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Teatrova Presents TEATROVA PRESENTS ARTBIENTALIST PROJECT AMAZON REGION (2020-2021) Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401 Programa Artbientalistas – Teatrova (2020-2021) The Artbientalistas Amazon Region Project is formulated in accordance with Ordinary Session 024 of May 20, 2020. In compliance with the provisions of the program, the following format is completed: SEMI-TERM FORMAT OF TERRITORIAL INTENTION ARTBIENTALIST PROGRAM No Sessión 024 Date and Time 20/03/2020 7:30 A.M. – 8:50 P.M. JUAN SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE PINZON // 1030656192 BOGOTÁ D.C GERENTE PROGRAMA ARTBIENTALISTAS KADIR ABDEL RAHIM GARZON // 79378589 BOGOTÁ D.C DIRECTOR TEATRO CASA TEATROVA Members JANETH CRISTINA ORTIZ MARTÍNEZ // 1013586684 BOGOTÁ D.C PRODUCTORA TEATRO CASA TEATROVA DANIEL FRANCISCO ROJAS BERNATE // 1030540638 BOGOTÁ D.C LUNIMOTECNICO TEATRO CASA TEATROVA "The Amazon is a region that represents the multiculturalism and biodiversity of Colombia, its environmental conditions and its relationship with life manifestations, make its culture and artistic representations reflect a deep ecology and a special sense of identity and belonging to the territory. It is important for the Artbientalistas program to formulate a series of projects in this region given the current difficult social, environmental and cultural conditions, in which business and political conflicts of interest, deforestation, suspicious fires, irregularities in land use planning are reflected. , persecution of environmental leaders, land accumulation, among other situations that affect the conservation and development of the Colombian Amazon. On the other hand, the effects of hyper culturality have gradually reached these communities; loss of identity, history and sense of belonging to native cultures is a latent risk. The need for a healthy, Proposal inclusive, formative, tolerant, sustainable cultural artistic connection is vital for the protection of general communities and other living and cultural manifestations of the territory. In this primary order of ideas, I propose to build a true sense of progress through the protection of environmental and cultural wealth, the Program must be presented there to found the path of this cultural and environmental movement in the construction of public opinion, inclusive and diverse vis-à-vis the ordering of the territories, first recognizing the native peoples and the Great Covenant of Good Living. The present formulation is also considered pertinent given the circumstances of connection of the Amazon Region with Peru, Venezuela; Brazil and Peru and their cultural wealth given these conditions. I propose that we continue to carry out a departmental analysis of the region JUAN SEBASTIAN MANRIQUE P. Some concerns were raised regarding mobility by Daniel Rojas, on the other hand, the initiative presented by the manager was supported. The theater producer Cristina Ortiz also expressed her doubts about the project given the complex conditions of order and security of the territory. On the other hand, the director of the Kadir Theater Abdel Rahim insisted on the need for the implementation of this program in the Amazon because of the need to share experiences through Partial contributions workshops and dialogues of cultural fabric such as puppet plays and theater that can be a transformative axis in these communities. It was also concluded that since this region is the largest in the nation, it is possibly our most important training and cultural exchange project so far. Analysis was continued. Teatro Casa Teatrova Calle 24 No 4ª–16. Bogotá D.C. [email protected] (+57)3192148025 - (+57)3362401 TERRITORIAL DEPARTMENTALTERRITORIAL ANALYSIS AMAZONÍA REGION GUAVIARE http://www.guaviare.gov.co/tema/territorios DEPARTMENT SAN JOSÉ DEL GUAVIARE – EL RETORNO – MIRAFLORES – CALAMAR ( 4 ) MUNICIPALITY It has 12 ethnic groups and 14 indigenous reservations. It is considered a multi-diverse and multi-ethnic department product of its immersed and immense natural wealth, its great artistic potential is reflected in its crafts and dance samples that commemorate the origins and worldviews of the territory. http://inirida- guainia.gov.co/Transparencia/BancoDocumentos/Informaci%C3%B3n%20Cultura.pdf Indigenous artisans inhabit the Coco Viejo community who for millennia have transformed clay and natural fibers into beautiful TERMS handicrafts, ovens, vases, vases, fruit bowls, vases and hot holders that they offer to their visitors. CULTURAL https://www.elespectador.com/vivir/buen-viaje-vip/guainia-intercambio-cultural-en-un-tesoro-escondido-articulo-728411 . From August 16 to 19 of each year. (+57)3192148025 http://www.sinic.gov.co/SINIC/ColombiaCultural/ColCulturalBusca.aspx?AREID=3&SECID=8&IdDep=94&COLTEM=215 