We knew that the Democracy were divided Art, Music anil the Drama. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ENTERTAINMENTS. THE PEESS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS INSURANCE. INSLRANCE. on the currency questiou, wo were aware “The Big Bonanza" will bo the next sensa- that they were not as one as regards free tion at the Fifth Avenue Theatre. Mr. Daly Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the Booksellers and Stationers. THURSDAY MORNING, FEB. 25, 1875 Hired' museum. trade, but we did think that were calls it a and local society HOYT, A FO«S« No.91 Middle Portland they “contemporaneous PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO.. OPPOSITE THE CITY HAhL. Mr. John bis first T. I*. Mc«OWAN,354 Congrew, SI._ ELECTION MARCH 1. united in support of the dogma of “home novelty.” Drew will make Marine Insurance! MONDAY, in in this forthcoming At 109 Exchange St., Portland. i THIS THURSDAY EVENINO, rule,” and that they agreed as to its interpre- appearance Book Binders. and local Reproduction (by urgent request) of tlie great success REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. tation. But it appears that we were mis- ‘‘contemporaneous society novelty.” Terms : Eight Dollars a Year In advance. To A. Room 11, Printer** WM. 1»UINCY, of the season La TeutiUion. or The ode of book of mail Seven a if in ad- St. The fathers of the tweuty-third the first subscribers Dollars Year paid Exchange, No. I I I Exchange FOR "fflAVOR. taken. “home-rule,” vance. INSURANCE No. 35 PJnm Horace, commencing “Vitas, hinnulco, mo ATLANTIC CO., SMALL A SHACKFOBli, Led Astray ! learned doctors who have been expounding Street. similis, Chioe,” has lately been set to music as THE STATE ___ ! GEORGE P. WESCOTT. the dogma on the platform and in the press, TRESS Led Astray a tenor solo by Mr. C. K. Salaman. The idea tf have it as Confectionery. fs22 FOB the “statesmen” who proclaimed Is published eveiy Thursday Morning at $2.50 a Liverpool, England. 9IIJKICIPAL JUDGE, is a happy one, and the execution felicitous. lnnnnfnclnrer of plain of the year, if paid in advance, at $2.00 a year. gj j. PEKKINS the panacea for the ills body politic, The 387 PERCIYAL BOAMEY. quartette, “Interger vitae,” is familiar to and fancy Cradle*, SOCIAL FESTIVAL. are fierce- Total Assets of the Company fail to agree as to its meaning, and most but this is the first It ates of Advertising : One inch of space, the Mutual Insurance people; time one of ladies of the The lentrth of column, constitutes a “square.** The Every regular attache of the Press is furnished ly as to its application. fight the odes has beeu as a solo. The week Company quarreling arranged song $1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per and Builders. Carpenters with a Card certificate countersigned by Stanley T. has broken out in New York. Mayor Wick- is dedicated to the late after; three insertions, or less. $1.00; continuing OF NEW MEANS. Pearl Street, op- FIRST BAPTIST SOCIETY, premier. YORK, WIIITNEV A Pullen, Editor. All steamboat aud hotel every other day after first week, 50 cents. $22,244,952.35. will ot their railway, ham and Hall construe it to mean One of the late Senator Samuel's a one poNife Park# hold aSocial Festival at the Vestry Tammany paintings, Hali three or 75 cents; __ will confer a lhvor square, insertions, less, Church on and Fhamdar Btc- managers upon \is by demanding $1 50 cents week after. Assets in United States, Dec, 31, 1874, WWnrMdny the power to New York at their own full-sized copy of Guido's Magdalen, has been week, 00; per AGAINST ning*, Feb. 44 ih ami 251b. A fine assort- credentials of every person claiming to represent our plunder Special one third additional. INSURE Furniture-Wholesale and Retail. to Notices, and ment. of Articles will be for sale. Also a lull sweet to make vacancies in fat offices presented the Art Gallery of Amherst Col- Under head of ami “Auction United States Stock Arcade, No. Fancy journal, as we have imormation that several ‘•bum- will, “Amusements,** 75 WAI.TEIC CrfREY A CO., ot refreshments. feb24d2t three inseitionB State Bonds $ 1 ,OOO.SOS. supply in name of the to lege by Mr. Jonathan French. The is Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; 18 Free Street. mers’* are seeking courtesies the and fill them with hungry patriots, gov- original I,on ns ou Bonds nnd ITIort- r less $1.50. 5« **- no to even in the Barherini Palace at Borne. State and oilier Securities I S1.50 GEOKliK A. WHITNEY, No. Press, and we have disposition be, pas- ern the unrestrained state Advertisements inserted in the “Maine irnsre* 1)5'» all Uiud* city by authority. Risks 443,000.00 SI. of a to such frauds. Mrs. in a in every part Marine Real Estate change Upholstering Dramatic Entertainment 1 party Lucy visit to the PRESS” (which lias a large circulation sively, Governor Tilden does not seem to be quite Hooper, painter of the for for first insertion, Only Uash on Hnnd nnd in the doue to order# State) $1.00 per square Meissonnier, describes his personal appearanco usertion. — — Banks 133,339.30 clear but is and 50 cents per square tor each subsequent ON THE BISBEE BBAMATIC CLUB as to the meaning of home rule, Address all communications to Toilet Articles. We do not read anonymous letters and communi- as follows: “It is impossible to imagine a finer Co. Hair Goods and sure that it doesn’t mean the to PORTLAND PUBLISHING $3,707,393,33 will an entertainment in tbe name address of the writer are in very power No. 9 give cations. The and head and torso than those of this renowned ^^—^■■■• J. F. SHERRY, the the & Vessels Old Cny all cases not tor publication plunder city of New York under Cargoes, Freights LIABILITIES. CongrcK* Slrrel, opposile Vestry of Congress Square Church, indispensable, necessarily painter. Above bis full cbest and broad shoul- — ON — but as a guaranty of good faith. forms of local self-government. Really these ders rises a bead which BUSINESS CARDS. nnd oil might tempt the pen- the or Losses Unpaid and Fine Watches. cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- by year passage. Jewelry and 25th We Democrats agreo upon the cil of or other Liabilities $340,353.30 Street. Thursday Friday Evenings, Feb, nothing except Velasquez of of Vandyck, crowned ABNER LOWELL, 155 Middle nications that are not used. and 26th. of into office. with a mass of and Agent* for Howard Watch Company. desirability getting public iron-gray hair, the lips PORTLAND when will be presented two of Balter’s new dramas ASSETS: chin shaded by a thick, silvery beard, and the J. M. Ware. entitled Ax old prediction made by Lord Shelburne HEATH, Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Taxation Without Jurisdiction. whole lighted by a pair of brilliant and laugh- A 139 Middle St. “The and Die,” is now considerable attention, MACHINEWORKS J. A. MERRILL CO., Tempter,” ‘‘Never Say To the current number of the Atlantic just attracting ing hazel eyes. He is, however, of very short A- KE1TH' AGENT, MSKKII, a Bui entitled and is of interest in the of recent events. J. A. Also lesque Opera Monthly Mr. David A. Wells contributes a light stature, his legs being disproportionately short. Iron Founders, Boiler “ARABELLA THE FAIR.” Lord Shelburne astonished Mr. oue Engineers, 42 1-2 Exchange St., Portland. and paper on taxation without jurisdiction which Laurens, The bright cordiality of his manner was ex- $16,003,584.74 of Trunks, Valises commence at Manufacturers Good music will be To Makers and Blacksmiths. provided. that he was for his Carpet-Bags. quarter before 8 o’clock. Admission, Adults 25 cts., will greatly interest -capitalists and students day, by saying sorry ceedingly charming, as was also the unaffected MANUFACTURERS of on GEORGE G. WHITE, and Children 15 cts. feb24d3t asked he Dividend to Policy Holders J. R. DURAN A CO.. 171 Middle of jurisprudence. Though the article con- (Laurens’) people. Being why, re- readiness with which he displayed his pictures Streets, 116 Federal in fact or in that would lose the habeas corpus. aud to our them.” MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTA- Premiums terminating in 1874, AGENT, __ tains little that is new either plied they replied questions concerning BLE STEAM ENGINES. COPARTNERSHIP. its of statement will Pressed for a further explanation of his It has been decided that it will not bo neces- BRIDGTOK, MAINE. Pattern and Model Maker. inference, clearness he said: “We it with sary to amputate one of Fechter's legs. He Alcolt’s Turbine Water Wheel, J. I. HARBOUR, 350 Fore Street, Cor.of arrest the attention of the reader and disa- meaning, purchased of this will not be able to act for several months. elevators, Derricks, Hoisting 40 PLEASE NOTICE.—Sharehslilcrs CJrowa, Portlnud. NOTICE. his mind of certain fallacies in centuries of wrangling, many years of fighting, percent liable tor all its buse popular Engines, and Blanchard’s Company are personally Frank Maeder, his agent, has closed his en- se- without matter. Wells treats and had it confirmed by at least filly acts of Patent Boiler. Policy holders in this Company obtain perfect enKiiKeineuis- All losses paid business heretofore carried on under the firm regard to the Mr. oilier Com- fe22cou3w Photographers. gagement with him. curity, costing less than to insure in any deduction for interest. name of LORD, HASKELL, NEAL A CO., for Parliament. All this the nation its A. S. DAVIS A C'O., No. 80 Middle Street. THE of taxation without territorial juris- taught RUE’S INJECTOR pany. the manufacture and jobbing of Moccasins, will bo chiefly An American college of music, which will AGENTS FOR Cro*». and it so into their as STATEMENT OF TIIE J. H. l.AMSON, 153 Middle St.,cor. continued under tbe same style as before by Lord, diction, taxation without returning an equiv- value, ingrained creed, I1V THIRTY DAYS occupy a magnificent building, and be conduc- 215 COMMERCIAL STREET, EOSSES PAID Haskell & Neal, G. and L. P. WARREN having the foundation of their that no PROOF. alent in the of its correlative protection very liberty, a AFTER Plumbers. withdrawn their interest from the business. way ted generally ou very grand scale, is talked MAINE. JOHN N. man or will ever dare on N! PORTLAND, Street. LORD, to or aud double taxation or party trample of in New York. CONTINENTAL JAMES MILLER, No. 91 Federal MERRILL E. person property, New Portable 40 horse J. D. JONES, President. HASKELL, Your will it and to use FOU SALS—One Engine, Vice-President. WILLIAM H. NEAL. taxation at one and the same time by con- people pick up attempt An odd letter has just in LondoD, built to order. CHARLES DENNIS, appeared power, W. H. H. 2nd Vice-Pres’t. Portland, Feb. 3 1875. febl*3w cost them will apl MOOKE, INSURANCE COMPANY, Real Estate Agents. flicting jurisdictions, of one and the same it; but, having nothing, they from Mr. Holman Hunt, the great artist. It has 1_____t J. H. CHAPMAN, Secretary. JOHN C. PROCTER, No. 93 Exchange not know how to appreciate it. At the first not escaped observation that in his picture of OF THE CITE OF NEW YORK, Street. property. WILLIAM SCHUMACHEB, _ MULFORD’S The proposition that personal property great internal feud they have, the majority “The Shodow of Death” la> has represented FRESCO P AIM TER, JOHN wTMUNGER, JANUARY 1,1875. Rooters. shall be excluded from direct assessment for will trample on it, and the people will permit the Saviour sawing with his left hand. As Mr. J. N. McCOY A CO., 38 Spring Street. it to be and so will Hunt affects above ail things to be a strict the reason that no system has been devised done, go your liberty.” _ Office at Schumacher Brothers, CORRESPONDENT,! realist, he is very much nettled that Cash $1,000,000.00 which will enable a state to tax it with any naturally Capital Plated Ware. CIU VUV VWM Silver and XUO ilUUUliUUVUO iicj/uuiivuu mis 3 DEE RUNG BLOCK. * peculiarity sncuiu nave oeen pointer! out, Surplus of Assets 1,600,235.97 155 Middle Street. to and has not, Office 166 Fore ABNER LOWELL, approach uniformity equity, cuses last will commend themselves I have taken Street, evening, and endeavors to justify the liberty he took iu I respectfully inform the public that received a full meas- and will attend In Mr. Wells’ opinion, at as fit. We the business of Clias. J. Schumacher PORTLAND. $2,606,235.97 Stair Builder. to the citizens large eminently this matter. He explains that the grouping of to all jobs entrusted to me. I shall en- ure of though many are promptly feh4 dlmeodlim&wCw eor. popular approval, are to observe that the of the was such that he could nut have tlo.ivor to the which my predecessor ASSETS. B. F. LIBBY, l,o. 353 Fore Street, happy suggestion picture keep reputation out that “the of has held for so many CroKH St., in Dcleno’* Mill. finding assumption power Pbess in to the School Commit- the Savionr his hand with- years, _ Cash on hand and in Banks. .