minor, Op. 23Ansseau and SadovenDB78412 (Chopin) A. Cortot moi, Carmen je t'aime Bantry Bav E. ThorntonDB853)D1003ý12ý 12Mats Ansseau and SadovenDB78412 LABELS-AS (Orange), B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) Carnevale de Venezia,Pts. 1 and Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 2 (Benedict) Dal Monte 25 (Mendelssohn)Moiseivitch CARNIVAL-Suite (Ring) & R.A.H. Orch. Coldstream Guards Band Recorded in complete form on 3 Carry me back to Old Virginny 12-in. records Savoy Havana Band Concerto No. 4 in D (Mozart) Caro nome-see "RIGOI,ETTO" Kreisler & Orch. CATTERALL QUARTET (Recorded in complete form on 4 Quartet in F major, Op. 18, No. I 12-in. records) (Beethoven)(Recorded Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 in complete form on 4 (Schumann)(Recorded 12-inch records) in complete form on 4 DB722toDB725DB372 Quartet in F major-Scherzo 12-inch Records)Cortot (Tchaikovsky)Quartet and R.A.H. Orch. in G Major, Op. 18, No. 2 Concerto in D Minor Op. 22 ( Beethoven) (Wieniavsky) E. Morin (Recorded in complete form on 3 12-inch records) CORTOT, Alfred (Piano)-see CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA also SONATA (Cesar Franck) (Mascagni)Voi Ballade in G Minor, Op. 23 (Chopin) to sapete, o mamma Jeri''za Cradle Song, Op. 49, No. 4 (Brahms) C'est l'histoire amoureuse-see Etude in A Flat Major (Chopin) "MANON I,ESCAUT " Impromptu in F Sharp Minor, Op. 36 C'est toil c'est mol t - see (Chopin)CORTOT " CARMEN " and R.A.H. ORGH. CHALIAPINE, Th. I. (Bass) Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 Crazy-Headed John (In Russian) (Schumann)(Recorded Last Voyage, The (In Russian) in complete form on 4 Moon is high in the sky, The 12-inch Records) ("Aleko") (In Russian) CRABBE, Armand (Baritone) Nightingale (In Russian) Canciön Church England Service-see Montaiies of (a) La Canciön del Olvido ; MORNING PRAYER (b) Junto de la Pena Cider Peter Dawson al puente Cradle Song, Op. No. 4 Cielo "1,& GIO- 49, e mart-see (Brahms) A. Cortot CONDA " CLARK, Helen & Lewis JAMES CRAWFORD, Jesse (Pipe Organ) I want to be happy Dreamer of Dreams B1992 Tea for Two Dreams that never come true B2008B1992B2008B Old Pal CODOLBAN, Nitza (Cv,nbalisl) Rose Marie (" Rose Marie ") Rumanian Gipsy Air B2050 10 Serenade (Schubert) 1949 Russian Gipsy Air B2050 10 Somewhere a voice is calling B1949 COLDSTREAM GUARDS BAND Crazy-Headed John (Cond. Lt. R. G. Evans) (Sung in Russian) Chaliapine "Caliph of Bagdad," Overture C1176 12 Credo in un Dio Crudel-see " Carnival "-Suite (Rini) C1195 12 " OTELLO " " Damnation of Faust "-Selections C1201 12 CROOKS, Richard (Tenor) King's Guards' March B1966 10 Green Hills of Ireland, The La Voix des Cloches C1199 12 In the wee little home I love Lustspiel Overture (Kiley Bela) C1199 12 Sacrament (Love Song) Marche iililitaire C1176 12 CRUMIT, Frank (Humoroes) Third Battalion March B1966 10 Get yourself a broom COLTHAM, Sydney (Tenor) Knock at the door Devotion B 1912 10 Cuddle up Brooke Johns Faithful Heart, The B2043 10 DAL MON'rE, Toti (Soprano)-see Loughareema B1968 10 also " IL BARBIERE DI SIVI- My Lady Sleeps B1968 10 GI,IA " and "RIGOI,ETTO" My Lute B2043 10 Carnevale de Venezia, Pts. I and 2 Rose Marie C1198 12 (Benedict)Deh Song of Quietness, A B1958 10 ! vieni, non tardar Summer Afternoon, A B1958 10 (" Le Nozze di Figaro ") What a wonderful world it would be B1912 10 Selva opaca (" Guglielmo Tell ") Come, let us join the Roundelay Damask Roses G. Baker Gresham Singers E371 10 Come, Thou Almighty King "DAMNATION OF FAUST, Trinity Choir B2049 10 The" (Berlioz) Come when the world is sleeping Serenade of Mephistopheles Radford De Groot's Orch. I B1910110 "Damnation of Faust"-Selections Coming of a Dream, The P. Lett l E387:10 Coldstream Guards Band

For prices see page 2 of cover. No.I mII No.

