Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate

School of the Ohio State University


Miriam Whiting, M.A.


The Ohio State University 2008

Dissertation Committee: Approved by Professor Daniel E. Collins, Adviser

Professor Charles E. Gribble ______Professor Terence Odlin Adviser Slavic Linguistics Graduate Program


The upheaval in Russia since the breakup of the is seen in many aspects of the present cultural environment, including the influence of English upon the

Russian language. This borrowing of ‗Americanisms‘ into the language is seen by many as a source of contamination of the purity of the , which has led to the federal government passing laws in an attempt to prevent it. For many people, however, the use of English, particularly in product and business names, is seen as a sign of international appeal.

This study looks at business names in Tomsk, a city of approximately 500,000 people. I surveyed three major streets and collected the names of the businesses located on them. I categorized the businesses according to business type and the distance they are located from the center of the city. Afterwards, I analyzed each name for the presence of foreign words, morphemes, and graphic elements, and categorized each name into one of five categories according to the degree of foreignness or Russianness of the name.


As this study shows, there are many factors that influence the choice of foreign or

Russian names. This study examines these pragmatic factors in the context of the abovementioned Tomsk businesses and looks at demographics, culture, history and other factors that appear to be influencing which businesses are most likely to use English and other foreign languages in business naming.


Dedicated to my mother and father



I wish to thank my adviser, Daniel E. Collins, for his patience and valuable guidance and advice in both stylistic and linguistic matters.

Special thanks to Zhen Wang at the Statistics Consulting Service and her assistance with organizing and interpreting my data.

I would also like to thank Matt Curtis, Anastasia Smirnova, and the participants in the Slavic Linguistics Forum and Colloquium for their feedback and comments.



February 28, 1975……………………… Born – San Leandro, California

1999…………………………………...... B. A. Russian and English, Brigham Young


2002…………………………………….. M. A. Russian Linguistics, The Ohio State


2000-present……………………………. Graduate Teaching Associate, The Ohio

State University


1. Whiting, Miriam. 2004. To Vy or Not To Vy: The Problem of Pronouns in Russian

Translations of Hamlet. Working Papers in Slavic Studies 3:191-216.



Major Field: Slavic Linguistics



Abstract.………………………………………………………………………………...... ii Dedication.………………………………………………………………………………..iv Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………………..v Vita……………………………………………………………………………………..…vi List of Figures………………………………………………………………………….....xi


1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………..1

1.0 Introduction……………………………………………………………………1 1.1 History...…………………………………………………………………….....3 1.2 Literature………………………………………………………………………5 1.3 English in Russia……………………………………………………………...9 1.3.1 The War on ‗Americanisms‘……………………………………….11 1.3.2 Legislation and Enforcement……………………………………....13 1.3.3 English as a World Language……………………………………...16 1.4 Outline………………………………………………………………………..19

2. Methods…………………………………………………………………………..20

2.1 Collection…………………………………………………………………….20 2.2 Collection Method…………………………………………………………...24 2.3 Classification by Location…………………………………………………...25 2.4 Classification by Business Type……………………………………………..27 2.5 Classification by Name Type………………………………………………...28 2.5.1 Foreign……………………………………………………………..29 2.5.2 Hybrids……………………………………………………………..32 2.5.3 Nonreferential Russian……………………………………………..34 2.5.4 Semireferential Russian……………………………………………37 2.5.5 Wysiwyg…………………………………………………………...40 2.6 Analysis………………………………………………………………………43


3. General Patterns in the Naming of Businesses in Tomsk………………………..44

3.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..44 3.1 History and Its Influence on Business Names……………………………….48 3.2 Distribution of Name Types………………………………………………….63 3.2.1 Foreign……………………………………………………………..63 3.2.2 Hybrid……………………………………………………………...64 3.2.3 Nonref……………………………………………………………...65 3.2.4 Semiref……………………………………………………………..66 3.2.5 Wysiwyg…………………………………………………………...67 3.3 General Observations………………………………………………………...68 3.3.1 Fun and Games…………………………………………………….68 3.3.2 Flexibility in Branding……………………………………………..74

4. Goods ……………………………………………………………………………82

4.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..82 4.1 Autos…………………………………………………………………………84 4.2 Home Furnishings……………………………………………………………91 4.3 Electronics/Appliances……………………………………………………..100 4.4 Home Improvement………………………………………………………...108 4.5 Food/Beverage……………………………………………………………...116 4.6 Health/Personal……………………………………………………………..126 4.7 Clothing/Accessories……………………………………………………….132 4.7.1 General Clothing………………………………………………….134 4.7.2 Specialty Clothing………………………………………………...141 4.7.3 Accessories……………………………………………………….147 4.7.4 Overall…………………………………………………………….151 4.8 Hobby/Leisure………………………………………………………………158 4.9 General……………………………………………………………………...167 4.10 Miscellaneous………………………………………………………..……173

5. Services…………………………………………………………………………183

5.0 Introduction...... 183 5.1 Utilities……………………………………………………………………...185 5.2 Construction………………………………………………………………...192 5.3 Information……………………………………………………………...….198 5.4 Finance/Insurance…………………………………………………………..211 5.5 Real Estate………………………………………………………………….220 5.6 Professional…………………………………………………………………230 5.7 Support……………………………………………………………………...240 5.8 Education………………………………………………………………...…247 ix

5.9 Health Care…………………………………………………………………253 5.10 Recreation…………………………………………………………………262 5.11 Hospitality…………………………………………………………………272 5.12 Repair…………………………………………………………………...…284 5.13 Personal……………………………………………………………………292

6. Location…………………………………………………………………..…….302

6.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………302 6.1 Zone 1……………………………………………………………………....307 6.2 Zone 2………………………………………………………………………312 6.3 Zone 3………………………………………………………………………317 6.4 Zone 4………………………………………………………………………321 6.5 Zone 5………………………………………………………………………325 6.6 Zone 6………………………………………………………………………329 6.7 Zone 7………………………………………………………………………334 6.8 Conclusion………………………………………………………………….338

7. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………...339

7.0 Introduction…………………………………………………………………339 7.1 Cultural Factors That Promote Foreign/Hybrid Names…………………….342 7.1.1 Novelty/Innovation……………………………………………….342 7.1.2 Quality/Luxury……………………………………………………343 7.1.3 Cosmopolitanism…………………………………………………345 7.2 Cultural Factors That Discourage Foreign/Hybrid Names…………………346 7.2.1 Cultural History…………………………………………………..346 7.2.2 Privacy……………………………………………………………348 7.3 Nationalism vs. Globalism………………………………………………….350 7.4 Conclusion………………………………………………………………….353


Appendix A: Complete List of Businesses....…………………………………………..357

Appendix B: NAICS Classifications Used……………………………………………..445

Appendix C: Shortened Type and Subtype Names……………………………………..451

Appendix D: Subtypes Ordered According to Total Percentage of Foreign and Hybrid Names…………………………………………………………………………………..455 x



Figure Page

1.1 Billboard advertising the controversial series Stalin live………………………...10

2.1 Map of Tomsk with streets marked (not to scale)..………………………………21

2.2 List of abbreviations and transliterations for streets appearing in this study…….22

2.3 Map of Tomsk with classification zones (not to scale)…………………………..26

2.4 Dog Land (AI3=b)……………………………………………………………….29

2.5 Baskin Robbins (BN18=c)……………………………………………………….30

2.6 Auto-parts store ‗BANZAJ‘ (FR4=a)……………………………………………31

2.7 Auto spare parts (IT71v=a)………………………………………………………32

2.8 Travel agency Talisman (LN141-1=c)…………………………………………..33

2.9 ‗Lady‘s Happiness‘ (Lingerie) (IT26=a)………………………………………...34

2.10 A sampling of botanical names employed in business names in Tomsk………...36

2.11 Igrem (GA48=a), the computer firm with the mysterious name………………...37

2.12 Sibirskie Bliny (PL=a)……………………………………………………………38

2.13 Mir oboev (IT100=b)…………………………………………………………….39

2.14 Apteka ‗pharmacy‘ (LN53-a)…………………………………………………….41

2.15 Odeţda dlja detej (IT116g=f)……………………………………………………41

3.1 Graph showing distribution of name types……...…………………………….…44 xii

3.2 Table showing distribution of name types…………………………………….....45

3.3 Overall composition according to business type………………………………...45

3.4 Overall distribution of name types according to business type……………….…46

3.5 1000 Meločej, the former hotel Evropa (LN111=a)……………………………..49

3.6 Petr” Makušin” (BT5=a)………………………………………………………...50

3.7 Vinaja Monopolija (LN1=k)……………………………………………………..51

3.8 Magazin” na Millionnoj (LN141=i)……………………………………………..52

3.9 Ţili-Byli traktir” (LN81-1=b)……………………………………………………53

3.10 Kovrovyj Dvor” (LN74=a)………………………………………………………54

3.11 Million” (KN31=d)……………………………………………………………....55

3.12 ‗House of Footwear‘ (LN6=b)…………………………………………………...57

3.13 A portion of the slogan for the relocated Dom Knigi (FR103-1=f)……………...58

3.14 ‗Grocery (store)‘ (KV57=c)……………………………………………………...59

3.15 ‗Square meter‘ (IT26=e)…………………………………………………………60

3.16 ‗Pace-setting worker‘ (IT26=i)…………………………………………………..61

3.17 Percentage of Foreign names in each business type……………………………..63

3.18 Percentage of Hybrid names in each business type……………………………...64

3.19 Percentage of Nonref names in each business type……………………………...65

3.20 Percentage of Semiref names in each business type……………………………..66

3.21 Percentage of Wysiwyg names in each business type…………………………...67

3.22 Gudok/GooD OK (UC37=d)……………………………………………………..69


3.23 Tom Stroer (FR130a=c)………………………………………………………….70

3.24 Ţar-ptica (LN15b=b)…………………………………………………………….71

3.25 Adam & Eva (LN24=a)…………………………………………………………..72

3.26 Belošvejka (LN114=b)…………………………………………………………...73

3.27 Stacy collection (LN84=d)……………………………………………………….74

3.28 Stejsi (LN133=b)…………………………………………………………………75

3.29 fur salon Stejsi—supplementary advertising (LN84=d)…………………………76

3.30 gaming club Joker (LN136=a)…………………………………………………...77

3.31 gaming club Dţoker (IT116g=b)………………………………………………...77

3.32 Modnyj Bazar (PG14b=a)………………………………………………………..78

3.33 Advertising for store within Modnyj Bazar……………………………………...79

3.34 Gostinjy dvor” (LN=1)…………………………………………………………..80

3.35 Gostinnyj Dvor (secondary signage)……………………………………………..80

4.1 Overall distributions of name types among goods……………………………….83

4.2 Autos by class and subtype………………………………………………………84

4.3 Autos by name type……………………………………………………………...85

4.4 Autos by subtype…………………………………………………………………85

4.5 JasCars.Ru (LN94=i)…………………………………………………………….87

4.6 Comparison of Autos with overall results…………………………………….…88

4.7 Comparison of Autos with overall results……………………………………….88

4.8 Table showing geographical distribution of Autos……………………………....89

4.9 Graph showing geographical distribution of Autos...…………………………....90 xiv

4.10 Home Furnishings by class and subtype…………………………………………91

4.11 Home Furnishings by name type………………………………………………...92

4.12 Home Furnishings by subtype…………………………………………………...92

4.13 poVod (furniture salon) (FR96=o)……………………………………………….94

4.14 Comparison of Home Furnishings with overall results………………………….96

4.15 Comparison of Home Furnishings with overall results………………………….96

4.16 Table showing geographical distribution of Home Furnishings....………………98

4.17 Graph showing geographical distribution of Home Furnishings……………...... 99

4.18 Electronics/Appliances by class and subtype…………………………………..100

4.19 Electronics/Appliances by name type…………………………………………..101

4.20 Electronics/Appliances by subtype……………………………………………..101

4.21 Limon (BL11=a)………………………………………………………………..102

4.22 instal (LN169=j)………………………………………………………………..103

4.23 noutbum (GA7=ee)…………………………………………………………..…104

4.24 Comparison of Electronics/Appliances with overall results……………………105

4.25 Comparison of Electronics/Appliances with overall results…………………....106

4.26 Table showing geographical distribution of Electronics/Appliances…..………107

4.27 Graph showing geographical distribution of Electronics/Appliances…...……..108

4.28 Home Improvement by class and subtype……………………………………...109

4.29 Home Improvement by name type……………………………………………...109

4.30 Home Improvement by subtype………………………………………………...110


4.31 Lider Kolor (LN114=a)………………………………………………………...111

4.32 Instrument Market (IT65-14=b)………………………………………………...112

4.33 Comparison of Home Improvement with overall results……………………….114

4.34 Comparison of Home Improvement with overall results……………………….114

4.35 Table showing geographical distribution of Home Improvement……………..115

4.36 Graph showing geographical Distribution of Home Improvement...…………..116

4.37 Food/Beverage by name type and subtype……………………………………..117

4.38 Food/Beverage by name type…………………………………………………..117

4.39 Food/Beverage by subtype……………………………………………………...118

4.40 Uncija (LN91=e)………………………………………………………………..119

4.41 Xolidej Klassim Suptermarket (KN44=b)………………………………………120

4.42 Gliţen (AI3=f)…………………………………………………………………..121

4.43 134 Produkty (IT134=h1)………………………………………………………122

4.44 Comparison of Food/Beverage with overall results…………………………….123

4.45 Comparison of Food/Beverage with overall results…………………………….124

4.46 Table showing geographical distribution of Food/Beverage…………....……...125

4.47 Graph showing geographical distribution of Food/Beverage…………...……...126

4.48 Health/Personal by name type and subtype…………………………………….127

4.49 Health/Personal by name type………………………………………………….127

4.50 Heatlh/Personal by subtype……………………………………………………..128

4.51 Comparison of Health/Personal with overall results…………………………...130

4.52 Comparison of Health/Personal with overall results…………………………...130 xvi

4.53 Table showing geographical Distribution of Health/Personal………………….131

4.54 Graph showing geographical distribution of Health/Personal……………...…..132

4.55 Clothing/Accessories by name type and subtype……………………………….133

4.56 General Clothing by name type and subtype…………………………………...134

4.57 General Clothing by name type………………………………………………...135

4.58 General Clothing by subtype…………………………………………………...135

4.59 Superman (LN126=f)…………………………………………………………...136

4.60 Kavaler (LN111=bg)…………………………………………………………...137

4.61 Baby Boom (SV13=a)………………………………………………………….137

4.62 musle (IT78-2=a)……………………………………………………………….138

4.63 Dţekit (LN141=h)………………………………………………………………139

4.64 Centr Rasprodaţ (LN72=b)…………………………………………………….140

4.65 Specialty Clothing by name type and subtype………………………………….141

4.66 Specialty Clothing by name type……………………………………………….142

4.67 Specialty Clothing by subtype………………………………………………….143

4.68 Cotton-Club (NU18v=o)………………………………………………………..144

4.69 Denim (LN141=f)………………………………………………………………144

4.70 Podzemka (GA49=a)…………………………………………………………...145

4.71 Nastojaščie Dţinsy (PG14b=d)…………………………………………………146

4.72 Accessories by name type and subtype…………………………………………147

4.73 Accessories by name type………………………………………………………148


4.74 Accessories by subtype…………………………………………………………149

4.75 Monro (PG114-1=cc)…………………………………………………………...150

4.76 Respekt ‗shoe salon‘ (LN104=i)………………………………………………..151

4.77 Comparison of Clothing/Accessories by name type and group………………...152

4.78 Comparison of Clothing/Accessories by name type……………………………153

4.79 Comparison of Clothing/Accessories by group………………………………...153

4.80 Comparison of Clothing/Accessories with overall results……………………...154

4.81 Comparison of Clothing/Accessories with overall results……………………...155

4.82 Table showing geographical distribution of Clothing/Accessories…………….156

4.83 Graph showing geographical distribution of Clothing/Accessories……...…….157

4.84 Hobby/Leisure by name type and subtype……………………………………...158

4.85 Hobby/Leisure by name type…………………………………………………...159

4.86 Hobby/Leisure by subtype……………………………………………………...160

4.87 Las-Knigas (LN133=d)…………………………………………………………161

4.88 Kvilt (LN133=a)………………………………………………………………...161

4.89 Comparison of Hobby/Leisure with overall results…………………………….163

4.90 Comparison of Hobby/Leisure with overall results…………………………….164

4.91 Table showing geographical distribution of Hobby/Leisure…………………...165

4.92 Graph showing geographical distribution of Hobby/Leisure…………....……...166

4.93 General by name type and subtype……………………………………………..167

4.94 General by name type…………………………………………………………..168

4.95 General by subtype……………………………………………………………..168 xviii

4.96 Comparison of General with overall results……………………………………170

4.97 Comparison of General with overall results……………………………………170

4.98 Geographical distribution of General…………………………………………...171

4.99 Geographical distribution of General…………………………………………...172

4.100 Miscellaneous by name type and subtype………………………………………173

4.101 Miscellaneous by name type……………………………………………………174

4.102 Miscellaneous by subtype………………………………………………………174

4.103 Komissionnyj magazin (IT118-1=e)...………………………………………….176

4.104 Second Hand (FR77b=e)……………………………………………………….177

4.105 Second Hand-Vintaţ (FR126=a)………………………………………..………178

4.106 Second Hand-Vtoroe Dyxanie (FR102=g)………………………………...... 178

4.107 Comparison of Miscellaneous with overall results……………………………..179

4.108 Comparison of Miscellaneous with overall results……………………………..179

4.109 Table showing geographical distribution of Miscellaneous…………....………180

4.110 Graph showing geographical distribution of Miscellaneous……………...……181

5.1 Overall distribution of name types among Services……………………………184

5.2 Utilities by name type and subtype……………………………………………..185

5.3 Utilities by name type…………………………………………………………..186

5.4 Utilities by subtype……………………………………………………………..186

5.5 Lukoil (IT58=a)…………………………………………………………………188

5.6 Comparison of Utilities with overall results……………………………………189


5.7 Comparison of Utilities with overall results……………………………………190

5.8 Table showing geographical distribution of Utilities……………….…………..191

5.9 Graph showing geographical distribution of Utilities………………….…….....192

5.10 Construction by name type and subtype………………………………………..193

5.11 Construction by name type……………………………………………………..193

5.12 Construction…………………………………………………………………….194

5.13 Comparison of Construction with overall results………………………………196

5.14 Comparison of Construction with overall results………………………………196

5.15 Table showing geographical distribution of Construction……………………...197

5.16 Graph showing geographical distribution of Construction……………...……...198

5.17 Information by name type and subtype…………………………………………199

5.18 Information by name type………………………………………………………200

5.19 Information by subtype…………………………………………………………200

5.20 Connect (PK5=a)……………………………………………………………….201

5.21 ‗Beeline‘ (LN133=n)…………………………………………………………...202

5.22 www.Mobil.ka (IT78=c)………………………………………………………..203

5.23 (LN87=a)……………………………………………………………204

5.24 Enter (computer club) (KU=4)…………………………………………………206

5.25 Comparison of Information with overall results………………………………..207

5.26 Comparison of Information with overall results………………………………..208

5.27 Table showing geographical distribution of Information………………………209

5.28 Graph showing geographical distribution of Information…………...…………210 xx

5.29 Finance/Insurance by name type and subtype………………………………….211

5.30 Finance/Insurance by name type………………………………………………..212

5.31 Finance/Insurance by subtype…………………………………………………..212

5.32 Sberbank Rossii (PL12=a)……………………………………………………...214

5.33 Trust (National Bank) (LN127=a)……………………………………………...214

5.34 TpsBank (FR90=d)……………………………………………………………..215

5.35 Comparison of Finance/Insurance with overall results…………………………216

5.36 Comparison of Finance/Insurance with overall results…………………………217

5.37 Table showing geographical distribution of Finance/Insurance………………..219

5.38 Graph showing geographical distribution of Finance/Insurance………...……..220

5.39 Real Estate by name type and subtype………………………………………….221

5.40 Real Estate by name type……………………………………………………….221

5.41 Real Estate by subtype………………………………………………………….222

5.42 rièltsibir‟ (KA13=e)…………………………………………………………….223

5.43 Komfort (FR116=c)……………………………………………………………..224

5.44 Real (shopping center) (LN163a=a)……………………………………………225

5.45 Status (shopping center) (BT2=a)………………………………………………226

5.46 Comparison of Real Estate with overall results………………………………...227

5.47 Comparison of Real Estate with overall results………………………………...228

5.48 Table showing geographical distribution of Real Estate……………………….229

5.49 Graph showing geographical distribution of Real Estate…...………………….230


5.50 Professional by name type and subtype………………………………………...231

5.51 Professional by name type……………………………………………………...232

5.52 Professional by subtype………………………………………………………...232

5.53 Fiesta (advertising group) (BL8=a)…………………………………………….233

5.54 Janson (PR firm) (KU32=a)……………………………………………………234

5.55 Brajt (LN141-1=f)……………………………………………………………...235

5.56 Comparison of Professional with overall results……………………………….237

5.57 Comparison of Professional with overall results……………………………….237

5.58 Table showing geographical distribution of Professional…………….………...238

5.59 Graph showing geographical distribution of Professional……………………...239

5.60 Support by name type and subtype……………………………………………..240

5.61 Support by name type…………………………………………………………..241

5.62 Support by subtype……………………………………………………………..241

5.63 X (Xerox copy shop) (LN53=b)………………………………………………..242

5.64 Sib. Travel (NU18v=l)………………………………………………………….243

5.65 Comparison of Support with overall results……………………………………244

5.66 Comparison of Support with overall results……………………………………245

5.67 Table showing geographical distribution of Support…………………………...246

5.68 Graph showing geographical distribution of Support…………………...……...247

5.69 Education by name type and subtype………………………………………...…248

5.70 Education by name type………………………………………………………...248

5.71 Education by subtype…………………………………………………………...249 xxii

5.72 Nou Klakson (LN1=h)………………………………………………………….250

5.73 Comparison of Education with overall results………………………………….251

5.74 Comparison of Education with overall results………………………………….251

5.75 Table showing geographical distribution of Education………………………...252

5.76 Graph showing geographical distribution of Education………………...……...253


5.77 Health Care by name type and subtype…………………………………………254

5.78 Health Care by name type………………………………………………………254

5.79 Health Care by subtype…………………………………………………………255

5.80 Help (dentist) (UC35g=d)………………………………………………………256

5.81 Medstar (dentist) (IT92=k)……………………………………………………..257

5.82 Insajt (FR126=b)………………………………………………………………..258

5.83 7ja/Sem‟ja (LN2a=f)……………………………………………………………259

5.84 Comparison of Health Care with overall results………………………………..260

5.85 Comparison of Health Care with overall results………………………………..260

5.86 Table showing geographical distribution of Health Care………………………261

5.87 Graph showing geographical distribution of Health Care…………………...…262

5.88 Recreation by name type and subtype………………………………………….263

5.89 Recreation by name type………………………………………………………..263

5.90 Recreation by subtype…………………………………………………………..264

5.91 Mister Dţin (LN141=l)…………………………………………………………265

5.92 Captain Jack (PG7v=d)…………………………………………………………265

5.93 Tornado Saloon (FR4=b)……………………………………………………….266

5.94 Cash Mexanika (LN56a=a)……………………………………………………..267

5.95 Grand (LN141=j)……………………………………………………………….268

5.96 Mega Jack (LN41=b)…………………………………………………………...268


5.97 Comparison of Recreation with overall results…………………………………269

5.98 Comparison of Recreation with overall results…………………………………270

5.99 Table showing geographical distribution of Recreation………………………..271

5.100 Graph showing geographical distribution of Recreation………………...……..272

5.101 Hospitality by name type and subtype………………………………………….273

5.102 Hospitality by name type……………………………………………………….274

5.103 Hospitality by subtype………………………………………………………….274

5.104 Hotel BonApart (GR1a=a)……………………………………………………...276

5.105 foodmaster (LN83=a)…………………………………………………………..277

5.106 Korčma u Tarasa……………………………………………………………….277

5.107 Picce-Rio (KN31=a)……………………………………………………………278

5.108 Pivbol (FR24=b)………………………………………………………………..279

5.109 Sibirskij Pab (PN2=d)…………………………………………………………..280

5.110 Trash & Glam (LN85a=a)………………………………………………………281

5.111 Comparison of Hospitality with overall results………………………………...282

5.112 Comparison of Hospitality with overall results………………………………...282

5.113 Table showing geographical distribution of Hospitality…………….………….283

5.114 Graph showing geographical distribution of Hospitality……………………….284

5.115 Repair by name type and subtype………………………………………………285

5.116 Repair by name type……………………………………………………………286

5.117 Repair by subtype………………………………………………………………286

5.118 Dart Tuning Studio (IT75a=b)………………………………………………….287 xxv

5.119 Remont TV (television repair) (IT102=d)………………………………………288

5.120 Comparison of Repair with overall results……………………………………..289

5.121 Comparison of Repair with overall results……………………………………..290

5.122 Table showing geographical distribution of Repair…………………....……….291

5.123 Graph showing geographical distribution of Repair…………………...……….292

5.124 Personal by name type and subtype…………………………………………….293

5.125 Personal by name type………………………………………………………….294

5.126 Personal by subtype…………………………………………………………….294

5.127 Marilin-M (KM63=e)…………………………………………………………..295

5.128 Classic art (FR102=f)…………………………………………………………...296

5.129 Comparison of Personal with overall results…………………………………...298

5.130 Comparison of Personal with overall results…………………………………...298

5.131 Table showing geographical distribution of Personal……………….………….299

5.132 Graph showing geographical distribution of Personal………………………….300

6.1 Naming distribution by zone……………………………………………………303

6.2 Comparison of name types by zone…………………………………………….304

6.3 Comparison of zones by name type…………………………………………….304

6.4 Businesses per linear kilometer by Zone……………………………………….306

6.5 Composition of Zone 1 by name type…………………………………………..308

6.6 Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 1 and Overall………………...308

6.7 Distribution of business types in Zone 1………………………………………..309


6.8 Name type distribution in Zone 1 shopping centers……………………………311

6.9 Composition of Zone 2 by name type…………………………………………..313

6.10 Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 2 and Overall………………...313

6.11 Distribution of business types in Zone 2………………………………………..314

6.12 Name type distribution in Zone 2 shopping centers……………………………316

6.13 Composition of Zone 3 by name type…………………………………………..317

6.14 Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 3 and Overall………………...318

6.15 Distribution of business types in Zone 3………………………………………..319

6.16 Name type distribution in Zone 3 shopping centers……………………………320

6.17 Composition of Zone 4 by name type…………………………………………..322

6.18 Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 4 and Overall………………...322

6.19 Distribution of business types in Zone 4………………………………………..323

6.20 Name type distribution in Zone 4 shopping centers……………………………324

6.21 Composition of Zone 5 by name type…………………………………………..326

6.22 Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 5 and Overall………………...326

6.23 Distribution of business types in Zone 5………………………………………..327

6.24 Name type distribution in Zone 5 shopping centers……………………………328

6.25 Composition of Zone 6 by name type…………………………………………..330

6.26 Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 6 and Overall………………...331

6.27 Distribution of business types in Zone 6………………………………………..332

6.28 Name type distribution in Zone 6 shopping centers……………………………333

6.29 Composition of Zone 7 by name type…………………………………………..334 xxvii

6.30 Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 7 and Overall………………...335

6.31 Distribution of business types in Zone 7………………………………………..336

6.32 Name type distribution in Zone 7 shopping centers……………………………337

7.1 Total Percentage of Foreign and Hybrid Names Among Business Types……...340

7.2 Total Percentage of Foreign and Hybrid Names Among Business Types……...341




1.0 Introduction

If the streets of a city give a record not only of the city itself, but of the people who live in that city, a comparison of the Tomsk of today with the Tomsk of Soviet times tells of a tumultuous history that was shared by all of Russia and the former Soviet

Union. Some of this history can be seen in the 19th-century cathedral that was a rubber boot factory during Soviet times and is a cathedral once again, or the commemorative plaques and statues that span several regimes. Shiny new multistory shopping and business centers give the latest installment in this history, as do once-rotting wooden homes that have been rebuilt and repainted with funds given by a government rich from the wages of petroleum.

In addition to the buildings themselves, the names of the businesses that occupy some of these buildings can tell us a great deal about the culture and language of 21st- century Russian life. If the number and variety of businesses seems to have increased exponentially since the early 1990s, the number and variety of names available for these


businesses seem to have increased even more. Stores which once bore utilitarian names such as Xleb ‗Bread‘, Knigi ‗Books‘, and in an extreme flight of whimsy, Beločka ‗Little

Squirrel‘ have given way to a variety of names in a variety of languages (Oslin 2008).

Today‘s names may come from the management of international, national, regional or local chains, or they may be the brainchildren of small business owners. Their archaic language may remind passersby of pre-Revolution Tomsk; their use of borrowings or foreign languages may cause older residents to shake their heads in disbelief or disgust.

They may be all but immortalized on expensive glass and metal signs, or they may be given a trial period on a less expensive banner or sandwich board. Whatever the case, these names can tell us not only what goods and services are being offered to the public, but what names the owners of these businesses think will attract customers. The question is, are there any factors which determine what names are used? Or is it all simply haphazard?

This study analyzes the names of 1895 businesses on three streets in the city of

Tomsk in an attempt to delineate the pragmatic factors that influence the choice of names. Although I will survey all types of business names, this study will focus on names that incorporate elements from English or other foreign languages.

The names were divided into five name types, and these types were analyzed according to business type and location. In the following chapters, I will describe the study, present the results of my analysis, and explain the connections I found between business type, location, and name type.


1.1 History

Tomsk may be the only Russian city where Boris Godunov is treated as a hero instead of a usurper, since he was the one who signed the 1604 order establishing Tomsk as the site of a military fortress. With time, as Russia stabilized its position in ,

Tomsk became an important trade town. It was a hub on the Siberian trade route—its location on the Tom‘ River made it a stopping point for people who were transferring from river to road on their way further East (Litvinova 2003, 29).

In 1804, Tomsk became the seat of the Tomsk Gubernija ‗Province‘. This, coupled with the discovery of gold near Tomsk and a growth in trade, made the 19th century a very prosperous one for Tomsk. During this time, the street now known as

Prospekt Lenina was called Millionaja ‗million‘ because of the merchant mansions and trade halls located on it, and the square that presently hosts a statue of Lenin pointing the way to a brighter tomorrow was known as Bazarnaja ‗Bazaar‘ Square because of the markets that were located on it. In addition, the first university in Siberia opened in

Tomsk in 1888.

The future was looking bright for Tomsk until the Trans-Siberian Railway bypassed it in the 1890s (Litvinova 2003, 30). That it survived as well as it did can be primarily attributed to the universities and colleges—Tomsk State was followed by other schools, and today there are six universities and over 30 institutes in Tomsk. Depending on whom you talk to, either one-third or one-fifth of Tomsk‘s population is affiliated with


these educational institutions as a student, an instructor, or support staff. Today, Tomsk has a population of approximately 500,000, and petroleum resources in the area, as well as a thriving academic community, have kept the city healthy.

I chose to focus my research in Tomsk for three primary reasons. First, I wanted a city that was large enough to attract some foreign businesses, but not large enough to be overrun by McDonalds or other foreign chains. Second, I felt that the age of the city gave it a historical setting that newer cities such as , which was founded in 1893, do not have, and that this setting might influence name choice. Finally, I felt that the large student population would attract a number of businesses that are geared towards the normally more tech-savvy youth, which I hypothesized would attract more businesses with foreign names. As I conducted my research, I discovered a fourth benefit—although there was a certain proprietary unwillingness to share business ―secrets‖ with others, it was not entrenched to the same extent that I found in and Novosibirsk, which meant that I was able to conduct my research without problems, while my attempts to do some comparative work in Moscow nearly led to me getting thrown out of a shopping mall.


1.2 Literature

Given the Soviet attitudes towards business, it was not surprising that I could not find any sources dedicated to business names during Soviet times, although Sirotinina makes a few observations in a 1988 article on the ―lexicon‖ of Saratov, a town in

Southeastern European Russia, that give us some idea of what was common. She mentions that in Moscow and Leningrad it was common for store names to be adjectival in format, such as Buločnaja ‗Rolls (adj.)‘, but in Saratov, it was far more common to see nouns, such as Xleb ‗Bread‘, or Produkty ‗Products (groceries)‘, although in 1983-84 some of the store signs in town were changed to match the Moscow-Leningrad model

(ibid., 247-50). She also states that at one time an attempt was made to give stores more individualized names, such as Romaška ‗Daisy‘ and Petušok ‗Piglet‘; however, these were later replaced with the noun-based names, although some of the names lived on in conversation. Only a few stores retained their individual names. She also notes, however, that in Chelyabinsk there were a lot of businesses with individualized names, so there does not seem to be any pattern that can be generalized to apply to other cities (ibid.,


Two 1997 articles also look at business names. Pospelova‘s article looks at general changes in business names. She discusses a widening in the use of the words rynok ‗market‘, dom ‗house‘, and klub ‗club‘, and a revival of pre-Soviet terms such as lavka ‗stall‘, and traktir ‗tavern‘, which once denoted a lower grade of restaurant but are now commonly used for up-market restaurants, traktir often appearing with the pre- 5

Soviet hard sign ending (ibid., 56-58). Pospelova also states that another new manifestation in shop signs is the tendency to have names that reflect some sort of judgment on the goods for sale, such as soblazny mody Italii ‗tempting Italian fashions‘ in place of older names that simply stated which goods were for sale (ibid., 59).

In addition to these points, Pospelova also discusses the use of Latin letters or foreign words in signs, as well as some signs where both Cyrillic and Latin letters appear together. She attributes the proliferation of such signs to three factors: the necessity of describing ideas or products that are foreign to Russian reality, the desire to attract attention, and the general tendency towards using foreign words in place of Russian ones

(Pospelova 1997, 59-60). She says that a large number of these signs are used to advertise restaurants, particularly fast food, since this is an area absent during Soviet times (ibid., 60). In addition, she cites some foreign influences in other restaurant types, such as the words piccerija ‗pizzeria‘ and stejk xaus ‗steak house‘.

In addition to these examples Pospelova also mentions bistro ‗bistro‘, which she sees not as a foreign borrowing but as a word with Russian origins that has ―wandered‖ onto Russian business signs from French (ibid., 62). She mentions the popular folk etymology for bistro, which states that Cossack soldiers participating in the Russian occupation of Paris in 1814-1815 shouted the word bystro ‗quickly‘ in restaurants in order to hurry service. Although this etymology is accepted as gospel in Russia and is often cited in dictionaries, there are some problems with it, the primary one being that there is approximately a 70-year gap between the Cossacks‘ visit to Paris and the appearance of the word in French. Other possible sources for this word include the 6

French dialectal bistraud, which is said to mean ‗little servant‘ or ‗small household‘, or bistouille, which refers to a mixture of coffee and brandy, or a drink of poor quality

(Quinion 2004). Although the actual etymology of the word is unclear, Pospelova‘s willingness to place it in a class apart from other borrowings due to its purported Russian origin is interesting. She sees these and other examples of new signs as ―practical witnesses of the changes in our reality that are taking place in our time.‖1

Nikolaevna‘s (1997) study focuses on a survey of 1,800 new firm names which were collected from September 1993 to January 1995, primarily in the town of Vjatka.

She states that some unofficial names that existed during Soviet times were later placed on signs, such as the wine store Krasnyj ugolok ‗Red corner‘, which was so named because it is located around the corner from a red brick building (ibid., 86). Nikolaevna also remarks that, although it would seem that the primary purpose of a business name is information before elegance, many of these new names say little or nothing about what good or service the business actually provides (ibid., 86-87). She gives multiple examples of business names that use precious metals, popular names, evocative names, and legends to create names that contain no information about the business, and concludes that these names are becoming routine on the streets of Vjatka (ibid., 87-92).

1 ―…реальные свидетельства тех изменений действительности, который происходят в наше время‖ (Pospelova 1997, 62).


In their 1999 book, Ryazanova-Clarke and Wade list some names that they observed in 1997. None of them are particularly foreign, although they are definitely not

Soviet either. For example, a men‘s clothing store is named Territorija muţčin ‗Male

Zone‘, and a computer shop is named Belyj veter ‗White Wind.‘

Yurchak‘s 2000 article focuses on what he calls the ―nominalization‖ of Russian space as a reponse to the linguistic control of the representation of public space during

Soviet times. He looks at business names in St. Petersburg between 1992 and 1998, both private and state-owned. Yurchak (ibid., 414) states that:

These names must perform two contradictory functions simultaneously. First, in order to break with the past they must be strikingly new and unfamiliar. Second, to be able to draw on the forms of symbolic capital from the past and present they must be experienced as recognizable and meaningful. In other words, these names must be neither completely unfamiliar and unusual nor completely familiar and self-evident.

Yurchak makes several interesting observations about these names. First, like Nikolaevna

(1997), he remarks that many of the new names are ―words that seem to have nothing in common with the functional occupation of these ventures;‖ he sees this as a way to

―[introduce] a radical rupture in the logic of social signification‖ (ibid.,415). He also states that the use of phonetic or other elements that are similar to a Western language metonymically connects the name to a variety of Western ideas (ibid., 416). Finally, he discusses what he calls a ―heraldic signature,‖ where the author‘s name is coded ―within the very texture of the word‖ (ibid., 423).


1.3 English in Russia

I began this project because I observed that a relatively large number of business names exhibited English influence, an influence I found interesting because of the unfriendly feelings that many Russians have towards English. For example, in January

2007, a 40-part series about the life of Joseph Stalin premiered on Russian television. The director, Grigorij Ljubomirov, saw the project as a combination of art and biography, where they ―took the known facts and filled the spaces between them with artistic ‗meat‘

(Battalova 2007, 27). Perhaps understandably, the project did not meet with universal acclaim. A few weeks after the premiere, letters in the Tomsk edition of the television magazine Telesem‟ expressed dissatisfaction with the project. Elena, a 36-year-old nurse, wondered why the Stalin portrayed in the series didn‘t look like his portrait. Veronica

Vital‘evna, a 49-year-old housekeeper, wondered why the bodyguards and housekeeper portrayed in the series speak to Stalin so familiarly. However, it was Ol‘ga Dimitrievna, a

54-year-old homemaker, who expressed the concern that I found the most interesting: ―In the name of a serial about Stalin they have inserted the foreign word Live. Why?‖2

2 ...в название сериала о Сталине вставили иностранное слово Live. К чему это?


Figure 1.1: Billboard advertising the controversial series Stalin live

Then-President of Russia, , illustrated a similar mistrust of English when, according to an article in Time, Putin‘s primary criticism of would-be presidential candidate Gary Kasparov was his decision to speak English instead of Russian when speaking to reporters: ―The President, in our discussion, routinely suggests that Kasparov is a stooge of the West because he spoke to the foreign press in English after his arrest.

‗If you aspire to be a leader of your own country, you must speak your own language…



1.3.1 The War on ‗Americanisms‘

Russians expressing concern over the influence of English is certainly nothing new. In a 1988 New York Times article (Keller 1988), some Russians were already worrying that an ―avalanche of Americanisms‖ such as biznessuet ‗to do business‘, no- xau ‗know-how‘, and brejkdensing ‗breakdancing‘, as well as the calque (loan blend) rabotagolic ‗workaholic‘, were already ―threaten[ing] to dilute the Russian identity,‖ and that feeling seemed to increase exponentially over the next several years. In the turmoil of the early Post-Soviet years, many writers found America and all things American the perfect bogeymen to blame for any and all cultural or political failings. This tendency was particularly pronounced because many view the Russian language as an integral part of the Russian nation. In the preface to the book My soxranim tebja, russkaja reč‟ (‗We will preserve you, Russian speech‘), Graudina laments, ―If before from the school benches they persuaded us that we are as great as the great and mighty Russian language, then, it seems now [we] can only rely on faith in the greatness of our nation3‖. Graudina also blames Soviet slogans and banality for the decline of Russian, but Americanisms

(rarely Anglicisms) seem to bear the brunt of the blame.

Americanisms are often treated as a moral rather than a linguistic issue, and classed with many seemingly unrelated social ills. In his well-known work Jazykovoj vkus époxi, Kostomarov‘s list of abuses of the Russian language equates unnecessary

3 ―Если раньше со школьной скамьи нам внушали, что мы велики, как велик и могуч русский язык, то, кажется, теперь остается только уповать на веру в величие нашей нации‖ (1995, 3).


borrowing of Americanisms with profanity, obscenity, and the finding that 50% of

Moscow schoolboys use rude nicknames with each other (Kostomarov 1999, 8). In addition, some nationalist groups who are opposed, often violently, to the presence of ethnic minorities or non-white immigrants also see Americanisms as a ―contamination of

‗pure‘ Russian culture‖ and proclaim that their ―great, capable, truthful and free language is to a large extent a prisoner of Western ways of thought, Anglicisms, prison jargon and slang‖ (―Russish‖ 2007).

It is also not uncommon to see martial imagery used in connection with these borrowings. In an article where Graudina (1998) blames foreign influence for morphological change, she concludes by saying, ―A. A. Reformatskij justly thought that it was precisely morphology that constituted the center of ‗language space‘, and a center, just like the capital of a government, should be protected, guarded, and cherished4‖.

Grigorieva takes this imagery a step further in a 1999 article on the meanings of terror in

Russian, where she claims that ―[The Russian language] is a victim of language terror in two respects: it is being exiled from the former Soviet republics, and it is under attack by

Americanisms5‖. Somewhat ironically, in the issue of the Moscow State University

Bulletin in which her article is published, the title page, table of contents, and abstract are

4 ―А. А. Реформатский справедлво полагал, что именно морфология составляет центр ‗языкового пространства‘, а центр, как и столицу государства, надо защищать, оберегать и лелеять‖ (53).

5 ―[Русский язык] жертва языкового террора в двух смыслах: его изгоняют из бывших советских республик, и он подвергается атакам американизмов‖ (91).


all provided in both Russian and English. This is emblematic of the quandary in which many guardians of the Russian language find themselves—for now, English is not only an international language, but the international language, and in order to participate in international academia, some fraternization with the enemy is unavoidable.

1.3.2 Legislation and Enforcement

There have been many attempts to legislate the use of foreign words in Russian.

Yuri Luzhkov, the mayor of Moscow, has been trying to abolish foreign words in advertising and on store signs since he took office. His focus is on recent borrowings, specifically English ones. For example, the word gastronom which he wants used in place of ‗supermarket‘, is a borrowing from French, but it has been used for a long time and therefore ―sounds more Russian‖ (―Some Russians‖ 1997).

The federal Russian government has made several attempts to legislate the use of

Russian. In 1995, Yeltsin issued a declaration regarding the federal program ―Russian

Language‖, which deals with Russian as the federal language, Russian as a world language, and ―the Russian language as the national language of the Russian people and the foundation of their spiritual and artistic culture‖ (1997, 34).6 Later on, the proclamation laments:

6 ―Русский язык как национальный язык русского народа, основа его духовной и художественной культуры‖ (1997,34). 13

…the decline of cultivated speech in daily communication, in public speaking, in the language of fiction and journalism. Vulgar and sometimes even obscene expressions penetrate Russian speech more and more; it is polluted with words and constructions from criminal slang, and unjustified borrowings from foreign languages.7

In February 2003, the Lower Duma passed a law that banned the use of foreign words when suitable Russian words exist and outlawed public use of obscenities (Dalziel

2003). However, one week later the Upper Duma rejected the law (―Russian senators‖

2003). In May 2005, a similar attempt was more successful; the Duma passed a bill that makes Russian the state language of the Russian Federation and ―forbids the use of words and expressions not conforming to the norms of the modern literary language, with the exception of foreign words without widely-used equivalents in the Russian language.‖8

This bill applies to all government agencies and bureaus and to advertising, but media outlets are excluded. However, it is difficult to enforce, in part because, as Leonid

Krysin, the director of the Vinogradov Institute of the Russian Language and the chief editor of the best-known Russian dictionary of foreign words, pointed out in an interview, the law does not really explain who gets to decide if an equivalent exists or if it is really

7 ―снижение речевой культуры в бытовом общении, в публичных выступлениях, в языке художественной литературы и журналистики. В русскую речь все больше проникают вульгарные, а иногда и просто непристойные выражения, она засоряется словами и оборотами из жаргонов, неоправданными заимствованиями из иностранных языков‖ (1997, 35-6).

8 ―не допускается использование слов и выражений, не соответствующих нормам современного русского литературного языка, за исключением иностранных слов, не имеющих общеупотребительных аналогов в русском языке.‖


equivalent. He gives the example of the word apgrejd ‗upgrade‘, saying that modernizacija ‗modernization‘ could be seen as an equivalent, but it can apply to many fields, whereas apgreijd immediately indicates that the conversation is about computers

(Velikanov 2007, 79).

Although enforcing this law is difficult, there have been some attempts. In 2007, the ―Year of the Russian Language,‖ the Omsk regional governor called for legislation to eliminate foreign words from Russian advertisements (Arutunyan 2008). In February of

2008, Kaliningrad officials told store owners in the Evropa shopping center to take down signs that say ―sale‖ in English. Alexei Pribor, the center‘s head of advertising, did not appear to be bothered by this ruling, saying ―It is a good omen that our leaders have awoken to the fact that we are Russian and should live by Russian laws…Displaying signs and symbols in Cyrillic is part and parcel of this feeling.‖ At the time Adelaja wrote her article the officials had not yet decided how they would advertise sales; Pribor said they might opt for the ―noncommittal‖ percent sign (Adelaja 2008). Officials in

Chuvashia‘s Ministry of Culture are taking a softer approach, including a campaign to help locals voluntarily replace the ―empty‖ okej ‗okay‘ with the ―positive energy‖ of the old Russian dobro ‗good‘ (Arutunyan 2008). If the federal government ever undertakes full-scale enforcement of this law they may find themselves hoist with their own petard; a political ad for Putin‘s party Edinaja Rossija ‗United Russia‘ that was shown in Tomsk in 2006 used the word investicija ‗investment‘ instead of the more Russian vloţenie.


1.3.3 English as a World Language?

Not all Russians are opposed to every manifestation of foreign influence. In his

1997 article, Šapošnikov asks if the introduction of foreign words is ―Good or bad, dangerous or not?‖9 and then proceeds to look at both sides of the issue. He concludes that some borrowings are in fact necessary, but that many useful words that already exist in the language are being driven into disuse by the floods of incoming borrowings. He also calls on the experts to serve as moderators, concluding that ―…balance, relevance, and knowledge of the affair are essential.‖10 The August 2007 in-flight magazine for the

Russian airline S7 featured a rather non-judgmental article on ―New Russian Lexicon,‖ where roughly half of the words explained in the article are originally from English or a mix of English and Russian , including anoreksija ‗anorexia‘, blog ‗blog‘, glamur

‗glamour‘, daunšifting ‗downshifting‘, rebrending ‗rebranding‘, sdelat‟ plastiku ‗to have plastic surgery‘, treš ‗trash‘ (a type of cinema), fejk ‗fake‘ (used in many different contexts), and émo ‗emo‘ (Velikanov 2007). Why don‘t these writers exhibit the same antagonism that was seen in the earlier examples?

9 ―Плохо или хорошо, опасно или нет?‖ (Šapošnikov 1997, 39).

10 ―…необходими соразмерность, уместность и знание дела‖ (ibid., 42).


In her 2005 book Advertising as Multilingual Communication, Kelly Holmes suggests that for many people, ―[English] has meaning, use and significance, to a large extent, independent of the countries in which it is spoken, and its use in multilingual advertising is, not exclusively but very often, not motivated by a desire to allude to the perceived stereotypical characteristics of countries with which the language is associated‖

(67). Martin (2006) discusses a similar idea in her book on English in French advertising.

Although France has very strict language laws, including ones that restrict the usage of

English in advertising, many consumers do not seem to be bothered by the presence of

English in their advertising. Instead, they seem to view it as ―an indication that the product has international appeal and must therefore be superior (or at least desirable to a wide audience);‖ however, this doesn‘t apply to products that are traditionally seen as

French, such as cheese (ibid., 222). As one respondent put it, the use of English in advertising a product ―means that it‘s a product that travels.‖ In such cases, the use of

English ―can play a reassuring role‖ (ibid., 223). Martin states that certain categories of products favor the use of English, including luxury goods, business products, banks, insurance companies, telecommunications firms, cosmetics and personal hygiene products, household appliances, electronics, and automobiles (ibid., 173-77).

Note that the focus in these cases is on products as international, and not as

American or British. Slogans and names are not seen as ties to a country or an imperialistic agenda, but as ties to a product itself. Or, as one translator put it, ―‗It‘s a pain, really, to have to translate . . . I find it a little ridiculous. ―Just do it‖ is ―Just do it‖‘‖

(Martin 2006, 222). 17

I have also noticed this phenomenon in Russian advertising. In some cases an ad‘s narrator may have a clear British or American accent, but then there are often subtitles.

However, it is not unusual to have ads that feature English spoken with a distinctly

Russian accent. For example, in Tomsk in 2006 and 2007 I often saw a Lipton television commercial that ended with a clearly Russian voice reciting the slogan, ―Tea can do that,‖ which was also printed at the bottom of the screen. In this case, it seems that the point is to present Lipton as an international product, not a British one.

This more liberal view of English is definitely also present in other sectors of

Russian culture, although the voices in support of it may not be as strident as the anti-

Americanism voices. Many Russians play with English words the way they play with their own words, ―[bending] them to their own grammar, [combining] them with native words, and generally [twisting] them beyond recognition‖ (―Russish‖ 2007). In addition, many Russian firms (such as the petroleum giant Lukoil, which now owns Getty), seem to appreciate the utility of English for international business. This tension between nationalism and internationalism makes Russia‘s relationship with the English language, particularly its American manifestation, a rather schizophrenic one.


1.4 Outline

In Chapter 2, I will discuss the collection of my material, the five name types that

I used for classification, and the methods of analysis that I employed. That will be followed in Chapter 3 by some general trends and patterns that I observed during my analysis. In Chapters 4 and 5 I will conduct a more in-depth analysis of naming trends among individual business types, and in Chapter 6 I will look at location and its influence on naming. I will present my conclusions in Chapter 7.

Throughout the text, I have transliterated Cyrillic using the Chicago Manual of

Style ―linguistic‖ system; I have only included the Cyrillic when there is something significant that can only be illustrated by looking at it. Names of businesses are presented in bold type; an italicized boldface type indicates that the name is in Cyrillic, while an nonitalicized boldface type indicates that the name is in Latin font. In the case of names which commingle Cyrillic and Latin fonts, a mix of italicized and nonitalicized font will be used.




2.1 Collection

I chose three streets in the city of Tomsk for data collection; these streets are shown on Figure 2.1. I chose Prospekt Lenina (Pr. Lenina) because it is the main street in

Tomsk. The regional parliament, mayor‘s office, and other major regional and local administrative offices are located on this street, as well as a number of cultural sites such as the Regional Museum, the Philharmonic, and several theaters. There are also hotels, shopping and business centers, and a variety of stores, restaurants, and other businesses.

This street is approximately 5.6 kilometers (3.5 miles) in length. Four universities are also located along this street. There is a mix of commercial, residential, and governmental property. I surveyed approximately the first 3.8 kilometers (2.4 miles) of Pr. Lenina, from its beginning until it veers off and becomes a narrower and less important street, although the name does not change.


Figure 2.1: Map of Tomsk with streets marked (not to scale)


Abbreviation Street Name (Cyrillic) Street Name (Transliteration) AI Аркадия Иванова Arkadija Ivanova BL А. Беленца A. Belenca BN Белинского Belinskogo BT пер. Батенькова Per. Baten‘kova FR пр. Фрунзе Pr. Frunze GA Гагарина Gagarina GR Герцена Gercena IT Иркутский тракт Irkutskij Trakt KA пер. Карповский Per. Karpovskij KM Карла Маркса Karla Marksa KN Красноармейская Krasnoarmejskaja KO пер. Кооперативный Per. Kooperativnyj KR пр. Кирова Pr. Kirova KS Комсомольский Komsomol‘skij KT Карташова Kartashova KU Кулева Kuleva KV Киевская Kievskaja LN пр. Ленина Pr. Lenina NA Нахимова Naximova NI Никитика Nikitina NU наб. р. Ушайки Nab. P. Ušajki NX пер. Нахановича Per. Naxanoviča PG пер. 1905 года Per. 1905 Goda PK пер. Красный Per. Krasnyj PL пл. Ленина Pl. Lenina PN пл. Новособорная Pl. Novosobornaja PS пер. Сакко Per. Sakko PX пер. Плеханова Per. Plexanova SO Советская Sovetskaja SP Совпартшкольный Sovpartškol‘nyj SV Савиных Savinyx TI Тимакова Timakova TV Тверская Tverskaja UC Учебная Učebnaya US Усова Usova

Figure 2.2: List of abbreviations and transliterations for streets appearing in this study 22

The second major street that I surveyed is Pr. Frunze. It begins at Pr. Lenina, approximately 1.6 km (1 mile) north of Lenina‘s origin, and runs for approximately 2.8 km (1.7 miles). This study surveyed the first 1.7 km (1.1 miles). Frunze is also a mixture of government, commercial, and residential property, but most of the government property is located within 0.9 kilometers (0.6 miles) of Pr. Lenina.

The third major street chosen for this study is Irkutskij Trakt. This is the main street in one of the major spal‟nye rajony ‗sleeping areas‘ of Tomsk. This street was historically the beginning of the road that lead to (hence the name), and actually continues for quite a distance, but this study surveyed the first 2.4 km (1.5 miles), the part that is normally considered to be within the boundaries of the town.

In addition to these three major streets, the study also included businesses that were located on cross-streets within one block of these three streets. These were included because the system of numbering on Tomsk streets can be a bit whimsical, and it is common for a building to be numbered as part of one street even if the majority of its frontage is on another street. For example, most of Pr. Lenina 133 is actually located on

Per. 1905 Goda, and some of the buildings directly across the street from Pr. Lenina 133 are numbered as Per. 1905 Goda, while others are not. In addition, many businesses which are located on a cross-street have their largest signs on the nearest major street in order to attract attention. Because of this, 35 streets are actually included in the data, although the majority of the data comes from the three streets I mentioned above.


2.2 Collection Method

I collected data from April to July 2007, using a digital camera to photograph all signs for each business. When multiple businesses were located in the same building (a common situation), I photographed the signs from left to right, top to bottom, so that I could keep track of the relative position of the businesses in each building.

In the case of kiosks or other small freestanding buildings, I only included them in the data collection if customers enter the business through a door, as opposed to simply standing at a window on the street. In most cases these buildings have their own address; when they do not, I assigned them an address according to the closest large building.

After photographing the signs, I cropped and coded the pictures. I gave each business a code composed of a two-letter abbreviation of the street name, followed by the building number. In order to avoid confusion, I used letters instead of numbers to list multiple businesses in the same building. Figure 2.2 lists the abbreviations and street names. Using this system, the men‘s clothing store roberto botticelli, which is located at Pr. Lenina

111, is coded as LN111=c, and Dveri Rostra, a door store located at Irkutskij Trakt 26, was classified as IT26=d.

