Curriculum Map

Biology Year 11

Topic / Theme Knowledge and Skills Assessment Cultural Capital Independent Learning B15 Genetics and Evolution In this section we will discover B15 Checkpoint quiz Ethics of GM and genetic how the number of chromosomes B15 homework engineering are halved during meiosis and B15 Progress quiz

then combined with new genes B15 On your marks Evolutionary biologist, geneticist, palaeontologist

AutumnTerm– 1 from the sexual partner to

produce unique offspring. Gene Being able to construct a

mutations occur continuously and genetic diagram showing how on rare occasions can affect the characteristics may have functioning of the animal or been passed down through

plant. These mutations may be their family.

damaging and lead to a number

Understanding key terms of genetic disorders or death.

Very rarely a new mutation can relating to genetics which

be beneficial and consequently, may be in the media.

lead to increased fitness in the

individual. Variation generated by Being able to explain human evolution and the scientific mutations and sexual view of creation.

reproduction is the basis for

natural selection; this is how Looking at other religious

species evolve. An understanding views of creation Curriculum Map

of these processes has allowed scientists to intervene through Knowledge about Watson

selective breeding to produce and Crick, Rosalind Franklin, David Attenborough and livestock with favoured characteristics. Once new Professor Robert Winston.

varieties of plants or animals

have been produced it is possible Richard Dawkins The Selfish to clone individuals to produce Gene

larger numbers of identical

individuals all carrying the Charles Darwin The Origin of

favourable characteristic. Species.

Scientists have now discovered how to take genes from one species and introduce them in to

the genome of another by a

process called genetic

engineering. In spite of the huge

potential benefits that this

technology can offer, genetic

modification still remains highly B16 Adaptions,

Interdependence and controversial.


The Sun is a source of energy that B16: Checkpoint quiz Looking at different ecosystems other than passes through ecosystems. B16: Progress quiz 1 and 2 – practice and test woodland e.g. tropical rain Materials including carbon and B16: Homework 1 and 2 forest, ocean etc. Curriculum Map

water are continually recycled by B16: On your marks: exam skills the living world, being released B16: Exam Style Questions: Film Day after tomorrow. higher and foundation through respiration of animals, Blue planet JSTC plants and decomposing Our planet microorganisms and taken up by B16 Ecology Adaptations any David plants in photosynthesis. All Attenborough series. species live in ecosystems Spring watch and Autumnm composed of complex watch.

communities of animals and Hermit crabs using rubbish as plants dependent on each other homes. and that are adapted to particular conditions, both abiotic and How your actions will affect biotic. These ecosystems provide the planets ecosystem. essential services that support Bees and pollinating insects. human life and continued Beavers and Lynx development. In order to reintroduction. continue to benefit from these services humans need to engage Rainforests with the environment in a sustainable way. In this section Extinction of plants and animals we will explore how humans are threatening biodiversity as well as Extremophiles the natural systems that support it. We will also consider some actions we need to take to ensure Reforestation projects

Curriculum Map

our future health, prosperity and Plam oil problems. well-being.

SMSC – ecology and saving the environment Careers/sectors – ecologist, conservationist

Curriculum Map

Biology Year 11

Topic / Theme Knowledge and Skills Assessment Cultural Capital Independent Learning

B16 Adaptions, The Sun is a source of energy B16: Checkpoint quiz SMSC – ecology and saving Interdependence and that passes through ecosystems. B16: Progress quiz 1 and 2 – the environment competition practice and test Careers/sectors – ecologist, Materials including carbon and B16: Homework 1 and 2 conservationist water are continually recycled by B16: On your marks: exam skills

AutumnTerm– 2 B16: Exam Style Questions: the living world, being released higher and foundation through respiration of animals,

plants and decomposing JSTC microorganisms and taken up by B16 Ecology Adaptations

plants in photosynthesis. All

species live in ecosystems

composed of complex

communities of animals and

plants dependent on each other

and that are adapted to particular

conditions, both abiotic and

biotic. These ecosystems provide

essential services that support

human life and continued

development. In order to

Curriculum Map

continue to benefit from these services humans need to engage with the environment in a

sustainable way. In this section we will explore how humans are

threatening biodiversity as well as

the natural systems that support it. We will also consider some

actions we need to take to ensure

B17 Organising an Ecosystem our future health, prosperity and well-being. B17 Checkpoint quiz B17 Homework SMSC – Careers/sectors – The Sun is a source of energy that B17 Progress quiz physicist, material scientist. passes through ecosystems. B17 on your marks

