he Rockland Gazette. | Gazette Job Planting I PUBLISH)'.-!) F.VEHY TllUHSDAY AFTERNOON bV ESTABLISHMENT. OSE & PORTER Having every Jhcility in Presnea, Type and Materials to which we are eoiibtunlly making additions, we are prepared execute with prou pint ss and good style 2 I O Main Street. every variety of Job Printing, including Town Reports,

and loving appreciation. Tlx; former as­ Lorany hurried to look, hut her curiosity “ 1 didn't know you were a turkey-man,’ TIIE ENGLISHMAN. fhe firm, of course, makes a great deal Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup for sisted him by all the means at. her disposal, w as doom ed to be unsatisfied ; tin* carriag e she said, gently. )f money by this branch of their busi- TIIE VALUE OF HEN MANURE, the cure of Consumption while the latter fed hisambilion by her be with its occupants drove away as rapidly “ Yes. I am a turkey-man.” and I think A prejudice from which it is time Ilia! less ; “ I mt, bless me,” as our party left but few men who keep fowls are aware Coughs and Colds- lief in his genius and ultimate success. and mysteriously as it came. “ We may even poor people can allbrd lohuya turkey we should free ourselves is tlx; widely he place, one of them truly said, “ what of tlx; real value of lien manure, and I may spread one that the John Bull of tlx; politi­ The great virtue of this TO-NIGHT. “ A partner in the wool business? I'liinh as well p.ivo it up."1 reluctantly admitted once a year, if they are high. The tur­ a a sore temptation to the man in charge not lie ranch in error, if any, when I any natter and thrown it out of it Nelly!” bitterly exclaimed the young I both sister i one disappointed breaih. key men have been waiting a year for this cal cartoons represents llx; typical aixi that where manure is scarce and dear the iluod, an d th u s etl'.-ets a ei md how easily he might make way with •, darling, O, darling, to-night! man. as he came to hid his cousin good-by. I Mrs. Dou^l; had invited the minister to d ay .” collective Englishman. Air. Bunch scene manure that each lien will produce in a S c h e n c k ’s S e a \Y e e i> !o think he docs; and probably it would he a million dollars’ worth of diamonds vear is worth what it costs to feed her. 1 wit w ear y ami faint in the lessening light, “ K eep on w ith voiir brushe.* 1 paiill pots, | tea, this afternoon. Surely, this was noth- There was a twinkle in his eye she did dillicult lo replace him with any figure without fear of being discovered iu six bowls average a bushel a year, when their T ite day >j full-freighted with duties has past if Von choose, and—starve. Not a penny j ing unusual. lie was a frequent and al- not see: he looked down into tlu; little pile generally and involuntarily grecognizahle. months after the theft !” •hoppings are carefully saved—sav 25 The Tonic produces a Inaltby action And left i le no courage, no sweetness, at last, will I ever give to help you.” were father’s i wavs welcome visitor at the Woodside farm. face. “ 1 am afraid yon don’t care fertile r. ating an appetite, forming chyle, tis were inavy—my hand was too.-il last words ibis m o rn in g . I do choo.- There was a strange bond of sympathy h e But tlx; fact remains not only that a vast pounds each, worth two and a half cents of I ml t T h e hurd. turkey-men!"’ lie said soberly. lost obstinate t -, darling, O.darlingTtn-uIgltt! tween Gilherl Palmer and Airs. Douglas. class of Englishmen own little or no rela­ per pound to fertilize any crop. This ma­ Sing to mi keep on. He shall acknowledge some da; She hung down her head, started to say i M a n d r a k e P i Ihe value of the despisi d brushes and paint | She knew his secret; she only guessed tionship with John Bull, hut that John O f f ic ia l P u n is h m en t in C h in a .— nure should be composted with anv good Play for me, darling, O, darling, to-night! something, hut. stopped. Ln ‘I.AIXT, i pots. And, Nellie, mind you do not lose ...... Llinor's. But a mother’s soul has keen in­ Bull is wanting in many of the most essen­ fhe following extract from a China pa­ sod about four parts of soil to one of ima­ Touch the white keys with your lingers ol “ W«Ik what is it?” lie said, laugh­ ami produce. a healthy faith in me. and when I come hack—"’ tuitions, and she fe ll th a t E lin o r w as lost to tially English traits. It will require a pen- per gives a picture of paternal govern­ nure, and allowed to remain in the heap a dangei, as they Waken tiie melodies only ijbttr liasel ing. 