The Rockland *Ti te. Gazette Job Planting ESTABLISHMENT. v o S B & pox n. H aving 1 cry facility in p r, T y p e nn(, M.„,.rial. 2!O Main Sir ...... "Hv ti;-ikinie,Mdttiona, - - ..... ir. pari d in rxcrtitc.....’ * with uith proiapmpioiiipim-ss and good style v. ry variety o f J o b P rinting, including I'.-wn Keporls, <'atalogucH, B y-La m s I f p lid "tri- Jlv in a«Iv; If paym ent i/.I . lav.-.l Pouters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ I f no! pai.I l.II tile d .., grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, J.ettcr Ht*ads, Law and Corpor­ ation lilanks, R eceipts, B ills ix'ulltllllieil of Lading, Business, Ad­ t tile option i dress and W edding Cards, Tags, it»—fur >al. L abels, VOLUME 30. 2 d , A «• ROCKLAND, , THURSDAY A FTEROON, AUGUST 1875- N ;). 38 PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZING will receive prompt attention.

Eleanor's, wliicfi hung above the chimney A STOK51 AT SEA -----TIIE ADVENTURES <)E A DIVE • I . W ’ 1,1 1 bioini.-W hen public npin-1 E asy M axxkiw .— Recent events hav. ’ £ ..... , A . -a piece. , , . , . , “ ' J 7 of caUed public attention t<> the intimate rc- J r U PAIOI MISCELLANY. i ’ cetvn. RESCUE. “ I couldn’t, indeed, sir.” n d-. buib before and after they are lafciou of morals ami manners. It may be An 01.101i s CuMi-AitisON.— Th ere arc do “ Wages twenty-five dollars a month,' Caj)tain Boynton semis a report of the kid in w pr.ietiecd in Continental Eu- said that there is no greater peril to mor- “ Mother, you will let me go?” i». stioiis, anil results of i-xiterini such wasteful jM.ople anyw here as som e TIIEKE COMES A FI A mechanically repeated Uncle Barnabas, as eajjtain's statements to the Gentleman's1 r» A terrible storm was sweeping along the i*( uid bv tin* Jews, so far as I , ality than much that is called fret; and irden or HouaehoM manaix'-nu if In* were saying of! a lesson. “ Drive out a n farmers, living ami dying in poor houses, T h ere conn* a tim e w hen we trr.»« nW, eoasi of X.trlli Devonshire. The Dynmoiith Magazine: “ Soon afterwards I worked | a i ! > cry where, and the Christian^ easy manners. Young men, and even in the carriage every day with the missus, renders iutcrvsti il in sueli matte: s.:. i-«..u.«lv.l by poor fields, w here the best And like n uim-et down the m:i, life-boal is p re p a re d lo make its way to a dow n into the G u lf o f M exico. Tin* first iiin Ii. H stand nt our cattle markets, young women, permit themselves a free- r.-it and canary to bake can; of, modern Ir "t llu- children g e t is in the woods, or in H1o| m* gradual and tli. night witttlt* .id foreign v< ssel which at some short distance eoral I raised was at. Catorhe. Knocking ' v ’illtin * Jewish con- 1 tlom and license of manner which, hav- distant orchard which they enter bv Count* whispering, sad and chilli g! fioiise, with all the improvements. Sunday from l.aml. i- show ing signs o f d ire distress. round about there. I heard of the loss of d to b e destroyed the meat ing all tin; asjteet of impropriety, may SCALDING IN BUTTER MAK­ afternoons to yourself, and two weeks, Stealth. If a merchant should use the And lock* :«r<* gray T he life-boat crew is m»w com plete, w ilh th e the sell. Foam. The first male and three jo •d animal, then animals will very readily acquire its substance, Ed- ING. spring and fall, to visit your mother.” men got saved, hut tin; captain and his j b tm-ans ... his hands after this fashion he A h vinter ." day. except ion of om* man. Young Will Carew. arkets without eruelLy.: ward addresses Emily with a loud and would lie certain to break: nor could a idde-t blue behold “ Nd. Uncle Barnabas, no.” said Elea­ daughter, and three men got lost I slung !-»ti’i Bn* lii. i.'haii will eat as good meat as jesting intimacy of tone and conduct, A nd . a Dynmoiith fisher lad ami an expert sailor hanker run his institution in this style Un­ The leive* all wearv drift a1 nor. with a little shudder, “ I am a true is offering to fill tin; vacant place. A t first, round to see if she could he raised After the .lew. Cattle cars have alreiitdy ’ been ’in-1 1 which might be exjiected in tin; sailor A eorresjiondent, of tin* (Sundry Gentle­ m an, who has been making seme experi­ doubtedly the most profitable business is A ml lip* o f faded ehoral mi; Berkelin, ami I cannot stoop to menial tin- lie bends down gently to a woman beside we’d sjient the best jtarl of a week w< vented and tried will) entire success, in saloons of Water Street or Wapping, lies.” ments in heating milk lbr butter making, in mufaeturing, and it is so because genuine There conn* a time wb n v him on th e dreary shore, ami it is bis clear, sailed over her and dmpjtcd anchor. It which eattb* can be carried thousands of but is repulsive and odious in the drawing- I nele Barnabas gave such a prolonged mil'-. v, , food, water, and rest, and ar- room or among refined and gentle jx*r- writes ns that lie is not abb; to get the economy is used. Noneof the material goes T h ere conn brave void that we bear above the raging was a lovely Sunday morning when we to waste; they who work must lie on fund sniff as lo suggest I he idea of a very bail of the storm. struck her. Shi* lay in sixty feet of wafer riv, i _ lition. When these ears ! sons. Edward and Emily would he. amazed quantity of butter from a given measure of Which leaped as b a p d the laughing cold in his head, indeed. milk that In* does when the milk is not sub­ at a given hour, and there shall he no •* M other, you will let me go?” on a bottom as white as the moon. Look­ cone in: : , al use railroads will make to be told that they have not the manners Arc dead to all save incniorj . “ Surry,” said he. •• Heaven helps tli jected to artificial heat, ami asks lbr an ex- laughing, no loitering; eyes, hands, feet, A" cr in bi» dungeon eliaht. The mother has been a widow only six ing down I could see her leaning over on j ui . cause one-third to one-half of a gentleman or of a lady, am i have tilt; who help themselves, and you enn’t jilaiiaLion of the facts brought out in these muscles, next keep tln-ir places, and eor- And dawn of day mo,libs. Her husband was a fisherman; one side upon file eoral reef. When I g o t | 111 1 ■ -e required to transport the i air of a demi-monde. They think that peet me to be any more liberal minded experiments. Tin; editor says that without res|sind in all tln-ir labors