Rockland Gazette Gazette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY

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Rockland Gazette Gazette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY The Rockland Gazette Gazette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY . ESTABLISHMENT. VOSE & PORTER navlng every facility in Presses, Tym* and Material* to w hich we arc constantly making additions, we are 2 1 O M ain Street. prepared to execute with promptness and good sty bi every variety of Job Printing, including TERMS: Town Reports, Catalogues, By - Law n If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2.00. Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro­ If payment la delayed G months, 2.25. grammes, Circulars, Bill Beads, If not paid till the close of the year, 2.50. New subscribeta are expected to make the tin Letter Bends, Law and Corpor­ adva ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills o f L ading, B usiness. Ad­ publish dress and Wedding Cards, Tags, —for sale at the office and V O L U M E 31. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY JULY 20, 1876. N O . 33. L abels, d. B. PORTER. PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZING wilt receive prompt attention. ted on fier first expedition, and made a for visiting the camp, roamed about leis­ lioped to live concealed in his house. The BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. MARRIAGE SUPERSTITIONS. Jg a ctn r. afe and successful Journey to Petersburg. urely to disarm suspicion, and, watching Tories soon heard of his presence, and one Select sound fruit, not too ripe. Be .•ure to The publishers of Scrib.xhr’s Monthly pro­ Sinco marriage became an institu­ On the first day of her return it began to her opportunity, stepped to the stone, dark night they surrounded the house in pose lo signalize the Centennial year hy the pub­ have them thoroughly cleaned; let no now . T o w ard ev en in g tin* w ind rose to a moved it by one tremendous effort, grasped large numbers. The doors were securely lication of the most beautiful number of a popu­ tion there have been certain signs and specks of skin appear on any |«rt, and [Original.] superstitions that have clung to its Br ie f articles, suggestions,and results ol experien above all, lie sure they are well cured. gale, the snow blew in blinding gusts, and her hag, anti, hiding it in her gown, care- barred. Finding they could make no en­ lar magazine ever issued in the world. This spe­ luting to Farm, Garden or Household laanageme Oh mother, hast thou gone lay (heavy and thick upon the ground, lessly retreated. Iler bacon and numerous trance, the ruffians brought lire to burn cial number, which will he entitled “ The Mid­ celebration through all ages and io Dried apples coming to market witli specks And left thy children here. • invited from our readers interested in such inattei Through all the wild night the faithful , things of value she had deposited among him out. As they were [kissing round : summer Holiday Number,’’ will comprise one hun­ all centuries. Even to-day,in most civ­ of skin, or cores and seeds still on. never W ith non.* to hear their m oan, woman remained beside the teams, inspir- the rocks on the other side of the river, corner of the building, Mr. Bell thrust his dred and sixty pages, contributed by the most ilized nations, wo have not entirely rid meet with ready sale at market prices. Or wipe the falling tear? einient writers; among these are Bryant, Stod­ our minds of these superstitions, and 11URAL TOPICS. ^Formerly when there was a comparatively And though each childish heart, ing the drivers and encouraging the beasts. | These were soon discovered. head from a corner window intending to When the dull, gray daylight returned, the { The miller who had been fora long time shoot. One man chanced to he directly dard, “ II. H.” Sidney Lanier, Bret Harte, E. E. I warrant there is never a bride but small quantity of ‘sliced ’ aJiples prepared, W ith Borrow overflow, Hale, (’ol. Waring, John Bourronghs, T. B. Aid- storm was still increasing, and the wagon . <‘»»ployed by ATr. Bell was one Stephen under the window, and cut at Mr. Bell indulges herself in looking for some [W ' the G a ifttr hy T. n. Mixes, of Linden, they sold at better figures than quarters TJmu dost not bear a part rich, Celia Thaxter, Tonrgueneg.the Russian nov­ and halves, but this difference in value at In their unsJioken woe. teams made short stages and long rests. ! Harlin, who was at heart a Tory. Now in with his sword, inflicting a terrible wound happy omen. Few people aro daunt­ X. .1., fur ninny yearn Editor of the Itu ru l A m u elist, (Jail Hamilton, Henry James, J r., ami oth once led to an increase of the supply, so 'flic widow saw the situation was des- the presence of the British troops he had His wife now shouted to her boys to ers only less distinguished. The illustrations less enough to be married on Friday, and one of the inont experienced fannern, gurdi Alas! they miss thy voice, that now we are overstocked with ‘sliced,’ perate; she now concluded to leave the opportunity show his proclivities. He not get out the guns artd lire from the win­ will he profuse in number, and specially notable and wo have the most unlimited con­ ami fruit growers in the United Stales.] When the first morning ray, gons to follow a« they could, and push only allowed the soldiers to take the grain, dows. Then she cried out to her negro as specimens of the designer’s engraver's and fidence in that old shoo thrown after and our advice is to