22 Accommodation 48 Laiskanlinna Guesthouse Tourism 10 ’s Ferry Restaurant Kaljaasi PORI An atmospheric venue for meetings A ferry restaurant always floating in the Somerniemi and vacations on the shore of Lake middle of the lake. Enjoy the summer 43 Gasthaus Lohja Bed & Breakfast TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Puujärvi. Ideal for groups of 8-20 peo- and good company with small snacks A cozy family business right in the ple. A well-maintained milieu and a and café products. You can also organ- center of Lohja, opposite the bus sta- high-quality catering service are wait- 1 The Alitalo Apple Winery/ ise an unforgettable party. Pickups by tion. Welcome for a stay in our clean ing for you. You are warmly welcome! Ciderberg agreement from Tiiliuuninkuja. and well-equipped rooms. Nummijärventie 64, 09120 Surrounded by thousands of apple Tiiliuuninkuja, 08700 Lohja Kauppakatu 3, 08100 Lohja +358 400 622 781 trees, the winery is an unmissable ex- +358 40 522 6612 +358 44 325 8966 [email protected] perience for visitors. At the farm, you kaljaasilauttaravintola.fi [email protected] can find farm animals, a café, and wine gasthauslohja.fi/Bed-Breakfast laiskanlinna.fi shop. Coexistence facebook.com/laiskanlinna Pietiläntie 138, 08800 Lohja 11 The Lohja Museum 12.–18.7. +358 50 371 2342 The idyllic Lohja Museum and the mu- [email protected] seum's park-like yard tell the story of ciderberg.fi the countryside village’s growth into a city. Open all year round. Detailed opening hours at: lohja.fi/museo 55 Rovastinkatu 1, 08100 Lohja Ikkala +358 19 369 4204 [email protected] 76 Pusula 21 12 Ojamo Manor Kiikala 44 Hotel-Restaurant Gasthaus The Russian neoclassical style man- 49 Lohja Myllyniemi farm or from the 1850s has on its lands the accommodations oldest iron mine in . A charming family hotel with restau- rants less than a kilometer from the Family celebrations, meetings, sem- Ojamon kartano, 08200 Lohja city center in a beautiful location be- inars, catering, accommodation, art +358 44 369 1309 tween Lake Lohjanjärvi and the ridge. exhibitions. 2 [email protected] Arboretum Magnolia Laurinkatu 1, 08100 Lohja Myllyniemi 50, 09430 visitlohja.fi An arboretum on the shores of Lake +358 40 562 1935 Nature and 32 Public swimming pool +358 19 331 771 Lohjanjärvi, with trees, shrubs and [email protected] Neidonkeidas [email protected] perennials from around the world. gasthauslohja.fi myllyniemi.fi 13 Puu-Anttila wellbeing Recreational swimming at the public The newest areas of the garden are facebook.com/gasthauslohja facebook.com/Myllyniemifarm Lohja Tourist Map the butterfly garden and stumpery Party and meeting venues for rent in swimming pool. Come for a swim, sau- gardens. the centre of Lohja in a beautiful old 20 SPORTS na, water sports, or to refresh. A versa- wooden house. 2021 Kokkolahdentie 60, 08100 Lohja 8 Nummi tile indoor swimming pool in the Harju 45 Hiisi Homes Lohja 50 Pohjolantuvat rental cottages Suurlohjankatu 2, 08100 Lohja 68 Sports Centre. by the lake +358 45 140 2389 (Esa), Hiisi Homes offers homelike accommo- +358 46 547 3777 76 27 +358 400 202 099 (Suvi) Saukkola Aquapro Finland Runokatu 1, 08100 Lohja dation options in Lohja for stays from Holiday cottages in beautiful sur- puu-anttila.fi arboretummagnolia.fi – paddling & fatbike rental +358 19 369 1803 one night to several months. roundings by the lake, about 70 km facebook.com/LohjanPuuAnttila Suomusjärvi 49 Canoe rental, guided paddling expe- facebook.com/arboretummagnolia [email protected] Pellervonkatu 1, 08100 Lohja from . instagram.com/puuanttila 9 riences, kayaking training and excur- neidonkeidas.fi +358 20 778 0777 Keloniementie 58, 08800 Lohja sions, fat bike rental, kayaking instruc- E18 facebook.com/neidonkeidas hiisihomes.fi +358 50 371 2347 & +358 40 844 4537 3 The Archbishop's Karkali tor training. 