I used double letters (aa, bb, etc.) in the case of large shopping centers where there were more than twenty-six businesses. In the case where there were several shopping centers at one address (such as Pr. Lenina 111) I used two-letter classifications, with the first letter indicating the shopping center, and the second one indicating the store within the shopping center. For example, Babočka, a women‘s clothing store located 24

within the store Target (LN111=b), is classified as LN111=bd. I entered all of the codes into an Excel spreadsheet in order to prepare for the next steps in classification; see

Appendix A for the complete spreadsheet.

2.3 Classification by Location

I divided a map of Tomsk into seven zones, starting with an ―epicenter‖ that measured approximately 625 meters on each side (see Figure 2.3). The city‘s main cathedral, its Duma (local parliament), and other important buildings are located within this square. The other six zones radiate from this center. I classified each business according to the zone in which its building is located, from Zone 1 (closest to the center) to Zone 7 (periphery). In the case that a dividing line ran through a building, I chose the zone that was closer to the center. The contents of these zones will be described in greater detail in Chapter 6.


Figure 2.3: Map of Tomsk with classification zones (not to scale)


2.4 Classification by Business Type

I assigned each business a six-digit code according to the North American

Industry Classification System (NAICS). This system is used by the US Census Bureau to classify US, Canadian, and Mexican businesses. I initially attempted to use both the

Standard and Poor‘s Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS) and the Dow Jones

Global Classification Standard (DJGCS), but both of these standards are geared more towards stocks, and so the categories are quite specific for raw materials and wholesale goods, but more general for retail goods and services.11 I finally chose the NAICS because it has more retail categories. In addition to assigning each business a six-digit

NAICS code, I also assigned it a more general two- or three-digit code to allow me to look for trends within broader classes as well. In the end I had 23 types and 102 subtypes; in a few cases I split a six-digit code into two or more codes (adding letters in order to differentiate) when I felt that a more narrow classification was needed.

A breakdown of the NAICS classifications I used is given in Appendix B, and a list of the abbreviated names I use in Chapters 4 and 5 appears in Appendix C.

11 For more information on the GICS see topic/indices_gics/2,3,1,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.html; more information on the DJGCS is available at For a complete listing of the NAICS classifications, see (accessed 22 August 2008).


2.5 Classification by Name Type

I developed the third type of classification specifically for this project after an initial analysis of the data. The businesses were divided into five classes according to my estimation of the transparency of meaning for a native speaker of Russian according to lexical, orthographic, and semantic features.

During the classification process, I referred to a copy of the 1983 Ožegov dictionary in order to determine what would be considered a foreign word. Borrowings from English or other foreign languages that do not appear in this dictionary are considered borrowings from the perestroika or post-perestroika eras and therefore words that a native speaker of Russian living in Russia (particularly one age forty or older) would probably consider to be foreign.

In addition, several words were considered to be ―empty‖ for the purposes of classification. Words such as kompanija ‗company‘, gruppa ‗group‘ and magazine ‗store‘ were not considered to add meaning to the name, and were not taken into consideration during the classification process.


2.5.1 Foreign

This class is composed of names that would appear foreign to a native speaker of

Russian. They are generally written using the Latin alphabet, although they may be written in Cyrillic. This group includes international brand names such as adidas or

Reebok, names based on foreign lexical items, and examples of the ―made up‖ names that Yurchak mentions where the morphemes are clearly foreign (Yurchak 2000, 416). In many cases there may be explanatory subtitles in Russian, but the graphic focus is on the foreign elements. The following photographs provide some examples:

Figure 2.4: Dog Land (AI3=b)


In this example, the name of the store, Dog Land, is clearly foreign. Although there is an explanatory subtitle, odeţda dlja sobak (clothing for dogs), the focus is on the English name.

There are many international businesses in town, and these names tend to be in the Latin alphabet. In many cases there is no explanatory subtitle, probably because advertising has made them fairly ubiquitous. There are also instances where the graphic design of the original is reproduced exactly, but the name is transliterated into Cyrillic:

Figure 2.5: Baskin Robbins (BN 18=c)


In Figure 2.5, the words Baskin Robbins have been transliterated, but the extended stem on the letter ‗k‘ in the first word helps to mark the name as foreign. The giant ice cream cone tells somebody who is unfamiliar with the company what is sold inside, while the distinctive pink color and ‗31‘ in the logo will tell a visiting American that they are at a familiar place. Here is a final example of a Group 1 business name:

Figure 2.6: Auto-parts store ‗BANZAJ‘ (FR4=a)

In this example, a store that stocks parts for Japanese automobiles goes by the name of Banzaj. Although there is an explanatory supertitle, and the letters are almost the same size, note how an ―Asian‖ font and a gold frame are used to draw attention to the foreign name. Avtozapčasti ‗Spare Auto Parts‘ is there to explain what is being sold, but it is the foreignness of Banzaj that is intended to attract customers. 31

2.5.2 Hybrids

The businesses I have classified as Hybrids have names that are a mix of Russian and foreign elements. They can take several forms, including lexical hybrids, graphic hybrids, and hybrids that combine lexical and graphic elements. Figure 2.7 gives an example of a lexical hybrid, where one or more Russian morphemes are combined with one or more foreign morphemes.

Figure 2.7: Auto spare parts (IT71v=a)


In the above example, The English (or international) word ‗auto‘ appears in place of the Russian prefix avto. The sign avtozapčasti can be seen all over Tomsk, so this sign uses the English version of a familiar prefix to attract attention, with a picture of a car in case anybody is confused. In some cases these hybrids may be written in all Latin or all

Cyrillic letters.

Graphic hybrids are also very common. These occur when a Russian word is spelled using Latin letters or a combination of Cyrillic and Latin. In some cases there may only be one or two graphemes that are in Latin, but the sign is often designed to draw attention to the foreign grapheme.

Figure 2.8: Travel agency Talisman (LN141-1=c)


In Figure 2.8, the s in the name Talisman also functions as the S marking south at the bottom of the compass rose. It is a creative use of Latin letters.

Another type of hybrid consists of ‗bilingual‘ businesses, where the name of the business in presented in both Cyrillic and Latin. In many cases, Cyrillic will appear on the most permanent signage, and Latin may appear on the door or on banners, sandwich signs, or other signage that is easy and relatively inexpensive to change.

2.5.3 Nonreferential Russian

The third class (which will be referred to as ‗Nonref‘) is made up of business names that are in Russian, but that do not clearly state what the business does. This class is primarily composed of Russian names that seem to have been chosen for effect, but have little or nothing to do with the good or service that is provided by the company.

Figure 2.9: ‗Lady‘s Happiness‘ (Lingerie) (IT26=a)


In the above example, the name of the store Damskoe Sčast’e, which can be loosely translated as ‗Lady‘s Happiness‘, tells us very little about what is actually sold there. This chain actually sells women‘s stockings and lingerie, as well as jewelry and other accessories, but there is nothing about the name itself that tells us that. The prospective customer may infer that the store sells something that makes women happy, but different customers may have different ideas of what that something might be.

There are some stores in this class which are somewhat referential, but only obliquely. Some of them appear to employ synecdoche. For example, a store that sells school supplies and toys is called karandaš, ‗pencil,‘ or a jewelry store may be called

Izumrud, ‗emerald.‘ The store Fortočka is named for the small window that is part of a larger window and can be opened to let in fresh air, but ironically, the store primarily sells new vinyl windows, which do not even include this option. These types of names may give the prospective customer a clue about what goods are available, but they may not. For example, it is common for cafes or restaurants to be named after a jewel or precious stone, and the last time I dropped in, the jewelry store Jantar’ ‗amber‘ didn‘t actually have any amber jewelry for sale. Botanical names are a very good example of this problem: although there are florists in Tomsk that are named after flowers, there are many more businesses that have little or no link to botany. Figure 2.10 lists some examples:


Code Name Translation Business Type IT74=b Abrikos Apricot Grocery IT41=a Astra Aster Dentist IT32=a Èdel‟vejc Edelweiss Dentist IT61=b Èdel‟vejc Edelweiss Casino BL11=a Limon Lemon Appliances (Diskont-centr) (Discount Center) IT116=c Discount clothing Limon Lemon IT70=a Loza Grapevine Plastic housewares IT65-2=a Magnolija Magnolia Hotel IT92=b Orxideja Orchid Florist PL=d Podoroţnik Ribwort plantain Snack bar IT116b(k)=a Tjul‟pan Tulip Snack bar IT132a=b Vasilëk Cornflower Grocery

Figure 2.10: A sampling of botanical names employed in business names in Tomsk.

Nonref also includes other names that do not seem to be at all referential.

Women‘s names, place names, or characters from Greek mythology or Russian folklore are the sources for many of these names, and often there does not seem to be any transparent logic behind the naming. There are also names that seem to be coinages similar to those mentioned by Yurchak (2000); they may contain one or more morphemes that are recognizably Russian, but the end result does not have any concrete lexical meaning. For example, the origin of the name Igrem, a computer firm located on

Gagarina 48, is a mystery even to the employees. According to their website, the name

Igrem is derived from the name of the director, Igor‘ Vladimirovič Emel‘janenko.


According to one version of the story, however, it is a stump compound formed from his first and last name; according to the other, it is a contraction of his name (Igor‟) and the word remont, ‗repair.‘ The author of the website, however, concludes that ―both versions of the story have an absolutely equal right to exist,‖ and leaves it at that (Igrem Computer

Firm, 2008).

Figure 2.11: Igrem (GA48=a), the computer firm with the mysterious name.

2.5.4 Semireferential Russian

This group is composed of businesses with names that clearly inform the prospective customer what goods or services are available, but add an additional element.

This element can take different forms. Often, it is a geographical marker, such as in

Figure 2.12:


Figure 2.12: Sibirskie Bliny (PL=a)

In this example, the name tells us what is sold at this business (bliny, a thin pancake somewhat similar to a crepe), but it adds the adjective sibirskie (Siberian).

Although this information is factual (Tomsk is in fact in Siberia), it does not add anything to the description of the actual product. A name like ―thin bliny‖ or ―chocolate-filled bliny‖ would tell the buyer something about what the bliny are actually like, but this name is Semiref because the Sibirskie is added to appeal to a sense of tradition and regional pride, not for information. The old-fashioned font adds to this nostalgic effect.

The adjectives tomskij (Tomsk) or russkij (Russian) are among other geographical markers used in this way.


Another construction that is often seen in Semiref business names is the construction that pairs dom (house) or mir (world) with a noun in the genitive to form the construction ‗House of X‘ or ‗World of X‘. During Soviet times these constructions were often used with items such as shoes or books, but in the last fifteen years, other products have gotten in on the act, as can been seen in Figure 2.13:

Figure 2.13: Mir oboev (IT100=b)

In this example, ‗World of Wallpaper‘, the word mir ‗world‘ does not carry any substantive meaning. The word could suggest that the customer can expect a wide variety of wallpapers inside, but these signs are often on very small businesses, so, although the name may create a feeling of copiousness, it seems doubtful that the customer actually expects to find a lot inside.


There are other Semiref constructions, such as X dlja vas, ‗X for you‘, that add a little decoration to what is otherwise a very straightforward name. For example, the names Cvety dlja Vas ‗Flowers for You‘ (PX1=a) and Bel‟ë dlja Vas ‗Lingerie for You‘

(FR103-1=g) clearly communicate what products are available inside, but the dlja vas construction adds a personal touch that a sign which simply said Cvety ‗Flowers‘ or Bel‟ë

‗Lingerie‘ would not have.

2.5.5 Wysiwygs

I borrowed the name for this group from the programming term WYSIWYG, which is an acronym for the phrase ―What You See Is What You Get.‖ The businesses included in this group have names that tell the prospective customer exactly what they can expect to find inside, without any embellishment, such as in Figure 2.14:


Figure 2.14: Apteka ‗pharmacy‘ (LN53=a)

If adjectives are used at all, they are purely relational, such as detskaja ‗children‘s‘ or

ţenskaja ‗women‘s‘. I also included businesses named in the ‗X dlja Y‘ (X for Y) pattern if a relational adjective can be substituted for the dlja Y construction:

Figure 2.15: Odeţda dlja detej (IT 116g=f) 41

In Figure 2.15, detskaja odeţda ‗children‘s clothing‘ could be substituted for Odeţda dlja detej ‗clothing for children‘ without any change in meaning. This differs from the dlja

Vas ‗for you‘ constructions that are included in Group 4, which are meant to attract customers but do not give any additional information about the good or service the company is providing.


2.6 Analysis

With the help of Zhen Wang, a consultant with the Ohio State Statistical

Consulting Service, I analyzed my data for statistical correlations between name class and business type and name class and geographical distribution. We used Minitab to tabulate the results. In the case of the analysis of both business type and geographical distribution the P-Value was 0.00012 for both a Pearson Chi-Square and a Likelihood

Ratio Chi-Square, which indicates that the results are statistically significant at the 5% level. We followed this analysis with a tabulation of the results by NAICS class. Since some of these classes contain a very small number of examples, the results were not statistically significant, but I have included the results within each subclass for interest‘s sake. In the case of some of the larger classes, such as Clothing and Accessories, the results are statistically significant. I will discuss the results of all these analyses in the following chapters.

12 Ms. Wang double-checked to confirm this P-Value, which is rounded to three significant figures and is not assumed to be zero.




3.0 Introduction

This study covered a total of 1895 businesses, divided according to name types and type of business as follows:

Figure 3.1: Graph showing distribution of name types


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 3.2: Table showing distribution of name types

Clothing/Accessories 21.90% Information 3.96% Food/Beverage 6.60% Miscellaneous 3.91% Personal 6.02% Professional 3.32% Health/Personal 5.70% Electronics/Appliances 2.69% Hospitality 5.28% Recreation 2.16% Home Improvement 5.17% Health Care 1.79% Hobby/Leisure 4.75% General 1.37% Home Furnishings 4.70% Autos 1.16% Finance/Insurance 4.59% Construction 0.58% Repair 4.59% Education 0.58% Support 4.54% Utilities 0.58% Real Estate 4.06%

Figure 3.3: Overall composition according to business type.

Figures 3.1 and 3.2 show the overall distribution of name types. As can be seen by these figures, the Nonref name type is by far the most common, comprising 618 items, or

32.61% of the total. The other four name types each make up fourteen to nineteen percent of the total. Figure 3.3 shows the overall prevalence of various business types. As shown here and in Figure 3.4, the distribution is somewhat uneven, with the most common type


(Clothing/Accessories) containing more examples than the ten least common types

(Miscellaneous-Utilities) put together. Chapters 4 and 5 will go into greater detail on each type, but in this chapter I will look at some of the overall naming tendencies.

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 3 4 2 1 11 Utilities 9.09% 27.27% 36.36% 18.18% 9.09% 100.00% 2 2 4 3 0 11 Construction 18.18% 18.8% 36.36% 27.27% 0.00% 100.00% 3 3 5 4 7 22 Autos 13.64% 13.64% 22.73% 18.18% 31.83% 100.00% Home 10 14 34 22 9 89 Furnishings 11.24% 15.73% 38.20% 24.72% 10.11% 100.00% Electronics/ 14 14 17 3 3 51 Appliances 27.45% 27.45% 33.33% 5.88% 5.88% 100.00% Home 9 17 35 25 12 98 Improvement 9.18% 17.35% 35.71% 25.51% 12.14% 100.00% 7 7 73 19 19 125 Food/Beverage 5.60% 5.60% 58.40% 15.20% 15.20% 100.00% 23 17 21 26 21 108 Health/Personal 21.30% 15.74% 19.44% 24.07% 19.44% 100.00% Clothing/ 116 60 127 53 59 415 Accessories 27.95% 14.46% 30.60% 12.77% 14.22% 100.00% 18 16 24 20 12 90 Hobby/Leisure 20.00% 17.78% 26.67% 22.22% 13.33% 100.00% 2 3 8 3 10 26 General 7.69% 11.54% 30.77% 11.54% 38.46% 100.00% 11 7 20 8 28 74 Miscellaneous 14.86% 9.46% 27.03% 10.81% 37.84% 100.00% 12 13 30 14 6 75 Information 16.00% 17.33% 40.00% 18.67% 8.00% 100.00%


Figure 3.4: Overall distribution of name types according to business type


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total Finance/ 4 12 22 47 2 87 Insurance 4.60% 13.79% 25.29% 54.02% 2.30% 100.00% 6 12 42 15 2 77 Real Estate 7.79% 15.58% 54.55% 19.48% 2.60% 100.00% 12 12 10 13 16 63 Professional 19.05% 19.05% 15.87% 20.63% 25.40% 100.00% 22 20 20 17 7 86 Support 25.58% 23.26% 23.26% 19.77% 8.14% 100.00% 2 2 4 2 1 11 Education 18.18% 18.18% 36.36% 18.18% 9.09% 100.00% 4 5 14 4 7 34 Health Care 11.76% 14.71% 41.18% 11.76% 20.59% 100.00% 12 5 13 7 4 41 Recreation 29.27% 12.20% 31.71% 17.07% 9.76% 100.00% 25 12 26 26 11 100 Hospitality 25.00% 12.00% 26.00% 26.00% 11.00% 100.00% 4 4 24 12 43 87 Repair 4.60% 4.60% 27.59% 13.79% 49.43% 100.00% 35 11 41 11 16 114 Personal 30.70% 9.65% 35.96% 9.65% 14.04% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 All 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%


3.1 History and Its Influence on Business Names

Like any other Russian city, Tomsk‘s map did not escape the Soviet period unscathed. Of the 35 streets I looked at in this study, only six of them made it through the

20th century without a name change: Irkutskij Trakt, Karpovskij, Nikitina, Nab. P. Ušajki,

Kievskaja, and Tverskaja. Another street, Naximova, wasn‘t built until 1949. Pr. Lenina has changed names several times, and there has been some talk of changing its name again, to Universitetskij prospekt ‗University Prospect‘ (Starikova 2004). Gagarina, a street now named for Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, was once Dvorjanskaja ulica

‗Nobleman‘s Street‘. In addition to the renaming of streets, the majority of pre-Soviet businesses were closed or repurposed. For example, the department store Evgraf

Kuxtjorskij became an administrative building and is now the Major‘s office, and the Art

Nouveau building that contained the hotel Evropa ‗Europe‘ became Tovary dlja doma

‗Goods for the Home‘, and is now 1000 Meločej ‗1000 small things‘, a store that sells toilets, dishes, and other housewares (Anan‘ev 2000) (Figure 3.5).


Figure 3.5: 1000 Meločej, the former hotel Evropa (LN111=a)

This isn‘t to say that nothing survived. In 1873, Pjotr Makušin opened the first bookstore in Siberia (Wikipedia, 12 Feb 2008). This bookstore survived the USSR, and is still open, although the original name, Mixajlova i Makušina, has been changed:


Figure 3.6: Petr” Makušin” (BT5=a)

The sign in Figure 3.6 is relatively new, but the spelling is old. The ъ‘s, or ―hard signs‖, at the end of each word are a revival of pre-Revolutionary orthography; they were added back onto the sign in the 1990s. The use of the hard sign reminds passersby of the store‘s history.

In addition to the very few businesses that survived during Soviet times, other businesses have reopened in the past 17 years, and still other businesses use old names to sell new products, sometimes using old orthography in the signage. For example, the store Vinaja monpolija ‗Wine Monopoly‘ existed from 1902-1918 and reopened in the

1990s (Figure 3.7).


Figure 3.7: Vinaja Monopolija (LN1=k)

This sign is interesting for several reasons. First of all, the sign contains some historical information; the sentence in the middle states that in 1902 this company produced 40 thousand barrels of vodka a year, and the date at the bottom, 30 June 1902, gives the date that the factory opened. The picture shows what the building looked like when the company was founded. The font is a ―Old Rus‘‖-style font, chosen for the same reason a company might employ a Blackletter font in the US—in order to give the store a sense of history and in order to appeal to pre-Revolutionary nostalgia. The orthography continues this appeal: The word vinaja is spelled with one ‗n‘ instead of two, as is standard today, and the words ‗monopoly‘ and ‗June‘ are spelled with the archaic і instead of the и that


would be used today. The orthography is used inconsistently, but it is serves its purpose—to remind prospective customers of another time, when Tomsk was still a wealthy trading town. Likewise, a small grocery store, Сибирскій Купецъ Sibirskij

Kupec” ‗Siberian Merchant‘, also uses the і and the ъ to remind customers of those days.

Another store uses both orthography and history to accomplish the same goal (Figure


Figure 3.8: Magazin” na Millionnoj (LN141=i)


This department store uses a hard sign at the end of magazin ‗store‘ to give it an old- fashioned feeling, and also states that the store is on Millionnaja, the old name for Pr.

Lenina. This sign also reminds the prospective customer of a time when, according to legend, the middle class in Tomsk dressed better than the wealthy in Moscow, and when one day a year the merchants and noblemen would lay a path of gold down the middle of what was then ul. Millionnaja to provide for the needy for the following year.

In some other cases, however, the reasons for the orthographic choices are not as directly linked to history, but are still meant to recall times gone by, just like American businesses often use ‗olde‘ instead of ‗old‘ or ‗shoppe‘ instead of ‗shop‘. Some of these choices seem logical:

Figure 3.9: Ţili-Byli traktir” (LN81-1=b)


Figure 3.9 shows a sign for a chain restaurant called Ţili-Byli. This Novosibirsk chain features traditional Russian food and is decorated in a peasant village theme. The name comes from the traditional opening for Russian fairytales (somewhat equivalent to ‗Once upon a time‘), and the old-fashioned theme continues with the use of the word traktir‖

‗tavern‘ instead of restoran ‗restaurant‘. Again, the ъ is the pre-Soviet spelling.

Although using archaic words to attract customers to a traditional Russian restaurant seems logical enough, the reasoning behind other choices is not always as transparent (Figure 3.10).

Figure 3.10: Kovrovyj Dvor” (LN74=a)

The above sign can be translated as ‗Carpet Store‘, but the word Dvor” (again, with the added ъ), is a pre-Revolutionary word that was used for a shopping area (it also means

‗courtyard‘ and ‗royal court‘). The archaic font contributes to this pre-Soviet


sense, but there seems to be no clear connection between flooring and times gone by, although it can be argued that the use of Dvor” suggests quality and staying power.

However, the next example is harder to understand (Figure 3.11):

Figure 3.11: Million” (KN31=d)

This casino goes by the name of Million” ‗million‘. Again, the ъ is an older form.

The name is a logical one for a casino, but there is nothing about the sign that suggests older times. In fact, the picture of the lemon on the sign is probably a reference to the current slang use of the word limon ‗lemon‘ for million ‗million‘. This sign is an interesting combination of old and new, but there does not seem to be any immediately 55

apparent reason for the use of the old. The chain is national, not local or regional, which suggests there is no apparent connection between the name and Tomsk history. A search of the internet revealed several other casinos that go by the name Million, so perhaps the firm decided to add the ъ in order to differentiate.

Soviet times also play a role in naming. There are still some businesses that retain their Soviet-era names (primarily pharmacies and grocery stores), but most of these have been privatized. Since Soviet-era commercial buildings were often constructed with a specific purpose in mind, the signage was often built into the building as well; since it is difficult or expensive to remove it, many businesses either incorporate it or simply choose to ignore it. For example, Dom Byta #1 is located near the center of town. The name Dom Byta translates roughly as ‗House of Daily Life‘, and this building, which was given a place of honor in a 1980s set of Tomsk postcards, used to house many counters and departments that sold household goods, clothing, and other goods. The building still exists under the same name, but today it functions as more of a mall and contains several clothing stores, a travel agency, a dry cleaning service, an electronics store, a pet store, and a credit service. The names of some of the businesses, including santi (a women‘s clothing store), BELL Sistems ‗bell systems‘, and Master Kredit ‗master credit‟ would probably horrify the statue of Lenin that stands just a block away, since the first is written in Latin script, and the other two names, although written in Cyrillic, show clear evidence of English influence.


Another place where Soviet history is still visible involves both businesses and the geography of the city itself, since many bus stops were named for a store that was located at or near the stop. Perhaps this has helped keep some of these businesses in the same spot. For example, Figure 3.12 shows the sign for Dom Obuvi, ‗House of

Footwear‘, which is located at a bus stop that bears the same name. The store is still operating in the same location, although it now sells expensive imported shoes. Perhaps the stability of this business has caused several other newer shoe stores to locate near it, which has created a shopping area where many residents begin their search for new shoes.

Figure 3.12: ‗House of Footwear‘ (LN6=b)

I know of one instance where a change in the business name has changed the name of the bus stop as well—the movie theater Kinomir ‗world of cinema‘ has taken over the movie theater that was once named for writer Maxim Gorky, and the name of the stop has changed as well. This change, however, is not complete—many older passengers and drivers still refer to the stop as Kinoteatr im. Gorkovo, ‗the movie theater named for 57

Gorky‘, as do the prerecorded announcements on older trolleybuses. The new maps, however, list Kinomir as the name of the stop, and it is likely that with time, the new name will take over.

In other cases, however, the business has not survived, but the name has. The stop

Dom Knigi ‗house of books‘ on pr. Frunze is still alive and well, but the large bookstore that used to stand on the corner was forced out of its home in early 2007 by a posh supermarket. The bus stop still bears the name Dom Knigi, but anybody who is looking for the actual Dom Knigi will have to head several blocks up Frunze to the new location.

The owners of the relocated bookstore have taken a rather tongue-in-cheek approach to the move, posting banners with the slogan “Dom Knigi ţil, Dom Knigi ţiv, Dom Knigi budet ţit”, ‗Dom Knigi lived, Dom Knigi lives, Dom Knigi will live on‘ (Figure 3.13).

This plays off an old Soviet slogan, ―Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live on;‖ it not only shows the will of the owners but also pays service to the cultural importance of a business that was in the same spot for roughly forty years.

Figure 3.13: A portion of the slogan for the relocated Dom Knigi (FR 103-1=f)


This somewhat ironic approach to Soviet symbolism can be seen in some other businesses as well, although these businesses, unlike Dom Knigi, are new. For example, a grocery store located on pr. Frunze in a building with an address on Kievskaja has a very straightforward name: Produktovyj ‗grocery (store)‘. However, a look at the sign itself reveals something interesting (Figure 3.14):

Figure 3.14: ‗Grocery (store)‘ (KV57=c)

The use of the hammer-and-sickle symbol in place of the first ‗o‘ in the name is definitely not a holdover from Soviet times—the building in which the store is located wasn‘t even built until the 21st century. Instead, it seems to be an example of what I‘m calling ‗Soviet

Retro‘—the repurposing of Soviet symbols to serve a decidedly capitalistic goal. In this case, the red, utilitarian lettering seems to me to be an ironic reminder of times gone by, especially considering that the business next door sells Finnish clothing, and the other businesses in the building include a place that supplies and repairs cash registers and a real estate agency. In the midst of all these symbols of ―Western decadence,‖ the Soviet 59

color and symbolism subtly reminds the passerby that they can enter the store and easily purchase milk, butter and other goods that were often in short supply during the time of the hammer and sickle.

Two other interesting examples of this phenomenon are from another area where shortages and conformity were the norm—that of home improvement. On the first floor of an apartment building on Irkutskij Trakt which was completed in February 2006, a store that sells flooring, doors, lighting, and other decorative elements bears the name

Kvadratnyj metr ‗square meter‘ (Figure 3.15):

Figure 3.15: ‗Square meter‘ (IT26=e)


This name is a reference to the Soviet housing standard that promised a certain number of square meters of living space to each person, although it didn‘t always deliver. Another store, Udarnik ‗shock-worker‘, is named for a Soviet-era title given to hard workers in factories. These workers received a pin and a certificate and were sometimes given vacations at summer resorts or other rewards as well. As can be seen in Figure 3.16, this name makes use not only of the terminology, and the color red, but also incorporates a hammer-and-sickle (taking the place of a Cyrillic ‗р‘ this time) and two silhouetted figures striking a plowshare with a hammer, iconic symbols of the Soviet industrial worker. These bring to mind the verb udarit‟ ‗to strike, hit,‘ which shares a root with udarnik. This store sells power tools, so it is an appropriate symbol, but the styling is very reminiscent of Socialist Realist art.

Figure 3.16: ‗Pace-setting worker‘ (IT26=i)


The names of these two stores are interesting because, during Soviet times, furniture, wallpaper, and other decorative items were available in limited supply and variety, and similar floor plans and building styles were so ubiquitous that the phenomenon became a crucial plot point in the popular 1970s film Ironia sudby ‗The

Irony of Fate‘. Again, it seems to me that irony is a likely reason for the choice of Soviet- era symbols in naming stores that offer people many new choices for their homes.


3.2 Distribution of Name Types

3.2.1 Foreign

There are 356 examples that I‘ve classified as Foreign. Figure 3.17 shows the percentage of each business type that is composed of Foreign names:

Personal 30.70% Miscellaneous 14.86% Recreation 29.27% Autos 13.64% Clothing/Accessories 27.95% Health Care 11.76% Electronics/Appliances 27.45% Home Furnishings 11.24% Support 25.58% Home Improvement 9.18% Hospitality 25.00% Utilities 9.09% Health/Personal 21.30% Real Estate 7.79% Hobby/Leisure 20.00% General 7.69% Professional 19.05% Food/Beverage 5.60% Construction 18.18% Finance/Insurance 4.60% Education 18.18% Repair 4.60% Information 16.00%

Figure 3.17: Percentage of Foreign names in each business type

Fewer than 10% of the businesses in this group are ones that would be identifiable by the average American. Brands such as Nike, Kodak and Avon are represented, but many of the Foreign names that are in English or written in Latin font are European, and the majority are either Russian-owned chains or independent local businesses.


3.2.2 Hybrid

Figure 3.18 shows the percentage of each business type that is made up of Hybrid names. It is the least frequent type; only 217 businesses have names that I classified as


Electronics/Appliances 27.45% Health Care 14.71% Utilities 27.27% Clothing/Accessories 14.46% Support 23.26% Finance/Insurance 13.79% Professional 19.05% Autos 13.64% Construction 18.18% Recreation 12.20% Education 18.18% Hospitality 12.00% Hobby/Leisure 17.78% General 11.54% Home Improvement 17.35% Personal 9.65% Information 17.33% Miscellaneous 9.46% Health/Personal 15.74% Food/Beverage 5.60% Home Furnishings 15.73% Repair 4.60% Real Estate 15.58%

Figure 3.18: Percentage of Hybrid names in each business type.


3.2.3 Nonref

Nonref is the most frequent type of business names, with 618 examples (Figure


Food/Beverage 58.40% General 30.77% Real Estate 54.55% Clothing/Accessories 30.60% Health Care 41.18% Repair 27.59% Information 40.00% Miscellaneous 27.03% Home Furnishings 38.20% Hobby/Leisure 26.67% Construction 36.36% Hospitality 26.00% Education 36.36% Finance/Insurance 25.29% Utilities 36.36% Support 23.26% Personal 35.96% Autos 22.73% Home Improvement 35.71% Health/Personal 19.44% Electronics/Appliances 33.33% Professional 15.87% Recreation 31.71%

Figure 3.19: Percentage of Nonref names in each business type


3.2.4 Semiref

There are 356 examples of Semiref names (Figure 3.20):

Finance/Insurance 54.02% Education 18.18% Construction 27.27% Utilities 18.18% Hospitality 26.00% Recreation 17.07% Home Improvement 25.51% Food/Beverage 15.20% Home Furnishings 24.72% Repair 13.79% Health/Personal 24.07% Clothing/Accessories 12.77% Hobby/Leisure 22.22% Health Care 11.76% Professional 20.63% General 11.54% Support 19.77% Miscellaneous 10.81% Real Estate 19.48% Personal 9.65% Information 18.67% Electronics/Appliances 5.88% Autos 18.18%

3.20: Percentage of Semiref names in each business type


3.2.5 Wysiwyg

Wysiwygs are the second-smallest group; there were only 296 businesses that I classified in this category. Figure 3.21 shows the percentage of Wysiwyg names in different business types:

Repair 49.43% Hospitality 11.00% General 38.46% Home Furnishings 10.11% Miscellaneous 37.84% Recreation 9.76% Autos 31.82% Education 9.09% Professional 25.40% Utilities 9.09% Health Care 20.59% Support 8.14% Health/Personal 19.44% Information 8.00% Food/Beverage 15.20% Electronics/Appliances 5.88% Clothing/Accessories 14.22% Real Estate 2.60% Personal 14.04% Finance/Insurance 2.30% Hobby/Leisure 13.33% Construction 0.00% Home Improvement 12.24%

Figure 3.21: Percentage of Wysiwyg names in each business type

In Chapers 4 and 5 I will discuss each type individually, and the reasons for these distributions will become clearer.


3.3 General Observations

As I looked at the data, I noticed several interesting patterns and phenomena that are not confined to any one name type but do seem to indicate some general tendencies in naming.

3.3.1 Fun and Games

As in any other country, one purpose of a name is presumably to attract attention to a business. One way that this is done is through using puns or other types of word play.

In some cases, the decorative elements of the sign play a role as well.

Some names are based on similarities between Russian and English, where two words or morphemes may have similar sounds but different meanings. For example, a business that provides tutoring, term papers, notes, and other helps for college students goes by the rather cryptic name of Gudok/GooD OK (Figure 3.22):


Figure 3.22 : Gudok/GooD OK (UC37=d)

The word gudok means ‗horn‘, ‗toot‘, or ‗whistle‘, and what this name has to do with the services this company provides is not readily apparent. However, the word does happen to sound a lot like ―good ok‖ in English, and the way that the sign intersects the two languages through the common letter ‗o‘ is quite clever as well. There is no real semantic connection between the words in the two languages, but perhaps here the main purpose is to get attention, since the sign does explain what subjects the company covers.

This business is located very close to Tomsk Polytechnic University, and many of the students there are at least somewhat conversant in English, so this name would probably attract attention rather effectively.

Some names are not exactly English or Russian, but are based on similarities to one or both languages. For example, one optician goes by the name Екселенз Ekselenz.

When pronounced, this sounds like the English word ‗excellence‘, and it contains the


word ‗lens‘ as well, which is logical for an optician. The Russian word for ‗lens‘ is linza, so it is not clear if everybody will make the connection, but it seems certain that some people will.

Other names play with characters from folklore, literature, and even popular culture. For example, a store that sells tools, plumbing supplies and finishing materials goes by the name of Tom Stroer (Figure 3.23):

Figure 3.23: Tom Stroer (FR130a=c)

The name is an integration of the name Tom Sawyer (familiar to most Russians because of Čukovskyj‘s translation of Twain‘s novel) and the root stroj ‗to build‘. The image of a barefoot boy with a paintbrush enhances this choice of names.


Russian folklore is also often employed. For example, the ţar-ptica ‗firebird‘ is a well-known figure in Russian literature, so it comes as no surprise that a beauty salon co- opted the figure for its name (Figure 3.24):

Figure 3.24: Ţar-ptica (LN15b=b)

What makes the name especially clever, though, is the small sign (not visible in this picture) that proclaims tanning to be one of this salon‘s special features. This humorous approach to culture is seen on a nearby sign as well (Figure 3.25):


Figure 3.25: Adam & Eva (LN24=a)

On this sign the name Adam & Eva refers to Adam and Eva (Eva is the Russian equivalent of Eve), and there is even a tree with fruit to remind the passerby of the reference. And what product is sold here? Lingerie. The use of Latin is often seen with high-end clothing stores; it is an interesting contrast to the 19th-century log building in which the store is located.


Some companies have borrowed figures from popular culture without worrying a great deal about copyrights. For example, one sewing machine store goes by the name

Belošvejka, which combines švejnyj ‗sewing (adj.)‘ with Belosneţka, the Russian name for Snow White. The character is certainly present in many cultures under various names, as are the dwarves, but the specific Snow White and dwarves visible in Figure 3.26 belong to the Walt Disney company:

Figure 3.26: Belošvejka (LN114=b)

All of these names seem to indicate a willingness to experiment with language in naming that, according to Sirotinina (1998), was not as common during Soviet times. 73

3.3.2 Flexibility in Branding

Another feature that I found interesting is a level of flexibility in branding that is not often seen in the US. Generally, US chains, even those that offer franchises, keep an eye on signs, promotional materials, and anything else that carries the brand of the company. In Tomsk, however, names are rather flexible, particularly where language is concerned. For example, a fur store has two branches: one located on pr. Lenina, and the other only two blocks away, and located less than half a block off of pr. Lenina.

However, the businesses take different approaches to naming (Figure 3.27 and 3.28):

Figure 3.27: Stacy collection (LN84=d)


Figure 3.28: Stejsi (LN133=b)

Both stores have the same logo, an interlocking S and C. However, the store directly on pr. Lenina chooses to have its primary signage in English (although it does have a supplementary sign primarily in Cyrillic—see figure 3.29), while the store that is not directly on pr. Lenina opts to retain the Latin S at the beginning of the name (as does the supplementary Cyrillic sign in Figure 3.29), but uses Cyrillic for the rest.


Figure 3.29: fur salon Stejsi—supplementary advertising (LN84=d)

Another example of this flexibility can be seen with the casino chain Joker. There are three of these casinos in the area I surveyed, one on each of the major streets I covered. All three of the signs have two features in common: they all have the same picture of a joker card, and they all have the words igornyj klub ‗gaming club‘ written on them in Cyrillic. However, a look at the sign on pr. Lenina (Figure 3.30) and the sign on

Irkutskij Trakt (Figure 3.31) reveals an interesting difference (the sign on pr. Frunze is very similar to Figure 3.30):


Figure 3.30: gaming club Joker (LN136=a)

Figure 3.31: gaming club Dţoker (IT116g=b) 77

As seen in these photographs, the casinos on Frunze and Lenina opted to use English for the name Joker, while the casino on Irkutskij Trakt opted for Cyrillic, although it did use the Latin ‗k‘ with an elongated back. This decision could be due to the fact that sign pictured in Figure 3.31 is located farthest from the center; I will discuss the influence of location on naming choice in Chapter 6. However, this casino is also the newest, so this sign could indicate a choice made by the main company to use a Cyrillic sign, perhaps even in response to the federal government‘s attempts to abolish English in public places.

There are a few examples where orthography is even inconsistent at the same location. For example, the major sign on the shopping center Modnyj Bazar ‗Fashionable

Bazaar‘ is written primarily in Cyrillic, but the Z is Latin (Figure 3.32):

Figure 3.32: Modnyj Bazar (PG14b=a)


Although this use of the Latin Z is striking, the lack of this letter on any of the surrounding advertising is also interesting. As seen in Figure 3.33, which is a portion of a poster advertising a store located in the basement of this building, the Cyrillic Z (З) is used.

Figure 3.33: Advertising for store within Modnyj Bazar

The same flexibility in branding can be seen in the signage for Gostinyj dvor”, which is a pre-revolution word for a shopping arcade. The primary sign (Figure 3.34) features a capital Ъ at the end of the sign, which visually mirrors the capital letter at the beginning of the sign and also calls attention to the historic nature of the building. The smaller signs near the doors, however, (Figure 3.35) do not have the ъ at the end of dvor.

In addition, they feature the word Univermag, which is a contraction of universal‟nyj magazin, a Soviet-era name meaning ‗department store‘, which seems a little redundant and somewhat anachronistic, particularly with the old-fashioned font.


Figure 3.34: Gostinjy dvor” (LN=1)

Figure 3.35: Gostinnyj Dvor (secondary signage)

These signs seem to show a continual negotiation between orthography and lexicon as businesses try to target as broad a group of prospective customers as possible.

In many cases, one or both of the signs are on sandwich boards, banners, or other relatively inexpensive types of signage, so that it is relatively easy for people to experiment with their business name without making any permanent changes. In phone books, however, it is most common to see names written in Cyrillic without archaic


spellings or interpolated Latin letters, although names that are entirely foreign are normally written with a Latin font. In a sense, it seems that many businesses are trying to serve two masters, giving the prospective customer something interesting and eye- catching while giving the older or more traditional portion of the population something that they can identify with as well. PR and advertising are never easy, and the current political atmosphere, the vast gulf between young and old that language and prosperity have created, and other current issues requires the modern Russian business owner to perform a delicate balancing act, as will be seen in later chapters.




4.0 Introduction

In order to simplify matters, I‘ve divided the business types into two categories: goods and services. Although only ten types are included in goods, the examples in this category comprise 58% of the total. As can be seen in Figure 4.1, there is a great deal of variation in the distribution of name types. In this chapter, I will look at each business type in order to determine possible reasons for these variations. Since discussing every feature of every business type would be impractical, I have focused on what I feel are the most interesting features of each category, in the hope that these features, taken together, will provide a complete picture of the topic.


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 3 3 5 4 7 22 Autos 13.64% 13.64% 22.73% 18.18% 31.83% 100.00% Home 10 14 34 22 9 89 Furnishings 11.24% 15.73% 38.20% 24.72% 10.11% 100.00% Electronics/ 14 14 17 3 3 51 Appliances 27.45% 27.45% 33.33% 5.88% 5.88% 100.00% Home 9 17 35 25 12 98 Improvement 9.18% 17.35% 35.71% 25.51% 12.14% 100.00% 7 7 73 19 19 125 Food/Beverage 5.60% 5.60% 58.40% 15.20% 15.20% 100.00% 23 17 21 26 21 108 Health/Personal 21.30% 15.74% 19.44% 24.07% 19.44% 100.00% Clothing/ 116 60 127 53 59 415 Accessories 27.95% 14.46% 30.60% 12.77% 14.22% 100.00% 18 16 24 20 12 90 Hobby/Leisure 20.00% 17.78% 26.67% 22.22% 13.33% 100.00% 2 3 8 3 10 26 General 7.69% 11.54% 30.77% 11.54% 38.46% 100.00% 11 7 20 8 28 74 Miscellaneous 14.86% 9.46% 27.03% 10.81% 37.84% 100.00% 213 158 364 183 180 1098 All 19.40% 14.39% 33.15% 16.67% 16.39% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.1: Overall distribution of name types among goods


4.1 Autos

The first category of goods, Autos, is composed of two subtypes: automobile dealers and automobile parts and accessories stores. There are very few dealers located on the streets I surveyed; in Tomsk, auto dealers tend to be located on the outskirts of town, much like they often are in the US. Auto parts, however, are another story. Many automobile owners are their own mechanics, particularly if they are driving a Soviet- made car that has been on the road since the Brezhnev era (or earlier). For this reason, auto parts stores are more common, although you still don‘t usually find them right in the middle of town. Figures 4.2-4.4 show the distribution of these businesses:

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 1 1 0 0 4 Dealers 50.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 2 4 4 7 18 Auto Parts 5.56% 11.11% 22.22% 22.22% 38.89% 100.00% 3 3 5 4 7 22 All 13.64% 13.64% 22.73% 18.18% 31.82% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.2: Autos by class and subtype


Figure 4.3: Autos by name type

Figure 4.4: Autos by subtype

As is seen in the above chart and graphs, there are an unusually high number of

Wysiwyg names found in auto parts, more than twice as many as expected. This is due to the fact that the most popular name for auto part stores is simply Avtozapčasti, which


translates as ‗spare auto parts‘. Five of the eighteen stores bear this as their only name, while two more specialized stores, one that sells auto body paint and one that sells car batteries, are also named for the products they sell. In general, the stores with names that belong in Foreign, Hybrid or Nonref sell either foreign car parts or decorative accessories.

Of the four auto dealers, one is a VOLVO dealership (IT77=i), while the other three sell cars purchased at Japanese auctions. They do not have showrooms, but instead are often commissioned to purchase specific cars, or use computers to show clients vehicles that they can purchase. Since all they need is an office, these companies can be located closer to the center of town. One of these (BT2=q) is an intriguing example of a hybrid: the name, Best Trading Company, is in English, while the logo is in Cyrillic:

БТК (BTK). This is interesting because it is not an acronym formed from the Russian translation of the name, which would probably look more like ЛТК (LTK). Instead, it is a sort of transliterated acronym formed from the English name.


Figure 4.5 shows another unusual name:

Figure 4.5: JasCars.Ru (LN94=i)

In this example, all the information the prospective customer needs is given in Russian, but the name itself is in a combination of English and web-speak. The name is almost identical to the company‘s web page address (visible in the lower right-hand), but the capitalization differentiates it a little, and makes it clear that it is not just a web address.

Although Autos make up only about 1.2% of the total businesses, it is interesting how close the distribution of Hybrid and Semiref names is to the overall distribution, as well as how different the distribution of Wysiwygs is (see Figures 4.6-4.7). As I mentioned above, one reason for the large percentage of Wysiwygs is probably due to the prevalence of spare parts stores that stock parts for Russian-made cars.


Figure 4.6: Comparison of Autos with overall results

Figure 4.7: Comparison of Autos with overall results 88

The geographical distribution of these businesses is also noteworthy. Figures 4.8 and 4.9 show the geographical distribution of Autos:

Business Type Count Percent of Total Autos 22 1.16% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 0 1 1 0 0 2 Zone 1 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 2 0 0 0 0 2 Zone 2 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 1 0 2 Zone 3 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 1 0 2 Zone 4 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 0 3 4 Zone 5 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 75.00% 100.00% 1 1 1 2 2 7 Zone 6 14.29% 14.29% 14.29% 28.57% 28.57% 100.00% 0 1 0 0 2 3 Zone 7 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 66.67% 100.00% 3 3 5 4 7 22 Total 13.64% 13.64% 22.73% 18.18% 31.82% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.8: Table showing geographical distribution of Autos


Figure 4.9: Graph showing geographical distribution of Autos

As is seen in these figures, Semiref and Wysiwyg names become more common as the businesses move towards the periphery. This is due to the abundance of auto parts stores. All of the Nonref, Semiref and Wysiwyg names belong to auto parts stores, and as can be seen in Figures 4.8 and 4.9, these types become more prevalent towards the periphery. With the exception of the Volvo dealership, which is located in Zone 6, all the other dealers, which also have either Foreign or Hybrid names, are located in Zones 1 and

2, while only one parts store is located within these zones, BANZAJ (FR4=a), which caters to people who own Japanese cars (see Figure 2.6). Generally speaking, foreign car owners are more prosperous, and in general, the nicer apartments are located closer to the


center of the city. The other parts stores are located in more residential areas where the population may be holding on to older Russian-made cars which require more maintainence. In addition, the bureaus for auto inspections and licensing are located out on Irkutskij Trakt; logically enough, there are quite a few parts stores in the immediate vicinity. In this case, the reasons for the geographical distribution seem fairly transparent.

4.2 Home Furnishings

The category of Home Furnishings is composed of four subtypes: Furniture, Floor

Coverings, Window Treatments, and Other. There are a total of 89 businesses in this category. Figures 4.10-4.12 show the distribution of these subtypes:

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 8 13 17 16 4 58 Furniture 13.79% 22.41% 29.31% 27.59% 6.90% 100.00% 1 0 7 2 0 10 Floor Coverings 10.00% 0.00% 70.00% 20.00% 0.00% 100.00% Window 0 1 2 1 0 4 Treatments 0.00% 25.00% 50.00% 25.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 0 8 3 5 17 Other 5.88% 0.00% 47.06% 17.65% 29.41% 100.00% 10 14 34 22 9 89 All 11.24% 15.73% 38.20% 24.72% 10.11% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.10: Home Furnishings by class and subtype 91

Figure 4.11: Home Furnishings by name type

Figure 4.12: Home Furnishings by subtype


As these figures show, Nonref names have a definite dominance in this category, particularly in the subtypes with fewer examples. There are some Foreign names, but these are primarily found in Furniture.

The Furniture subgroup is the only one where all five name types are represented.

It is also the largest group, with 58 stores. This group is intriguing in part because, in the other three subtypes, Floor Coverings, Window Treatments and Other, there are few

Foreign or Hybrid names, while in Furniture about 36% of the names belong to these two groups. In addition. The percentage of Nonref names in Furniture is relatively small at only 29.31%, compared to 70% for Floor Coverings, 50% for Window Treatments, and

47.06% for Other.

Is there anything about furniture itself that leads to these differences? A comparison of a few of the furniture names shows a few general trends, one of which is a tendency towards names that suggest superiority, such as First (KM63=d), Style Line

(KN44=r), Optimum (LN30-2=a), or KupeLUX ‗Deluxe closets‘ (FR11b=d). There are also several names that have to do with the idea of hominess or comfort, such as kakDoma ‗Like home‘ (FR24=e) or ALKOS komfort (FR24=h). A third trend is names that suggest grace or beauty, such as Duét ‗duet‘ (FR152=h), Sonata (BT2=l), or Éxo

‗echo‘ (FR122=a). Some names, however, seem to be chosen for no other reason than the way they sound or look, such as in Figure 4.13:


Figure 4.13: poVod (furniture salon) (FR96=o)

The word povod, which is written as повод in Cyrillic, means ‗grounds, cause, or reason‘, which does not seem to have a great deal to do with furniture. Writing it using

Latin letters, however, creates a rather pleasingly symmetrical graphic, which is attention-grabbing and conveys a degree of foreignness; however, this foreigness is balanced with a Russian name, albeit one that has very little to do with furniture.

Figures 4.14 and 4.15 show the distribution of name types in Home Furnishings compared to the overall distribution. It is interesting that the percentages of Hybrid,

Nonref and Semiref names are higher than Overall, while the percentage of Foreign and

Wysiwyg names is significantly lower than Overall. Perhaps this is due to an attempt by the sellers to appeal to prospective buyers of what is normally a fairly big-ticket item without appearing too foreign. There are several reasons why Home Furnishings is a category where excessive foreignness is undesirable. First, although foreign names often indicate quality, they are often also an indicator of higher price, and since furniture is


already a big-ticket item to begin with, the seller might want a name that suggests quality, but not a excessive price. A Hybrid name is a good compromise; the slight foreignness of it suggests that the products are stylish and modern, but the Russianness of the name suggests affordability. Another reason why there are not a large number of foreign names in this category may be a matter of national pride: Russia has vast lumber resources, and

Tomsk is famous for its wooden architechture. It may feel more disloyal to purchase a wooden product that is obviously foreign than it does a television or Tshirt that is foreign.

Another possible explanation is the desire to associate home with Russia, and not with a foreign country. As I mentioned above, several of the names carry connotations of home or comfort, and it seems logical that many people do not want a home environment that feels foreign. There are, of course, those people who do want to purchase foreign furniture, and there are some stores for them, but it seems like the majority of Home

Furnishings sellers are targeting residents who want a stylish, comfortable apartment, but want it to feel and look like a Russian home. Although in reality the differences may be minimal, the perception of differences is what is more important here, and that can be quite noticeable.


Figure 4.14: Comparison of Home Furnishings with overall results

Figure 4.15: Comparison of Home Furnishings with overall results


The geographical distribution of Home Furnishings is shown in Figures 4.16 and

4.17. One of the notable features of this business type is that the number of Home

Furnishings businesses does not sharply drop around Zone 4 or Zone 5, as many other business types do. In fact, although there is a surprisingly small number of stores in Zone

6, there is a rebound in Zone 7, where Home Furnishings makes up approximately 15% of the total stores in this area. This is probably due to the fact that a lot of the new residential construction is in Zones 4-7, so many shops are targeting the new homeowners or renters in their area. Another intriguing feature is that the distribution of name types is fairly uniform throughout the zones. As will be seen in this chapter and the following one, this is not typical of all businesses; it seems to be more usual for Foreign and Hybrid names to be concentrated near the center, with Wysiwyg names becoming more frequent in the peripheral zones. This does not seem to be the case for Home Furnishings; possible reasons for this will be discussed in Chapters 6 and 7.


Business Type Count Percent of Total Home Furnishings 89 4.70% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 1 8 2 1 13 Zone 1 7.69% 7.69% 61.54% 15.38% 7.69% 100.00% 2 6 6 7 2 23 Zone 2 8.70% 26.09% 26.09% 30.43% 8.70% 100.00% 3 1 6 4 1 15 Zone 3 20.00% 6.67% 40.00% 26.67% 6.67% 100.00% 1 1 5 1 0 8 Zone 4 12.50% 12.50% 62.50% 12.50% 0.00% 100.00% 2 3 4 4 2 15 Zone 5 13.33% 20.00% 26.67% 26.67% 13.33% 100.00% 0 0 2 0 2 4 Zone 6 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 100.00% 1 2 3 4 1 11 Zone 7 9.09% 18.18% 27.27% 36.36% 9.09% 100.00% 10 14 34 22 9 89 Total 11.24% 15.73% 38.20% 24.72% 10.11% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.16: Table showing geographical distribution of Home Furnishings


Figure 4.17: Graph showing geographical distribution of Home Furnishings


4.3 Electronics/Appliances

There are three subtypes in Electronics/Appliances: Appliances, Electronics, and

Computers. As seen in Figures 4.18-4.20, there are some intersting differences in the distribution of name types.

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 1 7 0 0 9 Appliances 11.11% 11.11% 77.78% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 5 7 4 2 1 19 Electronics 26.32% 36.84% 21.05% 10.53% 5.26% 100.00% 8 6 6 1 2 23 Computers 34.78% 26.09% 26.09% 4.35% 8.70% 100.00% 14 14 17 3 3 51 All 27.45% 27.45% 33.33% 5.88% 5.88% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.18: Electronics/Appliances by class and subtype


Figure 4.19: Electronics/Appliances by name type

Figure 4.20: Electronics/Appliances by subtype


Stores belonging to the Appliances subtype sell washers, dryers, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, and other household appliances. The vast majority of these stores have

Nonref names, such as Limon ‗Lemon‘ (Figure 4.21):

Figure 4.21: Limon (BL11=a)

Although the pictures on the signs tell passers-by what they can expect to find inside, there is nothing in the name itself that gives any hint. Names such as Naxodka ‗a find‘

(LN90=b) do tell the prospective customer that they can except to find some great products inside, but not what that find will be. Even names such as Texnoljuks

‗Technology deluxe (stump compound)‘, which hint that the products sold have something to do with technology, do not give away any more than that.


Electronics stores sell televisions, DVD players, stereos, and similar goods. Some of the Electronics stores simply use the name of the product or brand they carry, such as

GPS (FR40=e) or Samsung (GA7=h), while others have names that blend foreign technological words with Russian words, such as Ivuška power ‗Willow power‘

(LN95=l) or Hi-Fi Centr ‗Hi-Fi Center‘ (PL8=c). There are a few Nonref names as well, such as Igra ‗Game‘ (LN15=k) or Xameleon Market ‗Chameleon Market‘ (IT112=t).

The names of Computer stores, however, tend to be more overtly foreign, such as elitecom (IT45=a), Siberian Digital Devices (LN2a=e), or Enterprise (LN41=l). A few of the Hybrid names are curious (Figure 4.22):

Figure 4.22: instal (LN169=j)


This company gives the name in both Latin and Cyrillic. Notice that their spelling of ‗install‘ is nonstandard; perhaps the owner chose to go with the single ‗l‘ for the sake of symmetry. Instal, however, is not a word that is recognized by Russian speakers unless they are already familiar with foreign computer technology, so the presence of the

Cyrillic probably does not really clarify anything.

