n " t I



CIY1LL t^O whenever a suitable country can be fouud vision in our political society consists ot Few Kebels Going to Mexico. tJALVKBT, 4 t DRY for you which white men do not want, and ;Kroiu the St. Lonis R publiian. GOODS. PROFESSIONAL. PROPOSALS. the slave aristocracy, who are crushed to ] EK8. sufficient means can be raised, which white e. Herron, PUBLISH the earth by the result of the rebellion— i. Major General who has just ar- T AROH men will never give. GOVERNMENT SALE Off STEAMBOATS Politicians, to meet the freeing of the slaves—an I they are the rived in this city from the Military Division BMS. H. BHIHTOW., JOHN KHLAJsr. HA B°ATS MAKOIiii AND TBS E PROP- BUILDING, popular JAMES M. STEVENS, EBT? ' " OFFICE-PRESS issues and to evade rugged issues, "conquered but not subdued" malcontents of the Gulf, gives us some information Uuartermaater General's Ofkce, Washington. will devise plans enough for you, but your who curse us. Let it be distinctly under- correct an error that Mo. «28, MAIN STREET, BR1ST0W & FELAND D.. C jsso. which will is general- July 29, 1*5. ioe, true plan is a very simple one. Go where la- stood, however, that they are in a very ly, if not universally, prevalent through- Pmopoaaw are invited and will be received at early opposite Louisville Hotel, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, the places, and bor is most in and is beat until th- I ,t.-s h-reiuafter n»mnl, «>r the j*olTor»on demand rewarded. small minority, and accomplish nothing but out the North. It is in relation to the re- J Street. t|„. Celiac of f. lluwina-s You will not, in any considerable numbers, an increase of the discontent, which is con- of late rebel soldiers to HOPKINS V1LLE, U. , and other moval Mexico, with LOUISVILLE, i WIU I be welcome anywhere in this country, and fined to their own circles, by their grum- the intention of taking part in the contest KY. give prom.'. :->i« to aU basl-iesa sntr a many people in Kentucky are unwilling unfortunate ed.to their ear* a* 2A P At DAILY UNION PRESS bling. by which that country is still that you shall remain here. You will have North Carolina is as free from discord Being just then Wholesale Dealer in distracted. from Shreve- for the much to endure. aternwheel The laws will not be exe- to-day as any State "in or out" of the port, where he received the surrender of ltd tons. T very Hosiery, Meerschaum Pipes, Jfl. III! cuted rigoriously for you, and hence Union. A small and factious party of agi- the bulk of Kirby Smith's army, and where A. ST O UT9 Sternwheel steamboat will afford Gloves, Sternwheel tea mis sot L_. io advance, per year, |9 00 you inadequate protection. tators, as insignificant to those who are he was brought into contact with rebels of Imitation do (Late Col. i:th R*8t. Ky. Vol. Inf.) Slavery, which has Levi.) registered 13' tons. depraved our national posted as the upholders of the copperhead every rank, he is, of course, able to Shirts India And two a. wbarfboat*. registered lit 6 months, 6 00 speak Rubber do an 1 145 1 politics and . All of which cau be seen diabolized cur religion, is too doctrines of the New York News are in advisedly. Drawers, at at Gallipot!*, o 3 8 00 Brier Root do LOU is VI I.I.I'. of s«le deep-seated to justify the hope that New York, is the only discordant element Instead of seven or eight thousand K.Y., Mis- I AS One wharfboat, lying at Parkersbnrg, vou will speedily be to Suspenders, Wood IT RETURNED To THK l>KA «1 W 1 100 forgiven the crime of that now troubles us. No State, included sourians who are said have accompanied do TlliHu One 1 wharflsjat. lying at Catlettslmrg, • » tession, an.l will »r being free. .ctice in all the rederal MilrtaM And the model t 51 Your refuge and defense are in the late rebellion, has proceeded so beyond the Rio Grande, Handkerchiefs, and etate Court* h \V ti.« -payable to the Carrier- 20c. Shelby that officer Pocket-Books, Id iu th» city aud .it. cinuati, Ohio; fouud in obedience to the as mmss laws, bv the suc- rapidly in the path of rehabilitation was folio wed, it seems, by a scanty band Neck-Ties, All of which can be cessful Pocket-Miirors, cultivation of all those" qualities North Carolina. She will soon be ready to of two hundred. Their purpose, as well as which will Scarfs, Jewelry, UNION PRESS render you valuable to society, give to the world a list of her loyal voters— their leaders', was toJoin, not Maximilian, until At l.ouNvillr. Ky., until \V. « you have demonstrated your useful- those notexcluded from voting for delegates as has been reported, but Juarez and the Combs, Towels, ness JEWELRY. :iO. IV. >l . r, and value as a free people. You will to the convention by the Amnesty Procla- (a] mate.) Liberal cause. Brushes, Soaps, For the mi del barges Charmer, Henry (42 " ) be insulted and oppressed by that class of mation, and is inevery ready to do her Payne No. J atd B. Morton, and for seventtwn •• •• -4ji way Other parties of rebels who imitated 1< 171 1. v ' " •• (S2 ) „ »* Shel- wale men who have always been the terror of the share towards sustaining the government and Buttons, Pomades, bargea; erery .-t by—Missourians men from seceded All of which caa be seen I WtU fcenJ ONE EXTRA UOPY with CLUB at Louuville, Ky., until the day feeble and defenceless. Not the highest at Washington, which she acknowledges to States— will not exceed a few hundred Threads, Perfumery, J.J. :iiwjj:i:iii:i of aale; ' TKN.TWd EXTRA OOF lie." with a OUl'B or TWENT'. in type of manhood, it is true, but still they be the government of the United States. Like ''^^^'n^l'teamtwat D. A. January, registered number, all told. the former, they Ladies' Belto, Travelling Bags, are men, and no country is wholly exempt- Discarding Ihe system" adopted atcn "Japanese their swords bidewheel' MPkkCIAI. NOTICE. designed to cast into the scale Belt Buckles, steamboat Ohio, (wreck.* ed from their presence. You ask as to in Virginia, her lauds are offered in market, Violins, * ALL LETTERS relating to Subscription*. AiTer.U-- against Maximilian, and the French and "°n r ton.; • m "what assistance the Government can at- and every |>ossible inducement is held out Belt Ribbons, luSTmXlLST^ — or .«h--r bonnes* with the paper, should be n<1- Austria contingents by whom he is sup- Paper, All of which cau a«a, ford you in the j«e.rw«itt«i education of your children." for emigration. To aum the whole matter imrted. This, says, is Velvet day of aale. kaai t.. tu* unto. rr*m. ho. sat he the purpose of Ribbons, Envelopes, I answer none; none directly. The National up, as far as the war aud the bitter feelings JEWELLER, all rebels who have sought or may seek a Silk, Government has to Worsted, and Pencils, At Ha li ! until in no power engage in the which were naturally engendered by it hand in the military affairs of Mexico. Wo. *33 Main Street, one door above Thli TO MtfMNN work of education except under very towards the North are concerned, we are Cotton Braids, Pens, &c.; W K siding !,-. i -t. Their motive in with the Liberal liOUiSVlLLK, M.lV« , m . r Ant... rat r ^-ist- r-1 J - ... ( .. r H73 tons Whatever it intended tor insertion mat be autbentl- brought together in large numbers. In GOODS account of repairing damages by fire, ia now oivn sush and every other State of the late Confede- is Sldewheel steamer Baltic, registered 7' li thev now think, attainable by expelling In for transact! ii of busin baud a larg- stock tons; ». h*el steamer Mattie Cibler, off. ACENCIES. registered IsjU I of "Wants," driven Five I2u*« fleet? word* * or l««a, n column public danger us. Sternwheel steam- r Porter, the General Government is deeply A new menaces An registered 1 13 tons; -»l..' • ior EVnt." "Coftrding," "Lort," "Konr.d,' Sterling Price is in Texas with his fami- WM. H. Sternwheel steamer impressed with the iudispensible value ingenious youth in advertises DUNOAN, Alone, registered 211 toaa; » . . Late R. I >ter» wheel steamer J S ly, and entertains no idea going to y. M Mh ml. V Priiigb , registered that for twenty-live cents will inclose to of Mex- High Street Planing Mill Ma toast of education to he • tern* heel steamer Jennie you, aud sympa- ico. is Hopkin-. registered V*> ton* It not improbable that he may re- st. ruwhe.1 steamer Lioness > thises w ith you in your anxiety for its dif- any address "the likeness ol your future towboat rectstoreri % turn to Missouri at no distant day. lien. tons; anj fusion husband," and a generous juty iu Wash- amongst your children. Your Sternwheel ateamer Carrie Jacob*, registered ington that Monroe M. Parsons has also located in Tex- DUNGAN & SMITH, sternwmel Itt ton*: ADDRESS OF GEN. PALMER schools shall have protection; they will en- has decided a wouian may steamer Annie Jay oh*, registered tons' as for the purpose of practising law. Gen. steruwhee] -termer Lotus, M courage the benevolent men and women shoot a man who jilts her. Now if the in- MUNROE & registered I Ml ton* HATCH. Sternwheel st- Churchill, who was captured originally amer * irginia Bart, n, registered to at 1 too*- of the country »o genious youth chooses send to any curi- Screw t ig J ( TO THE assist you. Do not lose Arkansas Post, together with Buckner, Rumsey, regi tered no ton*: sight of the importance ofsecuriug to every ous dame in Buffalo or Milwaukee, or at Mernwlieel t^wboat Michigan, registered W ton*. Bragg and Beauregard, are in New Orleans, rou rii k Sterna heel towboat Huron, registered colored child in the State a solid education. some remote town or country side upon the w Us toaa: none ot them thinking of removing perma- ha f boat Dearborn, 3)10 ton*; I think I can assure you that Tombigbee or Cbattahoochie rivers, the QONSTAMTLY ON HAND rL'ORINO, A LSO as your rights nently away from the States. HAVE _ United Gen. Weather Koardiug. PinePii„ and_ PoPoplar Joist au l scan- <»r the model barge* Oeneral Delegation ofCol ored Men are better understood likeness of the atniable gentleman who is Sheridan. K»4tuk No. l. by yourselves aud Collection of and Bnilibng Material geuaralty. Shwiiil-, R. Keokuk No Trenton. Churchill expresses a wish lo go to Europe, Government Claims 2. St . Lorirs, Hartlord. the people of at this moment perusing these lines Plaining, etc., Anna! the State, your difficulties in «. done promptly. Also Doors, Ar. hie. Larimer. W i I. |f to remain a limited period. am Tell. r ank DoughertT and he thoughtlessly declines to and Blinds made to onler, together with all kind- Due heaa Chan tie Phillip*. FROM this respect will greatly diminish. You serve as Vulcan No I. VnacaS No 2 NO. 419 JEFFKBHON, BET. FOUBTH K I'll Vu can No. \ ul au No. can appeal to your "the future husbaud," is it not plain that AMD H \ 4. Vulcan No. V Vulcan No. *! people and you will STREET. (UP STAIRS.) v ulcan No. 7 Rosa, Hle„.|a|e. How the Cholera Introduced Roweua, J ( Ganlt" Bob he has unwittingly, indeed, but none the Was In Uiier, learn the value of union and organization, — Dan Rwely, El Klin«. Su»te. Jessie. OUmore , i oustautluople. Southerner, LOXINCTON KY. and from these less surely—excited false hopes, for which Outline. C J Caffrey. Bea. U~rr *h Cart- the happiest results will wright, and burnt wrecks ..f the Outhrie Uaixtit aud follow. In my opinion the colored race he must be prepared to suffer? Clearly, if A letter from Constantinople gives the Louisville, X LOST. Hercules; " this continent a man, upon intimate acquaiutance with a And seven (7i gunwale birges; upon have their destinies In following account of the manner in which CEBTIMCATE.—This day personally appea GIVE SPEOIAr, LOST— All of which can be seen at S.. Louis, their own hands. lady, cannot change his matrimonial mind WILL ATTENTION TO MAKJNU before me, A. L Ashby, who states that bets o» Mo., until the dav' I P OfKlfKR* the of sale. a delegation of very in- the cholera was introduced into that city, RKTUKNS PR x;i KINO TKH er of No. certificate Wednesday Timidpoliticians without justifying her shooting him, how M37 of stock for 5 shares iu the Bank Aao. on* (i) and innocent dreamers TIHCATKS or NON-INDEBTEDNESS i wharfboat Joit ns; wharfbeat, M OOLLECT- of Kentucky, and that he did on or about the r.th ol N. (J I Irwin ) artl shows the 1 N ' HACK lis tons less necessity of strict i PAY; also seveot il. telligent colored men from Islington pre- devise plans much shall he escape if he changes his observ- PENSIONS. BOUNTIES an.l nil ... vn .ainw Large., m.stei ..arg-s may for your welfare, but veiuber, ><#i4, I from you hia pocket on the street > O ( M ranuy, ance of quarantine laws. The letter says: T1MATE ULA1M;i AGAINST THE Owensbore, Ky., said ara. Adam Spioule, Laura and Roanoke; six a communication will be required after all is said or proposed mind without auy acquaintance whatever.' r.NITK0 certitlcate of stock; said stock to boats: (ieneral Palmer STVT rS I I sented to Nal one ) ya* 1 boat; tour As is wel five shares $1011 each. The undersigned herewith call; t skiffs; and two Why may there not be constructive jilting known, the present epidemic Our experience iu the s-rvice | mall (1 "to work out your own salvation." Wise and iu the claim bnainess, upon all persons to fuibodyiup a series of complaint* of bad show cause why anew certificate ol i as well as constructive commenced iu Arabia among the unusual- with two experienced partners in Washington, affords u* Ail oi whi chc*nbese«n at Cairo, HI., until the will treason? stock shall not be 1 day of men cease to devote their lives to talk- superior issued to him, by the officers of said sale. and ly facilities for the successful prosecution of all treatment from former slaveholders you, There is another interesting aspect of the large caravans of pilgrims to Mecca. business bank in lieu of the one lost. A. L. ASUBY ing about but will speak to you and »utru*ted to us. Mso sternwheel steamer I na Kav.-s. r^i.i.-..! t.ir-' Sworn to before me by A. L. Ashby, on 14th Ifeb., lntVS 1 city officials. leave act. question. - uppose the jilting to be first Thousands of these died and the disease jalS-im DUNUAN A SMITH. model * Auaterlit/, Woj- moreland, Roanoke, ct-rtain you to But not allow r i Jonv- do Attest: : your J. ma. Clerk Davieas Oir. Court. I ahine and No y, three the woman's side, and the swain in spread almost immediately into Egypt, ap- and Larg. s. (jeneral Palmer, in reply, delivered the selves lo forget that your highest duty and pun All ol which cau be seen pearing first at Alexandria. at Kvanaville, lnd., until the interest demand that you should labor. despair betakes bitfiselfto another bride. Important to Soldiers and their day of sale. following address, which will be read with It Also, screw e Idleness is a vice under any circumstances, Why, to gratify her wounded pride that a was brought from Egypt to Constanti- tug Litt Giant, i . ton*, and six Families. (6) gunwale barges; iii!»-re'*t nil over the country: man to whom she has rejected should nople iu a Turkish frigate. This vessel ar- PAPER WAREHOUSE. and in auy person. With your people it is con- All ot which can be seen at sole rived in the harbor with several of sale. I have read your communication and lis- •i crime. You furnish the only example himself with the smiles of an- cases of day A too one I other, should not the indignant lady cholera on board, but there was a high wbarfboat. 42K ton*; one 'I) gunwale bar g tened lo your statt'ltie-nt of the wants of the w ithin my recollection of a jieople • shoot wh A. V. DuPONT & CO., onajJfcQgam; represent the greatest in- have emergsd from the old lover at sight, claim that she was Pacha on the ship who did not wish to go r»*2°^ people you with slavery to freedom, Ulit HeIen*' Ark nntU lh"'^ jilted, into quarantine, so he fff°sale - terest deeply regret th. t power to homeless aud destitute. To acquire put in his love-letters as evidence, ordered the captain Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in ami my homes PROTECTIVE Also, wharfboat H R W HiU.y,i tons; limited. you aud be triumphantly acquitted amidst en- and surgeon to report all well on board. wharfboat Michi- »id them is so must work. Don't regard honest If*, gan, 137 to. .; wharf U>at Chancellor. 366 to; thusiastic They did so, and the ship was s. live 5> applause? allowed to unw.iie 1 I l«rg< s 1 I have long believed that the true end6 of bor as a burden but as a privilege. Don't and one 1 coal boat; pass up the All . f which cau be seen at the Mouth of governments are to promote the freedom, wait for the highest wages, but work for The natural interpretation of the new Golden Horn lothe Navy Yard. White river urn- WAR til the day ol -ale The next CLAIM and the rational happiness ol what ou can get. code of courtship is found in the story that morning 15 cases of cholera Per ous the welfare, 3 Honest labor is a school Highest market price paid for rap* makiug proposals for more than one boat or were removed from the barge •houl.1...... give- • hi. iu. i mankind —and that if any government fail* of virtue do not despise or neglect its val is told in the papers. "Carrie, dear, will ship to the hospital ^ thei.n name ,.r uumberuuaurr ofoi eachearn boatDoai or — . AND K i.l .... -iik ... . l - • of the Arsenal. barge bid tor. with price propose.) to be given for each. to secure these ends it ought to be reform- uabJe you please lend me your revolver, I fear HMMM) Peatus Each envelope contaluiug a bid should be ataled. aud the George will not be true to his promise Ufc The Captain and Surgeon were at once the name of the boat or barge, or ed. I am also fiersiiaded that mere Paper; description of the prup- night?" Kuituii, thrown into prison, and the Pacha himself rly endorsed thereon, and addressed to Brig i«u L A. t onus of government have much less iuflu- Texas. "Why, I'm so sorry. I've PENSION AGENCY, Kearus I'aroous, Chiel of Kail and Rio r Transportation just leut my revolver to Mary, as she has died al his house within a week of his arri- 500 Straw Boards; in >'ara W*m upon the welfare and happiness of the General A. J. Hamilton, Provisional Gov- ..I the ..tricci n barge f hirer Tranaportation val, but this did not ESTABLISHED BV Hal groaa Bouuet Boards; a the people than is ordinarily believed. Habits found a beau with ever so much more mo- remedy the evil. Eight THE p iuts desi, uau-d fer opening bio* ernor of Texas, recently made an eloquent days after the loo cases assorted Letter Paper: . . a. i »cs the right to wi.u customs are more potent than laws. ney than Alfred; but, dear, I can let you removal of these cases to the and i.ihhi ream* Manilla Paper; (L property, and to reject proposals if speech at Galveston, in the course of which hospital, the epidemic banko out "rrith it illustrate my meaning I will state have my ivory-handled stiletto with much To new force at the U. S. SANITARY COMMISSION *,ooo,»m>o Envelopes—assorted; pleasure." Navy Yard, and some Payment to t»- made in t'nit. .1 State* currency, upao that it is my opinion slavery has no legal he uttered some wholesome tru'hs, as will cases occurred in the neighboring Turkish thi i . ptanco ol auy proposal, and prior to the ieliy. ry existence in "any state or Territory of the The war has evidently made human IM of the property. be seen by the following extracts. In refer- quarter of the city. Eight days the less sacred in public estimation, or a jury later still, A full desci iption of the property niasj lie obtained I nit.-d States. I tbink various agen- BOUNTY, WITHOUT on ring to the secessionists, he said: would hardly have held jilting to be a jus- i. e. on Thursday last, it appeared in vari- CHARGE ipplicati. n to Colonel Arthur Edward*. Assistant cies which have oja-rated upon the system TO CLAIMANTS. termaster, St. Louis, Mo. Southern heart be fired, tification of murder. That a woman should ous parts of this quarter, and a few cases ol slavery within the last lour years have The must and Orrica.— In the second storr. front iw>™, oyer the A. V. DuPONT & CO., By older of the Quartermaster Oeneral. have appeared in other parts Warehonse hence the people must be made to believe shoot a man who has betrayed and ruined of the city on of 'lie Co nmissiou .u Ki th street, LKWIS B P A RSi i \ S subverted destroyed it as a politico-le- betweeu ' and Main and Brigadier General, Chief is accepted by society, for both sides of the Golden Horn. Markutstruet-, Louisville, Ky. Address malA-tf 4«!» MAIN STREET. and of E gal svsteiu. It it exists ill fact anywhere they w ere in some way wronged, although her obvious rea- tatlou. they were prosperous and happy. Tin;, sons, as a wild justice. But a breach it I* because individual masters, sup- of Signs for Marriageable must be prepared to tear up the govern- promise to marry has not hitherto been Ladles. II. II. Burkholder, LAKGE GOVERNMENT SALE OT ST RAM BOATS tiy public opinion and custom, U HARK BOATS, B.VROES. AND UTIIEl; ment, if only to show that they supposed to excuse assassination. wise If a man wipes his feet on the door-mat liiU-tf MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. their dominion over individual had the A CLAIM AGENT YOR THE U.S^SAN.UIM. KRNMENT PROPERTY o„ar t. -.master before comiug office, Washington, 1». C July persona, and those persons, ignorant eight to tear it up. They must light for people, however, will not disdain to learn. into the room, you may be , 2yth, -Sr.»ir.i> Pa... i'osals are iuvite.1 and will their right—their right to tear down a gov- Mr. Iteverdy Johnson miiKes perjury a po- sure he will make a good domestic hus- be received at the places, and •>t th'-ir right to freedom or unable or un- until the dates ft- reinafter named, (or the purchase band. If a of the man, iu suuiling i willing to assert that right, acquiesce in Un- ernment that had never wronged, but had litical duty; Mr. Horace Greeley would the candles, following ua SteainU ats, Wharr-boats, liar,- , ami active treason viewed as snuffs them out, you may be other property: asserted dominion an.l yield to the aulhor- aiwavs blessed them, to ruin themselves have a difference sure he will CLAIMS make a stupid husband. If ty ••! the alleged master. Kxperience ha- aud thirty millions of people, if only to of opinion; aud a Washington jury finds a man puts bis AGAINST THE At I .In I.- Hack, Arkrtnaaa. anlil Yloaday, «rp. prove that a free and chivalrous people that a man who breaks his word is justly handkerchief ou his knees whilst taking feliow n that in all ag

