
The Berrien Oonnty Record The Berrien County Record.

TERMS OF ADVERTISING: A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER- (Tenlines or less,make a Square,) SPACE. J1 v-C-i w^3 w jjt wJjS n»-E6 m .{l y r j> ublishedever r t e t d r s e a r C o u n t y n Square...... J a O0JS1 50J$I 75JSS OO^t 00^8 OOJSIO 00 2 Squares...... n 1755 2 50J S 00J 3 5011 6 00210 00J 16 00 ^BHCHAiLUr, BERRIEU COUNTY, MICH,, 3 Squares...... j 2 25J 3 2=1 3 75J 4 251 7 00J12 00| 20 00 4 Square?...,.....J 2 75J1 3 750 4 250 4 500 8 00JI5 OOO 23 00 )£ Column...... 0 4 OOO 5 500 7 OOO 3 00014 00025 OOj 35 00 Column...... 0 5 OOJ 8 00J10 00012 00j20 OOJM.OOO 60 00 f T E R M S : y2 Column...... g 6 00]jl0 00012 00015 00825 00035 OOJ 05 00 D. A. W AGSEtt,! •' Eternal YigiM ce is the Price of Liberty'!'" {$2.50 Per Year, ii» Advance. 1 Column...... |10 00J14 00017 00J20 00J35 00J00 00pi5 00 T E R M S i E d i t o r , J Business Cards,of fivo lines OYl ess, $5.00peranimm ♦ H ilB E R Legal advertisements, at statute rates. n,iQ Advance, if NotPaid in j y r o O T 28. Transient advertising, pnpabloin advance. US-THK3S TRRST3 STR1CTLT ADHERED T •RTTHTT AIST A ^ MIOH.,- • THtTRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2; 1869. Yearly advertising, paj*ablo on demand. Matter in localcolumn* ten cents per lineforeachin- sertion, Uut no locals tiikon for less than $1.00. 43*X0i papor IstlUcontinned, except; at tho option ol Obituary Notices—more than the announcements—will the piiUlUhor,until all arrearages are pfttd.~St9 ly. “Tell the man to go about his “What is it, Luke ?” she risked, Miscellaneotis. bo charged for a9 advertisements. M ortgage Sale. CUSTOM business; I ’ll have no small bills this’ Notices of J/oetings, Religious, Jforal or Political, 25 TVEFAULT having been made In the paym on tof a cerv cents each. OFFICE!—Iff “ Record BuJIdinsf,” east: aide o f Main U tain sunir o f mouey secured b y Mortgage. wlilch AIorr- morning.” • * “Please let me out. M y dear, this TRUE MUESOS. Advertisementsnofftccompanied with directlonsas to S treot, threo doors north o f Fronts HOIV T IH Y 1IA1> M IX. time, will be inserted until forbidden, and chargedac gag^Wfts made aud executed b y John; R ohl and Maria Boot and Shoe Slioj). Mary retreated precipitately.; Clara •may be a joke to you, hut— ” oordingly. Kohl; his.Avife,.‘to John W- Widpple, bearingdate tho sixth B t MRS. HESRV B. TnOMAS * Doul>lccoihnmadvertieements25 percent.aboTe regu­ day o f September, A , D. 1S66, to> .securO the payment o f When11 was yourtg and tender, too, raised her long br.own eyelashes. “I assure you, Luke, it’s nothing lar col umn rates, j law s of Newspapers, three hundred nnd eighty dollars. ($380), und: which Jdort- H E SUBSCRIBER Is prepared to do nil kinds o f cus­ I had to mind and had,.to do Special notices, 50 per cen t. above the foregoing prices I* Subscribers who do not. give express.notice to the gftgowHs recorded in the office o f the Register o f Deeds tom work In the Boot and Shoe lino at reasonable “ Do you know, Luke,” she said de­ of the k in d; it is the soberest of se­ ’Tis riot whan sunbeams brightly shine Tprices. He solicits a share o f the patronage o f tho citt- Wlmteycr mother bade m e; . Yearly advertisersallowedfour changes without extra contrary are considered as.wishing to contiuno the-tml* in aud. for the County o f Berrien, on the 13th day o f No- And cloudless skies look blue ; scrip tlon. Yember, A .D . 18C6, threo o'clock and forty minutes p.JL zena- o f llucluumn nml vicinity. She used to have, a walnut stick" . murely, - ;“L tliink you would*; feel, a rious matters to me: It is. a ques­ charge. W hen happiness; and peace abound, Single copies o f theUECOtii>,readyfor mailing,"fivecents 2. I f subscribers wish their papers discontinued, pnb* o f said. day*, in Li(>er Q o f 'Mortgages Said itiorfgage and • jt£PArxusra bone or snoxT a o fice . IViiich kept inc on the double tjuick, great deal hotter i f you would do just tion as to whether life shall Ushers may continue to send them: until all charges Are the notes accompanying the same were made payable as “ And troubles are but few; All kinds o f Job Printing executed In the latest styles And tbut was where slic lind me. of the art, and atreasonahleprices. paid. follows, to-wit; One note for tho sum of^^ One hundred JShSliop on Mnln Street, opposito tho Rtcoitn ofllce.— as Freddy does-— lie flat down on the he miserable Ol- happy.’ ’ * ’Tis not the time to know our friends— 3. I f subscribers move to other places without Inform­ and fifty dollars ou or before tho Oth day o f September* Sign Boot, 1SAIAU RYKBAKSON The fa lse ones fro m the true. ing tHe publisher, and the paper is sent; to the former di­ A . D. 1S67,with Interest at 7 per cen L ,a n d o n e note for W hen older grown, and: quite a. beau floor and; kick your heels against the ; . There was a third brief interval of rection, they are held responsible* Notice should always tbeau m orbn o hundred «hdlars, imulbiNtyaldoon ochefbre Among the girls I used to know carpet for awhile.” ’ silence. Matrimony Extraordinary. be given of the removal. the sixth day o f September, A*. D. ISbS, w ith interest at But when the sky is overcast, 4. I f subscribers neglect or refuse to tsffko their-papers Tper cent.; which said Mortgage niul1 notes were by the A Miss Priscilli Cadiny;. Luke gave his mischievous sister-in- “ Evelyn,” said Luke, presently, in Aud threatening clouds appear, from, the office o r place to which thoy tirosent* they are said John W . 'Whipple duly assigned to* Charles Chirk, aiid . A »d with the help of smiled and nods A JI«w Version c f W om en’s Loronzo. P; Alexander; copartners doing bnsinoss atB u - Marhoff Sc Warner, W ith thunder crashing: o’er our heads, v hold responsible until they aettle bills and give notice to I fell in love at forty rods, law a glance that ought certainly to a subdued voice, “ will yon open this * Iscontinue. chftiiftntMiql».vundor Uio name* flrnvand style o f Clark A And lightning fla’shing near; 5* The Courts hero clodded that refusing to take a paper Alexander,-on the twenty-sixth day o f April* A*D. IS69*; And that was where she had m e. have annihilated her, and Walked out door-?” There is a very remarkable case of mat­ from the office, or removing and leaving it uncalledTor, Is which assignment was duly reconledin tho office o f the (Successors to U . Marhoff & Go.) T h e n enem ies press c lo s e ly on , prima facia evidence >t intentional; fraud. Register of Deeds; in-and tor the county pf Berriettafore- of the room, closing the door behind . “ On one condition Only !” To fill our hearts with fear. rimonial felicity (?) in this city, which, is said, on tho l2th day of May, A. D.lSGp. Tliero Is claim-’ Manufacturers; o f and Dealers in W hen I was older, say sixteen, ■ “ A n d what is that ?” not generally known to the public. In the ed to be due on said Mortgage and notes,, at th ed a teof I thought it time to hare a queen, him with a hang that would hear no ’Tis then when sadness clouds the brow, thisnotice, the sum, o f two hundredand fiCy- dollars And asked her if she’d Wed m e; false interpretation. Then Clara “ A h , ah !” thought the little lieu­ West Division lives a woman with two and nine cents, ($259,09); and no procoedfngs having been, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS And all around .seems drear, Business Direotorv. She said she didn’t much object, husbands, to each o f whom she has been instituted, either at law or in equity, to collect any pari came round to’ her sister, and buried tenant-general, “ lie’s.beginning to en­ The false ones from our side will sneak— o f said Mortgage debt* Therefore, b y virtue o f n power BRACKETS AND DRESSED DUMBER. Or words something to tlmt effect, married in legal form. A t the time the her pink face in Evelyn’s neck. tertain, terms of capitulation, is he? The coming storm they fear; SAVtDERS, Manufacturer1 anil Bonier In Boots ami Of sale in.salti Mortgage contained; and in. p 'rsttanco o f And there was where she had m e.; war broke out, this woman was living with, A■ ShooSjEcont Street, foot of Bay’s Avenue, Bucl.anan, tho statuaes of thU State, in such.cases nmdo aud provfd- L L kinds of Dressing* j/aichiog. Resawing and .Scroll “D on’t" scold me, Evy, please^; I “ On condition,” she added aloud, Their craven hearts with terror view Michigan, 2-29tC od, notlceis hereby given that the preniises IU KnldMort- Stwfngdone to order oil short notice. Persons* wish-* The tempest drawing near. her first husband, b y whom she had three gage contained, ami h.orotnafter described* will' bo sold by Aing anything in our line w ill find’ft to their advantage to But when, to make the matter straight, know I have been naughty to tease “ that you will break yourself of the the Sheriff Ot Berrien County at public auction* at tho give us a call* as we defy competition In w ork-in price I Went up to negotiate ’ children. Soon after the breaking out ot ERRIKN COUNTY MONEY LOAN AGENCY. Ap­ outer door Of tho Court House, in tho vlllago o f Berrien: and quality of work. Luke so !” . habit of speaking sharply and cross­ A nd so amid .the darkest storm, Affairs will? Colonel C'admy, the rebellion, her husband enlisted and B ply to AY. F dtn.vm, Berrien Springs, Mich. ,3rltf Springs, (the place o f holding the Circuit Courfcin.and for .£S?*tShop and residence.on J , such as plow polnts.sngiir kottleSjSloigU shoes, Ac. 'Until I < ot m y dander up— , per. “Just your teinper,” returned his sed, aud he failed to write or report at his B The northeast qimrterof the northwest qiinrtur o l section iVTx-s. DEfc. 33. *W i

f BSgSSSagiS&igSttSg 55®i The Berrien. .County Record, Buchanan^ ^Michigan, Thursday, September 2, 1869.

^-Struck by L ightning.—D uring the TOWN C SOOT1I or RANGE 20 WEST. VILLAGE OP ST. JOSEPH. in Bank-Locks. „ •IS.l engines nro pumping, w.water into lOOcli. THE LOUD BfitON SlkViVDAL, „SALE OF S-IATE TAX UNDS. CO *> i—i' o Tho Berrien County Record. ' ,r :■ *\ , t'i % ' ... i 7 ' a s* IH 0 the resprviprvoirs at JCf- thV rate severe storm on AV^fesday^'night, ftliV .3 't ES e ; 5" ‘ § . * \ *l ^ ^ f } f I. P ' ' ;t ' : o. S’ S’ : The press of the country, ;from the ’A u D ii o A G e n e r a l ’ s O f f i c e . "re5* ai S’ (R I f a Slndilnisfs Opoiiin? tlic Best Coml>inu- of qveriid 1,500,000 gullhns a|d|\'. Roj&au Catholic Glinrch||was^.sthick' by ■O*7 £ » . A . W A «5'SIi, H ilitor. tio:s 1« c2ch with litisif-llow it Is lionet EAIfSr 0, Mioii-v July 1 , isgj. } l 1 09 Atlantia to the. Pacific, lias bpen aud . , V " ft ‘ 4 “ p " ffTfl" , ligfifning demolishiiig a Barge portion: of 1" 1 , J^xqltenicnt. Antony linnlv Ofilccr’S undj, •Notice is tfcrebx given,‘that certnin Lunds, siluutcd in s a f l q r o r *20 139 49 *7 83 1 5G 160 10 89 TWeH^.Stfttes;.uaves)egj.\lly^ratified ilie^ .tUo Ojimty uf Berrien,,bfii oflMo.tlus StuJeJ'or Ta>:ss of 17 03 ISO 170 is still bitsy“ with the* L ord 'B y ro n * Ijoclc iWrtkers. - — • ( i the belfry,—^OntonagonMinerpAiug. 21st. neflqrof * * 20- 51 605 06-101 100 7 67 15th amendment to the constitution of lire4 1807, und previous years, mid described in statements 17 03 150 170 THURSDAY JIORKIAG, SEPT. 2, I860. From the New York Times, Aug. 24. c h f o f nw flq r , 35 75 75 5 61 112 150 823 23 03 scandal. This comment of the press .-liich will be forwarded to tho oilice ol' the Treasurer ol 24 ; 17 150 1 7 0 United States, and two have rejected it. i r h f o f aw qr S6 SO 11 $8 2 37 150 15 75 03 170 ^ A t the time of the Ocean Bank robbery uid pouiity some time next month, will be sold at publio 25 17 150 has been awakened by the appearance —Sux Stroke.—A man named Len- auction, by said Treasurer, at tbe County-Seat, cm tho ' TOWN 7 S0TFTII OF IUNGE 20 WEST, 17 03 1 50 170 s h f of ae qr 12 £0 11 04 2 20 1 50 14 74 27 the Times announced that Mr. William F. A man residing in Chicago tried to ton Crabb, was prostrated by the heat first Monday of October next, at the time and. place desig­ 17 03 150 170 of Airs. Harriet Beecher Stowe’s ar­ invqr of 13 ICO 23 83 4 70 150 30 09 28 17 03 Ensign, an expert; of this city, had picked nated for tlie ordinary Tax Sales, if not previously dis­ e h f of ae qp 14 80 18 00 2 00 150 171ft: 150 1 7C make his fire hum by pouring on -kgrosine Fridiiy- monnningj 'atid his recovery is coin 3ft 17 03 150 , 1 70A M L ASi) THEF1KASCIAL QUEST 10A. ticle, published in the Atlantic Month­ posed of at-tliis office, according.to law. , a h f of 8>v qp- * -10 SO 1460 2 92 150 19 02 33 the combination lock on the safe of that oil, and succeeded in burning to death his Said statement’s contain a full description o f each par­ 17 03 1 50 1 70 sidered doubtful.— A gentleman named n p t o fa w q r 23 CO 7 80 150 150 108ft., 34 17 03 150 170 ly, entitled, “ The True Story of Lady institution, in presence of the officers of cel of said lauds, and iiiay be seen on application at the no qr o f 24 ICO 15 59 ' 311 1 50 " 20 20 " The jNVsv York Mercantile Journal wile and child.* . Matterson, was sun struck while attending office o f tho County Treasurer. 35 17 03 ISO 170 Byron’S Life.” so qr of 2S ICO 3104 ft 20 *150 38 74 36 17 03 1 50 170 o f the 10 tli ult. has the following rel­ the bank, and the statement Was by some - Lands struck ofT to tho State for Taxes o f lSG7,..or:6'ther c lif .of no qr 32 80 1110 2 23 1 50 14 89 'Esther AioMahon.’ jforf thrpe 3’ears held-* YSund.ay §ch6ol piq nic at Sand lake on years, at thq.Tax. .Sales !u October last, will bo otfered 42 17 03 1 50 170 "it is well known to all that Lord declared to be erroneous. $i!hsequent in-: w h f o f w qr 33 SO 1116 :2 23. 150 14 89 43 17 03 150 1 7 0 ative to our review of its financial ar­ P§ursday.!"|His recovery:1 was* considered .subject to’ the.riphtj.o.f redemption prescribed by- law, as ■vv h f of ew qr 34 2130 1A 26 * 1 50 “ 27 0ft and Lady Byron did not live agreea­ vestigation proved, however, that not only" as a' Fenian Convict in ’ Canada, arrived-at*' well !*s 10 tlie V lghtiof purchase o f tlie State bids at 80 45 17 03 150 170 TOWN S SOUTH OF R VNGB 20 WEST. 46 17 03 160 170 ticles: Buffalo, his former home, on Tuesda_v. doubtful at last accounts.—Adrian Times tho Olfica, prior to 1 he aale. lif of nvf qt* 80 did;:he pick the lock in-question, but"-"that And l'urtlior-imtiee is- lierehy-yiven tli:it. certain lands, 8 1 10 48 3 29 150 2127 47 17 C*3 1 so 170 bly, and that for a long time they did 0 'shfofTj'eqr ' ^ ' ■ l f'" 80 2130 * 420 1 50^-27 00. eektes ocxty ecord situated in Said county-, which were hid off to tho State, 48 17 03 150 170 The B C R , of B u­ he did it with, facility, and after the combi­ sw qr o f sw qr 1 40 8 24 164 150 1138 not live together. Tho reasons woro A fire at. , on Tuesday, the; at tho tax sales therein tor tlie-y-oar-1801, and previous 53 17 03 150 170 chanan, Mich., in a recent issue,, closes a nations had been made by the bank officers e 05 a o f s h f of nw qr 2 65 25 56 ‘511 150 3217 64 17 03 160 170 never made known to the public, and, 2-ttIi; destroyed.property valued at $100,- years, will be oficrod tor Balo?ut tlio samo time and place, ha qr o f mv qr * 3 40 15 57 review of the 0th and 7th articles of the —B orgdars A bout.— On Thursday to the highest bidder, in accordance with tlie provisions 1173 2 34 150 17 03 150 170 themselves;, and were entirely unknown to 000. AV’lif of he qr - 6 80 1 27 25 1 50 3 02 17 03 150 170 so far as tho world was concerned, the night, August 19th, some person ^ or per­ o f Section 124, o f Act ?No.1100, LawsofTSG9. , ;v fl4if of sw qr . 