The Rockland Gazette Gazette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY . ESTABLISHMENT. VOSE & PORTER navlng every facility in Presses, Tym* and Material* to w hich we arc constantly making additions, we are 2 1 O M ain Street. prepared to execute with promptness and good sty bi every variety of Job Printing, including TERMS: Town Reports, Catalogues, By - Law n If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2.00. Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ If payment la delayed G months, 2.25. grammes, Circulars, Bill Beads, If not paid till the close of the year, 2.50. New subscribeta are expected to make the tin Letter Bends, Law and Corpor­ adva ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills o f L ading, B usiness. Ad­ publish dress and Wedding Cards, Tags, —for sale at the office and V O L U M E 31. ROCKLAND, , THURSDAY JULY 20, 1876. N O . 33. L abels, d. B. PORTER. PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZING wilt receive prompt attention. ted on fier first expedition, and made a for visiting the camp, roamed about leis­ lioped to live concealed in his house. The BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. MARRIAGE SUPERSTITIONS. Jg a ctn r. afe and successful journey to Petersburg. urely to disarm suspicion, and, watching Tories soon heard of his presence, and one Select sound fruit, not too ripe. Be .•ure to The publishers of Scrib.xhr’s Monthly pro­ Sinco marriage became an institu­ On the first day of her return it began to her opportunity, stepped to the stone, dark night they surrounded the house in pose lo signalize the Centennial year hy the pub­ have them thoroughly cleaned; let no now . T o w ard ev en in g tin* w ind rose to a moved it by one tremendous effort, grasped large numbers. The doors were securely lication of the most beautiful number of a popu­ tion there have been certain signs and specks of skin appear on any |«rt, and [Original.] superstitions that have clung to its Br ie f articles, suggestions,and results ol experien above all, lie sure they are well cured. gale, the snow blew in blinding gusts, and her hag, anti, hiding it in her gown, care- barred. Finding they could make no en­ lar magazine ever issued in the world. This spe­ luting to Farm, Garden or Household laanageme Oh mother, hast thou gone lay (heavy and thick upon the ground, lessly retreated. Iler bacon and numerous trance, the ruffians brought lire to burn cial number, which will he entitled “ The Mid­ celebration through all ages and io Dried apples coming to market witli specks And left thy children here. • invited from our readers interested in such inattei Through all the wild night the faithful , things of value she had deposited among him out. As they were [kissing round : summer Holiday Number,’’ will comprise one hun­ all centuries. Even to-day,in most civ­ of skin, or cores and seeds still on. never W ith non.* to hear their m oan, woman remained beside the teams, inspir- the rocks on the other side of the river, corner of the building, Mr. Bell thrust his dred and sixty pages, contributed by the most ilized nations, wo have not entirely rid meet with ready sale at market prices. Or wipe the falling tear? einient writers; among these are Bryant, Stod­ our minds of these superstitions, and 11URAL TOPICS. ^Formerly when there was a comparatively And though each childish heart, ing the drivers and encouraging the beasts. | These were soon discovered. head from a corner window intending to When the dull, gray daylight returned, the { The miller who had been fora long time shoot. One man chanced to he directly dard, “ II. H.” Sidney Lanier, Bret Harte, E. E. I warrant there is never a bride but small quantity of ‘sliced ’ ajiples prepared, W ith Borrow overflow, Hale, (’ol. Waring, John Bourronghs, T. B. Aid- storm was still increasing, and the wagon . <‘»»ployed by ATr. Bell was one Stephen under the window, and cut at Mr. Bell indulges herself in looking for some [W ' the G a ifttr hy T. n. Mixes, of Linden, they sold at better figures than quarters TJmu dost not bear a part rich, Celia Thaxter, Tonrgueneg.the Russian nov­ and halves, but this difference in value at In their unsjioken woe. teams made short stages and long rests. ! Harlin, who was at heart a Tory. Now in with his sword, inflicting a terrible wound happy omen. Few people aro daunt­ X. .1., fur ninny yearn Editor of the Itu ru l A m u elist, (Jail Hamilton, Henry James, J r., ami oth once led to an increase of the supply, so 'flic widow saw the situation was des- the presence of the British troops he had His wife now shouted to her boys to ers only less distinguished. The illustrations less enough to be married on Friday, and one of the inont experienced fannern, gurdi Alas! they miss thy voice, that now we are overstocked with ‘sliced,’ perate; she now concluded to leave the opportunity show his proclivities. He not get out the guns artd lire from the win­ will he profuse in number, and specially notable and wo have the most unlimited con­ ami fruit growers in the United Stales.] When the first morning ray, gons to follow a« they could, and push only allowed the soldiers to take the grain, dows. Then she cried out to her negro as specimens of the designer’s engraver's and fidence in