14 Paikkari Croft facebook.com/hiisihomes [email protected] The museum tells, through words, pic- Paddling: instagram.com/hiisihomes pohjolantuvat.fi tures and objects, about the life and The birthplace and childhood home of Hiidensalmi slipway 80 14 summers of Gustaf Johansson and his Elias Lönnrot, the compiler of the Finn- Fat-Bike rental: NATURE ATTRACTIONS family in Karkali. Open from 1.6. - 30.9. ish national epic, the Kalevala. View de- Karjalankatu 21, 08150 Lohja 46 Houseboat Lohjan Helmi tailed opening hours at: lohja.fi/museo +358 40 770 3658 Come and have an unforgettable ex- See more details on the website. 33 Karkali Nature Park Karkalintie 960, 08100 Lohja Torpantie 20, 09220 Sammatti aquaprosuomi.fi perience by renting Houseboat Lohjan 76 Karkalintie 1035, 08100 Lohja +358 44 369 1309 +358 19 369 4204 or +358 44 369 1309 facebook.com/AquaproSuomi Helmi for your use for a day or sever- 23 [email protected] [email protected] 28 al. There is accommodation for 4 peo- Tampere visitlohja.fi Sammatti arkkipiispankarkali.fi 35 34 Torhola Cave ple to stay the night in Lohjan Helmi and you can have a sauna and swim Karkalintie 759, 08100 Lohja HELSINKI in the magnificent scenery of Lake Lohjanjärvi. St. Petersburg 4 Fruticetum Turku Helsinki A park-like show garden with the berry 5 7 35 Karnaisten Korpi Nature Trail +358 46 582 7810 or +358 44 059 9545 LOHJA and fruit species that grow in Finland. 65 houseboatlohja.com 66 Suoniementaival 28, 08350 Lohja E18 facebook.com/Houseboat-Lohjan- 51 Suurniemi Farm Lohjansaarentie 929, 08800 Lohja 42 Jantoniementie 139, 08350 Lohja +358 40 589 0043 Helmi Cottage rentals and apple orchards on Stockholm [email protected] Instagram.com/houseboatlohjanhelmi the shore of Lake Lohja. All cottages Tallinn 36 Lahokallio Nature Trail have a wood-heated sauna and a pri- fruticetum.fi 76 facebook.com/fruticetum 39 16 Lahokallionkatu 9, 08200 Lohja vate shore. Guided tours available to 51 11 the Karkali Nature Park and the Tor- 2 57 28 Kisakallio 45 30 19 71 hola Cave. Ventelä One of the leading promoters of an 5 The Johannes Lohilampi 48 76 47 13 37 Liessaari Nature Trail Suurniementie 347, 08100 Lohja 15 TeijArt Mosaic Gallery Karjalohjanselkä 34 LOHJA 43 active lifestyle and a top international Museum 24 3 Lohjajärvi 62 18 Haikarinkatu 22, 08100 Lohja +358 50 345 1551 The Mosaic exhibition ‘Mosaiikin 37 12 27 sports training and education centre in A cavalry estate from the 18th centu- 33 44 [email protected] viemää’ (Gone with the Mosaic). The Karjalohja Karkalin 46 36 southern Finland. ry exhibiting rustic artefacts. The old luonnonpuisto 1 53 suurniementila.com mosaic art of Teija Kaarre. The gallery 17 Kaarina Karin tie 4, 38 Paavola Nature Trail and Oak barn at the estate is used as a venue 70 38 76 facebook.com/suurniementila is open by request. Attend workshop 4 Tree for events and houses the Taidenavet- 58 31 08360 Lohja days or small group courses – call and +358 19 31 511 Pietiläntie 23, 