Dance of the HoursDANCE RECORDS-FOX- ("La Gioconda")TROTS-contd. R.A.H. Orch. (Cond. Sir LandonIsn't she the sweetest thing ? Ronald)D99612Hylton's Orch.B206410 I've got a feeling for-J. Hylton's Or.B1943I I DANCE RECORDS-FOX-Just a little drink-Wbiteman's Or.8205510 TROTSKashmiri Savoy OrpheansB201910 Adoring you Whiteman's 0.B193810Keep smiling at trouble Ah-Ha ! Whiteman's Orch.B205510Waring's PennsylvaniansB198410 Ala'aamy Bound Savoy OrpheansB197010Kongo Kate Hylton's Or.B196910 All aboard for Heaven-M. Davis' B.B203910Lady of the Nile Howard Lanin's Or.B203810 All alone with you-Savoy OrpheansB193410Leander Hylton's Orch.B200910 At the end of the road-Savoy Or.B203610Let it rain International Novelty Or.B203710 Back to Colorado Savoy HavanaB194410Let it rain, let it pour Bagdad Savoy OrpheansB193210Meyer Davis' BandB203910 Big Tune Hylton's Orch.B201010Let me be the first Savoy Or.B194110 Blue Evening Blues Savoy Or.B203510Little old clock Savoy OrpheansB194210 Bouquet Hylton's OrchestraB203010Lonely little Melody-Whiteman's 0.B195317 By the Lake Savoy OrpheansB193310Look at those eyes Bye Bye Baby Savoy OrpheansB195510Waring's PennsylvaniansB206010 Bygone Days-Savoy Havana BandB199710Love's Lottery Savoy Havana BandB201410 Come a little closer-Hylton's Or.B200310Lucky Kentucky Whiteman's Or.B200710 Come on over Savoy OrpheansB198710Madeira Savoy OrpheansB203210 Copenhagen Savoy OrpheausB195410Alammä s gone Boston Orch.B196410 Couldn't we keep on dancingMandy make up your mind Hylton's Orch.B200310Whiteman's Orch.B198510 Desert Isle McEnelly's Orch.B206110Maybe you will Did Tosti raise his bowler Hat ?Hylton's Kit-Cat BandB205110 Savoy Havana BandB206510Ale and the boy friend-Savoy Orp.B197310 Does my Sweetie do ?Me Neenyah Savoy OrpheansB197510 Waring's PennsylvaniansB206010My best girl Savoy OrpheansB198710 Don't bring Lulu Garber's Orch.B204810My Fair Lady Savoy Havana BandB206510 Doo Wacka Doo-Whiteman's Orch.B193710My Kid Savoy OrpheansB201910 Dream Maker of JapanNobody knows what a Red Head Savoy OrpheansB193410Mamma can do-Savoy OrpheansB201310 Dreary Weather Savoy OrpheansB193210Nobody loves me but me-Romaine 0.B197710 Dublinola Hylton's Orch.B200910Nola Boston Orch.B196410 Eat mole Fruit Hylton's Or.B195910No one knows what it's all about Eliza Whiteman's Orch.B193710Shilkret's Orch.B200110 Everybody loves my babyNo one to love Hylton's Orch.B205910 Hylton's Orch.B199010No wonder (that I love you) Florida Savoy OrpheansB205210Hylton's Orch.B206410 Follow the Swallow-Hylton's Orch.B 194010Oh, Darling, do say Yes! From now nn-Hylton's Kit-Cat Bd.B205110Savoy Havana BandB206910 Garden of Lies Hylton's Orch.B201010Oh! how I love mydarling Savoy H.B197510 Give me just a little bit of loveOh, Flo ! Hylton's Orch.B202310 Hylton's Orch.B202410Oh, Katherina ! Inter. Novelty Or.B203810 Gotta getta girl Whiteman's Or.B198510Oh, Mabel ! Waring's Pennsylvans.B198410 Hard hearted Hannah Savoy Or.B195510Ogo Pogo Savoy OrpheansB193310 Hay ! Hay ! Farmer GrayOnly, only one for me-Savoy Orph.B198110 Hylton's Orch.B206310Oriental Moon Savoy OrpheansB199610 Heart Broken Rose Hylton's Or.B195610Out of a million Savov Orch.B193510 Hoodoo Alan Whiteman's Orch.B193810Pango Fango Maid Hylton's Orch.B206310 I can't stop babying you-Hylton's 0.B198010Peter Pau SavoyOrpheansB196310 If you knew Susie Shilkret's Orch.B204810Please Savoy OrpheansB203610 I know that someone loves mePoor little Rich Girl Savoy Or.B203510 Hylton's Orch.B202410Pozzo Whiteman s Orch.B205410 I like you best of all-Savoy HavanaB203210Red-hot Mamma Hylton's Orch.B 196910 I love dancing with you-Miami Syn.B195010Remember Goldkette's Orch.B203710 I loved, I lost Savoy HavanaB194410Rose Marie Whiteman's Orch.B199110 I want to be happy-Garber's Orch.B197810Rose of the Moonlight-Hylton's Or.B195910 I'll see you in my dreamsSally Lou Savoy OrpheansB194210 Whiteman's Orch.B198210San Francisco-Savov Havana BandB201410 I'll take her back Hylton's Or.B197410Seminola Savoy OrpheansB205210 In between the showers-Hylton's 0.8193910Shanghai Savoy OrpheansB198110 In Carolina Jack Hylton's Or.B194310She loves me Hylton's Orch.B194010 In love with Love-Whiteman's Or.13200710Show me the way to go home In the town where I was bornSavoy Havana BandB199710 Hylton'sOrch.B198010Somebody like you dear-Aliami Syn.B195010 Indian Dawn Savoy OrpheansB196310Sun-Kist Cottage-Savoy OrpheansB194110 Indian Love Call Whiteman's Or.8199110Sweet little you Hylton's Orch.B197410

DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) DANCE RECORDS-FOX- Das im Grünen TROTS-contd. (Schuber!)DAVIES, Take a little One-Step Ben (Tenor) International Novelty Orch. B20011 10 Go to bed, Sweet Muse Tea for two Benson Orch. B197S 10 When Laura Tell smiles all the world-Hylton's Orch. B2067 10 DAVIES, Tudor (Tenor)-see also Tell me dreamy eyes-W liiteman's O. B19.53j10B2053under "I,OHENGRIN," "TOSCA" Tell me more Savoy Orpbeans 10 Hour, The (P. Kahn) E389 Tell me, pretty Maiden Savoy Or. B2028B2030B1972B1996B2002132031B2028B197710ioio1010101010Lord, vouchsafe Thy loving kindness Temple Bells Hvlton's Orch. (" Stabal Maier ") D972 That's what I'lldo-Savoy Orpheans On her contentment (" Don Gio- Too tired Savoy Orpheans vanni ") D957 Totem Tom Tom Savoy Orpheans Sound an alarm Tov Drum Major Savoy Orpheans (" Judas diaccabaus") D972 Two Eyes Savoy Orpheans To her I love (" Don Giovanni") D957 Unfortunate Blues Boston Orch. DAWSON, Peter (Bass- Baritone) Way down in heart my also