Rockland Gazette

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Rockland Gazette The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVKKY THURSDAY . ESTABLISHMENT. VOSE & PORTER. to which we are constantly making >---------- , 2 I O Main Street. prepared to execute with promptness and good stylo every variety of Job Printing, including rr tc i t ivr s : Town Reports, (Catalogues, By-Laws If paid strictly in advance—per annum, Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ If payment is delawd G mouths, grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, It Hut paid till the'el,.se of the year, Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ J$H~ New suhscriheis are expected to 111: ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills of Lading, Business, Ad­ dress and Wedding C ards, T ags, Ui>' S in g h ' copies live sale at tho otlice and L abels, it th.- B ookstores. V O L U M E BI. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24,187(1 N O . B8. PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO Z . 1‘O l’K V O SE. J. 15. POUTER. will receive prompt attention. happy; and he says he will he miserable Mrs. Grimford gave a hollow groan. Air. Cliiinccllor W alw orth’s Office, Errors About Apoplexy. W ellesley Students, ing a lietter price for the merchantable ar­ gO Ctl'lh without me, and—” Wilmer touched his horse slightly with the S a r a t o g a . “ Caroline, Em astonished at you? Of w hip. A recent medical writer makes the fol­ To the bracing tone of the Wellesley at­ ticle to the extent of 15 per cent, profit. mosphere, and the wholesome effect of Wel­ The pans and coolers are arranged in sets course I’m in earnest! I have neither “ Stop,” cried Mrs. Grimford. “ I consent [ Any one passingthe house might see him lowing suggestions, which correct some gold nor gems to lay on the shrine of the lesley ideas, the students themselves are the B rikk articles, suggestions,and results ol experience of four single pans within one large water Who Old Canoe,' < —but it is under a protest.” ihard at work throughout the day, and‘his 'elating to Farm, Garden or Household loanagemunt cause: hut I have a daughter, and I intend “ You can protest all you like,” said Mr. ! lamp was burning there still until two, prevalent notions regarding apoplexy :— best witnesses. 'l’liee hundred healthier, pan, divided by partitions, permitting the ire invited from our readers interested in sueh matters. water to circulate around one or all the pans XThoro fhe reek© are gray as».l th e ahoro is ite ep . to show the world.what a woman unshaek- Wilmer, assisting his mother-in-law elect three, and often four o’clock in the morn- “ In conversing w ith several {persons happier, more blooming girls it would lx; And the water© below look dark and deep. eled and unfettered c m accomplish! You. into the carriage. Silently Mrs. Grimford | ing. In this same otlice the chancellor about Yice-Prcsident Wilson's death and hard to find in company together. They as the o|a.*rator may elect. Tho set is ar­ Where the rugged pine, in its kmc-ly pride, Caroline, should glory in thus becoming an entered the pliadon; silently she drove home i held his “ motion courts.” This was not its cause, I have noticed that few have ire not cumbered with much serving; they ltUKAL TOPICS. ranged in a wood frame, is constructed of the licst tin and painted on the outside, so Leans gloomily over tho xuurky tide; ofl’erin g . ” and in silence crossed the threshold of her only a convenience to himself, hut gener- right conception of the symptoms of a|»o- ‘ are not hampered by many rules T he) as to prevent rust. The circulation of the Where tho reeds and rushes are long and lank, ’ But Carrie, apparently unappreciative of liouse, as became a conquered party! I ally agreeable to the members of the. bar riic condtlions constituting an at- . appreciate their privileges, arid are worthy [W ritten for the GasetU by T. 15. II in k b , o f Linden, And the weeds grow thick cu the winding bank; 1 lie great lot hi store for her, cried more •Tothink,” she said, in a hollow voice, who, hv going there instead of to Albany, J ^:le^ :irc the rupture of a cerebral blood- o f them. To a large degree. they are their X. J., for many years Editor of the Enrol Amtrican water is constant and thorough. Many Where the shadow is heavy the whole day through, piteously than ever. as she sat at dinner, “ that after m v precepts were able U combine a little business with vessel, and consequent hemorrhage of ex- own governors. Never had young women ami one of the most experienced farme other jiointsof excellence possessed by these There lies at its mooriu-a the old canoo. “ Tears will not move m e,” said Mrs. and examples, Caroline should end her ca­ a trip to the Springs. A wood-box being i b’-ivasation of blood into the brain. The finer opportunities for study in the midst of u dfuruit growers in the United States.] ingenious milk-pansand coolers can he bet­ ter appreciated by a personal inspection than Tho useless paddles are idly dropped. Grimford, returning to her butterflies. “ I re er by g ettin g m arried ’ ” covered with a carpel, an arm-chair was effect of an extravasation of blood into the surroundings more attractive. If in their only regret that I am ti e parent of so de­ “ M am m a,” said <’arrie, tim idly. “ I d on’t placed upon it, and a long-lc'ged desk he-1 i”’;lin substance is the same as compression , beautiful rooms they