RSTRE--- Reader's Feast Bookstore in Association with the Writing Centre for Scholars and Researchers, the University of Melbourne Present
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RSTRE--- Reader's Feast Bookstore in association with The Writing Centre for Scholars and Researchers, The University of Melbourne present International authors Frank McCourt, Bernard Cornwell and Cecelia Ahern will join great writers from across 17th, 18th & 19th February 2006 Australia for the third annual week end of books, discussion and ideas in the beautiful grounds of Como Become a Reader's Feast Historic House in South Yarra. Privileged Reader and you will also receive concession prices to Writers at Como. For further details call To have a free programme posted to you in (03) 9662 4699. mid-January contact Reader's Feast Bookstore: Telephone: (03) 9662 4699 Presented in association Email: mahina@rea w ith National Trust of Website: Australi a (Victoria) SERIOUS ABOUT SOCIAL jUSTICE? THEN CONSIDER SOME SERIOUS STUDY AT DIPLOMA, GRADUATE DIPLOMA OR MASTER OF ARTS LEVELS AT YARRA THEOLOGICAL UNION Rei a)_( MELBOURNE wit~n~od COURSE OFFERINGS INCLUDE Minister • History of Catholic social movements to Yourself • Justice and social teaching • Interreligious dialogue in the secular world SAT Sabbatical • Social transformation and economics Program • Can war be just? • Theologies of liberation Time to ... Self-contained, free and • Human embodiment and bioethics nexibl e modules arc specifically • Biblical foundations/ecology ·Rest designed to assist indi viduals ·Be Nurtured to integrate theology. spirituality • Major issues in moral theology ·Be Free human development and ·Play ministry wi th their Enrolments close February 21 2006 ·Pray li ved experience. YTU does not offer correspondence cou rses. Four-month and ·Share New Id eas Courses are eligible for Commonwealth Nine- month programs Government loans through FEE-HELP. For further information, contact SAT • School of Appli ed Theology The Registrar, Yarra Theological Uni o n, Graduate Theological Union 2400 Ridge Road • Berkeley CA 94709 PO Box 79, Box Hill VIC 3128. 1-800-831 -0555 . 5 10-652-1651 Phone: (03) 9890 3771 ; Fax: (03 ) 9890 1160 email [email protected] Em ai l admin @ website Web http:/ <)> Os;: ' > ~[) El.JREKA STREE Iz> 0 ~ ~ m >o z-n c -o )>C COMMENT "'"' 4 Robert Hefn er Who's watching? ~ ~ t8 2;; Al-n c> > :;:; LETTERS "'-<-"' o i 5 David Dyer, Margaret Smith, Bill om""' '"" Ranken, Bill Versteegh, Joan Pearson 34 Spreading seeds of culture ""> eureka street fju: 'ri:k& stri:t/ and Philip Mendes Michele M. Giercl<meets the V>"' )>'"" I have found it! The exultant cry people at Magabala Books. z of 'eureka'. A way, a public road in 36 Tensions mount in Sri Lanka 0 a city or town, a path to a rebellion. COLUMNS I'"" Jon Greenaway on an uneasy peace. 0 A way of questioning, a place of r 7 Summa theologiae 37 Another African tragedy 0 discovery, a distinct ly Australian [) Andrew Hamilton Servant of sil ence Dorothy Horsfi eld on the human -< forum for conversation and new 8 Archimedes catastrophe in northern Uganda. ideas. There are many paths, but Tim Thwaites Vying for vaccine 38 Palatable pleasures there is only one Eurel<a Street. 9 Capital letter Christine Salins digests the jack Waterford Tru st me proceedings of an international food summit. 10 By th e way Brian Matthews Tchaikovsky in Hanoi 46 The child as verb Brian Doyle on miraculousness. 50 W atching Brief juliette Hughes Trouble in the kitchen POETRY THE MONTHS' TRAFFI C 25 Kerry Leves At Parramatta 6 Peter Pi erce Magnificent mare 6 Ian Slater Political lessons IN PRINT FEATURES 40 Around the world and back aga in Matthew Lamb on John Ralston Saul's 11 Who is my neighbour? The Collapse of Globalism: And the Acting editor Robert Hefner Meaghan Paul's personal epiphany. Graphic des igners Maggie Power, Reinvention of the World. Tim O'Donoghue 12 The sil ent summer 42 No wannabes or posers Chief executive officer Tom Cra nitch Business manager Mark Dowell Aliso n Aprhys on the role of a free D. L. Lewis welcomes Robert Holden's Marketing/advertising manager Ca mille Colli ns press in a democratic society. Cra ckpots, Rebels and Ratbags. Subscriptions Denise Ca mpbel l 14 Beyond the Troubl es 43 City of tarn ished glori es Editorial 1 production and administration assistants Geraldine Batt rsby, Lee Beasley, Hugh Dillon observes Irish ambiguities. Sarah Kanowsl<i savours Orh an Ali Lemer, Brooke Davis, Clare Gichard Pamuk's Istanbul: Memories of a City. Film editor Siobhan Jackson 16 Burma's hidden diaspora Poetry editor Philip Harvey Ron Browning sees hope for the Karen 