BIG COKE BUST 86 Delta 88 2 Door *9995 Difference 86 Bonneville 4 Door *6995 Late Morning News Conference
20— MANCHESTER HERALD, Friday, Sept. 29„ 1989 iCARS CARS CARS ICARS I q TI cars FOR SALE FOR SALE IQII CARS L i L I FOR SALE FOR SALE E l l FOR SALE I ^ U fOR SALE BUICK Skylark 1980 - 2 1984 HONDA Accord - 1986 MERCURY Grand SUBARU 1982-GL, red, 5 door, excellent condi Immaculate, 4 door, 5 speed, olr, sunroof. tion, 52,000 miles, $1500. speed, am/fm cassette, Marquis-4 door, white, loaded plus sunroof. 140K miles. $600/best 643-1783.______________ low miles, 1 owner, sun O n e owner. New offer. Must sell. 645- PONTIAC 74 Wagon ^ roof, cruise, must see. brakes. Complete new 0480. 455cc, V8, auto, air 646-3165._____________ tune up, lifetime conditioner, power 1978 DATSUN 810 - 240z window/locks, work- shocks. Coll Jim McCo- engine, good condi vonogh. 649-3800. house. $400 or best tion. $1050. 643-4971 of- TRUCKS/VANS otter. 646-6212. CHEVY Caprice Classic ter 7pm._____________ 1986 - 4 door, mint, FOR SALE PLYMOUTH 1985 Ho 63,000 highway miles, CARDINAL rizon - 4 door, 5 speed, $7000. 291-8910. GMC 1988 4x4 loaded om-fm radio. $1200.647- pickup with deluxe BUICK, INC. 9758 otter 5pm._______ cop. Excellent condi 1986 HONDA XR-250 In tion. $11,750. GMC 1988 BUICK 1979 Skvhowk - 2 storage. Mint, mint 1988ChevS-10Ext,Cab $12,995 pickup with cop. Excel door hatch, good con- condition. 175 original 1988 Pont Grand Am $6,690 lent condition. $11,250. dltlon, standard. miles, legal street re 643-5614 ask for Roy or PERIENCE 1988 Buick LaSabre $11,980 $700/best offer.
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