that old shoo thrown after and our advice is to have a less quantity of Bills the glad earth rejoice alone to a place of safety. Armed with hut he also revealed the hiding place of the Peter, raising her voice so that the printer’s arts. All that culture ami skill, devel­ the newly-wedded pair. Nearly every sliced apples and more cleanly prepared To «ee another day. pistols and a dirk, for she was in a Tory bacon, and the prize was at once secured enemy could hear: “ Peter, run quick to oped by a fruitful experience, can do to make this llLTTEl: MAKING. quarters and halves.” And when the setting sun bride of to-day wears about her when ountrv. she skirted out into the blinding Ho told them too, that there was much ci­ Joe (’larke’s and tell him to bring up his number of the magazine attractive, will he done. she is married some trilling thing bor­ One of the most mtisirienccd creamery W arn s them to w-ek th e ir bed, The edition will he 75,900 copies. The contents butter makers in the State of New York waste of snow. Her stout, faithful mare der in the cellars. They immediately light-horse at once, for the Tories are here!” rowed from a lady.friend.and all know TRAINING COLTS. They miss thy loving hand, caught the spirit of the struggle, and | went to the house and demanded it of Mr of the Midsflmtner Holiday number of Scribner made some careful ex]ierinients, showing The was a success; visions of Joe that “Blost is the bride on whom the I ,s.n each infant head. through the early part of the day plunged j Bell. She told them stoutly they should will ho light, as midsummer reading generally the depths at which milk should be set to Clarke’s dreaded scouts tilled their terrified sun doth shine,” and are equally cer­ tnrdily onward. About noon siie entered , not have it. They seized an axe ami start­ minds and the Tories lied pereipitately to should he, hut some of the contributions will he make tlie most butter. He says: “ In Ol­ Revs.W .II.H. Murray’s paper,the Qolden Who now, with tender hand, extraordinary. Mr. Bryant’s poem of one hun­ ta in t h a t wide tract of forest—whose desolation ! ed for the door. She rushed before them, the woods. But this experience sufficed der to make the experiments p ractical, I Rule, has the following concerning the train­ Shall brush tli.-ir silken hair, dred ami sixty lines, produced at his advanoed To change the name and not tho letter was unbroken by a single house, and whose , placed her hack to the door, and told them h av e set liot less than .3,000 t o ‘l,(»00 ]ioumls Or who with gentle voice, for Mr. Bell, lie sought a place of safety, age, will fairly dispute the claim to eminence la a clnuigfc for tho worac and not for the hotter. in g o f c o lts :— lick growth of pines cast a heavy shadow | Biey could not have it without assaulting a and did not enter his own house for many of milk at eaeli test and carried the tests Shall teach the . veiling prayer? with some of his earlier ami best known poems. So ou, quite indefinitely, it is won­ “ Nature exercises her colts in the field: Oh mother, art thou now the dim light of day. Here the force ' lady. Moved by shame or fear, they witli- m onths. through ten days’ trials, in order to meet Stod lard’s “ Hospes Civilatis ” is the longest, derful how these ancient signs aro she sends them tearing through bushes, From thine ow n babes estranged f the gale was somewhat broken, but tin? I drew and the cider was saved; hut the mil- Mrs. Bell was a great favorite with the most ambitious, and best poem he has written for j ilifierent states of atmosphere, giving you handed down from generation to gen­ ! the ari raijc result of these ten days.” The and jumpine: brooks ami boulders, and rac­ Wilt thou not tell us bow now piled in huge drifts about the trees, i ler lost a good place. Whigs and all were ready to do her any many years. Mrs. Burnuett begins her serial, eration, and how impotent reason is ing over hillocks; nor will she let them stop T h y feelings have lw-en changed ? ind it was impossible to detect the road. | A few hours after the British army had service. Accordingly, eight or ten young “ That Lass o’ Lowrie’s,” and Bret Harte ends milk in tlie cooling vats tliat was set The caprice of the wind opened wide ave- broken camp and started on their day’s men usually came over at night-fall, after “ Gabriel Conroy.” “ Hide-and-Seek Town,” to do away with their hold upon tho j six inches deep required 14 per cent, more until their necks are moist, their nostrils nues between the trees, where the footing | march to Walker’s plantation, the gallant this assault, and guarded the house till by “ II. IL,” is a notable sketch, with lavish human mind. Say what you will, we I in quality to make a pound of butter than distended to their utmost capacity, and their I saw a rad ia n t form and she often mistook one of I Colonel 1-ee dashed up to Mrs. Bell’s door, morning. When the notorious Colonel wealth of illustration, and Miss Bridges makes aro naturally igiven to superstitious in those vates where it was only four inches flanks all a quiver. We accept the hint; Bend o’er th a t little bed. these for the road, riding on between nar- 'He was well acquainted with ibis noble Fanning wvs returning the night after his her iirst appearance as an