![Cabinet Ware;](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
’r~- The Berrien Oonnty Record The Berrien County Record. TERMS OF ADVERTISING: A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER- (Tenlines or less,make a Square,) SPACE. J1 v-C-i w^3 w jjt wJjS n»-E6 m .{l y r j> ublishedever r t e t d r s e a r C o u n t y n Square...... ...J a O0JS1 50J$I 75JSS OO^t 00^8 OOJSIO 00 2 Squares........n 1755 2 50J S 00J 3 5011 6 00210 00J 16 00 ^BHCHAiLUr, BERRIEU COUNTY, MICH,, 3 Squares........j 2 25J 3 2=1 3 75J 4 251 7 00J12 00| 20 00 4 Square?...,.....J 2 75J1 3 750 4 250 4 500 8 00JI5 OOO 23 00 )£ Column... ...0 4 OOO 5 500 7 OOO 3 00014 00025 OOj 35 00 Column... ...0 5 OOJ 8 00J10 00012 00j20 OOJM.OOO 60 00 f T E R M S : y2 Column... ...g 6 00]jl0 00012 00015 00825 00035 OOJ 05 00 D. A. W AGSEtt,! •' Eternal YigiM ce is the Price of Liberty'!'" {$2.50 Per Year, ii» Advance. 1 Column.......|10 00J14 00017 00J20 00J35 00J00 00pi5 00 T E R M S i E d i t o r , J Business Cards,of fivo lines OYl ess, $5.00peranimm ♦ H ilB E R Legal advertisements, at statute rates. n,iQ Advance, if NotPaid in j y r o O T 28. Transient advertising, pnpabloin advance. US-THK3S TRRST3 STR1CTLT ADHERED T •RTTHTT AIST A ^ MIOH.,- • THtTRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2; 1869. Yearly advertising, paj*ablo on demand. Matter in localcolumn* ten cents per lineforeachin- sertion, Uut no locals tiikon for less than $1.00. 43*X0i papor IstlUcontinned, except; at tho option ol Obituary Notices—more than the announcements—will the piiUlUhor,until all arrearages are pfttd.~St9 ly. “Tell the man to go about his “What is it, Luke ?” she risked, Miscellaneotis. bo charged for a9 advertisements. M ortgage Sale. CUSTOM business; I ’ll have no small bills this’ Notices of J/oetings, Religious, Jforal or Political, 25 TVEFAULT having been made In the paym on tof a cerv cents each. OFFICE!—Iff “ Record BuJIdinsf,” east: aide o f Main U tain sunir o f mouey secured b y Mortgage. wlilch AIorr- morning.” • * “Please let me out. M y dear, this TRUE MUESOS. Advertisementsnofftccompanied with directlonsas to S treot, threo doors north o f Fronts HOIV T IH Y 1IA1> M IX. time, will be inserted until forbidden, and chargedac gag^Wfts made aud executed b y John; R ohl and Maria Boot and Shoe Slioj). Mary retreated precipitately.; Clara •may be a joke to you, hut— ” oordingly. Kohl; his.Avife,.‘to John W- Widpple, bearingdate tho sixth B t MRS. HESRV B. TnOMAS * Doul>lccoihnmadvertieements25 percent.aboTe regu­ day o f September, A , D. 1S66, to> .securO the payment o f When11 was yourtg and tender, too, raised her long br.own eyelashes. “I assure you, Luke, it’s nothing lar col umn rates, j law s of Newspapers, three hundred nnd eighty dollars. ($380), und: which Jdort- H E SUBSCRIBER Is prepared to do nil kinds o f cus­ I had to mind and had,.to do Special notices, 50 per cen t. above the foregoing prices I* Subscribers who do not. give express.notice to the gftgowHs recorded in the office o f the Register o f Deeds tom work In the Boot and Shoe lino at reasonable “ Do you know, Luke,” she said de­ oF the k in d; it is the soberest oF se­ ’Tis riot whan sunbeams brightly shine Tprices. He solicits a share o f the patronage o f tho citt- Wlmteycr mother bade m e; . Yearly advertisersallowedfour changes without extra contrary are considered as.wishing to contiuno the-tml* in aud. for the County o f Berrien, on the 13th day o f No- And cloudless skies look blue ; scrip tlon. Yember, A .D . 18C6, threo o'clock and forty minutes p.JL zena- o f llucluumn nml vicinity. She used to have, a walnut stick" . murely, - ;“L tliink you would*; Feel, a rious matters to me: It is. a ques­ charge. W hen happiness; and peace abound, Single copies o f theUECOtii>,readyfor mailing,"fivecents 2. I f subscribers wish their papers discontinued, pnb* o f said. day*, in Li(>er Q o f 'Mortgages Said itiorfgage and • jt£PArxusra bone or snoxT a o f ice. IViiich kept inc on the double tjuick, great deal hotter i F you would do just tion as to whether my future life shall Ushers may continue to send them: until all charges Are the notes accompanying the same were made payable as “ And troubles are but few; All kinds o f Job Printing executed In the latest styles And tbut was where slic lind me. of the art, and atreasonahleprices. paid. follows, to-wit; One note for tho sum of^^ One hundred JShSliop on Mnln Street, opposito tho Rtcoitn ofllce.