'fh(‘s, darling, l.»-:iigl»l! I hem always."’ into practice in a way which ought to upon the liver, (Ti­ derstood each other. And so they ha ! heart pleaded, powerfully for her ab.-ent his whiskers, nor upon tlx; east of his fea- crop will produce as good results as a the ldood Tin* M andrake I’iil They rode on for a while in silence. 'I’he strike terror into the hearts of the offi­ t healthy bile, and remove the liver T alk t , darling, O, darling oarted. 'fhe years passed on. and still John son, she resolved to try to smooth out ihe aires, nor the contour of his figure, nor shovelful of stable manure. Weed To hoi coffee had. w orked w onders; ihe blue i.flea a T h e s will foil softly as > •ven qjxni tlx; fashion of his garments. i cial hierarchy. The bamboo lias long nncli, inaki lingered in Germany, a hard-working, lone­ Lmgh-d loin of tlx >e !; wo lives. In ask in g hiilo h old : i; : i slopped shaking, and tlx PAINT YOUR FARM IMPLEMENTS. Gilbert Balmer to come to the farm, to-day. doubt, whet iier the erixaal peculiarity he a been known as an elfeetive instrument digestion, ami enables the ly student. Success had not come to him child ■ coiled os she saw the city lights ii: Millions of dollars are lost annually in and thus creates a healthy •dilation of healthy blood. from this life our diviue.-t den six- had a double motive- X. vague idea that physical one. at ail—whether there exist for governing the masses and the cor­ »e medicines, as thus c.v in a full ti le; lie had been refre lied only the distance. the I nited States, by neglect to paint farm The combined action of l ir beautiful visions of light, in some wav she should piove a help and any such points of diiterence as would serve plained, will cure every « o f C onsum ption, if taken by an occasional scanty rihple. Absence “ Now you area little more eomforiable,"’ rection of olfenders against the Chinese T alk t darling, 0 , darling, to-night! •o distinguish an English corpse; from a wagons, plows, barrows, &c. These things, in tim e, and th e use o f tin ...... tries the worth of our friends severely; hut com fort. Bait il is useless m eddling with .•ode, but tliere'is something novel as D r Schenck is profe.«sioi»aUy aH u* >V’li,.'? b . ’ .v said the ieokeV-lltail. “ let US hear where it well painted and kept under cover when Pray for me, darling. 0 , dariing to-night! at the end <>f eight years. John Douglas had Fate. She had' her own wav. :pal it was french, German, or American one. We S ix t h Piiiladelpliia ' -hi are going, and what your other name well as startling in the idea of a degra­ not in use, will last three times as long as for a.lviei st he not par! of her plan that these lovers should must look rather to such intangible tilings Simula; whet all l i F o r tin* world grows dark wish the lading light. no reason to complain of hi. place in Eli­ is." they will when not re-painted after two or he helped out of their dilemna preciselv in is manner, gait, geslure, and expressien. ded official being made to bold out his 4rC«‘eii. Pray for a love that shall nevernu-re cease, nor’s heart. And then, fale, the great mis­ ' Mv am e is only ‘ M: ry.’ and I am go- tincc years use. Any farmers can paint the manner Mrs. Douglas intended. Elinor md at most to Ihe fashion of those lines hands for a hundred blows to be admin­ Plead for that faith that hall bring p,-rivet pear chief-maker decreed that tiie Reverend 1 mv cousin."’ these things. All that is needed is Vene­ A.-k, love, for .-wi-i-tuc.-for slreiith ami for Sigl knew wha . topic of conversation her md furrows around tlx; mouth and eyes, istered on the palms as a preliminary Gilbert Palmer should receiven ••call"’ to m ' Non - ■use!” lie said, a little sharp!y". tian red and linseed oil, half raw and half Pray for me, darling, <>, darling, to-night! which Time, guiding his burin iu conform­ castigation for malversation. If such Thorndale. And. coming, what more nat­ unlo.bed for arrival sp< ib-d. •O fe se yon h av e got boiled, then wash the implement to he —Sprim jJit !