$337,000.3G the regard painted using right Win. 8CH(JmA€HBR. vwi. —-■■ — ot state officials to tax citizens Loans on U. S. and other stocks In. lit iivvirnw* on the part out two be- ADVERTISEMENTS tee was acted upon, and that the nomina- separating the figures by placing CITY and Bonds, (market value Streets. the for effects situated beyond terri- tween them an mass of wood, on demand. 63,670.00—$400,670.36 personal tions were made without to party. uninteresting Mr. Wm. $89,139) payable regard I take great pleasure in recommending &c. or jurisdiction of the taxing power, or, which would thus have the most pre- decorators ever Watches, Jewelry, tory occupied Schumacher as one of the best house Loans on Bond and Mortgage Cor. Middl the statute of Massachusetts has wher- Current N'otes. cious of thu cauvas. He adds that he ex- n Portland, and have no doubt that Mr. Wm. Schu- STATE OF MAINE. (on Real Estate, worth $1, J. W. A H. II. HCOCFIEEj as it, part will execute all work entrusted to him dura- 3c V'nion Sts. the macher 839,075). 588,800.00 ever they are, is something wholly unwarran- The Post thinks the reason pected the spectator to fancy that “that Savionr bly, tastily and sat is tact or ily. U. S. and other Stock and has Beecher trial was over h id over the to his CHAS. J. SCHUMACHER, Bonds owned by the Com- ted.” The illegality of the assumption adjourned Monday stepped plauk approach Decorator. no21tf Ecclesiastical ... <67,261.00 or to see bow far the son had to the Electors pany. El) been settled a recent decision of was because G. W. never told a lie. mother, yet To Real Estate owned by the Com- [JCATIONAL._ definitely by is at in that siuk, and recognizing that it was already late pany. 604,000.00 the United States Supreme Court. The tax- Mr. Conkling right, last, this, W. L. KELLER, —OF THE— aud and to for the Premiums due unpaid the Democratic leaders remind one of a bun- enough prepare evening’s relaxatiou in tbe bands of PORTLAND ACADEMY. ation of property is looked upon by balances personal and that he had assumed the and a book o( studies, position FRESCO PAINTER, Agents. 125,389.71 Mr. Wells as a relic of personal servitude, dle of contradictions, represent Interest duo and unpaid, (due Courier-Journal. which gave the most relief physically aud men- CITY ©fPORTJLAYD. 19,977.40 Term begins Feb. 23d, for its the ancient negations.—Louisville this day). Spring having prototype taille, before to his tools.” NO. 16 MARKET STREET, 10,137.50 heard a social tally, turning put away Rents due and accrued. AND CONTINUES TEN WEEKS. decision as an indication We keen-sighted philosopher and he hails the “Henry V,” will continue the great theatri- to warrants from the Mayor and Al- assert the other that the Total. $2,606,235.97 of both sexes received at any time during that hereafter states must limit the exercise day, rapid physical Residence Cor. Market & Confess St dermen of the of Portland, the duly qualil Pupils cal attraction of New York for many weeks; PURSUANT City the Term. deterioration of the New Englanders as a race fled electors of said city, are hereby notified to meot LI ABILITIES, of their taxing power to persons (poll tax), it being agreed by critics and populace that it in their Ward Rooms, on TERMS $1.00 PER WEEK. be dated from the time when they Portland Me. respective Commission duo within their territorial might ,, Dividends and _ and is the most of Shakespearean specta- For further inquire of business, property gave up cider and the hearty good-living splendid JylT at and une aimed. $ 62,077.54 particulars _«_ Monday, the First day of March next limits. The to tax arises from the cor- which it and took to tea and mental cles ever presented in this country, aud withal Losses unpaid.. 155,328.00 A. right typifies, ten o’clock ia the forenoon, ETTA FILES, Principal. course instead. The Massachusetts farm- an acted drama. No. 11 Elm Street. relative duty to protect. Of where pabulum excellently Shakespeare’s & $217,405.54 a O’Donnell Sylvester, votes for BEST IN THE WORLD ! er in Endicott’s time ate his four meals day, lias beeu aud the of the then, and there to give in their Mayor, Portland, Feb. 12, 1875. febl3deod2w there is no jurisdiction there can be no pro- play “cut,” sequence one three GEO. T. President. measured six feet two in his read of the Municipal Court, Alderman, HOPE, stockings, so the French Judge and no taxa- scenes changed, that the story of Common Conncilmen, a Warden, Clerk and two H. H. LAMPORT, Vice-Pres’t. tection, consequently rightful the Bible, and died, believing it, at four score at School MRS. GAT’S SCHOOL, A Clock given to every Trader who sells is of all that dues Counsellors Law, Oily Constables: also for one Superintending tion. That cannot two and ten. be has cut down his ap- campaign shown, “stripped for the CYRUS PECK, Secretary. this Mustard. things occupy places Nowadays Committee—residents of said Wards ensuing and Street. not the interest.” The JOHN K. OAKLEY, General Agent. Corner South Spring same is an starves at home, and sells the heighteu pictorial year. or two jurisdictions at the time ple orchards, MIDDLE be made to at as if 84 STREET, The on such of election to remain open Application may last of wheat to educate his sou effect, says Mr. Wheeler, in tho World, is polls day axiom of as well as a law of gleaning until four o’clock in the afternoon, when they shall MRS. at SI Spring Street. jurisprudence finds his iu the door below Cana GAY, Cambridge, religious speculations necromancy had suddenly drawn away (2nd Bank,) 1)0 closed. febl8 D. LITTLE & nature. Emerson, until his lean body, being too tired of the fierce You are also required to give notice to said inhab- W. CO., dusky curtain the past, and light MAINE. Smith, & CO., down to death to ■PORTLAND, in result of the decision in the to work prove itants that the Aldermen of said city will be open Gage As a logical longer, goes of the shone the mediaival present upon day, oc2dtf__ session at the Ward Room in City Building, (entrance AGENTS, in to the truth of these speculations at the untime- to foreigu.-held bonds case, which, respect aud woke it into color and so that on Myrtle st)., from nine o’clock in the forenoon Westbrook Seminary, 92 COMMERCIAL of Y. Tribune. form, action, each of the three STREET, ly age fifty-five.—N. H. one o’clock in the afternoon on 49 1-2 Street. extra-territorial taxation, is only legally ap- the scenes of Froissart aud Holinsbed are in- CHARLES KIMBALL, secular days next preceding such day ot election, Otlice Exchange Further particulars of the Washington sui- on after- to Mr. Wells holds that carnated t he modern and from three o’clock to five o’olock the fc!2_>13w STEVENS ME. PORTLAND, plicable states, cities, of before eye. secular for the PLAINS, cide by leaping from the dome the capitol noon on the last of said three days, even school districts will commit Minnie the American prima ARCHITECT, ot TENTH ANNUAL STATEMENT towns, and Hauk, young purpose ot receiving evidence of the qualification to the roof below say that “brains were scat- so a favorite at voters whose names have not been entered on the for Maine ! acts of spoliation by taxing any property act- donna who was great Vienna, — over the This ISO 1-2 MIDDLE STREET, — OF THE TERM Sole Agents tered all building.” proves lists of qualified voters, in and for the several wards, THE SPRING bounda- has been to give yearly for several said tebtTd2w ually situated beyond their territorial that the poor fellow died before his lime. He engaged ami for correcting _ (Boyd Block,) lists.___ a season of “star” Per Order H. 1. ROBINSON, City Clerk. ries and lie reasons that “as it -should have waited till the meeting of the years six mouths perform- did of this Institution will commence on jurisdiction. feblD SAINT PAUL next when brains will be sadly ances at Berlin. PORTLAND, MAINE. will be a matter of great difirculty, if not a congress, needed all over the building.—Detroit Post. Mark intended “The Gilded Age” PITY OF PORTLAND. Fairbanks’ Scales, to ascertain Twain Details, etc., for every de Insurance physical impossibility, accurately Plans, Superintendence, Fire and Marine Co., March 1875, The elected the Democrats to carry “for a says “Brunswick” of the Bos- of building. dec28tf Tuesday, 9th, was on a people tragedy,” ription or of Build- THE STASDARO OF THE WORLD. what movable personal property giv- To Owners Occupants 1875. out these promises and pledges, and we think ton Saturday Gazette. “After it was drama- on St. JANUARY 1st, fourteen June 10th. en within district of lim- ings and I. ots Spring and continue weeks, closing day any given taxing to take nighcst Prizes at Paris in 1867. they ought to have the fullest and earliest op- tized, he wrote to a leading tragedian EDGAR S. BROWN, ited territorial area, or to restrain it ifi such a is hereby given that the ahovo named Cash Capital, Vicuna, Itlontrcnl, 1873. portunity to begin the work. We think that the part of Col. Sellers. The gentleman wrote street order of the Board of Mayor and 408,146 62 BOARD OF INSTRUCTION. to move off in NOTICE lias, by Surplus, 1874. district il disposed temporarily strict and a for the ex- back it was a and that John T. Counsellor at Law. to m the Philadelphia, justice, proper respect that comedy, Aldermen, been renumbered according plans ul- interest- THE MOST ACCtRATE. of the day of assessment, the will of the demand that the rnau be wauted. Then Mr. City Civil Engineer’s Office, and all parties Total Assets $808,146 52 There are ten regular teachers employed, giving ng, anticipation pressed people, Raymond was the All collections promptly attended to by E. A. notified that the numbers so designat- -_- shall a resolution ed are hereby instruction in every branch. timate result will be exactly what equity and present Congress pass joint Clemens sent for Mr. read him the Constable and Bill Collector. on said street on ample DURABLE. Raymond, LEIGHTON, ed must lie affixed to the buildings ASSETS JAN. 1, 1875. THE MOST providing that the next congress shall begin re- > in or before the first of March next. /j|\* the of sound political economy and ‘Now, do you see any comedy day principles its session on the 5th of 1875. If the pi; said, Per H. I, ROBINSON, City Clerk. Cast in office and bank...