Mafex corporate magazine Spanish Railway Association

Issue 11. May 2017

Urban transport systems in Canada The country commits itself regarding the rails and tramways in big cities with the largest investments in history.

DESTINATION: MAFEX INFORMS INTERVIEW: JUAN ALFARO The railway network, a priority in the The General Board of Mafex approves ’s President presents the Sixth Five-Year Investment Plan. the “Strategic Plan 2017-2020”. company’s future plans.

MAFEX ◗ Table of Contents

ALL THESE ARE PREPARED FOR TH / EDITORIAL THE 6 INTERNATIONAL RAILWAY 05 CONVENTION The Convention will be held, on this 06 / MAFEX INFORMS occasion, in Valencia, from the 17 to GANTREX, MAFEX’S NEW PARTNER the 23 of June. After five editions, The Association continues to grow it has become one of the most with all leading companies, such as important events in the railway sector. Gantrex.

SURVEY MISSION TO AND 12 / MEMBERS NEWS KUWAIT The objective of this displacement was to reach a greater degree of 22 / INTERVIEW knowledge of the railway investment level in the area. JUAN ALFARO President of Renfe Operadora. 26 / DESTINATION IRAN WILL DOUBLE ITS RAILWAY NETWORK UNTIL 2021 The objective is to enhance the geostrategic location of the country as a transit route and make Iran a reference logistics center, as well as to increase the rail systems in cities.

50 / IN DEPTH MAFEX TRAVELS TO ARGENTINA RAILWAY URBAN TRANSPORTATION AND URUGUAY SYSTEMS IN CANADA A delegation of Spanish companies traveled with Mafex to both The railway infrastructure associated countries from 20 to 24 of March. with urban transport projects, especially , will grow at a rate of 5.1% until 2025. POSITIVE BALANCE OF RAIL The trade fair has served to strengthen the presence of the associated companies in a strategic area for internationalization purposes.

THE ASSOCIATION ATTENDS UITP AND IRAN RAIL EXPO 2017 The activity program for 2017 includes the participation in key trade fairs such as UITP and Iran Rail Expo. HOSTS THE GENERAL 62 / INNOVATION ASSEMBLY OF MAFEX 2017 MAFEX PARTNERS PRESENT THEIR The Association’s Strategic Plan 2017- LATEST DEVELOPMENTS 2020" was presented and approved. The event included a review of the MEMEBER'S DIRECTORY last exercise. 72 /

MAFEX 3 WE MOVE CITIES and The Evolution of Mobility are trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. BOMBARDIER Come and visit us at UITP, stand 2J100

Our smart mobility solutions keep people moving - safely, quickly and comfortably. In a rapidly changing environment we are continuously creating better ways to move the world, expanding and connecting cities, communities and cultures.

At Bombardier we move cities - together.

#WeMoveCities MAFEX ◗ Editorial

Urban railway transport: a firm commitment in Canada and the world

Dear friends, in the Middle East Rail Trade Fair from Dubai. An The commitment to the railway as a sustainable, extensive agenda that will continue this month efficient and high capacity urban transport means with the participation in the UITP international is one of the priority objectives of many countries, public transport exhibition in Canada and in the including Canada. The tramway, light rail and Expo Rail Trade Fair from Iran. This section also commuter networks are among the federal and summarizes the Association’s General Assembly in regional investment projects, as reflected in the 2017, which analyzed the profits of the last year section Infrastructure Plans, such as the "New activities, as well as the progress of the different Building Canada Plan". Details of the great working committees. In addition, the Association's breakthrough regarding this communication Strategic Plan 2017-2020 was presented and means in Canada, a priority market for the Spanish approved. A document intended to serve as a guide pioneering railway industry, can be found in the to establish the action lines for the achievement Section "In Depth". of the representation, external promotion and Issue 11 of Mafex’s magazine also includes an article competitiveness improvement objectives of the on Iran’s railway sector. This transport means plays a industry. very important role among the "Priority Investment It also reports on the latest contracts and Projects" of the "Sixth Five-Year Plan 2016-2021" innovations of 13 associated companies, as well as approved by the Iranian Government. It aims to seven new technological advances. All these, in the enhance the geostrategic location of the country Sections "News about partners" and "Innovation", as a transit route, making Iran a reference logistics respectively. center and promoting a better integration. Added A special mention deserves the interview granted to that is the information on the projects carried by the current President of Renfe, Juan Alfaro out by Spanish companies in the region, a strategic Grande, to Mafex’s Magazine. It analyzes the area where the presence of these companies has Company’s main challenges and the objectives on experienced a strong growth in recent years. medium term, as well as the future plans. The Section "Mafex Reports" includes the latest Once again we hope to provide a varied content, activities of the Association, such as the survey with information of your interest and bring you mission to Egypt and Kuwait, the trade delegation closer to the varied news of a thriving railway to Argentina and Uruguay and the participation sector.

MANAGEMENT: MAFEX. MAFEX STRATEGY AND COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE: Albatros, Alstom Transporte, ArcelorMittal, Bombardier España, CAF Signalling, Idom, Indra Sistemas, Ingeteam, La Farga Lacambra, Patentes , Siemens España, Thales España and Stadler Rail Valencia S.A.U.. ADMINISTRATION: [email protected]. ADVERTISING: [email protected]. SUBSCRIPTIONS: comu- [email protected] . Mafex magazine is not responsible for the opinions, images, texts and works of authors and readers that will be legally responsible for their content. It is understood that the signing authors have given their consent to be included, for which he or she will be responsible. Also, the magazine is not responsible for typographical errors contained in the original documents submitted by the authors.

MAFEX 5 MAFEX reports Gantrex, new Mafex partner


antrex Spain, S.A. joined Mafex as a new partner. Ac- Gcording to the Company’s CEO, Alberto Beraza, being part of the Association is a positive step towards Gantrex’s presence reinfor- cement in the railway industry, whi- The Company has participated in numerous railway projects. le contributing in its development within the national and international track fastening systems market. line of flexible fastening systems for environment.” A wide portfolio of products with and tramway lines. multiple solutions both for railway Its extensive product range inclu- Rail track fastening systems workshops or embedded track ran- des all types of rails, metal sleepers, The Company is one of the main ges, port solutions, logistic fleets fastening clips, rubber pads, pillars, world leaders in the special rail and private facilities, and its own recycled rubber rail fastening sys- tems, polyurethane rail fastening systems and hydraulic buffers. Furthermore, it should be empha- sized that Gantrex Spain is conso- lidated as one of the international leaders in this field, due to its capa- city to provide comprehensive pro- posals to its clients, which cover the entire life cycle of a project, since the design phase and to produc- tion, supply and turnkey installa- tion.

Projects Among the numerous projects be- longing to Gantrex Spain, we can mention its participation in the ADIF networks, Metro, Gra- nada light tramway, Santiago de Chile Metro, and the Algeciras and Gantex is leader in the special rail track fastening systems market. Valencia Port.

6 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News

Mafex’s survey mission to Egypt and Kuwait


he objective of this mission was to reach a greater degree T of knowledge regarding the railway investment level in the area, Mafex meeting with directors of Metro. and to make the high capacity of the Spanish sector in the implemen- included a visit to the railways of track modernization in order to tation and coordination of trans- Egypt, Egyptian National Railways strengthen both the freight and port projects known. In Egypt, the (ENR). There, the track renovation, passengers transport. The network working agenda started with the new rolling stock and high-speed linking Nasseb (Saudi Arabia) to officers of the authority holding the network plans were discussed. the City of Kuwait, which is part Cairo Metro, the National Authority of the GCC railway linking project, For Tunnels (NAT). In this meeting, Kuwait was also discussed. Another issue the ongoing projects and future In Kuwait, together with senior was the improvement of urban plans were analyzed. Among them, officials of the Kuwait Authority transport in the capital through a L1’s rehabilitation, expansion of the for Partnerships Projects (KAPP), rail network. All projects in which lines 3, 4 and L5 and L6 branches. large portfolio projects were stu- the Spanish railway industry is very The round of institutional contacts died in detail. Among them, the interested. Mafex travels to Argentina and Uruguay

delegation of Spanish com- THE MAIN RAILWAY AGENCIES OF ARGENTINA AND URUGUAY panies traveled with Mafex SHOW A GREAT INTEREST FOR THE SPANISH RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY. Ain the month of March to Argentina and Uruguay. During the Spanish representatives met with senior officials of Metrovias. first stage of the displacement, the Spanish representatives met with senior officials of the Administración de Trenes Argentinos Infraestructura (ADIFSE), Trenes Argentinos Ope- raciones (SOFSE) and members of the Ministry of Planning (Ministry of Transport). Likewise, the wor- king agenda included meetings with Subterráneos de Buenos Aires, Me- trovías and Trenes Argentinos Car- gas, among others. interest the Spanish railway dele- to 14,187 million dollars (13,200 gation. This delegation was under- million Euros). In its turn, Uruguay Uruguay taken at a key moment in boosting also plans to recover the railway, to In Uruguay, the Administración de the railway as a transport means strengthen multimodal links and Ferrocarriles del Estado (AFE), CFU in both countries. On one hand, to promote freight transport and and the Ministry of Transport and Argentina plans an investment in modernization of existing infras- Public Works received with great this sector until 2023, amounting tructures.

MAFEX 7 MAFEX reports

Positive balance resulting from the participation in Middle East Rail 2017

he Spanish Railway Associa- POSITIVE PROFIT RESULTING FROM THE SPANISH PARTICIPATION IN tion participated once again THE MOST IMPORTANT RAILWAY EXHIBITION OF THE REGION. Tin the Middle East 2017 trade fair, from Dubai (United Arab Emi- rates). Aquafrisch, Arcelormittal Comercial Profiles España, Cons- trucciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarri- les (CAF), Implaser, TYPSA Técnicas y Proyectos and SENER Ingeniería y Sistemas companies represented Spain, under Mafex.

Results The results of the exhibition were positive for the Spanish participa- tion in the most important railway exhibition in the region. At pre- sent, the solutions of the Spanish railway industry are already im- plemented in the main networks, both metropolitan and medium and long distances, of the Middle East. For this reason, several players in the sector, such as Mafex, are wor- king to strengthen the presence of these companies in the planned transport programs and the trade relations. It should be recalled that, in the GCC region, an investment of 350 billion dollars (328,000 M€) is planned for the next ten years in order to boost the railway infras- tructure. Middle East Rail has become an In the image above, Mafex’s stand in the latest edition of Middle East Rail. essential professional platform for the sector. The example is parti- cularly focused on products and services related to engineering We participate in the UITP and ExpoRail and construction, rolling stock, Iran trade fairs signaling, safety, communications, The Spanish railway industry will be present in two key trade fairs for the operations, maintenance and in- sector worldwide: the UITP public transport systems trade fair to be held tegration of systems. It involves in Canada from 15 to 17 of May and the Rail Expo trade fair from Iran, the participation of government which will take place on the same dates, in . authorities, representatives of Both platforms will count on a significant presence of Spanish compa- transport organizations and nu- nies under Mafex, official organizer of the Spanish pavilion, which will merous suppliers from around the occupy around 150 m2 in Teheran and 145 m2 in Montreal. world.

8 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News

All these are prepared for the 6th International Railway Convention

he organization of the "6th As in previous years, the program meetings and technical presenta- Mafex International Railway that has been developed for this tions specific to certain countries T Convention" is in progress. sixth edition includes individual that contribute to fostering the This biennial event will take place meetings between Spanish railway contact between the Spanish in- in the City of Valencia, from the companies and more than 50 in- dustry and representatives from di- 17 to the 23 of June of 2017. The ternational railway authorities and fferent countries. The Convention large number of international par- companies, as well as the possibi- will be supported by ICEX España ticipants, as well as the extensive lity of participating in technical vi- Exportación e Inversiones and the program of technical presentations sits to facilities and different points Ministry of Economy, Industry and has made this convention one of of interest of the Spanish railway Competitiveness, as well as the the most important events in the sector. There will also be other Ministry of Development, Adif, railway sector in Spain. parallel events, such as the lunch Renfe, Alamys and Unife.

MAFEX 9 MAFEX reports

Madrid host the General Assembly of Mafex 2017

adrid was the host of the General Assembly of MMafex 2017, held last April 6th at the premises of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organi- zations (CEOE). The event opened with the words of welcome by Javier Calderón, Executive of Companies and Organizations of CEOE and the intervention of the Vice President of CEOE, Antonio Garamendi. At the meeting, which was atten- ded by representatives and exe- cutives of the majority of the 71 companies associated with Mafex, the "Strategic Plan of the Associa- tion 2017-2020" was presented and approved. A detailed report the competitiveness of the associa- Mafex in the sector and the fact that outlines the strategic objec- ted companies, together with the that it still occupies the top position tives of the Association, future provision of a strategy that ensures of a total of 92 Spanish exporting guidelines and work lines in which the operational and financial viabi- associations, representing 85% of the Association will pay special at- lity of the Association, will be the Spanish railway exports, not only tention in the next four years. The main challenges of Mafex until the regarding the representativeness intensification of the railway sector 2020. levels, but also in relation to the representation works, the impro- A year later, the meeting also activities developed and the service vement of internationalization and highlighted the important role of capacity in the industry.

10 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News

The 2016 foreign promotion ac- companies close to the railway tion plan’s profit was also presen- bodies and companies from more ted during the General Assembly, than 40 countries. with positive figures, especially Likewise, special attention should due to the high participation in be given to the presentation of trade fairs, such as Innotrans, the works carried out by the Ma- with more than 50 Spanish exhi- nagement, Communication and bitors. Internationalization Committees, Other initiatives, such as the trade as well as the consolidation of the delegations to Iran, Brazil, Peru, Competitiveness Committee, an Chile, Denmark, Sweden or cou- area highly demanded by the rail- ntries in the Middle East, among way SMEs. others have been added. Spe- Finally, the presentations regarding cial attention is also given to the the integration of three new com- conference on "Business Oppor- panies in Mafex earlier this year, tunities in the Railway Sector of Icon Multimedia, Gantrex Spain Rolling Stock Suppliers, Manufac- and Tecnivial should be mentio- turers, Chairpersons and Integra- ned. tors" and the second conference Finally, the event ended with a on "Business Opportunities in cocktail in which the representati- Urban Public Transport Systems: ves of the participating companies rails, tramways and commuters", had an opportunity to exchange which together with the rest of views on the general situation of the

At the meeting the "Strategic Plan of the Association activities brought more than 230 Spanish and international railway 2017-2020" was presented and approved. participating Spanish railway sector.


Technical seminars in Electric hazards and Electrical safety in Railway environment GRUPO ELEKTRA With a view to improve and provide technical solutions in railway, past March 8th in Valektra facilities and organized by Grupo Elektra took place “Technical seminars in Elec- tric hazards and Electrical safety in Railway environment”, in both sessions were presented legislation and regulations, practical cases and railway card line. This session was made possible with the invaluable support of SBI, CATU, Cegers, close collaborators of Grupo Elektra in terms of Safety and Industrial PPE's. The session was a great success. A integrator companies. The end of tunity the share different opinions total of 40 people assisted on be- the session was occasion to enjoy a and experiences about subjects dis- half of railway administrations and lunch where it was took the oppor- cussed in the sessions.

The powerful locomotives will be locomotive with impressive perfor- Stadler to supply ten used in freight transport services mance, both in diesel and in electri- EURODUAL locomotives for in the German network combining cal mode, available in different con- HVLE in Germany both 15kV AC and 25 kV AC elec- figurations, gauges and overhead STADLER RAIL VALENCIA tric and diesel operating modes. voltages. The modular platform The Spanish Division of Stadler and HVLE becomes the launch customer also offers a wide range of different German rail freight operator Have- of the new generation of six-axle power in diesel mode to adequately lländische Eisenbahn (HVLE) have bi-mode locomotives developed by meet individual customers’ needs. announced a purchase agreement Stadler for the European market The versatile locomotive platform is for the supply of ten six-axle EURO- who is currently supplying four-axle designed for freight and passenger DUAL locomotives in German con- bi-mode locomotives Class 88 to mainline applications, at speeds of figuration and a corresponding full British operator Direct Rail Services up to 160 km/h, on electrified and service maintenance agreement. Stadler’s EURODUAL is a bi-mode non-electrified lines.

12 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News

CETEST will deliver instrumented wheelsets to Kawasaki CETEST CETEST signed an agreement with Kawasaki to supply Instrumented Wheelsets for M9 truck for Long Island Rail Roads. This wheelset ins- trumentation (based in a patented advanced methodology) is calibrated in static and rolling conditions, that provides a more accurate solution to- gether with shorter lead times. They have been used for vehicle homolo- gation tests up to 215 mph. In Nor- th America, CETEST has tested with instrumented wheelsets (AMTRAK Viewliner I and Viewliner II) under su- pervision of the FRA representatives.

COMSA extends its railway Chaco. With the awarding of these and Pampa del Infierno in the pro- portfolio in Latin America contracts, the construction com- vince of Chaco. The contract also in- with new contracts in pany confirms its growth trend in cludes the supply of 80,000 tonnes Argentina international markets with high de- of ballast, the mechanised treatment COMSA mand for the construction and mo- of an additional 36 kilometres of COMSA has seen its activity in Ar- dernisation of infrastructure. track, and the renovation of nine le- gentina strengthened with five new The country’s Rail Infrastructure Ma- vel crossings and the stations of Los contracts for the conservation and nager has selected COMSA, opera- Frentones, Pampa del Infierno and improvement of tracks belonging ting in consortium, for the renewal Concepción del Bermejo. to the General Belgrano Railway in of more than 25 kilometres of track In the province of Santa Fe, COM- the provinces of Santa Fe, Salta and between the towns of Los Frentones SA will modernise a 23-kilometre rail link between the municipalities of Rosario and Luis Palacios, which will involve the laying of more than 18,000 sleepers and 11,500 tonnes of ballast. It will also carry out the upgrading of twenty level crossings and part of the sewerage system of the section. Meanwhile, ADIF Argentina has also entrusted the company to carry out the replace- ment of track in the railway bridges of Arroyo Serodino, Monje, Bragado and Arroyo Matadero, located in the same province. Additionally, the company will exe- cute the rail replacement on four bridges that belong to C12 and C18 branch line in the province of Salta and will carry out the construction project to strengthen five additio- nal bridges. The total value of these contracts amounts to 23.4 million Euros.


Arteche adapts its factory Medina and Meca. The new factory world’s leading trade fair for the to fit the railway sector layout answers to the expansion of sector, InnoTrans, of the new front needs the Arteche railway sector product connection spring socket product ARTECHE range after the presentation, at the line. The Arteche group, in accordance to its continuous improvement policy, has tailored the factory where it ma- nufactures, checks and validates the full range of auxiliary relays and soc- kets for the railway sector. Thanks to the adaptation, the factory fits all of the railway sector needs. This project is part of Arteche’s Stra- tegic Plan of increasing the range of products focused on the sector, in which the auxiliary relays and the new front connection spring sockets stand out. Auxiliary relays for railway applica- tions have been installed in more than 35 countries, and are already part of some major projects, such as the high speed line between

CAF Signalling awarded the tion: The NAOS Integrated Con- in the Company's strategy plan. renewal of the Valparaíso trol Centre. CAF Signalling has implemented metro control systems This technology provides real time solutions for various projects in CAF SIGNALLING feedback with ground devices (sen- the country on conventional lines CAF Signalling reinforces its foot- sors and actuators), allows for the of the Government Railways Com- print in Chile with the award of a process to be controlled automati- pany Empresa de los Ferrocarriles new contract for the renewal of the cally and provides for management del Estado (EFE). These include the Data Acquisition and Control Sys- and operation. Railway Signalling Systems and the tem, SCADA, of the Valparaíso Me- The award of the Valparaíso Me- Centralised Rail Traffic Control Cen- tro. Valparaíso Metro has awarded tro contract secures the company's tre (CTC) for the Alameda-Chillan CAF Signalling a contract for the re- foothold in Chile, a priority market and Concepción lines. newal of the Data Acquisition and Control System (SCADA), for all the company's facilities. The platform covers everything from high volta- ge substations to network station premises. This new deal underpins CAF’s pre- sence in the Chilean market where the Company has implemented va- rious projects, both for conventio- nal lines, and high density transport and metro networks. The company will undertake the engineering, supply, installation, commissioning, configuration, in- tegration and testing of the equi- pment required for the refurbis- hing of the SCADA on the entire Valparaíso network, by applying its advanced technological solu-

14 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News


smart cards, including: • Attended Ticket Office machines and Automatic Ticketing Vending Machines • Access control gates • Portable inspection devices • Station Servers • Main Control Centres and Redun- dant Centres for emergency opera- tion All equipment and systems are mo- nitored and operated from Portare, a specific SICE’S software Platform SICE: Ticketing system for re will be 27 stations and 2 Control for ticketing sales and fare collec- and branch of Centres.The extension branch Av. tion. Metro de Lima Faucett - Av. Gambetta (line 4) will Portare allows the configuration, SICE connect the International Airport parameterization, management, Line 2 of Lima and Callao Metro, Jorge Chavez with the city centre. control and supervision of the tic- is the first underground line of the Branch 4 will have a total length of keting system. It is able to manage subway of city of Lima. It will con- 8 kms with 8 stations and its own different tariff structures, products nect the East Lima districts with the control Centres. and transactions and the consolida- town centre of Lima and Callao. SICE will supply and install a full tic- tion of all data of sales and cance- With a total length of 27kms, the- keting system based on contactless llations.

INGETEAM has already rail systems. The main causes are to with INGEBER® energy recovery more than 20 references strength the railway position as the system that contributes in terms of in the field of the energy most ecological transport and to maximum utilization of the energy recovery systems reduce the operating costs of the present in the railways system. Our INGETEAM operators. 10-year experience, having more INGETEAM is aware of the challen- As an expert in the development than 20 references installed, most ges currently faced by railways ope- and supply of solutions to improve of them in Europe, allow us to offer rators and of the growing interest energy exchanges, INGETEAM offe- a solution proved and tailor-made on improving energy efficiency of ring to the rail sector is completed to each operator´s needs. The INGEBER system enables all the limitations associated with the return of energy from the units to be overco- med. The system, dimmen- sioned thanks to the ener- gy analisys and simulations continuously monitors the catenary until it detects the point at which there is bra- king energy from one vehi- cle that is unable to be used by another vehicle. At this time, the system extracts the energy from the catenary and transforms it according to the quality parameters of the supply grid so that this energy can be injected into the grid, used by the opera- tor or stored, according to the needs.

