Toy Train Operating Society A Non-Profit Corporation 136 E. Santa Clara St., Unit 2 • Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 574-7453 • FAX (626) 574-7454 E-mail:
[email protected] APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Welcome to the Toy Train Operating Society (TTOS). This application, when accepted by TTOS, enrolls you as a member of a select group of toy train enthusiasts. TTOS was formed in 1966 to further the toy train hobby and to promote fellowship. As a member, you will receive the Bulletin/Order Board which is published on a bimonthly schedule. Your membership fee is $30.00 for one (1) year, starting with the month in which you join. I hereby subscribe to the purposes of the Toy Train Operating Society and agree to abide by the bylaws, policies and regulations. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY). Name___________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ Phone ______________________ City______________________________________________________ State_______ ZipCode_______________ E-Mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________ Signature______________________________ Sponsor (optional)_________________ TTOS NO___________ FAMILY MEMBERS You may also enroll your spouse and children, ages 9 to 18. Dues are $5.00 each. They may join as many TTOS Divisions as they wish, subject to Division policies and rules Spouse_________________________ Child 1_____________________ Child 2_____________________ TTOS PIN TTOS pin is a multi-color cloisonne. You and