$ ®3,937 March, 80 MIDDLE ST. Order, 14 For further information, as to Expenses, Kegula- most convenient. should an entire abandon- that?’ ‘I see nothing else,’replied Mr. Ray- Advertiser copy.leb8dtd Real estate—Company’s buildings. 98,814 quire be, namely: Democrats honestly carry out the measures tlie 00 Mr. my9__dtf Other real estate owned by company.. 4,980 tione, etc, Address, I^the ment ef all to tax personal proper- and redeem the upon which the peo- mond. The turnip dinner, that Raymoud St. Paul 2G 000 00 of the most confidence- attempts pledges 200 shares First Nat. Bauk stock, In every respect worthy implicit then the whole is Mr. Clemens .. .. Peter 00 the of a of but a ple elected them, couutry makes to deliciously funny, W. C. CLARK, jg St. 1,800 ty, and adoption plan taxing •* — entitled to have the at the 300 St. P, & S. C. R. R. pre- G. M. BODGE, A. M., Principal. ALSO and fixed promised blessings meant should be pathetic”’ 30>KU •wuvi r“*-- 5 Doors East of Temple 8L> 85 that the results of the taxation will diffuse deem its promises, and its programme was a Call loans, secured by collaterals, l>et tbe LNITED free of the old school. As nnTT A T1 52 St. School for Boys, Designed for and adopted by as is theu the in the broad, style cent, of market value. 341,008 Augustine’s themselves with and not fraud, generally suspected, 70 GOVERNMENT. equality uniformity said to excel. AND WATER Premium notes, (inland). 3,858 Removed to Frar>kli*i Family School STATES country has a right to know this fact before an actor he is GAS ...... 19,634 91 over all but also Accrued interest. — — only personal property, upon to the 11 Top*hum, Me, ALSO the next elections.—Chicago Tribune. Knskin makes several contributions I on inland paid.... 7.624 Salvage lossc-—already all other of every fmm J4crp.nt.«.in r.nnrjje of transmission 44,541 14 Rt. Rev. H. A. Neely, D. D., Visitor. Oscar I.. property description.” water-coloi exhibition iu Loudon, this winter. PIPING. w Semi for circular. oclOtf Miles’ Patent Alarm Safety Money City premiums uncollected. 12,08» Billings, B A. Rector. A collateral subject is the question of the is “a elaborate and delicate study of »p21 Drawer. The Revenue Bill. One most 52 taxation of indebtedness. The right to tax des Chamouni, a piece of Total cash assets.§808,146 FRED. TER LINDEN, The following is the text of the revenue bil the glacier Bossons, ice Milk Street Ronton. contracts between resident debtors and cred- marvelous draughtmanship, showing the S. C. ANDREWS, LIABILITIES. WAREHOUSES—* as passed by the House, Tuesday: of 89 Violin and at the time when made cannot be like a huge flat reptile, down the Losses in process adjustment.§24,243 Instructor of Piano, FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO. itors Section 1. That from and after the date of creeping Counsellor at Law, but the of state the of this act, there shall be levied hill-side. The foreshortening of the varying Net 63 del4 PORTLAND. dtt New York. doubted; practice taxing by passage Surplus.§783,902 31* Broadway, and collected on all distilled thereafter color of this — OF THE — debts to a creditor who resides in a spirits curves, and the delicate, jewel-like 88 MIDDLE the <3c CO. authority in the United States a tax of STREET, The following shows the growth of FAIRBANKS produced ninety specimen of skill apd patience loy- d6m state other than that of the residence or wine astonishing Bank Company: fe24 ceuts on each proof gallon, gallon (in Canal Building,) are worthy of the most Best well Picked debtor is held Mr. Wells when below pioof, to be paid by the distiller, ally employed profound Quality, Cash capital at organization,.§ 75,000 00 of the by 92 owner or having possession thereof, be- Itshows that John Buskin can prac- PORTLAND. MAINE. Jan. total cash assets. 89,747 BOOKS commerce. The person respect.” and 1, 1866, ^MSIC to be taxation of inter-state or bonded Screened, ....a. 39 fore removal from the distillery of his Will practice in Androscoggin and Oilord Count- 1 1867 104,485 tice as well as preach. Another pictures aeDeouti 1868 130,846 66 borrower has to additional rate and so much of section 3251 of the be found 1* BEST FOR always pay,in warehouse, is “Dawn on 26th of may always atf u 66 is in- at this gallery AStna, 1869! (Cap. increased) 265,938 tax Revised Statutes of the United States as « of interest or some other form, the upon i* igyo 285,543 56 consistent herewith is hereby repealed. April, 1874,” which is described as grandly po- tt ** ** 06 choirs. J. H. HOOPER, j* J871 280,593 the contract. So if Maine taxes through the Section 2. That section 33(58 of the Revised clad iu «< ** u 48 quartet etical. "The pyramidical mountain, J 1872.* (Cap* increased) 505,724 same is amended •* 65 Sacred or medium of resident bonds Statutes be and the hereby which are to & 1873 ... 626,122 Thomas’* Quartet*. agency creditors, belts of light and shadow, proper L8TERER Baker Johnson's, words ceuts a UPHO « “ 75 by striking out the “twenty 1 1874* 719,621 Sacred and made in she taxes and severe, rich iu " 52 Banmbach’a Quartet*. mortgages Michigan, and iu lieu thereof the words the hour, is solid, simple Nos. 31 and 33 Free St, 1, 1875* 808,146 pound” inserting Successors to James H. Baber. We have with a great (leal of care and expense, se- Ruck’* Motet Collection. extra territorially debtors in Michigan. But “twer.ty-four ceuts a pound;” provided, that tender and beautiful coloring. A jet of steam, manufacturer of febl2 lected and have on baud a large stock ot the section 3394 of the Revised Statutes be and the air from the of _dtf Total Losses Paid, $1,100,245.61. Baambach’i New Collection. she has no power to tax a debtor in Michi- rises straight into the very apex same is hereby amended by striking out the Parlor Suite, Lounges, Spring the until, at a vast height, it turns Prest. Ruck’s 3d Motet Collection. When a citizen of Maine, (to vary Mr. word “five” wherever it occurs therein, and in- mountain, Bede, Mattresses, J. C. BURBAINK, VERY REST COALS gan. iu in lieu thereof the word “six,” and by at a angle, and is dissipated into space En- and Home. Wells' illustration) lends money or sells com- serting right McDonough Patent Bed Comities, n. Sec. Church out the word and Ac. C. BIGELOW, that are mined for Winter use. str.king “sixty” inserting a trail.” ameled Chairs, ft mmu modities to a citizen of Michigan the on 17 Church Mimic. the Hnyter’s “seventv-five;” increasing duty cigars to next Fnnaituie Manufacturer of Mr. J. S. Clarke returns Europe kinds of neatly done. ft and our or the out from from to a thousand and on cigarettes nr“All repairing & For Cooking Stoves Ranges, try Collection. money goods pass S5 $6 Toole follow iu oxed and matted. oct5- 69Tl&Stt SPARROW PECK. Agts., Trinity to that the increase month, and Emily Soldene and the of Maine into Ihe jurisdiction Irom $2 (50 #2 75, provided Price of each Boole, in Board';, $2.50; in Cloth, $2.73. jurisdiction of the tax herein piovidi d for shall not apply Messrs. Thorne, Stewart Kobsou and ST. is April. 96 MIDDLE and Coals! of Michigan. If the transaction represent- to tobacco, cigars and cigarettes on which the Wallack and SHERJIAN & C0~ feb22 John’s Hickory Montague go in May;so do Lester DUNCAN, __eodSvr has shall have been when this ed by a book account the Michigan man existing duty paid The number of the theatrical pro- VARNISHES are METHOD Boucicault. bankers Wc will warrant them to give satisfaction: they CLARKE’S NEW act takes effect. AND ICE and tho and the Maine man has in re- have to to Europe NEW YORK SATE THE ADVANCE ON durable and free lrom slates. For parlor Stoves property Section 3. That on all molasses, concentra- fession who arranged go Nos. 9 & II NASSAU ST., the Furnaces, FOR REED ORGANS. turn a conclusion of law. If the Maine man ted molasses, tank bottoms, syrup of sugar, next summer, either for business or p leasure, NOTES aid LETTERS OF to Issue CIRCULAR iu of a cane juice, nielado and on sugar, according IN EUROPE AND THE H. Price 50 has a written promise to pay, form is large. CREDIT for TRAVELERS Air By William Clabke. $2 the Hutch standard of color imported from for unusually available in all the principal cities; also tor Dry Refrigerators he has in EAST, Coal a organist and com- note or bond and mortgage, simply countrie-1, there shall be levied and col- the West Indies &c. IELE- Harleigh Lehigh Wm. H. Clarke, distinguished eign nse in United States, And Dealer in was fortunate in the compilation of outside the terri- lected and in addition to the duties now Oilier items. GRAPHIC TRANSFERS to LONDON, PARIS, '( In all Styles, Grades and Sizes. poser, especially possession a contract made paid, News ami MEXICO, CHINA, JA- NEVER FAILS TO SUIT. this One work, which sprang into pipulur favor im- in Schedule G, section 2504 of the Re- CALIFORNIA, HAVANA, remarkable a man in imposed at the mine boast that and others in the on its issue, lias had success, tory of Maine by Michigan. an to 25 cent, At Newburynort they PAN, , 1)«.al»Anil or other than shall be con- years. • on the valuation of the or if kets, light packages, ami octl8d6m Rear of No. 10 Cron St. 1 VTL ilUUU XWWII* the deed land; gcotc, (qoaA §*mdehf Manufactory, V^UVUOMUl^ sidered sugar and dutiable as such, and pro- At a recent sale of antiquities in Edinburgh Job auu air bliue luxes tue ucutui a vided further that of the drawback on refined « it D.nAA »»•> a.iill In Street. THE PORTLAND, MAINE, Oue pivycitjr No. 37 Plum THE PATKOIN8 OF Company. a assortment KlTIKJ Ul UlU We offer very large lien or ti- sugars allowed by section 3019 of the may26dtf__ other state taxes tho creditor’s on, imported, and one of the verte- oc29 of the United one have been gold for £5, ___ Reinforced all Revised Statutes States, only in both Single and there is manifest SPECIAL MEETING. tle in, that property, injus- of the amount so allowed shall be re- tbo Lion for £5 10s. Fronts of per cent, bras of William WM. M. MARKS FLORENCE linen especially good tice. The debtor, for upon him in the tained by the United States. Palace Sin Fran- SPECIAL meeting of tlio Stockholders of the reality The opening of the Hotel, 4. That so much of section 2594 of Reward. value in each lot. a double tax. The Section event. The Portland and Railroad Company whole burden pays will be a $1000 A Ogdensburg falls, as that 90 in September, great tbe Revised Statutes cisco, SEWING MACHINE will be held at the office of the Company corner of provides only Card & Job Printer drawn is that title and several duties and rates of of state aud a huge