44 A year spent observing jesuit editorial board Andrew Hamilton '1, people forced to flee Burma. Brian McCoy on Mary Ellen Jordan's Greg Ba um, Vi rgin ia Bourke, jane Mayo Balanda: My Year in Arnhem Land. Ca rolan, Tom Cranitch, Robert H efn er, 17 Figments of my imagination Jack Wa terford 45 Not quite quite Patrons gratefu lly acknowledges j ennifer Compton on the crea tive li fe. [ureka Street fohn Button says J. M. Coetzee's new th e support of C. and A. Carter; th e 18 Sniffing at tragedy tru stees of the estate of M iss M . Condon; novel Slow Man isn't up to his best. W. P. & M.W. Gurry Graham Ring on a harsh rea lity for young Aborigin es in central Australia. Eureka Street magaz ine, ISSN 1036-1758, TH E SHORTLIST Aus tralia Pos t Pri nt Pos t approved 20 Remembering Etty pp349 181/00314, is published six ti mes a year Kirsty Sangster recalls a Holocaust 47 Reviews of the books Everyman's Rules by Eureka Street Magazine Pt y Lt d, 300 Victori a Street, Richmond VIC 3"121 survivo r. for Scientific Living; Invisible Yet Enduring Lilacs; The Weather Makers: PO Box 553, Ri chmond VIC 312"1 22 Searching for Borrisnoe Tel: 03 9427 73 11 Fax: 03 9428 4450 The History and Future Impact of It's a long way to Tipperary for Peter emai l: eure ka@ jesp Climate Change; and Does m y head Hamilton. Responsibilit y for editorial conte nt is accepted look big in this! by Andrew Hamilton st, 26 Before it goes to the tip 300 Victoria Stree t, Ri chmond Michael McGirr delights in a new Printed by Doran Printing FLASH IN THE PAN 46 Industrial Drive, Braeside VIC 3195. exhibition at the National Museum © Jesuit Publica tions 200& of Australia. 48 Reviews of the films Harry Potter Unsolicited manuscripts wi ll not be returned. 28 The art of discovering va lu es and the Goblet of Fire; The Brothers Pl eJse do not se nd original photograph s or art Grimm; Good Night, and Good Lucl< ; work unl ess requested. Reques ts for permiss ion Better for children to learn values than and The Constant Gardener. to reprint materi al from th e magaz in e should have them imposed, says Freya Mathews. be addressed in w rit ing to th e edi tor. 30 Th e Pepysian paradox Th is issue PUZZLED Cover: illustra ti on by Clare Locke Luke Fraser revisits the diaries Cartoons: Dea n M oore, p19, p37 of Samuel Pepys. 51 Joan Nowotny Cryptic crossword COilllllCI1t Robert H efner Who's watching? 'Watchman, what of the night?' The watchman says: 'Morning comes, and also the night. If you will inquire, inquire; Come back again.' - Isaiah 21: 11 A THRST GLANce, Clm Locke's cove< illust<otion hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, a poll indicated that most for this issue of Eureka Street evokes a familiar image of Australians feared the threat of higher petrol prices even summer, a time when our living is m eant to be easy, our more than that of terrorism! How quickly that changed when hearts light and our minds carefree. Our thoughts fly back the price of petrol began to drop and we were warned of an to summers long ago, lazy days of sitting in the sun and imminent threat of terrorist acts on our soil, then saw on our watching the cricket. television screens people being arrested. But on closer examination som e questions m ay arise. Many humane and rational voices spoke out against Where are the fieldsm en? Why is the sunshine only on the aspects of the Government's proposed anti-terror legislation, players, and the shadows beyond so dark? Just who is watching but it became law, with little opportunity for debate in this game? Below the calm surface, something seems to be parliament, on 6 December. In this issue of Eurel<a Street, calling for an answer, something that makes the scene very Alison Aprh ys examines the possible repercussions for our much a reflection of the m ood of our times. society's principal watchdog, the m edia, and more generally That mood is largely one of uncertainty. Old assurances the m edia's role in a democratic society whose freedoms have are fading-about how we work, how we ensure that those become more fragile. unable to work will be provided for, how we provide safe Other writers provide the kind of inform ed, intelligent havens for those with nowhere else to turn, how we protect commentary on human and social issues that Eureka Street ou r way of life from those who might wish to destroy it, readers have come to rely upon: Andrew Hamilton, Michael how we carry on the public conversation of a free society, McGirr, Jack Waterford, Brian Doyle, Dorothy Horsfield, and how we express our views on our government's actions Brian Matthews, Morag Fraser, Juliette Hughes, and many or intentions.