The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing ESTABLISHMENT.

Having every facility iu Prraaea. Ty»« aad Material* V OSE & PORTER. to which we are constantly making additions, wa are prepared t- execute with promptness sad good st^a 2 10 Main Street. every variety uf Job Printing, including Town Reports, < at»Io»ues, By-Law Bo ters. Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ rr i: it m x : grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, Letter H eads, Law and Corpor­ ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills of Lading, Business, Ad­ dress and W edding Cards, Tags,* Labels, V O L U M E 3 0 . ROCKLAND, , THURSDAY AFTEROOX. DECEMBER 2, 1875 NO. 52 Pltl.X ri.NG IN (OI.OIM AND BKONZIW4I will receive prompt atteotlun.

W I T H A c o u r t e o u s ; As I followed on I heard the two children, M artini $ Ttome. thing as an unluhricated pully is folt in the i ’ orivn. MOTHER. who were walking behind, saying to each furnace, and the cost of the coal is aug­ , other, “ Wouldn’t that have been loo bad? mented. Every useless )»ound in a truck or " i, mm- Mamina liked them so much, and we nev- Brilc articles, MJL'-.'i ilInH-,. a i-c-illi.' .,f experience carriage takes vitality f ro m the horse which WITHIN k YEAR. tnnejer could have got so manv all •“ once relating to Farm, Garden or I iHtfliold m anagem ent draw- ii. and costs the owner many an ex­ •th er' ag a in .'’ ■r-.* invited from our readers in •«—icd in m atter* tra dollar for his keeping. The man who i. “ Yes, we could too, next summer,’’ said j I.ips lllat are lnet III love’s pulls an oar in the great Imat races at Sar­ the boy sturdily. WINTERING BEES. atoga puts himself in training ami reduce S i i n o n l o R They are s ire of their “ next summer.’’ ••very ounce o f superAnons flesh. The rac­ I think, all six of these little souls,—chil­ Rees being natives ol’ a warm climate, ing horse carries not one extra ounce of fat d ren and nioth«*r am i father. 1’hev may need sonic assistance in maintaining a to burden him in the effort to win. Yet their never again gather so many ox-eye daisie- B r o t h e r s be.-dtliy condition throughout the Winter. working men will carry through half their y had aml buttercups “ all at once.” Perhaps lives fifty ixuinds more fle-h than ia needed ' The Let us see if we cannot keep them warm, some of the little hands have already picketl for the best working condition—a burden Jl. been their last Bowers. Nevertheless their sum save the bees, economize honey, and at the same time get rid of the excess of niois- which tolls against their efficiency and niers are certain. To such soul- a- these, I.tcs ill who-*- -h:«d«»« tm© A large family expels it much better personal comfort through many years of li.lp all trees, either here or in God'.- larger E ar off I read than a small one. their industrial life. These may seem lit­ 1 loti w Io- l> io lt«Vt r- taking lu tin g bred country, are Trees of Life, with twelve When a large number of colonies are tle things; hut whatever wastes power in­ manner of fruits ami leaves for healing: ..i bill.. put together, in a close room, tin* animal creases expenses, and whatever burdens <*h. u ill you « h . ), cheer s one ami it is hut little change from the summer heat, from all combined, is an advantage the lalmrer is not a little thing.” cut t< look here, whose suns burn and make wearv, to —to the weak ones, at lca-t. Yet the mois­ •. true, and the summers there, of which “ ihe Lord is III. ture is condensed in large drojis. and can he id’ shape or tlie light.” F a r m in g W i l l P a y . It.-I.I.IJ! II.. .lark year goe-. seen on the sides of a glass hive. This ex­ together with all the color in it. it > •; she was Heaven bless them all, wherever they •Not Will !• Veal -.1 ft- cess of moisture is (piite certain to mold 11 .li u ..- ,iu not voting: sir I: she had a re —“ H. fl'.i" Hits of Ta,k. “ Walks and Talkson the Farm ” save ?. ugl.t ol It- If for »•>«• or weal ill, all tlh- b, the combs, ami must be disposed of. Am­ esirahle m aterials for " ,:,h ,'„u •'-•inn n-n ii. xv, ... i-iiHi,..- evidently la*» i I -old barley from this farm twenty-nye S niff us p. siK-uti. . i- !h. mill (to from the unknown elements o f darkness ple vents Can b. opened on the top, or the few face- whir I | THE 11A BIT OF Rl'.AIHNti. yeas ago for thirty-seven and a lialf cents M.vhuplhe ea.l d i.u , near and preternatural force, and when we heard hive inverted Any one cau see tint while think that -he ?r- — per bushel. Now I can got SI. 10. Comb­ Within llu tear! 111,I,I I II . , I:, l|.r , | ! tin* first minute-gun, and did not believe we tb<: vapor is warm from tin; bee-, it will all spannfacfng the same, gvtuan; ami I k that elergvm. lit! The following fr©iu Scribner's Monthly, ing wool was not worth over twenty-five heard it. we sprang out of bed and ran to p «-- off, «>r so m uch o f it, that the com bs IV . b. .iic- .f ih. Lmd- best wale! of {enutnius some very suggestive thoughts: cents a pound. Now it is worth fifty to look Ier the light of the lighthouse: hut the will not mold. A l the same time enough l a 11 o f w hie h t hey o f f r ^•>11...... • <.»ul-. “ I have no time to read. ” is the common sixty cents. I sold a lot of splendid butter IP. lit was out. am i we found hy-aml-hy th u is diffused throughout the atmosphere of The children i i l e v and two girh cm nplaint, and especially wom en wlms- togoronndtbe cape in a sailing vessel to I ...... s,A l,,,.., its iron pillars had been snapped oil like the room to answer all the requirement* at Very Lou Prices. t >n n.> iii- that t.u‘-n;a:i d iv in e ; were all under th of twelve, ami oecupations iim i the habit of funding at every available im»- manv occasions wli ui it became necessary j ment, whether of live minute- or live: particular purpose, and could have just are i g reat ami m ighty nation. B ut th© ...... ii,.,, XV,,,nt liearth-rng, any where, ami mamma sent what I wanted, it would not differ material­ in -rea-e of weath and population has been us hack to lied : and when we woke there tor her to deny requests, and to ask ser» • hours. • ' g re \ij|-i,,„ sjJH e.xi>eri(‘ne,*,l ly trom om* 1 now use. It is a cellar un­ greater in the manufacturing districts, and was a gray skv, and the wind had gone vices, especially from the elder hoy; but | It is the habit ot reading, rather than b 1,'i lifi,! i " l,|'|l '!■ " S |»»I1 nil,,11, sli,. no voung girl, anxious to please a lover, ! the tiino at our command that helps us on der a barn on a side hill, where the ground in villages and cities, than in purely agri­ -t.i ill' '.' ■|1|lll ‘l •■•-fni-e (I.,- niiillini.l,.. down, though the sea was still swelling ami descends just enough to make tin; entrance could have done either with a more tender 1 the road to learning. Many of theeultiva cultural districts. Farmers are now -to dial ing ami running while But presently level witli the fioor. size 20x.3D, with the reap great advantage from this state of “GOOD NEW S” tin* sun rose in a golden glow upon an ic\ coiirteuv. She had her l’ewai .1; for no lov-: t^‘i persons, whose names have been fa-, „ , . 1 1111 .HT,,xv. hot >i-i i ,i i n l v hay-mow directly over it. 'Ten feel from things, especially those who furnish better • Sh. aw not. for her Glu ti,.', i i ' n ' l . b o „-,- g world, glittering hack in splendor, and er could have been more tender ami manly i mouse as students, have given oulv two or W..S dim with pain: and in despite the back end there is a partition, and two beef, mutton, pork, butter, cheese, and there was a blue sky amt the perfect glory than this hoy of twelve. Their lunch was ! three hours a day to their book-. If we ul<\ lifted An-tJCe. He h l.H ie-o- I I i feet forward of that, another, enclosing a wool. And this means better farming, ier vv..uian s leat- began i*> How. of a clear autummd day: and the girls simple and scanty : but it had the grace ofi make use of spare minutes in the midst of P < i i Hi B i T h ill h ,, V1l|’t,u' c I...... ih tlh, a royal banquet. our work, and read a little, if hut a page: dead-air space, which \^i 11 prevent all sud- fewer weeds, richer land, larger crops, came running into our rooms to tell us i|^n changes of outside temperature from At the last, the mother produced with or a paragraph, we shall tind our hraln- better stock, anil more liberal feeding— Aiid - an the word all written fair: there was a vessel ashore on the reel below being felt within. t ?' • k’l lie - ,( up aI | . much glee three apples and an orange, o f; quickened and our toil lightened hv just so and more intelligent and prosperous far­ And -iniled and i.:lu and will, her I. dr the hlulf, a ll aw fill sight broken, half dis­ ’Several davs of warm or of very cold m ers. f.e.ed. .t r i n e •• • l.o v > * hill h.v.- is pain; masted. the sea running over her hows, lie? which the children had not known. All I much increased satisfaction as tin; hook eyes wen* fastem*«l on the o range. It was gives ns. N othing helps along tin- monot weather, will occur, before the difference The Iflobt Perfect ‘ )okiug Ap­ cordage pendant with huge icicles, ami is nolieeti b ; the bees. The walls are sim- ...... y . mej?. Tike icicles them selves, clin g in g in the evidently a great rarity. 1 watched to see ; onous daily rounds so much as fresh atnl K e e pin g A p p l e -.—Apples for winter paratus Ever Otlci ed to if this iest would bripg out selfishness, striking thought9, to ho considered while plv plastered, but should he laid in lime rigging. and spring use should receive special at­ There was a little -ilcucc; jn-i th« shade of our haipls are busy. mortal* to keep out rats and mice. The the Public- I tw in. | hv thorns ah..,u mv ».i..n * -J:1'';;'--'- ''.'hnntH kihu b.-’r Relbrc we could reach ihehlull the fisher­ bottom is cemented thoroughly, and the top tention. They should be picked from th© men from the village were up there w ith a cloud. The mother said. -How shall I A new idea from a volume is like oil tree, never shaken off, and handled with -Uni III eour-e thev ie-,d,. lathed and plastered, A tube four inches T he a „B, I 1,1 III his .U le ’v head. ropes ami cables, ami boat-hooks, taking divide ihi*? There is om* for each of vou ; which rediiovs the frioiiou of ihe machinery the greatest of care. They should be sort­ Era? Rants la ra M ! \n.l hade her hle.s hiiu :n-*Sie "ay tor him after what thev had heard square is put in on one side near the bot­ and I -hall be best oil’ o f all. for I expect of life. What we remember from brief ed into different grades, the very best onea •• I’or tlieimh my name and state f»e pr..nd i ; ; k,'...... I i,,!r measures that resulted in nothin*;, for there tom. for tin* admi—ion of wir. ami another was nothing they could do. It was im­ big ta-te-from each of you. '' j glimpses into hooks, often serves as a being saved for the latest use. The fruit I Ih III- - hl.