—that is—I was thinking—we were inquire into tin; spiritual qualities whereof and corrupt. speculated a g re a t deal on this* m ailer. :a Granny Cole’s house, when I was little. painting and varnishing my bngwy, and sa ving ^iammered poor ,‘drs. Douglas. both body and gestme an; hut the ex'prcs- We learn that one of the mandar­ “ For my pari,"’ she was fond o f saving. I le pinned a paper on my dress, that said on being without the use of it for fifteen days Tt was one of those dead November days With rare tad, Mr. Palmer came to th -ion. Tiie path is be set with intricacies “ it’s jest as plain as the nose on mv face it: ‘ J.efflo pay the rent.’ ” ins here, who had swindled the govern while at tlx; shop, I concluded to inquire THE when all the color and sparkle of nat lire rescue o f Ills hostess.’ “ I was preaching a enough to disconcert the most thoughtful that these twopt'ople were cut out for each 'i’he turkey-man whistled, and asked if nent of a large sum of money when into tlx; matter a little, believing all that a seem to have faded out lorever. The sky sennon." said he gaily, “ with this splendid student :£ and possibly tlx; end in view it CREAT REMEDY other. Ii'’’s eoii'iderahlv older than she is, Granny (File was good to her. making purchases of warlike materials farmercan do towards keeping his tools and had a cold steely "litter betokening storm, :ire-light for my text. I had wandered to might not recompense him for tlx; pains he For DISEASES of the he's good-looking, smart, well eonneeted. farm machinery in order should he done while over the landscape .w:is a hush— “ Pretty kind.” said the. child, wearily. s been at work up lo it. It is easy to :it I long Kong, during the Formosan af- and pretty well off. As for that, tho.ugh. sunlight: anil from thence to moral sun- at home. We too often employ the me- that sort of ready-for-anythin" air jwetdiar • Anyway, she didn't, ’spiso me like Sally i.alk about pluck, common-sense, fair-play, air, was brought up for trial before the got money enough for both. Only j light, u hen you moA opportunely appeared. hanic to mend our harness, when we can BLADDER to the uncertain period which we feel does iipletc without anillii-- teadinesss, and a lot of other virtues sup­ redoubtable 'l’ing and the Fantai. On KIDNEY hersclf and mol her to shrye all that R 1 No sffrmnn ‘ W ho i S.-dlv ha? ” asked the tnrke do it quite as well, though at all times not perform the not rank with the "olden autumn i posed io he prop! r io Englishmen or I o refer nevs fail property.” 'Fhe iinlnekv insinuation that i I,ration, you know."1 the 1th of August this degraded official piite so smoothly. The next time my lime, and which tve yet hesitate to call . ; “ ?.Iost J (gical re . oner! ” laughed Elinor. significantly to George and the Dragon, perhaps Elinor was waiting' for her eon-in. “ She is Grannv Cole’s daughter.” was subjected, as an introduction to buggy needed painting, I called at the car­ ■ It was a. happv trio that lingered at the llx; Biitish Lion, and Britannia Queen o f suffering. The symptoms ol such dlsvaM.-are w inter. never failed to rouse 7\Iiss Lodemy’s indig­ “ Did Granny Cole send you alone to the something severer in store for him, to a riage shop, and enquired what tli3y would It was a day when one lon"s to lose tea table that ev.-ning. They lingered so tiie Ocean. But these are tlx; misconcep­ FAIN in the BACK, NERVOUSNESS, SLEEP­ nation. “ That’s a likelv story! What do •ity?"’ said he, watching her suspicious­ logging of one hundred blows on the paint it for. They would clean and put on sight of the. world outside: and for this you s’pose those two children knew about, I long Eez.iah, tile help, grew cross, and tions and absurdities of a by-gone age,|:md LESSNESS, NIGHT SWEATS, ly. , . one eoat of paint and varnish for fifteen there could be perhaps, no place better ' muttered as she baked fresh wall] will do nothing to simplify a serious analy­ palms of his hands. He was to have In fact, a general prostration of the sy&em. love? The new minister"’ (four yearsT esi- “ She told me tlx other day.” said tin* dollars, and for all necessary repairs in e>p . i dly adapted, than the pleasant harbor of Elinor Reid’s hack pretty soon Keep the sis. The English enjoy tlx; monopoly of been barabooed in the usual way as SM O LA X D EK 'S PA CHI is lenec in Thorndale had nol > sutlieieni i thev'll child, mournfully, “ if I ever come home wood, iron or leather, they would charge at to cure Disease* of tin* Kidneys s ml Bladder. home. To define precisely in what the to rob him of the d U lia ; ai-hin title. •k b a n ” ing round all night no oix; of the line qualities above mentioned other criminals, on the breech, but for It is an old, reliable medicine, that has leen tested and and found her gone, to goto tlx; city aixi the rate of thirty cents an hour, and add charm of this room consisted would he loticed the h ill door's noiseless and of several of them they own less than his bitter crying and vehement entreat­ proved to lie good. new”) “ will carry the day, or i'll missl Noon find mv cousin. Yesterday she sent me oft* the value of material used; for two coats of • i - *..