his tea, Davenport ferry-t.iat, > mand is greatly aided by a corresponding have a right to destroy as well as institute shot for it. you may be sure he will be a pru- registered ton*. Stern-wheel i \,. Steamer orr. , j, registered 111 tons governments. would have it and Meanwhile another case raises a ques- dent husband. Iu the same way, always habit of submission, h-nce whatever may You you Which ran be seen at Little Rock, Arkansas, mistrust the man who will u. until the (>e ihe present or future stale of the law of MM got it, and now the question is, what tion. A gentleman, discovering the crimi- not take the last s. 9 day of sale. slavery the pre-ent generation of masters will you do with it? nal complicity of another with his wife, piece of toast of Sally Duun, but pre'ers :jri.ij% os. shoots him dead upon the street. Here is waiting for the next warm batch. It is not \t V irk.hurg. Minn "»«•' ri**r *4-ptema«-r always be able to exercise great control The folly ol secession is thus succinctly AM NOW RECEIVING LARGE f! M I A ASSORTMENT lath. Iv? »i. , for Sen Tug Belle Darlingtou. regia- revenge for an actual injury. But if a wo- unlikely he will make a greedy, selfish ot first class over the present generation of slaves. GOVERNMENT. tered -i t..ti- stated : With these classes, admitliug some excep- man who murders a man for breaking his husband, with whom you will enjoy no One 1 1) Wharf-boat, 7s» toaa. One 1 . Wharf-boat, 7s7 No one has ever yet charged the United word is acquitted amidst the tumultuous "brown" at dinner, no crust at tea, no peace 1 ton*. tion.-, mastership will be real while free- Model Barge* Porter Rhodes and Geo. States Government with a to any whatever at home. B. dom will be only nominal. After these re- wrong applause of the audience, ought not a man The man, my dears, Which I will sell for CASH AT LE S THAN M A N L' - Nine DM Gunwale Barges. State or citizen. But the theory of the is careful KA( 1 1 RERs' PRICES. Among them may be found the r.Tty (4tt Coal Boat*. flections I will proceed to answer the vari- w ho shoots another for a terrible wrong lo who about wrapping himself up Yaw I and one ous poiuls presented in vour right of a Slate to secede was utterly im- be invited to a public dinner ? well before venturing into the night air, not communica- W. M. GOLD a» VaSifiSt »»--. mm tao tion. practicable. 11 it is true that one State A subscriptiou has been proposed for unfrequently makes a good invalid hus- TILESTON, MEDAL PIANOS srf£""^^ could, with or without cause, withdraw band that mostly stops You ask me as the representative of the Miss Harriu. Has any subscription Deen at home, and is Attorney and Solicitor or the it necessarily the At Natchez. National Government to protect you in the from Union, involved suggested for the wife and child ol her vic- easily comforted with slops. The man who 415 PENNSYLVANIA ANENUE. P. O. BOX I»»ih, I * Mi " right of all the others to withdraw from tim ?— [Harper's Weekly, watches the kettle and prevents it boiljng Model B.»rg- eiijoymeutol freedom of conscience," and ; WM. KNAB K icted doesn't take tea, treats the cat, takes LOMTBfl OF Louis Tripp, to the mere maintainance of public order, Tennessee. They could have said we with- Particulars have been received at Berno, snuff, and stands with his back to the tire, At New Orlenti*. ILavn., until YVrdn.-adav. October (LATE TRIPP A CBAOG.I 4th, 12 M., the Model Barge Mulligan, and one draw from you; henceforth you are an in- of a fatal accident which occurred on Mount is a brute whom I would not advise you, Steamboats, and to the protection of the people against Barges, Vessels, 1 t'.al Boit. dej>eudent government —foreigu to us. We Cervin, ou the of to I'il KOl'RTII sTKKKT. Which can be at Port "unlawful force. Wbeu that force cannot Hlh July. Dord Francis my dears, marry upon any considera- HOKSF.S OK MULKS IMPRESSED OR wn will form w ith you no treaties of amity or Douglas, aged nineteen, Mr. Whymper, tion, either for love or money, but decidedly day of -ale. be M strained by the ageucies which belong RETAINED FOR SERVICE, For the Wharf-boat commerce; we will not allow your citizens .Mr. Charles to the laws, I can assure you that my pow- Hudson and Mr. Haddo, all not for love. But the man who, when the Boat*. the right of way, either for themselves or met at Zermatt, being tea is over, is RAILROAD. Which ran lie seen at ers, which must I >eexercis<*d wherever these and desirous of ac- discovered to have had none, Personal or Real Estate, etc. .tar of sale. commerce, across our territory; we hem complishing the ascent of is sure to make the best a'gal limits exist, will be employed for the Mount Cervin, or husband. Patience Also, for th le- Wheel you in; you are free and independent, but Matterhorn, which hid hitherto proved in- like his deserves being rewarded tered. 23i :-. \1 Bl. Lois an. I i in Night Erpnss, one will be permitted to no and dispassionate One of Tangwald's sons even returned to occurred, the mischief being done by a 9. Stern-wheel st am. r Colonel Chan. No molest you. • Z(U A • IvA. ilai y, making direct conn mind can dispute or it. Sl.rn-wh.e -|. amer < oi nie, rcgi-tered —- ton.. Aii iaws or ordinances which abridge or doubt the village. The party passed the night at drunken man who took possession of an tor all points West and Northwest, aul for Ciuciun.it Stern-wheel -team, r L i.lu- Davi-, registered — ton-. Then, if, according to the doctrine of sc- the foot engine. and all Eustei n citir*. forbid the exercise of tlnse rights must Ik* of Mount Uervin. About five P. M. a locomotive Stem-wheel -teamer Colon. 1 i hapiu, registered toaa. Only one change of cars to .- 1. Louis, Chicago and Cin- esaebW, Texas could disregard the contract the following used lor screw l ug Lew.itban. r. gi.i. r-l C'4 ton. void as to you. If any such laws or ordi- On day, finding the ascent drawing a construction train was POEMS BY WM. P. BRANNAN. cinnati. Baggage checked through Horn the Hotels. -. lew 1 Iliiiio.- K*:o,-, registered 32 ton*. aud withdraw from the Union, the United would be easier left upon the side track for birth r information ai d through t ckwts apply to nances have a nominal existence they than was anticipated, thev at the station while l. register. .1 t MM Screw Tug Bal , 113 ns. Stales could have done the the office of the Company, southwest corner Main and same thiug i made tor a state of slavery and can nave no and dashed on, aud arrived at the summit at t the engineer and fireman went to supper. Screw Tug i aptain Pitkin* .now hiulding. Third *tree s, Louisville, hy. t ffice open Sundays from:. driven Texas out of the Union at time P. Screw Tug no name and n » t.uil.ii application to a tree people. any M. At 3 o'clock they were descending A German who had been employed as a to 7 o'clock P. M S. S. Sr. w Tug George E T>b-r, r. gi-ter. .1 I la tons. since annexation. the mountain, Croz leading laborer on the road was about B. > Mastsn, Supt. J presume that there can be no considera- the way, fol- the place in CIVILL & CALVERT Screw Tug America, reus. end II- ton*. It w ble opjajsition to thewe assertions of your ill also be admitted that while other lowed by Lord F. Douglas, Messrs. Haddo, a state of intoxication. He had climed Screw Tug Hancx. regi-ter.d ISO tons. Screw Tug Admiral, registered lo3 ions. rights. States were going out, Texas had the right Hudson and Whymper, and upon the locomotive two or three HAVE THE We are a christian people and the two Tang- times and Screw i ug Gladia or. 171 tous. to remain in the Uuion if walds, Louisville & Nashville Railroad. though our ideas of religion may be some- she thought the w hole party being connected by was put off by the engineer. Taking ad- i entre-wheel -learner R- ppcr, registered si ton*. what projier; nay more, that none of the seceding the same rope. Lord Fraucis vantage of the absence of the engineer Centre-wheel steamer General Ransom, ringtail Ilia1 RM perverted by the demands of preju- Douglas hap- he Vagaries of ton* States, in such case, had any right to inter- pening to slip, Vandyke Browne, dices or iutenwt, all will agree that each in caused Croz and Messrs. mounted the locomotive aud opened the Cen'ie-wheel st> amer Colo fere wiih any right or privilege of hers, re- Haddo and Hudson to throttle engine . Model Barge* No*. io, II, and Abbey. dividual may if he chooses be his own fall also. Tangwald, valve. The started down AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY IN VERSE. CHANG OF mil sulting from Canal II. . Rosa j»riest, whoever may choose for him hi» her membership in the Union. the father, the last of the party, was able to the branch towards the main track, and AND AFTER SI NDAY, J I N E 4, TRAINS WILL Ten i In) Gunwale Bargea. But after the withdrawal of louisiana, fasten the of the ON master or king. end rope round a rocky just theu the steamboat express came up run as follow* : Twenty -tour .241 Pontoon Boats. Arkansas and Kansas, what would have projection, but it broke from the East. collision was Bv Wm. IP, Brannan 3:U0 A. M. Thr ugh Freight for Nashville and all way Sta- Four 4, Yawl Be.us, n, I sail Foat. You ask for Ihe protection of the libertj' between Messrs. A inevitable. tions daily .exc-pt Sunday.) Ave. .V skiff-, l • s. t been the condition? Still Boat. au ne tt of the colored «- o: ti,, state. in the U uion le- Whymple and Hudson, aud the four first The man who had started the engine saw p- p I Vol., elegantly printed on laid paper, and exquiaitly 6:SU A. M. lasaeugcr Train for Lebanon, I'erryviile, Dan- All of whi. h can baamwaa New gally, but in fact out of it. Bound to the Croz, • ville, HarroJsburg, Campbeltoville til sale. I have already expressed my apprehen- —namely, the guide, Lord Fraucis the danger, jumped to the ground and ran in new style cloth, $1 75. aud Co.uni ia the day of other States of the d«l y (except Sunday.) sion that but little more than nominal lib- Union both by solemn Douglas, and Messrs. Haddo and Hudson- away. The locomotives met, smashing 7:00 A. M. Mail and Pa-seug. r Train for Nashville, Bowl- At Habile. erty is post-; contract and in heart and hopes, but terribly rolled down the mountain side, and both pretty badly. The engine of the ing Gie< u and Clarksville daily. | Me to a majority of the colored were pas Uih. 19 M.. dissevered and denied the right of way to precipitated from rock lo rock to senger traiu was tnrowu from the 7:15 A. M. Freight tor Lebamn Branch Road on Monday, people. 1 now add, that no efforts a depth of track, register. . I 7vl ton-. of the Wednesday and Friday. her sister States. four thousand feet. together with tender and Side-wheel steamer Warrior, registered to* tons. N at lonalor Mat* Government can make y< .u The survivors arrived the baggage cars, 3:30 P. M. Accommodation Train for Bardstown daily (ex- Side-wheel steamer James Battle, regwtcred *3l t. ti e, at Zermatt, at ten o'closk and the passengers were cept Sanday.) in th. true sense or that word. It must on the morning somewhat jarred. side-wheel .teamer Ariel, registered MB ton*. RRANN4N IS WELL KNOWN, TO THE PEO- 6:00 P.M.i relght for Nashville, Bowli g Oreen aud Mem- be your own Justice tu North Carolina. of the loth instant. The bodies of the vic- The engineer and firemen jumped and MR. Side-wbeel .learner >. W. Thorn a ii. registered Ml achievement. You must first ple of the Wi *t especially, as an artist, and an occa- phis Brau b daily vexc* pt snn.laj.) Side-wheel st. amer Starlight, r. g st. red VI tous. reaolve to be free, tims of the catastrophe were recovered the saved themselves. No one was iujured in sional contributor t f povti) to the Pre**. His "llsrpof 6:00 P. Exprers I'aswenger and after you have To do justice to our State, we ask the M. Train for Naahvil'e daily. Side-wheel steamer Itw-rville, registered V» toaa. same day. the least. train was a lh osau.l Str ns," a burhs<]ne s-rmon, has I wen lung jy74tf B MABsHKL.Supt.Tranaporlatn.il. thin The delayed l reached resolution, three si.le-whe. .learner -J.. l>.-. Swain,.'—Mill, r.-gi-teredI- ftl-ll'l"! 227 ».H .. you must adnere to Northern press lo copy the following, reeoguiiol as the best of its class. The present volume ia Stern-wheel steamer Je it. Freedom, in iu» beginning, is a senti- which is what we consider a fair represen- hours or more by the accident. As soou us one of superior iu< til or the wit and humor of the AoW>- ( s i j 1 1 i a n u\ i: Stern-wheel Gen. e ao h r. I pitlio.. its fruition 8mKm M the train stopped half a dozen iographv . the Imagination and .mooth versifi- ment; i* self-asserted man- tation of the situation iu North Carolina: persons who is* tons. Gen. Thos. F. Meagher, the gallant Irish cation of tke occasional piece* scattered in profusion COLO PENS. be valuable it saw the movement, gave chase Screw Tug Perry, registered !%4 bood. To must lie supported The great majority of the people truly ac- hero to the throughout. 1 bis work ia destined to place Mr. Branuaii and patriot, who has been stopping a Screw Tug Alph Cut;in!£ wiswred"* t us in Hie individual by it.uuatrv, morality, cept the logic of events, and have laid author of the mischief aud brought him high in the rank of American Pi eta, and to give him po- few days at St. Paul, Minnesola, made a sition aa a leader among the Bards of the West. jylZ-tf S r w 'I ug Bl. — tn. : and an independent manful spirit. back. He was taken to jail. 9o.b-l Barge Ford No law down their arms and abandoned warlike speech to the Irish Immigration Society of can nfer Iheae the Government. He cameout South ot the Ohio Kiver. Please Persons making proposals for m. re than one boat or gether destitute of truth it asaertej; but lion, and can offer extenuating circum- liarge, shenld give the name or number ol each boat or boldly for negro 1 suffrage, saying that a C.r. Call aud Satisfy Yourselves. w pr'ce proposed to to given referring to your people 1 mean a country. stances as a XV KEY SOLDIER, BEP0UE UK RETURNS barge bid for. ith or each. plea therefor, which we for- Democrat who should deny the negro the J^KT Kack envelope containing a bid should be sealed, and You bave learned long ago that there are bear mentioning of the l->at or aarge, or deecription of the prop- at this time. Another right to vote is not worthy to home, provide liimrtelf with an American Watch; the name participate in no bet- TO DROVERS AND TRAVELERS; endorsed thcieou, aad ad.lresatd many persons who deny your right to live large class have always been true to the the triumph of the erty, lo Brig. General L. nation. It is seldom Partmus i hi. : of Rail and Rivar tor u • can be trade ol mouer than to no . it - H. Trausr-'natiou. in you were born, and some, more be- I Dion, n iu one o rp HE SHELBY II ol K STOCK YARDS A t.K IN COM where and during the war, by donations oar* ol the officer in charge of river tranaportaticn at the that such an audience as he had hears such 1 plete order, being floored, covered and supplied with than others, are willing you shall to Federal it durable i.ud accurate tinie-rieera. It ia a kind o point designated for oavning hide. nevolent prisoners and other means, con- wholesome doctrine." hydrant water in every pen. Arraugemeuta have been for grass of The Oov. rnu . ut reserves the right to withdraw any of be free if you will leave Kentucky. Schemes clusively proved that their hearts property that constantly r. turiu good interest, made the best quality within half an hour's still clnng Another dispatch says: and It the above property, and to reject proposals if drive trom the pens, tor at. stocks that deemed too lor mloniziug the colored people are sug- to the old flag. This clasa are may put up with low. the men who "The Irish stand by Gen. Meagher, money Talue U »o well kuowu that a locket fail uf u-. Our houso will t>«- found at not- all tiaies In good ordor, be ed, and quite lately the plan of gather- should aud do now our table supplied in use They/ Payments to i control the State gov- his and with the best iu the market. I h not superior, to any withstanding denunciations of Copper- dollars wouldu't be as useful. the acceptance of a ffthe colored people together in some part ernment. They were pri.pn. tors pledge tlienisi-lvee to spare no ewbrts to render rarrauted perfrct in .-verr reaper* denounced as "aub- heads, and when American ihe beat man fthe property Copperheads their guest* comfortable in every particular. Prices mud The trade supplied. O d P- us repaired in United Mates is proposed. I think missionistH" aud traitors Sold by all respectable Watch dealers. A full description of the property ma: of the during Confeder- denounced him, a quarrel ensued. The erate, t« suit the times. nar tor FltTi CENTS each. Pen circulars sei t KBE rule; but their lleiug very Address application to Colonel Arthur Edward- aaaulaut Wear- where you were born and have toiled you ate day has come aud they of police called thaukful lor past patronage. we bopebys rtct chief him a coward, and attention to our Ln-ineea the right to remain, and thai colon i/ are exerting their rightful power THE AMERICAN to Merit a continuance of to* R U. HILL, have in a just then arrested an Irishman because he call- WATCH CO. R. C. HILL A CO., By mi ofth78 aajj will and conciliatory manner i. S. HILL B PARSONS, b ed bun (the chief) a liar." #1 11 ROADWAY, N. Y. Brigadier «bnS3 River Transa jnlt-tf •07 Main : — - !*

— THE CINCINNATI CO AL the old slavery spirit takes visible and ap- CITY AND GENERAL NEWS. New Iron Stork.- It -ives us pleasure MARRIED. AUCTION SALES. AGAIN. porpriate shape;: to chronicle the advent, in our midst, ol Ho !. LI NO STO«.'R. UiHl Rs— M. I OBM !• - -On Hi. I"t!i IUst l,. ii... ». VV ION SAI.BOr K'ILKOA» PRESS i THE has the to lie apprehended any new responsible I '•!.., litary l iruion f -h' T „| DAILY , Press impertinence and hnsmess Ire.,. ,«c The Louisville vet the danger firm, as >•» J. K. Pye.Mr tiX>s i i K»t nrt Me- \ M And 1". oti*rt- Ofll' e. S Military IU lr..»d , N^-h- our having a "spite nt General influence* of their er's Minstrbi.s. — Yesterday it Cosmos., all of JeflersonTille, hid. rra:«» r'« to talk of from the d*tnoraliz»»f Brook evidences a spirit of enterprise on the ill I- ville. ienm»«.e, Aiiffunt l», H*». W *»\ . at M B- occasion for is population causes the The such a mark neyra ' ION, Ille it bil.ier. til- '.. 1 Wi Palmer.'' pretence on the morning we noticed that Brooker's Min- part of those who assume the cares and re- 1.1 '.\l I to huh g • lalei sub- • • •«• I int.-l found in our observation about the late whites to feel that lh< J are constantly pr-'perty. on ol the strels were attempting to humbug tbe citi- sponsibilities of commercial relations; epn mb~r Itth at P'lUt.urg, P,nu«yl- in Kentucky. We need forth ol an eruption that and RKLICIOL S NOTICE. OuTl Esi W election hardly say ject to the bursting ' l llll if I I "I" Tfl~ called intllll __ , _ it. zens of Louisville. We believe we more especially do we rejoice when we s. '' t.lll S- that we have no personal feeling whatever all before J are l on ptemiier 'h, at J. b * n 1 ar may engulf * ..' KhIKAV. . .. . ! * , . t'ALVABT Cm r. ii -t; v W. n ult. i'. ter.t.urtf. • >PF1CE BUILDING oonoeruing Gen. Palmer, but have spoken repeals: the man a rascal who had the negroes in privileged to Work-. O. limit m. Ohio, Twmty-n ou it announce the accession to \* ,,.,.•;., • And further . w.;i ;! , *w.r> i..„, i. «.„„. Cam, live fret mage dispassionately of his acts as commanding is to charge. did that he was a Ou Ho.MoY, eptemher 1Mb. that there so much We not mean mercantile pursuits of the young men of Amu^t i.n, momm* ami . .. uiuk, at the um We do not think j .»i General in Kentucky.—[Cincinnati Com- as buur Co'iipany'a K.ut T-. I)ttr..it. .Mich troops themselves, - The public »r* a the colored thief or anything of sort, but we did c ty Ml i. sgn t B< •• • feai from that our own who have served faithful ap- m X freight ,i . tu- t . U ik— . J demoralization of the black citi- Al*', on *ame lay, the iwtreit car Company s la - JEFFERSON STREET, from the mean and mean now that this "Georgia prenticeships in thi that branch of at or tum. < !'»« feel *<»««•. We may havt been impertinent to the caused by tbeir presence. Thirty ei^ht \««r rial are, _ „ „ zens • „ AKI.Nfcjjli.y, . Maakell Minstrel Troupe" is and unwor- trade iu s. p , rait) r juth at S if merits, who a humbug one or other of some of our well DIED. Bake,', Twenty- MHMMVTI iW august dispenser of honors and In another editorial, in the same number (ar Work-. MicW... < i'y. Indiana. thy the patronage one. hope established C'RlO'lIC— Tl ur ilay, '!>. IS./., half-p».t presides over the editorial columns of the sentiment occurs: of any We business houses. Ou Aiigux' at the paper, the Jo'ciock. •»**s»i~« to . muiMice at II A. Term* Ca»h, In of F. U , Mr. Iha. fa«.»iK, iu tho Mth ^ r of X. this will be circulated north of the Ohio, And, in this connection esteem it an 01* >!{<•. l»owiinjen fiii».». » oiniuercial, in impuliug his ill-considered, Jind Beaufort, as at New- we At Morehead r J (JttlLLT. the Day. where this catch-penny concern ii.tend especial privilege to attention of His fnu. ral will take p a»e Saturday morning at lit \ews of troops are ou duty. We hear attract Ihe suit till a-nti* unjust, and whimsically absurd denuncia- born, colored Opt a !.*.