Friday. May 11. 1919 Bl'Yant Colleae. SIn Itbfleld. Rhode Island Volume 46. Number 4

Ray Marshal/to speak Pholo hJ' S~Qn McNomee Honorary DegreeRecipients to beHonored

Ray Marshall. United Statts men! of Bryant Colle!t on volunteerism. sleeve burs. The dignitanes also Will jUtlSl; powe-nul communicator; Secretary of labor, to be honored Saturday. May 26, 1919. The Anne WeKler. assistant 10 the wear dislinctivcly styled eloquent advocate for hiS race:; and 10 deliver address al the IIMh ceremony will take place al Icn PresIdent of the Uniled Statts; The mortorboards. successfu.l businessman. proud commencement of Bryant College, o'clock, on the Bryant campus. Honorable John H. Chafet. Uoiled The Br)'ant commencemc:nl veteran; commined minister of God. Saturday. May 26, 1979. Six other Sharing the podium With Ray SUltes Senator from Rhode Island: program will include a brief William F. Flanagan. President distinguished citizens to fttelve Marshall, according 10 President Benjamin L. Hooks, e:ceclltive de~ription of each honorary degree Emeritus of Rhode Island Junior honorary degr~s . William T O'Hara, will be six other director, National Association for m:ipic:nt as follows: College; perceptive educator; The Honorable F. Ray Marshall, oUlSlanding citizens who will receive the Advancement of Colored Ray Marshall. Uniled Stales rcspecled custodian of the scholarly United Siaies Secretary of labor. Bryant's highest tribute rOT their People; Dr. William F. Flanagan. Secretary of Labor, caring and milieu; accomplished claitSicist; will receive an bonorary degree and various contributions to tbe President Emeritus of Rhode Island farseei ng administrator, the wage­ profound believer in educlilion for give the major address to 869 democratic sySlem, minority Junior College and Executive earner's chief panisan in the masses; effective administrator; graduate 8t the 1J6th Commence- interests, education, business. and Director of the Rhode Island government; gifted laborcconomist: unparalleled father. Independent Higher Education respected scholar and teacher: Kenneth L. Kirk, Vice·Chairman Assodation; and Kenneth L Kirk, impassioned and Ins ightful essayist. or the Board, Amtrol. Inc.; native Vice Chairman of the Board, Anne Wexler, Assistant to the Rhode Islander, dedicated to the Amtrol, Inc., will receive the President of Ihe United Statesi enri chment of his city and his state: honorary degrees of Doctor of catalyst for public invol... ement in enterprising businessman whose Science in Busincss Administration. policy-making decisions; accom­ expertise exists to be shared: zealou! Martha S. Livingslon, immediate plished businesswoman; life-long community servant: innovator in '1ational: Nuclear Power held in Washington Past General Campaign Chairman advocate of the two-party syllem; easing the burden of handica pped of the United Wav of Southeaslern committed to individual participa­ easing tbe burd en of t he e OilS Shortage Here D.C . 1980 alltos showed New England, wili receive: a Doctor lion in government and communit), handicapped and the troubled • "Panic" Buying of Public Serv ice degree: . afrail")!. Martha S. Livingston, Immediate World: For Ihe first time at a Bryant John H. Chafee. United StatC':ll past General Campaign Chairman .(alilorniOi in~tilUled ga~ rationing Commencement. President O'Hara Senator from Rhode Island; of the Unned Way of Southeastern fll:tn Ma~~, may do same for _ Isrdeli ship paSSes through Suez Canal Dr. William P. Robinson, Jr.. thoughtful barrister; ardent New England; passionate believer in MemOrial and tabor day weekends H • Margaret Thalcher (conservative) chairman of Ihc Bryant Board or conservationist; cogent leader; "volunreeri,m • eager champion or Trustees. and all honorary degree sensiuve politician; conscientious tho:' young. IIre/('s~ participator in . Carter and Kcnned~ in verbal war defeats Callaghan :wd L:J.bor Part~ rccipienu will be wtaring Clipeclally­ public se..",ant: dedicated husband communlt... need~; organi7er eKennedy ~ Iat c~ Carter ha~ ht~ designed academic robes fealuling and father. txtraordinau-e; avid yachtswoman; ,upport for [980 Groups which _ China wants conlrol on :l!t)' U.S. the Colle~ colors of black and gold. Benjamin L. Hook!, EXeCUlive devoted wife, mo the r . and )upport ~(:nned)' for president are business deals in thnt country These doctor's gowns will be black Director. National Associalion for grandmother. nrgani/cd • Ru~sia has trouble wlIh ils cloth lrimmed with 80ld velvet the Advancement of Colored hi01tftJphi"s uf Ihf.' hunoftJtI c!t'gft't' e Mn,s Jemonslralion against Mosh:::m! facing on the front and lold \·el ... et People; skilled laW}'c:r. distingUished f~C'jplt'nlS ("(HI ht' found un p. 4. ------