-llhhl.-l XX-.-IS ill n „. hi ll- at the top. for its exit, both covered with I am no peer tv thee.” he -aid. possible to launch a boat. In such a -ea no “ Dli. give Annie the orange! Annie stlmulous to action, ami becomes one of may remain in sheds out<|f doors until LOOK alibi- Range BEFORE Pur b e ­ J " " 1 Il»' '»<> x irl- ,„l Ahht loves oranges,” -poke tin* older boy, w ith‘the most previous deposits in the treasury jvire-eloth to exclude vermin. A slide one could swim a stroke: ami though the should he inserted in these tubes to regulate freezing weather; in truth it is better than ing any other. - i, tlh in .lri-triicli :in,| b,-xvil,|,-r,.,|...... b I,,.,,,I " : a sudden air of a conqueror, ami at the of our recollection. All knowledge is little broken brig was almost within hailing the supply of air. otherwise. A drv cellar*at a temper­ distance, nohixlv could have heard a word spine lime taking the smallest and worst: made up of small parts which would seem ature hut little above freezing, with as little apple himself. insigniticaut in themselves, hut which taken Around the sides of such a room, arrange in all that cryiiig of th««*ea: :^d before shelve.- at proper distances, one ahi variation as possible, is admirably adapted Hilt SALE BY a ak$ and ^lufchts. ••Dli. ye-, let Annie have the orange,” ‘together are valuable weapons for the mind rockets could lie brought from the town, on other, upon which to set the hives. If the to the preservation of’apples. There aro m b s which to send a line Hying over the deck, | echoed the -i>eoml boy, nine years old. ami substantial armor for the soul. “ Read various methods of storing the apples; “ Yes, Annie may have the orange, be- anything continuously. ” says l)r. Johnson, cellar is very dry. some hives may he set the brig would go to pieces. One by one mi a hoard on the Boor. some prefer -helve- where the decaying W S i’H l?S TH W KSGIX INC. the poor wretches iu the rigging were drop­ caii.-e that is nicer than the apple, and she “ ami you will be learned.” The odd min­ -»M‘c l i n e n - may he culled out from time to . "ill 'll. , II,,',- Io hluvp tlh‘lh is a lady and her brother- are gentlemen.” utes which we are inclined to waste, if The bees should he allowed the benefit of ping oil’ and a battered body was washed Hying out on all warm days at the end of time without disturbing the remainder. up. ami was caught with a boathook hyoid said the mother, quietly. There was a j carefully availed of will in the Iflng turn ... I barreling them, to remain him - Ii x, . 1 ' :,<'i-i-w:ii-.I to |,| tlii* season, a I sbnnbl not bn pnt ,ntn in- 1 w;i'n(()d S|i), ,lleeMsAll u Reii M orse—a w arn in g to any w ho w ould merry contest as to who should feed the , make golhen hour and golden day- that I think tin- l<»veli«-t sight 1 'V e r -:iw. mother with largest and most . frequent we shall ever he thankful for. quin t."-' until U inter t.v.-h , (hi. ,llvlllrll( of ,h:lllow b ^ g holdtns ,i \ .- one - and that I will tell you about have ventured out. li.un . \l-u. it i- nun l .. t . i to i. nnn. |llls,lel carb, packeft upon ouch oth- A Large Assortment One of the fishermen had his spy-glass mouthful-: and -•» the feast want on. —----- • — - presently - w a- our garden parly. Then Annie pretended to want apple, and O ur Strength Ai|in and b rilliance accented l*v the dark the fair hair, the insolent, handsome la c e , ------i know s how and has the conveniences, ta now white and aw fill 5n the supreme liollf -prang over tome, holding oiit a quarter when nothing can save u< but moral prinei- R VIS! N’<; \V5I EAT. i keep even market apples through the wln- background o f hemlocks; :i|id here, o il I e-y.-f."1. ol ano.-,. II,. that confronted it. “ Ry King! iflvi cut vraitei wound, so that it lay unhindered, and could Thev woi k,;d lib- heavers, and soon the manhood that is in men. The g«>od that i- only i- not the thing :o be desired in wheat seeing at a place he visited the good effect lph w:. -peaking, and how - lie had 'ay ha- -;m led on m ore lovers Hem om- W e have all o f the different kinds o f -lip through our hands untangled: ami old i.-im bcs w, r • almo-t loo big for their little in society will m»t be a match for tlm evil culture, although mellow m— ami friability of vitriol, pnt the hint in practice. The •--...I and k. p» llle lloWer he ehance.l to hit this alierntmn has an end to ;,H Ren began to see some w isdom, and to give hand-. T hen they cairn* ru n n in g to give tlia t is continually nulling it d«»wn. W hich are de-irable provided tin* essential inor­ plantains were killed in an hour, and have Gloves, Paper and Linen Col­ g iv e her. man...,, ami"he I xvarnh all all mini* otlh.iJoii.'y.he hv open procht- them to t l n d r mother. side will you take in this great straggle? ganic element- of fertility abound in tin* ’ a l p h w a s q u i t e in the wnrld. hersome directions. Then Anstiee fastened never appeared again. It is three years lars, Calls, Linen Skirls, “ Dli dear.” thought I. “ how that poor, Will you go for license? Will von go fur seed bed. Ig b h e c a m e Ot g o o | M o. one end of the light, coni to her arrow.’ her since, and it is impossible to recognia© the best ami firmest arrow, and she threw oil' tired woman will hate to open her eyes! ami passion? Will you go fur corruption? Ot* One of the most economical ways for a line of the fence; it completely burns the Suspenders, U-ed to - . V Hid lie wa - fl i' lie.' " 'hollle.1 Khlhl, Al|l| • her hood and shawl, and stood bending her she never e.m take llio-e great hunches of will you rang© yourself on the side of those farmer to raise wheat with profit is to roots o u t I have tried it on large dande­ AND A NEW STOCK OF country w ith an i n \ < u iii in his ow n— .1" tiler n,Oh,.1,1 his fullihe h ih.l xvoul.i how’ a nioiuciit and tlion she lifted it and c o im m - n fading llowera. in addition to nil who are attempting to lift men up towards adopt a -v-tem of mixed husbandry and lions with the same result. One of the w liidi W as III lin e lell-il -lh-,11 ill Ihe p ath , li.h her bundles anti hags.” 1 was mistaken. spirituality? toward reason? townrd noble r a is e Indian corn, oats, barley and red clo­ young men there amused himself by hunt­ I T n f b u e l b i h am-lmre.l iijf 'I |,||.-,I a'l.le ami Kalpjib J enixl fell, j„ pulled the string. 1 never can recall that sight without a “ Dh. thank you. my darlings! How kind : self-control? ver. feed all these c r o p s to -beep or neat ing out the longest thistles he could find to ii the n, ill accepted -liame. p-1-h-ips Ilia! he , In Silks, and all the lower Grad. shiver and a shudder, it was so beautiful Vou wer»*! Poor. Imt, tired little B«»w«tr.», , cattle, save the manure with care and ap­ experiment on. The vitriol completely odd .k- Id -H ell rapid weahli -I m.,h .i„'l reeox el-il." I’, a bloxv and sosuhlime, as she stood there, her love how tliir-tv they look! If they will only A Wonderful Pair of Jaw» ply it judiciously to his field-. The ma­ killed them by eating the roots out. One 6 0 C E N T IS T O S ' ZOO. hat In « fnihl tlicneeti rih nlibrd t<» d<» noth­ "1 n-.,i, ,lbp„ie v„,,. | s, , lv head thrown hack, and all her bright try ami keep alive till we get homo, we will nure of fattening sheep or fattening cattle drop will do. Care is required that it does l-dTPleuse call and see <»m Lire- -.i mid j.-d « >ui in g lu ll pursue llisshldi- s it, -eienee. So The village ol Blunford, In Hampden Hud anything VOU want In i Lie Hu.-. i* " " .1' "ILk - b,...a,,,,- i hair streaming, and sent oil' that airow’ to make thorn very happy hi some water; abound- largely in all of those fertilizing not touch the skin, boot® o r clo th es; it is u frmn Ralph’s d-.dig nothing, h e was the ippoinlment. p Vul( oounty, Mass., boasts a character whojtc b " • Wlr save the life of the man who had destroyed won't we? And you shall put one hunch by elements which are essential to pre­ not safe in the hands of children, but a -oul uf industry, and <»f that ihexhaustihle doubt h-nees ns your sense- have , peculiarities are of a decidedly unique d«*? k n h a i r . her lover and all her pence. She looked papa’s plate, and one by mine.” . r ___ pare the land for a pa ping crop of wheat. man or woman, with ten minutes’ practice pottle a md rdmo-i htdv curiosity in the matter- of justA m ,.giving...... x.H ..i.-;.hio,;,^o;,xvLo:^-„ Sweet and liappy, the weary an I Hushed oription. Mr. John McDarhv is hi-name, like a great avenging angel, and the twang­ This cereal must be grown in a soil that can kill plantains much more quickly than Rockland. Oct. 1ST 5. 4C ihe univeis-e that belongs to the liaie sons little children stood looking up in her face Irish again, and ho la particularly noted ing of that bowstring rung in mv ears has been accustomed to produce crops of any lad can eat gooseborries.” of ■ rience Dr. Sterling had introduced i '! " ' ...... "'•,a while she talked, their hearts thrilling with | for the massive strength of his jaws and grain, grass and clover. him a! out ami he had pnWcd an in­ „ H .ip ,, ...... U)i (ho 1) (i ( above the sound of the surf, ev»*n w hile that c«»rd was slipping across my hands, aero- compassion for the drooping dowers, and teeth, which is the best illustrated when As soon as a -oil has been so improved valuable companion: ami 1 don’t know te n ,I belole hllh aii.l Ihllie.l alhl phIh-re,| Domestic Receipts. all the others, so fast it scorched tlm -kin with d'-light in the giving of their gift. ; ho chews crockery, crushing am! grinding bv tillage, by being worked and by produ­ w h e i l n a An-tice really eared more for him I-mt ot the yard,.,,. ,l„.„..|, | ,.,||e,| aft,-,- Then she t* ok great trouble to gel 4 string it to powder with Lis ordinary food when And the arrow Hew up into the sky -far. cing large crop- of corn, oats ami red clo­ i.'oru Drop Cukes.— Very nice ones are ih.-'.H mamma or 1 of ally ot ihe rest ot us i in a-' lo.idlx- as 1 c,„i|,I,- k , and tie up the flowers, ami then the train ' s>o disposed. It is to ba supposed that he is far up, ami over, and turned and fell and ver, it will be-ale to attempt Io raise a made by mixing corn meal with boiling ai.I. though 1 oppose her- was a diftermt •n m hhh ; x„„-,. I.Ri-dlx left „,x l i p .; ull, plunge^ into the sea beyond the brig: and came ami w.