to the tumiii"- Hath panned away. he put mit om; bright day last spring, for down to her I saw she'd torn a great gap| of cattle; deab*rs will make ■ they are especially cmimc il fan!, and th. t knowing just how the experiments were Tin* moon bath into darknenn roll, d ; than Heaven. Sister R icfid,” to my moth­ the fir."l time in a fishing boat, upon a de­ in the reef when she ran against it. ’flic I 1 in because fsaying nothing of above all others they know what is the wheels and the failing hammers. Anil yet er •• what do yo u say ? ” conducted, whether the milk wxs drawn at the einbi lusively calm sea. A sudden squall came mainmast was gone and hung by the fort'. | 1 !! n lie on tin* passagi;) an enor- rule of high society. But they are merely w ith all the rigid economy of time, labor, tin* saint; lime and from the same animal, a n d I he: ivbinp. My mother drew her pretty little figure on: broken fragment.sof the.boat wereseen I clambered up: I saw whole shoals of f tin; best parts of the meat | vulgar, and have the manners of those who material, a cent is a large profit on a T h ere I'liltll* a tim e when we g up a trille more erect, than usual. next morning on the beach, but tin* fisher­ fish jdaying in ami out of the hatches. i 1. and this saving will not only j are worse than merely vulgar. Coarse- whether it was heated to a high tempera­ yard of cloth ami two cents on a pair of I lliink my daughter Eleanor is quite , if,-iin -oasedcharges of transportation, ture or only raised to blood heat, etc., he slmes. Tin; truth hap|ieiis to he that if the I h< re come" a time w’ eti man man returned no more to home and love. First I went to look for the bodies, for 1 ness can not he gilded into refinement. right.” said she. “ The Berkelins have al- And now the son asks permission to brave never like to work while then' is any of "■ e an immense margin of gain; The young woman who habitually call: cannot give so satisfactory an explanation fanner should really use-economy and unite I" "hrouded in th e mint o f y. H e il with skill, as the manufacturer does, lie ivs been ladies.” the horrors of the sea. which his father them about. Fimlingthe fo’ castle emptw eon-uin getting w holesom e m eats nt one- her young friends of the other sex by their :is is desirable then says: And t»eauty, lading like a drcai would he eertaiu toget rich. Isieausehe has I liasted ill most decent factories—it oii'dit “ If you please. Uncle Barnalias.” said home- in peril of bereavment. She turns woman's body. I was not exactly frightened house- to see that they are properly carried sense of personal dignity wishes any man Perhaps those who have favored the heat­ to he posted in every barn. There is not There come ivin n ! I. with a rapidly throbbing heart. •• 1 would to the boy, and her voice is as calm and hut it shook m o ra th e r. I slu n g it from out and dl animals properly fed and wa­ to lay his hand upon her thoughtlessly or ing process have not taken the pains to much difference between huvin,r a horses And golden Summer tv ise to be. like to take tin; situation.” make the necessary exjieriments to test the A nd we put mi the A utum n robe eotirageoiis as his own :— me, and went out into tin; light a bit until tered iif to tin* time of killing; then the unnecessarily. Nor will such a woman thief around the stables, and a inan clean­ “ Bravo!” cried Uncle Barnabas. “ Go. my son. Ami may God Almighty I got hold of myself. Then I turned back Hi),imil,o to or m ore o f dum b creatures th at permit any kind of rudeness in the tone or question of quantity of butter to be ob­ ing off hoi-ses with a pipe in his mouth; •• My dear child!” exclaimed my moth­ go with you. and bring you safe hack to and brought her out—poor thing! She'd a n * l ' 'lied annually in this country for manner of men.—Editor's Easy Chair, in tained as compared with milk not heated. and there is no hired man niueli meaner er. 'I’ll.* cream from scalded milk rises with With rosy Hope, your mother’s heart.” been very pretty, and as I carried her in fix 1 ii- v ? bout pain to them selves or Harper's Magazine fo r September. than tin-one who, when his employer comes “ S u sa n n a h ! ” uttc •d Eleanor, in oc- Hurriedly she leaves tile beach; hurriedly my arms, with her white face nestling da _ i » the . 'usumer.— [^SuiHarian. great facility, and it has been generally r atnd, slips his pipe into his pocket.or holds Beyond the "tinsel we behold— cents bv no means la l a t o r v . supjiosed will yield more butter than when Another dawn, with fairer light. seek- her desolate home, ami alone she linst my shoulder, sin; seemed as if sin* There arc now and then gratifying indi­ his hand over it as if it were a little bird. “ Yes.” said I. “T nty-live dollars a not subjected to the heating process. But While watebem whisper through the night wn*'tles with tin* pain of her old sorrow was only sleeping. I made her fast to tin* cations that tin; business of liquor liianu- All such fellows should he paid off, o r started month is a great d d o f m o it e v . and I o r i i-: G«u» H ymen.— F anchet if it is a fact th at the h eatin g proc«*ss les­ Tin re om en a time when we grow o|,l. ami her new fear. line, :ls carefully as I could, to send her up freturing and selling will by-and-by come oil, and kept oil. As for the farmer him­ never was afraid of work. 1 think 1 will the I- h p."*t, tells us, respecting the sens tin; quantity «»f butter to be obtained M orning ’» " 'f fury is over at last. A gallant vessel has I hair floating around her head like a pillow eirl.nB of distinction, he disguised cry unless it lie the wife and children. then the two weeks, spring and fall, would >f goldiai sea-weed. That was the only young man who is a distiller and wealthy. ' !U,‘:LS -1" " 'T •»"; e»n—p.ei- Lightning and incendiaries, and spontane­ o il. love is weak gone down upon the waters, hut the Dyn- female habit, in order to get be so nice! Please. Uncle Barnabas, I’ll mouth life-boat lias nobly fullilled its noble , body I found there, and I managed after Iter and enioy the nleLsiire of f?er !lskuil of !l Toting lady the liberty to v is i t " ." ! l ’l'l' l ’:11'cl1 ; l t l k ' s I " " 1’ '<> ous eomhii.