illustrator in Mr. Bur­ fears, and there are the fewest people ■ deep, in eaeli case tile vats being skimmed and, standing in the center of the exercise And round that silent room •wing walls of snow, until some instinct 'woman, though she quickly surmised that horrible slaughter of the Whigs, up the roughs’ characteristic article on Birds. The .Mid­ who aro not more or less affected hy i at the same intervals of setting, and tlie lot, whip in hand, have our groom send our A flood of glory slicd. •hl her sin* was wrong. At last the fading Bis appearance at such a time presaged a Deep river, lie rode up to the house of summer Holiday Number of Scribner's .Monthly them. But let us recall a few of tho (cream treated precisely the same in each in- favoiitc colt around time anil again—now 1 heard a voice above,- ill he issued about the 20tli of July, and cannot light struck a sudden terror to her heart. call upon her services. General Mrs. Bell, followed by his bloody troop. olden beliefs concerning marriage slant e.” Tlie water used for cooling was from at a trot, now at his keenest jum p—until •• Though earthly ties are riv, fail to attract very wide attention, not only from She looked at her watch: it was late in the Greene had determined to pursue Corn­ The undaunted woman began at once, with superstitions. ! springs, (lowing on the bottom, sides, and his nostrils show their red, his neck moist­ I do not cease to love own people, hut from our intelligent visitors ens. and his ribs staml out to sight as lifted fternoon! What should she do? Her wallis, and Colonel Lee with Colonel Wash­ loud voice, to give rapid command, as if In the earliest weddings wo read of top of tlie luilk, wliieli was perfectly sweet My own dear babes in Ileave from the other side of the water. Forsale at all hy every inflation of the lung. This, re­ noble beast was sadly fagged, and she knew ington were liarrassing the rear ol the re­ the building were full of armed men. She when skimmed. This statement goes to -don. J u ly ID, 1876. periodical stores. among tho Jews wo find that tho member, is done by day. month in and out not which way to turn. But to remain treating army. cutting off their foraging ordered them to the windows, to lake good fourth day of the week was considered show that farmers who make their own i to jierish. " Just then she remembered parties, and picking tip valuable informa­ aim. and not lire till each one was sure of butter should use shallow vessels to set the the year round. It is this steady, persisted H arper’s Magazine for August opens with a tho unlucky day for virgins towed and in .exercise touching any organ that gives THE SONG OF 1870. ring that the largest limbs of the pint's tion regarding the enemy’s condition, ami his man. Fanning thought he had started i m ilk in. beautifully illustrated paper on Wellesley College, the fifth for widows. The Homans to it, in the end. its highest possible devel­ always on the southern side. With an the country he was passing through. In a hi-rnet’s nest; he wheeled about and sped IIOW TO COOL MILK. B y B a y a r d T a y l o r . which has h«-en the first in titution to adopt tin- also believed that certain days were opment. Those that think they candevelope inward shout of exultation she pludged on the afternoon Mrs. Bell mounted a tied down the road at full gallop, closely pressed same educational standard that has been adopted unfavorable for tfie performance of It is is highly necessary to pool milk as- horse’s wind in two or three months, are Waken, voice of (lie Iamd’s Devotion! once more with this for her guide. Every horse, armed herself as usual with di k by the frightened troopers who expected in colleges for young men. The other prinaipal spcedily as jstssible. which is carried about Spirit of Freedom. awaken all! marriage rites, and these were the greatly mistaken. Lungs, like shi|w, are moment was precious, for darkness was and pistols, and rode furiously to the new every moment to hear the bullets whistle illustrated papers arc “ The Battle of Long town to supply retail customers, ami also King, ye shores, to Song of Ocean, Calends, Nones nnd tho Ides of every not built in a day; they cannot he put into •inning on with fearful strides, when she camp. Pretending to he he angry at the about their curs. Island,” hy.John W. Chadwick, Mr. Holly’s fourth that whi -h is sent to cities by rail, as milk Rivers answer, and mountains, call! month, the whole .months of February the horse’s mouth before the expected race. would no longer he able to distinguish one soldier’s depredations on her plantation, Mrs. Bell’s professional services had al­ paper on “ Modern Dwellings,” and an article on in warm weather decomposes rapidly, if The golden day has come. and May, nnd many of tlteir festivals. They must be grown up in the horse, begin­ mb from another. She plied her tremb­ she demanded toseeC ornwallis. The earl ways been rendered gratuitously, and no “ Saratoga Springs ” by Win. L. Stone. Then we not properly cooled before being sent out. Let every tongue be dumb. Juno was considered tho most propi­ n in g a t the day he is able to tro t by the d am ’s ling mare with the whip; she coaxed with had been kindly treated while staying at deeper insult could have been inflicted up­ have a historical sketch upon Rear Admiral Mr. Willard, tlie celebrated authority in T h a t sounded its m alice o r m urm ured Its f.