— as Freddy does-— lie flat down on the he miserable Ol- happy.’ ’ * ’Tis not the time to know our friends— 3. I f subscribers move to other places without Inform­ and fifty dollars ou or before tho Oth day o f September* Sign Boot, 1SAIAU RYKBAKSON The fa lse ones fro m the true. ing tHe publisher, and the paper is sent; to the former di­ A . D. 1S67,with Interest at 7 per cen L ,a n d o n e note for W hen older grown, and: quite a. beau floor and; kick your heels against the ; . There was a third brieF interval oF rection, they are held responsible* Notice should always tbeau m orbn o hundred «hdlars, imulbiNtyaldoon ochefbre Among the girls I used to know carpet For awhile.” ’ silence. Matrimony Extraordinary. be given of the removal. the sixth day o f September, A*. D. ISbS, w ith interest at But when the sky is overcast, 4. I f subscribers neglect or refuse to tsffko their-papers Tper cent.; which said Mortgage niul1 notes were by the A Miss Priscilli Cadiny;. Luke gave his mischievous sister-in- “ Evelyn,” said Luke, presently, in Aud threatening clouds appear, from, the office o r place to which thoy tirosent* they are said John W . 'Whipple duly assigned to* Charles Chirk, aiid . A »d with the help of smiled and nods A JI«w Version c f W om en’s Loronzo. P; Alexander; copartners doing bnsinoss atB u - Marhoff Sc Warner, W ith thunder crashing: o’er our heads, v hold responsible until they aettle bills and give notice to I fell in love at forty rods, law a glance that ought certainly to a subdued voice, “ will yon open this * Iscontinue. chftiiftntMiql».vundor Uio name* flrnvand style o f Clark A And lightning fla’shing near; 5* The Courts hero clodded that refusing to take a paper Alexander,-on the twenty-sixth day o f April* A*D. IS69*; And that was where she had m e. have annihilated her, and Walked out door-?” There is a very remarkable case of mat­ from the office, or removing and leaving it uncalledTor, Is which assignment was duly reconledin tho office o f the (Successors to U . Marhoff & Go.) T h e n enem ies press c lo s e ly on , prima facia evidence >t intentional; fraud. Register of Deeds; in-and tor the county pf Berriettafore- oF the room, closing the door behind . “ On one condition Only !” To fill our hearts with fear. rimonial felicity (?) in this city, which, is said, on tho l2th day of May, A. D.lSGp. Tliero Is claim-’ Manufacturers; o f and Dealers in W hen I was older, say sixteen, ■ “ A n d what is that ?” not generally known to the public. In the ed to be due on said Mortgage and notes,, at th ed a teof I thought it time to hare a queen, him with a hang that would hear no ’Tis then when sadness clouds the brow, thisnotice, the sum, o f two hundredand fiCy-nme dollars And asked her if she’d Wed m e; False interpretation. Then Clara “ A h , ah !” thought the little lieu­ West Division lives a woman with two and nine cents, ($259,09); and no procoedfngs having been, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOULDINGS And all around .seems drear, Business Direotorv. She said she didn’t much object, husbands, to each o f whom she has been instituted, either at law or in equity, to collect any pari came round to’ her sister, and buried tenant-general, “ lie’s.beginning to en­ The false ones from our side will sneak— o f said Mortgage debt* Therefore, b y virtue o f n power BRACKETS AND DRESSED DUMBER. Or words something to tlmt effect, married in legal form. A t the time the her pink Face in Evelyn’s neck. tertain, terms oF capitulation, is he? The coming storm they fear; SAVtDERS, Manufacturer1 anil Bonier In Boots ami Of sale in.salti Mortgage contained; and in. p 'rsttanco o f And there was where she had m e.; war broke out, this woman was living with, A■ ShooSjEcont Street, foot of Bay’s Avenue, Bucl.anan, tho statuaes of thU State, in such.cases nmdo aud provfd- L L kinds of Dressing* j/aichiog. Resawing and .Scroll “D on’t" scold me, Evy, please^; I “ On condition,” she added aloud, Their craven hearts with terror view Michigan, 2-29tC od, notlceis hereby given that the preniises IU KnldMort- Stwfngdone to order oil short notice.
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