16 MAFEX MAFEX 16 ◗ Breaking News

Bombardier close the of the last compromised equip- bardier Transportation Spain, is supply of traction ment. The project, whose work on now going to start the homologa- equipment for the propulsion has been led by Bom- tion phase in Saudi Arabia. Haramain project BOMBARDIER SPAIN Bombardier has completed the manufacture and supply of the traction equipment for the Talgo trains for Haramain project. These traction equipment’s, ma- nufactured entirely in Trápaga’s Factory, are part of the contract between Talgo and Bombardier for the design, delivery and com- missioning of converters, Bogies and TCMS for 36 high-speed tra- ins between Medina and Mecca. Bombardier will also be respon- sible for the maintenance of the equipment from the beginning of operation. The Manufacturing be- gan early 2014 and have finished in February 2017 with the delivery

Siemens is to install its mitment in this country. railway technology on the Trainguard MT is Siemens’ system first two lines of the Nagpur for automatic control and opera- Metro tion of metropolitan railway lines SIEMENS SPAIN where varying levels of automation Siemens is set to install its advan- are required, a solution very capa- ced railway signalling technology ble of adapting to the Indian city’s on the first two lines of the Nagpur urban rail transport requirements. Metro, in India, on its North-South The East-West Corridor will have and East-West Corridors. The pro- 19 stations, while the North-South ject includes the development and Corridor will have 17 stations and installation of its CBTC (Communi- will connect the Airport with Au- cations Based Train Control) solu- tomotive Square, in the north of tion – Trainguard MT – for 38 kilo- the city. metres of double track, 36 stations The installation of Siemens’ CBTC and two depots, the on-board technology will allow Nagpur Me- the region. “The equipment for 23 three-cars trains, tro to achieve intervals between railway project will be a key factor as well as Trackguard Westrace Mk trains of 90 seconds or shorter, as for economic development and II electronic interlockings and Rail well as precise localisation of trains improved quality of life in both the 9000 Centralized Traffic Control. at all times. All of this amounts to city and the region. At Siemens we The award of this project by Ma- an optimisation of the metropoli- will be working in close coordina- harashtra Metro Rail Corporation tan system that will benefit pas- tion with our Indian and German Limited (MAHA-METRO) is an im- sengers and the operator alike. partners to successfully install our portant milestone for Siemens, as Nagpur is located in the centre of signalling and communications it represents its first installation India and, with over two million technology and to contribute to of a CBTC in India, and comes as inhabitants, it is the largest city in the efficiency of the new transport reward for a collaborative effort the region and a growing metro- system, which is vital to satisfying made by the Siemens Mobility divi- polis. The setting in motion of the the needs of both the operator sions in Spain, India and Germany. plan for investment in infrastructu- and passengers”, explained Jesús In addition it serves to demons- re is to contribute to the economic Guzmán, Managing Director of trate Siemens’ high level of com- development of both the city and Siemens Spain’s Mobility Division.


La Farga opens a route to forge has been assigned to provi- railway electrification and 14 subs- Israel de the catenary conductors for one tations from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. LA FARGA LACAMBRA of the largest railway electrification La Farga will supply the copper con- La Farga has been awarded a part projects in Israel. The project, led by ductors, mainly alloys, which will be of one of the most important rail the ACS Group's industrial subsi- installed in the catenary, and the electrification projects in Israel. The diary SEMI, consists of 1,080 km of material will be delivered over the next 5 years. This is one of the world's most important rail corridors, and will substantially improve the transport of goods in Israel. This project is part of an electrification program- me promoted by the Israeli gover- nment that is estimated at 13,700 million NIS (about 3,400 million euros) which aims to put the coun- try on the high speed map, in addi- tion to changing all the rail lines that run on diesel fuel to electrical lines. The 1,080 kilometres of catenary run on 420 kilometre stretch, in which there are areas where there are two, four or even five tracks. This line will reduce the current rou- te from 80 minutes to less than 30 minutes, thereby providing a reduc- tion of more than 37.5%.

Consultancy services for It should also be highlighted the projects in the country during the the Ankara-Istanbul High fact that, to date, the Getinsa- last 5 years, of which 11 are railway Speed Railway Euroestudios has conducted 33 projects. GETINSA-EUROESTUDIOS The Getinsa-Euroestudios Group has provided the consultancy ser- vices for the preparation of the design, Project Coordination and construction supervision of the Ankara-Istanbul High Speed Rai- lway Project. The new Ankara-Istanbul High Spe- ed Rail Line was designed for an operational speed of 250 km. It has 490 km of electrified double track and 250 km/h of operational spe- ed, 15 stations, 41 km of tunnels and 15 km of viaducts, and incor- porates the European Rail Traffic Management and Signaling System ERTMS. The project was financed by the EIB and complies with the technical specifications set out for interope- rability of the Trans-European high- speed rail system.

18 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News


Generation X (professionals born in the sixties), with those of Genera- tion Y (millennials born after 1980) and Generation Z (born in the ni- neties), analysing their attitude towards technology. Technological innovation, as descri- bed in this study, has transformed the professional world by introdu- cing concepts such as flexibility, connectivity, instant feedback and management of virtual teams, in an increasingly global context. This international survey gathers infor- mation that is useful for designing Spanish university students their capacity to attract and retain workplaces that meet the expecta- rank Alstom as one of the talent. tions of the different generations, most innovative companies In Spain, the engineering and IT improving their ability to attract, ALSTOM SPAIN students who took part in the study retain and create loyalty among ta- Alstom ranks among the top ten ranked Alstom among the top ten lent. companies that university students most innovative companies it the With around 2,000 workers in associate most with innovation, ac- sector. Other state-of-the-art, in- Spain, Alstom is present with an cording to the annual Universum novative companies such as Apple, industrial train manufacturing plant Most Attractive Employers study. Google, Roche, Thales, bq, Miche- and four innovation centres that This international study, in which lin, Airbus, Samsung and Intel also work on R&D programmes in rail 30,000 students and professionals made the list. transport safety, signalling, main- took part in Spain, shows how The survey, carried out by Univer- tenance and trains. Between 2014 some companies are perceived as sum, a leading global Employer and 2016, the Alstom Spanish more innovative workplaces than Branding consultancy firm, com- teams contributed to a total of 38 others, which positively impacts pares the career expectations of international projects.

IDOM, the engineer of the • Infrastructures, separated into five to the construction company in the prequalified design and geographically different sections. preparation of the tramway designs build consortium for the • Transport Systems: of the different cross-sections, track copenhagen ring 3 tramway - Energy and catenary sections, construction processes, IDOM - Tracks equipment and tramway systems The Government of Denmark to- - Communications and informa- (track, power and catenary), quan- gether with the capital of the cou- tion systems for passengers tifying the necessary volumes for ntry and eleven other municipalities - Tramway signalling construction and analysing the in- have decided to execute the design - Offices, workshops, depots terfaces with the other contractors and build of the Ring 3 tram. This - Rolling Stock involved in the process. 27.44-km tram will link the muni- • Operations and maintenance cipalities of Lyngby-Taarbæk, Glad- IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Ar- saxe, Herlev, Rødovre, Glostrup, Al- chitecture, S.A.U., is participating bertslund, Brøndby, Høje-Taastrup, with international construction Hvidovre, Vallensbæk and Ishøj, im- companies who have been prequa- proving the existing public transport lified in the tender preparation pro- system in the suburbs on the outs- cess for the lots related to Transport kirts of the capital. and Civil Works systems, together. LETBANE PÅ RING 3 has carried out As a leading company in the design a prequalification process for the of tram and light metro systems, design and build of the project to IDOM has implemented tramway be developed between 2017 and projects in more than 50 cities in 17 2024. This process includes several countries, all in all, over 760 km. For design and build lots: Ring 3, IDOM has provided support

20 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News

CAF Power closes has rement for localised production. It is strategic partner to meet the de- concluded a collaboration increasingly common for the rolling mand in the Turkish railway mar- agreement in Turkey with stock tenders issued by operators ket, where localised production it Medel Elektronik to specify a certain fraction of both is estimated to eventually reach up CAF POWER rolling stock and on-board systems to 60%. CAF Power intends to le- CAF Power & Automation has con- that must be unconditionally locali- verage this alliance to gain foothold cluded a collaboration agreement sed. This means that a part of the in the Turkish market, while Medel with Medel Elektronik, a Turkish purchases of materials to manufac- Elektronik will benefit from techno- company that supplies on-board ture the systems, and the assembly logy transfers in the railway control electronic equipment, to approach of the materials as well, must be and power electronic field. the market in this country according conducted in the country that is pro- to the Company's requirements, as moting the project”. this country harvests a highly signi- ficant potential for rolling stock de- The location in the Turkish mand over the coming years. market As a highlight of this new collabo- This condition, says, “leads to com- ration, CAF Power took the op- panies in the railway industry to portunity to exhibit a tram traction implement solutions to meet these converter with production localised requirements either by opening pro- in Turkey on the Medel Elektronik duction sites in the specific country stand at the last Eurasia Rail fair, or by partnering agreements with held on March 2-4 at the Expo Cen- local players”. In this way is the ter in Istanbul. agreement sealed in Turkey. For CAF Power “the railway industry Thus, CAF P&A can now count on expotransit_ingles.pdfis presently imposing 1 a 09/04/2017clear requi 11:09:34- Medel Elektronik as the Company's






MY EXPOTRANSIT SEDE CENTRAL BARCELONA CY Logistics and transport specialists for events and exhibitions Sepúlveda, 101 CMY 08015 Barcelona (Spain) Sea freight transport FCL & LCL K Tel. 00 34 93 454 35 33 Fax. 00 34 93 453 14 18 Roadfreight within EEC & Eastern Europe countries EMAIL: Handling and transport of special loads and oversized cargo

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expotransit events logistics, s.l. - Sepúlveda, 101 - 08015 Barcelona Tel: 934 54 35 33 - Fax: 934 53 14 18 - email: [email protected] - INTERVIEW


Mafex: Renfe Operadora is the strengths: comfort, reliability, safety and a considerable knowledge in only passenger railway operator and long distance travel times that terms of signaling and traffic mana- and the main freight transport have been revolutionized thanks to gement and, therefore, today is a operator from Spain. The latest the high-speed development. Our reference in providing services that figures indicate that many of its effort is to always make progress are at the forefront of the world’s rai- services broke the record in 2016. with the client at the core of our stra- lway sector. However, all this makes In which way does this increase tegy. us very demanding and we know in demand stand out? that there is always room for better Juan Alfaro: There are several fac- Mafex: What do you consider to in providing the best possible service tors involved. From the point of view be the key aspects for which your and being a more efficient company of the railway infrastructure develop- company is one of the world's every day. ment and the service level regarding railway references? the passengers transport, Spain has a J.A.: It is clear that the large public Mafex: Since January 2014, Renfe prominent position. There is no dou- operators are reference companies Operadora has been incorpora- bt that we are a world reference. The for historical reasons. However, the ted as a public holding company tourist sector registers record figures, modernization of the railway in Spain with four subsidiaries: Renfe Via- and this is also partly due to the level required Renfe a very important jeros, Renfe Mercancías, Renfe of our infrastructures, as the World effort regarding the management of Fabricación y Mantenimiento and Economic Forum has recently poin- new trains, facilities and services that Renfe Alquiler de Material Ferro- ted out. And for our part, Renfe has has made the current Company and viario. Is this structure’s profit po- strived to expand our range of offers quality levels possible. Renfe absor- sitive at present? to make the train more attractive to bed a new technology from different J.A.: This is a structure coordinated more clients, taking advantage of its manufacturers in an intense manner by our General Directorate of Opera-

22 MAFEX ◗ Juan Alfaro

tions, which allows us to identify the speed transport services’ exploita- Mafex: As regards the world lea- key aspects of each market in which tion, where we are a world reference. dership, one of the most emble- Renfe operates and the behavior matic railway projects for Spain conducted thereof. The adoption of Mafex: From your point of view, is the construction of the high- this organizational structure, the in- what role has the Spanish rail- speed line between Mecca and corporation of the new companies, way industry and respectively, Medina in Saudi Arabia. What has served to clear accounts and to the private companies played in are Renfe Operadora’s functions promote, in a very special way, the positioning Spain as a current in this consortium? exercise of professional responsibi- global leader? J.A.: As part of the consortium, lity, which has resulted in a greater J.A.: A key role as a know-how bea- Renfe is in charge of the operation motivation of the teams and a profit rer and an experience that many cou- design to the date on which the improvement. ntries want to get acquainted with. service will be commissioned, with International markets are very com- all elements involved: train drivers’ Mafex: You took office as Presi- petitive, but Spain and the group of training, maintenance schedules, dent at the end of 2016. What are companies belonging to our railway commercial planning, sales channels, the main challenges you face and sector cannot miss the knowledge customer service, etc. In addition, the objectives you would like to accumulated during these years. Due we have worked on the design of achieve? to the modernization of our railway the workshops that will serve as key J.A.: We intend to always make pro- network and our trains, the high- support for the entire service. This is gress with the client as the company's speed allows an economic develop- a very important and exciting cha- primary point of reference. We want ment sustained by an industry that llenge for the in-house professionals, to commit to a better relationship has always been a leading player in capable of mobilizing the best of the with the client so as to provide better our country. The high-speed system company and that will undoubtedly services. We want to continue wor- developed due to the efforts of all increase the echo of our activity and king on the improvement of renfe. Spaniards has provided citizens with our know-how. com, increasingly visited from mobile numerous benefits and has made devices, and to better adapt our offer the Spanish AVE, 25 years later, an Mafex: What aspects can you to each client’s profile. We know that exportable and expanding transport point out as the main lessons in a very competitive digital environ- means and one of the engines for learned as regards the future pro- ment, we are obliged to seek exce- socio-economic development in our jects of such magnitude in which llence characterizing the provision of country. your entity participates? passenger transport services, which J.A.: Perhaps it is too early to draw place Renfe as a world reference conclusions, although it is true that brand. Our vision is also directed at a project of such magnitude increa- freight transport services with the “We know that in ses your experience in a very intense objective of improving our business a very competitive manner. Our team has identified the and being more competitive in a free digital environment, key points of a project that continues market. And all this go with a double we are obliged to seek to mature and we are sure that it will business strategy: our commitment excellence characterizing be a great example of railway service to innovation and the search for new on its inauguration date. Moreover, if the provision of markets, especially abroad, in which we talk about the international mar- we export our experience and know- passenger transport ket, each project and each country how, especially regarding the high- services.” has its own features and, therefore,


they may require a specific adapta- tion.

Mafex: Recently, 144 applica- tions with Spanish participation have been submitted for projects funded by the CEF Funds, "Con- necting Europe", for the deve- lopment of the Trans-European Transport Network. What role does your organization play in this program? J.A.: Renfe is committed to contri- bute with its innovative capacity to initiatives of high strategic value not only for Spain. In 2015, proposals for innovation projects were submitted to the European Shift2Rail (S2R) calls, rries an economic deficit that should the inauguration of the first high- which channel the entire European be surpassed in order to grow and speed line, the train is the preferred grant in terms of innovation until make the railway freight transport an collective transport means for long- 2020, and the Connecting Europe alternative, which is no longer neces- distance displacements in the coun- Facility (CEF) calls. Among them, the sary, but essential. To approach the try and more than 35 million passen- proposals aimed at developing the future with guarantees, we have to gers per year use Renfe's high-speed ERTMS signaling system should be improve the Company and our pro- services. The integration of new tra- pointed out, since it is one of the ductivity in a free market. Our effort is ins is part of a logical programming most strategic innovations for Spain focused on a Management Plan that process regarding the possible de- and based on which both its own enhances the business activity, im- velopment of the infrastructure in natural evolution (simplification of proves our exploitation ratios, makes different points of the network and validation processes, adaptation to us more competitive and, which fo- a forecasting process regarding the particular needs, introduction of vir- cuses on profit improvement. service life of our fleet. tual tests, etc.), and the development This Management Plan will allow of future applications on ERTMS, the Renfe Mercancías Company to Mafex: Finally, in relation to the which allow other types of high value reach the economic balance in the collaboration agreement signed functionalities for railway develop- next two years and consolidate its with Mafex two years ago to pro- ment, are oriented towards progress. profitability starting from 2019. From mote the Spanish railway sector More recently, we are working on thereon, we will be able to grow and abroad, how would you appre- several innovation projects related to enhance the necessary freight trans- ciate the work performed based alternative traction sources, such as port by railway. on this collaboration? liquefied natural gas and hydrogen J.A.: All Spanish companies of the fuel cells, batteries and supercon- Mafex: Following the last con- railway sector have the same inter- densers, which can also be accom- tract involving 30 high-speed ests as regards our international ex- modated in European environmental trains awarded in 2016, Renfe pansion and each one is a leader in programs, such as the LIFE Program Operadora will count on one of its field of activity: construction of 2014 -2020. the most modern fleets in Eu- infrastructure, communications, sig- rope. Does the Spanish railway naling, traffic management and, in Mafex: Returning to the natio- network provide one of the best our case, operation. nal market, according to the services in this segment? Mafex seeks business opportunities Plan of Infrastructures, Transport J.A.: Without doubt, in recent years, abroad for its associates and we are a and Housing, PITVI 2012 - 2024, the railway service has been transfor- good support to reach the objectives, one of the specific objectives is med in Spain. Twenty-five years after especially when the Contractor re- to promote the railway freight quires the experience of a reference transport. Could you detail the operator, like Renfe. The agreement More than 35 million measures that Renfe Operadora “ that we have signed is the necessary plans to take to achieve this ob- passengers per year tool so that the Spain brand in the jective? use Renfe's high-speed railway sector may remain a world J.A.: Renfe Mercancías currently ca- services.” reference.


On January 1, 1987, once completed the transfer process of FEVE lines (Narrow- Gauge Spanish Railways) of Valencia and Alicante, Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat Valenciana - Valencian Government Railways - (FGV) started to provide its services. During these 30 years, Metrovalencia and TRAM of Alicante have undergone an ongoing growth process, which has enabled the former regional narrow-gauge network called trenet to become a modern metro and tram network.

MAFEX 25 DESTINATION Iran intends to double its IRAN railway network until 2021

IT AIMS TO REACH THE 20.000 he Islamic Republic of Iran is transport needs. It is also ranked KILOMETERS OF NETWORK a key geographical area for 27th among the world's econo- BY THE YEAR 2025. THE Tcommunications with Euro- mies. pe, the Middle East and Western Its strategic position has led to IDEA IS TO MODERNIZE THE . This country, the eighteenth a very representative historical CURRENT ANCIENT LINKS AND largest in the world, has 1,648,195 weight in the connection and TO DOUBLE MANY OF THE km2 and is divided into 30 provin- transit routes between continents. ROUTES AND TO BUILD NEW ces. At present, it has 79 million The country has land and mariti- inhabitants, making it the seven- me borders with 15 states (with a LINES. teenth most populous country in coastline with the Caspian Sea, the the world, with increasing urban Persian Gulf, the Sea of Oman) and

26 MAFEX ◗ Iran

The administration has increased Iran intends to double its the investment to achieve powerful railway networks. railway network until 2021 it is very close to the Strait of Hor- communities with each other. muz, which is crossed by almost The Iranian railway network has 20% of the oil; therefore, it is a 13,600 kilometers, of which 1,426 very important strategic point for are double-track, while there are international trade, and the Indian around 150 electrified tracks ac- Ocean. A combination that makes cording to the data provided by the Iran an essential logistical transit Ministry of Roads and Urban Deve- route. Hence, in recent years, the lopment. 35 million tons of freight investment plans have intensified are annually transported and 27 so as to achieve powerful railway million passengers are registered, and airport networks. representing 8% and 6% of the to- At present, the major weight of tal, respectively. transport by train is in the freight Although, these figures are plan- area, especially in the links from ned to improve so that the 20,000 North to South. kilometers of network may be re- ached by the year 2025. The idea Strategic crossing area is to modernize the current ancient One of the main axes that are the links and to double many of the most promoted is precisely the one routes and to build new lines and that links Iran to Kazakhstan and give greater prominence to metro- Turkmenistan, provided that, once politan transport with the opening full capacity is achieved, the coun- of numerous metro networks. try would become a strategic area of the Eastern Caspian. As regards Structure of the railway the passengers, the two most im- industry portant routes are those linking The RAI (Islamic Republic of Iran Tehran to the cities of Isfahan and Railways) is the national state-ow- Mashhad. ned railway system of Iran. On its Since August 2013 a stage marked turn, it has two major subsidiaries. by the desire to promote sectors The first one, the Railway Trans- of special relevance, including the portation Company, manages and railway industry, has started. This coordinates freight transport. The means of transport plays a very im- second, Zarand Company, which is portant role among the "Priority In- in charge of the track system, both vestment Projects" of the "Sixth Fi- for the transport of passengers ve-Year Plan 2016-2021" approved and freight. by the Iranian Government. The The major passenger transport ope- objective is to enhance the geos- rator "Raja Passenger Trains Com- trategic location of the country as a pany" was founded in 1996. Its transit route, making Iran a referen- services include international routes ce logistics center and to promote with Damascus and Istanbul. a better integration of the Iranian, In recent years, the role of the priva- The improvement and expansion Western Asian and international te sector has grown, as the Iranian of the railway networks, including international links, are a priority in terms of investment in Iran. Photo by In the "Sixth Five-Year Plan 2016- Jean-Marc Frybourg. 2021" the railway is one of the pillars in terms of transportation.


railways have been delegating areas and functions. Thus, it has gained prominence in both the rolling stock ow- nership and services operation and in the participation in financing, network maintenance works and development projects and infras- tructure plans’ tendering. At present, there are a number of government, public-private and pri- The 20,000 kilometers of network vate companies that operate in the are intended to be reached by industry and which play an active role. 2025.