7 7.S 45 8 69 173 150 1192 Financial aud Commercial Platform of The him. A Washington despatch, published ’ S" '"* WiI.;lI.UMijHltEY, AuditorBenoral. 17 03 150 170 matter remained a complete mystery. The ' Democratic State Committee, of sons entered the house'.of'Jam es Jones, no qr of sw qr .1 4 40 8 91 178 1 50 1219- 17 03 150 170 Mercantile Journal, by setting forth a plan, in yesterday’s Times, announces that Mr. ir fl lif o f mv qr 18 80 8 G9 173 150 1192 17 03 150 170 Esq,, through a,, window, and; emptied the TOWN 7 SOUTH OF RANGE 21 WEST, ofits own. W e are, of course, pleased to It was generally supposed that Lady James Sargent has been operating on the Afassachusetts, hnve nominated John .Quin-, ? Annual -Tax Sales. - 17 03 150 170 pocket book o f the gentleman of the house w hf of se qr 35 80 14 92 2 98 1 60 19 40 17 03 150 1 70 observe that the R ecord is exercised upon Byron was to blame instead of the cy Adams for Governor. , ,.?s • e hf of SO qr . 35 SO 8 94 178 150 12 22 03 150 170 patent combination locks on the Treasury *? .• A uditor Generals Office,") • 17 o f a small amount of change, and also took und££ of w hf Of go qr36 80 8 33 106 150 11 49 17 03 150 170 this great question of finance, but we re­ poet. The idea, by some means, Department safes in that city, which he The House of Correction, at Detroit, is L ansing, Mich., .July 1,1869. j . lin'd of e hf.of sw qr 36 80 . C 73 1;34 150 9 57 So much o f each o f tlie foHowmg. described tracts or par­ i l 03 1 00 170 gret that its opinions should be in such a a tobacco box and a hunch of keys. TOWN 8 SOUTH OF RANGE 21 WEST, 37 03 150 170 gained credit that she was of a very succeeded in opening, first In an hour aiid to be enlarged by the addition • of eight cels of situated in the County of Uerrien, delin­ und 13-32 of n fr 3 110 3 31 06 150 5 47 chaotic condition: so thoroughly mixed. It had been, tlie habit of Mr, Jones to quent for unpaid Taxes, for. the. years mentioned below, s hf of w lif of se qr 14 40 0 45-129 1 50 9 24 37 03 1 50 170 unhappy and disagreeable disposition, twelve minutes, and afterwards in twelve cells. as will bo snfllcient io pay tiio taxes, icterest nud charges. 17 03 150 170 carry several hundred dollars in his pock­ ehfofmvqrexceptRR17 71 85 7 88 157 150 io 95 17 03 150 170 It says: and for these and sundry other rea­ minutes’ time; The frequency with which thereon, will he sold b y the Treasurer of said County,"bit Spanish nccounts o f affairs in "rep­ \v fl hf of se qr 18 68 3 77 75 1 50 6 .02 17 03 150 170 et, and this-was1’undoubtedly known to the the first Monday of October next, at such punlic and Con­ ne qrof so qr ‘ 1ft 40 2 93 58 1.50 5 01 03 Then follows the portion of our ar­ sons Lord Byron left her, and could b-rglars manage to open looks of the most venient place ns he shall select in the County Seat of said 17 150 170 resent that 1,600 insurgents have presen­ depredator; hut fortunately on that night, neflqrof 18 20 38 1 07 33 1 50 3 50! 17 03 150 170 improved character, and the fact that Mr, County, According to .the. statute in such ca6e made^tnd. sw fl qr of 18 56 < 0 3 77 75 1 50 6 02 ticle republished from the R ecord of not live with her. ted themselves to the authorities and asked the “deposites” had been removed.—-Alin provided.; ; ~ . WM.inJAIP2lR15Yj Auditor General..'’ lots 116 117 10 80 136 150 2160 Ensign in this city, and Air. Sargent, in s 11 hf 19 117 10 6 26 1 25 150 5 01 54 feet by 12 feet front n o f a 17 ! Ivor. 2 1 ,1 8 6 7 , in which we advocated "Daring all these years of separa­ for pardon, ’ . Arbor Courier. . ‘ whfofnoqrexceptRR19 75 06 334 66 150 550 feet in bw-corner o f L" o it232 t232 J 670 1 34 150 9 54 Washington, have proved conclusively I R 6 7 . e ht of ne qr except! 20 feet e o f w 54 feet o f lot 232 2 03 40 150 393 y < . the using of the surplus means in the tion Lady Byron maintained entire TOWlj •3 .SppTIt t)F ».RANGE IS ^VEST,, > > RRand Butzel j 19 19 50. 107 33 150 350 325 83 16 150 249 that they can be opened, raise the question The sanitary condition of New York is se fl qr o f 23 65 37 . 9 82 1 96 1 50 13 28 Treasury for the purchase of Govern­ silence, and only the story of Byron —Steam B oiler E xplosion.— The 320 • S3 16 150 249 whether any of them are beyond the skill better the present j*ear than in ’ previous TOWN 8 SOUTH OF RANGE 22 WEST, 327 83 16 150 249 ment Bonds, thus enhancing their val­ and his friends gained circulation. boiler of Jeremiah Day’s saw mill situated fractional 24 233 85 13 30 2 67 1 50 17 53 329 S3 36 150 249 of expert burglars, and; this suggestion cre­ years, and the death rate is lower. : <3ITV OF NILES, in the township of Bloomingdale, explo­ I r uiia VZ o f 330" 17 03 150 170 ue. Also allowing the holders of Le­ According to Airs. Stowe’s account, ated considerable agitation among bank of­ lot in sc qr o f sec 23 Town 7 s i %vlil lots 401 & 402 10 06 2vl 150 13 57 "Wm. Lake, the circus mail, was 3liot ded on Monday morning about half past S w qr of»U6" qr - 23v ■f 40. ' 7 3L ; 3.05 .1- 50’ lota 444 i 445 50 40 10 08 150 6198 gal Tenders the privilege of convert­ Lady Byron placed in her hands a ficers in this city yesterday. TOWN 5 SDUTN OH RANGE.19 WJ2ST lot, ©by qr sec Hne. s hy Bat- f 2 77 130 482 448 * 670 134 150 984 and killed b}- a man whom he had put out seven o’clock, just after they had started sw qr ol ue qr5 * T. : 15 . .4V' 1102 5 51 150 tlo’ a lot it w b\ street J ing them into Government Bonds at memorandum stating fully the reasons Mr. Ensign’s mode of operating' is a ve­ 458 1' 03 100 170 of his tent, in Afissouri, recently; * the engine. It blew the boiler out of its CITY" OF -NILES. J. BEESON’S ADD!TION. 479 17 03 150 170; pleasure. The J ou rn al then contin­ o f the separation. Those statements ry simple one. He places underneath the H . B.'HOFFMAN’ S'ADDITION. Lo t No. 171 83 16 150 249 HOYT'S ADDITION. bed and. the mill frame all, to atoms, kill­ LotlOO ; 89 ^44;L50i :2 83^ n li f of Lots 179 and ISO 83 16 150 249 Lots. Block. key-plate a small; circular, smooth-faced di­ Chief Justice Chase says tliat he ;“is out; Lot number 183 S3 16 150 2 49 ues : make Lord Byron guilty of the vilest ing David Pingree, and injuring severely ise s. 6 ' 13 160 33 150 349 al, having on it duplicates of the principal of all future political contests." TOWN 3 SOUTH OF HANGS 17 WEST. T 1S4 , S3 16 150 249 3 40 1 66 33 150 349 The financial prosperity of the R ecord o f crimes, that o f incest with his; half .Maine Wilcox, engineer, and .Jeremiah nw qr of no qr 40 2 OS 59' 150 - 5 07 . "w 185 S3 i6 150 2 49 3 61 3 34 66 150 5 50 numhe rs that-are on the principal lock, nhfofnwqr 75 92 7 45 149 150 10 44 180 ,83 16 150 2 40 NORTH SAINT JOSEPH. is indicated in an enlargement to an eight- sister. Airs. Stowe was- consulted by Costiy Jewish synagogues .were dedica­ Day. Others were more "or less injured, « 1S7 111 22 2 S3 which numbers are graduated equidistant- no qr of so qr 40 5 67 113 150 8 30 150 lot 62, block 35 33 06 1 50 1 SO column folio sheet, winch is very n Lady Byron, previous to her death, ted at Oineiunati and St. Louts on Fridaj'., but none seriously.— On Friday of last shfof noqr SO 1134 2 26 150 1510 « 1S8 111 22 150 2 83 VILLAGE OF THREE OARS. ly from each other. "When the person © hf of »e,Qr 80 16 S9 3 37 150 2176 246 & 247 S3 16 150 2 49, nhf.oU pts 6 2 * 63 4 36 87 1 50 6 73 printed. W e hope it njay be “ 219 relative to the propriety of publishing Gov. Baldwin will'not appoint delega­ week, as Albert Wright, a laborer in Dew­ w hf of o hf ofsw qr- 40 -S40‘ i ‘69 X 50 1165 55 11 150 210 SHEFFIELD’S ADDITION. successful in arriving at a correct solution who locks the safe returns the key, this o hf of 8\v i ‘ ' •80 1416 2 83 1 50 1S4S 250 55 11 150 2 1 6 lotsl,2. 3,4& 12,Model ♦ 262 52 1 50 i 64 these facts to the world, and advised ey & Goo dale's, saw mill, near Lawrence, GRREK, H. B. & O .W - HOFFMAN’S ADDITION. dial receives an impression or scratch’ upon tes to the St, Louis Natiounl Capital Con­ TOWN 3 NORTH .OF RANGE 17 WEST. lots 9,10,11,12 A e lif .of o A 61 of the currency question. that they should not be so published was canyin’g a plank, his foot slipped and nptofswflqr. t 13 32 33 416 S3 ] 50 . G 49 ne q r o f Jot SO 12 75 2 55 1 50 16 80 block 2 J 2 62 52 150 4 64 its surface, conformable to the exact posi­ vention. • w fr*of-b\v ll qr ♦ ,*'13 <..60 ’S3 7.58 151^150: 10 59 . h. b. * a. yr. hoffmax’s addition. lp.taJ, 2 ,3 ,9 ,1 0 ,1 1 * 12,M ock 4 34S 69 150 5 67 It is by practice that we make near he fell onto the circular saw, and .his right n 5^ ° f ^ot25 and 26 except 101 in h r lifetime, nor while they would tion of the numbers of the lock itself, the ec fr of b\V 11 qr 13 3S 3G 423 84 1 50 6 57 Berrien County Treasurer’s Office, ! approaches to perfection. W e therefore Crops throughout Europe, except in leg was so severely injured that amputa­ mv fr o f no qr of so qr 14- S 30 77 -15 150 242 feet off W of lot 25 J 8 32 1 C6 150 114S B rrien Springs, August 3 ,1S09. J reflect to the injury of the living. possibility of any other scratch being obvi­ uw fr o f nw qr .15 . 43 05 6 56 1 3 1 1.50 9 37 H. B. HOFFMAN’S ADDITION. Notice is hereby given, that the sale o f Lands in Berrien simply suggest to our cotemporary that by Russia, are light. ’ ' • tion was necessary.— JPaio Paw True Nor­ n h f of no qr 17 SO. 20 25 4 05 1 50 . 25 SO Lot 149. . 831 166 1 50 1147 County, advertised t«y tlie Auditor General as delinquent attempting to explain the basis of that Since the death of Lady Byron, it ated by it spring which depresses’ the; re­ 6 111 o f ne qr 17 -■.SOs 20 25 4 05 1 50 25 SO Ult 190 83 10 1 50 2 49 for taxes o f 1868, (and previous years,) w ill bo held at the Live cattle are now shipped from Uru­ therner, 27<7i. © hf of mv qr 1$ SO 1617 3 23 1 5 0 20 90 Lot 241 • S3 16 150 249 County Treasurer’s Office, in Berrien Springs, the County pnrtior ame for the raauage- appears that a work has been issued, ceiving; plate, whenever the key, after pla­ MOORES a REDDICK’ S ADDITION". : its pr guay to . lie qr o f sw qr/ 19 40 0 56 131 150 9 37 Seat o f said County, commencing on Monday, the 4th day as M rs. Stowe says, by tbe mistress cing one number of the comoluation, is mv qr o f mv qr. 23 40 1512 3 02 150- 19 64 Jots3,4,17&lSainlehfof2&19 19 37 3 87 150 2474 of October i ext, at nine o’clock A. 31., and continue from meat of ti e imanci 1 affairs of the nation, — The Grand Rapids Nagle says that on O. E LACEY’S ADDITION. turned backward to place the other, and, o lif o f mv qr 34 SO 9 03 I SO 1 50 1233 day to day, (Sundays excepted.) until tho same shall hare winch refers tam e purchase o f bonds, hy of Lord Byron, “ for the Sake of vin­ The letter by the Viceroy' of Egypt to the 25 th inst., a Miss Sophia Hulbert was w lif of 'mvqr 34 80 9 03 ISO 150 12 33 Lot 44 01 150 160 been disposed o f according to law. lets, it up again when the? reverse turn is sw qr of no qr 34 40 •3 92 78 150 6520 Lot 45 09 01 150 1 60 SAMUEL HESS, County Treasurer. the secretary of tiie Treasury,, ai a large dicating him and his fame from slan­ the Sultan of Turkei’ contains assurances drowned in the Thornapple river, while TOWN 4 SOUTH OF RANGE 17 WEST, Lot 46 09 01 150 ICO made for the second, third, or fourth point Lot 47 09 150 160 jprr to an! a ubsequent issuing of ders and aspersions cast on him by of Loyalty. pleasure riding, caused by the boat tipping m vqr o f * . 12 160 10 21 3 84 150 2455 01 hr the combination, as the case may be. w hf of svr fl qr ex- 1 Lot 48 09 01 150 160 bond at p>ai t m l no doubt, discover its his wife,” In view’' of this publica­ The scavetigeiing contract for New York over. cep t4acrcsotfu eu d j l8 55 65 ,9 32 1 Sft 150 12 68 E. LACEYS PLAT. This dial having been impressed by the w h fO fn c q r 27 SO 9 01 ISO 150 12 31 Lot 63 54 10 150 2 1 4 error, "tv e hope it will make the trial. city yields a yearly profit of $335,200. Lot 6-4 54 10 150 214 tion, Airs. Stowe concluded to give key, when removed shows exactly at what TOWN, 5 SOUTH OF RANGE 17 WEST. W e can t ee tte propriety of paying — On Thursday-afternoon, the 19th, a a’W'qr'hf mv.qr 40., - 2 24 44 -150 418 . WILLIAM JUSTICE PLAT. the facts to the public, as she learned points on the original number plate are the A'Severe storm did much damage at m vqr o f m vqr* ' 1 40 44 150 418 Lot 32 “ 139 150 316 Greenback's to the amount of §1.20 1-2, to little child of A. V . Hunt, jr., fell into s n % o f 0 h f ofsw qr 15 5Q , 2 49 49 150 44S JUSTICE PL\T. them directly from Lady Byron her­ numbers which make up the combination Bridgeport, Conn., on the 21st. inst. part o f lot 47, beginning atae V redeem a bond for $1.00, and immediately paihof .ho.t; wa.ter, scalding it terribly: Dr, neqr.O fnw qr 22 40 , ,125 25 150 , .3 00 self. Her statements set forth the used1; and then it is a matter of simple . ? ■• :• TOWN. 6 ,SOUTH OF RANGE .17 .WEST; thencew 52 feet and extending 12 46 249 150 1645 there ft r offer to red atm the greenbacks French official Journals deny that, tile Marsli attended to its "injuries, "and it is no fr of no fl qr 3 .10 40 3 52 70 X 50 5 72. n Ettnie width 8S feet J bv issuing bonds tor them, when requested matters o f Byron’s profligate course calculation, from one extreme point to the s\v qr of 6et Iofc'12 5 33 106 150 7 89 t emhei ISb 7, v hen the idea of con- but the general principle of all the patent Blocks 30 A 31 24 99 4 99 1 50 3L4S about $2,000, on which there is an insur? TOWN 8 SOUTH OF RANGE 17 WEST, t ernbihty was suggested, there was of our author, Airs. Stowe, may be combination arrangements Is the same. The great international boat race on ’the s 10 acres of SS’ o O V " L jt 12, block 32 7o 15 150 2 40 0 " W S l ance of $500.— Pontiac Jacksonian,, 26f/i. acres of l i f of sw-> 1 10 217 43 .150 410 TILLAGE OF BERTRAND. no uch discrepancy in the market found in the Atlantia Monthly for Air. Ensign,’three years ago, picked the Thames river, at London,, between Har­ q r o f ) Lot 4, block 6 32 06 1 5 0 . 188 T.0.WNfc,3 JSuUTH OF RANGE IS WEST. TILLAGE OF BERRIEN. September. lock of the safe of the National Exchange vard and Oxford University crews, took One, two or three horse. Also, •y alue of Legal Tenders and Bonds. — A man by the name of Axtell, living nfh fo f iieifl qr? 1 60,1 4 2S 2S5 '150 18 63 Lot 45 . 94 IS 150 2 C2 Bank of Lansingbnrg, set upon the combi­ place on Friday. The weather .Was fine; w h f of nw fl q r • 1 - 68 86-16 00 3-20 1 5 0 20 70 lot known as tlie Eagle Distillery! If. at that time, the plan suggested about four miles north of Mendon, was no qrof mvqr 1 40 S17 163 150 11 30 property, said b t lyings o f > 94 IS 150 2 62 nation of 50-50-50-50, also that of the and the race? was witnessed, it is estimated, s o q r o fs e qr 2 40 8 S6 177 150 1213 street, between Bluff and River J Try the Ikccorp h id been adopted, it TEMPERANCE AND DEMOCRACY* run over by a wagon load of lumber, a b a l l e x o e b ’ s a d d i t i o n . State Bank of Michigan, and several . oth­ by 1,000,000 people. The Oxfords row­ uhfofseqr . 2 SO 1428 2 85 150 IS 03 needs not the ken of a great financier few-days since, and instantly killed.— Cor. s ptofueUqr 2 OS 02 1133 2 26 150 15 09 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 &, 5, block 9 3 75 75 150 0 00 III Ills ' HALMS. The Democratic journals are de­ ers, from the officers of which banking In­ ed over the course, 4 1-2 miles, in 22 min­ nirofswfirqr 2* 7 127- 25 150 3 02 TILLAGE OF BUCHANAN. to see that no such difference could Marshall Statesman, 25th, sw *qrof 1 ' 11 1D0 23 30 4 06 150 29 40 A . 