Louisville Daily Union Press: 1865-08-12
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n " t I LOTTISYILLE DAILY UNION PRESS. VOL. 2 SATURDAY MORNING, LOUISVILLE, KY.. AUGUST 12, 1865. NO. 99 CIY1LL t^O whenever a suitable country can be fouud vision in our political society consists ot Few Kebels Going to Mexico. tJALVKBT, 4 t DRY for you which white men do not want, and ;Kroiu the St. Lonis R publiian. GOODS. PROFESSIONAL. PROPOSALS. the slave aristocracy, who are crushed to ] EK8. sufficient means can be raised, which white e. Herron, PUBLISH the earth by the result of the rebellion— i. Major General who has just ar- T AROH men will never give. GOVERNMENT SALE Off STEAMBOATS Politicians, to meet the freeing of the slaves—an I they are the rived in this city from the Military Division BMS. H. BHIHTOW., JOHN KHLAJsr. HA B°ATS MAKOIiii AND TBS E PROP- BUILDING, popular JAMES M. STEVENS, EBT? ' " OFFICE-PRESS issues and to evade rugged issues, "conquered but not subdued" malcontents of the Gulf, gives us some information Uuartermaater General's Ofkce, Washington. will devise plans enough for you, but your who curse us. Let it be distinctly under- correct an error that Mo. «28, MAIN STREET, BR1ST0W & FELAND D.. C jsso. which will is general- July 29, 1*5. ioe, true plan is a very simple one. Go where la- stood, however, that they are in a very ly, if not universally, prevalent through- Pmopoaaw are invited and will be received at early opposite Louisville Hotel, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, the places, and bor is most in and is beat until th- I ,t.-s h-reiuafter n»mnl, «>r the j*olTor»on demand rewarded. small minority, and accomplish nothing but out the North. It is in relation to the re- J Street. t|„. Celiac of f. lluwina-s You will not, in any considerable numbers, an increase of the discontent, which is con- of late rebel soldiers to HOPKINS V1LLE, U. Barges, and other moval Mexico, with LOUISVILLE, i WIU I be welcome anywhere in this country, and fined to their own circles, by their grum- the intention of taking part in the contest KY. give prom.'. :->i« to aU basl-iesa sntr a many people in Kentucky are unwilling unfortunate ed.to their ear* a* 2A P At DAILY UNION PRESS bling. by which that country is still that you shall remain here. You will have North Carolina is as free from discord Being just then Wholesale Dealer in distracted. from Shreve- for the much to endure. aternwheel The laws will not be exe- to-day as any State "in or out" of the port, where he received the surrender of ltd tons. T very Hosiery, Meerschaum Pipes, Jfl. III! cuted rigoriously for you, and hence Union. A small and factious party of agi- the bulk of Kirby Smith's army, and where A. ST O UT9 Sternwheel steamboat will afford Gloves, Sternwheel tea mis sot L_. io advance, per year, |9 00 you inadequate protection. tators, as insignificant to those who are he was brought into contact with rebels of Imitation do (Late Col. i:th R*8t. Ky. Vol. Inf.) Slavery, which has Levi.) registered 13' tons. depraved our national posted as the upholders of the copperhead every rank, he is, of course, able to Shirts India And two a. wbarfboat*. registered lit 6 months, 6 00 speak Rubber do an 1 145 1 politics and . All of which cau be seen diabolized cur religion, is too doctrines of the New York News are in advisedly. Drawers, at at Gallipot!*, o 3 8 00 Brier Root do LOU is VI I.I.I'. of s«le deep-seated to justify the hope that New York, is the only discordant element Instead of seven or eight thousand K.Y., Mis- I AS One wharfboat, lying at Parkersbnrg, vou will speedily be to Suspenders, Wood IT RETURNED To THK l>KA «1 W 1 100 forgiven the crime of that now troubles us. No State, included sourians who are said have accompanied do TlliHu One 1 wharflsjat. lying at Catlettslmrg, • » tession, an.l will »r being free. .ctice in all the rederal MilrtaM And the model t 51 Your refuge and defense are in the late rebellion, has proceeded so beyond the Rio Grande, Handkerchiefs, and etate Court* h \V ti.