- went whirling along again . only driven to this alternative when tin; crop of wheat. It will be labor lost in a new milk until you have a thick batter .; -ort of caring: for < m- spring tw ilight 1 rras lakx-h I,a,-lx t,,l,e,|. and to a hexv ...... they t aught the little cord there, ami held Soon it grew dark and little Annie's head »supply of food falls short. Here In* -ure- great measure to attempt to raise wheat put in the patent pans (if you have them) - «w them in the .garden, slowly es far to make one believe that portion to what they take from it than any your pretty bouquets. I am so sorry! I quick oven. For artistic Beauty and ••Ic^anee in de­ .•arly as noon—gentlemen end ladies, and sequiously kind iu coming to help and of love, had her arms aliout Ralph again! Jonah really did swallow the whale. Some other animal, and distribute it better with sign, nicety of finish and line workin mler if I could tind them if I went hack. a view to future fertility of the soil. Prove lovely girls in nil maimer of bright dresses sympathize. Andas for all the rest of us. and of that of the stories told of him seem beyond be­ qualities, no Parlor Stove in ti rk«*l Will you all stand still and not stir from like animated llowevs themselves, as they crew’, what a Thanksgiving we had! lief, but incredulity stands rebuked when this? There is no need of proof to those Not the Cheese. compares witii it. •• You are a m u rd erer ’.—a m u rd erer ! n this spot if I go? ” who have kept sheep, and know their hab- tloated about under the blue sky among the “ church members affirm that he has been Among the superior points may he .-he cried. “ G ive m e hack th at rin g you “ Oh, mamma, don't go. don’t go" We opening Bowers in the sunshine. The straw­ known to chew an earthen ixirtei* hottie.” I its and profits they yield. To prove it to Fite attractive odor of a sweet Ilm burger m entioned stole! You meant to make me kill ltim The Journal says that Friday last wal ked will get you some more. Don’t go.” cried I those who have not hail the experience, iuj berries and cream were set out under the He is not the least hit squeamish, either, cheese was recently the cause of the arrest Manner of Heating the Baco t h o r myself when you called me to shoot, and the eightieth anniversary of the birthday ol all the children. i is necessary they should try the experiment marquee, and the target wa< upon the lawn since ho hits been seen to bite oil' the bead of a lady and the seizure of her trank o u g h ly . then you drove him to his death. Give me Hon. Daniel Williams of Augusta, ami on “ Here are your flowers, madam, said 1. or accept the testimony of an experienced tor the archery: for oneof A list ice’s de­ of a live black snake, not to mention nu­ while upon a journey to the West. T he A New Arruiijrniiciil for Cle.auiiig ami < 1 hack my ring, you murderer!’' And white that evening the event was celebrated by “ I saw that you had forgotten them, and 1 lights was in the archery just, then begin­ merous other feats quite as disgusting :ts shepherd.—A’. T. World. railroad officials had noticed the overpow­ as ashes, ami trembling before her angry a gathering at the house of the Judge took them as mementos of you mid your Improved Sliwking a id I> aiqiing Gn,t,-. ning to he popular, and she had coaxed they are astonishing. His marvelous ering -vent which escaped from the lady’* Lnrge d’ld well PimMnn t. d A.dl-piL m ajesty and tin*, he gave h er hack the The assemblage uumbered about fifty hnlie> sweet children." She blushed ami looked | lyamma over to what mamma at lirst strength is only in his jaws, which are not trunk, and the horrible susnicion that it Simple Method of < leaning out the ttlm ring he kept concealed and went away, and gentlemen of the family, with three disconcerted. She was evidently unused to Light vs. Heavy Tools. Sliding kail for Drying I‘urpose».. ‘bought very unladylike, and she had im­ people, and shy with all hut her children, malformed, apparently: his teeth are good. must surely contain a dead child took auch i.arge Good Baking liven. lie W as very ill afte r that, am i tln*n the of the Judge’s old friends, Rev. Win. A Iported a how a little taller than herself, a However, -he tjianked me sweetly, aud ! though he has lost two, which he knocked complete possession of their minds that Hollow Door Knob-and Elegant Nickel I’laied Trim­ doctor hadTiim sent to the \Y»*st Indes, and Drew. Dr. H, II. Hill, and Hon. J. T. M ’- The New England Homestead makes a ming*. magniliez nt thing made of polished and ’ - out with a hammer when they showed signs they procured the arrest of the owner o f we heard no more of him. ( *ohh, matter plain ivhich every farmer or man­ We invite attention to this beautiful half transparent material, and boxes of “ I was very sorry about them. The . of decay. More than one attempt has been ual worker will readily understand : the trunk. The trunk wa-searched. Some Parlor Stove,confident that an exam - bowstrings from India in rolls and coils, And so our gay home became a dark and of the searchers fainted from the effect of sad om*. Onia* in a w hile we hail a d reary children took much' trouble to get them; to engage him by traveling shows, hut he “ The great end at which all improve­ i nation wilt .uliylrealizs the highest and arrows of all d

M any in ,<>uuds an- found in the m arket, elaiinimr r from the little tar they contain. The In this city. N ov. 2’ith. Evelyn M.. B a r g a i n s t j i b healing po children !!!, W orlil& Howto t o in it .. . ..f Portland. Me., are th e sole proprie- late George and Susan F. B ow lin. aged Forest Tai —AT— 13 Union Block. u COTTS I 0 invention t.v which the active principles and 10 days. DON-T YOU FOltGET THAT In I hoiiiaMon. N< Mires. Ib is article o f /o o v t: Jesse W. Peabody, ....AT.... F A R W E L L 8c AMES HALL, mis under the appropriate i davtf. fCorrected, j r the Lungs, Catarrh. Kidm-; an.I di sea ••lore*! T J. E. ROBINSON W ednesdayEv’gDec.8. ThOUltlStON i the subjd In St. (; 28th, Jabez llobper, aged 37 A T T H E T. A, W entworlh’s Grand Orulicwtml Concert, 7 1-2 o’clock by the SPECIAL NOTICES iid’bvd?. BLOOD & HIX, In Thonii 'ov. 2-'.tli, Ida Louise, daughter of •w D a y s. Frank P.. s< i K. O’Brien, aged 7 mos.. ? day*. CITY DRUG STORE, ORPHEUS CLUB comprising the following selections ; Special Announcement In ■as"'''.':1,.Cmndi X 'l 29th. Sally C. wile of John whit- O vert uri-. "Call-file Bagdad." Boiddiett < 2 8 0 main street 2 8 0 H. C. LEVENSALER, M. D., W altz. “ Heart ami Hand.” Faust . March. THOMASTON. MAINE. Whole number of interments sup “ Prussian Guards.” Men’s Undershirts mid Drawers, O verture. ■* B am litenstresche.” iSupjd Invite llie attention of iloi.iiiAV l’wtriiAsi.its lo tlieir full, rich, ami elegant stock of Devotes his Htten’h)” »o the PRACTICE of MEDI* i the m outh o f N ovem ber is 13. five important <’. V. K. BO Y N T O N . < oooil, suitable for Christmas an . w Year’ Gifts, nuikino the largest ami most ele­ CINE and SURGERY. . Muin Men’s Fur W risted Gloves. ADMISSION, (wiili r.wi-vi-1 -,-.iis), g o ct S- ” IT" Kesldetice and «'dice. I.evellsahr Bhn k Minn ! .. 4*«cSale of Tickets will commence on MONDAY to the . a l l i e s ! gant ami seasomihleilisplav o f ..hCalf Boot*. $3.50. stock Paper Hangings. D E A L E R S IN OH, MY STOMACH ! MY STOMACH ! S a J e d . Men’s s. wed Calf Box 1oe Boots. $4.50. Set with Diamonds, Emeralds, Pearls, Amethysts Tl.i. le lb.-. ai-tailt cry of llu .]. o f l» -.r in .rtal. Sid 2dtll, sell J It Bodw ell, W allace. Bill, hill: ’-’Mil. REPELLANTS who*<- pains, Buffering and distress have batlied alike lit. Bird, Blackii.glon, N Y : <’ L Hix. Hix. do: Hud Men’- wed Cult Plan. I’oe Boots, $4.50. FLOUR. GRAIN. FEED, 111, .k ill ,'f pliy.i. iall. and Ha- p .a .c r u f in. di, in. and other Precious Stones. on. Post. Salem: 2»Uh. Leading Star, Wallace, lishiug: $4.50 And .1111 tlav ..ill ..Ilf.rand cry unl.l they Hud ll.c <’ B Jones. Snow. NY ; D«e l.-t, l.contine, Titus, Vi- Men’**Cable W ii- pew.- box toe Boot-. A T remedy line ila- inherent pawer lu cure. Iliad nalhaveii: I S Rev culler J C Dobbin. Abbey, erui- $3.75. GeeC. Pork, Lard, some of the symptoms which afflict}’ Men’s 1 !-.|. W if. - W. (,'alf Boots. life a burden, Men’s W aterproof t 'alf G rea tly a >■ in the Stomach after eating, Spitting up the I ’ h iin m ill Roman Gold, Coral and II $4..»o. w. COODS, GROCERIES, &c. Food. Fo...l Souring in the Stomach. Sour Stomach, NOTICE TO MARINERS. aiMONTON tsiekuc-sat tin- Stomach. Belching of Wind. \ Men’s t Kip Boots. $4.5U. vi di-ii-s* at't.r eating. Putrid the Mouth, W ashington. D <’. Nov 24.— A m-w light-ship will Heartburn, brash, Heat id l, Irons of A p­ - moi l.«. pluccd on the dangerous reef known as the W omen - ' I.aee ami (’ontrress SHIP STORES FURNISHED. R educed ‘ liens and C hickens," in Yin* yard Sound, Mass. 'The petite, Confusion ol the Head, Giddiness, dull l*a— S I. 15. in the 11« ad. C onstipation, g reat t'ostivelieWb, I Aetiuti ship i- one of the two light ships authorize I by act- o Stone Cameo Sets, ,r mthe«v Bowels. Heat*_ ___ 8 in the Head, had ta-te ls73 ami 1874, am i for the coii-u- u.-tioii o f which $l(Hl.- .utton Boot-. * the Mouth. Sick Headache, Aeldlig Pain- and Lame- •HJJ was appropriated. One of them has recently been W orn Corner Main & Winter Sis., P rices $2.00. BROTHERS of the Ba. k, Small of the Back feeling as if placed on Pollock IL . f. Tlie ships are strong! Women's 1>. Sole Kid !•’ >x Button Boots. great Weakness and IJestlessiies . Constant larger than any h.-retofo built. Each i* supplied . sa. Heaviues-, Fullness and Throbbing of the with a steaming whittle so p.powerful that it can 1»«- Boy> Cable W ire Sew e Call’ Boots. $3.00. li( X ’KLA N I), XIE. TO ( LOSE THEM OUT. BAND AND SEAL RINGS, In-aid ten miles, ami it is expe. d these ships will be •welling at the pit of the Stomach. Palpit itioll Y outh's ( 'able W ire Sew ed Calf Boots. $2.00 51, Gutting. Tearing and Burning y the 'I'heue goods are of this a nson’s purchaser and em­ , Gougii with constant tickling in the '1 brunt Youth'.