Notes and References
Notes and References 1 The Growth of Trade, Trading Networks and Mercantilism in Pre-colonial South-East Asia I. Victor B. Lieberman, 'Local integration and Eurasian analogies: structuring South East Asian history c.1350-c.l830', Modem Asian Studies, 27, 3 (1993) p. 477. 2. Ibid., p. 480. 3. Victor B. Lieberman, Burmese Administrative Cycles: Anarchy and Conquest, c./580-1760 (Princeton, 1984) p. 21. 4. James C. Ingram, Economic Change in Thailand 1850-1970 (Stanford, 1971) p. 12. 5. Sompop Manarungsan, The Economic Development of Thailand 1850-1950: Re sponse to the Challenge of the World Economy (Bangkok, 1989) p. 32. 6. Lieberman (1993) p. 500. 7. Anthony Reid, 'Economic and social change c.l400-1800', in Nicholas Tarling (ed.) The Cambridge History of South-East Asia, from Early Times to c./800, vol. I (Cambridge, 1992) pp. 481-3. For a stimulating study of how Dutch intervention and the native Islamic reform movements eroded indigenous capital ist development in coffee production, see C. Dobbin, Islamic Revivalism in a Changing Peasant Economy: Central Srw~atra 1784-1847 (London, 1983). 8. Anthony Reid, 'The origins of revenue farming in South-East Asia', in John Butcher and Howard Dick (eds) The Rise and Fall of Revenue Farming: Busi ness Elites and the Emergence of the Modern State in South-East Asia (London, 1993) pp. 70-1. 9. Anthony Reid, 'The seventeenth century crisis in South-East Asia', Modern Asian Studies 24 (October 1990) pp. 642-5; Denys Lombard and Jean Aubin (eds) Marc/rands et hommes d'affaires asiatiques dans /'Ocean lndien et Ia Mer de Chine, 13e-20e sitkles (Paris, 1988).
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