Freight the projects’ implementation and This matter is included in the "Sixth In freight transport, the most rele- performance: the Iranian Rail- Five-Year Plan 2016-2021" where vant are: Rail Tarabar Tous,Foulad Rai ways (RAI), Iran Rail Transport the railway is one of the pillars in Jonoub,MCPars,Samand Rail,Touka Company (IRTC), in charge of the terms of transportation. More than Rail,Gohar Tarabar Sirjan,Tajarob metro networks, and Construc- 100 leading projects are included Koushesh Sepahan,Bana Gostar Ka- tion and Development Transpor- in this extensive program and, as a raneh, Rah Ahan Homl o Naghl (RAI) tation Infrastructure Company center of many of these initiatives, and Rail Tarabar Fajr. (CDTIC). the train in all its versions (interna- As regards the plans for the tional branches, freight, electrifi- construction of new railway ki- Railway: essential until 2021 cation and modernization of lines, lometers, it directly depends on The Government plans to alloca- etc.). the Ministry of Roads and Urban te 40,000 million Euros for land For this reason, a significant amou-

IRAN Development (MRUD). Three of and air transport infrastructures nt of the global budget, i.e. around its subsidiaries are in charge of over the next four years. 23,000 million Euros will be aimed

28 MAFEX ◗ Iran

to re-launch the industry and mo- ◗ Objectives of railway projects in Iran 2015-2025 dernize the entire network. Of the 2015 2025 1,000 kilometers of network plan- Network length (Km) 13.600 20.000 ned, a part will be high-speed, with Double-track (Km) 1.900 5.800 speeds that could reach up to 250 High-speed lines (Km) 0 1.000 km / h. Iran's Vice Minister of Roads and Track electrification (Km) 150 2.000 Urban Development, Saeid Mo- Freight Ton/Km (Thousands of millions) 30 120 hammadzadeh, has recently poin- Passengers-Km (Thousands of millions) 20 40 ted out that the objective of these Railway freight weight in the mix of Transportation 11% 30% investments is to increase passenger Railway passenger weight in the mix of Transportation 12% 18% traffic to at least 18%, while freight Percentage of freight traffic 5% 30% traffic will increase by around 30% after completing this action plan. Freight wagons 24.000 32.000 This progress towards new and mo- Passenger cars 2.400 4.100 dern transport infrastructures pays Locomotives 500 800 a special attention to the participa- Average service life of freight wagons (years) 22 15 tion and attraction of private sector Average service life of passenger cars (years) 29 15 investment. Average service life of locomotives (years) 29 25 Iran’s railway industry has great opportunities for cooperation, es- Above, a summary table with pecially in projects such as high- the main objectives regarding speed lines between large cities; the improvement of the Iranian the electrification of networks, the network on medium-term. manufacture of rails; the supply of equipment, wagons, rolling stock and locomotives. In addition to the assistance in technical issues such as electronic supervision, installa- tion of Intelligent Trans- port Systems

Freight transport by railway is essential in Iran because of its strategic location and numerous cross-border links.


Iran is involved in a modernization program. IRAN

(ITS) or signaling, railway commu- nications. Transport plans in Iran open

Collaboration in infrastructures business opportunities for railway In September 2015, a Spanish busi- companies. ness delegation, coordinated by the Ministry of Development, carried out an official visit to Iran. In this round of meetings, it has shown an intention to collaborate in the infrastructure plan to be performed by 2021. The so-called "Persian gold", for its great development programs. Representatives of more than 40 Spanish companies in the petroche- mical, gas, transport, automotive and infrastructure sectors joined it during this visit. The Development Officers met then with the Minister of Roads and Ur- ban Development, Abbas Ahmad Akhoundi, to whom they offered the proven experience of Spanish construction and transport compa- nies. Time of the visit of the former Minister of Development of Spain, Ana Pastor, to Iran.

30 MAFEX ◗ Iran

Investment opportunities: Interregionals corridors

ne of the key points in DOROUD-KHORANABAD-ANDIMESHK CORRIDOR Iran's railway links is repre- Osented by the interregional The Doroud-Khoranabad-Andimes- bad city area, capital of the Lorestan corridors. The Construction and hk corridor aims to end the bott- province, as well as to increase the Development of Transportation leneck of the southern routes, the capacity of the Bandar Imam Kho- Infrastructure Co. (CDTI) body, closest to the Persian Gulf. It is also meini Port. This route is part of the under the Ministry of Roads and intended to provide greater trans- “Euro-Asian Transport Links” railway Urban Development, proposes se- port coverage to the steel industry routes. It will have 339 km and a ven priority routes. For these pro- and mining sector in the Khorrama- budget of 1,114 million Euros. jects’ performance, the "turnkey" Planned length 367 kilometers modality is chosen, mostly with Capacity 1.8 million tons / year government funds, and with addi- Location Provinces of Khouzestan & Lorestan tional funding from banks, parti- cipating companies, development Investment 1,114 million Euros bodies, etc. Construction period 4 years (Starting in 2016) At present, there are numerous ten- Operation & concession period 25 years ders open for railway corridors. Source: Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.


The"-Boshehr-Asalouye" rai- lway union is carried out to optimi- ze international transport through Iran, Iraq, and the Syrian Port of Lazeghiye. It will be a route of 647 kilometers that will cross the Province of Ker- manshah and will have an inves- tment of 1,179 million Euros.

Planned length 644 kilometers RASHT-ASTARA LINE Capacity 1.6million tons / year The Rasht-Astara link is encoura- European and Asian countries Location ged for the improvement of the through the railway routes of Province of Kermanshah commercial exchange with the . Investment Planned length 152 kilometers 1,176 million Euros Capacity 6 million tons / year Construction period Location Provinces of Khouzestan & Lorestan 4 years (Starting in 2016) Investment 479 million Euros Operation & concession period 30 years Construction period 4 years (Starting in 2016) Operation & concession period 20 years Source: Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. Source: Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.


KERMANSHAH- KHOSRAVI RAILWAY Railway solutions for The Kermanshah-Khosravi Railway will link the western provinces of our small world IRAN Iran with the national network and the capital, Tehran. This corridor is intended to support the social, eco- nomic and cultural development of the western provinces. It will also reduce transport costs in the Wes- tern corridor, which links to Iraq, Turnout for the Mecca-Medina and will improve traffic safety and High Speed line will substantially increase passen- ger and freight traffic. MASHHAD-BOJNOURD-GORGAN CORRIDOR Planned length 260 kilometers The more than 600 kilometers of volves an amount of 1,084 million Capacity 6.5 million tons / year this corridor will also contribute to Euros. Location Province of Kermanshah increasing the transport capacity in The network will run very close to Double crossover installed in Investment 463 million Euros Iran. The branch is built in the Pro- Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, Metro Buenos Aires Construction period 4 years vince of Kermanshah and will link therefore, it will be essential for in- (Starting in 2016) Mashhad-Bojnourd-Gorgany. It in- ternational links. Operation & concession period Planned length 635 kilometers 25 years Capacity 6.5 million tons / year Location Province of Kermanshah Investment 1,084 million Euros Toluca-Ciudad de México Construction period 4 years (Starting in 2016) Intercity Train Operation & concession period 20 years Source: Ministry of Roads and Urban Development.

Tram crossover for Athens - Piraeus line

Source: Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. High-speed turnouts that work in the Track apparatus for a line that will carry Read on our website the most adverse conditions of the planet: 230,000 passengers a day, between Tolu- details of these and other solutions. the Arabian desert. ca and Mexico City. They are our modest contribution to CHABAHAR- ZAHEDAN- Renovation of track apparatus in an Or for the tram Athens-Piraeus. a world that is getting more connec- BIRJAND- MASHHAD- underground station inaugurated in In Amurrio we bring all our knowledge in ted by the day. SARAKHS RAILWAY LINK 1934 in Buenos Aires. With twenty-first each of our projects, big or small. That is getting smaller by the day. century performances, of course. Anywhere on the globe. This project includes 1,123 kilo- meters, according to the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. The objective is to develop a power- Planned length 1,123 kilometers ful transit route for the Eastern side Capacity 7 million tons (1st year) of Iran in order to reduce the route between the countries of Central Location Provinces of Sistan & Balouchestan & Khorasan Asia and the Southern seas. It will Investment 2,201 million Euros also link the Province of Central Construction period 4 years (Starting in 2016) Khorasan with the national railway Operation & concession period 27 years network. Source: Ministry of Roads and Urban Development. AltaVelocidad Convencional Tranvía Metro Heavy Haul Maskuribai 10, 01470 AMURRIO (ALAVA) SPAIN. Tel. +34 945 89 16 00. Fax +34 945 89 24 80. 32 MAFEX • [email protected]

SolucionesPequenoMundoA4.indd 2 24/3/17 12:35 ◗ Iran Railway solutions for our small world

Turnout for the Mecca-Medina High Speed line

Double crossover installed in Metro Buenos Aires

Toluca-Ciudad de México Intercity Train

Tram crossover for Athens - Piraeus line

High-speed turnouts that work in the Track apparatus for a line that will carry Read on our website the most adverse conditions of the planet: 230,000 passengers a day, between Tolu- details of these and other solutions. the Arabian desert. ca and Mexico City. They are our modest contribution to Renovation of track apparatus in an Or for the tram Athens-Piraeus. a world that is getting more connec- underground station inaugurated in In Amurrio we bring all our knowledge in ted by the day. 1934 in Buenos Aires. With twenty-first each of our projects, big or small. That is getting smaller by the day. century performances, of course. Anywhere on the globe.

AltaVelocidad Convencional Tranvía Metro Heavy Haul Maskuribai 10, 01470 AMURRIO (ALAVA) SPAIN. Tel. +34 945 89 16 00. Fax +34 945 89 24 80. • [email protected] MAFEX 33

SolucionesPequenoMundoA4.indd 2 24/3/17 12:35 DESTINATION

New lines, electrification and

IRAN track doubling plans

he railway investment areas Tehran-mashhad line. Foto: Mapna Group. entrusted to RAI (the natio- Tnal state-owned railway sys- tem of Iran) are quite diverse and extensive due to the scope of the planned projects. Due to the high volume of investments, especially in infrastructure and a new fleet, support packages have been pre- sented regarding the participation of the private sector in the imple- mentation of all these initiatives. This is reflected in the document "Opportunities for Investment and Participation in Development Plans of Railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran". These include new linkss, track doubling in existing routes, as well as railway electrification Route Kilometers Investment works, procurement of new rolling Ghazvin-Zanjan 171 km 125 M€ stock to reinforce and modernize Chadormalou-Ardakan 201 km 100 M€ the current fleet. The high-speed Badroud-Mohammadieh 145 km 80 M€ deserves special mention, provided that 1,000 kilometers with links Mohammadieh-Samangan 157 km 120 M€ are planned between Tehran and Samangan-Doroud 130 km 92,5 M€ Mashhad, Tehran-Qom-Ispahan, Chadormalou-Jandaq-Mobarakeh 145 km 105 M€ and Tehran-Hamedan. Jandagh-Tabas-Torbat-eHeydarieh 542 km 282 M€

New Isfahan-Ahvaz line dormalou-Ardakan, Meybod-Ba- port is another of the major trans- One of the projects is a new line of droud, Badroud-Mohammadieh, port investment programs. Iranian 545 kilometers that will cross the Mohammadieh-Samangan Sa- railways are seeking collaboration provinces of Isfahan, Khuzestan mangan-Doroud,Chadormalou- with local partners to supply a mo- and Chaharmahal. The main cities Jandaq-Mobarakeh and Jandaq- dern, competitive, state-of-the-art of this route are Mobarakeh-Boru- Tabas-Torbat-eheydarieh. train park capable of meeting the jen-Lordegan-Ize-Ram Hormoz. An planned freight and passenger investment of 2,075 million Euros Procurement of rolling stock transport objectives. The specific is planned. Once in full operation, Renewal of the current fleet for program for these stock procure- it is expected to have a transport both passenger and freight trans- ments includes the incorporation capacity of 45 million tons and two million passengers. ◗ New Towns Development Company: Railway electrification projects Location Amount (M€) Track doubling projects Baharestan 95 M€ The projects entrusted to RAI in- clude numerous improvements Fooladshahr 157 M€ to existing networks, such as Golbahar 300 M€ track doubling in the following Pardis (Roudehen/Tehran) 162 M€ sections: Ghazvin-Zanjan, Cha- Sadra 55 M€

34 MAFEX ◗ Iran

◗ RAI: Rolling stock renewal program branch are planned. The most im- Project Amount (M€) portant sections will be: Mashhad Procurement of 618 locomotives 1,700 M€ ,Tehran Quom Isfehan and Tehran Incorporation of 1,558 passenger cars 1,169 M€ Hamedan. Procurement of 28,500 freight wagons 2.38 M€ The implementation of these pro- 20 sets of repair and maintenance machinery 148 M€ jects counts on the collaboration (65 pieces of equipment) of international railway industries such as the Spanish and Italian of 618 locomotives, 1,558 passen- routes. Under the title "2nd Lane one. For example, in September ger cars, 28,500 freight wagons, as Development", there are initiatives 2016, a consortium represented well as 20 sets of repair and main- totalizing 1,600 kilometers of rail. by Ineco, the Iranian Moshanir and tenance machinery. Hexa companies and the Italian High speed: Ongoing projects Geodata company have all been Development of new corridors The high-speed lines in Iran are awarded the electrification works The Railways of the Islamic Repu- included within the development related to the railway line between blic of Iran have a second ongoing plans until 2021. Specifically, Tehran and Mashhad. Works that development program for new 1,000 kilometers of this type of have a performance deadline of 42 months. This new infrastructure, of about Renewal of the current fleet is 1,000 kilometers, will reduce in another of the major transport half the time of travel of passen- gers on this route. In addition, investment programs. the freight transport capacity will AD ADAPTABILITY.pdf 1 19/01/17 12:39










Mashhad is included in Iran's high-speed railway plans. IRAN

be increased. There are also the tendering documents and specifi- Iran plans to build 1,000 kilometers cations drafting for the works ten- of high-speed lines. The sections dering and monitoring of rehabili- tation works. will be Mashhad,Tehran-Quom-

Tehran-Qom-Ispahan Isfahan and Tehran-Hamedan. Early in 2016, the Italian railways ◗ “Lane Development” program of the Iranian railways (Ferrovie dello Stato Italiano) sig- Section Kilometers Amount (M€) ned a collaboration agreement with RAI. Its objective is to sup- Ghazvin-Zanjan 171 125 M€ port the technical assistance for Samangan-Doroudyeh 130 92,5 M€ the future Tehran-Qom-Ispahan Mohammadieh-Samangan 157 120 M€ high-speed line. This is a network Badroud-Meybod 254 80 M€ of about four hundred kilometers. This agreement also includes sup- Ardakan-Chadormalou 201 100 M€ port for the electrification works of Chadormalou-Jandagh-Mobarakeh 145 105 M€ the Tehran-Masada line. Jandagh-Tabas-Torbateh-Heydarieh 542 282 M€

36 MAFEX ◗ Iran


Urban transport: the Metro reaches a good speed to decongest the cities

in 1999, is a key transport means

IRAN THE MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENTS HAVE INCLUDED IN THE INFRASTRUCTURE for displacements. Therefore, this PLAN THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW METRO SYSTEMS IN MAJOR CITIES, AS WELL AS THE EXPANSION OF THOSE ALREADY EXISTING, SUCH AS THE network is to be extended in order ONE FROM TEHRAN. to decongest the city. There are currently four operating lines, with 95 stations and stan- dard , which transport three million passengers per day, ran has a population of 79 mi- lasting for hours on the city’s streets plus an additional regional railway. llion inhabitants, mostly con- and highways flowing in and out of In addition, the construction of Icentrated in large cities like them, resulting in heavy air pollu- two new sections started ten years Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, tion and a fuel consumption increa- ago. and Shiraz. As in many countries, se, not to mention the inevitable The investment plans in this net- efficient and modern solutions are waste of time. work aim to reach 430 kilometers currently being sought for traffic The municipal governments of the in 2028 and to have nine lines. The congestion, pollution and constant major cities have included in the authorities of the Municipality of increase of residents in urban cen- infrastructure plan the construction Tehran also study a light railway. ters and peripheral areas. of new metro systems, as well as Millions of people are daily traveling the expansion of those already exis- 2. Mashhad’s Metro between their homes and workpla- ting, such as the one from Tehran, This network is the second most im- ces, whether inside or outside these adding an extra kilometers. portant in the country. Its construc- cities, using public or private trans- tion began in 1999, and two years port means. The influx of people 1. Tehran’s Metro later the L1 was being inaugurated. during rush hour in the morning The capital of Iran, Tehran, has 13 It serves the City of Mashhad, with and afternoon causes traffic jams million people. The metro, opened 5.2 million inhabitants, in the Raza- vi Khorasan province. Iran seeks efficient and modern The operator is Mashhad Urban Rai- lway and the system is also known solutions, such as the rail networks, as "Mashhad Light Rail" and "Mas- hhad Urban Rail". It currently trans- for urban mobility. ports 17,000 passengers / hour in each direction. The progress continues and new sections are being gradually incor- porated. Thus, in February 2016, the L1 connection to the city's in- ternational airport was officially in- augurated, while on February 20th 2017, an eight-kilometer section was opened from Shohada to Kas- hfrood, belonging to the second line, which is still under construc- tion. After conducting a thorough analy- sis of the city's growing transporta- tion needs, the "Mashhad Master Plan of Transportation in 2021" was approved. This is a program that includes five priority projects. On one hand, the expansion of L1 by 24 kilometers, . Photo: Mapna Group. from the Southeast to the West. In

38 MAFEX ◗ Iran

Urban transport: the Metro reaches a good speed to decongest the cities

Another one of the rail lines under design is the one of the City of Mashhad. A network based on which the urban transport will be improved.

addition to four new lines: L2, L3, L4 and L5. Line 2, from Koohsangi to Tabarsi, will have 13 stations and 14.3 km, of which 14 will be located under- ground. This branch will be connec- ted to lines 1, 3 and 4. Pars Metro Sazan Contracting is in charge of the consulting and engineering phase. For its part, line 3 will have 28.5 ki- lometers and 24 stations, while L4 will have a route of 17.5 kilometers and 15 stops. L5, which will be a monorail, joins them.

3. The Shiraz metro, the capital of the province of Fars, is another of the most relevant urban projects. Its Station of Isfahan Urban Railway Image: construction started in 2001 being Mapna Group. in charge of the Shiraz Urban Rai- lway Organization. The first phase of , which has 10.5 kilome- Iran's large cities will have their ters from Ehsan in the Northern Shiraz to Namazi in the central part rail networks improved in the of the city, entered into commercial operation in October 2014. On Fe- future years.

MAFEX 39 DESTINATIONDESTINATION What can’t Metro works advance in Iran. Photos: Mapna Group. be seen, IRAN also matters

Because behind every great infrastructure there is always a great engineering company.

bruary 13th 2016, new stations such of new branches so as to consist 6. Ahvaz Metro as the one from Motahari were of four lines. This network, under construction opened to the public. and in charge of Ahvaz urban rai- Currently, its expansion is still on- 5. Isfahan Metro lway, will have 23 kilometers and going aiming to extend the Namazi The City of Isfahan is the fifth in 24 stations. line to Gol-e-Sorkh Square near the the country that has a two-line re- airport. Thus a total length of 24.5 view metro system. 7. Qom monorail kilometers would be achieved. In The first phase of the L1 was inau- At its first phase, as MAPNA Group addition, a second line, the L2, of gurated from Shohada, in the cen- informs, "this EPC Project consists 10 kilometers, which will connect ter of the City of Qods in October of about 6.8 kilometer Monorail with the first one in the Plaza Imam 2015. line, 8 stations, one depot and par- Hosein is in progress. This branch has 12.5 kilometers king, E&M equipment (including There are also plans to build four and 15 stations, all being located power supply system, communi- more lines and to reach a length of underground. In turn, the Line 2 cation system, signaling system, 88 kilometers. This program inclu- will have 43 kilometers (0.7 kilo- depot equipment, AFC) and 20 des a monorail () that will meters located underground and monorail cars. It is going to be via have a route of 10 kilometers. 9.6 kilometers overhead) with 13 a trilateral consortium including stations. It is also proposed to cons- MAPNA Co., Kayson Co. & MRC 4. truct two lines from East to West. Co". The first metro line of the City of Tabriz, having 16 kilometers and 18 stations, was completed in Among the railway projects 2016. Tabriz Urban Railway Orga- underway in Iran are known nization (TURO) plans to expand this system with the construction subway lines.

40 MAFEX ◗ Iran What can’t be seen, also matters

Because behind every great infrastructure there is always a great engineering company.



◗ CAF SIGNALLING The company wants to reinforce its presence in this area. CAF Signalling, accounting its own Turkish subsidiary (CAF Sinyalizasyon), has participated in the implementation of the modern transportation network of Turkey, as is the case of the Antalya Municipality Light Rail. The projects in Turkey are joining other great achievements of the company, as the first line in Egypt with modern signalling, where last generation SIL-4 electronic interlockings were implemented by CAF Signalling.

‘Marmaray’ Project This project includes the ERTMS Level 1 and CBTC track sys- tems, electronic interlockings, train detec- tion equipment, LED signals, Centralized Traffic Control, telecommunications and SCADA systems for the entire project, as well as maintenance for a two-year pe- riod. The section that runs under the Bos- phorus Strait was opened on 29 October 2013. Bandirma-Balikesir-Manisa-Menemen Line Siemens is installing its ERTMS protection Sand Filling Systems system, Levels 1 and 2, both on track and on board, as well as its automatic train braking system, electronic interlockings, jointless track circuits, motors machines, Complete indoor and outdoor track signals, GSM-R, fixed voice and data installations for filling sandboxes communications, and Centralized Traffic with multiple sand feeders NEWTEK SOLIDOS S.L. Control. simultaneously at different tracks. Hasanbey Logistics Centre Siemens has installed the signalling system, ◗ SIEMENS SPAIN ERTMS Level 2 systems on track and on which includes electronic interlockings, Egypt board for the line’s 34 trains, as well as train detection equipment, LED signals, Siemens is developing a project for the its Centralized Traffic Control, electronic electrical point drives and point heaters, Egyptian railway company ENR, to deliver interlockings and LED signals. The contract as well as the power, distribution and UPS 260 kilometres of signalling on the rail also includes a twelve-year maintenance systems and the technical buildings. Autonomous corridors between Zagazig and Abu Kebir, period. Algeria mobile unit. in the north of Cairo, and between Ban- Turkey In 2006, Invensys Rail Dimetronic (now ha and Port Said. The project includes the Ankara-Konya High-Speed Line Siemens) was awarded the contract to installation of electronic interlockings, level Siemens has commissioned its ERTMS supply the signalling for Line 1 of the crossings and communications, among Level 1 system and is currently working . In 2015 Siemens was other systems. on doing the same with its ERTMS Level again awarded a signalling contract in Saudi Arabia: Mecca-Medina High- 2. In addition it is supplying electronic in- which Siemens Spain is participating Speed Line terlockings, jointless track circuits and its with the supply of electronic interloc- Siemens is implementing its rail signa- Controlguide Rail 9000 Centralized Traffic kings, as well as drives, motors and Universal dosing systems and custom lling and control technology, including its Control system. signals. systems with suction.