II 1919 THE OPINION FROM THE EDITOR'S Big Brothers DESK .... To the Editor. held meet ings to develop programs a nd le nd assistance to Big Brot hers. I would like to ta ke the time to T he value of the experiences these .. thank Bob Reeves. Tom Scanlon. men a nd other Big Brothers have and Rick Punie llo fo r the time they give n to children ca nn ot be Edifar have spent in coordinating the Big expressed in words. Brot hers program. Last ye ar Brya nt I would encourage any student had approximately ten students who has a few spare hours a week to Talent Show in volved In the Big Brothers get involved in the Bi g Brothers Gratitude program. wh ile presently there are Program. Yo u wi ll fi nd it ex tremc:ly over 40 Big Brothers at Bry ant reward ing and satisfying. Once T he Br yant Women's Association Farewell, class of 79. After four year.; of il

B}' Craig Brickey (S38). but does not include supper al carpooling. but thaI amountS to a Saga on Ihe nights I sack OUI mere S70 a yea r. This makes hardly a As the school year dra ws to a because t he meals pa y for dent in the 16()() tab. close. I have decided to blow apart themselves through gas savings. For Bu t ! have a way to cure this the last fallacy about eommutlng­ 30 weeks, [hen, thc total for food problem. Simply. nex t year I'm not commuting is less expcnsi\c than comes to S2 1O. going 10 keep records al all! being a resident student. Wt:!1. I h,l\'e rhe grand tolal for commuting. • •• kept very careful re cords ~ inc e then comes to $1618. THEARCHWAY Septemhcr that s peak f o r This docs not count lost time But seriously folk s. ~ inee this is themselves. (figured at 52.901hr. l ~ day. 5 my laSI column this year, I've hrst of all--and foremost. is Edilof-in-Chief ...... Croig Brickey days week. 30 weeks ye:lrJ. S650 • decided to reneet on the series of gasoline. It is rather difficult to say and repairs still needcd for my car. columns that I' ve writen. In a way. it Business Manager ...... Dove Alfredson how much I spend on gas. bec;lusc Managing Editor ...... _.... '_ _. J W. Horrington which include SI4 for new fan belts seems like ages; in other wa ys. it the figure has ris en from $ 14 a week and other sundries , seems like d:l Ys since I wrotc that News Editor .. . ___ Richard Morris to 517-18 a week since last Labor Of course. there is income from Feature Editor ... . Condy LaBombard Day. Hut averaging it out at $15 a Com. ro pOKe 7, col. f Sports Editor ...... ___. __...... JoyMehger week for 30 weeks. the gas cost Photography Editor ...... _ ...... Sean P. McNamee comes to about $450 . FfWIIKLY SPEAKING Asst.PhotogrophyEdilor ...... ,...... AI Sorsteln Next. let's count dcprtcw,tion. Administrative Secretory ...... •...... NodinePorker Beca use of a well publici/cd WE ARE QmHEREP mVA'r' TO News/ Features: Kat ie Ca ssels. Donna Maynord, Jayne Morris. prohle m of an exploding gas tank. Jaime O·Conne li . John p, O'Neil the va lu c of my car dropped CELE~RATE mE atNING OF Tl/E significantly. Chalk off5250. Add to Sports: Stephen Futordo. Gory Goldberg. Scott Gold stein. Rito that im uranec ;It 5225. So far l"ve ~PRING PAlm' SEASON AND HE:R~ Valerio spent 5925. Photography: Randy Crone In addition. and thiS is a !