- I). Sole and Tt ). Kip Boot-. ( ’opp« Will Open This Day brace a great variety of fabrics w ith pain in the Side. Bad (’ough, Constant Cough M E M O K A N D A . ln.rtnes- ..I' B reath. H oarseness, R oughness ami Enquire un your Customers! NECK AND VEST CHAIINS, ■s- of the Throat. < oiistant Hawking ot Moeoli' Brig Ali. c Starrett, 305 toils, built at Rockland, No belter In all of the Desirable amt putt nth, sad and • el n.dloly I860. lately hailing from Halifax. NS. has been sold ; F luid ~ (’u p per T ip Kid Boots. U .2 ’, r or whole- Stettin. sale dealer n the pre-, nt time (hai ilal sithscrip- - laugu hick Boots. $2.50. Seasonable Shades. Dysp. p-i.i. Pile! Boy’s 11. sob* ami T ap 15,000 YDS. EXTRA h uud a dormant dis. tach. DISASTERS. THE MERCAN TILE AGENCY Lockets, Seals, Charms,&c • els and Liver. Ami now you ask Sell FI ri la. Thompson, from N Y Io; AM) KEFEKEXC'K BOOK. LADIES should examine our ••WIIEKK IS THE REMEDY’ i for So miastoii, in heating up River Worn n’s A atraran M ulh, S-..IHI. i point of rock-. She came QUALITY YARD WIDE EDWARD RUSSELL & GO., stock before making purchases We invite Special Attention to our unusually full and elegant stock of leaking 1,01 ...... •n’s A strae n Buns $2.00. Boston, Portluiiil and Woi-cesler. I Sell A I'egliania, B ryant, wliicii sailed Nov. 2titli, elsewhere as we shall sell these WIoGIN S PELLETS •n's Alasktt Mink Murl- $2.50. ) Boston, put back the -ame dav with oss of mainsa W orn Established A. D. 184 The oldest and largest Me Hid repel the •m r .a, :i- s A ,i.u,. M p ir,i from New Y o rk.and < goods without reserve and W ont ■n’s Alaska M $2.50. COTTON, cautik* Agency in the world S ixty live other otliees i SOLID SILVER N vbP. horn St. John. N B. both arrived at i utisociatiou. Full reports ' over GOO.OOO busine: , and your d i e t m .1 lai { nd reported having lice W orn •n's I m t. F u r 5 $ 1.50. in ccr,-y p a r t i . a . «/«,/ 1'anm ln! Ne joy. gladness ami pr.i WIGG1N S Pi 1.1.UTS s AND 75 ets. Refer c Book will be is, d 1st of Ja n u ary . ,prepared by i Itt M i-e ' Intt. Fur Sea. ,;u< 7 Ot-S. 'The collection of <>■ r-(lu c c la im a spe<-i i.e.1 slight dam age White Fur C:q - 50 CD. department. Regardless of Cost. W I G G I N < <>.. Child Semi to either of above- PLATED WARE, Child- White Fur Boa Muff,: ‘HI ets. Which is the best Cotton for the money DOMESTIC PORTS. We arc now prepared to show a splendid line of ROCKLAND. MAINE. Men and Boys’ Caps. 2-» * i>. «‘Yer olleretl in Rockland. Tor sale by all druggists for 50 cents a bottle, or sent BOSTON—Ar 2Sth, »-ch Kentucky, Spalding, Rock einhracing the Latest and Most Beautiful Patterns of everything desirable in thia line, HV mail on receipt of tlie price laud. VINEYARD II AYEN-SId 26th.sells Thomas Hix. I ’ < I ! from Full 'fable Sets to the smallest and daintiest articles. We have J, W. P el-kills A Co., Portland, Me. Silas M Loon. T Wholesal and Retail, si also a rich a s s o r t m e n t of Ar 2s. sch Farragut. Hart, fin St George, for NY. R o b in h o t City Drug Store. BEAVER CLOAKINGS, GENERAL AGENTS. NEW YORK —Ar 24th. barque Ephraim Williams,! AGo k ln n J, Nov. 11, is ; I. Keene, Di x Island: M-lm W illiam s rarw el1, Gregory, The above are all custom VinalhaveH; E, Lord, Rockland. FINE MANTEE CLOCKS, Ar 26th. barque W A Farnsworth. Patten. Liver- 12,000 YARDS W orsted tGoods, T. A. WEIS W0HT1L AND Ar 27th, Manslield, Achorn, Fall Kiv. r; Arctic, Real, Rockland. ill M ARBLE, GILT and BKOSZE, , EDGARTON—Ar 28. schs Ilium iv Hix, Hall. N Y 243 Main S i., Rockland, Me. Finest Quality W IGGIN k«,t oss! • Jameson, do for NY Bedabedec, I.l Jo for Ne U n d e r Including Statuettes and other elegant and tasteful patterns. We have also a full i8 m ain str ep: r, I Bedford. s»( y l< ‘s< <>!’ “■ B lo x S i f s i - stock of GOLD PENS of the best manufacture with C ases am i H o lder s it k I a n <1 , M c N E W t > It L E A N S—A r 24 th, sli R eed, W al- at 6 1-4 Cents. in every style. Also an elegant assortment of SAVANNAH-C!d 24th, barque Lizzie, (ionoi’y" at As these are a Job Lot. they .will proba­ F l a n n e l s OPgRA GLASSES, SPECTACLES AND E. R. SPEAR & CO.’S. 1bly not last lonpr, as w e are sellin g them We oiler our entire stock of W u ru rry :l large -lock o f lim e goiele :lll,l have s une A Y AN .N A II—A r 27th, h Aluioii B ird. Drinkvvii PURE NATIVE WINES, I te r. W ood’s Hole. « less than the regular wholesale price. ■|i,,iul BAKUAIXS mit to lu- f.nin.l elsew here in ri d e k b e r b y , SHIELDSP.oRO.MHS— Ar Wth Ii N ellie Bow ers, EYE GLASSES, GOLD HEADED l l lilt ANT, j Stackpole. Matanzas. Cook Stoves, We <-iit our W aterproofs anil Circulars G ltA P E . PORT AND EUEE OK CHARGE. Samples sent to CANES, etc., etc., BLACK KERRY. FOREIGN. fS_’ For Colds, Coughs, any address. tar 1 ai tor sale bv Cld lath 1. B Gillchrist. Watt'-, N Orb-alls. Cooking Ranges, And a varie.ty of all other goods usually kept in a tirst-chiss store in our trade. M. T IB B E T T S . Shi from Matanzas ll’tli sch S M Bird, Merrill, Ha 3 Croup, o z . All our Cloaks are rut by a lirst-elass cn OC 3 0 1 3 Cutter, without expense to the purchaser. WATCH IiKPAIRINM A\I» Off the S kerries .9tii, Mai th I McNeil, from Liver ASTIDIA. ENGKaViNO pool for Key We-t. Parlor. z > - liltOM llili receive special attention and will ha done in the best manner. DOWNES. Shi fm B tirryport l i t , Ell M W atts, Watts. Ha- 5 ° ° 'ardiff Nov 24. brig 11 W Messer, Hewitt, Office, W. E. VTNAL. PRICES LOW TO SUIT THE TIMES.3 < i in Kimball Block. Wlinopiug Cough. Ladies’ Undershirts At Pabelloiiu de Pica Oct( b t 16, sh ip Loretto F ish, Car- ° 3 E 'Jiesiilelieeon Hcecli fSIceel >ev. Idg. S? PRICE FIFTY CENTS. ! Cabin A Store Stoves, BLOOD & HIX, R ockland. A ug. 12. 1875. At Lobos lblli, ship St Janies, Il.-nde ttS S5- Prepared oulv h-. 9PO "iVrein ^Hrx’oo’t, lioolxlcuxCl. A ra l H avana Nov 25, brig AdcT M e l, nt 3 - 0 f t s . e a c h , in Otago, Thorndike, uuc. e a W IC C IN & R a» greatly reduced rales f.»r the next F. C. FOOTE, sliip N ancy Pendleton, M ar j 218 Main S t.. R ockland. Me. . i Ila* just received another large invoice of Which are warranted etjual to the quality Ar at Liverpool Nov : ship D B Metcalf, Kuudkcu, SSIX/FA’ !>A X S. HUM AN IIA IU . y , l l k V , usually sold a GO Cents. . ^ illijnee-^.sofoRD steamship co. Direct ti»2ii Europe, which she offers to tlie ladies of ! in order to clo>‘e out the present stock, which vva* jL>. klany and v ieinitv at the I.OWEbT MARKET slightly damaged by water on the 4th wist. J o s ® b oat » s U IfB - S P O K E N . I I till IP I HOM Work ut *11 kinds dona to order. Please give her a. S, h.u 30 W . sli p Sat (’all and examine tin- best line of above goods ever S h. r F k es ii St l i S A I J SUCCESSOR TO Pit. F. 10,000 YARDS! tcsj~ W ork done to o rd e r iu a .«atiitfMctory m anner. j Plume call before giving your ordera. 4 FARM ii E. E. BITKLANB, longing . A. Fal. s. de.-. as. HARD TIM ES. North Com er Main X’ Lime Rock 8t»., Apply lo S h aw ls, 3m«»43 lUpHtairie? ' Civil and Consulting Engineer, JOHN LOVEJOY. A.lin’r, Superior Quality R ockland. I Ice. 1. 1875. D ruggist! Apothecary Laud Surveyor and Couveyaucer. J.C.LiBBY & SONS C loaks, X >rr K ’l 2 . DR, JOSEPH 11. ESTAHROOK h:o« returned from City Engineers Office Pillsbury Block, opposite Lime Rock National Bank, iiis visit West, uml propose.* to oeeiipy his old stand, in Thorndike Hotel, Rockland, Me. lt» r |AHE Animal Meeting «>f the Siueklio'ders of the FDR THE PRESENT LDC VI ED AT connection with liis koi., GEORGE C. ESTABROOK. City Hung Store. 49 INCH COTTON W oolens, M. D . 1 Lime Rock National Bank will he held at their All culls promptly answered hv one or the other, day' Banking Room, in the City of Rockluud, on Tuesday, Ja n u a ry 11 187‘J, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the choice o f a STR. CAMBRIDGE DR. J. STEVEK3 board of Directors for the ensuing year, ami for the ar 8 Cents. 220 MAIN ST. transaction of such other husiiiess a.~ may legally come CAPT. J. P. JOHNSON. Has removed his Hou3e and before them. Per < )rder. Rockland, Nov. IS, 187. Carpetings, * For Col 's. 'W ill leave Winterport every MONDAY and THURH- G. W. Berry. Cashier. No. 282, Main St. 11 o’clock, A. M., for Boatou, arriving at O ffic e R ockland Dee. I, 1875. 4vv 2 C oughs, (Ji'oup. Rockland about 5 o’eloek, 1’. M. A s t h m a , Returning, will leave Boston for W in te rp o rt and ZISTZEW C u rta in s , intermediate landing,) on the Bay ami River, every To Second House on Winter St., 'i Itesu arc oi»\v a few o f o f the B argains B roncliil is. •to the right; the J. Spear house, so called, where In- ItockLind National Bank. ? PS TUESDAY ami FRIDAY aflerm on, at 5 o’clock, ar­ to he found at our store. All goods dcliv- riving at Rockland every Wednesday and Saturday will be happy to see Ills old friends smi patrons, and ickht.ldcr- of the Rocl : morning about 5 o’eloek. eonneetimr at Bm kspiW uitu ae many new ones a." may choose to give him a call. ere,, CROMITI.V a,,,. FREE of expense T rchy notified that thcii PARTIES WISHING I’D It HOUSC Feathers, & c. o C© Whooping Cough. J tin* Railroad fo«- Bangor. O l’KK’i: JIIOUHS heir Banking Rooms u to any pari of the city. at lo ..’clock A. M : to o — F A R E : Positive, from 1 *, to 4 *, ami irom 7 to U, 1*. M? other biisiiitss that AXII PRiCE 50 CENTS. From Rockland to Boston...... $2.00 Ju ly 22,.1873. 32 Pure and Unadulterated SIMONTON BROS. Prepared only bv From Rockland to Lowell...... 3.15 G. IJGWE WIGlil GROCERY STORE. N. B. No extra hazardous freight taken. All freight Rockland. Nov. 30th, 1*75. i Rockluud, N..v ’ WIGGIN A ROSE, must he accompanied by Bill of Lading iu duplicate. -A.. ZMZ. A .T T ST H ST . I h«- S< mi-annual Dividend wih bi* pa Dress Goods ’’JIS M ain JSt. M. W. FARWELL. Agent. after January 3d, la7<». 3m51 RO C K LA N D . Agent’s Office, No. 2, Atlantic Block,(up stairs;. R ockland, D ecem ber 2, 1875. 52 J. H . F L I N T We have just opened a large DEZ’JTSST. and W inter X X J T K I ’ Having completed his New Brick Store, OFFK’EGVEU T. A. WENTWORTH’S STORE, NO. 371* M AIN STREET B o ttle < ■ veen. H1J1 ti l Y ItU O O K . M' ami tilled it with an entin ly fresh and carefully seh c. lion in educational branchc' S4eal B i’ovvu, Dentistry in all its branched promptly attended to on Park Street. trd stock of goods, is prepared to supply his AS USUAL! : : : : AS USUAL! »t R E A SO N A B L E P R IC E S . R ockland, Dec. 2, 1875. Christmas Gifts! fellow eitizens with the choicest 49* Teeth extracted without pain, by the use of All the popular PATENT MEDICINES TVavy B lue, day, constantly on band. IN GKE I VARIETY BI am , Ace. tS<*I».ool Ai<»(i«.<‘ Physician’s Presetiptione tilled will) ACCURACY Fresh and Corned Beei and DESPATCH. Mutton, Lsinib, Pock, Veal, l’qultry E. R. SPEAR k C O ., T mence MONDAY. December 13th, and continue and Game, together with the Benj. Williams. 