42 MAFEX ◗The MENA Region


◗ GMV backbone of the train, which incorporates different local train networks and a Morocco a multi - interface communications in- redundant communication channel with Project: Operations Management System terface between the train and ground several interfaces: WiFi and cellular. It for the Moroccan Rail Operator ONCF. communications; and an interface for incorporates 4G cellular communications; The system includes the on board onboard diagnostic display at each train and: HSPA (3.5G), UMTS (3G), EDGE equipment supplied by GMV for a fleet car. After finishing the engineering and (2.5G) and GPRS (2G). It is approved by of 410 locomotives and a modern control development phase, the first article major European standards (EN 50155, EN center from where the fleet is managed in inspection (FAI) for each of the systems 50121, EN 61373) and in this project it will real time. The project includes integration supplied have recently been executed. To also meet GOST standards commonly used with existing corporate systems and the do this, Talgo and the auditor Deutsche in Kazakhstan. provision of information on the position of Bahn International visited GMV factory in the vehicles to of third parties. The various Valladolid. extensions of the system include the web page for passenger information as well as Kazakhstan 200 alert terminals for ONCF operators. Project: Supply of equipment for the new Talgo trains in Kazakhstan. Saudi Arabia Talgo has awarded GMV an EGRU supply Project: On Board Systems for Saudi system 603 of cars of various types, Arabia’s High Speed.In this project, GMV forming up to 22 compositions. This has supplied Talgo four on board systems: system allows, via Ethernet connection to Public address and intercommunication; the onboard network event, the recording CCTV video surveillance; a specific and capture of diagnostic information event capturing system in the Ethernet from existing systems; routing between

Sand Filling Systems

Complete indoor and outdoor installations for filling sandboxes with multiple sand feeders NEWTEK SOLIDOS S.L. simultaneously at different tracks.

Autonomous mobile unit.

Universal dosing systems and custom systems with suction.



TRANSPORT SYSTEMS ◗ CAF CAF is the one of the main rolling stock suppliers in Algeria. In 2009, the company supplied 14 metro units to Entrepise du Metro d'Argel (EMA), the operator of Al- giers metro system. These units run on the first Alger metro line that joins Haï el Badr and Tafourah Grande Poste. At present, CAF is manufacturing 12 new metro units for line 1 extension of this ROLLING STOCK metro system. OPERATION & MAINTENANCE REFURBISHMENT WHEELSETS, GEARBOXES & COUPLERS Furthermore, Algeria's national railway operator (SNTF) operate regional diesel SIGNALLING trains supplied by CAF, between 2007 and 2009.

◗ INDRA In Turkey. State Turkish Rail (TCDD) awar- ded Indra a contract to implement a plan- ning system for its entire rail network, as well as a high-speed train management system. Indra is setting up a new control center in Ankara, equipped with cutting-edge tech- nology, from which operational planning will take place for the country's 12,000 km railroad network, both conventional lines and high-speed tracks. Furthermore, the DaVinci system, which has established itself as the world's most advanced rail traffic management plat- form, will support comprehensive high- speed rail traffic management in Turkey, yed its cutting-edge technology in Mecca- since different companies will be able to where the Ankara-Estambul and Ankara- Medina High Speed Line. use the system. Konya high-speed lines are currently ope- In Algeria, Indra will supply the ticketing In Egypt, Indra implemented in 2103 a ELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS rational systems for the 27 stations and four in- new control and ticket sales system with In Saudi Arabia, the company is going terchanges planned for the first section, contact-less technology in Cairo's Subway, TRACTION AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS to implement the entire ticketing and which is 16.2 km long, as well as the the first network to be built on the African access control technology and cell pho- validation equipment for the first 26 tro- continent, in order to reduce operating ne payment solutions in the new public lleys of a total fleet of 39 vehicles. Indra's costs, provide an information technology transportation system currently under technology will be used to process and platform that streamlines and improves Proximity and awareness of customers’ needs allow construction in the capital of Saudi Ara- manage both magnetic tickets and con- the efficiency of its administrative and offer CIVIL WORKS us to design complete high added-value solutions, bia, Riyadh.This is the biggest ticketing tactless cards simultaneously, speeding improvements to its passengers. developed based on our own technologies, tailored project in the world up-to-date that in- up boarding times. As an open system In Morocco, The Spanish consortium for- to meet the specifi c needs of each transport authority, minimising operating cycle costs. cludes the most advanced technology for it will also guarantee interoperability-in med by Adif and Indra will install the Da pricing control, a control center, systems other words, multimodal management, Vinci technological platform as a compu- for 1,000 buses, and access control and by incorporating and integrating with the ter solution for the integrated manage- ticketing equipment for six subway lines payment systems of other types of trans- ment of traffic on the Moroccan railway RAILWAY SIMULATORS and bus stops. In this country Indra deplo- port, and multi-operator management network.

44 MAFEX ◗ Iran






Proximity and awareness of customers’ needs allow CIVIL WORKS us to design complete high added-value solutions, developed based on our own technologies, tailored to meet the specifi c needs of each transport authority, minimising operating cycle costs.




◗ GETINSA-EUROESTUDIOS The Getinsa-Euroestudios Group has conducted the studies and the detailed design of ventilations systems for three stations on Line 4 of Tehran Metro: Dar- vaze Dolat; Darvaze Shemroun and Fer- dosi, including the associated tunnels. The scope of the ventilation studies com- prise all the equipment and systems re- quired to pull fresh air into the stations in normal operating conditions, and to ensure fast smoke extraction in the event of a fire in the stations or in the tunnels. The assignment includes the architec- tural and structural drawings of the 3 stations and the associated tunnels, three-dimensional simulations with CFX software and the detailed design of the said facilities.

◗ ARCELORMITTAL in Tram projects such as Tunisia’s Tram ArcelorMittal has participated in high- renewal and we were involved in rail speed first line of North and the supplying for several projects in Algeria Middle East; Tangier-Kenitra line, first and Tunisia. step to create 1500 km of railways in ArcelorMittal has developed the most Morocco and "Mecca-Medina high- modern systems for its manufacture and speed railway” project in Saudi Arabia, control, which allows us to develop pro- where we collaborated in other projects ducts that meet the most stringent re- as Hoffuf-Riyadh renewal line and also quirements: greater reliability, geometric Metro projects as Riyadh’s Metro new precision, strict flatness and the highest lines 4,5 and 6. We were also present quality of the market.

◗ BOMBARDIER SPAIN Bombardier has participated in the deve- lopment project of 6 Metro lines in the city of Riyadh (Saudi Arabia), which is carrying out the Ar-Riyadh Development Authority (ADA). Specifically, Bombardier participates in the consortium of Line 3, and supplies the vehicles. The project includes the de- livery of 47 2-car trains Innovia Metro 300, equipped with Mitrac propulsion engines. Bombardier Trápaga’s Factory carried out RoQ's project management (propul- sion and bogies), the development of the propulsion control software, and led the start-up and support in the scope of RoQ. The first vehicle arrived in Riyadh a few months ago and is currently under- going testing.

46 MAFEX ◗The MENA Region


◗ NEM SOLUTIONS railway wheel wear management platform, ◗ CAF POWER & AUTOMATION One of the most ambitious and iconic pro- with over 58 million wheel measurements CAF Power & Automation has wide pre- jects currently in development in Middle (and counting). On the other hand, SAR and sence in MENA area where several rail- East, , will be equipped with SRO have advanced critical asset manage- way references incorporate COSMOS NEM Solutions technology. The contract, ment thanks to Nem Solutions. A.U.R.A and TCMS (Train control & monitoring system) signed in December 2016, includes the its different railway critical assets expert ma- In Saudi Arabia, 12 regional trains of SRO supply of NEM Solutions’ Wheel & Rail Dr. nagement modules A.U.R.A wheel, A.U.R.A company are equipped with this control (WRD) for Line 2 of the new metro systems trace and A.U.R.A lube, are currently in ope- system. in the Kingdom’s capital city. NEM Solu- ration both in SAR (North South Line) and in So does SAR company, by integrating this tions’ Wheel & Rail Dr. (WRD) is designed SRO (Riyadh-Dammam Line). These modu- solution in 9 locomotives and 45 multi- to identify surface defects in railway vehi- les are generating incredible value in advan- functional cars. cle wheels, reporting its findings through ced management of bogies and lubricated From 2007, High Speed trains of TCDD A.U.R.A wheel, the world’s most advanced equipment, enabling life cycle optimization company in Turkey have incorporated and critical failure anticipation. NEM Solu- TCMS System in 10 train units. tions brings technology and expert industry Also, in 2015 CAF Power & Automation knowledge that minimize the consequences was granted a contract for the supply of associated to the extremely adverse opera- TCMS system for 51 metro units of Metro tional conditions that are ever present in the Istambul. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

◗ ALSTOM SPAIN Other teams are also implementing pro- Over half of Alstom Spain's revenue co- jects in the region, such as the infras- mes from exports. And the region compo- tructures area, which has developed the sed of North Africa and the Middle East is, electrification systems of around ten tram due to its proximity, one of Alstom's main projects in Algeria. Regarding projects of markets. the railway maintenance unit, we could All the business divisions (signalling, se- highlight the projects executed in Tunisia, curity, train manufacturing, electrification, Israel and Algeria, where Alstom Spain maintenance and services) have projects has fine-tuned the braking systems of va- in this region. rious tram units. For example, over 200 trams manufac- tured in Barcelona are running in the main cities of Algeria (Annaba, Algiers, Constantine, Ouargla, Mostaganem, Oran, Sétif and Sidi Bel Abbès). At present Alstom Spain's plant has already begun production on 25 trains for Qatar's tram network, one of the key mobility projects for the 2022 World Cup. As a global centre of excellence, Alstom Spain's engineering centre and its techno- logy laboratories located in Madrid are in charge of developing and implementing passenger safety and information systems on all the projects that the Alstom Group carries out in the region. As an example, Alstom Spain is develo- ping the passenger safety and information system for three of the six lines making up the future Riyadh metro, the largest urban project in the world currently being deve- loped.



◗ AMURRIO FERROCARRIL Y Its design and manufacturing are taking EQUIPOS into consideration the exceptional environ- Amurrio Ferrocarril y Equipos S.A. has mental and climatic conditions they have supplied more than 50 AV4 model tur- to endure. nouts for ballast installation, designed and The logistics of this project are also espe- also manufactured to allow speeds up to cially complicated, since there are pieces 350 km/h in direct track and 170 km./ up to 54 m. length, which must be shipped the deviated track. from several ports of Spain.

◗ CETEST CETEST has been involved in some projects in Saudi Arabia. Supply and installation of train instrumentation for track measure- ments in Haramain project, on field dy- namic test campaign on lines Riyadh - Al Hadita and Zabirah - Raz as Khair for SAR (CAF). EMC and noise tests have already been scheduled. Previously, on field dynamic tests were also performed on line Dam- man - Riyadh for SRO. In Abu Dhabi, CETEST developed EMC tests for a Sand remover in Etihad Rail Project.

◗ IDOM develop involve the analysis and design of economic studies), to the preliminary and IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture, new urban transport lines including urban basic designs, and the operations and main- a firm providing services in these specialist architecture and integration, the design tenance plans necessary for the bidding of areas, has intensified its presence in MENA of stations, workshops and depots, tracks, the works. On some of our projects, such as and Central Asia in recent years. As can be signalling systems, ticketing, energy, and in- the tramway of Constantine in Algeria, we seen on our website (, we formation systems. The work we undertake are also undertaking the supervision of the now have 5 offices in the region. IDOM's allows these lines to be operated following works and testing. contribution to railway development in international standards while considering The following are some of the projects being these countries has been has been in the local constraints. undertaken by IDOM, which thanks to the design and modernization of railway infras- IDOM has developed in the following infras- investment by different railway authorities, tructure of all types of rail transport (metro, tructure projects, from the previous studies will be providing service in the coming years. tram, conventional rail). All the projects we (alternatives, demand, traffic, financial and - Almaty tramway (Kazajastan). 14 km of a new tramway (LRT) line, financed by the EBRD under a PPP scheme. - Extension of line 1 of the Tramway of Constantine (Algeria). The 10.3 km line with 12 stations departs from the Zouaghi multimodal station to connect with the new urban development of Ali-Mendjeli. - On the Metro of Algiers, IDOM is develo- ping the Ain Naadja - Baraki section. Run- ning over 6.2 km and with 6 stations, this line will connect these two congested dis- tricts to the city centre. - On the (Turkey), IDOM is designing the Vezneceli- Sultangazi line, 17 km with 12 stations running east to west from Vezneciler to Sultangazi, and passing under the Famous Fatih Mosque district.

48 MAFEX ◗The MENA Region


◗ ICON MULTIMEDIA CEX for Business Excellence in cases of monitors, indicators and a PA system of the Saudi Arabia: The Ministry of Finance of international success. ten stations that make up the line between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia introduced Algeria: Within the project for the the two populations, showing contents a network of communication in customs improvement of the railway line Thenia- related mainly with the schedules of the with 36 large-format totems of high Tizi Ouzou in Algeria, the Iberian Society services, in the Arabic, French and English. performance with the DenevaDS of Electric Constructions, S.A. (SICE), In total managing more than 80 devices. communication platform. The platform implemented as a system of information As in the previous case, both the platform of ICON Multimedia was fully adapted management to the traveler DenevaDS and the contents offered in line with into Arabic. The objective was to offer to transIT's new line of ICON Multimedia, the the platform Deneva meet the Halal all the people who pass by their customs system manages the information on both certification of digital content. offices, information and signage of diverse interest, mainly of the customs services that monitor the entry and exit to the country. The whole of the content offered by Saudi Custom and Deneva comply with Sharia Law. Platform Deneva and also ICON Multimedia had to be approved in content Halal, being the 1st European Halal Certified in digital content. This project was awarded to ICON with The "Astrolabya Mariam to the Model of Innovation", for his contribution to the development of innovation through the concept 'halal' as well as the recognition

MAFEX 49 IN DEPTH Canada: The urban railway systems are booming


he public railway transport for the continuously growing de- At present, Canada has a popu- has become an increasing mand for communication means in lation of 36.2 million inhabitants, Tmobility option in many cou- the main cities and their surroun- but, despite its enormous expan- ntries, including Canada. One of ding areas. sion, it is condensed into large ur- the most extensive territories in the ban centers. Almost 90% is loca- world, ranked 2nd regarding the Light rail boom ted at the border with the United number of kilometers, it deals with All this, with infrastructures adapted States. Here is where, in the future its own peculiarities of climate and to the particular features, such as the years, a real "boom" of sustaina- concentration of residents in very low temperatures registered. This is ble mobility systems will be expe- specific areas. Aspects that have the reason for which the maintenan- rienced, with the regional and local made it essential to find a solution ce issue has so much weight. administrations’ clear commitment

50 MAFEX ◗ Urban systems in Canada

Rail, light rail, tramway, commuter, etc. All these systems will concentrate Canada's largest infrastructure Canada: investments over the next decade. The urban railway systems are booming

lly friendly urban transport system. A new mobility model that also transforms lifestyle while travelling to big cities and their surrounding areas.

Sustainable mobility The federal administration, being aware of the growing need to strengthen the urban public trans- port, has responded with a strong investment for the future years. This is the “New Building Cana- da Plan” (NBCP) program in force until 2025. This plan has an inves- tment of 53,000 million Canadian dollars (36.9 M€) for infrastruc- tures at provincial, territorial and municipal levels. This plan carries on with the investment path of the previous "Building Canada Plan", which was in force during 2007- 2014; therefore, the total sum allocated for infrastructures amou- nts to 60,000 million Canadian dollars (41,800 M€), for the period 2014-2025.

Investment stages In 2016, the federal government approved an investment of 120,000 million Canadian dollars (83,600 million Euros) in 10 years, besides an additional amount of another 60,000 million Canadian dollars (41,800 million Euros), which will be distributed in two stages. In the to the light rail, which benefit tish Columbia and Manitoba joins first stage, 3,400 million Canadian from federal support. In particular, them. The objective is to stop road dollars (2,300 M€) is allocated for the most important projects will congestions, to reduce the num- a period of five years for water be developed in the provinces of ber of private vehicles and provide treatment and "green infrastruc- Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. Bri- a fast, efficient and environmenta- tures", with the aim of achieving more efficient transport.

The largest light rail projects are in Structure of the urban transport the provinces of Alberta, Ontario sector More than 95% of the public in- and Quebec. frastructures belong to the provin-

MAFEX 51 IN DEPTH ◗ Urban systems in Canada

ces and municipalities. However, The Federal Government, through ted in the areas with the largest since 2006, the federal govern- the Ministry of Transport and In- population in the country, Alberta, ment has allocated certain amou- frastructures, Communities and Ontario, Quebec and British Co- nts for the construction and mo- Intergovernmental Affairs, ensures lumbia. dernization of light and heavy rails, the financing and support in order There, the respective Transport as well as commuter lines, partici- to implement the many existing Departments of each Government pating in improving the citizens’ projects, especially the light rail. and its organisms are responsible quality of life and the progress of An activity that is carried out by for the impetus given to infras- the country. several public entities such as "In- tructures. It should be noted that frastructure Canada", "PPP Cana- many of these projects outstand Commuter lines da" or "Transport Canada". with Public Private Participation As regards the railway commuter The major amounts are concentra- (PPP) formulas. lines, there are currently 13 ma- jor lines that are managed by the In the areas of greater population, respective regional transport agen- cies. The most important are the there is a great demand of public "Agence Métropolitaine de Trans- port", which manages and coor- transportation systems. dinates the five lines operating in Montreal or "Translink" in Van- couver, in charge of the network linking the city to Mision through the "West Coast Express” service. "Toronto Go Transit", which has seven commuter lines covering this urban area, is also operating.

Canada has the first five light rail projects in North America. 52 MAFEX FULL STEAM AHEAD! Stadler provides a comprehensive range of products in the and railway segments: high-speed trains, intercity trains, regional and commuter rail trains, underground trains, tram-trains and trams. In addition, Stadler manufactures mainline dual-mode locomotives, shunting locomotives and passenger carriages, including the most powerful diesel-electric locomotive in Europe. Stadler remains the world’s leading manufacturer in the rack-and-pinion rail vehicle industry.


Valley Line TODAY’S MAYOR Edmonton´s rts LRT line, part of a new low-oor system (2016-2020) 16.8 miles Eglinton Crosstown URBAN RAIL Aboveground and underground LRT line with 25 station (2011-2021) IN NORTH AMERICA 11.8 miles PROJECTS Finch West New LRT line with 18 stops (2011-2020) 6.8 miles Hurontario New LRT line with 22 stops (2018-2022) 12.4 miles Confederation Line Phase I of the construction of Ottawa´s new LRT system (2013-2018) 7.8 miles Purple Line Extension Extension of the existing metro line with 7 new stations (2015-2035) 9 miles Crenshaw/LAX transit Aerial , at-grade and below grade line linking existing metro lines (2014-2019) 8.5 miles Regional connector Short underground line connecting 2 metro lines (2016-2021) 1.9 miles Eagle P3 New commuter rail lines, mostly electric (2010-2016) 57,9 miles Coste estimado del proyecto: Purple line De 700 a 2.000 M€ New LRT line in Maryland with 21 station, serving the Greater Washington area (2016-2021) Entre 2.000 y 6.000 M€ 16 miles Más de 6.000 M€ Revitalisation of the Subway Complete renewal including 940 new subway cars and the replacement of over 73 miles of track 73 miles

Metro Tex Rail Conexión con el aeropuerto “Dallas Fort Worth” (2016-2018) Cercanías 27 miles Honolulu Rail Longitud de vía Construcción of driverless metro system (2011-2025) 20 miles

History of urban systems port is so important that the public Crosstown Light Rail Transit” in Until recently, the network’s great works associated with this subsec- Toronto. This ambitious initiative weight has always been represented tor will have an annual average benefits from one of the largest by the freight transport, followed growth of 5.1% between 2014 public-private partnerships in the by the passenger transport on long and 2025. In particular, the ma- world. distances. Therefore, the urban sys- jor players are the urban railway Canada follows the path tems have a short existence when projects, such as the "Eglinton of its commitment to compared to other European coun- tries where they have been rooted longer as mobility means in large cities. The first steps were taken in Toronto in 1954 and in Montreal in 1966. Since then, lines and routes have been added. The first light rail branch from Edmonton (Edmonton Light Rail Transit) was completed in 1978. A few years later, in 1981, Calgary also added to its network a line of these features. It is followed by the Vancouver Sky Train, which enters in commercial operation in 1986 and the O-Train, in Ottawa in 2001.

New lines under construction The construction associated with the development of railway trans-

54 MAFEX ◗ Urban systems in Canada

the railway regarding the develop- ment of cities. The light rail will play a major role in the urban transport and the The largest projects In fact, the five largest urban trans- main investments. port projects in North America, all of them involving the light rail, are in this country: Valley Line (Edmon- ton-Alberta), Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail, Transit and Finch West (Toronto-Ontario),Hurontario- Main Street LRT (Mississagua/ Brampton-Ontario) and Confede- ration Line (Ottawa-Ontario). New lines under construction in these provinces and others are added. For example, in Ontario, the Kit- chener-Waterloo light rail (K-W Light Rail); and in Quebec, the "Quebec City LRT" network. In Bri- tish Columbia, there are two outs- tanding projects. On one hand, in Vancouver, the "Dowtown Street- car”; on the other hand, in Vic- toria, the "Douglas Street Light Rail". In the Province of Manitoba, in the capital, another network of these features called "Winnipeg Light rail and tramway networks, an increasing option in Canada and the world. ” is also in place. As regards the heavy rail, Toronto is (TYSSE), which exceeds the inves- ban railway transport systems with working on the expansion of the tment of more than 3,100 million amounts allocated for the rolling current network. This is the well- Canadian dollars (2,096 M€). stock modernization, procurement known project "Toronto-York Spa- Together with the main infrastruc- of new trains and rehabilitation of dina" Subway Extension Projects ture projects, they will promote ur- lines.