-tion combined, do not cause as W hich . oiints tin- answ ers and tin- g»: tat aim njoj tin pli.isitn ol hit . . . - ■ . ii,...... prisent any other explanation ol the mat- go back with you when you go. What is task, and all bamlsoii board tin; vessel have to raise jiretty considerable of the cargo. many barns to he burned as the pipe; and Weighs ail tin losses and tin- pains. tin; old lady’s name? ’’ conijiany. V'III I1.|||||| 111 II to 1)1 one day, ... > »>> • 1 I-1'1 n m l acu pt till v isit. They have dem onstrated that fat gem-rally at least one good horse goes also. “ Her name?” said Uncle Barnabas. Why does young Will Carew linger in silver hanks of the Antilles—tin* loveliest 1 of a gentleman engaged in the business ' . , ,• . "• 'n m u .h i u in n ta i It would lie much lietter if the smoker Didn’t I tell you? It’s Prudence—Mrs. female eompanioiis. eelebratin,.. ilit- that yam are engaged in. I have nothing i"'1'1? . '> " • '.leeomposition ol albumen hesitation outside his mother’s door? place I ev er saw , w here tin* w hite coral . shore the rites of Ceres Eleusina, a gang could go up witli tile smoke, and have ru d en ec!” Bravest of tin; brave he lias shown himself grows into curious tree-like shajies. As I | ()p pirates came upon them by surprise and else against you, hilt that is enough.'' If 111 " organisms, and that the same sm oke enough for once.— [.IffcuMi/a-r. •• W hat a nice n a m e !” said 1. “ I know throughout the night. Why does be shrink stepjieil along tin*, bottom it seemed as if I • uti, -1 them all off. The pirates.1 having | :dl "’omen should thus emphatically pro- ,J)r« barren seems, when it ean u in g ? ” as T could see all round in tin; transparent fat in milk freely exposed to the air. they m ver leave his own. Around the two liable to Ailn-ns, where he told his adventure | j.|s( of u p tim e disasters reported (luring the peas are ripe, then harvest as quiek as Such bliss, for till- beloved saki Yes,” I answered, stoutly, taking eart water were different colored leaves, and ! list o f m aritim e disaster.* say. is conditional on the development of throng Dynmoutl, villagers: many bands to all the parents, and demanded her he • . - - possible, put in your breaking plow ami < »f b itter tasks. not t«» look in the direction of my mother on fhe floor piles of shells so bright in col­ j tile month of June, 1875, concerning all fungi. If their germs are deranged by the an* thru-’ toward tin; man in happy recog­ loved iii marriage as her ransom. His re cross plow your land thoroughly—tear and Eleanor. nition. or that it seemed as if I had stumbled on a ’ I tlags. The list gives the following statis- milk being raised to a tenijierature of ISO - quest was granted, and so fortunate usu .vro » • i pn.vcnt the atlmis-ioii of fungus germ your sods all to pieces; no matter how ••You’re the most sensible of the lot,” jdacc where they kept a stock of broken S ailing vessels reported knst, B2, v iz .: Fahr., or if means are purposely taken ,0 “ Who will dare to tell her?" So speaks t h e marriage, that, tin; name of H\men Englis|h jo American, 8 Norwegian, / ‘vhib. lh(. (>| ail. perniitted,thc rough your field looks, you have just be­ said Uncle Barnabas, approvingly. a voice well-nigh choked with emotion. rainbows. I could not work for a bit and it w a s e v e r aflerwards invoked m all future|,t 3 Swedish, 2 Dutch, 1 Nicaragua. fjdtv eonlellLs ()f the milk diminishes, the gun work in tin- right direction. Let it If love is strong. <>od thinks i But after lie had gone to bed in the best had a quarter determination to sit down a “ 1 will.” And Will Carew makes his nuptials, and in progress t»f timethe (.reeks In this nuuibel. are included 6 sailing ves-1 ex-1't-in,r js oxVdized bv the air, and no dry a lew days, then put on your cultivator hamher, where the ruflled pillow-cases wav through tin* awe-struek crowd. while and wait for a mermaid. I guess if To teach us this. enrolled him among their gods. 1 sels reported missing. Steamers reported c.(*>miH;17s;ltoi.v sl,pp]v is formed bv the in- witli a good team—horses will he best— vere. ami the chintz-cushioned easy-ehair. those sea-girls live anywhere, they select Anot’.ier moment an lhe is in his mother's and so continue till you have destroyed the the lull strength of the family tongue broke arms, lb* feels and knows for the first that spot. After walking the inside out of lost, 8, viz. : 7 English, 1 Brazilian. | ..... L 1. fluenee of fungi which are becoming (level cohesion ol every sod and brought the <>n my devoted head. time tile whole depth of that wondrous half an hour. I thought I had better get to Tin* insureetion in Herzegovina promises I ______J___ _ oped. Thus it would apjiear that tin* heat- roots to tlie surface; next Winter's frost “ I c.fn't help it.” quoth I, holding val­ work and blast for treasure. A little bit >" ...... l1l't' lill7 ,,r a "ft" '' "IE T in ;' iIon b u K of Chsttanuos., maternal love which Love Omnipotent has been np- j ing of milk has an influence in lessening will kill themaud you may plant your corn, tTdh‘5 and ketches. iantly to my colors. “ We can’t starve. chosen as its best earthly token. on from where I sat were tin* remain- of a hra\t* am i hard} jteojue so long ojqiressed I pojntyj j,y (|,e Governor to till the vacancy tile fatty contents of the milk. But wheth­ potatoes, or anything else without fear of S o t m ; o f us must do something. And you “ .Mother, listen. 1 have a talc for your treasure ship. It was a Britisher, I think, by ie ta x-gatherers of distant and misceiU Senate caused by the death of An- er the heating has any influence in prevent­ trouble.. Alternate use of eultivah-r and t a k i n g a s i t u xtio n . can live very nicely, mother, darling, on ear.-. AlayGod teach me how to tell it and corals had formed all about her. or rulcrs, seem to he m aking common cause drew Johnson. twenty dollars a month.” ing some of the cream globules from rising harrow is best. — [C. Currier, Monroe Co., right. One of the men saved last night rather about what was left of her. 'file in tilt; struggle, and paying off old scores I we are not prepared to say. \Ye had sup­ Iow a.] BY AMY RANDOLPH. •• I hat is true,” sighed my mother from oral on the bottom and round her showed in m assacres of detached stations of officials T he L ost A kko xau ts.— A Chicago despatch of Dvnmouth fisherman.” The boy’s posed that no .such influence was had. It behind her black-bordered Jioekei-handker- j Vl,ie, I irrave, lull it is evident that 1 hlaek spots. That meant a deposit of iron ami -oldie**-. This will all am o u n t to | Wednesday, lSth, say? that on the bo ly of Grini- Dui-xsixi; tut; G rass. —Your two liar- would he well, however, for dairymen to “ Well. gil ls.” s.litl my U nde B:irn.