he Rockland Gazette. | Gazette Job Planting I PUBLISH)'.-!) F.VEHY TllUHSDAY AFTERNOON bV ESTABLISHMENT. OSE & PORTER Having every Jhcility in Presnea, Type and Materials to which we are eoiibtunlly making additions, we are prepared execute with prou pint ss and good style 2 I O Main Street. every variety of Job Printing, including Town Reports, <Catalogues, By-Law rr i- it nr &: Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ Jf paid strictly in advance—per annum, grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, fit payment is delayed 6 months, t paid till ths close of the year, L etter H eads, L aw and Corpor­ Xevv anbsrl ib e ls a re expected to in: ation Blauks, Receipts, Bills o f L ading, B usin ess, Ad­ pap.a dress and Wedding Cards, Tags, Labels, i» cents—fur sale at ihe office hid V O L U M E 3 1 . ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1876. N O . 52. & e„ PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO J . 15. PO U TER . will receive prompt attention. and loving appreciation. Tlx; former as­ Lorany hurried to look, hut her curiosity “ 1 didn't know you were a turkey-man,’ TIIE ENGLISHMAN. fhe firm, of course, makes a great deal Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup for sisted him by all the means at. her disposal, w as doom ed to be unsatisfied ; tin* carriag e she said, gently. )f money by this branch of their busi- TIIE VALUE OF HEN MANURE, the cure of Consumption while the latter fed hisambilion by her be with its occupants drove away as rapidly “ Yes. I am a turkey-man.” and I think A prejudice from which it is time Ilia! less ; “ I mt, bless me,” as our party left but few men who keep fowls are aware Coughs and Colds- lief in his genius and ultimate success. and mysteriously as it came. “ We may even poor people can allbrd lohuya turkey we should free ourselves is tlx; widely he place, one of them truly said, “ what of tlx; real value of lien manure, and I may spread one that the John Bull of tlx; politi­ The great virtue of this TO-NIGHT. “ A partner in the wool business? I'liinh as well p.ivo it up."1 reluctantly admitted once a year, if they are high. The tur­ a a sore temptation to the man in charge not lie ranch in error, if any, when I any natter and thrown it out of it Nelly!” bitterly exclaimed the young I both sister i one disappointed breaih. key men have been waiting a year for this cal cartoons represents llx; typical aixi that where manure is scarce and dear the iluod, an d th u s etl'.-ets a ei md how easily he might make way with •, darling, O, darling, to-night! man. as he came to hid his cousin good-by. I Mrs. Dou^l; had invited the minister to d ay .” collective Englishman. Air. Bunch scene manure that each lien will produce in a S c h e n c k ’s S e a \Y e e i> !o think he docs; and probably it would he a million dollars’ worth of diamonds vear is worth what it costs to feed her. 1 wit w ear y ami faint in the lessening light, “ K eep on w ith voiir brushe.* 1 paiill pots, | tea, this afternoon. Surely, this was noth- There was a twinkle in his eye she did dillicult lo replace him with any figure without fear of being discovered iu six bowls average a bushel a year, when their T ite day >j full-freighted with duties has past if Von choose, and—starve. Not a penny j ing unusual. lie was a frequent and al- not see: he looked down into tlu; little pile generally and involuntarily grecognizahle. months after the theft !” •hoppings are carefully saved—sav 25 The Tonic produces a Inaltby action And left i le no courage, no sweetness, at last, will I ever give to help you.” were father’s i wavs welcome visitor at the Woodside farm. face. “ 1 am afraid yon don’t care fertile r. ating an appetite, forming chyle, tis were inavy—my hand was too.-il last words ibis m o rn in g . I do choo.- There was a strange bond of sympathy h e But tlx; fact remains not only that a vast pounds each, worth two and a half cents of I ml t T h e hurd. turkey-men!"’ lie said soberly. lost obstinate t -, darling, O.darlingTtn-uIgltt! tween Gilherl Palmer and Airs. Douglas. class of Englishmen own little or no rela­ per pound to fertilize any crop. This ma­ Sing to mi keep on. He shall acknowledge some da; She hung down her head, started to say i M a n d r a k e P i Ihe value of the despisi d brushes and paint | She knew his secret; she only guessed tionship with John Bull, hut that John O f f ic ia l P u n is h m en t in C h in a .