Another striking name choice is seen in Figure 4.23:

Figure 4.23: noutbum (GA7=ee)

This name is a combination of the words ноутбук noutbuk ‗notebook computer‘

(also often spelled нотбук notbuk) and бум bum ‗boom, sensation‘. This regional chain offers a variety of notebook computers, so the name is an appropriate one; it implies that an abundance of computer choices are available for the consumer.


Figures 4.24 and 4.25 compare the distribution of name types in

Electronics/Appliances with the Overall distribution. The abundance of Foreign and

Hybrid names seems to be due to the nature of the subtypes, particularly Computers. The majority of the terminology that goes along with computers is borrowed from English, so it seems logical that many people would still view these products as foreign, and associate English and the Latin alphabet with them. The majority of the items sold in the

Electronics/Appliances stores were not readily available, if they were available at all, during Soviet times, so a tendency towards Foreign or Hybrid names is not a surprise.

Figure 4.24: Comparison of Electronics/Appliances with overall results


Figure 4.25: Comparison of Electronics/Appliances with overall restults

Figures 4.26 and 4.27 show the geographical distribution of these names. It is not surprising that most of the businesses in this category are located within the first four zones, since many of these items are luxury items, which people usually seem to be more willing to travel for. Appliances and Electronics are more evenly distributed throughout the zones, which is also logical, since these items are often part of furnishing a new home or apartment, and are therefore located closer to the residential areas.


Business Type Count Percent of Total Electronics/Appliances 51 2.69% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 4 4 3 1 1 13 Zone 1 30.77% 30.77% 23.08% 7.69% 7.69% 100.00% 4 4 4 0 1 13 Zone 2 30.77% 30.77% 30.77% 0.00% 7.69% 100.00% 1 3 1 0 0 5 Zone 3 20.00% 60.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 2 1 7 1 0 11 Zone 4 18.18% 9.09% 63.64% 9.09% 0.00% 100.00% 3 0 1 0 0 0 Zone 5 75.00% 0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 1 1 0 3 Zone 6 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 0 0 1 2 Zone 7 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 100.00% 14 14 17 3 3 51 Total 27.45% 27.45% 33.33% 5.88% 5.88% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.26: Table showing geographical distribution of Electronics/Appliances


Figure 4.27: Graph showing geographical distribution of Electronics/Appliances

4.4 Home Improvement

In some ways, the stores in Home Improvement were difficult to classify, because there are many small stores that sell various combinations of building materials, plumbing supplies, doors, windows, and other materials. For that reason, stores that focused on a few products were given a specific classification, but everything else was placed in Other. Figures 4.28-4.30 show the distribution of names among these subtypes:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 2 0 2 0 6 Paint/Wallpaper 33.33% 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% 2 4 7 6 1 20 Hardware 10.00% 20.00% 35.00% 30.00% 5.00% 100.00% 5 11 25 14 9 64 Other 7.81% 17.19% 39.06% 21.88% 14.06% 100.00% 0 0 3 3 2 8 Nurseries 0.00% 0.00% 37.50% 37.50% 25.00% 100.00% 9 17 35 25 12 98 All 9.18% 17.35% 35.71% 25.51% 12.24% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.28: Home Improvement by class and subtype

Figure 4.29: Home Improvement by name type


Figure 4.30: Home Improvement by subtype

Although there is not an overwhelming percentage of Hybrid and Foreign names, there are some interesting naming choices. One feature that appears several times is the use of analytic constructions instead of the adjective-noun or genitive constructions that are more common in Russian. Examples of this pattern appears in other business types as well, but there are two particularly notable examples in this section (Figures 4.31 and



Figure 4.31: Lider Kolor (LN114=a)

The word lider in the name Lider Color is borrowed from the English ‗leader‘, and was usually used during Soviet times, often in a somewhat pejorative sense, to refer to the leader of a Western country. In recent times, however, it has taken on a more positive non-political connotation, and is often used in the sense of being first in something, such as sales or an athletic competition. In this example lider is used together with kolor

‗color‘, which is a recent borrowing, although the word kolorit ‗coloring, color‘ has been in the language for some time. The two words together could probably be translated as

‗Leader in Color‘, and imply that this store leads the rest when it comes to paint selection and quality; however, there are no inflectional morphemes to indicate the grammatical relationship between the two words.


The same analytic construction can be seen in Figure 4.32, where Instrument

‗tool‘ is combined with Market. An adjectival form of instrument exists, instrumental‟nyj, but in this case a noun is used, for the meaning ‗instrument market‘.

The meaning is clear, but these constructions, though common in an analytical language such as English, are a relatively recent syntactical borrowing into Russian, an inflected language. These names has a quasi-foreign construction—the foreign words are combined in a way that is not native to the language of origin, but is also not native to

Russian, although it is clear what is meant. The strangeness of the name suggests foreignness to the consumer.

Figure 4.32: Instrument Market (IT65-14=b)

Another possible explanation for this choice is that the name is intended to remind people of the word supermarket. Perhaps this name is meant to imply that they offer a sort of supermarket for those who are seeking tools, with a large selection and reasonable prices.


A comparison of the name type distribution for Home Improvement and the

Overall distribution (Figures 4.33-4.34) shows that the percentage of Hybrid, Nonref and

Semiref names is somewhat higher than usual, while the percentage of Wysiwyg names is slightly lower than overall, and the percentage of Foreign names is about half what it normally is. Perhaps the low percentage of Foreign names can be attributed to the fact that by my observations, Russians tend to have a do-it-yourself approach to home improvement; most people I know are able to deal with the majority of home repairs and remodeling by themselves. The process of remont ‗remodeling, repair‘ is something of a national pastime in Russia; many families I know have taken advantage of improving economic conditions to remodel their homes. There are a wider variety of tile, wallpaper, paint, and other products avaialable than there have ever been in the past, and a wide variety in quality and pricing allows all but the poorest to engage in remaking their space.

As I mentioned in Section 4.2, associating home with foreignness might, in many cases, repel more customers than it would attract.


Figure 4.33: Comparison of Home Improvement with overall results

Figure 4.34: Comparison of Home Improvement with overall results


The geographical distribution of these businesses (Figures 4.35 and 4.36) corresponds with what we saw in Electronics/Appliances and Home Furnishings, where there is a fairly even distribution throughought the zones. If these numbers are viewed as a percentage of the total number of businesses in that area, then Zone 1 actually has the thinnest distribution. Again, this distribution is probably due to the logic of locating these types of businesses close to residential areas, particularly areas where there is a great deal of new construction.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Home Improvement 98 5.17% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 0 6 1 0 8 Zone 1 12.50% 0.00% 75.00% 12.50% 0.00% 100.00% 1 8 10 6 2 27 Zone 2 3.70% 29.63% 37.04% 22.22% 7.41% 100.00% 4 1 7 7 5 24 Zone 3 16.67% 4.17% 29.17% 29.17% 20.83% 100.00% 2 3 6 2 0 13 Zone 4 15.38% 23.08% 46.15% 15.38% 0.00% 100.00% 1 2 3 3 2 11 Zone 5 9.09% 18.18% 27.27% 27.27% 18.18% 100.00% 0 3 3 4 2 12 Zone 6 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% 33.33% 16.67% 100.00% 0 0 0 2 1 3 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 66.67% 33.33% 100.00% 9 17 35 25 12 98 Total 9.18% 17.35% 35.71% 25.51% 12.24% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.35: Table showing geographical distribution of Home Improvement


Figure 4.36: Graph showing geographical Distribution of Home Improvement

4.5 Food/Beverage

The category Food/Beverage is composed of grocery, liquor, and related stores.

Restaurants and similar establishments fall under the heading of Hospitality and will be discussed in Chapter 5. Figures 4.37-4.39 give the distribution of these stores among four subtypes:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 7 2 64 14 17 104 Groceries 6.73% 1.92% 61.54% 13.46% 16.35% 100.00% 0 1 2 2 1 6 Specialty 0.00% 16.67% 33.33% 33.33% 16.67% 100.00% 0 4 7 3 1 15 Liquor 0.00% 26.67% 46.67% 20.00% 6.67% 100.00% 7 7 73 19 19 125 All 5.60% 5.60% 58.40% 15.20% 15.20% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.37: Food/Beverage by name type and subtype

Figure 4.38: Food/Beverage by name type


Figure 4.39:Food/Beverage by subtype

The subtype Specialty primarily contains stores that sell various types of tea and coffee, two of which belong to a chain that goes by the name Uncija ‗ounce‘, a word that, though archaic in the metric world of modern Russia, perfectly reflects the refined pre-

Revolutionary atmosphere of these shops (Figure 4.40):


Figure 4.40: Uncija (LN91=e)

This subtype also includes one store that delivers bottled water to homes and businesses; its name, Tomskaja Vodjanaja Kompanija ‗Tomsk Water Company‘

(UC37=a) is straightforward enough, but it is interesting that this company chooses to use the Latin alphabet for its logo, TWC. Since bottled water is a new service, this mixture of

Russian and foreign is an interesting compromise—people have no doubt what they are getting, but the foreignness of the logo suggests modernization and quality, which is important in a country where water in many cities must still be boiled before drinking.


Almost 60% of the businesses belonging to the subtype Groceries are Nonref.

Nearly all Foreign or Hybrid names in this category are some variation on the word supermarket or minimarket. (There are also gipermarkety ‗hypermarkets‘ in Tomsk, but none of them are in the area covered in this study.)13 Figure 4.41 shows one of these supermarkets, Xolidej Klassik Supermarket ‗Holiday Classic Supermarket‘, part of a regional chain based in Novosibirsk:

Figure 4.41: Xolidej Klassik Supermarket (KN44=b)

Aside from the odd supermarket or minimarket, many of the grocery stores in

Tomsk have names that have little or nothing to do with groceries. For example, I have asked several native Russian speakers what they think the name in Figure 4.42 means:

13 In Russia, a supermarket ‘supermarket’ may be small by US standards, but does allow customers to pick up products themselves and go through a checkout lane, as opposed to many grocery stores where all purchases are made by requesting items from behind a counter. A gipermarket ‘hypermarket’ is larger and also sells household goods such as bedding, toys, and in some cases, appliances, furniture and clothing.


Figure 4.42: Gliţen (AI3=f)

This name is a mystery; the only words I could find that begin with gli- are glina ‗clay‘, glisser ‗hydroplane‘, and glist ‗intestinal worm‘. Ţen- means ‗woman‘; this, along with the pink color scheme of the sign and the flower-like decoration at the end, could be meant to appeal to females, since grocery shopping is seen by many as part of the domestic duties that generally are part of a ―woman‘s work.‖ It is possible as well that the name was simply chosen because it was perceived to be euphonius and it was in keeping with the overall tone of the store.

Although some of other store names are nearly that cryptic, many of them simply appear unrelated to groceries. For example, botanical names are quite popular; some examples include Abrikos ‗Apricot‘ (FR120=d), Kaktus ‗Cactus‘ (IT144a=a), and Kedr

‗Cedar‘ (IT83v=a). I found the name in Figure 4.43 somewhat mysterious at first; I thought perhaps it referred to the number of different products available. However after I


walked a few more blocks and saw another grocery store called 152 Produkty ‗152

(Food) Products)‘ I took another look, and realized that the number simply refers the building number and has nothing to do with the variety of products available inside.

Therse were the only two grocery stores I saw named in this way; it is interesting that they are in one neighborhood. I classified them as Semiref instead of Wysiwyg, since it is not immediately apparent where the 134 comes from.

Figure 4.43: 134 Produkty (IT134=h1)

Figures 4.44 and 4.45 show that the most noticeable difference between

Food/Beverage and Overall is the abundance of Nonref names and the dearth of Foreign and Hybrid names. This is probably due to the fact that grocery stores don‘t really need to attract customers the same way some other businesses do. A person may decide to buy a computer or new drapery because of advertising or a very attractive display, but people have to eat: As Figures 4.46 and 4.47 show, if somebody needs to pick up a few things or grab a bottle of wine for a party, they are likely to do it somewhere on the way, which is why the distribution of Food/Beverage stays quite uniform. Even those people who do 122

have cars tend to buy staples at the supermarkets or hypermarkets but still pick up milk, eggs etc. at the shop in their building or near the bus stop. The store sign needs to attract attention, but that‘s about all it needs to do. Hunger does the rest.

Figure 4.44: Comparison of Food/Beverage with overall results


Figure 4.45: Comparison of Food/Beverage with overall Results


Business Type Count Percent of Total Food/Beverage 125 6.60% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 1 4 3 1 10 Zone 1 10.00% 10.00% 40.00% 30.00% 10.00% 100.00% 1 1 11 3 7 23 Zone 2 4.35% 4.35% 47.83% 13.04% 30.43% 100.00% 3 1 15 1 5 25 Zone 3 12.00% 4.00% 60.00% 4.00% 20.00% 100.00% 0 1 13 2 2 18 Zone 4 0.00% 5.56% 72.22% 11.11% 11.11% 100.00% 2 1 10 5 1 19 Zone 5 10.53% 5.26% 52.63% 26.32% 5.26% 100.00% 0 2 11 3 3 19 Zone 6 0.00% 10.53% 57.89% 15.79% 15.79% 100.00% 0 0 9 2 0 11 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 81.82% 18.18% 0.00% 100.00% 7 7 73 19 19 125 Total 5.60% 5.60% 58.40% 15.20% 15.20% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.46: Table showing geographical distribution of Food/Beverage


Figure 4.47: Graph showing geographical distribution of Food/Beverage

4.6 Health/Personal

This category includes pharmacies, stores that sell cosmetics and perfumes

(Beauty), opticians, stores that sell herbs and medical supplements (Supplements), and stores that sell medical equipment (Equipment). Figures 4.48-4.50 show the distribution of the name types among these subtypes.


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 3 1 4 2 1 11 Equipment 27.27% 9.90% 36.36% 18.18% 9.09% 100.00% 4 7 7 9 12 39 Pharmacies 10.26% 17.95% 17.95% 23.08% 30.77% 100.00% 12 4 4 7 3 30 Beauty 40.00% 13.33% 13.33% 23.33% 10.00% 100.00% 2 5 3 5 5 20 Optical 10.00% 25.00% 15.00% 25.00% 25.00% 100.00% 2 0 3 3 0 8 Supplements 25.00% 0.00% 37.50% 37.50% 0.00% 100.00% 23 17 21 26 21 108 All 21.30% 15.74% 19.44% 24.07% 19.44% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.48: Health/Personal by name type and subtype

Figure 4.49: Health/Personal by name type 127

Figure 4.50: Health/Personal by subtype

As can be seen in these figures, the distribution of name types varies noticably between subtypes, which is not surprising, since these products target different consumers. For example, 30.77% of the names in Pharmacies are Wysiwygs, and are named either Apteka ‗pharmacy‘ or Aptečnyj punkt, which refers to a small pharmacy.

These pharmacies tend to sell medicines, first aid supplies, and other basic supplies.

Pharmacies with names in other categories, such as Sano ‗healthy (Lat.)‘ (IT32=c) or

Ţivaja Apteka ‗Living Pharmacy‘ (IT128=f) are more likely to also stock nutritional supplements, skin care lines, sugar-free cookies and candy, and other products.


Beauty is the opposite case, with Foreign names making up 40% of this subtype.

Several of these businesses are distributors for the foreign cosmetic companies such as

AVON (LN80=j), oriflame (LN59=c) and INTEGREE (NU18v=c). Other names, however, belong to Russian-owned companies that choose to use foreign-sounding names. For example, Riv Goš ‗Left Bank (Fr.)‘ (PG14b=b) is a Russian chain, and e’llipse (LN99=a) is a local chain. The name, which appears to be based on the French word for ‗ellipsis‘, features an unnecessary apostrophe that probably intended to underscore the foreignness of the name. The position that Paris occupies in the world of fashion and beauty makes French a logical choice for these names.

Figures 4.51 and 4.52 compare the distribution of names in Health/Personal with the overall results, and Figures 4.53 and 4.54 show the geographical distribution. The varied nature of the subtypes within this business type makes it difficult to make generalizations across the entire type, although there are some noteworthy patterns within individual type. Pharmacies are distributed rather evenly throughout the city, which is logical, since people might need to pick up some medicine or first aid supplies at any time. Like many of the grocery stores, pharmacies are often open 24 hours, particularly in residential areas. Beauty supply stores are also scattered throughout the city, but they are concentrated in the center, often near clothing stores. The other categories also tend to be concentrated in the center, but have stores throughout the city.


Figure 4.51: Comparison of Health/Personal with overall results

Figure 4.52: Comparison of Health/Personal with overall results 130

Business Type Count Percent of Total Health/Personal 108 5.70% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 4 5 2 6 3 20 Zone 1 20.00% 25.00% 10.00% 30.00% 15.00% 100.00% 8 6 5 7 4 30 Zone 2 26.67% 20.00% 16.67% 23.33% 13.33% 100.00% 3 2 2 5 9 21 Zone 3 14.29% 9.52% 9.52% 23.81% 42.86% 100.00% 3 4 5 4 2 18 Zone 4 16.67% 22.22% 27.78% 22.22% 11.11% 100.00% 2 0 3 2 1 8 Zone 5 25.00% 0.00% 37.50% 25.00% 12.50% 100.00% 2 0 2 1 1 6 Zone 6 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 16.67% 16.67% 100.00% 1 0 2 1 1 5 Zone 7 20.00% 0.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 100.00% 23 17 21 26 21 108 Total 21.30% 15.74% 19.44% 24.07% 19.44% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.53: Table showing geographical distribution of Health/Personal


Figure 4.54: Graph showing geographical distribution of Health/Personal

4.7 Clothing/Accessories

The group Clothing/Accessories contains more than three times as many businesses as the next largest group; it makes up 21.90% of the entire survey. Figure 4.55 shows the overall results for this type. Because this business type was so common, I have divided the fourteen subtypes into three groups, and I will look at each group individually before comparing all three groups.


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 9 5 8 2 3 27 Men‘s 33.33% 18.52% 29.63% 7.41% 11.11% 100.00% 26 12 22 3 6 69 Women‘s 37.68% 17.39% 31.88% 4.35% 8.70% 100.00% 1 4 14 2 4 25 Lingerie 4.00% 16.00% 56.00% 8.00% 16.00% 100.00% 2 2 3 3 3 13 Children‘s 15.38% 15.38% 23.08% 23.08% 23.08% 100.00% 25 5 11 9 7 57 Family 43.68% 8.77% 19.30% 15.79% 12.28% 100.00% 1 4 3 0 0 8 Discount 12.50% 50.00% 37.50% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 4 1 2 0 1 8 Youth 50.00% 12.50% 25.00% 0.00% 12.50% 100.00% 2 0 4 1 2 9 Accessories 22.22% 0.00% 44.44% 11.11% 22.22% 100.00% 13 7 25 4 9 58 Leather/Fur 22.41% 12.07% 43.10% 6.90% 15.52% 100.00% 11 4 1 3 1 20 Denim 55.00% 20.00% 5.00% 15.00% 5.00% 100.00% 1 1 7 3 0 12 Formalwear 8.33% 8.33% 58.33% 25.00% 0.00% 100.00% 14 8 7 15 8 52 Shoes 26.92% 15.38% 13.46% 28.85% 15.38% 100.00% 5 6 16 6 10 43 Jewelry 11.63% 13.95% 37.21% 13.95% 23.26% 100.00% 2 1 4 2 5 14 Luggage 14.29% 7.14% 28.57% 14.29% 35.71% 100.00% 116 60 127 53 59 415 All 27.95% 14.46% 30.60% 12.77% 14.22% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.55: Clothing/Accessories by name type and subtype


4.7.1 General Clothing

This group includes stores that sell a variety of clothing instead of focusing on one particular item or type, such as a store that sells pants, shirts, and outerwear instead of just selling outerwear, although the store may be targeted towards a particular segment of the population. Figures 4.56-4.58 show the results for the six subcategories in this group, which make up 43.85% of the total examples of Clothing/Accessories names:

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 9 5 8 2 3 27 Men‘s 33.33% 18.52% 29.63% 7.41% 11.11% 100.00% 26 12 22 3 6 69 Women‘s 37.68% 17.39% 31.88% 4.35% 8.70% 100.00% 2 2 3 3 3 13 Children‘s 15.38% 15.38% 23.08% 23.08% 23.08% 100.00% 25 5 11 9 7 57 Family 43.68% 8.77% 19.30% 15.79% 12.28% 100.00% 1 4 3 0 0 8 Discount 12.50% 50.00% 37.50% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 4 1 2 0 1 8 Youth 50.00% 12.50% 25.00% 0.00% 12.50% 100.00% 67 29 49 17 20 182 All 36.81% 15.93% 26.92% 9.34% 10.99% 100.00% Clothing 116 60 127 53 59 415 Overall 27.95% 14.46% 30.60% 12.77% 14.22% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.56: General Clothing by name type and subtype


Figure 4.57: General Clothing by name type

Figure 4.58: General Clothing by subtype 135

There are only 27 stores that exclusively sell men‘s clothing, as compared to 69 that sell women‘s clothing. As can be seen in the above figures, the distributions of name types in Men‘s Clothing and Women‘s clothing are quite similar to one another: Foreign is the largest group, followed by Nonref, Hybrid, Wysiwyg and Semiref. There is, however, an intriguing difference between the two subtypes. Names in Women‘s clothing often consist of female names, such as Nicole (BT2=f), Jessica (LN99=p), Anna Butik

‗Anna Boutique‘ (BL10=c) or Ekaterina (LN80=v), or nouns that can be seen as relating to or decribing style, such as Style (LN80a=kk), Fashion (LN80a=pp), fresh (PG14-1=o) or Ofis-Stil’ ‗Office Style‘ (LN163=f). Names in Men‘s Clothing, however, often relate to a type of man, as if suggesting that these are the men that would wear these clothes.

Some of these names include Superman (Figure 4.59), Sudar’ ‗sir‘ (LN111=gk),

Blondin ‗blonde (man)‘ (LN163=p), Bogatyr’ ‗epic hero, strapping man‘ (LN1=c), and

Kavaler/Kavalier ‗dancing partner, admirer‘ (Figure 4.60).

Figure 4.59: Superman (LN126=f)



Figure 4.60: Kavaler (LN111=bg)

Children‘s clothing stores do not have Foreign names as often as Men‘s and

Women‘s, but there are a few, including the example given in Figure 4.61.

Figure 4.61: Baby Boom (SV13=a)


Youth stores, however, strongly tend towards foreign names, such as SAVAGE

(PG14-1=z), Mixage (PL11=p), and Lucky S3t ‗Lucky Street‘ (PL11=q). This last example combines Russian and English in the texting and chat jargon s3t; the Russian word tri ‗three‘ is inserted as a substitute for –tree- in the English word street. Inserting a

Russian morpheme into an English word is interesting because although the word is

English in origin, many native English speakers (including me) will not make the connection.14

Family clothing stores, which are stores that carry clothing for men and women, youth and adult, also strongly tend towards Foreign names, including Glance (PG14-

1=m), Portfolio (PL11=v), Paradiso (FR24=d), and the rather whimsically spelled

Choise ‗choice‘ (LN80a=hh) and musle ‗muscle‘ (Figure 4.62):

Figure 4.62: musle (IT78-2=a)

14 Special thanks to Dr. Daniel E. Collins for solving the s3t mystery.


The name Dţekit ‗Jacket‘ (Figure 4.63) is interesting because, although the sign is in Cyrillic, it opts for the Latin D and T in order to enhance the foreignness of the sign.

There is, however, a subtitle in case the name is cryptic to passers-by: Odeţda dlja aktivnogo otdyxa ‗clothing for active rest‘, which is this case, refers to ‗rest‘ in the sense of vacation, or a break from the norm:

Figure 4.63: Dţekit (LN141=h)

The concept of a discount store is relatively novel in Tomsk, so most of the

Discount names utilize the word diskont ‗discount‘. One store, D’iskont (KN44=k), inserts an unneeded apostrophe for that foreign flair. A few stores have found ways to express the concept without resorting to foreign borrowings, such as Magazin nizkix cen


‗Store of low prices‘ (KA13=b) or Centr Rasprodaţ ‗Sale Center‘ (Figure 4.64). In the latter, notice how the letters D and A are enlarged, to spell the word da ‗yes‘, which might be used to emphasize that there are low prices there.

Figure 4.64: Centr Rasprodaţ (LN72=b)

It is suggestive that none of the Discount signs, even the ones utilizing borrowings, use the Latin alphabet, while Latin signs are quite common in Men‘s

Clothing, Women‘s Clothing, Family and Youth. Perhaps one reason for this is that the majority of stores in these subtypes are quite expensive and cater to a rather small segment of the population, while the discount stores are trying to attract shoppers who usually can‘t afford clothing stores and do their shopping at the outdoor and indoor markets. If Foreign names are associated with style, they are also associated with expense, so perhaps the goal of naming discount stores is to associate Russian names with value and affordability.


4.7.2 Specialty Clothing

Specialty Clothing stores focus on one particular type of clothing. As seen in

Figures 4.65-4.67, the difference in distribution between Denim and the other subtypes is quite stunning; Foreign and Hybrid names make up 75% of Denim, compared to about

35% for Leather/Fur, 20% for Lingerie, and 17% for Formalwear.

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 4 14 2 4 25 Lingerie 4.00% 16.00% 56.00% 8.00% 16.00% 100.00% 13 7 25 4 9 58 Leather/Fur 22.41% 12.07% 43.10% 6.90% 15.52% 100.00% 11 4 1 3 1 20 Denim 55.00% 20.00% 5.00% 15.00% 5.00% 100.00% 1 1 7 3 0 12 Formalwear 8.33% 8.33% 58.33% 25.00% 0.00% 100.00% 26 16 47 12 14 115 All 22.61% 13.91% 40.87% 10.43% 12.17% 100.00% Clothing 116 60 127 53 59 415 Overall 27.95% 14.46% 30.60% 12.77% 14.22% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.65: Specialty Clothing by name type and subtype


Figure 4.66: Specialty Clothing by name type

The discrepancy between Denim and the rest of the subtypes in this section is very interesting. The reason for the dominance of Foreign names in Denim is not hard to explain. During Soviet times, jeans were one of the ultimate symbols of capitalism; stories abound of foreign tourists taking suitcases full of Levis to Moscow to use as currency. The very word dţinsy ‗jeans‘ is a borrowing from English. Figures 4.68-4.71 show examples of some of the signs in Tomsk.


Figure 4.67: Specialty Clothing by subtype

Figures 4.68 and 4.69 give examples of some of the Foreign signs; although the pictures suggest what is sold inside, there are subtitles for those who don‘t understand the

English: the subtitle in Figure 4.68 says magazin modnoj dţinsovoj odeţdy ‗store of fashionable denim clothing‘, and the one in Figure 4.69 says Bol‟še, čem prosto dţinsy

‗more than just jeans‘. These titles clarify any question about the nature of these stores, but keeping them smaller than the English name keeps the focus on the foreignness of the name, which may help the customer feel up to date even if he or she doesn‘t understand



Figure 4.68: Cotton-Club (NU18v=o)

Figure 4.69: Denim (LN141=f)


PodZemka ‗subway‘ (GA49=a) also sells jeans; the use of the Latin Z gives the name a foreign touch, and the association of subways with big cities gives the name a cosmopolitan feel.

Figure 4.70: Podzemka (GA49=a)

The language in Figure 4.71 is straightforwardly Russian: Nastojaščie Dţinsy

‗genuine jeans‘, but the picture of the cowboy on the sign still gives it a tie to America: these are the jeans that a real cowboy would wear on the range.


Figure 4.71: Nastojaščie Dţinsy (PG14b=d)

On the surface, the lack of Foreign names in the other subtypes seems a bit harder to explain; although many of these goods are luxury items, foreigness doesn‘t seem to have the same status that it does with some other goods. There are a decent number of

Foreign or Hybrid names in Fur/Leather, but there are many more Nonref names, and the other subtypes have few Foreign and Hybrid names. I think cultural factors are at work here; Lingerie is something rather private, and a woman may not want to draw attention to it. I think the low percentage of Foreign names in Formalwear is due to the fact that the stores primarily deal in wedding gowns, and a svad‟ba ‗wedding‘ is an integral part of


Russian culture. Also, considering that fur was once known as ―soft gold‖ in Siberia, it is not surprising that many of the Fur/Leather stores have Russian names. There are some stores with Foreign or Hybrid names, but they generally sell furs or leather coats imported from Europe. Stores that sell Russian furs usually have Russian names.

4.7.3 Accessories

The final subgroup in Clothing/Accessories is the most eclectic in terms of content: it includes shoes, jewelry, and other accessories. Figures 4.72-4.74 give the results for these subtypes:

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 0 4 1 2 9 Accessories 22.22% 0.00% 44.44% 11.11% 22.22% 100.00% 14 8 7 15 8 52 Shoes 26.92% 15.38% 13.46% 28.85% 15.38% 100.00% 5 6 16 6 10 43 Jewelry 11.63% 13.95% 37.21% 13.95% 23.26% 100.00% 2 1 4 2 5 14 Luggage 14.29% 7.14% 28.57% 14.29% 35.71% 100.00% 23 15 31 24 25 118 All 19.49% 12.71% 26.27% 20.34% 21.19% 100.00% Clothing 116 60 127 53 59 415 Overall 27.95% 14.46% 30.60% 12.77% 14.22% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.72: Accessories by name type and subtype 147

Figure 4.73: Accessories by name type


Figure 4.74: Accessories by subtype

Shoes is the largest subtype, and the one with the distribution of name types that is the most unlike the others in this group; only 13.46% are Nonref, and twice that percentage have Foreign names. However, Shoes also has a much higher percentage of

Semiref names than any of the other categories. This is partially due to the fact that many of the store names do include Obuv‟ ‗shoes‘, although most of the names that feature foreign brands do not. Some of the Foreign names include step (LN165=d), CLASSIC

(UC20=b), MONARCH (LN141=m), Monro (Figure 4.75), and Respekt (Figure 4.76).

Monro is significant for another reason as well: the large, permanent sign on the building 149

calls it an obuvnoy supermarket ‗shoe supermarket‘, but by the time they made the signs for the building directory the management must have decided that supermarket wasn‘t enough; there the store is called an obuvnoj gipermarket ‗shoe hypermarket‘.

Figure 4.75: Monro (PG114-1=cc)

Respekt (Figure 4.76) is an interesting example of using design elements to enhance the lexical elements of the sign: the letter R is formed from a boot. In addition, the use of the work salon ‗salon‘ in the subtitle obuvnoj salon ‗shoe salon‘ suggests quality and sophistication.


Figure 4.76: Respekt ‗shoe salon‘ (LN104=i)

4.7.4 Overall

A look at the three subgroups reveals, among other things, that it is difficult to construct an overall generalization that applies to all the subroups. Overall, General clothing has a high percentage of Foreign names and few Semiref and Wysiwyg;

Specialty, with the exception of Denim, tends to favor Nonref names; Accessories are a little more unpredictable. Figures 4.77-4.79 show the overall results:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 67 29 49 17 20 182 General 36.81% 15.93% 26.92% 9.34% 10.99% 100.00% 26 16 47 12 14 115 Specialty 22.61% 13.91% 40.87% 10.43% 12.17% 100.00% 23 15 31 24 25 118 Accessories 19.49% 12.71% 26.27% 20.34% 21.19% 100.00% 116 60 127 53 59 415 All 27.95% 14.46% 30.60% 12.77% 14.22% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.77: Comparison of Clothing/Accessories by name type and group

Figure 4.78: Comparison of Clothing/Accessories by name type


Figure 4.79: Comparison of Clothing/Accessories by group

Figures 4.80 and 4.81 compare Clothing/Accessories to the Overall results. The most noticeable difference is the higher percentage of Foreign names in

Clothing/Accessories, which can probably be attributed to the strong preference for

Foreign names in Men‘s, Women‘s, Family, Youth and Denim. There does some seem to be some correlation between price and the use of a Foreign name; many of the Foreign shoe stores are the most expensive ones. However, some big-ticket items such as Jewelry and Fur/Leather tend to favor Nonref, Semiref and Wysiwyg names, so cost is not the


only factor at work. Again, I think culture and history play a vital role here. In addition to fur, Siberia is also known for precious metals and gems, so these items may seem more

Russian, and would benefit less from using a foreign name than some other items might.

Figure 4.80: Comparison of Clothing/Accessories with overall results


Figure 4.81: Comparison of Clothing/Accessories with overall results

Figures 4.82 and 4.83 show the geographical distribution of Clothing/Accessories. It is not that surprising to see how sharply the distribution drops in the zones towards the periphery, since people often go shopping with a goal to buy specific items of clothing, and they will probably be willing to travel to a location where they think they will find the clothing they need. There are clothing and shoe stores throughout town, but they are concentrated more thickly in the center; Foreign and Hybrid names are definitely more common in the center than in the periphery. Clothing/Accessories is one of several categories where location definitely seems to affect naming choice.


Business Type Count Percent of Total Clothing 415 21.90% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 47 17 40 14 25 143 Zone 1 32.87% 11.89% 27.97% 9.79% 17.48% 100.00% 52 20 37 18 10 137 Zone 2 37.96% 14.60% 27.01% 13.14% 7.30% 100.00% 7 11 27 6 8 59 Zone 3 11.86% 18.64% 45.76% 10.17% 13.56% 100.00% 6 1 9 5 3 24 Zone 4 25.00% 4.16% 37.50% 20.83% 12.50% 100.00% 2 9 4 3 5 23 Zone 5 8.70% 39.13% 17.39% 13.04% 21.74% 100.00% 2 2 10 6 6 26 Zone 6 7.69% 7.69% 38.46% 23.08% 23.08% 100.00% 0 0 0 1 2 3 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 66.67% 100.00% 116 60 127 53 59 415 Total 27.95% 14.46% 30.60% 12.77% 14.22% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.82: Table showing geographical distribution of Clothing/Accessories


Figure 4.83: Graph showing geographical distribution of Clothing/Accessories


4.8 Hobby/Leisure

Figures 4.84-4.86 show the subtypes included in Hobby/Leisure:

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 10 2 4 7 1 24 Sports 41.67% 8.33% 16.67% 29.17% 4.17% 100.00% 2 1 6 1 3 13 Hobby/Toy 15.38% 7.69% 46.15% 7.69% 23.08% 100.00% 1 1 3 1 4 10 Sewing/Fabric 10.00% 10.00% 30.00% 10.00% 40.00% 100.00% 1 1 6 11 1 20 Books 5.00% 5.00% 30.00% 55.00% 5.00% 100.00% 4 11 5 0 3 23 Media 17.39% 47.83% 21.74% 0.00% 13.04% 100.00% 18 16 24 20 12 90 All 20.00% 17.78% 26.67% 22.22% 13.33% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.84: Hobby/Leisure by name type and subtype


Figure 4.85: Hobby/Leisure by name type

As seen in these figures, the results vary quite a bit between subtypes, and again, there seem to be some cultural factors at work. Books, Sewing/Fabric and Hobby/Toy definitely favor Russian names, and the items sold in these storms tend to be for personal use and not the sort of items that would confer any status upon the owner.


Figure 4.86: Hobby/Leisure by subtype

This isn‘t to say, however, that foreign words have no influence on stores in these categories. For example, Las-Knigas (Figure 4.87) is a ‗book hypermarket‘ whose name is a mix of kniga ‗book‘ and the name Las Vegas. This chain features large stores with a variety of books, DVDs, magazines and school supplies, so perhaps the name was chosen to express the variety that awaits inside, much like the dizzying array of architectural styles, time periods, and options for entertainment that can be found in the casinos of Las



Figure 4.87: Las-Knigas (LN133=d)

Figure 4.88 shows another example of foreign influence. This store, Kvilt, is a fabric store, whose specialty is fabric and supplies for what is known as pečverk

‗patchwork‘, a craft that has become quite popular in Russia in the past few years.

Figure 4.88: Kvilt (LN133=a)


Sports, however, contains a bevy of Foreign names, including the brand names

Columbia Sportswear Company (LN133=l), PUMA (PG14-1=b), and the Nike

SportCenter (PG14-1=d). These names seem to have influenced other names, including

Sportway (LN96=e) and the Hybrid Sport-tajm ‗Sport-time‘ (LN15=m).

The Foreign and Hybrid examples in Media are more significant, because there are actually no foreign chains here; instead, many of these stores are local chains or independent stores that sell CDs, software, and DVDs and include names such as underground (LN46=i), Play City (IT112=m), Planeta Stereo ‗Planet Stereo‘

(KN44=p), and Disk Land (LN169=m). Since the Latin CD and DVD are often used throughout the Russian language instead of the transliterated equivalent, many stores, such as CD Centr ‗CD Center‘ (LN95=h), feature these acronyms on their signs in place of Cyrillic translations or explanations. There are strong ties between Media and English in general and the US in particular; many of the products sold at these stores are copies of

American CDs and DVDs.


Figures 4.89 and 4.90 give the comparison of Hobby/Leisure with the Overall results, and the geographical distribution is given in Figures 4.91 and 4.92:

Figure 4.89: Comparison of Hobby/Leisure with overall results


Figure 4.90: Comparison of Hobby/Leisure with overall results

The noticeably higher concentration of stores in Zone 2 is due in part to the majority of the Sports stores, particularly the Foreign ones, being located in this zone, along with several Sewing/Fabric and Toy/Hobby stores. While the concentration of

Sports stores in Zone 2 may be due to the relatively expensive products sold there, the high concentration of the other two types of stores may be an issue of practicality—there are not that many of them and they tend to be rather small, which suggests that the number of prospective clients is rather small as well. By concentrating most of the stores along pr. Lenina, it is likely that a person who can‘t find what they want in one store will try another one nearby. Books are also concentrated in Zones 1 and 2, although there are


also several stores in Zone 6. The concentration in the center is not a surprise, since that is where most of the universities are located. Media stores tend to be distributed more evenly throughout the city, with some in every zone. This is also logical, because the

DVDs and CDs tend to be relatively inexpensive, the perfect impulse buy if somebody is bored or wants something to watch after dinner. This is probably one reason why Media stores are often located near grocery stores.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Hobby/Leisure 90 4.75% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 2 5 5 1 14 Zone 1 7.14% 14.29% 35.71% 35.71% 7.14% 100.00% 13 5 8 5 2 33 Zone 2 39.39% 15.15% 24.24% 15.15% 6.06% 100.00% 1 2 3 4 4 14 Zone 3 7.14% 14.29% 21.43% 28.57% 28.57% 100.00% 2 3 4 2 0 11 Zone 4 18.18% 27.27% 36.36% 18.18% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 0 2 3 Zone 5 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 66.67% 100.00% 1 3 2 2 3 11 Zone 6 9.09% 27.27% 18.18% 18.18% 27.27% 100.00% 0 1 1 2 0 4 Zone 7 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% 50.00% 0.00% 100.00% 18 16 24 20 12 90 Total 20.00% 17.78% 26.67% 22.22% 13.33% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.91: Table showing geographical distribution of Hobby/Leisure


Figure 4.92: Graph showing geographical distribution of Hobby/Leisure


4.9 General

This type is divided into two subtypes: Department Stores and General. Figures

4.93-4.95 show the distribution for this type.

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total Department 0 1 2 2 1 6 Stores 0.00% 16.67% 33.33% 33.33% 16.67% 100.00% 2 2 6 1 9 20 General 10.00% 10.00% 30.00% 5.00% 45.00% 100.00% 2 3 8 3 10 26 All 7.69% 11.54% 30.77% 11.54% 38.46% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.93: General by name type and subtype

Department Stores refers to stores that sell a variety of products under one roof with one check-out point for the entire store, as compared to shopping centers, where a variety of stores operate in one building (see Chapter 5.5). There are very few of these left in Tomsk; most of those that did exist have converted to shopping centers. Even

ЦУМ CUM ‗Central Universal Store‘, one of the shopping mainstays of the city, has primarily converted to individual stores; in Summer 2007, the building was in the middle of conversion to a shopping center. Since the remaining department stores are rather old- fashioned, it is not surprising that the names are nearly all Semiref and Nonref.


Figure 4.94: General by name type

Figure 4.95: General by subtype


General includes all those stores that do not clearly fit into another category, which makes them somewhat difficult to analyze. Some of these stores include business types that are new to Tomsk and therefore not that widespread, such as aroma (LN15=c), a store that sells upscale tobacco and cigars, and TOKYO HOUSE (FR57=j), a store that sells cosmetics and household goods from Japan. Several of the stores sell general household goods, such as cleaning supplies, while others are variety stores that sell a little of everything. Since many of these items, such as cleaning supplies, are products that people have to buy anyway, that may account for the high percentage of Wysiwygs.

Overall, however, the variety of businesses in this category makes it difficult to determine if there is any significance to the name choices or geographical distribution, although I have included these figures for the purpose of comparison (Figures 4.96-4.99):


Figure 4.96: Comparison of General with overall results

Figure 4.97: Comparison of General with overall results


Business Type Count Percent of Total General 26 1.37% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 0 1 0 1 0 2 Zone 1 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 0 3 1 1 6 Zone 2 16.67% 0.00% 50.00% 16.67% 16.67% 100.00% 0 1 2 1 2 6 Zone 3 0.00% 16.67% 33.33% 16.67% 33.33% 100.00% 1 0 1 0 1 3 Zone 4 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 100.00% 0 0 2 0 1 3 Zone 5 0.00% 0.00% 66.67% 0.00% 33.33% 100.00% 0 1 0 0 4 5 Zone 6 0.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 80.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 0 1 1 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 2 3 8 3 10 26 Total 7.69% 11.54% 30.77% 11.54% 38.46% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.98: Table showing geographical distribution of General


Figure 4.99: Graph showing geographical distribution of General


4.10 Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous includes the groups of stores that do not fit neatly into one of the other types. Unlike General, however, there are enough examples of each subtype to justify considering them as separate subtypes. Figures 4.100-4.102 shows the distribution within these subtypes:

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 0 7 4 7 20 Florists 10.00% 0.00% 35.00% 20.00% 35.00% 100.00% 0 0 5 2 4 11 Stationery 0.00% 0.00% 45.45% 18.18% 36.36% 100.00% 0 2 2 2 6 12 Gift/Souvenir 0.00% 16.67% 16.67% 16.67% 50.00% 100.00% Used 5 4 0 0 11 20 Merchandise 25.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 55.00% 100.00% 4 1 6 0 0 11 Pets 36.36% 9.09% 54.55% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 11 7 20 8 28 74 All 14.86% 9.46% 27.03% 10.81% 37.84% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.100: Miscellaneous by name type and subtype


Figure 4.101: Miscellaneous by name type

Figure 4.102: Miscellaneous by subtype


A look at these figures shows an intriguing division: Florists, Stationery and

Gift/Souvenir all strongly favor Nonref, Semiref and Wysiwyg names, while Pets and

Used Merchandise both have about 45% Foreign and Hybrid names. Perhaps the reason for these differences is due to the perceived degree of foreignness of each of these store types. Flowers, school and office supplies, and gifts are nothing new. Neither are pets, of course, but special food for pets is relatively new to Russia—people used to simply feed their animals people food, and many people still do. In addition, specialty stores like Dog

Land (AI3=b), which sells clothes for dogs, defintely have a whiff of foreign decadence about them. Names such as Top-Dog (SP10a=b), Zoo clinic (IT87=a), and Betxoven

‗Beethoven‘ (named for the American film about a St. Bernard, not the German composer) show this influence.

Used Merchandise is a striking case because of the naming extremes exhibited by this sybtype, with 45% Foreign and Hybrid, 55% Wysiwyg, and 0% Nonref and Semiref.

A look at the stores themselves reveals an interesting pattern: The Wysiwyg stores are nearly all either named Lombard (LN165=b), which is the Russian word for pawnshop, or Kommissionnyj magazin ‗Commission store‘, which is similar to a consignment shop and sells second-hand clothing and other goods that are brought in by locals (Figure



Figure 4.103: Komissionnyj magazin (IT118-1=e)

The Foreign and Hybrid names in this category, all have one thing in common: the use of the words ‗second hand‘. These stores, however, do not sell used goods that were brought in by locals, but used clothing that is shipped in from Europe. Figure 4.104 shows one of the most straightforward examples, where the two shirts pictured on the sign gives anybody who does not know what ‗second hand‘ means a clue what they can find in the shop.


Figure 4.104: Second Hand (FR77b=e)

Two other shops, also on pr. Frunze, decided to dress things up a little. The sign in Figure 4.105 includes Second Hand, but it adds the borrowing Vintaţ ‗Vintage‘ as well, which could be seen as adding a certain touch of class to the store. The sign in

Figure 4.106 is dominated by the words Second Hand, but a small subtitle reads Vtoroe dyxanie ‗Second Wind‘, which suggests that these clothes are still in very good shape and are ready to be worn.

This division between the two types of stores is significant because it seems to illustrate a basic dichotomy: ‗ours‘ takes a Russian name, while ‗other‘ takes a Foreign name. Although this is seen in other types as well, the division in Used Merchandise is very clear.


Figure 4.105: Second Hand-Vintaţ (FR126=a)

Figure 4.106: Second Hand-Vtoroe Dyxanie (FR102=g)

Figures 4.107 and 4.108 compare the name distribution for Miscellaneous with the overall distribution: 178

Figure 4.107: Comparison of Miscellaneous with overall results

Figure 4.108: Comparison of Miscellaneous with overall results


The high percentage of Wysiwyg names for this type is due not only to the factors

I have already discussed, but to several stores with names such as Suveniry ‗Souvenirs‘

(LN111=dc), Podarki ‗gifts‘ (LN89=a), and Cvety ‗flowers‘. There are definitely some

Nonref and Semiref names in the Florists, Stationery and Gift/Souvenir subtypes as well, but Wysiwyg names become more common in the peripheral zones, or rather, the number of Wysiwyg names stays about the same, but the other name types become less common.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Miscellaneous 74 3.90% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 1 3 2 3 10 Zone 1 10.00% 10.00% 30.00% 20.00% 30.00% 100.00% 2 3 3 4 6 18 Zone 2 11.11% 16.67% 16.67% 22.22% 33.33% 100.00% 4 1 4 0 8 17 Zone 3 23.53% 5.88% 23.53% 0.00% 47.06% 100.00% 2 1 3 0 0 6 Zone 4 33.33% 16.67% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 4 1 5 11 Zone 5 0.00% 9.09% 36.36% 9.09% 45.45% 100.00% 1 0 3 1 3 8 Zone 6 12.50% 0.00% 37.50% 12.50% 37.50% 100.00% 1 0 0 0 3 4 Zone 7 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 75.00% 100.00% 11 7 20 8 28 74 Total 14.86% 9.46% 27.03% 10.81% 37.84% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 4.109: Table showing geographical distribution of Miscellaneous


Figure 4.110: Graph showing geographical distribution of Miscellaneous

As Figures 4.109 and 4.110 show, the number of General businesses does change, but there is not a sharp drop in the peripheral zones like there is in some of the other types. Perhaps this is due to the fact that these stores tend to sell goods that people often need to run out and buy, such as pens, cat food, or flowers for a birthday they forgot; these are not planned, big-ticket purchases that would warrant a commute. Used

Merchandise is an exception, to this; the last Foreign or Hybrid name occurs in Zone 5, while the Wysiwygs continue into Zone 7. In general, the Foreign and Hybrid names are concentrated within the first three zones. This is probably due to the fact that most of the second hand stores that sell European clothing want to be near other clothing stores, so


that they can attract shoppers who are looking for chic clothing (prices can still be quite high), while the consignment stores that sell secondhand clothing from residents of

Tomsk are aiming at a different clientele, one that probably does most of its clothes shopping at the open markets and would not head into the center of town to buy clothing.

As shown in this chapter, there are a variety of linguistic, social and financial factors that influence naming for Goods. Chapter 5 will look at Services in an attempt to determine how these factors influence naming choices for these types of businesses, and

Chapter 7 will discuss overall patterns and trends.




5.0 Introduction

Thirteen different classes of services are represented in this study. These types contain 797 different businesses, or approximately 42% of the total. As seen in Figure

5.1, the distribution of the name types varies widely between categories.

This chapter will attempt to discover some possible reasons for these variations. In addition, since some of the types contain related but different services, this chapter will look at the results for the subtypes within each type and attempt to determine if there are dominant patterns within each type.


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 3 4 2 1 11 Utilities 9.09% 27.27% 36.36% 18.18% 9.09% 100.00% 2 2 4 3 0 11 Construction 18.18% 18.8% 36.36% 27.27% 0.00% 100.00% 12 13 30 14 6 75 Information 16.00% 17.33% 40.00% 18.67% 8.00% 100.00% Finance/ 4 12 22 47 2 87 Insurance 4.60% 13.79% 25.29% 54.02% 2.30% 100.00% 6 12 42 15 2 77 Real Estate 7.79% 15.58% 54.55% 19.48% 2.60% 100.00% 12 12 10 13 16 63 Professional 19.05% 19.05% 15.87% 20.63% 25.40% 100.00% 22 20 20 17 7 86 Support 25.58% 23.26% 23.26% 19.77% 8.14% 100.00% 2 2 4 2 1 11 Education 18.18% 18.18% 36.36% 18.18% 9.09% 100.00% 4 5 14 4 7 34 Health Care 11.76% 14.71% 41.18% 11.76% 20.59% 100.00% 12 5 13 7 4 41 Recreation 29.27% 12.20% 31.71% 17.07% 9.76% 100.00% 25 12 26 26 11 100 Hospitality 25.00% 12.00% 26.00% 26.00% 11.00% 100.00% 4 4 24 12 43 87 Repair 4.60% 4.60% 27.59% 13.79% 49.43% 100.00% 35 11 41 11 16 114 Personal 30.70% 9.65% 35.96% 9.65% 14.04% 100.00% 141 113 254 173 116 797 All 17.69% 14.18% 31.87% 21.71% 14.55% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.1: Overall distribution of name types among Services


5.1 Utilities

The first category of services that I analyzed is Utilities, which is composed of businesses that produce or disseminate energy. Although there are several oil fields near

Tomsk, there are very few plants or other industrial buildings on the main streets that I surveyed, which accounts for the small number of energy-related businesses in a study of town where energy is a big business. However, several companies do have offices on these streets, and there are a few gas stations as well.

UTILITIES Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 0 1 2 1 5 Support 20.00% 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 20.00% 100.00% 0 2 2 0 0 4 Gas Stations 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 1 0 0 2 Miscellaneous 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 3 4 2 1 11 All 9.09% 27.27% 36.36% 18.18% 9.09% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.2: Utilities by name type and subtype.


Figure 5.3: Utilities by name type

Figure 5.4: Utilities by subtype


As seen in Figures 5.2-5.4, the total number of businesses in this category is very small (it makes up about 0.6% of the total), so the numbers are not statistically significant. However, a look at some of the names does show some reasons why these patterns are appearing. On the streets covered in this study, only four gas stations appear, and they are owned by only two companies: Lukoil and Yukos. (Although the former gas giant Yukos was dissolved a few years ago, some subdivisions continue to function.)

Both of these names were originally formed by contracting longer names. According to its website, Lukoil was formed as a state-owned company in 1991and was called

LangepasUraiKogalymneft; neft‟ is the Russian word for oil. The dissolution of Yukos by the Russian government has made it impossible to find any official websites with the company history, but according to Wikipedia (the only source available at the time of writing), the name Yukos was formed by combining the names Juganskneftegaz and

KujbyševnefteOrgSintez. Although the now-defunct Yukos used a Latinized version of its name when it did overseas business, the remaining stations in Tomsk use Cyrillic. The name is Nonref, because in its current form it tells the average Russian nothing about the business. Even when Yukos had a large office in Tomsk, nobody was ever able to explain to me what the name meant; they just knew that the company was involved with oil and that the name was a contraction of the names of the founding oil companies, although they couldn‘t tell me which ones.

The use of the word ‗oil‘ makes Lukoil a Hybrid. Figure 5.5 shows the Lukoil logo:


Figure 5.5: Lukoil (IT58=a)

The stylized LUK is used all over the world, while the drop-of-oil logo appears in the

Latin alphabet in some overseas locations (such as in the US), and in the Cyrillic alphabet in Russia.

In the case of the other utilities subtypes, several of the names are also formed as stump compounds, with some more transparent than others. Only one of the names is a

Wysiwyg: burenie skvaţin (LN150a=e), which is what they do—drill oil wells.

Comparing the distribution of classes in Utilities with the overall distribution is, as I said, not statistically significant, but it is still interesting. Figures 5.6 and 5.7 show that there are fewer examples of Foreign and Wysiwyg names than are seen in the

Overall breakdown, but that Nonref and Semiref names are about as common as


expected, probably because so many of these names are stump compounds formed in the classic Soviet style. The low percentage of Foreign names is logical, since Russia‘s oil fields are one of the main sources of national revenue, as well as a source of national pride. The presence of more hybrids can probably be tied to the participation of Russia in global energy markets.

Figure 5.6: Comparison of Utilities with overall results


Figure 5.7: Comparison of Utilities with overall results

The geographical distribution of Utilities is shown in Figures 5.8 and 5.9. The four gas stations in town are all located on Irkutskij trakt, one in each of Zones 4-7, the more residential areas of town. This is not surprising, since it is unusual to see gas stations in or near the center of town in both Russia and the US, probably due to high overhead, zoning restrictions, and the lack of available property. Most of the other compainies are located within Zones 1-3, since that area is more business-oriented and less residential. As previously noted, these offices give companies representation in the city, as well as a place where prospective customers can contact them, but most of the work that the compainies engage in takes place outside of the city, so they do not need to


be located in residential zones. Like the companies selling Japanese autos (see Section

4.1), the use of a small downtown office allows them to have a presence near the center of the city, where space is at a premium, while the main work goes on at another site.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Utilities 11 0.58% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 0 0 0 1 0 1 Zone 1 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 0 1 1 0 3 Zone 2 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 0 0 1 2 Zone 3 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 0 0 1 Zone 4 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 0 0 0 1 Zone 5 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 0 0 1 Zone 6 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 1 0 0 2 Zone 7 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 3 4 2 1 11 Total 9.09% 27.27% 36.36% 18.18% 9.09% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.8: Table showing geographical distribution of Utilities


Figure 5.9: Graph showing geographical distribution of Utilities

5.2 Construction

Construction is another type with only a few examples, eleven in all. Figures

5.10-5.12 show the distribution:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 2 4 3 0 10 Construction 18.18% 18.18% 36.36% 27.27% 0.00% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.10: Construction by name type and subtype

Since there are no subtypes in this category the graphs are not parallel to the graphs in the other sections, but I have included them for the purpose of comparison:

Figure 5.11: Construction by name type 193

Figure 5.12: Construction

Construction includes companies that focus on both commercial and residential construction, as well as companies that provide surveying services, install elevators, and assist with other steps in the construction process. A few of the names, including Lukri

(GA7=k), Atis (GA7=p), and Al’pari (LN2a=d) are interesting because they do not seem to actually signify anything; a look at their websites did not reveal any information about the origin of their names. A few other names were interesting because of the foreign influence: Futurum (LN133=h) presumably comes from the Latin futurum ‗future‘, which suggest a company on the cutting edge of building. Another interesting name is

VDM Grupp ‗VDM group‘ (SP13=a). The word gruppa ‗group, team‘ exists in Russian, but here the company opts for a form without the –a ending. As the genitive plural form


doesn‘t make sense in the context, it appears that they want the name to sound like the

English ‗group‘, which would be груп grup if transliterated, without the extra п at the end. This name thus seems to be a combination of a Russian morpheme with English orthography.