render RADFORD and Doniberger's Orchestra B2046B2067B2069B2023B2031DAWSON-see Were back together again Cargoes 81930 to101010toto10to10 Hvlton's Orch. Cider Bt914 What a funny little tune 1 Here's to the good old days B1946 Savoy Havana Band Mounties, The -Hylton's B2004 What a life Orch. Some crimson rose B1946 When I think of you-Savoy or. Spirit Flower, A B1988 when my sugar walks down the Summer Love Tale, A B1988 street Savoy Havana Band B2013B1956 Tramp, The B1914 When she's in Red Hvlton's Or. Wander Thirst (Landon Ronald) B1930 When you and I were seventeen DE GROOT and the PICCA- Savoy Orpheans DILLY ORCHESTRA Where has my hubby gone Blues? Abide with me C1194 1^101012to Savoy Orpheans All alone B1962 Where's my sweetie hiding-Savoy O. Autumn Serenade, An B1998 Who ? Hylton's Orch. "Bajadere"-Selection, Pts. 1 & 2 C1182 Who takes care of the Caretaker's Come when the world is sleeping B1910 Daughter ? Kaufman's Serenaders 132061B2054B2053B1990B2056Farewell my love, farewell B2020 to121010101212101010101010 Whoa 1 Nellie ! Whiteman's Orch. " Frasquita " Selection, Pts. 1 and Why do I love you Savoy Orpheans 2(Lehar) C1185 Will you remember me ?-Hylton's O. I know of two bright eyes B2025 Yearning Hylton's Orch. I love the Moon, Waltz B2025 You can dance with any girl at all In Shadowland B 1962 Savoy Orpheaus "I,a Gran Via," Sel., Pts. I and 2 C1208 just flower You're a from an old Lost Cher.l, The C1194 bouquet Dornherger's Orch. Madrigale B1998 You're so near Hylton's Orch. Passione 81948 ONE-STEPS-Medley Precious wee one-I,ullahv B1910 of Medleys Savoy Orphean' Storyland B2020 Southern Melodies-Savoy Orpheans Thing of Dreams..A B1948 Stars Stripes Medley and -Savoy O. Delaney's Drummers I,. Walsh B2027 WALTZES-Buenos DE RESZKE SINGERS Aires Bushes and Briers International Novelty Orch. B2047 10 Studies In Imitation (Hughes) Dollar Princess Savoy Havana B1965B1939B1954B1936B1935B2012B2012B2066B1928B197010]01010101010101010121010Little Jack Homer D941 Golden West Hy lton s Orch. Little Tommy Tucker D941 Haunting 'Melody ---Savoy Orpheans There D941 I love savoy was a crooked mau the moon Havana Winter is gone, The E376 In Shadowland Savoy Havana Dear Old Southland Listening Savoy Orpheans Savov Havana Band B2057 10 Love's Dream Savoy Orpheans DEARTH, Harry (Bsss) Midnight Savoy Havana Band Adjutant, The E377 10 Moans Chimes-H.lo Hawaiian Or. Little Miss Over-the-Wav E377 10 Poem Savoy Ilavaua Meggie's Wedding E384 10 RosenkavalierNeues Skipper of the " Mary Jane " E384 10 Tonkünstler C1202 Orchester, Deh ! vieni, non tardar-see "LE Rosenkavalier--Savoy Havana Band '1B2066B1936B1965 NOZZE DI FIGARO'-' Serenade Savoy Havana Devotion ()Sydney Sometime Savoy Havana Coltham 81912 10 Somewhere a voice is calling 10 Devotion McCormack DA692 10 Savoy Havana Band Die Lotosblume (Schumann)E. Sumurün Savoy Havana Band Marshall E380 10 Wheu the one you love loves you Die Mainacht (Brahms) McCormack DA628 10 Whiteman's Orch.1 B1982 Dio di giustizia-see "FEDORA"

For prices see page 2 of cover, 14 No.IGNo.m

Do you remember the Love Nest ?Foire de Sorotchintsni C. NewtonB200010(Aloussorgsky) Dollar Princess-Set. Mayfair Or.C118912Pourquoi men triste cceur-SmirnoffDB75312 DON GIOVANNI (Mozart)Folk Songs from Somerset On her contentment Tudor DaviesD95712(March) R.A.F. BaudB194510 To her I love Tudor DaviesD957.12Four by the Clock (Mailinson)Carmen HillE37010 DORNBERGER, Charles and hisFour jolly sailormen (E. German) ORCHESTRA-seeDANCE RECS.RadfordE37910 Dovunque at mondo-seeFowls Alfred LesterC117712 ' NADAMA BUTTERFLY"Fragment, A "From the New Dreamer of Dreams J. CrawfordB199210World " (Sym. No. 5 ill E minor) Dreams (Wagner) P. MarshallF38610(Dvorak) Savoy Symphonic Orch.C118612 Dreams that never come trueFrancesca da Rimini (Tchaikovsky) J. CrawfordB200810Fts. I and 2D95112 Du bist wie eine BlumePts. 3 and 4 Symphony Orch. (Schtunann) E. MarshallE38010(Cond. by Albert Coates)D95212 Duets-see HISLOP and GILLY,"Frasquita" Selection, Pt. 1 and BEATRICE LILLIE and G. LAW-2 (Franz Lckar)-De Groot's Or.C118512 RENCE, "LOHENGRIN," PINZAFu Is sorte dell'armi-see and L'ALESSIO, RADFORD and DAWSON, "TOSCA," VON DER" AIDA " OSTEN and 31INNIE NASTGALLI-CURCI (Soprano) Easter Flowers (Sanderson)Pretty Mocking Bird (Bishop)DB79812 Walter GlvnneB192710Sicariua (Slumber Song) (Meyerbeer)DB79812 "ELIZABETHAN LOVE SONGS " (arr. KeellGARBER, Jan and his ORCH. Go to bed, sweet Muse-Ben DaviesE36410-see DANCE RECORDS When Laura smiles Ben DaviesE36410Garden of Lies Enchanted Forest Salon Orch.B198310J. Buchanan and JuneB200510 Etude in A Flat Major, Op. 25,GERHARDT, Elena (Mezzo-Sop.) No. 1 (Chopin) A. CortotDA69110Das Lied im Grünen (Schubert)DA70610 Evening Gresham SingersE37110Wohin, Op. 25, No. 2 (.Schubert)DA70610 Everybody loves my babyGet yourself a broom and sweep Aileen StanleyB197610your troubles away CrumilB202110 Exits. Parts I and 2 L Benfamino (Tenor) House awesC118712G1GLI, Fair of Joy D. OldhamE38510Cielo a mar ! (" La Gioconda ")DA22010 Faithful Heart, The ColthamB204310M'appari tutt'amor (" Martha ")DB10912 Farewell my love, farewell0 Paradiso (" L' Africana ")DB10912 Dc Groot's Orch.B202010Vesti !a giubba ("Pagliacci")DA22010 FAVORITA, La (Donizefli) A tanto amor! BattistiniDB73612GILBERT & SULLIVAN Non sai tu the d'un giusto PinzaDA56610OPERASPrincess Ida (Recorded under the FEDORA (Giordano)direction of Rupert D'Oyly Carte)D977 Dio di giustizia M. JeritzaDA57910(Complete in album of 10 