*ih:is, chief. “ Bin I m vci thoiighttosee a ilatigh- i j„ . '1 l ong effort. »ud silv.-r. I made fairly good hauls u t v nothing, unless som e of the big Jiowers see wotsl. the coiujtanion of Donaldson, were discovered ls o f hi ii manure and two ban-els of make careful and well conducted e.xperi- “ ami m»w what do yon to do h -r mb., going out to—lo service!” [ v e r l a k e n him tip time I went down, and s o ld one pin . I cIduici; to strilti' fnf the ili.-imt-il '• n i: u y » « I'. ” »'<». iwpere. letlcra, a n ,l a n India rule wood-ashes may lie best utilized about as liK-iits i t test this question: ami this is an ­ a b o u t i t ? ” Vti•! Uncle Barnabas isn’t going to do (H, tj any months ago found to Baninm. of New York, i,:,ere Turkish authority is a nn iv . l«-r ,.n- preserver with a la,I.- in it iweincl.,-. I..M- follow s: .Mix tile lien manure with aliout We sat around the fire ill a disconsolate ai !.:ng } »r *.:<• a ft-r a ll.” erieil otll Eleanor, ! j j,. ved by a foreign Vn.-r I left da re I hail a eurious idvnu I. io Which i-a.,; it'will aiu.nrit to an "i-;-a certitieaty nt tne.n ic.„l„|, in the I luvag. ode,-r -ui'jeei for in instigation which ean half its hulk of sifted earth, and let them T h e notes properly 1 < brought before our Agricultur­ semi-circle, that dreary, drizzling May indignantly. •Sting} dd follow: I should | v. «. outward hound lure with a s h a r k . I wa> >wn on a n a s l\ I...... an war. Tin; most ...... nl of bbrtt'?- lhu “oh* "'er® In-at: then work tile Iteap over (it must he Vt die tian* of writing it was stated that the bal­ a l 1 iiiegc.- lot , nieiit. \Ye shall he night, when the rain j.a lte re d against the think he might at b a t adopt one of ns! , A w a. it hom e, fr( ife. from kindred, rock bottom. A man never feels e m n !', ; r it, will In* such another ploughing with fire un d er c o v e r ) , and add as much more earth. I lie - a- rich as ( ’n e s u s , and never a ehick loon was in the middle of Lake Michigan, ami the glad to print the result of experiments window panes, ami the poor little dallbdils | lhe •„ Ion i d lo sail; ami by wife hl" on them : he can’t tell what big , ;. a- and sword as the Turk gave unhappy Alter it iieats moderately, work it again. nor a child.” ; possibility of a fall was mentioned, but not as a touching this matter, and if any of our in tin* borders "hook and shivered :is if lam ! k ed, he was mourned as dead. J I'"'1’ "'ay he hilling under the huge quar­ Crete, a few years ago. or a quiet flushing ' probability. The body was found by a mail I-.aeli tim e in w orking m ash tile lum ps ami “ lb* may do as lie likes about that,” I dairy readers have any facts to communi­ they would fain hide their golden heads II d al tile vcs-id's destined pol l, ter-deek sea leav es which grow there. Tile i 'll, as was the ea-e with the Montenegrin l carrier. It was badly decomposed, and has been m ake th e compost fine and uniform. Af­ cate on lhe subject we shall he glad lo re­ once n io n ’ in tin* niothej-soil. Mv m o th e r. answ ered independently. "1 prefer t’» |(,|,lv i,».- sail again with the lirst ship I I’art of lhe lime I was visited hv a insurrection last year. 1 buried in a eemetery near the place where it was ter twice heating ami working it should he j |„ , u ,1(| Eleanor, and I. The first, |>ale, and pretty, earn my own money.” ‘ for England. Last night he found | porcupine lish, which kept sticking its quills disco < ered. ceive them.” piite line and ti, tin- application. It may So the next morning I set out fpr tin- It within sight of home, hut a wild I up and bobbing in front of my helmet. am i silver-haired, with h er w idow 's caj». , hints Though tin* Anderson School at Penikese now ill- mingled with tile ashes and applied unknown bourn of X( w York life. A despatch to the Journal, from Whitehall, ami her dress of black bombazine and 1 storm was raging on laud and sea: once Soon after I saw a big shadow fall across ia- failed, or has closed, tbeschools which nee lo any crop lit to receive it; not, “ Uncle Barnabas.” said Las the train Mich., says arrangements are made for the dis­ VALUE OF COVERED AIA- crajic: the sweetest looking old lady. I more the man stood fact; to face w i t h a me, and looking up there was au infernal t has suggested an I started an; thriving. howeier, in contact with tlie seed. It think, that I e v e r .saw. Eleanor sat In s id e reached flic city. “ ln»w shall 1 find w here terrible death. Help came in his need; shark playing about my tubing. It makes interment of Grimwood’s body and forwarding it XURE. sho dd n o t he mixed with ashes until just Mrs. Prudence lives?” )f the fenm -see t‘X|)erinit*iit, conducted to Chicago, so it could arrive Thursday morning. her. looking, as sin* always did. like a help God-sent. God-directed. And—’’ you feel chilly in the hack when they are ty Harvard professors, we have just had before ii i- put upon the land. The best princess, w ith large, dark eyes. I >iau:i*likc “ O. I’ll g o th en ; w ith yon.” said he. about. He came down to me slick’ as ! The notes and jiapers will also be sent for publiea- . . time io manure grass land is immediately Tli'* hoy break- down now. On his o im lhing of a report: and the Ohio ami tion. Tin; towns along the eastern shore of the j Al various times we have pointed out to features. and hair twisted in a sort o f coro­ “ An; you well acquainted with her?” I looked up. I made at him and he sh cred le r e i u l i n g . Sueli a compost as this, or knee*:, by his m other’s feet I k ; clasps her liinois Schools, according l-o the Chicago lake were sending out parties to search for Don- o u r readers the profits resulting from eov- nal around her queenly head. While 1. vent tired to ask. off. For near an hour he worked at it. till ■in atom-, plaster or guano, or any solu­ hands convulsively in his. and his voice I'rihum*. have been encouraging successes, ahIson’s hotly which is expected to drift ashore ; erin g m an u re, instead o f allow ing it to get jilain.homespun Si:>nnnah-comoiily culled, “ Oh, very well indeed! ’’ answired Un­ 1 could stand it no longer. If you can ble 11 i-lihz.ei- m ay lie applied to grass with comes only through his thick sobs; “ Moth­ he om* in Illinois, remarks the 'I'rihum*, near where Grimwood’s body was found. A float- j soaked by the rains or dried by the sun. as ••for short."’ Susy—crouched upon a fo o t­ cle Barnabas, nodding his head sagely. er. darling, try to hear the hapjty truth. keep your head level it's all right and your good a d v a n ta g e in early S p rin g o r ill the W e took a hack at tin* d epot and drove la- just ciosed after a four wt*t;k-' session ; ing body is said to have been seen oil' the shore ; js g en erally done. \Y<* have given this atl- stool in tin* corner, my elbows on my When your brave bear' -a heart which in jiretty safe, if they are not. on the -harp. Autumn, lint al mi time so well as immed­ through so many sln-ets that my head spun iml the instructors have been able, tile in­ uortu of Whitehall. Other rumors are current viee from w hat we have aetuallv seen, knees, and my chin in mv hands. lhe midst of ii-own sorrow, could feel for This ugly brute was twenty feet long I that the balloon has Iwen wen on the lake, h o t l.u | | g | | s | le , | s b e e n built to cover iately al'ti-r mowing. around ami around like a tcc-totum before trude m thorough, ami tie' scholars tlevo- Uncle Barnabas Berkelin sat in the mid­ lhe sorrow of others, sent me forth last night should think, for when I lay down all my t;d. I’ll,* scheme has been so com|>letc a they are doubtless unfounded. nininire-iicap lilt* crops fcrtilizutl by dle of the circle, erect. still' and rather we stojipcd at a pretty brown stone man­ len g th oil tilt; bottom lie streteheil a con­ lolhc succor of the distressed, youknewnot ueeess that an annual session will he held „„ „ “ ~ : 7 . ,, Ibis pile have been increased in proilnetive- s t > v. 1 n <: ci.< >v 1:K 1 x t h e f a l l . grim. II«» was stout and short, with a sion—it looked like a jialace. to my unac­ siderable way ahead of me, ami I could lhe Penobscot Musical Association will Iml'L ,,i l . lt, v ...... ,*.... ,1. 1. 1 ...... how should you know'.’- that you sent hereafter. ness suflicicnt to pay for tin; shed-covering grizzled mustache, a little, round bald sj.ot customed eyes—ami Uncle Barnabas helped see him beyond my feet. Then 1 waited. its twenty-eight anual session in Bangor, Get. me to tin; rescue of dear father’s life. God the lirst year. AYe have never seen any •• A R fadf.i:." Evansville, Iml., asks if on tin* crow n o f hi* bald fiend. and tw o UK* (Hit. i gave him to me. God has given him, They must turn over to bite, and my lay­ 12th ami loth, under the direction of Prof. W. G. exact figures of tin; proportionate value of red e l o v e r issown in tin- fall whether it will glittering black eyes that were always “ Here is where Mrs. Prudence lives.” ing down bothered him. Ih* swam over Perkins of . • mother, back to our grateful love.” A Qi i.ei: ( T he fo r S ick H e a d a c h e . covered manures, that we remember, until yield a lull crop tin; following year, also sen d in g th e ir «luro]iose Io d o a b o u t it. ? ” you.” said she. “ Ami brought om; o f the 1 place upon her husband’s breast. ous thing, too, that all sharks about will to have driven a sixpenny nail into her Last Tuesday evening, Mr. Joseph Craig of full growth the follow ing summer, lienee dear girls with you. Come and kiss me, ()ne acre produced 272 bushels, Eleanor slowly repeated, lifting her Ixxuiti- Ah ! Love, supreme, unutterable! Strange follow in the blood trail I k ; leaves. I got head at the Lack. It remained there sever­ Portland, was driving with a lady near “ Meet­ il would not ho advisable to sow elover-seed ing House Hill,” Cape Elizabeth, when a man One acre produced 292 bushels. ful je tty brow s. m y d ea r.” ' indeed, an* tin* paths th ro u g h which thy on my hands and knees, and as he swam al days, and was discovered by her daugh­ in fall, even if it would certainly survive •• Yes'Susy, kiss your aunt.” said Uncle sprang for the bridle of his horse and another Potatoes manured from the covered “ Yes. that’s exactly it.” said my mother, Divine wisdom leads thy children to hajipi- off I noticed four dark shadows slip after ter. whom slit* begged to say nothing about tin- winter. Such elover plants would un­ Barnabas, flinging his hat one wayaml his made a dash at the carriage. Mr. C. struck his sh ed s: nervously; •• because. Brother Barnabas, in ss! in mule reverence we how before the him. I saw no more that time. They it. Her request was not heeded, ami a doubtedly seed the second season, anil the horse with the whip, knocking down and running One acre produced 112 bushels. we don’t j>retcnd to he business women, gloves another, as he sat complacently mighty Tenderness which crowns and bless­ did not like my company. physician was sent for who (extracted the result would lie that the plant would jier- and it’s certain that we enn’t live co in fort- down on the sofa. over the first man, and at the same time turning One acre jtrodiieed 171 bushels. es earthly love.— (die, Leaf. nail with much diHieulty. Airs. Taylor, struck the second ruffian a heavy blow on the feet its seed and die with the smallest |w>s- ably on our present income. Something “ My aunt?” I echoed. who has been a jiatient in a lunatic asylum, 'file next year the land was sown with ihle growth. This is exactly the reverse of “ I C a n 't D o T h a t .”— A w riter in the lit*; 1. He docs not know how much he hurt the • w Jieat, when the cro p was as follows Inis got to he done.” •Why. of course,” said the plump old stated that she drove tilt* nail into her head American Wesleyan tells the eireumstanees fellows. what is wanted. Sow clover-seed as early Ami then my mother leaned hack in her lady. “ Don't you know? I’m your Aunt W a si 11 n< ;r< >n ' s S i *e e < i i . —Speeeli o f Gen­ in order to tain; severe siek headaches which Wheat on land treated with barnyard ls possible in the spring, then apply gypsum under which I k ; heard these words. They chair, with a troubled face. P ru d en ce.” e r a 1 Washington when the President of wen* afflicting her, and that it had effected m an u re : contain afearful confession of thedesjiotism P o o r G r im w oo d ’s N o tes.