Reparations and Damages in Polish-German Relations (Historical Overview)

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Reparations and Damages in Polish-German Relations (Historical Overview) NR 22 Reparations and damages in Polish-German relations (Historical overview) Stanisław Żerko IZ Policy Papers IZ Policy Papers Also published in the series: Nr 1(I) Historia i pamięć: masowe przesiedlenia 1939-1945-1949 History and Memory: mass expulsions and transfers 1939-1945-1949 Geschichte und Erinnerung: Zwangsaussiedlung und Flucht 1939-1945-1949 Nr 2 (I) Odradzanie się społeczeństwa obywatelskiego. Rozwój polskiego trzeciego sekto- ra w latach 1989-2008 Revival of the civil society. Development of the third sector in Poland 1989-2008 Wiederbelebung der Zivilgesellschaft. Der dritte Sektor in Polen 1989-2008 Nr 3(I) Międzynarodowa solidarność. Operacje pokojowe ONZ -NATO -UE International solidarity. UN, NATO and EU peace operations Internationale Solidarität. Die Friedensoperationen der UN, NATO und EU Nr 4(I) Polska i Niemcy w Unii Europejskiej (2004-2009). Główne problemy i wyzwania Nr 5(I) Przyszłość NATO – trudne decyzje Nr 6(I) Mocarstwowe aspiracje Niemiec w Europie XXI wieku: realia i perspektywy (Raport z badań) Nr 7(I) Stany Zjednoczone wobec kryzysów regionalnych – aspekt transatlantycki Nr 8(I) Dynamika niemieckiej opinii publicznej. Wizerunek Polski i Polaków w Niemczech Nr 9(I) Dynamika niemieckiej opinii publicznej. Pozycja partii politycznych na podsta- wie sondaży i wyników wyborów do parlamentów krajowych (2011-2012) Nr 10(I) Europa w strategii Baracka Obamy (2009-2012) Nr 11(I) Polityka polonijna w ocenie jej wykonawców i adresatów Nr 12(I) Polacy i Niemcy wobec przyszłości Unii Europejskiej. Aspekty gospodarcze Nr 13(I) Polityki pamięci i dyskursy pamięci w 100-lecie wybuchu I wojny światowej Nr 14(I) Niemiecki system kształcenia obywatelskiego. Wnioski dla Polski Nr 15(I) Tendencje w wykorzystaniu czasu pracy w państwach wysoko rozwiniętych na początku XXI wieku Nr 16 Outward FDI Policies in Visegrad Countries. Final Report Nr 17(I) Bilans 25 lat Traktatu między Rzecząpospolitą Polską a Republiką Federalną Niemiec o dobrym sąsiedztwie i przyjaznej współpracy z dnia 17 czerwca 1991 r. Stanisław Żerko Reparations and damages in Polish-German relations (Historical overview) Series: „IZ Policy Papers” nr 22 Editorial Board: Joanna Dobrowolska-Polak (editor in chief) Marcin Tujdowski Translation: Aleksandra Hans Editing: Anna Murawska Graphic design: Ewa Wąsowska © Copyright by Instytut Zachodni Poznań 2018 Publishing house: INSTYTUT ZACHODNI 61-854 Poznań, ul. Mostowa 27 tel. 61 852 76 91 tel 61 852 28 54 (wydawnictwo) fax 61 852 49 05 e-mail: [email protected] ISBN 978-83-61736-75-2 Table of contents 1. Introduction ...........................................................................................7 2. Historical background ........................................................................... 10 3. German reparations for Poland and the so-called coal clause ................. 13 4. The Bierut government statement of 23 August 1953 ........................... 15 5. Under the Gomułka government .......................................................... 18 6. After establishing diplomatic relations between Poland and West Germany ......................................................23 7. In a new reality .....................................................................................28 8. Conclusion ...........................................................................................36 1. Introduction In summer 2017, Poland saw a vigorous revival of the debate on German war reparations. Although the discussion on this subject had already been held in the autumn of 2004, now the intensity of the dispute which erupted after Jarosław Kaczyński’s speech on 1 July 2017 is far greater than it was thirteen years earlier. In his speech at the 5th Policy Congress of Prawo i Sprawiedliwość – PiS (Law and Justice) in Przysucha near Radom, the leader of the ruling party spoke, among other things, about the damage incurred by Poland during World War II: „Have we received (…) any compensation for the huge losses from which, in fact, we haven’t recovered to this day? Poland has never renounced its compensation claims. Those who think so are mistaken”1. In the weeks that followed, these words were often referred to by government members, in par- ticular, Prime Minister Beata Szydło, Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski and Minister of National Defense Antoni Macierewicz. Officially, however, the Polish government did not demand any reparations from Germany and Minister Waszczykowski said that further analysis and expert opinions were needed before any claims were lodged. At the end of summer 