Scholarships for Incoming Full-Time International Graduate Students 清华大学全日制国际研究生奖学金

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Scholarships for Incoming Full-Time International Graduate Students 清华大学全日制国际研究生奖学金 2018 Scholarships for Incoming Full-time International Graduate Students 清华大学全日制国际研究生奖学金 Photo by Cui Yu 目录 Contents 02 校长致辞 校长致辞 Message from the President Message from the President 04 清华大学 Tsinghua University Welcome to Tsinghua University. Our mission is to educate and give back to the world. 07 中国政府奖学金 And it starts with you. Chinese Government Scholarship By choosing Tsinghua, you are choosing an institution with internationally renowned tertiary educa- 学费奖学金 tion and academic research. We are dedicated to nurturing global talent and to producing outstanding 10 Tuition Scholarships research achievements. 北京市外国留学生奖学金 Established in 1911, Tsinghua is recognized as one of the most beautiful campuses in the world. Our Beijing Government Scholarship for International Students campus, set in the former imperial gardens of the Qing Dynasty, is home to over 40,000 students from 清华大学国际研究生奖学金 116 countries. Beyond your academic pursuits, you will have the opportunity to take part in the uni- Tsinghua University Scholarship versity’s athletic activities, creative art programs and community engagement initiatives. Your time at Tsinghua may well become one of your most treasured life experiences. 北京市外国留学生“一带一路”奖学金 Beijing Government “the Belt and Road” Scholarship Tsinghua is a unique comprehensive university bridging China and the world, connecting ancient and modern, and encompassing the arts and sciences. As one of China’s most prestigious and influential 中国政府来华留学卓越奖学金 universities, Tsinghua helps students broaden their view of the world, nurtures innovative minds and 12 Youth of Excellence Scheme of China develops compassion for society and humanity. Our alumni include political, business, scientific and innovation leaders, whose names are interwoven with the development of China and beyond. 14 中国政府核电奖学金 The reemergence of China as an economic, scientific and cultural powerhouse has shifted the dynam- CGS-TUNEM Program ics of global learning, presenting the world’s best and brightest with unprecedented opportunities for advancing knowledge in partnership with Chinese thinkers and researchers. In this new world, institu- 16 MOFCOM奖学金 tions of higher education are the engines of collaborative teaching and learning. This is why Tsinghua MOFCOM Scholarship is evolving, advancing and expanding. The 21st century requires problem solvers with broad perspectives and an international outlook. Suc- 18 IMPA奖学金 cess is no longer just about being the smartest, honing your expertise in a single area and looking at IMPA Scholarship problems within your field of vision. Interconnectedness is the new reality. The global challenges we face require strategic cooperation, mutual understanding and leadership built on hands-on experience. 20 MIDG奖学金 MIDG Scholarship We are committed to cultivating global citizens who will thrive in today’s world and become tomor- row’s leaders. Through the pursuit of education and research at the highest level of excellence, Tsing- hua is developing innovative solutions that will help solve pressing problems in China and the world. 22 苏世民学者项目 Schwarzman Scholars Program We look forward to seeing you on campus. 24 其它奖学金 Other Scholarships 26 联系我们 Dr. Qiu Yong Contact Us President 02 03 清华大学 / Tsinghua University 清华大学 / Tsinghua University 世界顶尖大学之一 Among the top universities in the world 泰晤士世界大学最新排名 QS世界大学最新排名 Times Higher Education World QS World University Rankings University Rankings 2018年世界大学排名 2018年世界大学排名 25th World University Rankings 2018 Photo by Cui Yu 30th World University Rankings 2018 2018年毕业生就业竞争力排名 2017年世界大学声誉排名 10th Graduate Employability Ranking 2018 14th World Reputation Rankings 2017 2017年世界大学学科排名-工程技术类 清华大学 10th World University Rankings by Subject 2017: Engineering and Technology Tsinghua University 美国新闻与世界报道最新排名 US News & World Report Rankings 2016年金砖五国大学排名 1st QS BRICS Rankings 2016 清华大学是中国著名高等学府,坐落于北京西北郊风景秀丽的清华园,是中国高层次人才培养和科 2018年全球最佳大学-工程类 学技术研究的重要基地,其前身清华学堂始建于1911年。 1st Best Global Universities for Engineering 2018 2018年全球最佳大学-计算机科学类 Tsinghua University is one of the most prestigious institutions in China for nurturing talented students and promoting ad- vanced scientific research. Located on the site of “Qing Hua Yuan (Tsinghua Garden)” in the northwest Beijing, Tsinghua 1st Best Global Universities for Computer Sciences 2018 University was established in 1911, originally under the name “Tsinghua Xuetang”. 全球化的大学 校训 / Motto 学风 / Academic Spirit A Global University 招收和培养国际学生是清华大学国际化办学的重要举措。1950年12月,清华大学接收首批国际学生14名,这也 自强不息、厚德载物 严谨、勤奋、求实、创新 是新中国接收的第一批国际学生。截至2016年,清华大学累计招收培养国际学生3万余人。 