-i Shuubrick and “ Hymn to Ereya,” a poem. The side. pleading voice and patting hand: sh<‘ her house, and now received her courteous­ on her Ilian to oiler her money. But, as tious month of tho year for matri­ dairy matters says: “ The practice most in She hath won lo r story, number also contains the entire sixth hook of In conjunction with the exercise lot, and begged and scolded—when suddei.l ly ami heard her fictitious complaints. the war dragged wearily on, she found mony, especially if the day chosen wore She wear.- her glory. George Eliot's “ Daniel Deromla;” the second vogue among milkmen furnishing milk for grew lighter, and her eyes saw nothing hut Meanwhile, her keen eyes actively serving herself stripped of most of her property, that , of tho full moon or tho conjunc­ alternating with it, if convenient, conies We crown her, the Land of a Hundred Yean part of the anonymous serial story, “ A Woman- city consumption is to have a pool of cool jogging on the road or around tlie track. tin* weird, bewildering face of the snow, j the cause o f liberty, and with a woman’s and almost reduced to want. She then tion of tho sun nnd moon. Tho month hater;’’ the third part of Mrs. Cratic's old- water in the milk house. There is a con­ Some people sav “ Never drive nor harness Out of darkness and toil and danger. The marc felt the change at once, and, tact, sin; hail learned much at a glance, began lo make small charges, more fami­ of Slay was especially to be avoided fashioned love story, “ The Laurel Bush;*’ more stant tlow of water in and out of tlie jsioi. a colt before he is five years old.” This is Into the light of Victory’s day. pushing on witli redoubled energy, soon ! On leaving liis lordship's tent, she strolled lies frit, willing to call upon her skill. In as it was under the inlluence of spirits of J ulian Hawthorne's “ Garth;” and tnreccx- I lie milk ispiaeed in cans S inches in di.un- sheer nonsense. The natural state is not Help to the weak and home to the stranger. brought her rider to safety and a bright about among the troops, and having soon this way her practice became extensive, adverse to happy households, and for celleut short stories. The editorial departments et by 20 inches deep, which are sunk in tlie the best state, necessarily, to any animal so Freedom to all, she has held her sway ; fireside. i gained the information she sought, once and she could he seen at all hours of day centuries this superstition seemed to are as full and interesting as usual. pool, care lining taken that tlie water comes highly organized as the horse. You can The fair hand of the young widow Me- again took to knowledge in safely. That and night scouring the country on her tied prevail in Italy against May mar­ up a little above tlie line of the milk in tile take a hoy and train him, so that, at twelve I p..n lo r m other’s b reast ; Gee belonged to a woman of many pet son- j night the indefatigable Greene found fresh mare. The long course of civil war had Appleton's J ournal, devoted to popular litera­ riages, and oven to this day prevails cans. The tlow of water in tlie |mol should years of age, he will lift twice as much as I he voieee of Nations are heard in tin- < lifer •tight wild confusion in the state: the ture and all matters of taste and gx-neral culture, al attractions, and held in its grasp large encouragement in liis preparations for that in some parts of England ami our own lie sufficient to cool the m ilk to fi0 = , o r a any Indian lad of that age who ever lived. That shall cast upon her Is were badly broken up; the forests is now published monthly. It contains superior wealth; so it was greatly sought for in masterly pursuit of Cornwallis, from which country. In China marriages are little below, ill tlie space of one hour.” For the purposes of nature. Nature is per­ New love and honor, c infested with desperadoes and cut­ fiction, in the form ot serials and short stories ; marriage through all that region, hut, baffled by Providence, lie turned aside to positively prohibited nt certain times Mill; cannot lie cooled rapidly in large fect in her educational processes; hut, for And crown her the Queenof a Hundred Yeai conscious of her vantage-ground, she resist- march into South Carolina. Only a few throats; and nothing could he more unsafe .papers . graphically descriptive of picturesque articles upon men of note, ami upon the and seasons, on account of their be­ quantities, consequently the cans should the purpose of man, man is the better dis- North and South, we meet as brothers ; <*d for a long time the assaults of love days before this nobleman hail written to than for a woman to trust herself unpro-J f different people ; essays upon household ing unlucky. not lie any larger titan above stated. When plinarian. A colt, if be be well-formed anil East and W est, we are wedded as one' teeted far from home. But Mrs. Bell was This won her the reputation of being haugh- j liis wife that for six weeks he had not tak- and social topics ; articles of travel and adven­ There was at one time a suporstition milk is eairied in a wagon in warm weath­ of an average size, should be driven from Right o f each sluHl secure o u r m other’s ; needed, and therefore she went. No ty among her rejected suitors: hut “ liaught- en off his clothes and now, on learning the ture ; scientific and industrial articles written current in England against marrying er in cans, to customers, it is a good plan live to ten miles to a light biteb-up twice a Child of each is l.ealtothe public for another school build­ years and a half, may get a deed on pay­ is tin* subject o f ibis sketch. and fro. The air drew through the room speak of her great need of haste ; even now In the rango of mountains in Wes­ ment of $200 and making proof of settle­ H ay.