The Batavia Journal of Francisco Pelsaert Translation
232r Sad daily notes on the loss of our ship Batavia, being mis-sailed on the Abrolhos 1 1 or Cliffs of Frederick Hout-man, situated in the latitude of 28 /3 degrees, 9 miles from Southland on the — Fourth of June, being Monday morning, on the 2 day of Whitsuntide, with a bright clear full moonlight2 about 2 hours before daybreak In the watch of the skipper, lay I yet in my bunk being sickly, I felt the ship’s rudder strike with a hard terrible motion, whereupon the ship immediately halted her course against the rocks, so that I fell out of my berth. Thereupon I walked upstairs and found all the sails aloft, the wind south west, the course at north east by north that night, and lay in the middle of a thick spume. But near the ship there was little breaching, but shortly after the sea was heard breaking hard round and about. I said, skipper, how have you wrought this that you through reckless inattention have hung us by our necks. He answered, what better could I do? I did not sleep, but did look out, for when I saw the far off foam I asked Hans the gunner3, what can that be? Whereupon he said, skipper it is the glint of the moon, upon which I have relied. I asked him what advice now, whereabouts he thought we were. He said, God knows that, this is a shoal that must be lying a long way from land unknown, and I reckon we are grounded at the tail.
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