«. >!.. V.ft. complaints ay .inst them, o'clock, froai h\* lat> roMilt-nce on fourth i'r«*t. be- spiteful motives. of no particular traveling. our readers to the card in another column tions of Gen. Palmer to tween Chestnut ami I'roadauy. Tin- !ri«-nd» WM. If! BDOUI * OCa* but there, as elsewhere, it is thought the ami ac- teller of the Phoenix Bank, in New liefore such of our well and extenslvelj' known young lUaintrni ts - art- The We should walk cap-in-hand population is badly demoralized bv of th family rt»pectfully invited to at 0 5*1*1-' SBRED AND MKTYSIX PAIR AOES" »• -L- arrest, black that York city, who is now uuder iit a the worst jS*~The Evansville Journal says friends Messrs Nauts it Keauier, who, hav- ti nil. without further notice. »nK' ejkm* CLOTHIMO, til M AND WooL BLANK- dignitaries probably, and at their presence, and their removal is greatly t I> a defaulter to Uie amount of |275,000. A when they desired. much of the anti-negro excitement in that ing lor a number of years served faithfully young man named K«rle, a former book- "smile with faint deprecation," at 4| rriuN. emissaries r place has been stirred up by FUNERAL NOTICE. ' M'AV. bank, wa* arretted and im- unscrupulous anathemas These extracts are very significant and in one of. the most honorable business ()\ sin. i-TH. AT 10( t L«m;K A- M. AT keeper in the thuuder their '' • ,"' " '» ".•' n... "•' ' *•Mainstreet.U-rtr*e«, le- wrenw.-eu Kirst and s,c-.-*.c- , Knt from Kentucky, who have been busy in in- .. V" honor 13. loN <- prisoned as an accomplice. He wax fouuil servants, whom we strikingly revetd the combined arrogance houses in the city,- (that of Messrs W. ATTKNl Ul KMi.UTs: f, u Ar I ereby uo:i- mmLMJ M kages r*>ldiets' clothing, gum and wool against public blankets. «. hriBfl Ihe . fleets dead in bis <-ell on the moruin after his ar- citing the turbulent lawless to new fled to at end a iiie. tiim I LoflsV I LLK I OwMAJf- of soldiers who deserted. if we say anything, and timidity of the slave despotism. "De- and Belknap & Co.,) are now established in bus- at.il were I- ti i and admire. And ti battle. 1 committed suicide severing DAKY No. 1, at Iheir A-ylttm, Saturday, 1 i rest, having by H AnidMt Al a Lol'k » that we listen to moralization of blacks." Thai's the outrages ou the weak and defenseless iness for themselves at No. - I. Main street, g,od .|..ve-, 2 c u it rs. 3 cig .r meekly intimate the rs stoo s, an artery. H" I'^nfesned to having received should 12, 1*>5, at 9 o i loai A. "!., for the turp se of attending mak a |*rg- »|»|r ^i^. mirror, aad several blacks. "Individuals, wearing the go 1.1 aud siiv.r watches oil slight degree of discomfort. old story. Tuat's the cry of the malcon- also, between Sixth and Seveuth, in the iron thrt funeral A|.„ » of go. d wine la flo.uuO of the money, which he sank in the like with a of our late S r Kuight, laMM 1'aojUE bottles, and - veral „f t .fa^cc, of been < uniform tbe have l •peculations. of our bumble position did tents, whom the Progress lashes unmerci- United States, business in its various branches, and for By order of U e tin. omu:ander : angll-dlt WM TWltDDLK This estimate A Ol , Anctiooeers. anil rAn.* W C. Ml'NGKR, Beco-der. Asa Faulkner, a conservative, is proba- conspicuous in abusing negro women anil of the of J not occur to us however at the time we fully, against the patient missionaries of them we bespeak a share custom j^OCTlON^ALK ok f ERVICABLE GOV ERN HLM elected t Congression- bly in the linttanookra offense, and so blurted cbildreu, driving them from their homes committed the we knowledge sent out by the Freed men's this market, assuring buyers of straight 1 w lloft.r forialeon MO' al district, Siokee. and Hood. DlY. TH"! '1st INST at Tenn., over MASONIC NOTICE. the (iov nun. ut «*.rr»i« in Nasl.vd our honest indignation, at what seemed are "demoralizing"' the and compelling them to sleep in the wet forwardness and prompt action on the part ' e, Tennessee, fl t. en out Society. They , the delega- Aid .l Conceding tl»e defeat of Stokes, liill..|i. sei viceahW Mules diw >. „ ^ |.»v^ oe~n n The officers memi. Muf i i -i ..k >- grass; the child is I Mot mokia l rust i' tor sometime; are large .ii.-d; tion will still be equallv divided. Iwftftr to us sheer spite. We know the Commer- freedmen. It is queer to notice, in passing, and death of at least one of Messrs N. A It. in all of their dealings. ; in good condit on tr.s- fr. ui isease; y. nnir. and 1. t > well brok-ti. disirict, is said No. 1». K an .V M , wi I nml t Movtotiic Tempi*, this, wick, elected in the Eighth anticipated as the result this barbarous cj.n.meuce 111 cial's strictures on Gen. Palmer are wholly how that phrase itself has got demoralized. of a | la at o'clock A M an 1 coatinac daily Saturday, the Uth lint., at !» o'clock A. M., to att< ml the to be a good Union man. until ti e slock is all sol I. that they and inhuman treatment." -jar-The Chicago Republican states that unwarranted and unjust. We see Everybody knows what a pro slavery man funeral oi our fat. Brother p. m , i.-aa. •"% iy r.lerof vol. A.J. Ms.gsv Ihiefij of the Chicag0 Ca M IVptM. St. I>edg. r Grenfel. one augv-li* E. B k I Rk (-apt. Si-ti r *r.- i> , and A Q. M careful study of Mr. Judd was recalled from the Berliu mis- : BretLr*n of b itti nap. t:u iaviM. conspirators, tried at Cincinnati and found are not based upon a means by it, as applied to a negro. To ed- Jifk, A private letter of recent date, from By order of s. iiillman. w. m. guilty, has been pardoned. the situation, or of the work which the ucate the latter, and infuse into him a sense sion in pursuance of a determination of I Fort Riley, Kansas, says the Indians have JARRKTT BULL, S- r t >r> nough is still verv ill, and has General has done in this State in behalf of of manhood and self-reliance, and an am- President Lincoln, whoiub-uded to employ I SUNDRIES. been very troublesome for several days, sun. rmn intensely for the past of him iu distinguished this liberty and union; for a knowledge bition to be something more than an ox or service in : that about thirty-eight or forty of s^l BAR week. Boom hope is now entertained of and men OBITUARY. O M hh Is Porto K'e Sugar; these would give a sharp and emphatic re- pauper, is fearfully demoralizing by tbe country. a • his recover}'. the 11th Kansas Cavalry were murdered by 1IM I b's rxlri < off e d. JAMhS M. STKVE.NS.-b . uutvih* society :h bt-ls versal to the verdict. The denunciation is pro-slavery standard. The Progress does I hmt sm- C jugar. Cabinet tamed a . irrt p.irali e los, 1.1,1, |...».. . , there was an extensive tire in New Albany 1 ! i m a , ikal > I »\ it ;1U cm he 1 a is to succeed Mr. Harlan it * I •» ,. or John Covode doesn't reveal particular spite.then reveals deprecates is of any different kind from , ear reNtlV.*, iil.d to -peu-l h » »m .1 Week- Ul fut Ml I Ii N. w Iwfl . ru.hed. train of military stores. The soldiers killed last night. A foundry, ship vard, and s*»v- I Ifeai is* MM- mm! ear*- 01 hatha***, a merchant in is* iate.1 .-ugais; Wtiai i« perhaps worse, a general spite; n ibis. . ,. . _. » tri.e M-uee, he will be i;reatl> niis^ il tr.'in *"» ii Seward and Mr. Stanton will soon leave were a part of the escort of the trains. The , , ., ^ , »treat, Inn snd i..r -al- b> D.S.I eral other buildings were destroyed. The »her. hi* rmi »n i .. manner «r.: k aukll-d.f desire to be "cussin'' somebody, with a It does not specify the species of demor- ; h.f S u namul the Cabinet. lo t • a. _ I him hi* »« llo w raili-.tuen . a /..« ou-, liberal, aud nu- -,_,„ , , .. v.-- health of the troops is generally good, and JossIrwoia isic supposedunnnALu,! to v„.be very heavy. Y\ e as to that j ..gvnt .ti-vu- Ukrhrtfaka, th* charch of which aai a Judge Yeaman it probably defeated for reprehensible recklessness who alization that is proving so disastrous. It L ClOKKKE— t mem' er will tv-ei tt,. wun: ... in- a great number waiting muster out. were unable to iret anv narticulirs ciaJ aaaatiaaa hh< / Til prim' i.. Ccff. e, District. be. It is immaterial to us * ""J 1 |l .n v t.-l wite -t Congress in the Second somebody may does not as-. •n that the late slaves are ren- timely contributions , but hi* wiil m f lnO bags Kio do; all anss 1 ini when she Khali call about her the three In stor- and lor sale by S. application from Mrs. Jeff. Davis to which or whatever other explanation is the dered less industrious, less faithful D. An to their £*TTue wife of Peyton Langley, of Ful- •pr-g. illy rhildreu which U.d ha- i; on item, and -t.il au^ll-dt. 2EnT- John Surratt, it is sixain reported, is lie permitted to see her husband, has met : et.deavor, lm ugh al ue, to tram them t i h>llo« i im "at true one of the Commercial's conduct to- employers, less moral, less earnest in their ton, Mo., dishonored him. He talked the with a negative answer. A subscription lor now and hf»s been for some time past in he lollowe I Chriit." Ho wa- 111 th midst ul life, aged OTBOPS wards General Palmer. The conduct itself thirty M-veu. when tl e men-i n-er came ; hut sui h a m.tii aspirations to become free, self-supporting matter over wilh her, whau she agreed to O 'o t bbs B rtrtn i's S> nip; Mrs. i>;t\ is is l»eing raised among Washing- can never f ar ti Jr. A Uin*:ian from ch hlhood, ts Montreal, Canada, or its vicinity. From 7> h'B hbU do do; secessionists. comes very ungraciously from a Union and intelligent members of society. It ad- priuiipieii entered to deeily luto all h-» plan-, that he look ton let him kill her, if he would himself com- :'*. bb s ew Voik B~e Hive do. this it be inferred that ed Meadfastly to the Kie it ie» ird. ' »> rhall-Iu tJ may nobody knows g haw, 1 source. And now that our "loot is in it" in mils that the soldiers themselves l>ehave 3« bbls lauta'i u Jgo'aa ea; The bail-storm in Wisconsin, on Monday mit suicide. This strange and horrible ar- but he shall not pafai 11 t • a*." where he is. In store and fsr sale by 1». >. T night, extended through the counties of the way of bad manners, we will tell the edi- all right. is of There nothing to complain rangement was carried out— Langley shoot- "•» God, our he p in age- pant. wan m Sauk. Rh-bland, Iowa and Crawford. The Our hope for yearn to M, tor that every loyal person in this city with except that "while people feel" and "it is ing his wife through the heart while she " M crops on one hundred and fifty to two hun- £Sr Uneasy lies tbe head that wears a Be itivrti our guard while life ..hall la*t, MATANA *VQ o > were completely destroyed, and whom we have conversed on the subject, thought" the presence of these troops are laid in bed, then placing himself beside Aud cur p rpetnal I km - I ir— pr m article; dred farms crown." This may be the reason why the Lxi«et«v t > in ive and for sale b. to looks upon his attack on ihe commander of the loss is estimated at *ytW,<.WO £100,000. exerting a bad influence on the blacks! her, and blowing out bis own brains. ladies discarded the crowns of their bon- i-nu'ii-li D. S. BENEDICT k SONS. Macon, Milledgeville, and this Department as a piece of gratuitous Now we may be very sure that if any posi- SPECIAL NOTICES. The Atlanta, HUM Ropic the S mtii, '"• * interior * of » the ' . Ii .-, journals in Thk Sale of Boats i N I art rl is other and contemptible meanness. They remem- tive offenses on the part of the "black citi- Great at Mound i- T dd M I Kor sale ;>y the Congres- It you wi.nt 11 Di.-. bKalsictacos*. are re|)wl>ii*hiug attracts of ber his tirades City.—The steamer Palestine will leave good Shar. , Uair Trimmed. Shampoje.. pertinacious against General zens" could be traced to the influence of i ugll-dtr legislation for the past Z&r- A Xew York horsc» car conductor sional t Washington or»>id, go to SSoitU' farberahop, ou Seventh ttreet, Grant during the seige of Yicksburg; his colored troops, they would be ringing in this city Monday the 14th imst for Mouud four years, in order to inform their readers testified that he had carried it c ir full with / lAKo.M— i»bdes Oakum. augll-rt* bound to obey. stately ex-cathedra decisions that Grant was City for the special accommodation of per- In store and lor sale by what* laws they are every Southern and every copperhead ninety or one hundred passengers, wheu it atlftll-tf o. S. BEN I'DICT A SONS Progress slates that Gover- bogus, an incapable, a humbug; that Yicks- sons who wish to attend the great sale of One ' 01. Livnt Oil or Pebiki t Pi ujtv Kxi-ts.- It •* The Raleigh Northern newspaper in the land. The Pro- had seats for just twenty-four. * n.anu'artuied h; ('. No. 71- has appointed the usual num- John B*hor Jt Co , Market AN nor Hold. n burg would never be taken by him, if it gress in this very article would have given boats by the Government. Passengers can V.^,eV ber of Su»s?rior Court Judges and Solicitors street, Philadelphia. For eighteen \e:ir- it ha- b- eu o n- M were susceptible to capture at all. And remain on the Palestine during the sale and at git-tr them the utmost prominence. it is PoeiT Medical Jno. • easy Director. . And Surgeon -i re ! for the Slate. It is not expected at present — Mi I'm st preparation of itn kind in the market. return to the city as soon as it is over. that these Judges will hold the regular Fall they see how equally unsupported by the therefore to discern the shape of the cat in Drye, of the <>lh Kentucky cavalry, has It-, guarantee' ar- the w.itt-n le-timonials of the mo-t '. I ales Lou si>«na ol the Superior Courts. The object facts in the case the present assault on Gen. that • mount physii-iins in America. They ure op u to the M Term meal. The ''black citizens" have con- been appointed Post Medical Directer un- Par aala Y*w to •! i>y js9~ Returns to the revenue public at th . manutaelory. t ouamuptiTe? and all seems to Is? to bold courts for the trial of department who »f. Palmer is; and they are not particularly stantly before them in tb.'se dusky defend- der Gen. Watkins. J. DAVIS .% .suffer fii coughs, c ol vVarn :ng *nd iu millions of dollars. The heaviest is Palmer, stru< tiuu Tor Young can. Aluo, new and reliable tr ai- ed in company w ith thetireat Fasteru from the deserts of those who may be hit. removing all the unjust restraints attnehiug yesterday on the charge of robbery. meut for Ihe Di e sesut the I num.. s>exintl y-leti i Valencia, arrived at Hean's <'-outeut on the Potter A Co., $6,794,000 ; the next, Farwell, md Commercial's article, from which to the condition of bondage is reudered cor- evening of the oih. TbeSphvnx was left be- The we *!i.t free, in a ale! envelop.*. Addre-, DB. J. SK.1LLI.N Field A Co., $5,464,000 ; and the next, Bowen ^.Officer Shanks arrested a man named hind by the Great Eastern during a strong quote above, drops a peg or so in its bluster respondingly urgent. milNt Howard Association. Philadelphia, P*. | Bros., *4,785,000-all «« «ry goods. James Lyter yesterday for stealing watch westerly breeze on the evening of the -fTtli a Nulla about the mal-edministration of military This is clearty enough what the "white ult., and although she steered the proper aud -some knives in the upper part of the affairs in Kentucky. The editor evidently people feel" in the case. The demoraliza- £$W A correspondent of the Illinois State NEW IRON STORE course, nothing was afterward? seen of the oity. FOR SALE. Great Eastern. The Captain of the Spbynx thinks he may possibly have stationed him- tion they contemplate with so much repug- Journal, who has traveled through the cen- 1' 1 >\KI l>of.,U reports the weather as having been very self at the foot of the wroug tree. He pre- nance is the growing symptoms of man- tral portions of that State, says the wheat is ^Ha-Lewis Llewellyn wsf arrested by F'OR SALE A NO. B HOISK. g.od luiinw. WHaLKY.1 h-PK, r-eil Kit ate favorable for the layimr of the cable. So I sents the following noticeable change of hood amongst the blacks kindled to restless not injured to exceed twenty per cent.; oats Officers Met* u ire and Lambourn yesterday Brokers and Auctioneers, .111 Th nl vet. Mil It lonjt a l.ip-e of time without hearing from JOHN NAUTS tactics activity by the perpetual presence of those are damaged but little, barley about twenty for a WM. C. REAM f iti the Great Eastern i- thought by many to stealing a coat. IjiOB SAL-K.-CUAT" NO i A boi.lim; MILL.— War Peparlmout. tue of X connection is simply that, in quarters where July 31. '8»>5. fropi.Mil Will be r. eeiv -.1 it t.ilsOfli. e Gold closed yesterday at 141 A. have attained to a pretty exalted pitch of twenty per cent., by the late heavy rains. Police Court, Friday, August 11. U . the conditions of society are such that in unt'l is o cl ck. noon, i KDN KM>.\ V, H*ft»ih*i IS, Junius H. Browne, who with A. D. Rich- manhood. The removal of tbe troops He thinks the corn crop will be immense. James McClure and Louisa Stone, disor- IMS, to purchas the U. Military t'ailroad Bulla NAUTS & REAMER, order to protect the purity of the ballot-box < Mill, at Ten . the tuachi'tn. tool* ardson, both correspondents of the New derly conduct; fined $i each. Chattanooga, wi'h it is necessary to have military guards at would not now remedy the difficulty. Tbe hu ldni 'K, fUtun-, aud track conn ten the Boil.n. hi- escape Y"rk Tribune, made from Salis- Man Killed.—A German citizen of Jef- Mil with the N.uhvi le and i h irtano ga rut iroad. voting plates, and allow no voting done "black citizens" have already seen anil Jos. Uarnier, S. Biyco, and Jno. Clack- The mdl and machinery coi stra te.l to r- - oh tin lr 1 bury prison pen last winter, publishes a point fersonville, and formerly a soldier, was shot except at the of the bayonet, there • Irou are entirely new, and o! the mo-t impr ••••d h i card in the Tribuue, in which he reiterates heard too much to permit the arrest of son, suspected felons; $100 each for sixty should be no voting at all. If Kentucky killed acter. and by one of tbe guards of tbe l^>d wfc Malu street, assertion that Secretary Stanton is re- their days' good behavior. r f ill description and taiU of ope ati u, infantry yesterday. Ae., aopl. sapsjMsj or letter, 7. sponsible for the deaths of many of the It appears that the Dennis Mears, by to W. kAKUi.hV, it straight, under martial law, and without go on. It cannot he staid. The course of drunk and disorderly; Superihtet dint, < hattanoova, lenn. confined there, by obstinately op- man was walking "' prisoners on the soldier's beat, and All hid- -hould be .-udorse l Prop, aai to purcha-. affectation of civil rule. things and the fiat of the Almighty are sus- lined $3. posing an exchange ol prisoners with the on being ordered (hi titUtoga Boiling .Mil Louisville, Ky., away, refused, when tbe Wrevet South. Y»-ry well. That may be a subject worth taining i». The whites in the South have Charles Hines (f. in. c), disorderly con- 1> O. McCftLLUM. Brig. U.-n.. guard fired on him. We did not learn the Binct r and fienera', aast"T Military bailn a -. 0. >. considering. And if the supposition should but one safe or practicable way open before duct; fined $.> and held in &J00 for thirty aul-'-liil -eptl" AGENTS FOR THE The letters that have been published, pur- name of the unforiuuate man. porting to come lrom Miss Clar* Barton, at prove correct that Kentucky requires abso- them in relation to this difficulty. It is to days. Andersonville, Ga,, are discovered to be lute military rule, it will be no fault of Gen- acknowledge to their late slaves, forthwith J** General Hobsou, commanding the John ford ^r. m. v.), disorderly conduct; fined New Palmer's. If it would not bean aggrava and without dissimulation or reserve, that first division, Department of Kentucky, $5 and held in f^00 for thirty days. Albany Rolling Mill David MASONIC TEMPLE. Geu. William Preston. tion of previous impoliteness we would they are as free as themselves and as much who has been temporarily absent, goes to Manning, stealing a watermelon T NIGHT OK Til K D'tAMATIC r M A^Y - gently suggest to the Commercial, that the entitled to the right of pursuing their own Lexington this morning to from Dick Moore; fined $10 and held in |M FIR ex-mil>tary local asks, again • The Journal's assume Iingag-ment or th Star of the W st Miss K II i V

