Time and Prophecy Time and Prophecy A Harmony of Time Prophecy with History and Archaeology July, 1995 (Reformatted July, 2021) Inquiries:
[email protected] Table of Contents Preface . 1 Section 1 The Value of Time Prophecy . 3 Section 2 The Applications of William Miller . 6 Section 3 Time Features in Volumes 2, 3 . 10 Section 4 Connecting Bible Chronology to Secular History . 12 Section 5 The Neo-Babylonian Kings . 16 Section 6 The Seventy Years for Babylon . 25 Section 7 The Seven Times of Gentile Rule . 29 Section 8 The Seventy Weeks of Daniel Chapter 9 . 32 Section 9 The Period of the Kings . 36 Section 10 Seven Times from the Fall of Samaria . 57 Section 11 From the Exodus to the Divided Kingdom . 61 Section 12 430 Years Ending at the Exodus . 68 Section 13 Summary and Conclusions . 72 Appendix A Darius the Mede . 75 Appendix B The Decree of Cyrus . 80 Appendix C VAT 4956 (37 Nebuchadnezzar) . 81 Appendix D Kings of Judah and Israel . 83 Appendix E The End of the Judean Kingdom . 84 Appendix F Egyptian Pharaohs, 600-500s bc . 89 Appendix G The Canon of Ptolemy . 90 Appendix H Assyrian Chronology . 99 Appendix I The Calendar years of Judah . 104 Appendix J Years Counting from the Exodus . 107 Appendix K Nineteen Periods in Judges and 1 Samuel . 110 Appendix L Sabbatic and Jubilee Cycles . 111 Appendix M Route Through the Wilderness . 115 Appendix N Chronology of the Patriarchs . 116 Endnotes . 118 Bibliography . 138 Year 2000 Update Please Note: Update on Section 12 Dear Reader — In Section 12, beginning on page 73, we considered three options for the begin- ning of the 430 years of Exodus 12:40, and recommended the “Third Option” — beginning with the birth of Reuben — which would reconcile 6000 years ending in 1872 .