Courier Gazette

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Courier Gazette Issued TUESDAY I Saturday Thurscmy Saturday he ourier azette Issue T Entered u Second C U nC Mall Matte, -G THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1848. By The Courler-Gaxette, 485 Main St Rockland, Maine, Saturday, August 5, 1939 V olum e 94..................Number 93. The Courier-Gazette Deer Isle Tragedy [EDITORIAL] THREL'-TIMESA-WEKK McNUTT STOCK BOOMING Editor Mrs. Griffiths, Summer Resi­ Rockport Carnival Boat Races “The Black Cat” WM. O. PULLER dent, Thrown From a A survey by the American Institute of Public Opinion, con­ Associate Editor ducted only ameng persons who voted for Roosevelt In 1936, PRANK A. WIN8LOW Capsized Boat shows Vice President Garner to be the favorite Democratic Subscriptions $300 ner year paynblt choice if Roosevelt does not run in 1940. His vote has fallen In advance; single copies three cents. Mrs. Hugh Griffiths, 42, a summer Advertising rates based upon clrcula off 1 percent since the June tabulation, however. The most resident of Deer Isle, died Thursday lion and very reasonable surprising feature of the latest survey is found in the fact that NEWSPAPER HISTORY afternoon after a small boat in The Rockland Gazette was estab- Which lhe and hpr daughter Br­ McNutt of Indiana has jumped into second place, hurdling ushed In 1840 In 1874 the Cou'ler was wnlcn ana ner aaugnter. Ue- Hull and Farley. He received 13 percent of the vote, as com­ establlshed and consolidated with the sire, aril a companion, Mrs. Hyde, Oazette in 1882 The Free Press was , ,, „ pared with only 3 percent in June. Farley drappd from 16 irsbllshed In 1855 and In 1891 changed w«re sailing capsized in a squall off J S n X : . a ti ^ ’biU7nei8«TOWP,,Perb Pumpkln L’land nuthouse. percent to 12. and Cordell Hull stood pat on 12 percent. The result of the July poll will be awaited with interest, as It will «■-- ■■ ■ ~ .w v Mr. Griffiths, who had been fish- show whether McNutt's gain was merely a flurry, or rather in g o n a wharf, went to the rescue i he is coming seriously into the picture. ♦ Only he who lives a life of his a rowboat. He pulled all three , By The Roving Reporter ~ own can help the lives of other — from the water and took them I — men —Phillips Brooks aboard a passing schooner com­ manded by Capt. William Shepard REAL WORKER IN WASHINGTON RMt The Camila Urso Concert Com­ of Deer Isle. pany gave a “grand concert" In The promptness with which Congressman Smith throws Mrs Griffiths was unconscious j Farwell & Ames hall, Feb. 17, 1875. No False Noses himself Into the breach whenever any issue arises affecting the when taken from the water, and an The admission was 50 cents to all welfare of his constituents has often been noted by this paper, inhalator rushed from Northeast parts of the hall, and tickets were Fred Green Tells Of His and approved by its readers. Whether he will stay on at ...'ZSu Harbor hospital was used without on sale at E. R Spear & Co.'s. I Washington or whether he will eventually come out for the Own Experience In Hunt- result. Dr. Arnold C. Brown of wonder how many readers of this gubernatorial nomination The Courier-Gazette has no way of ing For Seal* Stonington said death was caused item attended the event. by a heart attack brought on by knowing, but certain it is that he Is giving the old Second Dis­ '*** The seals which abound along shock during her struggle in the trict a most capable representation in Washington. Praise from another county In this district comes in the form of the Fred Green of the Boston Tran­ Maine's 2500 mile coast have become water- The child and Mrs- Hyde A scene in Rockport harbor when the Tarratine sailing races were on script, a faithful reader of this de­ suffered no ill effects. following editorial from the Boothibay Register: outlaws This week the State placed ; partment. and an occasional con­ i Mrs. Griffiths, daughter of a for­ Residents of the Second Maine Congressional District should be thankful of the fact that they are being represented ture was the program presented tributor to it, wants to know who a bounty of $1 a nose on the mam mer New York City assistant super- mals. following tests which proved lntendent of schools, had been a In the House cf Representatives by a man who makes of his by pupils of the Doris Heald School can give him the real answer to In­ job something more than a Washington vacation. THE CARNIVAL'S LAST DAY of the Dance. Camden, which in­ dian Rock, which Is on the right that the animals devoured mature summer resident at Deer