ever grow weary, all by any description. Like a sea bird's wiugs that the storm has lopped, RAISING CLOVER SEED. Aud crossed on the railing, one o'er one. generate a daughter. think it so terrible a fate, after all.” fore it. and the little otlice w7ts thus e o n - a depressed portion of the skull, he- the beautiful grounds without are before ( lover that is designed for gathering the Like tho folded hands when the work is done; “ Mamma, ” ventured poor little Caro­ “ To think,” continued Mrs. Grimford, verted into a court-room. Here for many eaust; the brain is enclosed in a hard, un-, them. They ramble at will through all the Top Dressing Oreliarils. While busily back and forth between line, aftera few moments of silent griev­ paying no attention to her daughter’s reply, years distinguished counsel came to make, yielding, bony ease. Under these circum- broad dominn. Tho lake is their skating should he on land where not many ing. -1 promised Sydney to ride with him “ that you should meet the fate of an ordi­ defend, and argue motions in chancery. I stanc,‘s the pressure caused by the extrava-‘ park in winter, the scene of their boating weeds will grow, as the seeds of the weed, The London Garden says; "Top dres­ The spider stretches his silvery screen. sing can lie applfcd to orchard trees on And the solemn owl with the dull “too whoo/* this afternoon. ” nary woman! ” Hither came Ambrose Spencer, Chief-Jus-J S:l,cd blood interrupts tho circulation in the exploits in summer. When Mr. Longfel- make kthc clover seed foul. The second grass with the perfect contidenco that im­ 6c t ties down on the side of the old canoe. “ You must give him up. On such a But, mamma, dear, I never had any am­ tiee of New York..lolin U .!Spencer, Joshua i substance of tin; brain, and the apoplectic low visited them last autumn, it was a dc- year it should he mowed for hay at tin; subJect I can accept no compromise.” bition to he an extraordinary woman.” S|x?iieer, Charles O’Connor, Samuel Stcv-! phenomena, such as stupor, insensibility, lightful row they gave him inau eight-oared time of first blossoming, the second growth proved crops will follow, although the The stern half sunk in the slimy wave, • But. mamma, 1 promised. ” And so was brought to an abrupt termi- ens, Mark Reynolds. Elisha Williams, Ben-■ ete ’ are ’n due to :t deficiency of a barge, called the £’m?/r/c7/ne; ami after a being best for seed, to he cut as soon as tin grass itself may he the first to show the Uot6 slowly away in its living grave, M r s . Grimford gravely rubbed the end nation all the plots and plans for a model I Jnmin F. Butler, of New York, Daniel l,r“l‘er supply «»f blood to the nervous mass, scstson or two of practice, it would be a tine heads turn brown. It may be cut with a benefit of top-dressing. There isliefore us Aud the green moss creeps o'er its dull decay o f her nose. “ A prom ise is a prom ise, ( -aro- xistenee which had lieen formed for Mrs. | Lord, William If. Seward, David Graham, • Bieehanism is practically the s/tme i crew which they could doubtless send to mowing machine, raked into small cock an instance of an orchard of apple trees Witting Mi m ouldering d u st away. line, nor shall I require you to break this;” when a|M»ple.xy depends on sudden and in- com pete, in graccam l skill, if not in stren g th ami dried by turning them over several planted on thin gravelly soil; the trees Like the hand that plants o’er the tomb a flower.
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  • Cataloged As Part of the Merchant Mariners Muster Project, Funded by the Andrew W
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    Issued Tuesday •Tuesday Thursday Issue Saturday _______IB ___ __ ____ Established January, 1846. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter, Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, June 3, 1924. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 79..................Number 67. NEW BANK PRESIDENT . ROCKPORT JUNIORS ment contains an appeal for a com­ WASHINGTON LETTER A NEW DEPARTURE The Courier-Gazette mercial course, tells of the organiza­ NEARING THE GRAND CLIMAX At a special meeting of the board tion of a girls' glee club, and of the THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK of directors of tftb Rockland National Made a Very Creditable Pa­ adoption of a new honor roll plan. Does Revenge Inspire LaFol- Nominal Admission To Be ALL THE HOME NEWS Bank yesterday,* Capt. Israel Snow Contributors to the miscellaneous Young “Chummy” Gray Holds Vinalhaven High To Four per of ‘‘The Tatler,” Now columns were R. Packard ’26. Kaler lette — Pulling Japan’s Charged To Knox Arbore- was elected president, to fill the va­ Subscription $3 00 per year payable in On Sale. ’25, L. Miller ’24. Elsie Salminen ’28, Singles—Thomaston Has a Temporary Scare. Beard. turn—Mr. Lermond’s New advance; single «*opies three cents. cancy caused by the death of the Priest ’26. and H. Tibbetts '25. The Advertising rates based upon circulation and very reasonable. late Arthur S. Littlefield. Capt. The Junior class of Rockport High class which graduated from Rockport (From our Regular Correspondent.) Specimens. High School last year is thus ac­ two Thomaston men at bat in that Snow has been a director of this Washington June 1.—Senator La- NEWSPAPER HISTORY School can take unto itself a great counted for: inning were quickly retired.
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