Calle 24 No 4ª No 24 Calle [email protected] Teatro Casa Teatrova Teatrova Casa Teatro Great conflicts and socio-environmental pressures as shown in the map http://siatac.co/web/guest/ano-2016 in the 4 municipalities in the table expressed. A rich ecosystem biodiversity is found http://siatac.co/Ecosistemas100K/Mapas/Condicion_distritos_biomas.jpg and ENVIRONMENTAL – at http://siatac.co/Ecosistemas100K/Mapas/Eco2014v1_Carta.jpg. The ordering of the territory occurs mainly by the Interior. CONDITIONS 16. Bogotá D.C. Bogotá 16. Programa Artbientalistas Artbientalistas Programa - (+57)3362401 https://cda.gov.co/. environmental planning file: /// C: /Users/USUARIO%20FAMILIA/Downloads/Presentacion_PGAR_2011_2020.pdf Despite having great potential for social and economic development, cultural policies and the development of cultural plans, programs and projects that allow it to have an organized, systematized and continuous cultural projection have not been defined, thus causing trauma and disarticulation. total of artistic and cultural processes. Reading is a problem that indicates governance and one of its cultural RISKS objectives. There is also a lack of knowledge of cultural heritage. We can see their cultural problems and objectives in this document CULTURAL http://inirida-guainia.gov.co/Transparencia/BancoDocumentos/Informaci%C3%B3n%20Cultura.pdf. The portal of the cultural indicators of indigenous reservations fails http://siatac.co/web/guest/productos/territorios-ancestrales/resguardos-indigenas – (2020 Teatrova According to these environmental indicators https://sinchi.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/df30d0db241544b9aaa8e9e32d730b90 There is evidence of a RISKS continuous loss of forests, 27 hectares a year, the transformation of natural ecosystems, conflicts over areas and agricultural borders and ENVIRONMENTAL forest burning. https://sinchi.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/8231915cb08948f7ad93c0e2fbeed68e There are some threatened species - The Project is believed to be viable, the connection to most municipalities is in good condition. In addition to being a cultural nucleus 2021) that needs interaction, as expressed by its Government when expressing the need for cooperation in its cultural relations that, in addition VIABILITY to strengthening and visualizing them, protect and conserve them. We can donate 50 unpublished books of our environmental works to answer your reading problems and objectives. Miraflores is the furthest from all. VAUPÉS http://www.vaupes.gov.co/ CARARÚ- MITÚ- TARAIRA – PAPANAUA -PACOUA – YAVARATÉ ( 6 ) In Vaupés, indigenous people celebrate most expressions of nature such as the raising of fish and the harvest of cultivated and wild fruits, among others, through dance. In this way the Yuruparí dance, the dance with yarumo and plumage, the dance with maracas, the dance with mavaco are important. Most dances are done in pairs, except for the Yuruparí, which is danced individually. http://www.conservation.org.co/programas/Conservacion-para-el-desarrollo/http://www.conservation.org.co/programas/Conservacion-para-el- desarrollo/ For 2019 there were high hopes for the different artistic stimulus programs, https://www.mincultura.gov.co/prensa/noticias/Paginas/Vaup%C3%A9s-fortalece-sus-saberes-y-tradiciones-culturales.aspx however it is not known if its implementation was successful. The Prayer and the Dabacury are activities of deep cultural importance in the (+57)3192148025 territory:https://cda.gov.co/es/noticias/recuperacion-de-tradiciones-culturales-en-vaupes Calle 24 No 4ª No 24 Calle [email protected] Teatro Casa Teatrova Teatrova Casa Teatro E The terrain, in general, is flat. The tables of Bubiyí and Cararú are staked, and the hills of Japan, Camarao, Omudo and Tipicaca. The waterways are widely used and the routes can be done through the Vaupés, Negro and Amazon rivers, which is why fishing and hunting are highly practiced. It is ideal for – 16. Bogotá D.C. Bogotá 16. ecological and adventure tourism. Most of the inhabitants are of indigenous ethnic groups and preserve their dialect and culture, the food is indigenous, Programa Artbientalistas Artbientalistas Programa - (+57)3362401 therefore, its tourist attraction. Secretary of Education and Culture http://www.vaupes.gov.co/directorio-institucional/secretaria-de-educacion-y-cultura. The loss of the proto dances of the department is the most latent risk. The department only has roads or trails to communicate the populations and they depend on the climate to be able to travel. Vapupes have been mentioned many times as the land of oblivion, even so the chicha, the casaba and its gastronomy attract much attention from tourists https://www.eltiempo.com/archivo/documento/MAM-1685051
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