08800 Lohja ta Art Gallery. Open during the sum- 61 mer. For more detailed opening hours: book a time. Lohjansaari [email protected] Welcome to Lohja! lohja.fi/museo Jägerhornintie 30, 08700 Lohja kisakallio.fi facebook.com/KisakallionUrheiluopisto 47 Lohja Spa & Resort Peririnnantie 2, 09220 Sammatti +358 40 503 4020 Only 30 min from Helsinki, A popular oasis of wellbeing on the +358 19 369 4204 [email protected] teijart.fi magnificent shore of Lake Lohja. The 1 hour from Turku, and [email protected] 41 29 74 The Lohja Region Rowers diverse services are attractive for both facebook.com/TeijArt 10 54 We are an active rowing club in Lohja's holidays and meetings. 2 hours from Tampere. 76 25 Hiidensalmi. Come and try rowing with 6 Kaarre War Museum 25 Ylhäntie 1, 09120 Karjalohja 16 Tytyri Mine Experience 67 versatile equipment, either in a com- Explore the different conditions of the +358 30 608 40 Experience a unique destination deep petitive sense or as fitness training. battlefront. The private museum is a lohjaspa.fi below the surface of the Earth, in an Kokkokallionkatu 6, 08100 Lohja tribute to those who fought to protect authentic limestone mine. Descend in- 50 +358 44 046 7430 Finland’s independence during the to the experience surrounded by dark- 15 loss.fi Second World War. Open by request. ness and light and take part in various facebook.com/LohjanSeudunSoutajat 39 Paloniemi Nature and Culture 2 km HANKO 6 Jägerhornintie 30, 08700 Lohja tours and events. Mustio Trail +358 40 047 1644 Kuilukatu 42, 08100 Lohja Paloniementie 68, 08420 Lohja [email protected] 30 Tennari Sports Centre +358 44 369 1309 kaarteensotamuseo.fi Outdoor tennis courts and spaces for in- [email protected] facebook.com/kaarteensotamuseo Virko 20 Nummi Church door sports, such as tennis, ball games, 40 tytyrielamyskaivos.fi GUIDE SERVICES Porla Recreation Area Part of the nationwide road church martial arts, and strength training. facebook.com/tytyrielamyskaivos Your quide in Sammatti, in the foot- Ojamonkatu 32, 08100 Lohja network. Follow the routes 7 Kettukallio Experience Farm EK Event- Equal experiences! steps of Elias Lönnrot. In the spirit of Rantapuisto 45, 08100 Lohja the Kalevala. Nummenkirkkotie 10, 09810 Nummi +358 19 369 1803 The tourism company of the year 2018 Travel services for you – also with ac- tennari.fi 41 Pähkinäniemi Nature Trail offers services for events, meetings, cessibility! From a single person to +358 44 272 4003 to the heart of Lohja facebook.com/SporttikeskusTennari Pähkinäniemen puistotie 11, and dining, as well as rents saunas, groups of several hundred by order all virko.fi 21 Pusula Church 08700 Lohja Lohja offers the enchantment of nature, fascinating history CONTACTS spaces for parties, and accommoda- year round, in Finnish, Swedish, Eng- Part of the nationwide road church tion for companies and groups. Open lish, and German. Virve Haahti the Guide network. 