lor thirty days. Tl . popular "whv 4mm Ml Gen. Wm. Preston come loyal people in this Stale including the Ex- happiness in their own way. Wherever command. We congratulate the people of BhAhOUisKB. roaag a. tor. Mr. W H HoHand iu two characters, -n >ONI>AY VSM1HH, home? We do not suppose that in the con- black troops are stationed in the neighbor- Jno. McDonald, drunk and disorderly; IK."., be ecutive, differ with it on this point. They Lexington on the return of Gen. Hobson. August M, wi acted, the M-M'ar* l>rama of the Iron, Nails Steels,Spikes, Rivets, federacy be did anything that should cut FRENCH S"i ; in which H>«s Kim Blancha'd will r rebel popula- hood of black communities who are con- His discharged. p be sure a large . as yet to administration -onate three character*. lu I t have of affairs at that point T n w i the Fare* nl him off from pardon." PAl>DY fessedly and consciously free, there is no Jno. Ryan, drunk and disorderly Mil-h; HOY; Pad-y Mu-s, Mr. W. II Springs, Nnts, Washers, We do suppose and know that General tion to deal wilh, an unfortunately large won ihe admiration of every one. conduct; land J'r^ston, in and out of the "confederacy," proportion of which has not had the rebel complaint of their demoralizing influence. fined fo. PKit'EH or Aomasios — «dniis-Un .Ml ren'a: Rr*err<-<; did many things that should cut him off Seats 18 cents. Dssta hQM at ~'t o'clock, snd perform- Axles aud Bolts, starch taken out of it by open battle for the Let tbe citizens of North Carolina give The Memphis Commercial recom- The call of the docket was again t ken anc - commences at s p cviaely. lrom pardon, unless be should tbe most unequivocal and undoubted as- mends the up, and the felony cases pas- t satisfactory probation. Confederacy, and a sight at the "elephant." propriety and expediency of were consequently surance to their negroes that they are free, holdinga agaiu continued. F->r instance, iti '61, he did all he could to Still they prefer the mixed operation of civil convention of the late confederate FEMALE INSTITUTE. "Brinly" Plow Plates! cat Kentucky off from the l'nion, and set and martial law to the unqualified applica- and shall always remain so, and the vision States, in order to ascertain the real state up over her a "Provisional Government," tion of the latter, especially where Ihe lat- of impending "outbreaks" will vanish like of feeliug existing in the South. It Inquest No, aS8-Held August lltb, at of which be should be presiding and exec- would, BLACKSMITH'S the river, foot TOOLS! ter is administered by so discreet, able, a lever-dream. The negro is notoriously it thiuks, serve as an index and i;uide to of Sixth street, ou the body CALDWELL IMTIITI u iv,- officer. He, Burnett, and Simons, of Alex. Mayo, f. m. c. with Chrisma' . Ewim:. Hodg-s, A Co.. scrupulous and faithful an officer as Gen. peaceable and patient. If outbreaks occur the Federal authorities in all measures of Verdict—Came to the Russcllville figured in "Sovereignty Palmer. They may be wrong, we will not in the South, it will be the fault of the public policy affecting those States. his death at tbe above place, at or about 7 Convention," which brought forth a "Dec- stop now to discuss (hat )>oint. But one whites. o'clock P. M., August 9th, 1S65, from acci- 1 ration of Independence," an "Ordinance VCGlJVNfti; HART, A. M., Principal. Look Out.—Provost Marshal Drye in- dental drowning. Rest faaeession," and a "Provisional Govern- thing is certain. The purity of the ballot- Suppose the Government yields to this AI.BEHT C;R kVWm, A. M., Associate. Pittsburg Coal, - forms ' us that a large number of persons in ment; and Preston, Burnett and Simms cannot be maintained, as James C. Gill, Coroner. box in Kentucky demand of "prejudice," that requires time ' Either this barrels. I wete i he "Provisional Government's'' Com- city are wearing the badge of the de- Nashville papers please copy. yet without military assistance. General for conquering itself? will it riiU'S missioners to Richmond. How long be WKI.L-KNOWN AND POPULAR 1N»T1TL'- tective force, and imposing upon our citi- 1 TI"N, for the education or Win. Preston, as a leading confederate of Palmer in obedience to o ders is in military before another request will be put forth for zens. He gives notice that he will have Inquest No. 389—August 11th, 1865, in an John C. Breckinridge, was a leading seces- command here. the removal of tbe Freedmau's Aid Com- YO UJS G LADIES, sion conspira'or in Kentucky, participating any one wearing this badge without au- alley between Market and Jefferson streets, Will enter upon its Kh ventli Sun -au-ml Sessiou, The Governor of the State asks him for missioners, the Freed man's Bureau, General WHWiW MARKET PKU'K in all the secession conclaves and secession thority severely punished. ou the body of Christ. Hepp, aged sixteen p Al „ all agents? " THURSDAY, SEPT. 7tb, 1865. ••ions <>l 'til, secret! v* assistance at the polls. responds a Howard, and his It will be and openly He by years. Verdict—Came to his death at the roa t'nder the charge el the above n m. d o ntlemeu, who advocating with the fiercest vehemence, weil-considered and most admirable order. thought" that the labors of these parties are Robbed.—Thursday night, between 11 were river, between First and Second Htreets, at during ihe pas' year, asxociatea wit' t. e l..rue r armed resistance to the Kentucky Union Principal as »e.r » cc sslul te+ ri. order in a majority of instances is demoralizing the "black citizens." Out- and 12 o'clock, one h Th y will be aid-d The some entered the room in the tarious Wrought forces under Gens. Nelson and Rousseau,— or about 7J o'clock P. M., August 10, departme:.ts by th- ir wives, sad h) »n and Cast Iron Scrap. breaks able coris f the expulsion, subjugation, or slaughter of faithfully executed, without turbulence, will be imminent. Prejudices will of Captain Brazier, on Seventh street, be- instiU"toM, m »t or whom were last VtHr from accidental drowniug. - connected • with the Institution, aud n c»rii.r, Wtt aae- dAwtr all Union the precipita- without the need a farther extension of time. sary to sustai'i the Kentucky men,— most shadowy infringement of tween Main and Market, and robbed him. J. r.rm r oigii nput:'.ti.>u of t:.- - hovL C. Gill, Coroner. wil' be siared tion, by force and fraud, of bis native State The "conciliation" dodge wil be plied any man s "rights," and with none but The Captain awoke just as the thief was For Circulars contaioiog further in (or the city, that had so cherished uialion, address and and " the l riucipal. wholesome results. Meanwhile, an elec- with exceeding diligence. Loyal" men leaving his room, and tired two shots at IMUIOkf LKfc, honored him. into the direst horrors of se- How the "Try Goots !Hau" Came to Grief. President Bo.iid. rTru tecs. PROPOSALS. cession and civil war. Who wants such a tion conducted with such assistance does and journals, will appeal to the Government him withsut effect. Osmond B'attt, Sec'y. angll- ' Awl- r AUUKQ.iV>; .11 LFor the Union Pre**.] N Rf HA I K OW CJAL guilty and uugrateiul conspirator to all it for *< I.IXNMICMt ni^HKI.s. and not wear the appearance of the good old do can "harmony and good feel- certain "try goots man" of this city, or A 1 ' U««erafs Liffice. to come home? i .V"*'. Wa-hington, D. B Marco. 1". fashioned elections. "It is not becoming" ing," precisely as the Progress is now do- pSt~ The vote in Gallatin County stood rather a vender of the ready made, sold a LIQUOR. a Utfust >, soldier a suit of clothes, charging him only » r* »"<» »» ks revived that a military guard should be stationed at ing. And if its arguments are sound in the as follows: Ward, Smith, 243; Jtctf"si he la. 350; Ward's ; es and ut til the date- l„ London News published a table show- r^ft^r name.1, l,. r tho The the moderate of tollarsh, \\ nr. sum "nindy mil l Us..- .; ibe su' plus ,-oal the polls. present api eal, they eertaiuly will majority, 107. 11 at tho* alas—, bek.nn- ing thai over *r>.>,0«»O.OOt» were sent by im- No. But who is to blame? It is hold as Cam and Trimble Coun- New England lO ll f valeeze" thrown in because he "vas zol- Rum. '."t l<..T,Tllll|e t I VILLI-'. migrant in this country to their frieuds in not becoming that the free citizens of a re- well against the one class of demoralizing ties are yet to hear from. Without these, dier." The soldier stepped into E * RE PKr'PARVp To rVBHlSa N»" ' • ATW KY.. un-il l.-o'clockM.. of Wed Colonel W U,fn »T " •"•'i'^. Greal Britain between the years IMS and LAJIU BUM la aar qaaatitr, a the hsweat Market ' ' b ^ *-r- public should be subjected influences, as against the other. is Morrill's office, carrying his valise, which price aVbyiile . " to conscription Geneial Smith's majority 1,644. Carroll mm ikuoim: Jt c 1864. This was the real emigrant aid fund. I? augll-rt AT ST LIM MO., nutil \2 il , of It contained the new suit. The Colonel find- Conim chants. iJt Mam St. Tnes- ay, geatea- and burdensome taxes, and forcible separa- does'nt look encouraging to see so and Trimble will probably reduce his ma- l>-r s, f0 r l.mg fair... During the lour years of the war over ing out the shave, wont to the "try goots at 111.. Meni.lus Tenn that tion from their friends families stauuch a l'nion paper Helen.. \rk.. lid Mouth of a hile Riser OOO.Oon were thus sent :o country. The and to risk knuckling under to jority to 1,100. 31, man" and demanded |100 for the soldier, AT Vf. K Bl e6, -> . urn. I |J „ cll , k of " M , Tri- N. wsHdds: Here we have the explana- la ;epteiut er tor ( «*1 i>ii at their lives on the field of battle, and to all the nonsense that must la? certainly swept telling h in to take bis goods back. The MILITARY. , |{ Vu-ssburK, wisa. AT NAT. HiZ, s,is> , until I.- a tion, which our Tory orators have been try- ^^.General Jubal Early is in Washing- goots man" very indignantly vVImi , of Mtuday ibe other hardships of this bitter and ter- before the "try declined iiKP» < v.. tor al away Union can ever be restored. HKsbQl'AarKRS RTMUS r nl' THK l SptemtHr l\ C Uins at >..tehes. EiH . ing so bard not to see, of the emigration to offic- ton, but boasts that he would "never get the honor, and said, "mine goots is goot berlaud. Piu\.«t >lard>al Ueueral, Nashville Se^srate pr posals will als i be tece.vrd at the saire rible war. The question is whether it America. While the great war in that Re- Tenn., June .nili UM6. time for tlis liar«<-.s r B a-s coetaiiiin« tt e goots. I makes nit mooch brofit." Where- t'oal ' ctive hostililio' la he.,\. lop- co public was going on, and they were run- would be any more becoming to stibnip down so low as to ask President Johnson's ha>iug aMMaS, and there be ng no or laiu.nK a bid should be sealed and to The Ekjhth District.— the ' We had upon the wary Colonel applies to General ganized • ueinj iu the country, it i> ord rel: I e oi uuiuU r ol th.- am. Barg^ out.ii> > iu« it n : r- . about proclaiming that it was a ruin- pardon." He proposes to to Europe, ning go I. all riti/. . i tie ...Id something worse. pleasure yesterday of meeting W. B. An- Palmer, who decides that Colonel M.'s de- That u of t. lal at Horida. Qaorgia, r on, ai.d saatd 0 "BtiKoii.- I Ueueral Lewis B Alabama, Mississippi, Thaaaaswaad s. u'ucky. ban ratwaaa, hM k.ii -ud Ki»«r 1 »-"-—>-•-•.-— «- ed, God -forsaken country, those who had and says he has property enough to support shall be conformed to, Mm mand or the "try teen sent north ol tbe Ohio river to remain t.uring H e of th tjuart r a r.-r u gone out from us and were living there It would improve pert critics of military derson, Esq., Representative elect from char, shall war be. and they are hereby, |> i mitt. ,1 return to tin ir si ihe p>.:i t d.ni.nat d for . him there in ease. goots man" go to prison. The vender Is i wer>- sending houie £1,636,*j44, to enable Kuox couuty. Mr. Ancerson informs us respective homes. I'a-i... lit t • I- SSSsis iu t ill' n. men and affairs if they could have a little of "goots and bandaloons" applies t<> Uen. rm y upon '.<> i. II. That ad deierterj lrom tic lat.> rebel who I pt . e of aay pro* tbeir brothers, lathers, and sisters' bus- that Randall's majority, army, M wa tbe .lelis.rv for Congress, in . experience in camp and in the midst of Murderer Caught.— Deweese, who I'almer, but gets "nit mooch zttisfaction." • ero sent north or lie- On., iv. r t.. leuiaiu dm iug tbe ol tbe pr.., ri> bands to join them and share their prosper- war b -, aud they are hereby perui tted lo return to The ..overu" et»t lesers the Eighth District, will be over five thou- He then comes to Col. M.'s offire and says, Ihmr a the ht to withdraw aar of hostile murde ed Cab-b homes the i oal, the s Stinson, tbe Union candi- and bate rontai >* it, ai-d to i "I bays youz nintee vive tollarsh, •> and des-rr > : sand. believes all the 111 That all rs f -m f late robul arair. who p sals il 4 iu d o low. He Amendment date for the go Legislature in Grayson county, dakes mine goots avay." The Colon il, were allowed to th. i h m -. but w re r. .|U r d to re- R> uidrr of ihe t^uarierirast candidates for tbe Legislature and Seuale, port once a niouih to th.- pn.viat marshal nearest their Teucesare < oiigressmen l.lect. OF HI. At KS. was arrested on (who can be as severe to rascals as he is Monday last in Indiana, 1: me-, are hereby relieved from their oldigatiui.4 to re- in the counties comprised in the Eighth kind to honest uieui, said, will -iay The representatives elect in the mongst the and has been taken back to Litchfield for "you port. no raiiiliry pauses si; .!! h >reaftur h»- • I tive districts are as follows: District, are elected, which will be a gain me $100 and take your rags out of my office, IV. That k re«tn trial. rom citizens traveling i tho railroads au : rivera in this or you will be in half a*u hour. N. G. Taylor, almost a certainty,; Horace of six or seven members. The mountain imprisoned 1> partmeiu. even the existence of colored troops. We V Military ci nun. lorn will \f coutiun -d on all the rail- BILLIARD SALOON. Mavnard ; Asa Fauikner, almost a certain- The crestfallen "try goots man" began to l>epi>rtuv nt, and will receive insti uctiuiis counties have gone gloriously. The Union roads iu the i I). the Raleigh Progress, Convention of Clermont see it in a different light, and forked over ty); W. B. Campbell; B. Thomas; Col. are surprised to see to their duties lrom ibis ..111, e. county nominated nd ol M-.J 'in Probable Retirement of Lord J. U. P « RKUl'RST, Faulkner, who, we 'ear, is elected over Pal- Abraham Tretor said: "Zeein as youz fees aoldier, I kid's extent their objections to this for State Representatives, lu23-tf Brev. Brig. Oeo. and P. M. O. D. C. vole Gov. ing to some merston.—The Liverpool Post says: "We youa de goots vor vifdy tollarsh." Stokes, will with Campbell, and and adopted resolutions M army. It re ommends the hear on authority which we cannot doubt, cordially indorsing Mr. Thomas— if they get a chance to vote portion of our The soldier couldn't see the point, and THE that it is, after all, exceedingly probable the action of the State DELMGftiCO. at all. Mayna:d and Hawkins can la? de- Government to remove all colored troops Convention and its "try goots" man tiuding he couldn't make WINES, LIQUORS, ETC. that Lord Palmerston will retire from office nomiueea. anything out of the "zoldier," concluded to pended on as supporters of a liberal Na- from the towns and villages of the State. tional po'icy, also. Tay- before the assembling of the new Parlia- leave. He, probably, left a wiser, if not a and we hope N. G. " 1 1 says "all our prejudu** cannot be over- ment. In that event, Gladstone for Pre- lir. Dr. Lefiwick is alao reported to be a Jf&~ General Sully's expedition had, at better, man. J. U, NlUKOKliEK i SUNS, is to mier" will rush unbidded to many lips. dealer, and good Union man. The chances of the ad- come in a moment." One moved re- last accounts, The soldier went to an honest But learn that the Chancellor of the Ex- cost the Government seven mission of our delegation are not very flat- prejudices cannot be over- we bought a better suit for forty-five dollars. mark that their million dollars, tering.— [Nash. Press. chequer nimselt is by no means prepared to and had resulted in the Tbe poor soldier, after putting in his two or IN at all, unless a beginning is made. If come acquiesce in bis own sudden elevation to killing of two three years at front, should not be sup- Indians, llowever, a battle the AND everything must gW« way to the brutal the office of Prime Minister. With good posed to be as well posted iu affairs back , UHI ':L:0ANT BILLIARD A man by the name of Lucius Carpenter, was expected, and it is probable that more Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Gin, judgment and taste, he considers that the lived here all the of EMiugtou, Connecticut, shot himself on and stupid prejudices engendered by hen' as those who have IVAl RANT is 0 „a OK. f„ lk# interests of the country would be best serv- will be slaughtered. ^ Friday, the 25tb ultimo. He had been very give those who cherish time, and, therefore, are liable to be over- Cordials. slavery lu order to ed by an administration headed bv Earl »farn»hed.aUhelBhtof singular in his actions for some time ninhed. them time to recover, relief will never ar- Granville, Earl Russell, or tbe Earl of A nobleman, who was a great ama- previous, having deeded his farm to a The above little incident will show the rive. It is like learning to swim by ab- Clarendon, Mr. Gladstone leading the teur painter, showed of hia performan- reader pains Colonel Morrill friend of his, wiin the understanding that oue how much Cigars and Tobacco, House of Commons in his present office, so takes to the Wrongs of the soldier. in case of his death be should give the farm ces to Turner. The great artist remarked, rnrht congenial to his disposition, and so fitted to Colonel Morrill, who is Military Agent for bis wife. « Lord, you than . I he to Tbere has been nothing but trouble in utilise his genius. Every one believes that My want nothing but poverty procured. be committed sui- Illinois, is a is,0 ac'iug in the same eapat ity On the day on which negro troops have been to become a very Stomach and CotktaU Bitters, every town where Lord Grau viile would make a most popu- excellent painter." for the State of York. He is doing cide he took his bible and lay down on his New stationed in this State, and we are assured lar and excellent Premier, and it is the early part of the around that State great Bervice: attending the wants "Drop in and See Us." bed and read during that at this very moment the most serious him that, if our ^ga^Tbe a prognostications are cor- British public is mildly indig- of her soldiers, of whom there are some N. K. CORNER FOURTH AND MAIN, day. After a while he got up and took imminent at Wil- outbreaks are considered rect, the new Cabinet will be formed. nant because a railway conductor kept an or 1,600 now here. He recently visited piece of paper and wrote a note to his wife, mington. the Military Prison, and, out of atiout twen- »t.Vltnls SKEEKAMP & THOMAS, which be left in a table drawer. express train waiting half an hour for the fault for such threatening The critics say Lester Wallack (Fagin) ty New York men confined there, he pro- PROPRIETORS. He then went out, and going over to his But who is in arrival of the baggage of a single passen- cured the rele:;>-i> or over half. All of the brother's obtained bis rifle secretly, and Progress does not pretend kisses lone Burke (Oliver) too ardently in DIVIDENDS. prospects? The ger, who happened to be an earl's son-in- Illinois prisoners have beeu released the wo.. Is near by and shot the play of "Oliver Twist," at a New York _ went out imo that ihe negro soldiers misbehave or in auy through his influence. passed NOTICE. Ibe mouth of the gun theater, but as lone is very pretty, they law. Tho verdict NAVASSA himself, by placing upon a PHOSPHATE CO. way annoy by their conduct the citizens think it excusable. man by those wilh whom he conies against his head and discharging the gun FIRST IM VI UK Ml. Warning. Messrs. iu daily contact, is a pivtiy true index to with bis whom they are stationed. On the pm* Adams Express messengers. DIVIDEND OF TWO DOLLARS PKR foot. hist character; and I nave yet to see the first A SHARE HAS i;Wll.L PROHEt t TE ANT ONE Who R L st, lw killing _.""^ , to *h I The ball passed through bis bead, colored troops Younker and Foljainbe, have repeatedly r ! . .rsoolder* nefro woman olliaa r^rselt Law* J. . it "admits that the soldier who says that Colonel Morrill is Jul ^,f»>»27th, IMAk Trsnsler books e'osed Irum 1. UKS toMaj John : afle. ttie ^iext day has addressed an autograph le ter to Queen , Aaeersoa him instanth . He was found i Angast 1, l&y well, and that the dis- placed us under obligations lately for East- sught but a true gentleman, and a firm ad- abosa n rdium siae aid stmoat bUck wuh Lhegun lying across Victoria, containing an official invitation to WALTt K B_ ^^J*^' ML cipline is good." And yet, it says (i MB^awalaWt , - 1 a-- 1 .

EVERYBODY TAKE NOTICE! | "XT Bl TELEGRAPH. ttal OIL WORKS. lil" SPBllML TO WBST'RiX PRESS Washinoton, August 11.—James Don- aldson, for a long time messenger to the State Department, has presented with i ' W/n nl ihii. been you Bl a- I VI I Bl V A i CJUjiT UB, 1 KKtlLAU MIDNItiHT UP§tT. August I t - 3 A. M. 1 1,000, the contribution personal LOUISVILLE COAL - 1 of AND OIL •• a lew CARBON If Ton have an taia* ' WORKS friends of Secretary Seward, thus sub- If yoa Wtf< l-.,.irde, a. Matters iu New York. who Commercial stantially manifest their appreciation of Corner uf siiteenth and Hl^h streets. TLr Fress l the OOirUi Paper of the No News from ihe tireat Eastern. New York, Aug. H-—The stock market Mr. Donalson's valuable services and his The decline in gold United Mates lor the State of Kentucky continues dull. has attention to Secretary Seward during his ITABLIs'HBD 1861 checked, all speculation for a rise, and illness. MMJ the south, ru ]>ortlou of Imliaua ana there ia rather more disposition to put out Ohio. The Failure of the Cable Predicted. stocks. ffVtt. shorts on weaker At the First No Xews from Hearts Content. SK£\JVJE *f CO. in the Daily Press. Board prices were lower throughout the 4 »iil.D Aspy Bay, August ll.-We have nothing OFFICE—BULLITT STREET, ADViiHriHSB;. list, with prevailing disposition to sell. " BE TVVEEN MAIN AND RIVER. t later from Hearts' Content Towards the close of the day the market HVA .> E ' tiunboat Sphynx braced in the dispatches of ARE PmKPAKKD TO SUPPLY THE TRACK WITH clrciiiatioukm U rapidly lucrcaeiiip-, Arrival or the at became stronger and a downward move- WE A •I'PERIOR QUALITY I any qaanlly. Highest price paid lor good Crude Pe troleum. Penn.ua having \y ANTED- AGENT* : iie of the BBBmmt Heart's Content. ment was arrested. Government stsj-k* and t S. 10 Eeotacky •. !'it; BMftiBMM in the Ktate. for old 5-20's there is a steady Consul at Paris. . We are steady; it--' m »l Ml lel-Kend moat saleable >*! 1 5 CRUDE PE TROLET'M BBT wiU pend In their ad- Washington, August MM Maraud ita CtuiM- ''The Aui.ri a-i mamm export demand. 11.—The Depart- ao well to give call, for sale woald us a aa we can increase the c apacity ol our work* to UurxT tiieeley. Address, i uaiDji • el.TP. The decliue in gold has produced equali- ment of State has received information . h..i.> of conn iea, iOMCPU third L. About the Pirate Shenandoah. zation in the prices at New York and Lon- from S. G. Nealev, the recently appointed f «». Drawer T-i. ( incinna i, <». BARRELS PER DAT > H.— Kiik1i~* aud U>rn au Editiou*. don, which may temporarily check ship- U. S. Consul at Paris, and formerlv the MM* wr lamt, privaUj L. yielding, Atty at Law. ments. State bonds were quiet, but the secretary of the late President Lin- AST Kl> K N I l.issi "W1DK-AWAK K." Kockpor market was without any material change. coln, that he has arrived at his post and in Kentucky aud bouthern lu-, TroT. Ino". The Phoenix Bank Defalcation. *'«m»," by The only topic of importance in Wall entered upon the duties of his Junius Henri reiaud. i'c«Uni iter, U rk'usvlile, Kt CLAIM ACENCV. I »ar corieaioo-Jeut «>t the - LMau.ticau, uatfdad,baeJt-i, ti\. street to-daj' is full of gold, which is at- York Tribune ami in.li napoli- Journal. A larger .. Paltlajaji * Co., Park Bow. tributed partly to the Treasury sales, and Promotion. vaUui- mi given tuau toi any similar work a-.i» :>. ^. Vmabja, f n.nk:ort. By.