0 . DAY’ S ADDITION". lighted over the division o f tho R e­ stitutions. lie holds certificates j and he can utes, 40 1-2 seconds, winning the race by lot 5 & s h f of lot 6 ou block L 1S2 36 150 3*68 have arisen, as now exists. This, we w h f o f sw qr 13 80 . 14 60 2 92 1 50 19 02 publican party.in Alaine. “ The di­ pick other locks of the samp character if six seconds, 0 h f of eo qr 22 80 13 OS 2 61 150 17 19 ROSS & ALEXANDER’S 2 d ADDITION. opine, the jo u r n a l will he free to ad­ . — A lbion College P residency: w h fof.sw q r^ „ 23 SO 1173 2 34 150 15 57 Lot 6 2 72 54 150 4 70 vision,” the Chicago Times says, “ was fie be allowed a burglar’s time and oppor­ w h f of mv fi qr / 24 - SO . -la 56 2 71 150 17 77 . STAPLE’S ADDITION. It is expected that the August statement Prof. C. W . Bennett has-declined the Lot.46 & w h f o f 47 ‘ - 5 4 2 1 OS 150 800 mit. tunities. It is not surprising, therefore, to u fr o f sw qr * 24 ’ 3S 85 5 72 1 14 '150 S 30 Points for Kalamazoo and all caused by the temperance question.” of the public debt will show a reduction of Presidency of Albion College, and the w fr of liw qr 26 97 44 35 IS 7 03 1 50 43 71 TILLAGE OF COLOMA. While the Government now, may learu that Air. Sargent, another expert, is ,S.?hrpf> hfbfso'qr 27. 40 14 99 2.99 1,50 194ft L ot 51 5 68 113 150 8 31 the Niles Plows. Plain Points Over this it is evidently gratified. $2,000,000. Board of Trustees, on the 18th, elected J. TILLAGE OF NEW BUFFALO. pay $1,221 or $1.23. in Greenbacks whfofiieqr ’ “ 27 SO 29 98 5 99 150 37 47 A n d why should it not be? I t is to able to do the same thing in Washington e h f o f mv qr 27 SO 81,65 6 33 1 50 39 4S Lots Block only 65 Cts- Ornamental Caps- Scouting parties are unable to find any L. G, MoKown, of Cincinnati, to the va­ u qr Of W h fo f whf*l 1 1 31 150 187 for $1.00 in Bonds, every other per­ with the. locks on the Treasury safes. In 2 1 31 1 50 187 for Fence Posts. A ll kinds of the interest of Democracy to havo the hostile Indians in Colorado, cancy.^—Alb ion Recorder. of SO qr ‘ .; J 28 10 363 72 150, son who buys Bonds Inis to pay the fact, judging from wliat has been done in nc q r Of ne qr 28 40 5 23 1 04 1 50 7 7.7 3 1 31 150 ■187 temperance question enter so largely e h f Of w h f of no qr 28 40 9 24' 184 150 12 5S 4 1 31 150 187 same price. This scales the fact that the past, it seems to be no exaggeration to The report of the’ massacre pf Christian s e fr o fn o q r 29 5 1 16 23 150 2 89 6 1 31 1 50 187 into politics as to cause a division in —A little brother of J. P. Warper was 1 50 170 say that, given the Opportunities desired, missionaries in China is confirmed.- Twen 0 hf of yr hf of lie' qr 33 40 ^619 1.23 150 89^ n h f 7 1 17 Government pays .jti-t their market bitten in the foot by a rattlesnake on Mop sw qr t»fk ne qr " 34 40 1127 2 25 150 15 0^ 8 1 31 150 187 the R epublican ranks.. In consequence either Ensign or Sargent can pick the^best 9 1 31 150 1ST value, no more— no less. Government ty were killed in one province by the pop day morning last. By the use o f poultices sw qr of'ii© qr 18 35 40 “ 67 6 1'35 150 9 01 of this division in Alaine, the Demo­ lock In the strongest safe in the biggest TOWN 4 SOUTH OF RANGE 18 WEST. 11 1 31 06 1-50 187 will always buy her bonds for what ulace. and "drinking a large amount o f whisky, e h f o f so qr'' t . 1 SO T32 1-40 150 10 28 12 1 31 06 150 187 crats hope, so the Times says, to car­ bank in New York. w pt sw of road sw qr 2 5 2 30 46 150 4 26 s ^ G 2 17 03 150 170 others will pay therefor. The fact Surplus silver is to be exported 'from the poison Was kept from the System, and w h f of u fr of nw fl qr 3 10 33 77 15 150 2 42 3 hif f 10 4 17 03 150 170 ry the State. 03* 150 170 it is thought he will recover.— Decalur R e w pt of 8 fr of se qr 4 '59 58 19 8S 3 S7 150 24 75 B h f fi 6 17 that it is generally conceded that the .Quebec, Canada. s fr of sw qr 4 90 30 30 61 6 12 150 3823 s 1-510 6 17 03 150 170 I t seems to us. that, in all the great 03 150 170 I T. S. 5-20 Bond? are payable in coin, The International Boat Race, pitblican, 25th. n h f of s SO acres Y n 1-1011 6 17 political questions before the people, The Pall Mall Gazette (London) says s pt of. . J S io: 1176- 2 35 150 - 15 61 n4-512 6 31 .06 150 187 has much to do with their appreciation N ew Y ork, August 2S. so qr o f sw qr 9 40 61 22 12 '24 150 74 96 2 except R R 7 17 03 150 170 the Temperance question is of great 1,700 fanatics recently burned.-themselves — The Hillsdale iDemocrat, of the 27th e hi of w hf of sw qr 9 40 15 SO 3 16 150 20 46 n h f 4 7 - 31 06 150 187 in value. While the Greenbacks, The TTor&r* London special Says : The to death in a Russian village. -w liCof nw qr 10 SO C 20 40 4 OS 1 50, 25 98 3 13 15 150 2 42 importance; hut not of such import­ ult., giv.es an account, of a singular occur­ fl 4 47 09 150 2 06 race is conceded universally to have been ntf cor 82 iods e & tv'L 18 bearing no interest, and having no of noqr r io L3 26 4 5S 91 150 6 99 9 23 G2 12 150 224 ance as to warrant tho separate organ­ The situation in Paraguay remains un­ rence happening in the? town of California, 09 150 2 06 perfectly fair aud honorable on both sides. sw qr o f so qr u : -.40 3-82 76 150 6 0S 10 24 47 __ definite time of redemption, and being 11 24 47 09 150 2 06 ization of a Temperance party,-to the changed. Lopez holds a very strong po­ .Mr.. Samuel Hamer found, a few mornings w h f of o 1*2 acres n T L The time occupied by Oxford was twenty- fl4 25 09 150 2 06 non-convertible into Bonds, are o f less since, a bag upon his door step Containing road s w qr of no qr ;h o 6 • 1C9 33 150 352 defeat of the Temperance question. two minutes and forty-one seconds, being sition, and the allied forces s'eem afraid to bd n 4 qby J B Proc­ 5 25 47 09 150 2 06 value. This, however, would not be tor,B r. \\ inans, V P 10 23 62 12 150 2 24 attack him. what lie supposed a cat. Without investi- 150 2 24 This must inevitably bo the result. more than they took over the course a few River, s by P 1* ltiv- ■IS 5S 16 1119 2 23 150 1492 12 25 62 *12 the case if a $1,000 Legal Tender was gation-he carried jt to a pond and threw All 85 31 06 150 137 The organization of such a party must days ago. The distance rowed is a little President Grant and family were at er, w bo T line, n fr convertible, at the option o f the hold­ it in. Upon relating the circumstance to o f n h f 32'- 85 31 06 150 1 ST have the effect of weakening the R e­ less than four miles and three furlongs. Saratoga on Saturday., &c cor, C2 rods e & w 4 36 47 09 150 2 06 er, into a $1,000 5-20 Bond. A $1,- liis Wife, She at once surmised It to be a no qr o f 19 20 22 GS 453 150 2S7L Lots WATER LOTS. publican party, and o f strengthening The day was fair, but the tide unfavorable. 5 31 06 150 187 The office of the Receiver of City Taxes child, and, upon examination, found her s pt ofueqr betH L 000 Greenback would then be equiva­ For the? first mile of the race Harvard was Harris & Ox Creek 19 10 * 7 55 1 5 1 150 10 5G 6! 31 06 150 187 the Democratic party j and, in many suspicions correct. The child was drown bounded n b y Had- & »• 8 31 00 150 1S7 lent in value to a $1,000 Bond,, and ahead by more; than a length, rowing for­ in Philadelphia was robbed Friday night of 9 31 06 150 187 cases would throw' the control into the low,’©.by Osborn, 8 - j. „ .. • • ? no premium of 221 per cent, would ty-two strokes: per minute to Oxford thir­ $40,000. . ed. -- lly lnghiufi,w by Ox - 10 31 06 150 187 hands of that party from which Tem­ ’' i . 1 r . i ■ ■ ■ Creek, ne qc , 19 23 10 07 2 01 150 13 5S 14 31 06 150 187 be required. ty-nine. The Harvards’ rowing was most e h f of ne qr o f nw qr 20 20 10 34 2 06 150 13 90 15 31 06 150 187 Nearly the whole of the Atlantic coast 16 31 06 150 187 perance men can expect no favors. brilliant, and many believe that the race —T errible A ccident.— Yesterday af­ 6 pt ofn w qr o f nw* The very moment a law of con v crti- was visited with refreshing showers on nr o f nw qr 2S 4 311 62 150 5 23 17 31 06 150 1S7 Let Temperance men’ work with ternoon, "a breakman on a- freight? train. IS 31 06 150 137 Jnhtij shall be enacted by Congress, might have been gained had the coxswain Saturday for the first time in several weeks. mv qrofueqrand e) Was fooling .with a boy, who lived at ptiof lie qr o f m>’ ;br 1:31 .50 - 26.74 .5 34 -150 33! 5S 19 . 3 1 06 150 1 $7 the great reform party of the Nation, matte better efforts? to take the Oxford's 22 31 06 150 1S7 that moment Legal Tenders and Bonds nw qr pf so qc 33 40 ’ 14 69 *2 93 150 '19*12 the Republican, and constantly agi­ water. As Hammersmith’s bridge was A man who said his name was Stephen .,Gaines, and the train, backing up knocked TOWN 5 SOUTH OF RANGE IS WEST. 2S •31 06 150 1S7 become of one and the same value Palmer, and who is supposed to have come them both down. The wheels of the car n w q r o f ne qr . 1; 54 S 47 1 69 .150 1106 29 31 06 150 1S7 tate the gieat question, demanding passed the advantage was still with the und h f no qr o f ne qr 3 20 3 Si TO 150. 5 71 30 31 06 150 1S7 It is the fact that Greenbacks are not 32 31 06 150 1S7 Harvards, but it was perceived that the: from Akron, Ohio, threw himself over­ .cut the man in two, aud the legs o f . the sw qr o L m v q r. , t . 3 40.. .4 2 1 . S i 1-50 655 Temperance men to fill our offices. Let w Uf ofn w qr,of,my qr 3 -20 5 . 2 SO. -* 50'. 1,50 4 86 33 31 . 00 150 1 $7 thus convertible that makes them board on a recent trip from Cleveland to boy were cut off close to the body, both of 35 - '•!" . - , 'ft! 00 150 1S7 them not,, however, cut loose from the pace at which they started could not be ef^ofseqt; 4 85 00 42 26 S 45 150 52 21 fr’s side o fn e qr 4 4*22 block VIRGINIA COMPANY’S ADDITION. worth less, as per a gold standard, Detroit. ' them presenting a fearful spectacle. They 4 26 2 27 ‘ 45 150 279 sustained. A s the Harvards sank from nw fr o f sw 'qr 5" 100- 49 9 8 - 9 99 1 50 6147 fl 45 108 21 150 only party organization from which 24 150 29S than Bonds. This we trust is so plani forty-two to forty, and lower, the Oxfords The Michigan Central is going to put ’were almost instantly' killed.-—Pontiac Bill s fr o f sw qr o fn w qr 12 IT 2 5S - 51 150 4 59 fl 50 1 2 4 they can expect any favors. Let wise Poster, 25ih. '. siv flqr ~i' 5 22 39 79 6 9S 139 150 9 87 51 1 24 24 150 2 OS that the J ou rn a l cannot fail to per­ rose to forty strokes per minute; and main­ on a fast express to run b.etweim Detroit sw fl qr o f so qr 27 64 SO 5 26 1 05 1 50 7 81 flS4 1 2 4 24 150 2 98 V , *. t ______22 I SO 2 82 counsels prevail, and all will yet be swfl qrof sw fl qr^ 31 50 - 5,53 1 1 0 1.50 813 1186 130 ceive it clearly. tained it without alteration to the end. A 24 150 2 9S and Chicago in about eiglit Hours: w h fof.sw q r * \ 33 SO -12 44’ 2 4S 150, 16.42 91 •124 well. Alakehaste, Temperance friends, •92 24 -1 50 2 9S The result o f such a course would little before Ohiswick was reached, about ?—’Tlie Battle Greek Journal says that, TOiVN 6 SOB'iil OF R A S ffE 'lS %EST.A 124 i -News-has been received .at Philadelphia 93 124 24 150 2 98 slowly, but surely in, this matter. on the 20th, in the town of Ross, a- man nw .ft qr o f nw fl qr 2 9 62 352 70 150 2 82 be to constantly enhance the value of half way, the Oxfords, by a splendid ma­ fiW flqr 19^151 72 25 07 5 01 1 5t> 31 5S 9S 110 22 150 that Dr. Gayes’ exploring party had sailed named 'John Keis,' while engaged in. feed­ e pr o f nw fl or ,1 0 45 3S 20 62 412 .150 26 24 fl 104 63 12 1 50 225 noeuvre of their coxswain, tpok the Har­ 109 24 150 2 98 both Bonds and Legal Tenders, till a from Ivigtut, Greenland; for Disco Island. TOWiT 7 SOUTH OF RANGE IS" WEST. 1 24 Our Machine Shop 124 24 150 2 98 THE BOAT RAOE. vards’ water, and all of Burnham’s efforts ing a threshinv machine, his. ,anh was island „ 2 4 20 . 00 . 10 150 210 HO- return to specie payment was secured 112 110 22 150 2 82 caughtlin-the cylinder and dr'eadfulLy man A/hffqf n ' r, ~ 19 ” SO 10 36 2 07 150 13 93 to escape the Oxfords’ wash were The alarming'rumors circulated concer­ - - - 22 fl 147 17 03 150 170 Is fitted up with first class Machinery, and There would be no danger of the bu­ The great International ee q r o f ne qr * 40 11 SS 2ft7‘ *1 50 15 75 2 60 gl.ed,. fro.tn .the’-efleets of- which di§ died on 5 94 14S ‘ 92 18 150 in vain. .As Chiswick church-was passed, ning Napoleon’s health have been officially n pt ofsw qro f nw qr 23 16 3 70 74 150 11150 09 3 50 2 0G -conducted by the best Machinists. "We are Island No. 2 188 • -47 siness of the country suffering from match, between the Harvard and Ox­ the following day. He leaves a wife and 23 3 SO 32 06 150 162 15 150 2 42 prepared to the Harvards were visibly distressed and denied, , . . Island No. 3 23 2 50 28 05 150 1 S3 17 such an arrangement. "When a largo ford crews, creates- much comment on s h f of if lifpfsv. 1 163 77 15 1 50 2 42 Burnham throwing: water over his stroke, . three-children. . . . jq n ! j , /;** 206 .92 18 150 2 60 Augustus of Portugal and Serrano are ofnoqr4M*^ ^ ' ’ -128 v*10 ’ 83*’ 17 150 2 55 • volume of currency was needed, Bonds hbth sides of the Atlantic, It is ac­ qnd Simmons, on whom the labor and sul- 22 78 207 92 18 150 2 CO o lif of nw qr 30 80 17 74 3 54 1*50 2 GO the?latest candidates tor the Spanishahrone. ©hf ofsw qr . . 30 SO 10ft9 208 92 18 150 M anufacture and Repair would he sold to secure a sufficient knowledged that the contest was spir­ tryness told heavy.* It was now perceived 7 41 1 4 8 150 209 18 150 2 60 . T — The D vid Register, of .the 26th, states TOWN 4 SOUTH OF RANGE 19 WEST. • 92 213 124 24 150 2 9S All kinds of Saw Mill and W ood Working quantity to supply the demands of ited and exciting, and that the Har- that the race Was lost by the Harvards, A range of iron mountains have , been .that on. last. Thursday a sad funeral wend- 813 acs of e h f of se qr 12 13 13 42 2 SO 150 17 60 2 06 3 49 fl 226 47 09 150 fractional 14 65 12' 1 66 33 150 22 150 2 82 Machinery, such as Daniel’s Planers, Yankee trade : and when the demands for cur­ vards labored under the disadvantage. though one more heroic effort was made to discovered in Alaska. ■ . ' ’ ed its way to "the old . Cemetery" bearin_ a. 20 acs so qr qf.no, qr 24; 13 57 235 110 20 10,0ft 2 0! a-50 237. J 22 1 50 2 S2 so muchof pe qrofne' 110 Whittlers, Man Killers, - Saw Arbors, and rency was light,, Greenbacks would be This the English press admits. The gain the Oxfords’ side,. Judge Drummond, of the United States the corpse of a man "who died-of a broken fl 244 47 09 150. 2 06 qr as’is'nol recorded 24S 2 42 everything connected with a FIRS1’ GLASS “"When the gun: sounded, the; Harvard •heart: ‘ It appears" that a M r.. Cornelius in tlfe plutof JBen’ton '24 • 5 50 ?3S 79 150 6 28 • 77' 15 1 50 converted into Bonds. Thus tlie evil course over which the match was row­ District Court iu Chicago, .lias "granted au 250 77 15 150 2 42 MAOHIKP SHOP. ... Harbor II 252 170 crew, after a moment’s rest, drew up by Thomas, a Scotch miner, left his" "home 'so mpeh of nw qr ofV ’ ■ * 17 ' 03 1 50 of locking up the funds would he ed was a crooked one?, the distance be­ injunction restraining the city of Chicago fl 258 31 06 *150 187 ne qras lies south uf >24' 41ft" S3’* 1*56* 6 52 the side of the Oxford boajfcand "applauded some three mouths a go'for the:? mines 12' fl 259 17 05 1-50 '1 7 0 avoided. ing 22,440 feet. This was rowed by from giving a, deed of sale of the '“Lake .territorial road, ; * j - the victors by clapping their hands. The Pennsylvania,’’and on liis arrival here his 19 62 fl 262 17 03 150* *1 70 How well a part of the programme the Oxfords in 2 2 minutes and 4 1 sec­ Front” property proposed to lie sold’for a, tiUniversity.Xot 64 j 26 1510; .3 02 150 265' 92 18 1 50 2 60 Oxonians acknowledged this by taking off -health failed him, and he saw no prospect: TOWN 5 SOUTH OF RANGE 19 W;EST. •266 ’ - 92 railroad depot. ? " * ‘ , 26 89 18 1 50 ^ 2 00 E N G IN E S , • no.fr q f . s . 