««— num erous Hflicult. It lay. not merely in the red my gness;” and Miss Lodemy n o u d 1 her1 opening the footsteps that, guided by the most people. Let us be a little more (ex­ with S illy, an’ when I come hack Sally ran ies, coupled with the fact of his not be­ paint and one of varnish, twenty dollars, sunshine of the grate, the ilowering plants )>md of voices, now softly drew near the plicit here, remembering to temper the. head triumphantly. away from me, an’ 1 .couldn’t find Gran­ ing in very good health. The defanlt- and two weeks’ time to do the work in. I in the bav-w indow s, tin* line old e n g rav in g s Bui, owing to our privilege of author’s dining-room. Keziah. on iter way fiom wind to the shorn lamb, and to advanc n y .” jixlgment which an honest Briton in his :nR‘ official is surnained .Man. and is rc- joneludcd to paint and varnish it myself, the walls, the brackets and statuettes, '.he kilchi il w ith a pile o f hot cakes, wa^ lairvoyaneo. we are able to see that the “ Are vou quite sure you can find your and the result was that it cost me in paint or the numerous dainty speeiim us of femi­ first to discover |he intruder. The plate iliner moments would not feel secretly luted to a Taontai of that name, who OE minister and Elinor only stood to each oth- cousin ? ” and varnish only 81.50, and the work was C A M P J nine handiwork and. skill: hut with ail in her hand dropped with a loud crash to inclined to support. 'fix; Englishman, was degraded at the same time with the With Glycerin leicl. •r in that delightful, dangerous relation o’ She looked up in his face, and laid her done as well, so far as I could see, as they these was that indefinable rare atmosphere ‘ very dear friends."’ Living as Gilbert tin; lloor. “ Land sakes alive! Is this you, then, is susceptible of high social polish viceroy, Y’ing I Ian, in the W aising af­ The best remedy for Sm ped Halt thin hand on his sleeve. would have done it. I gave it two cants of that gives one a sense as if receiving an in- .John, ora ghost?"’ wastlicery thatstaitled excellent intellectual refinement; yet il is fa ir.” ‘ Palmer did, when he lirst came to Tkorn- •• ! in ver saw my cousin,” she said, black carriage paint, and one coat of var­ vi>ibiC benedict ion. ( >tlier hom es m ay pos­ f! the unconscious group at tlx; table. '1 he impossible to characterize; his fundamental lale, above the village gossip, no hint calmly. “ If Granny has rim away from n ish .” sess more luxurious appointments even than ill-prise, the joy. the eager queslionin mental quality as anything hut heavy and Elinor’s attachment to her cousin l a 1 me. i haven’t anybody 1 know.” TRICKS OF TIIE TRADE. this: may he tilled with all the treasures that Long ago had lie declared ! that followed must all bo imagined. stupid: and his nature, in its unrestraint, Organs ant Mt h. eons reached his “ Why, then, did you come to the city? "’ f avm, harden Tiomc. taste can demand and money supply, and Did you get my letters? ” inquired John is other than a cold and brutal one. We 1’rohahly I cannot better serve the inter­ his In : long ago had he received his ;,n- -a"J turkey-man, wondering where he ' 7 K4‘ QO vet remain social arctic regions to the end Ilis quiet words rang constantly in finally. may have to cut deep before reaching llx; ests of my readers than to enlighten them R e fi f t i i ’C O . could leave her. bottom of the .superstructure, and the su­ a little on the methods of obtaining money of the chapter. But here was perpetual s, “ 1 have waited nearly a life-time “ L-iters! Not a word for over two years. Buiurarticles, sug [cstionp, and results ol experience “ 1 know the city best.” she said : “ Gran­ perstructure is in itself creditable; and for eliromos of little value. A party ad­ e liavim r O R G A N S summer, dune days of spirit, though the for happiness, Elinor; I shall wait still lon­ Bn! y.jti arc here now,and that is enough,"’ elating to Farm, Gs