Project Province Federal funds Total cost ◗ Light Rail Trasit Traction Power Upgrades Alberta 10,000,000,00€ 30,000,000,00€ ◗ Light rail vehicles (LRVs) Alberta 12,500,000,00€ 25,000,000,00€ ◗ Renovation of light rail stations Alberta 13,485,000,00€ 26,970,000, 00€ ◗ Design of the NAIT-Blatchford light rail line Alberta 13,001,000,00€ 26,002,000,00€ ◗ Preliminary design of the Blatchford-Campbell light rail Alberta 19,501,000,00€ 39,002,000,00€ ◗ Procurement of train sets Ontario 20,000,000,00€ 40,000,000,00€ ◗ Light rail (2nd stage): Engineering Ontario 45,000,000,00€ 90,000,000,00€ ◗ Program for the rehabilitation of switches and crossings Ontario 11,470,000,00€ 22,940,000,00€ ◗ Fich West light rail: first works Ontario 25,000,000,00€ 50,000,000,00€ ◗ Track rehabilitation program Ontario 14.097,500,00€ 28,195,000,00€ ◗ Train door monitoring systems (T1 & TR) Ontario 17,569,500,00€ 35,138,000,00€ ◗ Rail cars for T1 (Rehabilitation) Ontario 11,191,500,00€ 22,383,000,00€ ◗ Rehabilitation of underground trains Quebec 17,500,000,00€ 35,000,000,00€ ◗ Procurement of new rolling stock Quebec 20,500,000,00€ 51,500,000,00€ ◗ Rehabilitation of the rail infrastructure (Phase I) Quebec 49,900,000,00€ 105,100.000,00€



Edmonton's new light rail line in the first stage benefits from an investment of Province of Alberta will be the so-called 1,800 million dollars (1,257 M€) and "Valley Line". It will be built between is entrusted to a public-private 2016 and 2020. partnership (P3). The route has 27 kilometers. Its comple- te development has been scheduled in several stages. The first of them, of 13 kilometers, partly South-East from the center at Mill Woods. It will have 11 surface stations and an exchanger in Churchill Square to access the rail lines and the light rail network "Capital LRT", running from North-West to the South of the city. This

EGLINTON CROSSTOWN LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT (TORONTO) In 2008, the provincial transportation company, Metrolinx, approved the regio- nal transportation plan "The Big Move", for the next 25 years, with projects amounting to 50,000 Canadian dollars in Toronto and Hamilton (GTHA). One of the priority initiatives is "Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit", with an investment of 5,300 million Canadian dollars (3,700 M€) to improve mobility in Toronto. It is a 19-kilometer light rail network that will run from Eglinton Avenue to Kennedy Station and will include a 10-ki- lometer underground section. These works benefit from the Spanish experience of companies such as ACS and Dragados, through its Iridium and Dragados Canada subsidiaries with Aecon. The construction is currently ongoing and will enter into commer- cial operation in 2021, according to the planned calendar.

56 MAFEX ◗ Urban systems in Canada

FINCH WEST LIGHT RAIL (TORONTO) HURONTARIO-MAIN STREET LIGHT RAIL Among the first five light rail projects in construction, financing and maintenan- (MISSISSAUGA AND North America, there is also the "Finch ce contract for this line, amounting to West LRT". It is an 11 kilometers line about 870 million Euros. A summons BRAMPTON) that will cross 13 neighborhoods in the performed by the Department of Infras- The Ontario Government has allocated Northwestern side of the City of Toronto. tructures of Ontario and the transport an amount of 1,600 million Canadian It is estimated that in 2031, due to its agency of the city. The network will dollars for the "Hurontario-Main Street" high capacity, it could serve about 2,800 have 18 stops and will include an un- light rail. The network will have 23 ki- passengers per hour in the sections of derground exchange station on Keele lometers, running between Mississauga greater demand. In March 2016, ACS, Street. In addition, there will be links to and Brampton. The route will include in consortium with Aecon and CRH, was the "Finch West Station” and to the new up to 26 links to many of the region's invited in the bid regarding the design, Toronto-York rail extension. transit lines, such as the Kitchener West, Milton and Lakeshore or Brampton Zum train lines. It is expected to reach 35 mi- llion passengers per year by 2031.


In Ottawa (Ontario) the light rail branch dollars (1.484 M€), which has made this "Confederation Line” is under construc- initiative the largest in terms of infras- tion. The line will be part of the "O-Train" tructures approved by the City Hall. The network managed by the OC Transpo second stage amounts to 3,000 million Company. According to the action plan, it Canadian dollars (2.121 M€) for the line’s will be commissioned in 2018 and it will expansion with four or five stations to the replace part of the city’s bus service. The East and another ten to the Western sec- contract was awarded in 2012, with a tion. The rolling stock is from Alstom, 34 budget exceeding 2,100 million Canadian units of the Citadis Spirit model.


TORONTO RAIL NETWORK EXTENSION With the “Toronto-York-Spadina Subway Extension” project, 8.6 ki- lometers of network will be added so as to link the Toronto rail from Downsview Station to the Muni- cipality of York, also running by its University. It will have six new stations and its commissioning is expected to be later this year.

RÉSEAU ÉLECTRIQUE MÉTROPOLITAIN (REM) (MONTREAL) REM, Réseau Électrique Métropolitain is The objective is to provide a modern, a light rail project (LRT) that will have fast and environmentally friendly urban 67 kilometers. It will be the third largest transportation system to the major me- automatic railway network of these fea- tropolitan areas of Montreal. tures in the world. It stems from the pro- The system will link the urban cen- posal of the CDPQ Infra Body, belonging ter with the South Coast, West Island to the Caisse de Dépôt et Placement du (Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue), North Shore Québec. (Deux-Montagnes) and Pierre-Elliott Tru- deau International Airport. This light rail will help reducing the gre- enhouse gas emissions (GHG) by 16,800 tons per year. This initiative was annou- nced last year and its commissioning is expected by the end of 2020. Montreal has chosen to include a light rail net- work considering it as a comprehensive, efficient and reliable public transporta- tion system.


The "Surrey-Newton-Guildford" light rail is the first of the two stages of the regio- nal transport network for South Fraser. The project will provide street-oriented light rail transit along King George Boulevard and 104 Avenue, connecting Surrey City Centre, Newton Centre and Guildford Town Centre with high-quality rapid transit.

58 MAFEX ◗ Urban systems in Canada

HAMILTON LIGHT RAIL (ONTARIO) K-WLIGHT RAIL: KITCHENER- The City of Hamilton, Ontario, is close frastructure Ontario tendered the design, WATERLOO LIGHT to signing an agreement with Metrolinx, construction, operation and maintenance RAIL (ONTARIO) the provincial transportation agency, to of this Light Rail Transit (LRT). This tender build the first light rail line. The works are includes 11 new kilometers between Mc- This transportation system, which is scheduled to start in 2019, while the in- Master University and Queenston Circle built in the Waterloo region, will link auguration is scheduled for 2024. For this and 14 stops, as well as a first batch of the three major urban centers of the project, provincial funds of 1,000 million rolling stock. The construction of the first cities of Cambridge, Kitchener and Wa- Canadian dollars (790 M€) were appro- phase will be completed this year and it terloo. In a first stage will be performed ved in May 2015. In February 2017, In- will be inaugurated in 2018. a section of 19 kilometers. This "Stage 1" includes the construc- tion of LRT from Kitchener to Waterloo. The idea is to provide new mobility means, as the Ontario region is ex- pected to increase population by an additional 200,000 inhabitants in the next 20 years. It has been designed to replace the era of the automobile. LRT will operate separately from tra- ffic, making it a more efficient, reliable, comfortable, convenient, and effective way to travel.

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diseñando y fabricando 115 TECNOLOGÍAaños FERROVIARIA C







Polígono de Silvota | C/ Peña Santa 7 33192 Llanera | Asturias | España MAFEX 59 IN DEPTH


◗ IDOM transit (LRT) projects. We have provided IDOM Consulting, Engineering, support to international contractors in Architecture, a leading European firm tendering for projects in Canada, such as providing professional engineering the Ottawa LRT, Eglinton LRT... services in these fields, is an independent IDOM's activity in Canada is not limited company founded in 1957. IDOM has an to railway infrastructure. We have also office in the city of Mississagua, Canada. participated in large-scale projects in Having designed over 764 km of tram country such as a 2x40 MW Biomass lines in more than 42 cities in 19 countries Plant in British Columbia or the White (Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, River hydraulic Project. This means that Ecuador, China, Algeria, Macedonia, as an engineering firm, IDOM has a among others), IDOM firm has extensive deep knowledge of the region and its experience in developing urban light rail regulations.

◗ NEM SOLUTIONS TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) and NEM Solutions work together in the early detection of wheel defects thanks to the installation of two WILD (Wheel Impact Load Detection) systems and the advanced railway wheel wear management tool A.U.R.A wheel. The WILD systems supplied by NEM Solutions are installed in the YUS Line (Yonge-University-Spadina) and the BD Line (Bloor-Danforth). AURA wheel (the world’s most advanced railway wheel wear management platform, with over 58 million wheel measurements, and counting) and NEM Solutions enable advanced railway wheel wear management thanks to expert industry knowledge that results in the optimization of life cycles.

◗ CETEST CETEST performed ride quality and vibrations testing on Die- sel Multiple Units manufactu- red by Japanese manufacturer Nippon Sharyo for Metrolinx Toronto. The aim was to check that the vehicle had a smooth ride without abnormal vibration during the operation on the ser- vice track.

60 MAFEX ◗ Urban systems in Canada


◗ ALSTOM SPAIN Alstom Spain, from its Information Tech- nologies Solution Centre located in Ma- drid, is developing the passenger safety and information system for Ottawa's new light rail system, which Alstom is develo- ping in consortium with ACS. Alstom Spain's engineering centre and technology laboratories are responsible for designing and running the central system that will manage video survei- llance, public address and passenger in- formation displays, both in the stations and on the trains. It will also implement the internal wireless communications network (radio communications based the capacity to simultaneously manage on TETRA) for operations and mainte- million pieces of data regarding the sta- nance. tus of the lines, incidents at stations, alte- Overall, the system will ensure safety of rations in electrical power supply, opera- passengers who will use the first light rail tional management, schedules and safety network of the Canadian city, which will warnings, thereby providing information begin operating in 2018. The technology in real time to both the passengers and developed by the Alstom Spain teams has the operator.

◗ SICE Downsview Station, in the City of Toronto, missioning of communication equi- SICE has been awared of the integrated to the Vaughan Corporate Centre. pment, that includes 26 Harsh Envi- controls and communication equipment To accommodate the extra trains required ronment Telephone, 21 Emergency Trip in the expanded wilson yard and new by the subway extension, extra storage Switchs and Emergency Trip Control wilson yard substation north in Toronto. tracks are required to store the trains in Cabinet, Station Control System Cabi- The Toronto-York Spadina Subway Exten- Wilson Yard. net, RF radiant and non-radiant coaxial sion Project is undertaking an extension In this project, SICE is in charge of the cable and Fiber optic cable and Fiber of the existing Spadina Subway Line from supply, installation, testing and com- Optic Cabinets.


CBM: Condition-Based Maintenance strategy implementation service

NEM SOLUTIONS LAUNCHES EM has been providing collaboration and trust-based re- CBM (CONDITION-BASED the market with a new lationship that is created between MAINTENANCE) STRATEGY N potential service since the customer and NEM. Moreover, IMPLEMENTATION SERVICE. 2016. It consists of the definition through this service, NEM also en- of a customised Roadmap to help sures the correct and necessary di- their customers achieve a compe- gital transformation inside compa- titive implementation of a CBM nies (processes and people) when (Condition-Based Maintenance) it comes to implementing this kind strategy. of technology.Nowadays, Industrial The results have been outstanding innovation is about Data and the and the most important thing is the information that can be obtained through it (the so-called Big Data era, the Internet of Things or Indus- try 4.0). Technological companies are specialising on the acquisition, storage, knowledge and analysis of big amounts of data in order to maximise the use of such data and turn it into key information for companies. In the Railway Maintenance Indus- try for instance, the technological advances are growing exponentia- lly and so are the CBM (Condition- Based Maintenance) solutions that can be found in the market. Howe- ver, NEM’s client’s day-to-day rea- lity may not be at the same level, and here is when uncertainty and the lack of knowledge in customers may be increased. It is when we should stop and start thinking and reflecting. We need to understand the client’s present day situation with the clear objective of helping them choose the best way to reach their goal. Many times it is not about imple- menting the most advanced tech- nology in the market and waiting it to change their Business. It is about listening to our customers in order to understand whether they are pre- pared for it or not. And if not, help them define the Roadmap that will ensure the correct implementation.

62 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News

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Video analysis as a complement to tram signalling ow can coexistence between THE TEAM FROM THE ALSTOM DIGITAL MOBILITY CENTRE OF trams and vehicles be impro- EXCELLENCE LOCATED IN MADRID IS ALREADY WORKING ON A ved? Intersections and the H SOLUTION THAT WILL COMPLEMENT TRAM SIGNALLING SYSTEMS, daily coexistence between different traffic systems are at the heart of AIMED AT AVOIDING COLLISIONS AT URBAN INTERSECTIONS. most tram collisions. The solution? Taking some of the devices of the autonomous car, such as cameras, sensors and radar, and applying them to tram signalling. The team from the Alstom Digital Mobility Centre of Excellence lo- cated in Madrid is already working on a solution that will complement tram signalling systems, aimed at avoiding collisions at urban intersec- tions. The experience in the tramway sys- tem currently in service says that the majority of accidents in crossroads are not caused by the tramway but by the other vehicles. Conventional protection systems for trains (ATP) or driverless systems (ATO) provides extra protection aga- inst tramway driver errors, but does not mitigate accidents caused by cars, vans or motorcycles. There are several behavior patterns of the vehicles nearby a crossroad which might cause an accident with a tramway that can be anticipated. For instance: • A vehicle approaches a crossroad at a speed too high to halt with of these behaviours using cameras, lway signalling, thereby improving comfort before a red light radars and other sensors would, in and complementing current safety • A vehicle shows its intention to this way, complement traditional rai- systems. perform a left turn forbidden • A vehicle still in the intersection zone with the tramway tracks • A vehicle passing a signal at dan- ger The installation of additional techno- logies at these intersections, such as those used in autonomous cars, plus real-time computerised analysis of the data obtained, can detect these behaviours and warn tram drivers sufficiently in advance. Identification

64 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News

Navigation system for Renfe trains, reinforcing signaling systems

GMV HAS BEEN SELECTED BY RENFE TO PROVIDE THE SYSTEM connected to a touch terminal on the desk of the train, which will THAT WILL MONITOR THE INSTANTANEOUS SPEED OF THE TRAIN show all the travel information and IN REAL TIME. THE CURRENT SCOPE OF THIS PROJECT INCLUDES travel plans to the driver, as well THE 44 TRAINS THAT MAKE THE 130 AND 730 RENFE SERIES. as the necessary warnings well in advance, should the train be requi- red to slow down. The system also mounts a speaker that will issue an audible warning in the cab depen- MV has been selected by instantaneous velocity and other ding on the level of importance of Renfe to provide the sys- parameters such as the type of tra- the message. Gtem that will monitor the in and braking curve, this system Additionally, the system includes a instantaneous speed of the train in is able to calculate the braking maintenance module which allows real time, alerting the driver if it does distance required for the train to to download the records contai- not meet the allowed values, both reduce its speed to a value accep- ning, among others, the maximum on the current section as in the next table in the next section of the rail- speed excesses detected through ones. track. an application that will also allow The project, called internally "navi- To calculate the current position detailed analysis of all data stored gation system as reinforcement of on the raltrack, the system com- by the system. signaling systems" is an evolution bines information obtained from The current scope of this project of a first pilot study conducted by an integrated high sensitivity GPS includes the 44 trains that make GMV on the Madrid - Albacete receiver with the train’s own odo- the 130 and 730 Renfe series, project. meter, thus enabling the use in which make the journey Albacete The design of this system arises in tunnels and areas of no GPS cove- - Alicante, although it is expected the wake of the fatal accident in rage. The system consists of one that in the future be extended to Angrois in July 2013. Based on the of GMV’s standard OBUs (R-M20), other Renfe lines and trains.

MAFEX 65 INNOVATION Transformation project of the propulsion systems of 12 units

BOMBARDIER TRAPAGA’S For that purpose, Bombardier will drid Metro the new stress curves for FACTORY WILL TRANSFORM be the company responsible for the . THE PROPULSION SYSTEMS OF modification of the traction inverter, The contract has been get due to as well as the disconnector-circuit Madrid Metro reliance in Bombar- 12 MADRID METRO UNITS. breaker box, including its transfers dier know-how and technology, in to both the Bombardier Trapaga’s addition to the performance of the Factory and Madrid Metro site, to vehicle manufacturer consortium proceed with its final installation. (CAF-BT-Siemens), which repeats adrid Metro has requested The Bombardier MITRAC propulsion the same agreement formula for the a project to transform 12 system will provide more flexibility development of this new order. Mtrain units S3000 mono- in operation, as the metros can be Bombardier will also be responsi- tension (1500V) to bitension (1500V used on different lines. ble, together with Siemens, of the / 600V). The target of this project is In addition, the Canadian company modification of the traction system to get more operation flexibility, so will also be responsible for the deve- elements, as well as to prepare the these units could be in operation lopment of the new train software, technical documentation of this sys- on Line 5. This is done in parallel to as well as the supply of the bitension tem. infrastructure modernization execu- charging box and the filter reactan- First unit should be ready by end of ted in this line. ce box, defining together with Ma- 2017 and the rest during 2018.

66 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News

Transforming Transport Project: Big Data to improve mobility in Europe

impact of maintenance on certain events for rail traffic management.

Tangible benefits The three main advantages that big data may contribute to the trans- port sector, and which the Transfor- ming Transport project will address, are the improvement of efficiency, services rendered to clients and the possibility of generating new reve- nues or business models. It is calculated that the use of big data may improve operational effi- THIS R&D&I PROJECT, WHICH DEMONSTRATE HOW THE USE OF ciency of processes and services DATA MAY IMPROVE MANAGEMENT AND SERVICES RENDERED TO linked with transport by, at least, CLIENTS IN THE LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORT SECTOR, INCLUDES 15%, optimizing the use of resou- A RAIL PILOT IN COLLABORATION WITH ADIF AND FERROVIAL rces and reducing maintenance AGROMAN. costs, fuel consumption or inci- dents, among others. ndra leads the R&D&i project algorithms will be developed and Likewise, these technologies make Transforming Transport, which tested, based on existing big data it possible to offer a more persona- Iintends to be the tangible de- technologies, that allow for inte- lized service adapted to the clients' monstration of how massive grating and analyzing real data needs, while also contributing amounts of data generated by the from diverse sources, developing to the optimization of passenger transport and logistics sector can transport patterns and exploiting flows, reducing waiting times and be exploited in an innovative way these in a way that is most suitable goods delivery, and avoiding fai- using state-of-the-art big data te- for decision-making. led connections between different chnologies to improve the manage- Indra leads, furthermore, four modes of transport, among other ment of mobility and services ren- Transforming Transport pilot pro- benefits. All of this will improve dered to users. jects. Among these, we are going user satisfaction and will generate This project is one of the largest to launch, in collaboration with repeat business. funded by the European Commis- Adif and Ferrovial Agroman, a rail The use and exploitation of data sion within the framework of the pilot project for the high-speed sec- may also lead to new sources of in- Horizon 2020 program, both in tion between Cordoba and Mala- come and, even, new business mo- terms of budget, €18.7 million, as ga, in Spain. Big data technologies dels, based on a better knowledge well as with the participation of 47 will be used to improve the mana- of travelers' preferences or travel partners from Finland, France, Ger- gement of the line's maintenance patterns, for fields like tourism or many, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxem- works, optimize available resources advertising. bourg, Netherlands, United King- and reduce mainte- dom and Spain, including some nance costs based on of Europe's leading infrastructure integrating, processing managers and transport operators. and modeling different Transforming Transport includes data sources: mainte- 13 pilot projects that will be imple- nance, information on mented in several countries and in assets, traffic data, to- different areas of transport: roads, pology, superstructure airports, ports, rail infrastructures, data and meteorologi- sustainable connected vehicles, cal information. Real- integrated urban mobility and lo- time predictions will gistics. In each of these areas, new also be made on the


Optimizing the calculation of energy consumption for Tramway Networks


EPS is a specialized software electrically and with different va- magnetic fields. This allows elec- tool, developed entirely by riants of the grid operations. tromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Rthe IDOM R+D+I team, for The electric model is adjusted to analysis in frequency ranges out- the simulation and analysis of rai- real values measured during exis- side the regulatory analysis (bet- lway electrical networks, together ting operations and can be cali- ween 0 and 9 kHz), which could with the analysis of the planned brated with real measurements for affect sensitive equipment, typica- operating grids. This software has each client in the case of in-service lly located in hospitals, universities been used in the design of the Tra- trains. or scientific centres, which may be mways of Bilbao, Murcia and Zara- The main innovations that have located close to tram networks. goza (Spain), Lund (Sweden), and been incorporated into the soft- 3. The capacity of stored energy Ring 3 Copenaghe (Denmark). ware for the analysis of the tram can be evaluated for the units re- The design of electrical installa- networks with respect to other quired to circulate in "Free Cate- tions for a tram network, especia- conventional models of energy nary" sections or without contact lly substations requires a great deal analysis are: line (system with batteries in the of adjustment, to minimize the size 1. Bi-directional substations can rolling stock). and insertion of the substations in be set up, in order to achieve a 4. The energy quality of a line can the city. Also factors such as EMC preliminary analysis of the reco- be analyzed, calculating the losses (electromagnetic fields) and ener- very of braking energy systems, by the Joule effect in conductors gy regeneration are key aspects to determining the return to the as well as the percentage of ener- be considered when designing in electric network. With this featu- gy burned in them, in relation to an urban environment. re, the installations can be desig- all the energy supplied. The REPS simulator developed by ned taking into account the ener- The implementation in the IDOM IDOM has a powerful Graphical gy recovery and the power of the calculation algorithms tool, highly Interface to visualize / interact all equipment of return of energy to optimized, reduces the analysis the elements, creating different the network, thereby reducing the times, allowing the entire align- scenarios on the tram network installed power. ment to be evaluated, in reduced and on the electrical system and 2. The tool also integrates a modu- periods of time and obtaining a analysing an endless number of le to calculate the currents in the more global and detailed analysis operations situations, even in de- overhead contact line, with conti- of everything related to the energy graded mode. The entire tramway nuous recording serving as input supply of tramway infrastructure network is simulated at once, both data for the calculation of electro- projects.