1. 117 l o - 2116 4 23 1 50 suggested by the B ecord has worked onds.? A strict calculation of the dis­ their hats, 272 77 15 160 2 42 ipheadjof being abla.for months to:,co,me; to 'O fl h f of...... nw ft'qr s’of' "I , .fl 276 .. 06 150. !S t Joseph River. - J1 .31 .X.S7 is clearly seen in the appreciation of tance rowed by the Haryards, the A destructive st.ofm occurred in Central *,'i ' ' 4 5 -'■* 14-71 *"2 94 1-50 11915 2S3 *62 12 1 50 2 24 ‘‘There are various theories as to the send for his fatnily;; a vyife and six children w fl h f .of mytfl qr s .bf j • ■’ And all. kinds of Machinery, made and re­ Bonds., Secretary Boutwell is using New Y ork W orld says, was 22,6064 Iowa Friday night, resulting in much dam­ ft 291 *'• 17 03 150* 1-70 cause of Harvard's failure. ,It is rumored left in,Scotland-. ' This so preyed, upon, liis? highway, hu(Lyiliago>l 42 . "I3 ft3 ‘2 76 1 50 * p 00 ft 292 31. 06 .1 50* 187 paired ih good style, without delaiv the surplus in the Treasury in buying feet. This is accounted for by the that their diet has been vegetarian,’ but it age to crops and railroads. . I *■ " . mind" .jhiit bp died” -from melancholy and phit of'Royal Von' j ‘ .304 , ■ - ■ ’ ■ .4 •*' 47 09 150 2 06 aw qr ofsw qr | 2 40 11 55 2 3 1 .1 50- 15 36: 300 62 li2 : 150 2 24 and retiring Bonds, and they have run bend in tbe Thames, which was in. fa­ is m-t true. Loring is criticised " lor not ,o.h£ of.nc qr o f noil. .1^ fl 308 . ,2 06: The Tennessee Afrmulacturing,Company' grieff ? j”, "J’ . . -1 - , ' qr except 1 acres f ; 09 1 50 having English coaching; Burnham for 11 300 ' 17 03 150 170 All Orders -will' Receive up to $ 1 .2 3 , or equal to 90 cents on vor o f the Oxfords’ boat for three have filled their subscriptions for $3,000,- oms onft J 3 «^ 0 ,9 37 ^1-87a 1,50 /02.741 31310 09 150 2 06 of e hf of swqr ' 3 £l0' . 47 the dollar in gold, instead of only be­ miles, making the distance 222 feet bad steering; but many good judges de­ ' fl'311 47 " 09* 1 50 2 06 Prompt Attention. 0.00 stock for- a cotton manufacturing - —Mr. .)Y.*'S- Nelson, of, "Arcada, har­ o f ‘ne^fllir^ v 9 346 - .• • *02 ‘ 12 150 2 24 clare that the race was almost a repetition n 15 acros of 6 fl h f ft 4a 347 02 r 12 150 2 24 ing worth 75 cents in coin, as the Le­ further for the Halyards. A shorter enterprise.- " Their mill is to be."erected at vested 60-acres ofyvh’eat this season, which 29 05, 5 Si 150 36 :36 s 40 a n 90 a of s fl lif of 9 .40 fl 349 81 - 06 150 of the race between the English universi­ •40* 9 75^ 195 150 13 20 1S7 Shop -on Portage Street, near tho gal Tenders are. The plan works well bend in the river was in favor of the North Nashville. ^ ’ yielded 1,16.5 bushels., The quality of the, ne qrof noqr ;1 10 fl 350 ’ h , 17 03 150 1 70 ties, and Harvard failed because it's ^ o q r qf.se.qr^__ ___ ^10 1137 2 27 1 50 15 14 353 4 02 12 150 l2 24 ?JL>cpot) .h u u h a » a u , M i d i . on the Bond side, and it would work Haryards; the Oxfords having to go grain i's .'good. '.’..The average yield per’ ?ho'-.qr'ofsrc;qr ^ ?l6*^40 lV O li 2.27? 15*14 is that of Cambridge." The-payment of the semi-annual interest 354 . 77 ■15 150 •2 42 equally well for Greenbacks. 554 feet the farthest. This still would; acre is" 16.41' bushels.^-'.Grtitibt' Journal. mv qr o f soqr^ * ' * ;10 *40 9 75<* T95/ *1'50 “13 20 357’ ‘ 1 2 4 24 X50 * 2 9S on the "Virginia State- debt has been post- my qr o f mv qr » 1L 40 9 SI 1 9 0 150 13-27 303 . 23tf 150 13 27 * '1 2 4 - 24 *150 2 9S MORLEY & TALBOT. sw qr of n\V qr * 11 40 O'Sl 1 96 fl 307 62' ■12- 150 2 21? A better plan, however, than either leave 1664 on the whole distance in ’ polled to September 30th! 1 " " 4 54 150 6 94 s lit o f ne qrjjf no qr lT j t20 90 373 110 22- 150 2 82 The-Saginaw the" 26th. n qr o f seTqr o fh c'q r 11* 2 27 150 4 22 the one discussed, or that of the J ou r­ favor of the Oxford crew, and against Nnlerprise of 4o 11378- 35 07 150 102 News of tile Week. n. 28 acres of w h f of *) • ' says the-new church:building of .the Evan fl 379 62 12 1 50* 2 24 t n a l, on which to base and settle the the Harvards. Thus it appears that w hfjOt*-se%qr, * ^ JLX ^ ■ 3.54 :*.70 1-50 ’»> ;5 74 fl 3S4 gelical Lutheran.St; Johann.es,-Society . of se qr df ho qr'of mv qr-13*f- 10 '^l-OS ** 3 9 '1?50 ’ 3 87 17 03 150 170 Currency question, is the one suggest­ tho whole distance rowed by tbe Ox­ Two farmers took refuge under a tree, w e s t ’ s a d d i t i o n . nhf ofu^ qrof mv qr 15^ ,20 1716 3 43 150 22 09 Lots* this{city, was yesterday dedicated, with ap !5.‘ 40* . 10*30'2 00 1 5 0 13 SG BioSc * near , Ind., duiing a thunder no qrof nc qr 1 31 ed in the latter part of the extract ford boat was 22,440 feet, while that 15 40' * 10 07 3.-01 150 13 5S 0 06 150 isr . — A CiiiLD Scalded t.o Death;— L ast nw qr of ne qr o ♦ c 31 187 storm, on Wednesday, and were both kill­ propriate ceremonies. . ’ • •»*••• 6\v fl qr of 17 12- 2 25 45 150 4 20 06 150 from the B ecord o f 1867, and to of the Harvards was 22,606J feet, 3 . c 31* 06 150 137 W . W . R E A . ed by lightning. Friday; as-Mrs. Dow,-.wife of -Neal Do.w, ne fl qr of.-Q f 20f 74i54 9 27; 185il50 12 62 12 25 n h f 4 c 37 . 03 15Q , 170 which we called the special considera­ According to tho speed of each roqrof nenp ** ai* 4CT"> 896 1797150 s hf 5 was.cleaning the floor of, the "house .with * — Mr. Hiram Baldwiu/of .Flushing, has .80 IS 50 c 17 03 1 50 * 170 w*litof.nt)v qr .•lit ,li2 2 .2 84 .150 III 1 31- tion of tho Mercantile Journal and boat, when thfe Oxford creiv had row­ Two miles of the snow-sheds on? the scalding "water containing some* concentra­ 22* .40 . 5 47 104 150 8 00 06 1 50 1-87 ,a horse cplt about.three months .old, , hav- n\v qr of’iiw qr' fl 2 . I 31 00 150 187 In his now shop, on i ’ ront Street, at the foot of Central Pacific Railroad were destroyed swtqc of ne qr 22 40 S-56^171 150 1177 ft 12k-*’ Currency Beform Association, of New ed the whole distance, 22,440 feet, tho ted lye," her'litlle,h6yj'abdi4t i ttn-ee years ‘ slxmerfcct" feet.— Pontiac Gazette. ’ . _ no qr of se qc* 23 40 8 94 178 150 12 22 I 'Si. . Q6?150 187 ‘Day’s Avenue, is ain-ays ready, to receive your by fire on tho 2dth inst. . .80 13,56 JX 71.1:50.17-77 a 31. Q6 150 1ST money, and in exchange, give you any article Y ork, v iz : Harvard, crew "had rowed 22,5024- -old) came in froip out doors to 'have fh*is hfofsoqr- - ■ j 31 no qr of sw qr 40 7 41 148 150 10 39 06 ’150. 1-87 Jmotlier"tie; a stririg on a stidk to uiake’ him 3 j 31 00 150 1$7" in the Let the Legal Tenders be withdrawn From this calculation it appears that A war on passenger fares is now in #-v-^EarTy'oh Sunday morning the Tlour- n UL" of sw qrofnw,qr28 * 20 * 2r4$ 49 150 447 4 ** ar se fl qr o f * *“* - r31* 124 S 3 3 09 1 50 20,04 31 do 150’ 187 entirely, and an additional National Bank in reality the Harvards were not beat­ a whip. She laid down her mop *to?tie on ing Mill-of M. Stiff, Esq., was entered:by 33 12 94 5 j 31 06 150 187 progress between the railroads connecting e hf of ne qr ^ SO § 54 19ft Ifttf 6 j •the, string, which pleased- the ..little. Jellow burglars ari'd. attempt'to force open the safe ft4 viasn ^'27 Wf*5 '57*150? 34 93 47 09 150 2r06 circulation authorized, equivalent to the. en, and, I f the course had been New York with; the West. 24543 '•7.' ., . ,T 47 09 3 50 2'00 .HARNESS LINE, .Ifaloft 31 -aSSi^. S H| ? a X so, that, ha commenced to .liop around; .and "made, but fortuna'tely without success.— w h f o f n oq r-* *34 80 9 54 190 150 12 94 f t r , 31 06 1 50’ 187 amount of Legal Tenders withdrawn. This straight, the Americans would un­ 9. * *• * , X 31 00*1 50- 1ST A number of railroad bridges have been bo q r o f -8* 160 ' 17 71 3 54 1 50 22 75 would give the same amount of circulation staggered backwards, sitting .downinto the Holly Register, 26(4, . • 10 ! . X 31 ■ 00 150 187 doubtedly have come off victors-in the A W W N ’jO'SOtmfcOF. RANGE* 9 WESTss*r. 11 • ■' BUFFALO ROBES, carried; away near Montreal recently by pail of scalding lye, which burned-him;so n il qr?of m\fqrJJJsr: 3 A ‘00 p4 \0 39f 1 S7 150^*12 76 r 0.6 150 187 we now have. Then, in order to render- 12 cr 09 ’1 50 race. freshets. ? . bad that he died on Satuj-day morning.— s h fo fn w q r *’ 3 80 15 03 ‘3 00 n1 ™50 19 10 53s-tt 2 06 the National Currency the equivalent of .., — A daughter of(" Nathaniel Barnes, .of * * ‘ *4 80 ' 10 60 212 1 50 14 22 c 31 06 15.0' 1 87 airi i> sincii i ' (tm — — b hf of nw qr 31 • BLANKETS, Muskegon Chronicle, 25th. ' “ n.fl ptof ne'^r l Ci//57 26 *7 61' ‘152 i;5o, 10,63 a 1 5 0 1ST gold, let each bank be required to deposit. Au English colony of 1.200 families . this city.had her.'leg,, broke,, by-falling ‘ 4 ■’ a 31 1 30 isr JST St. Paul is to have the? exquisite W*nw fl qr of e-5*:i;$9 247393^ 278 lftft 15 20 :ft5 Government Bonds with the Secretary of has purchased. 32,000 acres orf railroad ‘ down’a pair ofstairs,,a distance of 13 fe'et, n il hf of no qr . 6 . 67.87 5 06 XQ1 150 7 57 o. 31 1-50 ; 187 fl 6 o; 31 150 1 87 b e l l s ; although.by no means rare, excitement of — Mrs David Ransom-,? of Algansee, whfofneqt r ..... 8‘ SOSQ .. .1Q.Q3 2 0ft. l .'5 f t 13 53 lands in Kansas. ■ • -. last Monday evening.— A turtle’ weighing" fl 7 c . 31 150 1ST the Treasury, as security for its. issue,, e'hfofew.qrk^ J^ilJ.S % SO. #-;a-w71 sfftt oo;v ift-ss ft’8l abroach of promiso suit. Mr. Aforris while sitting near an open doorway of..her ;ll3 pourids’was'caught in'the river -about w h f ot so qr S SO 10««/SUX*' i A O'oHn 1 en 13 i .> 53SO G 31f 150 187 sufficient in amount, in gold value, to its - 150 119 ■ 31 olifofmvq'r . !-0 0 T 181 1 5 0 12 38 O’ 150 1 S 7 ...... • "WHIPS,! Lamphrey, the gay defendant, is a lawyer, ffredrick Peters, lias been committed for residence^ during the ishower of last" week, a mile below this city.— Adrian Journal 8iV? 10 O’ *31 circulation of National Currency. This at no qr o f so hr 3 * 40 ' 3 34- 00 15Q 5 50 06’ 150 ■1ST manufacturing counterfeit coins in Sagi- 11 0 31 08 150 1 87 once brings our Currency to a Specie Ba­ and there is, therefore,; the less excuse , for was severely .shocked and. completely .pari 2 7 i h : -"V -j- * ? ; ' neqciotnenr J • * :'.DV/S i r i ms 150 §02 12 ' w hf of nw qr of IQ SQ urn a is 150 14 26 0 CV 06 1 50 " 1 87 his amorous delinquency. Ho" was just, 'naw City. alyzed for a short time, by' a .discharge ol ,1 . 1* 31 OOm I-oO' ■ - * ; - TRUNKS, sis, without injury to any party. The ehfofnwqi - IT so •6 45. .1.20. 150. 924 2 1:87 about really to lead to the altar a lady of no qr o f sw qr 17 40 322 64 150 5 36 31 06 '1 50 - TS7 electricity .which struck-the ground, a few —A ttempted R ape.— A ' man, whose . 3 ■V 31 06 150.. a:.S7 Banks will-have to increase thoir security, The steam boiler'in an iron mill atPhco w.hf— o_____ fn w mqr^.^. 19 . 50 35 *2 69 53 „ 150*. . . . . 4 .... 72 11 ; beauty, youth, and money, when ho was feet in front of her.— Cpldjua^er Rcpubli-. name we have been unable to .-learn, one Sfhfiofjiio qrlSSa fa 20 *, 10a -«52o 1 . seventy-five cents in gold, for every $133,- lug, killing and wounding a number of the w lif soqrfr y 20 r-80 4 6.04. 138 150 9 S2 o Q 31 06 1 50 , 1-S7 young lady who avers that Mr. Lamphrey person of a"’ young woman-e'mployed in nw qr of no/fr * i- 20 K 40/ 6 20 1*25 150 9 01 81 00 150 . 1 87 600 in Bonds, the bank would issue $100,- . workmen?* j 5 j. ar 150 Is but a perjured lover, inasmuch as for —The Huron Co. A’ems says the whole se qr of nw qr 20 40 • 3 6S -71 150 5 79 187 z the bake' shop" situated on 'Front" street, neqrofswqr 20 ■“ 40 • 6 00 U S 150 8 5S Q 31 lob 1 S7 And in fact, anything in his line of husiness, as 000 in Currency. This would give the Q 01 150.. 187 several years lie has been under a. sacred Tho agent of t]be United States Ex? number of births returned, • for the ’-year lower fown.— JIB:"'Diemens Monitor'. • whfof ’mvnr c j 21 _,80 ,1190- 2-38.. 1.50- 15 7S 8 - reasonable as can be found any where in Ber bank the interest of the $133,000 in Bonds ne qr oP ^ 1*-** -5» 29 '160 .1146 2 29.' 1 50 15 25 a 31. 150’ ,187 engagement to conduct her to the aforesaid press-Company, at Brownvilje, Kyq has 1868, in this county, is 267. 11 si: rienCouaty,...... i The’ whole n hf of sw qr of no qr 32 20 2 95 59 150 5 0-1 12, -a. 140. 187 • - at six per cent., and in addition thereto, 3 m: 1 50 187 altar; yet though often requested he has absconded with $12,000.. ' * ' number'of deaths 'returned for • the 3 vear d ; — C h i l p D r o w n e d .—A child, o f Geo. T0RTN’*7' SOUTH OF? RANGE 19 WEST * Lots. Itemomher’tlie place, seven door% below the $100,000 issue of notes, with which to s pt of ne qr of mv qr 17 15 510 103 150 7 60 TILLAGE OF ,ST, JQSEBIL neglected and refused to do the same, to ’1868, in the county,- is fiS. . 1 * • « - . i . ...“v. -n* ,,03 1 5Q JL 70 Bank, on J ro n t Street...... _ ln4Stf conduct a legitimate Banking business. George Peabody’s health has much im­ .Decker, of this township, 2 1-2 .years.-ofof n'lif of sw q r J<21 2 134’ -1,50’’ T9'55 the damage, "as she says,' ot Fifty Thous­ n lif of Be'qrt: • 26 m a 1 fill' 14 23 17 1 50 1-70 It needs no keen eye to perceive that this proved byhis sojourn at "White Sulphur ’ age,?'W astdj-owned.'On M bDday-!.lastI?'-iu a o'ltfipfn*MP.triP sK-qrSTJ.W r • • OCSO • 39 • : I l i a ,523.' 1 5,1 l l 92 .150 1.70 i l 150, 1.70 and Dollars. A ll wo have to say id that — The Michigan Conference of. . the M. s m a ll'd a m Mr. Decker l i a d ' huijt for tthe - W'fl h f ’qf'e\fr. qr i 30 .^9130)45=35 3.03. .1 50 i-19 OS A G B Y T S w a x t e h k i b t j i b would be a very profitable business lor the Springs, W". "Va. ! w hHfif sp ’ 30.: 80 50 4 3(1 ~I 50 27 30 17. 1 50'. 170 if Mr: Lamphrey is worth that amount of E.. Church,, will-cony/sne, in mnnual’/session . purpose^pfj w ateijng his- cattle.ir^iiep;i?ip(o?i 17- 1 5ft :170 BEST BOOK OF- THE PERIOD- Banks, notwithstanding those now in op- fBW'qr- ofrnw qr 39 ’40 : i'5*48 ?1'.09? 1 50.: SOT IT money to any woman, hC must bo a more; : A lot of Texas cattle “stampeded” in at/tho Division stre.etf M. E . "Gliurch -.in TOWN 8 SOUffiir OF RANGJS ,19 ?W-10ST.;- 0 ,. 1.60 * ft “7.0 ■ oration would have to. increase their 'secu­ "" #; N iv.liaQf.ne nr r . l S O . , 13 05. 2 61 150 1710 10 17. l'5Q‘ 17Q •W O M E N OFTNEW YORK; charmirtg creature than- tho majority--ef the; streets, of Buffalo, on Monday, and sev­ Grand Rapids, on TVednesday, Sept.*l5th". 3 01 ir i'S5 . 170 rities- ueqr"ilf»w'<]r ...... 5 • 40 -1-26'- *25 '150 i ll. V IT a!«?i so men of our acquaintance.— N. Y. Tribune. eral persons were attached -by the animals — IoniajSeiitineL’ " ' It > * '1 -,s6:qrof.BW nr ■ . 13 ? -10 a-,,2 07, r. .53 1.50,, , 4 70 f12, 1 70’ Now ' TOWN 0 SOUTH 01?' RANGE 20,,WEST.>: 13 17. 03 150 1 70 YoTk SocietyrUiinm>*lcc»l.'-%< 'rii*»Ari«t«c>«e.y,ni.WH4iiiMi of and seriously injured. . . . , .. , ^W.altervUtley,' sqn'o.f D'r.iHI B: ‘Lanaon, j i o q r o f 21 160 4 4S SO' ISO- ‘ ' G ST 17 03 -1 50* 170 BluHsuri*,” ‘‘Married Wonio»,l’ .npil.all, cljissr^ tbunmuhly In a troting match at Prospect Park, 17 03 1 50; ' I' ^-Thh- Mhthoffist'Dhurchiwill.'"he/’pom- ."*df3 th is ‘ ci ly,‘ Tell, in to "th eriver". from’qthp nw fl qr o f ; ...... 24 ~49 S0'14’£ T '8 '8 p " T'6Q*T18 68. 15$ 170 Sim ulated. fiO-inustrations. .A6*ln>p3 at onro. New York, on Saturday,, Lady Throne^ It is rumored that one of the first ques­ ' ‘ A ynonster Concert is proposed,yto be ; s h f .of .'8>y’fl: qr;! i ’f/W 24 •. < 78: 8Q ^ 16 17. 03 150. 1 70 ^25xv4 The Now TorkBook Co., llS^assnu St. Nvw Ynrk. !plefed‘ this’wee^ and ‘^ilPBe dhdipaied^fm- ‘ dook^of tlipfSa^ihaw ,&’?Bay Salt ? Oompa; •sq.qri Qf Can flu 'i > ?24/760:.; hl4.1T, .3.83k1 1,50* 50 -17" 17 03 150 1 70 heat Goldsmith Maid ancl Mountain Boy’ tions. to hob rouglit before tho next English heldmUehtral; Park, -Ne'w; Ydrlq* which nWt.qrIof so.qr’ , ^25* >40- ,-,,4 44a ,.*88i .1,50 >’•■'.6 82 37 ■03-1-CO' 170 mediately‘Mtef-tHd^Bessiqh'bf-Co'rffefehhe. nv, and was drowned 17 03. . . 150_ ...... 1 70 in three straight heats. Time 2 :2 0 3 4 , Parliament’ will be thdt of grantirig'unebn- isrfo exceed the; -Peace Jubilee in .— B ay Gitii-Joumal, s^ 'q ro ftq rn rjv 'r *r25 : left ,y;a3,29n 2 C5t 1 50 17 44 e r c h a n t s c a n q e t .. c a r d s , b i l l --' u e a d s , 'o S a ill* i'&Jf J ’ll:* ? & & 17- - W l o Q ' ,T70 ditional release to'all Fenians. - i * number and noise. * — Midland Indejsendefily&vgcfitJccL * * iJ28(/lO-1->: 'A j J 1 •: 4 ;i. i i l M, .ClrcularH, 4c,.; neatlyFprinteS, very clivapt Rl‘ tho 2:20 X-2 ancj 2:20 1-4. “ I?,? U * " r r c o r l q f f ic r The Berrien County Record, Biicharian, Michigan, Thursday,. September 2, 1869.