2d, !YI. D ■ , teii or more weeks. Principal. J. .. j i .m i. T h e i -wt n -w-i xv-wt- I School Committee Rooms will be open Friday tk best Vegetables sinil PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, n-u. «...i Mo„.h,} u..-m h nm ..f..r u, purpose of Country Produce. furnishing passes to tbuee desiring to attend. OOK’S PAIN SPECIFIC. FOR RHEUM \ s a & w » s OFFICE t.v Itl-.KR^ BLOCK, I ) 1! ALSO, A FULL LINE OF A_i-e M aking a Grrancl TYLER, Sec’, . < 'oi and all sorts ol External Pains. Immedia r in its n Si.lliiiB I XVSVAI.I.Y LOW this Season. corner Mam ami Lime Rock *ireets. Residence > tion, ami infallible in its ejects. Pill' E • ) C E N T S. Main St., South I ud. nearly uppos.te Florence St. Rockland. Dec STARE. 50 A T C IT Y DRUG We have Cnickeriug & Sou's, Bourne's, FAMILY GROCERIES and all articles usually kepi in a D i s p l a y o f > H YS11 IA .\ S’ PR ES( ’KI P I’I()NS COM PDI N li­ and Emerson's, Pianos. 3. H. BO Y hi/rox, M. ID., ed with uecuraev and despatch, at Mason & Hamlin, George Wood’s and Tnylor First ( !lass G-roeery and WHY WILL YOU 50 C ITY DRUG S T O R E . A- Farley’s Organs, und a Good Variety HOMEOPATHIC of Mclodeons for sale LOW Provision Store. CI.INTOCK’S COUGH STOPPER IS AN for vasli or credit.. Xfcjj-All o f the above will be sold a', tin* L O W E S T M EASY’ TERMS BY INSTALMENTS. LIVING RATES, and he cordially invit-s his friends CLOAKS! Physician and Surgeon, Expose Yourself and the public to give him a call and examine his goods The times demand the best instruments at and prices. Christmas Presents! 287 Alain Street, CITY DRUG STORE. thi’ very LO W E S T p r ic i^s, and We have just added to our stock a full assortment of o these BLASTING W INDS, when yon can get : Cloaks, ready-made, and matt rial of all kinds to n o ROCKLAND, ME. 371 Main Street. ttfacture them. THE BEST LINE 278 MAIN STREET R ockland, Oct. 1875. 49 TIIE LAltGEST STOCK OF 50 CITY DRUG STORE. is a safe place to make your putchascs. Win. H. Kittredge & Co,, We have an excellent assortment of Violins, Gubars, Banjos, French and German Aecordcons, Flutiiius, LUNG PROTECTOR >11 AEON’S W OR M W O O D C O R D IA L 'I ONIC . liruggista & Apotheeariaa Y t'oneerlinas,’1’amhorines, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, I for Weak and Disordered Sto.nucha. Excelleti etc. Also, Instruction Books for all of the sPEiiiijiiiiiaixs und Dealers In A T T H E in Bilious Ditliculties, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite, etc HOLIDAY GOODS f.t VE> V H KDICIXE8. PR IC E 60 C E? above Instruments, Singing Books, WOOLENS! S hot Music, Piaim Covers NG. 3, SPEAR, BLOCK, TTY DRUG STORE. (of various kinds) EVER SHOWN IN THE CITY. ROCKLAND, ME. CITY DRUG STORE. and Stools. tS7«. G -o lc I A V a t c h . e s , . ber’s Itch, Pimples, and Eruj.tii of all sorts. PRICE Reticules, B askets, Porteinouaaies, Pocket Books, CASSIMERES. F r o m 7 5 e l .«. t o $ 2 . 0 0 . 50 C E N T S, at Pocket Knives, Vases, New Styles Initial Station­ 50 CITY DRUG TORE. ery, Writing Desks, Picture" Frames, Dolls, Chains, Jew elry, B I 11 T II S. lies, Photograph and Autograph Al- For Conghs, Golds Croup, B and Silver AV"are 3 Doors South of the Thorndike Hotel. a guarantee o f au th en ticity .J I BEYOND DESCRim oN. the name of the sendet ENNEDY’S LUNG BALSAM. AN ESPECIAL Cni'iieiiiigS «) OC Asthma, Brorchitis, remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarse AUBERT SMITH. Pottle <6 Knight >- AM) Kin ss. It is very pleasant in its taste, and sure in it In this city, Nov, 26th, to the wife of Dr. J. Stevens z operations. At We received this morning a number of new Patterns, Everything New in Pictures. which we shall sell at the same Low Prices of the B In Lincolnville, N ov. 24tli, to the wif.- of C apt. Ja m es co 50 CITY DRUG STORE. Having just purchased a o Whoopiug Cough, season. C. Witherspoon of North Haven, a daughter, (Luuetta 0 3; P R I C E 5<> C’E N T H . IN DRUGS OR MEDI large lot of Woolen Cloths Parian Statuettes in Abundance. r ranees.) In this city, Nov. 21st, to the wife of Frank Spear, a £ C9 CITY DRUG STORE. at a great bargain, offer 8°In this tity, Nov. 29th, ^o the wife of W . Ligln a son. Prepared only by Gift Books by Thousands. 33 IL COOK’S TOOTHACHE AND AGUE CURE, sp ecial inducements to WICCIN & ROSE, plcteil arrangements wit’ll the well known NATION REMNANTS, &c. 218 Main S treet, Sure cure for Toothache, etc. PRICE 25 CENTS. I) , AT i ITY DRUG STORE. AL PU B LISHIN G CO., of Philadelphia, to solicit purchasers, and solicit an C3 3in54 ROC H LA ND, MK. orders in Knox County, for their Remnants of unbleached Cotton, Photograph Albums MARRIAGES. examination of tlieir goods in length from 1 to 20 yds...... (5 1-2 cts. Remnants of Oil Cloths,...... 35 X- 40 ets. II CENTENNIAL HISTORY and prices. Iieni nan In Tapestry Carpets, In Autograph Albums, h this city, Nov. 27th, by Rev. Jos. Kalloch,-Mr. J. P. C O W LES, M. D., CITY DRUG STORE. length from 1 to 3 yds., (good Isuju. Thorndike, of Thomaston mid Miss Eltezera Physician dk; Surgeon, Besides our regular busi­ for ru gs)...... •l.OOpr. yd. .Frost »f Ibn-kland. CAMDEN. - - . MAINE. 1 AR. KENNEDY’S CANKER CURE. A NEVER Prints for Comforters,...... ^....6 1-4 to X cts. Games and Toys for Little Eojks, In tli« city, Nov.30th, by Rev. J. Kalloch, Mr. E. II. J 7 failing remedy for Canker in Stomach, Throat, ness of making CUSTOM Batting for Comforters,...... C...9, 12, 15 cts. McNutt -f Vettzic ami Mis* Sarah Slnfcks, of Boston, M onth or Lips PRK ’E 35 ( E N T S, at UNITED STATES. M ass. ✓ ( ’UI Y DRUG ST O R E . CLOTHING, we make a ETG.'i ETC., ETC. I i Roekp»rt, Thanksgiving dm*, Nov. 25th, by Rev. The chief points of superiority of this work over others B. S. Arey. N-r. William I). W«mz of Union and Mrs. of the kind are, that it is fresh from the peu of the specialty of selling Cloths Angie A. Kast»rn of Caimi n. * WOODSIDE, M. D., author; is oue-thinl larger; contains nearly double the FULLER & COBB, In T h o u irsto n .X „ v. 2Mi,. hy Rev. G. P. Matthews, number of illustrations; embracea a grupfdc nccouil and Trimmings for men’s If yon have but TWENTY-FIVE CENTS to spend for Presents, there is no place Mr. James F. Kun>„||t vr Boston and Miss Lizzie M. Stearns of Thomasto.. Physician and Surgeon, o f tin* great and boys’ wear, who wish " where you can spend it with so much satisfaction AS HERE. In Thomasto:. N ot.X Kev.G. P. Mathews. Mr. If von want to spend ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS yon can find something John II an rah n and Mi, Ahnenn E. Pierce, both of T U N A N T S HARB O R . AIR. Centennial Exhibition, 325 MAIN ST. R ockland. CITY DRUG STORE. to have their garments well worth the money. In II..* on. 25 ' ulL, at U, • r -rib nee o f Mrs. C. L. to be held in Philadelphia, in 1876, and is furnished at 7IOR PURE AND RELIABLE MEDICINES GO smaller priee.| made at home or elsewhere tiw e tt, N o. 15. U pton St., by the Rev. 1). C. E ddy, New and Elegant Design* DON’T FAIL to see the goods, even if you don’t Elijali C. Jameson, Esq., f » i' Tin.illusion, ORDER ’ to the I lease examine t .is work before purchasing Miss Latnira JacK»on, o. uooi„u. 1 56 C ITY DRUG ST O R E . at lowest prices. Wedding Invitations.—Latest Styles want fn nnrelmse. Jn Matlnicna, Nov. 20th, by Henry Young, Esq., | From New York O F and Pbil&ddpMa, J. P. COWLES, with or|without monogram, and envelopes to Capt. Geo. Smith and Miss EvUvu L. Ames, In.tti^.f i Handsomely Printed b C IT Y DRUG POTTLE & KNIGHT. match, lurniahed atjehort noticeAT this of Matlnlcus. [Corrected] AT - —’ THIS------OFFICE DANCES K- gStore is 283 Main Street. Camden, Me. R ockland, O ct. 1375. 45 FICK. SOME MODERN CONVEN­ M iscellaneous. KiisinesH Vartls. ienilroatls 4’ hiieaiuboain. /b r is k IENCES. BOSTON POTTLE & KNIGHT, Necessities once Luxuries. WEEKLY TIME! Thorndike Hotel, KNOX & LINCOLN RAILROAD KOCKLAND, - MAINE. To whom all communication* for this department mi the economy of living, which is the The Celebrated 11OSKOPH ' beaddreaaed, at thia office. Contribution*, quea- GLOBE, most engrossing science of these hard times MERCHANT TAI LORS KALLOCU & WIIITE, Proprietors. tione and •uggestious are invited. WATCH, the best tim e keep­ suggests the history of many necessities of S»LT Berry Brothers’ Livery Stable is connected with ARRANCEMENT OF TRAINS. the period that were once, at a time more ANl) DEALERS IN er in the world, for the least Takes effect October 35th, 1H«5. or less remote, classed as luxuries. The DR. GEO. B. LORING, HINTS FOR V BEGINNER. m o n e y , a t .1. C. Wh ite. N and uftei MONDAY. Oct. J-.n , a train will 1, button, for instance, which is perhaps the AGRICULTURAL EDITOR. E. II. SPEAK & CO.’S. O Rqekkuid a t In ,\. M.. a The taste for the cultivation of house-plants, or commonest as it certainly is one of the M., arriving at Bath . and 1.1.. 1’. M. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, -Kuckland. Oel. 11, 1875. T. •enger trains le window-gardening, as it is generally called, is be­ most useful of necessities, and which HIS FAMOUS PAPKKS SA M U EL T . XI., a rriv in g in Rock and :i coming more and more strongly developed with MUGRIDGE, scarcely any one ever thinks of as not hav­ X A I M A I i I : I each succeeding year, and when a taste of this ing always been purchasable, was added to THE FARM-YARD CLUB kind is once acquired, one feels a need for flowers the list of manufactures by the founder of 256 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND. that nothing else can satisfy. There certainly is SEW LOT JUST RECEIVED. WAltKANTKU Williston (Mass.) Seminary, who was a OF BEST QUALITY. COTTON. DUCK a charm in raising flowers from seeds or slips 3mo38 K. SH A W Sc c o I LAGS, clever New England mechanic, and from which cannot be overestimated; and at no season Having engaged tlie services of Mu. W. H.' P rie st , of this city, we are uow pre­ Loft on (’apt. \V. Il’s \\ hurt of the year do we appreciate their loveliness and making the article by hand finally produced J O T H A . 1 L pared to execute all orders with promptness. We would say to our friends aud pat­ Maine Central Railroad. a machine to turn buttons out by myriads. cheery influences more than in winter. When EVERY WEEK, rons that thev can have their garments cut by him or Mr. Knight (if they have any 1 T rain s I. av Bath lJ...