(luchy wm-l US 15 ~/LL Y O\RJER Tl> part. there i~ mlintenll nce and Production: Dorleen Brown. Cathy Hanoullle, Duane Lefevre. Kevin rep,lir, I "" Ill li r~t itcm ile the rout ine 7HRCYN OJT mE FIRST EM~ , McKenna. Sharo n Nickles. Joe Piccone . Laurice Piche mlll ntcnance. rhis included th ree 011 Advertising: Jay Robinson-Duff II! changes, two tune-ups. and five-yelr front alignment policy. $[26 total. Graphic s: Elaine Wuertz. Un -routine r e pair ~ were mnny, Phototypsettlng: Dove Creamer. Ulso Laine. Donna Racine rh e ~ incl udcd, (let's take a deep brc;,u h) a new exh:lu~t s~ stem, S 100; fron t hrale job. $ 125: new PC" v.. lu e li nd v,I I\I! tO ~ e r ga~k c t (plu ~ 6 The Archway is composed weekly duri ng the academic yeor. excluding vocationS by the undergraduate studenfsol Bryant College. The publisher 15 quarts of oil rt"quired to keep the car Brya nl College. ThI s newspopei' ~ written a nd edited by 0 studentstotl and run ning \\ hi)c wailing lor thaI no form a cer'ISOIShlp Is exerted 01'1 the contents Of style ci anv Issue, The repair), 5J6; and a new set of tjr e~ news and opinions e xpJ&S.Sed In this publication ore tho5e 01 the students (m o unt ~" S75; third-place. S50; and fourth INQUIRINe. honored thtu commltmenl$ to the fllace will rcceil;e a 5:25 check:. 1979 Rryant Fund Phonothon hv The response from the various panicipation in the "Diahng for organilation has been tremendous. .~E W R.A:s PIIOTOe.RAPIIER Scholars~ campaign. In six oUt of With aJl the student v(l lunleers. fhe office or Student Affairs is eight nights so far, 150 students have many of whom camt: more than one proud to announce the selection of raiso:d pledges of S31.024! nighl. the "honothon goal .,f the following new and returning This ,,"uk's question: Whit was last ~en week's qUb lion? Each night Ihe students have S40.OOO would have seemed r ~tudent s to Ihe 1979-80 Resident bussed to OUf phone CCIller5 in Imposslblt Dream. Wi th their A:.sistant Staff: Pro\ idence. fed a buffet supper. and though. the " Dialing for Schoh•• been given phone tines to ca ll over campaign is going to turn into a Returning: Elequiel Rodriquez. Phoros by Flaih e rarr#' the Uni ted States. It was exciting to reali ty, as real as thc support the Steven Terk, Thomas Nelson. Intervie ..... s by Laurit'i' Pieht watch a n OU (.of-slalc student volu nteers have given to the Bryant Carolyn Davis, SU7.3 nne Lemke. vol untee r call her home town, Fund. Car('n McGa uley. Debra Mess ina. nlising money for the scholarship Reisa Reichle. Dorothy Pope. fun d. Each night the individual The Groups which deserve the Albert Killen. a nd H nward callers who raised the largest dollar ('('{'dil and applause lire: Rappopon. amount of pledges or la rgest number CommUTers in Action. Bryant New: Ed ward Keating, Mark ,'vIc of pledges were award ed Playe rs, Brycol, Sigma Lambda Govern. Margaret Mc Ke n na, rnemora blilia. Theta. Senior Senate. DPMA. Francis Erba, Palma Carini. Susan The Phonolhon goes on the two Student Programming -b oa rd . Lawlor, Deborah Lalkur, Gregory mo re nights. Next week all the tallies Alpha Phi Kappa, Phi Epsilon Pi, Lyden. Thomas Be rgeron, John will be in, a nd there will be fou r Suitchearts, Beta Sigma Omicron. Risigna no, Kathy Zanecchia, Kraig major prizes awarded to the Sk ydiv ing Cl u b, T o wnhouse Burnham, Mark Kielar. Victoria organizations. Besides knowi ng they Council, SAM. J unior Senate, THE Strudwick, Dana Maker. Ann­ art helping themselves by raising ARC HWAY, Secretarial Society. Ma ri e Lambert, Sheila Nolan, more scholarship money, the group Invalids. Sigma Iota Xi. Kappa Tau, Thomas Rooney, Terry Welsh. Marie Cooper: "The question was that raises the most· money will Hillel. Karate Club, Table Soccer William Vanore, Gary Shaw, Robin supposed to be 'Do you want receive a SIOO check from the Association, Freshman Senate. The Culver, Susan Bit zer, Daniel Christmas vacation shorter or do Denehy. eollege. Seeond-pJace will rec('ive Turtles, Foosball, and Publications. you wan l \0 gel out earlier in May?'" Energy Situation