31 St. Laurence Golf and vibrant urban culture. Choose the most interesting by request. Guided tours by professional guide Lohja Tourist Information +358 40 707 8994 Marttilantie 1, 03850 Pusula Setting for a successful golf experi- 42 Talvia Giant’s Kettle short-distance holiday route for yourself from the Daytrip- Joenpellontie 145, 08480 Lohja [email protected] in Lohja, Western and along ence. In addition to the Kalkki-Petteri Hiidenkirnuntie 84, 08100 Lohja Laurinkatu 50, 08100 Lohja +358 44 988 5760 ekevent.fi the historical King's Road. Guided tours and Pyhä Lauri courses, a par-3 train- ster app or test all four routes and experience Lohja in all its 22 [email protected] facebook.com/EeKooEvent are available for individual guests and Kärkölä Church ing course is available. Tel: +358 44 369 1309 kettukallio.net groups all year round upon request. diversity (in Finnish). instagram.com/EeKooEvent Part of the nationwide road church Gunnarlankatu 210, 08200 Lohja [email protected] facebook.com/kettukallionelamystila +358 400 777 710 network. facebook.com/stlaurencegolf [email protected] visitlohja.fi 17 Vivamo Lohja Guides Association - Go safely Kärköläntie 1380, 03850 Pusula with a guide virvehaahti.com facebook.com/visitlohja 8 Kovela Manor Museum & A vibrant centre for holidays and Take a guide - you'll experience more! facebook.com/virvehaahti Tractor and Farming Machinery courses on the shore of Lake Lohja. 23 @visitlohja Vehicle tours, themed excursions and instagram.com/virvehaahti Sammatti Church Museum We offer various events for people of guided tours of specific locations in Part of the nationwide road church all ages, year-round. A destination for the whole family, the Lohja and the surrounding area. network. Tractor and Farming Machinery Muse- Vivamontie 2, 08200 Lohja Guide reservations from Lohja Tourist CHURCHES IN THE LOHJA Lönnrotintie 11, 09220 Sammatti um is open daily 10AM-6PM. The Man- +358 20 768 1760 Service Center: Route 1: Route 2: Villages: or Museum is open by request. [email protected] REGION [email protected] 24 Karjalohja Church The Town Vappula, Virkkala Kovelantie 130, 09810 Nummi vivamo.fi +358 44 369 1309 Part of the nationwide road church center of Lohja and Lohjansaari +358 50 370 3916 facebook.com/krs.vivamo lohjanoppaat.fi 19 Lohja’s Church of St. Lawrence kovelantraktorimuseo.fi network. Built in the 15th century, Lohja’s MAP INFO Tarinataituri (storyteller) Keskustie 30, 09120 Karjalohja 18 United Gypsies Brewery Church of St. Lawrence is one of the Publisher: Lohja Tourist Information 2021 Dramatic guided tours and cultural 9 The Lammi house Brewery, shop, summer terrace. Ice- most prominent monuments of Finn- walks for groups in Sammatti in the ish medieval stone-church architec- Layout and design: SST The home where Elias Lönnrot, the cold beers on site or to take with you. 25 Virkkala Church spirit of Elias Lönnrot. Presentations of ture, due to its rich painting decora- author of Kalevala, lived in his old age. Extensive selection of different styles, Virkkalantie 1, 08700 Lohja Images: Lohja City, Visit Lohja, and the image banks the sites of Sammatti (church, Paikkari tion. Open all year round. June-August Open 19.6.-15.8. Sat. - Sun. 12AM-5PM. up to 12% alc/vol. Events throughout Croft, and the Lammi House). on Tuesdays 2.30 PM-3.15 PM Lohja of Visit South Coast Finland, Ville Juurikkala, Hannu Groups by request May - September. the summer. [email protected] guides organize free church pres- 26 Orthodox All Saints Tsasouna Kaasalainen, Markku Levula, Jan Tukiainen, as well as Lammintie 399, 09220 Sammatti Hemmolankatu 26 B 1, 08150 Lohja +358 44 272 6256 entations to the public. Ask for guid- Open for visitors 9.7.