Rockland Gazette
The Rockland *Ti te. Gazette Job Planting ESTABLISHMENT. v o S B & pox n. H aving 1 cry facility in p r, T y p e nn(, M.„,.rial. 2!O Main Sir ....... ."Hv ti;-ikinie,Mdttiona, - - ..... ir. pari d in rxcrtitc.....’ * withuith proiapmpioiiipim-ss and good style v. ry variety o f J o b P rinting, including I'.-wn Keporls, <'atalogucH, B y-La m s I f p lid "tri- Jlv in a«Iv; If paym ent i/.I . lav.-.l Pouters, Shop Bills, Hand Bills, Pro I f no! pai.I l.II tile d .., grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, J.ettcr Ht*ads, Law and Corpor ation lilanks, R eceipts, B ills ix'ulltllllieil of Lading, Business, Ad t tile option i dress and W edding Cards, Tags, it»—fur >al. L abels, VOLUME 30. 2 d , A «• ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY A FTEROON, AUGUST 1875- N ;). 38 PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZING will receive prompt attention. Eleanor's, wliicfi hung above the chimney A STOK51 AT SEA -----TIIE ADVENTURES <)E A DIVE • I . W ’ 1,1 1 bioini.-W hen public npin-1 E asy M axxkiw .— Recent events hav. ’ £ ..... , A . -a piece. , , . , . , “ ' J 7 of caUed public attention t<> the intimate rc- J r U PAIOI MISCELLANY. i ’ cetvn. RESCUE. “ I couldn’t, indeed, sir.” n d-. buib before and after they are lafciou of morals ami manners. It may be An 01.101i s CuMi-AitisON.— Th ere arc do “ Wages twenty-five dollars a month,' Caj)tain Boynton semis a report of the kid in w pr.ietiecd in Continental Eu- said that there is no greater peril to mor- “ Mother, you will let me go?” i».
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