-. P. M.. after everything without is cold and cheerless and the Indeed, we have only to go back two or choiceiand we should he pleased t o have you examine our goods before making your I arrival Train leaving Rockland Jo A. XL. cm. winds howl dismally, a few pots of flowers give an three centuries to find the folks without SOLARGRAEHS F. H. CROCKETT, in-eiiiiga! Brunsw ick for LewL-tmi, Farm ington. Augu-*- purchases. n, Skowhegan Dexter mid Bangor, at Yarmouth witli air of brightness and cheerfulness to a room, no forks, gloves, plates ami dishes, carriages, CT. liy, at We-tl.rook with I’, x li. R. R.. and matter how plainly furnished, that nothing else knit stockings, and withal enjoying life CHESS DEPARTMENT lu l’ofllo Ar Fviiig-lit. PHOTOGRAPHER, IL x M. JniietTon w ith trains on Bo-ton x. XJainc Roa many persons meet with n um ber. —AT— rival of train-, from l;.„ 11, l,.„ ; a r r ltr :,t Hath. J.J.', 1>. U .. tion and Bess herself, on the principle connecting to Ro. klau such a small degree of success in window-garden­ W HOI5ESALE Oil RETAIL. SOLAR PORTRAITS MADE FROM LIFE. Gilchrest, White & Co,, which has passed into a proverb, that lin­ The best Summary ot New Kngland Freight Trains each ing is that they attempt too much at first. One —ALSO— *< Life Size 13 X 15 inches, to Life Sizes 25 X30 dozen plants of the kinds most easily cultivated, gers were made before forks, being well and General News. Inches and finished in INDIA INK, PASTEL aud Carefully attended to, and, consequently, healthy satisfied with tbe former—and lie solemnly Poll Market Reports. CKAYON. Ship. Stores & Chandlery ami vigorous, will give more satisfaction than comments: “ Neither do I think any nation Wood, Hay, Saad, Hair, Pictures of all kinds copied, such us D aguerre* CHANGE <>E Tt.ME! double that number looking forlorn and neg­ in Christendom doth use it but only Italy, Boston’s best Sermons reported ev­ otypes, Auibroiypea, .Melaiuolypcs, 4tc, 36 SOUTH STREET, lected. their forks being for the most part made of ery W eek . Bricks, Cement, etc. required size, from q to the size - By this , , is-K w y o i s k : .hopt. 22, Id/3. j..* IiuckluiHl snitl Yinuiliaveu Steam ­ All the plants tor a window with a certain ex­ iron, steel and some of silver, but these are The Political News and Gossip, from posure should be such as flourish best iirthe same used only by gentlemen.*’ an impartial standpoint. Splendid Picture can be Obtained. boat Line! temperature. ( alius, Fuchsias, Gerauiums, Helio­ This sounds extremely funny now, yet it B. KIRKPATRICK & C0? tropes, &c., will grow ami bloom in a temperature was not until a number of years later that Wit and Humor. Chas. T. Spear & Cc. Many person# are possessed of pictures ot deceased Fall iind W inter Arrangements ! of about fitly degrees at night, with fifteen or relatives, which, though they ure valued highly, are the first forks—of crystal, coral, gold, vari­ still not so desirable as an elegantly finished photo Shipping and Comissioii Merchants, twenty degrees higher during the day, about the Home and Foreign Correspondence. ously bejeweled—were presented to Eliza­ Spear Wharf, Foot of Park St. g rap h . Commencing THURSDAY. Oct. 7th, 1875. temperature of an ordinary green-house. Bou- beth : even then that wonderful woman Literary News, Editorial Articles vardias, Begonias, Tuberoses, Poinsettias, of about ao K O C K L A N D , M A I N E . Di ali rs in Ship ChamUerij. Sh i ■.Steamer Clara Clarita, sixty at night ami eighty in the day. Most plants would have nothing to do with then, and and Paragraphs, etc , etc., etc. Pictures Tastefully Framed will tiourisu best in an aspect which is due South, under her successor’s reign we find a great Altogether the WEEKLY GLOBE IOW6m 'H U r{ PtC tO U , divine stigmatizing the fork as an “ insult iu highly finished heavy Black Walnut, Oval and Agent* for Vale Coal, iron and Mumifuctu that is, during the cold season: for the remainder is the most thorough family news­ bquare Frames, new style Boston and New of the year the ICast is preferable. ot Providence.*’ York Paterns, inauutactuied expressly • Also lor Messrs. Perkiu- & Job, N The English took to gloves much more paper in ’’ew England. for my trude. Persons at a dis­ tfij- Coni Charter- alway- on hand It is best for a beginner to choose those plants tance cun be turuished Indies ami South Aiiiericuu Port.-. ( whose treatment is most simple, gradually adding readily and earlier, the Queen having set w ith vessels ami merchandise solicited. others of more difficult culture as louger and more the example to her subjects in 1518 by MAKE UP YOUR (LUBS. Pictures to their satisfaction., Necessary Information extended experience fits her for the care graciously holding up and smelling into a will be given by addressing tilt artist. JOHN 6. LOVEJOY'S them. >15 pair which had been made especially T E R M S : Residence &. Studio. Spear Bloch, Main St. Nothing is more bewildering to the amateur for her, and possessed real beauty as well O n e c o p y .. florist than the catalogues of the dealers, issued, as intrinsic value. It is worthy of note Four copiei • address.. as they are of late years, in such beautiful ami E i g h t ...... Insurance Agency, that England now employs fifty thousand Ten “ “ “ . tempting style. It is impossible to decide upon persons in glove-making, while something THOS. IYIcLQON, Artist. half a dozen Geraniums, lor instance, when there And an extra copy t e nding lub CUSTOM HOUSE CLOCK, over ten million pairs, worth, at a rough K ockland, J u ly 5. 1872. 30 are over two hundred and fifty kinds from which of eight or ton. llocklnnd, - .- Maine. guess, five millions of dollars, are annually Postage free In all casew. 32b M a in S I r e e l. All f lu - to make a choice, accompanied, as they are. with iu imported from France. Terms strictly lu advance. Address, „ . . young a n d j 0 sT i>; y.\! glowing descriptions and parenthetical remarks, Is giving tlie best bargains in u'l kinds old, m ake mo»e m oney at w ork for Us, io th e ir own Io- | >a t . such as “ extra," ** superb," ‘‘truly magnificent," In the matter of table-ware, Dresden is GLOBE PUBLISHING COMPANY, Boston culilies, during their spare moments, or ull the time. . K! &c. The colors as described also are often Greek only a century aud half distant, aud except than at anything else. We oiler employment tlmt will Xa/- A A Winter Arrangement, un­ ihe Etruscan wares and those of tbe far fin d pay handsomely for every hour’» work. Full purticu I Agent i «u- im to the uninitiated—’'carm ine am aranth," for in­ T1IK WEEKLY GLOBE WITH OTIIKK furs, terms, ic., sent tree. Send y? your uddre.- stance, and •• brightcarmiuated cerise." East, there is no history back of Dresden. once. Dou’t delay. Now Is the time, til further Notice. PUBLICATIONS. Under such circumstances it is best to fall back After the Saxony enterprise, followed tbe work or business elsewhere, until vou i'XV.'J Hampton Tea Conip’y, of N, Y. what we otler. G. STlXSoX it Co., Portfctml, Mbit B e s t < .lo n g I I -•! I IG i upon the old and well-tried kinds, than which Sevres establishment, and in England we We will n-iul Tin: Weekly Gt.ont: und either .»f my years, in tills city. Cal j For Penobscot, Mt. Desert aud the magazine;, or paper* given below nt the following id tiiid out tlie prices before- JIt<*st J a p a n , 5 0 to i none can be better, such as Gen. Gram. Ix>rd have Thomas Wedgewood, under favor of reduced rate*. Payment must he n (amine his good*, i uake your purcha •a. Satisfaction given every- DVERTISING, Cheup, Good, System atic I Y» Indesal a M a c h ia s. Derby, or Coleshill for single scarlet. Triumph Queen < aroliue. who made him royal pot­ All persons who contemplete making contra* s| Regular price ii every partieulr. • NO S A L E . Opposite the B. and Victor Lemoine tor double scarlet, White ter—whence the term “ queensware ’*—in­ Awith newspapers tor the insertion ot advertiremeu s. i v K11 1 ISE M E S I S. labor of one hundred thousand persons, II. li. ( K IE X CD., a ? , c a i i r t . who manufacture four hundred millions of AN INDEPENDENT NEW SPAPER Salt, Barrels, Trawl Itockluiiil, Mi. lleserl aud Sullivan What a pleasure to gather the beautiful flowers Agent for 1'irsl Class Stock Conip:iiih*s in pairs annually. 205 MAIN STREET ami fashion them into bouquets, to ornament our Duly $8 a Year. Postage Free. Line, Gangings, Thomaston and Yicinily. SiesunliOiit t'oiiipiiu.v. rooms, decorate the graves of our dear ones, or The year 1535 saw the first coach: we Business Bromplly Attended Io. r m A T OFFER f'a 1 .1 . a ic i: v x t . i :m j : n ’c . gladden the heart ot the invalid! They are fit should think it quite impossible to get THE CHEAPEST AND BEST, I 1)111.1 OIL CLOTHES, &c. Thim unitou, Aug. 21, 1871. 38 along without carriages now. John Tay­ NEW SPAPER IS SIAV ESDI.AND. Carriage Paints, Bi is, messengers ot love and sympathy to our si :k and That nil who h ONE TRIP PER WEEK! suffering friends, telling their own story of heav­ lor said of the primitive vehicle: " File D uring tlie C entennial y e a r 1876. ii<> • petlM? Mill he TO BOOK AGENTS. TI ~hV? ...... enly care ami protection. ight of it put both horse and man into spared t<> make the BOSTON DAI LX G L O B E jthc H . H . C R IE & CO., BERRY BS0THER8 —— ‘x-t-' p e ople amazement; some said it was a great crab- ino«l complete and enterprising newspap Vartiislies, &c., if any dislike to cut their flowers at all, It will contain all the news of the did Illustrations • Steamer Ulysses, while others will pluck all kinds and colors in one shell brought out of China, and some it "the L.-t 120/5 A lnin !St,i*e«t.. ,, .... - - • the tiiiK’d. and NEW LIVERY & HACK STABLE Capfc. David Robinson, bunch, ami never giving a thought to their imagined it to be one of tbe Pagan temples , horn our own news-gatherers in all the leading capi­ v \V e wa nt D’<« X’« r# in every Of the Very Best Quality at arrangement, crowd them into a little vase, or in which tbe cannibals a«b*>^J the devil. I L»ree IUu»- MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND. Mi WiU Icavi R A IL R O A D W H A R F . Rockland. . v n tals. As an advertising medium it lias no siiperio wees, ami toll particular-; tree S.\ IT R DA Y morning, at 9 o'clock.. omnicucing SAT nut it required a full lmn- a trial will demount rate. I’R D A Y . o .io h .r IGtli, lor N orth Haven. D eer i.