68 MAFEX ◗ Breaking News

Lateral Wind Prevention System

ICE, in collaboration with the next 10 minutes, historical data and IN COLLABORATION SICE, Spanish Railways Infrastructure trend graphs. WITH THE SPANISH Administrator (Adif), has de- For this purpose, a wind characteri- RAILWAYS INFRASTRUCTURE S veloped an algorithm to predict the zation study was carried out on the ADMINISTRATOR (ADIF), HAS direction and force of the wind at the viaduct of Ulla and its surroundings. DEVELOPED AN ALGORITHM exit of a tunnel for a high-speed line. It used data from the stations insta- TO PREDICT THE DIRECTION It has been implemented in the Ulla lled in the viaduct and also historical AND FORCE OF THE WIND AT viaduct along the Atlantic Axis bet- data of the stations of the Spanish THE EXIT OF A TUNNEL FOR A ween Santiago and Vigo in Galicia. Meteorological Agency. HIGH-SPEED LINE. IT HAS BEEN With the Aquilón application in the It has been shown that the 10-minu- IMPLEMENTED IN THE ULLA Ourense Control Centre, operators te prediction against real values has VIADUCT ALONG THE ATLANTIC receive in real time the lateral wind a sufficient and reliable precision. AXIS BETWEEN SANTIAGO AND prediction alarms on the viaduct and In the implementation carried out VIGO IN GALICIA. can take speed reduction measures in the Ulla viaduct, alarm thresholds and communicate them to the train. have been settled and temporal Solution uses information from speed restrictions (TSR) have been three weather stations that measure assigned by train typology. This was wind direction and speed, but also based on the ADIF documentation barometric pressure, temperature, (MPGI sheet 3 "Actions against relative humidity, and dew point. windstorms" and experimental con- The algorithm makes a 10-minute signment C Number 15 "Require- prediction and provides information ments for the circulation of trains with current alarm levels and for the with very strong winds").


Interoperable ATO over ETCS: Towards the automation of mainline he application of Automa- tic Train Operation in con- INTEROPERABLE ATO OVER ETCS IS THE KEY CONCEPT FOR Tjunction with ETCS Level 2 FUTURE EUROPEAN-WIDE AUTOMATION OF MAINLINE RAILWAY is being pioneered on a new line OPERATIONS. AN EARLY IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT IN THE project in Mexico. This very early MEXICO-TOLUCA LINE IS ALREADY RUNNING UNDER THIS implementation, coordinated and CONCEPT. VALUABLE EXPERIENCE AND FEEDBACK IS EXPECTED developed by CAF Signalling, is FROM THIS PROJECT, LED BY CAF SIGNALLING. the Mexico-Toluca commuter line. This is a new line of 58 kilometres of double track, electrified at 25kV AC, with five new stations that will tions have been made in the con- ATO over ETCS is a powerful con- give service to more than 800.000 text of Baseline 3 ETCS, this early cept stressing interoperability and people. implementation is demonstrating standardization. It can be applied This high-density commuter line that it works also with Baseline 2. to a specific line such as Mexico- has been designed according to Toluca with a project-oriented ap- usual “distance to go” principles Conclusions proach. But the concept itself is applied to metropolitan railways, The more significant conclusion is oriented to the wide, open railway with Grade of Automation GoA2 that a standard and interoperable system. for train operation. approach to Automation at GoA2 The key advantage is that an equip- Driving between stations will be au- is feasible, applying ETCS as the ped train will be able to run with tomatic, and drivers will be required standard ATP to guarantee Safety automatic driving in any equipped to close doors and operate the train and an ATO implementation accor- section of the network. This will during periods of disruption. ding to the draft specs of the ATO simplify the deployment and the The implementation of ETCS is ac- over ETCS concept.ATO and ETCS migration, decreasing the needed cording to the SRS 2.3.0d (Baseline have been put together with a high investments and providing higher 2). Although the works for develo- degree on functional independency benefits to the railway system ope- ping the ATO over ETCS specifica- between them. ration.



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INFRASTRUCTURE ◗ Aquafrisch, S.L. ◗ Indra Sistemas, S.A. Engineering and consultancy ◗ Arteche ◗ Ineco ◗ Aquafrisch, S.L. ◗ Duro Felguera Rail, S.A.U. ◗ Luznor ◗ Ardanuy Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ Elektra - Grupo Elektra, S.A. ◗ P4Q Electronics, S.L. ◗ CAF Power & Automation ◗ Faiveley ◗ SEMI, S.A. ◗ CAF Turnkey & Engineering ◗ HICASA - Hierros y ◗ SICE ◗ Colway Ferroviaria, S.L. Carbones, S.A. ◗ Siemens Rail Automation, S.A.U. ◗ Gantrex ◗ Idom ◗ Telice ◗ Getinsa-Payma, S.L. ◗ Ikusi ◗ Tecnivial Infraestructuras ◗ Idom ◗ Instalaciones Inabensa ◗ Thales España GRP, S.A.U. ◗ Instalaciones Inabensa ◗ Ineco ◗ Typsa ◗ Ineco ◗ ITK Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ MB Sistemas, S.Coop. ◗ JEZ Sistemas Ferroviarios, S.L. Maintenance ◗ NEM Solutions, S.L. ◗ Parrós Obras, S.L. ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Newtek Sólidos ◗ Redalsa, S.A. ◗ Amurrio Ferrocarriles ◗ Sener Ingeniería y Sistemas, S.A. ◗ Siemens Rail Automation, S.A.U. y Equipos, S.A. ◗ Tecnivial Infraestructuras ◗ Talleres Alegría, S.A. ◗ Azvi ◗ Typsa ◗ Thales España GRP, S.A.U. ◗ COMSA ◗ Valdepinto, S.L. ◗ Danobat Civil engineering construction ◗ Duro Felguera Rail, S.A.U. ◗ Assignia Infraestructuras, S.A. Security ◗ Idom ◗ Azvi ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Ikusi ◗ COMSA ◗ Ardanuy Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ Ineco ◗ Instalaciones Inabensa, S.A. ◗ DSAF. Dinámicas de Seguridad ◗ Instalaciones Inabensa ◗ Parrós Obras, S.L. ◗ Ecocomputer S.L. ◗ Parrós Obras, S.L. ◗ PRECON - Prefabricaciones ◗ Idom ◗ Siemens Rail Automation, S.A.U. y Contratas, S.A.U. ◗ Ikusi ◗ Telice ◗ Pretensados del Norte ◗ Implaser 99, S.L.L. ◗ Thales España GRP, S.A.U. ◗ Ineco Electrification ◗ Manusa Door Systems Stations ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ SICE ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A.

MEMBERS DIRECTORY PER SECTOR MEMBERS DIRECTORY ◗ Ardanuy Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ Siemens Rail Automation, S.A.U. ◗ Ardanuy Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ Arteche ◗ Telice ◗ Idom ◗ Getinsa-Payma, S.L. ◗ Tecnivial Infraestructuras ◗ Ikusi ◗ Idom ◗ Thales España GRP, S.A.U. ◗ Ineco ◗ Ineco ◗ Luznor ◗ Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A. Signaling and traffic ◗ Manusa Door Systems ◗ Instalaciones Inabensa, S.A. control ◗ Parrós Obras, S.L. ◗ La Farga Lacambra, S.A.U. ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Thales España GRP, S.A.U. ◗ Luznor ◗ Ardanuy Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ Typsa ◗ Parrós Obras, S.L. ◗ Bombardier España ◗ SEMI, S.A. ◗ Cables y Comunicaciones ◗ Telice Zaragoza S.A. INFORMATION AND DATA ◗ Typsa ◗ CAF Signalling SYSTEMS ◗ DSAF. Dinámicas de Seguridad Systems and equipment for Fixed material: components ◗ Getinsa-Payma, S.L. collection and ticketing and equipment ◗ GMV Sistemas S.A.U. ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Idom ◗ Ardanuy Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ Amurrio Ferrocarriles ◗ Ikusi ◗ Calmell Group y Equipos, S.A. ◗ Implaser 99, S.L.L. ◗ Ecocomputer

72 MAFEX ◗ Idom Fabricantes de locomotoras Interior ◗ Ikusi ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Indra Sistemas, S.A. ◗ Bombardier España ◗ Colway Ferroviaria, S.L. ◗ Manusa Door Systems ◗ CAF - Construcciones y Auxiliar ◗ Idom ◗ SICE de Ferrocarriles, S.A. ◗ Kelox, S.A. ◗ Thales España GRP, S.A.U. ◗ Patentes Talgo, S.L. ◗ Teknorail Systems, S.A. ◗ Stadler Rail Valencia S.A.U. ◗ Valdepinto, S.L. Communications, Information systems and passenger EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS ROLLING STOCK Security information equipment ◗ Actia Systems, S.A.U. Traction and control ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Albatros, S.L. systems ◗ Ardanuy Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. Cables de comunicaciones ◗ Ardanuy Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ CAF Power & Automation Zaragoza, S.L. ◗ Cetest ◗ ◗ Cetest CAF Power & Automation ◗ DSAF. Dinámicas de Seguridad ◗ Ecocomputer ◗ Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A. ◗ ◗ Idom ◗ Getinsa-Payma, S.L. P4Q Electronics, S.L. ◗ ◗ Ikusi ◗ Icon Sistemas de Información y Patentes Talgo, S.L. ◗ Implaser 99, S.L.L. Datos Components ◗ Indra ◗ Idom ◗ Albatros, S.L. ◗ Luznor ◗ Ikusi ◗ AL-KO Record ◗ ◗ Siemens Rail Automation, S.A.U. Indra ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ ◗ Tecnatom Ineco ◗ Arteche (Electrotécnica Arteche ◗ P4Q Electronics, S.L. ◗ Thales España GRP, S.A.U. Smartgrid, S.L.) ◗ SICE ◗ CAF Power & Automation Maintenance ◗ Siemens Rail Automation, S.A.U. ◗ Cetest ◗ Albatros, S.L. ◗ Telice, S.A. ◗ Elektra ◗ ◗ Thales España GRP, S.A.U. ◗ Faiveley Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Typsa ◗ Fundiciones Garbi, S.A. ◗ Aquafrisch, S.L. ◗ Funor, S.A. ◗ CAF - Construcciones y Auxiliar ROLLING STOCK ◗ Gamarra, S.A. de Ferrocarriles, S.A. ◗ Passenger car ◗ Hispacold Cetest ◗ Ikusi ◗ Danobat

manufacturers PER SECTOR MEMBERS DIRECTORY ◗ Indra ◗ Faiveley ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. ◗ Ingeteam Power Technology, S.A. ◗ Ikusi ◗ Bombardier España ◗ Metalocaucho, S.L. ◗ ◗ CAF - Construcciones y Auxiliar Ingeteam Power ◗ MGN Transformaciones del de Ferrocarriles, S.A. Technology, S.A. Caucho, S.A. ◗ Kelox, S.A. ◗ Cetest ◗ P4Q Electronics, S.L. ◗ Luznor ◗ Patentes Talgo, S.L. ◗ Siemens Rail Automation, S.A.U. ◗ Metalocaucho, S.L. ◗ Stadler Rail Valencia S.A.U. ◗ Teknorail Systems, S.A. ◗ NEM Solutions, S.L. ◗ Valdepinto, S.L. Manufacturers of freight ◗ Patentes Talgo, S.L. wagons Equipment and machinery ◗ Siemens Rail Automation, S.A.U. ◗ Alstom Transporte, S.A. for the manufacture of ◗ Talleres Alegría, S.A. ◗ Bombardier España rolling stock ◗ Teknorail Systems, S.A. ◗ CAF - Construcciones y Auxiliar ◗ Aquafrisch, S.L. ◗ Stadler Rail Valencia S.A.U. de Ferrocarriles, S.A. ◗ Cetest ◗ ITK Ingeniería, S.A. ◗ Danobat Quality control, inspection ◗ Talleres Alegría, S.A. ◗ ITK Ingeniería, S.A. and certification ◗ Stadler Rail Valencia S.A.U. ◗ MB Sistemas, S.Coop. ◗ Tecnatom


ALBATROS, S.L. ALSTOM TRANSPORTE, S.A. AQUAFRISCH, S.L. ◗ Ruiz de Alarcón, 13 - 3º ◗ C/ Martínez Villergas 49, edificio V ◗ C/ Ignacio Zuloaga, 10 28014 Madrid (MADRID) 28027 Madrid (MADRID) 28522 Rivas Vaciamadrid ◗ P: +34 91 495 70 00 ◗ P: +34 91 334 58 00 (MADRID) ◗ F: +34 91 495 70 06 ◗ F: +34 91 334 58 01 ◗ P: +34 91 380 03 33 ◗ [email protected] ◗ [email protected] ◗ F: +34 91 778 60 02 ◗ ◗ ◗ [email protected] Albatros Corporation is specialised in the As a promoter of sustainable mobility, ◗ design, manufacture, commercialization, Als­tom Transport is the only railway Aquafrisch is a service oriented company. and maintenance of equipment for the manufacturer present in the full spectrum Our task is to provide our customers railway industry. of transport systems, equipment­ and needs with reliable results. Albatros is formed by various units of services. The company offers a complete Aquafrisch provides a wide offer in engineering and manufacture in Spain range of high performance products: equipment and services in both working as other countries. rolling stock, signalling,­ maintenance fields for the company: We have a team of over 500 employ- and modernisation, infrastructure and 1. Aquafrisch Rail: solutions for railway ees, selling over 100 million Euros a integrated solutions.­ In Spain, Alstom equipment in depots and workshops. year, specially on export markets, with Transport employs around 2000 people 2. Aquafrisch Agua: solutions for water over 27,000 static converters, 35,000 in 19 working sites, has a manufacturing treatment both in consumption and passenger information systems, 6,000 site in Barcelona and de­velops R&D waste waters. HVAC systems, 10,000 WC modules and programmes both for rolling stock and a variety of designs for the exterior as railway signalling and safe­ty projects. the interior of the trains, metros and The technological laboratory located in tramways all over the world. Madrid has become a benchmark­ for signalling projects throughout the world.

ARCELORMITTAL ESPAÑA, S.A. ◗ Apdo. 570. Edificio Energías, 2ª pl. AL-KO 33691 Gijón ◗ Ctra. Durango-Elorrio, 25 AMURRIO FERROCARRIL (ASTURIAS) 48220 Abadiano (BIZKAIA) Y EQUIPOS, S.A. ◗ P: +34 985 18 77 50 ◗ P: +34 94 621 57 40 ◗ Maskuribai, 10 ◗ rails.specialsections@ ◗ F: +34 94 681 37 04 01471 Amurrio (ARABA) ◗ [email protected] ◗ P: +34 945 89 16 00 ◗ ◗ ◗ F: +34 945 89 24 80 ArcelorMittal is the world’s leading steel AL-KO, a pioneer in the manufacture of ◗ [email protected] and mining company and it is part of a shock absorbers in Spain, offers wide ◗ small group of rail manufactures whose range of shock absorbers and suspension Amurrio Ferrocarril y Equipos, S.A. is one production has developed notably in elements, backed by its engineering of the international market leaders in the specialized high-speed, heavy- haul, versatility that provides innovative the design, production and installation metro, conventional lines and other technical solutions to meet the needs of of railway materials. Our rolling stock applications are light rail and tram in its customers. interchanges and crossings are installed the different qualities of normal carbon This fact has lead AL-KO, to carry out in high-speed rail lines, underground steel, micro alloyed and head hardened -in all its plants- major investments in lines, tram lines, and conventional rails. research and testing facilities, as well as railways throughout Europe, Asia, ArcelorMittal quality has been in expansions and refurbishments with America and Africa. In the area of metal recognized by customers around the the objective of implementing a flexible, foundry, we have the experience, the world, from Europe through Asia to efficient and profitable production, also knowledge and the people to produce, Oceania, America and Africa. in small series. process and mechanize machine Next time you travel by train, no matter All this serves to make AL-KO a tool parts and sets of great technical the continent where you are, you may competent party in developing effective complexity in carbon steel manganese be doing it on rails manufactured by solutions in the field of suspension. steel and other steel alloys. ArcelorMittal.

74 MAFEX answers to new challenges. A position maintained by a deep knowledge of the different international electricity systems, efficient client-oriented organization and ARDANUY INGENIERÍA, S.A. remarkable investment in research and AZVI ◗ Avda. Europa, 34 development. ◗ C/ Almendralejo, 5 28023 Madrid (MADRID) This is shown by over 50% increase in 41019 SEVILLA ◗ P: +34 91 799 45 00 the brand references in the past five ◗ P: +34 954 999 320 ◗ F: +34 91 799 45 01 years. Arteche’s decisions over the years ◗ F: +34 954 999 200 ◗ [email protected] made our group a symbol of reliability, ◗ [email protected] ◗ quality and trust, both in solutions and ◗ Ardanuy is a consultancy company that in corporate relations. Corporate alliances Azvi is a hundred-year-old Company specializes in studies, designs, works have taken a key role in Arteches’s specialised in Civil Works whose origins management and technical consultancy history, becoming and asset which has are in railways, forming part of the pertaining to Rail, Metro, Tram and Cable contributed to our international growth history and evolution of the railways Transport. and to the development of innovative and its infrastructures in Spain and The company was founded in December solutions. abroad.Throughout these years, Azvi has 1992 and is made up of a team of over participated in numerous construction, 100 Engineers and Architects. Other rehabilitation, conservation and experts also act as consultants to Ardanuy maintenance projects over more than staff on specific projects. 1,000 kilometres of track, of which almost In Spain, Ardanuy carries out work from ASSIGNIA 450 km have been High-Speed Rail built offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, INFRAESTRUCTURAS, S.A. within the last 25 years.Azvi also has a Seville and Tenerife. It also has offices ◗ Avd. Quitapesares 11 large and modern machinery park which in Lithuania, Poland, India, , Pol. Emp. Villapark allows the company to carry out works with Algeria and USA. Ardanuy has always 28670 Villaviciosa de Odón, its own machines and a Logistics Centre had a marked international vocation. (MADRID) equipped with modern facilities and state Currently over 90% of new contracts ◗ P: +34 91 567 28 70 of the art resources in order to centralize are won on the international market, ◗ F: +34 91 571 96 28 a variety of support services to railway in Western Europe: United Kingdom, ◗ [email protected] activity, such as MachineryPark, materials, Ireland and France; Central and Eastern ◗ maintenance, checking and repairing shops. Europe: Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania; Assignia Infrastructures is a company that Research and Development is also an America: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, is part of the Essentium Group, which is important issue for Azvi. Through its own Peru, USA; Africa: Morocco, Mozambique, based in Spain. R&D department, Azvi invests in railway Algeria, Egypt, South Africa; and Asia: It has international experience in the research and development, in collaboration India, Vietnam, Kazakhstan. development, execution, management and with various public and private entities and operations of large infrastructure projects investigation groups. of all kinds, including concessions and services. Assignia has participated in all high-speed ARTECHE railway projects in Spain. Its experience is (ELECTROTÉCNICA reflected in the various projects developed ARTECHE SMARTGRID, S.L.) including infrastructures, superstructures, BOMBARDIER ESPAÑA ◗ Derio Bidea, 28 stations, new lines or renovations of lines ◗ Avda. Burgos, 17 48100 Mungia (BIZKAIA) in circulation that include: high-speed, Complejo Triada-Torre A ◗ P: +34 94 601 12 00 conventional and sub-urban lines, trams 28036 Madrid (MADRID) ◗ F: +34 94 615 56 28 and metros, the expertise in the sector is ◗ P: +34 91 383 62 00 ◗ [email protected] complemented by performing maintenance ◗ F: +34 91 383 61 98 ◗ works thereof. ◗ [email protected]. Arteche Group’s business is focused on The in-house machinery park (available for providing equipment, applications and widths 1,435 and 1,668 mm), the flexibility ◗ solutions for the electricity and railway and international presence of the company Bombardier Transportation, a global sector worldwide. In power generation, in countries like Mexico, Venezuela, Turkey, leader in rail technology, offers the transmission, distribution, industry, and Morocco, India, Algeria and Chile, gives broadest portfolio in the rail industry. railway technologies, the group has Assignia an unquestionable distinction in Bombardier Transportation Spain is one become a key player in the search for the railway sector. of the leading exporters of the Spanish


railway industry, employing more than CAF is a firm focused on investigation, de- ◗ [email protected] 750 people in its plants and offices in velopment, design, production and main- ◗ Trápaga (Biscay), San Sebastian de los tenance of Rolling stocks for the railway CAF Signalling, the technological subsidi- Reyes and Alcobendas (Madrid), Madrid industry. Our product range include from ary of the CAF Group, provides rail traffic and Barcelona, and taking part in some of High Speed, to regional and suburban signalling, both in Spain and abroad. the major railway projects in the country. trains, articulated units, underground trains, As such, it offers railway signalling solu- Its Propulsion Systems plant located in Trá- LRVs, light underground trains and loco- tions and remote control for Railway infra- paga (Biscay) and its Centre of Excellence motives. Maintenance of the whole range. structures. in Rail Signalling Engineering located in It boasts production premises throughout CAF Signalling, boats the Company’s own San Sebastian de los Reyes (Madrid) are Spain (Beasain, Irun, Zaragoza, Castejón in-house engineering and expertise to take world top technological centres, leading and Linares), as well as in the USA (Elmira on “turn-key” railway signalling projects the requests for Bombardier’s propulsion NY), France (Bagnères de Bigorre), Mexico with recognition from several Railway Ad- and signalling systems for Spain and for (Mexico Df) and Brazil (Sao Paulo) and ministrations in Spain and other countries the rest of the world. Exports represent al- Rail Technological Centres in Beasain and in Europe, America, Africa, Middle East and ready more than 85% of its activity. Zaragoza. CAF’s projects are distributed in Asia. over 25 countries around the world in the five continents.