-8.8. every day from entrepreneurs of the region +358 50 596 9024 Route 3: Route 4: +358 40 554 4235 ed group tours at the Lohja Tourist In- 1PM to 4PM. Otherwise by request. [email protected] [email protected] Feeling good Villages: Sammatti North Lohja Maps producers/Copyright: National Land Survey of formation! Metsola Cemetery brinkhall.fi/lammintalo ugbrewery.fi and Karjalohja Finland facebook.com/unitedgypsies +358 44 369 1309 Myyryntie 2, 08150 Lohja 19.–25.7. [email protected] +358 40 832 7011 Print: Grano Oy Kirkkokatu 1, 08100 Lohja Translations by: C.C. Communication Eat well and do 60 Lohja's Pingviini Ice Cream 68 Kasvihuoneilmiö 71 Oy Plastex Ab kiosk An emporium of fabulous experienc- A factory store selling special-edition Event selection 2021 some shopping Summer experiences and delicacies es with a café. The phenomenal em- products as well as products from oth- 64 daily from the beginning of April to porium is full of orderly chaos and er Lohja-based companies. Oy Plas- 27 29 See all events at: tapahtumat.visitlohja.fi RESTAURANTS AND the end of August. You can find more restrained madness. Open every day tex Ab manufactures plastic products. CAFÉS detailed opening hours and events from 10AM–6PM. Open Wed–Fri 12AM–6PM. on the social media channels of the Palomäentie 2, 09810 Nummi Venteläntie 12 08500 Lohja Lohjan Pingviini Kioski ice cream kiosk. +358 19 373 788 +358 19 357 601 27.3.–8.5. Lohjan Teatteri presents the children's play The Adventures of 52 Apuomena ry Lunch Café Lohjan Tori kasvihuoneilmio.fi plastex.fi Puss in Boots Punakaneli [email protected] facebook.com/lohjanpingviini- 30.4. May Day party, Lohja Spa & Resort A lunch café for everyone, offering tasty 72 Visitlohja home-cooked meals, Mon–Fri 11AM– jaatelokioski In addition to the expert tourist office, 1PM. The space is accessible and suit- instagram.com/lohjanpingviinikioski 1.5. May Day brunch in Villa Haikari the Visitlohja office has a Netticket tick- able as a venue for meetings. Available et sales point and a Lohja gift shop, for rent on weekends for private events. 82 61 Ravintola Hannes where you can buy Lohja coffee, choc- 15.5. Virkkala spring escapade, Virkkala Suurlohjankatu 21–23 A, 08100 Lohja At the banqueting facility Hannes, olate and tea, apple-flower umbrellas 16 +358 45 125 7804 15.5.–15.8. Vivamo Bible Village's summer performance season you can arrange the event according and local handicrafts. W a l k i n g apuomena.fi r o u t e T yt to your wishes comfortably and safe- Laurinkatu 50, 08100 Lohja ← yr T i M ly. Our catering service takes care of +358 44 369 1309 h i 22.-23.5. RaceWKND! on the shores of Aurlahti Bay e n H e events in the Uusimaa region. [email protected] o E 53 Gasthaus Lohja u xp s e visitlohja.fi in r A warm cellar restaurant with a bar Vappulantie 235, 08700 Lohja g ie 25.5.–22.8. Koiramäki Manor - an exhibition at Lohja Museum F n 69 Lohjan Tori Market square c +358 50 385 0894 facebok.com/visitlohja a e within walking distance of the center ir – Instagram.com/visitlohja - of Lohja. There are terraces available hannes.fi Open in winter 1.10.–31.3. Fri and Sat L 10.6. Lohja Café Day T o y h 8AM–2PM Open in summer 1.4.–30.9. t from spring to autumn. Open Mon- y j a r i Tues, Thurs – Sat 7AM–2PM M Fri 3–10PM, Sat 1–10PM. Welcome! M 12.6.–28.8. on Saturdays Lohjansaari summer markets at Lohjansaari u i Kauppakatu, 08100 Lohja n s Laurinkatu 1, 08100 Lohja e e seurantalo community building u

+358 19 331 771 lohja.fi E m x

p 7 gasthauslohja.fi e 0 1.6. – 31.8. The Lohja guides offer free guided tours of the St. Lawrence r 0

i m