2017, two specialised bodies of two Parliaments, German and Polish, shared their separate expert opinions with the public. The conclusions presented in both documents were contradictory. The expert opin- ion issued by the Research Services of the German Bundestag dated 28 August 2017 stated that Polish claims would be termed unfounded on legal grounds, because the Polish government had formally relinquished its right to repara- tions in 1953, and allegedly, the case was considered closed after the signing of the „2+4” treaty in 1990. Moreover, the German expert opinion held that regardless of this, the limitation period has expired to bring reparations claims2. The expert opinion of the Sejm (Polish lower chamber) Bureau of Research, published on 11 September 2017, did not challenge the one issued by its Ger- man counterpart because both of them were being prepared at the same time. The author of this document claimed: „(…) there are grounds to argue that the Republic of Poland has every right to seek compensation from the Federal 1 An official speech recording: w-polske 2 17-pdf-data.pdf IZ Policy Papers • nr 22 • 7 Stanisław Żerko Republic of Germany and the allegation that these compensation claims had expired or had been barred by the statute of limitations is unfounded”. Therefore, „the German state should compensate for the damage incurred by the Polish state during World War II”3. However, it was inescapably clear that the Polish expert opinion did not put forth any legal solutions for the repara- tions to be received. Although the authors of both expert opinions made reference to the history of German war reparations for Poland, each of them did so selectively. Simi- larly, politicians and commentators would overlook essential aspects of the issue, or sometimes presented them in a way that was inconsistent with the facts. Moreover, huge amounts of reparations were quoted, for example, by the right-wing weekly „Sieci”, supporting PiS, whose cover featured $6 billion4 in reparations. Also, public television, following the propaganda line of the ruling party, joined the campaign for claiming reparations from Germany. The aim of this study is to provide a brief but fairly comprehensive account of the reparations issue and war damages viewed as a problem in the history of relations between Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany5. The present overview ends with issues related to the unification of Germany. For the purpose of further discussion of the matter, it should be noted that the term „reparations” in Polish scholarly literature is assumed to denote the part of war indemnification meant to partially compensate for property loss incurred by the state. Civil law damages, covering individual claims of persons harmed by Nazi Germany in 1939-1945, are a different matter, although in the case of post-war Polish-German relations, one related to the issue of repa- rations. Yet, the addressee of reparations and civil law damages is the same, i.e. the country which started the war and lost it. In this case, the addressee is Germany and not Russia because Russia, which sometimes appears in public debates as a potential addressee of Polish claims, did not lose World War II. On the contrary, it was the Soviet Union (whose legal successor is the Russian Federation) that codecided on the scope of reparations imposed on the defeated Germans by the victorious powers. 3 4 „Sieci”, 7-15 August, 2017. 5 Among publications discussing this matter one should list: K. Ruchniewicz, Polskie zabiegi o odszkodowania niemieckie w latach 1944/45 – 1975, Wrocław 2007; W. Jarząbek, Władze Pol- skiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej wobec problemu reparacji i odszkodowań od Republiki Federalnej Niemiec 1953-1989, „Dzieje Najnowsze” XXXVII, 2005, 2, pp. 85-104. More recent German publi- cations on the issue of reparations and damages after World War II comprise: J. Fisch, Reparationen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, Munich 1992; C. Goschler, Schuld und Schulden. Die Politik der Wiedergutmachung für NS-Verfolgte seit 1945, Göttingen 2005. 8 IZ Policy Papers • nr 22 • Reparations and damages in Polish-German relations (Historical overview) In addition to that, Poland also lodged restitution claims demanding the return of looted goods that had belonged either to the state or Polish citizens, among them works of art. This particular problem has not been resolved yet. The fourth group comprised claims related to insurance and annuity mat- ters and pre-war obligations. The present study focuses on the first two groups of claims because they were of vital importance for the relations between Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. IZ Policy Papers • nr 22
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