Figures 5.13 and 5.14 compare the distribution of name types in Construction with the overall distribution. Again, eleven examples is not enough to be statistically significant, but it is interesting that the percentage of Foreign names is quite close to the overall percentage, while the others are higher, and the Semiref is noticeably higher

(27.27% compared to 18.79%). Three of the eleven examples are Semiref, and two of these are construction companies that contain the root stroj ‗build‘, which gives the passer-by a good idea of what those companies do.


Figure 5.13: Comparison of Construction with overall results

Figure 5.14: Comparison of Construction with overall results


The geographical distribution of Construction (Figures 5.15 and 5.16) is interesting because eight of the eleven companies are located in Zones 1 and 2, but none in Zones 3, 6 or 7. Again, this seems to be due to the fact that these companies‘ offices are locations where people can come for consultations or inquiries, but the actual equipment and supplies do not need to be on the premises. This allows these companies to occupy prime commerical space.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Construction 11 0.58% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 0 1 2 2 0 5 Zone 1 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 40.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 1 0 1 0 3 Zone 2 33.33% 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 3 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 1 0 0 1 Zone 4 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 0 1 0 0 2 Zone 5 50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 6 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2 2 4 3 0 11 Total 18.18% 18.18% 36.36% 27.27% 0.00% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.15: Table showing geographical distribution of Construction


Figure 5.16: Graph showing geographical distribution of Construction

5.3 Information

The type Information covers several different subtypes, all dealing with communication or media. I will focus on the two subtypes that I found the most interesting: Cellular and Other. Figures 5.17-5.19 show the details of the subtypes:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 0 0 5 1 0 6 Periodicals 0.00% 0.00% 83.33% 16.67% 0.00% 100.00% 0 4 0 6 1 11 Telephones 0.00% 36.36% 0.00% 54.55% 9.09% 100.00% 9 8 23 5 5 50 Mobile Phones 18.00% 16.00% 46.00% 10.00% 10.00% 100.00% 3 1 1 1 0 6 Other 50.00% 16.67% 16.67% 16.67% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 1 0 2 Miscellaneous 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 100.00% 12 13 30 14 6 75 All 16.00% 17.33% 40.00% 18.67% 8.00% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.17: Information by name type and subtype


Figure 5.18: Information by name type

Figure 5.19: Information by subtype


Cellular telephones are a big business in Tomsk and throughout Russia. There are a few major companies that handle most of the communication, but unlike the US, where most companies operate on a contract basis with monthly payments, most cellular phone users in Russia use a prepaid service, which involves putting money on your phone by making a payment at a store or by means of a machine. In addition, most phones are not included as part of a contract, but must be purchased. These factors have led to many small shops throughout the city that sell a variety of phones and usually allow the purchaser to sign up for one of several different service providers, although there are a few stores that are attached to a specific company.

Perhaps the most striking feature of Cellular shops is the abundance of Nonref names, particularly because some of the names are so overtly Foreign, as seen in Figure


Figure 5.20: Connect (PK5=a)


The Foreign name Connect is logical, and it may appeal to those who can tie it to the idea of sotovoj svjazi, or ‗cell connections‘ that is mentioned in small print on the sign.

The adjective sotovyj, which is now used in connection with cell phone service, was originally used to refer to the honeycomb in a beehive; this etymology figures in the name of one of the major carriers in Russia, Bilajn, a transliteration of ‗beeline‘. This name rarely if ever appears written in Latin, but the web address is, not, and the logo features a black-and-yellow-striped circle (Figure 5.21). This name shows an awareness of both the English meaning of the phrase (implying quick and efficient service) and the original etymology of the word sotovyj, although this will not be transparent to the average speaker. Transparency, however, is not a necessity: those who do make the connection can congratulate themselves on their understanding of English, while those who do not can still see the Foreign name as a sign of quality or cosmopolitanism even without knowing what it means, much like an American who goes to a café because of the French name and has no idea what it means.

Figure 5.21: Beeline (LN133=n) 202

Figure 5.22 is another interesting example:

Figure 5.22: www.Mobil.ka (IT78=c)

In this example the word mobilka, which is a common term used for a moble telephone, has been written in Latin letters and made to look like a web address, although it is not a functioning one. Figure 5.23 gives an example of another business using the web address pattern:


Figure 5.23: (LN87=a)

The name of this store,, also looks like a web address to a degree, with the circle serving as the dot, and the ру at the end the Cyrillic version of the .ru ending that is found in most Russian web addresses. Telefon is the Russian word for ‗telephone‘, but two things are interesting about this usage. First of all, although the name of the store is, and they do sell some traditional ―land line‖ telephones, the store focuses on cellular phones and accessories, and also provides cellular prepayment service. This seems to show that the meaning of telefon is broadening to include cellular telephones as well, just as the word ‗telephone‘ or ‗phone‘ has in English. Second, it is also interesting that the actual web address of this company is not, but So, although the name is in Russian, an awareness of English is present as well.


So, if there are so many Foreign or at least foreign-savvy names, why are Nonref names in the majority? At first, the primary reason seemed to be the predominance of store chains that have Nonref names, such as Armada ‗armada‘ (4 stores), Svyaznoj

‗messenger, communications‘ (3 stores) and Evroset’ (8 stores), a name which is a stump compound formed from Evropa ‗Europe‘ and set‟ ‗network, chain‘. However, when I removed the repeat examples of a name, which left me with 25 names, I was left with seven Foreign names (28%, up from 18%), two Hybrids (8%, down from 16%), 10

Nonrefs (40%, down from 46%), three Semirefs (12% up from 10%), and three

Wysiwygs (12%, up from 10%). So, even though there are a lot of chain stores, Nonref names are still preferred over Foreign and Hybrid names. This was not seen in the subtypes Computers (see Chapter 4.3) or Media (see Chapter 4.8), where Foreign and

Hybrid names made up 61% and 65%, respectively, of the names. I had anticipated a similar pattern in the Cellular subtype.

The reason that this did not occur may be due to the fact that cell phones, although technologically advanced, seem to be viewed as more of a necessity than computers and CDs or DVDs are. It is not unusual to see older women in kerchiefs or other people who will probably never buy a DVD or use the internet walking down the street with cell phones. Before the advent of cellular service, many apartment buildings or wooden homes did not yet have phone lines; when cell phones did come along, they were purchased by many people as an alternative to a ―land line‖. In addition, prepaid


service can be very inexpensive; I knew some students who spent less than $5 a month on their phones. It seems that these names are chosen to appeal to a broad group, many of whom would not appreciate or respond to Foreign or Hybrid names.

This hypothesis seems to be supported by comparing the results for the Cellular subtype with the results for Other. Five of the six Other businesses are internet cafes, and of these five cafes, three of them have names that are Foreign. Figure 5.24 is an example of one of these names:

Figure 5.24: Enter (computer club) (KU=4)


The other two Foreign clubs go by the name netcafe (LN32=a, LN44=a), names which are obviously foreign. Another internet café goes by the name internet-café Ţelezo

‗internet café Iron‘ (LN85=a). Only the internet café in Zone 7, farthest from the center, goes by the name Komp’uternyj zal ‗Computer Hall‘ (IT28=j). These businesses definitely seem to be targeting a more specific, presumably younger and more tech- savvy, crowd.

Figure 5.25: Comparison of Information with overall results


Figure 5.26: Comparison of Information with overall results

As noted above, the distribution of Information compared with the overall results

(Figures 5.25 and 5.26) seems to be due at least in part to the fact that cellular phone service is already a part of practically everybody‘s life. In addition, traditional periodicals and telephone service would also presumably be targeting a broad group, which suggests a tendency to rely on Russian names whenever possible.


The geographical distribution (Figures 5.27 and 5.28) is interesting because of the sharp change in frequency between Zone 3 and Zone 4. This pattern has appeared for some of the other types as well; possible reasons for this pattern will be discussed in the

Conclusion (Chapter 7).

Business Type Count Percent of Total Information 75 3.96% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 5 9 2 0 17 Zone 1 5.88% 29.41% 52.94% 11.76% 0.00% 100.00% 7 4 8 1 1 21 Zone 2 33.33% 19.05% 38.10% 4.76% 4.76% 100.00% 1 3 9 7 3 23 Zone 3 4.35% 13.04% 39.13% 30.43% 13.04% 100.00% 2 0 1 0 0 3 Zone 4 66.67% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 0 1 2 1 5 Zone 5 20.00% 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 20.00% 100.00% 0 1 2 1 1 5 Zone 6 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 1 0 1 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 12 13 30 14 6 75 Total 16.00% 17.33% 40.00% 18.67% 8.00% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.27: Table showing geographical distribution of Information


Figure 5.28: Table showing geographical distribution of Information


5.4 Finance/Insurance

Finance/Insurance is another fairly large type, with five subtypes. Figures 5.29-

5.31 show the distribution of these subtypes:

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 3 6 26 0 36 Banking 2.78% 8.33% 16.67% 72.22% 0.00% 100.00% 1 4 2 6 2 15 Loans 6.67% 26.67% 13.33% 40.00% 13.33% 100.00% 2 2 3 1 0 8 Investment 25.00% 25.00% 37.50% 12.50% 0.00% 100.00% 0 2 11 11 0 24 Insurance 0.00% 8.33% 45.83% 45.83% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 0 3 0 4 Miscellaneous 0.00% 25.00% 0.00% 75.00% 0.00% 100.00% 4 12 22 47 2 87 All 4.60% 13.79% 25.29% 54.02% 2.30% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.29: Finance/Insurance by name type and subtype


Figure 5.30: Finance/Insurance by name type

Figure 5.31: Finance/Insurance by subtype


The subtype with the most examples is Banking. The presence of so many

Semiref banking names is due in part to the fact that practically all of the bank names contain the word bank ‗bank‘, which makes it quite clear what the customer can expect to find there. Most of the banks in town are national or regional chains, and the most common is Sberbank Rossii ‗Savings Bank of Russia‘ (Figure 5.32); there are six branches in the area I surveyed. On each of the signs there is a small subtitle that says

Osnovan v 1841 godu, ‗Founded in 1841‘, to remind the customer how long it has been around, which is a sign of stability and dependability, an important feature in a country that was hit by a rash of bank failures about ten years ago. One billboard said that the bank was founded by order of Czar Nicholas I, which could also serve to increase confidence in the bank, although it seems that it might alienate any Communists who see the signs. There are also three branches of Rosbank ‗Russia bank‘, and one of Rus’bank

(FR96=c), which is named not for Russia but for Rus‘. There are also a few banks that contain other geographic markers, such as UralSib ‗Ural/Siberia‘, and Bank Moskvy

‗Bank of Moscow‘ (FR103-1=a).


Figure 5.32: Sberbank Rossii (PL 12=a)

Only one bank has a name that can really be considered foreign (Figure 5.33):

Figure 5.33: Trust (National Bank) (LN127=a)

Although trust is clearly a foreign word, it belongs to a Russian bank: according to the website (, the bank has existed since 1995, although it only received its new name in 2004. The name is interesting because the Cyrillic spelling of the name is not a transliteration; trast is used instead of trust. The shape of the Ts in the English name and the trademark sign is rather stylized; perhaps it is meant to bracket the letters RUS in the 214

middle, as if to emphasize that despite the foreign name, this bank is still Russian. Since the word trast ‗trust‘ has been borrowed into Russian in both the economic sense and the moral sense, this name operates on two levels of meaning.

There are a few other banks that have Russian names but use Latin letters in their logos. Once local bank, Tomskpromstrojbank ‗Tomsk Industrial and Building Bank‘, has taken an interesting approach (Figure 5.34):

Figure 5.34: TpsBank(FR90=d)


Over the entrance to the bank is a sign that simply says ‗Bank‘, with a hard sign (ъ) added for good measure. This building is not pre-revolutionary, but perhaps the spelling choice, much like the sign that reminds people that Sberbank was founded in 1841, lends a sense of class and stability to the bank. On the left side of the entrance is a plaque with the shortened name, TpsBank, written in English, and a longer version of the name written underneath in Russian. On the right side of the entrance, a similar plaque also has the name in English, and an English explanation of the name written underneath. These signs combine past and present, English and Russian all in one.

Figure 5.35: Comparison of Finance/Insurance with overall results


A comparison of Finance/Insurance with the overall results, seen in Figures 5.35 and 5.36, shows that Semiref names make up an overwhelming majority, due to the reasons explained above. There are only a few clearly foreign names, including the investment firms NetTrader (KR2=a) and the Washington Group (NU18v=h). One of the credit agencies in the Loans subtype has a name that made several Russians who saw it roll their eyes and exclaim in horror: Хоум Кредит энд Финанс Банк (GA7=cc), which is simply a transliteration of ‗Home Credit and Finance Bank‘. It seems a sign saying the same thing in English would have gotten less of a reaction than the Cyrillic version did; it was an interesting choice for the company to make.

Figure 5.36: Comparison of Finance/Insurance with overall results


The presence of very few Wysiwygs in this category is also interesting; there are only two, and both of them are firms that give auto loans. This may be due to the location; although neither of them are peripheral, they are not in the center either. It seems that in Finance/Insurance the names are targeted at a general audience, hence the abundance of Semiref names, with a bit of ―decoration‖, often in the form of geographical names, that inspire trust by tying the company to Russia or to the region.

The geographic distribution of the Finance/Insurance names is given in Figures

5.37 and 5.38. It is interesting how the Semiref names are always the most frequent, although they share that honor with Nonref in Zone 4. It is also interesting to see how

Hybrids spike in Zone 2, but are infrequent otherwise. Again, there is a sharp drop in the overall number of businesses, but this time it is between Zones 4 and 5, perhaps because in the more residential areas, the main financial service people walking to and from home require is a bank with an ATM; people buy insurance policies or take out loans relatively rarely, so they will probably be willing to travel for such occasions.


Business Type Count Percent of Total Finance/Insurance 87 4.60% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 0 9 15 0 26 Zone 1 7.69% 0.00% 34.62% 57.69% 0.00% 100.00% 1 8 5 9 0 23 Zone 2 4.35% 34.78% 21.74% 39.13% 0.00% 100.00% 1 1 1 11 1 15 Zone 3 6.67% 6.67% 6.67% 73.33% 6.67% 100.00% 0 2 5 5 1 13 Zone 4 0.00% 15.38% 38.46% 38.46% 7.69% 100.00% 0 1 0 2 0 3 Zone 5 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 66.67% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 2 4 0 6 Zone 6 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 66.67% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 1 0 1 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 4 12 22 47 2 87 Total 4.60% 13.79% 25.29% 54.02% 2.30% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.37: Table showing geographical distribution of Finance/Insurance


Figure 5.38: Graph showing geographical distribution of Finance/Insurance

5.5 Real Estate

Real Estate is divided into two subtypes: Brokers and Managers. Although these two subtypes are connected in the NAICS classification, the connection is a tenuous one.

Brokers referes to services for buying and renting real estate, while Managers refers to the companies that own or manage shopping centers, buildings with multiple stores under one roof with one name. Figures 5.39-5.41 give the details of the distribution:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 9 20 3 0 34 Brokers 5.88% 26.47% 58.82% 8.82% 0.00% 100.00% 4 3 22 12 2 43 Managers 9.30% 6.98% 51.16% 27.91% 4.65% 100.00% 6 12 42 15 2 77 All 7.79% 15.58% 54.55% 19.48% 2.60% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.39: Real Estate by name type and subtype

Finance 5.40: Real Estate by name type


Figure 5.41: Real Estate by subtype

As can be seen in these figures, both subtypes feature a large percentage of

Nonref names, and both of them have few Foreign and Wysiwyg names as well. Brokers, however, have more Hybrid names, while Managers have more Semiref names. One of the reasons for the relatively high percentage of Hybrid names among Brokers is the use of the morpheme риэлт rièlt, which comes from the English word ‗realty‘. Four of the eight Hybrid names contain this morpheme: ROS Rièlt Servis ‗ROS Realty Service‘

(IT41=b), rièltsibir’ ‗realty of Siberia‘ (Figure 5.42), AJVA- rièlt ‗Quince realty‘

(LN41=f), and Rièltkompleks Realty Complex‘ (PS2-7=a).


Figure 5.42: rièltsibir‟ (KA13=e)

Several of the Nonref names have to do with symbols or ideas related to the home, such as Komfort ‗Comfort‘ (Figure 5.43), Ključ ‗Key‘ (FR152=k), Adres

‗Address‘ (FR59=a), and Novosel’e ‗Housewarming‘ (LN30-2=f). This is striking because real estate brokers are a relatively recent reintroduction to Russian society;


during Soviet times housing was assigned, so that there was neither the need nor the possibility to find it for oneself. These names seem to be reminding the prospective customer of this fact, and the chance that they now have to choose their own housing and turn it into a home, as seen in the graphic in Figure 5.43:

Figure 5.43: Komfort (FR116=c)

Shopping centers are also a relatively recent reintroduction to Russia, since during

Soviet times most stores were either separate entities or large department-type stores, with several departments and a few cashiers. As I mentioned in chapter three, many of these department stores have now become shopping centers, even if they retain the


original name, and many new ones have opened. Some of these shopping centers are quite small, with only a few stores, while others have twenty or more stores or businesses under one roof. These businesses will be discussed in greater depth in Chapter 6, but here are a few examples:

Figure 5.44: Real (shopping center) (LN163a=a)

The name of the store in Figure 5.44, like some of the other Foreign and Hybrid names, tells the passerby very little about the actual business. The use of English, however, does give a certain status to what would otherwise be a small and rather ordinary shopping center, and the name REAL could be seen as an indication of quality.

Another shopping center, Big City (LN80=a), is located right on the edge of Lenin

Square, near the parliament and other important city buildings. I don‘t think the name is an accident—the location of this building, with its prominent Foreign sign (the


transliteration Биг Сити is given on the doors, but English is featured everywhere else) in the symbolic and logistical heart of the city gives the center a touch of cosmopolitanism. This name works on several levels—it simultaneously brings to mind the excitement and staus of large cities such as London and New York (the series Sex and the City is quite popular in Russia) and supports the status of Tomsk itself as a big city, instead of a provincial town. The business center NETTOWN (US37=a), also uses

English; in this case perhaps the goal is to suggest that the computer and other buisness- related services in this building can help a client achieve a level of networking and success like that of Western cities. Some other names use words or images that suggest something stylish or exciting, such as o-lja-lja ‗o-la-la‘ (LN160=a), while other names, such Target (LN111=b), Status ‗Status‘ (Figure 5.45), and Mečta ‗Dream‘ (KA13=a) imply that a shoppers can find what they need to get everything they‘ve always wanted.

Figure 5.45: Status (shopping and business center) (BT2=a)


Figures 5.46 and 5.47 compare Real Estate with the overall results. As can be seen in these figures, the high percentage of Hybrid names in Brokers and the high percentage of Semiref names in Managers seems to balance out with the low percentage of Semiref names in Brokers and Hybrid names in Managers, to bring the percentages for the type quite close to the overall percentages for these name types. However, Nonref names maintain a majority. This may be due to several different factors, including the fact that many of the Brokers use names that evoke a feeling of home, a feeling best expressed by Russian, and the fact that some of the shopping centers are operating under names that the buildings have had for many years, although the nature of the businesses inside may have changed greatly.

Figure 5.46: Comparison of Real Estate with overall results


Figure 5.47: Comparison of Real Estate with overall results

The geographical distribution of Real Estate is shown in Figures 5.48 and 5.49. In this category, the behavior of Hybrid names is interesting, because, even though they become less frequent as the zones move to the periphery, the drop is not as sharp as it has been for some of the other business types. It is actually the Semiref and Wysiwyg names that almost disappear in Zones 4-7 along with the foreign name types. Although the

Hybrid Manager names are in the center, the Hybrid Broker names are still frequently seen in Zone 4, and even appear in Zones 5 and 6. Perhaps this is due to the fact that

Frunze and Irkutskij Trakt are more residential, and therefore have more Brokers. This is one subtype that does not seem to be significantly affected by location.


Business Type Count Percent of Total Real Estate 77 4.06% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 1 8 5 1 17 Zone 1 11.76% 5.88% 47.06% 29.41% 5.88% 100.00% 0 3 12 6 1 22 Zone 2 0.00% 13.63% 54.55% 27.27% 4.55% 100.00% 2 2 12 3 0 19 Zone 3 10.53% 10.53% 63.16% 15.79% 0.00% 100.00% 2 3 4 0 0 9 Zone 4 22.22% 33.33% 44.44% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 2 4 0 0 6 Zone 5 0.00% 33.33% 66.67% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 1 0 0 2 Zone 6 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 1 0 2 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% 0.00% 100.00% 6 12 42 15 2 77 Total 7.79% 15.58% 54.55% 19.48% 2.60% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.48: Table showing geographical Distribution of Real Estate


Figure 5.49: Table showing geographical distribution of Real Estate

5.6 Professional

This category includes a variety of subtypes. Although some of these professions, such as Lawers and Notaries, were part of Soviet life as well, others, such as Consulting,

Advertising and PR, are more recent additions to Russian business, as evinced by the fact that the words most commonly used to describe these businesses, such as kansalting, advertajzing, and piar (often written using the English letters PR) are borrowings from

English. For this reason, there is quite a lot of variation in distribution among name types, as can be seen in Figure 5.50-5.52:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 1 3 4 12 21 Lawyers 4.76% 4.76% 14.29% 19.05% 57.14% 100.00% 0 0 0 1 4 5 Notaries 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 20.00% 80.00% 100.00% 1 2 1 1 0 5 Interior Design 20.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 0.00% 100.00% 2 0 0 0 0 2 Consulting 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 4 0 2 0 0 6 Advertising 66.67% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 3 0 0 0 4 PR 25.00% 75.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 0 2 2 0 5 Photographers 20.00% 0.00% 40.00% 40.00% 0.00% 100.00% 2 6 2 5 0 15 Miscellaneous 13.33% 40.00% 13.33% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% 12 12 10 13 16 63 All 19.05% 19.05% 15.87% 20.63% 25.40% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.50: Professional by name type and subtype


Figure 5.51: Professional by name type

Figure 5.52: Professional by subtype


Both PR and Advertising have some interesting examples of names. For example,

Figure 5.53 shows the sign for the company Fiesta ‗Fiesta‘:

Figure 5.53: Fiesta (advertising group) (BL8=a)

In this example, the name suggests a positive, fun-loving aproach towards advertising, a feeling that is underscored by the sombrero and flip-flop sandals on the orange, which also add an international flavor. This same approach is seen in a billboard for the PR group Janson (Figure 5.54), where the balloons, pretty girl, and slogan Éto Šou ‗It‘s a show!‘ also suggest a celebration, while the girl whispering in the young man‘s ear may be showing a ruidmentary form of PR in action. In addition, the use of the latin letters PR in the word PRezentacija ‗presentation‘ reminds the viewer what this business is all about:


Figure 5.54: Janson (PR firm) (KU32=a)

The word šou ‗show‘ is not used everywhere we would use the word in English; it usually applies to a concert, musical play, or other production that features spectacular special effects, large crowds, and other features that many associate with Hollywood and other international stars. This connection of advertising and PR with foreignness and flashiness could also play a role in the names of the advertising firm Tango (FR118=a) and the PR firm Mango group (LN85a=k). These two names, as well as the name Fiesta above (Figure 5.53), are interesting because they all have a certain Spanish or tropical flavor, which at first glance, doesn‘t seem to have much to do with either advertising or

PR. Perhaps these images refer not to the advertising and PR themselves, but that the results they promise—a few well-crafted advertising or PR campaigns can lead to a life where the customer can sit on beaches, sip tropical drinks, and schmooze with the kind of people that would put on a šou. 234

Another theme seen among some of the Professional names has to do with words relating to thought or vision, as in Figure 5.55:

Figure 5.55: Brajt (LN141-1=f)

In this example, the name Brajt, which is simply a transliteration of ‗bright‘, refers to a company that handles advertising and design. This name, in combination with the futuristic buildings shown on the sign, suggests a company that has a cutting-edge approach to advertising. Another company, PRIZMA ‗prism‘ (GA7=n) does PR; here,


the idea of light connotes vision and the ability to present things in a new and interesting way. At the same time, the advertising and PR firms need to make sure that their signs are good examples of advertising and PR; if they don‘t attract the attention of prospective clients, the clients won‘t believe that these firms can attract attention to their products.

On the other side of the spectrum, we have the names of Lawyers or Notaries, almost all of which are Semiref or Wysiwyg. In many cases, the business name is simply

Advokat ‗Lawyer‘ or Notarius ‗Notary‘. There is little or no attempt to resort to fancy names or flashy signs to attract customers. In the case of a notary, people are likely to simply go to the nearest one, since one notary provides much the same services as another. The Lawyers do make a few attempts to be hip, such as the name Tommarket-

Pravo ‗Tomsk market of Law‘ (LN46=k), which plays on the idea of supermarkets, but overall, the old-fashioned approach seems to be the preferred one, signalling that these attorneys are solid and dependable, in addition, their low-key approach to naming suggests discretion and an ability to keep secrets. It would be interesting to see if this approach changes in the coming years as new attorneys enter the workforce.

Figures 5.56 and 5.57 compare the name type distribution for Professional with the overall distribution:


Figure 5.56: Comparison of Professional with overall results

Figure 5.57: Comparison of Professional with overall results


In these figures, we can see how the tendency for business types that are recent additions to Russian life to use Foreign or Hybrid names leads to percentages that are slightly higher than Overall. On the other hand, business types that have been part of society for some time tend to choose Semiref or Wysiwyg names, which led to percentages in these name types that are also higher than the overall percentages. In this case, Nonref is actually the smallest group, which is an unusual occurance.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Professional 63 3.32% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 4 1 1 2 1 9 Zone 1 44.44% 11.11% 11.11% 22.22% 11.11% 100.00% 5 7 4 7 9 32 Zone 2 15.63% 21.87% 12.50% 21.87% 28.12% 100.00% 1 0 2 2 2 7 Zone 3 14.29% 0.00% 28.57% 28.57% 28.57% 100.00% 2 3 1 1 1 8 Zone 4 25.00% 37.50% 12.50% 12.50% 12.50% 100.00% 0 1 1 1 3 6 Zone 5 0.00% 16.67% 16.67% 16.67% 50.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 0 0 1 Zone 6 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 12 12 10 13 16 63 Total 19.05% 19.05% 15.87% 20.63% 25.40% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.58: Table showing geographical distribution of Professional


Figure 5.59: Graph showing geographical distribution of Professional

Figures 5.58 and 5.59 show the geographical distribution of Professional. It is interesting that 50% of the overall distribution of Professional name types are in Zone 2, which suggests that these are businesses that people are willing to travel for. In Chapter 6

I will look at other reasons for these patterns.


5.7 Support

This type is primarily composed of companies that offer support services for businesses, although in a few cases their service or product is targeted towards regular consumers as well. Figures 5.60-5.62 show the distribution of these subtypes:

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 0 5 2 0 8 Employment 12.50% 0.00% 62.50% 25.00% 0.00% 100.00% 6 6 3 4 1 20 Copies 30.00% 30.00% 15.00% 20.00% 5.00% 100.00% 12 13 7 7 3 42 Travel 28.57% 30.95% 16.67% 16.67% 7.14% 100.00% 0 0 2 1 0 3 Security Guards 0.00% 0.00% 66.67% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% Security 0 0 0 2 1 3 Systems 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 66.67% 33.33% 100.00% 0 0 2 0 1 3 Packaging 0.00% 0.00% 66.67% 0.00% 33.33% 100.00% 3 1 1 1 1 7 Miscellaneous 42.86% 14.29% 14.29% 14.29% 14.29% 100.00% 22 20 20 17 7 86 All 25.58% 23.36% 23.26% 19.77% 8.14% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.60: Support by name type and subtype


Figure 5.61: Support by name type

Figure 5.62: Support by subtype


Copy shops are often targeted towards both businesses and consumers, since most of them offer a variety of services. About 60% of the names in the Copies subtype are either Foreign or Hybrid; this seems to be due to the fact that many of these names use the word ‗Xerox‘ in their names, either in the English form (FR7=b) or transliterated

(FR103-1=j). One copy shop near Tomsk State University simply uses the Xerox logo as the name (Figure 5.63):

Figure 5.63: X (Xerox copy shop) (LN53=b)

The X also appears in the railings of the decorative fence on the path leading to the door of the shop, but I have never heard anybody refer to the business by name, so I am not sure how people interpret the sign. (Everybody I know simply calls it ―the copy shop by the bus stop.‖)


Travel agencies also choose Foreign and Hybrid names about 60% of the time.

Some of these names are written in English, such as in Figure 5.64:

Figure 5.64: Sib. Travel (NU18v=l)

The choice of Sib. Travel is interesting because, even though it is written in English, there is a clear Russian influence. The use of Сиб Sib for Sibir‟ ‗Siberia‘ or sibirskij

‗Siberian‘ is very common in Russian stump compounds, but it is not commonly used in

English. Including the period in the name makes a Russian morpheme look like an

English abbreviation. Other Travel names include Travel Club (GA7=i), ON travel

(US37a=c), and RusoTuristo ‗Russian tourist‘ (BT2=k), which seems to be a Hybrid of

Russian and Italian.

Figures 5.65 and 5.66 show how Support compares with the overall results. It is interesting that in Support, Hybrid and Foreign names make up about 49% of the total, compared to 33% overall. This is due to the large number of travel agencies and copy shops, since the other businesses that are included have only one instance of a Foreign or


Hybrid name. This seems to be due in part to the use of Foreign and Hybrid names to attract people to what is, in the case of travel, not a necessity, but a luxury. In addition, the technology that is involved in copy and printing services might lead to a tendency to use Foreign and Hybrid names. Unlike the PR and advertising firms mentioned in 5.7, however, some of the other Support subtypes, such as Security Guards and Packaging, do not really need to focus on technology or attracting attention. If a business owner needs a security service, he or she is looking for somebody who looks like they will be reliable and capable. They don‘t need to be hip.

Figure 5.65: Comparison of Support with overall results


Figure 5.66: Comparison of Support with overall results

Figures 5.67 and 5.68, which show the geographical distribution of Support, show a trend similar to that seen in other services to far: a sharp decline from Zone 5 onwards.

Again, this shows that services that are related to business seem to be located closer to the center, which makes sense, since the greatest concentration of businesses is in the center. Another factor that could be playing a role is the fact that several universities are located near the center of the city, and students also frequently use copy shops and travel agencies. In addition, these students are more likely to speak English and/or be interested in Western fashions and culture, which could also account for the frequent use of Foreign and Hybrid names in these subtypes.


Business Type Count Percent of Total Support 86 4.54% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 4 3 4 2 1 14 Zone 1 28.57% 21.43% 28.57% 14.29% 7.14% 100.00% 9 12 6 6 1 34 Zone 2 26.47% 35.29% 17.65% 17.65% 2.94% 100.00% 3 1 3 4 1 12 Zone 3 25.00% 8.33% 25.00% 33.33% 8.33% 100.00% 5 3 4 3 1 16 Zone 4 31.25% 18.75% 25.00% 18.75% 6.25% 100.00% 1 0 3 1 2 7 Zone 5 14.29% 0.00% 42.86% 14.29% 28.57% 100.00% 0 1 0 1 1 3 Zone 6 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% 100.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 22 20 20 17 7 86 Total 25.58% 23.26% 23.26% 19.77% 8.14% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.67: Table showing geographical distribution of Support


Figure 5.68: Graph showing geographical distribution of Support

5.8 Education

In Education I have not included any public schools, colleges or universities, only private ones, most of which are small schools that operate out of storefronts. Driving schools are the most common; the subcategory Other contains language schools, tutoring services, and a parachuting school. Figures 5.69-5.71 show the distribution of names among these subtypes:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 0 1 1 1 4 Driving 25.00% 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 100.00% 1 2 3 1 0 7 Other 14.29% 28.57% 42.86% 14.29% 0.00% 100.00% 2 2 4 2 1 11 All 18.88% 18.18% 36.36% 18.18% 9.09% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.69: Education by name type and subtype

Figure 5.70: Education by name type


Figure 5.71: Education by subtype

Although this category is too small to be statistically significant, it is interesting to see how there really is not anything that interesting to see. The name of one of the language schools, Exodus (BN15=e) is in English, but that is not really a surprise, since one reason people may learn a language is so they can travel, or even emigrate. The names of the driving schools are varied, but the one school with a foreign-sounding name is in Zone 5 (Figure 5.72). The name, Nou “Klakson” is funny, because the word ‗no‘ is turned into Cyrillic via a sort of phonetic transcription, and the name means, roughly, No

―horns‖, meaning that a driver who attends this school will never get honked at. The name could have another meaning as well: as in many other cultures, there is an


associations of horns with cuckolding. In such cases the Russian word for horns in roga, but somebody who knows English might make the connection between the two. If so, this name is promising that not only will a graduate of this school not get honked at, but he will be such a good driver (driving is still seen as a primarily masculine task by many) that he will get all the girls.

Figure 5.72: Nou Klakson (LN1=h)

Figures 5.73 and 5.74 compare the distribution of name types in Education with the overall distribution. Considering the small number of items in this group, the distribution is actually surprisingly similar to the overall distribution: 250

Figure 5.73: Comparison of Education with overall results

Figure 5.74: Comparison of Education with overall results


Figures 5.75 and 5.76 show the geographical distribution of this type. It is not surprising that all of the businesses in this type are located in Zones 2-5, since many of them may require a little more room than the average office, and centrally located real estate is expensive. On the other hand, these businesses do not want to be too far out.

Since several of these schools are targeted towards college students and people beginning their careers, it makes sense to locate them relatively near the universities.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Education 11 0.58% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 1 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 1 1 1 0 4 Zone 2 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 0 0 1 Zone 3 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 2 0 0 3 Zone 4 0.00% 33.33% 66.67% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 0 0 1 1 3 Zone 5 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% 100.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 6 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 2 2 4 2 1 11 Total 18.18% 18.18% 36.36% 18.18% 9.09% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.75: Table showing geographical distribution of Education


Figure 5.76: Graph showing geographical distribution of Education

5.9 Health Care

For this type, I only included private medical services; polyclinics and hospitals were not surveyed. There were no private physicians on the streets that I covered, so the

Other subtype is primarily composed of psychologists or alternative medical practitioners, although a few other medical services were included. The distribution of name types among these subtypes is given in Figures 5.77-5.79:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 4 10 0 3 18 Dentists 5.56% 22.22% 55.56% 0.00% 16.67% 100.00% 3 1 4 4 4 16 Other 18.75% 6.25% 25.00% 25.00% 25.00% 100.00% 4 5 14 4 7 34 All 11.76% 14.71% 41.18% 11.76% 20.59% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.77: Health Care by name type and subtype

Figure 5.78: Health Care by name type


Figure 5.79: Health Care by subtype

As seen in these figures, there is only one example of a destist using a Foreign name—a rather humorous one (Figure 5.80):


Figure 5.80: Help (dentist) (UC35g=d)

This name is rather clever because it plays with the fact that Russians who need emergency medical help call 03, much as Americans would call 911. For that reason, the last two digits of the phone number are highlighted, and they work together with the name to imply quick service, even in an emergency. The choice of English may be due as much as anything to the building where the business is located; it is a new building, and contains other businesses that employ Foreign names.


Two of the Hybrid Dentists operate under the name of Medstar ‗Medical star‘.

Figure 5.81 shows how the sign incorporates both the medical symbol of the red cross and a star shape, which tells the passers-by, just in case, that the star here refers to the

English word ‗star‘, which is most commonly seen in the borrowings superstar and popstar, and not the Russian root star-, which means ‗old‘.

Figure 5.81: Medstar (dentist) (IT92=k)

The majority of the Dentists, however, have Nonref names that often have no clear connection with dentists or teeth at all, including Tomička ‗female resident of Tomsk‘

(KA12=j), and Polina ‗Paulina‘ (LN47=a). It is interesting that they seem to be targeting females; since women are often more willing to spend money on clothing and other items


that improve their personal appearance, perhaps the cosmetic dentists are tareting them as well. On the other hand, two botanical names, Édelvejs ‗Edelweiss‘ (IT32=a) and Astra

‗Aster‘ (IT41=a) do have a logical connection: both of these flowers are white and could be used to suggest cleanliness and shiny teeth.

The Other subtype covers a variety of different types of medicine, but I found the psychologists to have the most creative names, including Insajt, a transliteration of

‗Insight‘ (Figure 5.82) and Zdes’ i Teper’ ‗here and now‘ (BN15=b). Many of these psychological centers feature programs to help with smoking, alcoholism or obesity, and these names seem to reflect the idea that psychology can help with these problems. The name is Figure 5.83 is quite clever: If read aloud, the name 7 ja is pronounced sem‟ja

‗family‘, but я is also the pronoun ‗I‘, so the name can also be seen as ‗7 I‘, a name that implies awareness of the many facets or intelligences of one‘s own personality.

Figure 5.82: Insajt (FR126=b) 258

Figure 5.83: 7ja/Sem‟ja (LN2a=f)

Figures 5.84 and 5.85 compare Health Care with the overall distribution of name types. This is not a business type where Foreign or Hybrid names are extremely common; together they make up approximately 26% of the overall distribution. Instead, this is an area that seems to rely on Nonref and Hybrid names to do most of the work. Again this is probably primarily due to the universal audience that these buisinesses are targeting: everybody needs their teeth cleaned. This fact also seems to play a role in the geographical distribution, as seen in Figures 5.86 and 5.87: the Other businesses, which are composed primarily of psychological or other less essential forms of health care, are located primarily in Zones 2-4, with one in Zone 5, while the Dentists are distributed more evenly throughout the city.


Figure 5.84: Comparison of Health Care with overall results

Figure 5.85: Comparison of Health Care with overall results


Business Type Count Percent of Total Health Care 34 1.79% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 0 1 0 0 0 1 Zone 1 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 2 6 2 2 12 Zone 2 0.00% 16.67% 50.00% 16.67% 16.67% 100.00% 2 0 5 0 3 10 Zone 3 20.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 30.00% 100.00% 2 0 0 1 0 3 Zone 4 66.67% 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 3 1 1 5 Zone 5 0.00% 0.00% 60.00% 20.00% 20.00% 100.00% 0 1 0 0 0 1 Zone 6 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 0 0 1 2 Zone 7 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 100.00% 4 5 14 4 7 34 Total 11.76% 14.71% 41.18% 11.76% 20.59% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.86: Table showing geographical distribution of Health Care


Figure 5.87: Graph showing geographical distribution of Health Care

5.10 Recreation

Although Recreation consists of three subtypes, one of them, Casinos, has a clear majority. As shown in Figures 5.88-5.90, 50% of Casino names are either Hybrid or

Foreign; since six of the ten Nonref examples belong to the chain Million” (see Chapter

3), Foreign and Hybrid names hold a clear majority.


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 9 5 10 1 3 28 Casinos 32.14% 17.86% 35.71% 3.57% 10.71% 100.00% 2 0 1 5 0 8 Fitness Centers 25.00% 0.00% 12.50% 62.50% 0.00% 100.00% 1 0 2 1 1 5 Miscellaneous 20.00% 0.00% 40.00% 20.00% 20.00% 100.00% 12 5 13 7 4 41 All 29.27% 12.20% 31.71% 17.07% 9.76% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.88: Recreation by name type and subtype

Figure 5.89: Recreation by name type 263

Figure 5.90: Recreation by subtype

The Foreign and Hybrid names come from varying sources and would probably be intelligble to non-English speakers to varying degrees. For example, two of the casino names come from popular American films. The genie in Figure 5.91 should be familiar to anybody who has ever seeen Disney‘s Aladdin; here he has been borrowed as the symbol for Mister Dţin ‗Mister Genie‘. The name of the casino chain pictures in Figure 5.92,

Captain Jack, is based on Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Carribean series of films. The gold coins in the genie‘s hand in Figure 5.91 help a passer-by figure out that this is a casino if they don‘t already know. The connection of pirates with treasure also has a link to casinos, although in the case of Figure 5.92 the sign is not as explicit.


Figure 5.91: Mister Dţin (LN141=l)

Figure 5.92: Captain Jack (PG7v=d)


Some of the other casinos also draw upon foreign symbolism; one of the more upscale casinos is named Amsterdam (PL11=j), and mannequins dressed like pirates and showgirls stand in the windows. This connection of casinos to Western culture is also seen at the Tornado Saloon (Figure 5.93), where a Western (as in cowboys) theme is used. Perhaps the connection with Western culture is used to give player the hope that they can, through a lucky win, live a new, wealthy lifestyle.

Figure 5.93: Tornado Saloon (FR4=b)

Other casinos also draw on English in their names. For example, Figure 5.94 shows the rather elaborate sign for Cash Mexanica ‗Cash Mechanics‘, which seems to suggest that the slot and other gambling machines are, in fact, money machines. Other casino names, such as the ones seen in Figures 5.95 and 5.96, combine English with


symbols or teminology from games of chance. The name Grand (Figure 5.95) could be referring to the English slang that uses ‗grand‘ for ‗thousand‘, or it could be employed in the more traditional meaning here. It could also refer to the French grand, which has a variety of meanings, including ‗big‘ or ‗great‘.

Figure 5.94: Cash Mexanika (LN56a=a)


Figure 5.95: Grand (LN141=j)

Figure 5.96: Mega Jack (LN41=b)


As seen in Figures 5.97 and 5.98, the abundance of Foreign names for Casinos raises the percentage of Foreign names above the Overall percentage. There are also fewer Wysiwygs than usual; the escapism of a casino or place of recreation seems to lend itself to a creative name. The names of the Fitness Centers are primarily interesting because of the split—gyms or other sports centers that are located in Soviet-era buildings, some of which have stil not been privatized, tend to have Semiref names, while new fitness-related services have Foreign names.

Figure 5.97: Comparison of Recreation with overall results


Figure 5.98: Comparison of Recreation with overall results

The geographical disribution shown in Figures 5.99 and 5.100 is most interesting because, contrary to expectations, Wysiwygs are only present in Zones 1 and 2, while

Hybrid names hold on until Zone 6. The casino names are spread fairly regularly throughout the zones, instead of Nonref and Semiref taking over towards the periphery.


Business Type Count Percent of Total Recreation 41 2.16% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 0 3 2 1 7 Zone 1 14.29% 0.00% 42.86% 28.57% 14.29% 100.00% 6 2 5 3 3 19 Zone 2 31.58% 10.53% 26.32% 15.79% 15.79% 100.00% 3 0 3 1 0 7 Zone 3 42.86% 0.00% 42.86% 14.29% 0.00% 100.00% 2 1 0 0 0 3 Zone 4 66.67% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 0 0 0 1 Zone 5 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 2 1 0 4 Zone 6 0.00% 25.00% 50.00% 25.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 12 5 13 7 4 41 Total 29.27% 12.20% 31.71% 17.07% 9.76% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.99: Table showing geographical distribution of Recreation


Figure 5.100: Graph showing geographical distribution of Recreation

5.11 Hospitality

Hospitality is an interesting category because, even though the subtypes are all fairly closely connected, they are all targeting different groups. Many people may visit a restoran ‗restaurant‘ only a few times in their life, but might eat lunch at a stolovaja

‗cafeteria‘ or kafe ‗café‘ quite often. Because of this the name distribution for the subtypes is quite varied, as seen in figures 5.101-5.103:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 1 3 3 0 8 Hotels 12.50% 12.50% 37.50% 37.50% 0.00% 100.00% 11 4 7 10 1 33 Restaurants 33.33% 12.12% 21.21% 30.30% 3.03% 100.00% 2 2 4 6 8 22 Cafes 9.09% 9.09% 18.18% 27.27% 36.36% 100.00% 0 0 4 1 1 6 Cafeterias 0.00% 0.00% 66.67% 16.67% 16.67% 100.00% 5 1 5 1 0 12 Snack Bars 41.67% 8.33% 41.67% 8.33% 0.00% 100.00% 6 4 3 5 1 19 Bars 31.58% 21.05% 15.79% 26.32% 5.26% 100.00% 25 12 26 26 11 100 All 25.00% 12.00% 26.00% 26.00% 11.00% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.101: Hospitality by name type and subtype


Figure 5.102: Hospitality by name type

Figure 5.103: Hospitality by subtype


There seems to be a correlation between the name of the hotel and the cost. Of the eight hotels in the area I surveyed, only one of them has a Foreign name, Hotel

BonApart (Figure 5.104). The name definitely sounds foreign, but it isn‘t entirely clear what it means; it seems to be playing with Napoleon Bonaparte and the French worn bon

‗good‘ and the English ‗apart‘, perhaps in order to suggest quality, privacy, and spaciousness (by reminding people of the word ‗apartment‘). This is one of the more expensive hotels in the city. The other two hotels in this category include the Russian

отель otel‟ ‗hotel‘ in their name: Sibir’ Forum Otel’ ‗Siberia Forum Hotel‘ (LN91=a) and Magistrat Otel’ ‗City Council Hotel‘ (PL13=a), which got its name because it is located in an old city administration building. The word otel‟, which was borrowed from the French, has been in the Russian language for some time; during the Soviet era, the word gostinica was usually used instead, since this word was built on the root gost-

‗guest‘, which was seen as more Russian. Some of the cheaper hotels, which do not cater to foreigners, use gostinica as part of their name.


Figure 5.104: Hotel Bon Apart (GR1a=a)

There are certainly several Restaurants and Cafes that have Foreign names. In addition to the English foodMaster (Figure 5.105) and jam (US3=c), other languages are represented as well, including Spanish with Prado de la Coffee (LN78=b) and BCS with

Летња Кафана letn‟a kafana ‗Summer Café‘ (KT1a=c).

Several other resaurants use old-fashioned words such as traktir” (See Chapter 3) and the pre-revolutionary korčma ‗tavern, inn‘ to indicate that a restaurant has a nostalgic atmosphere and serves classic Russian dishes. In Figure 5.106, the name Korčma u

Tarasa ‗Taras‘s Tavern‘ uses the Ukrainian/Cossack name Taras to indicate that the food and atmosphere will be ―classic Ukrainian‖—the food and liquor will be tasty and abundant, and the atmosphere will be convivial.


Figure 5.105: foodmaster (LN83=a)

Figure 5.106: Korčma u Taraca (GA11=a)


One fast food chain that serves pizza and Mexican food combines these two influences in its name as well (Figure 5.107):

Figure 5.107: Picce-Rio (KN31=a)

Since the Russian word for pizzeria is spelled пиццерия piccerija, this chain keeps the first part of the word, but changes the second half to a Spanish-sounding rio. The colors and logo empasize the fusion of these two cultures.

The names of several of the bars in Tomsk are also interesting. Sports bars have become rather popular lately, and the name sportbar or sport-bar is not uncommon. The bar in Figure 5.108 takes a more creative approach, combining the words пиво pivo

‗beer‘ with футбол futbol ‗soccer‘ to get pivbol, which is something like ‗beer ball‘: 278

Figure 5.108: Pivbol (FR24=b)

The word pab ‗pub‘ has also become popular in the last several years; it is usually used for a bar that is built to look like an English or Irish pub, although sometimes it is used more freely than that. As Figure 5.109 shows, the owners of this pub didn‘t want there to be any doubt about what people could expect inside. Although the picture of the

Beefeater defitely suggests Jolly Old England, the word Sibirskij ‗Siberian‘ in the name, along with the letters that look like they are made from scrap lumber, somewhat contradict this image. Inside, however, there is a definite British look to the place.


Figure 5.109 Sibirskij Pab (PN2=d)

A more recent addition to the Tomsk bar scene takes a different approach (Figure

5.110). In this case, the name, Trash & Glam, is accompanied by a description of the place as an ―All Night Doggery‖. It is open all night, but many English-speaking

Russians were puzzled by the word ‗doggery‘. According to the OED, the word ‗doggery was used in the US in the 1800s to describe ―a low drinking saloon.‖ The choice of this word is a curious one, since most of the Americans I met didn‘t know what it meant either. It is also a somewhat ironic choice, since this bar is actually one of the most expensive in the city.


Figure 5.110: Trash & Glam (LN85a=a)

As shown in Figures 5.111 and 5.112, the distribution of names in Hospitality does differ somewhat from the overall distribution, but not markedly. There does seem to be a connection between price and the tendency to use Foreign names; in most cases, the

Foreign restaurants are some of the most expensive. However, there is more to the picture than just that; old-fashioned names such as traktir” and korčma are also used for rather expensive restaurants, although, just like the word ‗doggery‘, they originally denoted a rather low-class establishment.


Figure 5.111: Comparison of Hospitality with overall results

Figure 5.112: Comparison of Hospitality with overall results


As shown in Figures 5.113 and 5.114, Foreign names again hold their own more than they have for some of the other types, maintaining an impressive percentage of the total out into Zone 5. However, Wysiwygs make a stronger showing near the periphery, probably because eating places that are located that far from the center of town tend to be shashlik (shish-kebab) grills or simple cafes located near bus stops or markets, places where people stop for a quick bite on their way to someplace, and not destinations in themselves.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Hospitality 100 5.28% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 5 2 3 8 2 20 Zone 1 25.00% 10.00% 15.00% 40.00% 10.00% 100.00% 9 7 11 14 1 42 Zone 2 21.43% 16.67% 26.19% 33.33% 2.38% 100.00% 5 0 4 2 2 13 Zone 3 38.46% 0.00% 30.77% 15.38% 15.38% 100.00% 4 1 4 1 1 11 Zone 4 36.36% 9.09% 36.36% 9.09% 9.09% 100.00% 1 0 1 0 0 2 Zone 5 50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 1 2 2 1 4 10 Zone 6 10.00% 20.00% 20.00% 10.00% 40.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 0 1 2 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 100.00% 25 12 26 26 11 100 Total 25.00% 12.00% 26.00% 26.00% 11.00% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.113: Table showing geographical distribution of Hospitality


Figure 5.114: Table showing geographical distribution of Hospitality

5.12 Repair

Repair is an interesting type because it has, by an overwhelming majority, the largest percentage of Wysiwygs. As Figures 5.115-5.117 show, the majority of these names come from two subtypes: Shoe and Other. In every subtype except for Computer,

Wysiwygs are the majority, or in the case of Appliance, equal with Nonref:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 0 3 0 4 9 Auto 22.22% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 44.44% 100.00% 1 2 2 2 3 10 Electronic 10.00% 20.00% 20.00% 20.00% 30.00% 100.00% 0 1 2 0 0 3 Computer 0.00% 33.33% 66.67% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 1 0 1 2 Appliance 0.00% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 50.00% 100.00% 1 0 4 6 19 30 Shoe 3.33% 0.00% 13.33% 20.00% 63.33% 100.00% 0 1 12 3 13 29 Other 0.00% 3.45% 41.38% 10.34% 44.83% 100.00% 0 0 0 1 3 4 Miscellaneous 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 75.00% 100.00% 4 4 24 12 43 87 All 4.60% 4.60% 27.59% 13.79% 49.43% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.115: Repair by name type and subtype


Figure 5.116: Repair by name type

Figure 5.117: Repair by subtype


There is a certain logic to the widespread supremacy of Wysiwygs within this type. Since many people are without cars, when they need something repaired, they are likely to take it to a place as close to home as possible. It is still common for people to have only one or two pair of shoes per season, so when they need a pair fixed, they aren‘t going to spend time looking for the place with the fanciest sign or the most interesting name. I have even seen shoe repair stands where there was a clean piece of cardboard near the stand for the person to wait on while the shoes they had been wearing were repaired. For that reason, the vast majority of shoe repair signs can simply say Remont

Obuvi ‗Shoe Repair‘.

This isn‘t to say that all repair services stick to a Wysiwyg sign: Figure 5.118 shows an oil change place that has a Foreign name:

Figure 5.118: DArt Tuning Studio (IT75a=b)


This name has something for both English-speaking and non-English-speaking Russians:

The enlarged D and A spell the Russian word da ‗yes‘, and, for those who understand

English the name Dart suggests quick service. In addition, the use of the word ‗studio‘ suggests precision and craft.

Another sign (Figure 5.119) shows how some English words have already become ubiquitous, even in Siberia:

Figure 5.119: Remont TV (television repair) (IT102=d)


The word remont can be used to refer to the repair of shoes, autos, computers, or practically anything else. Here, this sign pairs the very Russian remont with the English

‗TV‘, which everybody already recognizes. It is definitely shorter than televizor. This business also has another sign, tele-atel‟e, which is a clever play on the word atel‟e, and translates as ‗television tailor‘.

Figure 5.120: Comparison of Repair with overall results


As seen in Figures 5.120 and 5.121, the abundance of Wysiwygs in Repair compared to overall is definitely noticeable. Perhaps the most interesting feature of this category, however, is the geographical distribution (Figures 5.122 and 5.123):

Figure 5.121: Comparison of Repair with overall results

Unlike most of the other types I have discussed so far, there is no drop in frequency as the zones move towards the periphery. In fact, Zone 1 has the fewest examples of this type, even fewer than in Zone 7, where Repair makes up 14.47% of the total businesses. This is, as I said, probably related to the nature of repair work in a place


where many people are still without cars: they don‘t want to have to go far. Since there are more residences in the peripheral zones, that is where people are going to put their repair shops.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Repair 87 4.59% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 0 0 3 1 3 7 Zone 1 0.00% 0.00% 42.86% 14.29% 42.86% 100.00% 1 1 5 0 10 17 Zone 2 5.88% 5.88% 29.41% 0.00% 58.82% 100.00% 2 1 5 3 5 16 Zone 3 12.50% 6.25% 31.25% 18.75% 31.25% 100.00% 0 1 3 4 5 13 Zone 4 0.00% 7.69% 23.08% 30.77% 38.46% 0.00% 0 0 1 1 7 9 Zone 5 0.00% 0.00% 11.11% 11.11% 77.78% 0.00% 1 1 3 2 7 14 Zone 6 7.14% 7.14% 21.43% 14.29% 50.00% 100.00% 0 0 4 1 6 11 Zone 7 0.00% 0.00% 36.36% 9.09% 54.54% 100.00% 4 4 24 12 43 87 Total 4.60% 4.60% 27.59% 13.79% 49.43% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.122: Table showing geographical distribution of Repair


Figure 5.123: Graph showing geographical distribution of Repair

5.13 Personal

Personal is another type that contains a rather motley assortment of subtypes, including, for some reason, Funeral Services. As Figures 5.126-5.126 show, the various subtypes have quite diffent distributions of names:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 26 6 35 2 9 78 Beauty Salons 33.33% 7.89% 44.87% 2.56% 11.54% 100.00% Funeral 0 0 2 0 1 3 Services 0.00% 0.00% 66.67% 0.00% 33.33% 100.00% 3 0 3 1 0 7 Laundry 42.86% 0.00% 42.86% 14.29% 0.00% 100.00% 6 5 1 8 6 26 Photofinishing 23.08% 19.23% 3.85% 30.77% 23.08% 100.00% 35 11 41 11 16 114 All 30.70% 9.65% 35.96% 9.65% 14.04% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.20% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.124: Personal by name type and subtype


Figure 5.125: Personal by name type

Figure 5.126: Personal by subtype


The distribution of names among Beauty Salons is interesting because they are practically all either Foreign or Nonref; the other name categories play a very small role.