By Dollie Pope door lights on the townhouses. comfon ability factor is not the same Mari.mne M ai nn ~! MI have no idea." Shllron Nicklas 2. What does il cost in human fo r everybody, but wi th a fixed evergy to pick up the phone and dial temperature of 68 degrees. a happy Did you know Bryant College is maintenanee to ask them to regulate medium could be reached through a wasting a lot of energy needlessly. Ihe heat as compared to energy used conscient ious effort by all. both in school and in resident in blocking the vents? Paper over the housing? In the dormitories, each ve nts only pushes the heat into the 7 , Do you have trouble finding 11 cubic foot of gas costs .0032 cents, next room. parking spot'.' If so, why not try but one dorm for one month uses 3, Did you know that we pay for starting a corpool for both commuters and residents alike, If abu t 340800 cubic feet whie h costs water coming in and going out'! S I0 90.56. Ad d iti onally . one Therefore if we save, we lave twice!! you really want to save energy, kilowan costs .028 cents and one perhaps a bus system would suit Use I your water efficientlY- 15 you r needs. townhouse uses about 7322 kil owa tl minute showers instead of I hour hours which costs about 205.02. As showers and plug the ,inks up to All of these sugrtSHOns are only you can see, to adequately ru n one snave instead of lellinl the water suggeslion. II is up to you, the dorm and on(' townh o\l~ e ror one 'run, consumer, to act trOt<' before it i! too month, it co~ts a pretty penny. 4. Every time you open a window. late. Recently an action group has 80th gas and electricity are heat ene-rgy escapes. So after been organi1.ed. the Energy Lori Bro" 'n: "Something li ke 'Do limited and unrcnewable resources, o~ning wi nd o ~ s on .... arm days, COMenation Commutee. to )'ou think it beller to ge t out of which makes them hIgh pnced. doS( them on cold nlg h'-~. 1\0 .... that pre\ent the further misulC of en('rg). school ea rl icr or later in May?'" Therefore these facts alone should the warm weather IS here, Dr. langlois, an ecological make Bryantonians aware of the townhouses do not need to use thei r specialist, is will to help with any energy that is being used and wasted. baseboard heaters. Please make additional proposals or ideas that In the long run. we are footing the every effort to make sure they ant you. the student, may have, Another Susan Perry: "There was no bIn. off. concerned Bryantonian is Charlie question in last week's A RC HWA Y. Some suggestions to help curb 5.A re lights reall y necessary when Picken . Plant Enginec r. who is also There were only answers." evergy use and, eve ntually, eosls are: the sun provides sufficient lighting open for any suggestions to improve I. Nighttime lights are designed for classroom use'! Turn off our use of energy, The Ecology for nightlime use only. Therefore classroom lights when they are not Action Committee is already Irying stairwell and outside dorm lights needed- it will eut down on heat to hel p our environ ment. In should De shut off during the day. and cnergy eosts. conclusion, it is up to you to decide The sa me goes for fro nt and hack 6. We understand that the what you future will be like. , ATTENTION SENIORSi

To insure receipt of your copy of the MassaehusellS. The band is UV L ca pacity of Ihis fa ci lity I S LEDGE R plcase notify t he and our di nner is a smorgasborg. appro:>t imately 2,700. tickets for LEDGER of any change in your Buses arc u,'ai lable!ue leaving the admission will be required. It should permancnt address. circle at 6 p,m. returning after the be clear to all your gucsl$ that only banquet. Tickets are Sl l per person. twO person per graduate will be J ohn Manl um: "Is it going to be hot The followin, a re ac:itivlties May 2.5. Friday permitted illlo the gymnasium. this wee kend?" planned for our last few weeks as 10 a.m. A mass will be held in the Furthtrmore, it may become Bryant. Ticket sales will be in the Rotunda by Fr. Lolia wi th the necessa ry for the president 10 Rotunda Monday May 14 through Trinity Singers, quickly declare the conferring of Wednesday May 16 from II to I. 2-S p.m. Senior Picnic. Music by degrees and adjourn the exercises. These sales tire limited so act quickly "Clayton Cummings." Beer, hot dogs, and hamburgers are available There will be a make- up assembl y Craie Wilson: "Do you know that to en;o)' your last re w wee ks at for degree candidates In the the sun causes cancer?" Bryant!!! by Brycol. S-8 