12-inchto Son gente risoluta M. JeritzaDA57910records)D98612 FeldeinsamkeltGILLY, Dinh (Baritone)-see also (Brahnls) McCormackDA63510under HISLOP and GILLY, and Fetes (Debussy) Pts. 1 and 2 R.V.H." PAGLIACCI " Orch. (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald)DI00012Fleurissait one rose (Pts. 1 & 2) Fill a glass with golden wine(" Le Jongleur de Notre Dame ")DB69312 G. BakerB196710Scorn i Fiume l"Il Tabarro")DA55910 FINNISH RHYTHMS (Palmgien)Vecchia zimarra ("La Boheme')DA55910 No. 1-Karelian DanceGIOCONDA, La (Ponchiclli) No. 2-MinuetCielo e mar! GigliDA22010 No. 4-Minuet-Waltz-Una BourneB1911100 Monumento! Regia a Bolgia Fire Bird, The (Stravinsky)Dogale ! GranforteDB83512 Symphony Oreh. (Albert Coates)D958 (Recorded in complete form on twotoGipsy Laughing Chorus 12-in. records)D95912Rhondda Welsh Glee SingersB205810 FLETA, Michele (Tenor)GLYNNE, Walter (Tenor) Adios Triguena (Sung in Spanish)DA57310Easter Flowers (Sanderson)B192710 Ali Tierra (Sung in Spanish)DA57310Love Lily, The13198910 Fieurissait une rose (Pts. 1 & 2)Oh, let no star compareB191310 (" Le Jongleur de Notre Dame ")RosebudB191310 GillyDB69312Slighted Swain, TheB192710 FT ONZALEY QUARTETSo gently speaks my. lady fairB198910 (instrumental)Go to bed, sweet Muse Quartet in G Major, Op. 77, No. 1Ben DaviesE364110 f Havdnl lot and and 11tnvomanfofRRAC19llnidzn Tiuve Carmen HillRAOO10 LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DJf (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) GOSS, John (Baritone) Hey ho to the Greenwood Songs from the Week-end Book. (Byrd) J. Goss B2016 10 HILL, Carmen (Mezzo-Sop.) And when I die I (Army Marching Song) (a) Four by the Clock (Mall&nson) .B2018B2018B2016B1999B2018B2016101010101010101010 A-Roving (Shanty) (b) To an isle in the water E370 ý 10 Aye Waukin' oh (Scottish Song) Golden Days E390 10 Billy Boy (Shanty) 0 that it were so (F. Bridge) E3701 10 She dwelt the Can't you dance the Polka (Shanty) among untrodden ways E375 10 Hey Ho to the Greenwood (Byrd) WaitWhen E375 10 Last Long Mile, The I think of the happy days E390 10 (Army Marching Song) HILLIARD, Kathlyn (Soprano) Lilliburlero (Old English Song) Indian Love Call O good ale, thou art my darling Totem Tom Tom (Old English Song) HILO HAWAIIAN ORCH.-see O sweet fa's the eve DANCE RECORDS (Norwegian Folk Song) HISLOP. Joseph & DINH GILLY Rio Grande (Shanty) Amore o grillo (" Madama Butterfly") DB743DB743E389DA680B2042 Shenandoah (Shanty) Dovunque al mondo ("ifadama Sinner, please doan' let dis hartes' Butterfly ") (P. Kahn) T. Davies pass (Negro Spiritual) Hour, The GRANFORTE, Apollo (Baritone) How fair this spot, Op. 21, No. 7 McCormack Credo in un Dio Crudel ("Otello ") (Rachmaniroff) Op. 10, No. 2 O Monumento ! Regia a Bolgia Humoresque, Dogale ! (" La Gioconda ") (Tchaikovsky)HYLTON, Jack OR-see Green Hills of Ireland, The and R. Crooks DANCE RECORDS GRESHAM SINGERS Hylton's Kit-Cat Band, Jack-see (Male Quartet) DANCE RECORDS love-Stanley Come, let us join the Roundelay E371E371 I ain't got nobody to B2006B2025 EveningHeartacheLondon I know of two bright eyes D1004D1004E382E382 De Groot's Orch. Town I look into your garden McCormack DA693B2025 O Peaceful Night I love the Moon, Waltz What Ho ! What Ho ! De Groot's Orch. "GUGLIELMO TELL"-see I sawfromtnebeacn McCormack DA636 'GUILLAUMME TELL, " I want to be happy-see " NO, GUILLAUME TELL (Rossini) NO, NANETTE " Selva opaca. Act 2 Dal Monte I won't say I will I. Bordonil Habanera (Spanish Dance) Heifetz Impresario" Overture (Mozart) HAMBOURG, Mark (Piano) Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates) Sonatine, Pts. I and 2 (Ravel) Impromptu in B Flat Major, HAMLET (A. Thomas) Op. 142, Pts. 1 and 2 Pray you listen (Ophelia 's Ballad) (Schubert) Paderewski E.Scotney 121210121212121010l010121012121210121012Impromptu in F Sharp Minor, Happy married man, A Hastings Op. 36 (Chopin) A. Cortot Hark, Hark my Soul Trinity Choir Impromptu in F Sharp Major, HASTINGS, Ernest (Humorous) Op. 36, No. 2( Chopin)-Pachmann DB859Bt962E38881957C1204 In Shadowland De Groot's Oreh. Happy married man, A C1190C1190C1209C1209 I,ord luv 'im In Sheltered Vale R. Radford My Family In Summertime on Bredon-Baker WirelessHAYWARD, In the Pirate days of old Lawes Marjorie (Violin) In the wee little home I love Romance (love Song) (Prim!) 81926B2026B1926B2026D1004B2062 R. Crooks Tambourin in D In Waldeseinsamkeit (Brah'ns)McCormack Valse (d'Ambrosio) DA628B1993C1198C1177 Viennese Melody Indian Love Call Salon Orch. Heartache Gresham Singers Indian Love Call K. Hilliard Heaven is my Home H. Burr Insuring his life-A.Lester&F.Rome Hebrew Dance J. Heifetz DB838 INTERNATIONAL NOVELTY HEIFETZ, Jascha ( Violin) ORCH.-see DANCE RECORDS Habanera (Spanish Dance) Oh Katharina ! Hebrew Dance Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirk- HEMPEL, Frieda (Soprano) lich sein, Act 3 ("Der Rosenkava- Alleluia (A. joyous Faster Hymn) DA676DB814DA676DB814lier ") Eva von der Osten & '-NI.Nast Birdling, why sing in the forest wild ? It ain't gonna rain no mo'- Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre (" Joshua") Fantasie Savoy Orpheans Should he upbraid It takes a good man to do that B1929B2022B2027B1983 Hen wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of my Brooke Johns Fathers) I It was only a dream A. Stanley Rhondda Welsh Glee Singers B2045 Jackson's Morning Brush Walsh Sunset Salon Here's to the good old-Dawson I B1946 Japanese Orch. For prices see page 2 of cover.