—Tlie German papers publish details less; for ambition, when it exists purely, ing, to afford them enlarged accomoda­ of a series of experiments carried on at the At the outbreak of the Revolution there and the good lady rose and shut the door. she might he too late; and, putting the tern North Carolina known as tho “Fox ment and improvement. The Timber is a nobility lifting its owner entirely tions. agricultural schools in that country, for the lived, on the hanks of the Sandy Creek, in The earl opened it. and again gazed up tin* lash to her horse, would soon he lost in the Runge,” a most singular phenomenon Culture law gives ICO acres to any one from himself into the exalted service of Flags were displayed in abundance at tilt >f t in trees ami culti- purpose of testing the nutritive properties the old North Slate, a widow with live road. He appeared to he in t rouble, and darkness. In this Way she wentover many exists. It isa “breathing cave.” In p lan tin g one-foi East|>ort the Fourth. The steam-mill at vat ing for eight yea •s; 80 o r 40 acres m ay of grass ami hay at various stages. By an young children. Ih r lately-bereaved home could not keep still a moment. lie would turning aside wherever she knew in­ mankind. It is injurieous when it is de­ tho Summer months a current of air was sumptuous for the times, and she held sit, dow n in a ch air, only to find his feet a t formation was to he had ; for she was ae- that town disposed of 1G.000 turned tlag be taken on lik, .litions. The fees are elaborate series of analyses, it is shown based by its meaner ally, pride, or when, comes from it so strongly that a per­ large possessions in lands ami mills. Her once, and return to his pacing. Again Mrs. equainled with every foot of the ground. sticks. the same as‘f< r 1, ‘steading. Duly a why young grass is more nutritious than stimulating a man to Rtrenuous efforts son can’t walk against it, while in tho husband. Colonel John McGee, had been a Bell closed the door. Cornwallis immedi­ At daylight she was hack again in her own At Bar Harbor, Richard Ilamor & Sons sm all m illio n o f tlie 1” blic domain is now mature grass, 'l’he physiological experi­ person of influence in his section—a man ately opened it, saying sternly that he house, having traveled over thirty miles, after some great object, it leads him to have nearly completed a large hotel, to he Winter the suction is just as groat. ottered hy tlie ( lent for sale, it he­ ments show that it is more easily digested. of wealth ami widely extended business re­ wished it to remain so. His hostess asked and learned the whole story of the loyalist the performance of excessive mental or called the Bar Harbor Exchange. Tho cool air from the mountains in ing mostly res. rvci f ir settlem en t un d er Thus grasses t wo nnd a half inches high Summer is felt for miles in a direct contain nearly titty per cent, more of albu- lations. 11 is young widow now carried on him the reason. gathering. Colonel Lee pouneeil down up­ physical labor, and to the consequences 'Fhe U. S. S. “ Congress,” Capt. Earl tlie H om estead 1 Pre-emption laws. line from tho cave. At times a most mcnenoids than grass that is six inches tin* p lan tatio n , the m ills, am i the store, ami “ W h y ,” saiil he, “ I don’t know hut. on them on the following night, and broke that, follow such effort. English, has been ordered from Philadel­ Where it call till >c found the price is high, and tell more of “crude fat.” The proved herself a thrifty and efficient man­ Greene may be coming down on me at up the nest forever. phia to the station at Portsmouth, to he unpleasant odor is emitted upon tho $1.25 ]>er acre. The passion called avarice, according mature grass contains more woody fibre a g e r. any moment. It was now three months since the paid off. It is reported that. Capl. English current from tho dea l carcasses of F SWINE. B ull thought you said just now that dreadful carnage at Guilford and the erate strife between Whig and Tory was the preservation of the body than to its violence. The loss of cattle and stock young grass: and besides this, it is found y ard . I nitial Suites ai ol. ibly, tin: Berkshire. hearing were the exponents of a noble anti ing further.” raging all over the state, 'l’he erack of deterioration. The avaricious man, who in that section in Winter is accounted ’• 1" that the nutritious albumenoids exists in :w Alexander Robinson aged sixty-nine; a Yorkshire, and l ’ol China hogs. No less solidile form in hay than in young dauntless heart, a mind keen, energetic, “ Well, madam,” said the earl, with a I the rille was heard in every forest; some