Isle sev- Representative Clyde H. Smith has a fine public record. side of the river going toward Port lobsters, striped bass, mackerel and eral >ears Survjvlng besides the As the son of a farmer, he knew what hard work was like. cluded "Three Types of Rhythm, other valuable fish. husband and daughter are her par- As a country storekeeper, he learned a lot of elemental poli­ by Beverly Grant, Thomaston, Clyde? *'I have been told," he Experiments as to what commer- ents, Dr. and Mrs. John L. Tildsley. tics and a lot of elemental things about people—what they Big Show With Varied Features, Again Finds Ruth Spear, Rockland and Robert writes, "that many years ago, a cial use may be made of the car- ___________ liked, and what they did not like, and how their thinking Bishop. Camden; sailor tap. Erdlne white settler stood on the natural processes worked. He entered pclltics as a town official. He Knight. Freedom; acrobatic dance, shelf behind the rock and when a casses have shown that the meat is represented his country for term after term in the State Legis­ Favor With the Public valuable as bait in lobster traps. GOOD JOBS OPEN lature. gaining an enviable reputation for distinguished serv­ Patricia Wall; tap dance, Erdine hostile Indian paddled up-stream In Nathan Thompson, a Portland at­ ice as a law maker. Now he Is In Washington representing Knight and Ray Pattee, Belfast; his canoe, the white man blazed torney who operates traps as a side­ Qualified applicants for the his State Just as capably as, in former years, he represented < By Mrs. Lida Champney» acrobatic dance, Joan Thurston. away with his musket—ind there his town and his county. line, recently took 76 lobsters from following Jobs now open at the The two Camden treops made the adding greatly to the already beau­ Philip Wentworth of Hope sang was one less Indian. As I recall, Unlike most Congressmen. Clyde Smith believes in keep­ •That Sly Old Gentleman" and there is—or was—a fine spring of 90 seal-baited traps Use of the Rockland Branch Office of the ing in close touch with the folks back home. His policy of best showing in the demonstration tiful scene furnished by the many flesh as animal food, processing of Maine State Employment Serv­ protecting American farmers, fishermen and industrial work­ and contests held on Boy Scout Day boats which had been gathering Everett Basford of Lincolnville cold water close to the rock." hides and the sale of seal oil are ice have not been found. At a ers through higher tariffs, his fight for liberalized old-age at Rockport's 14th carnival regatta for the previous two days. rendered songs with guitar accom­ pensions and his anti-New Deal stand have reflected the wishes other commercial possibilities. time when so many people are winning over troops frem six other Summary of races: paniment. Miss June Cote of Cam­ The 80 restaurants at the New and beliefs of the majority of the people in his home District. The State warns against making complaining of unemployment Maine towns. 21 Foot C lw den acted as accompanist. York World's Fair can feed 43.000 Other program numbers which artificial noses, which was Illegally this seems unbelievable. Avard Chater of Troop 200 won in ! No. 8 Fields. 1 hr. 37 min. 24 sec. persons at a single sitting. Most of done on a large scale a few years For men—Thoroughly experi­ the dressing and undressing race and ' No. 4 Cheston. 1 hr. 38 min. 34 sec were enjoyed were selections by the them charge popular prices. The ago enced boat painter able to pre­ If Washington figures are correct Maine hasn't much to Troop 205 won in the water boiling No 7 Dillon 1 hr. 38 min. 50 sec. German Band of Rockland com­ average luncheon, consisting of soup, Sea! hunting may not prove to be sent good references, to take job werry about in the cut soon to be made from the W.P.A. rolls contest. No. 13 Aldrich, 1 hr. 38 min. 53 posed of Charles Libby, Edwin meat, two vegetables, dessert and Jones, Carleton Wooster. Jack Wood as great a slaughter as might be out of town as foreman painter In the whole State only 35 are to be dropped. The average Demcnstrations of life saving in sec coffee, costs from 50 to 85 cents. expected, for the seals are wary. My in ship yard at pay of $35 a week from each county would be only two. and It is very doubtful If water such as under water approach ! No. 15 Emery. 1 hr. 39 min. 31 and Kendrick Dorman, baton This Is contrary to the exaggerated twirling, a wonderful demonstration experience near Mt Desert Island iThis must be filled at once.
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