-l* down go several of the prettiest into the water y e a r s to make coaches fashionable, ( TKItMb—Strictly In A .lunav. H. H. CRIE & CO.’S. South W e t H arbor. Bar H arbor. Mi D. rt . i. . out of sight. We should know when we gather ;,n(j \ve * have been developing new styles One copy one your- moiue ami Sullivan. <-onnt-«-iiug witli E li-w orth our flowers what we wish to do with them, and 1 six m o u t h s ...... GarriaoBolts,Ail8S,8?ra[sLu55 Main Street. 16 ftagc, ,9 miles1 at l.amoine. l’at?.-engers for Italic. conveyance ever since cut aud arrange them accordingly. Some flowers • “ three months...... Franklin an.I G oiildsboro w iil jairchase tickets for Si W e have been mentioning simply those ■ C A T ;£ van. Tho-e for Trent..... to Lamciue. have very short stems; these look pretty in some­ POSTAGE Fit EE, St., N. Y- uud all kinda of Carriage Hurd warn CJJ 1 Ib tiiruiug. will !ea\ thing shallow like a saucer, for we dislike to cut articles which suggest themselves most I A d d r e s s <9 ofl large clusters of buds every time we pick a AGENTS WANTED'C. a t p a n ic p r ic e s - Ii’oii, Steel, ks AnyAyieol Single or Double Team furnished ISth. touching as above, arriv in g iu Rockland iu s ; X ^ a i ^ L w±Lev^ The Globe Publishing Company I short notice and at reasonable rates. to comic, t n^rii tin l » I'. XL train, arriving in Verbena, or take a whole plant to get one Pansy Best a ccommodutious for Boarding Hows and ; I*. XI. ami B. xlon at to p . XL. l.ewiMo or Balsam. « ago. Something might lie added of the i -ias W uslibigtun street, itnuton. mi transient Tcums, in tin- city. Every bouquet should have a good proportion part thdf fashion has played in this t r a n s - 1 ------itenuial Games of American History ot H. H. CRIE & CO., AND CHAINS. Particular attention is giveu to furnishing team of green and white, and not too many bright col­ formation, and of the new industries, trade ni-nn-rA-riz->M ar.L. 75 cents. Also a new parlor game ami Coaches for funerals. IT Xd NORTON, Agents. i Blagues of Egvpt, 5i» cents.Sent l»y mail All kinds and at. very low prices, by Books kept at this ofiice tortile ditie ors, for it is in poor taste to put all shades and and commerce that it has started up. We , where all order should !/<■ D ll. THE GREAT REPUTATION Age: ,.i;.B..Ii:i m .'" ! 16 205 MAIN STREET ■varieties together. Neither should flowers be might remark, for example, the history of | ...... , 5 0 FRED H.BERRY. HAS. II. l.LRRl . formed into rank aud file like a regiment of infan­ crinoline, its rise and fall; the variability l/a *" M " '' ''' 1 " ARTISTS’MATERIALS. H. H. CRIE&.CO., K ockland, .Inn. 1, IS?.’ N<>rr i< -a< try, where like the soldiers they lose all their in­ of tlie chignon, its possibilities and its | °°“ 5 of goods for the holidays. Semi tor Catalogue To the - Judge of Probate and far the dividuality by their similar jxisitions and crowded W ALKER & '-.U Washington St.,Bost XT»iTL E is hereby given tyrannies: and it could be interesting to (Jj'eilt 1111(1 GOO<1 M e d ic in e , ('ounty of Knox. IK 205 MAIN STREET, l l Com pany in uot'interest! appearance, but grouped loosely ami gracefully, tr.-tce the evolution o f th e shoe, from the r l*MIE Petition of BEDER FALES, Administrator D tin- Wild Cat Granite Quarrv. ealled.*in St. Gcurgt Sai.l Quany is now operatcj by LEWIS E. BLAI. letting each flower show its own peculiar beauty JL on the estate of JOSHUA ALLEN, lute of Thom- ( Successors iti ti. IV. Urutvn era of the “ chopine, ” which had a heel and the large number of testimonials which m eet Liberal alone, and all bills contra< (ed after this date will b and habit as far ns possible. Those with long, stantlv being received from i>er«<>n> who have he ti selling ■ a«ton, iu tlie County of Knox, deceased, testate, re­ slender stems, such as the Tassel Flower aud Cal- eighteen inches high, to that of the decol­ eured by its use, are conclusive proof of its great vali end for te spectfully represents, that the personal estate of said I paid by him. lete " Newport tie, *’ which has raged vio­ It is recommended by pliyHcians and apothecaries, TEA <’< ' at is not suflicient to pay the just debts and de­ liopsis, look so pretty nodding their heads above mands against said estate, by the sum of six hundred lently in recent summers. But enough has a Blood-l’urilier and H ealth-R estorer, it has no t qiial West India Goods and Groceries. their larger and stifler companions. Veuetink is not prepared for a fancy drink ma i >11 dollars. The said Administrator therefore requests j Also, Hard mnl Blacksmith’-'Coal. Wood, Hay j Then the Pansy, which chooses a shady nook to been said to show that be the times ever so from poor liquors, which debilitates the system a zaass ssij n n i n v i v Giat he m a y b e em pow ered, agreeably to law , to sell Sand, Fire Brick and Cement, hard, we cannot do without what some an­ tends to destroy health instead of restoring it. COUGHS, { alOAIC^L.i Ij&b. and convey so much of the real estate of said deceased, Harper’s Magazine. grow and bloom in, should never be placed on the *>11 •P h rii'it n?ctaQotiW fiicludinr the reversion of the widow’s dawer,if neces- NO. G, HANKIN SLOCK-Y A re not the m any testim onials given for the dift'ei A na ail i m o d i m sedse*, »ary, usmay be required to satisfy said debts and de- G . L . BLACK, outside of a boquet to stare at the whole world, cestors of ours were absolutely in utter ■omidaints satisfactory to any reasonable per ILLUSTRATED. R ocklaud, A pril 5, 1874. 1 the ITtSI’3 Inlands, with incidental charges, either at public but be seen peeping out from beneath the green ignorance of. fcring from disease that they i Notices o f the Prsss. different testiuioniulu give doubt. In LU L L 2S< >?Srr,K lf, leaves, half hidden from view; while the stately BEDER FAI.ES. m any of the*< tlie pi rsons say that their pain ami WELL’S CARBOLIC TABLETS.pri'*" The ever-increasing circulation of this excellent R O < ’K E A IS' 1 >, AIJ-T. Gladiolus may look proudly forth from the centre, PUTUPONLY IN F. BOXE. OKAS. A. DAVIS, differing eannot be expressed, as in eases of Scrofula, All work will he faithfully and IpruiupCy uttendr l surrounded ami intertwined with fine flowers or The Siamese Twins Surpassed. where, apparently, the A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY KNOX COUNTY—In Court of Probate, held a wavy green. if Vegetine will eiievc pain, clviui.-e, Sold by all Druggists. !•..T land on the third Tuesday of November, 1875. ■ ,nany homes it pel Attorney aud Counsellor at Law. j One of the most remarkable freaks of I corruption. Orders may be left or bundles -ent to tli Very pretty boquets can be made in saucers of ■p i n 1 a.nd itoriug the patient to N13W BOOK- FOR THE l.OOD.tnlo Ordkked, That notice thereof be given, three weeks j elder it as one ot the educators as well as cut n atu re ev er know n has taken place in 1 J“JJ‘*'t X-aiti^aiur trying diif •nt pliysieiaiif, m any l i o UG r O T r □ kJ C PlonC O successively, in the Buckland Gatette printed in Rock- j of the public lu h id .-B u sto n Globe CUSTOM HOUSE BLOCK. Eu.-tern Express (Mice. j 31 wet sand; they are easily arranged, the sand South Carolina. It is in the shape of a J remedies, sufl’eriug f« is it not eonelusive proof UK w t b I W b U r t u t K ||and, in said County, that ull persoui interested may ; The character which tins Magazine posses-. lia s porscssioh o f all the l i .-t bouid* hi th e cifc>. keeping each flower in place These are very ajv- Win- O double child, or more strictly speaking, R O C K L A N D , M A IN E . < lAit propriate to place in the eemetery, as the flowers ______4 It worka-iu S I-: III \ .1 IE I II Y 11 A It S A <1 <> . .itfii.1 at a Prubala' Courl to ba lit-ld at lludtlaud, on | rlely, enlrrpri.e, artistic wealth, “nd ..... two children joined together. The curiosi- die blood,* in the circulating fluid. It can he truly , , ,1 ii r i r \ , .i the third Tuesday of December next, and show cause, that lias kept pace w ith .it it has not led the >>““••- appear to have grown aud blossomed there in the called tlie Gi-mt Blood Purifier. Tlie great source of ii V api te H,i '' h r Him 'Vi »>av*e. why the prayer of .aid petitioul.houldcuu.eli.conducte.rstoregardilwithjUstil a . (LtotluJi, grass. Very beautiful ones are made with the osity is the oflspring of colored parents, disease originates in tlie blood: and no medicine that Border Life, it- thiliium o .M -»l Red m>d W bite » «'i framed complacency. The M agazine ha- done good und not II. N. KEENE, Crittenden and Sarah J.oifCs, of Beech Is­ doe» not act directly upon it. to purify and renovate, foes. Exciting Adventures, Captivities. I’orays,Scouts, ®»t»nta not fe grauteu. Lvil all the davs of its life.—Brook!an Eagle. •June Pinks, the white English Pinks, and two or Pioneer women aud hoys. Indian war-paths. Camp life.. 3w51 L. M. WOOD, Judge. 3 o f th e most popular of modern novels have more kinds of Hose-buds, witli a Rose just opened land, South Carolina. One of the children ha* any just claim upon public attention. When the No competition. Enormous Bales. Agents wanted Teacher of Piano, Or^an,8Violin ano blood becomes lifeless and stagnant, either from change and Sports. A hook tor Old and \ .mug. S ot a dun paze- A ,ruv copyi _ Attest -T . P. PlEBCE, Register. ; flr6lBOOTS, appeared as SUOES,’ serial, in this RUBBERS, In all re- in the centre. For green the Scotch Hose leaves are is a perfectly developed female, large for of weather or climate, want of exerci-e. irregular diet, where. Circulars free. Address, J. C. YlcCUItpY «k ------—------sp e c ts ,it io m ^ x re lle n t periodical, and fully deserve* H a rm o n y . CO., 26 S. Seventh St. Philadelphia Pa. 4w51 M oe;.... i s, Hide • a---•':ht, Wav Leather, breach the prettiest for the top, they are so small ami del­ her age, aud with every appetance of from any Other r;rtue, tile VEGETINE will renew the KNOX COUNTY—In Probate Court, held at Rockland its great m eP hiladelphia Ledge/ and Ain- r -an -kin*. .Machine Belting. TERMS ' Organ and l’iuno, $ 15 ior 24 Lessons icate. Place larger Rose leaves round the edge, health. The other, who is a male, is but | blood;...jod, carry ofl* the putrid humors, cleanse the stomach, on the th ird T uesday o f N ovem ber 1875. | . —y- I .tilings a n d Shoe b Hiding.-*, Yioltu,$12 lor .4 I e-OUK. regulate the bowels und imparl a tone of vigor to the CERTAIN instrument purporting to he the lust j t I eP IU S : allowing them to fall over and hide the saucer, imperfectly developed, has only the rudi­ whole body. Tlie conviction is. in the public uiind us P.ZO. AddressSox, 56. 