seems to the luxurious world to be de­ for In this way : They range too near veteran ship-builder, formerly of the firm person should lire, ,1 the common land grass. Hence the difference of nutritive and resolute. Her presence of mind was sigh, “ to tell you the truth, since God dead man lay beside nearly every ford; barring himself of al) the pleasures of the mouth of tho cave, and the current shark hreeiis at this la e dav. if he under- ami night after night the glare of burning of Lemont & Robinson, a man universally value and digestibility. Autumnal bay •wonderful: ami. through all the wild vicis­ made me I never saw such fighting An­ carries them in. At times, when tho stands his own rests, 'l’be Berkshire dwellings quivered in the skies. So .ictiv the world, and to be exposing himself to respeeteil. and who has filled important city was found to be more nutritious than sum­ situdes o f h er lift*, she w as n ev e r a t a Ins: other such victory would annihilate ???/ / ” change from inhalation begins, tho air and ’Poland G’h na 1 •ds are remarkable a W h ig :ls Martha Bell could not cscap the fangs of povert}", is generally plac­ officers, died in Bath last-Sat unlay. m er bay. tor expedients to accomplish her will During the stay of the enemy on Mrs. is filled witli various hairs of anim als; for the ease in w hi,-1 11 ey hike on fat. In- Bell’s plantation, Cornwallis treated her the fury of the loyalists. Her husband ing himself in the precise conditions fa­ Chief Justice Waite, Judge Bond, ex- Her tleep intense nature made her a nobh not unfrequently bones and whole deed, it is imiHissihl • t ) reduce them to a with proper respect. But the British gen- was in the North on matters of business, (loy. Smvthe, and Gen. Martindale of the friend, hut a dangerous enemy; while her vorable to a long and healthy existence. carcasses are found miles from tho lean condition o l th , fe al that our old land M ix in g So il s .—A gentleman gives the hut the next, best thing to munlerin I’nited States hoard of managers, arrived hold, daring and unconquerable determin­ eral lacked either the will or the jxiwer to By his economy lie is saving himself from plaeo. Tho air lias been known to sharks would star ve on. In breeding following as liis exjierience in relation to withold his troops from their usual depre­ patriot was the destruction of his property. at the Togus Asylum Saturday on the usual ation more than off-set the disadvantages all the worry incident to penury; by his “ change materially in temperaturo swine, one sho ■id rei lcinbcr that “ like mixing soils and the results : “ I have dations. They tcok her provisions, her Again and again was the plantation inv.nled innual insj»ection. of her sex. Yet, she was in no wav un­ caution he is screening himself from all during exhalation from quite cool to begets like,” an, kci >nly th e boars lu v - bad great results from spreading sand up­ crops, and her live stock, and stripped the hy bands of armed desperadoes. They P womanly; through all her life no voice of A eow owned by G. D. Bisbee, Esq., of unpleasantly hot, withering vegeta­ ing the most good points. Y’otir breeding on stiff clay. Plough the clay land in the place of all they chose to want. The pres­ burned the barns, drove off the cattle, the risks incident to speculation or the reproach was ever lifted against her from Bucktield, distinguished herself lately hy tion within reach, anti accompanied sows should also he selected for their line fall and then spread on sand until it al­ rilled the house or its contents, wounded attempt to amass wealth by hazardous any respectable source. When the war ence of the commander protected her from devouring a pockel hook containing notes, shape, &e. No boar should he used un­ most appears to cover the surface. The one of the little sons, and threatened to by a torriblo roaring, gurgling sound, came on slit; espoused the W hig principles direct insult, hut she often heard the offi­ means; by his regularity of hours and receipts and $150 in hank notes. A power­ der one year old; and if required for many action of the frost the following winter wiil shoot the whole family. The father of like a pot boiling. It is unaccounted with enthusiasm: but woe to the luckless cers without the house curse her bitterly perfect appropriation of the sunlight, in ful emetic was administered without any sows, he should not be allowed to run with open th<* clay soil in fissures, into which the Mrs. Bell was making her a visit. Ix*arn- for by scientific men who have exam­ Tory who crossed her path! General Gray, for her rebel proclivities. One day when preference to artificial illumination, he effect. 