• \ • . •Pi e told in cl. have c. nt, , iie~... or to failing ability of some of Uariug iad, B*vB*aT Oram, K> Suicide a Clerk Arrested partly the the Washington, August 11.—Brig. Gen. C. RAD WAY & CO., i L month lmloae •! tor in pi - t- mi lil, and luDr tVaBBM L-iardman. Ni w» A'.nacy.aia—. heavy holders to carry their burdens, and t, inuud, or tb'rJ tiotoe t.rritory. Robert B. Mitchell, formerly Colonel of the Th<- tx-ok I nnnaB A 0» 5. M*. fJbarn s-.rott, « an Accomplice. several large gold loans Cierowj-n. teat i especially as have beta di-chareed t • , CI at'-tnooca, Ti nn., nud bit. lelta, ua. 2d Kansas Regiment, has been made full ,1- l"-r nt yon*- Udi-a - a ill find ll.is protit- I lunnell, Ktv-x been rather abruptly called in. A move- Brig. Gen. iu the GENTS. regular army. CLAIM A empltiym- nt A-dra a Joec-ph - rate is firm at 7 per loans. Pe- can Cincinnati Grain and Produce Market. (Mil,- - Zil i,**ie Mala Street, Re and Tairu. taia a mod and mwi wagea. Apply to villi , New Albany and Chicago K- K. troleum stocks dull, with tbe exception of ma2T daValT Cim innati. Aneu't 11. P BEN.I I). KENNEDY, M.-FLOua-Is Arm but Pit Hole and Webster. Pit Hole Creek jiiit-t. tlif ilemauil lia.ing yw»-«f No. 41?. Me'ii street, ju-t below 1 r:l, Oar joui-c frienda. Hale A firo., the enter- Thr on Lake Huron. OB, fa'1. ml. Superfine ia held at Oceanic 1»J5, Farm 00, SMc^ri IS, extra As .VKwv, and family av 73 T Buchanan Manhattan \I A NTKD— VITI ATION ABKD1TOK >Kh pri»in«t new* a«Tenta on taia great thorough- Gbain— Wheat firm. Prim.- r< d %i ii», white $2 ZV*2 IB FURNISHING COODS. K 30, Tack 40, Webster 220, Bradly 300, Em- CLOTHINC. TT KPONDKNT- Newspaper eatabliabn U Corn ia rery scarce, and the market firm at ti."aMiv< for I'nie, cats at nil lini»a aupply the Preaa. pire City i»0, Excelsior 1H7, Heydrick a. mud. New uata may l»e 4 1 of - I'taiDiastkeoarTiotw o an expi I I Ha To 100, uuot d at to 47c; old scarce. reap.-u.lec ca- b. ar nf oue by e A IK .-• 450. Hud w.iull a II for 61c Bye firm. Barley In good de- maay who have been unable to cet It, thla will The Ex-ttuerrilla Montana 31*0, Oil Creek ORDER YOU* HaTS .»'i ft Leader. Moseby, mand. Prim,- . !d fall tl 3ft, and spring •! 3". New dull, market is firm, The petroleum but quiet, becauae of ita infV-rior duality. I. li 1 — be «i irurai- Inii ll genre. The Ilalea At .1 N m <.ki:kv>. — are re- l V4 at ;;j^:j;ic for crude, 52 A@oi for refined in alaaT—Di ell ^d•a iot.j ii» - i«.i «. aponaible dealera, and thorn- Pwaillliajl Paint.t. City mess pork sold At «S0, in or FOR SALE. who prefer aub- bond, and 71(ij,72c for refined free. and tbe morning a i--*- aa!ea»a or second cIass at S2v. Bulk ORDER YODR SHIRTS srrlbloaT for a month, more or leaa, will tneitts dull. f\\- ul.l.-rs SALE-OIL LAXD^-THK ONE-SIXTEENTH be At ia now bur uc. and ORDER YOUR CAPS FINE CLOTHING bav. eady (tone acoiiaid- r.iblt- depth, with every in- fiiT IJy relerriug lo the printed terms on Nkw York, Aug. 11.—The Herald's spe- At a* dication of ante •«. AIki other valuable interest* lor Slew York Grain aud Produce Market, GREKN (iHEEN'S. •ale plv Tbe Phceiilx l>el cial says that Per terms, Ac . t* our first page, it will be seen that we have from Heart's Content when AT \s New Y.iks. — A K l ElKSKNDtiREK, August 11. keeper Ar. and Commits Suicide the Sphynx was sighted otf that place the middling. ORDES YOUR UNDERWEAR No 7 Hamilton i Buiidi ,u Sixth and Main els reduced the price to both city and mail sub- iu Prison. Atlantic cable was immediately reported as Fi ra— Dull, auiciiiM and incite lower on common grades, \t QatnUI it (;keev«.. scribers. M.MaS.VV for extra .\5afi #i, j. Nkw York, Aur. 11-— Additional devel- arrived and great excitement prevailed. State, H> for common to me- m AUTIOA. dium i-xtra Western, «7 y»e 3n for common to good W ill •« sold at public aurtiou < u the r-th »nt, Mail, one year $* HisKT—Openod flrm-r at fi 19. trap*, wrap leather, new and oi l rock drill* an I croa sona on board. Graim-WIic at dull, been arrested as an accomplice and confess- and 2a3o lower ou spring. White BUY HATS Now oflennc at - YOUR l-a-v oe Irie of ahaftinr and aeveial forge, complc-t win'er ia i -, was great excitement at yes- acarc an held firmly, tl 43al 4A lor Hilwaukie laOUISVllXE, KV , ed haviiiK recc-ived There noon aeveral temporary woo :en huiiiu*:* and one office build OffKI $10,000 from Jenkins, Club; Si 4t>al 48 for choice amber $14'.^ At terday. Three guns were fired down the Michig.n, f r cut Kb. x a (,ki;i;xs. tog, at Je-ervonville, will be a..ld at the aame time which he lost in stock operations. He was Chicago spring; fiU2Ja lor new winter red State. Bye Fleciuoed. Teramai.!. tu. i r> . |«- Ail pi p except the biiildini:-. to bay, it dull drooping. • F AogHHtl,!.- taken to the Htation house last night and and was supposed the Great Eastern aud Btrley and barley milt ull and rio removid within two day. after iheaase. mlnal IF YOU WISH was arriving, but tbe firitig was occasioned Corn opened dull and closed a ahade firmer at HONEST GOODS TJMi L. H. BABBITT, put in a cell, and this morning it was found muwmt. **3M*j fur unsound, and 9ci' 4 &ylc for sound mixed. Oats by the steam sloop-of-war Royalist, • angv-.-t Lieut, of Ordnanc , torn. l*eput. lie cut in his mis- •Hill nriu at Kre dull •lat tTaatern and Northern _ *:- FOURTH. i for '63-4 laajBa, in .en— t. ighum. t -a »ituated eighi- " " way maiia •'.'i from the Galta, six miles outside. ca-h; f2* 7X429 for do; f.'| for prime, and .. 7:«S r u P M Bromer, alias Wain Davis, a butcher, were tMQ jys-tf THE LARGEST STOCK aaaa mi a froai N-» All ain and five milea Irom Ptovi- Lou. A Leb%noo fiijn 26 25 for prime meaa. Bee' steady st »« «12 'or plaiu Branch K. B .. P m 12:tai p a The weather is now foggy aud very wet, M ib-ii I' "* also arrested. mesa, or >- D.p..t. , a itb atandiiig c rop. AS.Mn Apnl) and »H

•tree* 1 I.AAi>-Leaa active aud firm at v'..-<»24',c > 2 tl SbelbyTills I"i J . 2n I- M UbM p a with Geneva iu a cencert saloon, aud was the fleet. SCOTT, l!i t DAVISON sbawneeio-a-a rr.R-L.eea active at ju® -c for & CO 6:30 r l.:uu Ohio, and IrW&Wc for SALE-T*!! liKI< a P M yrtlB K H( >CcES-TVk O »Tu lil fc Arrivej-Tueadayn, in the habit of lavishing large amounts of State. CLOTHING JT aach, lour r «.ma audat-rvauu rcxanaon Cheat nu I. U >atQtdaya. money on her, enabling her to live in mag- The Pirate Shenandoah. C'HEEeA-Qalet at 9alS.Sc, AND -oaud and Third atrwta Appy to V BANK CaU Depart— Mondays, W, < • TICK, or D. KKN HUT * M»N> f, -f nificent s'yle. Ni:w 1 ridaya. York, August 11. — The Herald's Xew York Money and Stock Market. Ta< lotaville :..,«i Karie, at the time of his arrest, not and Blnomneld f H 6 IS A M was Washington special says that Commander Gentlemen's Fiirnishing Goods Arrive*— Mondays, WedaaMafg an-i New Tors, Au»u-t 10.- MontT-Bulea easy at 7 per COMMISSION employed in the bank. He occupied the lieorge L. Colooverasis, reporting to the MEHUHANTS. ceut. on call 1 au*. I ridaya. position of clerk with Smith, Deea t —Tueadaya, Tbura'ays and Martins A Secretary of the Navy Irom Callao, July l:t, Sterlino.— rirmat ms'AQlliy. Golk- Exc ited INTHEOITY haturday.. Co., bankers, in Wall street. He has not says the American ship North American, and lower, opening at 141 declined to a I E B 0 0 0 F Louiav He A Kvant-ville Muil Boata... -:2* * MBM. iind closing at 14I S- 8 & a 1:30 1- been employed at the bank for some Arrive*— M on. lava. Tuealaya, Fn- forty-nine days from Melbourne, Australia, wawwajOUaTI STiX'AS— Kirm.

months. believe* »t . da>a and Saturdaya. The cashier the defalca- reports Ks-steady . l>. S. 3-2«s, coupons, new. I( .f I having arrived at Melbourne the 4S,; Treas- Di-partA-Tueedaia ury 7-3KB, series, > EMISSION MERCUiJSi Wednesdays, tion will amount t<> 6275,000. The bank ha« 2d W; 3d d »y; Quicks Iver .16; Mias. uri day after the rebel steamer Shenandoah >••* 1 riaafl an l ratiirdavs. <>i7IS; Y..rk (Jeutral An- 66; Bock Islaud SPROILE "k\DEVILLE, i. De*9€ «;»J *»/e«lern Protiufe. lou Tin. a surplus fund ol f250,000, beside* the earn- left that Hw*; iu6' and Mail Boata 7: of July dividends! are considerable. board at that port, In —Copper '"alls 1 ? Mail- are opeui .1 aa acaju aa lb y ai rirc. before leaving, twelve Fiaukliu liancock 63't>; Minnesota 7; Isle Eaatbara, Lr.io, White Baatj. 1t<- i Bice 33V Boyal 7*1. open ttom 7 A a till 6:30"p. thousand bushels of coal, and that her yuiuey 34*,. Arrival of the C.unboat Sphynx, which SPRODLE \ r a- taUVA. present first lieutenant joined her, having & MA.NDEVILLE, started with the i;reat Eastern. left the Euglish steamer St. Louis Market. J. J. SPFED. Postmaater. of which he was rii master to do so. Mllitarv 0 J. m. MaWBa C. f. CAk'. Heart's Context, Sunday, Aug. ii, via St. Locis, Av ; II. All can now be suited.— have jus North Syduey, Aug. 11. —The British gun- Peru is reported in a very unsettled state, Cirrfos— Dull. _Receipts S3 bales. J. We H. DAVIS £ oo., received another lot ol tliebUPERB Krknch beat Sphynx arrived here to-day, Sunday, and Commander Colooverasis intends to T0B«OC0>— Active, aud about the LIQUOR. Kloi b— t irm andunchanged- Ink, which at 5 P. remain in that vicinity to protect (Suocessore o Scott, Keen Co.,) we can now supply in quart**, M., under canvas, having b«-en Ameri- uhain—wheat u changed. Corn Active and an- A pinu. and half pints. The celebrated short of coal since Friday night. The can interests in the event of a change of chnnit.-.l. 0 er- July 27, during a stroug westerly breeze Mesaage to the President from tLe king 54*J barrel* hVed - BourS- n W ni-k»; mum, mmm ua umh PaiL\DRt phia, August II— Petroleum firm. 3W irre la «athnieautil'ul violet tint, when and head sea, not being able to keep up of liassas. 30SI&3I, Bourbon Whisky; for . rude; 52c lor refined in «" >*«la ?n bond, aud «*<470 for tree. ME\ 4 ,ltrr : " Oilier a t>4; , »tiwr*a«i.b BOYS' dourbou and [ & FINE CLOTIIINii ; Wuiakv. ^ first opened, it dries with the others. Since that time, ur All... of. immediatvly a rich, although VI 17(07 25 for suporflne, and tMg* 25 tor extra, which w will sell Washington, August 11.— A black man AND m very low ri«-ure* to "*~"clot dnalleraiile purple. It is equally good for she steered the proper course, the Sphynx usignme-.i. who was liberated in Kentucky five years »°g>-"n r»»cord8, correapondence, and copying. Ask has seen nothing of the Great Eastern or DORN. BARKHol sR A CO. •JPcttf ago and went to Africa as a preacher and FURNISHING for the new French Fluid, at C'ivill Terrible. She reports the weather favora- DRY GOODS. A Cai- missionary, recently arrived in Washing- vpn's. 4&1 Main street. ble for laying the cable she Comer of Sixih aud Main streets, -O^, BARKHOUSE CO" tl when parted at ton on private business. He brought a PAPER WAREHOUSE. ti. 15 P. M. on the 27th ult., at which time inetisage of respects to the President from ul «Villo f ISLTre «*ri>«ck8gea of they were in latitude 62.43, longitude 20.2. New Hooks, including the King of Bassas, accompanied with a FALL AND WINTER fe. NlCW WHOLESALE the (•<> pular and Captaiu Hamilton, of the Sphynx, said established favorites in a'l request that the former would send him a departments he could not see how be could have passed mmm% of Literature, are received all rain coat; meaning one made of india rub- MACHINERY. ilriilj' t ii*- deet without seeing theui. The weather mo-t at 4M Main street. Anything ber. The garment has been purchased and D11Y Mo. 35ain nrMw, has l>een all thai could be desired, it GOODS, PAPER m not in stock promptly furnishiKi upon or- hut WAREHOUSE! will be forwarded to his African MajeBty I-JtJ?"VUJJA. ST.. der. Books and music bound or has been thick to this seawaid. OIL WELL. rebound in due time. • -Tj io- -reit t.-»>a-.» fataMM in any desired style. Our specimens o: At the American tJeographical, Statistical REGARDLESS OF COST, /I ..-t.w and i'.-irttbor WhiV- .: 'Da-Hi*- I'ara v finest iiiorot-co work are pronounced : a W;-"- equal No Tidiugs of the Great Eastern— and American Ethnographical At- Societies, TUK rVDRRSIONED HAS THIS DAT UPEN-D \ in the country. Excelsior. wholeaale lo any lantic Cable Pronounced a failure. Dr. Mctiowan has lieen appointed to accom- I'aper Warehouae in thi -city, aud ind to Keep »f Civil i. it Calvert. always id store a well selected stoca of J. C. E0DGI1ES & CO., North Sydney, C. B., Aug. 11.—Tbe pany the commission to the Indian Terri- steam yacht Clara Clarita has arrived, hav- tory. PAPfcK Om ALL KI90S: The (iREAT March To The Sea.—Tbe NEW YORK STORE, HON NET ll<> AKIla; ing left Port Aubasque last evening. well written and tieaulifully illustrated OMMISSIOR nar- No tidings had reached that point of the Our Late Minister to tUNDKBS' lti» Vi{|»»- "MERCHANTS, rative, by Major Nichols, of Sherman's me- lAVI.I. I'l : aD WaoLMALS PEALKM III Great Eastern up to that time. Mot Advised the Recognition of Max - morable and exciting 1 Grand March,' Iiah On Monday, August 7, 1865, " miliau's Government. nunnc ink. in., it. UlDrt'E. PKOriSlONS. HITTER. CHEESE, E'.ni f Engineer Everett, whose experience in just •en published by the Harpers, *VW> laying first Found* 2u Atlantic Havinx had . BKA.Vf, UKIKD FHI'ITM, the Cable, entitles his New York, August 11.—The Tribune's SHALL BRING FOBWABD AND Ty nearly y » r experience in tliw Civill WK INTBODl OK tbe busi-ees. I think I t -in opinion to a great respect, believes tbe lay- special says there is the best authority for a Urge aud varied asaortment of r^ake it t,. h- Salt rand and Tb'rc. M is- Mackenzie. -This is the heroine ol Mr. Macley, Telegraph Superintendent t'orwin, late Minister to Mexico, to Maxi- Fall and By a strict attention to bu*ji.c* LOUIrsVILLK, KY. a new novel bv Anthony Trollope just pub- Winter Dress Goods, •.I snare ol public patron***.. at Cape Race, is hopeltil. miliau's Prime Minister, will warrant the lished by the Harper at 50 cents. Civill & Orders trout adia.auce shall have pr .nipt Krlrr by I'rrnlaataa to The expedition of the Clara Clarita ia a inference the LOUISVILLE, It drawn iu press dispatch pub- Carried over from la,t winter, a hick we intend offering at Y„ W ILLIAM ( RuMEY. Calvert have received it, * t i and also H. M. CnnniKciHXM, Cashier * National Bank. new sup- tp , t , failure. The armor of the St. lishc-.l " - tw * » »e»uth aig' Lawrence yesterday from New Orleans. NDCC i • Tr* and th. J. B, Smith, Vine I'leeid. nt Ba ol T.ade. plier of Louisville, I, lar.V Kate Kennedy—On Giakd-Son Cable being entirely destroyed Manufacture and keep constantly on haad Aiicmat Dr. D. J. Uft.rriTHr, ExamiLiii ;rgoou L'. b. Ant;. in inanv leaving Mexico Gov. Corwin has been in 50 per cent, leaa than last Winter's p. Ices, ok i he Soil, and other new and readable places. correspondence with the Prime Minister, books. tf Portable CASH FOR RAGS. an ola and iutimate friend of his, and nat- In order to make roomlfor our and Stationary Steam WfM"M"W MARKET PRIlE FOR GEO. WICKS, urally 1 ^tRa«», II W. New Book bv the Author of the The Disaster on Lake Huron. interested in Mexican affairs, and Engines, 1 u;p, and Graai Kc.ae, etc. has made frequent inquiries of his corres- »*w3-l*s frlLUAN CROMET. kSseoeaajr t icojt. WictnaU-.l Schenbeko Cotta FamiLy.— Marv, The Dethoit, Aug. 11.— No further particu- Oil Well Tools pondent in relation to tbe state of the coun- FALL AND WINTER GOODS, and HI? complete, Handmaid of The Lord. Price f 1 ft! lars have been received from tbe scene of try, but has never advised the present WRITING PAPER. t Ot v i el re- Cordage and Belting, j y & Ca lvebt. the late catastrophe on Lake Huron. Capt. Wh ch will begin to arrive in few dAjs. nil RE \ M - TOBACCO AGENT cognition of the Imperial Government. a We si, con- M McCay, of Pewabie, has gone with a small tinue to dose out our remaining stock of 500 "pa^rPaper; NM ttm Bellows and Smith-Shop On Tools, reams rule.! an I pl%iu P r; )ft.K. C. Hill & (^o. have the largest ojs- stenmer lo cruise about the spot **» where the , da do Note d^ Hftcbaai. aorlment of Gold Pens in the Gen. Thomas at Elmira. In wjen*Tti C«BKifsi^0 West. Tin- Pahaw hie sunk. It is proposed also to SUMMER DRESS GOODS, OU Well Tubing, 011 Pumps, Ac. store taj tow wain law by . .<>-«• send a diver to the wreck. Tbe books and Elmira, N. Y., August 11.— Adjutant wiII.LIAM I i.OMKY. have the Me right tor i his city to other column, or call at the manufactory, tf papers of the ill-fated steamer were losi, General Thomas, while in this city, to-dav BEQARPLE-S WWe mancfactnr* OK C06T. NotwitstAiiding the late heavy WRAPPING PAPER. LOUISVILLE. AY. and it is therefore impossible to give a com- made a close survey of the military estab- itdvunce in a I kinds of Domestic Ootids, weoffer B ,; STRAW •«r-A«.Bt Sor the sale of Marerole. By.. OOTTDI \S^.Rraith\vaite's Retrospect for July re- plete list of the passengers who were lishment, and ordered its immediate reduc- ,- WRAPriNU on Bolle's Patent Flush-Joint Cast 2000 ^:'^ eee— i>- store and 'or saio v< rwr y w iT?«y Civill ami Calvert. Price *jl 60. board, butthelist already telegraphed com- tion. The Government buildings and all WILLIAM OkOMKY, dafcwLf prise all that were saved. Tbe Pewabie the ba-racks are to be sold, and the hospital 50 cases Bleached Muslins; Iron Driving-Pipe. If •">0 bales Brown HARDWARE. was built last year and valued at one hun- is to be given up and the patients trans- Muslins; 10 cases 10-4 We hare arrangements with parties ^^~Gold Pens and American Watches hi dred thousand dollars and insured for sixty ferred to ether hospitals. There are no Sheetings; who are ftilly c m- SCHOOLS. petent, to er-ct ihe machinery, .irill the wells and repair ./ prices, at Hill's manufactory, 407 thousand dollars. rebel prisoners, except a few sick in 10 cas«?8 Wool Flannels; BAUJ-' Vi-aVNN the the tools, so that wa ran fu uiab any party with surb Afain. *>nil MR Third street. tf General Hospital. 10 cases Canton Flannels; men at moderate wnKe->. ii>j;» ir A large number of troops have been mus- 10 cases Plaid Cottons and Card from Junius 11. Brown. LMIERSITV OF r 10 cases Printed Delaines; MSIIULLE. aPW We h re selling "Christian's Mistake," tered out here during the past three months. New York, August 11.