rden or Household iflanagement i have them p u t in j ny used to live there, till a week ago. It louhtless many a fair minaret has foun­ vertises that be will supply a “ splendid almanac said November. g e r.” replied the fond, happy mother. eaders interested in such matters. i so dark in the country, when yon have to ,re inv ited from our chromo to the subscribers of this paper only Elinor sat by the front window gazing Over and over again Elinor said to lx r- But why should John look disturbed and dations as unlovely; still, if the truth is to -lav alone! There an; tlx; market-men— worth So, on the receipt of 25 cents to pay Music S to re, 310 Mail Street, idly out. into llie street. “ Not a stitch of lf, “ I love John! Of course, I love emi.arras.-eil at this? IL; glanced at his he told about the foundations, this is it. see how bright they arc! ” the postage with, ” and he conveys the Rockland, or at the - join ion. work in her hands, as 1 live! was the him!” When a voting woman seeks to i-on- cousin. Was it cxcc sofjoy f at made her But, if the Englishman is stupid and bru­ ltUKAL TOriCS. idea that it is a gift from the publishers of exclamation of Miss Lodemy Brown who. vinee herself in this way, does she love so pale? Six; seemed more like one who It was tlx; nigh! before Thanksgiving, in tal. lx; has the courage which goes with l i l •<>w i t S l l ’O S . the paper in which the advertisement ap­ I according to her I . I . < > W A Y at least nothing to warrant Elinor’s ab­ years had been spent in dreary suspense he had fallen sick. The long tedious ill- “ Here is as far as I can go. little one,” practically very servicable; hut it is dogged cheap ones, not costing, probably, to make Very few fanners are aware of tlx; quan­ them over five cents each, on which the Extracts from Var B. sorbing interest. (Iroups of children with and wailing. In this interval. Elinor was nc-s had keen followed by a longer, more lx* said, as lx; lifted her out and stood her mil selfish; it has not lire, nobility, and tity of actual decomposable vegetable mat­ postage is two cents. I notice an adver­ hooks and lunch-baskets hurried, laughing forced to admit iln; humiliating truth that it (Boas recovery. He owed his life to the safely in the bright light of the market. generosity: it is nol tiie courage of a line “ T had no appetite; Hollow ter contained in a square yard ofturf taken tisement in a jKiper before me of a chromo 1/ early n.vx-1 chattering, along the sidewalk. It her alleel ion for John Douglas had dropped Ranh of liis landlady, Frau Bernstein S h e was a pretty child, hut pale now, organization: it will never he exercised •ellotlS if-sacrilicingly in behalf of the’weak, the from llx; surface ot well-set sward land. 30x40 inches for 50 cents, “ to pay for the V Y needs in/, quick ears to catch the, secret of to tin? level of pure sisterly feeling. And md her daughter Otilie. wilh blue lips and shaking hands. •• I Accurate experiments have shown that not ease and postage, the object being to bring their unusual e.w.Ration—“ No school to­ now began the battle between love and “ We see how il. all ended.” laughingly , “ Boor little thing!” he muttered: “ I down-trodden, and the poor. Some En­ | wi Ji they hadn’t nam ed h er M ary ;” an d lx; less than thirty tons exist in an acre, most Hie------into notoriety.” Such a chromo at morrow! It's Thanksgiving? ” All the af­ (what seemed to he) duty. interrupted his mother. “ Where is my glishmen just at this moment profess to of which an; roots and libers, a small por- this late day in chromo-making, can well • • 1 gave one of vour Pills Io li.y bain ternoon. sharp, distant rille cracks had be­ V.'e understand now tin; reason of her daughter? Where is Otilie? ” •niered the market. he much grieved and astonished Ulorbus. The dear little thing got well in trayed the fact that one of thos« inbiiftiau tired look, to-day. 