E x c h a n g e d .— M r. J. C. W elch has T he Crops.— The wheat and oats Multum in Parvo.— There is contained in New Adveirisements. The Berrien Bounty Record. Dr. Morse’s Pills the principle of health. We w e l c h : ^ •traded his house and lot, on Horth harvest being over, and other crops so have many thousands of testimonials of their Qafc street, with. M r. W m « Cotton, for far matured, a pretty safe calculation having restored the sick to health; which can OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COVNTT. wanted:® f a n 's the lot on Front street adjoining can be made as to the yield. From a be seen at our office. Use Dr. Morse’s Indian COLU1UEN, M Root Klls and you will find them not only a FURNITURE. Agents IS BOTH ENGLISH & GERM AY. Messrs. Luther & Son’s brick store. careful investigation we come to tbe THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT- 2, 1869. curative of disease- but also a preventative. FOR Showing how to double the value of sCD following conclusion relative to the They should be used in all cases o f Billiousness, [Land; make three times as much out 1-0 Headaches, Li*-er Complaints, Female Irregu­ H 0 W |of Stock: raising three times as much CD L ost, in the village of Buchanan,on crops in Berrien County : ‘(Iraina Hay, Rottsand all farm crops, CD CO larities, &c. - W e make no secret of the formu­ TO ct~ "Wheat is fully an average crop; C. H. PARKETON, 0 X ^ 0 0 $ ^ . f«nd xnoie than double all the profits of Sunday, Aug. 29tn, a pair of gold la from which this medicine is prepared. Ask 'the farm. Every farmer, stock rai-er, DWELL §> (?. oats is an extra yield, better than for your storekeeper for the Oineta Almanac, rend MAKE gardener and fruit culturist wants it £ spectacles. The finder will be suita­ Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of XSC53 it carefully. Use Morse’s Pills. Sold bv all Of every description, including the famous i One Hundred <£ Party JUustrations. A cLv e r t iteiln g A g e n t s . bly rewarded by leaving them at" the several years in tho past; corn, with ^ Agents sue having wondeifol snccess CO dealers. 7 £ jfflm Send for circular, the reef nunendations- NO. 40 r.VTvIC ROW, NEW YORK. R ecord office. anything like a faArorable fall for its p ik e and terms to Agents. Address » £« Furniture, Spring Beds, T i R X 7 l Z eioleb, McCcepy & Co^ Messrs,G«n. P. Rotrii^A Co. Uro tho Aecntsfor the maturing, will be fully a half crop, S' ■X. -OL a • 1 C’J Monroe St.,'Chicago, III. Ct* B kraik* County R ecord, tind the most influential am] rather over than under; potatoes, Marriages. CP' largest circulating Newsprpers In tho United States and R ailroad.— W e congratulate our P Canadas. Thoy are authorized to contract forusntotir MATTRESSES, MIRRORS, i i i a i Berrien and Benton Harbor f.-iends though injured someAvhat by the bug, O o l t L :.y ]?^xo;*sex’y . CD lowest prices. A ug 31.1309. at tbo residence o f the Liide’s father, ESTABI-ISIHEIS IS5 5 . O & on tbe bright prospects before them promise an average yield per acre, but by "Elder AYm. M. Roe, Mr. ISAAC E BARNUM, (of tbe Fruit Trees. Hrio.U Fruits, Ornamental Trees, Roses, To Advertisers. the breadth of ground planted is per­ firm o f B ’nckman A linruuin. Attorney st) to Miss MARY Sftrubs, tfc. Best kinds for the West. Large quantity; o** ’ of railroad communication with the E. ABBOTT, both o f Raw Paw, Michigan. Mirror Plates, Gilt Mouldings, fine assortment: 1u*rices reasonable; satis­ The “Record” is the best Advertising faction gurini ntt ed. Corrc; pondi nce solicited, and prices outside world. I t is with pleasure wo haps less than usual. From present Sept. 1st, 1869, at tho residence o f Mr. David tf. Tense, § Medium in Fouth- western Michigan, hav­ sent on application. P £3 indications tlicl’e is danger to he anti­ In this villuge. by Elder Wm. M. Roe, Mr. ABRAHAM And everything else usually found in a first A. G. HANFORD, Columbus, Ohio. !— m R ecord wearers, lias thoroughly demonstrated the Is better than our regular shaped axes for these reasoi.s r-^ 0 . M. Tabor “ _____. . . . . 73 At the United Brethren Church,every Sabbath,atlO)^ to it a new lot o f Blank, School and Miscellaneous- P r s t—It cuts deeper. Second—It don’ t stick la t! f H the subscriber. they claim not to deal in “ auction ’clock, and early candle light, by Rev. A, M Cummins. Books,H the subscriber is enabled to supply almost B R. W. Plumb &Bro., St. J o ..., ------2.00 strength, steadiness, durability, and accuracy wood. Third—I t does not jar tho hand. Iburth—S o p goods.” Ho, their stock is a regular At tbe Advent Chapel, on Third Street, every Lord’s of the Elgin Watch. To satisfy that class in a John E, Edson, ripestone,...... 2.00 S ylvester S tevens. day, morning and evening, by Elder F. II .Barrfck. time is wasted in taking the A xo out o f tlie cat. Prfih Anything in the Book Line. all these respects, is to decide the question as — With the same labor you will do one-third more work M. Pricey Laketon,...... 75 stock, and they are just closing it out than with regular Axes. Rc-d paint has nothing to do to the real value of these time-keepers. LT. J, Stone, R ichland...... M< from necessity. Auction goods are Also dealer in all kinds of. with, tho goodquaUties o f this A xe, for all onr Axes are D elegates.— A t the meting of the The superior organization and great strength pointed red. If your hardware stores do not keep onr a H-1 rr-TfAH subscribers in arrears, for one year ty CD Buchanan Temperance Union, held at understood by the people to be of in­ Special Notices. Musical Instruments, of the Company’s Works at Elgin, enable them goods, wo will gladly answer inquiries or fill your order* are now indebted §2.50 each ; but all who pay to produce Watches, combining tho best and direct, or give you the name of the nearest dealer whr us in advance as far as they are in arrears,shall the Presbyterian Church on Monday ferior quality, hence the universal keeps omr Axes. Stationery, Foreign and Domestic Fancy Goods, the latest: latest improvements, and at a price which ren­ M R P I X C O T T & BAKEYCTGIiXia receive the benefit o t advante payment. evening, the following persons were claim of these traveling institutions, MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. Sheet Music, Ohiiios o f every description, best Initial. ders competition futile, and those who buy a ay Pittsburg:. Pa. Note and Foolscap Papers, the latest styles of Paper Cuff* Sole owners o f Colburn*s and Red Jaded Patents. P appointed delegates to the Chicago “ our goods are not auction goods.” and Collars. other W atch, merely pay from 25 to 50 per rost cent, more for their Watches than is necessary. S3 F .—T here Was a light frost on Hational Temperance Convention: Many good people, lioAvever, Avho are tf and after Monday, April 26, 1869, all trains on the EBT. RUSSElEs^S SCHOOL, N ew H aYou, C- yesterday morning, the first o f the caught by the bait, learn, Avhen it is O Michigan Central Railroad stopping at thisstatlon, PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. &C o n n .—FALL SESSION begins Sept, 13th. Cata­ Rev. Wm. Fuller ; D . E. Hinmau . T. w illleaveas follow s: logues sent on appMcaticn. season. F . 0 . D o d d ; J. Bliss. Iho conven­ too late, that thoy have been AYofully t J e w e l r y « TRAINS WESTWARD. SPEOIAL. ASH your Doctor or I>rucrg:ist for tion met in .Chicago,on. yesterday. deceived. Often, too, people -will at­ Night Express, (daily except Sunday)...... 7:12 A .M S W E E T JfIX3G—it equals (bitter) (Quinine. I will furnish all Newspapers and Magazines at Pub­ P ure cider at H . EL tend these auction establishments, and Mail,(daily except Sundays,)...... ,.4:27 P. M Silver & Hated Ware 1 made ouly by j?. STEARNS, Chemist, Detroit. ,v ^ * Way Freight, (daily except Sundays,)..,...... 2:00 P . M lishers’ retail and subscription prices, thus saving to my P customers nil postage aud all losses through tbe mails,, Kinyon’s. F in is h e d .— The bridges on-sJoront pay more for an inferior article than §0 A I>fiy for all. Address A. J. FULLAM, N Y. O £2 I H TRAIN S EASTW ARD. which dally occur, both in remitting money, and in loss: ol numbers. Jy Street and Day’s avenue are attl^t they could go to regular and respon­ M a:l,(daily,exceptSunduys,)...... 10:25 A . M 3I5.>Xj01YZHI3]5i T that ja y s . For particulars, a * • PD Evening Express,...... 7:33 P. M P eaches.— Peaches have bqeu in Edress S- M. SrnxcEn. & Co., Brattleboro, T t. CO completed. The work this time will, sible dealers and purchase a good ai-- Way Freight, (daily except Sundays)...... 9:40 A . M NOTICE.. & w - 0 our market for sometimejpast, retailing meet the approbation of the entire Vticle. If, therefore, the citizens of Bu­ II. E. SARGENT, Gen’l Sup’t. Great pains will be taken to please all who favor my ORDS OF IYISD0M for Young Men on iho Ruling CO erf- with a portion of their trade. My stock is varied, and W Passion in Youth & Early Manhood, with sell-help o from 50 cts. to § 1 .5 0 per basfo£/1iC- community. W ork will be immedi­ chanan and vicinity AA’ill consult their will be sold at reasonable prices. for tho erring aud unfortunate. Sent in sealed letter en­ O Wards 01 Wisdom velopes, free of charge. Address Howabd A ssociaticx. o cordiiig to quality. ’ G. E. RYDER. ately commenced on West First Street W n interest they will give a AA’ide f o r y o u n g m b it , Box P, Philadeliihia, Pa. C u fcs June 15,1SG9. 3-l7yl cc On tho Ruling Passion in Youth aud Early Manhood, with CO HI and Chicago street bridges. lierth to all such institutions, and HIRTY YEARS’ experience in the SELF IIELP for the Erring and unfortunate. *Sent in I m provement.— We notice that /purchase of regular* and ‘ responsible Treatm ent of Chronic and Sexual Dis­ -< sealed letter envelopes, free o f charge. Address, HOW­ T e a s e s .—A Physiological Tiero o f Marriage.— CO O Mrs. A . M . Painton has much improv­ ARD ASSOCIATION. Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. 3-13yl D ishonorable .— W e have thus fat- dealers Avith Avliom they are acquaint­ cheapest book over published—containing nearly ioO © - o GO ed her residence on Hirer street,, by pages, aud 130 fine places and engravings o f the aimtomv ed. PHOTOGRAPHS f o f the human organs in a state o f health and disease, H—* e+- held our peace,.- whiie^many^-of^otfr T O coxstoiptiv .e s . raising it up, making additions thereto* with a treatise on early errors, its deplorable conseipitre­ P-- O cotcmporaries havejgjtpdSed thp.-mean- THE Advertiser, having been restored to health In a Of eyeryjdescription, al£ prices Mower than es upon the mind and body, with the author’s plan of O repainting and otherwise improving the F rom AVeesmf. few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffored treatment—the only, rational and successful mode of nes~ of the ^Detroit ^Advertiser if- several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread PHOTOGRAPHS! ever. cure, as shown by a report of cases treat-d. A trothlul P general appearance-., Tribune m -appropriating matters Aug. 23, 1S69. diaeaso, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his ad^ser to the married and those contemplating marriage . r —— ------[This letter came to hand too late for fellow-sufferers the means o f cure. who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Seut o ---- from the colums of the country press, To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre­ free o f postage to any addrt ss on receijit of 26 cents, iu m H-> T h e C o u n t y F a i r .— Preparations insertion last week.— En."| scription used (free of charge), with tho directions for stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CP.01 A, without due credit. I f there is any­ preparing and usiug tho same, which they will find a No S i Maiden Lune, Albany, N. Y. The author maybe are being made for a Fair that will do E ditor R ecord:— Felix still lives, sure Cun* fop. Consumption', A sthma, B ronchitis, etc. thing contemptible it is this stealing consulted upon any ol the diseases upon winch his look* S credit to the County, to he held at though lie says but little. There Avill be The object o f the advertiser in seuding the Prescription is treat, either personally o r by mail, and medicines sent tc p from the local press, by a city paper, to benefit the nfilicted, and spread information which he any part o f the "world. Buchanan tire present foil. Full a Sunday School picnic on the 2d o f Sept, conceives to bo invaluable; and he hopes every Bufferer without an honest acknowledgement will try bis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may Of Chicago, has opened tho Photographs Rooms in the particulars, Bills and Premium Lists near Mr. Robert Eaton’s. W e understand prove a blessing. of the soureo o f its information. Let that there will be three Schools from Ga- Parties wishing the prescription, will please address CxF@Sst B istp ib n tio n . y «=»=»- will be given out in due time. , Rav. EDWARD A. WILSON, R y the M etropolitan G ift Co- the Detroit F r e e P ress be as mean, lien, and' two from "Weesaw. A three 3-15y\ WiUfamsbvixg, Kings County, New York. BANK BU5LDiNG,iSi days’ meeting Avill commence on the follow­ CASH GIFTS TO THE^ AMOHAT OF $500,000. © chool eeting politically, as it is, in this respect it S M .