—Mr. Junius II 6 cases Balmoral Skirts. Miss Muloch s last novel, for 75c. The conduct of the troops while in the citv Brown, one of the escaped prisoners from has been unexceptionable. Very few dis- Together with our Urge stock of Irish and Table Lin- j3 r; orjNSTRI 0 > ur own p-eiiiihe- an- pr. first and parel to execute claa the Tribune, reiterates bis assertion that Tee Roll of Honor- -Appointments. beniu on the nrat no. M..n.L. •d *5 work at reasonable rat.-a. Books any aixe o sir rooBTa u Hie first day of r.a M m mm -»* »•* B.auk of Secretary Stanton is unquestionably the Washington, Aug. 11.—The War De- Marco, lsae. Tha Mwae meU, Library. Buildni»A, manufactured to order. Mugazibt'S bound aieJ ami appurtenance* » s per- r fti'Kyii mlinit digger of the unnamed graves that f.-ct m0 aTT crowd partment has just published a pamphlet a* ever, aud t: . . Id co- ps of laaraaH i mt p ace, •obbinirof all kiuda promptly attended to. With Bindery xcept Pr..f. the vic inity of every Southern prison with called the "Roll of Honor," of all soldiers PROPOSALS. Buvhanan, r.-move> Prof. BrigK" torn .fester and horrors, who have died iu the defense of their .1 Practn-al Auatuay. UNIVERSITY. inducements that -uould aocure a large ha.e of patron- LABtiK OOVKRNMENT *ALE OF S . EAM BOATS MERCHANT TAILOR, by his obstinate opposition to exchanging 1 'ihe Anatoai.cal Kia-.m a ill be opened country. BAhfilCi AND SHIP YABO. ,,n ri > ( I .> iu ' 'c tober, IVILL* CALVERT aud every facility afforded li r the prisoners with the South. The President today appointed Wm. gnart'Tiiiaater (jim-rsl i office, Wa bington, D. C. UA8 REMOVKD Tu G M . ution <>l that co ner-at -ne stu,i>. 1'. Juiy to, my East Side, hetwc: Dixon S. Marshal for the State of tee* lor tbe full I ou:a«- Saai xb Proposal* are invited will Dea er :n " •IDS HI University of Louisville! and be leceived at Main, ul-iiiou fee ill Georgia. Samuel D. Houston th.- office 1 % Fi.rgcrivs— Hush of Visitors. Recorder of of tbe Qua termaster General i Bureauof Rail CARD lira, lua. ion lee IT."."."."™"*™ at aud i-iverTranspoitaiioui at Washington, 1>. c, until public money Jackson City. Jas. Law- I'n Dimonstrator fur IVactical A_(u**ax.™. Washington, Aug. 11.— A series of let- th- KIKsr DAY OF SKI"! KM BLR N KXT, at 12 o'clock READY MADE CLOTHING, Fust master at Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Boar.lniK in wo ,1 In ua a ,b, ut #> m a k ters, published throughout the country, 3 •• for the purc hase of 'he f llowiug named Steamboats. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT! *" T ' urt '!' r luriicular- »ipl> io Deaa for eat Barges and Hint pro|.ert> : purporting to come from Mii-s Clara Bur- GESI1V FUR W. K. B..»li.m... M. I). Prof-aeor ot Inatitut.a ao.l IToRS IM >N PBE«f*:- In tlu» of Southerners to Washington. Sidewbeel steamer Ch ii kanmuga. Practice.. rM I lleduiue ai.-l l> an ..f the Eay ully. ' the philanthropist, at Andersonville, toi.*; jul9-tf 'ENTY-NINTII P' S-I')N "K DI-5 Si lKK-L j IVi in i iliisaltaa ouiah d to aee th« arnou cement ton, Tbohaji < . Javxisaa, H. D . Pr- lessor ol Anatomy. Nkw York, August 11.—The M :, wh-el steamer Grant, registered ,-e aa u -.al • n the hrat Monda) in Oc to- by the lonrniil t f »V iv, August W>1, o the c u<- World's tonnage. 190 tons; nr.- declared to hi: forgeries. J. Bkurieu LiNueLKY, M. D., l'rolnsor ol CneatUtry r ,.- Sidewbeel steamer Uuruside, the n -ai. . registered ind continue 'e Beadgnart. r> of a n-gro r by Southerners, in lar^e delegations, seek- tons Medical Junsi rudeuce. :be corn, r «>l Preaton and l.afeyeit-- atreeta, was ye-te-- more have arrived than during the previ- Sidewbei-I steamer ShurmAn, registered touuage Hu .-fi.ed BfjM giv tbea tl-d. nt tb- IN ing for pardon aud o!her business The Wm. T Brno.,*. M. D Prof. *aur of ^uigical •n»i»e library. Ti.e Drmou.trat r"a »e, ia ten .aycloa d b> mil.t. y author, ty, and the proprietors du'y twtis; ous two weeks. Traius from Richmond to- WM. W.MORBiS&CO. and Physiol,,*-) • " Sice* heel >r am-at.-d a-i 1 t.. tlo null ai) |>l le .n Now, Mi. Cabinet meeting prevented their gaining steamer Wauliatchie, legi'tered tonuagc, •I ll«TT Ba . !i»rg at mad-- f L<-< urea nt the Hoipit..! and S» John a. W atson, M. D.. Profesaor lo in day brought them from every portion of tons: 0 f Adit.-r, there ia n thing . irc. t iu Hit*, only tbe . » I information addre« admission. Diaeaaes ol W, m> u aud »<• v. Chihirea. l«ja- :iii»- hou-e sslo'iu In t • first place, I bid, beel staa Knoxville, registered ST.. V> . of ou lonnage, 405 ;«.UN 1'll.t.TIBiKJt i . and he South. are generally 36 H*.. 0. itATLBdi M D They citizens of Ml • an ". Eva, M. D.. -v.r of we are the proprieto'S referred to, as weo.nl toes Fru ot the »acalty. >upi<«e, that prominence on office seeking and pardon- tice of Haraea*] haaa oi.r h'-ute chaw-1 at abov* stated, bot we have never Sidewbeel steamer Dunbar registered is , | tonnage, I iienijilojcd Soldiers. f t aVOUISVIIiLB, K.Y, K£W VOII T. B. liiui.MV M. uk. .1 a boarding house n r aalooo on tbe crner of Prea ing missions. — tou<; V. S. I INl-alEV. M D , atreeia. Mr. Kditor, We Migiton, wH->La* : r ton Ami Lafayette Aud agaiu. New Yorb, Aug. 11.—Unemployed re- m registered tonnage, .3 Naahville. Jul, IA.UMO. BOOK TRADE. Hunk that the Journal baa given ua room to critic ia> it* law turned soldiers and sailors marcued in pro- Reception of the Diplomatic Corps by Merii»he.t i-r.Mi- i.raouiewtial It aay a, "H< ad.juart'-rs w-a-cl.aad," steamer Ketusaw. registered tonnage,^ W NOTIONS, for tons; apal-lheuew i. vei by tb- Aiithoreaa ofTilTH OaiTKIVA which ia certainly a bad ose of the Bngliah lirimniir, cession through the streets to-day under Secretary Seward. iu Englar>d and .- St wheel OPTICIAN. Oimai««, at pahlu*bed aimultaneoual) tbe ia a rule iu grammar whi h aa>o a verb niut-t tbe auspices of the Metropolitan m steamer Bridgeport, registered tonnage, 184 ai h tin n-.un, foralni.it - and-., in number and per Employ- Washim.ton' Citv, August 11.—Secre- tun-; son; bat lb.- J..urual does not ae. m to r.-gar-l that rob; ment Agency, and bearing banners asking tary Seward to-day received the Diplomatic Me.uwbael steamer II lston, registered tonnage, 56 STATIONERY, -t II there folluaa t«c other c rrectioi a to be made. tons and employment. They were headed by a band Corps at the State Department, all of whom One ia that ae were ane-eed, which la not true, f..r *e Sti-ruwhael steamer Mlsslouary, r. gist, r- d touuAge, Hi GATWORTHYS: of music and made a nice appearance. ^ THE '-n.- congratulated «e,. nut arre t d or moment. Theu, of courae, our him on his renewed health FURNISHING GOODS, having btt-i, H.-nt to the military prison, aa atattui by the and vigor. He appeared even iu better m.tiiu liec-1 steamer Chattanooga, regist red tonnage, sy Joajriial, is alsoiucrrecc. Now. theedito- of the Journal tona; A story > very ea-ily satisfy hime It aa lo the tr .tint: uessc.1 during any to Sterna heel steamer Atlauta, regia:;red tonnage, 221 SUTLERS' GOODS,

joe." - aking the** corractioi.s, (at least ai tons; l-ne v.jlam* 4«>paire . uniform with "Pi our atateiueuu tu the 14th of April. larA'' :2aao Saratooa, August 11.—In the race to- KAHTKK.?! aH. Price tl 75. our hayine bweu a'reatetl and aent tot .-military prison Sidewheel st. Araer Item, a, registered tonnage. 1A2 tons; AT PHI, GV Franl_ol, ra as> year old, the second daub was are cone i tied., \>f lindir.g the ofiV. who made the day for three Sidewha 1 st.amer Lockout, registered tonnage, 173 rpEBTHOCAAB' OOPIBSOr 'TAITH G» KTNEV S 403 Main itroct, between Veurtn and Una. FKACl'K'.VL cV Si IKNTIHC up lit I AX, reat and comaiitaieiit. It wa»I al-a reported that we used Gold and Stock. tors; i. won by the Revenue colt Baltimore, beat- HlKlIC have bee sold ; one bundr-d 1 Ik Q alread < which, stale the and a. -Id li.juor in our saloon, w» upon Sidewheol steamer Stone River, registeied tu mU Third a*trret, .irar Narkrl. th<>u aud pera • have r.a I it. a>.de*«ry where the ere -a. ing Oliaba two-tenths. Time. 3:42 hoi.,-rof in a, w « false. As it rekards mi motives lu Nkw York, August 11. — Evening Ex- tons; Teachers. ladi'-., KK>PE i l- I Ll Y TO CALL CI- r»7. Pa«*ut , youusr men and yoit'-K leal HBO!* THE ATTENTION ,.n-ni.g.-r I. iardiug house we c-u say that we per The second race of mile heats was won Sidewli«-el stesm r flinch, registered tonnage, ' change— ton*; Gold 1414. Erie Ihc-sr alien te i with ii ttar 85j, Michigan of weak sight . have given atronic. *t praia . prononnciuaT it tha to I aaa- rtnieu; t fectly aati h-d that th^y wi re correct, lor a nee the ec u. Alao, seven gunwale ba rgea; botk !or Girls the horse Lexicon. (7) I eel ac lea. E> e Olaaaea, no., as*, ixAaVst cru'ing into Womanhood ever pah- beeu n many per- by Lexington Southern 65%, Northwestern preferred 32}, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. t which will ba eaten t ot th- war th're have unst One to« boat l o^e Ui.xiel barge; liahed." men an found Hi- , . 1.1. .-.tad yerlec te^l fcn aa Pel ble »perta- the city who have grouty desired io Ohio and Mississippi• Certificates t-hattanoog*, *>bs c ming into biaaaa.|iiaasaa .-174,-J.4\ All >>f wlitoh ran 1* seen at Tenn, , any cha,. 'i THE YWoKTHYS i« » mature atory of American The v y great i a«perionty of forai of L. or uaaal have tb" privilege ot a board ng b mae, aud tor the want time prior to the d»y of the poaitiv- life. Bead her chirmine Pre ace: Mosby Kelcased. Cumberland 42%. The market is dull and and advani* Ml vr ia the peculiar of which a great manj pr:v tc ftmilie* have b eu imroe -d Kldll -i If thi. a- la aud thruma. I. -cauae a aim. lv atary of this weak. - »»*> . 1 -tr su.l preeervioa. aa on. We f el that we atate the tiutb when we aay that we New York, August 11.—Tbe Post's appurti-uaifces ia Bili'-i. di^inea'.d human we»»irg. we .ail Life. »l,.-r.-in well aa aaaufaa the a ant: added lo w" 1 ot aueh, aa we have eip ml— t s'if f r ti e aceomm Klation ai Chattauooga. accuracy - at- tnreavd'.—fiaea lria«Tevenly a)on(t the lo aja. and saad.- Washington special says Mosby has been ins with which they are nit, h r> while add colored. But. ai ription c.l w' ich can be seen have abov- tm iiti.,ued. for both A full d at tbe office* of condition - ore hii.i p-rf ct with a filling; wi.e.. n, alao are many Mr. Cm A. Seward. of ih eve. ae- for tie Kavior of tha world himaelf rel«*:iseil from arrest by the military au- yu*riermastei» of rrau*p>>rt*tion at - < we w.li u'.t oosa laiu. the Ciuc nnatt. St. A I i>' .ir..ppe unltaa; or mil selection of all tl.n.io- - i i •••ii. , reaching kind* f Oi Ioatrnmenta. i-r-i d lor do goul dt*L, a-d Louisviil*, Na*hvilie aud CbattAnooga. THE BEST PIANOS maltreaUai and ut Bg Washinoton. Lou. a. V. ,.- thorities. 11.— auch - t i • was has gone says Prolessional a* rtOt ui.ti- -: :.. :-'» r i, r- He home. He he August Micro-copes, reWsc saw. Bar,, r-, 1 i.e- -non.- Invited t each b,at or ii-re at etna he eadured, aod wb> should uot We. P oposals are r barge separately tecs, aabrirae. il,- » ft n faiiltv. w much Welt, left came to Alexandria to be admitted to the duties of Mr. C. requiring his Ua h.-matical and Surveyisi lnslrunieuts. A.Seward the uauie of tbe beat or descrip ion of the burge orwr.iujrl- loiued; where torr anon :«. o ia cleUyeA, Propnt tor'- to be tnenta lor Medical Eacnlty, Race, rield. as' bar. personal attention, he has relinquished his deeiguAled In the prupoSAl lull died beauty aalsai A while colors ure c»a- mmt Ml B- k . Opera Olara a always ou ha- ,1 ai.d° mat W-me ma) acting as Assistant Secretary of Human yea inserted withont pain appl »t mi to Brevet Colonel Arthur K,'Edward*, A M, STE1XVVAY A SO*S. anroll to earthly yimoii; where Patience keeps b. y loot Railroad Accideiit-*Kour Persona Killed. Slate, and returned to Q iar*ej,t New York. St. Louia, Mo. rxsain th. treadle, aud Patth muai aland, with CHlCKERIlfG <<» BOMS, and ONE OF Muscatine, Iowa, August 11.—The train Each envelope contaii-iug A bid sIiguW be '•Piopo*Al forSte»mei from this place to Washington, yesterday To be Released. lor* d ither pn.per- EKNKSl (.HU1H. TOBACCO WAREHOUSE. tKah^Vwo^ubf^d^ . Chattani >ga,"ga," "B"Burea baeeil' ty at evening, broke through a bridge at A in- Washington, portaticu," andnd addre«ae.i»ddi t j "t'erulnerai August 11.— It is said there i.aa s. PH—i-*.. worth. passenger car was precipitated USA, WWaHhiiigtuii,I DC. AMEKI n One will soon be a general jail delivery by the BEST 0BOAM8 AND MKL DEONS J AA. A. VI.- un LAT TBI \* by 8. I). All. . SMITH, finished into the chasm. Four persons were killed pardon of a large of anvr^Vn^ in tweut, -seven DEATH numberof prisoners con- PASSES l^^X^t diffarent style*. HUNTED TO the property. OVU YOUXG FOLK8 and several wounded. victed by military of trivial Wholesale and retail depot for th* Southweat. PHELPS, CALDWELL 8t CO. commission The Ooveriuueni reserve* tha right to withdraw any of

crimes i and alleged the above property, and t propoaals if deemed tuo LOD'IBTILLI ia rapid'y being filled by those who A r\ of I»ve and nr lew. 1>. P. FAULDS, M naw periodical th - vuA/.l I lor Hemiapl BEST M N By order of the Quartermaa ar General New York, August 11.—The U. S. steam- Late Slaveholders of Virginia Oppose •A'j;| MAIN ST., BUT. SECOND AND THI UP, Fourth Beitiv n. Neat pnper covert, TSaaaisa. BOYS AND GIRLS Immigration. Brig. G.n. and Chief of Bail Rive/ TOBACCO WAREHOUSE, er Hartford, flying the flag of Rear Admi- Who refer* to over .M person* to whom he ha* a- Id NOVBL 18 ON It Of LoBIMO'S POf- augV td war Mala nod Tenth aad Mala aad Ktoteail THIS AUTAL sailed to-day for the East lustrumett* of the above mater. ..kI -tf nlar Ka lway Library Series, and ita a rcoaa ha' sxn ever published ral H. H. Beel, New York, August 12 —The Tribune's beat ai d apiciast ot the bUh oftb* are ; me.it. for it won* i. ;.>\ : i.i.e, — , al lo ,t- Richmond correspondent says the plan for KY. rf-.k- o! its kind which we Lave -«en for a haaaT Wiaa, . T« SUGAR- securing emigration to Virginia has been ISO fair to choice Cuba; street. 1 M *A*r09lce comer of Teath 1 < IVIM. «V Gold. l«l fe' Ssr-St* CALVERT. defeated by the action of promiu A A H th York, Aug. 11. -Gold to-night 141J. ? ) NBW sr Ta^r3R : . . i! . i

this evening for apart. When approaching, they exchanged passenger packet Evaus- STEAMBOATS. UNDERTAKING. \ TELEGRAPH. s'gnalsandthe Pewabic. bore off to pass, but ville and Henderson. She starts at SoVIock K\ A.-S-VII.I i: .CAIRO VM» MKMIMII-. the Meteor, for some aa yet unexplained from Portland. KM LIBkKTV No 2 iu the same direction Tue United States is the swift palatial My r* Master. oii l>Ur> of "P"y A number General Sherman's " WAlrxIT, Ageut timber. A few passengers-jumped onboard with state-room accommodations for 300 making sure connection with the Meteor before the Pewabic sunk. Life- passengers, WOm KVANSVII.I.K, PAWeal ANI> CAIRO. GLASGOW Major General trains North and East. The Terr) Promoted. boats were immediately lowered from the the early GEORGIA AXI> THE CAROLINA**. CLARA DUNNING. Wolf, Master, Meteor, and picked up those who were not clerk William Taylor, furnishes through 1 leave as al*>ve ouTHIS UAY. the 12th By BREVET NICHOLS, o'clwk, P. M.. POSITIVELY, from Port with the tickets. MAJOR GK0BGI WARD carried down wreck. Uud. For freight or passage apply on Isaird <>r to Charles is the regular People's augl2-lt Freedmen Affairs la Arkansas and 17f> to 200 passengers were on board tbe The St. Aide-d«-Camp to General Sherman. B. JlAFt'AFFRK V, Ageut. Pew abic. Names of 75 passengers and 23 Line packet for Cincinnati to-aay. She With a 12 mo. Cloth, »l 75. UNDERTAKERS, MAP and ILLUSTRATIONS. IN CAIRO, rrckjMBi hi. and PETROLEUM 10MPAN¥1 of tbe crew were saved. The loss of life starts at noon, providing the choicest fare OHI.EANS. correctly ascertained yet, but will for passengers and makes sure connections This » rk is a comp ete accurate, and graphic record At tbe old stand, South-east curuer Jef- cannot be of the wonderful conducted by General the early trains for New Yoi k. campaign IKDIAW N.-al, Ma-br streets. be near 100. with Sherman through the heart of th» enemy's couutry. Be- Will leave as alsjve ou SATL'BDAY, the tiiil and Third ginning wi b the pursuit of tbe rebel forces end.r General 12th inst at 3 The Meteor remained near the scene of , o'clock p. M„ P SIT1VELY. 6<>m fort- OF KENTUCKY! and Brazil Hood, it traces, step si. I m;< nt proc.«diugi War Between Parajfua) of by step the — lund wharf. For fr. ight or passage apply on board or to HAVING TlioRoi tirlLV CHANGED THB OLD the disaster till morning, iu hopes pick- IMTOHTM BV THE KIVEk of General Sherman; ith of the noble ar- following the p Ms$tt-lt B.J i \i i.K\ Agent house and ntt-l it up for our business) ia a atylw persons that might be still float- my of patriots in ibeir frosi A'lauta to tt.e sea, tune ing up any CINCINNATI. PICK ST. NIC1IOLA8-12 homes t heese march heretofore unknown iu Una city, we will devote our «' from Savannah to the heart ol South Cam ma, and thence exclusively purpo^ ing on pieces of the wreck, but none were A k ii 'ielfrus, W hx- wine H flcs A co. Urn kitts full 3i> to tbe birial of th. dead, for which to the capltol ,f „rth Carolina; < losiug with the aur- we will Naval Engagement. hi bids do Hutchiu* co. in bbla • x pa'nt -'1 pkua R A keep constantly on Laud a large aasortmeut of A Great ri nder of G.-ueral REGULAR found- Robinson. 13 pkgs Wilson & P, 10 Lbls sugar Pemtnau A Johnston. TUESDAY PACKET passing The author, serving through all these campaigns on The Mohawk was down M, 3 bale* bags Waters and Pox, ..- pkgs \ Morris a: co, tbestaffuf tbe commanding General, eiijo.rd peculiar FOB Wilson A P. II pkga an U W Wicks, 42 bxn Hough Incorpurated by I.e^lslaiiire ot L C. SHULEE & CO.'S survivors were transferred to her S bbU facilities for NM hen. and the *' obtaining information, *nd witnessing the - K A . .. lObxs m utl Davis, 7.3 pkgs ,.: i cessity of bis position, all parts of the Graud Army; rid- wm, which tor light..--*, Inrahility, st,:*-t,;* was but slightly injured and Todd, 269 pkgs 7* slut ts iron 3» rad tohaci'O doz Ixirk- and " Tbe Meteor H ing now with this that; constant- hius^i surpass an> thing before offered to tb* pw'bik. - column, ami now with t-t - l«i kga nails Erwin A P. I bxs r>latea Neal A >, V cases W coniiuued her trip to Lake Superior. ly la the saddle, and alw.ys present at the uio-t int. r. »t- o. ' ae-j>.,n hand .> Metatoc starial Cnatela aud following are the names of the hlida Sp.nl. lint Jas. -| racey. The A co, 2 tub cm A Br . K>,kg" A1*U large t Coffins Council Fori ture of the events which occur ie.1 around him. Hisjouru- !!