'Fhe pocket hook was owned by them. Let no good farmer say that it is sand will fall, and in the spring it will be as ing the fact, a party of Tories came in the ined, though no exploration can take in a manuscript letter, now seventy years one of them was galloping toward the riv­ Addison Monk, who hung liis vest contain­ not profitable to fatten jx)rk, as he values soft as an ash bed, the barrowing and cul- night, and avowed their purpose of hiking rests and works in periods that precisely place. It is feared by many that a old, says that she despised the very name er to water his horse he shouted an insult­ ing iton a post within reach of the cow. his reputation for good judgement. An tivativating mixing the sand and clay thor­ liis life. Forcing their way into the house, accord with the periodicity of nature; volcanic eruption may break forth of a Tory, and if sliQcvcr prayed for one it ing remark to her as he passed the door. old swine breeder says: “The smaller oughly together, and the effect will be they rushed ujjon the aged patriot with by his abstemiousness in living, he takes A mysterious tramp is causing consider­ must have been in the language of the one Provoked beyond endurance, she said she there sometime. farmer, who keeps but few bogs, is not seen for many years in the hay crop.” drawn swords. Not a moment was to be able alarm in Dresden, especially among hundred and ninth psalm. Her maiden wished his horse would throw him and just enough to live, which is precisely aware of the extent to which green crops Ibis is but one instance of the benefits re­ lost; there was not even time to rush across the female inhabitants, lie stays mostly name was McFarlane, and she held, in break his neck. The next moment the the right thing to do according to the may be used in the production of pork. A sulting from the mixing of soils ; and not the room for her pistols; and, grasping a in the woods. He comes only long enough Small pox is again rampant in Cartilage. strong force, the sturdy characteristics of horse stumbled, the rider was thrown to natural law. Thus, in almost every par­ elover pasture that will produce two ami only will it be found beneficial to spread, broad axe which sood hy the fireplace, the to-beg his dinner and then goes back to the About 10 eases are reported there and her Scotch ancestors. the rocks and instantly killed. one-half tons of clover jier acre will he suf­ sand upon a clay soil, but other-wise simi­ noble woman sprang between her beloved ticular, he goes on his way freer than ■woods. H e m u st h av e a su rp risin g ap p e­ some ten or twelve in Weld. It is of a Colonel McGee had been an extensive When Mrs. Bell learned that the British ficient to graze live or six pigs from live to lar results may be expected from the- parent and the approaching death. other men from the eternal causes of all tite, judging hy the number of dinners lie m ild type. trader, and most of the business at the army were likely to pass over her road, seven months old, and of course a larger spreading of clay upon a light, sandy soil. Swinging the axe high over her head, her can eat in one day. It is sujqiosed that store was carried on by barter. He re­ she took the usual precaution of biirying the induced diseases, and better protected number of younger pigs. Vetches, peas eyes ternble with wrath, she cried: “ If he escaped from the Augusta Insane Hos­ A dispateli from Augusta states that Hon. ceived deerskins, furs, beeswax, all such her money. This was all in specie and she than most men from the worst conse­ or oats, may be sowed to sueeed elover, pital. A detective is now searching for Hannibal Hamlin ami Hon. William Cald­ G reen C r o ps fo r H o g s.—The smaller articles as could lie easily handled; and had deposited it under a stone step of one one of you touches him, I’ll split you down quences of those diseases which spring and the bigs are not only kept growing, h im . well of Augsfii, have been appointed Trus­ farmer, who keeps but few hogs is not •when the time came to replenish liis stock of the buildings. It was a heavy rock and with the axe! ” Panic-stricken hy this in­ hut if judiciously handled, will he so fat from uncontrollable causes. tees of the second mortgage of the Europe­ aware of the extent to which green crops he would load this produce on wagons, she was barely able to move it enough to vincible spirit, they turned and lied. that a few weeks on grain will lit them at Q u ic k L im e f o e P o tato B u g s.—T h e an nnd North American Railway Com- moy lie used in the production of pork. travel to St. Petersburg and exchange it scratch a hole and drop her guineas. But Through all that hitter summer NLartha any time for the butcher.” for goods. ()n all these expeditions lie ac­ she had not counted on having the army Bell lived in desperate struggle for the Postmasters appointed-—Rinaldo Elder, Worcester Gazette says that several farm­ p a n y -______A clover pasture that will produce two and companied the train on horseback; and, actually encamped on her gronnds, and preservation of her family. Night and Freedom, Waldo, Co.; Alonzo M. Taylor, ers in its vicinity have discovered that DRIED FRUITS. a half tons of clover per acre will lie suffi­ while his drivers slept by the teams, he now, knowing well their custom of prying flay were alike full of danger: “ the terror Hampden Centre, Penobscot Co.; Thurs­ quick-lime is equally efficacious with Paris The Fourth of July was appropriately The American Grocer (New York) says: cient to graze five or six pigs from five himself would seek a lodging in some up every stone and searching every cranny by night,” “ the destruction that wasteth ton Hunt, Hermon Centre, Penobscot Co. green, and much more safe, in the exter­ eelelirated in Sherman, Fatten, Island Falls, Dried blackberries when ripe should lie to seven months old, and