—The body of ir land plaster, to give it vigorous growth, “ Yes,” said Uncle Barnabas. “ Some­ “ But I I bought,” gasjied I, in bewilder­ Congress inforniedhim of his being unani­ a cure, 'fhe Richmond Despatch tells the One acre produced 11 bushel" is jionnds. ind leave it unpastured till late iu the fall, of evil appetite. The writer, being in N. S. Grimwood, the rejiorter of the Chica­ thing has got to he done ! But who’s to do ment. “ that I was coming to a situation!” mously chosen Commander-in-Chief of story. There is something tough about it, (o f BI JHilind" pel* bushel.) New York a stranger, stcjiped into a coffee l'liis would allow the largest possible in- i t ? ” “ Well, so yon are,” retorted Uncle Bar­ the American army. go Journal, who ascended in a balloon with Om* acre produced 12 bushels, JS pounds, saloon early one colt I morning anti called and it may he the brains that are so. •rease of roots, which would insurea heavy And another dead silence succeeded. nabas. “ The situation of adopted daughter (o f BI jMHimls jier b m liel.) “Though lam truly sensible of the high for a cup of coffee. Donaldson, was fully identified at the coron­ crop the second year. Sueli a course is “ 1 siij)|)o."e y o u r g irls a ic ed u cated ,” in my family. Twenty-five dollars a Wheaton land manured from covered most liencficial to the land, whether the honor d« ne me in this appointment, yet I Tin; saloon had a liquor bar attached, and A Scen e i rom L if e .— A yo u n g m an en ­ er’s inquest at Montague, Michigan, where said Uncle Barnabas. “ I know I found month jioeket money—the care of Aunt sheds: rop he mown or plowed under. feel great distress from a consciousness the proprietor in ham ling the collet; to my tered the bar-room of a village tavern, and enough old school-hills when I was look­ Prudence's eat ami canary! And to make it was found. His note book contained a One acre jiroduced 55 bushels, 5 poumls, that my abilities and military experience friend, said : ealletl for a drink. “ No,’’ said the land­ In localities further South than Indiana in g o v er i n y b r o t h e r ’s p ap ers.” yourself generally useful! ’’ humorous introduction to his account of the (of BI poumls per bushel.) fall sowing of elover-seed might be sale, m ay not la ; equal to tin; extensive ami im­ “ Will you have something else?” lord; “ you have had delirium tremens ••Of course,” said my mother, with evi­ “ Oh! uncle,” cried 1. “ Eleanor would ascension, headed “ Up in a Balloon,” and One acre produced 5S bushels, 17 poumls but we would not advise it in any case. have been so glad to come if she had known portant trust. However, as Congress de- “ Nothing else,” was the reply; I d r i n k once, anti l cannot sell you any more.” lie (of BI jier bushel.) dent pride: ••their education has been sirct it. 1 will enter upon the momentous continuing prophetically as follows: most expensive. Music, drawing, use of it! ” nothing stronger than eoHee ” stepped tLside to m ake room for a couple o f T’lu* straw also yielded one-third more OKCIIAKO AND NUKSEKY. duty, and exert every power I possess in w ls young men who had just entered, and the tin* globes—” “ Fiddlestrings and little fishes!” illogi- W hile he : drinking of the cup a well From the earliest dawn of childhood I upon the land fertilized with the manure the service and for the support of the glo­ landlord waited ujion them very jiolitely. “ Yes, yes, of course,” interrupted Uncle cally responded my Uncle Barnabas. •• I've dressed man, whom he had observed walk­ have always had a presentiment that at from I he covered stalls than upon that to Ile/i Wonn.i are often found in abund­ rious cause. I beg they will accept my ing the floor stepj'ed up to him ami said, fhe other had stood by silent and sullen, some time, sooner or later, I was destined Barnabas. “ But is it practical? ('an they no patience with a girl that’s too line to which the ordinary manure was applied.— ance upon fruit trees at this time; if they most cordial thanks for this distinguished with an earnest manner: and when they finished, he walked up to to rise. There are some people who make teach ? ” work. Eleanor had the situation ottered Hural Xcw Porker. are upon small twigs, cut these off ami testimony of their approbation. But, lest “ Sir, I would give all I am worth to he the landlord, and thus addressed him; Eleanor looked dubious. I w.-us quite her, and she chose to decline. Yon de- sport of presentiments, hut after all, pre­ limn: when they infest large linths, they some unliiekly event should happen un ahel to do what you are doing.” •• Six years ago, at theirage, 1 stood where sentiments are a handy thing to have certain that / could not. Madame Lenoir, i.lril In (•■line, iiml lien; yutt sbiy! J!ing f;,v,»:il»le to mv reputation, I bog it may must lie removed with tin: hand. “ IIow so? What am 1 doing that you those young men are now—I was a man IX ) AI ESTI (’ R EC EIPTS. amid all fier list of accomplishments, had the hell, Prue, and order tea, for I’m around. Where would I be to-day if I had he remembered by every gentleman in the can’t do?” with fair jirosjiects. Now at the age of not had a presentiment. I have’ risen, as hiM-ds.— Large quantities of immature not included the art of practical tuition. hungry as a hunter, and I dare say little room that 1 this day declare, with the ut­ “ Why, sir,” spoke tin earnest man. twenty-eight, I am a wreck, body and it were, to a jioint of order. Like a great fruit are often touml under tlie trees; this is “ Humpli!” grunted Uncle Barnalias. Susy here would relish a euji of tea!” To Choose L a m b .— When the fore-quarter most sincerity, I do not think myself equal “ You ean d rin k vour collet* w ith a zest, mind. You led me to drink. In this room many politicians I rose by means of g:is. tin- work of insects: allow tile pigs tile run “ Queer thing, this modern idea of educa­ And this was the way 1 drifted into my is fresh tlie large vein in tin; neck is bluish to the command 1 am honored with. 1 formed the habit that has been mv ruin. of the orchard, or have the fruit picked up tion. Well, well, if von can’t teach, yon luxurious home. Eleanor in the country and refuse the ruui at that bar: that’s what I regret the fact that there are only two of in color: when becoming stale it is green. As to pay, sir, I beg leave to assure Con­ I eiin’t do; no, sir, I can’t do that.” Now sell me a few glasses more, and your us. Professor Donaldson and myself, as I ami the insects destroyed, to prevent a crop can surely do something! What do you cottage envies me bitterly, for she lias all In the