*5iT"- U . » assurtavnt Wiaalen and Indian at 67 bbls flour U J Caffruy A ...... pk.g* w baskets wine HOARD OIRI .I TOKS : tufHii sengers known: als, carefully prepa re 1 at the close of each day's march, OV Mountings. All calls al led to promptly night BEN COX Master , JAS. Perry A 1), 23 kitts mackrel Cfluzdwwke A Bro, 324 mi W. GREEN U. rk or day, iu the city Miss F. Ilosmer Haughton, Miss Frank bare furnished ainplw material tor illustrating the brave- „r c..u.,:t>, one of the f Cornwall Ac., 32/> bdbf paper PiM.nt A co. 2o bbls po- l "b, ve ,r UEOROK AlNSLIE, W. A. Kl.lK.S.KNDORFF, son. bx< ry, tbe patience, tae i.^euuity, uufailiugg«o.l-hunior, ', > TUESDAY, at 4 o'clock P. M. ( >. the x> 'tX:?..*?. 'V Haughton, Miss Tyler Tiffin, co, cases .ardi •- tu po suudi H-s hi. 1 The senior Ryder tatoes Fuller on A p and the glowing patriotism of the magnificent army POMTIV , from Po.tlaud, connecting at Cairo witb Tiios. Bell, 11. \V. Wilkfs, partner of this CO, 3li dni pes WWare Petd.-ni A Son, S bills paper H* Ii$$j|$, Memphis agency for the sale Calvin, M. Wright of Detroit, Mrs. Wm. Clark A which fol owed Geuenl Sherman— an army in which and !»*w Orleans packets, fivinf SAML. L'fXliiSHALL, J. R. RkDD1.NO, of 1 C SH ><1. wboards Mani.'b'A o . 'jnah.ets iron W Wise 1,(00 through rec lpts Cases in the wife, children z every man was a hero, whose detds will live forever upon to all point* below Cairo, with pri . ileg.- Eastern 111 vision Wells of Ann Arlor aud four 2T> bbls wliiskyS Hclinus, the Pro- bale, bay Capt. peWolf. 4 bxs mi— oi r.shippi.ig.liippiiiK. O. MONTCALM W. W. fit—fmr, Ky, at mouth of Salt River (at. eral Terry the page of history. A CO , ) k . - 4 bales 1 pkgi of Ldward Devan of Canada East; wife, . rates uware M ; Sickla- A co„ attb.gs 2 MooRH K\D -t-reedoaeu. Major Nichols, p as.-sing a keen s. use i f the humorous, J. W. RlTTKR, Glasgow, Ky. hud* su«ar Mit.'he i *co, 2 casks iron Seiu- aug'.-tf son, and daughter of Henry Mitchell of J Schuster, 5 has also recorded maut- ot the comical scenes Which at- B. J CAKFllEY calling at our oflVro, rraM-V Bradas, Htrases Mrdln. s 3n bbls Nkw York, Aug. 11.—Th* Herald* Rfcffh- pie A co Slpkus tended tbe irruption of Sherman's army into that heart Lake Superior; Lewis James of Rockville; 2 pkgs 11 A « o Uarduer, 24 pk*- « Bens, 17 bxs Major (ieueral su««r of tho Southern country which the rebels regarded »s OwVICBHl KING A OWEN. nioud oorrespondeut nays . 4n bids rye flour Bill ugi- A P, 6>i Miss H. Kelly, Ills.; W. Ottrell, Cleveland; fruit W B biuman A c wholly secure from he intruding presence ot the ubi- thf Ilepartineul Neal N 4 bbls r Croppen I' A co, 10 do GEN. J. T. ROY LE, President. A. H. TVirv, oouimMiidintc Miss Julia Ramsey, Lifieu, O.; Mrs. Hall bxs axes A MM quitous "Yankee." He describes, with much gusto, the RegularThursday Packet Billings A P, 7 do BchraaVsl A co, :w bbls pork H C Sy- of Virginia, last night received hi» proiuo- couveisatious he held with planters and women, slaves W. A. KLlEssKNDoKK, SecreUry. V/YATT, 12'. and two children, Copper Harbor; W. mouds. In eases wine Poran B A co, pkgs m . aud Vj an I "poor whites." Tbe anecdotes which spice the Ii. Treasurer. I >.]>; Major W. WILKES, inotion fr. in tin- War es 1 bbl Ttunish 12 bbls liquor owners. O'Neil, Cleveland Thos. Blackwell, Onta- -undries 7 In.r pitges of the Volume furnish in themselves a clear picture Evansville, Paducah and Cairo. General in the n-gular army of tde United LiTLE-loti bbls flour of tbe social, mornl, aud political the nogon; Johu Tracy, Cleveland. Crew lai<;n av thf.Iaroli- General Jobn Gibbon, late of tbe hi '*< kitts NAK. III. TUE SlUEEM.KB AMI IMF. Major greaser, Henry Cboller, Cleveland; !. ad * 11 Mitchell, ft Limber W U Dix. M END. TACOJVEY, niaekrel L Wigaeiuoii, Mi doz p«ils 'si doz wboards.''/. TheApp-ndix contains G 'netal Sherman's R- ports iu CAPITAL STOCK $400,000! :Mtli corps, will be assigned to the corn- C GEO. MKYIRS C'. faster I W HA KRISON ... Clerk neck hand, Ja bxs pea. lies .0 pkgs nidse and suu- A map, specially designed and ongrav.-d for this work, under tbe laat order of tbe War Depart- giving through receipts tnall points U low Cairo, with the Cares. Marquette passengers saved—C. J. d' ies owners, 1% ex pkgs Adams Ex Co. shows the mutes ta -n duriug both canipa gns by each WORKING CAPITAL, WOOOO. in. nt. i> uiias^inned, :uii) therefore return*, corps of tbe at my; and numurous iliustratiobs are giveii Porter and wife; Elgen O. Nors; Charles C -NCIMNATI. PER MAJOR ANl>ER£ON-S0 boxes of O. MOST"ALM A CO., bia iu tbe regular army. to accompaut the description iu ihe text. 1 to rank • raisens 23 bbls sut'ar Wig^. nUin A co, 32 d 14 bxs lianor - Mills Elgen; U. A. K. Foster, Churchill, To tbe ... i'.els ot tl. am . who took part iu these The civil -Htuhorities of Spottsylvania 5 casks do Schros.uliarly pleasant. In ire Cauada West; Mr. bags wheat S Mill-r. t* 00 ft iumb. r W U Dix, 26 bbls c- til ta-.tly un hand a complete aeaortma.1 o iu the State, were organised and paves they will laid a faithful record of their In K'-'KI'"* county, '-- mar. a, It 3 children, Canada sugar Terry A c >, bags ship stuff Colston A co, 39 pkss L1M1TKI' MM I'll t)FSH*RE"^wd * Co.'u Latest Improved Patent West; Mr. Levan and th. ir bravedi^ds of arms, ami t»eir still braver spirit of put in o|K*rathm on tbe 7th inat. groceries Kauaow A Son, <:o pkgs ex S Eobinseu. 130 do >r side »t TW< i !> >LL \ KS p. r »har.-. trie VAI L1C Bl'KIAI OABJU AND . ASKET4. Woo-lea East; Henry Mitchell, Lake Superior; unflinching fidelit) au.l-tauu.-h lovalty— the tun of their t>7 be i 'ofSns sbortrat request several citi- sundries J6 bxs fruit do mdss owners, . 0 tcs Flecks. TEN DOLLARS, and mi) had wmm lurniahed at tho notice. Hv the of prominent bivouacs and th- bumors nt tin ii daily life. The civiliau engineer FOR CINCINNATI. > Samuel Aubroker, Port Huron; he Secretary, at (he f J. T. Bo>le, 11 KM' Kit.- N. PER ROSE HITE-I bag Mai (fab- will hud in its pages striking ALL ORDER? PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO zens. Krig. «ien. Harris, coininauding sul>- a picture of the inner Mr. Id. Peck, Newark, N. J.; A. W. Holden, Cum- heart, 9 hhds tobacco Ulover A co, I do Spratte A co, 4 do or the South district of tbe Kappabaiiuock under Major DAY OR NIOUT. Bonald, ti pkgs O Montcalm A co. 3 bbls onions 3 \ei»». Jr., defined the 2 bxs bacon I k. butterC Lone, 41 bbls onions In rto po- postage prepaid, to any part of the Cuit.-d State-, ou OF THK COMPANY: night aud wile, Detroit; Mrs. Regular Mail Line Packets. PROPERTY tl.he war, for the burial of Mr. McK tato- a 2 do apples Jiu Criltith A Co, 2 bbls peaches 3 of tbe Government toward freed- U receipt of $1 73. t. f. Dey by the Couipu. . , o keep !t p Gradner, Detroit; Miss Ada Brush, Detroit; bags rags J Vadloc'. 3s hub logs Clark A Kalton, KM* fancy The pro. *rty owned mwi which con- that tbe negro tnust be fully stitutes It- capital, comp. im-s two th uniud Ave huieli- : and hospital I all men,* aaying i«.sts Vaiisagg'-iu, 1 box I cask bacon Tuck Davis A co, 1 Master Will Whiting, Detroit; Miss Kate C. Cotinecting and twenty -live acres of laud, situated in Barren aud Louisville, Ky. protected in bis rights, those rights being, bx bacon Olaz brook A Bro, 25 pkgs nidse and sundries The books that are Selling. at Cincinnati with Jones, N. Y.; Edward H. James, N. Y.; owners. U UM Metcalf counti. s, Eentucky. In . .. : itn es and all respect*, equal to those of the whites. sired by addreaaiwc me at ay in Miss Mary M. Foote, New York; Jef- wSawwAMswswSrS J n iuiii covin ! keep ooa-tantlp t hand Contract* must I..- made between the freed- ferdB, New York; Mrs. Kauffutan, Mari- There are nineteen tracts, comprising eighteen shieriee ptivaiswa. and their former masters, if tbe liuudre.l men Hanstation, Canada West; IMTKI1 MAAVsH WHITTEN, Master and nineteen acres of which four tracts, of three hun- tana, ().; Mrs. G. COMMERCIAL. BY MAIL. POSTAGE PREPAID, former remained, and ample protection will SENT TO ANY <;k>. i.yti.k. mm GODMAN. Master dred aud ninety acres, are -itmit. il on Bo>d's crwk in the J. H. Asnmead, Hartford, Conn.; Frank part ot tbe s, t'uit-d Stat, ou receipt of tbe price. iium-diate vicinity of two wells, nue tM-lonKing to th G. r- be extended by the military authorities. , OPTICIAN. Quebec; M L , ,I , , Tbeo Leigh. A Novel. By Annie Thomas, author One of the atore ssoar rs will leave Mabsladt, Detroit; Louis Shaker, °" * '^ punctually at H luauia Oil I ..uipany prodaeiag about seventy ti\>- barrels kindly received, very ^l^o t of 'Dennis Donne." s,.,, o'cl.a Tbe address was and ^ !. i paper 50 k A. M .daily, and the Jobn Shields, Portage; Patrick McCann, %H^v \ r43 steamers per day, and the other tiel.mgiuK to the Bo>ii's< reek 45 Oo Guard. A Novel. Ky Annie Thomas, author .j oil Couipauv yielding oyer titty barrels per many of the first citizens speak in appro- There was but iittl transpiring iu tbe market to-day, " day. Massachusetts; J. D. Baker, Detroit; J. M. "Tbeo Le.gh" and "Deuis Donne .'si •>IAJ. A> IlKK.HON.. ..CARTER, Master »vo. pap-r... there is one tract of oue Jlundr.-d and titty tiir-e a. r. s, batory terms of tbe conduct of tbe military and for some of the leading articles tbe market was de- Miss Mackenxie By Anth ay T. ollope, author of Creek, Buckens, Hamilton; B. Roberts, O.; B. Mer- UKS. BChl.l ..I I'LLEK, Master situat. d on Skegg's within a short dastawO i tl. Tin, ne,' in tbe northwestern district. cidedly dull, consequent upon tbe sudden .1 dine in gold "kacr.el Bay" "Do. let " Orl.> Farm." ot ..(.eritioii <>f another cer, Columbus, O.; Wm. Morrison, N. Y.; place well by "The Small Hons- at Alliugtou," etc., etc. 6vo, will leavi . the same p<.rt at 4 o'clueh P. BI. daily, Sun- iuquiry for bagging aud rope w as also less active, aud one of the above coiup mies. Tbe P«P.rs. oliphant. au- New York, Aug. —A full account of Graham, Michigan; Joseph Montall, Por- tracts, and ate well adapt d t i ing. thor ot "Margaret Maitland." "< dull. Tbe cott'.n market is inactive, but cottou yarns hnmiclei of • .a on the river Parana is Michigan; Balto, are there is ne tract two hundred acres >.ti Swaiiigan's engagement tage; Benj. Bain, Wm. ' a naval ' Carlinglord," Tin 1 a>s..t My I ile, etc. g«u, NEW ARRANGEMENT. Fork, a lew miles southeast ot Glasgow, aud at theihssd Dereoiticate. At in Sullivan, Michigan; have an upward teudeuc . Tbe sales of leaf tobacco con- OPTIOAL IN3TITTJT given in the Journal I Canada; Michael P»P*-r „ I j. waters of boya's Cr ek, wbich is prouoii: as I t . be tsM tinue heavy at full prices, but manufactured tobacco, the Tbe same iu cloth ! .'»> the forenoon tbe Paraguayan vessels were Michael Graham, Marquett, Michigan; oil t.Tiitory 'I here aie thr* tracts of one hundred and « STREET, UN DEB FUE NAT'CNAL (^esar. UN choice qualities, is 8'.uu-w hat lower, owr g to tbe rather Julius By Napoleon 111. svo, cloth A ty aens, situat.-d on the west branch of South fork ot within reach of their enemy and at once Charles Habonaut, Canada; Michael Doyle, 20 Ca»sar, 111 Julius by Napoleon ., cheap edition I <» Cieek, one mile large supplies from Virginia. Several of our factors and Beaver about southwest of Glasgow, furious fire. Brazilian ac- Eagle Autobiography of Lyman Beech, r, 1 vols C HlttCUQU^ Optician, opened a Tbe Mass.; James Connelly, Habor; H. which possess remarkably goo I sur ace indications. vt holesa'e dealers are in receipt of considerable Autobiography of Gen. cott, 2 .«i consign vols _ 4 The reman in i; tracts of land In Hurr.-n county are sit- count, the only one which has reached us, 1'. Hrano, Canada West; W. MClenn, Can- PEOPLE'S «s. TSTSOBCU« ..> Tbe Scbonberg t'otta family _ „. I 7;. LING .list nee of • best from uated within a -hurt th.< ther tracts, and in that the Paraguayans fought with Canada; Knight, nients of tbe brands Kit bmoud aud Danville, . L highly ianprov...| admits ada; J no. Jameson, Henry The Diary ol Kitty Trevelyau _., I TS the iieighborhoiHl o B mi's and ,-kegg's Cr— k. Allofth which are ottered at comparatively low rates, the cboj est Strathmore Spheroidal Spoctacl* tbe utmost bravery, and the result was for Illinois; Theodore G. Hayater, Detroit; W. 5 $$ teiritory helong'i.g to ti e compan, in Barren loiiuty Olnssss. If adjusted to Wortbingtoii, by Mrs. II Hugh Inn I and favorite b-amls selling at tl to 1 25 per pjund. .-si have gissl sur ac- indicati us, and ire all bottom lau-ls, the eye by some time doubtful, until the Hraeilian E. Hall, Copper Harbor; Dr. M. C. Hewes, Llinstan's the hlnaelf, to. y Mistake, by author of "J. tin Halifax" I *i br»-n leased i early . Manufacturers elsewbvre have advanced the price of having at a .lay, «h n very opportu- cannot fail to bnprova con verted into < St. Phillips, the author of DAILY FOR CINCINNATI. Amazonios, being a leveland; Harris, Hebron; by "Ku I I steamer Charles West 75 nity was ad Tor selecting Ike best. The leases run fnm the most failing ye. •tar caudles, and it will be teen by our quotations that rairy Fingers, by Mowati Ritchie 1 7$ thirty to tbitt) -:.ve v. ars, with a u-yalt of ram , made terrible havoc among the ene- John Brennan, Cleveland; James Ross, one-tenth la The mon perfect sell Liittr. ll of A'ran, by Cbairles o city factors have advanced their rates. Lev. I on the lessor aud from three tl tl»e years to col t'UCO uper- my's tleet, sinking three steamers, the Par- Cleveland; Thomas Blair, Cleveland; An- tlon of Stervecopes asj | Kate Kennedy „ _ _ 5$ atioua. in Views. Panorama:. floating Tbe dispatches from New York to tbe Merchant.' Ex- Uucle Silas. „ " 73 aguay, Saltos, and Jegbey.and one drew Flowers, Cleveland; Michael Sullivau, Magic Lanlerus, s:.. - Mattie Stray THK MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS change to-day quoted gold at noon at 140%, advancing to A „ I .si iwi Littery, compelling four steamers, rior Field and 0. ra and Cleveland; Thomas Fitzgerald, Philadel- Ga.a Daye, Country Living a>id Thiuking. mm Stumbling 141 K at 1 P. M., and declining to 141,'* at 4 P. M Cotton live tracts, Obiases. Uydrcm.ie-., likewise considerably :l i ks, irT.NH There are embracing seven hundred and six were damag- Atmosphere, I Mast which" phia; Wm. Reid, Cleveland; Chas. Hunt, a Hew an Skirmiabiag HOLIX, ... MEEK1N. . - ore acres, ..f winch f ur tract- ol tlv.- hundred aa l nite-tN ->i My ed, to retire. Tbe battle lasted 4 o'clock Toronto, Cauada; William Keating, Ohio; was inactive and drooping at 44««45c for middling. Tu- Sket he-, by Oail Hamilton, each 2 M HO ST. I I! Ill I I s. - - . Master. acres are sitnat. d oo Liy K..rk ot the ittil, scopes. - Tonny butler „ s» WATTS. South *"ork of Drawing Instr _ , | ba co was iu fair demand and prices firm. Mess pork d „ , in tbe afternoon. Bryant, Ontonugon; H. C. Parks, Barreu Uiv»r, aud ar- > onsid. red as among the Wst . 1 rocket ('.imps *». John Emily ( heater „ , | 7j dined to tr.2. and theu advauced t > $32 25. Whisky was I'nder tbe Ban Will leave as above from the lo * of Fourth ten itory lit that section Ihe retuainin. tract of < in Paraguayans who supported the fire of wife, and two children, Hancock; C ptain „ *—mmtm I 2* hundred t.-n is Enoch Ardeu > iT.v.' « street at 12 o'clock M., connecting at Cin- and acr^s situated ou South Kork of Little fleet a battery of &i iu fair detrand and prices firm at *2 19. Sugar was in _ isi Artificial Eyes Inserted their bv land guns, are Cossiu, Hougbt; H. Russell, Memphis ' '. Wm. . - I is la. suiiati »;th t tie . . t Barren river, said to oil terr.toiy. Thackeray's Vanity Fair, 3 vobi.. 7 A >l r .ins f..r a tie and good moderate demand for raw at a slight decline, and refined 1 All I.elonKiiig to .• ! • t reported to have lost I,."**! men of their Teunossee; S. M. Ramsey, Seneca Falls, iSortheru and EtMteru cities For treight . r of the lands the company were Causing. Pain. squadron and 3,000 of their land battery New York; Mrs. C. M. Wright, Detroit; tad declined 'Ac Rio coffee was moderately firm at 21. Paasage apply on board or to by conipeieut per . ns, with nr. ..t rare, haviug lesswd non- CI VI I.I. & CALVERT* B. Agen', hut th.- Item' oil territory, and lie along f e line wbich - in gold. Flour had declined lo»15c en aU qualities J. CAFFREY, loss • The Brazilian* estimate their at about Dr. S. H. Douglass, daughter, aud two substantially maintaia.^l to I. i c^riect line of subt rra jsH-tf Utt MAIN STREET. 137 Wail street. if It State* Wheat bad Ceclined 1^2c, the supply of mixed c >r a < X- fi neou- . list ..rb-nce- rming >e-ervoirs for oil whicn is 300 killed, wounded and missing. Nothing sons, Ann Arbor; T. W. Cherry and wife, h .t length ol r-c-utl. bei demonstr ited b) Mowing well lerocious ceeded the demand, and oats were steady. Lard was in u a and puuip- oonld exceed the valor of tbe Par- Delaware; U. J. Woornian, wife, and ing well of very suisTior oi!. fair demand and firm at Sc. aguayans. They all seemed determined to daughter, Troy; Capt. George McKay of 24 CROCERIES. 1865. 1865. Th company, having pro; ui."l a comp-t. ut man from

