SAFETY FIRST: Safe Instructional Practices in the Classroom & Laboratory SAFETY FIRST Safe Instructional Practices in the Classroom and Laboratory 1 Document # (TBD) Delaware Department of Education | 2011 SAFETY FIRST: Safe Instructional Practices in the Classroom & Laboratory Safety First: Safe Instructional Practices in the Classroom and Laboratory. Delaware Department of Education Dr. Lillian Lowery, Secretary of Education Mr. Dan Cruce, Deputy Secretary of Education Teaching and Learning Branch Curriculum, Instruction, & Professional Development Workgroup Dr. Linda Rogers, Associate Secretary Ms. Marian Wolak, Director CIPD Science Education Ms. Tonyea Mead, Education Associate, Science Mr. John Moyer, Education Specialist, Science College & Workforce Readiness Branch Career, Technical, & Title 1 Resources Workgroup Dr. Amelia Hodges, Associate Secretary Career & Technical Education Dr. Dale Derrickson, Education Associate Technology and Engineering Education Mr. Michael Fitzgerald, Education Associate Agricultural Science Education Dr. Karen Hutchison, Education Associate Family & Consumer Science Education Ms. Rita Hovermale, Education Associate 2 Document # (TBD) Delaware Department of Education | 2011 SAFETY FIRST: Safe Instructional Practices in the Classroom & Laboratory This safety manual is the result of a collaborative effort between the Delaware Department of Education and the Connecticut Department of Education with consultation from Dr. Kenneth Roy, Glastonbury Public Schools. Adapted from Connecticut High School Science Safety: Prudent Practices and Regulations, Copyright 2008, Connecticut State Department of Education. Used by permission. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTs Special thanks to Dr. Kenneth Roy, science safety compliance specialist with Glastonbury Public Schools, for his important contributions to this document. Dr. Roy can be reached at
[email protected] Special thanks to the Carolyn Zogby, Edward McGrath, and the Red Clay Consolidated School District for their contributions to the document.