Volume LX NOVEMBER 2016 No. 11 Rebuilding Continues Chungdong First UMC, Drew and Four Years After Sandy GNJ Remember Appenzeller By Josh Kinney of Drew Theological School as a gift
[email protected] from the Chungdong First UMC in Seoul, South Korea. Started in 1887 by Appen- Risk-taking ministry can transform zeller, Chungdong remains vibrant as the the world. In 1885, a fi re sparked in- country’s largest Methodist church, many side the heart of 26-year-old Henry of the country’s leaders including the G. Appenzeller at the chapel of Drew fi rst president having come through its Theological School’s Seminary Hall and doors. Appenzeller’s roots can be traced ignited a willingness to step out in faith. back to Greater New Jersey and Drew The result was an entire country forever Theological School, where he received transformed. his education, as well as Green Village Kneeling before the chapel’s altar, UMC where he served his fi rst pastoral Appenzeller responded to his calling by appointment. making a commitment to bring the gos- “As a sculptor, I have made many pel to Korea, where he introduced and artworks, but there is something special established a United Methodist move- about this one,” said Chungdong Elder, ment. 130 years later, the very same Changgon Kim, who sculpted the bust of room was packed with decedents of his Appenzeller. “For the people who will see Korean church plant who traveled across and appreciate this monument, I hope the globe to pay homage to his sacrifi ce they will long remember the love of God through gratitude, commemoration and and inherit Rev.