hind-quarter, if not recently killed, for the coming year. gress that as 110 pecuniary consideration work will Ih; done! I shall soon be out of say, Eleanor, to a situation? ” the bistes which wealth and a metropolitan would like to belong to the upper ten. tilt; fat of the kidney will have a slight could have tempted me to aeeejit this ardu­ the way; there is no hope for me. But Professor Donaldson seems to be a very /Im l whenever the hark is loose enough “ A situation? ” home alone ean gratify. But Uncle Bar­ A deal of laughter 011 the sly was done smell, and the knuckle will have lost its ous employment at the expense of my do­ pleasant gentleman, although a philosopher to lift readily, and when well-ripened buds 'File color fluttered in Eleanor’s cheeks nabas will not hear of my exchanging with during the dinner at Riverside the other they ean he saved. Do not sell it to them. firm ness. mestic ease and hapjiiness, so I do not wish an be luul. Keep thesticks of buds moist like pink and white ajqfle blossoms. her. day, ami a deal of hearty laughing lias Sell to me and let me die, and the world and an aeronant. Although it is scarcely to make any profit from it. I will keep an will lie rid of me: hut for heaven’s sake, an hour since I struggled into eminence, Making f 'ucumln r Pickles.—Wo three pints until used. “ I sjxike plain enough, didn't I? ” said No, no! ” says lie. “ The girl I've got exact account of iny expenses; those, I been done since, at a woman who was evi­ of good eider vinegar, add six tablesjxion- Uncle Barnuhas, dryly. “ Yes, a situ a ­ dently hound to get all she paid for. She sell 110 more to them.” The landlord lis­ the restraint of my jxisition is already be­ Ilei-dx-.— Do not allow any to g o to seed is the girl I mean to keep. Aliss Eleanor doubt not, they will discharge, and that tened. jiale and trembling. Setting down ginning to be irksome to me anti wear up­ fuls of grated horse-radish: two table- tio n ! ” was accompanied by a son o f live o r six if tlie orchards are cultivated; if the ground is too line a lady to suit n a ‘! " all I desire.” his decanter, he exclaimed, “ God help on my spirits. I cannot help reflecting spoonfuls of grain pepper: the same quan­ is simply kept plowed, and no crop'raised, “ What sort of a situation. Uncle Barna­ years, who, having gone through baked But he lets me send them liberal pre­ that if we fall, we fail like Lucifer out of tity of whole cloves ami of allspice; four bas? ” clams and chowder once to his stomach’s me, this is the hist drop I will ever sell to the harrow may he used every week or ten sents ovary month, anti so I am very hap- the heavens, ami that upon our arrival up­ tablespoonfuls of white mustard seed, and “ Well, I can hardly say. Part servant, W omen in I n d ia .—According to the content, anti commenced over again on any one!” Anti he kept his word. lays; this will keep the soil looseand clear RY” on earth or rather ujion water—as we are two onions ehojqieil line (or use tiny onions part companion to an elderly lady!” ex­ Hindoo law-giver, a woman has no god on clams, drank heartily of water, ami jiassetl o f wends. now over the middle of Lake Michigan— ;is pickles.) Boil all together live minutes, plained ilie old gentleman. earth hut her husband, and no religion ex- his cup for more. At this the mother, with Old Irc M ,— Around most places which It is said that Raljili Emerson never we would be literally dead. then cool for use. When tin; cucumbers “ O, Uncle Barnabas, I couldn't do G ram m ar a n i> C lea n C o r n e r s.—A eejit to gratify, obey and serve him. Let a smart sprinkling of asperity in her tone, math* hut one joke. It was after Judge are washed, sprinkle with fine salt, and have been long settled, are to lie found old that female servant in the family of a gentleman her husband he crooked, old, inlinn, of- and with a manner that showed her to Ih; Hoar’s little exjierienee with tin; Senate on cover with boiling water. When cold, jmt trees, which occupy a largespot of valuable “ Not do it? And why not?” in the Department of the Interior, W ash-; fensive; let him he irascible, irregular, a oblivions to tile fact that any one else was in tin; subject of a Sujireme Court Judgeship, Potato /tolls.— Boil two poumls pota­ in the preparetl vinegar. If the cucumbers ground, producing only indifferent fruit, •‘ It’s too much—too much’” wfiisjiercd ington, is allowed to make a yearly visit to drunkard, a gambler, a debauchee; let him hearing said, “ Look ahere, I’ve paid for a 'flu; papers h:ul all hail their say about it— toes, pass through a colander, or mash are more than three inches long, cut in and are too poor to renew by grafting; Eleanor, losing her regal dignity in the her old home in Bielimond. Virginia. Last he reckless of his domestic affairs, as if pos- clam dinner for you, ami now I ain’t going rather an uuamiahlc say as far :is the them well: add two ounces butter ami one crosswise slices an inch thick. these bad better be converted intofire-wood, pressure of the emergency; “ like going summer, when she left, a substitute was sessed by a devil; though lie live in tile to have you tilling up with water.” lhe Judge was concerned. So,, still...... smarting o pint milk, a little salt, one gill yeast and and plant lietter trees next fall. out to service.” cmjiloyed, a mulatto girl, who had been world without honor: t hough he he deaf or little fellow paid strict attention to clams lightyfrom...... the sting, lit strolled down to 'as much flour as will make a soft dough; Pence liouis around oreliards as well as “ And that is precisely what it & /” re­ quite well educated. Sin* performed the. hlintl. and wholly weighed down by crime after that. his friemfs om; fair afternoon, and went o u t; set them to rise; when light, cut them in Preserving Peas.— Gather the pc:is when just tit for eating. Let them he dry. Shell vegetable gardens, are often infested with torted Uncle Barnabas, nodding his head. duties in a rather indifferent manner. ;l»d infirmity—still shall his wife regard into the orchard with him. “ IIow do you cakes; let them rise half an hour, and them, and put them in glazed jars that will poison-ivy ami other woody weeds, which “ Service! Why we’re all out at sendee in When the regular servant returned, slit* be- him as her God. With all her might shall kill your canker worms?” he tisked of his I hake. Sweet potatoes make excelent bis­ R ea so n ab le.