'l’he submissive alti­ “ You jU’.no at coin lusions as quickly as 'file markeL men beamed on everybody, England does not think it worth while lo , l |o n o,b.V b|,! muss being above llx; sur- be clfonled for fifty cents, t ie postage not Mv nausea of a morning is now cured face. Il will hence he seen that by invest­ being over six cents. It is well to let the practices known as a *• turkey shoot 1 was tude of tim trees, holding up their gaunt e.er, mother,’ said .John smiling. Il was i’hcy rubbed their bauds as customer after pu.L an end to the Bulgarian atrocities. •• Your box of lloll .wax's Ointment ing tlx; sward of uplands and meadows, and nil al public understand that in all such eases noises in th e head. I rtibbi-d som e o f yti in full operation on a hill just hack of the arms to life sky. seemed to iier a type of plain that he was inexpressibly relieved at •ustomer vanished with tlx; cold form of Bul it can scarcely happen that an outsider behind the ears, and tie- noise ha; h it." town: and now and then a returning loafer the desolate, waiting lives in the world. her fore- tailing his confession. Perhaps be -onie kind of fowl neatly covered, all hut hould he surjiriscd at the circumstance. allowing it to decompose undisturbed, a they pay all, and often double what they most important h u m u s of the soil will he a n ; worth, while many persons may sup­ straggled by with his gun and game. “ But for the trees, at least, is a coming had expected tears and reproaches. “ But, its leei. iu brown paper. England is at least as unlikely to ri pose that they get them for nothing—only < ’lustered round tins store at the corner op­ spring-time,’’ she murmured. '1 he nc?.t we shall see.” 11<; went outtollie carriage it was growing late; tin; turkey-man aught in suppresssng such proceedings as secured, and at small expense. I his, even ! the postage. posite were several farm er/ teams waiting moment she laughed at her elf for the fan-. and in moment returned with the slight, had old out; he waited only to gel a hot to he guilty of committing like deeds her- 'vm’e no other dressing used, would of itself mail, for Chill* and Fever.” for their owners, who were exchanging cy. “ Am 1 growing sentimental? A hildish figure of his wife clinging to In­ supper het'..re Parting for home. He had It might puzzle an historian to find be an invaluable^acquisition to the fertility ' HOW TO TELL THE AGE OF SHEEP. I have over 2n0 such testimonials as these, but Wan farm produce for line groceries, and linger- n th in k in g en tirely o f d o llars and taints: preeedent in‘ her ‘ annals ' for “ any act of " dis“ «»f any soil, and it is replete, with juices and of space eompi Is me to conclude. walk to Ann! Marion's will cure me.’’ arm . A sheep’s front teeth the first year are | ing in idle gossip by th<- counter. I be Later, when all had somewhat recovered hut as he wa ked out of the market he •rested championship; and he wt other principles that not only favor, hut in- eight in number, appearing all of a size: She left the parlor, and .-hortlv after pre­ hohl prophet who* should* risk his reputation Aure a speedy decomposition, the advanta- For Cutaneous Disorders, linen tile out now—a rough-coaled, beavv- sented herself, with hat and cloak, at ihe from their bewildcrmcns, John’s mother thought of his home, his wife wailing alone second year, the two middle ones are shed And all eruptions of the skin, this Ointment is mot resulting to the farmer from frequent- , hooted procession, and prepare for their door of her mother's room. “ I am going exclaimed, “ That this should happen to­ for him in the great while house, and his by prophesying the occurrence of the pi out and are replaced by two, much larger invaluable. It dot s not heal externally alone Int pen nom enon.—J u lian ILx w tiio u n j;, Zm J /g B t- i b’ inverting his sward lands—where cir etrates w ith the most searching clients to the ver • roc Ihomeward ride, 'flic grocer comes tolhe to Woodside.” day. of all others ! ” little Mary safe in God’s home above—he than the others; third year..two very uinstances require it—are far greater than o f tie- evil. |ii r,- to lake down his long advertising “ That long, lonely road at this late “ Why, what day is it?” innocently in­ had forgotten tlx* homeless child left alone hub s Jo u rn a l f o r Xorciiibcr. small ones appear—one on either side of : we should he induced to suppose. Many II O I. T,O W A V ’W 1 c< mm of half-frozen poultry suspended ho u r? ” inquired .Mrs. Reid. quired Mrs. .John. outside ihe market. the eight; at the end of the fourth year are inclined to the opinion that when lands Invariably cure the following diseases: • >u ! !e. and to ex ch an g e a few last good- “ '1'he walk will do me good.” replied Llinor’s eyes met the minister’s. What A 1 eavy hand was laid on his arm. there are six large teeth; fifth year all | in grass are broken up, the mere addition Disorders of the Kidneys. j h.