16 I No.INmJ No.IN JERITZA, Maria (Soprano) -seeLilliburlero J. GossB201610 " FEDORA "Little Miss Over-the-Way Vissi d'arte, vissid'amore ("Tosca ")DA56510H. DearthE37710 Voi lo sapete, o mammaLOHENGRIN (Wagner) (" Cavalleria Rusticana ")DA56510Intro : Act 3 Symphony Orch. JOHNS, Brooke (Humorous)(Cond. A. Coates)D93712 Cuddle upB192910hove Duet (Pts. I and 2), Act 3 It takes a good man to do thatB192910Austral, Davies and Orch.D931L2 Junto at puente de la Pena-CrabbeDA69410Wedding Procession, Act 2 Katja the Dancer-SelectionsSymphony Orch. (Cond. A. Coates)D93712 Mayfair OrchestraC119312Lolita A. LesterC120312 KAUFMAN'S ORIGINALLondon Town Gresham SingersD100412 PENNSYLVANIA SERE-Lord is a Man of War, The NADERS, Whitey-see DANCE(" Israel in Egypt ") (Handel) RECORDSRadford and DawsonD967L2 Keep smiling at trouble NewtonB204410Lord luv 'im E. HastingsC119012 King's Guards' MarchLord, vouchsafe Thy loving Coldstream Guards' BandB1966toKindness (" Stabat Mater ") Knock at the door F. CrumitB202110(Rossini) T. DaviesD97212 Komm bald, Op. 5Lost Chord, The Be Groot's Or.C119412 (Brahms) McCormackDA63510Loughareema ColthamB196810 KREISLER, Fritz ( Violin)Love Lily. The W. Glynne819R910 Concerto No. 4 in D (Mozart)DB815Love's Old Sweet Song ThorntonD100312 (Recorded in complete form on 4toLustspiel Overture (Kiler Bela) records)DB81812Coldstream Guards BandC119912 KURZ, Selma (Soprano)Lyrische Stückchen (Grieg) Marien Wiegeulied (Reger)DA63210No. 2 Walzer; No. 6 Norwegisch; Stündchen (Strauss)DA63210No. 5 Volksweise ; No. 4 Elfentanz "La Gran Via," Selection, Pts. 1Una BourneC1200l2 and 2 De Groot's Orch.C120812MADAMABUTTERFLY(Puccini)I La Paloma Salon Orch.B203310Amore o grillo Hislop, Gilly and LAMOND, Frederic (Piano)Wm. ParnisDB74312 Sonata in E Flat, Op. 31-ScherzoDovunque at mondo Hislop & GillyDB74312 (Beethoven)D96212Madrigale Be Groot's Orch.B199810 Waldstein Sonata in C, Op. 53Mais moi, Carmen-see (Beethoven)D960" CARMEN " (Recorded in complete form on3 12-in.toMalaguefia (Spanish Dance) records)D96212New Light Symphony Orch.C121012 Lass with the delicate airMANON LESCAUT (Auber) E. Suddat.yE38110C'est 1'histoire amoureuse-ScotneyD96812 Last Long Mile, The J. GossB201810M'appari tutt'amor-see Last Voyage, The" MARTHA " (Sung in Russian) ChaliapineDB75712March of the Men of Harlech LAWES, Ben (Humorous)Rhondda Welsh Glee SingersB204510 Exits, Parts I and 2C118712Marche Militaire In the Pirate days of oldC120412Coldstream Guards BandC117612 Our Musical Drama-Pts. I and 2C118412Marien Wiegenlied (Max Reger) When the Romans conqueredSelma KureDA63210 BritainC120412MARSHALL, Eric (Baritone) Lawn Tennis S. I,euglenB206810Die Lotosblume (Schumann)E38010 LENGLEN, SuzanneDreams (Wagner)E38610 Lawn Tennis, Pts. 1 and 2B206810Du bist wie eine Blume (Schumann)E38010 LESTER, Alfred t Humorous)Nur wer die Sehnsucht kenntE38610 FowlsC117712MARTHA (Flotow) LolitaC120312M'appari tutt'amor GigliDB10912 Stop me if you've heard itC120312Massa's in de cold, cold ground LESTER, Alfred and Fred ROMESavoy Havana BandB205710 Insuring his lifeCl 17712MAYFAIR ORCHESTRA LETT, Phyllis (Contralto)" Dollar Princess," SelectionC118912 Coming of a Dream, TheE38710" Katja the Dancer"-SelectionsC119312 Prayer to Our Lady, AE38710"No, No, Nanette," Set., Pts. I & 2C119112 LEWIS, Mary (Soprano)" Patricia " SelectionC118912 Ah, je suis seule ("Thais")DB81012"Rose Marie " SelectionsC119712 Tesouvient-il ("Thais") LAlassenel)DB81012"Sumurun"-Sen., Pts. I & 2C119212 LIGHT OPERA COMPANYMazurka in A Flat, Op. 59, No. 2 "No, No, Nanette," Gems fromC120512(Chopin) PaderewskiDA63310 " Rose-Marie," Gems fromC120512Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. LILLIE, Beatrice & Gertrude59, No. 3 (Chopin) PaderewskiDA63310 LAWRENCEMcCORMACK (Tenor) Broadway Medley, Pts. 1 and 2DevotionDA69210 (Chariot's Revue)C120612Die Mainacht (Brahms)DA62810 LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) McCORMACK (Tenor) contd. NERONE (Boito) Feldeinsamkeit (Brahms) The Chariot Race Symphony Orch. How fair this spot, Op. 21, No. 7 and Chorus (Cond. A. Coates) DA680DA693UA636DA628DA635DA636DA692DA68nI0101010 (Rachmaninoff) NEUES TONKÜNSTLER OR. look into I your garden " Der Rosenkavalier "-Waltz, Pts. I from the beach saw 1 and 2 (Strauss) In Waldeseiüsamkeit (Brahms) Komm bald, Op. 5 (Brahms) IO1010IJNEW LIGHT SYMPHONY OR Padraic the Fiddiler Malaguena (Spanish Dance) Sweetest Call, The Rustic Wedding Symphony ('Bridal To the children (Rachmaninoff) ý Song")NEWTON, When you and I were seventeen DA693 10 Cyril (Baritone) McENELLY'S ORCHESTRA, At the end of the road B2040B2000B2000B2044B2044B2040 Edwin, J.