crowd of Book, with Middle and Union streets, on Wednes- 15c. conclusion credit, per centum of the governors every in Portland and vicinity can be supplied County Commissioners’ Office, 1 Portland, ONE LOT -A.T the lOtb day of.Unrc li, at cleveu are but are conclusions duty on certain ariicles therein enu- will be invited to of Portland, Dec. 31st, 1874. I day, proximo, ownership northings, imposed eminent people partake ST., of the clock in the forenoon. ONE LOT AT 20c. merated by section 2504 shall be levied, col- 109 EXCHANGE NEEDLES, AND PARTS, Cumberland, ss. unite deductions of law from certain hav- the banquet. To determine whether this Company will and facts, lected and paid, he, and the same is hereby re- inaugural Essex Railroad the at don’t also have tlieir machine repaired in a thorough and A Eeward of wit 11 the County Company, ONE LOT Arl' 25c. no situs because having no corpus to bo and the several duties and rates of duty Miss Molly Alleu of Ohio, thirteen, and St. Iiailr< ad Company, ing pealed, PRINTING ROUSE.) everv wav satisfaetorv manner at, reasonable rates by Montpelier Johnsbury in said section 2504 snail be and re- dolls. She has a nice (DAILY PRESS Railroad and the La- 33c. or to be or to prescribed waste her timo on rag orders with or .... the Lamoille Valley Company ONE LOT A.T body taxed, materiality leaving addressing HVJfci II, Ilf II I. 1. M.C, of located, main. as bv that section, levied without abate- moille Valley Junction Railroad Company or any little rifle, with which she commits and carefullj and fill in any state. ment of the 10 centum, as in seo- telescopic of work promptly offered for the recovery of the Money and them in the execution and issuj of joint bonds ONE LOT A.T 37c. space per provided Every Description A. H. ROGERS, is hereby of terrible havoc among small game. She receiv- tecuted, and at the lcwest prices Bonds stolen from the Safe of the County Treasurer’ in executing a joint mortgage for the purpose Mr. Wells frames a rcductio ad absurdum tiou 2503. ti MARIE TERRACE, PORTLAND. securing tile bonds aforesaid subject to such details ONE LOT A_T 42c. Section 5. That the increase of duties pro ed money on the squirrels she kill- ap22 Office, and this manner: If the credits or owner- 830 bounty ___, as the Stockholders may fix and to deteimine after act shall not to vided by this apply any goods, summer. DOLLARS whether this will authorize its President ONE LOT ANT 50c. ed last FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE C0„ FIVE HUNDRED Company of evidences of indebtedness which per- wares or merchandise actually on shipboard & to sign and execute, in its behalf, the said join^ ship to the Elizabeth Herald, a young H. L. GREGG CO., of the or and bound to the Uuited States on or before According GEO. M. BRIGGS. Gen. Agt., .or the arrest and conviction person person bonds and sons who change their residence from a for- of the 30ih mortgage. nor on a in that town a little who committed the robbery on tbe night determine whether this will au- the 10th day of February, 1875, any man visiting young lady 366 Washington Ml., Boston, Mass. Also to Company land to this country bring with them, SHIP BROKERS. end3mis ot December, 1874. thorize its Board of Directors to consolidate tlio OWEN & eign such goods, wares, or merchandise on deposit too received a gentle hint the other feliS 1 County MOORE, date of frequently SMITH BARBER, management of this with the aforesaid are then must be and in warehouses or public stores at the was corporation its property, they imports from his lady love, if he going to EDWIN C. or any ot them and will authorize CONGRESS ST., COR. BROWN. the of this act night Merchants TOWNSEND,} Commissioners, corporations from all state taxation. “Under this passage Commission & Forwarding WILLIAM SMALL, ) Board of Directors to perform all iTcts and things, exempt Section 0. Provides that in the act make visits so often be had better send around aforesaid ja!4__dtf nothing ROAD TO FORTUNE jaltf necessary for properly carrjing out the can doubt that such Charter*, who ‘imported of Little tariff act) a ton of coal. Petroleum. Grain nn«l other theory February 8, 1875, (the nin.le provisions. shall be construed to on bolt- — a favorite any duty bears Nevotintefl. Freitjht Kn*««etmnl« — IN CARD. Per order of the Direct ors, “wedding cakeT credits’ would soou become subject impose The present King of Spain the title of of the world. Cl I AS. Clerk. ing cloths theretofore admitted iree of dutv, or for nil |»«rt« „li„ble F, FOYE, as elTecleii in reliable of and that the owner would of re- Alfonso XII. TheKiugwho reigned Al- Iflnrine In.nrnnee would inform our friends Portland, February 23, importation, to require the use of stamps ou entries the undersigned, 1875_ft‘22dtd the host Office*. STREET. that wo are are prepared to furnish very quality himself as the in the books of banks. fonso XI. was known as the and his _ WALL and tbe trade prepared consider original pack- ceipts pass savings Avenger, WE, generally, of Cake in small or large quantities lawfully STREET, to furnish Pure Coffee, Spices, Cream Tnr- WE Wedding was exercised from 1324 till his 10S WALNUT and at Locust Treenails. at the shortest notice. kingly power In Puts, Calls and double Prix- tnr, etc., • lc., of the very best materials possible age?” True.—The Scientific American calls careful invested Also plain and lancy cakes that can t be beat. death in 1350. So that it was 525 be- PHILADELPHIA. l from 50 to 150 cent the lowest market prices. A share ot the trade is As a illustration of Mr. Wells’ just years ile *es ha* pai per prolit, of our own and Boston manufacture, war- concluding to that inventors and manu- fub8 MONEY warranted to satis- IIIO IKHI b«-Kl Stifl Lorn.l Treenail", Candy attention the faet two tlie month. Small or large amounts pay propor- solicited. All goods give perfect tween the Alfonsos. _lly past Siiivnl While OnU do. ranted pure. let us ask for “Which is the and The Weltldest Operators protect. Iln in- faction. 1.10.000 bewt hours of and position example facturers are careless about advertising, tionately. Canada Kuee» Oysters served at all day evening. the season about 4000 familes, or these contracts, and also use them aH Portland. Me. 40,000 beat quality nolice. the Maine Central During selvos with Factory ‘J30 Fore Street, Hot Biscuit furnished at two hours taxable property, railroad, cites in the same article eight or ten cases of LINE. Imv and sell st'>ckR against. Pamptdet our manufacture at m ire than 20,000 have been aided by DAILY NEW STAGE Capital to fehlSdlw MORRISON & WHITTEN, Tro’s. —ALSO— Druggists’ Chocolate Drops of and had persons, sent on application. Gold located in Maine, or the stock bonds of recent occurrence where a lively inquiry giving lull information Wholesale and Retail. the St. John’s Guild of New York, and more on three cent margin. an- Feb. 1875, Stages and Stock bought per Wliiln Oak & Hard Wood Plank & Wedges that railroad, held, it may be, all over the been created for articles, from the simple and after Monday, 8th, than 1000 addresses are now on its books of per- a. by bead Address XU US «V SOM. ON Norlh Windham at 7.30 m., passing 85 CASH PRICE* S. A. ELMER Mr. of their existing, but iu which \ ii- AT LOWEST world ?” Wells says that the road is the nouncement is of Canal Goft and Plummer’s Mills, White Rock & sons who cannot be visited because there to BRIDGEMAN CO., al43m U6'i direct. to do without the be- White Rock Station, arriving in season DAWAGH, Congress taxable and that the and merchants had goods, lageto leaves Vermont Butter. L. TAYLOR, property, sjock nothing to offer them. connect with train on P. & O. Railroad that Choice could not find them. This is a se- BANKERS & BROKERS, bonds are not at but the cause they one of the at 9.55 a. m. 178 COMMERCIAL STREET, property all, merely The Times’ Berlin despatch says 10 Kris. New Orleans Molasses, VERMONT vore commentary upon those people who make RETURN I WO & 7 Exchange Court, of title and debt. He to S‘i & 58 Brondwny ME JCOPPERAS. eridences objects measures contemplated by Germany — FOE SALE BY m)i12’74 POKTLANP. d^_ in order to sell them, but who fail to iu- principal things of en- leaves White Rock Station at 2.35 or on arrival of VORK. BEST

4 — _—■__— ? --- RAILROADS. U MEDICAL. MEDICAL STEAMERS. STEAMERS. PBE8S. WANTS. MEDICAL. THE Medical. & MAINE CEN- Wanted. ALLAN LINE.-” STOOTMTOW LINE EASTERN CLARK would inform hla Wholesale Price Current. wanted l>y Agents Avail ypnrsolt G. A. respectfully FOE NEW YORK, l»ertlHiir Ni«le, Blicdius at popular Tuesday, at$8.00 M., _. at e.ow, M 3 U0@3 25 AJme. Thursday and Saturday, .uriving in New Fork ul- Leave Boston for Portsmouth and Portland Yellow Eyes... tram 17 to IS of the l.uagt*, and every SATURDAY, February (47th, 1N73. Box Shooks. Rockland o’sk. @1 20 SMART Capable boy years age AND DIURETIC. in nilvnnce of nil other line*. Baggag A. *12.00 affection of the tiiuoat, M.t3.15, midnight. liii tuber. j V to learn a trade. Apply between the hours of of the Train of the Leave Boston for Portsmouth, Portland, Hango pine.60@75 lungs and CHEST, are Immediately alter the arrival pro cheeked through. Clear 9 an 11(1 A. M., at Old Repository of Tickets at or Heston A Maine and (Calais and St. John at *12.00 midnight. Bread. Pine, _ speedily and vious day from Montreal. procure,1 depots Houlton, 00 Nos. 1 & 2.50 00 @60 00 J. M. KIMBALL & Co. Vegetine is made from the juices of t pormanenrly Cabin and at Kollins «, ('anker, Fninines* at ritation, thus removing complaint. Leave Portsmouth lor Houlton, Store. 29 @ 31 Hemlock. @15 who understands book-keeping by single unctdoublo Wyphilelic Sight Drafts on England for small amounts. a-*ply to Portland, Bangor, ihe and all diseases that arise from im- Calais and St. at *2.25 A. M. Caudles* Clapboards, _rt Good references Address NtoniRchy JAMES L. FARMER, John 00 00 entry. given. ana HOTELS. @ Spruce ex.30 @3o WATT, P. O. Bo? 1055 pure blood. stciaiicu, Inflammatory CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUBED No. 3 India Street. Leave Portland for Lewiston, and by Freight Mould,pib.*.. o 1? feb20*lw do No. 1.20 00 00 Uhrouic ISliciimnf i*tu, Neuralgia, (*out Trains to Ba and Waterville, at f7.00 A. Sperm. 33 @ 3»j @27 resort to this standard as is Portland, Nov. 15. 1874.uoI7dtf Augusta, pine.45 00 @00 00 aud Sipanal can bo effectually by a timely remedy, M. Cheese. Complaints, only hundreds ot testimodlals it has received. Agents Wanted cured through the blood. proved by HOTEL DIRECTORY, Leave Portland (via Danville) for Lewiston, Far- Vermont,V K> 11 @ '? unless “I. BUTTS on the 4 00 @4 75 a It to None genuine signed BOSTON Waterville and at tl.05 P- 51- ,&® SSu4X... make $5 to $10 day. costs.nothing For Ulcer* and Eruptive Diseases of the Embracing the Hotel** tn the State, at which, mington, Skowbegan Vsustory. No 1. 2 50 @ 3 25 wrapt»er. leading Portland for Au- H® 18 Cedar try. Call or address, J. A. RUSSELL, Blotches, Boil*, —AND— the found. Leave Bath, Lewiston, Rockland, ft. V. Dairy. 4 00 6 50 CAN Nkiu, Pustules, Pimple*, CATARRH 50 cim. and 81 a bottle; large bottles much the Daily 1'kkss may always bo at do Shaved @ 120 St. Dexter and Coal—(Botail.) fol>6*3w Exchange Teller, Mcaldhend ami Jiliugwoiui, VEGE- gusta. Skowbegan, Belfast, Bangor do... 4 50 7 00 cheaper. _ .8 * Pine @ cure. *1.10 P. M. Cumberland.. 