CABLES DE COMUNICACIONES ZARAGOZA CAF TURNKEY & ◗ Polígono de Malpica, ENGINEERING Calle D, nº 83 CAF POWER & AUTOMATION ◗ Parque Científico y Tecnológico de 50016 Zaragoza (ZARAGOZA) ◗ Parque Tecnológico de San Bizkaia, Laida Bidea, Edificio 205. ◗ P: +34 976 72 99 00 Sebastián. Pso. de Mikeletegi, 58 -2º. 48170 Zamudio ◗ F: +34 976 72 99 72 20009 San Sebastián (GIPUZKOA) (BIZKAIA) ◗ [email protected] ◗ P: +34 943 30 92 51 ◗ P: +34 946 819 550 ◗ ◗ F: +34 943 30 92 52 ◗ F: +34 94 623 29 29 Founded in 1971, Cables de Comunica- ◗ [email protected] ◗ [email protected] ciones has been steadily building its re- ◗ ◗ putation as a respected business in the CAF P&A is a global manufacturer of elec- CAF Turnkey & Engineering was created in field of communications cables. Cables de tric power solutions as well as information 2007 with its head office is in the Technolo- Comunicaciones has cemented its position and communications systems for the rail gical and Scientific Park of Biscay (Zamudio). and its products are now used in over 50 industry. CAF P&A have equipped more It began its business in Integrated Enginee- countries around the world. than 5,000 vehicles world wide including, ring of Transport Services and in 2015, after The company has a wide range of products metros, light rail, locomotives and high- merging with the company CMFS (Mexico), that are certified according to the stan- speed trains. it increased its portfolio of services with the dards of the leading telecomm and railway One of the main strategic lines is the de- inclusion of EPC projects for both civil works operators in the majority of countries in velopment of its own technology. To do so, and subsystems. Europe. It is dedicated to designing and as a major asset, CAF P&A has a team of Following solid and constant growth, the developing excellent telecommunications, experienced, competent and dynamic spe- company currently has a workforce of signalling, instrumentation, data and fibre cialists. CAF P&A develops, manufactures 200 with offices in Zamudio, Madrid and optic cables. and deliver high reliability solutions adapt- Mexico, providing service to both compa- ed to each and every client’s specific needs nies within the CAF Group and national in compliance with railway standards. and international private and public cus- tomers.

CONSTRUCCIONES Y AUXILIAR DE FERROCARRILES, S.A. CALMELL GROUP ◗ Padilla, 71 - 6 CAF SIGNALLING ◗ Pol. Ind. Pla d’en Coll 28006 Madrid (MADRID) ◗ Avenida de la Industria, 50 C/ Fresser, 12 C 08110 ◗ P: +34 91 436 60 00 28108 Alcobendas Montcada i Reixac ◗ F: +34 91 436 60 11 (MADRID) (BARCELONA) ◗ [email protected] ◗ P: +34 91 798 27 50 ◗ P: +34 93 564 14 00 ◗ ◗ F: +34 91 661 37 51 ◗ F: +34 93 564 58 22

76 MAFEX ◗ [email protected] ◗ P: +34 93 414 65 12 ◗ ◗ F: +34 936 39 8 610 The first company of the group, Calmell, ◗ [email protected] S.A. was founded in 1970, focusing its ac- ◗ tivity on the manufacture or graphic prod- Colway Ferroviaria,S.L., company belong- DANOBAT ucts. Currently, the Calmell Group is the ing to the COLWAY Group, specializes in ◗ Arriaga Kalea, 21 leader in access control and identification, the design, engineering, manufacture, 20870 Elgoibar (GIPUZKOA) through its companies Calmell S.A., Affix supply, installation and commission- ◗ P: +34 943 748 044 S.L., Idoneum S.A., which are respectively ing of turnkey railway vehicle interiors. ◗ F: +34 943 743 138 engaged in producing the supports (tick- Through the integrated management of ◗ [email protected] ets, cards,…), developing specific soft- modular supplies, based on experience, ◗ ware and hardware, personalization and knowledge, research and innovation, the Danobat Railways business unit focuses its security. company achieves the satisfaction of the activity in the supply of turnkey solutions In the public transport sector it works for in- needs and expectations of its customers: for the manufacturing and maintenance of tegrators and operators supplying any kind railway manufacturers and public admin- railways rolling stock, incorporating own of support for ticketing and reader/writer istrations. products of leading technology, together systems. With a strong international pres- Colway capabilities include Modular with those manufactured by specialized ence through its network of representatives System solutions for Rail Interiors as companies. and distributors, the Calmell Group is able Toilet Modules, Front hoods, saloons, It gathers extensive experience and qualifi- to satisfy your needs on a global level. walls, Buffet, Restaurant areas, vesti- cation in the rendering of services such as bules. engineering services, equipment integra- tion, complex project management, and collaboration with the customer all along the life of the project. CETEST Danobat has a strong international pres- ◗ Lazkaibar, s/n ence and references in the most relevant 20200 Beasain (GIPUZKOA) COMSA CORPORACIÓN customers. ◗ P: +34 943 028 690 ◗ C/ Julián Camarillo 6A, 2ª planta ◗ [email protected] 28037 ◗ (MADRID) Test and analysis services for: ◗ P: +34 913 532 120 ■ Design verification and validation. ◗ F: +34 913 504 954 ■ Full homologation of new products and ◗ [email protected] DSAF – DINÁMICAS vehicles. ◗ DE SEGURIDAD, S.L. ■ Failure analysis and optimization. COMSA is the company of COMSA Cor- ◗ Avda. de San Blas nº 13 - Fully accredited test lab with more than 40 poración specialised in the construction of Polígono Industrial de Gojain years of experience in railway testing. railway infrastructures. Founded in 1891, 01170 Legutiano Test services cover the following areas: the company provides a comprehensive (ARABA) ■ Structural components. service in the field of railway construction ◗ P: +34 945 466 314 ■ Running gear. and maintenance, electrification, and con- ◗ F: +34 945 466 314 ■ Suspension systems. trol and communication systems of high ◗ [email protected] ■ Vehicle dynamics. speed rails, conventional rails, metros and ◗ ■ Noise and vibrations. tramways. DSAF is a company structure devoted to ■ Aerodynamics. In this business activity, it is leader in People’s Movement Safety. It is commit- ■ EMC and energy consumption. Spain, where has been involved in the ted to providing new technologies ap- ■ Mechatronics. construction of all high speed lines, and plied to design and project implementa- ■ Special instrumentation (Instrumented has permanent operations in Argen- tion, as well as initiatives that guarantee wheelsets, instrumented pantograph). tina, Brazil, Lithuania, Mexico, Poland, an approved evacuation safety level in Portugal and Turkey. It has also taken this generalized risk society. part in a large number of projects in Emergency signalling is DSAF’s main other markets such as Italy, the Philip- application area; it develops photolu- pines, Taiwan, Malaysia, India, etc. This minescent, electroluminescent and LED extensive experience has been the key signalling systems for people evacuation COLWAY FERROVIARIA, S.L. for its consolidation in the railway sector in risk situations and environments: tun- ◗ C/Botánica, 149-151 and has enabled it to become the leader nel evacuation safety, vessel evacuation 08908 L'Hospitalet (BARCELONA) in the railway construction industry. safety, building evacuation safety…


DSAF safety applications are developed railways operators and administrator main facilities are in La Selva del Camp in three big areas: tunnel safety (road / infrastructure companies (Railway (Tarragona –Spain) and Commercial offices railway), safety in vessels, and buildings. Control and Regulation Centres, security in Madrid. infrastructure, IT equipment).

DURO FELGUERA RAIL, S.A.U. ELEKTRA-GRUPO FUNDICIONES GARBI, S.A. ◗ Pol. Ind. Fábrica de Mieres s/n ELEKTRA, S.A. ◗ Bº Munsaratz, 33 33600 Mieres ◗ C/ Apostolado, 34 48220 Abadiano (ASTURIAS) 20014 San Sebastián (BIZKAIA) ◗ P: +34 985 45 63 31 (GIPUZKOA) ◗ P: +34 94 621 54 80 ◗ F: +34 985 45 61 64 ◗ P: +34 607 94 29 73 ◗ F: +34 94 681 73 86 ◗ [email protected][email protected][email protected] ◗ ◗ ◗ DF Rail is a Spanish company specialized Grupo Elektra is a market leader in the Founded back in 1972, Fundiciones Garbi at the design, manufacturing and supply field of electrical and electronic equipment has evolved from a traditional foundy to a of turnout systems and components for distribution for manufacturers of rolling Global Service Company for industry. Metro, Conventional, Heavy Haul or High stock, maintenance and railway equipment We offer a full catalogue of services starting Speed Lines. Turnouts, single and double manufacturers. from the casting or other materials till crossovers, diamond crossings, single and Being the leading company in the railway delivery of “ready to use” parts or assembly double slip crossings, single and double sector in the supply of electrical equip- sets. With this aim, we have developed an junctions, switch expansion joints, ..., on ment. Your solution provider in electrical organization oriented towards solid and wooden or concrete sleepers; for bal- products for railway, with specific tecnical competitive processes, ensuring quality lasted or unballasted tracks; for single support. from design phase using APQP tools. Well or combined gauges; with monobloc Mn Elektra Group is composed of an extensive aware of customer satisfaction, we offer steel crossings or with swing nose cross- Spanish national network and has compa- to our clients additional global services ings; insulated glued joints; transition nies in Romania, India and USA. including a full range of heat treatments, rails. machining, product inspection and testing (NDT’s, etc), protection and finishing surface treatment (Painting, Metallization, Others...), including final assembly of different parts. For the Railway industry ECOCOMPUTER S.L. FAIVELEY TRANSPORT we are specialized on production of rolling ◗ C/ María Zambrano 5 - Bajo · IBERICA, S.A stock material. 33401 Avilés ◗ Pol. Ind La Drecera – C/ Mecánica, (ASTURIAS) 23 – 43470 La Selva del Camp ◗ P: +34 985 52 50 46 (TARRAGONA) ◗ F: 34 985 56 83 17 C/Antonio Cabezón s/n (complejo ◗ [email protected] Renfe) – 28034 Madrid (MADRID) ◗ ◗ P: +34 917282159 FUNOR, S.A. Ecocomputer S.L. is a technology firm ◗ F: +34 917282157 ◗ Pol. Ind. de Villalonquejar based on North Spain (Asturias and ◗ [email protected] C/ Condado de Treviño, 41 Cantabria) and focused on the design, ◗ 09001 Burgos development and implementation of Faiveley Transport Ibérica, S.A. is a firm (BURGOS) IT solutions on the railways industry focused on design, production, and ◗ P: +34 947 29 84 80 (ie: ticketing, booking, passenger maintenance of auxiliary equipments ◗ F: +34 947 29 82 93 information system) and access control for railway industry (locomotives, rolling ◗ info@funorsa. es and time&attendance business. Founded stocks, trams and metros). Our product ◗ on 1999, it holds a wide portfolio of range include also the design, production, Castings in carbon steel, alloy steel and own products as a result of years of installation and maintenance of Platform stainles steel. evolution and adaptation to customer Screen Doors (PSD). FT Ibérica is the branch Our products: needs. Ecocomputer provides as well for Spain, Portugal and Mexico market of ■ Steel casting. onsite IT maintenance services for the International Group Faiveley Transport. Our ■ Raw castings or fully machined.

78 MAFEX Examples: ■ Steel columns for trains maintenance develops applications adapted to sector ■ Bogie components. ■ Embedded rail fixation systems (recycled needs, including satellite navigation, ■ Pivots. rubber) mobile communications, passenger ■ Motor housings. ■ Embedded rail fixation systems (polyu- information, fare collection systems and ■ Pressure rings. rethane) monitoring-and-control centers. ■ Axle boxes. ■ Hydraulic buffers GMV’s railway portfolio includes fleet ■ Links. management system, SAE-R®, providing operators with an all-in system for planning and management, and other products like CCTV, PA-Intercomm and Passengers Video GETINSA-EUROESTUDIOS, S.L. Information, as well as electronic fare GAMARRA, S.A. ◗ C/ Ramón de Aguinaga, 8 collection systems for railway sector. ◗ Portal de Vergara, 6 28028 Madrid (MADRID) 01013 Vitoria ◗ P: +34 91 456 09 82 (ARABA) ◗ F: +34 91 456 09 83 ◗ P: +34 945 25 16 77 ◗ [email protected] ◗ F: +34 945 27 49 48 ◗ ◗ [email protected] With more than 40 years of experience in HICASA - HIERROS ◗ Transport Infrastructure Projects in Spain Y CARBONES, S.A. Gamarra, S.A. at a glance: Spanish steel and all around the world, Getinsa-Payma, ◗ Polígono de Asipo, P48 foundry -located at Vitoria Gasteiz- annual S.L. has grown into a top engineering firm 33428 Cayés-Llanera (ASTURIAS) production: 4,000 tons - customers: in Spain and an international benchmark ◗ P: +34 985 26 04 73 European State Railways, - producers of in the sector. In Spain, Getinsa-Payma ◗ F: +34 985 26 09 05 rolling stock and their subsuppliers - as has played a leading role both in the ◗ [email protected] foundry and supplier homologated by DB modernization of the conventional ◗ AG (HPQ), ÖBB, SBB, SNCF (AFQ) (extract) railway and in the development of the HICASA specialises in the storage, transfor- as well as according to DIN EN ISO 9001: new high speed railway network. Our mation, distribution and commercialisation 2000 + DIN 6700 - 2. services include project management of railway materials, rails and railway acces- Products: brake discs, brake block shoe and engineering & consultancy services, sories of all types in accordance with both holders, buffers, spigots and essential steel involving all phases of the project, from European (UNE EN), as well as American castings for bogies. feasibility studies up to commissioning and (ASTM) Standards, not to mention others technical assistance for the operation and such as AREMA, etc. HICASA belongs to a maintenance of railway infrastructure. Our private group of companies, GEVIR, which experience covers civil works, track and is made up of four enterprises in Spain, and platform, signaling and telecommunication is special in the sense that it combines its GANTRES, S.A. systems, as well as electrification (electric role of distributor with that of manufactu- ◗ Pol. Ind. Izarza 4N – substations, overhead lines, etc.). We are rer, given that it possesses its own specia- 48115 Sondika – Vizcaya currently working on railway projects in list light rail factory, a fact which endows it ◗ P: +34 944 53 50 84 Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia, South with a unique market profile. ◗ [email protected] America and USA. We can boast of a roofed surface area at ◗ our installations of over 13,000 m2, where Gantrex Spain, S.A. is the global market we dispose of modern cutting and drilling leader in specialty rail tracks fixation inclu- machines that enable us to transform iron ding design, production, supply of goods and steel and to supply orders of any for- and installation of turnkey contracts. mat and measurement, in accordance with Rail fixation at train workshops, embedded GMV SISTEMAS, S.A.U. the specifications requested by our clients. rails accesses for Ports or logistic terminals ◗ Juan de Herrera, 17 - P.T.B. Boecillo We export over 50% of our products and private rail installations together with 47151 Valladolid (VALLADOLID) abroad. other Subway´s and Tram´s required insta- ◗ P: +34 983 54 65 54 llations are some of Gantrex Spain´s main ◗ F: +34 983 54 65 53 activities. ◗ [email protected] Products: ◗ [email protected] ■ All sections of rails ◗ ICON SISTEMAS DE ■ Metallic railway sleepers Since 1994 GMV provides Intelligent INFORMACIÓN Y DATOS ■ Rail fixing Clips Transport Systems, offering turnkey ◗ Avd. Santiago Amón, 3-52- ■ Rubber pads for rails solutions and specific products. GMV 34005 (Palencia)


◗ P: +34 979 70 29 06 alternatives studies, demand and traffic ◗ F: +34 979 70 20 21 studies, financial and socioeconomical ◗ [email protected] analysis,basic and detailed design, SEÑALES ◗ operational and maintenance plans,works ◗ supervision, testing and commissioning. IMPLASER 99, S.L.L. Software development company specialized ◗ Pol. Ind. Borao Norte, Nave 5A in passenger information systems, digital 50172 Alfajarín (ZARAGOZA) signage and advertising schedules, covering ◗ P: +34 902 18 20 22 all areas of transport, either rail/metro, air- ◗ F: +34 902 18 20 22 ports, bus or port. ICON Multimedia also has IKUSI ◗ [email protected] a significant presence in the world of com- ◗ Paseo Miramón, 170 ◗ merce/retail, menuboards, and the banking 20014 San Sebastián Implaser is a Spanish company focused in sector, with worlwide reference clients with (GIPUZKOA) developing innovative security signs for more than 40.000 points deployed around ◗ P: +34 943 44 88 00 railway projects. Innovation and quality the world. ◗ F: +34 943 44 88 20 are our mainstays, as we were the first It stands out for the wide degree of custo- ◗ [email protected] SME being certified in R+D+I in Spain. mization of your product to suit the needs ◗ Implaser has all the range of products or requirements of any client or that may be Ikusi offers integral solutions for exploiting certified by AENOR with photoluminescent contained in a statement of technical con- the diverse means of urban public values of 150, 300, 580 and 720 mcd/m2. ditions. transport (Bus/BRT/Tramway/Light Rail/ We are also specialized in the Metro/Suburban), as well as in intermodal manufacturing of informative, security transport hubs. One proposal, backed up and accessibility stickers for coaches, to with a track record reaching back more be used both indoor and outdoor. than 20 years in the sector, has the main Hard work and great concern for innovation IDOM goal of improving passenger experience, has allowed us to develop new products, ◗ Zarandoa 23 guaranteeing safety, increasing revenue such as photoluminescent systems 48015 Bilbao (VIZCAYA) from secondary sources independent combined with electroluminescent and ◗ P: +34 944 79 76 00 from the main activity, and streamlining guiding systems by LEDs. ◗ F: +34 944 75 93 64 operational efficiency. ◗ [email protected] ◗ [email protected] ◗ IDOM is one of the european leading INDRA companies in the field of professional ◗ Avda. de Bruselas, 35 services in engineering, architecture IK4 RESEARCH ALLIANCE 28108 Alcobendas (MADRID) and consultancy. It is an independent ◗ Pol. Azitain 3K, 2ºG ◗ P: +34 91 626 88 58 company established in 1957 and it has 20600 Eibar (GIPUZKOA) ◗ F: +34 91 626 88 68 participated in over 30.000 projects in ◗ P: +34 94 382 03 50 ◗ [email protected] five continents. In 20 countries with 39 ◗ [email protected] ◗ offices throughout regions (America: ◗ Indra is a world leader and pioneer in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, IK4 Research Alliance is a private and the supply of technological platforms Colombia, USA, Mexico, Perú), Asia independent alliance of R&D centres, a for railway operations management, (India), Africa (Argelia,Lybia, Morocco), benchmark in the European R&D context. control and supervision, having specific Middle East (Saudi Arabia, UAE), Europe It comprises 9 organisations in the Bas- solutions already tested on high speed (Belgium, Slovenian, Spain, Poland, que Country: AZTERLAN, CEIT, CIDETEC, and conventional lines and metropolitan Portugal, United Kingdom).More than GAIKER, IDEKO, IKERLAN, LORTEK, TEKNI- operations. Indra is also a leader in 3.000 staff posseses the expertise and KER and VICOMTECH. ticketing systems for transport operators experience to cover all the phases of a The IK4 Research Alliance sets out to ge- and has facilities and projects all over the railway project (high speed, conventional, nerate, capture and transfer scientific and world. Furthermore, Indra develops high- freight, metro, light rail, tramway, stations, technological knowledge mainly to the precision safety and signalling systems. At depot and workshops), from conception business framework. This way it contri- this moment in time, Indra’s solutions are to commissioning and beyond. IDOM butes towards improving the competiti- completely unique because of their high will accompany the client by providing veness of companies and the progress of level of integration and adaptation to the correct technical assistance required society. the current and future necessities of the for the decision-making process: Nowadays it gathers a staff of 1275 and an railway environment whatever may be the technical specifications for design, income of 102M€ in 2014. most state of the art technological and

80 MAFEX operative options. Indra has managed DMUs, LRVs… with proven and reliable to open a competitive market for the technology solutions.In Hispacold each first time based on technological and activity is based on a solid quality culture economical competitiveness. and on a real commitment with the INSTALACIONES environment. Quality certifications ISO INABENSA, S.A. 9001, ISO 14001, OSHAS 18001 are only ◗ Energía Solar, 1 - the smallest part of this working way. Palmas Altas Hispacold is a company of Irizar Group INECO 41014 (SEVILLA) SC, which employees more than 3.000 ◗ Paseo de la Habana, 138 ◗ P: +34 95 493 60 00 people in the five continents and has a 28036 Madrid (MADRID) ◗ F: +34 95 493 60 05 global turnover of more than 550 Million ◗ P: + 34 91 452 12 00 ◗ [email protected] €. This gives Hispacold the benefits ◗ [email protected] ◗ from a multinational organization while ◗ [email protected] In the railway sector, Inabensa is an maintaining an individual company spirit. ◗ international reference for overhead lines, Hispacold’s presence in the five continents ◗ traction substations, communications guarantees the best technical assistance Global leader in transport engineering and ancillary installations: high voltage, at any place of the world. and consultancy, it has contributed to the low voltage, lighting and ventilation. development of transport infrastructures Inabensa undertakes turn-key projects, for over 45 years in more than 45 countries. ranging from designing, supplying and Its high level technical specialisation installing to maintaining electrification allows its activity to diversify into new system for both conventional and high- markets and reinforce its presence in speed railways, freight, subways, trams JEZ SISTEMAS those where it is already established. Its and monorails. FERROVIARIOS, S.L. participation in the whole railway system It also holds one of the most advanced ◗ Arantzar, s/n in Spain has led the company to develop pools of rail plants in the sector, 01400 Llodio important international projects like the highly sophisticated with the utmost (ARABA) Makkah-Madinah high speed in Saudi functionality and approved for use in ◗ P: +34 94 672 12 00 Arabia, the Ankara-Istanbul line in Turkey the EU. Inabensa has its own overhead ◗ F: +34 94 672 00 92 and the HS2 project in the United line equipment technology, CAVE ◗ [email protected] Kingdom. and TkMx overhead line, ◗ and it also has an R&D department JEZ Sistemas Ferroviarios, S.L. is focusing on energy storage systems, committed to designing, manufacturing, bidirectional substations, detection of supplying and maintenance of all broken rail and software development. types of manganese steel switches INGETEAM POWER and railway track systems, in addition TECHNOLOGY, S.A. to moulded cast steel parts for the ◗ Edificio 702. general industry. Parque Tecnológico de Bizkaia Our Technical Department (Department 48160 Derio (BIZKAIA) of R&D) ensures we have the capability ◗ T: +34 94 655 90 00 INTERNACIONAL of designing and producing points and ◗ F: +34 94 403 98 37 HISPACOLD, S.A crossings (turnouts, crossovers, scissor ◗ [email protected] ◗ Avda. Hacienda San Antonio,1 crossovers and diamond crossings) ◗ Pol. Ind. El Pino or parts for them, such as hard steel Ingeteam is an expert leader in the 41016 Sevilla manganese crossings or spare tongues. development of electrotechnical and (SEVILLA) At JEZ Sistemas Ferroviarios, S.L. we power electronics systems providing ◗ P: +34 954 677 480 fit our developments to meet clients involving energy exchanges at large. ◗ F: +34 954 999 728 needs. Our capacities and the experience on ◗ [email protected] the railways sector allow us to offer ◗ technological solutions that significantly Hispacold is a World leader company contribute to reach our customers´ for climate systems specialized in strategic objectives, leading to maximize comfort for people with more than 30 KELOX, S.A. operational efficiency. years’ experience.Hispacold designs ◗ Isla de Jamaica, 8 We strive towards on offering in-house/ and manufactures HVAC solutions for 28034 Madrid state-of-the-art developments for. all rail vehicles: trams, metros, EMUs, (MADRID)