facebook.com/gasthauslohja e


70 Lohjansaari Summer Market church on Tuesdays



A happy meeting place near Paavola’s 3

5 3.6.–2.9. Guided Thursday cultural walking tours in various destinations

54 Hilman Herkku (delicatessen) oak tree. Open 12 June–28 August on 0

Home-cooked food and pastries. Cakes Saturdays 10AM–1PM. Green action m in Lohja and Finnish sandwich cakes made to Seurantalo, Pietiläntie 2, 08800 Lohja 26.7.–1.8. order. GreenGate décor and gifts. +358 50 598 7648 12.6. Open villages - Finland's largest public event in various villages Virkkalantie 15, 08700 Lohja lohjansaaristo.fi +358 50 531 9288 62 Villa Haikari - A summer living facebook.com/lohjansaaristo 19.6. Karjalohja Drive In & Rock`n Roll show, Lohja Spa & Resort bit.ly/Facebook_HilmanHerkku room for you! On the shores of a clean lake, good Apple Carnival 2021 20.6. Open day for the War Museum and Mosaic Gallery food, community, nature, art and cul- 55 Juhlatalo Kokki ture, for Lohja residents, summer resi- A warm family harvest celebration in the historic surroundings of the Lohja Museum, 25.6. Midsummer bonfire of the city of Lohja on the shore of Tasty festive and concert lunch buffets, dents and tourists alike. Villa Haikari is September 18 from 10AM–4PM. Over 100 Aurlahti Bay as well as family celebrations: wed- a summer restaurant on the shores of stands are participating in the event, full dings, birthdays, baptisms, and me- Lake Lohjanjärvi, only a couple of kilo- of goodies and handicrafts, as well as a morial services, and dining for groups meters from the center of Lohja in Hai- Culture and 78 The Lohja Theatre 26.6. Midsummer dances and flag raising at Villa Haikari programme full of fun. by request. karinniemi. The 116-year-old professionally guided Haikarinkatu 19, 08100 Lohja events high quality amateur theatre produces 4.7. Sampo festival, Sampomäki Pusulantie 1027, 03810 Ikkala Rovastinkatu 2, 08100 Lohja +358 50 517 5414 facebook.com/Villa-Haikari- 3-4 premieres during the year. +358 44 369 1309 82 103199018104860 73 Suurlohjankatu 12, 08100 Lohja 30 9.7.–8.8. Housing fair in Lohja [email protected] Galleria LUTS & art rental omenakarnevaalit.fi +358 44 369 1499 juhlatalokokki.com (the artist association of Western facebook.com/Omenakarnevaalit Uusimaa) lohja.fi/teatteri 83 8.–10.7. Rantajamit 30th music festival on the shores of Aurlahti Bay 63 Villi Kriikuna Laurinkatu 48, 08100 Lohja [email protected] The charming Villi Kriikuna from the nt.fi/lohjan-teatteri 11 9.7.–8.8. Orthodox Chapel Tsasouna of All Saints open to visitors 1910s, in the vicinity of the centre, ar- P ranges family and business celebra- 74 Kässän taidetalo (art house) 84 79 Runaway Plan 10.7. Whole family opening concert of the Housing Fair tions and lunches for bus groups by Tynninharjuntie 21, 08700 Lohja order. There are 50 seats. Experience services in Lohja – Escape Karstuntie 16, 08100 Lohja rooms, escape games and adventure 10.7. Lake Puujärvi Days at the Karjalohja Seurojentalo field 75 63 +358 50 501 3559 Laurentius-sali (concert hall) services. Mutual activities for families, [email protected] Kirkkokatu 6, 08100 Lohja groups of friends, and company recre- Old-Time Christmas July Concerts at the Lohjansaari seurantalo (community building) ation days. villikriikuna.fi Fair of Lohja 2021 76 Lohja City Libraries Laurinkatu 48 A, 08100 Lohja 11.7. – 8.8. Lohja Song Days Sunday coffee concerts at Ojamo