A number of the salons also offer tanning. In general, the salons that offer tanning have

Foreign names; some of them focus exclusively on tanning, and names such as magic sun (GR1a=e) and Red Sun (SV13=b) reflect this. Both the Foreign and the Nonref salons often feature female names or other words that suggest beauty. For example,

Figure 5.127 shows a salon named for one of America‘s most famous women:

Figure 5.127: Marilin-M (KM63=e)


In this example the spelling indicated that they have simply retransliterated the Russian version of the name Marilyn, but the photograph leaves the passer-by without a doubt about the source of the salon‘s name. Other Foreign names include Bliss (LN24=c), Gala

(LN163=w) Le Delice ‗the delight‘ (Fr.) (UC26=a) and Kreativ ‗creative‘ (UC8=d). A

Hybrid example (Figure 5.128) shows another example where the emphasis is on the foreignness of the name. The canopy bears the name Classic in large letters (and art in small ones), while the Cyrillic sign under the canopy bears the Cyrillic transliteration

Klassik and very fine print that tells people that this business is a beauty salon.

Figure 5.128: Classic art (FR 102=f)


The Semiref names also tend to empahsize femininity and beauty, with names of famously beautiful women such as Venera ‗Venus‘ (FR23=b) and Nefertiti (FR88=a), and Preobraţenie ‗Transformation‘, a name that promises great results. I am not sure where the men of Tomsk get their hair cut, since most of the salons I saw appeared to be focused on women.

Figures 5.129 and 5.130 compare the distribution of name types in Personal with the overall distribution. The most noticeable differences are in Foreign (higher than

Overall) and Semiref (lower than Overall). As noted above, this is mostly due to the predominance of Beauty Salons in this category, although the frequent appearance of the brand names Kodak and Fuji in Photofinishing also helped lift the percentage of Foreign and Hybrid names.


Figure 5.129: Comparison of Personal with overall results

Figure 5.130: Comparison of Personal with overall results


Like many of the other types, there is a rather sharp drop in total number of businesses per zone after Zone 4, although it is not as sharp a drop as it was for some of the other types. Also, although the Foreign names do taper off, they do not disappear completely at the periphery, like they did with many other types.

Business Type Count Percent of Total Personal 114 6.02% Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 2 2 1 0 7 Zone 1 28.57% 28.57% 28.57% 14.29% 0.00% 100.00% 11 4 8 5 3 31 Zone 2 35.48% 12.90% 25.81% 16.13% 9.68% 100.00% 6 1 14 1 5 27 Zone 3 22.22% 3.70% 51.85% 3.70% 18.52% 100.00% 8 3 7 0 3 21 Zone 4 38.09% 14.29% 33.33% 0.00% 14.29% 100.00% 5 1 5 2 1 14 Zone 5 35.71% 7.14% 35.71% 14.29% 7.14% 100.00% 2 0 2 2 0 6 Zone 6 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% 1 0 3 0 4 8 Zone 7 12.50% 0.00% 37.50% 0.00% 50.00% 100.00% 35 11 41 11 16 114 Total 30.70% 9.65% 35.96% 9.65% 14.04% 100.00% Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 5.131: Table showing geographical distribution of Personal


It is also interesting that there are fewer Personal businesses in Zone 1 than there are in any other zone except for Zone 6, and three of the seven businesses in Zone 1 are

Photofinishing. Again, this is probably due to both the cost of real estate in the center and the tendency for many Personal services to locate closer to residential areas (Figures

5.131 and 5.132).

Figure 5.132: Graph showing geographical distribution of Personal


As I have shown in Chapters 4 and 5, there are many social, financial and linguistic factors that influence business names. In Chapter 6 I will focus on the geographic factors, and in Chapter 7, I will attempt to identify the overlying factors that are affecting these choices.




6.0 Introduction

In this chapter I will look at the distribution of name types according to geography. As stated in Chapter 2, the zones are measured according to distance from a center zone, centered on pl. Lenina. Based on anecdotal observation, I hypothesized that

Foreign and Hybrid names would be more common in the center of the city (Zones 1 and

2) and become less common the further a business was from the center of town, and that

Semiref and Wysiwig names would be less common in the center and become more common on the periphery. It seemed to me that the distribution of Nonref names would be relatively even throughout the zones.


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 81 49 116 76 44 366 Zone 1 22.13% 13.39% 31.69% 20.77% 12.02% 100.00% 138 105 159 107 66 575 Zone 2 24.00% 18.26% 27.65% 18.61% 11.48% 100.00% 52 33 127 63 65 340 Zone 3 15.29% 9.71% 37.35% 18.53% 19.12% 100.00% 46 33 87 33 20 219 Zone 4 21.00% 15.07% 39.73% 15.07% 9.13% 100.00% 22 23 53 29 38 165 Zone 5 13.33% 13.94% 32.12% 17.58% 23.03% 100.00% 11 21 51 32 39 154 Zone 6 7.14% 13.64% 33.12% 20.78% 25.32% 100.00% 4 7 25 16 24 76 Zone 7 5.26% 9.21% 32.89% 21.05% 31.58% 100.00% 354 271 618 356 296 1895 Overall 18.68% 14.30% 32.61% 18.79% 15.62% 100.00%

Figure 6.1: Naming distribution by zone


Figure 6.2: Comparison of name types by zone

Figure 6.3: Comparison of zones by name type


As can be seen by these Figures 6.1-6.3, the results were not exactly what I had anticipated, although the general trends were in keeping with my hypothesis. There were a few seemingly anomalous results—for example, it almost seems that Zones 3 and 4 should be switched with one another, since in Zone 3 there is a sudden drop in Foreign and Hybrid names and a rise in Wysiwyg names, with a reversal of these results in Zone

4. So, although there is a general gradual decrease in ―foreignness‖ and increase in

―Russianness‖ that does seem to indicate a relationship between location and naming choice, there may be more factors at play than simply location.

One factor that I thought might play a role in name distribution is the density of businesses in a particular zone; my hypothesis was that in areas with a denser placement of businesses, the business owners would be more likely to chose Foreign or Wysiwyg names because of a desire to attract attention in the midst of competitors. Although the zones I had created measure distance from the center, they do not take into account the fact that some zones contain more streets that were covered in this study, and therefore more possible space where businesses can be located. In order to see if this factor could be playing a role in the results I was seeing, I decided to attempt to determine the approximate density of businesses per zone. I calculated the possible frontage along which businesses could be placed in each zone, and divided the number of businesses in each zone by the frontage in each zone in order to determine the average number of businesses per linear kilometer. The results of these calculations are shown in Figure 6.4:


Businesses per Frontage Businesses Kilometer Zone 1 2.97 km 366 123.23 Zone 2 8.30 km 575 69.28 Zone 3 5.40 km 340 62.96 Zone 4 4.18 km 219 52.39 Zone 5 1.73 km 165 95.38 Zone 6 1.37 km 154 112.41 Zone 7 1.61 km 76 47.20 Total 25.56 km 1895 74.14

Figure 6.4: Businesses per linear kilometer by Zone

I found these results surprising at first, since my impression had been that the zones closer to the center had a greater concentration of businesses. As I looked at the results, however, I realized that, although there are relatively few residential buildings in

Zones 1-4, there are a large number of local and regional administrative buildings, museums, universities, and parks, all of which occupy frontage that could host businesses instead. By contrast, Zones 5 and 6 are primarily composed of residential buildings, which often include businesses on the first floor, and there are a few buildings dedicated entirely to business; however, there are few administrative buildings and no schools. The very high density of Zone 1 and the very low density of Zone 7 are due to special circumstances which will be discussed in more depth in the following sections. It does appear, however, that density has little or no effect upon naming choice. In the following


sections, I will look at each zone individually and discuss factors that may be influencing name choice. In Chapters 4 and 5 I discussed the geographical distribution of each business type individually, but in this chapter I will attempt to identify overall trends.

6.1 Zone 1

Zone 1 is located in the administrative center of the city, and includes regional administration buildings, a theater and concert hall, the art museum, a monument to

Chekhov, a park, and several fountains. There are also 366 businesses located in the approximately 0.4 square kilometers that make up this zone. Figures 6.5 and 6.6 show the overall breakdown of name types in this zone:


Figure 6.5: Composition of Zone 1 by name type

Figure 6.6: Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 1 and Overall


As seen in these figures, the distribution of name types in this zone is only slightly different from the overall distribution, with the most noticeable differences seen in the

Foreign and Wysiwyg types. Figure 6.7 shows the distribution of business types in Zone


Clothing/Accessories 39.07% Professional 2.46% Finance/Insurance 7.10% Home Improvement 2.19% Health/Personal 5.46% Personal 1.91% Hospitality 5.46% Recreation 1.91% Information 4.64% Repair 1.91% Real Estate 4.64% Construction 1.37% Hobby/Leisure 3.83% Autos 0.55% Support 3.83% General 0.55% Electronics/Appliances 3.55% Health Care 0.27% Home Furnishings 3.55% Utilities 0.27% Food/Beverage 2.73% Education 0.00% Miscellaneous 2.73%

Figure 6.7: Distribution of business types in Zone 1

As can be seen in Figure 6.7, the businesses in this area seem to be targeting two groups: the people who work in the center, and people who are willing to come to the center to shop. Since commercial space is expensive and relatively scarce in the center,


the businesses that are located here need either to attract a lot of customers or to sell big- ticket items. The clothing stores located in this Zone tend to stock foreign brands, and many of them sell furs or other expensive items. There are quite a few banks or other financial services in this area as well, which again, is logical since there are a lot of businesses and government agencies in the zone that need these services. In addition, there are quite a few cafes and restaurants that provide lunches for people working and shopping in the area and dinners for people who are going to a show or concert at one of the venues on pl. Lenina.

Zone 1 has 123.23 businesses per kilometer, more than any other zone, which is impressive considering how much of the space in this zone is taken up by civic and public buildings. This density is possible due to the thirteen shopping/business centers in this zone, more than in any other zone (Figure 6.8):


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 16 2 4 2 0 24 ARKADA 66.67% 8.33% 16.67% 8.33% 0.00% 100.00% 9 4 10 8 0 31 AVRORA 29.03% 12.90% 32.26% 25.81% 0.00% 100.00% 14 8 13 6 4 45 Big City 31.11% 17.78% 28.89% 13.33% 8.89% 100.00% 2 0 5 2 0 9 Dom Byta #1 22.22% 0.00% 55.56% 22.22% 0.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 1 6 7 ISKRA 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 14.29% 85.71% 100.00% 6 1 4 3 0 14 ―K‖ 42.86% 7.14% 28.57% 21.43% 0.00% 100.00% 5 3 6 1 0 15 KAPRIZ 33.33% 20.00% 40.00% 6.67% 0.00% 100.00% 1 2 0 0 1 4 POČTA ROSSII 25.00% 50.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 100.00% 1 1 6 1 1 10 ROMAN 10.00% 10.00% 60.00% 10.00% 10.00% 100.00% 4 3 7 8 3 25 STATUS 16.00% 12.00% 28.00% 32.00% 12.00% 100.00% 0 3 2 2 2 9 TARGET 0.00% 33.33% 22.22% 22.22% 22.22% 100.00% 0 1 1 2 8 12 VIZIT 0.00% 8.33% 8.33% 16.67% 66.67% 100.00% 0 0 4 2 10 16 ―111‖ 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% 12.50% 62.50% 100.00% 58 28 62 38 35 221 Total 26.24% 12.67% 28.05% 17.19% 15.84% 100.00% 81 49 116 76 44 366 Zone Overall 22.13% 13.39% 31.69% 20.77% 12.02% 100.00%

Figure 6.8: Name type distribution in Zone 1 shopping centers


These shopping centers contain 60.38% of the total businesses in Zone 1, as well as 71.60% of the Foreign names, 57.14% of the Hybrid names, 53.49% of the Nonref names, 50% of the Semiref names, and 79.54% of the Wysiwyg names. The high percentage of Wysiwyg names was initially surprising, but I think that this is due to the fact that the name of the shopping center is already attracting the attention of prospective customers, so that small individual stores don‘t necessarily have to focus on that. In addition, there does not seem to be a strong correlation between the name of the shopping center and the distribution of name types within the shopping center. Big City does have a higher than overall percentage of Foreign names, but so do the shopping centers Kapriz,

K, Avrora, and Arkada. On the other hand, the Foreign-named Target has no Foreign stores inside. Ironically, the shopping center with the highest percentage of Foreign names, Arkada, is located directly on pl. Lenina, where Lenin‘s statue stands with his back to the shopping center.

6.2 Zone 2

Zone 2 includes parts of pr. Lenina and pr. Frunze, as well as several cross-streets.

Although this Zone contains 575 businesses, more than any other zone, it also contains the greatest amount of frontage. For this reason, this zone contains only 69.28 businesses per kilometer, one of the lower averages. Figures 6.9 and 6.10 show the overall distribution for this name type: 312

Figure 6.9: Composition of Zone 2 by name type

Figure 6.10: Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 2 and Overall


As can be seen in these figures, Zone 2 also has a higher than average percentage of Foreign and Hybrid names. As with Zone 1, most of the businesses in this area are also targeted towards shoppers or people who work in the center, with the addition of the student population at four universities located in or near the southern portion of Zone 2

(Figure 6.11). The students partially account for the increase in Hospitality (cafes and cafeterias), Support (copy shops), and Hobby/Leisure (book and media stores).

Clothing/Accessories 23.83% Information 3.65% Hospitality 7.30% Recreation 3.30% Support 5.91% Miscellaneous 3.13% Hobby/Leisure 5.74% Repair 2.96% Professional 5.57% Electronics/Appliances 2.26% Personal 5.39% Health Care 2.09% Health/Personal 5.22% General 1.04% Home Improvement 4.70% Education 0.70% Finance/Insurance 4.00% Construction 0.52% Food/Beverage 4.00% Utilities 0.52% Home Furnishings 4.00% Autos 0.35% Real Estate 3.83%

Figure 6.11: Distribution of business types in Zone 2


There are nine shopping centers in this zone, but they account for only 21.04% of all the businesses. They do, however, contain 38.40% of Foreign names, but fewer than

20% of all the other name types. Figure 6.12 shows the shopping centers in this zone.

As with Zone 1, Foreign stores inside a shopping center are more common than shopping centers with Foreign names. The name Nekrasovskij Kupečeskij Dom, which translates as ‗Nekrasov‘s Merchant Building‘, is old-fashioned, as is the building, but the businesses are 80% Foreign, including adidas and Columbia Sportswear. Sputnik ofisy is also an interesting name. Sputnik was one of the main hotels during Soviet times, with a very Soviet name, but half of the hotel has now been turned into a business center; in an ironic combination of past and present, the borrowing ofisy ‗offices‘ has been added to distinguish it from the hotel.


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 8 5 3 2 1 19 CENTRAL‟NYJ 42.10% 26.32% 15.79% 10.53% 5.26% 100.00% 4 0 4 3 1 12 GALEREJA 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 25.00% 8.33% 100.00% 5 0 0 2 0 7 GUM 71.43% 0.00% 0.00% 28.57% 0.00% 100.00% 4 6 4 2 0 16 Marka 25.00% 37.50% 25.00% 12.50% 0.00% 100.00% MODNJY 3 2 4 1 0 10 BAZAR 30.00% 20.00% 40.00% 10.00% 0.00% 100.00% 4 0 1 0 0 5 NEKRASOVSKIJ 80.00% 0.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 16 2 5 4 2 29 Novyj GUM 55.17% 6.90% 17.24% 13.79% 6.90% 100.00% 6 0 1 0 0 7 PASSAŢ 85.71% 0.00% 14.29% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 3 2 8 3 0 16 Sputnik ofisy 18.75% 12.50% 50.00% 18.75% 0.00% 100.00% 53 17 30 17 4 121 Total 43.80% 14.04% 24.79% 14.05% 3.31% 100.00% 138 105 159 107 66 575 Zone Overall 24.00% 18.26% 27.65% 18.61% 11.48% 100.00%

Figure 6.12: Name type distribution in Zone 2 shopping centers


6.3 Zone 3

Zone 3 includes portions of pr. Lenina, a portion of pr. Frunze, and several cross- streets. Tomsk State University and part of Tomsk Polytechnic University are also within this zone. In addition, there is a large residential area on pr. Frunze. Figures 6.13 and

6.14 show the distribution of name types in this Zone:

Figure 6.13: Composition of Zone 3 by name type


Figure 6.14: Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 3 and Overall

As seen in these figures, there is quite a change between Zone 2 and Zone 3.

There is a lower percentage of Foreign and Hybrid names than the overall average, and a higher percentage of Wysiwygs. As Figure 6.15 shows, there is also a shift in the distribution of business types: Although Clothing/Accessories still makes up the largest percentage of the businesses in this zone, Hospitality, Support and Professional have moved closer to the end of the list, and more residentially-oriented businesses such as

Food/Beverage and Home Improvement are making up a larger percentage of the distribution:


Clothing/Accessories 17.35% Hospitality 3.82% Personal 7.94% Support 3.53% Food/Beverage 7.35% Health Care 2.94% Home Improvement 7.06% Professional 2.06% Information 6.76% Recreation 2.06% Health/Personal 6.18% General 1.76% Real Estate 5.59% Electronics/Appliances 1.47% Miscellaneous 5.00% Autos 0.59% Repair 4.71% Utilities 0.59% Finance/Insurance 4.41% Education 0.29% Home Furnishings 4.41% Construction 0.00% Hobby/Leisure 4.12%

Figure 6.15: Distribution of business types in Zone 3

There are eleven shopping centers in this zone, although only one of them is located on pr. Frunze. Together, they contain 31.18% of the businesses in Zone 3. They are listed in Figure 6.16:


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 1 0 1 2 3 7 ATOLL 14.29% 0.00% 14.29% 28.57% 42.86% 100.00% 1 0 4 2 3 10 FORT 10.00% 0.00% 40.00% 20.00% 30.00% 100.00% Frunzenskij 0 0 3 2 2 7 rynok 0.00% 0.00% 42.86% 28.57% 28.57% 100.00% 0 2 1 0 2 5 KARAVAN 0.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 40.00% 100.00% 0 0 0 0 3 3 Karporvskij 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 3 4 8 2 0 17 KONDOR 17.65% 23.53% 47.06% 11.76% 0.00% 100.00% 0 1 5 1 4 11 MEČTA 0.00% 9.09% 45.45% 9.09% 36.36% 100.00% 1 2 6 1 4 14 MODUS 7.14% 14.29% 42.86% 7.14% 28.57% 100.00% 1 0 3 0 3 7 o-lja-lja 14.29% 0.00% 42.86% 0.00% 42.86% 100.00% 0 0 1 0 2 3 REAL 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 66.67% 100.00% 4 5 9 2 2 22 ŠANS 18.18% 22.73% 40.91% 9.09% 9.09% 100.00% 11 14 41 12 28 106 Total 10.38% 13.21% 38.68% 11.32% 26.41% 100.00% 52 33 127 63 65 340 Zone Overall 15.29% 9.71% 37.35% 18.53% 19.12% 100.00%

Figure 6.16: Name type distribution in Zone 3 shopping centers

As with the other zones, there does not seem to be a correlation between the names of the centers and the names of the businesses contained in them; for example, Real has no

Foreign or Hybrid stores, and o-lja-lja has only one. It is interesting that several of the 320

shopping stores in this zone have names that are borrowings which are used in standard

Russian, but which still have foreign connotations, such as Fort, Kondor ‗Condor‘, and

Šans ‗Chance‘. Perhaps these choices were made because they give the shopping center a slightly foreign air without using recent borrowing that some might see as jarring.

6.4 Zone 4

Zone 4 is composed of portions of pr. Lenina, several cross-streets on pr. Lenina, and small segments of pr. Frunze and Irkutskij Trakt. Figures 6.17 and 6.18 show the distribution of name types in this zone:


Figure 6.17: Composition of Zone 4 by name type

Figure 6.18: Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 4 and Overall 322

As I mentioned earlier, the distribution in this Zone is more similar to Zones 1 and

2 than it is to Zone 3; there is a higher percentage of Foreign and Hybrid names and a lower percentage of Wysiwygs. After looking at the frontage in this Zone, I think the reason for this difference is because only 0.67 kilometers of the frontage is on pr. Frunze and Irkutskij Trakt, which have a larger residential population. The remaining 84% is located on or near pr. Lenina, which is still primarily dedicated to commercial or civic buildings, although it does become more residential further from the center. This would seem to indicate that, although distance from the center does play a role in naming choices, the residential or non-residential nature of an area is also a major factor.

Clothing/Accessories 10.96% Home Furnishings 3.65% Personal 9.59% Professional 3.65% Food/Beverage 8.22% Miscellaneous 2.74% Health/Personal 8.22% Education 1.37% Support 7.31% General 1.37% Finance/Insurance 5.94% Health Care 1.37% Home Improvement 5.94% Information 1.37% Repair 5.94% Recreation 1.37% Electronics/Appliances 5.02% Autos 0.91% Hobby/Leisure 5.02% Construction 0.46% Hospitality 5.02% Utilities 0.46% Real Estate 4.11%

Figure 6.19: Distribution of business types in Zone 4


Figure 6.19 shows the distribution of business types in this zone; there is a mixing of businesses that are more prevalent in residential areas and businesses that are primarily found in non-residential areas, which seems to indicate that there is a mixing of residential and non-residential space. Although Clothing/Accessories is still the most common business type it makes up a significantly smaller percentage of the businesses in this area, while Support and Finance/Insurance, which played a smaller role in the more residential Zone 3, make up larger percentages of the overall composition. Business types such as Food/Beverage and Repair, which seem to be more common in residential areas, are still holding their own, however.

As Figure 6.20 shows, there are fewer shopping centers in Zone 4, and they only contain 14.61% of the total businesses:

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 2 0 3 0 1 6 NETTOWN 33.33% 0.00% 50.00% 0.00% 16.67% 100.00% 2 2 2 1 0 7 TÈMZ 28.57% 28.57% 28.57% 14.29% 0.00% 100.00% 2 3 9 3 2 19 ―999‖ 10.53% 15.79% 47.37% 15.79% 10.53% 100.00% 6 5 14 4 3 32 Total 18.75% 15.63% 43.75% 12.50% 9.38% 100.00% 46 33 87 33 20 219 Zone Overall 21.00% 15.07% 39.73% 15.07% 9.13% 100.00%

Figure 6.20: Name type distribution in Zone 4 shopping centers


The names for these three shopping centers are interesting because one of them,

Nettown, is unabashedly Foreign, while the other two are more cryptic. I could not find a definitive explanation for the name “999”, although somebody facetiously suggested that it was meant to imply that this shopping center was nine times better than “111” (which is located at pr. Lenina 111). There is a possible connection to gambling, since there are some slot machines with the name 999.

The name TÈMZ is also an interesting one, because it comes from the acronym for a Soviet-era factory, the Tomskij Èlekromexaničeskij Zavod im. V. V. Vaxruševa

‗Tomsk Electromechanical Factory in the name of V. V. Vaxrušev‘. The factory still exists, but for most residents of Tomsk the name is associated with the bus stop and the small shopping center located there in which 57.14% of the businesses have Hybrid or

Foreign names.

6.5 Zone 5

Although Zone 5 contains a small segment of pr. Lenina, the majority of this zone is located on Irkutskij Trakt, in a primarily residential area. There are a lot of new apartment buildings in this area, and many of these buildings have businesses located on their first floor, but there are relatively few buildings dedicated exclusively to business.

Figures 6.21 and 6.22 show the distribution of name types in this zone:


Figure 6.21: Composition of Zone 5 by name type

Figure 6.22: Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 5 and Overall


In this zone the percentage of Foreign names is significantly lower than overall, and the percentage of Wysiwyg names is significantly higher. As shown in Figure 6.23, there is also a decisive shift towards business types that seem to be more residential in nature. Clothing/Accessories still make up a large percentage of the overall composition of Zone 5, but Food/Beverage are not far behind; this is not surprising, since nearly every building contains at least one grocery store. In addition, the increased percentage of

Home Furnishings and Home Improvement businesses is not surprising, since this is an area with a lot of new residential construction.

Clothing/Accessories 13.94% Information 3.03% Food/Beverage 11.51% Autos 2.42% Home Furnishings 9.09% Electronics/Appliances 2.42% Personal 8.48% Education 1.82% Home Improvement 6.67% Finance/Insurance 1.82% Miscellaneous 6.67% General 1.82% Repair 5.45% Hobby/Leisure 1.82% Health/Personal 4.85% Construction 1.21% Support 4.24% Hospitality 1.21% Professional 3.64% Recreation 0.61% Real Estate 3.64% Utilities 0.61% Health Care 3.03%

Figure 6.23: Distribution of business types in Zone 5


There are four shopping centers in Zone 5, which contain 29.70% of the businesses in this zone. Gostinyj dvor”, located on pr. Lenina, primarily consists of

Clothing/Accessories stores, but the other shopping centers tend to focus more on furniture or other household goods, although clothing stores are still present (Figure


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total ROSTO- 1 2 4 3 8 18 DOSAAF 5.56% 11.11% 22.22% 16.67% 44.44% 100.00% 0 2 1 4 6 13 vysotnyj 0.00% 15.38% 7.69% 30.77% 46.15% 100.00% 0 1 2 1 2 6 ZoluškA 0.00% 16.67% 33.33% 16.67% 33.33% 100.00% 1 3 4 3 1 12 Gostinyj dvor” 8.33% 25.00% 33.33% 25.00% 8.33% 100.00% 2 8 11 11 17 49 Total 4.08% 16.33% 22.45% 22.45% 34.69% 100.00% 22 23 53 29 38 165 Zone Overall 13.33% 13.94% 32.12% 17.58% 23.03% 100.00%

Figure 6.24: Name type distribution in Zone 5 shopping centers

The name ROSTO-DOSAAF is another interesting example of a mix of Soviet and post-Soviet culture. The name DOSAAF is the Soviet-era acronym for Dobrovol‟noe obščestvo sodejstvija armii, aviacii i flotu ‗Volunteer army, air force and naval aid 328

society‘; this was replaced in 1991 by ROSTO, an acronym for Rossijskoj oboronnoj sportivno-mexničeskoj organizacii ‗Russian defense athletic-technical organization‘, an organization for people interested in skydiving, shooting, ham radio, and similar activities

(Wikipedia). The new organization, however, only occupies a portion of the original building, and the remainder has been rented out to a variety of businesses.


6.6 Zone 6

The 154 businesses included in Zone 6 are all located on Irkutskij Trakt. Figures

6.25 and 6.26 show the distribution of name types:

Figure 6.25: Composition of Zone 6 by name type


Figure 6.26: Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 6 and Overall

The low percentage of Foreign names and high percentage of Wysiwyg names in this Zone are what I expected to see as the zones move towards the periphery, although I was a little surprised by how close the percentages of Hybrid, Nonref and Semiref names are to the overall distribution. Although, as Figure 6.27 shows, the representation of various business types is not surprising, considering the residential nature of this zone; there is a sort of secondary shopping area here, with an outdoor market, an indoor market

(rynok) and a variety of small shops, many of them freestanding. There is also a

―hypermarket‖ and some other stores on a neighboring street, although these are not included in this study. This accounts for the increase in the percentage of Hospitality and


Hobby/Leisure from Zone 5; however, most of the eating places are small cafes or stands that target people who want to grab a bite between errands, instead of restaurants that are destinations in themselves. In addition, the clothing stores in this area primarily sell discount clothing or lower-quality goods instead of foreign labels. The shopping in this area seems to be focused towards people who live in the immediate area; there is little that would attract people from other parts of town.

Clothing/Accessories 16.88% Information 3.25% Food/Beverage 12.34% Home Furnishings 2.60% Repair 9.10% Recreation 2.60% Home Improvement 7.79% Electronics/Appliances 1.95% Hobby/Leisure 7.14% Support 1.95% Hospitality 6.49% Real Estate 1.30% Miscellaneous 5.19% Health Care 0.65% Autos 4.54% Professional 0.65% Finance/Insurance 3.90% Utilities 0.65% Health/Personal 3.90% Construction 0.00% Personal 3.90% Education 0.00% General 3.25%

Figure 6.27: Distribution of business types in Zone 6


The one shopping center in Zone 6 contains only 3.90% of the total businesses in this zone (Figure 6.28); it is named Irkutskij, which is logical since it is located on

Irkutskij Trakt. Land is abundant in this area, so there does not seem to be the need to conserve space that there is in the center. Instead, the majority of businesses are either on the bottom floor of residential buildings or, as I mentioned above, small freestanding shops.

Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total 0 2 2 1 1 6 IRKUTSKIJ 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% 16.67% 16.67% 100.00% 0 2 2 1 1 6 Total 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% 16.67% 16.67% 100.00% 11 21 51 32 39 154 Zone Overall 7.14% 13.64% 33.12% 20.78% 25.32% 100.00%

Figure 6.28: Name type distribution in Zone 6 shopping centers


6.7 Zone 7

This final zone is located on Irkutskij trakt, quite literally on the edge of town. A large forest occupies the majority of the southern side of the street, which partially explains why there are only 76 businesses in this Zone, although the location on the edge of the city, as well as the proximity of the Zone 6 shopping area described in the previous section, is another probable explanation.

Figure 6.29: Composition of Zone 7 by name type


Figure 6.30: Comparison of name type distribution for Zone 7 and Overall

As seen in Figures 6.29 and 6.30, the very low percentage of Foreign names and very high percentage of Wysiwyg names are the most outstanding features in this Zone.

Although the Hybrids fall noticeably in this section, the percentage of Nonref and

Semiref names remains fairly stable. The distribution of business types, however, undergoes a rather dramatic shift in this zone (Figure 6.31). The percentage of

Clothing/Accessories drops drastically, while the Food/Beverage, Home Furnishings and

Repair become the dominant businesses. The majority of businesses are focused on everyday needs such as groceries, shoe repair, beauty salons, and pharmacies.


Food/Beverage 14.47% Hospitality 2.63% Home Furnishings 14.47% Real Estate 2.63% Repair 14.47% Utilities 2.63% Personal 10.53% Finance/Insurance 1.32% Health/Personal 6.58% General 1.32% Hobby/Leisure 5.26% Information 1.32% Miscellaneous 5.26% Construction 0.00% Autos 3.95% Education 0.00% Clothing/Accessories 3.95% Professional 0.00% Home Improvement 3.95% Recreation 0.00% Electronics/Appliances 2.63% Support 0.00% Health Care 2.63%

Figure 6.31: Distribution of business types in Zone 7

There are two shopping centers in this zone, although one of them, Mebel’ Rossii

‗Furniture of Russia‘ contains only three stores. The other, Kolos ‗ear of grain‘ does include a large electronics store, but the majority of the shops are dedicated to repair, home décor, or everyday products such as groceries and toiletries (Figure 6.32):


Foreign Hybrid Nonref Semiref Wysiwyg Total MEBEL‟ 1 1 0 1 0 3 ROSSII 33.33% 33.33% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 100.00% 0 3 4 1 7 15 KOLOS 0.00% 20.00% 26.67% 6.67% 46.67% 100.00% 1 4 4 2 7 18 Total 5.56% 22.22% 22.22% 11.11% 38.89% 100.00% 4 7 25 16 24 67 Zone Overall 5.26% 9.21% 32.89% 21.05% 31.58% 100.00%

Figure 6.32: Name type distribution in Zone 7 shopping centers

Kolos is located near a bus stop, making it a logical place to stop and ―pick a few things up‖; this could explain the high percentage of Wysiwyg names. As with Zone 6, the businesses in this area are primarily targeted towards locals; these are not really businesses that people are going to travel to.


6.8 Conclusion

As seen in this chapter, both distance from the center of the city and the residential or nonresidential nature of an area seem to affect name choice. However, as this chapter has also shown, certain goods are more likely to be found in certain areas due to the nature of the area itself; as seen in Chapters 4 and 5, the types of goods and services also play a role in name choice. So, is it possible that it is business type that is dictating name choice, making location incidental, or are both factors involved? I believe that both location and business type are involved, but that in some cases, such as for

Clothing/Accessories, location plays a primary role in name choice, while for other types, such as Food/Beverage, the role of location is a secondary one. For that reason, it is impossible to generalize about the role that location plays in name choice.




7.0 Introduction

As the previous chapters have shown, there are many factors that promote or discourage the choice of foreign elements in business names. In Figures 7.1 and 7.2, I have arranged the business types in order from highest combined percentage of Foreign and Hybrid names to lowest percentage.

As seen in these figures, there are definite differences between business types; there is a 45.7% spread between the business types with the highest and lowest total percentages of Foreign and Hybrid names. A similar ordering of the subtypes within each business type, however, shows that there can be striking differences between seemingly related business subtypes as well (see Appendix E for a complete table). For example, in the type with the highest total percentage of Foreign and Hybrid names,

Electronics/Appliances, 54.90% of the business names fit into these two categories.

Among the subtypes, however, there is an interesting spread: 63.16% of Electronics are

Foreign or Hybrid, as are 60.87% of Computers. Appliances, however, are a different 339

matter: only 22.22% of all the names in this subtype are Foreign or Hybrid. As I have shown in Chapters 4-6, there are a variety of factors that affect name choice. In this conclusion I will review these factors, and I will then discuss ideas for further research and make my conclusions.

Figure 7.1: Total Percentage of Foreign and Hybrid Names Among Business Types


Business Type Foreign Hybrid Total Electronics/Appliances 27.45% 27.45% 54.90% Support 25.58% 23.26% 48.84% Clothing/Accessories 27.95% 14.46% 42.41% Recreation 29.27% 12.20% 41.47% Personal 30.70% 9.65% 40.35% Professional 19.05% 19.05% 38.10% Hobby/Leisure 20.00% 17.78% 37.78% Health/Personal 21.30% 15.74% 37.04% Hospitality 25.00% 12.00% 37.00% Construction 18.18% 18.18% 36.36% Education 18.18% 18.18% 36.36% Utilities 9.09% 27.27% 36.36% Information 16.00% 17.33% 33.33% Autos 13.64% 13.64% 27.28% Home Furnishings 11.24% 15.73% 26.97% Home Improvement 9.18% 17.35% 26.53% Health Care 11.76% 14.71% 26.47% Miscellaneous 14.86% 9.46% 24.32% Real Estate 7.79% 15.58% 23.37% General 7.69% 11.54% 19.23% Finance/Insurance 4.60% 13.79% 18.39% Food/Beverage 5.60% 5.60% 11.20% Repair 4.60% 4.60% 9.20%

Figure 7.2: Total Percentage of Foreign and Hybrid Names Among Business Types


7.1 Cultural Factors That Promote Foreign/Hybrid Names

Several different cultural factors can play a role in name choice. This section will discuss factors that appear to promote the choice of Foreign and Hybrid names, and the next section will discuss those factors that discourage the choice of Foreign and Hybrid names.

7.1.1 Novelty/Innovation

First of all, businesses that offer products or services that are new additions to

Russian life often have Foreign or Hybrid names, perhaps because the vocabulary related to the product is often borrowed. This could be one explanation for the disparity among the subcategories of Electronics/Appliances mentioned in the previous paragraph.

Although many appliances are now made in other countries and have new high-tech features, they are still similar enough to older products to go by names that have been in the Russian language for some time; a xolodil‟nik ‗refrigerator‘ may now come with an ice maker and water dispenser, but it still performs the same primary functions as the much simpler models that existed during Soviet times. The subtypes Electronics and


Computers, however, consist mainly of products that basically did not exist in Russia before 1991 or were not available to the general public; examples include komp‟juter

‗computer‘, monitor ‗monitor‘, skaner ‗scanner‘, MP-3 pleer ‗MP3 player‘, and DVD rekorder ‗DVD recorder.

Although many Russians still aren‘t entirely reconciled to these borrowings, such words are generally seen as a necessary evil since they are used to describe new products and are not taking the place of words that have been in the language for a long time. For this reason, businesses that sell these products and have Foreign or Hybrid names do not seem unnecessarily foreign, and tend to be seen as more acceptable than businesses that choose foreign names when ―perfectly good‖ Russian names already exist.

This same foreignness can be seen in other business subtypes types as well, and these businesses tend to have Foreign or Hybrid names. Examples of these subtypes include Consulting (100.00%), PR (100.00%), and Interior Design (60.00%).

7.1.2 Quality/Luxury

Another cultural factor that can influence the choice of foreign elements in business names is the perception of foreignness as a marker of quality. Jokes about the poor quality of Soviet products abound, so the use of a Foreign or Hybrid name can indicate that a product, as Martin (2006) said, ―travels‖ (223). In addition, some business subtypes, such as Sports, may have a high percentage of Foreign and Hybrid names 343

because the most famous products in that category are foreign, so the use of foreign elements recalls those products and associates other non-foreign products with them. For example, although the subtype Sports (50.00%) has so many Foreign names in part because of brands such as Nike and Adidas, other, local stores draw upon these associations with names such as Sportway (LN96=e) or Sport-tajm (LN15=m).

A related but slightly different factor is the issue of luxury. Luxury items are generally also of good quality, but luxury items should also be unnecessary; there should be a cheaper equivalent available. For example, pet supplies may not seem like a luxury, but the subtype Pets (45.45%) is a luxury category because dry and canned pet food are a relatively recent addition to the Russian market. For many years, people fed their dogs and cats with macaroni, liver, river fish, chicken feet and other readily available products, and there were very few pet supply stores. Now, however, buying pet food, pet clothes, and other supplies indicates that a person has some disposable income. (Auto) Dealers

(75.00%) is another business type that can be associated with luxury; Russian cars are readily available, but buying a Volvo, Toyota or other imported car is already a luxury, especially considering that imported cars come with a crushing import tax.

Some subtypes that would be expected to feature luxury items, including

Leather/Fur (34.48%) and Jewelry (25.58%), do not have as high a percentage of Foreign or Hybrid names as might be expected; products in these subtypes that are imported do tend to have Foreign names, but Russian products do not. I believe that this is due to other cultural factors that will be discussed in a later section.


7.1.3 Cosmopolitanism

As mentioned in Chapter 1, Foreign and Hybrid names can also lend a feeling of cosmopolitanism to a good or service, and by extension, to the customer. This seems to be a factor in many subtypes, particularly businesses related to food or entertainment, such as Bars (52.63%), Casinos (50.00%), and Restaurants (45.45%). Although there are many businesses with Russian names, the more visible (and generally more expensive) places often have Foreign or Hybrid names.

Another area in which cosmopolitanism seems to play a role is in goods and services related to personal appearance. For example, the categories Beauty (53.33%), which consists primarily of stores that sell cosmetics, perfumes and other beauty supplies, and Beauty Salons (41.22%) both feature many business names that use English or

French elements. This isn‘t surprising, since many Russians pay as much attention to the goings-on in Hollywood and Paris as the residents of those cities do, and programs such as Sex in the City, Friends, and other TV series or films that romanticize life in New

York have been very popular in recent years. Foreign and Hybrid names in these categories sell a little bit of glamour along with the product.


7.2 Cultural Factors That Discourage Foreign/Hybrid Names

7.2.1 Cultural History

There are many goods and services that can be seen as traditionally or culturally

Russian or Siberian, and businesses in the subtypes tend to have a lower percentage of

Foreign and Hybrid names than might be expected, if judged by other factors. For example, businesses in the subcategories of Leather/Fur (34.48%) and Jewelry (25.58%) sell products that are definitely luxury and are often quite expensive. However, these products are also culturally very closely related to Siberia. Historically, the trade in fur pelts (called ―soft gold‖ by trappers and traders) was crucial to the development of the region, and Siberia is also very rich in gold and other precious metals, as well as diamonds and other gems. This cultural association seems to outweigh the factors I have discussed above. As I mentioned, stores selling European furs or jewelry still tend to use

Foreign names, but stores selling Russian products (or products imported from China or other less prestigious countries) are usually sold under Russian names.

Russian also often serves as the default language for naming many goods and services that are not necessarily specific to Russian culture, but that are also not marked as borrowings from Western culture. Business types such as Food/Beverage (11.20%) and other goods and services that are simply part of everyday life are generally less likely to have Foreign or Hybrid names, particularly if there is a cultural association with Rus‟ kondovaja, or ‗Good old Russia‘. As I mentioned in Chapter 3, many businesses choose 346

to use old-fashioned fonts, orthography, and lexicon for goods or services that can be linked to the values and culture of rural, pre-Revolution Russia. There are many Grocery

Stores, Restaurants, Cafes, and other businesses that draw upon these associations, promising passers-by a taste of the ―good old days‖.

Formalwear (16.66%) is another example of a subtype where cultural identity trumps other factors. The stores that sell formalwear specialize in wedding dresses, and the concept of svad‟ba ‗wedding‘ is an important one in Russian culture. Although all weddings must be performed in a ZAGS, the equivalent of a registrar or city hall, the parties afterwards are always festive, and families spend as much and more than they can afford on them. In addition, since the breakup of the Soviet Union it has become more and more popular for people to follow their civil wedding with a venčanie, or religious wedding service performed in an Orthodox church. Although Formalwear is usually extremely expensive and often luxurious, it is not surprising that businesses selling products for a celebration connected so closely to Russian life and culture heavily favor

Russian names.


7.2.2 Privacy

Another factor that seems to influence language choice is the degree of privacy connected to a good or service. Although it has often been said that the word ‗privacy‘ doesn‘t exist in Russia, this does not imply that the concept itself doesn‘t exist. As with any culture, there are aspects of Russian life that are seen as personal or private. Perhaps this is why only 20.00% of Lingerie stores have Foreign or Hybrid names, while most other Clothing/Accessories subtypes are significantly higher. As I discussed in Chapter 6, this could also be the reason why Furniture (36.20%), Floor Coverings (10.00%), and other subtypes related to Home Improvement have relatively low percentages of names incorporating foreign elements, as well as a secondary reason why Appliances (22.22%) also has few Foreign or Hybrid names. Home is a private place, the heart of the family, and most people don‘t want to live in a home that feels foreign or alien. This could also explain why stores in residential areas are less likely to have Foreign or Hybrid names than stores in less residential areas. A neighborhood is, in a sense, an extension of home, and people want to feel that they belong there.

Some name choices seem to be related to old cultural taboos or superstitions that influence privacy in certain matters. For example, many women still spend most of the later stages of pregnancy at home, and babies are often not photographed or taken out in public for the first several months of their life; this was traditionally done in order to


avoid the evil eye. It is also considered bad luck to give people baby showers before the child is born. In light of these factors, it is not surprising that only 30.76% of Children‘s clothing stores have Foreign or Hybrid names, and that the few Women‘s stores that sell maternity clothing all have Russian names.

Other traditional taboos could also be playing a role in naming. Since it is unlikely that anybody would come up with a flashy name for a funeral home in any culture, it is not surprising there are no examples of Foreign or Hybrid names in the subtype Funeral Services. It is, however, more of a surprise that the Finance/Insurance subtype Insurance (8.33%) has the lowest percentage of names with Foreign elements within the type. Insurance companies are much more common now than they were during

Soviet Times, and this would seem like a type of business that would benefit from using foreign elements to attract new customers. There are, however, several cultural taboos that discourage ―tempting fate‖. For example, when you talk about an illness or injury, you are not supposed to refer to your own body to illustrate it; grasping an arm to show where you broke it is inviting the same injury again. Perhaps there is a similar reasoning behind the lack of Foreign or Hybrid names—insurance is good to have, but the less attention drawn to it, the better. This would also explain why 0.00% of Security Systems and Security Guards have Foreign or Hybrid names.


7.3 Nationalism vs. Globalism (and )

Another factor that I believe to be influencing name choice across business types is the tension between nationalism and globalism. Although I have not done any studies to substantiate this, my impression is that, although there are a lot of international or national chains in Moscow that have Foreign or Hybrid names, the presence of such names among private businesses is actually less common than it is in Novosibirsk, and less common in Novosibirsk than in Tomsk. I believe that this is not accidental.

In my opinion, there are actually two levels of patriotism at work in the naming of businesses: and Siberian regionalism. As I discussed in Chapter 1, it is no secret that many Russians do not look on the influx of foreign borrowings into the

Russian language with favor. Since language seems inseparably intertwined with national identity in the minds of many Russians, it is not surprising that Putin, Graudina,

Kostomarov, and the 54-year-old homemaker who was upset about a program being named Stalin live seem to associate the use of English with a lack of patriotism. People who agree or are trying to attract customers who agree are, therefore, more likely to avoid using foreign elements in naming.

There is, however, another aspect of identity at work in Tomsk and other cities. In my experience, many Russian Siberians see themselves as patriotic Russians, but that identity often seems to be secondary to their identity as Siberians. Although I have met many young people and others who dream of moving to Moscow or St. Petersburg, I have met many others who vow to remain in Siberia for life. Historically, Siberia has 350

been treated as a cash cow by the Russian government, whether Imperial, Soviet, or

Federal, and has received little in return; this has led a rather tense relationship with the capital cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the only two cities that are given the special designation of gorod federal‟nogo značenija ‗city of federal significance‘.

There are other cultural factors that play a role in this anti-capital feeling as well.

Historically these two cities have exhibited a rather condescending attitude towards the rest of the country, especially Siberia. For example, one of my college professors, a native of St. Petersburg, once said in class, ―I met a woman from Krasnoyarsk [another

Siberian city] who kept talking about her home city and how much she loved it there, but she was lying. All Russians wish they lived in St. Petersburg or Moscow.‖ The vast majority of all TV shows, whether comedy or drama, are set in Moscow or St.

Petersburg, and if characters from other cities are introduced, they are often portrayed as rubes. Many residents of Tomsk find this attitude not only offensive but inexplicable as well; they are proud of the city‘s history of merchant wealth and its position as the home of the first university in Tomsk. Just as Novosibirsk (a relatively near neighbor of Tomsk and the third-largest city in Russia) once called itself ―the Siberian Chicago‖, I have heard various Tomsk academics refer to their city as ―Siberia‘s Oxford.‖ Such people feel that their city of origin is nothing to apologize for.

I believe it is significant that both of these cities bear nicknames that refer to

English-speaking cities: residents of these cities are looking outside of Russia for elements of their identity. They want their hometowns to be seen not only as Russian cities or as Siberian cities, but as international cities that are producing cutting-edge 351

products and people. Their regionalism becomes a sort of globalism, and makes them more open to and accepting of the use of English. Therefore, I don‘t think it is accidental that the shopping mall located right on the edge of Tomsk‘s town square goes by the name of Big City (LN80a=a). This name reinforces the feelings of pride that many people already have, while the use of English not only gives a cosmopolitan feeling but is also seen as a guarantee of quality for the products sold within.


7.4 Conclusion

As the previous chapters have shown, business naming is a very complicated issue that takes into account many factors. In this work, I have attempted to present a snapshot of three streets in one city in the summer of 2007. It is probable that many of these businesses have already closed, and I know that many new ones have opened. In addition, it is possible that federal pressure will increase to such a degree that many of the most blatantly foreign names will be replaced with more neutral ones. If the government does not interfere, however, I believe that a look at the same streets in Tomsk five or ten years from now will show the same creativity, cultural identity, and business acumen at work that I observed there last year, although it may be expressed in new ways. As I have attempted to show here, business names in Tomsk reflect and reveal significant cultural trends in a place where many people are seizing available opportunities to create their identity as a citizen of Russia, Siberia, and the world.