2 00 TINE has never failed to effect a permanent W. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, AUBURN 5Jj® 50 Spruce .. 1 75 @ SETH Proprietors, PIIIUADJEUPIIIA Leave Portland lor Bangor, via Augusta, and fof Pietou .S00®8 Wanted. For Pain* in the Back, Kidney Uout- Sold dealers 50 00 Laths, Spruce 2 00 Mass. by generally. film IIoumo, Court. Hi. W. N. A A. Voting, Lewiston, Bath, Rockland, Belfast ana Dexter (Pull- Chertnut... ..7 ®8 Female Weakness, Ueu- ecdeow&wcow4 pine. 3 00 @ 3 50 Union Puddlers at Troy, N. Y. Our works plniut*, Dropsy, ja25 Line. man Palace at *5.00 a. m. and Steamship Proprietor*. Sleeping Cars.) Male l»<**. are now in running twenty-two (22) eorvhuii, arising from internal ulceration, For Bath and Augusta at 18.00 P. M. NON operation Vege- WITH Lewiston, Star,$>gros ...2 0€@2 10 Puddling Furnaces night and day. Apply by letter uterine diseases and (»eucral Debility manhood Restored. AUGUSTA. For Lewiston via Danville at 17.55 P. M. the causes of these com- Leave each port every Wed,8,y& Sat’d’y. llolaafteM. to cither of the undersigned tine acts directly ii]K>n Leave Biddeford lor Portland at t8.00 A. M., rs- the wlio.o A victim of youthful imprudence, causing prema- Auguwta nouse, State Nt. Harrison link Porto Rico 45 @ 55 11. BURDEN & SONS, Troy, N. Y. plaints. It invigorates and sirengthcns urning at 5.00 P. M s inflam- | ture decay.nervous etc., having tiled in er, Proprietor. ks&u Cienftiegos new 46 @ 48 ERASTuS CORNING & 00.. Troy, N. Y. system, acts upon tlie scretive organs, allays debility, No The 9.10 A. M. and 3.15 P. M. trains from Cooperage. the bowels. known remedy, has found a simple self- Wharfage. Cony IIounc, G. A. A II. Cony. Proprie and Hoads, Muscovado.. 40 @ 45 fet»3dtf JOHN A. GRISWOLD & CO., Troy, N. Y. mation, cures ulceration and regulates vain every Portland, ami the 8.00 A. M. train from Bangor Hhd. Sbooks cure, which he will send free to his fellow sufferers. Poston, 3 p.m tors. 40 New Oiieani.,. 70 @85 For Catarrh, Habitual Uos- Wharf, make close connections to New York by one or Mol. City.... Dyspepsia, Address J. 11.REEVES,78 Nassau street New York Street Wharf, PhiSa 15 Barbadoes. 55 tivene**. of tlie Henri, Head- other of the rontes from Boston. Passengers ticket Sue. City. @ Palpitation feb2 d*Xsw3m D a. m. BANGOR. .1 1 oU none Pile*, Nervousness and €*entrnl RAEDER’S _ by either route. C’try.. 45ai Sagua ache, the rate ed through Sug. "Tost and found. no one half Franklin IIou*e,—Harlow St., HIcLnugh- in Boston at box Nails.* Prostration of ihe Nervous System. medi- •U()UISTI.EH!H TH The 9.10 A. M. train arrives Pine Sugar liu A Ravi*, Proprietor*. train shook*..G8 00@70 00 Cask;. 3 75 cine has ever given such perfect satisfaction as the P M. in season to connect with the for the cieanses all of the also with the 5 30 P M. Hir'd Heading Naval Stores. L,ost. Vegetine. It purifies blood, Freight for the West by the Penn. R. R., and Sout New York, all rail, a ovsr the BATH. lor New York via Ml Rinar, 35 in. 27 @ bbl-5 50 @5 75 organs, and possesses controlling power by connecting lines forwarded free of Commission. trains Spuce Tar,}? Acntc Club, The finder COUGH MEDICINE (steamboat) The 3.15 P. M. train Pine,.. 27 @ Pitch (C.Tar)..4 50 @4 75 ODD SKATE, 9}. nervous system. BEST Bntli Hotel, C. IWI. Stonington and Norwich Lines. Soil shall be well on returning it to PASS A TEN D OLLA US. Plummer, Proprietor to connect with train* li-n-il Pine. 25 (a) \VU Pitch.... 5 50 @5 75 AN paid The remarkable cures effected by Vegetine have GE, arrives in Boston in season GALL1SON & COLBY, ” M and 9.30 P. 53 UU 00 @ 7 00 and whom we IN THE WOBhD lor New York via Springfield at 9 P. HOOPS,(14(»)3» © Uosm,.4 aoove Park. induced many physicians apothecaries For Freight or Passage, apply to BELFAST. 44 48 fe24dtf Spring St., Line. .. 45 00 © Turpentine,gl @ know to prescribe and use it hi their own families. M. train via Shore ___ B.OakStaves GERMAN American Uou*e, Clark P. M. trains from Oil. in E. B. Agent, Bro’*, Proprie- The 9.10 A. M. ami 3.15 Copper. In fiict. Vegetine is tho best remedy yet discov- one of the Oldest and very best House SAMPWON, tor*. Poland JLosI. (From at Junction with theGreat Fails ami Cop.Bolts. 35 @ Kerosene,.... @ 10i ered for the above and is the only reliable Arnerca.] 70 ff. 9uu Wlmrf, Ko-ton. connect Conway 1 diseases, Jn23-ly rOIT.jLwei.i etr ’3 ~ Railroad. Y. M. Sheathing ©22 evening, between City Hall and Salem Kl.OOb PUBIFIkB yet placed before the Messrs. Cutler Bros. & Co. BOSTON. Conway in Port-0 22 l>evoc brilliant 27 The 8.00 A. M. train from Boston arrives Bronze do. © @ a WORSTED SCARF. The find- Ohio, March 13,1872. 15 2 20 MONDAYstreet, large public. Cincinnati, Parker Uoune. School Si. U. D. Parker A for to take the cars of th* Y. M. Bolts,.. 30 © Sperm,.2 ® at this office. send ns Ten small anil Five land in season passengers 90 er will be rewarded by leaving Please gross gross 85 @ FOR BOSTON. Co., Proprietors. P. <» O. Railroad. ... Cordagr. Whale,. febt PREPARED BY Pulmonary Balsam This i» _ 58 OH large “Vegetable St. James Hotel—J. II. M. train from Boston conn* ts with American,I* tt>, 12 @12$ Bank,. ® doubtless the bc>it Cough Medicine in the Crocker, Propri- The 8.00 A. 50 @ 00 etor. the Grand Trunk Railway for Montreal, Quebec ana .. Shore,. ¥¥ V? fiTFVr.YS. RA«tAB SNUFF! world. (Signed) ALLEN & CO. 50 Tremont Tremont }3 ©J3$ .... ® nou*e, all of Canada East. Manila,. ©1 Porgie, p. s.—These have sold this Balsam for over St.-Chapin parts 76 parties A Co. are sold in Portland and Manila B’ltr’p lii © Linseed,. @ BOARD. Fare 50 Cents, Gurney Proprietor*. Through tickets Baggage Hal- I 82 Wiiat is Vegetine?—It is a compound extract- thirty years. to Houlton, Calais, St. John, l)rnp. au«l lOyeo. Boiled do.,.. 81® Only checked through 05 @2 15 Lard,. 1 15® 1 20 ed from l arks, roots and lierbs. It is Nature’s Rem- BRUNSWICK, HIE. ifax, Dover, Foxcroft, Kocklaml, &c. Alcohol, flgal,2 one of Boston’s most estimable citizens.] for 25 ® 55 25 @ 1 75 Board. edy. It is perfectly harmless Irom any bad effect up- [From A freight train will leave Portsmouth Dover, Arrow Boot, Olive,.1 No. 5 Worcester March 1873. P. A K. Dining Room*, W. R. Field, 5 b 65 ® 1 75 on the system, tt'is nourishing and strengthening. OR Sq.. Boston, 14, and Dover for Portsmouth, daily. Bi-Carb Soda, © Castor,.1 FEW can be accommodated with Cutler Bros. «& Co. N. B. TUI 20 1 25 1 50 gentlemen It acts upon the blood. It quiets the nerv- Messrs. Proprietor. •Pullman car express train. Borax,. © Neatsfoot,.... ® rooms and board at 58 Pleasant St., directly sleeping *>7 66 A pleasant ous It good, sweet sleep at on runs to Portland only. 35 ® Elaine,. 04 @ boarders. system. gives you night CAPE ELIZABETH. train Saturday night Camphor. near High, also table It is a for our fathers and moth- Tartar 44 ® 48 l*itiufN. lw«dtf great panacea aged t Accommodation train Cream feb9 it them their 25 ® 1 50 Port. Lead,.. 1125 @ ers; lor gives strength, quiets nerves, VcgditWc Pulmonary Balsam, $Fa*t Kipresa. Indigo,.1 and them Nature’s sweet sleep,—as has been etor. ex., Hi® PureOr’d do 11 00 ®11 25 gives Logwood }‘f an '.t is the what 1 know about It in or- 13 ® 15 Pure Ory do 11 00 ® • isoaio. proved by many aged person, great 1 should li«gal ® ® or three boarders can be accommodated J Naptha, mwo dren. It has cured and relieved thousands. It is Internal ional W. Eastern Railroad. Portland, Me. *5 Rochelle Yell 3® 3£ in a Rooms fur- Hotel, D. Simpson, General Agent Opium,. JL board private family. newly to child likes it. It relieves EXPERIENCE. 75 ® l 00 Veil. Red 3J@ 4 44 St. Law renee street, very pleasant take; every Proprietor. dtf_ Rhubarb,.... Eng. nished J liquire at ah diseases from blood. 12 andcures originating impure came to in Sal So«la .... 3 @ 3: Red Lead,... 11® Since this Balsam first my notice, 1848, jald Trv the Vegetine. Give it lair trial £>"• your com- DANVILLE JUNCTION. Litharge. 11 @ 12 ___*lwtf I have kept it constantly in the house, never allow- Tlie Superior Sea Going Steamers R. Saltpetre.... JO p AJ then will say to your friend, neighbor WILL BE Portland & Rochester R. 51 IMaMter. p’aints; you to be out of it over In all these Clark’s Hall. Grand Trunk Rail- Sulphur,... To Let wttli Board. it lias cured me.” ing myself night. C1TVAND JOHN BROOKS, Dining 12 ® 13 White, ton,.. @ 3 00 and acquaintance, “Try it; FOREST ITI. TV. Clark. Vitrol,. YEARS way Depot, Proprietor. K>Ut‘k. Blue,. 2 75 Front Room on lower floor at TWENTY-FIVE will, until further run alternately as follows: Shortest and Most Direct Route for tbc for which it is recom- notice, @ (Jround,inbl8 8 00 @9 00 49PLEASANT STREET. Vegetine complaints Leaving No. 1,. PLEASANT a sale the Unit- t has not tailed in a single Instance in my own case ELLSWORTn. brl» 2 75 3 00 mended, is.having larger throughout — No. 3,. Calcined, @ the desired and I will the same in FKOK— p 3J32 Produce. jaltf___ ed States than any other one medicine. Why? Veg- to give relief; say Portland, City Hotel.—N. II. Higgins A Sons, Props No. 10,. whose FRANKLIN WHARF, 13 etiue will cure tlie*c Complaint*. regard to my mother, Ravens, Beef Side, fc> lb 9 @ To Let. Daily, at 7 o’clock P. HI., au«I INDIA 10 LIFE WAS SATED FOICROFT. Portland to the South and West. 8oz.,. lh Veal,...*. 8® furnished WHARF, BOSTON, daily at 5 1». HI 12 13 Board, large, pleasant Rooms, ! 23 VALUABLE ~BNFORUIATION. DOOM a case of Mutton,. @ YOUR as but tbink. Hers was Con- P. ITI. 10 oz.,. and untilrnishixl. 62 Freo Street. by it I cannot (Sunday* excepted). Foxcroft Exchange, Jeffords, Pro- Chickens,.... 15® 18 WITH the aud attended a ol Cars Dycwoodfc. tf gestion of Luur/s, although by this Line arc reminded that they pro- prietor. Mo Transfer! Mo Change 18 20 no30 Dec. i860. Passengers by _ Bar wood,.... 3® Turkeys,. @ Boston, 12, most skilful Physician, she seemed to tail constantly, the ex- tins tes- cure a corofoitablc night's rest and avoid 5 7 27 30 in giving when an old — — Brazil Wood, ® Eggs, $>' doz., ® Gentlemen—My only object you so that we despaired of her recovery, of in Boston lato HAL LOWELL. BETWEEN 0 7 65 70 is to valuable information. pense and inconvenience arriving Camwood,.. ® Potatoes, @ Boarding. timony spread Having friend and neighbor persuaded her to try this Veget- House—II. Pro show at .. Hallowell 41* BLAEE, 3 bbl... 3 3 25 been afflicted with Salt Itheum, and the whole Yes, the medical records was most night. Fustic,. 2J® Onions, 00® at Cumberland st., comer badly able Pulmonary Balsam. The result grat- via various 00 2234 with and Through Tickets to New York the PORTLAND AND WORCESTER. Cranb’sphbl. 8 00® 9 Also table boaril. oc5 surface of my skin being covered pimples Hint in nine cases oat ol I assure Logwood, BoardingWilmot, plainly ifying you. Sound for sale at very low lates. IIARTLAND. U@ 2. Round .8 @ 9 eruptions, many of which Caused me great pain and as Catarrh Lines, Campeachy, hogs... ten the disease known RELIEF WAS IMMEDIATE taken as usual. Ore. St. Domingo, 14® 2 ProvixiouN. annoyance, and knowing it to be a blood disease, 1 Freight Park House—R. L. Williams, Prop. Arrangement of Traios commencing To l.ct. was the forerunner oi Consump- is 82 .1. II. COVLE, .1II.. General Agent. ocllX74 Teach Wood, 54® Mess Beef,.. 