have a less quantity of Bills the glad earth reJoice alone to a place of safety. Armed with hut he also revealed the hiding place of the Peter, raising her voice so that the printer’s arts. All that culture ami skill, devel­ the newly-wedded pair. Nearly every sliced apples and more cleanly prepared To «ee another day. pistols and a dirk, for she was in a Tory bacon, and the prize was at once secured enemy could hear: “ Peter, run quick to oped by a fruitful experience, can do to make this llLTTEl: MAKING. quarters and halves.” And when the setting sun bride of to-day wears about her when ountrv. she skirted out into the blinding Ho told them too, that there was much ci­ Joe (’larke’s and tell him to bring up his number of the magazine attractive, will he done. she is married some trilling thing bor­ One of the most mtisirienccd creamery W arn s them to w-ek th e ir bed, The edition will he 75,900 copies. The contents butter makers in the State of New York waste of snow. Her stout, faithful mare der in the cellars. They immediately light-horse at once, for the Tories are here!” rowed from a lady.friend.and all know TRAINING COLTS. They miss thy loving hand, caught the spirit of the struggle, and | went to the house and demanded it of Mr of the Midsflmtner Holiday number of Scribner made some careful ex]ierinients, showing The was a success; visions of Joe that “Blost is the bride on whom the I ,s.n each infant head. through the early part of the day plunged J Bell. She told them stoutly they should will ho light, as midsummer reading generally the depths at which milk should be set to Clarke’s dreaded scouts tilled their terrified sun doth shine,” and are equally cer­ tnrdily onward. About noon siie entered , not have it. They seized an axe ami start­ minds and the Tories lied pereipitately to should he, hut some of the contributions will he make tlie most butter. He says: “ In Ol­ Revs.W .II.H. Murray’s paper,the Qolden Who now, with tender hand, extraordinary. Mr. Bryant’s poem of one hun­ ta in t h a t wide tract of forest—whose desolation ! ed for the door. She rushed before them, the woods. But this experience sufficed der to make the experiments p ractical, I Rule, has the following concerning the train­ Shall brush tli.-ir silken hair, dred ami sixty lines, produced at his advanoed To change the name and not tho letter was unbroken by a single house, and whose , placed her hack to the door, and told them h av e set liot less than .3,000 t o ‘l,(»00 ]ioumls Or who with gentle voice, for Mr. Bell, lie sought a place of safety, age, will fairly dispute the claim to eminence la a clnuigfc for tho worac and not for the hotter. in g o f c o lts :— lick growth of pines cast a heavy shadow | Biey could not have it without assaulting a and did not enter his own house for many of milk at eaeli test and carried the tests Shall teach the . veiling prayer? with some of his earlier ami best known poems. So ou, quite indefinitely, it is won­ “ Nature exercises her colts in the field: Oh mother, art thou now the dim light of day. Here the force ' lady. Moved by shame or fear, they witli- m onths. through ten days’ trials, in order to meet Stod lard’s “ Hospes Civilatis ” is the longest, derful how these ancient signs aro she sends them tearing through bushes, From thine ow n babes estranged f the gale was somewhat broken, but tin? I drew and the cider was saved; hut the mil- Mrs. Bell was a great favorite with the most ambitious, and best poem he has written for J ilifierent states of atmosphere, giving you handed down from generation to gen­ ! the ari raijc result of these ten days.” The and Jumpine: brooks ami boulders, and rac­ Wilt thou not tell us bow now piled in huge drifts about the trees, i ler lost a good place.
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    Issued Tuesday •Tuesday Thursday Issue Saturday _______IB ___ __ ____ Established January, 1846. Entered as Second Class Mail Matter, Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, June 3, 1924. THREE CENTS A COPY Volume 79..................Number 67. NEW BANK PRESIDENT . ROCKPORT JUNIORS ment contains an appeal for a com­ WASHINGTON LETTER A NEW DEPARTURE The Courier-Gazette mercial course, tells of the organiza­ NEARING THE GRAND CLIMAX At a special meeting of the board tion of a girls' glee club, and of the THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK of directors of tftb Rockland National Made a Very Creditable Pa­ adoption of a new honor roll plan. Does Revenge Inspire LaFol- Nominal Admission To Be ALL THE HOME NEWS Bank yesterday,* Capt. Israel Snow Contributors to the miscellaneous Young “Chummy” Gray Holds Vinalhaven High To Four per of ‘‘The Tatler,” Now columns were R. Packard ’26. Kaler lette — Pulling Japan’s Charged To Knox Arbore- was elected president, to fill the va­ Subscription $3 00 per year payable in On Sale. ’25, L. Miller ’24. Elsie Salminen ’28, Singles—Thomaston Has a Temporary Scare. Beard. turn—Mr. Lermond’s New advance; single «*opies three cents. cancy caused by the death of the Priest ’26. and H. Tibbetts '25. The Advertising rates based upon circulation and very reasonable. late Arthur S. Littlefield. Capt. The Junior class of Rockport High class which graduated from Rockport (From our Regular Correspondent.) Specimens. High School last year is thus ac­ two Thomaston men at bat in that Snow has been a director of this Washington June 1.—Senator La- NEWSPAPER HISTORY School can take unto itself a great counted for: inning were quickly retired.
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