Rigor, Diligence, Veracity, and Creativity Self-discipline and Social Commitment Tsinghua University was one of the first Chinese universities with international student enrollment. Back in 1950, 14stu - dents from Eastern Europe were admitted into Tsinghua. As of today, more than 30,000 international students have studied at this historical Imperial Garden, and have been making distinctive contributions to societies and industries worldwide. 校风 / Maxim 传统 / Tradition 自2016年,清华大学又开启了全球战略,进一步加强了国际交流与合作。目前,清华大学已经与48个国 家、271所高校签署了交流协议,建立了合作关系。 Tsinghua University inaugurated a global strategy in 2016 to further strengthen the university’s international cooperation 行胜于言 爱国奉献、追求卓越 and exchange. Currently, Tsinghua has signed exchange agreements and established partnership with 48 countries and Actions Speak Louder than Words Patriotism, Devotion, and Pursuing Excellence 271 universities. 04 05 清华大学 / Tsinghua University 清华大学 / Tsinghua University 中国政府奖学金 Chinese Government Scholarship 中国政府奖学金由中国政府设立,用于资助世界各国优秀学生、教师、学者到中国的大 学学习或开展研究,旨在增进中国人民与世界各国人民的相互了解和友谊,发展中国与 世界各国在各领域的交流与合作。 Chinese Government Scholarship (CGS) is set up by the Chinese government to sponsor inter- national students, teachers and scholars to study and conduct research in Chinese universities. It is aimed to promote the mutual understanding, cooperation and exchanges in various fields between China and other countries. 中国教育部委托国家留学基金委管理委员会(以下简称“国家留学基金委”)负责中国政 多样化的学生构成 府奖学金生的招生录取和管理等工作。清华大学是承接和推荐中国政府奖学金的中国高 A Diverse Student Body 校之一。 China Scholarship Council (CSC), entrusted by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Re- public of China, is responsible for the enrollment and the administration of CGS. Tsinghua 来自 128 个国家和地区的约 3500 名国际学生正在清华大学学习。 University is one of the designated universities to undertake the CGS Program. Around 3,500 international students from 128 countries and regions are enrolled in Tsinghua University. 资助内容 Contents 资助期限 Duration 丰富的奖学金体系 全额奖学金 Full CGS 硕士 Master’s students A Comprehensive Scholarship System 全额的中国政府奖学金资助学费、校内住宿 2-3 学年 Academic years 费、生活费、综合医疗保险费 为吸引和培养知华友华的高水平国际人才,促进学校的国际化战略与国际合作,服务国家人才战略以及教育改 The full CGS covers tuition fees, on-campus ac- 革发展,清华大学现已为全日制国际研究生构建了丰富多样的奖学金体系。 commodation, stipend, and comprehensive medical 博士 Doctoral students insurance. Tsinghua University has established a comprehensive scholarship system for full-time international graduate students in 3-4 学年 Academic years order to attract and cultivate top international talents with China roots, promote international strategy and cooperation, and serve the talent strategy and education reform of China. 部分奖学金 Partial CGS 注: 中国政府奖学金的获得者须通过每年一度 部分奖学金,仅包括全额奖学金中的一项或几 的奖学金年度评审,以决定下一学年是否 项内容,具体资助内容以中国政府奖学金相关 可以继续获得资助。 2017-2018 67% 88% 项目的规定或录取通知书为准。 One or few items in the full CGS are included. Spe- NOTE: CGS recipients should go through the Annual Have been awarded scholarships cific items covered by partial CGS are in accord- Review held by CSC once a year to deter- Not get 硕士研究新生 博士研究新生 ance with the regulations of the CGS program con- mine if they could continue to be sponsored New master’s students New doctoral students cerned or the Letter of Admission. by the Scholarship. 06 07 清华大学 / Tsinghua University 清华大学 / Tsinghua University Be a bachelor’s degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for the master’s programs; be a master’s degree holder under the age of 40 when applying for the doctoral programs; E. 未通过其它途径(例如,中国驻外使领馆)申请中国政府奖学金; Have not apply for CGS through other channels (for example, through Chinese Embassies or Consulates in the home country); F. 未获得其它类型奖学金资助在清华大学的学习。 Are not offered other kinds of scholarships for graduate study atTsinghua University. Photo by Cui Yu 基本要求 Eligibility 通过清华大学的推荐申请中国政府奖学金,申请者须同时满足下列基本条件: 申请 Application Applicants for CGS through Tsinghua University should meet all the following requirements: 对于全日制国际研究生新生,中国政府奖学金有两类申请渠道,即通过本国有关部门或中国驻外使领 A. 非中国籍公民,身体健康; 馆推荐申请,或者通过中国高校推荐申请。 Must be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China, and be in good health; Qualified incoming full-time international graduate students could apply for CGS through dispatching authori- ties for overseas study or Chinese Embassies/Consulates in the home country or through Tsinghua University. B. 目前未在中国学习; Are not currently studying in China; 关于中国政府奖学金申请流程的详细介绍,请见清华大学研究生申请系统: For details about application for CGS, please visit: C. 报考2018年清华大学全日制国际研究生项目(不包括联合培养项目),并被拟录取; Have applied for 2018 full-time international graduate programs at Tsinghua University (except joint graduate programs) and have been pre-admitted; 关于中国政府奖学金的更多资讯,请详见国家留学基金委官网: D. 来华攻读硕士学位者,须具有学士学位,年龄不超过35岁;来华攻读博士学位者,须具有硕士 For further information about CGS, please visit the website of CSC: 学位,年龄不超过40岁; 08 09 清华大学 / Tsinghua University 清华大学 / Tsinghua University 学费奖学金 Tuition Scholarships 学费奖学金,提供为期一学年的全额学费或部分学费资助,主要包括下列项目: Tuition Scholarships cover
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