Materials including carbon and Plastics in the ocean. B17 Exam style questions for test Global warming water are continually recycled by

the living world, being released Farmers use of pesticides. through respiration of animals, plants and decomposing Bees microorganisms and taken up by

plants in photosynthesis. All Making our gardens or patios animal and insect friendly species live in ecosystems places. composed of complex communities of animals and Farming animals plants dependent on each other Fishing problems and solutions. Curriculum Map

and that are adapted to particular conditions, both abiotic and Carbon cycle how humas are biotic. These ecosystems provide affecting this mand how we are trying to reverse the essential services that support problems. human life and continued Electric cars. development. In order to continue to benefit from these Making a compost heap. Why services humans need to engage is this a good use of resources? with the environment in a

sustainable way. In this section Green Cities, Singapore. we will explore how humans are Green architecture and threatening biodiversity as well as building projects. the natural systems that support Zero carbon buildings. it. We will also consider some Why lawns and urban actions we need to take to ensure gardens and not contributing our future health, prosperity and to biodiversity. well-being. Farming and fertilizers (Lincolnshire)

Biology Year 11 p S Topic / Theme Knowledge and Skills Assessment Cultural Capital Independent Learning Curriculum Map

B17 Organising an Ecosystem The Sun is a source of energy B17 Checkpoint quiz SMSC – Careers/sectors – that passes through ecosystems. B17 Homework physicist, material scientist. Materials including carbon and B17 Progress quiz

water are continually recycled by B17 on your marks

the living world, being released B17 Exam style questions for test through respiration of animals,

plants and decomposing

microorganisms and taken up by

plants in photosynthesis. All

species live in ecosystems

composed of complex

communities of animals and

plants dependent on each other

and that are adapted to particular

conditions, both abiotic and

biotic. These ecosystems provide

essential services that support

human life and continued

development. In order to

continue to benefit from these

services humans need to engage

with the environment in a

sustainable way. In this section

we will explore how humans are

threatening biodiversity as well as

the natural systems that support

Curriculum Map

it. We will also consider some actions we need to take to ensure our future health, prosperity and B18 Biodiversity and SMSC – ethics surrounding well-being. Ecosystems B18 Checkpoint quiz habitat loss. Big business

B18 Progress quiz impact on the environment.

B18 homework Careers/sectors – ecologist, The Sun is a source of energy that B18 on your marks conservationist, zookeeper. passes through ecosystems.

Materials including carbon and water are continually recycled by How Humas affect the planet the living world, being released e.g fishing, farming, through respiration of animals, combustion, waste. plants and decomposing Recyling centres rather than microorganisms and taken up by rubbish tips. plants in photosynthesis. All species live in ecosystems Farming pesticides. composed of complex communities of animals and Government policy on sulphur dioxides and acid plants dependent on each other rain. and that are adapted to particular conditions, both abiotic and Deforestation biotic. These ecosystems provide essential services that support Zoos part in maintaining human life and continued biodiversity.

development. In order to Recycling continue to benefit from these Curriculum Map

services humans need to engage Food security in the future, with the environment in a less beef and more insects. sustainable way. In this section Meat free Mondays we will explore how humans are threatening biodiversity as well as Quorn the natural systems that support it. We will also consider some Burj Al Arab hotel built on actions we need to take to ensure own island, though would our future health, prosperity and destroy ocean habitat and well-being. now formed an amazing coral reef.

David Attenborough's docs. Seaspiracy Prince Charles and his views on the environment.

Keeping and studying wild animals, Joe Exotic, Jane Goodall.

Trips Lincolnshire wildlife park. Zoos

Curriculum Map

Biology Year 11

Topic / Theme Knowledge and Skills Assessment Cultural Capital Independent Learning

SpringTerm– 4

Curriculum Map

Biology Year 11

Topic / Theme Knowledge and Skills Assessment Cultural Capital Independent Learning

SummerTerm– 5

Curriculum Map

Biology Year 11

Topic / Theme Knowledge and Skills Assessment Cultural Capital Independent Learning

SummerTerm– 6