◗ P: +34 91 334 15 90 Luznor Company is specialized MB SISTEMAS is part of MONDRAGON ◗ F: +34 91 358 05 64 in the design, manufacture and CORPORATION. We develop turnkey ◗ [email protected] commercialization of professional torches “World Class” engineering projects, ◗ (for railway industry), emergency lighting implementing automation solutions Kelox launched its railway activity (for industry and architecture) and other into the Assembly and welding phases in 1977, manufacturing catering Electronic devices. of manufacture process for car body equipment for dining cars on Luznor offers you (in its factory in structures of railroad passenger cars. longdistance lines. The experience and Vitoria) highly qualified technicians, a We give “ad hoc” solutions for the knowledge acquired over the years high standard of quality, an effective customer’s needs; having implanted have become Kelox specialist in the system development, manufacture and successfully our facilities around the design and full supply of galleys and testing, and above all, a philosophy of world. As engineering we develop both, catering equipment for high-speed, commitment to our customers allowing robotic installations and special machines shuttle and regional trains. us to offer innovative products equipped for any assembly process. Our style of design is characterised with advanced technology and recognized by harmony; it is beautiful, ergonomic prestige. and functional, always according to the customer specifications. METALOCAUCHO, S.L. ◗ Polígono Erratzu, 253 MANUSA DOOR SYSTEMS 20130 Urnieta (GIPUZKOA) ◗ Avda. Via Augusta, 85-87 - ◗ P: +34 943 33 37 55 LA FARGA LACAMBRA, S.A.U. 6ª planta. 08174 ◗ F: +34 943 33 37 51 ◗ Ctra. C-17z - Km. 73,5 08508 Sant Cugat del Vallès ◗ [email protected] Les Masies de Voltregà (BARCELONA) ◗ (BARCELONA) ◗ P: + 34 902 321 400 MTC specialises in the design and ◗ P: +34 93 850 41 00 ◗ T: +34 935 915 700 manufacture of anti-vibration and ◗ F: +34 93 859 55 30 ◗ F: +34 902 321 450 suspension solutions for Rolling stock. ◗ [email protected] ◗ F: +34 932 185 610 The Company was established in 1982 and [email protected] ◗ [email protected] currently has three manufacturing sites, ◗ ◗ located in Spain (HQ), China and India. La Farga Lacambra is a model company Manusa is the Spanish market leader In 2009 the company was awarded IRIS in the railway sector, with more than in design, production, installation and Certification. MTC, being among the 200 years’ experience in the copper maintenance of automatic door systems. leading companies in its sector, supplies industry. A solid international pres- Established in 1966, it has 12 delegations to the main Rolling stock Constructors ence and continuous innovation in the in Spain, branches in Portugal, Brazil, worldwide, including Alstom, Bombardier, search for new alloys have enabled it Singapore and India and international CAF, CSR, CNR, Hyundai Rotem, Siemens, to produce high-service materials. presence in more than 70 countries around Talgo, Vossloh). We also collaborate La Farga Lacambra provides global the world. with Operators for the supply of spare solutions for copper materials and its Manusa develops specific products for components for their overhaul projects. Our alloys such as CuMg, CuSn or CuAg, public transport, such as platform screen main products are rubber-metal primary integrating the whole productive doors (PSD) and ticket gates for access and secondary suspensions, focusing on process and ensuring the maximum control, as well as one-way corridors, primary springs (conical or chevron type), technical qualities. onboard doors and tunnel partitioning guiding bushes, guiding links, secondary These products satisfy the needs of the doors, always with the Manusa air springs and emergency springs, traction market for all kind of lines and speeds technology support. rods, elastic bushings, buffers, layer springs around the world. as well as a diverse range of associated rubber-metal solutions.

LUZNOR MB SISTEMAS, S. COOP. ◗ Paduleta, 47 01015 Vitoria ( ◗ Pol. Ind. Igeltzera - C/ Igeltzera, 8 ARABA) 48610 Urduliz (BIZKAIA) MGN TRANSFORMACIONES ◗ P: 945 200 961 ◗ P: + 34 94 403 06 26 DEL CAUCHO, S.A. ◗ F: 945 200 971 ◗ F: + 34 94 403 06 27 ◗ C/ Candelaria, 9 - Pol. Ind. ◗ [email protected][email protected] Camino del Calvario ◗ ◗ 28864 Ajalvir (MADRID)

82 MAFEX ◗ P: +34 91 887 40 35 ◗ P: +34 945 258 431 ◗ F: +34 91 884 45 84 ◗ F: +34 945 261 400 ◗ [email protected] ◗ [email protected] ◗ P4Q ELECTRONICS, S.L. ◗ MGN was established in 1957 and since ◗ Ctra. Bilbao-Balmaseda, Km. 9 PRETENSADOS DEL NORTE produces then it has been developing its activity 48810 Alonsotegi (BIZKAIA) the best prestressed wire for railway both designing and manufacturing ◗ P: +34 94 498 20 28 sleepers in the world. More than 30 years’ rubber-metal components, mainly for ◗ [email protected] experience, PRETENORTE only uses the the railway industry. ◗ best raw materials and we can supply any MGN invests in research and innovation At P4Q we are involved in the complete need required by the client. as a basis for the development of development of electronic devices and lean We have supplied prestressed steel for elements to be adapted in the new production services. We are structured as several projects around the world and our understanding of passenger and fright an integral supplier of electronics solu- material is considered the one with the trains, taking the lastest technological tions, focused in flexibility and quick devel- best quality in prestressed WIRE world. We advances of the rubber world, vibration opment. We design under customer specs have the best and most modern machinery control and damping systems. and approval. Being a partner of our cus- and a highly qualified team of experts and tomers giving global support attending lo- engineers. We also produce prestressed cal production demands. Is the basis of our steel used in precast concrete parts and strategy. We have facilities in Albuquerque structures. (NM), USA as well as in Spain. NEWTEK SOLIDOS S.L ◗ Pol. Abendaño. Urdaneta bidea, 3B. Zarautz - (GIPUZKOA) ◗ P: +34 943 835942 ◗ F: +34 943 894441 PARRÓS OBRAS, S.L. PATENTES TALGO, S.L. ◗ [email protected] ◗ Ctra. Virgen del Monte, 1 ◗ C/ Paseo del Tren Talgo, 2 ◗ 13260 Bolaños de Calatrava 28290 Madrid NEWTEK SOLIDOS, S.L. manufactures sand (CIUDAD REAL) (MADRID) filling systems for the railway equipment ◗ P: +34 926 88 47 05 ◗ P: +34 91 631 38 00 industry, sand feeders, storage silos, ◗ F: +34 926 88 47 06 ◗ F: +34 91 631 38 93 pneumatic transport, dust return systems, ◗ [email protected] ◗ [email protected] sand loading equipment and facilities ◗ ◗ maintenance. Family business with over 25 years expe- Talgo, leading High Speed rolling stock rience in civil construction and iron and manufacturer in Spain, has over 70 years steel industry for the railway sector. Parros of experience manufacturing very high Group which is specialized in pile driv- speed, high speed, intercity and regional ing and catenary foundations, has imple- trains, tilting passenger coaches and NEM. NUEVAS ESTRATEGIAS mented the 80% of the foundations of locomotives. DE MANTENIMIENTO, S.L. the entire Spanish High Speed Network. The company is also a pioneer in providing ◗ Paseo Mikeletegi, nº 54 - 1ª planta Whether conventional railway network or complete maintenance solutions to 20009 Donostia (GIPUZKOA) Highspeed Railway (AVE), PARROS GROUP railway operators worldwide, and is ◗ P: +34 943 30 93 28 is distinguished by the versatility of our specialized in the design and manufacture ◗ F: +34 943 30 93 26 machines adapted “Ad hoc” for auxiliary of maintenance equipment for any type of ◗ [email protected] civil works from the railway, with auto- rail vehicles. ◗ matic switching to the three Spanish gaug- At NEM Solutions we offer total es. Also innovative is our implementing control of business operations and system of noise barriers from the railway maintenances for the railway industry. track and its foundations. Generic activities Our products and services project the of building and general construction. assets’ future from data generated daily. PRECON; PREFABRICACIONES The objective is to give our client Y CONTRATAS, S.A.U. the possibility to control his/her own ◗ C/ Espronceda, 38, local 3 business and to avoid surprises. Thanks 28003 Madrid to our expert knowledge we provide PRETENSADOS DEL NORTE S.L. (MADRID) wheel life management, productivity ◗ Miravalles, 4 (Zona Industrial de ◗ P: +34 91 343 03 48 improvement and O&M cost reduction. Betoño) 01013 Vitoria (ALAVA) ◗ F: +34 91 359 12 46


[email protected] traction resources of 1668 track width. In the field of railway engineering, Sener ◗ [email protected] ■ Thermal aluminium welding kits count on an extensive experience in ◗ distribution. metros, light rail trains systems and PRECON is the Spanish leader in design tramways, conventional railway line, and supply of precast concrete products freight transport and High Speed Lines. for railway tracks, either ballasted and Sener’s activities range from preliminary,­ ballastless tracks. conceptual and feasibility studies, basic PRECON has supplied solutions based and detailed engineering to project on monoblock, twinblock, block, slabs SEMI, S.A. (GRUPO ACS) management services, supervision of and sleepers for switches and crossings. ◗ Avda. de Manoteras, 6 2ª Planta works, value engineering or ICE services. Either for high speed, conventional lines, 28050 Madrid heavy haul, subways and tramways. (MADRID) PRECON from its two Spanish factories ◗ P: +34 91 308 93 35 has supplied more than 15 millions ◗ F: +34 915 218 597 twinblock sleepers, 5 millions monoblock ◗ [email protected] sleepers, 500,000 ml sleepers for ◗ switches and crossings and currently ◗ SICE TECNOLOGÍA manufacture most of the slab track A society in international expansion. With Y SISTEMAS systems in use in Spain. the adaptability of a small business, the ◗ C/ Sepúlveda, 6 - infrastructure of a big company and the Pol. Ind.Alcobendas financial backing of a large group. SEMI 28108 Alcobendas is encompassed in the major companies (MADRID) of Industrial Services sector of the ACS ◗ P: +34 916232200 group. ◗ F: +34 916232201 REDALSA, S.A. Focused in the industrial field, SEMI build ◗ [email protected] ◗ General Solchaga, s/n infrastructures for energy, transport, ◗ P. I. de Argales, Apdo. 719 communication, environment and non- SICE Tecnología y Sistemas, (SICE TyS) 47008 Valladolid residential building. Activity in the is a multinational group of Companies, (VALLADOLID) railway area: Electrification and Traction technology and systems integrators ◗ P: +34 983 27 13 16 Substations for AC and DC, Auxiliary operating in the fields of traffic and ◗ F: +34 983 27 37 68 Electrical Equipment, Engineering and transport, environment and energy, ◗ [email protected] Consulting, Maintenance of Catenary and telecommunications and all types of ◗ Substations, Infrastructure for Railway industrial processes. ■ Rail electrical welding LBS are arranged Signaling and Communications. SICE TyS’s transport activities are to form 288 meters for high-speed train focused on meeting the needs of users, strecht and convencional rail network. operators and transport operation ■ Engeneering services and integral concessionaires in the transport sector. management for electrical welding As a systems integrators and systems factories and management of rail SENER INGENIERÍA suppliers, they offer unique technological stockpiles. Y SISTEMAS, S.A. solutions tailored to all kind of ■ Regeneration of used rails to make LBS. ◗ Severo Ochoa, 4 (PTM) installations. ■ Providing fastening complet systems. 28760 Tres Cantos Design of the Centralized management of Manufacture of metalic elements for (MADRID) all services that complement any form of diferents fastening systems. Iron sheets ◗ P: +34 91 807 70 68 / 71 74 public or private transport and integrates J2.L1 or P50 for J2 and Elastic fastening ◗ F:+34 91 807 87 32 different solutions and systems: clips SKL-1, SKL14, SKL12 and new variant ◗ [email protected] ■ Security&Safety Systems for Metros to "Fast-Clip". ◗ and Railways ■ Rail ultrasonic inspection, using hand- Sener is one of the leading enginee­ring ■ Telecommunications Systems for held equipment and self-propelled movil and technology groups in Europe with Metros and Railways equipment until 90 Km/h. over one billion euros of annual turno­ ■ Signaling: (Interlocking, Level ■ Maintenance and repair work of train ver, more than 5,000 professionals and Crossing, CTC) coaches in our factory. Our facilities are a continuously growing international ■ Electric BRTs equipped with 3 Km of railway and 3 railway presence with offices in more than 15 ■ Ticketing access to RFIG. We have all the necessary countries. ■ Public transport prioritization

84 MAFEX ■ Consulting Engineering (OFITECO): Stadler Rail Group completed the Railways lines, Tunnels, Load test purchase from the Vossloh Group of its (railways bridges). Spanish business unit of manufacture of locomotives and light rail vehicles at the end of 2015. This acquisition falls TECTATOM within the long term growth strategy of ◗ Avda. Montes de Oca, 1 San the Stadler and reinforces its position Sebastián de los Reyes as one of the leading manufacturers of 28703 Madrid SIEMENS RAIL railway vehicles with new products and (MADRID) AUTOMATION S.A.U. the access to new markets. ◗ P: +34 91 659 8600 ◗ Ronda de Europa, 5 Technology and quality are the key points ◗ F: +34 91 659 8677 28760 Tres Cantos. of the entire range of products developed ◗ [email protected] (MADRID) and produced in the Valencia plant. ◗ ◗ P: +34 91 514 80 00 Closely linked with the industrial heritage Tecnatom has more than 50 years ◗ of railways and with the benefit of more of experience in the application of Siemens Rail Automation is the resulting than a century of experience, Stadler Non Destructive Testing (NDT) to the Company after the acquisition of the Rail Valencia designs and manufactures inspection of components. It also Invensys Rail Dimetronic group by Siemens. state-of-the-art locomotives as well offers its high technological level in The new division offers integrated mobility as passenger trains and provides a the development and application of solutions through the most advanced comprehensive range of services such inspection systems and techniques technologies for railway signalling and as the maintenance of the vehicles, to the railway market, where security train control. spare parts logistics, technical support or and quality control are increasing Our main purpose is the supply of “turn-key” training. required. Tecnatom can provide its depth projects, including all the phases of design, knowledge on materials currently used development, supply, manufacturing, or tested in the railway sector (metals or installing, testing, commissioning and new materials carbon-fiber based), taken maintenance of railway signalling systems advantage of its activities in the nuclear and automatic train control systems for and aerospace sectors. either mass transit applications as main The main fields where it is carrying out line and high speed lines. TALLERES ALEGRÍA, S.A. activities in the railway sector are: The solutions and systems of Siemens ◗ C/ Peña Santa, 7 - P.I. Silvota ■ Inspection services for infrastructures Rail Automation allow railways and 33192 Llanera and rolling stock metropolitan networks to improve (ASTURIAS) ■ Development of inspection techniques the safety of their railway application; ◗ P: +34 985 26 32 95 and procedures increase the capacity of the lines; reduce ◗ F: +34 985 26 60 1 ■ Development of inspection equipment operating costs; optimize maintenance ◗ [email protected] and systems (ultrasonics, eddy currents) works; obtain a better usage of its ◗ for rail transport components (track, axles, rolling stock, having at the same time Talleres Alegría with more than 100 years bogies, wheels) lower energy consumptions rates and to at the service of railway´s networks, offers ■ Training of operators on Non- decrease energy consumption. to its customers a wide range of fixed Destructive Testing (NDT) techniques track equipment with the best quality ■ Development of training simulators for and service conditions. Following its train drivers. own technical design or its customer’s, STADLER RAIL Talleres Alegría manufactures among VALENCIA S.A.U. other turnouts for High Speed Lines, ◗ Pol. Ind. del Mediterráneo conventional Lines, subway and Tramway C/ Mitjera, 6 – 46550 Albuixech lines, as well as End Forged Switch Points (VALENCIA) and Track Vehicles. ◗ P: +34 96 141 50 00 Being aware of the relevance of comfort TECNIVIAL ◗ F: +34 96 141 50 02 within the railway sector, Talleres Alegría ◗ C/ Livorno nº59 ◗ [email protected] has collaborated with leading companies CP 19004 Marchamalo ◗ developing and applying technical solutions (GUADALAJARA) The new Spanish División of Stadler has for mitigating noise and vibrations during ◗ P: +34 949 32 50 00 a long history as rail vehicles provider. the crossing over the turnouts. ◗ F:+34 949 25 20 80


[email protected] ◗ Created in 1973, Tecnivial is the Spanish reference in traffic safety. It contributes gi- TELICE ving solutions regarding Airport, Railways, ◗ Pol. Ind. Onzonilla, 2ª fase and Road Signaling and marking. The cha- 24391 Ribaseca TYPSA llenge for a permanent evolution, techno- (LEÓN) ◗ C/ Gomera, 9. 28703 logical innovation, and customer´s satisfac- ◗ P: +34 987 22 10 04 San Sebastián de los Reyes tion are our identity signs. In Tecnivial we ◗ F: +34 987 26 44 07 (MADRID) specialize in all types of fixed signalling ◗ [email protected] ◗ P: +34 91 722 73 00 for roads, both conventional and high ◗ ◗ F: +34 91 651 75 88 speed lines; in this last section are one of Telice is a Spanish company with 39 years ◗ [email protected] the companies approved by the Railway of experience in several fields of technology ◗ Infrastructure Administrator (ADIF). installation, especially for the railway sector. Typsa Group is one of the most important We have extensive experience in railway Our activities cover design, installation European consulting groups and stations signalling, carefully following the and maintenance for Railway leader in the fields of civil engineering, specifications of the corporate identity Electrification Systems, Railways Safety architecture and the environment. Since manuals. We develop comprehensive and and Signalling, Optical Fiber, Industrial its creation, in 1966, Typsa Group’s ever- customised signage projects, from project Automation and Electrical Installations increasing activities, having focused both design to final installation and maintenan- Our extensive experience has made on preliminary assessment and on design, ce service. Tecnivial has always been com- Telice a preferred partner for carrying out as well as supervision and/or management mitted to the I+D+i, which has allowed work and providing services for important of construction projects in Europe, the it to be a reference in the fixed railway railroad administrations and major Americas, Africa and the Middle East. signaling, high-speed and conventional construction and technology companies in Typsa is one of the most experienced network, while being present in the most the railroad industry. Spanish consulting firms in the field of relevant projects at the national level; this railways and metro systems. We have been is the case of the Madrid-Figueras or Ol- involved in more than 4,700 km of High medo-Orense sections, and internationally, Speed lines (HSL), 2,600 km of conventional Ave Medina-La Meca. THALES ESPAÑA GRP, S.A.U. lines, 390 km of conventional metro and ◗ Serrano Galvache, 56 Edificio 450 km of tram and light-rail transits. Álamo 4º, Planta Sur. 28033 Madrid TEKNORAIL SYSTEMS, S.A. (MADRID) ◗ Paseo de la Castellana, 91 ◗ P: +34 91 273 76 80 28046 Madrid (MADRID) ◗ F: +34 91 273 78 67 VALDEPINTO, S.L. ◗ P: + 34 91 515 60 00 ◗ [email protected] ◗ Calle Águilas, 9 - Nave 11 ◗ F:+ 34 91 564 72 86 ◗ 28320 Valdepinto (MADRID) ◗ [email protected] Thales is a World leader in Mission ◗ P: +34 91 691 42 68 ◗ Critical Solutions for Land Transportation. ◗ F: +34 91 691 57 03 Teknorail Systems, S.A. is a company Thales Spain, with more tha 60 years of ◗ [email protected] belonging to the EUROFINSA Group, experience, has been pioneer and leader ◗ whose activity focuses on the development in the technological development of the Valdepinto, S.L. was established in 1986 and of railway interior projects, aimed both for Spanish railways, beein one of the main focuses its activities in the Railway sector. the refurbishment of existing vehicles and suppliers of safety and telecommunication We have four main product lines: also for new rolling stock, with a scope of systems for the Spanish Railways ■ All types of machining (specialists in supply that ranges from the design and Administrations and present in countries electrical insulation). engineering to the industrialization and as Turkey, Mexico, Algeria, Malaysia, ■ Screen printing, Signs and Engraving low- material supply, including the technical Egypt and Morocco. Its activity goes relief. assistance to the car commissioning. from the development, manufacturing ■ Metal transformation and welding. Teknorail’s main goal is to provide its installation, commissioning to the ■ Design and fabrication of transformers customers with high-quality solutions for maintenance of equipments and systems and coils of high/low voltage. Our railway interiors by means of innovation, for railway signalling, train control, philosophy is to always offer all our clients global project management, modular Telecommunication, Supervision ticketing an unbeatable value for Money, combined supply and flexible solutions. and critical infrastructures security. with an excellent service.