12 00 @ 13 50 took many of the advertised blood preparations, and recovery rapid. She now over years old, ill, 1874. on a a severe ... 00 14 00 corner was of with- tion, which, when fastened and is active and well. Whenever she Red Wood 24® Ex Mess,-. 13 @ BOARD, a suit of rooms at 37 ot among which any quantity Sarsaparilla, gets LINE. HIRAM. 15 00 16 50 out benefit until I commenced taking is the ot the cold, which happens once in a whi'e, she takes thirty CROMWELL STEAMSHIP PASSENGER TRAINS FROM PORTLAND ; Fiah. Plate,_ @ WITHHIGH & SPRING ST. obtaining any person, like grasp ITIt. Cutler Baston, Pro Ex 16 50 @17 00 the Vegetine, and l>efore 1 bad completed the first to sixty drops, according to the violence ofthe cough, House,—Hiram Cod, per qtl., Plate,.. hideous anaconda. There is no 7.50 A. HI. For Roehester, Nashua and Worces- 5 50 (55 75 Pork, bottle 1 saw that I had got the medicine. Con- whicn has always yielded in a or two by taking prietor* L’ge Shore, Board. right until death relieves them day at Rochester with Eastern, and 5 25 50 24 50@25 00 1 followed on with it until 1 had taken escape the Balsam only on retiring at night. With it the PORTLAND ter, connecting L’ge liauk, ®5 Backs,.... sequently, LEWISTON. Boston & Maine Tra’ns tor Boston, also with train* 00 or a Gentleman and liis Wife can 1 was a well ti om its torture and arc laid — AND — Small,. 4 00 ® 4 50 Clear. 23 50@24 Gentlemen seven bottles, when pronounced man,and they IRRITATION at Nashua with first class Hoard and from B. for Alton Bay and Woltboro, connecting 3 00 ® 4 00 Mess,. 22 00@2300 TWObe accommodated mv skin is smooth and entirely free Pimples and iu the Friends may say DeWitt House,H. Wing, Proprietor connect- Bollock,. grave. is at once subdued, and a good night’s sleep secured. with Express Train for Ixiwell and Boston, 2 50 2 75 Rooms at No. 20 Brown Street. myl9dtt eruptions. I have never enjoyed so good health before, Haddock,.... ® Hams,. 12i®13 died ol Consumption. ’US 1 will mention another that of a NEW YORK. ing at Junction with train* for Ma*« n Villago 2 75 3 00 It ice. and I attribute it all to the use of Vegetine. To they case, young lady^c- LINCOLNVILLE. Ayer Hake,. ® who in Worcester at 2.10 p, m.. beuefit those atllicted with Rheumatism, I will make FALSE. quaiutauce, The first class “GEO. and Fitchburg, arriving Herring, Rice, lb,.. 7J@9 Steamships, Beach House—F. E. Phillips, Proprieto with trains for Providence, Norwich, and 25 Huh in iin. mention also of the Veoetine’s wonderful of BLED AT THE WASHINGTON*’ and “GEO. connecting Shore,4P1 hbl 4 50 @ 5 TO LET. power LIJNGS, line Steamers for New York, and with 6 7 me of this acute of which 1 have 1000 tons Norwich Scaled, If* bx 30 ® 35 Saleratus, %>lb, @ curing complaint, and coughed frightfully, had night sweats and was CROMWELL,’’ each, trains for and New York. a lineJeav- LITTLETON, N H. Boston & Albany Albany 30 Malt. suffered so intensely. tor her __ will form semi-weekly No. 1,. 25® fearfully reduced. She left Boston country 1.45 P. HI. For Rochester and way Stations. Is. C. H. TUCKER, Pas. Ag’t Mich. C. R. U., Maine R. R. Wharf U. L. Mackerel, 4* bbl., Turk’s & To Ire Let. home 150 miles awav, as we supposed to die. I sent ing'Boston Thayers Hotel, Thayer, Proprietor. P. HI. tor Rochester. Na-hua and 2 75 61) Boston. and at 6 P. M. 3.15 Express BavNo. 1, 10 50@12 0C hhd.(Sbas),. 2 25 @ Washington Street, them. her a bottle of your Balsam, and soou had the satis- Portland, every Wednesday Saturday at with trains for contains Catarrh killed Worcester, connecting Epping 2 23 75 HOUSE, No. 47 Wilmot Street, Pier 9 North New every Ray No. 2, 8 00® 9 51 Bonaire, @2 faction to bear that she was much better. She con- and leaving River, York, LOVELL. and in Worcester at gas and Also severu I other 4 P. M. Manchester Concord, arriving 3 8 00® 9 5(1 Cadiz,duty pd 2 25 @2 75 BRICKten rooms, Sebago. it foi a while and and Saturday at lor New Large W. H. tinued taking got Wednesday Kezer Valley House, C. H. Harris, Pro- 9.15 p. w., connecting with Night Train Shore No. 1,..12 50@14 0(1 Cadiz,in bond 2 00 @ 2 50 rem8 JKRKIS, is sold all This line will connect at Portland with the princi- Ideal Estate Vegetine by Druggists. And if doubt the tact, look ENTIRELY WELL York. 9 10 00 fcb20*lw Agent. you and for the interior and prietor. _ No. 2,. 00® Liverpool,duty pal Railroads Steamboats for Gorham 6.20 p. m. dim sind call to mind how it was which fact is to be ascribed with Cromwel. Leave Portland Medium..., 7 01® 8 50 paid,.2 25 @ 2 75 ja30 hack and is living now, mainly the east, and at New-York Steamship ITI AC III AS. Worcester at 8.00 a. m. PULMO- Express Train leaving Clam Bait. none Liv. in bond,. 2 25 @2 50 Let first a then Catarrh, and last to the use of the VEGETABLE line for New Orleans and other principal lines tot he from New To cold, E. with N -rwich Steamboat train Flour. (ir’nd butter, 23 @ DB. NARY BALSAM. Very truly yours, Sontli and South-west. Eastern Hotel.—E. Stoddard, Prop. connecting No. 142 Pino Street. at No. 144 Pine KEN1SOIV, Why will people arriving in Portland at 1.15 p. m. 42 5 50 Liv. line sack...... 2 25 Key Consumption. JOHN CAPEN. taken at low rates. York, Superfine,.... @4 This rent has been recently repaired- tlic use ot the Freight Train leaves Worcester at 4.40 p. m., 00 Mcc«1n. HOUSEStreet. sutler when by accommdations are Cahin NAPLES" ExprcM* Ex Spring.5 00@6 MATTOCKS & FOX, I I CHIROPODIST, Passenger unsurpassed. witn Express trains leaving Albany at 7 00 7 75 Clover 12 As there are many imitations, he careful to get the state-room and meals, $7.50. Sc Pro- connecting xx,.., ® lb., ....11$ @ Middle St. remedy, passage, including Elm House, Nathan Church Sons, 10 a, m., and New York at 10.00 a. m. arriving In Red 4 75® Iebl3dtf83 from N. & Price in large bottles, which are much tho andberths included),$3.50. Top bag. -/gORN&s^ Kcnison Sons, 57 genuine. Steerage passage,(meals prietors. Portland at 10.45 p. m. *' 25 bush.3 a) 3 25 small old 50 cents. “GEORGE CROMWELL’’ _ XX 7 75 @8 H.Crass, 12^ Temple PI., 37 Tremont St., and cheaper, §1.00; bottles, style, Until further notice the Through tickets are sold in Portland, and baggage none To Let. RIDERS LEU BROS. & Wholesale in this line. Leav- WOC K. Family 8 00@ 8 50 do Canada, 23 Winter St., Boston, OUT CO„ Druggists, will be the only steamer sailing NO BRIDGE cheeked through to Nushua, Manchester. Concord, .. Block now Boston. and New York Illiuoisx,. 6 75 @7 75 Moap. No. 133 in Woodman occupied Dr* IV* Kcnison Proprietors, ing Portland every Saturday every Danlorth House, D. Danforth. Pr#prieto[2 lx well, Worcester, New York by Norwich line, and Ref’d 8 This store is finished M. xx,.... 7 75 @ 90U Ex St’rn @ STOREliv It. M. Jordan & CO. VISITS PORTLAND For Hale by Apoibccories generally. Wednesday P. Springfield Route, aud to all Important point* South Bt. J <0His 8 25 @ 9 00 with all modern improvements ar.d is well calculat- & Sous, x,.. GERMAN no25 lawdW&lamwI7tlS merchants and Manufacturers NORTH STRATFORD N. P. and West. *• 8 60 9 00 No. @ ed for almost kind ot business. Possession given SNUFF, “xx, @ 1,. any —AT THE lhaf the Willard House, €* S. Bailey Sc Co. P Tickets to all the above points for sale by ROL- Fruit. Mpices. first ot March. For further particulars apply to the will please remember Chiropodists prietors. LINS 4 ADAMS, 22 Exchange Street, aud at the Almonds,.... Cassia, pure,. 40 @ 45 subscriber, GEO. W. WOODMAN. fcKSlf Ibis horrid complaint can be WOMANHOOD AND rates oi freight by this line are the * 53 55 U. S. II O T E L, MANHOOD, Depot Soft Shell,.. 21 @ 22 Cloves,. ® LOCATED cured. It may not be generally same as any other direct line, PEAK’S ISLAND. WM. II. TURNER, Sunt. 40 55 20 by Shelled,.... @ Ginger,. @ To Let. Wedncs- but most of our or no23 dtf 75 on the second Tuesday, known, leading NERVOUS DISEASES. whether special regular Union House—W. T. Jones. Proprietor. Pea Nuts,— 2 50 @ 3 00 Mace,.1 @ nr— CUSTOM HOUSE the large 3 day, Thursday, Friday,Saturday Physicians arc this to Citron,. 35 @ 40 Nutmegs,.... 130® 135 WHARF, story prescribing Book for Man. For freiglit or passage apply lower and near in each month. A Every Trunk R. R. of Canada. Currants, 8J@ 9 Pepper,. 25 ® 28 ON building at end, large building wonderful remedy, well knowing J. N. MAGNA, Agent. PARIS HILL. Grand of Ibis either suitable for Fish Pack- BOSTON (.Mice on tlie Wharf, Dates, ■ 9 @ 10 f* lurch. the head wharf, its results arc so certain that published by the Peabody Medical Institute; dock room. Will he let All diseases of the feet treated that & Hubbard Hotel, H. Hubbard. Proprieto A I. TE It ATI ON IN TRAIN*. Figs. 14 @ 18 Pearl,. 9 @ 10J ing business, having large by a new edition ot the celebrated medical work en- cr CLARK SEAMAN, Also two new Stores Since in the moat skilful manner with- its use the person will he JUST York. Prunes,. 14 @ 15 Niignr. the year, or for piece Storage. by titled SELF-PRESERVATION. It treats upon 5y2Stt 86 West street. New for or out pain. to health. ~~ PITTSFIELD. Granulated,. near Commercial St., suitable Grocery, Dry brought back perfect how lost, how and how perpetu- WINTER ARRAN GKMENT. Baisius, 10£@10f f S40. ^‘Examination of the feet manhood, regained new 3 25@3 38 Coffee A, .... 10i®lo£ Fish business. An old Doctor says: ated, cause and cure of Exhausted Vitality, 1m- IXTEKXATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. Lnncy Home—Fletcher A Gale, Proprie- Layer, to j free. delOeodtf j L. M. new 3 90@4 00 Extra C,. 9£® 10 Apply roTKNCY, Premature Decline in Man, Spermator- tors. xmwHtr.Ti On and alter Monday, September 21§t. JOHN W. DYER, _ NewVal.^fl) 12@12J C,. 9i rhoea, or Seminal Losses (nocturnal and diurnal), Calai* ami *1* John, Digby 1. trains will run as follows: No. 157 Commercial Street. Ennlporf, PHILLIPS. Lemons,box 4 00@4 50 Syrups,. C5 @ 75 It.l'ilCU'S Nervous and Debility, Hypochondria, Windsor and Halifax. try in 7.00 a m. lor Montreal and Quebec, dim* The Old Medicines Physical Express Oranges bx., 4 50@5 00 Eagle Sugar Reliuery: ja27_ Kelley Gloomy forebodings. Mental Depression, Loss of En- Barden House, Adams Sc Kobbinson, Auburn, and Lewiston. CSraio. C.... none ergy, Haggard Countenance, Confusion of Mind and Proprietors Passenger train tor Auburn and Lewiston at 9JO To Let. FOR THE and all WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. _ Corn, Mixed, 87@ 88 CC..„ @10J “GERMAN SNUFF Loss of Memory. Impure State (t the Blood, a. in. Yellow,... 88@90 Ex C.... none hi Casco Bank Building. Apply to diseases arising from the errors of youth, or the PORTLAND, Mail train at 1.20 p. m., for Aubu.-n and Lewiston mature WEEK! at all siations to Island Mixed bag lots 90 @ 91 Hav. Brown WM. H. CONANT, Treasurer’s Office, TOSITIYE CUREOF EVERY DISEASE. indiscretions or excesses of years. ONG TRIP PER Adams St. Charles Adam and Island Pond, (stopping 10 101 OFFICE and House, Temple for Yellow 92 @94 Nos. 12 & 1G @ Portland & Rochester Railway, 191 Middle St. Is si perfect cure, and I know ol It is. indeed, a book for every man, young Pond,)* connecting with night mail train Quebec, ♦leal. 8J middle-aced men in 300 bound m Proprietor. Montreal and the West. 88@90 Refining^.. 