-see DANCE RECS. Back in Hackensack New Jersey MEFISTOFELE (Soi/o) Do you remember the Love Nest ? Prologo-Symphony Or. and Chorus Keep smiling at trouble (Cond. A. Coates) Oh ! Darling, do say Yes ! MEGANE, Leila (Contralto) Show me the way to go home Amour viens aider NEWTON, Cyril, with (" Samson and Dalila ") SYNCOPATED QUARTET Songs of Egypt (G. Bantock) ShanghaiOnly, (a) No. I-Invocation to the Nile only one for me, The (b) No. 5-Lament of Isis Nightingale (Tchaikovsky) Maggie's Wedding H. Dearth (Sung in Russian) Chaliapine DB757B1971C1191B Memory Lane Salon Ot en. "NO, NO, NANETTE" MENGES, Isolde ( Violin) I want to be happy Clark & James Abendlied (Schumann Joachim) Selections, Pts. 1 and 2 Mayfair Or. Allegro (J. H. Fiocco) Tea for Two-H. Clark & L. James 1971 MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR " No, No, Nanette," Gems from (Nicolai)When bight Opera Company C1205 that I was as a tiny boyRadford Nocturne in B Major, Op. 32, No. 1 (Chopin) Pachmann DB859 Minuet and Trio "Divertimento" Non pill andrai-see "I,$ NOZZL (Afozart) R.A.H. Orch. DI FIGARO " (Cond. Sir I,andon Ronald) Non sal tu the d'un giusto-see MI Tierra (My Native Land) Fleta " LA FAVORITA " Mit ihren Augen voll Tränen, NORMA (Belies) Act 2 (" Der Rosenkavalier Ah ! del Tebro it giogo indegno Eva von der Osten & M. Nast Pinza and I,'Alessio MOISEIVITCH, Benno (Piano) & November (En Troika) R.A.H. ORCHESTRA (Tchaikovsky) Una Bourne Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 25 (Afendelssohn)(Recorded NOZ7.E DI FIGARO, Le (Mozart) in complete Jorn+ on 3 12 Deh ! vieni, non tardar-Dal Monte 12-in. records) Non phi andral Battistini Moon is high in the Sky, The "Nozze di Figaro" (Overture) ("Aleko") (In Russian) Chaliapine 1313691112 (=Mozart) R.A.H. Orch. MORINI, Erika (Violin) (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald) D1005E386B2017E385 Capriccio Valse, Op. 7 (Wieniavsky) DB372 12 Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt Concerto in D Minor (Second) (Tc)mikovskp) F. Marshall (Wieniavsky) DB372 12 0 good ale, thou art my darling Morning Prayer (Church of Eng- J. Goss land Service) and Evening O Mistress mine D. Oldham Canticles O Monumento ! Regia e Bolgia (Recorded on four 12-in. records. Dogale I-see "LA GIOCONDA" Complete in album) O Paradiso, dall'onde uscito- A Choir from St. George's Chapel, see "L'AFRICANA" Windsor Castle and the Rev. Dr. O Peaceful Night Gresham Singers E. H. Fellowes 1zto10]0O sweet fa's the eve J. Goss Mounties, The P. Dawson O that it were so (F. Bridge) MURPHY, Lambert (Tenor) Carmen Hill One little dream of love E392 OFFERS, Maartje (Contralto)- My best Girl A. Stanley B2015C1209B1968B1967B2043see " AIDA," " RIENZI " My Family E. Hastings 12lo10to10Oh I Darling, do say Yes ! Newton My Lady Sleeps Coltham Oh, had I Jubal's Lyre My life's Delight G. Baker (" Joshua") (Handel) Hempel My Lute Coltham Oh Katharina 1 My old Kentucky Home International Novelty Orch. Savoy Havana Band Oh, let no star compare with NAST, Minnie-see VON DER thee W. Glynne OSTEN, Eva & MINNIE NAST I Old Pal Jesse Crawford

For prices see page 2 of cover. i8. OLDHAM, Derek (Tenor) Prayer to Our Lady, A P. Letts E387 Fair House of Joy Precious wee one-LullabyDc O Mistress mine Groot's Orch. B1910 On her contentment-see "DON Pretty Mocking Bird (Bishop)Galli-Curci GIOVANNI"On DB798D939toD940 this lute I sing a Serenade PRIMROSE, William (Violin) (" The Damnation of Faust ") Sonata in A, No. 2 (Bach) (Berlioz) R. Radford (Recorded in complete form on 2 One little dream of love Murphy 12-inch Records) Only, only one for me, The PRINCESS IDA-see GILBERT C. Newton and Syncopated Quart. & SULLIVAN OPERAS ORCHESTRE SYMPHONIQUE PURITANI, I. (Bellini) DES CONCERTS PASDE- Sound, sound the Trumpet LOUP (Cond. RhemE Baton) Radford & Dawson Symphonie Fantastique (Berlioz) D987toD992 Put away a little ray of golden (Recorded in complete form on 6 sunshine Aileen Stanley B1976D1006toD1011 12-inch records) Quartet in D (Cesar Franck) OTELLO (Verdi) Virtuoso String Quartet Credo in un Dio Crudel-Granforte DB835C1184E365(Recorded in complete form on 6 Our Musical Drama, Pts. I and 2 12-inch records) Ben Lawes Quartet in E minor, Op. 59, Over the mountains E. Thornton No. 2 (Beethoven)Virtuoso Overture-"Le Nozze di Figaro" String Quartet R.A.H. Orch. (Recorded in complete form on 4 (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald) 12-inch records) PACHMANN, Vladimir De Quartet in F major, Op. 18, (Piano) No. 1 (Beethoven) Catterall Quartet li Impromptu in F Sharp Major, Op. 36 (Recorded in complete form on 4 No. 2 (Chopin) 12-inch Records) Nocturne in B Major, Op. 32, No. 1 Quartet in F major, Op. 22, (Chopin) No. 1-Scherzo PADEREWSKI, Ignace Jan (Tchaikovsky) Catterall Quartet (Piano) Quartet in G Major, Op. 77, No. 1 Impromptu in B flat Major (Schubert) DB833DA633DA633DA636(Haydn) Ist and 3rd movements Mazurka in A Flat, Op. 59, No. 2 Flonzaley Quartet (Chopin) Quartet in G Major, Op. 18, No. 2 Mazurka in F Sharp Minor, Op. 59, (Beethoven) No. 3 (Chopin) Catterall Quartet Padraic the Fiddiler McCormack RADFORD, Robert (Bass) PAGLIACCI (Leoncavallo) Four jolly sailormen (E. German) E379E388E388E379 Song of tender memories-Prologue. In sheltered vale Pt. 2 Gilly On this Lute, I sing a Serenade Vesti Is giubba Gigli (" The Damnation of Faust ") (Berlioz) Word allow me, A-Prologue, Pt. 1 When that I was as a tiny boy Gilly DB849B1948C1189 Merry 1171ves of Windsor ") Passione 0. (V. Ranzato) De Groot's RADFORD, Robert and Peter Patricia-Sel. Mayfair Orchestra DAWSON PEERLESS QUARTET (Male Lord is a Ilan of War, The (Handel) Quartet) Sound, sound the Trumpet When my golden hair has turned to " I Puritani " (Bellini) silver grey Rambling Pitchfork, The Walsh PIANO SOLOS- RHONDDA WELSH GLEE see BOURNE, CORTOT. HAM- SINGERS BOURG, LAMOND, FACHMANN, Gipsy Laughing Chorus PADEREWSKIPieta Hen wlad Fy Nhadau (Land of my ti prenda-see ' AIDA" Fathers)March