Portland Daily Press: February 25,1875
PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. MOVING, FEBRUARY 35, 1878. TERMS SS.00 PEE ANNUM .N ..., UOItTLANl), THURSDAY ADVANCE'^ We knew that the Democracy were divided Art, Music anil the Drama. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ENTERTAINMENTS. THE PEESS. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS INSURANCE. INSLRANCE. on the currency questiou, wo were aware “The Big Bonanza" will bo the next sensa- that they were not as one as regards free tion at the Fifth Avenue Theatre. Mr. Daly Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the Booksellers and Stationers. THURSDAY MORNING, FEB. 25, 1875 Hired' museum. trade, but we did think that were calls it a and local society HOYT, A FO«S« No.91 Middle Portland they “contemporaneous PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO.. OPPOSITE THE CITY HAhL. Mr. John bis first T. I*. Mc«OWAN,354 Congrew, SI._ ELECTION MARCH 1. united in support of the dogma of “home novelty.” Drew will make Marine Insurance! MONDAY, in New York in this forthcoming At 109 Exchange St., Portland. i THIS THURSDAY EVENINO, rule,” and that they agreed as to its interpre- appearance Book Binders. and local Reproduction (by urgent request) of tlie great success REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. tation. But it appears that we were mis- ‘‘contemporaneous society novelty.” Terms : Eight Dollars a Year In advance. To A. Room 11, Printer** WM. 1»UINCY, of the season La TeutiUion. or The ode of book of mail Seven a if in ad- St. The fathers of the tweuty-third the first subscribers Dollars Year paid Exchange, No. I I I Exchange FOR "fflAVOR. taken. “home-rule,” vance. INSURANCE No. 35 PJnm Horace, commencing “Vitas, hinnulco, mo ATLANTIC CO., SMALL A SHACKFOBli, Led Astray ! learned doctors who have been expounding Street.
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