« -payable to the Carrier- 20c. Shelby that officer Pocket-Books, Id iu th» city aud .it. cinuati, Ohio; fouud in obedience to the as mmss laws, bv the suc- rapidly in the path of rehabilitation was folio wed, it seems, by a scanty band Neck-Ties, All of which can be cessful Pocket-Miirors, cultivation of all those" qualities North Carolina. She will soon be ready to of two hundred. Their purpose, as well as which will Scarfs, Jewelry, UNION PRESS render you valuable to society, give to the world a list of her loyal voters— their leaders', was toJoin, not Maximilian, until At l.ouNvillr. Ky., until \V. « you have demonstrated your useful- those notexcluded from voting for delegates as has been reported, but Juarez and the Combs, Towels, ness JEWELRY. :iO. IV. >l . r, and value as a free people. You will to the convention by the Amnesty Procla- (a] mate.) Liberal cause. Brushes, Soaps, For the mi del barges Charmer, Henry (42 " ) be insulted and oppressed by that class of mation, and is inevery ready to do her Payne No. J atd B. Morton, and for seventtwn •• •• -4ji way Other parties of rebels who imitated 1< 171 1. v ' " •• (S2 ) „ »* Shel- wale men who have always been the terror of the share towards sustaining the government and Buttons, Pomades, bargea; erery .-t by—Missourians men from seceded All of which caa be seen I WtU fcenJ ONE EXTRA UOPY with CLUB at Louuville, Ky., until the day feeble and defenceless. Not the highest at Washington, which she acknowledges to States— will not exceed a few hundred Threads, Perfumery, J.J. :iiwjj:i:iii:i of aale; ' TKN.TWd EXTRA OOF lie." with a OUl'B or TWENT'. in type of manhood, it is true, but still they be the government of the United States. Like ''^^^'n^l'teamtwat D. A. January, registered number, all told. the former, they Ladies' Belto, Travelling Bags, are men, and no country is wholly exempt- Discarding Ihe system" adopted atcn "Japanese their swords bidewheel' MPkkCIAI. NOTICE. designed to cast into the scale Belt Buckles, steamboat Ohio, (wreck.* ed from their presence. You ask as to in Virginia, her lauds are offered in market, Violins, * ALL LETTERS relating to Subscription*. AiTer.U-- against Maximilian, and the French and "°n r ton.; • m "what assistance the Government can at- and every |>ossible inducement is held out Belt Ribbons, luSTmXlLST^ — or .«h--r bonnes* with the paper, should be n<1- Austria contingents by whom he is sup- Paper, All of which cau a«a, ford you in the j«e.rw«itt«i education of your children." for emigration. To aum the whole matter imrted. This, says, is Velvet day of aale. kaai t.. tu* unto. rr*m. ho. sat he the purpose of Ribbons, Envelopes, I answer none; none directly. The National up, as far as the war aud the bitter feelings JEWELLER, all rebels who have sought or may seek a Silk, Government has to Worsted, and Pencils, At Ha li ! until in no power engage in the which were naturally engendered by it hand in the military affairs of Mexico. Wo. *33 Main Street, one door above Thli TO MtfMNN work of education except under very towards the North are concerned, we are Cotton Braids, Pens, &c.; W K siding !,-. i -t. Their motive in with the Liberal liOUiSVlLLK, M.lV« , m . r Ant... rat r ^-ist- r-1 J - ... ( .. r H<Jir..ee».; t..„,, a | s ii« pea aboaM be H special and peculiar circumstances. The ready and anxious to Sldewheel "rub out and com- party is one of resentment toward Louis steamer Uett.i, registered 17- tonie. t»:i- I nton Pr.a», Loolartlle, Ky." calamities of the late civil war have thrown mence anew," and we honestly think that l_f ILITAR Y GOoDS. AS SVVO si-lewhee steamer J H Baldwin. re«i.tered aw tons; Napoleon, who so greviously disappointed Foreign Domestic JTI tola, MilitaryMi; Trimmings, siilrwheel steam.T • »•.) & .-. .. Ac. John Raino. - taken I,, v r t< <jv onlj one aide ol lb' many thousands of persons, white aud we present a cleaner record and a clearer registered 'iaiti.- theii hopes of intervention against the •rWATlT( HKii HMD JBWK I.LRY sidewln el steam- r Metropolitan, registe ed ?.v black, Sidewht-wl ateamer " upon the Government for their sup- combination of loyal citizens than any United States in the contest from WATCHES, 1.1(1. KS, and R C M .H^.l, formerly which JhWKLRY regist.-rol 7S7 Ko l tic*wii:bct»keno!Anei,rm.«iicominnii.©ftttot.. port and protection. OOODS. store toD*: They have been other Southern State. Tennessee, Virginia they just emerged. partial My having been shot for several i have A revenge, NOTIONS AND FANCY Sidewheel steame. Nebraska, registered <>73 tons Whatever it intended tor insertion mat be autbentl- brought together in large numbers. In GOODS account of repairing damages by fire, ia now oivn sush and every other State of the late Confede- is Sldewheel steamer Baltic, registered 7' li thev now think, attainable by expelling In for transact! ii of busin baud a larg- stock tons; ». <i I j th' na- eand adire*. of the writer—not neces- Great Variety.