— nure should be composted with anv good Play for me, darling, O, darling, to-night! something, hut. stopped. Ln ‘I.AIXT, i pots. And, Nellie, mind you do not lose ...............Llinor's. But a mother’s soul has keen in­ Bull is wanting in many of the most essen­ fhe following extract from a China pa­ sod about four parts of soil to one of ima­ Touch the white keys with your lingers ol “ W«Ik what is it?” lie said, laugh­ ami produce. a healthy faith in me. and when I come hack—"’ tuitions, and she fe ll th a t E lin o r w as lost to tially English traits. It will require a pen- per gives a picture of paternal govern­ nure, and allowed to remain in the heap a dangei, as they Waken tiie melodies only ijbttr liasel ing. 'fh(‘s<? switel signilieant blanks in the lov­ John. Next to her son. Elinor was her •tralive genius, however, to detect and de- lew months, to become disintegrated, and from calomel, and yet more efficacious in restoi Can make fur my heart in its pleading del. •• I do Lx,, you.” she answered, earnc.g- ment in that country, in which the pre­ er’s dialect! Who needs to '.ill hem Up? idol. She could not hear the thought ol •lare what tlx; really essential English diffused through the soil, then a pint of a liealthv action of the liv.r. Dreams hall divine at your touch will nui !y; “ hut the poor people—I have known cept of not sparing the rod is carried The*e" remedies an- a certain Certainly this hoy and girl of eighteen un­ her girl's unhappiness; and though her •rails are. It will not do to depend upon the mixtiirp in a hill of corn or any other as the Pulmonic Syrup ripen the matt P ra y for ine, darling, < >, darling, l.»-:iigl»l! I hem always."’ into practice in a way which ought to upon the liver, (Ti­ derstood each other. And so they ha ! heart pleaded, powerfully for her ab.-ent his whiskers, nor upon tlx; east of his fea- crop will produce as good results as a the ldood Tin* M andrake I’iil They rode on for a while in silence. 'I’he strike terror into the hearts of the offi­ t healthy bile, and remove the liver T alk t , darling, O, darling oarted. 'fhe years passed on. and still John son, she resolved to try to smooth out ihe aires, nor the contour of his figure, nor shovelful of stable manure. Weed To hoi coffee had. w orked w onders; ihe blue i.flea a T h e s will foil softly as > •ven qjxni tlx; fashion of his garments. i cial hierarchy. The bamboo lias long nncli, inaki lingered in Germany, a hard-working, lone­ Lmgh-d loin of tlx >e !; wo lives. In ask in g hiilo h old : i; : i slopped shaking, and tlx PAINT YOUR FARM IMPLEMENTS. Gilbert Balmer to come to the farm, to-day. doubt, whet iier the erixaal peculiarity he a been known as an elfeetive instrument digestion, ami enables the ly student. Success had not come to him child ■ coiled os she saw the city lights ii: Millions of dollars are lost annually in and thus creates a healthy •dilation of healthy blood. from this life our diviue.-t den six- had a double motive- X. vague idea that physical one. at ail—whether there exist for governing the masses and the cor­ »e medicines, as thus c.v in a full ti le; lie had been refre lied only the distance. the I nited States, by neglect to paint farm The combined action of l ir beautiful visions of light, in some wav she should piove a help and any such points of diiterence as would serve plained, will cure every « o f C onsum ption, if taken by an occasional scanty rihple. Absence “ Now you area little more eomforiable,"’ rection of olfenders against the Chinese T alk t darling, 0 , darling, to-night! •o distinguish an English corpse; from a wagons, plows, barrows, &c. These things, in tim e, and th e use o f tin . ... tries the worth of our friends severely; hut com fort. Bait il is useless m eddling with .•ode, but tliere'is something novel as D r Schenck is profe.«sioi»aUy aH u* >V’li,.'? b .
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