PINZA, Ezio (Bass) of the Men of Harlech Non sai tu the d'un giusto ("La Y Delyn Aur Favorita ") RIENZI (11'a ncr) PINZA & L'ALESSIO Gerechter Gott Maartje Offers Ah ! del Tebro al giogo indegno In seiner Blüthe Maartje Offers (" Norma") RIGOLETTO (Verdi) PIQUE DAME (Tchaikovsky) Caro nome, Act I. Dal Monte Forgive me Smirnoff Rio Grande (Shanty) J. Goss What is our life Smiruoff Romance (Love Song) POLI-RANDACIO, Tina and (R.Friml) M. ITayward B1926B2008C1198C1197 MAARTJE OFFERS-see Rose Marie ("Rose Marie ") " AIDA " 'ý J. Crawford Pray you listen-see "HAMLET" Rose Marie S. Coltham Prayer of ThanksgivingTrinity "Rose Marie" Set., Pts. I and 2 Choir Mayfair Orch. LABELS-AS (Orange) B and C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) DJ and DK (Buff) DM (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) DQ (White) "Rose Marie," Gems from Scorri flume ("It Tabarro") Gilly Light Opera Company C1205 SCOTNEY, Evelyn )Soprano) Rosebud "'alter Glvnae B1913 C'est l'histoire amoureuse Rosemary (That's for Remem- ("Manon Lescaut ") brance?) C. Sharpe E383 Pray you listen (" Hamlet ROSENKAVALIER, Der (Strauss) Selva opaca-see "GUILI,AU3IE Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklich TELL " sein (Act 3) Serenade R.A.F. Band Eva von der Osten & H. Nast D1002 Serenade (Schubert) J. Crawford Mit ihren Augen voll Tränen (Act 2) Serenade Salon Orch. Eva von der Osten & M. Nast D1002 Seventeen come Sunday (March) Rosenkavalier Waltz, Pts. 1 and 2 R.A.F. Band (Strauss) Neues Tonkunstler Orch. C1202 Shanghai C. Newton and ROYAL AIR FORCE BAND Syncopated Quartet (Cond. Flight-Lt. Amers) Shanties-see JOHN GOSS Sanctuary of the Heart C1183 Serenade C1183 SHARPE, Cedric ('Cello) Suite-Folk Songs (R. Vaughan) Believe me, if all those endearing No. I Seventeen come Sunday young charms No. 3 Folk Song- from Somerset B1945 Rosemary (That's for Remembrance) The Valkyrie" Selection, Pts. I & 2 C1207 Sarabande et Allemande ORCH. She dwelt among the untrodden (Cond. Sir Landon Ronald) ways Carmen Hill Dance of the Hours, Pts. 1 and 2 Shenandoah (Shanty) J. Goss ("La Gioconda ") D996 Shepherd, thy demeanour vary Fites, No. 2 of Three Nocturnes E.Suddaby (Debussy) Pts. I and 2 DI000 Shilkret's, Jack, Orchestra-see Minuet and Trio "Divertimento" DANCE RECORDS (Mozart) D1005 Should he upbraid F. Hempel DB814B2040 Nozze di Figaro, Le-Overture D1005 Show me the way to go home Rumanian Gipsy Air C. Newton N. Codolban (Cyinbalist) B2050 Sl carina (Slumber Song) Russian Gipsy Air ("Dinorah , Galli-Curti DB798B2017E384B1927 N. Codolban (Cyinbalist) B2050 Sinner, please doan' let dis Rustic Wedding Symphony harves' pass J. Goss Bridal Song ") Skipper of the " MaryJane," The New Light Symphony Orch. C1210 H. Dearth Sacrament (Love Songl R. Crooks E393 Slighted Swain W .Glynne SADOVEN, Helen-see ANSSEAU SMIRNOFF, Dmitri (Tenor)- and SADOVEN see " FOIRE DE SOROTCH- "Salamanca" Irish Reel-Walsh B1947 1010to101010101010121210INTSNI," " PIQUE DAME " SALON ORCHESTRA " BORIS GODOUNOV " All alone B1931 So gently speaks my lady fair Enchanted Forest B1983 W. Glynne Indian Love Call B1993 So this is love I. Bordoni Japanese Sunset B1983 Some crimson rose P. Dawson La Palonua. B2033 Somewhere a voice is calling Memory Lane B 1931 J. Crawford Serenade B2033 Son genie risoluta-see World is waiting for the Sunrise, The B1993 "FEDORA"Sonata SAMSON &DALILA(Saint-Saens) in A, No. 2 (Bach) Amour viens aider Leila Megane D973 William Primrose D939toD940 Sanctuary of the Heart-R.A.F. Bd. C1183 (Recorded in complete form on 2 Sarabande et Allemande-Sharpe E374 12-inch Records) SAVOY HAVANA BAND (at the Sonata in A Major (Cesar Franck) Savoy Hotel, London) (Violin and Piano)Thibaud DB785toDB788D960toD962D962DBSO1 (a) My Old Kentucky Home and Cortol (b) Carry me back to Old Virginny (Recorded in complete form on 4 (c) Dear Old Southland B2057 12-inch records) (a) Swance River Sonata (Waldstein) in C Major, (b) Massas in de cold, cold ground I B2057 Op. 53 (Beethoven)Lamond SAVOY ORPHEANS and SAVOY HAVANA BAND- Sonata in E Flat, Op. 31- see DANCE RECORDS Scherzo (Beethoven) I,amoud it ain't gonna rain no ino'-Fantasie Sonata in E Minor ( Veracini)Thibaud Pts. I and 2 SAVOY ORPHEANS SYM- Sonatine, Pis. I and 2 (Ravel) PHONIC ORCH. Ilambourg Fragment, A "From the New Song of Quietness, A-Coltham World," Symph. No. 5 in E minor Song of tender memories, A- (Parts 1 and 21 (Dvoräk) 1 Cl 186 Prologue-see "PAGI,IACCI"

For prices see page 2 of cover. 20 Songs of Egypt (G. Banlock) SYMPHONY ORCH.