-i i cd c ninion-places with his customers Elinor, “ and Aunt -Marion will bring me e;n h v ad w • cannot tell. But what meant “ Stand hack a moment!’’ whispered a A Painful Erolic. tlx; front teeth are large; sixth year, all , of tlx; vegetable matter—roots, grass. &c„ In all diseases afteclitig these organs, whether they • I. i.- kinder winlerish. hey, .Jones! ” home after lea.” the shining jo y of her countenance, and voice, lie looked up and saw a large po­ begin to show wear—not till then. ontainc-d in it is of little or no importance: :»t«-r ; or whether they •Go • to touch us upagain on prohibition, Nothing escaped Miss Lodemy, sewing what could have been in Gilbert Palmer s liceman watching a child at a barrel of red Amongst choice spirits of Charles II he afllieted with stole el. or w ith aelH-S and lay it was tlx; custom, when a gentleman 1 hut allowing tlx; quantity of organic niat- prett;. ion. deacon?” The cheery voice b y the window of the little brown cottage mind tiial lo Oiilie’s question lx; should apples. pains settled ill the loi [he regions of the kid- ter to he only fifteen tons to tlx; acre—one Yards for Poultry. ,eVH Pills should he taken according to the itil tiie last wagon chatters over the way. She watched Elinor out f: absently respond : “ It is Thanksgiving . il is his little fellow traveler! lrank a lady’s health as a toast, by way of printed directions, and the Ointment should he well doing her great honor, to throw some -half tlx; quantity contained in an acre of down <• < r tie- frozen ruts in the road and sight with a. wise smile hovering over “ That's a sharp youngster! ” laughed One of our most experienced jwultry i tihhed into the st.iali of the hack at bed time. This Ihe policeman, under his breath. ’ This part of his dress into the lire, an example good sward land—it he seen at once that a Tti-utment will give almost immediate relief when ail winds si ’V Iv up tin; hill toward home. J u t thin lips, •• S lx -'s started to see her breeders, speaking of poultry in small which his companions were hound to fol­ very great benefit must he derived from its Other means have failed. Elinor eves look in all these tilings me­ aunt. I'll het: and the minister went, the • . : N . soil of tiling is going on here all tlx; time. yards, says: A dozen fowls would do very low by consuming the same article of their • presence and action, chanically hut her mind was busy else­ same way, full two hours ago. How sur­ N othing is safe for a m om ent. well in a yard 50 feet square, with a little For Stomachs Out of Order. The little blue hand was already on an ipparel, whatever it might he. One of ihe j where. V to can tell of what I l s n eigh­ prised she’ll he! ’" But another suprisc It was tlx; evening before Thanksgiving, ITALIAN BEES. grass plot in one corner, as fowls must have No medicine will so effectually improve the tone of apple. 11.faltered a moment., then grasped guests a t a t a v e m dinner perceiving that ’ stomach as these Pills; they remove all middy bor is thinking while seeming to observe was in store for Elinor of which .Miss Lo- 'file sun had gone down behind tlx; hills ol grass. This space is as small as can lx; Sir Charles Sedley...... had on. a very rich...... 1 Some months ago I e*lled on Italian bee- occasioned either by i ...... • improper diet. only—the weather? She looked desperately demv litlh; dreamed. Greenville, L - a v i n g them cold and h a r e it tightly, llx-n dropped it. used for that number, and if one cannot They reach the liver and reduce it to a healthy action; cravat, when lx; name I his toast, committed ' keepers, through an agricultural paper, to tired of herself. And. no wonder! There Night came on, a raw. cheerless night, l! against tlx* dull sky. 'file squirrels were S tic hid her face in her hands, 'fhe tnr- give that space to them, he had better buy they’are wonderfully sllieadous in eases of spasm—in his cravat to the llamcs as a burnt offering slab; what tlx-ir general experience with fact they never fail in curing all disorders uf the liver is.no torment lik ! •hiy"- verdict, neariy a tle woman, as she creaked about, stirring ning»" to everything, as he rushed over againsl the barrel. lay fewer eggs and will be unprofitable. /• or King’s w his opportunity when tlx; same party w liable lo he-injured by the greatest •-Douloureux, 'I’umors, Ulcers, Wo: year before the