Manor +358 45 7831 0130 The old-time Christmas fair is held on In addition to the main library, library 56 Kaffela 64 Villa Kokkokallio and the [email protected] December 11–12, 2021. At the traditional 75 services are provided by the Karjalohja, 17.7. Lohja Pride on the shores of Aurlahti Bay enchantment of the lake runawayplan.fi old-time Christmas fair, one can experience A café on Lohja’s market square, where Mäntynummi, Ojamo, Pusula, Sammat- The historic sawmill manager's log an air of calmness, and the hundreds of sweet and savoury café products are ti, Saukkola, and Virkkala local libraries, 23.–28.7. Birch and star festival in Karjalohja house will come to life in the autumn market stalls sell products in the spirit of the available. Open during the market and the Saima library bus. A limited se- 80 Sampomäki – cultural events P 19 square hours and the market events. of 2021. The café with its gardens, on past for people of the present. the shores of Lake Lohjanjärvi, is an lection of library services is provided in Sampojuhlat (festival), Vaahterateatteri 76 24.7. Lohja Archipelago Day, at Lohjansaari Seurantalo The café serves alcohol. Karstuntie P experience for all the senses. We also the Ojaniittutalo and Routiomäki com- (theatre), Kansanlaulukirkko (church (community building) Kauppakatu, 08100 Lohja Church yard and Lohja Museum surroundings 85 have meeting and banquet facilities munity centres. folk music), and other culture events +358 44 022 2445 menneenajanjoulumarkkinat.fi and a beach sauna. We are participat- Web Library: lukki.finna.fi near Paikkari croft. 81 6.8. Harvest market at Karjalohja market square [email protected] facebook.com/ 13 ing in the Lohja Housing Fair! Torpantie 20, 09220 Sammatti facebook.fi/torikaffela menneenajanjoulumarkkinat 78 +358 40 554 4235 P 72 Kokkokallionkatu 2, 08100 Lohja 77 Lohja City Orchestra 86 6.–8.8. Circus festival Pusu around the Tölli Mill Facebook.com/VillaKokkokallio [email protected] The versatile repertoire of the Lohja city 77 57 Café Ventelän Resiina instagram.com/villakokkokallio sampoyhdistys.fi 45 P 52 orchestra and the adaptable configu- 79 73 7.8. St Lawrence Day at Lohja Market Square An idyllic railway atmosphere. We bake Everyday joys ration for many events have delighted delicious pastries and filled savoury thousands of listeners all over Finland. 81 Tuulentupa (Lohja Region 7.8. 30th anniversary concert of the Lohja Song Days in the snacks every day. SHOPPING AND OTHER 2.–8.8. Laurinkatu 50, 08100 Lohja (toimisto) Handicrafts Association) 60 Laurentius Hall Venteläntie 11, 08500 Lohja SERVICES +358 44 374 1462 Laurinkatu 61, 08100 Lohja 69 +358 40 551 4098 [email protected] 8.8. Suurlohjan Soudut (rowing competition) facebook.com/kahvilaresiina Rantajamit 2021 lohjankaupunginorkesteri.fi 56 65 Cafetoria Roastery Rantajamit will celebrate its 30th anniversary in the summer of 8.8. Die lustige Witwe – operetta in the Laurentius Hall Tasty, hand-roasted in Lohja, organic, 2021. Many wonderful things P and direct-trade special coffees. Open have happened over the decades, 13.–14.8. I love impro -improvisation theatre festival Fri and Sat, 10AM – 3PM. See our Face- P come and experience our city book page for more detailed opening 83 43 provincial festivals in the warmth of 14.8. Virkkala Day, Virkkala hours. Longer opening hours at sum- midsummer. mer and Christmas time. 20.