32 well as in* tlie medical profession, that tlie remedies will and testament of ROBERl ROBBINS, late - Postage free to all Subscribers lu tlio L'nlt. d and the bouquet will appear to be made in a ments of limbs, and does not eat, depend­ Agents, N. Y. A Harper' s Magazine, c supplied by tlie Vegetable Kingdom ale more safe, umption. Sold by druggist*. Hlgkman x Co.. of Rockland, in .aid County, deceased, having been States^ _ wreath of Rose leaves. The next morning the ing for sustenance uponits sister. These two * '*n presented for probate : #4 UO includes prepayment d l___ , postage by tlie more successful, iu tlie cure of disease, than mineral publishers. H O T i G S Rose-buds will have opened, and you will almost beings are joined together by a wide band, medicines. VEGETINE is composed of roots, barks and Obokbed, That notice be given to all persons in­ Ahbf Subscriptions to Harper'sWj^ ^ zine, Weekly, '’HE Committee on Accou - and Clhime of the City wonder if this is the same bouquet you made the j in the center of which one of the lungs of lierbs. It's pleusant to take, ami is perfectly safe to terested, bv publishing a copy of this order in the u n d Bazar, to one address for one year, $10 0 0 ; or, day before. give an Infant. Do yen ueed it? Do not hesitate to Rockland Gazette, printed at Rocklaud, in said County, tico o f the Harper's Periodicals, to one address jor TRUE P. PIERCE, of Rockland will be inai don at the Ci:y freasui these strange creatures seems to be located. three weeks successively, the first publication to be onic Block, < (I,, hut 1-lilb-) ) etc There are no flowers that excel the lovely Pinks try it. Yrou will never regret it. one y ea r, $7 0 0 ; postage free. Touch the male and the female will shrink; thirty days at least, before a Probate Court to be held iqlltll, flOIII 7 2 till 9 o’clock, fol the An K/elra Copy of either the Magazine, \\ eeki.y . Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ■ain-t the city. and Roses; to their firmness of texture, perfect at Rockland, in said County, on the third Tuesday of oz azar tcill be supplied gratis for ecery Club oj pinch it and it will cry. Reverse the opera­ IOC AGENTS WANTED t1'7n,.1.‘iu,1December next, the time assigned for a liearing, that B »> li..-party’conti..tir.c form, and beautiful coloring, is added a delicate CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Steel Views, Public Buildings. Guide aud Map Five Serschibers at $4 Oo each, in one remittance : All bilk tion, and still it is the female who shows of Philadelphia. Every family wants a package. they muv appear, and shaw cause, If any they have, or. Six Copies for $2 00. without extra copy : postage (Hlice in Court House, them. perfume, more pleasing by far than that of the Ghaki.EsTOwn, March in, 1S«59. why tin’ .aid instrument should uot be proved, ap­ it. G. BIRli, Mignonette, which is not a particular favorite of sensibility. The head of the male is small IL K. STEVENS ()nlv 25 els. Large wag. s dire, und no risk. Address at proved aud allowed us the last will aud testument of fre e . R. C. IlA l.L . once, GUKNSEY, Pub., (’uncord, N.H. 49 Back Numbers *R 1 A S i>. mine. I would choose first those flowers having and misshapen, the 'ears 'presenting more Dear Silt:—This is to certify that I have used your 1>. I- tlie deeeused. LEANDER! “ Blood Preparation” in my family for several year.-, A Com plete Set beauty as well as sweetness, among which will be the appearance of those of an animaJ than aud 1 think tliut, for Scrofula or Cankerous Humors, or j Agents tor the best E . M. W O O D , Judge. rising 51 V oluni—, ...... found the half-hardy purple Heliotrope aud Sweet those of a human being. The pulsations Rheumatic Affections, it cannot be excelled; ami, as a j celling Prize Package A ttestT . P. Piebce, R egister. y express, freight at expense ot purchaser, tor si2 blood purifier and spring medicine it is tin- best thing I | in the world. It con­ KNON COUNTY—In Court of Probate, held at Rock­ perC volume. Single columes, by m ail, p o stp a id , oo. Alyssuui. Let us always have the pretty, sweet- of the heart and the act of respiration can tains 15 sheets paper, Cloth eases, for binding, 58 cents, by mall, postpaid. scented blossoms, for fragrance gives a delightful have ever used; und I have used almost everything. I • WANTED land, on the third Tuesday of November, 1875. lopes, golden Pen. Pen Holder, Pencil, patent A Complete Analytical Index to tlie first Fifty Yol- he plainly perceived in the ligament joining can cheerfully recommend it to anyone in need of such ■ rriHANKFUL B. BICKMORE, Administratrix on charm to our bouquets. a medicine. Yours respectfully, Yard measure, ami a piece of Jewelry. Single pack uuies of Harker’s Magazine lias just l>e«-n pub­ is & S te Ciilltr’s the bodies. This ligament, if such it can age witli elegant Prize, postpaid, 25c. Circular flee, I the estate of JOHN BIt'KMORE. lata of St. lished, rendering available for reference llie va.t and A very common mistake is th e forming of too Mks. A. A. DINSMORE, George, in said Coduty, deceased, having presented her F .H .& G .W , GOGHRAN’S be called, is joined to the* girl at the end of 4w49 liR ID E X CO., 709 B roadw ay. N . Y. varied wealth of information which constitute? thia many flowers in one cluster, destroying their 19 Russell Street. first account of aiimini.tratiou of said estate for allow- the breast-bone, and to the male lower periodical a perfect Illustrated literary cyclopedia. 8\o. I Stock. Tools A Supplies graceful, airy effect; a few carefully selected, aud Cloth. $3 00: Half Calf, $5 25. Sent postage prepaid. } tastefully arranged with slender sprays of running down. It is broad aud thick, covered with WHAT IS NEEDED. Ordered. That notice thereof be given, three week. A serie, of papers under the title ot “ The First fen ’ rt3E, MARINE, LIFE, suece.B iveh, iu the Rockland Gazette, printed at Rock- tnry of the Republic," contributed by tin-most eminent of all kinds, at the very low est \ine, and finely cut, wavy green, will surely give skin like the rest of the body, Whether Boston, Fell. tliere are two distinctive sets’ of vital or­ Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, lund, in said County, tliut all persons interested may at- American publicists, is now being published in Har­ us more pleasure than a confused mass, o f mauy tend at a Probate Court to be liebl at Rockland, ker’s Magazine. This .cries of over twenty papers I market prices, by varieties, so huddled and jammed together that gans or whether both are dependent upon . .e lfin For Dirtvartes of t :e Throat und Lungs, such third Tuesday of December next, and .how cause, if gives a comprehensive review of progi feeble condition from general debility. VEGETINE any they have, why the said account should not be al- they present the rueful appearance of floral crim­ one has not yet been determined. The was strongly rccommeuded to me hv a friend who hail ns Conglirt. Colds, W hooping Cough, Bron­ century now closing, in every departni Lifl’i^ u u ., ...... J1 tional life. inals condemned to die by suffocation.—Floral latter opinion seems to prevail, however. been much benelltted by its use. I procured the article, 3wal E. M. WOOD, Judge. and, after using several bottles, was restored to health, chitis*, Autliinu aud CONSUMPTION. Newspapers are not to copy this udeettiseme. . i t ; b l u 'Y. Cabinet. It is apparent, at any rate, that the male und discontinued its use. I feel quite confident tiiat A true copy—Attest.—T. P. PIERCE, Regitster. ut the express order nz Ha r v e ii. Brother: receives nourishment through its compan­ T h e few coiopositloUH Addres. BARKER BROTHERS. > there is no medicine superior to it lbr those complaints :a p i t a l represented , o \ e r Tbe Artlisia. ion. A well-known physician examined for which It is especially prepared; ami would chcer- which have won the eoiill KNOX COUNTY—In Court of Probate, held at Rock­ fully recommend it to those who feci tliut they land, on the third T uesday o f N ovem ber. 1875. the twins and pronounced them to be the deuce of mankind and he The Apffeft1 is a very pretty evergreen shrub, ‘ ' them to pel' OHN T. BERRY, Guardian of THOMAS WAI.CH most wonderful natural phenomenon of , U. L. CO m e household w o r d s which is much admired for its bright clusters of of Rockland, in said County, miuor, having, pre- SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS P O W D E R A N D FU SE, the kind iu the xvorld. The mother and among not only among one' J:nted ills fir.-t and filial account o f g uardianship of L o o se s A tljn - 'te .l n in l Pi»»«l u t U»i* A g c n e y . red berries, and they will often remain upon the saie ward for allowance : branches all the winter. It can be easily raised father of the children are strong and hut many nations, must have SHOT ANO CAPS. •extraordinary virtues. Per­ Ordered, That notice thereof lie given, three weeks P r in t in g Berry Block, Kockland. from the seeds, which should Ik* sown iu pots, jjs healthy Twins were never burn I., them , (J , y E S HJ.-A 1 /|'| |,S T I t L \< JT 11 successively, iu tlie Rockland Gazette, prin te d in Rock­ soon as the lierries drop ofl’, anti covered with u before. 1 he twins have since died. haps no one ever secured so land, in said Cocnty, that ull persons interested niuyut- K ucalum l, 1S“4. wide a reputation, or main tend at a Probute Court to be held at Rocklaud, on the J pane of glass, and the pots set in the sun. The AND APPETITE. third Tuesday of December next, und show cause, If J W holesale and llelatl. Ardisia is of tropieal habit, and delights in tallied it so long as Ayer’s I My ilaugliter Iiuh received great benefit from tlie use (.'herby I’Ll tubal. It ha Carriage Spokes, Wheels, warmth, and a good supply of moisture; growing Pood lbr Lean Women. of the VEGETINE. Her declining health was a xoiirce been known to tlie public BALL PRINTING most luxuriantly in a mixture of sandy loam, and of great anxiety to all of her friends. A tew bottles of Kims, Shafts, Hulls, 11. II. ( HIE .A l ’<>., 205 Hain SI. fibrous peat. luwiuter it needs o sunny window If anyone wishes to grow fleshy, a pint about flirty years, by a long continued series of mar­ A t «opy, -A tte s t :■ aud warm air, but in summer it can be kept of milk’Liken before retiring at night will velous cures, tiiat have won for it a confidenci* in its duue lathe moat rtutiatuctory manner. Including In- Seats, &e., virtues, never equaled by any other medicine. It still KNOX COUNTY—In Probate Court, held nt Rock- viTATioNN, Orders of Dancing. 'Iu r l is, e tc ., shady border, and w:iteix*