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APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type AI3=a- ТЭМЗ Nonref Zone 4 Managers Real Estate AI3=g AI3=a ARtКЛАСС Hybrid Zone 4 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure AI3=b Dog Land Foreign Zone 4 Pets Miscellaneous AI3=c Престиж-авто Semiref Zone 4 Auto Parts Autos Home AI3=d СБСЕ Nonref Zone 4 Furniture Furnishings VALTEC- Home AI3=e Hybrid Zone 4 Other СИБИРЬ Improvement AI3=f Глижен Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage AI3=g BOWE Foreign Zone 4 Laundry Personal БЕЛЫЙ Funeral AI4-1=a Nonref Zone 4 Personal АНГЕЛ Services BL8=a Фиеста Foreign Zone 1 Advertising Professional Clothing/ BL8=b ITALMODA Hybrid Zone 1 Family Accessories BL8=c Donna Rosa Foreign Zone 1 Florists Miscellaneous S7 AIRLINES/ BL8=d Foreign Zone 1 Travel Support S7 TOUR Home BL10=a КРЕПЁЖ Nonref Zone 1 Hardware Improvement BL10=b ФантаЗия Nonref Zone 1 Photographers Professional Clothing/ BL10=c АннА Бутик Hybrid Zone 1 Women's Accessories Home BL10=d 6 ПЕРСОН Nonref Zone 1 Other Furnishings Electronics/ BL11=a ЛИМОН Nonref Zone 1 Appliances Appliances СИБИРСКИЙ BL11=c Nonref Zone 1 Periodicals Information ПРОЕКТ BL11=d РЕМОНТ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Appliance Repair BL11=e Загляни Nonref Zone 1 Groceries Food/Beverage Finance/ BL11-1=a РЕСО гарантия Nonref Zone 1 Insurance Insurance САУНА на BL11-1=b Semiref Zone 1 Fitness Centers Recreation Беленца люкс Фаворит Home BL11-1=c Semiref Zone 1 Furniture Мебель Furnishings Home BL11-1=d СОВКО Nonref Zone 1 Other Improvement


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type SECOND- Used BL14=a HAND магазин Hybrid Zone 1 Miscellaneous Merchandise Кухтеринский Clothing/ BL14=b Северянка Nonref Zone 1 Women's Accessories Clothing/ BL14=c Street One Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories Health/ BL14=d МЕДСТАР + Hybrid Zone 1 Pharmacies Personal КОМАНДОР- BL14=e Nonref Zone 1 Electronic Repair СЕРВИС Clothing/ BL14=f ОБУВЬ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Shoes Accessories Ремонт обуви BL14=g Wysiwyg Zone 1 Shoe Repair сумок Сибирское BL14=h Правовое Semiref Zone 1 Brokers Real Estate Агенство BL17=a HAPRO Foreign Zone 1 Beauty Salons Personal Графика BL17=b Semiref Zone 1 Copies Support (Пресс) Clothing/ BL17=c САПФИР Nonref Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories Ювелирный… Clothing/ BL17=d Giampiero Hybrid Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories Fiorini Clothing/ BL17=e АЛМАЗ Nonref Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories ЗОЛОТО/ Ювелирные Clothing/ BL17=f Semiref Zone 1 Jewelry изделия для Accessories Вас BN15=a- Спутник офисы Semiref Zone 2 Managers Real Estate BN15q психологи- BN15=b ческий центр Semiref Zone 2 Other Health Care Здесь и Теперь Вакансии для BN15=c Nonref Zone 2 Periodicals Information всех Finance/ BN15=d УСПЕХ Nonref Zone 2 Investment Insurance BN15=e EXODUS Foreign Zone 2 Other Education BN15=f "Аметист-Л" Nonref Zone 2 Dentists Health Care 359

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Межрегионал- BN15=g ьный кадровый Semiref Zone 2 Employment Support Центр "МАСТЕР- BN15=h Nonref Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal КЛАСС" АРГО Health/ BN15=i Продукты Semiref Zone 2 Supplements Personal здоровья Richter Group BN15=j консалтинговая Foreign Zone 2 Consulting Professional группа Сибирский Finance/ BN15=k Nonref Zone 2 Investment капитал-Р Insurance BN15=l Регион-Пласт Nonref Zone 2 Packaging Support CORAL CLUB International/ Health/ BN15=m Hybrid Zone 2 Beauty КОРАЛЛОВ- Personal ЫЙ КЛУБ ГЕОСИБ- BN15=n Nonref Zone 2 Support Utilities ПРОЕКТ Health/ BN15=o ХимМедСервис Nonref Zone 2 Equipment Personal Клиниkа BN15=p Восточной Hybrid Zone 2 Other Health Care Гимнастиkи BN15=q ТРЭЙН Foreign Zone 2 Miscellaneous Support BN15=r Спутник Nonref Zone 2 Hotels Hospitality BN18=a Ваниль/Vanilla Hybrid Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality ДАМСКОЕ Clothing/ BN18=b Nonref Zone 2 Lingerie СЧАСТЬЕ Accessories Басkин BN18=c Foreign Zone 2 Snack Bars Hospitality Роббинс Home BT1=a ДИВНЫЙ САД Nonref Zone 1 Nurseries Improvement СТАТУС BT2=a- торговый Semiref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate BT2=z центр/бизнес центр Clothing/ BT2=b Пышечка Nonref Zone 1 Women's Accessories KENZO- Clothing/ BT2=c Foreign Zone 1 Family AMOUR Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Health/ BT2=d Оптика №1 Semiref Zone 1 Optical Personal Clothing/ BT2=e ЕВРОДЖИНС Hybrid Zone 1 Denim Accessories Clothing/ BT2=f Nicole Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories Clothing/ BT2=g Нега Nonref Zone 1 Lingerie Accessories BT2=h Capuchino bar Foreign Zone 1 Snack Bars Hospitality Женская Clothing/ BT2=i Wysiwyg Zone 1 Women's одежда Accessories Clothing/ BT2=j Милан Nonref Zone 1 Leather/Fur Accessories BT2=k РусоТуристо Hybrid Zone 1 Travel Support Home BT2=l СонаТа Nonref Zone 1 Furniture Furnishings Элитная Health/ BT2=m Semiref Zone 1 Beauty парфюмерия Personal Clothing/ BT2=n РЕНЕССАНС Nonref Zone 1 Formalwear Accessories Сумки, Clothing/ BT2=o бижутерия, Wysiwyg Zone 1 Luggage Accessories кожгалантерея Paint/ Home BT2=p IS design Foreign Zone 1 Wallpaper Improvement (БТК) BT2=q Best Trading Hybrid Zone 1 Dealers Autos Company BT2=r АДВОКАТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Lawyers Professional СБЕРБАНК РОССИИ Finance/ BT2=s Semiref Zone 1 Banking (Основан в Insurance 1841 году) (ТДСК) Томская BT2=t Semiref Zone 1 Construction Construction Домостроител- ьная Компания (МБРР) Московский Finance/ BT2=u Банк Semiref Zone 1 Banking Insurance Реконструкции и Развития


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ипотечное агентство Finance/ BT2=v Semiref Zone 1 Loans томской Insurance области НЕОТЕЛЕ- BT2=w Semiref Zone 1 Telephones Information КОМ Finance/ BT2=x УРАЛСИБ Nonref Zone 1 Banking Insurance BT2=y Алатарцева Nonref Zone 1 Brokers Real Estate Finance/ BT2=z Росбанк Semiref Zone 1 Banking Insurance Clothing/ BT3=a (R) РОНОКС Foreign Zone 1 Shoes Accessories ЛАМА BT3=b Foreign Zone 1 Groceries Food/Beverage супермаркет ПЕТРЪ BT5=a Nonref Zone 1 Books Hobby/Leisure МАКУШИНЪ Home BT5=b ДОМ Nonref Zone 1 Other Furnishings БУКИНИСТ BT5=c СУЗДАЛЬ- Semiref Zone 1 Books Hobby/Leisure СКИЙ FR4=a БАНЗАЙ Foreign Zone 2 Auto Parts Autos TORNADO FR4=b Foreign Zone 2 Casinos Recreation saloon Радуга звуков (центр Health/ FR5=a Semiref Zone 2 Equipment хорошего Personal слуха) Home FR7=a КУХНИ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings Компания МИЛОН/копи- FR7=b Hybrid Zone 2 Copies Support ровальный центр XEROX "САЛОН FR7=c Wysiwyg Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal КРАСОТЫ" FR7=d Тур Сервис Hybrid Zone 2 Travel Support FR7=e СКАТТ Foreign Zone 2 Travel Support Программа Home FR7=f Nonref Zone 2 Furniture Техно Furnishings


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type СИБИРСКИЙ FR11=a ТЕННИСНЫЙ Semiref Zone 2 Fitness Centers Recreation ЦЕНТР Finance/ FR11a=a УРАЛСИБ Nonref Zone 2 Banking Insurance FR11a=b ЕВРОчистка Semiref Zone 2 Laundry Personal Стекло & Home FR11b=a Hybrid Zone 2 Other зеркала Improvement СПОРТЛАНД- FR11b=b Semiref Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure ИЯ FR11b=c красное знамя Nonref Zone 2 Periodicals Information Home FR11b=d КупеLUX Hybrid Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings FR11b=e ТУР Маркет Foreign Zone 2 Travel Support FR12=a ГАРМОНиЯ Nonref Zone 2 Other Repair FR16=a CRAZY SLOT Foreign Zone 2 Casinos Recreation РЮМОЧНАЯ FR16=b Semiref Zone 2 Bars Hospitality Осень ТРАКТИР FR16=c Semiref Zone 2 Bars Hospitality Черная Кошка FR16=d Ва-банк Nonref Zone 2 Casinos Recreation (БКС) брокер Finance/ FR20=a Hybrid Zone 2 Investment кредит сервис Insurance Home FR23=a кухни ADM Hybrid Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings FR23=b Венера Nonref Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal Electronics/ FR23=c HOTTER Foreign Zone 2 Appliances Appliances Electronics/ FR23=d МАЯК Nonref Zone 2 Computers Appliances FR23=e Kodak Foreign Zone 2 Photofinishing Personal FR23=f ЮниСлоt Hybrid Zone 2 Casinos Recreation Итальянский Floor Home FR23=g Nonref Zone 2 орех Coverings Furnishings FR23=h Lady Vie Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal FR24=a- Марkа Hybrid Zone 2 Managers Real Estate FR24=q FR24=b Пивбол телебар Semiref Zone 2 Bars Hospitality Health/ FR24=c Сано Foreign Zone 2 Pharmacies Personal Clothing/ FR24=d ParadisO Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Home FR24=e какDома Hybrid Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings FR24=f ПИОНЕР Nonref Zone 2 Media Hobby/Leisure Clothing/ FR24=g ДЖИНС Club Foreign Zone 2 Denim Accessories ALKOS Home FR24=h Hybrid Zone 2 Furniture комфорт Furnishings Clothing/ FR24=i АНЖЕЛИКА Nonref Zone 2 Lingerie Accessories Clothing/ FR24=j ST MODA Hybrid Zone 2 Women's Accessories Мебель Home FR24=k Semiref Zone 2 Furniture Полесья Furnishings FR24=l ТОМДЕНТ Hybrid Zone 2 Dentists Health Care Health/ FR24=m INTUI Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Personal FR24=n Строманта Nonref Zone 2 Florists Miscellaneous Home FR24=o kамстиль Hybrid Zone 2 Other Improvement ТРИУМФАЛЬ- Home FR24=p Nonref Zone 2 Other НАЯ МАРКА Improvement KOMANDOR/ Home FR24=q КОМАНДОР Hybrid Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings ТОМСК Department FR26=a ПОДИУМ Nonref Zone 2 General Stores FR26=b ПРЕМЬЕРА Nonref Zone 2 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure ГАЗПРОМ- Finance/ FR32=a Semiref Zone 2 Banking БАНК Insurance FR40=a МУЛАТКА Nonref Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal ЭССИ фабрика Home FR40=b Semiref Zone 2 Furniture мебели Furnishings Home FR40=c Кабинет Nonref Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings FR40=d "Смышленыш" Nonref Zone 2 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure Electronics/ FR40=e GPS Foreign Zone 2 Electronics Appliances ART-STUDIO FR40=f Foreign Zone 2 Interior Design Professional design Авторская Home FR40=g Semiref Zone 2 Furniture мебель Furnishings


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ИТАЛОН салон Home FR40=h Semiref Zone 2 Other керамической Improvement плитки FR40=i Цифроград Nonref Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information ФИНСКАЯ Clothing/ FR40=j Semiref Zone 2 Family ОДЕЖДА Accessories Clothing/ FR40=k TRiO Foreign Zone 2 Children's Accessories Electronics/ FR40=l ФОКС Foreign Zone 2 Computers Appliances ИМПЭКС- Finance/ FR40=m Semiref Zone 2 Banking БАНК Insurance Home FR40=n Евро Dизайн Hybrid Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings INTRIGO (салон Clothing/ FR40=o Foreign Zone 2 Family итальянской Accessories моды) Electronics/ FR40=p НОУТБУКИ Hybrid Zone 2 Computers Appliances Clothing/ FR46=a АрбаТ Nonref Zone 2 Family Accessories Home FR46=b ЕвроОкна Semiref Zone 2 Other Improvement MoDaMo Clothing/ FR46=c (одежда из Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories Германии) LOLITA Clothing/ FR46=d Hybrid Zone 2 Men's TITOVA Accessories Home FR46=e ДВЕРИ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Other Improvement Finance/ FR46=f БАНК СОЮЗ Semiref Zone 2 Banking Insurance Health/ FR46=g Весна Nonref Zone 2 Pharmacies Personal Clothing/ FR46=h Этти Детти Hybrid Zone 2 Children's Accessories АЛЛЕРГО- FR46=i Semiref Zone 2 Other Health Care ДОМ Clothing/ FR46=j Интим Nonref Zone 2 Lingerie Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type РОССИЙ- Clothing/ FR46=k СКИЙ Semiref Zone 2 Family Accessories ТРИКОТАЖ Clothing/ FR46=l ГЛОБУС Nonref Zone 2 Luggage Accessories (ЧБ) Черный Clothing/ FR46=m Nonref Zone 2 Jewelry БРИЛЛИАНТ Accessories Clothing/ FR46=n МЕХА Wysiwyg Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories Used FR57=a Ломбард Wysiwyg Zone 2 Misc. Merchandise DVD MP3 CD MPEG4/ FR57=b МУЗЫКА Hybrid Zone 2 Media Hobby/Leisure ИГРЫ ФИЛЬМЫ РЕМОНТ FR57=c ОДЕЖДЫ И Wysiwyg Zone 2 Shoe Repair СУМОК ИГРОВЫЕ FR57=d АВТОМАТЫ, Wysiwyg Zone 2 Casinos Recreation БИЛЬЯРД FR57=e Гала-центр Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage ЮВЕЛИРНАЯ Clothing/ FR57=f Wysiwyg Zone 2 Jewelry МАСТЕРСКАЯ Accessories ЦВЕТОЧНОЕ FR57=g Semiref Zone 2 Florists Miscellaneous БЮРО FR57=h ФОТО салон Semiref Zone 2 Photofinishing Personal принимаем FR57=i Wysiwyg Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information платежи TOKYO FR57=j Foreign Zone 2 General General HOUSE Избранное FR57=k Semiref Zone 2 Specialty Food/Beverage ЧАЙ и КОФЕ Классиkа Clothing/ FR57=l Hybrid Zone 2 Women's Стиль Accessories Мир Clothing/ FR57=m Semiref Zone 2 Jewelry бижутерии Accessories FR57=n ПРОДУКТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage ВИНА FR57=o Semiref Zone 2 Liquor Food/Beverage КУБАНИ FR59=a АДРЕС Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ИГРОВОЙ FR61=a Wysiwyg Zone 2 Casinos Recreation КЛУБ SPORT-BAR/ FR61=b Hybrid Zone 2 Bars Hospitality СПОРТ-БАР Home FR77b=a Альбом Nonref Zone 3 Other Furnishings Салон FR77b=b Semiref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal Ирины Ким FR77b=c АТЕЛЬЕ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Other Repair РЕМОНТ FR77b=d Wysiwyg Zone 3 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ SECOND Used FR77b=e Foreign Zone 3 Miscellaneous HAND Merchandise СИБИРЬ FR83a=a Semiref Zone 3 Telephones Information ТЕЛЕКОМ СПЕЦ- Clothing/ FR85=a Wysiwyg Zone 3 Family ОДЕЖДА Accessories бутик Моѐ Clothing/ FR85=b Hybrid Zone 3 Lingerie бельѐ Accessories FR85=c МАЭСТРО Nonref Zone 3 Shoe Repair FR88=a НЕФЕРТИТИ Nonref Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal FR88=b Flurry Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal FR88=c Неженка Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage ФОРУМ/ Clothing/ FR90=a Hybrid Zone 2 Men's FORUM Accessories FR90=b Бильярд Wysiwyg Zone 2 Miscellaneous Recreation FR90=c Кафе Wysiwyg Zone 2 Cafes Hospitality Finance/ FR90=d БАНКЪ Nonref Zone 2 Banking Insurance СБЕРБАНК РОССИИ Finance/ FR90=e Semiref Zone 2 Banking (Основан в Insurance 1841 году) FR92=a БУХГАЛТЕР Wysiwyg Zone 2 Stationery Miscellaneous FR92=b Cибирия Hybrid Zone 2 Travel Support АПТЕКА Health/ FR92=c Semiref Zone 2 Pharmacies ТВЕРСКАЯ Personal FR92=d ПРЕСТИЖ Nonref Zone 2 Dentists Health Care КОФЕИНЯ FR92=e Hybrid Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality САЛЕРНО FR92-1=a ЛАМА Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Центр НЭО/центр FR92-1=b независимой Semiref Zone 2 Miscellaneous Professional экспертизы и оценки FR92b=a Евросеть Nonref Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information FR92v=a Ани Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage сотовые FR93=a Wysiwyg Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information телефоны СРОЧНЫЙ FR93=b Semiref Zone 3 Electronic Repair РЕМОНТ FR93=c София Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage ВЕСЁЛЫЙ FR93=d Nonref Zone 3 Liquor Food/Beverage ХУТОРОК фрунзенский Department FR93=e Semiref Zone 3 General торговый центр Stores FR93=f Евросеть Nonref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information FR93=g Связной Nonref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information FR93=h Каравай Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage FR93=i МИЛЛИОНЪ Nonref Zone 3 Casinos Recreation Clothing/ FR94=a я и ты Nonref Zone 2 Women's Accessories FR94=b Нотариус Wysiwyg Zone 2 Notaries Professional РОСГОС- Finance/ FR96=a Semiref Zone 3 Insurance СТРАХ Insurance трактиръ FR96=b Nonref Zone 3 Restaurants Hospitality "Кеть" Finance/ FR96=c РусьБанк Semiref Zone 3 Banking Insurance СТУДИЯ Floor Home FR96=d пробки и Semiref Zone 3 Coverings Furnishings паркета Home FR96=e БФК Nonref Zone 3 Other Improvement ДАМСКОЕ Clothing/ FR96=f Nonref Zone 3 Lingerie СЧАСТЬЕ Accessories FR96=g Мегафон Nonref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information МАСКА FR96=h Foreign Zone 3 Media Hobby/Leisure видео маркет Paint/ Home FR96=i NautiluS Foreign Zone 3 Wallpaper Improvement


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type (ОМ) Home FR96=j отделочные Semiref Zone 3 Other Improvement материалы Home FR96=k (LV) лэндвилл Foreign Zone 3 Other Improvement FR96=l МИЛЛИОНЪ Nonref Zone 3 Casinos Recreation FR96=m КРАСИВО Nonref Zone 3 Interior Design Professional Home FR96=n Mobile Foreign Zone 3 Furniture Furnishings Home FR96=o poVod Hybrid Zone 3 Furniture Furnishings FR98(k)= (магазин)"ДЛЯ Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage a ВАС" FR98=a Строманта Nonref Zone 3 Florists Miscellaneous FR100=a НУГА БЕСТ Foreign Zone 3 Other Health Care Electronics/ FR100=b ODIS DiVo Foreign Zone 3 Computers Appliances СИБИРЬ FR100=c Semiref Zone 3 Telephones Information ТЕЛЕКОМ ЛАМА FR100a=a Foreign Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage минимаркет Clothing/ FR102=a Обувь Wysiwyg Zone 3 Shoes Accessories Clothing/ FR102=b ДОМИНО Nonref Zone 3 Accessories Accessories FR102=c Модерн Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal Clothing/ FR102=d Обувь Tiptop Hybrid Zone 3 Shoes Accessories КНИЖКИН FR102=e Semiref Zone 3 Books Hobby/Leisure ДОМ art Classic/ FR102=f Hybrid Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal Классик SECOND Used FR102=g HAND (Второе Foreign Zone 3 Miscellaneous Merchandise дыхание) Health/ FR102=h Оптика Wysiwyg Zone 3 Optical Personal Health/ FR102=i Аптекарь Semiref Zone 3 Pharmacies Personal Health/ FR102=j АПТЕКА Wysiwyg Zone 3 Pharmacies Personal хозяйственный FR102=k Wysiwyg Zone 3 General General магазин 369

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ЛАМА FR102=l Foreign Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage супермаркет OAO Издательство FR103=a Semiref Zone 3 Periodicals Information "Красное знамя" Security FR103=b ООО "ЭГИДА" Nonref Zone 3 Support Guards FR103=c АВТОТЕХ Nonref Zone 3 Automobile Education FR103- (М) Банк Finance/ Semiref Zone 3 Banking 1=a Москвы Insurance FR103- Electronics/ КОМПSTAR Hybrid Zone 3 Computers 1=b Appliances FR103- ADD СЕРВИС Hybrid Zone 3 Miscellaneous Utilities 1=c (МСК) FR103- Московская Finance/ Semiref Zone 3 Insurance 1=d Страховая Insurance Компания FR103- комстар Hybrid Zone 3 Telephones Information 1=e телеком FR103- ДОМ КНИГИ Semiref Zone 3 Books Hobby/Leisure 1=f FR103- БЕЛЬЕ ДЛЯ Clothing/ Semiref Zone 3 Lingerie 1=g ВАС Accessories FR103- Салон Health/ Semiref Zone 3 Beauty 1=h Косметики Personal FR103- Лина Nonref Zone 3 Other Health Care 1=i FR103- Ксерокс Foreign Zone 3 Copies Support 1=j FR103- МБЦ-АВТО Nonref Zone 3 Auto Repair 1=k FR105=a Карандаш Nonref Zone 4 Stationery Miscellaneous НАШ FR105a=a Semiref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage гастроном Health/ FR107=a El Likon оптика Hybrid Zone 4 Optical Personal Home FR107=b Томская грядка Nonref Zone 4 Nurseries Improvement СТУДИЯ FR107=c Hybrid Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal ГЛАМУР


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ТОМСКГИПР FR109=a Nonref Zone 4 Miscellaneous Construction ОЗЕМ Health/ FR116=a АПТЕКА №48 Wysiwyg Zone 3 Pharmacies Personal Clothing/ FR116=b Ренессанс Nonref Zone 3 Formalwear Accessories FR116=c КОМФОРТ Nonref Zone 3 Brokers Real Estate Clothing/ FR116=d МилоСлава Nonref Zone 3 Family Accessories FR118=a Tango Foreign Zone 3 Advertising Professional FR118=b ДЕМАР Nonref Zone 3 Computer Repair SERVICE/ FR118=c Hybrid Zone 3 Computer Repair НВ СЕРВИС КОМИССИО- Used FR118=d Wysiwyg Zone 3 Miscellaneous ННЫЙ м-н Merchandise Health/ FR118=e МОЯ аптека Semiref Zone 3 Pharmacies Personal FR118=g Рыба Wysiwyg Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage магазин Clothing/ FR118=h путешестве- Semiref Zone 3 Luggage Accessories нник FR120=a ШОКОЛАДКА Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage Home FR120=b LG Chem Foreign Zone 3 Other Improvement "ОДЕЖДА Window Home FR120=c Semiref Zone 3 ДЛЯ ОКОН" Treatments Furnishings FR120=d аБРИКОС Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage FR120=e БЕТХОВЕН Foreign Zone 3 Pets Miscellaneous FR120=f АннА Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal Home FR122=a ЭХО Nonref Zone 3 Furniture Furnishings FR124=a ирина Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal FR124=b РЕМОНТ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Electronic Repair FR124- Строманта Nonref Zone 3 Florists Miscellaneous 1=a SECOND Used FR126=a Foreign Zone 3 Miscellaneous HAND/Винтаж Merchandise FR126=b ИНСАЙТ Foreign Zone 3 Other Health Care FR130=a santé Foreign Zone 4 Other Health Care FR130=b ДРАКОША Nonref Zone 4 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure Health/ FR130=c лека фарм Hybrid Zone 4 Pharmacies Personal


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ FR130a=a МАЛЫШ Semiref Zone 4 Children's Accessories FR130a= обувной центр Clothing/ Semiref Zone 4 Shoes b ТОМИЧ Accessories Home FR130a=c Том Строер Hybrid Zone 4 Other Improvement ТпсБанк Finance/ FR132=a (Томскпромст- Semiref Zone 4 Banking Insurance ройбанк) FR132=b Айсберг Semiref Zone 4 Travel Support Home FR152=a Витра Nonref Zone 4 Furniture Furnishings Security FR152=b ДОМОФОНЫ Wysiwyg Zone 4 Support Systems МЕГАПОЛИС FR152=c Hybrid Zone 4 Travel Support ТУР (НСГ) национальная Finance/ FR152=d Semiref Zone 4 Insurance страховая Insurance группа Меркурий Electronics/ FR152=e Nonref Zone 4 Computers Томск Appliances ЗАО FR152=f Foreign Zone 4 Lawyers Professional "Юдиката" Finance/ FR152=g АВТОКРЕДИТ Wysiwyg Zone 4 Loans Insurance Home FR152=h Dуэт Hybrid Zone 4 Furniture Furnishings РЕМОНТ FR152=i Wysiwyg Zone 4 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ Home FR152=j ФЛАГМАН Nonref Zone 4 Furniture Furnishings FR152=k КЛЮЧ Nonref Zone 4 Brokers Real Estate Home FR152=l РЕГИОН-ДСК Nonref Zone 4 Other Improvement Clothing/ FR152=m МАГАЗИН Nonref Zone 4 Women's Accessories FR152a=a СКАЗКА Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage Администрати- GA7=a- вно-торговый Semiref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate GA7=ff комплекс АВРОРА


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ GA7=b МОНРО Foreign Zone 1 Shoes Accessories Finance/ GA7=c ФИНКА Nonref Zone 1 Loans Insurance GA7=d Строманта Nonref Zone 1 Florists Miscellaneous Finance/ GA7=e Банк Москый Semiref Zone 1 Loans Insurance Салон мужских Clothing/ GA7=f сорочек и Semiref Zone 1 Men's Accessories аксессуаров Декоративная Health/ GA7=g косметика/ Semiref Zone 1 Beauty Personal Парфюмерия Electronics/ GA7=h SAMSUNG Foreign Zone 1 Electronics Appliances TRAVEL GA7=i Foreign Zone 1 Travel Support CLUB GA7=j VIP-Шоу Foreign Zone 1 Miscellaneous Professional GA7=k Лукри Nonref Zone 1 Construction Construction Finance/ GA7=l АФЕС Nonref Zone 1 Insurance Insurance Интерфакс- GA7=m Nonref Zone 1 Miscellaneous Information Сибирь GA7=n PRIZMA Hybrid Zone 1 PR Professional Сибирь GA7=o ТрансНефтепро Semiref Zone 1 Support Utilities вод GA7=p Атис Nonref Zone 1 Construction Construction Железно- дорожное Акционерное Finance/ GA7=q Semiref Zone 1 Insurance Страховое Insurance Общество "Магистраль" Clothing/ GA7=r OTTO Foreign Zone 1 Family Accessories SIBERLOGIC GA7=s Foreign Zone 1 Miscellaneous Professional COMPANY Security GA7=t форпост Nonref Zone 1 Support Guards Альфастрахова Finance/ GA7=u Semiref Zone 1 Insurance ние Insurance


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Российская телевизио- нная и GA7=v Semiref Zone 1 Miscellaneous Information радиовещател- ьная сеть ФГУП GA7=w ДельтаЛизинг Hybrid Zone 1 General General Finance/ GA7=x Русский мир Nonref Zone 1 Insurance Insurance GA7=y Преображение Nonref Zone 1 Beauty Salons Personal GA7=z Аурум Foreign Zone 1 Brokers Real Estate GA7=aa Nail-сервис Hybrid Zone 1 Beauty Salons Personal Томская GA7=bb лифтовая Semiref Zone 1 Construction Construction компания Хоум Кредит Finance/ GA7=cc энд Финанс Foreign Zone 1 Loans Insurance Банк Electronics/ GA7=dd ИНТАНТ Nonref Zone 1 Computers Appliances ноутбум (салон Electronics/ GA7=ee портативной Hybrid Zone 1 Computers Appliances техники) SHARP Electronics/ GA7=ff Foreign Zone 1 Electronics AQUOS Appliances Корчма у GA11=a Semiref Zone 1 Restaurants Hospitality Тараса Finance/ GA11=b АвтО Кредит Semiref Zone 1 Loans Insurance Health/ GA30=a ЭхолотЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Equipment Personal GA48=a ИГРЕМ Nonref Zone 2 Computer Repair Clothing/ GA49=a подZемка Hybrid Zone 2 Denim Accessories GA50=a SPORT Foreign Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure GA52=a Продукты Wysiwyg Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage трактир Старые GA52=b Semiref Zone 2 Bars Hospitality стены Health/ GA54=a ЗДОРОВЬЕ Nonref Zone 2 Equipment Personal HOTEL GR1a=a Foreign Zone 3 Hotels Hospitality BonAparT GR1a=b Обжорный Ряд Nonref Zone 3 Cafeterias Hospitality 374

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type GR1a=c Сибинтур Semiref Zone 3 Travel Support Clothing/ GR1a=d OTTO центр Hybrid Zone 3 Family Accessories GR1a=e magic sun Foreign Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal IT6=a РЕМ АВТО Nonref Zone 4 Auto Parts Autos Home IT8=a Альянс Nonref Zone 4 Other Furnishings Kodak IT8=b Hybrid Zone 4 Photofinishing Personal ФОТОMAX IT8=c РИФЕЙ Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage IT8=d Моделина Nonref Zone 4 Other Repair РЕМОНТ IT8=e Wysiwyg Zone 4 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ КАФЕ-БАР У IT8g=a Semiref Zone 4 Cafes Hospitality МОСТА IT10a=a ПРОДУКТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage IT10=a Этуалль Foreign Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal IT10=b КАНЦЛЕР Nonref Zone 4 Stationery Miscellaneous Clothing/ IT10=c ТРИКОТАЖ Wysiwyg Zone 4 Family Accessories IT10=d шашлычная Wysiwyg Zone 4 Cafes Hospitality IT10-1=a РитмС Hybrid Zone 4 Brokers Real Estate ZOO салон IT10-1=b ЗЕЛЁНАЯ Hybrid Zone 4 Pets Miscellaneous ИГУАНА IT12=a СЕ Спорт Semiref Zone 4 Sports Hobby/Leisure Home IT12=b Мебиус Nonref Zone 4 Furniture Furnishings Electronics/ IT12=c ЭЛКАС Nonref Zone 4 Electronics Appliances IT12=d ЮКОС Nonref Zone 4 Gas Stations Utilities IT13=a ΩМЕГА Hybrid Zone 4 Casinos Recreation Funeral IT13=b ОБЕЛИСК Nonref Zone 4 Personal Services IT15=a - РОСТО- Nonref Zone 5 Managers Real Estate IT15=s ДОСААФ IT15=b АЭРОКЛУБ Semiref Zone 5 Other Education IT15=c АВТОШКОЛА Wysiwyg Zone 5 Automobile Education ПЛАТНАЯ IT15=d АВТО- Wysiwyg Zone 5 Miscellaneous Repair СТОЯНКА IT15=e ПРОДУКТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type IT15=f "ЭРКЕР" Hybrid Zone 5 Brokers Real Estate IT15=g АДВОКАТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Lawyers Professional IT15=h КАСКАД Nonref Zone 5 Employment Support IT15=i Diana Foreign Zone 5 Beauty Salons Personal IT15=j Зубной врач Wysiwyg Zone 5 Dentists Health Care IT15=k Елена Nonref Zone 5 Snack Bars Hospitality АВТОЗАП- IT15=l Wysiwyg Zone 5 Auto Parts Autos ЧАСТИ Home IT15=m Керамика Wysiwyg Zone 5 Other Improvement СибИнтер Home IT15=n Мебель/мягkая Hybrid Zone 5 Furniture Furnishings МЕБЕЛЬ IT15=o Меховое ателье Wysiwyg Zone 5 Other Repair МЕБЕЛЬ Home IT15=p Semiref Zone 5 Furniture БЕЛАРУСИ Furnishings IT15=q АВТО радуга Nonref Zone 5 Auto Parts Autos МИР Home IT15=r Semiref Zone 5 Hardware ЭЛЕКТРИКА Improvement ООО IT15=s Nonref Zone 5 Dentists Health Care "Александра" IT17=a НОТАРИУС Wysiwyg Zone 5 Notaries Professional IT17=b АДВОКАТ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Lawyers Professional ДАМСКОЕ Clothing/ IT26=a Nonref Zone 5 Lingerie СЧАСТЬЕ Accessories Home IT26=b GROL Foreign Zone 5 Furniture Furnishings Home IT26=c кухни Ra Hybrid Zone 5 Furniture Furnishings (R) ДВЕРИ Home IT26=d Hybrid Zone 5 Other РОСТРА Improvement КВАДРАТ- Floor Home IT26=e Nonref Zone 5 НЫЙ МЕТР Coverings Furnishings ОСТРОВОК Home IT26=f Semiref Zone 5 Hardware СВЕТА Improvement IT26=g ЦВЕТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Florists Miscellaneous ПРОМРЕГИОН Finance/ IT26=h Semiref Zone 5 Banking БАНК Insurance Home IT26=i УДАРНИК Nonref Zone 5 Hardware Improvement ЛАМА IT27=a Foreign Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage минимаркет


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type (V) ВАРТОМ аккумулятор- Home IT30=a Hybrid Zone 5 Hardware ный Improvement супермаркет IT32=a Эдельвейс Nonref Zone 5 Dentists Health Care IT32=b ПЕРСОНА Nonref Zone 5 Beauty Salons Personal Health/ IT32=c Сано Foreign Zone 5 Pharmacies Personal IT32=d высотный Nonref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage Home IT32=e ДВЕРИ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Other Improvement Оптика "1001 Health/ IT32=f Semiref Zone 5 Optical оправа" Personal гасторном IT32=g Semiref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage ГНОМ ТОМСК IT32=h Semiref Zone 5 Telephones Information ТЕЛЕКОМ IT32=i L-СТИЛЬ Hybrid Zone 5 Beauty Salons Personal IT32=j ПУШОК Nonref Zone 5 Laundry Personal Винный отдѣлъ IT32=k Nonref Zone 5 Liquor Food/Beverage №1 IT32=l ЛаВ'С Foreign Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage КЛАССА ЛЮКС (модная из Used IT32=m Hybrid Zone 5 Miscellaneous европы одежда Merchandise SECOND HAND) СБЕРБАНК РОССИИ Finance/ IT33=a Semiref Zone 5 Banking (Основан в Insurance 1841 году) Health/ IT37=a ДВИЖЕНИЕ Nonref Zone 5 Pharmacies Personal IT37a=a копеечка Nonref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage IT37b=a - высотный Nonref Zone 5 Managers Real Estate IT37b=n МЕБЕЛЬ Home IT37b=b Semiref Zone 5 Furniture МОСКВА Furnishings IT37b=c ИГРУШКИ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure Home IT37b=d ТЕКСТИЛЬ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Other Furnishings


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Home IT37b=e ПОСУДА Wysiwyg Zone 5 Other Furnishings Clothing/ IT37b=f БИЖУТЕРИЯ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Jewelry Accessories IT37b=g СУВЕНИРЫ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous Home IT37b=h БАРС Nonref Zone 5 Other Improvement ЦВЕТЫ и IT37b=i подарки Semiref Zone 5 Florists Miscellaneous для Вас IT37b=j Фото-мир Semiref Zone 5 Photofinishing Personal Ювелирные Clothing/ IT37b=k Wysiwyg Zone 5 Jewelry изделия Accessories Home IT37b=l МЕБЕЛЬЕР Hybrid Zone 5 Furniture Furnishings Home IT37b=m Кухни МариЯ Semiref Zone 5 Furniture Furnishings Clothing/ IT37b=n ST-MODA Hybrid Zone 5 Women's Accessories IT37v=a СНЕЖИНКА Nonref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage РЕМОНТ IT39-1=a Wysiwyg Zone 5 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ IT39-1=b Eva Foreign Zone 5 Beauty Salons Personal IT41=a АСТРА Nonref Zone 5 Dentists Health Care РОС Риэлт IT41=b Hybrid Zone 5 Brokers Real Estate Сервис Home IT41=c Купе-Корона Semiref Zone 5 Furniture Furnishings ВИНА IT41-1=a Semiref Zone 5 Liquor Food/Beverage КУБАНИ IT41-1=b Alco МАРКЕТ Hybrid Zone 5 Liquor Food/Beverage IT41-1=c АльфаСервис Nonref Zone 5 Construction Construction IT41-1=d Ы Nonref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage МОТОБЛОКИ Home IT43=a Semiref Zone 5 Hardware на Иркутском Improvement АВТОЗАПЧАС IT43=b Wysiwyg Zone 5 Auto Parts Autos ТИ Electronics/ IT45=a elitecom Foreign Zone 5 Computers Appliances РЕМОНТ и IT53=a Wysiwyg Zone 5 Shoe Repair пошив ОБУВИ АККУМУЛЯТ IT53=b Wysiwyg Zone 5 Auto Parts Autos ОРЫ 378

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type IT53a=a ВИКИНГ Nonref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage IT53b=a мегАслот Hybrid Zone 5 Casinos Recreation Центр Funeral IT53v=a Ритуальных Wysiwyg Zone 5 Personal Services Услуг IT58=a (LUK) лукойл Hybrid Zone 5 Gas Stations Utilities IT59=a ПЕРСОНА Nonref Zone 5 Beauty Salons Personal ДЖИНСЫ Clothing/ IT59=b Semiref Zone 5 Denim для всех Accessories Electronics/ IT61=a СИБВЕЗ Nonref Zone 6 Appliances Appliances IT61=b ЭДЕЛЬВЕЙС Nonref Zone 6 Casinos Recreation IT61=c паб КАМБУЗ Hybrid Zone 6 Bars Hospitality IT61=d ОАО "Сибавто" Semiref Zone 6 Auto Parts Autos IT61=e Готовый Nonref Zone 6 Miscellaneous Professional СРОЧНОЕ IT61=f Semiref Zone 6 Photofinishing Personal ФОТО IT61=g ШАШЛЫК Wysiwyg Zone 6 Cafes Hospitality РЕМОНТ IT61=h Wysiwyg Zone 6 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ ОКТЯБРЬСКИ Home IT61=i Nonref Zone 6 Other Й Improvement ОКТЯБРЬСКИ IT61=j Semiref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage Й РЫНОК IT61=k ПОМОР Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage УЗБЕКСКАЯ IT61=l Wysiwyg Zone 6 Cafes Hospitality КУХНЯ компания IT61=m Hybrid Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage Семkин IT61=n АССОРТИ Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage Кафе IT61b=a Semiref Zone 6 Restaurants Hospitality ШУСТОФФ ПРИЁМ IT62=a Wysiwyg Zone 5 General General стеклопосуды шиномонтаж/ IT62=b вулканизация/ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Auto Repair балансировка Health/ IT65-1=a ИРКУТСКАЯ Nonref Zone 6 Pharmacies Personal IT65-2=a магнолия Nonref Zone 6 Hotels Hospitality


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type НЕФТЕ- ХИМИК/ IT65- спортивно- Semiref Zone 6 Fitness Centers Recreation 14=a оздоровитель- ный комплекс ИНСТРУ- IT65- Home МЕНТ Hybrid Zone 6 Hardware 14=b Improvement МАРКЕТ IT65- ТОРГОВЫЙ Department Wysiwyg Zone 6 General 14=c ЦЕНТР Stores IT65- BELLE Foreign Zone 6 Beauty Salons Personal 14=d Home IT70=a ЛОЗА Nonref Zone 5 Hardware Improvement Clothing/ IT70=b Dетсkий Hybrid Zone 5 Children's Accessories Плєтєная мебєль и Home IT70=c Nonref Zone 5 Furniture предмєты Furnishings интєрьєра IT71b=a ЛАДА Nonref Zone 6 Auto Parts Autos Auto запчасти IT71v=a Hybrid Zone 6 Auto Parts Autos СЕМЁРОЧКА ПРОДУКТЫ IT74=a Semiref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage ПИТАНИЯ IT74=b аБРИКОС Nonref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage IT74=c - ЗолушкА Nonref Zone 5 Managers Real Estate IT74=ce Clothing/ IT74=ca RADA Hybrid Zone 5 Jewelry Accessories МУЖСКАЯ Clothing/ IT74=cb Wysiwyg Zone 5 Men's ОДЕЖДА Accessories ЖЕНСКИЙ Clothing/ IT74=cc Wysiwyg Zone 5 Women's ТРИКОТАЖ Accessories КОМАНДОР- Home IT74=cd Nonref Zone 5 Furniture СИБИРЬ Furnishings срочное ФОТО IT74=ce Semiref Zone 5 Photofinishing Personal за 5 минут Used IT74=d ЛОМБАРД Wysiwyg Zone 5 Miscellaneous Merchandise IT74=e ДРУГ Nonref Zone 5 Pets Miscellaneous швейная IT74=f Wysiwyg Zone 5 Other Repair мастерская 380

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type аптечный Health/ IT74=g Wysiwyg Zone 5 Pharmacies пункт Personal Сотовые IT74=h Wysiwyg Zone 5 Mobile Phones Information телефоны Clothing/ IT74=i ГАЛАНТЕРЕЯ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Luggage Accessories IT74=j КСЕРОКОПИЯ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Copies Support канцелярские IT74=k Wysiwyg Zone 5 Stationery Miscellaneous товары IT74=l ИГРУШКИ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure IT74=m Цветы Wysiwyg Zone 5 Florists Miscellaneous IT74=n Продукты Nonref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage Home IT74=o (S) SHEFF Foreign Zone 5 Furniture Furnishings ПАРИКМАХ- IT74=p Nonref Zone 5 Beauty Salons Personal ЕРСКАЯ IT74=q КАПРИЗ Nonref Zone 5 Other Repair IT75=a ЮКОС Nonref Zone 6 Gas Stations Utilities МОЙКА IT75a=a Semiref Zone 6 Miscellaneous Repair СЕРВИС DART TUNING IT75a=b Foreign Zone 6 Auto Repair STUDIO РЕМОНТ и IT76=a Semiref Zone 5 Shoe Repair пошив ОБУВИ Home IT76=b постелька Nonref Zone 5 Other Furnishings Health/ IT76=c "ЗРЕНИЕ" Nonref Zone 5 Optical Personal ТОМСК IT76=d Semiref Zone 5 Telephones Information ТЕЛЕКОМ Finance/ IT77=a УРАЛСИБ Nonref Zone 6 Insurance Insurance (МСК) московская Finance/ IT77=b Semiref Zone 6 Insurance страховая Insurance компания IT77=c ПОЛЯНКА Wysiwyg Zone 6 Restaurants Hospitality АВТОЗАП- IT77=d ЧАСТИ Semiref Zone 6 Auto Parts Autos из японии АВТОЗАП- IT77=e Wysiwyg Zone 6 Auto Parts Autos ЧАСТИ


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Finance/ IT77=f РОСНО Nonref Zone 6 Insurance Insurance СПРАВКА- IT77=g Wysiwyg Zone 6 Miscellaneous Support СЧЁТ РОСГОС- Finance/ IT77=h Semiref Zone 6 Insurance СТРАХ Insurance IT77=i VOLVO Foreign Zone 6 Dealers Autos IT77=j АвтостоянкА Wysiwyg Zone 6 Miscellaneous Repair IT77=k "Центр АКПП" Nonref Zone 6 Auto Repair IT77=l Развал Nonref Zone 6 Auto Repair АВТО- IT77=m Wysiwyg Zone 6 Auto Repair РЕМОНТ IT77=n РЕМОНТ Wysiwyg Zone 6 Auto Repair Electronics/ IT78=a ТЕХНОЛЮКС Nonref Zone 5 Appliances Appliances IT78=b УНИВЕРСАМ Semiref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage IT78=c www.Mobil.ka Foreign Zone 5 Mobile Phones Information IT78=d Kodak Foreign Zone 5 Photofinishing Personal Clothing/ IT78-2=a muSle Foreign Zone 6 Family Accessories IT80- КРЭМ Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage 1(k)=a КНИГОМИР IT80-1=a Semiref Zone 6 Books Hobby/Leisure ЭКОНОМ IT80- АВТОЭМАЛИ Wysiwyg Zone 6 Auto Parts Autos 2(k)=a IT83v=a КЕДР Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage IT84(k)=a GRILLS Foreign Zone 6 Cafes Hospitality РЕМОНТ IT84=a Wysiwyg Zone 6 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ IT84=b Анастасия Nonref Zone 6 Beauty Salons Personal Health/ IT85=a Надежда Nonref Zone 7 Pharmacies Personal IT85=b "2000" Nonref Zone 7 Groceries Food/Beverage Health/ IT85=c Арго Nonref Zone 7 Supplements Personal IT85b=a Бриз Nonref Zone 7 Groceries Food/Beverage НА КРЮЧКЕ супермаркет IT86a=a Hybrid Zone 6 Sports Hobby/Leisure для охотников и рыболовов IT87(k)=a Zoo clinic Foreign Zone 7 Pets Miscellaneous


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type АВТОЗАП- IT87=a Wysiwyg Zone 7 Auto Parts Autos ЧАСТЫ IT92=a Donna Rosa Foreign Zone 6 Florists Miscellaneous IT92=b Орхидея Nonref Zone 6 Florists Miscellaneous РЕМОНТ IT92=c Wysiwyg Zone 6 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ IT92=d НИВА Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage Health/ IT92=e Парфюмерия Wysiwyg Zone 6 Beauty Personal IT92=f МОЮЩИЕ Wysiwyg Zone 6 General General Home IT92=g ПОСУДА Wysiwyg Zone 6 Other Furnishings Clothing/ IT92=h ТРИКОТАЖ Wysiwyg Zone 6 Family Accessories Разноторг Clothing/ IT92=i Semiref Zone 6 Shoes ОБУВЬ Accessories Clothing/ IT92=j Разноторг Nonref Zone 6 Discount Accessories IT92=k МЕДСТАР Hybrid Zone 6 Dentists Health Care (МБРР) Московский Finance/ IT96=a Банк Semiref Zone 6 Banking Insurance Реконструкции и Развития IT96=b аБРИКОС Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage IT96=c РитмС Hybrid Zone 6 Brokers Real Estate ЗОЛОТО Clothing/ IT96=d Nonref Zone 6 Jewelry СЕРЕБРО Accessories Дамские Clothing/ IT96=e Semiref Zone 6 Women's БРЮЧКИ Accessories канцтовары/ IT96=f Wysiwyg Zone 6 Stationery Miscellaneous игрушки IT96=g CD и DVD Hybrid Zone 6 Media Hobby/Leisure Clothing/ IT96=h День и Ночь Nonref Zone 6 Lingerie Accessories славянские Paint/ Home IT96=i Semiref Zone 6 ОБОИ Wallpaper Improvement Home IT96=j ЭТАЛОН Nonref Zone 6 Other Improvement Home IT96=k ЭССИ Nonref Zone 6 Furniture Furnishings МЕБЕЛЬ/ Home IT96=l Wysiwyg Zone 6 Furniture КОВРЫ Furnishings 383

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type (SW) Home IT96=m Сибирские Hybrid Zone 6 Other Improvement ОКНА Home IT96=n Элеkтра Hybrid Zone 6 Hardware Improvement САНТЕХНИ- Home IT96=o Wysiwyg Zone 6 Other КА/ЗАМКИ Improvement Home IT96=p СТРОЙСЯ mini Hybrid Zone 6 Other Improvement ВКУСНАЯ IT100=a Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage ЕДА Paint/ Home IT100=b Мир ОБОЕВ Semiref Zone 6 Wallpaper Improvement IT100=c ткани Wysiwyg Zone 6 Crafts Hobby/Leisure IT100=d АТЕЛЬЕ Wysiwyg Zone 6 Other Repair прием IT100=e Wysiwyg Zone 6 General General стеклотары ЭЛЕКТРОН-М IT102=a СЕРВИС- Semiref Zone 6 Electronic Repair ЦЕНТР УСЛУГИ IT102=b КСЕРОКОПИ- Hybrid Zone 6 Copies Support РОВАНИЯ IT102=c ФОТО САЛОН Semiref Zone 6 Photofinishing Personal Теле-ателье IT102=d Hybrid Zone 6 Electronic Repair РЕМОНТ TV Clothing/ IT102=e Bella Bollero Foreign Zone 6 Women's Accessories Health/ IT102=f oriflame Foreign Zone 6 Beauty Personal Clothing/ IT102=g ОДЕЖДА Wysiwyg Zone 6 Family Accessories Рижский Home IT102=h Semiref Zone 6 Nurseries торговый дом Improvement СБЕРБАНК РОССИИ Finance/ IT102=i Semiref Zone 6 Banking (Основан в Insurance 1841 году) IT102=j Мясной Рядъ Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage IT102=k ЭКСПРЕСС Nonref Zone 6 Books Hobby/Leisure "СКОРАЯ Health/ IT102=l Nonref Zone 6 Pharmacies ПОМОЩЬ" Personal


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type MDC товары IT110=a для дома и Hybrid Zone 6 General General семьи IT110=b Прима Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage IT110=c ткани Wysiwyg Zone 6 Crafts Hobby/Leisure IT110=d горячий ХЛЕБ Semiref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage IT110=e КУЛИНАРИЯ Wysiwyg Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage IT112(k)= ШАШЛЫЧ- Wysiwyg Zone 6 Cafes Hospitality a НАЯ КОПИЯ- IT112=a Semiref Zone 6 Copies Support ЦЕНТР Kodak Professional/ IT112=b цифровой Foreign Zone 6 Photofinishing Personal фотоцентр Kodak express IT112=c Карандаш Nonref Zone 6 Stationery Miscellaneous Clothing/ IT112=d ЕлиЗавета II Nonref Zone 6 Shoes Accessories Electronics/ IT112=e ЮНИКОН Hybrid Zone 6 Appliances Appliances Window Home IT112=f Dиана Nonref Zone 6 Treatments Furnishings IT112=g Евросеть Nonref Zone 6 Mobile Phones Information Clothing/ IT112=h Диадема Nonref Zone 6 Jewelry Accessories Clothing/ IT112=i Салон белья Semiref Zone 6 Lingerie Accessories Home IT112=j СЕМЕНА Wysiwyg Zone 6 Nurseries Improvement Clothing/ IT112=k ТРИ СЛОНА Nonref Zone 6 Luggage Accessories Clothing/ IT112=l ГлОбал Hybrid Zone 6 Jewelry Accessories IT112=m PLAY CITY Foreign Zone 6 Media Hobby/Leisure IT112=n СВЕТОЧЪ Nonref Zone 6 Books Hobby/Leisure IT112=o ЧАЙ, КОФЕ Wysiwyg Zone 6 Specialty Food/Beverage муниципальная Health/ IT112=p Semiref Zone 6 Optical ОПТИКА Personal российский Clothing/ IT112=q Semiref Zone 6 Family ТРИКОТАЖ Accessories Clothing/ IT112=r НЕПОСЕДА Nonref Zone 6 Children's Accessories 385

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Канцелярский IT112=s Semiref Zone 6 Stationery Miscellaneous Мир Хамелеон Electronics/ IT112=t Semiref Zone 6 Electronics МАРКЕТ Appliances IT112=u Хлопотунья Nonref Zone 6 Other Repair ТЕКСТИЛЬ Clothing/ IT112=v Semiref Zone 6 Family для дома Accessories IT112=w Телефон.ру Semiref Zone 6 Mobile Phones Information Used IT112=x ЛОМБАРД Wysiwyg Zone 6 Miscellaneous Merchandise Clothing/ IT112=y АЛМАЗ Nonref Zone 6 Jewelry Accessories ГОЛОВНЫЕ Clothing/ IT112=z Wysiwyg Zone 6 Accessories УБОРЫ Accessories ТОМСК IT112=aa Hybrid Zone 6 Books Hobby/Leisure ПРЕСС IT112=bb ПОДАРКИ Wysiwyg Zone 6 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous АНТЕННЫ/ТЕ IT112=cc Wysiwyg Zone 6 Telephones Information ЛЕФОНЫ ЖЕНСКИЕ Clothing/ IT112=dd Wysiwyg Zone 6 Luggage СУМКИ Accessories Health/ IT112=ee Элида Foreign Zone 6 Beauty Personal IT112=ff ИГРУШКИ Wysiwyg Zone 6 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure Clothing/ IT112=gg ОБУВЬ Wysiwyg Zone 6 Shoes Accessories Clothing/ IT112=hh Милослава Nonref Zone 6 Family Accessories Home IT112=ii ЭТАЛОН Nonref Zone 6 Other Improvement IT112=jj АРМАДА Nonref Zone 6 Mobile Phones Information IT116=a КНИГОМИР Semiref Zone 6 Books Hobby/Leisure IT116=b ХОЗТОРГ Wysiwyg Zone 6 General General IT116=c Людмила Nonref Zone 6 Beauty Salons Personal IT116- ВИНО- Hybrid Zone 6 Liquor Food/Beverage 2=a МАРКЕТ IT116- МИЛЛИОНЪ Nonref Zone 6 Casinos Recreation 2=b IT116- РЕТРО Hybrid Zone 6 Hotels Hospitality 2=c IT116b(k) ТЮЛЬПАН Nonref Zone 6 Cafes Hospitality =a


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type IT116b(k) Российский Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage =b IT116b=a ЭЛЬDОРАDО Hybrid Zone 6 Mobile Phones Information IT116g= a-IT116 ИРКУТСКИЙ Nonref Zone 6 Managers Real Estate g=g IT116g=b Джоkер Hybrid Zone 6 Casinos Recreation дисконт-центр Clothing/ IT116g=c Hybrid Zone 6 Discount ЛИМОН Accessories IT116g=d Рябушка Nonref Zone 6 Pets Miscellaneous ОБУВЬ Clothing/ IT116g=e "ЛЕГКИЙ Nonref Zone 6 Shoes Accessories ШАГ" одежда для Clothing/ IT116g=f Wysiwyg Zone 6 Children's детей Accessories Фабрика Обуви Clothing/ IT116g=g Semiref Zone 6 Shoes ПЕШЕХОД Accessories IT116v=a МОЛОКО Wysiwyg Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage IT116v=b ПИВО в розлив Semiref Zone 6 Liquor Food/Beverage IT116v=c Стрелец Nonref Zone 6 Groceries Food/Beverage IT118=a- МЕБЕЛЬ Semiref Zone 7 Managers Real Estate IT118=d РОССИИ Home IT118=b ОГМА хаус Foreign Zone 7 Furniture Furnishings Шатура Home IT118=c Semiref Zone 7 Furniture Мебель Furnishings Home IT118=d Dятьково Hybrid Zone 7 Furniture Furnishings IT118- АВТОЗАП- Wysiwyg Zone 7 Auto Parts Autos 1(k)=a ЧАСТИ ВСЕ ДЛЯ IT118- Home ЭЛЕКТРО- Semiref Zone 7 Hardware 1(k)=b Improvement ПЛИТ IT118- ГАРАНТИЯ Nonref Zone 7 Other Repair 1=a IT118- СОЛЯРИЙ Wysiwyg Zone 7 Beauty Salons Personal 1=b IT118- РЕМОНТ Wysiwyg Zone 7 Shoe Repair 1=c ОБУВИ IT118- ВЕСЁЛЫЙ Nonref Zone 7 Liquor Food/Beverage 1=d ХУТОРОК IT118- Комиссионный Used Wysiwyg Zone 7 Miscellaneous 1=e магазин Merchandise 387

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Home IT118-1=f МЕБЕЛЬ Wysiwyg Zone 7 Furniture Furnishings IT118- Пуссан-Авто Hybrid Zone 7 Auto Parts Autos 1=g IT118- СПОРТ- Semiref Zone 7 Sports Hobby/Leisure 1=h ТОВАРЫ Finance/ IT118-1=i РОСБАНК Semiref Zone 7 Banking Insurance МОТОС (магазин отличных IT118-1=j Semiref Zone 7 Sports Hobby/Leisure товаров для отдыха и спорта) IT118- Used ЛОМБАРД Wysiwyg Zone 7 Miscellaneous 1=k Merchandise Парикмахер- IT118-1=l Wysiwyg Zone 7 Beauty Salons Personal ская ТОПАЙ ПО Floor Home IT128=a Nonref Zone 7 ХОРОШЕМУ! Coverings Furnishings МИР- Clothing/ IT128=b Semiref Zone 7 Children's ДЕТСТВО Accessories IT128=c Natali Foreign Zone 7 Beauty Salons Personal МЕБЕЛЬ в Home IT128=d Semiref Zone 7 Furniture кредит Furnishings ТОПАЙ ПО ХОРОШЕМУ! Floor Home IT128=e магазин Nonref Zone 7 Coverings Furnishings постоянных скидок Health/ IT128=f Живая Аптека Semiref Zone 7 Pharmacies Personal Health/ IT128=g El Likon Foreign Zone 7 Optical Personal IT128=h АТЕЛЬЕ Wysiwyg Zone 7 Other Repair ПАРИКМАХ- IT128=i Wysiwyg Zone 7 Beauty Salons Personal ЕРСКАЯ КОМПЬЮ- IT128=j Semiref Zone 7 Other Information ТЕРНЫЙ ЗАЛ срочный IT128=k РЕМОНТ Semiref Zone 7 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type IT132a(k) ШАШЛЫЧ- Wysiwyg Zone 7 Cafes Hospitality =a НАЯ IT132a=a Азорель Nonref Zone 7 Hotels Hospitality IT132a=b Василѐк Nonref Zone 7 Groceries Food/Beverage IT134=a Светлана Nonref Zone 7 Beauty Salons Personal Женская Clothing/ IT134=b Wysiwyg Zone 7 Women's Одежда Accessories IT134=c НАДЕЖДА Nonref Zone 7 Other Repair РЕМОНТ IT134=d Wysiwyg Zone 7 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ ЭНЕРГО- IT134=e Nonref Zone 7 Miscellaneous Utilities ГАРАНТ IT134=f ДЕНТА-РУСЬ Hybrid Zone 7 Dentists Health Care ИМТЕКС Home IT134=g Semiref Zone 7 Furniture МЕБЕЛЬ Furnishings IT134=h 134 продукты Semiref Zone 7 Groceries Food/Beverage IT134=i ЧЕРЁМУШКИ Nonref Zone 7 Beauty Salons Personal IT142- 3=a- КОЛОС Nonref Zone 7 Managers Real Estate IT142- 3=p IT142- Electronics/ ЭЛЬDОРАDО Hybrid Zone 7 Electronics 3=b Appliances IT142- СИБИРСКИЕ Home Semiref Zone 7 Other 3=c ДВЕРИ Improvement IT142- Сибирская Nonref Zone 7 Groceries Food/Beverage 3=d копеечка IT142- Рем. Час Nonref Zone 7 Other Repair 3=e Сервис IT142-3=f Головастик Nonref Zone 7 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure "СоВременные IT142- шторы" Window Home Hybrid Zone 7 3=g МИНИ- Treatments Furnishings АТЕЛЬЕ ЛИЦЕНЗИОН IT142- НЫЕ DVD, CD, Hybrid Zone 7 Media Hobby/Leisure 3=h MP-3 КОМПЬЮТ- Electronics/ IT142-3=i ЕРНЫЕ ИГРЫ, Wysiwyg Zone 7 Computers Appliances СОФТ ФОТО IT142-3=j Wysiwyg Zone 7 Photofinishing Personal товары/услуги


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type IT142- КАНЦЕЛЯРИЯ Wysiwyg Zone 7 Stationery Miscellaneous 3=k Home IT142-3=l БАТАРЕЙКИ Wysiwyg Zone 7 Hardware Improvement СТОМАТОЛ- IT142- ОГИЧЕСКИЙ Wysiwyg Zone 7 Dentists Health Care 3=m КАБИНЕТ IT142- ФАРЕС Home Nonref Zone 7 Furniture 3=n компания Furnishings IT142- Ювелирная Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 7 Jewelry 3=o мастерская Accessories Ремонт IT142- реставрация Wysiwyg Zone 7 Shoe Repair 3=p обуви IT142- текстиль Для Home Semiref Zone 7 Other 3=q Дома Furnishings ШИНО- МОНТАЖ/ IT143=a Wysiwyg Zone 7 Auto Repair БАЛАНСИР- ОВКА IT143=b ЛУКОЙЛ Hybrid Zone 7 Gas Stations Utilities IT144a=a кактус Nonref Zone 7 Groceries Food/Beverage IT152=a 152 продукты Semiref Zone 7 Groceries Food/Beverage IT152=b ФЕНИКС Nonref Zone 7 Groceries Food/Beverage IT156=a Соли-Сервис Nonref Zone 7 Electronic Repair ПРИЕМ IT156=b Wysiwyg Zone 7 General General СТЕКЛОТАРЫ IT156=c АТЕЛЬЕ Wysiwyg Zone 7 Shoe Repair IT156=d "Секреты" Nonref Zone 7 Beauty Salons Personal Health/ IT156=e АПТЕКА Wysiwyg Zone 7 Pharmacies Personal IT156=f АЛЬТОМ Nonref Zone 7 Liquor Food/Beverage Food/ IT156=g КРИСТАЛЛ Nonref Zone 7 Groceries Beverage KA3=a- Карповский Nonref Zone 3 Managers Real Estate KA3=d ПАРИКМАХЕ KA3=b Wysiwyg Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal РСКАЯ Home KA3=c Семена Wysiwyg Zone 3 Nurseries Improvement KA3=d ФОТО Wysiwyg Zone 3 Photofinishing Personal KA11=a АПРИОРИ Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type KA12=a- ФОРТ Nonref Zone 3 Managers Real Estate KA12=k Мебель Home KA12=b Semiref Zone 3 Furniture Полесья Furnishings Home KA12=c ТелеТом Semiref Zone 3 Hardware Improvement Home KA12=d ДВЕРИ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Other Improvement KA12=e ТЕТ-А-ТЕТ Foreign Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal КОМИССИО- Used KA12=f Wysiwyg Zone 3 Miscellaneous ННЫЙ ОТДЕЛ Merchandise KA12=g ККМ сервис Nonref Zone 3 General General Сотовые KA12=h Wysiwyg Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information телефоны KA12=i УДАЧА Nonref Zone 3 Casinos Recreation KA12=j ТОМИЧКА Nonref Zone 3 Dentists Health Care KA12=k Ногтюри Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal KA13=a- МЕЧТА Nonref Zone 3 Managers Real Estate KA13=l УЛЫБКА Clothing/ KA13=b магазин Nonref Zone 3 Discount Accessories НИЗКИХ ЦЕН Health/ KA13=c Здравие Nonref Zone 3 Equipment Personal ННПЦТО (Национальный Научно- Health/ KA13=d Производстве- Semiref Zone 3 Supplements Personal нный Центр Технологии Омоложния) KA13=e риэлтсибирь Hybrid Zone 3 Brokers Real Estate ТКАНИ- KA13=f Wysiwyg Zone 3 Crafts Hobby/Leisure ФУРНИТУРА Ремонт и KA13=g пошив Wysiwyg Zone 3 Other Repair одежды/шторы ШУБЫ-одежда Clothing/ KA13=h Wysiwyg Zone 3 Leather/Fur из кожи Accessories Clothing/ KA13=i МАРГАРИТА Nonref Zone 3 Women's Accessories Health/ KA13=j Идеал Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Personal 391