7J® ia27 dtf S EDWARDS, the proprietor, or DR. WOOD nothing better for Catarrh.” An- particular. pages, On and after HIONDAY. Jau. Albion House, IIV Federal Si. J. G Perry 1 30 Tea*. beautiful French illustrated, price §1. rim m- train for Auburn and Lewiston 5.45 p m. Rye,. @ DR.can be consulted at the Portland office, li£ odic" well-known M. D. w rites sis cloth, only 4th, the Steamer New II Express 75 85 ... 45 Proprietor. for South Paris at 5.55 in. f Barley,. @ Souchong, 25® Temple street, every «iuy, FBKE «F A Book for Every Woman, wirk, CAPT. S. II. PIKE, will American House, ludia St. E. GrOy, Pro Accommodation p. Cats. @70 Oolong,. 35 ® 50 TO LET. febOdeodtf follows; “When one complains to Wharf foot of State Trains will arrive as follows: V H A U « 12. Entitled. SEXUAL PHYSIOLGGY OF leave Railroad prictor. Fine @ 32 0 ) Oolong, choice 55 ® 80 me ot si bad Cold or a If esid. WOMAN, MONDAY at 5 P. M. Express from Quebec, Montreal and West at 8.40 Feed, Ifcsivy AND HER Woman treated of Phys- i_Street, every City Hotel, Cor. Congress and Green St. Shorts,. @ 32 0 ) Japan,. ...45 @ 70 DISEASES; or, will leave St. a. m. fitted for a First-class I at once sidvisc them to procure a and in health and dis- for Eastport and St. John. Returning J. K. ITInrtin, Proprietor. Gunpowder. Do.choice... 70 ® 100 3 Floors up iologically Pathologically, THURSDAY. Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.50*. u». ol from Infancy to Old 350 pages, bound in John and Eastport every Preble House, Congress St. Gibson AC©., Blasting,. 4 50 @ 5 00 Tin. supply ease, Age. the run in connec- Mail ftom Quebec, Montreal and West, Lewiston French cloth. With the best A stage coach will for present Proprietors. 7 00 7 50 Straits,,. 2G @ 20 Jobbiug House, beautiful very prescrip- and Calais and Auburn at 2.35 m. Sporting,.... @ diseases. Price tion with the steamer between Eastport St. Julian Hotel. Cor. ITIiddleand Plum p. 2G @ 27 tions forfprevailing $2.00. from ix?wiston and Auburn at 5,45 p. m. Hay. English,. OVER NIIEPKESD A OO., for passengers. Sts. G. E. Ward, Proprietor. Express 16 00 0 ) Char. I. 11 12 25 UiKDJtiirs A Book for Accommodation from Sonth Paris at 8.15 m. Pressed,|>'ton @18 C.,.. 75® Everybody. Connections made at St. John for Digbv, Annapo- S. Junction of and Fed- p. 00 20 0 Char. I. 14 14 75 U. Hotel, Congress @ X.,. 25® Wholesale Fancy GooJs, Uli-U .-uu...:uvn >• lis vvirwlsnr Kpntvillp. Halifax. N. S.. Shediac. Am- Loose,.16 1 UU 1 t»WUJ JUSIIIUH. J eral Sts. E. Cram Sc Co., Proprietor. 00 14 0 I Teine-*••... 11 12 75 Straw,.12 @ 75® TRADEMARK new^book treating exclusively of NERVOUS AND herst, Piclou, Frederickton. Iron. Coke. 10 00® 11 00 NOS. 121—123 MIDDLE STREET, umces GERMAN SNUFF. MENTAL DISEASES, more than two hundred roy- tKEr’Freight received on (lays of sailing until 4 Pi'opi Jrassenger 3 ... 17 18 Common,.... 3@ [Antimony, @ al octavo bound n P. M. ielors._ 11 Below Ik Post-Office. pages, twenty elegant engravings, o’clock Relined,. 3J@ 3 | Zinc. @ 111 GILES’ substantial muslin, price $2. While the steamer Bello Brown is under repairs nCKNCANB INLAND. 7 Tobacco, for in a ot near twenty 74 EXCHANGE ST. Swedish. 7@ of SHEPHERD & CO., LA Ml! & FARNS- practice Either of the above books arc sent mail to any all between St. A ndrews, Bobin- Inquire by freight Kastport, — — 7 7 Fives and I have been Cnlilrrwood Ilgnac.- E. A. C’aldrrwood, AND Norway,. @ Tens, WORTH, next door, or H. E. THOMPSON, Lowell, yeais daily pleased part of the world, closely sealed, postage paid on re- ston and Calais will go by sailing vessel. .. 18 22 Best 70 85 Proprietor. Cast Steel,- @ Brands, @ Mass,, Box Liniment Iodide of Am- with its results.” A Doctor whose ceipt of price. Or all three books sent to one address doc28is5doetf A. B. STUBBS. Agent. German Steel 12 14 Medium... GO® G5 117__ja20tl DEPOT AT FOOT OF INDIA ST. @ woi'd is on all medical at the same time on receipt of onlv $4. Here is of- Shoe Steel 7 55 @ 60 authority NKOWHEDAN. C£ @ Common,... fered over eight hundred and fifty pages of the ablest Steel 12 Half ® 65 TO onestions, says: “I call the com- Baltimore & Spring 8]@ lbs.,.55 LET! monia. and best printed and bound popular medical |science Norfolk, Washington Turner Hontie, VV. G. Hexelton, Propri- Tickets sold at Reduced Sheet Iron, Nat* Leaf,.85 @ 90 known to the world as vital to Rates! pound and literature, on subjects of importance all, sTEAinsnip i,ink etor. 5 51 G2 _ iTlilwaa Common, @ Navy lbs.,.55 @ for to pay for mailing. It To Canada, Detroit, Chicago, Yu'-uiuh. Room in the Second Slory of the only $4—barely enough H C... 6m 6f A Message to the Suffering. should be borne in mind that these great Medical WILTON. kee. Cincinnaii, Ml. I.ouis, Omaha, Kusfia,. Daraar,.1 25 @ 1 75 Primers’ Exchange, with power it Four time* n week. Ml. Mall Cake 17j@ ls| B.KIBKIfS Works are published by the I*«*abo«ly Medical Wilton lloii-e.II. N. Green. Proprielo Saginaw, Paul, City, 12 Coach,. 2 25 ® 3 80 to PKESS OFFICE Dearer, Man Francineo, Galv,. 9J@ required. Apply a is of such relief as to InMtitmc, an honored institution, established with Lard. Furniture. 125 ® 2 60 When Temedy productive First t'lnss ^icamship or to IS. THURSTON CO., Ill excel all other remedies in its curative it 1s large funds for the sole purpose of doing good. Begs, ^lb,.. Wool. results, and all points in the [email protected] a to make it known as as This These are, beyond all comparison, the most extra- JOHNS HOPKINS. WM. CRANE. lb @li Fleece washed 40 @ 42 Exchange SI reel. duty general possible. GERMAN SNUFF AGENCIES. Tierces, consideration has actuated the WM. M. works^on Physiology ever published. There WM. LAWRENCE. GEORCE APPOLD. ami Pail. 1G do. unwashd 30 ® 33 ocl2 dtf proprietor ordinary Northwest, West Southwest @1G the his LINIMENT is nothing whatever that the Married or Single of 50 55 GILES, to bring before public From BoHton direct every TUESDAY C. FUKNIVAL Caddie?,. 16J@I(> Pulled,Super ® a to lor its low can either or wish to but J Agt. IODIDE AMMONIA. blessing mankind, either sex require know, and spelts, large— 1 25® 1 35 To Eel. ot SATURDAY. C. J. The remarkable cures it has effected classes it as of 33 cents it within what is fully explained, and many matters the WHEELEK, price places — — first the Stores and Chambers and character are intro- AND THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is In February one of the most important and valuable reraerties the ot all.” We might most important interesting splendid on Union now by Caldwell As reach bring can be in NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AGFNT is wen with tirst-class ABOUT St., occupied ever discovered for the cure and relief of pain in any duced, to which no allusion even found any WM. KENNEDY. BLACKSTONE. , condition, equipped rolling Liodsdon, and & Thomas. to forward hundreds of testimonials the connections and Wholesale Dry (JooiIh IWarkct. Whitney Apply form. It cures Nniralsin, Face Ache, Khcu- other works in our language. All the New Discov- and McClellan. stock, and is making best quick- jalldtf ST. JUIIN SMITH. but of avail Its rec- eries of the whose is such as No. 5 Washington Building, est time of any route from Portland to the West. uiaiiMiii. Gout, Fronted Feet. C’hilblainn, what 2 proml author, experience prob- From Providence every WEDNESDAY Conected weekly by Locke, Twitcbell & Co. never betore tell to the lot of man, are EEr~PlTLLMAN PALACE DRAWING ROOM f!lorc Throiif, Eryntpelan, Rruinen and ord is enough, and the thousands ably any given and SATUBDAY. To Let in full. No should be without these valuable PROVIDENCE, R. I. AND SLEEPING CARS arc attache. 1 to the trains Brown C’otKui*. Wound* of every nature, in which the effects of the person Mcminn.2o®2< ot people who have been by the the forwarded from Norfolk to Washington and Portland at 7.00 a. m. and 1.20 m. Prints Good Tenements to Let. One for $20, one external applications are almost magical, and in books. The press throughout country, clergy Freight leaving p. Sheetings width, price. best.9&@10 use of Alexandria steamer of the Lake, from Portland to and lor one for mouth. to which its internal administration is found to be most and the medical faculty generally highly extol these by Lady GEORGE P. ROWELL A L>;iggage checked Detroit Standard.. .36in. I0@10i medium.6®8 THIRER$15, $10 per Apply from Norfolk to Petersburg and CO., \\r. W. OAK efficacious. it for their extraordinary and useful works. The most fastidi- Freight forwarded Chicago, and not subject to Custom House examina- Heavy.36—iXg) 9£ common.5$@ it, Physicians prescribe patients Tenn. K. R. to all in ous read them. Richmond, and Va. and places tion. Medium.... 36.... Pink and buff.. dec21dtt 197 Newbury St. and accord it their unhesitating approval as an in- may ADVERTISING AGENTS 7*@9$ .9J®1U RIDERS Medical No. 4 the W. B. C’ark, Agent, basement Old State The are not tor to UoolniN. valuable discovery. Address the Peabody Institute, South, Company responsible baggage Fine.36....7 £@8 Boston in that The LINIMENT IODIDE OF AMMONIA is an Bulfinch St. (opposite Revere House), Boston, Mass. House, THE LEADING NEWSPAPERS. any amount exceeding $50 value (and person- Shirtings.28....6i@8£ Bv’rs U’ns6-4 .1 37J@2 25 To Lot and South Sea- FOR ALL in all N. B. The author aud consulting physicians can be To all points of North Carolina, by al) unless notice is given, and paid tor at tho rate of ... .2 essential appointment well-regulated Flamiels heavy .30@38 “Moscow6-4.. 75®5 00 stables, board and Roanoke Railroad ami Atlantic Coast Line. value. half of a double Brick House, ten rooms and where numbers of hor?es are provided for, consulted on all ot the above named diseases, and all Dealers in Materials of one passenger tor every $500 additional medium .... 17@27 Cassimere black 1 00® 175 large GERMAN SNUFF Boston. Printing every (liseription situated on Dan forth Street. No. 33. diseases skill and experience. G. II. Keith, Agent, 76 Washington street, JOSEPH HTCKSON, General Manager. Blenched C'oUoum. G2@l 50 ONEPleasantly and where there is a liability to the visitations of;; requiring .’yi>c, Presses, ete. fancy.. Possession October 1st. of S. W. ROB- And to all points in the West by Baltimore & Ohio W. J. SPICER, Good.36in 15 3-4. i 00®1 75 given Enquire class of epidemic diseases for which this preparation no2 Office No. 41 Park Row, New York. Superintendent. 12J@ Coatings Real Estate 205 Middle street. saved as it were from the _codly R. R., C. A. chipley, Agent, 87 Wasnington street, Portland, September 19,1874. se21dtf 8 3-4 1 00 INSON, Agent, is a recognized remedy No stable should be with- grave, Medium..36.... @I0£ 50®4 dtf Boston. And Chesapeake & Ohio It. K., W. B. Clark, Doeskins bP ( 0 Portland. Sept,., 30,1874 out it, for no stable can really be deemed safe that is are witnesses of its great vir- 1849. Light.36.. 8*<®!0 3-4.100®4 living is hereby that the subscriber has basement Old State House, Boston. ESTABLISHED IN •Jeans not with it. of the given Agent, PORTLAND A 0GDENSBURG R.K Sheetings. .9-8.13@17 Kentucky. 