–21.8. Laila & Olavi Song Competition, Lohja Spa & Resort Lohjanharjuntie 1147, 08680 Lohja Rantapuisto 2, 08100 Lohja +358 10 423 5570 +358 44 770 5400 20.8. An evening of events [email protected] The enchantment rantajamit.fi cafetoria.fi facebook.com/rantajamit facebook.com/cafetoriaLohja 27.8. HSKpo's favorite tunes concert, Matkailumaatila Myllyniemi Farm, 58 Lakeside Resort Lohja instagram.com/cafetoriaroastery of the lake Saukkola On the shore of Lake Lohja, at the beautiful Vohloinen apple orchard, a 32 28.8. The Venetians, Lohja Spa & Resort variety of services including a restau- What is the enchantment of the lake? It is a rant, café, and accommodation, as well moment spent with loved ones in the peace of 40 In Lohja Sports Centre's Laavujen Kierros (Lean-to Tour) nature as venues for meetings and parties. September- events Sunnanlidintie 33, 08700 Lohja your own cottage, hiking in the lush groves of October +358 45 112 2274 the shores of Lake Lohjanjärvi or skating on the [email protected] 10.–11.9. Autumn Fair, Lohjan tori market square lakesidecafe.fi ice of a frosty lake in winter. The enchantment of facebook.com/LakeSideCafeLohja the lake is relaxing by the water, sunny summer 44 In in September Dance Charms - lavatanssi (pavilion dance) events and local delicacies on the terrace of the 53 September courses, Lohja Spa & Resort 59 Lohjan Juhlaserviisi Oy 66 Deli Baker’s summer café. The enchantment of the lake is also 84 Traditional catering service by prior 59 18.9. Lohja Apple Carnival in the Lohja Museum area A boutique selling baked goods, arrangement for groups from ban- the dream of owning a house by the lake, well cheeses, and gifts. Specialising in sour- 86 quet halls to adventure destinations. 18.–19.9. Three Museums - A Thousand Stories Event at the Kaarre War dough baguettes, buns, and ciabatta. connected to the capital city. The enchantment Our own banquet and assembly hall, Museum which has a liquor licence, can serve Hossanmäentie 1, 08350 Lohja of the lake is Lohja, a lively lakeside town in the +358 19 382 290 max. 80 customers at a time. Welcome middle of lush Uusimaa nature, just around half 6.–7.11. Tytyri Mine Experience Halloween tours and let us serve you! [email protected] Housing fair bus route delibakers.fi an hour's drive from Helsinki. Welcome to Lohja to Departure from the Länsi-Louhenkatu 31, 08100 Lohja 26 14.11. Taipaleenjoki –opera in the Laurentius Hall +358 45 639 1129 experience the enchantment of the lake and the housing fair parking lot (Raviradankatu). juhlaserviisi.fi There are six stops on the line and, if 67 Josefiinan aitta 19.11. Lohja Christmas opening, in the centre and the market square [email protected] Housing Fair 9.7. – 8.8.2021 necessary, a stop in the centre as well. Along Wonderful linen clothing and old the way you can enjoy the most beautiful treasures for home decor. The Josefi- landscapes in Lohja! 26.11. Virkkala's Christmas opening, Virkkala inan aitta summer shop will be open Pysäköintialue in June-August 2021 Welcome to our n. 4 km 6.12. Lohja's Independence Day celebration feel-good boutique. 86

Arontie 1, 08800 Lohja Arrow-circle-right 10.–19.12. Vivamo Bible Village's Wonderful Joy Christmas journey +358 44 987 1106 facebook.com/Josefiinanaitta 85 11.–12.12. Old-fashioned Christmas market, church square, museum, centre

© National Land Survey of Finland Changes can be made. Information collected November 2020.