-cont. (a) No. 1-Invocation to the Nile Symph. in C, No. 41 (Jupiter) (b) No. 5-Lament of IsisLeila (Mozart) Megane (Complele on 4 12-inch Records) Tambourin in (Leclaire)M. Sound an alarm (" Judas :liacca- D bezus ") (Handel) T. Davies Hayward Sound, sound the Trumpet-see Te souvient-il du lumineux " I PIIRITANI " voyage-see THAIS " Spillane the Fiddler L. Walsh 10IU101010IU101010Tea for two-see "NO, NO, Spirit flower, A P. Dawson NANCTTE " Spring >E. Suddaby Ständchen, Op. 17, No. 2 THAIS (Massenet) (Strauss) Selma Kurz Ah, je suis scale Mary Lewis DB810DB810DB785toDB788DB801B1948B1966B2005D1003D1003E365E365E370 STANLEY, Aileen Te souvient-il (Meditation)Mazy Alabamy Bound B2022B1976B2006B2022 Lewis THIBAUD. Jacques Everybody loves my baby I ain't got nobody to love (Violin) in (Franck) It was only a dream Sonata A Major in L Minor ( Veracini) My best girl B2015 Sonata Thing Dreams, A Put away a attle ray of golden of 7'lze First Kiss ")-De Groot's Or. sunshine (" Third Battalion March When my sugar walks down the B2006B2015C1203B2020 Coldstream Guards' Band streetYou're This in wrong with the right babe year, next year Stop me if you've heard it Lester J. Buchanan and June (Contralto) Storyland I Il alh) Dc Grnot's or. THORNTON, Edna Strange Harmony of contrast- Bantry Bay Song see " TOSCA " Love's Old Sweet STUDIES IN IMITATION Over the Mountains (H. Hughes) When singing birds , cre mute Little Jack Horner To an isle in the water Little Tommy Tucker (:Mallinson) Carmen Hill To her 1 love-set "DON There was a crooked man De Reszke Singers GIOVANNI " SUDDABY, Elsie (Soprano) To the Children (RachmanisoJ(\ICCormacl. E381E366E381E366 Lass with the delicate air Shepherd, thy neuicanour vary Top of the Hill, The G. Baker SpringVirgin's TOSCA (P scam) I,ullahv ("Bethlehem") Chi e quella donna bionda lassa SUGGIA, Guilhermina ('Cello) Ljungberg & Mummery DB752DB752E389DA565B2004B1914B2049B2041B2041 Suite for 'Cello in C Major (Bach) Ora stammir a sentir Suite for 'Cello in C (Bach)Suggia Ljungberg & Mummery Strange harmony of contrast T. Davies Suite of Serenades, A (Recondita armonia) d'amore I Spanish ; 2 Chinese : 1 Cuban Vi=_5i d'arte, vissi Jeritza 4 Oriental. Whiteman's Orch. Totem Tom Tom K. Hilliard Summer Afternoon, A and Chorus Summer Love Tale, A Dawson Tramp, The 1'. Unnvson Sumurun, Selections (Pts. I & 2) TRINITY CHOIR (Mixed Voices) Mav'air Orchestra Conic, Thou Almighty King Swanee River Savoy Havana Band Hark, hark ny Soul Sweetest Call, The McCormack Prover of Thanksgiving SYMPHONIE FANTASTIQUE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS ( Berlin ^) ( II'agozeri Orchestre Symphonique des Concert- Hagan summons the Vassals (Pts. Pasdeloup I and 2) Radford, Ch. and Orch. fa-see " IL Recorded in complete form on 6 Una voce poco SIVIGLIA 12-inch records) BARBIERE DI Symphony in C, No. 41 VALKYRIE (Wagner) (Jupiter) (dloaarl) Wotan overtakes Brunhilde (Act 3) Symphony Orch. (Albert Coates) Miranda, Walker, Radford, Ch. & O. D929D929 Recorded (Act 3) Ancrum, I in complete Iorm on 4 Wotan's sentence 12-inch Rernrds) Walker, Radford, Ch. and Orch SYMPHONY OR.(Cond.A.Coates) Valkyrie--Sel., Pts. I and 2 "LOHENGRIN," R.A.F. Band C1207B1926 -see also under "MEFISTOFELE," "NERO-NE" Valse, Op. 37, No.., (d' Ambrosio) Fire Bird, The (Stravimky) D958/9 12 Al. Hayward Francesca da Rimini (Tchaikovsky) D951to Vecchia zimarra ("La Boheme")Gills (Recorded in comptela `orm on 2 DA559 Vesti la giubba I2-rock records) D952 12 - see "Impresario" Overture (ilosartl D945 12 __PAGLIACCI" LABELS-AS (Orange) B C (Plum) D and E (Black) DA and DB (Red) and DQ (White) D.I and DK (Buff) DNI (Pale Green) DO (Pale Blue) No. IINo. l

Viennese Melody 11. HavwardlB202610Wedding Day, Op, 65 (Grieg) VIOLIN SOLOS-seeHAYD'ARD,Una BourneC120012 HF,IFETZ, MENGES, MORINI,Week-End Book, Songs from- PRIMROSEsee JOHN GOSS VIOLONCELLO SOLOS-seeWhat a wonderful world it would SHARPEbe S. ColthamB191210 Virgin's Lullaby ("Bethlehem")What Ho 1 What Ho I N. SuddabyE366l0Gresham SingersE38210 VIRTUOSO STRING QUARTETWhen I think of the happy days Quartet in D ( Cesar Franck)D1006Carmen HillE39010 Laura DaviesE36410 (Reccrded in complete form on 6toWhen smiles 12-inch Records)D101112When my golden hair has turned Peerless QuartetB206210. Quartet in E Nlinor, Op. 59, No. silver grey (Beelhovcn)D953When my sugar walks down the A. StanleyB200610 (Recorded in complete corm on 4tostreet 12-inch records,D95612Wnen singing birds were mute Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore-seeE. ThorntonE36510 " TOSCA "When that I was as a tiny boy- Vol to sapete, o mamma-see-see " MERRY WIVES OF " CAVAT,I,ERIA RUSTICANA "WINDSOR " Voix des Cloches, LaWhen the Romans conquered Coldstream Guards BandC119912Britain B. LamesC120412 VON DER OSTEN, EvaWhen you and I were seventeen Plaschke and Minnie NASTMcCormackDA69310 Ist ein Traum, kann nicht wirklichWHITEMAN'S CONCERT OR 3 ("Der Rosenkavalier ")D100212Suite of Serenades, A sein-Act 3 Cuban 'lit ihren Augen voll Tranen, Act 2I Spanish ; 2 Chinese ; (" Der Rosenkavaliee ")D1002124 OrientalC119612 Wait Carmen HillE37510WHITEMAN'S ORCH. - see WALSH, Liam (Irish Bagpipes)DANCE RECORDn Blackbird, TheB194710Winter Is gone, The (English (a) Jackson's 'Morning Brush; (b)Folk Song) De Reszir SingersE37610 Delaney's Drummers ; (c) TheWireless F. HastingsC120912 Rambling PitchforkB202710Wohin, Op. 25, No. 2 (Sclniberi) "Saiamanca"-lnsn Kee.B194710GerhardtDA70610 Spillane the FiddlerB202710Word allow me, A-Prologue- Waltz, Op. 40, No. 9see " PAGLIACCI " (Tchaikovsky) U. Bourne13204210World is waiting for the sunrise Wander Thirst (No. 4 "' SongSalon OrchestraB1993l0 Fancies ") (Landon Ronald)Y Delyn Aur DamsonB193010Rhondda Welsh Glee SingersB2058/0 WARING'S PENNSYL-You're in wrong with the right VANIANS-see DANCE A. StanleyB2015l0,

Act 1911 copyright subsists WARNING._AsundertheCopyrightin Gramophone Records proceedings under such Act may be taken against anyone infringing the Company's copyright therein. THE GRAMOPHONE COMPANY, LIMITED.

Printed August, 1925.