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type КОЖА- Clothing/ KA13=k Wysiwyg Zone 3 Leather/Fur ДУБЛЕНКИ Accessories (Р70) KA13=l Nonref Zone 3 Employment Support РЕГИОН-70 ООО АЛЬТА Department KM48=a ВЕЩЕВОЙ Hybrid Zone 3 General Stores РЫНОК спортивный KM50=a комплекс Semiref Zone 3 Fitness Centers Recreation ЮНОСТЬ Home KM63=a Дятел Nonref Zone 3 Other Improvement НТС Новые KM63=b Semiref Zone 3 Telephones Information Теле Системы серебрянный KM63=c Nonref Zone 3 Periodicals Information КОФЕ Home KM63=d First Foreign Zone 3 Furniture Furnishings KM63=e Marilin-M Foreign Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal KN31=a ПИЦЦЕ-РИО Hybrid Zone 2 Cafes Hospitality PEOPLE'S BAR KN31=b Foreign Zone 2 Bars Hospitality & GRILL KN31=c TOTO bristot Foreign Zone 2 Snack Bars Hospitality KN31=d МИЛЛИОНЪ Nonref Zone 2 Casinos Recreation ЦЕНТРАЛЬ- KN44=a- НЫЙ торговый Semiref Zone 2 Managers Real Estate KN44=t дом ХОЛИДЕЙ КЛАССИК KN44=b Foreign Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage СУПЕР- МАРКЕТ Electronics/ KN44=c СИБВЕЗ Nonref Zone 2 Appliances Appliances KN44=d ТомКНИГА Semiref Zone 2 Books Hobby/Leisure KN44=e ВоСtорг Hybrid Zone 2 Crafts Hobby/Leisure KN44=f Ткани Wysiwyg Zone 2 Crafts Hobby/Leisure KN44=g Kodak Foreign Zone 2 Photofinishing Personal Clothing/ KN44=h Магиkад Hybrid Zone 2 Lingerie Accessories KN44=i DIXIS Foreign Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type SHEFF montage/ Home KN44=j Hybrid Zone 2 Other ШЕФФ Improvement МОНТАЖ Clothing/ KN44=k Д'исконт Foreign Zone 2 Discount Accessories Clothing/ KN44=l Танго Nonref Zone 2 Women's Accessories Clothing/ KN44=m MAXIM Foreign Zone 2 Men's Accessories Health/ KN44=n e'llipse Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Personal KN44=o СТРОМАНТА Nonref Zone 2 Florists Miscellaneous KN44=p Планета Sтерео Hybrid Zone 2 Media Hobby/Leisure трактир Печки- KN44=q Semiref Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality Лавочки Home KN44=r STYLE LINE Foreign Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings Home KN44=s СибDом Hybrid Zone 2 Other Improvement Clothing/ KN44=t VIGOSS Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories KN46=a ШОК Nonref Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal KN48=a VIP-Триумф Hybrid Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal Clothing/ KO7=a 9 месяцев Nonref Zone 2 Women's Accessories Clothing/ KO7=b ГАЛАНТ Hybrid Zone 2 Shoes Accessories Томские KO7=c Сувениры/ Hybrid Zone 2 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous SOUVENIRS продукты KO7=d Wysiwyg Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage питания СУМКИ & Clothing/ KO7=e Hybrid Zone 2 Luggage ИГРУШКИ Accessories Clothing/ KO7=f Пышечkа Hybrid Zone 2 Women's Accessories Clothing/ KO7=g OTTO Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories KO7=h СОЛЯРИЙ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal KO7=i Лидер-Информ Hybrid Zone 2 Miscellaneous Professional


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type МИР Home KO7=j идеального Nonref Zone 2 Other Improvement климата KO7=k Формат Nonref Zone 2 Advertising Professional Юрий Лобанов ХИРОМАНТ (чтение судьбы KO7=l по руке: Semiref Zone 2 Miscellaneous Professional прошлое, настоящее, будущее) KO7=m SOLO Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal KO7=n Альбатрос Nonref Zone 2 Travel Support Clothing/ KO7=o Людовик Nonref Zone 2 Shoes Accessories Home KO7=p Элеkтра Hybrid Zone 2 Hardware Improvement Electronics/ KO7=q компьютеры Wysiwyg Zone 2 Computers Appliances KO7=r ФОТО Wysiwyg Zone 2 Photofinishing Personal Home KO7=s ЮТА мебель Semiref Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings Clothing/ KO10=a BROSWIL Foreign Zone 2 Men's Accessories Home KO10=b KOMANDOR Foreign Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings РУКОДЕЛЬ- KO10=c Nonref Zone 2 Crafts Hobby/Leisure НИЦА Clothing/ KO10=d ТРИКОТАЖ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Family Accessories Янтарное KO10=e Nonref Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal Солнце Finance/ KR2=a NetTrader Foreign Zone 3 Investment Insurance KS53(k)= Смайк Nonref Zone 3 Snack Bars Hospitality a срочный KS53=a Semiref Zone 3 Shoe Repair ремонт обуви парикмахер- KS53=b Wysiwyg Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal ская Health/ KS53=c Оптика Wysiwyg Zone 3 Optical Personal KS53=d почти даром Nonref Zone 3 General General 394

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ KS53=e джинсы Wysiwyg Zone 3 Denim Accessories KS54(k)= Joker Foreign Zone 3 Casinos Recreation a Сибирские KS54=a Semiref Zone 3 Cafes Hospitality Блины Finance/ KS54=b НАСТА Nonref Zone 3 Insurance Insurance Finance/ KS54=c ТНГИБАНК Semiref Zone 3 Banking Insurance KS54=d Captain JACK Foreign Zone 3 Casinos Recreation KS54=e ПУЛЬСАР Nonref Zone 3 Bars Hospitality KS58=a- фрунзенский Semiref Zone 3 Managers Real Estate KS58=g рынок Clothing/ KS58=b Надежда Nonref Zone 3 Women's Accessories KS58=c Элика Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage АНТОНОВ KS58=d Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage ДВОР ШАШЛЫЧ- KS58=e Wysiwyg Zone 3 Cafes Hospitality НАЯ ГАЛЕРЕЯ Home KS58=f СТАЛЬНЫХ Semiref Zone 3 Other Improvement ДВЕРЕЙ KS58=g ЦВЕТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Florists Miscellaneous KT1a=a BEER CLUB Foreign Zone 3 Bars Hospitality KT1a=b Balkanski Lov Foreign Zone 3 Restaurants Hospitality ЛЕТЊА KT1a=c Foreign Zone 3 Restaurants Hospitality КАФАНА KU3=a ДИОНИС Nonref Zone 4 General General KU4=a Enter Foreign Zone 4 Other Information компания ЯНСОН KU32=a Hybrid Zone 5 PR Professional (PRезентации и все такое…) ЭЛКАС- Electronics/ KV57=a Nonref Zone 3 Electronics ТЕХНИКА Appliances KV57=b КВАРТАЛ Nonref Zone 3 Brokers Real Estate ПРОДУКТОВ KV57=c Wysiwyg Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage ЫЙ Финская Clothing/ KV57=d Semiref Zone 3 Family ОДЕЖДА Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ремонт обуви KV58=a Wysiwyg Zone 3 Other Repair курток и сумок LN1=a АВИАКАССА Wysiwyg Zone 5 Travel Support ФАбрикА Clothing/ LN1=b Semiref Zone 5 Shoes Обуви Accessories Clothing/ LN1=c Богатырь Nonref Zone 5 Men's Accessories БЕСЦЕННЫЕ LN1=d Nonref Zone 5 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous ДАРЫ дисконт-центр Clothing/ LN1=e Hybrid Zone 5 Discount ЛИМОН Accessories STUDIO- LN1=f Foreign Zone 5 Beauty Salons Personal PROFI Clothing/ LN1=g салон Стиль Nonref Zone 5 Women's Accessories LN1=h НОУ "Клаксон" Foreign Zone 5 Automobile Education ПРОФИЛЬ Health/ LN1=i Nonref Zone 5 Beauty интерьер Personal LN1=j ТИНТОРИЯ Foreign Zone 5 Laundry Personal Виная LN1=k Nonref Zone 5 Liquor Food/Beverage монополiя Clothing/ LN1=l Вестфалиkа Hybrid Zone 5 Shoes Accessories РЕМОНТ LN1=m РЕСТАВРАЦИ Wysiwyg Zone 5 Shoe Repair Я ОБУВИ LN1=n- LN1=q (also Гостиный Nonref Zone 5 Managers Real Estate LN1=g, дворЪ i,l,m,w- aa) LN1=o Траверс-T Nonref Zone 5 General General Clothing/ LN1=p ПОДZЕМКА Hybrid Zone 5 Denim Accessories КАНЦ LN1=q Nonref Zone 5 Stationery Miscellaneous ТОВАРИЩ Finance/ LN1=r УРСА Банк Hybrid Zone 5 Banking Insurance MONARCH Clothing/ LN1=s Foreign Zone 5 Shoes ОБУВЬ Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type стильный stock Clothing/ LN1=t OРАНЖЕВЫЙ Hybrid Zone 5 Men's Accessories Галстук LN1=u унция Nonref Zone 5 Specialty Food/Beverage Clothing/ LN1=v "РОССИТА" Hybrid Zone 5 Shoes Accessories Clothing/ LN1=w Госпожа Обувь Semiref Zone 5 Shoes Accessories Clothing/ LN1=x ТАЙМ ХОЛЛ Foreign Zone 5 Jewelry Accessories Clothing/ LN1=y Магиkад Hybrid Zone 5 Lingerie Accessories ЭЛИТНАЯ Health/ LN1=z ПАРФЮМ- Semiref Zone 5 Beauty Personal ЕРИЯ ГУБЕРНАТ- ОРСКАЯ LN1=aa ПРОДОВОЛЬ- Semiref Zone 5 Groceries Food/Beverage СТВЕННАЯ ЯРМАРКА Сибирские LN2a=a Nonref Zone 5 Travel Support путешествия LN2a=b рябушка Nonref Zone 5 Pets Miscellaneous (KB) LN2a=c КОМПАНИЯ Nonref Zone 5 General General ВЕКТОР LN2a=d АЛЬПАРИ Foreign Zone 5 Construction Construction SDD (SIBERIAN Electronics/ LN2a=e Foreign Zone 5 Computers DIGITAL Appliances DEVICES) 7Я Центр LN2a=f практической Semiref Zone 5 Other Health Care психологии Electronics/ LN2a=g Constanta Foreign Zone 5 Computers Appliances LN2a=h Ю-СЕРВИС Nonref Zone 5 Lawyers Professional Clothing/ LN2a=i (АС) Апрель С Nonref Zone 5 Women's Accessories LN2a=j STAR Foreign Zone 5 Copies Support LN2a=k БАС Nonref Zone 5 Crafts Hobby/Leisure


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type РСС (РАДИО и СИГНАЛЬ- Security LN2a=l Semiref Zone 5 Support НЫЕ Systems СИСТЕМЫ) Home LN2a=m ЭЛСИ Foreign Zone 5 Hardware Improvement Clothing/ LN6=a GEOX Foreign Zone 4 Shoes Accessories Clothing/ LN6=b ДОМ ОБУВИ Semiref Zone 4 Shoes Accessories Clothing/ LN6=c ecco Foreign Zone 4 Shoes Accessories LN10=a СПОРТ БАР Hybrid Zone 4 Bars Hospitality LN10=b copy ART Foreign Zone 4 Copies Support ВЕСЁЛЫЙ LN10=c Nonref Zone 4 Liquor Food/Beverage ХУТОРОК LN10=d NOKIA Foreign Zone 4 Mobile Phones Information LN10=e lotto Foreign Zone 4 Sports Hobby/Leisure inna/ LN10=f Hybrid Zone 4 Travel Support ИННА ТУР depo jeans Clothing/ LN10=g Foreign Zone 4 Denim (since '98) Accessories ВИЛКА- LN10=h Nonref Zone 4 Cafeterias Hospitality ЛОЖКА LN10=i Счастье моѐ Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage Clothing/ LN10=j РОСОБУВЬ Semiref Zone 4 Shoes Accessories LN15=a- 999 Nonref Zone 4 Managers Real Estate LN15=s ПРОДОВОЛЬ- LN15=a СТВЕННЫЙ Semiref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage РЫНОК 999 "Гримвис-Фарм Health/ LN15=b Hybrid Zone 4 Pharmacies 99" Personal LN15=c арома Foreign Zone 4 General General LN15=d Евросеть Nonref Zone 4 Mobile Phones Information Clothing/ LN15=e Блондин Nonref Zone 4 Men's Accessories Clothing/ LN15=f ДУБЛЕНКИ Wysiwyg Zone 4 Leather/Fur Accessories LN15=g СпортКайф Nonref Zone 4 Sports Hobby/Leisure Electronics/ LN15=h БЭЛТА Nonref Zone 4 Appliances Appliances 398

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ LN15=i Джентельмен Nonref Zone 4 Men's Accessories Clothing/ LN15=j Милослава Nonref Zone 4 Family Accessories Electronics/ LN15=k ИГРА Nonref Zone 4 Electronics Appliances LN15=l РЯБУШКА Nonref Zone 4 Pets Miscellaneous LN15=m Спорт-тайм Hybrid Zone 4 Sports Hobby/Leisure Салон Health/ LN15=n Semiref Zone 4 Beauty Косметики Personal ИмпериЯ LN15=o Nonref Zone 4 Media Hobby/Leisure Развлечений ЦЕНТР Health/ LN15=p Semiref Zone 4 Optical ОПТИКА Personal Clothing/ LN15=q ANNABELLE Foreign Zone 4 Women's Accessories ПАЛЬТО для Clothing/ LN15=r Wysiwyg Zone 4 Women's Женщин Accessories FUJIFILM IMAGE LN15=s SERVICE/ Hybrid Zone 4 Photofinishing Personal ФУДЖИ ЭКСПРЕСС МОДНЫЙ Clothing/ LN15=t Nonref Zone 4 Family БУЛЬВАР Accessories LN15=u КНИГОМИР Semiref Zone 4 Books Hobby/Leisure LN15a=a Милена Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage ЗОЛОТОЙ LN15b=a Nonref Zone 4 Snack Bars Hospitality ТЕЛЁНОК LN15b=b ЖАР-ПТИЦА Nonref Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal ШВЕЙНЫЕ LN17=a МАШИНЫ Wysiwyg Zone 4 Electronic Repair Сервис-центр Health/ LN17=b АПТЕКА Вита Hybrid Zone 4 Pharmacies Personal Clothing/ LN17=c АРБАТ-ОБУВЬ Semiref Zone 4 Shoes Accessories Clothing/ LN17=d САМОЦВЕТЫ Nonref Zone 4 Jewelry Accessories LN17a=a аркада Nonref Zone 4 Media Hobby/Leisure Clothing/ LN24=a Adam & Eva Hybrid Zone 4 Lingerie Accessories LN24=b ФотоМаркет Foreign Zone 4 Photofinishing Personal 399

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN24=c BLISS Foreign Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal Finance/ LN28=a Движение Nonref Zone 4 Banking Insurance СБЕРБАНК РОССИИ Finance/ LN28=b Semiref Zone 4 Banking (Основан в Insurance 1841 году) Health/ LN30=a САНО Foreign Zone 4 Pharmacies Personal Home LN30-2=a ОПТИМУМ Foreign Zone 4 Furniture Furnishings LN30- Electronics/ КОМПАС Nonref Zone 4 Computers 2=b Appliances ГОРНО- ПРОМЫШ- ЛЕННАЯ Finance/ LN30-2=c Semiref Zone 4 Miscellaneous ФИНАН- Insurance СОВАЯ КОМПАНИЯ ГАММА LN30- Finance/ HOLDING Hybrid Zone 4 Miscellaneous 2=d Insurance COMPANY LN30-2=e БИЗНЕС-класс Nonref Zone 4 Other Education LN30-2=f НОВОСЕЛЬЕ Nonref Zone 4 Brokers Real Estate LN30- Home Сибирь-Мебель Semiref Zone 4 Furniture 2=g Furnishings LN30- ПЕРСПЕК- Nonref Zone 4 Employment Support 2=h ТИВА ГРАНИТ LN30-2=i Nonref Zone 4 Other Education НАУКИ LN30-2=j Меркурий-city Hybrid Zone 4 Brokers Real Estate LN30- КОНЦЕПТ Hybrid Zone 4 PR Professional 2=k Центр LN30-2=l земельных Semiref Zone 4 Lawyers Professional отношений LN30- СоюЗ 70 Nonref Zone 4 Advertising Professional 2=m LN30- ЗДОРОВЬЕ Health/ Nonref Zone 4 Optical 2=n ГЛАЗ Personal LN30- СКОРОСТЬ Nonref Zone 4 Copies Support 2=o ЦВЕТА


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN30- СТРОЙ MODA Hybrid Zone 4 Interior Design Professional 2=p LN30- Health/ (РПО) АРГО Nonref Zone 4 Supplements 2=q Personal LN30-2=r Эксклюзив Foreign Zone 4 Brokers Real Estate ТЕПЛЫЕ Home LN30-2=s Nonref Zone 4 Other ПОЛЫ Improvement Security LN30-2=t Домофон плюс Semiref Zone 4 Support Systems LN30- Finance/ ЮГОРИЯ Nonref Zone 4 Insurance 2=u Insurance LN30- (ССЕ) Nonref Zone 4 Packaging Support 2=v Томсктранзит LN30- "СТРОИМ Finance/ Nonref Zone 4 Loans 2=w ВМЕСТЕ" Insurance LN30- Electronics/ Интеграл Nonref Zone 4 Computers 2=x Appliances LN30- Home конВаис Foreign Zone 4 Other 2=y Improvement ЦРУ (Центр LN30-2=z Рекламных Semiref Zone 4 Copies Support Услуг) LN30- SUNLUX Foreign Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal 2=aa LN30- ЛидерИнфо Hybrid Zone 4 Miscellaneous Professional 2=bb LN30- Home Спец СВ Nonref Zone 4 Other 2=cc Improvement LN32=a netcafe Foreign Zone 3 Other Information Health/ LN32=b ВИРИОН Foreign Zone 3 Equipment Personal LN33=a КвилТ Foreign Zone 4 Crafts Hobby/Leisure LN34a=a Британия Nonref Zone 3 Books Hobby/Leisure LN37a=a Элина Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage Finance/ LN39=a ВТБ Nonref Zone 4 Banking Insurance (PSB) Finance/ LN41=a ПРОМСВЯЗЬ- Hybrid Zone 4 Banking Insurance БАНК LN41=b MEGA JACK Foreign Zone 4 Casinos Recreation DK PRESS LN41=c Foreign Zone 4 Copies Support (копи центр)


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Home LN41=d Компания ДиА Nonref Zone 4 Other Improvement Health/ LN41=e ОЧКАРИК Nonref Zone 4 Optical Personal LN41=f АЙВА-риэлт Hybrid Zone 4 Brokers Real Estate Health/ LN41=g Екселенз Foreign Zone 4 Optical Personal Мастерская LN41=h СТУДЕНТ- Nonref Zone 4 Shoe Repair ческая LN41=i СИБАЭРО Semiref Zone 4 Travel Support МСЦ (МЕЖОТРАС- Finance/ LN41=j ЛЕВОЙ Semiref Zone 4 Insurance Insurance СТРАХОВОЙ ЦЕНТР) LN41=k ФАНТАЗИЯ Nonref Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal Electronics/ LN41=l Enterprise Foreign Zone 4 Computers Appliances (M) ФИТО- Health/ LN41=m Semiref Zone 4 Supplements КОКТЕЙЛИ Personal Clothing/ LN41=n фишка Nonref Zone 4 Youth Accessories LN41=o фото Wysiwyg Zone 4 Photofinishing Personal LN41=p АТЕЛЬЕ Wysiwyg Zone 4 Other Repair LN41=r MONTANA Foreign Zone 4 Bars Hospitality LN42-2=a САМСОН Nonref Zone 2 Fitness Centers Recreation LN42- ДЭНАС-центр Nonref Zone 2 Other Health Care 2=b ВФСО LN42-2=c Semiref Zone 2 Fitness Centers Recreation "ДИНАМО" (ТПСБ) Томское LN42- Городское Semiref Zone 2 Miscellaneous Professional 2=d Проекто- Сметное Бюро Погребок на LN43=a Nonref Zone 4 Snack Bars Hospitality Усовке LN44=a netcafe Foreign Zone 2 Other Information УРАЛСИБ Finance/ LN44=b Semiref Zone 2 Banking банк Insurance ДИКСОН/ Clothing/ LN44=c Hybrid Zone 2 Leather/Fur DIXON Accessories 402

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN44=d ТЭКО Nonref Zone 2 Copies Support ПАССАЖ LN46=a- торговая Semiref Zone 2 Managers Real Estate LN46=h галерея Clothing/ LN46=b CANALI Foreign Zone 2 Men's Accessories PATRIZIA Clothing/ LN46=c Foreign Zone 2 Women's PEPE Accessories VALENTINO Clothing/ LN46=d Foreign Zone 2 Women's R.E.D. Accessories Clothing/ LN46=e strellson Foreign Zone 2 Men's Accessories Clothing/ LN46=f Элита Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories roberto cavalli Clothing/ LN46=g Foreign Zone 2 Women's CLASS Accessories Clothing/ LN46=h MOSCHINO Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories LN46=i underground Foreign Zone 2 Media Hobby/Leisure центральная LN46=j Semiref Zone 2 Travel Support Авиакасса (ТМ) LN46=k ТОММАРКЕТ- Hybrid Zone 2 Lawyers Professional ПРАВО LN47=a Полина Nonref Zone 3 Dentists Health Care ГАЗПРОМ- Finance/ LN49=a Semiref Zone 3 Banking БАНК Insurance LN49=b МИРТА Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal АПТЕКА Health/ LN49=c УНИВЕР- Semiref Zone 3 Pharmacies Personal СИТЕТСКАЯ LN50=a ЮРИСТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Lawyers Professional ФОТО на LN50=b документы за Semiref Zone 2 Photofinishing Personal 10 минут "ПРАВОЗАЩИ LN50=c Semiref Zone 2 Lawyers Professional ТА" кафе LN50=d Hybrid Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality "КОМБАТ" ДГУП №691 LN50=e Semiref Zone 2 Cafeterias Hospitality столовая LN52=a Парад Nonref Zone 2 Books Hobby/Leisure


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ремонт и LN52a=a реставрация Wysiwyg Zone 2 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ ОБУВЬ XXI Clothing/ LN52a=b Semiref Zone 2 Shoes ВЕКА Accessories Health/ LN53=a АПТЕКА Wysiwyg Zone 3 Pharmacies Personal LN53=b X Foreign Zone 3 Copies Support Health/ LN54=a АПТЕКА №1 Wysiwyg Zone 2 Pharmacies Personal (GO) Health/ LN54=b Hybrid Zone 2 Optical GalaОптика Personal Томский филиал ЗАО LN55=a Semiref Zone 3 Travel Support "Курорт Белокуриха" Медицинский центр LN55=b компьютерного Wysiwyg Zone 3 Other Health Care программиро- вания LN55=c кафе Лира Semiref Zone 3 Restaurants Hospitality студия LN55=d Nonref Zone 3 Miscellaneous Professional Фортуна LN55=e ФОТО Wysiwyg Zone 3 Photofinishing Personal СЕКСО- LN56=a Wysiwyg Zone 2 Other Health Care ПАТОЛОГ LN56=b ЦВЕТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Florists Miscellaneous ЖЕНСКИЕ Clothing/ LN56=c Wysiwyg Zone 2 Lingerie КОЛГОТКИ Accessories Home LN56=d ПОДСОЛНУХ Nonref Zone 2 Nurseries Improvement Cash LN56a=a Hybrid Zone 2 Casinos Recreation МеХАНиКа АЭРОТУР LN58=a Hybrid Zone 2 Travel Support ТОМСК ОБУВЬ на Clothing/ LN58=b Semiref Zone 2 Shoes полную ногу Accessories CD медиа LN58=c Hybrid Zone 2 Media Hobby/Leisure центр SECOND- Used LN58=d HAND/ Foreign Zone 2 Miscellaneous Merchandise секонд-хэнд 404

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type английский, LN58=e китайский, Nonref Zone 2 Other Education немецкий ЭЛЬDОРАDО LN58a=a Hybrid Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information салон связи XEROX- LN58a=b Hybrid Zone 2 Copies Support КОПИИ LN58a=c ПРОДУКТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage LN59=a Томсктурист Semiref Zone 3 Travel Support DHL LN59=b Foreign Zone 3 Miscellaneous Support International Health/ LN59=c oriflame Foreign Zone 3 Beauty Personal Clothing/ LN60=a Avelon Foreign Zone 2 Women's Accessories LN63=a PLAZA Foreign Zone 3 Restaurants Hospitality закусочная LN66=a Semiref Zone 2 Snack Bars Hospitality Визит Home LN67=a АЛЬФАРД Foreign Zone 3 Other Improvement страховой Finance/ LN67=b брокер Hybrid Zone 3 Insurance Insurance "ПАРТНЕР" LN67=c Центральное Nonref Zone 3 Brokers Real Estate LN67=d Терем Nonref Zone 3 Brokers Real Estate Межрегиональ ный центр Finance/ LN67=e деловых Semiref Zone 3 Investment Insurance инициатив ГЕММА (СВС фарм) Health/ LN67=f МИР Hybrid Zone 3 Pharmacies Personal ЛЕКАРСТВ Health/ LN67=g АПТЕКА Wysiwyg Zone 3 Pharmacies Personal ТИМУРОВЕЦ LN72=a социальный Nonref Zone 1 Groceries Food/Beverage магазин центр Clothing/ LN72=b Nonref Zone 1 Discount распроДАж Accessories Clothing/ LN72=c oui Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type в другом Clothing/ LN72=d Nonref Zone 1 Women's измерении Accessories Ковровый Floor Home LN74=a Nonref Zone 1 Дворъ Coverings Furnishings страна обуви Clothing/ LN76=a Semiref Zone 1 Shoes аскания Accessories Electronics/ LN76=b РАДИО Wysiwyg Zone 1 Electronics Appliances Элитная Health/ LN76=c Semiref Zone 1 Beauty Парфюмерия Personal ВИЛКА- LN76=d Nonref Zone 1 Cafeterias Hospitality ЛОЖКА depo jeans Clothing/ LN76=e Foreign Zone 1 Denim (since '98) Accessories LN76a=a ЖУДОЖНИК Nonref Zone 1 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure PARFUM Health/ LN76a=b ЕВРОПА Hybrid Zone 1 Beauty Personal парфюм бутик зрелищный LN78=a центр Semiref Zone 1 Miscellaneous Recreation АЭЛИТА Prado de la LN78=b Coffee/ Foreign Zone 1 Restaurants Hospitality "Prado Classic" Finance/ LN78=c прогресс Nonref Zone 1 Insurance Insurance Home LN78=d офис-мебель Hybrid Zone 1 Furniture Furnishings ВИНОМАРКЕ LN80=a Hybrid Zone 1 Liquor Food/Beverage Т kофейня LN80=b Hybrid Zone 1 Restaurants Hospitality буланже Finance/ LN80=c "ТАНЬТЕМА" Nonref Zone 1 Investment Insurance NEWTEK Electronics/ LN80=d (новые Foreign Zone 1 Computers Appliances технологии) НОВАЯ LN80=e Nonref Zone 1 Miscellaneous Support ЖИЗНЬ ЗЕЛЕНАЯ LN80=f Nonref Zone 1 Other Repair ЛОШАДЬ LN80=g Вояж Nonref Zone 1 Travel Support


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Finance/ LN80=h УРАЛСИБ Nonref Zone 1 Insurance Insurance LN80=i АВИАКАССА Wysiwyg Zone 1 Travel Support Health/ LN80=j AVON Foreign Zone 1 Beauty Personal западно- сибирская LN80=k Semiref Zone 1 Miscellaneous Professional оценочная компания СПЕЦИАЛ- LN80=l Nonref Zone 1 Employment Support ИСТ Finance/ LN80=m Альфа-Банк Semiref Zone 1 Banking Insurance LN80=n la foto Foreign Zone 1 Photographers Professional LN80a=a- LN80a=p Big City Foreign Zone 1 Managers Real Estate p ВЕСЕЛЫЙ LN80a=b Nonref Zone 1 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous РОЗЫГРЫШ ДУБЛЕНКИ И Clothing/ LN80a=c Wysiwyg Zone 1 Leather/Fur КОЖА Accessories СИСТЕМЫ ОЧИСТКИ Home LN80a=d Wysiwyg Zone 1 Other ВОДЫ И Furnishings ВОЗДУХА ЭЛИТ Health/ LN80a=e Hybrid Zone 1 Beauty ПАРФЮМ Personal Kodak LN80a=f Foreign Zone 1 Photofinishing Personal EXPRESS ИмпериЯ LN80a=g Nonref Zone 1 Media Hobby/Leisure Развлечений LN80a=h комстар Hybrid Zone 1 Telephones Information Health/ LN80a=i Ева Nonref Zone 1 Beauty Personal ВИНОВОДО- LN80a=j Wysiwyg Zone 1 Liquor Food/Beverage ЧНЫЙ ОТДЕЛ ФРАНЦУЗСК- LN80a=k Semiref Zone 1 Cafes Hospitality АЯ ВЫПЕЧКА Офис продаж LN80a=l Hybrid Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information МТС EXTRA Clothing/ LN80a=m Hybrid Zone 1 Family ОДЕЖДА Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Центр - Health/ LN80a=n Semiref Zone 1 Optical ОПТИКА Personal Clothing/ LN80a=o Мир часов Semiref Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=p Fashion Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=q Simone Foreign Zone 1 Family Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=r Классика Стиль Nonref Zone 1 Women's Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=s ГУЛЛИВЕР Nonref Zone 1 Children's Accessories 4 season's/ Clothing/ LN80a=t Hybrid Zone 1 Shoes 4 сезона Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=u Ева Nonref Zone 1 Women's Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=v Еkатерина Hybrid Zone 1 Women's Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=w КАПСУЛА Nonref Zone 1 Youth Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=x Империя сумок Semiref Zone 1 Luggage Accessories Колготки, Clothing/ LN80a=y Wysiwyg Zone 1 Lingerie носки, белье Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=z AVIVA Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories LN80a=a Clothing/ Блондин Nonref Zone 1 Men's a Accessories LN80a=b Clothing/ Золушkа Hybrid Zone 1 Formalwear b Accessories LN80a=c Clothing/ Rеспеkт Foreign Zone 1 Shoes c Accessories Женская LN80a=d Clothing/ одежда из Semiref Zone 1 Women's d Accessories Канады LN80a=e Clothing/ "Нега" Nonref Zone 1 Lingerie e Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=ff Кастория Foreign Zone 1 Leather/Fur Accessories LN80a=g moda donna Clothing/ Foreign Zone 1 Women's g (collection) Accessories LN80a=h Clothing/ CHOISE Foreign Zone 1 Family h Accessories 408

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ LN80a=ii JAGUAR Foreign Zone 1 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=jj Bonne chance Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories LN80a=k Clothing/ styLe Foreign Zone 1 Women's k Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=ll ST. MODA Hybrid Zone 1 Women's Accessories LN80a=m Clothing/ PANDA Foreign Zone 1 Leather/Fur m Accessories LN80a=n Clothing/ Виктория Nonref Zone 1 Accessories n Accessories LN80a=o Clothing/ АВАК Foreign Zone 1 Women's o Accessories LN80a=p Clothing/ HEXELINE Foreign Zone 1 Women's p Accessories LN80a=q Clothing/ "585" Nonref Zone 1 Jewelry q Accessories Clothing/ LN80a=rr ЗОЛОТО Semiref Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories (ЧИ) коллекция Home LN80a=ss частных Nonref Zone 1 Furniture Furnishings интерьеров "Милая мама, Clothing/ LN80a=tt желанный Nonref Zone 1 Women's Accessories малыш" электроника LN81=a Wysiwyg Zone 2 Electronic Repair сервис LN81-1=a kофе сан Hybrid Zone 2 Snack Bars Hospitality LN81- ЖИЛИ-БЫЛИ Nonref Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality 1=b трактиръ ВИЛКА- LN81-1=c Nonref Zone 2 Cafeterias Hospitality ЛОЖКА УНИВЕРМАГ Clothing/ LN82a=a Semiref Zone 2 Children's №1 "детский" Accessories (GJ) Gloria Clothing/ LN82a=b Foreign Zone 2 Denim Jeans Accessories LN83=a food master Foreign Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality Clothing/ LN84=a ИЗУМРУД Nonref Zone 2 Jewelry Accessories Health/ LN84=b ОПТИКА Wysiwyg Zone 2 Optical Personal LN84=c БЕЛАЯ РУСЬ Nonref Zone 2 Crafts Hobby/Leisure 409

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type (SC) Clothing/ LN84=d Stacy collection/ Hybrid Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories Sтейси интернет-кафе LN85=a Hybrid Zone 2 Other Information ЖЕЛЕЗО Финская Clothing/ LN85=b Semiref Zone 2 Family ОДЕЖДА Accessories Clothing/ LN85=c iON Foreign Zone 2 Jewelry Accessories LN85=d Лора Nonref Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal LN85=e Каре-Шарлотта Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal Clothing/ LN85=f BOSS Foreign Zone 2 Women's Accessories ремонт телефонов, LN85=g Hybrid Zone 2 Electronic Repair аудио-видео техники средства связи, Electronics/ LN85=h видеокамеры, Hybrid Zone 2 Electronics Appliances телевизоры Оцифровка, Видеомонтаж. LN85=i Запись ваших Hybrid Zone 2 Miscellaneous Professional фильмов на DVD, VHS. TRASH & LN85a=a GLAM all night Foreign Zone 2 Bars Hospitality doggery компания LN85a=b Foreign Zone 2 Employment Support прадо ООО "Лидер- LN85a=c Hybrid Zone 2 Miscellaneous Professional Инфо" Земельный LN85a=d Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate вопрос (СТС) LN85a=e Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate СтройТехСнаб LN85a=f RUSAK Hybrid Zone 2 Miscellaneous Support LN85a=g ВЕЛЛ Foreign Zone 2 Travel Support GOFER Finance/ LN85a=h Hybrid Zone 2 Insurance ФинАвто Insurance (RG) Richter LN85a=i Foreign Zone 2 Consulting Professional Group


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ЦЕНТР- Finance/ LN85a=j Hybrid Zone 2 Investment ХОЛДИНГ Insurance LN85a=k MANGO group Foreign Zone 2 PR Professional идеальная Finance/ LN85a=l Hybrid Zone 2 Loans ИПОТЕКА Insurance LN85a=m Coffee House Foreign Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality LN86=a- ГОСТИНИЦА Semiref Zone 2 Hotels Hospitality LN86=r Северная СНЕЖНАЯ Clothing/ LN86=b Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur КОРОЛЕВА Accessories LN86=c Ремонт Обуви Wysiwyg Zone 2 Shoe Repair Clothing/ LN86=d Трабзон Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories LN86=e ЧАСОВЩИК Wysiwyg Zone 2 Other Repair LN86=f Надежда Nonref Zone 2 Copies Support Clothing/ LN86=g ОБУВЬ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Shoes Accessories LN86=h РивьераТУР Hybrid Zone 2 Travel Support ТЕКСТИЛЬ И Clothing/ LN86=i ОДЕЖДА ДЛЯ Semiref Zone 2 Family Accessories ДОМА Sh studio/ LN86=j Hybrid Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal Шарм студия ЛИЦА LN86=k Semiref Zone 2 Photographers Professional фото_салон САЛОН ЦИФРОВОЙ LN86=l Semiref Zone 2 Photofinishing Personal ФОТО- ГРАФИИ ДЖИНСОВАЯ Clothing/ LN86=m Semiref Zone 2 Denim ЯРМАРКА Accessories Для милых Clothing/ LN86=n Nonref Zone 2 Women's Дам/всПышка Accessories Clothing/ LN86=o Сибирячка Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories LN86=p МАДОННА Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal Служба LN86=q знакомств Semiref Zone 2 Miscellaneous Support "НАДЕЖДА" LN86=r ПРОДУКТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage LN86=s Смайк Nonref Zone 2 Snack Bars Hospitality LN86=t A Service Foreign Zone 2 Advertising Professional LN87=a Телефон.ру Semiref Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information 411

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Health/ LN87=b АПТЕКА 36,6 Semiref Zone 2 Pharmacies Personal Clothing/ LN87=c Золотое руно Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories LN88=a ПАКЕТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Packaging Support LN88=b ТАЙГА Nonref Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure LN89=a ПОДАРКИ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous Home LN90=a ГидроСити Hybrid Zone 2 Other Improvement Electronics/ LN90=b НАХОДКА Nonref Zone 2 Appliances Appliances СИБИРЬ LN91=a ФОРУМ Semiref Zone 2 Hotels Hospitality ОТЕЛЬ адвокат МАТВЕЕВ LN91=b Wysiwyg Zone 2 Lawyers Professional Алексардр Игнатьевич LN91=c БЕТАЛИНК Hybrid Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information Clothing/ LN91=d TERRANOVA Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories LN91=e УНЦИЯ Nonref Zone 2 Specialty Food/Beverage LN91=f СУВЕНИРЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous LN91=g кафе СИБИРЬ Semiref Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality САВС (сибирское LN91=h агентство Semiref Zone 2 Travel Support воздушных сообщении) LN93=a- ПОЧТА Wysiwyg Zone 1 Managers Real Estate LN93=d РОССИИ LN93=b wellcom Foreign Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information СИБИРЬ LN93=c Hybrid Zone 1 Telephones Information ТЕЛЕКОМ LN93=d MERIDIAN Hybrid Zone 1 Travel Support Finance/ LN93=e СВЯЗЬ БАНК Semiref Zone 1 Banking Insurance LN94=a КАНДИДАТ Nonref Zone 2 Employment Support томские LN94=b Semiref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate квартиры (U) Finance/ LN94=c ЮНИАСТРУМ Hybrid Zone 2 Banking Insurance БАНК 412

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type КОДЕКС LN94=d Hybrid Zone 2 Miscellaneous Professional ТЕХЭКСПЕRТ LN94=e ГЛОБУС Nonref Zone 2 Travel Support LN94=f Дриада Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate LN94=g ИДЕАЛ Nonref Zone 2 Dentists Health Care АВТОКЛУБ 70 Finance/ LN94=h Hybrid Zone 2 Loans RUS Insurance LN94=i JasCars.Ru Foreign Zone 2 Dealers Autos Clothing/ LN94=j ИНТЕРМОDА Hybrid Zone 2 Youth Accessories (ТЦС) Томский Finance/ LN94=k Центр Semiref Zone 2 Insurance Insurance Страхования СkандинаВия / Clothing/ LN94=l SCANDIN- Hybrid Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories AVIA Home LN94=m Новые Окна Semiref Zone 2 Other Improvement ВИНО- LN94=n Hybrid Zone 2 Liquor Food/Beverage МАРКЕТ Home LN94=o Люкс Nonref Zone 2 Other Improvement LN94=p ВерСал Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate ТОМСКИЕ Floor Home LN94=q Nonref Zone 2 СНАБЖЕНЦЫ Coverings Furnishings Home LN94=r КАТРИС Nonref Zone 2 Other Improvement Health/ LN94=s VISION Foreign Zone 2 Supplements Personal Health/ LN94=t DЕЛЬРУС Hybrid Zone 2 Equipment Personal ТЕПЛО- Home LN94=u Semiref Zone 2 Other РЕСУРС Improvement МЕХОВОЙ Clothing/ LN94=v Semiref Zone 2 Leather/Fur МИР Accessories Clothing/ LN94=w Грасиона Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ LN94=x ДИКСОН Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories LN94=y РОЗ Nonref Zone 2 Other Health Care Window Home LN94=z атрис Nonref Zone 2 Treatments Furnishings LN94=aa ТЕЛЛОЙЛ Foreign Zone 2 Support Utilities 413

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Finance/ LN94=bb РОССТРАХ Semiref Zone 2 Insurance Insurance КРЕДИТНЫЙ Finance/ LN94=cc Semiref Zone 2 Loans ДОМ Insurance LN95=a- торговый центр Semiref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate LN95=k РОМАН Clothing/ LN95=b МИР ЗОЛОТА Nonref Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories салон LN95=c Nonref Zone 1 Media Hobby/Leisure СИСТЕМА салон мужской Clothing/ LN95=d Semiref Zone 1 Men's одежды Accessories Ювелирная Clothing/ LN95=e Wysiwyg Zone 1 Jewelry Мастерская Accessories Clothing/ LN95=f Времена Года Nonref Zone 1 Accessories Accessories Clothing/ LN95=g ИНТИМ Nonref Zone 1 Lingerie Accessories LN95=h CD Центр Hybrid Zone 1 Media Hobby/Leisure Clothing/ LN95=i ПАРА Nonref Zone 1 Shoes Accessories Electronics/ LN95=j XORO Foreign Zone 1 Electronics Appliances Clothing/ LN95=k АРГО Nonref Zone 1 Leather/Fur Accessories ИВУШКА Electronics/ LN95=l Hybrid Zone 1 Electronics power Appliances LN95=m Евросеть Nonref Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information Home LN95=n ВОДЯНОЙ Nonref Zone 1 Other Improvement Галерея Clothing/ LN95=o свадебной Semiref Zone 1 Formalwear Accessories моды "Для милых Clothing/ LN95=p Nonref Zone 1 Women's Дам" Accessories Clothing/ LN96=a Современник Nonref Zone 2 Men's Accessories Clothing/ LN96=b ПРЕЗЕНТ Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories LN96=c Infos Foreign Zone 2 Miscellaneous Support (ВСЕ ПУТИ LN96=d ВЕДУТ В) Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate Р и М 414

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN96=e SPORTWAY Foreign Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure LN97=a МИЛЛИОНЪ Nonref Zone 1 Casinos Recreation LN97=b tokyo BAR Foreign Zone 1 Bars Hospitality Health/ LN97=c АПТЕКА 36,6 Semiref Zone 1 Pharmacies Personal развлекатель- LN97=d Wysiwyg Zone 1 Casinos Recreation ный клуб ЕВРОПЕЙКА Clothing/ LN97=e стоковая Hybrid Zone 1 Discount Accessories одежда ВОДЯНОЙ Home LN97=f сервисный Semiref Zone 1 Other Improvement центр мастерская LN97a=a Semiref Zone 1 Shoe Repair "апельсин" LN97a=b- ИСКРА Nonref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate LN97a=i Clothing/ LN97a=c Сумки Wysiwyg Zone 1 Luggage Accessories LN97a=d Книги Wysiwyg Zone 1 Books Hobby/Leisure Clothing/ LN97a=e Часы Wysiwyg Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories LN97a=f Сувериры Wysiwyg Zone 1 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous Канцелярский LN97a=g Semiref Zone 1 Stationery Miscellaneous Мир Health/ LN97a=h ОПТИКА Wysiwyg Zone 1 Optical Personal Health/ LN97a=i КОСМЕТИКА Wysiwyg Zone 1 Beauty Personal LN99=a- КАПРИЗ Nonref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate LN99=p Health/ LN99=a e'llipse Foreign Zone 1 Beauty Personal Clothing/ LN99=b RODEO Foreign Zone 1 Denim Accessories Home LN99=c шѐлковый путь Nonref Zone 1 Other Furnishings Clothing/ LN99=d На Счастье Nonref Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories PLAYBOY Clothing/ LN99=f Foreign Zone 1 Accessories аксессуары Accessories Clothing/ LN99=g АС Nonref Zone 1 Women's Accessories 415

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ LN99=h Империя Nonref Zone 1 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ LN99=i ГАЛАНТ Hybrid Zone 1 Shoes Accessories элегант Health/ LN99=j Hybrid Zone 1 Optical ОПТИКА Personal магазин Clothing/ LN99=k Nonref Zone 1 Women's КАПРИЗ Accessories ЧАСЫ на Clothing/ LN99=l Semiref Zone 1 Jewelry любой каприз Accessories (VIP) Visible Ideal Perfection/ Clothing/ LN99=m Hybrid Zone 1 Men's явный идеал Accessories совершинства Clothing/ LN99=n Kangaroo Foreign Zone 1 Luggage Accessories Home LN99=o роза плюш Nonref Zone 1 Other Furnishings Clothing/ LN99=p JESSICA Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories Home LN100=a ВОДЯНОЙ Nonref Zone 2 Other Improvement Clothing/ LN100=b Багира Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories Кафе "Бистро- LN101=a Мороженое"/ Semiref Zone 1 Restaurants Hospitality КИНОМИР LN104=a Maglena Foreign Zone 2 Shoe Repair Clothing/ LN104=b Bonitta Foreign Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories PULSE LN104=c Foreign Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality of the city UNITED Clothing/ LN104=d COLORS OF Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories BENETTON. Clothing/ LN104=e Foreign Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ LN104=f Vivat moda Foreign Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ LN104=g VALENTINI Foreign Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ LN104=h indigo Foreign Zone 2 Denim Accessories 416

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ LN104=i Rеспеkт Foreign Zone 2 Shoes Accessories Health/ LN104=j МЕДЛАБТЕХ Semiref Zone 2 Equipment Personal (КАТ) КредитАвто Трейд (СУПЕР- Finance/ LN104=k Hybrid Zone 2 Loans МАРКЕТ Insurance АВТО- КРЕДИТОВ) АЗБУКА LN104=l Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate ЖИЛЬЯ АНТОНОВ LN104=m Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage ДВОР LN104=n КРЕАТИВ Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal LN104=o МИЛЛИОНЪ Nonref Zone 2 Casinos Recreation НЕВЕСТА Clothing/ LN104=p Semiref Zone 2 Formalwear люкс Accessories НОВЫЙ Home LN104=q Nonref Zone 2 Other СТИЛЬ Improvement БЕЛЛ LN104=r Foreign Zone 2 Travel Support СИСТЕМС (Н) НИЖНИЙ LN105=a Semiref Zone 1 Groceries Food/Beverage гастроном FUJIFILM IMAGE LN105=b SERVICE Hybrid Zone 1 Photofinishing Personal /ФУДЖИ ЭКСПРЕСС ЯНТАРЬ/ Clothing/ LN107=a Hybrid Zone 1 Jewelry AMBER Accessories РОСНЕДВИ- LN108=a Semiref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate ЖИМОСТЬ LN108=b НОТАРИУС Wysiwyg Zone 2 Notaries Professional Clothing/ LN109=a Эльф Nonref Zone 1 Accessories Accessories Clothing/ LN109=b Примавера Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories МЕДИЦИН- LN109=c Nonref Zone 1 Other Information СКАЯ КНИГА 1000 Home LN111=a Nonref Zone 1 Other МЕЛОЧЕЙ Furnishings


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN111= b-LN ТАРГЕТ Foreign Zone 1 Managers Real Estate 111=bi LN111= Цветы и Wysiwyg Zone 1 Florists Miscellaneous ba растения LN111= Коллекция чая Semiref Zone 1 Specialty Food/Beverage bb и кофе DVD, MP3, LN111= Video CD Hybrid Zone 1 Media Hobby/Leisure bc диски LN111= Clothing/ Бабочка Nonref Zone 1 Women's bd Accessories LN111= Блузки & Clothing/ Hybrid Zone 1 Family be трикотаж Accessories ЧАСЫ LN111= Clothing/ продажа, Wysiwyg Zone 1 Jewelry bf Accessories ремонт LN111= КАВАЛЕР/ Clothing/ Hybrid Zone 1 Men's bg KAVALIER Accessories LN111= Мистер Фильтр Semiref Zone 1 General General bh LN111=bi Армада Nonref Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information Clothing/ LN111=c roberto botticelli Foreign Zone 1 Shoes Accessories LN111= ВИЗИТ d-LN Semiref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate Торговый дом 111=dm LN111= БАР Wysiwyg Zone 1 Bars Hospitality da LN111= ОБУВЬ, Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Shoes db СУМКИ Accessories LN111= СУВЕНИРЫ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous dc LN111= Clothing/ СЕРЕБРО Wysiwyg Zone 1 Jewelry dd Accessories LN111= Женская Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Women's de одежда Accessories LN111= ДОМАШНЯЯ Clothing/ Semiref Zone 1 Family df ОДЕЖДА Accessories LN111= КОЖА, Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Leather/Fur dg ДУБЛЕНКИ Accessories LN111= Health/ Элит Оптика Hybrid Zone 1 Optical dh Personal 418

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type СТИЛЬ Clothing/ LN111=dj ПОЛЬСКАЯ Nonref Zone 1 Family Accessories МОДА LN111= ДЕТСКАЯ Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Children's dk одежда Accessories ЖЕНСКОЕ Clothing/ LN111=dl Wysiwyg Zone 1 Lingerie бельѐ Accessories LN111= швейцарские Clothing/ Semiref Zone 1 Jewelry dm ЧАСЫ Accessories Clothing/ LN111=e BAUMLER Foreign Zone 1 Men's Accessories Clothing/ LN111=f КНЯЖНА Nonref Zone 1 Leather/Fur Accessories LN111= g-LN "111" Nonref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate 111=gp LN111= Молодѐжная Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Youth ga одежда Accessories LN111= Clothing/ Шубы Wysiwyg Zone 1 Leather/Fur gb Accessories LN111= Clothing/ Кожаный рай Semiref Zone 1 Leather/Fur gc Accessories LN111= Головные Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Accessories gd уборы Accessories LN111= Clothing/ Одежда из льна Wysiwyg Zone 1 Family ge Accessories LN111= Женская Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Women's gf одежда Accessories LN111= Ремонт одежды Wysiwyg Zone 1 Other Repair gg LN111= текСТИЛЬ Home Semiref Zone 1 Other gh для дома Furnishings Clothing/ LN111=gi Салон Джулия Nonref Zone 1 Women's Accessories Clothing/ LN111=gj Обувь Wysiwyg Zone 1 Shoes Accessories LN111= Clothing/ Сударь Nonref Zone 1 Men's gk Accessories Clothing/ LN111=gl Женское белье Wysiwyg Zone 1 Lingerie Accessories LN111= Clothing/ Три слона Nonref Zone 1 Luggage gm Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN111= Мужские Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Men's gn свитера Accessories LN111= СМЫШЛЕНЫ Nonref Zone 1 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure go Ш LN111= отдел Детская Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 1 Children's gp одежда Accessories ЛИДЕР Paint/ Home LN114=a Hybrid Zone 2 КОЛОР Wallpaper Improvement Electronics/ LN114=b Белошвейка Nonref Zone 2 Appliances Appliances LN114=c Либериkа Foreign Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality (ЦПК) Центр Планирования LN116=a Hybrid Zone 2 Other Education Карьеры/Career Planning Center АПТЕКА ООО Health/ LN117=a "ВИТАМАКС- Hybrid Zone 2 Pharmacies Personal ТОМСК" Свадебный Clothing/ LN118=a Nonref Zone 2 Formalwear вальс Accessories аптека Health/ LN118=b Hybrid Zone 2 Pharmacies "ФОЛИУМ" Personal Clothing/ LN118=c век спорта Nonref Zone 2 Shoes Accessories LN118=d фирма Копия Semiref Zone 2 Copies Support "777" игровые LN118=e Semiref Zone 2 Casinos Recreation автоматы LN119a= CONNECT Foreign Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information a LN119a= Home ПОСУДА Wysiwyg Zone 2 Other b Furnishings (ЦУМ) Department LN121=a Центральный Semiref Zone 2 General Stores Универмаг ЦЕНТР LN121=b Semiref Zone 2 Miscellaneous Professional ОЦИФРОВКИ LN121=c KonicaDigital Foreign Zone 2 Photofinishing Personal РЕМОНТ LN121=d Wysiwyg Zone 2 Other Repair ЧАСОВ Паркимахер- LN121=e Semiref Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal ская ЦУМа


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Premiere/ LN121=f Премьер Медиа Hybrid Zone 2 Miscellaneous Professional Групп ресторан-клуб LN121=g Semiref Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality Мираж А. Балыкин LN121=h Nonref Zone 2 General General и сыновья изготовление LN121=i Wysiwyg Zone 2 Miscellaneous Repair КЛЮЧЕЙ Clothing/ LN121=j Ювелир Wysiwyg Zone 2 Jewelry Accessories ТРАКТИРЪ LN121a= ЗОЛОТАЯ Nonref Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality a ДОЛИНА трактир Золотая LN121a= долинА Semiref Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality b ФЕРГАНСКАЯ КУХНЯ LN122=a АВИАКАССА Wysiwyg Zone 3 Travel Support СИБИРСКОЕ LN123=a Semiref Zone 2 Cafes Hospitality БИСТРО ФОКУС/ FUJIFILM LN123=b Hybrid Zone 2 Photofinishing Personal ИМИДЖ СЕРВИС центр Clothing/ LN123=c Nonref Zone 2 Family распроДАж Accessories LN126=a- торговый центр Semiref Zone 3 Managers Real Estate LN126=r КОНДОР Clothing/ LN126=b ИРИНА Nonref Zone 3 Family Accessories СОТОВЫЕ по LN126=c Semiref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information низким ценам Home LN126=d Оптима Nonref Zone 3 Furniture Furnishings Clothing/ LN126=e МЕХOFF Hybrid Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ LN126=f SUPERMAN Foreign Zone 3 Men's Accessories Clothing/ LN126=g АРБАТ обувь Semiref Zone 3 Shoes Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ LN126=h ТОМИЧ Nonref Zone 3 Shoes Accessories "Шляпка Clothing/ LN126=i Nonref Zone 3 Formalwear Мендельсона" Accessories Clothing/ LN126=j ФРЕГАТ Nonref Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ LN126=k SALON UMKA Hybrid Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories LN126=l Изабель Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal Clothing/ LN126=m ШАПО Foreign Zone 3 Accessories Accessories ЛЮБОВЬ- Clothing/ LN126=n Nonref Zone 3 Formalwear МОРКОВЬ Accessories LN126=o ЗДРАВА Nonref Zone 3 Dentists Health Care дисконт-центр Clothing/ LN126=p Hybrid Zone 3 Discount ЛИМОН Accessories ярмарка Clothing/ LN126=q Hybrid Zone 3 Denim ДЖИНС-А Accessories Clothing/ LN126=r Rodeo Jeans Foreign Zone 3 Denim Accessories Clothing/ LN126=s УДАЧА Nonref Zone 3 Denim Accessories LN126=t Евросеть Nonref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information Home LN126=u крепеж Nonref Zone 3 Hardware Improvement TRUST (НАЦИОНА- Finance/ LN127=a Foreign Zone 2 Banking ЛЬНЫЙ БАНК Insurance ТРАСТ) LN127- Корчма у Nonref Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality 3=a Тараса ЭЛЬDОРАDО (CУПЕР- Electronics/ LN129=a МАРКЕТ Hybrid Zone 2 Electronics Appliances ЭЛЕКТРОН- ИКИ) LN129- Electronics/ Z (ЗЕТ) Hybrid Zone 2 Computers 1=a Appliances LN129- АТЕЛЬЕ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Other Repair 1=b LN131=a Цифроград Nonref Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information LN131=b СВ ТУР Hybrid Zone 2 Travel Support LN131=c комстар Hybrid Zone 2 Telephones Information 422