- i - money market is ra' her quiet, l r • k , auia, Aiualie < hi conquer or die. "Among the wounded pris- Cleveland; George, Cleveland; Frank Tbe with an abundant Oil Penn-ylv ai-d .me ul Jk m- saperiur portable eiigiuea, with a'l Ueceasaiy appurt - also fell into sup. It of currency, bains readily made at 9 per c nt. for LOUISVILLE MEDICAL. oners who the bands of tbe Dujro, Cleveland, look out clerk; HENDERSON \\ Chas A. & nauc s wdl at oiicecofninence b< r. on m. Mor- i-..n'- all good paper, and thobai.ksiugood conditiou, and bank James a. fkazek, Brazilians, was Roble, commander of Sal- McKay, Detroit, second engineer; Wm. tract of one huntireil acrea uu ttoyd's Cieek, and have u.. stocks quoted at the followiug rates : ot Kentucky doubt about tbe result. toz, one of tbe laud batteries, and a brotber Cleveland, steward; Bauk Kennedy, John Lynch, Judge t.i ter aud Mr. J. tl. Redding, of Glasgow, both llliaajjg' Bank li'2. Merchants' 113, of General of the Para- M> Bank Bank WHOLESALE GROCER directors, #ill give the of the commanding Detroit, porter; John Moonev, Cleveland, operations of the company th. -.r 'I'll THOSE AFFLICTED WITH Louisville 'par, 1st National Bank 11", other National constant attention. BHEIMATISM. guayan army in Coriender. His wounds second porter; John Nuter, Cleveland, AND L Scrofula, ii. ut, r Syphilia, I fr-ely offe my Wissuw there are limit, d mtmlier of -hares- - banks Ui3gtl04, Farmers' Bauk lift. Falls City par, Nash- a of stock of th bonis. Kor fort* years were tenderly dressed by the commander in deck-sweeper; John Kelly, wheels-man; past I have treated >hese case, For Owrnaboro', KvnnavHIe anil llentlrraou, with the tuo-t finer ul ville Railroad stock S3, City Bonds 90, 1 combination iu the vegetat.l* the Brazilian fleet, Barrosa. Commeicial auk >d pc charge of but D. Mooney, Cleveland. fouoertintc at RvnnNvlllr with Ihe kingdom under which iuriuence tbe w. rat forms ofSypb- 9o. Northern of COMMISSION MERCHANT, Bank Kentucky ll/#. . ilns have ni kly > i-ld«.l, aud hut few Roble, with bis teeth tore off the bandages Cincinnati. August 11.— River risen one CAIRO A?il> L\ AXSVIM I: P At KI TS t case* of Kheuma- from his wounds, preferring death to cap- Eastern ex< hauge is rath r scarce, and the bank rates Noa. m and «N Walnut St., tistn. Gout or fcrofula have long resisted it* alterative inch. Weather clear. Thermometer 75. .ud n -torative p..we>s. An I „, w to convince the xfflict. to their customers aie 1 with s nie sales at ?« preni. tivity. Most of tbe commanders of tbe of the I Pitts Hi' ro, August 11. — River seven feet aml's ^A R -I confidence have in it, I -ay to th.-m no ore do is i'. leas demand than heretofore, Cincinnati, - Tennessee and ^mtZffl.'W pay. and to avoid all quibble urifaarnes* MM and <>f w latron- vessels among the in ..la. Paraguayan are dead. by the pier mark and falling. Weather , Friday and Saturday at 5 P. M. th- rates at* (eclbiiiig. and all other Southern money ii 10FFEKS, -titute* a. lire, I repeat it that ...demand will be m»:a Tbe whole of their artillery, ammunition, / TEAS, SCOABS, SIRCPS, SPICES, Ac •»> cool. " me b.-)on 1 tin ir own judgment . f cure, and th ir w.ll cloudy aud in but bttle request. fioM has v. ry materially declined Fisn ol all kinds aial all sizep packages. banners, aud an immense war material, fell ind wish to pay. Tin- I oter with th- purest mo v— r Long continuance in the trad.- enables me to offer NOTICE. in New York, aud our quotations are as follows huniauity, knowing that there 1'. Portable Engines, Boring Georgia. South Carolina aud Alabama... Tools, leans luring the present year, and her departure from (In- ..' souri and Arkansas, stating that tbe issues ut t'.e ta nt .1 a d d. l.i.itating adno-phere >>t lh» St. Nicholas, Cin; Maj. Anderson, Cin; Eastern Exchange „ _ 1-10 pr. different pie n is will 1m> published in dm- tim-. This mag- M ei'l a My remedy is ex ln-ively of Fora'a Ki at. I. in - of rations for July will not exceed one Oen. L>tle. I'in, K "•" "it.-. Hi-j.1, 3-20 Coupons.. 140 Fiimps, Tubing, Driv- ninc.-ni te un. r ji st ttnisbe.1, the largest ever construc- belonging to our isthl fo est- and is uukn- wu toll*) Clara. Duuuiug, Evansville; l'eerh-ss, Cin; 5-20 Bonds .... l«3 1U5 ted in the west, has been specially appoint-d throt.^n. third of those for June. But be fears a ul medical w..rl ', esc at bv Pn.f. s*or ush, of L x Government Vo 1*2 dis. ing Pipes, regardless of out, ior the accommod nion of pasnetisers. great destitution next winter. The River was falling slowly last even- am! b) Prole-s. r- bell aud Miller, of Louisville, to 1 HMt Honda... 93 97 Every appr . vi.j invention has been adopted Tor safety, • I i ys. have If mad- kn. w..; and. by —4 by. wi n • All freedmen West of Little are ing, with i feet 0 Inches water in the canal 7.3n All of latest uhile nmole po'.er h.u been giveu to in-.n - .1, Rock Bonds.... 99* par the improvements always ou baud tlics p. r>< uce shall justif) t, details will be published to lbs .''.I,-, to the traveling public themselves. by the mark. During the previous twenty- urn .inall.sl inducements htwuitv generally t ia p..w. r ully psj*aM, wheu r..i*rl» supporting 'Our quotations apply exclusively to tbe | wholesale , for safety, comfort and speed with the att ntion of x- dangerous iu the binds A majority of the refugees receiving aid in four hours it had fallen 0 inches at the bead trade, unless other' .is.- stated. Retail aud jobbing sales DAVIES & perieiici-d and geullematily ulncers. T. M. ERWIN, and r are at au advance i m thine rates.] CO,, Western Arkansas and Missouri are fami- of tbe falls, and U inches at Portland. Tbe MUOREUEAD A to., Louisville, Ky.. agents. M. n.. ap3-tf OflwMwSML lies and dependents of soldiers in our weather was warm at noon, with the ther- BAGGING AND ROPK-Not much demaud to-day, Washington roo-jdery, corner of Ninth and Main sireets jnT-tf Form, rlj of f armies, who will be soon mustered out, and mometer at 85. with limited sales of bagging at Ifx aud rope at l£c, with will return and provide for their fam- On the falls last evening there were :\% a sale of 3) I coils to the trade at 14>»c. I860. 1865. COAL-We quote be-t Pittsburg at retail at 26c aud feet water in the pass, down the Indian 'I'll W OM IT MA 1 -NIL DESPKRW- Pomeroy to boats at 2uc. The stocks are rather light, but OIL SPEED, SAFETY AM) COMFORT. CURE WARRANTED it directions are ft.llov.ed. chute. WELL I DI M -Th. .iis.it I- uutitu. iy grave alter Government bas ceased consuming coal, lingering out a lite < s and misery, rr ui Important sc in lots portant case will shortly lie before Leaves Everv Wednesday and Saturday. votes nh. cnttre attention to its brought ..' SYMPTOMS. feet water in the channel. and ad&mautiue at by tbe single box. __"«•',. THE ELEGANT AND SUMPTUOUS have leen unfortunate, aud co the I nited States Court, to decide whether i mi l Tbe Cuml>erlaud river continues at an UOUNTUi PHODLGa— We quote green apples iu fair 5, -i PASH KNG K R i-TEAMER cam will erne tou, in leas : le-seiaense, slaves held to service after President Lin- than anv i tie r >. u I au nt. I. a witu.ht ma supply at tZ 50( ESDA ples range at ii to 7c lor old per lb; dried peaches, KjfclOc. aons hud they have a cold, then they have fre-tuetit xt- . ra, are as nan. 'ul as the diseii nteud-.l ed and continued ruins in almost every di- at 4 o'chsrash.su a Brown. Superintendent of Freed men's Bu- « discharge berland river trade, excepting as lighters. Shaker *>. 5n@ii 75 st doz; Best Louisville 25, per Lllllf T HOs thin at.d acrid, afterward thici aud adhes.ve ms i.mnv been k»nfs ro r .il. Rec-nt aa aof Sirai- reau, is very busy preparing such a case C A IT. WES CON N KR ED. H. JUDGE, <'l.-rk I.IS arid I.OSOREHtA ar- cnr-.l in a few da s. without tbn Clara dozen. Cheese, Western Reserve, in lots, tu the trade 15c, may ensue. Botts, Tbe Dunning came down yesterday Will leave Louisville for Memphis every SATURDAY at 4 I a-t luconveuieuce or liin.ieran.'e iu buaoies*. Incase* against Jobn Minor who refuses to As the disease becomes chronic, the ijinrharges sales I.V»c. all at uett weights. are iu- • from Madison, with a new coat of paint, .mall at Hamburg I' v. o'cl.skP. M. 'these boat, will Ian I tor freighi and pas- ..I Sg ondabt a.m. Tf.btiabt Svphili — th last vestige of pay t ne wages of a negro servant around, sengers at all way lauding* at regular t-ack-t rates. • he virus and its effect*— his treatment and bad her bills up for Evansville and m% New York Dairy 17l»l«c. Feathers firm, ami cr-aa-d iu ijnautity aud changed in inality; they are now b> ai* eradicated and held up to the time of the surrender of Freight ami pa seugers for White and Arkansas riveis from the syst Ol lirtimui, in the least - .-uble ime. thick aul heavy, • • aud are hawked or cough, d ff. se- buyers are paying i . Flaxseed buying at 00. r.-e. Tbe Cairo. She at the city 12 ipted through at reasonable rates. Through ticket* l ousi.l. r >..ur own interest. Dr. Lee. notwithstanding the negro could have was wharf, and did K . 1 cretions are offensive, . .- • - for freight causing a bad it. . • Giusei .: buyiug at WiT... Bean, non'iual at •! fol and pas-age to St. Louis at cuneut rates. Fer breath; 'he .on inavl-consu r^' .i . iy , .-r |r Iter, tr his to forces not get much of a trip. gone tbe Union aud enlisted, or freight aud passage apply oa board or to rial >t. • Jefferson -ir- 's white. New potatoes in lots $3@3 23. Onions in lots to thick and uasal; the ajssj are weak; the sense of stti- ii is The Roauoke left St. Louis on Wednes- B. J. caFEREY, from llojd. T»rtmf labored in the Quartermaster's Department, > lessened cr destro>ed; deafness frciju. ntly take, place. dealers at |4jaj small sales at S3 30 per bbl. Eggs we MoORHEAD A CJ., V Agents and earned at least $W> per month. In view day evening for the <»hio river, and the quote at 1.%

orders countermanding previous t In- received Government charter was to take a lot of sales at mills of dray load lots at f 7a: 25 for super- BREWERS OK PURE instructions to tbe commissioner, aud fine, *- 50 for plaiu . xtra, and *lo<$10 50 for extra lauiily. DK. I). II. SEEXYE inea. ad Indian council will be held at Fort with Miss from stores at f>5c for mixed aud 90c for pniue Anderson at Cincinnati. Tools, and other machinery used iu boring for On Pale, Aruber, Stoch and Bitter of Fort Gii. .sol. Tbe Naugatuck has been laid up at Cin- white. New oats sM rather dull, sold from store at 55c. Fall barley .IfJI.Hf KAKKAKOUX, cinnati, where the steamboat business is in ALE8 BEER. quote . AMD Cotten. very dull and the boatmen are cutting we at 8'4&95c and dull. Hydraulic Foundery chine hop, DR. SEELYE'S ' hi 4is. WnOMMt ATTENTION TO SHIP.llKMTs. Cairo, August 11.— Eighteen hundred down freights to the lowest rates. LEMONS—A sale of 20 boxes at»17. VILLE. K». GROCERIES-Sinall les and eleven bales of cotton arrived here yes- Tbe towboat Bee, hence for Memphis s of Rio coffee at 31(431 V. and 45 bags at 3uj|31c CITY Raw sugar in hhds, BREWERY terdav: also ninety one passed on for St. with an immense tow of coal, ran into the M-.M. Sales DISSOLUTION. ST., WEST SIDE. BET. MAIN A WATER. bank some distance below Cairo, and sunk of 65 bbls yellow suvar at 17^17Sc, and i-alee of coffee BRONCHIAL SYRUP. »LCTH >F CO-PARTN EBSH I P.—TH E C«)- sugar, as to braud aud quality, at l-^JOc; seven of her barges. She reached Memphis hard refined 1) partuer-hip existing b tw.eu Jno. II. GnAith and LOUISVILLE, KY. 21c. Ben 8. Board, under the style of Urimth A Board, in this Tennessee I Sections. with ( uly four. That is a heavy loss, tiui and day dissolved by HAY-Llmited sales of baled mutual cot sent Jno H. OrifBth will it was reported to be the neglect of tbe timothy, new crop, at IN continue business COKiHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, S 'RE THROA1 NajsHVILLK, August 11.—The Press and at tbe old stand, aud is charged with UIMIiSKM;.-.-, AND IbRITATIoN per ton from stores. the settlement of the old business. UK THE this forenoon contain the following: pilot. BRONCHIAL TCBES OR LI NtiS, TICK- Times PROVI-IoNS AND LAKD-yuiet to-day. and we II GRIFFITH, CAS FITTING. The S. B. Young, formerly a Madison LING IN THE THROAT, AN l> Cl.Ol'P. Representatives elect in the respec- ... S. BOARD. The quote mess pork at t»>. Bacon firm at is reported in 17@17>ic for Hay 1st. I*M. The s rup is especially beneficial in affeclious tive districts are as follows: N. G. Taylor, packet, sunk the mouth of ma'-tf of the ahou'ders, and 19&20C for pork-house clear sides, eales of Red river. GARR & RYAN ; Throat and Bronchial Tube-, caused by Catarrh, greatlv upper East Tennessee, almost a certainty; -<•..'. plain hams at l . as to condition; canvasaed at Horace Maynard, Knoxville district; Asa The Champion aud J. R. Gilmore are PRACTICAL assisting in its permauent cure when u-ed in conu, are a Spec.Ae. Ia Memphis washed fleece, and 59360c lor tub-washed in pkgs in aB Tbe Melnotte was to have left Cincinnati PLUMBERS Sl.OUper bottle. district. Shelbyville dlaeaae* of tbe IA< II. HOWKlja, inn; or Faulkner, who, we fear, is elected over yesterday for Cairo and St. Louis. Jfadlcl C.ll.ce BulMl.sr, Corn.r Fifth .94 DR. D. H. ci, CO.. KlDNKVSt in affectionao the Stokes, will vote with Gov. ('amp bell and The steamer Lelia, Capt. J. W. White, Grecs Mtreeta, l.oulsvlllp, Ky. sole proprietors, was destroyed by fire below Shreveport, LOUISVILLE TOBACCO MARKET. REOPENED. PIPES, Hydrant*. How, Hath Tubs, Showei Thomas, ii they get a chance to vote at on WATER free port, ill. Mr. Baths. Water Closets, Wash SUnds. Force aud Uft Friday.— The sales at the auction warehouses to-day WILSON A PETER, Whol>hali < Red river, on the 28th ult. She had 6H4 rpUIS GREAT NATIONAL THOROUGHFARE IS Aoents roa K**m kv; *n.i all Mayntrd and Hawkins can be de- Puuip< ior Wells and ( interns. Sheet Lead, Lead and Iron mmmmmmrwm mikucia, and , amounted to 2 9 hhds, including reviews and only 16 re- X again open for ••TSold at retail drn.'j.->« ,.\, r. u ru.ru cotton board. r. '.s.-i • i;t •! by pended on as supporters of the Liberal Na- bales of on it . p in k knt wr uab hxtobeb, "I KK V EK and it la ,1 stit^d to snpenede jections, as follows : BRASS WOKE ANDSTKAM VAIVW Jobbiug prompt- MwMt %i tional Policy, and we hope also Taylor. Cairo and Memphis Packet.—Tbe swift

i.\ i FREIGHTS Bo. K hhd st. ms at tl 50; l hbd trash at *2 30; 4 at AND TRAVEL. It not only enr s t It. s,.i| Wi , k retried to be a good Liberty No. 2 whs due from Memphis last •4 20 to 4 95; 10 at $3 to 3 S *6 30 11 50 evening. She is tbe regular Saturday pack- 95; at to 9 60; at $12 The cars and machinery dest-or-d ar - being replaci-d A wtne glaas „ll Union man. t the 1 et lor Memphis aud all Ohio river landiugs to 18 75, and I a » « 2ft SASH SUPPORTER. The chances of the admission of our Dele- I re each meal, FUEL. w i ol v are th* NINTH-STREET— j lihds at «4 93; 6at«303 to 5 7'; 17 gation are not very flattering. to Cairo. She also takes freight for Vicks- tion, the w.ll-earued reputation of this road for mroK >oru at to 9 90; 21 at *lo 73 to IS 30; 4 at »I9 23 to 19 73; 4 at tAm n Tbe Union says Col. Hawkins is un- burg, White and Arkansas rivers, and U 1 *2 1 to 22 50, and at S27 23. against dias«*~ under doubtedly elected. His majority as far as gives through bills of lading at the lowest Speed. Security and Comfort FULTS, JAMES & CO., tbe most r LOOISVILLK-5 hhds at 43 to 4 *>; 3 at »5 10 to 5 60; BCILDERS) AND from is l,74y. ra'.es. M OWNER8 beard Will be more than under tbe reorganization of 10 at H to 9 90; 19 at til to 17 75; S at $19 75 to 21 30, aud sttatainel OK DWRELIXH HOI'^Ks, PREPARK I) BY Aug. 11.— Defalcation The Liberty starts from Portland this its t.ustn. ss. WHOI.ESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS New York, is 75 to 24 SO. evening at 5 o'clock in charge of Captain 4 at $22 In add tion to the un. quailed attractious a| natural 1)1 TTEKWOHTH'S S A » H charged against Henry Jenkins, paying soene l> Support, r- guaranteed to Shirley, with Judge, of the PICKETT-13 hhds at $4 40 to 4 9«'; 17 at $5 to 3 90; 22 at y heretofore cone de.l to this route, the recent In the beat Quality of DR. JOH\ HI Li*, teller in tbe Pbo-nix Hank. The amount, Ed. one most lb n the boiderhaie associated erous g.v perfect -ati-fact on. A per- $6to9 5o; 41 at $10 to 1H 30; 4 at $19 23 to 20 30; and 3 at num points courteous clerks river, the office. on 1 1,.- road, bet Ibct, »p •• i useful substitute to the affidavit of tbe cashier, on the in ween the < >hio river and Harper's's Ferferry. according Mr 30. for sash cor s and A 111. Laboratory on 5th i ros» The Palestine and Mercury, from this $21 to 22 with painful but instructive interest. weights, liy PITTSBURG COAL. this invention the upper -ash port, reached Cairo on Wednesday. COX H ECTIOSS wheu lowered, or tbe boLKMB KY. sash when raised, The river continues to fall slowly at St. At the Obio river with Clevtland and Pitt-bum, Central is aecnr. ly re- Detroit, Aug. 11.—A collision bet' TOBACCO AND CICARS. Ohl", tained in any p. sition re.,uire.l; L>uis. The Missouri, and Mar-i ta and i in. intra i railr.MS.ts, and, Illinois and Upper th. rel. aftording healtln tbe Pewabic and Meteor occurred at half- through them with tbe w> ole railway system of the nor ih- ventil- Mississippi are stationary, eight feet in '* ation an I preventing tbe w, , u r * 1 We-t ON MARKET, BETAEEN SIXTH AND tke aod- .V^'' L »"a * "thweet; at Harper's Kerry with OrrlCE past eight Wednesday evening, six miles Missouri, the that fre.,r, iitiy o-cur ft Lower five feet above Nebraska PH. HIRSHFELD, Seventh, at B ws- r ft Eults' old stand. Scaies ou aj PAINTING. from shore. The Pewabic was struck on W^t^Brarcn-^^ river, uear > irst street. Orders by railroad and country nrity ot the us al nieaaa City, Ave feet on tbe rapids, live feet through of k.vpiug the aft pilot lower sash ._ „ her port bow just the house, and St. Panl, and six feet in place when hoisted to tbe Illinois. CIGAB MANUFACTURER, op. I have 4 minutes. tsitight the sole 1 sunk in 3 or For New Orleans.—Tbe Indiana, Capt. WUUOi.LARS additionsl on Throngfc Tickets ftom right to use taws Sign and Ornamental Painting luveutiou i. r the city , boats were running at full speed, and •ilf* Third St., bet. Main and Market, Baltimore or thee NNortheru cities, give the privilege ol of Looaa- Tbe J. Stut Neal, having been detained WINES. ville, com- risitiugJug WASH I Ky . and will promptly at- NUTON « ITY e , route-being $3 lower earuok with such terrible force as to crush t. to pleting her cargo, takes her departure to I,< »l l*v 1 1. 1. 1 ., ky. than the cost bv any ud all orders w t at ui> rwd-. other line, as recently chargv»l. .» - • ASKS Bol'TLER'tl CELEBRATED SPAKE LIN* Banners A Kegtment&l Colors in the entire bow of the Pewabi. At the Thisis the only route deuce on Green street, live doors New Orleans this evening at 5 o'clock from by which passengers can procure £t%J • atawha; AND DOMBaTlC CIGAIW M411B- through ttcke s ami below Klevencri it was scarcely dark, HAVANA through checks from Washiugt n casea Bottler's 1» y I 'atawha; street, or at the hardware store of * . Mo- ! of the accident V> superior W TH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH Portland. M-hanm Pipes, Chewing and rmoking T Bride,Iride^on^Ton DOSE AT NO. B Just received aud lor sale by WOUDRUFE A CO . Third tlw*t,betweeu Main and Market atreawE SM, north aide Jeffarat the b each other six miles is regular i? mtw The Morning Star the mail and M Oca^ Oan! Ticket ij^U BaU^o're. *'auit tf 3i; Mr-- TUUS. J. UACKNEI jy3-tt