— The Annual E iuroxis OF XOTJTir. s* ■is ten-fold more gentlemanly than the ing day on the grounds where the picnic is formerly occupied by Messrs. Robinson *fe flirons. EVERT TICKET I>RAtYS A PRIZE. e-s- School Meeting for the election o f A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous respectfully solicits a portion of the trade from the A d vertiser tf Tribune. The truth is, to be held. zens o f Bticbauan and vicinity, and has employed 5 Cash Gifts, each C2Q,000 I 40 Cash Gifts, each $1,000 C0 school officers, will be held at the Debility, Premature Decay, and nil th« effects o f youthful 30 “ 10.000 1 200 « “ 600 we know of no other paper in tho "We notice some improvements in Mr. indiscretion, will, for tbe sake of suffering humanity, send 20 “ “ 5.000 j 200 ** « 100 Union School House, on Monday eve­ Record's store at Hill's Corners. Mr. Ste­ free to all who need it, tlio receipt aud directions for 50 Elegant Rosewood Pianos - each $200 to $700 State so contemptibly mean, in this making the simple remedy by which I10 was cured. Suff­ 75 *4 f* Helodeans “ 75 to 100 ning next, Sept- 6th. phens has his Avagon and Repair shop in­ erers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, can 350 Sewing Machines - ** GO to 175 0 3 respect, as the Detroit A d vertiser do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, 500 Gold Watcln s - « 75 to COO at closed. W e expect to see the cards in No. 42 JOHN B. OGDEN, An Artist of experience, who will finish all orders with There are lionorablc jour­ Cosh Prizes, Silver Ware, £ r., valued at - $1,000,CU0 F or S a l e .— 20,000 Pickets, planed Tribune. ecoro 3-15yl Cedar street, New York. neatness and dispatch. Gall and see for yourselves. A chance to draw? any ot tho above Prizes for 25c. the R soon.— W e have lost, by Satisfaction guaranteed. 3-22tf and pointed, ready for use- Price, nals, and we hope the people will pa­ Tickets describing Prized are sealed in Enrclopesand well s death, one o£ onr most Avorthy citizens, re­ upxed. On r< celpt o f 25c. a Scaled Ticket is drawn with­ FACTS TOll THE XADIES. CO * §10,,00 per M. tronize them. cently, Mr. Samuel Smith, sen.— Dr. out choice r.nu sent b y mail to any address. The prize I hare used my W heeler & W ilson Sowing Macliins n.medupoiiit will be delivered to the ticket-holdir on C. S. & H. S. B l a c k . Spooner’s ark is progressing very fast.. for tho lost twelve years, and It had already been in use payment o f Ore Dollar. Prizes are immediately seut to two-years when I bought it. I have bad It doing a 1 any uddre.-s by express or return, mail. CP J e w e l s s e t i n R h y m e .— We com­ The Dr. will have the finest house in the kinds of shop work, from seven in the morning until six You will know w hat your Prize is before yon pay for 0 Township, when completed — If our neigh­ and sometimes ten ^>’clock at night, continually going. it. Any Prise archangid fo r another o f came value. No CO B l a n k s .—If you want Blank mend the following to all whom it I have never sent It for repairs, and I thick it is now In bors on the corner will omit their work on Blanks. Our patrons can depend on dealing. Deeds, Mortgages, Agreements, Exe­ may concern. There is truth as well as good order ns when it came out o f your store, and I ItHFERHXCEs:—We select the following from many who the Sabbath, they will receive the thanks would not exchange it for any you have. have lately drawn Valnable Prizes and. kindly permitted cutions, Eeleases, Chattel Mortgages, as poetry in it, that should sink deep Staten Island. H enry W right. *•“ *...... ----. of our church-goers and members.— And 19m3 C. M . OSBORN, Agent, Niles. M. » Assignments and Satisfaction of Mort­ into every delinquent’s heart,and cause if M iss------is not very careful Avhat she, ^h him to come to time, that he may en­ $5,000; Nli«e Agues $lmmons, Charleston, Piano, $CCo! gages, Affidavits, for Replevin, Blank says, we will tell a nice little joke on her. rii tesilS HALL’S We publish no nsunes without permission. joy the SAveets of a conscience void of O rm oxs or the —“ The firm Is reliable and de­ £■= Hotes, Patent Deeds, &c., &c., come — Messrs. Gardner & Boyle ha ve: purchas­ serve their success."— Weekly Tribune. May S. *TTe know H VEGETABLE SICILIAN them to be a fair dealing firm."—i\r. j ’ Herald, May 23. 0 to the R ecord office. Justices o f the offense towards the Printer. Read, ed SO" acres o f timber in addition to their o *‘A friend of ours drew a $100 prize, winch was promptly Peace supplied on reasonable terms, reflect: mill property. This looks like business. HAIR received.” —D aily 2\cws. June3. » t f now happy are they, Truly yours, F elix. Send for circular. Liberal inducements to Agents. Sat­ W ho the editors pay, j&wBwm. isfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Envel­ AIKEN & LAMBERT GOLD PENS, opes contains oxe CASH GIFT. Six Tickets for $1; 13 for And have squared up for one year or more Ts the only infallible Hair Preparation for H ow True and how strange, that people $ 2 ;3 5 fo r $ o ; 110 for $15. A ll letters should be addressed H e w Job- T y p e .— The R ecord Tongue cannot express RESTORING GRAY H A IR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR GOLF A&D SILVER PENCILS, to HARPER, WILSON repavatioxi. sum of 25 cts. - AVe refer to Judson’s Mountain Particular attention given to the variety o f cuts and other material, Labor hard l’ora song— Herb Pills,'these pills cure Headache, Liver Our Renewer is not a D y e; it will not stain the skin as others. REPAIRING of Clocks, Watches and Jew­ which renders the B e r r ie n County A fate that is hard all agree— Complaint, Indigestion, Female Irregularities, & They have worked night and day, Ifc w ill keep the Hair from, falling out. elry. I guarantee all work to give entire and all Billious disorders, they are’prepared by R ecord office the most complete Job­ And o f course want their pay,. a formula pronounced by the most learned Phy­ It demises the Sculp, and makes the satisfaction. bing office in Western Michigan. H air SOFT, XUSTKOtJS AJtt> SIXKE£\ To buy sugar and coffee and tea. sicians o f our country, to be the best and most Those wanting work from a small la­ Our Treati-*o on the Hnir seut free b y mail. 3 universal of- family jnedicines. Give them a R. P .H A L L & CO., Nashua, N. H ., Proprietors. One could hardly believe, p - bel to a mammoth poster, will do well -fair trial and you you will never be without For sale by all druggists. sept IITII POST O ld MUIffi, What small sums they receive, ■Judson’s Mountain Herb Pills. Sold by all o and save money by patronizing the For the paper aderessed to each name, Ib is I nfallible R ejiedy does not, like the poisonous dealers. S Bnclianan, Miclu. irritating suufis and strong caustic solutions with which R ecord office. t f But the price is so small, the people have long been humbugged, simplypulHate for That good people all Jew Advertisements. a short time, or Adrivc the disease o the lungs, as there is W ill pay up for fear of the shame ! CgUAVhen a discoverer of any scientific sub­ JNO. O. WELCH. danger o f doing^in tbe use o f such nostrums, but it p ro­ , S chool—Correction.— In our last ject,. asks the co-operation of the learned in Tinware Stoves, duces PERFECT TuXD TERMAXENT CURES OF TUE WORST CASES ' . ’— Exchange. Sale of Forfeited Primary of chroxic c.v nan, as thousands can testify. “Cold ix week’s'issue it was stated; that’ the fall science, to test the ment' and truth of his dis­ the IIs ad” is edwith a few applications. Catarrhal covery by seyere tests and practical results, School and University Lands. Headache is cved and cured as if by magic. It re­ term of the Buchanan Union School ■ Ch a ng e of T im e .— A new time and then to'indorse and recommend' it, it is RURAL MILLS. moves offensive Breath, Loss or Impairment o f the sense STATE OF MICHIGAN", "I of taste, smell or hearing, Watering orWeakEyes, and would commence on Monday, Septem­ card went into effect on the M . 0 . R . fair to presume it is .valuable for the purpose S t a t e L a n d O f f i c e , L a p s i n g , Aug, 2G, 1 9 6 9 . j -A T A S - Impaired Memory, when caused by the violence oi ber 13th. It should have been on R., on Monday of this Aveek. Here­ intended. Such has been the course pursued VT0TICE ia hereby given that-tho following described Catarrh, as they all frequently are. W o offer in good by Messrs. Hall & C o„ proprietors o f Hall’s AN ’Primary School and University Lands, situated in the faith a standing reward of $500 for a case of Catarrh that _ _ Subscribe for Monday, Sept. 6th. Let it he remem­ after the mail trains -will' leave Bu­ Ycgctable Sicillian Hair Renewer. And all County o f Berrien, forfeited for non-payment of interest, wc cannot cure. bered then, that school commences chanan, going east, at 10.25 A . M ., those who have tested it (among whom we may will be offered for sale at public auction, at- this office, on FOR SALE BY MOST DR VG GISTS B VERY WTTRRB. the Berrien County Thursday, the 2Stb day o f October next, at 10 o’clock A. ■ THESNEW ' Price oxlt 50 Cexts. n ex t Monday. and going" west at 4 .2 7 . “ For the time mention Drs A. A. Hayes and S. Dana Hayes, M., unless previously redeemed according to liiw. B. D. PRITCHARD, Commissioner. Ask your Druggist for the R smzdt, but i f he has not Chemists, ilhd StatqrAssayors o f Massachusetts; L O W PRICES got it on sale, don’ t be put off by accepting any miscrsblo Record. It is the larg­ of all trains stopping at Buchanan, AValter Burnham M. D. Prof, o f Surgery in PRIM LRY SCHOOL LANDS. worse tlian worthless substitute, but cncloso sixty cents H e w Pa p e r .— Lawton has a new see the corrected time table, in anoth­ Penn. University, Philadelphia; Geo. Gray, M. tome, and the Remedy will be sent you post paid. Pour zn ►3 W G-RIST-MIii'L, No. a o p packages $2.60, or one dozen for $5.00. est and best newspaper paper, the Lawton Tribune, published er column. D. Prqfessor Qf Anatomy and Physiology) as- Subdivision. a ■ < a Certificate. os Send a' tWix cent stamp for Dr. Sage’s pamphlet on sefts'it is the best,preparation in use for all cu­ s - o Catarrh. Address the Proprietor. by J. H. Wickwire. The Tribune As can be found in tbe country. - Also NEAR IHE STREET LEADINGZTO THEIRIVER in Southwestern Michi­ taneous diseases of the scalp. "Restores gray 3561 L ot No. 5 16 5 S IS w R. V. PIERCE, M. D., ‘BRIDGE. 2lw l3 Buffalo, NT. Y . ' presents a very neat appearance, and T h a n k s.— .Mrs. H . H . E-inyon. will hair to its original color, prevents the hair 5960 Lot No: 4 16 5 »< IS « from falling out,, creates a n ew growth. It is • 6364 nw qfc" o f sw qr 16 7 “ 18 « gan. will doubtless bo sustained by the accept the thanks of the Editor and AGENTS WANTED FOR certainly worthy a trial.—Eewburgport Herald 7134 sw qr o f se qr 16 6 M 10 “ Lawtonians. family for that lot of ice cream placed 4409 sw qr of sw qr 16 S“ 19 « o f Gospel Liberty. “ 5475 . nw 11 or of nw fl or 16 7 “ 20 “ O U R FRIGES « upon our table, Saturday evening. I t 5630 sa qr o f no qr 16 7 U 20 563S ne qr o f sc qr *10 7 - 20 « Hardware. Nails, Glass, WOHD 1 ES P e r so n a l.— W m . E . Stewart, Ed­ was splendid, and all “ our folks” and R ead the foixowixg from The Commercial 5640 ne qr of sw qr and sw qr FOETFEoXJJEtSANL) M E A L , itor of the South Haven the Editor pronounced it the most de­ E ditorial of the B uffalo E xpress. o f ne qr 1C 7 “ 20 “ OF THE W ORLD,” ^ S‘entinal, 5966 s hf of so qr 10 7 “ 20 “ B uffalo, Sept. 2, 1868; OMPRISING Startling Incidents, Interesting Scenes gave ns a call on Thursday. He re­ licious ice cream they ever had the uxiyersity lands. And in fact 0 and Wonderful Events, in all Countries, all AgeB, and D r. Sage & Co., 1012 s pt o f se fi qr 22 7 u 17 “ among all People, ports the S en tin a l prospering finely, pleasure of eating. If any of the Gents.— l am always reluctant to say anything, 557 • bw qr o f ne qr 17 S« 17 h B r C. G. ROSENBERG. 825 ...Doors; Sash, island in 24 4 ‘s 19 « Over oxe thocsaxd illtjetratioxs by the most distin­ as well as business favorable in patrons of the R ecord, want a splen­ in favor of patent medicines, but I have found 1146 lot No. 40 26 4 “ 19 “ EVERYTHING- ELSE IN’ OURgLINS, Advertise in the your Catarrh Remedy such an effectual soother guished Artists in Enropc and America. did dish of the cooling refreshment, 1177 lot No. 2 & 9 o f sw qr 24 4 « 19 « The largest, best illustrated, most exciting, amusing, South Haven. in those annoying attacks which,w.e term “ colds, 32U lot No. 33 26 4*< 19 « m .J 4 « instructive, entertaining, startling, humorous, and at­ they should not fail to call at Mrs. in the head,” that I take pleasure in testifying 12SS'- . ? lot No. 25 20 19 « Aro lower than any other establishment in th6> Cbunty tractive subscription book ever published. Berrien County Record. And nil kinds of to its merits. Two or three applications have Send for Circulars, with terms, at once. Address l in t lobe Kinyon’s Ladies’ Ice Cream Rooms. F G .— This paper has ROS ATE ORDER.— State o f Michigan .County o f Ber­ UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., It has double the circu­ always removed the disagreeable symptoms, 25w4 126 South Clark Street, Chicago. TIL changed hands, and the last number duedllie weeping eyes‘and quenched the '.^Bar- P rien, ss.—At a session of the Probate Court for the I N Q U A L IT Y T h e Co un ty F a i r .— TVe learn County ofBerrien, holdeu a t the Probate Office, in the lation of any other local comes to ns under the Editorial direc­ dolphian flames of the nose. If it possess no village of Berrien,on Wednesday, the 15th day of August, AGENTS YuANTED P O X l T H E other virtue, its worth would be beyond price in ftho-year-dne-thousand eight hundred and sixty- Blacksmith - Material tion of Sir. A . L. Aldrich, formerly through, the Hiles D em ocrat, that a ■■ ■ ■ j p - ■■ ■ .*c»*** ; • • *• 'Surpasses any other manufactured in the Cbnnty. as a simple and effective antidote for the hor- nine. newspaper in Berrien County Fair is to he held, at Buchan-, Present, Darnel Chapman, Judge o f Probate. of the St. Jo. T raveler. The G lobe Tors o f a “ cold in tlio head.” * In tho matter o f the estate o f Jolm W . Chester, an this year.' "We heartily rejoice at’ ...... •. presents a; fine", appearance, and we YoUrs truly*, ‘ Geo. A. Martix. deceased. Custom grinding done on short notice.— County, On reading and filing tho petition, duly verified, of. History For sale by all prominent Druggists every­ Secret wish its Editor great success. the self-sacrificing spirit manifested Sarah E. Chester, praying that the lost will and testa­ Good Plour and full yield warranted from by our brother of the Hiles D em ocrat where. Sent by mail on receipt of sixty cents. ment o f said deceased be admitted to Probate, and that • ’ "Robert" L)". G ross’, good wheat. Corn Meal kept constantly on AddressiR. V .iPierce' M. D. Buffalo, N. Y. administration o f said estate bo granccd to herself. OF THE confederacy ; iff endorsing this decision, Buchanan Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the 21st day. ot hand to exchange for Corn in tlio ear. By EDWARD A. POLLARD. Qu ar t er ly M eeting-;— The next September next, at 11 o’clock in the foreuoon, bo assigned Tho asloimding revelations and startling disclosures is: a very thriving and fast groAYing for tlielicaring of said petition, and that the heirs at law GX.OYKB <& BIAJKE. Quarterly Sleeting of the Horthern 281 East 31st Street, New York. A. J. GLOVER. Miller. made in. this work aro creating the most intense desire to o f said deceased, and alLother persons interested in said iotf, . r3;-OAKS'," Michigan. obtain it. The secret political intrigues, Ac., o f Davis Indiana and Southern Slichigan Chris­ young city'on the Michigan Central Dear Sir-—For three weeks past I have-been estate, are required to appear at n session o f said Court, and other Cenfederato lenders, with the Hidden Mysteries tian Co-operation, will be held at the Railroad only five miles from Hiles, using your P l a n t a t io n B ittk u s. For more then to beholden at the Probate Office, in the village from “ Behind the jSbenes in Richmond,” arc thoroughly . .than fotcr mottos past I fiavet >t>ecn suffering from o f Berrien, and show cause, i f any thqro he, Why the Administrator’s Sale. ELBCTIC MEDICAL COLLEGE OF ventilated. .Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a Silver1 Creek Church, near Dowagiac, and destined ere long to he a much prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And It full description of tlie work. Address What the doctor said was nervous prostration, is further ordered, that said Petitioner give notice to the Y virtue of a license to ine, tllohndersignod Adminis­ NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Sfeg^Get your Job .commencing on to-morrow (Friday) smarter place. W o trust the citizens heing unable to endure hardly any physical or porsons interested in said estate, o f tho pendency o f said B trator o f the estate o f Noah Smith, deceased,' granted PENNSYLVANIA. 25w4 Philadelphia, PaM Chicago, HI., or St Louis. Mo. mental labor without great fatigue. But I had petition, and tlio hearing thereof by causing a copy of this the Probate Court.for tbo.Cppn’.ty p f Berrien, and State an'd'.continuing over Lord’s day. of the old autocrat of Berrien, county Order to be published in the Bennei} County Jtecord, n y Bessiori comm inccs ApriLlst, and continues until the end tian resignation. B y the*way neigh­ since, till now I am able to be about my usual (A true copy.) 27w4 Judge of Probate . •deceased, in .the Township of Galien, in said County, I will. o f June.: The "Western Berrien County Sunday- .household duties. To a ll who are afflicted with I t has an Able corps o f twelve Professors, and every Record. It is the larg­ bor, you may as well save your breath ^11 to the highest bidder, ali the right, title and interest FOR THE BEST- School. Association."hold . their Anni­ general debility I dan testify from experience said deceased in and to the following described real Department of Medicine and Surgery is thoroughly taught. . and your very disinterested advice to that the Bitters are invaluable. estate, to-wit: The south-east fractional quarter of sec* est and most complete versary gathering pear the Wagner DR. C. W. SLICK, tion twenty-two (22) in toum eight (8) south range nine­ Every facility in the way of illnstrations, morbid speci­ the citizens of Horth era Berrien about Yours truly, Margaret B. Stone. teen (19) west, containing forty-five and 59-100 acres, more mens. herbarium, chemical and philosophical apparatus, f f f i , School House, four miles north west of o r less, in Berricn Couuty. Michigan. microscopes,instruments of the latest invention for x>bys- where they Avill go and Avhat they ical examination and diagnosis will bo provided. Solar or Enlarged Prints, and everythingting perlpertaining, to Job Office in Southern Bucnanan, on to-morrow (Friday) M a g s o l ia AALater.—-Superior to the. best im­ • TERMS.—Cne-tliird cash in linud the balance in tw o' Avill :do • in railroad: 'matters: They equal annual payments, with seven pier cent, interest, se­ : Splendid Hospital and Clinical Instruction are afforded; tho Photographic Art, goo totd ■ * .. * Sept. Sd. ported German .Cologne, and sold at half the cured by Mortgage on tho land sold. free tickets to .all our City Hospitals arc provided; Dis- J Michigan. The work have paid tribute to you for thelast price. - ALBERT CLARK, Administrator. . seeling Material abundant at. a nominal C06t. Qalien, Aug Z, 1S09. 23w7. . Perpotual Scbolarebips aro sold lor ?60. 4 Send for circular. Oathoart5s failery. is done the cheapest P ic H ic .—T o-day a Sunday School 25 years, but they will hot be very willing to travel 25 miles only for the Six thousand troops are to be sent to The Elcctio Medical Journal of Pennsylvania, In BAY & BTNNS’ BLOCK, w ln h as one o f tho best and Pic-nic is to he held near Robert E a­ Giiha from Spain immediately. largest Skylights in the County, with seventeen years of and best. Call and see sake of continuing to pay that tribute, AM KM M m jsi PubliRhed moRthly, contains 4S pages* ot original matter. practical experience in the picture business^ Perfect ton’s, in Wcesaw. Several Schools Price.$2.per annum., Thp largest, finest and most pro­ satisfaction warranted. Remember the place,, and, give arc to participate therein. . The Bu­ all your blowing and missionary Avork Polo, recently captured at the head’ of a gressive Medical Journal in the United/States. Sploudid me a call. T*- ‘specimens. Oarlist band in Spain, is to be. executed. inducements to the getter up o f Clubs. * • Buchanan, Midi., Aug. 7,1SG9. - «-» 3-25tf chanan Glee Club, we understand will avail, you nothing. But; -to: our •:* L-- v <; r • ' ij : i"< ■ • • -.. .Bcnu.tiful-promiuui engravings, .valued at. $3,.glv,eji to subject: Success fj> the. County Fair AVING: localod in Jlucban^h, \idll bA bappjf to wait ^verysubBcribor., .. ^ ‘ i J ' meet with these schools in this Pic­ ; Secretary RaAvlins is quite ill at .Wash­ Hupon'bur who may require his professional Benices. Specimen copy sent free'on application.' . , '( f e p , A PER DAY—Agents wnntetheyerywh^ro. , *Sun nic, and sing for them. at Buchanan.— Ct. Jo* H erald . ington., /A U ,operations warranted. Office over Binns^A Rose’s Y , Address. ,. 3 f05E N R'UOTEXTfi.VTT,. plofd r twO Btamps. Address A . . ■’Store, Buchanan; M ic lu '.' - 3-26tf' 3 - 2 2 y l •: -^£25 North T>YelfthStrQet, Philadelphia, Pa. ~25W4. V BAT^Sj HAINES ^COn OlevchmdiO, ‘. . . , i . ?*■: • i »■- z *; - j ' "" - 1" The Berrien County Record, Buehiaaii;- MieliigM.)/' Tiiaitsuriy, .Sefifcndmi; . ' 2,- 18t

Sunday Reading* K e l&cL£ii<§£ LDilxaUan G O . T O WEARINESS, TT .HAVE OPENED UP AN "1 0 little feet! that stseh long years .11 II Must wander on though hopes and fears, JE Must aehe and bleed beneath your load; ' - A N D - I, nearer to the wa\ side inn FOR ENTIRE MEW STOCK' TO BUY YOUR IVltere toil shall eease and rest begin, N otice,---A ll persons Laving un- Am weary, thinking of your toad ! setfclecIaco.aunfs.afc BinnS &, Rose’s are — OF— f equested to .call: and settle immedi FEED 0 little hands! that, weak or strong, AGRICULTURAL Hava still to serve or rule so long. ately.. A ll accounts running - over Have still so long to give or ask; CS-rooeries l thirty .days will be - charged ten per THE I, who so much with book and pen cent, interest. Bnnsrs & R ose. Itavo toiled among my fellow-men, IMPLEMENTS. Am weary, thinking of your task! IN BUCHANAN, Cooking a Lobster. A T w m : H . FO X’f, "We have now on hand all 0 little heartsl that throb and beat kinds of Implements, “ Bridget, wkafc did; mistress say she W ith saelx impatient, feverish heat, JText Door to Osborn's Drug Store. would, have for dinner ?” Such limitless and strong desires; (Post Office Building.) consisting of Mine that so long have glowed and bnraed & “Broil the lobster.’ ’ W ith passions into ashes turned, Wheiq anything iu the “ Broil the lobster ? Are you sure, Now covers and coneeals its fires. Bridget,?” Reapers & Mowers, Keep a choice lot of Power Press 0 little souls ! as pure and white Grocery & Provision Mary, got the gridiron, and placed And crystalline as rays of light Dor $1,00 you can buy more goods it on the fire. She then placed the Direct from heaven, their source divine ; Always on hand a full stock of Buckeye Grain Drills, at Binns & Rose’s than at any other live lobster on the gridiron. Refracted through the midst of years, Line can be found: at FAMILY GROCERIES, How red nty setting sun appears! place known in Berrien County. Intermission of five minutes, after- How lurid looks this soul of nune 1 which the dialogue resumed as follows: Domestics,r Cottons, * Sulky Hay Rakes, REASONABLE PRICES. “Did you broil the lobster, Mary ?” Taking Offence. Consisting of AND LATEST STYLES “Divil the broil. The more I poked There is immense wisdom in the old B f* Call and examine our stock and Revolving’ Hay Rakes, the the more he walked off. The proverb : “Ih* that is slow to anger is bet­ COFFEES, prices before purchasing elsewhcro. haste's haunted. I ’ll try no more. ter than the mighty.” It has been said, TEAS, DRESS GOODS. R E D D E N & D U N C A N . SUGARS, N o good will come from cooking a “ifvouwwh t > punish an enemy make Oot. 1, 1S6S. 2-32yl PLOWS OF ALL KINDS, SYRUPS, straddle hug like that.” him hate somebody." To punish oursolves A ll will be sold at the row ssr prices for GASH. B in n S & R ose have now on hand a SPICES for others faults is superlative folly. A “ And where is the lobster ?” large stock of Hoop Skirts which they &c., &c., &c., &c., &c., &c, &c., &c. courtier tout Constantine that the mob - “Divil a hit do I know. The last Cultivators, offer at surprising low figures. Call had broken the head otV his statue. The I saw of him he was going out the and see. emperor lilted his hands to his head, say­ OEHTRAL hack door with his tail at half mast in g ,‘*It is very surprising, but I don’t C o r n Plows, like a wild maniac that he was.” feel hurt in the least.” Bridget went in pursuit of the wild I ce.—M essrs- Blake fo Long have W e should remember that the world is ^maniac,” and was still after it when wide; that there are a thousand mi’.Ik ns a choice lot of Lake Ice, which they our informant left.— A lba n y Boat. of different human wills, opinions, ambi­ HEAT (MARKET! SALT, LIME, &c. will deliver to customers. ■ * O t < ^ - > Cp« tions, tastes and loves; that each person ’ has a different history, constitution, cul­ A Quaker’s Pun. DOWN FOE CASH ! All of which willhe sold at the —OF THE— ture, character from all the rest; that hu­ very lowest figures. T h e B est P l a n .—B inns & Rose A man once went out to purchase a man life is the work, the play, the cease­ have demonstrated the fact that a cash horse from an old Quaker. “Will he DEALERS IN WOODEN, STONE AND less action and reaction upon each oth.r A.TSTJD business is the best system for both draw well ?” asked the buyer GLASS WARE. cf these different living atoms. 50,000 POUNDS buyer and seller. They have, since 1‘Thee will he pleased to see him W e should go forth into life with tk> adopting that plan, paid back to cus­ draw.” smallest expectations, but with the largest, C A S H D O W H OB The bargain was concluded, and patience; with a keen relish for, and ap­ tomers over $150. Their trade hr s T1 Berrien County Record preciation of, everything beautiful, grea* also greatly increased, and they de­ the farmer tried the horse, hut he and good, but with a temper so genial 3 D O I R , WOOL WANTED ! sign adhering strictly to the cash sys­ m would not stir a step. fiat the friction of the world cannot wear tem adopted. They pay hack five per H e turned and said: upon our sensibilities, and equanimity so Tor which we will -pay the cent, on all cash purchases, except on Constantly on hand. The highest price paid “ That horse will not draw an inch.” settled that no passing breath nor acciden­ sugar, sheeting and calico. for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. “ I did not tell thee he would draw, tal disturbance shall agitate or ruiiie it, Highest Market Price. friend; I only remarked it would and with a charity broad enough to cover Ready Pay,, Quick Sales, and Small Has a very largo assortment of the latest and please thee to see him draw, and so it the whole world’s evil, and sweet enough AT Office in Redden & Duncan’ s Profits,'is our Motto, best style of type, and material for JOB would me, but he would never gratify to neutralize what is bitter in it, deter­ Grocery Store. "WORK, and is fully prepared to execute in the me in that respect.” mined not to be eiiended when no offense HOWARD best styles known to the art is meant, not even then, unless the offense REDDEN & GRAHAM. «03P” Give us a call. South side of Front ’ Street, is worth noticing. H. H. [3-lotfJ Buchanan. 'E@=A farmer’s son had for a long Nothing short of malicious injury or time been ostensibly studying Latin flattery should offend us. He who can 3-u BLAKE & LONG. in a popular academy. The farmer, wilfully injure another is an object of pity, & DE MONT, MUSICAL not being satisfied with the course of and it is a question whether there is enough the young hopeful, recalled him from of a flatterer for a whole-souled man to be INSTITUTE, school, and placing him by the side of offended with. All Kinds of . a cart one day,thus addressed h im : • • < »■ ■ ' TVould respectfully inform the people of Bu­ h*os, 25, 20, 27 m ul 2S, chanan that they have purchased the Central New Harvester ! “ How, Joseph, here is a fork, and Takfeg an Inventory. TALBOTT AND NEW’S IBLOCIC, Meat Market of Messrs. Parish & Baker, on there is a heap of manure and a cart ; Occasional retirement, self-inquiry, med­ the north side o f Front Street, and also that INDIANAPOLIS, JUST THE THING FOB what do you call them in Latin ?” itation, and secret communion with God, they are prepared to furnish customers with t are absolutely essential to spiritual health. 3M5DPOKTEBS OF J. S. BLACK, Principal. “ Forkibus, cartibus, et manuribus,” The man who neglects them is in great o . a, r m ers, said Joseph. danger of a fall. To be always preaching, “ W ell, now,” said the old man, “ if VOICE CULTURE, F B.I3SFT X W G- I teaching, speaking and working public FRESH & SALT MEATS. you do not take that forkibus pretty Patented June 3, 1868. works, is unquestionably a sign of zeal not ENGLISH ANDi ITALIAN SINGING, quickibus and pitch that manuribus according to knowledge. It often leads to m into that cartibus, I will break your Is under tho immediate charge of tho Principal; unwonted consequences. W e mast take ;FISH, HAM, &c. lazy baekibus.” time for sitting down, and calmly looking Among the many advantages and improve­ Joseph went to work forthwithibus. within and examining how matters stand The Elementary Department iFKOSI THE NEAT between our souls and Christ. The omis­ ments of this Machine, we note: Is under tho chargo o f Prof. T.T . R hodes, tho distinguish m sion of this practice is the true account of do Teuor, aud teacher ot Sight Singing. ggf=-Judge------, when fii-st admit­ -BSF“For terms, apply personally, or by letter to tho 1 s t , S i m p l i c i t y o t G e a r . I t is the first and ted to the bar, was a very blundering many a backsliding, which shocks the Principal, B ox 5G9,l’ost Office, only single geared two wheel machine. The gearing oi church and gives occasion to the world to BUYJAKTJDl SELUSSTOCK. llm3* INDIANAPOLIS, IND. the new Mower and Reaper consists simply o f two bevel sneaker. On one occasion, when he <1 m wheels, located on tho axeltreo under the center of the blaspheme. Many could say, 'm the Machine, (so boxed that they ore at all times free from was trying a case of replevin, involv­ words of the Canticles, “They made me a grit, dust and dirt.) ing the right to the property in a lot keeper of the vineyard I have not kept." of hogs, he said; “ Gentlemen of the — Her. J. C.JRyle. FEW FIR MI x t l 2rocure» some whisky for a young at. The wheels and gearing of our carnages THE PLACE TO BUY warrior''who -haid- been bitten, Joy a and buggies, are made of the best -rattlesnake. “Four; quarts ?” repeat Treasures in Heaven. Will curb tho ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, BLOOD Than can be found in Southern Michigan. W e1 ted the agent, with-some surprise, “ as I SPITTING, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, W e read of a philosopher, who, passing ASTROLOGY PA IN and WEAKNESS IN THE CHEST, TROU­ NOTICE- FOE. 0 OTOBER, 18 6'9. are constantly adding new type and material Tnuch a s’ that?” .