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN131=d DIXIS Foreign Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information Clothing/ LN131=e ОБУВЬ tiptop Hybrid Zone 2 Shoes Accessories LN132a= Clothing/ Зодиак Nonref Zone 3 Leather/Fur a Accessories LN132a= БЕТАЛИНК Hybrid Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information b LN132a= ЭЛЬDОРАDО Hybrid Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information c салон связи LN132a= Телефон.ру Semiref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information d LN132a= ГОВОРУН Nonref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information e Clothing/ LN133=a АФИНЫ Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories (SC) Sтейси Clothing/ LN133=b (Stacy Foreign Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories Collection) LN133=c МАРАФОН Nonref Zone 2 Miscellaneous Recreation Лас-Книгас (КНИЖНЫЙ LN133=d Foreign Zone 2 Books Hobby/Leisure ГИПЕР- МАРКЕТ) ТОПАЙ ПО Floor Home LN133=e Nonref Zone 2 ХОРОШЕМУ! Coverings Furnishings юридическая фирма/ LN133=f Wysiwyg Zone 2 Lawyers Professional НАЛОГОВАЯ ПРАКТИКА Свадебный Clothing/ LN133=g Semiref Zone 2 Formalwear Мир Accessories LN133=h ФУТУРУМ Foreign Zone 2 Construction Construction LN133=i Евросеть Nonref Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information КОПИРОВА- LN133=j ЛЬНЫЙ Hybrid Zone 2 Copies Support ЦЕНТР "Скан" НЕКРАСОВ- LN133= СКИЙ k-LN Nonref Zone 2 Managers Real Estate КУПЕЧЕСКИЙ 133=p ДОМ Columbia LN133=l Sportswear Foreign Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure Company 423

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN133=m adidas Foreign Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure LN133=n Билайн Foreign Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information Clothing/ LN133=o FootTerra Foreign Zone 2 Shoes Accessories Finance/ LN133=p УРАЛСИБ Nonref Zone 2 Banking Insurance LN136=a Joker Foreign Zone 3 Casinos Recreation LN136a= Дом ткани Semiref Zone 3 Crafts Hobby/Leisure a LN137=a- ГАЛЕРЕЯ Nonref Zone 2 Managers Real Estate LN137=m Clothing/ LN137=b АЛМАЗ Nonref Zone 2 Jewelry Accessories Clothing/ LN137=c Тайм холл Foreign Zone 2 Jewelry Accessories Clothing/ LN137=d ТРИ СЛОНА Nonref Zone 2 Luggage Accessories Health/ LN137=e ОПТИКА Wysiwyg Zone 2 Optical Personal БЛИСТАЮ- Clothing/ LN137=f ЩИЙ Nonref Zone 2 Jewelry Accessories БРИЛЛИАНТ АПТЕКА Health/ LN137=g ЦЕНТРАЛЬ- Semiref Zone 2 Pharmacies Personal НАЯ LN137=h Sprandi Foreign Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure Clothing/ LN137=i (A) АДАМАС Foreign Zone 2 Jewelry Accessories (CM) Home LN137=j СТИЛЬНАЯ Semiref Zone 2 Furniture Furnishings МЕБЕЛЬ Clothing/ LN137=k Мелита Foreign Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories СВЕТОЧЪ LN137=l Nonref Zone 2 Books Hobby/Leisure (МИР КНИГИ) ЭЛИТНАЯ Health/ LN137=m парфюмерия & Semiref Zone 2 Beauty Personal косметика LN140=a ГАРАНТ Nonref Zone 3 Auto Parts Autos LN141=a- ГУМ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Managers Real Estate LN141=h


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type (М)МЕХОВОЙ Clothing/ LN141=b ЦЕНТР В Semiref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories ГУМЕ Clothing/ LN141=c FiNN FLARE Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories Clothing/ LN141=d ОБУВЬ-ЛЮКС Semiref Zone 2 Shoes Accessories LN141=e Bellissima Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal Clothing/ LN141=f Denim Foreign Zone 2 Denim Accessories Л'ЭтуаЛь Health/ LN141=g Foreign Zone 2 Beauty (L'Etoile) Personal Clothing/ LN141=h Dжекиt Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories МАГАЗИНЪ НА Department LN141=i Nonref Zone 2 General МИЛЛИОН- Stores НОЙ LN141=j GranD Foreign Zone 2 Casinos Recreation Clothing/ LN141=k CRISTI Foreign Zone 2 Women's Accessories LN141=l Мистер Джин Foreign Zone 2 Casinos Recreation Clothing/ LN141=m MONARCH Foreign Zone 2 Shoes Accessories LN141- Electronics/ Goodwin Foreign Zone 2 Computers 1=a Appliances LN141- (КМ) Книжный Semiref Zone 2 Books Hobby/Leisure 1=b Мир LN141- Талиsман Hybrid Zone 2 Travel Support 1=c НАЦИОНА- LN141- Home ЛЬНЫЙ Nonref Zone 2 Other 1=d Improvement КОМФОРТ LN141- АДВОКАТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Lawyers Professional 1=e LN141- компания Hybrid Zone 2 Interior Design Professional 1=f БРАЙТ LN141- Home kami Foreign Zone 2 Hardware 1=g Improvement LN141- МОДА Nonref Zone 2 Other Repair 1=h LN141- МИР Semiref Zone 2 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous 1=i ОТКРЫТОК 425

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN141- СКОРОХОД Nonref Zone 2 Shoe Repair 1=j LN141- меховое ателье Wysiwyg Zone 2 Other Repair 1=k LN141- прокат CD Hybrid Zone 2 Media Hobby/Leisure 1=l LN141- sport media Foreign Zone 2 Copies Support 1=m LN141- ремонт ОБУВИ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Shoe Repair 1=n LN141- ТомРОС Nonref Zone 2 Shoe Repair 1=o LN141- Медицинская Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Family 1=p одежда Accessories LN141- Home Все из хлопока Semiref Zone 2 Other 1=q Furnishings СЭКОНД LN141- Used ХЭНД лечучий Hybrid Zone 2 Miscellaneous 2=a Merchandise голландец SECOND LN141- Used HAND Hybrid Zone 2 Miscellaneous 2=b Merchandise островок LN142=a ЦИТРОН Foreign Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage Рижский Home LN145=a Semiref Zone 2 Nurseries торговый дом Improvement павильон Home LN145=b Semiref Zone 2 Nurseries "СЕМЕНА" Improvement LN145=c оптом ЦВЕТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Florists Miscellaneous LN145=d АДВОКАТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Lawyers Professional LN145=e Из рук в руки Nonref Zone 2 Periodicals Information LN145=f ДомКом Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate Компания LN145=g Nonref Zone 2 Lawyers Professional "ЮниКом-Н" LN145=h АДВОКАТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Lawyers Professional LN145=i ПРОДУКТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage LN146=a ДОМАШНИЙ Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage ООО ЮРУС/ LN147=a юридические Semiref Zone 2 Lawyers Professional услуги LN147=b Аврора тур Hybrid Zone 2 Travel Support


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ОАО ТОМСКНЕФТ LN147=c Semiref Zone 2 Support Utilities ЕГАЗГЕОЛОГ ИЯ Health/ LN147=d oriflame Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Personal Clothing/ LN147=e OTTO Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories Floor Home LN148=a КАСПЕР Foreign Zone 3 Coverings Furnishings LN150a= ЛИДЕР Paint/ Home Hybrid Zone 3 a КОЛОР Wallpaper Improvement LN150a= АДВОКАТ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Lawyers Professional b LN150a= АВАНГАРД Nonref Zone 3 Brokers Real Estate d LN150a= бурение Wysiwyg Zone 3 Support Utilities e скважин багетная Home LN150a=f мастерская, Wysiwyg Zone 3 Other Improvement жалюзи LN150a= Охранное Security Semiref Zone 3 Support g Предприятие Guards LN150a= психологи Wysiwyg Zone 3 Other Health Care h "Стандарт LN151=a Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate Сервис +" LN151=b Поларис Foreign Zone 2 Travel Support LN151=c "Гран-При" Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal LN151=d ХЕЛЕН Nonref Zone 2 Lawyers Professional кадровый LN151=e центр Semiref Zone 2 Employment Support "ПРОФИ" LN151=f нотариус Wysiwyg Zone 2 Notaries Professional кафе LN151=g Semiref Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality ПЕРСОНА LN151- 1=a- ГОРОД Home Semiref Zone 2 Furniture LN151- МАСТЕРОВ Furnishings 1=d LN151- Home ФОРТОЧКА Nonref Zone 2 Other 1=b Improvement


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN151- Home ЭТАЛОН Nonref Zone 2 Other 1=c Improvement LN151- КАСКАДСТРО Semiref Zone 2 Construction Construction 1=d Й ЭКСПРЕСС LN156=a Semiref Zone 3 Auto Parts Autos авто Home LN156=b ЛЮСТРОВО Nonref Zone 3 Hardware Improvement Clothing/ LN156=c идеал Nonref Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories LN159=a ОРУЖИЕ Wysiwyg Zone 3 General General LN160=a- о-ля-ля Foreign Zone 3 Managers Real Estate LN160=h LN160=b о-ля-ля Foreign Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal Белая LN160=c Nonref Zone 3 Laundry Personal медведица LN160=d продукты Wysiwyg Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage (А) АНТОНОВ LN160=e Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage ДВОР АПТЕЧНЫЙ Health/ LN160=f Wysiwyg Zone 3 Pharmacies ПУНКТ Personal LN160=g фототовары Wysiwyg Zone 3 Photofinishing Personal LN160=h карандаш Nonref Zone 3 Stationery Miscellaneous спортивный LN160=i Semiref Zone 3 Sports Hobby/Leisure центр ОЛИМП LN160=j ТАТЬЯНА Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal LN160=k ФОТОСАЛОН Semiref Zone 3 Photographers Professional LN161a= Home Новые ДВЕРИ Semiref Zone 3 Other a Improvement LN161a= Home ЕВРОРЕМОНТ Semiref Zone 3 Other b Improvement Home LN162=a СТАТУС Nonref Zone 3 Other Improvement СТОМАТО- LN162=b Wysiwyg Zone 3 Dentists Health Care ЛОГИЯ LN163=a- торговый центр Semiref Zone 3 Managers Real Estate LN163=w ШАНС LN163=b "Т. С. Сеть…" Nonref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information бижутерия, LN163=c сувериры, Hybrid Zone 3 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous фэн-шуй Clothing/ LN163=d "Миледи" Foreign Zone 3 Luggage Accessories 428

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN163=e Мед-Эстет Nonref Zone 3 Other Health Care Clothing/ LN163=f ОФИС-СТИЛЬ Hybrid Zone 3 Women's Accessories "НА Clothing/ LN163=g Hybrid Zone 3 Leather/Fur ПОDИУМЕ" Accessories РУССКИЙ Clothing/ LN163=h Semiref Zone 3 Leather/Fur МЕХ Accessories Clothing/ LN163=i VIS-À-VIS Foreign Zone 3 Lingerie Accessories видео-аудио- LN163=j DVD CD, CD- Hybrid Zone 3 Media Hobby/Leisure R, CD-RW косметика Health/ LN163=k Wysiwyg Zone 3 Beauty парфюмерия Personal Clothing/ LN163=l Снегурочка Nonref Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories LN163=m КОМПАС Nonref Zone 3 Travel Support Clothing/ LN163=n ЭЛЬФ Nonref Zone 3 Family Accessories Clothing/ LN163=o ДИАМАНТ Foreign Zone 3 Jewelry Accessories Clothing/ LN163=p Блондин Nonref Zone 3 Men's Accessories Clothing/ LN163=q ЛЕГИОН Nonref Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories ЛОМБАРД- Used LN163=r Wysiwyg Zone 3 Miscellaneous СКУПКА Merchandise Мобильный LN163=s Semiref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information базар ИВУШКА Electronics/ LN163=t Hybrid Zone 3 Electronics power Appliances КОРОЛЕВА Clothing/ LN163=u Nonref Zone 3 Formalwear ПРАЗДИКА Accessories Clothing/ LN163=v Снежана Nonref Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories LN163=w GALA Foreign Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal LN163a= a- REAL Foreign Zone 3 Managers Real Estate LN163a= d LN163a= СНЕЖНАЯ Clothing/ Nonref Zone 3 Leather/Fur b КОРОЛЕВА Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN163a= СОТОВЫЕ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information c LN163a= Clothing/ ОБУВЬ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Shoes d Accessories LN165=a- АТОЛЛ Nonref Zone 3 Managers Real Estate LN165=h верхняя одежда Clothing/ LN165=b Semiref Zone 3 Women's для дам Accessories LN165=c АРМАДА Nonref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information Clothing/ LN165=d степ Foreign Zone 3 Shoes Accessories LN165=e ДИСКИ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Media Hobby/Leisure люстры, Home LN165=f светильника, Wysiwyg Zone 3 Other Improvement картины, часы Компания Home LN165=g Semiref Zone 3 Other СанТехСервис Improvement КОМИССИО- Used LN165=h Wysiwyg Zone 3 Miscellaneous ННЫЙ ОТДЕЛ Merchandise LN165a= 100 грамм Nonref Zone 3 Liquor Food/Beverage a LN165a= компания АДК Nonref Zone 3 Mobile Phones Information b LN165a= цветы Wysiwyg Zone 3 Florists Miscellaneous c LN165a= продукты Wysiwyg Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage d LN165b= Clothing/ Кристина Nonref Zone 3 Leather/Fur a Accessories LN165b= Used ЛОМБАРД Wysiwyg Zone 3 Miscellaneous b Merchandise LN165b= Clothing/ ЮВЕЛИР Nonref Zone 3 Jewelry c Accessories срочны LN165b= РЕМОНТ Semiref Zone 3 Other Repair d ЧАСОВ Health/ LN167=a Вита Foreign Zone 3 Pharmacies Personal Сады LN167=b Nonref Zone 3 Florists Miscellaneous Семирамиды LN169=a- МОДУС Nonref Zone 3 Managers Real Estate LN169=o


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Home LN169=b Палитра Nonref Zone 3 Furniture Furnishings LN169=c elle Foreign Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal СТАЛЬНЫЕ Home LN169=d Wysiwyg Zone 3 Other ДВЕРИ Improvement БАНК Finance/ LN169=e РЕГИОНАЛЬ- Semiref Zone 3 Banking Insurance НЫЙ КРЕДИТ LN169=f РЫБОЛОВ Nonref Zone 3 Sports Hobby/Leisure Clothing/ LN169=g ИНТИМ Nonref Zone 3 Lingerie Accessories Clothing/ LN169=h ШУБЫ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories Home LN169=i СегменТ Nonref Zone 3 Furniture Furnishings Electronics/ LN169=j instal/инстал Hybrid Zone 3 Computers Appliances LN169=k Универсал Nonref Zone 3 Other Repair АВТО Finance/ LN169=l КРЕДИТО- Wysiwyg Zone 3 Loans Insurance ВАНИЕ LN169=m ДИСК LAND Hybrid Zone 3 Media Hobby/Leisure ШКАФЫ- Home LN169=n Wysiwyg Zone 3 Furniture КУПЕ, КУХНИ Furnishings LN169=o ЦИФРА Nonref Zone 3 Photofinishing Personal LN173=a- КАРАВАН Nonref Zone 3 Managers Real Estate LN173=f спортивные LN173=b Wysiwyg Zone 3 Sports Hobby/Leisure ТОВАРЫ ДУБЛЕНКИ & Clothing/ LN173=c изделия из Hybrid Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories кожи Компания Home LN173=d Nonref Zone 3 Furniture "ЭКОМ" Furnishings (G) Гранд Health/ LN173=e Hybrid Zone 3 Optical Оптика Personal ШУБЫ, Clothing/ LN173=f Wysiwyg Zone 3 Leather/Fur ПАЛЬТО Accessories Floor Home LN173=g Паркет Центр Semiref Zone 3 Coverings Furnishings Clothing/ LN173=h Аляска Nonref Zone 3 Leather/Fur Accessories LN173=i БЛЕСК Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal 431

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type LN173=j АДВОКАТ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Lawyers Professional LN173=k Рита Nonref Zone 3 Other Repair LN173=l Натали Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal LN173=m Кедр Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage LN173=n AVS-SERVICE Foreign Zone 3 Electronic Repair Clothing/ LN173=o МаМалыш Nonref Zone 3 Children's Accessories Home LN173=p 21 век Nonref Zone 3 Hardware Improvement Home LN185=a МАСТЕР Nonref Zone 3 Hardware Improvement LN185=b ПРОДУКТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage LN185=c СТОЛОВАЯ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Cafeterias Hospitality КАРУСЕЛЬ LN189- МИНИ Hybrid Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage 1=a МАРКЕТ LN189- Health/ АПТЕКА Wysiwyg Zone 3 Pharmacies 1=b Personal СТОК-ЦЕНТР LN189- (магазин Clothing/ Hybrid Zone 3 Family 1=c брендовой Accessories одежды) NA2=a МТС Nonref Zone 5 Mobile Phones Information NA2=b буланже Foreign Zone 5 Restaurants Hospitality Health/ NA2=c AND Foreign Zone 5 Equipment Personal NA2=d МИЛЭЛЬ Nonref Zone 5 Beauty Salons Personal АНТЕНН- NA2=e Semiref Zone 5 Miscellaneous Professional СЕРВИС NA2=f МЕРИДИАН-А Nonref Zone 5 Travel Support KC Group/ Home NI37=a Foreign Zone 2 Other Кей Си Групп Improvement NI43=a KLaUS Café Foreign Zone 2 Cafes Hospitality PALERMO Clothing/ NU12=a (одежда из Foreign Zone 1 Family Accessories Италии) Clothing/ NU12=b Часы Wysiwyg Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories Home NU12=c ДОМ Nonref Zone 1 Other Improvement NU12=d Дом Книги Semiref Zone 1 Books Hobby/Leisure


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type КАМЕННЫЙ NU12=e Nonref Zone 1 Groceries Food/Beverage МОСТ Воздушные NU12=f Semiref Zone 1 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure шары МАСТЕР NU12=g Hybrid Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information МОБИЛ трактир NU16=a Semiref Zone 1 Restaurants Hospitality ЖИЛИ-БЫЛИ NU16=b кофе-сан Foreign Zone 1 Snack Bars Hospitality NU18a=a АкадемкнигА Semiref Zone 1 Books Hobby/Leisure NU18a=b пицца Wysiwyg Zone 1 Cafes Hospitality NU18a=c МЕДСТАР Hybrid Zone 1 Dentists Health Care Home NU18b=a BONiTA Foreign Zone 1 Other Furnishings NU18v=a - К Nonref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate NU18v=o ЧЕРНОЕ NU18v=b Nonref Zone 1 Other Repair БЕЛОЕ Health/ NU18v=c INTEGREE Foreign Zone 1 Beauty Personal STUDIO NU18v=d Foreign Zone 1 Miscellaneous Recreation ExpromT Health/ NU18v=e Арго Nonref Zone 1 Supplements Personal АвтоУспех- NU18v=f Nonref Zone 1 Dealers Autos Томск NU18v=g ПАРТНЕР Nonref Zone 1 Brokers Real Estate Washington Finance/ NU18v=h Group Foreign Zone 1 Investment Insurance International АвтоКредит Finance/ NU18v=i Semiref Zone 1 Loans Сервис Insurance NU18v=j Сувениры + Semiref Zone 1 Gift/Souvenir Miscellaneous (MZ) NU18v=k МАССОВИК Hybrid Zone 1 Construction Construction ЗАТЕЙНИК NU18v=l Sib. Travel Foreign Zone 1 Travel Support NU18v= Health/ AVON Foreign Zone 1 Beauty m Personal дизайн бюро NU18v=n Semiref Zone 1 Interior Design Professional "пчела"


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type COTTON Clothing/ NU18v=o Foreign Zone 1 Denim CLUB Accessories АПТЕЧНЫЙ Health/ NU22=a Wysiwyg Zone 1 Pharmacies ПУНКТ Personal БАР NX7=a Semiref Zone 1 Bars Hospitality ЭКСПРЕСС ГАЗПРОМ- Finance/ NX7=b Semiref Zone 1 Banking БАНК Insurance NX7=c кинОмир Nonref Zone 1 Miscellaneous Recreation SELA wear & Clothing/ NX9=a Foreign Zone 1 Family accessories Accessories ЭЛЬDОРАDО (ГИПЕР- Electronics/ NX10=a МАРКЕТ Hybrid Zone 1 Electronics Appliances ЭЛЕКТРО- НИКИ) NX12=a- ДОМ БЫТА Nonref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate NX12=j №1 NX12=b ДРУГ Nonref Zone 1 Pets Miscellaneous ЦИФРОВОЙ NX12=c Semiref Zone 1 Photofinishing Personal ФОТОСАЛОН NX12=d ФЕЯ Nonref Zone 1 Laundry Personal Clothing/ NX12=e ИНТИМ Nonref Zone 1 Lingerie Accessories Clothing/ NX12=f santi Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories Electronics/ NX12=g ДОБРО Nonref Zone 1 Computers Appliances МАСТЕР Finance/ NX12=h Semiref Zone 1 Loans КРЕДИТ Insurance БЕЛЛ NX12=i Foreign Zone 1 Travel Support СИСТЕМС Для милых Дам/всПышка- Clothing/ NX12=j Nonref Zone 1 Women's ЛИКВИДАЦ- Accessories АЯ товара PG7v=a ГУРМАН Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage PG7v=b БЕТАЛИНК Foreign Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information компьютерные PG7v=c и музыкальные Wysiwyg Zone 2 Media Hobby/Leisure диски CAPTAIN PG7v=d Foreign Zone 2 Casinos Recreation JACK 434

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type PG7v=e пиЛот Nonref Zone 2 Photographers Professional СОЛЕРНО PG8-1=a Foreign Zone 2 Fitness Centers Recreation велнес-клуб PG14- 1=a- ГУМ Semiref Zone 2 Managers Real Estate PG14- ("Новый" ГУМ) 1=dd PG14-1=b PUMA Foreign Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure PG14-1=c Reebok Foreign Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure SportCenter PG14-1=d Foreign Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure (Nike) Clothing/ PG14-1=e LEGIO Foreign Zone 2 Denim Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=f ТВОЕ Nonref Zone 2 Family Accessories СПОРТ- PG14-1=g Semiref Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure ЛАНДИЯ Clothing/ PG14-1=h ЦентрОбувь Semiref Zone 2 Shoes Accessories YUDASHKIN Clothing/ PG14-1=i Foreign Zone 2 Denim JEANS Accessories Health/ PG14-1=j ZiepjuFabrika Foreign Zone 2 Beauty Personal Кожгалантерея/ Clothing/ PG14-1=k Wysiwyg Zone 2 Luggage сумки Accessories Шляпный Clothing/ PG14-1=l Semiref Zone 2 Accessories Коктейль Accessories PG14- Clothing/ GLaNCE Foreign Zone 2 Family 1=m Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=n БланТ Nonref Zone 2 Men's Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=o fresh Foreign Zone 2 Women's Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=p SESTRA Hybrid Zone 2 Women's Accessories Бельевой Clothing/ PG14-1=q Semiref Zone 2 Family трикотаж Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=r Donatto Foreign Zone 2 Men's Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=s Alfred Muller Foreign Zone 2 Men's Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=t Лафаэти Foreign Zone 2 Family Accessories 435

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ PG14-1=u ЕЛЛАДА Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=v Фifa Hybrid Zone 2 Women's Accessories PG14- Clothing/ stayer Foreign Zone 2 Family 1=w Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=x DESAM Foreign Zone 2 Youth Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=y Хорошо! Nonref Zone 2 Family Accessories Clothing/ PG14-1=z SAVAGE Foreign Zone 2 Youth Accessories PG14- Clothing/ Афродита Nonref Zone 2 Formalwear 1=aa Accessories PG14- МУЖСКАЯ Clothing/ Wysiwyg Zone 2 Men's 1=bb ОДЕЖДА Accessories МОНРО PG14- обувной Clothing/ Foreign Zone 2 Shoes 1=cc супермаркет/ Accessories гипермаркет PG14- Adidas Foreign Zone 2 Sports Hobby/Leisure 1=dd PG14b=a- МОДНЫЙ Hybrid Zone 2 Managers Real Estate PG14b=k БАZАР Health/ PG14b=b РИВ ГОШ Hybrid Zone 2 Beauty Personal Clothing/ PG14b=c Снеженна Nonref Zone 2 Leather/Fur Accessories НАСТОЯЩИЕ Clothing/ PG14b=d Semiref Zone 2 Denim ДЖИНСЫ Accessories Clothing/ PG14b=e ДИОЛЬ Nonref Zone 2 Jewelry Accessories Clothing/ PG14b=f ПОДРУГА Nonref Zone 2 Women's Accessories Clothing/ PG14b=g Sinyorita Foreign Zone 2 Formalwear Accessories PG14b=h HOBBY & ART Foreign Zone 2 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure POLSKA Clothing/ PG14b=i MODA Hybrid Zone 2 Women's Accessories (салон Стиль) Clothing/ PG14b=j OGGI Foreign Zone 2 Women's Accessories PG14b=k Орион Nonref Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate 436

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type PK4=a ДИНАСТИЯ Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage PK4=b ТАНГО Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal PK5=a CONNECT… Foreign Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information эксклюзивная Clothing/ PK5=b Hybrid Zone 2 Jewelry Бижутерия Accessories PK7=a каравай Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage Used PK10=a СКУПКА Wysiwyg Zone 3 Miscellaneous Merchandise Херокопия PK10=b Hybrid Zone 3 Copies Support "ТАУЭР" Сибирские PL=a Semiref Zone 1 Cafes Hospitality Блины Урарту КАФЕ PL=b ШАШЛЫЧ- Semiref Zone 1 Cafes Hospitality НАЯ PL=c СВЯЗНОЙ Nonref Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information ПОДОРОЖ- PL=d Nonref Zone 1 Cafes Hospitality НИК АНТОНОВ PL=e Nonref Zone 1 Groceries Food/Beverage ДВОР PL=f АРМАДА Nonref Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information PL=g Евросеть Nonref Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information НАШ PL=h Semiref Zone 1 Groceries Food/Beverage гастроном ЭЛЬDОРАDО PL=i Hybrid Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information салон связи PL=j ультра Nonref Zone 1 Mobile Phones Information Finance/ PL8=a РОСБАНК Semiref Zone 1 Banking Insurance СПУТНИК/ PL8=b Hybrid Zone 1 Travel Support Sputnik Electronics/ PL8=c Hi-Fi ЦЕНТР Hybrid Zone 1 Electronics Appliances Warsteiner/ PL8=d Hybrid Zone 1 Bars Hospitality Варштайнер Electronics/ PL8=e Радио деталИ Semiref Zone 1 Electronics Appliances КОМЕСТРА- Finance/ PL8=f Nonref Zone 1 Insurance ТОМЬ Insurance Спорт сервис PL8=g Semiref Zone 1 Sports Hobby/Leisure центр Cлавянский PL10=a Nonref Zone 1 Restaurants Hospitality базар 437

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type PL11=a- ГАЛЕРЕЯ Nonref Zone 1 Managers Real Estate PL11=y АРКАДА CHESTER Clothing/ PL11=b Foreign Zone 1 Shoes (ENGLAND) Accessories Clothing/ PL11=c SEVENHILL Foreign Zone 1 Family Accessories Clothing/ PL11=d Depeche Mode Foreign Zone 1 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ PL11=e Золотой Ангел Nonref Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories ТРАНСАЭРО- PL11=f Semiref Zone 1 Travel Support СЕРВИС Clothing/ PL11=g aDiLiSK Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories Clothing/ PL11=h OBLOJKA Foreign Zone 1 Family Accessories Итальянская Clothing/ PL11=i Semiref Zone 1 Shoes обувь Accessories PL11=j АМСТЕРДАМ Nonref Zone 1 Casinos Recreation MONDO Clothing/ PL11=k Foreign Zone 1 Men's BAZAAR Accessories O'HARA МИР Clothing/ PL11=l Foreign Zone 1 Family ПУХОВИКОВ Accessories Clothing/ PL11=m Бриллиант-VIP Hybrid Zone 1 Jewelry Accessories ДАМСКОЕ Clothing/ PL11=n Nonref Zone 1 Lingerie СЧАСТЬЕ Accessories Lo Clothing/ PL11=o Foreign Zone 1 Women's (trend by Paris) Accessories Clothing/ PL11=p MiXAGE Foreign Zone 1 Youth Accessories Clothing/ PL11=q LUCKY S3T Foreign Zone 1 Youth Accessories Clothing/ PL11=r Maxim Boutique Foreign Zone 1 Leather/Fur Accessories Clothing/ PL11=s Solo Foreign Zone 1 Leather/Fur Accessories PL11=t Bear'kin family Foreign Zone 1 Hobby/Toy Hobby/Leisure Clothing/ PL11=u ANDALO Foreign Zone 1 Women's Accessories Clothing/ PL11=v PORTFOLIO Foreign Zone 1 Family Accessories


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Clothing/ PL11=w Сэмо Nonref Zone 1 Shoes Accessories Clothing/ PL11=x AstrA Hybrid Zone 1 Women's Accessories МЕХА VITO Clothing/ PL11=y Foreign Zone 1 Leather/Fur PONTI Accessories СИБЛЕС- Home PL11=z Nonref Zone 1 Other СТРОЙ Improvement СБЕРБАНК РОССИИ Finance/ PL12=a Semiref Zone 1 Banking (Основан в Insurance 1841 году) МАГИСТРАТ PL13=a Semiref Zone 1 Hotels Hospitality (ОТЕЛЬ) PL13=b ПАРМЕЗАН Foreign Zone 1 Restaurants Hospitality СИБИРСКОЕ PN2=a Nonref Zone 2 Cafes Hospitality БИСТРО PN2=b Сладkоежkа Hybrid Zone 2 Cafes Hospitality ВЕРХНИЙ PN2=c Semiref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage гастроном СИБИРСКИЙ PN2=d Nonref Zone 2 Bars Hospitality ПАБ Clothing/ PN2=e Вестфалиkа Hybrid Zone 2 Shoes Accessories PS1=a ЧЕМПИОН Nonref Zone 3 Sports Hobby/Leisure PS1=a ДИСКИ Wysiwyg Zone 3 Media Hobby/Leisure PS1=c Эго-В Nonref Zone 3 Beauty Salons Personal PS1=d Ариадна Nonref Zone 3 Brokers Real Estate (ТЦС) Finance/ PS1=e Томский Центр Semiref Zone 3 Insurance Insurance Страхования Home PS1=f НАШИ ОКНА Semiref Zone 3 Other Improvement РИЭЛТ- PS2-7=a Hybrid Zone 3 Brokers Real Estate КОМПЛЕКС НОТАРИУС г. PS2-7=b Semiref Zone 3 Notaries Professional Томска PS3=a "АЛАН" Foreign Zone 3 Auto Repair ООО Finance/ PS4=a "КазЛесИнвест Semiref Zone 3 Miscellaneous Insurance -Томск"


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type ООО "Русско- казахская Finance/ PS4=b Semiref Zone 3 Miscellaneous Лесопромышле Insurance нная компания" PX1=a Цветы для Вас Semiref Zone 2 Florists Miscellaneous PX2-1=a СВЯЗНОЙ Nonref Zone 2 Mobile Phones Information Health/ PX2-1=b Фламинго Nonref Zone 2 Beauty Personal Health/ PX2-1=c витамин Nonref Zone 2 Pharmacies Personal ЖИВЫЕ PX2-2=a Semiref Zone 2 Florists Miscellaneous ЦВЕТЫ Kodak PX2-2=b express/(F) Hybrid Zone 2 Photofinishing Personal ФОТОГРАД ФРУКТЫ/ Food/ PX2-2=c Wysiwyg Zone 2 Groceries ОВОЩИ Beverage АУДИО PX2-3=a Foreign Zone 2 Media Hobby/Leisure ВИДЕО PX2-3=b любимый Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage PX3=a ABC Hybrid Zone 2 Brokers Real Estate PX3=b ВЕГА Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage PX3=c ВЕГА Nonref Zone 2 Bars Hospitality ЦК водителей (Центральные SO37a=a Semiref Zone 2 Automobile Education курсы водителей) ПЛАСТИК- Home SO37a=b Wysiwyg Zone 2 Other ОВЫЕ ОКНА Improvement Health/ SO37a=c agel Foreign Zone 2 Supplements Personal SO37a=d КОПИ ЦЕНТР Hybrid Zone 2 Copies Support РУССКИЙ SO46=a Semiref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage гастроном SO46=b Мясной рядъ Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage СИБИРСКIЙ SO46=c Nonref Zone 3 Groceries Food/Beverage КУПЕЦЪ


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type (ДМ) ДИМЕДИА цифровые технологии/ Electronics/ SO84=a Hybrid Zone 4 Computers супермаркет Appliances компакт-дисков для компьютера SO102=a MERIDIAN Foreign Zone 4 Travel Support Clothing/ SO105=a ИНТИМ Nonref Zone 4 Lingerie Accessories Health/ SO105=b КОМЕТА Nonref Zone 4 Equipment Personal АПТЕЧНЫЙ Health/ SO105=c Wysiwyg Zone 4 Pharmacies ПУНКТ Personal Health/ SO105=d скЭнар Foreign Zone 4 Equipment Personal МЕДИЦИНСК SP10=a Wysiwyg Zone 2 Other Health Care ИЙ ЦЕНТР SP10=b Чайка Nonref Zone 2 Cafes Hospitality SP10=c ЛАВКА Nonref Zone 2 Groceries Food/Beverage SP10=d очарование Nonref Zone 2 Beauty Salons Personal SP10=e 7 вечеров Nonref Zone 2 Restaurants Hospitality ЦЕНТР SP10a=a ДОМАШНЕГО Nonref Zone 2 Pets Miscellaneous ДРУГА SP10a=b ТОП-ДОГ Foreign Zone 2 Pets Miscellaneous SP10a=c ЗАГОТПУНКТ Wysiwyg Zone 2 General General ТОМСК- SP10a=d Semiref Zone 2 Books Hobby/Leisure ПРЕСС Clothing/ SP10a=e ОбувВь Wysiwyg Zone 2 Shoes Accessories (СК) Finance/ SP12=a Сибирский Hybrid Zone 2 Loans Insurance Кредит SP13=a ВДМ Групп Hybrid Zone 2 Construction Construction МОСКОВ- СКИЙ БАНК Finance/ SP13=b Semiref Zone 2 Banking реконструкции Insurance и развития SV6=a vota Foreign Zone 4 Advertising Professional


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Фабрика художественны Home SV6=b Semiref Zone 4 Other х кузнечных Improvement изделии Clothing/ SV13=a Baby Boom Foreign Zone 4 Children's Accessories SV13=b Red Sun Foreign Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal Health/ SV15=a СЕБА Nonref Zone 4 Pharmacies Personal Best Ceramics Home TI21=a СТРОЙ- Foreign Zone 4 Other Improvement МАРКЕТ TV68=a ТВЕРСТОМ Nonref Zone 2 Dentists Health Care UC8=a Парик Мастер Nonref Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal UC8=b солярий Wysiwyg Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal Health/ UC8=c АПТЕКА Wysiwyg Zone 4 Pharmacies Personal UC8=d Креатив Foreign Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal UC8=e высотный Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage ДИСКИ, MP3, UC8=f Hybrid Zone 4 Media Hobby/Leisure DVD Центр UC8=g культуры Hybrid Zone 4 Travel Support СПЭЙС Electronics/ UC8=h ЭЛЕКОМП Semiref Zone 4 Computers Appliances Clothing/ UC8=i Нега Nonref Zone 4 Lingerie Accessories АТЕЛЬЕ UC10=a по ремонту Semiref Zone 4 Other Repair одежды ПАРИКМАХ- UC10=b Wysiwyg Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal ЕРСКАЯ срочный UC11=a Semiref Zone 4 Shoe Repair ремонт обуви АТЕЛЬЕ UC12=a по ремонту Semiref Zone 4 Other Repair одежды UC12=b "Селена" Nonref Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal Electronics/ UC15=a ЭЛКАС Nonref Zone 4 Electronics Appliances


APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type СРОЧНЫЙ UC15=b РЕМОНТ Semiref Zone 4 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ UC15=c ЛигА Nonref Zone 4 Appliance Repair UC15=d ПЯТНАШКА Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage ТОВАРЫ ДЛЯ UC15=e Wysiwyg Zone 4 General General ДОМА UC15=f casino metropol Foreign Zone 4 Bars Hospitality UC17=a ГУРМАН Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage UC17(k)= ЗАХОДИ! Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage a РЕМОНТ UC18=a Wysiwyg Zone 4 Shoe Repair ОБУВИ Лето (Центр подготовки к UC18=b Semiref Zone 4 Other Health Care рождению ребенка) UC18=c ПЧЁЛКА Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage По Карману UC18=d (магазин Nonref Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage низких цен) UC20=a Диана Nonref Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal Clothing/ UC20=b CLASSIC Foreign Zone 4 Shoes Accessories UC26=a Le Delice Foreign Zone 4 Beauty Salons Personal UC35g=a Миндаль Nonref Zone 4 Restaurants Hospitality Health/ UC35g=b Живая Аптека Semiref Zone 4 Pharmacies Personal Электрокабель- Home UC35g=c Semiref Zone 4 Hardware Сибирь Improvement UC35g=d Help Foreign Zone 4 Dentists Health Care UC35g=e SkyTecClub Foreign Zone 4 Fitness Centers Recreation UC35g=f Буланжери Foreign Zone 4 Snack Bars Hospitality (TWC) Томская UC37=a Водяная Hybrid Zone 4 Miscellaneous Food/Beverage Компания Овощи Фрукты UC37=b Wysiwyg Zone 4 Groceries Food/Beverage (магазин №2) UC37=c Мастер fashion Hybrid Zone 4 Other Repair GooD OK/ UC37=d Hybrid Zone 4 Other Education ГУДОК UC37a=a- NETTOWN Foreign Zone 4 Managers Real Estate UC37a=g 443

APPENDIX A File Business Name Business Business Zone Number Name Type Subtype Type Finance/ UC37a=b СОГЛАСИЕ Nonref Zone 4 Insurance Insurance UC37a=c ON travel Foreign Zone 4 Travel Support Electronics/ UC37a=d АНТАРЕС Foreign Zone 4 Electronics Appliances UC37a=e АДВОКАТЫ Wysiwyg Zone 4 Lawyers Professional UC37a=f МИР Nonref Zone 4 Travel Support Home UC37a=g Евростиль Nonref Zone 4 Other Improvement SECOND Used US3=a Foreign Zone 4 Miscellaneous HAND Merchandise Home US3=b ОКНА.RU Hybrid Zone 4 Other Improvement US3=c jam Foreign Zone 4 Restaurants Hospitality





APPENDIX B NAICS NAICS Code Description Code Description (2- or 3- (6-digit) Digit) Support Activities for Oil and 213112 Gas Operations 22 Utilities Gasoline Stations with 44711015 Convenience Stores Commercial and Institutional 23 Construction 236220 Building Construction All Other Mother Vehicle 441229 Motor Vehicle and Dealers 441 Parts Dealers Automotive Parts and 441310 Accessories Stores 442110 Furniture Stores 442210 Floor Covering Stores Furniture and Home 442 442291 Window Treatment Stores Furnishings Stores All Other Home Furnishings 442299 Stores 443111 Household Appliance Stores Electronics and Radio, Television and Other 443 443112 Appliance Stores Electronics Stores 443120 Computer and Software Stores 444120 Paint and Wallpaper Stores Building Material and 444130 Hardware Stores 444 Garden Equipment and 444190 Other Building Material Stores Supplies Dealers Nursery, Garden Center, and 444220 Farm Supply Stores Supermarkets and Other 445110 Grocery (except Convenience) Food and Beverage Stores 445 Stores All Other Specialty Food 445299 Stores 445310 Beer, Wine and Liquor Stores

15 In order to keep the number of business types manageable and have a sufficient number of items in each type, I have moved a few solitary NAICS subtypes into a closely related type. For that reason, there are a few places where the NAICS subtype code does not have the same initial digits as the other subtype codes within that type.


APPENDIX B NAICS NAICS Code Description Code Description (2- or 3- (6-digit) Digit) Medical, Dental, and Hospital 423450 Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 446110 Pharmacies and Drug Stores Health and Personal 446 Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, Care Stores 446120 and Perfume Stores 446130 Optical Goods Stores Food (Health) Supplement 446191 Stores 448110 Men‘s Clothing Stores 448120 Women‘s Clothing Children‘s and Infant‘s 448130 Clothing Stores 448140 Family Clothing Stores Clothing and Clothing 448 448150 Clothing Accessories Stores Accessories Stores 448190 Other Clothing Stores 448210 Shoe Stores 448310 Jewelry Stores Luggage and Leather Goods 448320 Stores 451110 Sporting Goods Stores 451120 Hobby, Toy, and Game Stores Sporting Goods, Sewing, Needlework, and 451130 451 Hobby, Book and Piece Good Stores Music Stores 451211 Book Stores Prerecorded Tape, Compact 451220 Disc, and Record Stores Department Stores (except 452111 General Merchandise Discount Department Stores) 452 Stores All Other General 452990 Merchandise Stores 453110 Florists Office Supplies and Stationery 453210 Miscellaneous Store Stores 453 Retailers Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir 453220 Stores 453310 Used Merchandise Stores 447

APPENDIX B NAICS NAICS Code Description Code Description (2- or 3- (6-digit) Digit) 453910 Pet and Pet Supplies Stores 511120 Periodical Publishers Wired Telecommunications 517110 Carriers 51 Information Wireless Telecommunications 517210 Carriers (except Satellite) 519190 All Other Information Services 52 Finance and Insurance 522110 Commercial Banking Mortgage and Nonmortgage 522310 Loan Brokers Miscellaneous Financial 523999 Investment Activities Insurance Agencies and 524210 Brokerages Offices of Real Estate Agents 531210 and Brokers 531 Real Estate Nonresidential Property 531312 Managers 541110 Offices of Lawyers 541120 Offices of Notaries 541410 Interior Design Services Professional, Scientific Other Management Consulting 541 541618 and Technical Services Services 541810 Advertising Agencies 541820 Public Relations Agencies 541921 Photography Studios, Portrait Employment Placement 561311 Agencies Other Business Service 561439 Centers (including Copy Shops) Administrative and 561 561510 Travel Agencies Support Services Security Guards and Patrol 561612 Services Security Systems Services 561621 (except Locksmiths) 561910 Packaging and Labeling 448

APPENDIX B NAICS NAICS Code Description Code Description (2- or 3- (6-digit) Digit) Services 611692 Automobile Driving Schools 611 Educational Services All Other Miscellaneous 611699 Schools and Instruction 621210 Offices of Dentists Ambulatory Health Offices of All Other 621 Care Services 621399 Miscellaneous Health Practitioners Amusement, Gambling, 713210 Casinos (except Casino Hotels) 713 and Recreation Fitness and Recreational 713940 Industries Sports Centers Hotels (except Casino Hotels) 721110 and Motels 722110 Full-Service Restaurants 722211 Limited-Service Restaurants Accommodation and Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and 72 722212 Food Services Buffets Snack and Nonalcoholic 722213 Beverage Bars Drinking Places (Alcoholic 722410 Beverages) 811111 General Automotive Repair 811211 Consumer Electronics Computer and Office Machine 811212 Repair and Maintainance Appliance Repair and Repair and 811412 811 Maintenance Maintenance Footwear and Leather Goods 811430 Repair Other Personal and Household 811490 Goods Repair and Maintenance 812112 Beauty Salons Funeral Homes and Funeral Personal and Laundry 812210 812 Services Services Drycleaning and Laundry 812320 Services (except Coin- 449

APPENDIX B NAICS NAICS Code Description Code Description (2- or 3- (6-digit) Digit) Operated) 812922 One-Hour Photofinishing





APPENDIX C NAICS NAICS Abbreviated Type Abbreviated Subtype Code Code 213112 Support 447110 Gas Stations 22 Utilities 16 999999 Miscellaneous 17 23 Construction 236220 Construction 441229 Dealers 441 Autos 441310 Auto Parts 442110 Furniture 442210 Floor Coverings 442 Home Furnishings 442291 Window Treatments 442299 Other 443111 Appliances 443 Electronics/Appliances 443112 Electronics 443120 Computers 444120 Paint/Wallpaper 444130 Hardware 444 Home Improvement 444190 Other 444220 Nurseries 445110 Groceries 445 Food/ Beverage 445299 Specialty Foods 445310 Liquor 423450 Equipment 446110 Pharmacies 446 Health/Personal 446120 Beauty Supplies 446130 Optical 446191 Health Supplements 448110 Men‘s 448 Clothing/Accessories 448120 Women‘s 448120a Lingerie

16 In order to keep the number of business types manageable and have a sufficient number of items in each type, I have moved a few solitary NAICS subtypes into a closely related type. For that reason, there are a few places where the NAICS subtype code does not have the same initial digits as the other subtype codes within that type.

17 Italicized categories indicate categories where I have subdivided NAICS subtypes in order to create distinctions that I felt were necessary or added a miscellaneous category to contain items that did not fit well into any other subtype. 452

APPENDIX C NAICS NAICS Abbreviated Type Abbreviated Subtype Code Code 448130 Children‘s 448140 Family 448140a Discount 448140b Youth 448150 Accessories 448190 Leather/Fur 448190a Denim 448190b Formalwear 448210 Shoes 448310 Jewelry 448320 Luggage 451110 Sports 451120 Hobby/Toy 451 Hobby/Leisure 451130 Sewing/Fabric 451211 Books 451220 Media 452111 Department Stores 452 General 452990 General 453110 Florists 453210 Stationery 453 Miscellaneous 453220 Gift/Souvenir 453310 Used Merchandise 453910 Pets 511120 Periodicals 517110 Telephones 51 Information 517210 Mobile Phones 519910 Other 999999 Miscellaneous 522110 Banking 522310 Loans 52 Finance/Insurance 523999 Investment 524210 Insurance 999999 Miscellaneous 531210 Brokers 531 Real Estate 531312 Managers 541110 Lawyers 541 Professional 541120 Notaries 541410 Interior Design


APPENDIX C NAICS NAICS Abbreviated Type Abbreviated Subtype Code Code 541618 Consulting 541810 Advertising 541820 PR 541921 Photographers 999999 Miscellaneous 561311 Employment 561439 Copies 561510 Travel 561 Support 561612 Security Guards 561621 Security Systems 561910 Packaging 999999 Miscellaneous 611692 Driving 611 Education 611699 Other 621210 Dentists 621 Health Care 621399 Other 713210 Casinos 713 Recreation 713490 Fitness Centers 999999 Miscellaneous 721110 Hotels 722110 Full-Service 722211 Limited-Service 72 Hospitality 722212 Cafeterias 722213 Snack Bars 722410 Bars 811111 Auto 811211 Electronic 811212 Computer 811 Repair 811412 Appliance 811430 Shoe 811490 Other 999999 Miscellaneous 812112 Beauty Salons 812210 Funeral Services 812 Personal 812320 Laundry 812922 Photofinishing





APPENDIX D Business Subtype Foreign Hybrid Total (Business Type) Consulting 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% (Professional) PR 25.00% 75.00% 100.00% (Professional) Dealers 50.00% 25.00% 75.00% (Autos) Denim 55.00% 20.00% 75.00% (Clothing/Accessories) Advertising 66.67% 0.00% 66.67% (Professional) Other 50.00% 16.67% 66.67% (Information) Paint/Wallpaper 33.33% 33.33% 66.66% (Home Improvement) Media 17.39% 47.83% 65.22% (Hobby/Leisure) Electronics 26.32% 36.84% 63.16% (Electronics/Appliances) Discount 12.50% 50.00% 62.50% (Clothing/Accessories) Youth 50.00% 12.50% 62.50% (Clothing/Accessories) Computers 34.78% 26.09% 60.87% (Electronics/Appliances) Copies 30.00% 30.00% 60.00% (Support) Interior Design 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% (Professional) Travel 28.57% 30.95% 59.52% (Support) Miscellaneous 42.86% 14.29% 57.15% (Support)


APPENDIX D Business Subtype Foreign Hybrid Total (Business Type) Women‘s 37.68% 17.39% 55.07% (Clothing/Accessories) Beauty 40.00% 13.33% 53.33% (Health/Personal) Miscellaneous 13.33% 40.00% 53.33% (Professional) Bars 31.58% 21.05% 52.63% (Hospitality) Family 43.68% 8.77% 52.45% (Clothing/Accessories) Men‘s 33.33% 18.52% 51.85% (Clothing/Accessories) Casinos 32.14% 17.86% 50.00% (Recreation) Gas Stations 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% (Utilities) Investment 25.00% 25.00% 50.00% (Finance/Insurance) Miscellaneous 0.00% 50.00% 50.00% (Utilities) Snack Bars 41.67% 8.33% 50.00% (Hospitality) Sports 41.67% 8.33% 50.00% (Hobby/Leisure) Pets 36.36% 9.09% 45.45% (Miscellaneous) Restaurants 33.33% 12.12% 45.45% (Hospitality) Used Merchandise 25.00% 20.00% 45.00% (Miscellaneous) Laundry 42.86% 0.00% 42.86% (Personal)


APPENDIX D Business Subtype Foreign Hybrid Total (Business Type) Other 14.29% 28.57% 42.86% (Education) Photofinishing 23.08% 19.23% 42.31% (Personal) Shoes 26.92% 15.38% 42.30% (Clothing/Accessories) Beauty Salons 33.33% 7.89% 41.22% (Personal) Equipment 27.27% 9.90% 37.17% (Health/Personal) Construction 18.18% 18.18% 36.36% (Construction) Telephone 0.00% 36.36% 36.36% (Information) Furniture 13.79% 22.41% 36.20% (Home Furnishings) Optical 10.00% 25.00% 35.00% (Health/Personal) Leather/Fur 22.41% 12.07% 34.48% (Clothing/Accessories) Cellular 18.00% 16.00% 34.00% (Information) Loans 6.67% 26.67% 33.34% (Finance/Insurance) Computer 0.00% 33.33% 33.33% (Repair) Brokers 5.88% 26.47% 32.35% (Real Estate) Children‘s 15.38% 15.38% 30.76% (Clothing/Accessories) Electronic 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% (Repair)


APPENDIX D Business Subtype Foreign Hybrid Total (Business Type) Hardware 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% (Home Improvement) Pharmacies 10.26% 17.95% 28.21% (Health/Personal) Dentists 5.56% 22.22% 27.78% (Health Care) Liquor 0.00% 26.67% 26.67% (Food/Beverage) Jewelry 11.63% 13.95% 25.58% (Clothing/Accessories) Driving 25.00% 0.00% 25.00% (Education) Fitness Centers 25.00% 0.00% 25.00% (Recreation) Hotels 12.50% 12.50% 25.00% (Hospitality) Miscellaneous 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% (Finance/Insurance) Other 18.75% 6.25% 25.00% (Health Care) Other 7.81% 17.19% 25.00% (Home Improvement) Supplements 25.00% 0.00% 25.00% (Health/Personal) Window Treatments 0.00% 25.00% 25.00% (Home Furnishings) Hobby/Toy 15.38% 7.69% 23.07% (Hobby/Leisure) Accessories 22.22% 0.00% 22.22% (Clothing/Accessories) Appliances 11.11% 11.11% 22.22% (Electronics/Appliances)


APPENDIX D Business Subtype Foreign Hybrid Total (Business Type) Auto 22.22% 0.00% 22.22% (Repair) Luggage 14.29% 7.14% 21.43% (Clothing/Accessories) General 10.00% 10.00% 20.00% (General) Lingerie 4.00% 16.00% 20.00% (Clothing/Accessories) Miscellaneous 20.00% 0.00% 20.00% (Recreation) Photographers 20.00% 0.00% 20.00% (Professional) Sewing/Fabric 10.00% 10.00% 20.00% (Hobby/Leisure) Support 20.00% 0.00% 20.00% (Utilities) Cafes 9.09% 9.09% 18.18% (Hospitality) Auto Parts 5.56% 11.11% 16.67% (Autos) Department Stores 0.00% 16.67% 16.67% (General) Gift/Souvenir 0.00% 16.67% 16.67% (Miscellaneous) Specialty 0.00% 16.67% 16.67% (Food/Beverage) Formalwear 8.33% 8.33% 16.66% (Clothing/Accessories) Managers 9.30% 6.98% 16.28% (Real Estate) Employment 12.50% 0.00% 12.50% (Support)


APPENDIX D Business Subtype Foreign Hybrid Total (Business Type) Banking 2.78% 8.33% 11.11% (Finance/Insurance) Books 5.00% 5.00% 10.00% (Hobby/Leisure) Floor Coverings 10.00% 0.00% 10.00% (Home Furnishings) Florists 10.00% 0.00% 10.00% (Miscellaneous) Lawyers 4.76% 4.76% 9.52% (Professional) Groceries 6.73% 1.92% 8.65% (Food/Beverage) Insurance 0.00% 8.33% 8.33% (Finance/Insurance) Other 5.88% 0.00% 5.88% (Home Furnishings) Other 0.00% 3.45% 3.45% (Repair) Shoe 3.33% 0.00% 3.33% (Repair) Appliance 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Repair) Cafeterias 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Hospitality) Funeral Services 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Personal) Miscellaneous 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Information) Miscellaneous 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Repair) Notaries 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Professional)


APPENDIX D Business Subtype Foreign Hybrid Total (Business Type) Nurseries 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Home Improvement) Packaging 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Support) Periodicals 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Information) Security Guards 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Support) Security Systems 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Support) Stationery 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% (Miscellaneous)