p.m. Ha ppy Hou r in the Pub. audilorium on Tuesday. May 15, at May 19. Salurday -Block Island 12:30 p.m. Bus leaves at 8 from the circle: wc Beer, wine and cheese will be served then take a boal (rom Pt . J udith and for you and your parents, You can now vote-to elec t new arrive on Block Isla nd by 10:30. The So- Buy you r Block Island mem be rs to se rve you on the alum ni boat ride will have free 8100dy tickets and Senior Banquet tickets Association Executi ve Board, Mar.n! Upon arrival at PI. JUdi th, May 14-16. Tickets are limited so act The Executive Board isconl!)Osed clam chowder will beserved. A band now! The committee would also like of 16 members. and this yea r's will provide music. Vo lleyball games to eX lend their congratulations to candidates arc competing for four wi ll be held and moped a nd bike SCO II Pinette ..... ho has Deen giv(,11 the vacn nt posrtions on the EX ('culive board; a nd will serve a three-year [enlals are available. Dinner is opportunity to represe nt the ~ e ni o r term. The board meets once every served at 2, The afternoon will have class by giving the senior charge at month to execute policy and inilia le more music and ga mes ! At 6, a g ra d~a t ion. bonfire will be on the island. Our programs to serve all alumni. boat leaves at 7:30 and we'lI be back Monda)' ni ght-May 14th at the Ballols to elect new mem bers will at Bryanl by 10 p. m, BOll le d beers pub. Pub opens at 9 o'clock only for be availa ble Friday, May 26, from 2 arc 2S,. The price fo r th is fu ll fun seniors: free beer fo r seniors wit h \0 3:30 while caps and gowns are day of music, food , and fun is $13.S0 rejectio n letter thai hou r! IOo'clock­ being distributed. for a chicken dinner and SIS.OO fo r pub open for e\'cryone at rcgular Please take the time to "ote for 11 lobster. prices! member of Ihis r ea r's grad uating May 24. Thurs day - Stni or B anq u ~ t Should there be inclement weather, class, KA T HY ANN SACCOCIA, This year's se nior banquet will be the exercises will be held in the to represent you on Ihe Alumni held at Venus DeMilo in Swansea, gy mnasium. since the seating Associalion Executive Board. May 11. 1 director of the National Association was Ooor chairman for Jimmy students. Upon his retirement m for the Advancement of Colored Carter al the Democratic National 1975, he presided over two new People: by the NAACP Board of Convention. She was a member of suburban campuses. 300 facull Y, Directors on January 10.1977. As the the Charter Commission of the 10,000 students and a SIJ million chief administrative officer of the Democratic National Committee in state budget. On February 17, 1975. oldest civil rights organization in the 1974·75, and served on the Governor Garrahy signed a bill world , Mr. Hooks, an ordained Democratic Campaign Committee renaming the Blackstone Valley minister, is well· kn own for his for the 1974 elections. A delegate to campus of the junior coll ege in effective and pcnuasive oratory. the Oemocra t ic Natio n a l Flanagan's honor. A native of Memphis. TN, Mr. Convention in both 1968 and 1972. A graduate of Providence College Hooks acted as a skilled and she was a member of the Convention in 1936 with a A. B. degree, Dr. effective general counselor and Rules Comm ittee in both years and Flanagan began his career In assistant public defender. He was also served as. Ooor leader in 1972. education as a teache r and named the fi rst black judge in the In 1973, Ms. Wexler was a Fellow administrator in the Wa rwick Shelby County (Memphis) Criminal of the Institute of Politics, John F. sc hool system. In 1947, hc received Court, where he served wit h Ken nedy School of Government . his M. Ed. from Rhode Island distinction. Whi le on the bench. Harvard University; she was College. In 1955, he earned his Ph. J udge Hooks was nominated to director ofthe Voti ng Rights Project D . from the U niversity of become the first black Federal for in 1970. She Connecticut fo ll owing year joined Communications Commissioner in served on the Wes t port. the faculty of Rhode Island College. Doctor of Science in Business history. He has made effective usc of Admi ni stration (D.S. in B.A.) In 1955, Dr. Flanagan became Administration (D.S. in BA.) this powerful medium producing the COni. (0 pax, 5. (0/. 