— “ What do you call that?” holtl about two quarts. Fill Lo within an soon encroach iqioii tile grounds if not des­ one way or another in this world !” gan her tour of investigation to ascertain s'he serve him. in all things obey him, see indignantly asked a customer at a cheap host, seeing tin; trees had hlaek bandages cuit, mixed :is above. troyed. Tlie best plan for killing all sueli, “ Oh, yes, I know,” faltered poor Elea­ how her work had beendoin', and was dis- no defects in his character, and give him no inch of the top, then cover the top with restaurant,...... jiointingI...... «*v .III at UllJUCt an object UKU no that Ik about them. “ Well,” said the philoso------—------well dried salt. Put tin* lid on the jar. is to take the fence up altogether, where nor. who, between her distaste to the pro- gusted with the evident f cause of uneasiness. Nay, more; in every discovered in his plate of hash. “Wrist- practicable, and after mowing the tops off want of neatness • • exjsl(,n(.(.t Woman lives hut to iMUKl with sleeve-button attiehtal, sir,” pher, in his mildest voice, “ I kill them very Why is the letter “ d” tin; most wonder- Dig a hole in the ground, ami bury the jar iosed plan and her anxiety not to offend manifested everywhere, 1 er indignation (),’|(7 l( jj,.^ |lerp:IV(.nts, next her husband : said the waiter, briskly. “ Well, do you mueh :is they do politicians—with printer’s fulletter in the alphabet?—Because it is the so that the top is full half a foot from the and burning, plow deeply; tliis will soon Jncle Barnabas Berkelin, didn't quite finally found vent in tin 11k.'1 destroy them if followed up persistently.— • following, id m i p;irents, and in her old age she consider that a proper thing for a man to centre of “ wonders.” surface. Put over the top of the jar an old know what to say. “ But I—I’ve always m istress: “ I ’ll tell you ...... Agriculturist. projier imng lor a man saucepan lid, or anything to keep the mould Ibeen educated to fie a lad y .” you can't get grammar and churn corners he ruled by her children. Never, A landlady, who had some very weak When you see a man on a moonlight find in his hash?” asked the customer, in from the lid of the jar, then cover firmly ('heap, Nice Pudding.— Boil one quart of “ So you won’t take the situation, eh!” out of tin; same nigger!” Which, if true, ‘hiring her whole lift', ean she he under her wrath. “ Good heavens, sir!” cried the chicken broth f o r dinner tin; other day, was night trying to convince his shadow that it with earth. When required f o r use, steep milk; then add .'1 tablespoonfnls of Hour, said I nele Barnrhxs, staring up at a wishy- offers a knotty problem in refertmee to the °"'n control. Those are the general jirinei- waiter1 “ would you expect to find a ten- asked by one of her boarders if slit* couldn’t is inijirojier to follow a gentleman, you 4 for an hour in soft water, and they will re­ eggs, G tid)les]Kxmfiils of sugar ami a little washy little water color drawing of Cupid ediieation o f tin* race.— E d ito r 's D r a w e r . l’h‘s upon which the life of women in India dollar silk umbrella in a lifteen-cent plate coax that chicken to wmle through that may be sure it is high time for him to join quire a little more cooking than when nutmeg. Bake half an hopr. If wanted and Psyche, an “ exhibition piece” of poor in Harper's Magazine fo r September. ! is hi he conducted. o f hash ?” soup once more! a temperance* society. freshly gathered in the summer season. richer, add raisins. Re-union of the Fourth M aine Dr. J. W. Trussell has invented a new style increased health and cleanliness for our About Town. Tlioniastou. place, so called, on their premises, near their The Louisiani sugar crop is estimated at 119,- The Rockland Gazette. R e g i m e n t . of check, with name and address, to be attached to city, and in some future issue we hope to Accident.—On Monday afternoon last, Capt. »dlls, and propose to put a cellar under it. They 8G7 hogsheads, igainst 89,498 last year. keys, traveling bags, umbrellas, or any other arti­ lie able to indicate some more specific meth The Annual Reunion of the old Fourth Regi­ New Advertisements. Sanders Curling and Capt. James Watts were ouj »«•« Mow digging the cellar for a store house, which appointed to investigated the ment, this year, was held in the pleasant village cles desired. It is very neat, durable aud cheap management of the Red Cloud and Spotted Tail Thursday, A’ iigust 20, 187 ods for accomplishing these results. Diamond Rheumatic Cure. to ride with the team of the former gentleman, and " >ll connect this barn with the house. This will of Brooks, ou Tuesday and Wednesday, the 17th, New Music Store—Brown Brothers. and should sell readily. Indian agencies, have returned to Cheyenne. when in front of the George’s Hotel, they went to be about GO feet lung. This work is done under Their report will soon be made public. and 18th, insts., and was one of the most enjoyable N otice—G. F. K alcr & Co. SF 1 McAvoy’s “ Metropolitan Theatre Company” turn the (earn around aud the bolt which holds the supervision of Mr. Charles Bui rill, Treasurer A M atte ST The West Waterville Z sloshe; Potash—C. E. Shaw & Co. Saturday and Sunday nights there were heavy »• for E very C itizen. to the members participating in the same and, if round very loosely on the liquor law quet Legal Notices. have been performing at Farwell & Ames Hall this the whiflietree, broke and caused it to fall against ofthe company. vd* b« parts of Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin, If a sev' ere cholera epidemic were to tion. It opjwses the prohibitory law tooth we were not deceived by appearances, to the in­ Canary Birds—.1. P. Wise & Son. week, to audiences which would have been much the horse- heels, who began to run aud kick vio- Mr. Oscar Teague is digging a cellar ou the lot doing much injury to the smaller vines, and dam­ vited guests and spectators generally, of any aging corn, potatoes, buckwheat and hops. break ou* jn o u r community, it would oc­ and nail. It thinks that law not a sound Rev. W. A. Start, of Melrose, Mass., will larger if commensurate with the merit of tin* per­ lently. Kunniog directly across the street, both the Baptist parsonage, on Main St., ami since their institution five years ago. formances. This is a really good company au