“ Y e s,” -replied the through a mart filled with articles of taste BLESOME COUGHING AT NIGHT, Ac. It Trill and are determined not to be outdone, either- SEOOUD GUO WTJELHICKORY, effectually remove the Cough that frequently < Indian, - “four - quarts— snake very and luxury, made himself quite happy Tho Stars and Planets reveal yonr destiny!— follows Measles, and any affection of the respira­ HE only Physician of his kindin the "West,lias me in price or quality. YOUIt DESTINY I What is It ? Good or Evil tory organs, no matter of how long standing, or ■with the greatest success, gained a bet ter- reputation —Rich or Poor—:Exalted orDohased? Are you to T with this singular yet sage reflection: whatever the age of tho person. It acts as a effected more completeSlcures,nVisited places the Iougcs rise to Eminence. Honor, Wealth and Power l Or, STOVES, TIF VAiBE, withoutmissing.an .engagement,(linn any physician tho . ‘ ■ — -f ; “ How many things there are here, that I Solid Collar, Case Hardened, Axles, and Oil are you to sink Into obscurity and oblivion, and specific, is purely vegetable, and is pleasant to tho tnsto. Its effect is soothing, allaying the vio­ travels; has outliv.ed' thqin o ji/ and becoilie 'ubtedifor b ggy'-An auctioneer, at a late sale do not want!" Now, this is jus! the reflec­ Tempered Springs. skill in treiitiug’allchronic.(liseaHesoftlio lence of the cough, facilitating expectoration, CUTLERY, of antiquities, put up a helmet,’ a with tion with which the earnest believer pass­ — ------——_ question...... — quieting the nerves and exhilirating the system. es happily through the world. It is richly DR. RAPHAEL can solve it. AU who are in the following candid observation; trouble, all who bavo been nnTortunato, all wbo Mothers, Save Your Children “ This, ladies and gentlemen, is a lie ! famished with what the world call good have been seduced by false promises and doceit, go No child need die of CROUP, if this Syrup is tohlm and get ndvlce and Bauslaction. H o -has the AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, used in timet this is a fact demonstrated by met of Romulus, the Roman founder; things. It lias spots of honor and power secret of winning the affections of the opposite GrlYE US’ A-. ALL! sex. ITEadies who have suffered from misplaced experience. No family should be without this to tempt the restless aspirings of ambition Syrup, as that fatal disease, CROUP, comes like a but whether he was a brass or iron Downs §' Qo’.s Turned, and Fitted confidence, Gonsult him before they get married, BUILDERS’ ifATERTALS .OF EVERY of every grade. It has gold and gems, ho will restore their bloom, freshness, and vigor thief in the night* to steal away y&ur little ones, founder I cannot tell.” Thimble Skeins. of youth, and enable them to on- • when regular meufeal aid cannot bo obtained. houses and lands, for the covetuous and ter married life with confidence of Prepared only by DAYID E. FOUTZ, ostentations. It has innumerable bowe.s health and happiness. He will ^DESCRiPTIO N, CARPENTERS’ , ;jS@E;“ Mr. Showman,-can the leop- Bhowyoutho likeness of your , Aid. of taste and luxury, where self-indulgence FUTURE HUSBAND OR WIFE. ard-'cadngebiS'spots ?”- may revel. But the Christian whose pie­ ♦ ; “ Ycs, sir ;~ whem ,he gets tired nf Ho can foretell tho result of all business trans­ ATTENTION, LADIES AND JOINERS’ TOOLS, ty is deep-toned, and whose spiritual con­ actions and speculations. Men who were unsuc­ one spot he can go to another.” ceptions are clear, look over the world W e warrant our work equal in style, make cessful in their business—men who worked hard, and who struggled against adverity ana misfor­ and exclaims, “How much there is here, and finish, to any manufactured in the West. tune all their lives, aSw found the more they tried Sewing lilacliincSj Knitting .Machines, DOORS, SASH,--GLASS. AND PUTTY,: .gqutleman asked a negro that I not do want! I have what is far bet to get forward in the world the more things went againstthem—these men consulted him, followed Dress and Cloak illakiiigj and boy if' bfe-'.woiilclri’t take a pinch of ter. My treasure is in heaven.”— D r. Tying. his advice, and aro now rich, "happy, and success­ ful in all their undertakings. He can tell iha af­ flicted tho cause o f their disease and suffering.— Hoop. Skirt IUanufactoi'Y’' And in fact everything usually’ found in a: ;s_nuff; £ ,“ No,” - ■ replied the' darkey, His PEEVERTTYE against having children Is in very respectfully, “ mb tank you. He Drinks. nocent, safe and Sure. first class Hardware Store, How ominous the sentence falls ! flow \ 3 T ~ Consultation hours Horn 10 A. hr. to S P ‘M rs. P . 13. Dim ningy Pomp’s nose not hungry;” REPAIRING H., at No. 213 EAST MADISON STltEET head, nerves jkidnoys; bladder,, womb • and blopd.affeqttot we pause in conversation and ejaculate— up stairs. Consultation fco; Two D ollars. In wouliUnfbrm thocrtizens(and moreespcclally tl»e Ladies- T I 1ST W -A. .R ]S • ^ of iheTmiliry organs,- gravel,ncroYnln,rheumatism,cnliirr terviowa confidential. o f Buchanan and vicinity that »lio now h oson exhibition astliuia,bronchitis, dyspdpam,'.1 . . •. v ‘ G “It’s a pity 1” IIow his mother hopc3 he Persons at a distance may commnnlcate confi­ jg@“ Spriggins says he once preven­ Executed with dispatch, and in a satisfactory at her lnanufacturingnndBnlo room, on Maine S t, cast j . c . Our practice,^'iiq.t* oneA of experiments, but .of will not when he grows older; and Iris dentially by letter, if they enclose T w o Dollars sldo, fiTill door north of the Panic, a fiuo display o f tlio years standing, founded on the jaws; of Nature,’ ->vith y eaf ted a severe case of hydrophobia, by manner. for a consultation fee. Send Twcnty-flvo Cents celebrated FLORHNCK,'\\rEKD and G R O W E RB A K E R Of every description," -made of the very best Sisters persuade themselves that it is only for Ms book entitled, “ Guido to Health and Dong of experience aud evidence1 to.sustain,it. l)o not tea 1-3Syl D. E. BEARDSLEY &0 o. SEWING MACHINE, LAMB KNITTING MACHINE, material, constantly-kept on hand or’ made down,*niakosiefc to: make well, no harsh treatment,.n simply getting on a high fenoe and Life, Winning the Affections of the Opposite Sex; and.HOOP SKIRTS. The Sewing and KnittingMachines a few wild oats that ho is sowing 1 And and Important Hints to Business Men.’* Address to order. • _ - - . " ’ trifling; no flattering^' Wo kuow tliacause and the’remed. waiting there until the dog left. all lo ttota os follows; aro among tho best sold, while tho Skirts aro o f my own needed; lio gnoss work,:but knowledge gained by" years ; yet the old men shake their heads and feel manufacture and warranted. A uyof the machines fur* Dr. ilnplm cl, Post Office Box .All kinds 'of Jobbing in Tin, Briiss, or experience inilio treatment ofthese diseases exclusive] ■Is the-Jargest. local newspaper-in Southwestern' gloomy when they think of it.— Young No. 5 7 7 8 - Chicago, 111. nishod on short notice. Sheet Iron done'w’lth neatness and dispatch.: no encouragepienC without a! prospect^ C.inclid* iii ou Hoop Skirts made to ordor and repaired promptly.. opinions,reasonable, in^^^our charges, claim not t’o* know, Mibhigau. There is no’ better - medium than-’ J3^*"“ C!-c: can that p-p-pup-parrot men just commenced life, buoyant with >- Y h Lr dT yTo T H. ‘ A now skirtm udein one hou r after talcing the meas* 12-261 FRENCH BROTHERS.: ; .everything, or euro.everybody, but do .claim to ro'ison and th e R e c o r d ; bjf which’ those living a t a distance Farm for Sale., uro. ter-talk ?” Asked a stuttering fellow of hope don’t drink. You are freighted with .‘commbn-serise'.A^Ve invite the*sick,no matter Wliat Uieir- can know the vast aiaturitl advantages bfi Ber-’ Give me a call and examtno closely tho meriteof each ailmont, to .call, investigate before they abandon liopo an- Indian’the other day. ‘‘Suppose Tie a precious cargo. The hopes of your UG TiDilerfllgneil offers Ills farm for salo, containing: Machine and th© quality of tho Skirts on oxhibiUon. . . make interrogations arid decide for themselves, Will cOst rien and adjoining Counties, ono 'hundred acres* Fifty acres improved. Good ITavInglatelysecured the scrvlcesof nfirstclass PRESS Only §2 per. year in 'advance. Send, for a> no can talk so moelie hptter as dat wives, of your children— arc all laid upon T ROBATE ORDER,—State o f Michigan; Conuty ofBer-; nothing,ns consultation is free. This is tlie elcvcnth;yeai Lnililiugs, and Improvements good. A bearing apple Manhood: How Lost, How Restored, ft C LO AK ALAltERy lam prepared to do any kind of P •rien, ss.—A l a session o f llie Probato. Court for tbel that I have visited this place, and T shall liinke my visits co;pyV'ahd then send'your-fnend-’a feopy. you. In you the aged live over again orchard of seventy trees, and one hundred trees sot opt work In that line on reasonable tornis, and to the entire County ,of Berrien, holden attheProbato Oliico-,in tlio.vil-*; regularly onith’e samd da'y of the weekievery eight weeks Watybu talk I cat lie ilqui head off,” three years. Good variety o f peach treos* Said farm is Just published, a now edition of 35iv sal isfuctlon o f m y patrons. luge of Berrien on Thursday, ctlie Btli . day of “ Dr, Y.,Clar^nce. 1‘rice can be consulted at ,Niles. was rtlie reply-. their young days; through you only can situated'on tho main road leading from tho village Qf ^(Julvcew clVs (JckbrntcdFssay I also keep on hand th QttGLQYE-EljpTJKGii CORSET August, in. the year one thoqsaud elgh t hundred and sixty' Reading’s5 Hotel,* during' Sunday’’ and Monday, (unti*until 4 ‘ D. A. W A G N E R ; Berrien to AYatorvliet,.on sections 19 nnd 20, in tlio Town­ on; Lho-ratffeai cure (without m edicine)uf tho best Corset manufactured- , <»■ » ulne. * . . o^clpck^)f tlie 2Hli:: apd 25thtof'October.- Xapnrte,tMyiera the weary one obtain a position in society; ship of Pipestone* There is a good Grist Mill and a good Every description of SEWING promptly oxopu ted. SPERMATOamtiEA, or Seminal 'Weakness Present,Daniel Chanman/Jqdge o f Probnfe.L House, Tuesday and Wedndsday..Cfl1 and Gtli 'October, EDITOk A l‘ratiSITEIt,: '< and from the level on which you place School nonsoAvlthin three-fourths o f a mile of the prom­ Involuntary Seminal Losses, I mpotency. Mental and Romeinber the place:—-Fifth door north o f tlio Bau]c •In the' m u tter'of Uie estato o f Margaret Lemon, de-t RtaldencpaudljahratoryylVankegan, III;; ' « ^ .A- favorite ises, and a good Methodist Church one mile from said Main strcot.eastsido, Buchanan, Midi. 4 tune of the milk- them, must your children go into the great Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etp.£ ulsp, ceased. ' ... . ltueHanim .'M leli,' farm* This farm-will bo sold at a bargain, if sold soon* Consumption, E pilepsy and Fits, induced by pelf-indul- April2S,l80S.—2-10yl Mrs .P. B .DUNNING. •On reading and filing the petition * djtly verified, of men •Shall. we : gather at the river ? struggle of life. One half down, balance la ono. tivo and threo yeors. For gonco or sexual extravagance* George B'walt, prayiiig thnt Administration o f said estate' particulars, enquire o f tho subscriber on the promises,, dr ’flg^.Prlcty in a scaled envelope, only G cents* may ho grhnted to Andrew Lemon. ” . ‘ address him. by lettor,3?inestono, Borrien Co., Michigan. Tho celebrated author, in this admirablo essay, clearly Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday, the 14th day:Of County Boiids. iJSTEnvy if surrounded on all sides by JAMES F. HASKINS. demonstrates from a thirty years? successful practice, that COOK3COBURN&CO, September next, at l l o’clock jn the forenoon, bo assigned' ‘ D ^ o W h y ’: Ivas’ Phavoe’s 'daughter Pipestone, July 12,1SG9* 21zn3 tho alarming consequences o f self abusomny bo radically Advertising Agents, Chicago, for the hearing o f said potiUon, aml thiit tlio hoirsat law ol HE County Bonds, o f Beirion County, to tb‘e amount like a broker ? Because she got a lit­ the brightness of another’s prosperity, like cured without the dangerous,uso of.Intornal medicine or said,deceased and all-other persons! interested; in said ea* T autiiorizeU at thoApril.e]ection, thirty-five thousand, J$5?-Arc authorized to receipt Adver~ /dollarsj($35^000) areTno.w ready for:8»IoT-atpar.'*Theeo the scorpion, confined within a circle of tfio applfcationot tho Jcnifa j pointing out a mode o f cure tisemenU fo r ihUpaper, at our lowest tnte, are roqafrccbtd appear at h session o f said Court, then tle prophet from the ruslns on the at once simple, certain',' anddffectna],by ’means o f which to bo holden at Uie PrObateOfllco.In tho .villuge o f Berri'on ’ Bonds, nre-issped iii three series, the first .falling, duo fire, will sting itself to death. ratest andqrc Agents fo r all newspa­ arch*1 st,;i870^; the^ecpud serics,.March 1st, 1871; mifl ovory sufferer, too matter what his! condition may be, may pers in the XL 3. and territories. and show enuso, i f any there bo, why the prnyor cure himself cheaplyt*x»riTafelyv and rndfcalijr* o f tlie petitioner should not bo granted: And itis further ^the.tliird, Marcli l j JS72. A1J /leariig ten .per cent. ip7 T am fox* Sale* jJSr*Xhis Lecture Bhonld b a in tEo hands o f every ordered, that bnta petlliouoV give notico to the persons in* •teresl, payiiblb nhnunUy. • ITlie^Bpiids hro ^ pi the deuojni- jfgyBetter take Christ’s yoke upon you youth and'everymnn lir the laud* tores ted-iti said-'os trite, of tho pondency of said petition',ah<| nation,of flfty^($50) dpl|a|‘8^ipdpne,liund^ea..($10p):.dol- HE subscriber offors&is farm,: adjoining the village o f - larB, -with interest couiions* ttt'tacbed'.* * r lr ’ ' f *4 • g @ “ “ John, how ■d'o'- -you 'pat-'oe mow than be smitten by his thunder for­ Dayton, o f 143 acres, for sale* 100 acres under culti­ Sent; w ider seal* In a plain , envolopo; to any address; T postpaid^.‘-on* yecqiP4 of six cents* or two post stamps; 4; B.errienSprlrfg8,May-il-;-18flft;r,*.«-.;|.-^ * vation. balance timber. There aro'on the premlses;n>good DVERTISEr, ^J12tf V** '*** SAMUEI? HESS, County treasurer..,; grandmpther ?” ever, Better bow before the chariot of from©! house and born, two good orchards, good well, and A lsov Dr. Culverwieir^ ‘ 'M a i^ a ^ GruIde,” 'price 25 .cents. printed and circulntiu'ginsnld'Uo’untybf Borrion, for three ______»■-_«*'♦<•»«■■■-■- ? A. •Address thoPubllshers; - - - - - successive weekBprevion8 to said day o f hearing.sS' 1 “ I don’t pass her at all, hut always salvation than be crushed beneath its running water Tor B lo c k . For1 terms, apply to. the sub­ TX7LkjnCEi>—5 0 0 MORE OF TILE ORCIZENS/.OI scriber on the promises, GITAS. J* 0* KLIN E & 0., Y V Berrien Countv to snbacribo for tho'RiC0M>; Term* [L.S.l DANIEL CHAPMAN, * Y-LAWS, BRIEFS, LEGAL'BLANICS, neatly printed goes in to get a ’tart.” wheels. 25m3* CYIUJS DUNBAB. [2-32yj 127 Bowery, New jTorfcjPost-Ofllco B ox 4,688 (A true copy) 25w4 Judge o f Probate. B on shortnotice* at tlio RECORD OFFICE.