of course a larg­ neighboring house.. Ilis wife had learned tor plunder, she felt certain the soldiers at noonday,” hovered about her dwelling, mination of potato hugs. If this be true— and nearly all the towns surrounding with nicely dried (not burned) before packing. er number of younger pigs. Vetches, peas his methods of business, and the names of would discover her treasure. She wn¬ staring at her from the darkness, or hiding Rufus B. Yose, who was accused of theft and the test is easily and cheaply made— regular old-fashioned picnics. More Ilian If packed before thoroughly dried they or oats, may he sowed to succeed clover, liis friends on the route, and now that she the woman to lose her property without an the light of the sun. Yet her courage and from the mails of the Freedom post ofiice, the fact should be widely known, since the the usual interest prevailed during tile ad­ breed worms, became mouldy and unsala­ and tlie pigs are not only kept growiug, was a widow she was determined that the effort to save it. She determined to recover will met every emergency, and her daunt­ has confessed and been bound over in the late very general use of a poison so deadly dresses and other exercises which will form ble. Dried raspberries always sell better but if judiously handled, may lie so fat hand of the master should not he missed. her gold, and find for it a safer hiding- less spirit rose above every loss. In the sum of $2,000 to appear at the next term as Paris green, has been, and can hardly a [lortioii of tile history of the several than blackberries, and should receive the that two weeks on grain will fit them at Soon sifter her husband’s death she start- place. She accordingly made an excuse fall of 1781 her husband returned, and of the United States District Court. fail to he productive of much mischief. towns and the nation. same care and handling. Dried Apples— any time for the butcher. farce, the whole truth should be told, and if ets. stripped up and tied together for the About Town. S‘^r> ’ As the Dirigo base ball nine were having a 2d. That the series shall consist of eighteen there are lady witnesses whose testimony [ purpose. Making his way from the The Rockland Gazette. Notice to SubHci'lbe vi. little practice game on Saturday evening, Al. Bur­ games, three between each contesting club. North Haven. Domestic. * would|implicate some prominent Democrats grounds, he sat down by the road, some 3d. That the Umpire must not be a resilient of Subscribers will please notice that tlu- date after cacti pee, the pitcher, got otic of his little fingers brok­ There was no money raised by the town cv oth­ Reports from nil parts of Kansas agree why .-<> much the better. Nothing has oc­ the place to which either contesting club belongs. distance away, and waited for morn­ subscriber’s name outlie margin of the paper (or on en in e itching a “ hot ” ball, sent by Berry, who erwise to celebrate the “ Glorious Fourth, ” but th a t the crops this y e a r will h r the l irq^-.-t Tluirstlay, .Inly 20, 1870. 4th. That the season shall commence July curred thus far. however, which shakes my tlie w rap p er if m ailed singly)ln(licut««<.ilie tim e to u/iicft and finest ever harvested in Kansas ing. and during this time fell asleep. was at the bat. 18th, and close Oct. 10th. some of our ladies got up a picnic dinner to p’< original belief that the proper place to trv 2>(iyinent i i .W in n n p a y m e n tja m ade,the d-.di will W eather very favorable. and convict Belknap wouhl be a criminal When the morning was suflicienlly ad­ B5/* At the R. R. station, AVedne»lay forenoon, 5th. That no other Clubs shall be admitted the children. j y t tin-of tlm essentials to the honesty lie changed to correspond, and thia constitutes a valid to the Associatiou except by consent of all the con­ 'fhe number of visitors lolhe Centennial court when* he could be sentenced, if found vanced he pursued his way. and perhaps a receipt. A ’ways notice the date oit the n r r t jm jie r nf- the City Marshal seized a barrel of whiskey Our artist, .Mr. Wesley Dyer, lias a p:cturc hi.I purity of polities is the reform of the testing Clubs. Exhibition since the opening aggregates guilty, to tine ami imprisonment. This dig­ mile from the Hospital, met Mr.JGeorgc t. r making a payment, and if in any case the change is which had no name upon it. Some fellow who gallery at the Thoroughfne. All wanting pic­ nifying his offense into a ••high crime ami Oth. That no person shall play in any of 2.2.51,074, and the cadi receipts >7I.”»- d e f e c t s ami abuses of the caucus system, Staples, formerly, of this city, a joinr not m ade irithin tiro irtefsi, please notify us at once. designed to peddle it out to the thirsty crowd who these matches unless a resident of the place to tures taken will do well to give him a call. G7G.50. 'fh e n u m b er o f non-paying visi­ misdemeanor,"’ ami delaying thelegislalii Subscribers will confer a special favor upon us if they t he caucus is a useful jxilitieal institution who is at work at the Hospital and who coine to see “ Barnum,” will no doubt tie griev which the Club belongs. The fishermen have arrived from the several tors is th erefo re 7GG,921. business of the country, at an expens nf at w ill nerer let diene ilnten yet