16c@37& supplied tuc. At this season year, been and taken upon himseli bills of lading given the above named We a few of the many testimonals NOTICE duly appointed Through by ...5-4.13@19 Be pedants.80® 1 15 append bearing when undue the trust of Administrator of the estate of S. HI. PETTENGILL A CO.’S testimony to the universal favor wiih which this people, by exposure Agents. ..10-4.30@35 Satinets.3U@70 REAL ESTATE. isi tin*, Passage $t2.50. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. IVIiMCclInneoiiN. Blanket*. medicine has been received by the public. and the sudden changes EDWARD THURSTON, lat# of Portland, For freight or passage to Norfolk, Ball imore, Wash- ADVERTISING AGENCY 7ft.1 20 weather, arc liable to catch cold, in the deceased, and given Denims goo, are wise, you will take a few PORTLAND EASTERN RAILROAD. A North American R.R — European bonds. .65 .... 75 play.d July 13fh, 1S74, at Boston, I fell and displaced AND Leeds A F R. R. TIllIE farm well known as the STEPHEN HAN- of the or Debilitated ? CHARLES F. Gen. rm’gton Bonds,loo.85 87 my left kneecap. Your agent fortunately happened pinches Weak, Nervous, Portland Press HATCH. Manager. Portland A Ken. R. R. Bonds.. 87 A SON farm. It is one mile from Windham Cen- Daily July 21,187L yl*2U 100. .... 88 to be present. He instantly applied your Liniment, Are you no that anv exertion re- Portland & R.R. contains about 250 acres of divided Languid PHILADELPHIA. Ogdcnsbnrg Bonds, gold, 85 .... 90 tre, good land, and with instant relief. more of an effort than feel of about into and Pasture laud. It quires you capable equally Tillage lias, HARRY C. SHAFER, Boston Base Ball Club. making? for a barn 40x100 with two sheds attached, KEEPER'S BOSTON & MAINE buildings, Boston, 14,1874. Then try JURUBEBA, the wonderful tonic Iron Line of Steamers each 30 feet, a two story house with out-buildings, all Sept. Clyde’s CONSULATE OF SPAIN. Mr. William M. Dear Sir— and iurigorator, which acts so beneficially on the in very good repair. The farm now cuts about 40 Giles, Clymist: Your S. called on me secretive organs as to to all the vital tons and can be made to cut 100 at small ex- Agent. Mr. Guy Frazcy, early impart vigor Running between Providence RA1LKOAD. ofhay. in last to introduce Liniment Iodide of forces. To .merchants and pense, and is well adapted for a stock or grazing farm July your GERMAN SNUEE and Philadelphia every WKI>- Shipmasters. Ammonia. a in the It is no alcoholic which stimulates for a as it is well fenced with wall aud has of wa- Being skeptic icgard to great, appetizer, NFS DAY ami SATURDAY gives plenty of short to let the sufferer fall to a low- r AgN. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ter. For low. of variety of articles patent for the cure all sorts of time, only communication to ami Vrou are notified on sale ELIJAH VAKNEY, _Sp5'rdirect hereby filial; and after the fire! Enquire I liad no faith in hut, after a and rid nose aed bead of that depth ot misery, but it is a vegetable tonic acting di- E Windham, or E. P. CHASE, Portland. diseases, your Iodide, your roni IN.rtland and all other points in Maine, with Job ot day September, 1871. the new regulations it occurred to me rectly on the liver and spleen. febl5 eod2m long discussion with your agent, which in lime will kill you. Do and l*cyond. Tnrongh rates arc given to Printing On and after Oeeember 30, 1874, \rescribed by the Government of the Republic ot a It r«‘gulul<‘N the the nerves, Philadelphia that I had a horse 1 was using for private that had doubt it Nfowcln, quiets and all reached the Penn. Vbain in regard to Consular lees will lake you 1 Well, sutler away. and such a tone to the whole as Philadelphia points oy effect. on near forward 1 told him if lie gives healthy system ___ trains will leave Pori- Ike shoe bile his leg. Cential and the Phil. & Heading R. R’s., ami to all Passenger fees for clearance of Vessels are as follows: Valuable heal Estate for Sale. Use up three oi lour hand kerchiefs to soon make the Invalid feel like a new a. in. thought it would remove that bunch, I would try it. person. the cities In the South and Southwest. No l*.l!?fl?w1?Slaml for Bo»m*i*> at 6.15, 9.10 ItM operation in not violent, but is charac- principal For Vessel* Suffice it to say that 1 have used it very persistently a day ; «o round a Watkins mass No Commission for forwarding. -‘7^733.15. p. in., arriving at Boston at 10.50 -with Fargo* terized by great gentleness; the patient experiences Wharfage. till the present time, and 1 now find it nearly of rottenness, with IIRA V II RAD. Pill imtormation by D. D. C. MINK, :i. m., 2.00, 8.00, p. to. Heturning, leave well-known Deane property on State street V no sudden change, no marked results, but graduullv given -kailying Manifest. §15.00 removed, and think it will shortly disappear entirely. 29 Devonshire or J. B. COY ItoMioii at 8.00, a. in.. 12, in. 3.15. p. m. urriviu dill of containing about 12000 feet of land, with com- DURR l;YI>, BAD IS It RATH, and his troubles Agent, St., Boston, LE, Health... 4.00—§10.0 THE From this trial of your remedy I cheerfully recom- Port laud. at Portland at 12.45. 4.45* 7.45, p. in. modious house iu good is offered for DfFHMSSION a ‘•Fold their like the Jr., dwelling repair, mend its use to any one who has a horse or horses OF SPIRITS tents, Arabs, WM. P. CLYDE & Gen’l For I.ohcII (via Luwell function) at 6.15,9.10 For Vessels withonl *ale. The house can be seen every and And steal CO„ Managers, OFF Fargo: Thursday afflicted hi this way. I woul 1 further say that, while curse to yourself and a nuisance to silently away.” anil Iv 12 So. Delaware Avenue ICE, I. nt., 3.15 p. m. from 3 to 5 P. M. ThiM im no new and untried but lias Philadelphia. Friday using it for the above, the same horse started all- who come in discovery, For t'oiirord nntl UlnnclM'Nlrr (via New Oertifylng Manifest.*7.00 For etc., of S. W. BOBINSON. Real all contact with yon, been used with wonderful remedial and or terms, inquire ot her bunch on the off'hg; the Liniment was ap- long results, IQ AIL LftlE TO Market Junction) G. 15 a m., 3.15 p, m., (via Law- Health. 4.00—§11.0 Broker. 205 Middle or WM.1I. if must be so as to is the Estate Street, MORSE, plied immediately, and the bunch ins iis:u»i»cared. yon obstinate pronounced by highest medical authorities, rence at) 9.10 a. m. Middle Sts. “the most tonic THOMAS joiner of Pearl and jalSdtf J. 11. IIATHORNK. not purchase one box of powerful and alterative knowu”. F’or (-rent Fall- at 6.15, 9.10 a. in,, 3.15, p. m. -m,. LOZANO, Ask tor it. Spanish Consul Proprietor of Citizens' Line loaches. your druggist Halifax Nova For PoriMuaouih (via Dover) at 6.15 a, m. *^utl_ For sale bv GEO. C. Scotia, FOE SALE. GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO, Agents, Boston. Mass GOODWIN Sr CO.,Boston. Mass. For llorhr^lrr, nntl FormingIon, via feb!3t4w at a. 3.15 illy rick Emerson’s Estate. W. F. PHILLIPS & CO., Agents, Portland, Mo DIRECTI 3over) 6.15, 9.10, m., p. ni. del 2 e-si Aw fan WM. M. MARKS, A lion Bay. (via Dover) at 9.10 a. in., 3.15 p. m. undersigned, appointed by the LOT of vacant land, situated on the west, side GERMAN SNUFF. A train will also leave Portlnnil for Krnnr- Probate Conr AGENTS connect ion* to Edward •*- tor of Pleasant and Dan Sts. WANTED With Prince >u nk nntl Min lion* at m. THE Cumberland County, ‘*C mmissionera to ro- A High, between forth, Way 5.15 p. Kct lini- * Soisielliin" New ami Imi»or1«nt to Ladies. ever published. Send tor and our Breton and Ml. John*, IN. F. reive and decide upon claims, L'his lot has a front of*about 61 feet and is about 104 specimen pages tnnd, Pape ng, leave Knuirbuuk at 7.30 a. at ail except those ot the extra terras to PUBLISHING in., arriving the estate of '••• t and have been draw n by How, for a Agents. NATIONAL ’ortland at 8.35 a.m. administratrix,” against Myrick Emer- deep, plans Pa. will in Vock of seven or nine ami convenient resi- CO., Philadelphia, febltiflw The Steamship “CHASE” from on son. late ofDeering said county, deceased, repre- genteel MRS. DR. PALFREY’S Passengers nuy point the Mnint- of Price leave Portland every SATUR- • sented to !w insolvent, hereby give notice that six lenees, and adapted for the same. Enquire 35 Cents. nirnl Knilroad will change cars at, ami have 1^ V SAMPLE to Agents. LariieM Com- DAY at 4 m. for HALIFAX, months from February lfi, are allowed to the EDWIN CHURCHILL, World Itrnovi'iird Remedy for n I vtenU- A17TJ JtG-G p. heir baggage checked via BomIoii A .Tlninr 1875, bi nation Need It* Book, with Chro- direct, making connections with creditors to present and their and No. 4 Portland Pier, tieNSft* incident lo Females. I rnuolrr Nintion. prove claims; that mos. Send stamp. F P. Gluck, New Bedford, the Intercolonial Railway, for manageri tlic second Saturdays of April, dune and Au- mark9 From 12 to 2 o’clock. P. M. Parlor Care on trains leaving Portland 3.15, Bos- May. is the medicine known that without For sale Mass. febl(»t4w Truro. New and Pletou, and gustTit, ten o'clock A. M., anti the office of Geo. E This only will, by all Windsor, Glasgow I on 8.00, treatment, effect a cure in all casts of tJlcem- Druggists. steamers for Prince Edward Island; .also at New over the Portland Post are local ^*en* Emery Office, tire* times sells at Neces- for tr Superintendent. Leucorrhcea, Enlargment, Chang Chang sight. N. S.. with Lindsey’s Stages Cape 1 and place appointed for so and F. A. Plaistcd A Son. lion, Dropsy, Prolapris, as Glasgow, II. STLVENS, Gen. Portlandi receiving deciding and Weakness. It. has AC2ENTN.sary soap. Goods free. Chang Chang MFg with steann is for St. Johns Agent, upon the claims aforesaid. Congestion, Inflammation If you arc remote from the city semi 50 cents to the Breton,and at Halifax Posters, Hand Bills, Bill Heads, no2J if ol Mionr -io was Co., Boston. febIHHw GEORGE E. MANUFACTCJKKR$ eivc-Mho i-aml whom life almost a burden. N. F. T EMERY, I,, have on hand of on TUK23- ommissioneis. full assortment Supc- who have been suffering for with no Agents ami receive a box by return mail. RETURNING wil. leave Halifax HENRY c. PKAUOIrY \ rior Many years, Oeneraj LI FT?X kfh } Stone Ware at their Store House, 21 en t his PISTOLS, REVOLVERS, Portland, Feb. 17, 1875. aro-poets of relief, have b< cured by wonder- tor tbe United SHOTGUNS. Feed febl8dlaw3wT Onion VVharf, Portland, ollico 157 Coni- Agents States, SMITH, DOOLITTLE after 10 A. M. on day of sail- ( at sliort. lor Cattle. J ful medicine. Also Cancer, Humor and Piles cured. No freight received "ards, Tags, &c., printed mercia'. corner Union :-:t. n of feed for Manufactory £; Wholesale Of any and every kind. Send Cattle and Hop* at Casco Brew- at SMITH, Druggists, 26 Tremont street, stamp B. For Sale. Gardiner. Large or Small orders, OFFICE Vi TEMPliE STREET. for Catnlocm*. A-Mithb WVsirrn CJ«rn For further information apply to J. COYLE, LOTScry, opiiosUe Portland Co.’s Works, Portland, addressed as above * r at Gardiner, will Boston. au«l Fislol Works, PITTS UL'Kfill, PA.’ or : le- manure at Stable lit Green Jr., Franklin Wharf, * * 1 P. McGLLNCHY. Prop. Street, bv tli be tilled at the Hours 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Consultation free. POIiTKOUS. Agent. 1 lotice. ! promptly lowest prices. is fe!8 4wt oct2Sdlf JOHN nov54cm THEmonth or year. feblo*3w decldSm ja6d3m Da* oc2s Cm