5 director of graduate studies at R IC, F. Ray Marshall radio series Convn!olions in 810 C'k Kenneth L. Kirk a position he retained until his ond While and Farly P"U nI appointment as president of the Un ited States Secretary of Labor Vice Chairman of the Board, Sp,oks. He also has been a Amtrol, Inc. junior college. His career was Ray Marshall was sworn into consistent panelist on Whol is Your interrupted by his se rvice as a naval office as the nation's 16th Secrctary Failh. Kenneth L. Kirk is vice-<:hairman officer during World War II. of Labor o n January 27. 1977. at the A successful businessman, Mr. and chief operating o flieer of Dr. Flanagan is known for his wit White House hy the Chief Justice of Hooks was the co-founder and vice Amtrol Inc., a world leader in the and his deep appreciation of the the United States. As secretary. president of the Mutual Federal manufacture of heating and water classics. He has been the recipie nt of Marshall is President Caner's chief Savings and Loan Associatio n "If system components. . a number of distinguished awards adviser on labor matters and is Memphis for 15 yean. He joined the company at Its including the Providence College respo nsi ble for carrying out the Mr. Hooks attended LeMoyne: beginning in 1947 as manufacturing Distinguished Alumni Award, Depanment of Labor's mission ~to College and Howard University and manager. risi ng to vice-president Regents' Award for Disti nguished foster. promote and develop the received his J.D. degree from and president before assuming his Service to Education, and the RI welfare of the wage earners of the DePaul University College of Law. present post ion. Mr. Kirk has betn a Senate and House Citations for United States. to improve their . During World War II, he: major force in the growht of Amtrol Distinguished Service to Education. working conditions, and to advance se rved in t he 92nd Infantry from an idea for a new kind of Dr. Fla nagan is an active participant their opportunitics for profitable Di\'ision's campaign in Italy. expansion tank to a substantial in a number of state regional and employ ment ." He administers laws He and his wife Frances have a manufaCturins company opera ting national educational organizations; and programs in areas such as daughter. Mrs. Patri ci a Louise worldwide wi th eight plants in the he is president of the New England employment standards. job safety Gray. and t ..... o grandsons. U.S. and Germany. Corporate Junior College CounCi l; chairman of and health. employment and Doctor of Science in Busi ness headquarters are in West Warwic k. the Commission on Governmental training. labor statistics. labor­ Admi nis tration CD.s. in B.A.) After his graduation from Affairs. Nationa! Council of Stnte managcment relations. and othcr Coventry High School in 1944. Mr. Directors of Community Coll egts; ~ matters affecting the nation'S John H. Chafee Kirk started his own wood supply and chairman of the P\lblic Higher expanding work force. United States Senator from Rhode business at the age of17. A yea r la ter. Educaiton Counci l. He is a member Before joining President Caner's Island he enlisted in the Army Air Force: of the Governor's Council on cabinet, Marshall was director ofthc and after discha rge he joined with Vocational Ed uC8t l(m and the U.S. John H. Chafee was elected tothe Center for the SlUd y of Human his brother, Chester. in narting the Congressional Advisory Commiuee Re!ources at the University of Texas in 1976. the business that has since become on Community Colleges a nd he is a first time in 46 years that a and professor of economics from AmITo!. direCtor of PrOV idence College., 1970. He had taught economics at Republica n had been sent to the In additon to the respo nsibilities Rhode Is land Hospital. Kent Senate ·from Rhode Island. In the leh Unl\'er~iIY of KenlUd,y from of managing a afowing company, County Hospital, Blue Cross. and Senate. he is a member of the 1963. to 1969: at I oui,iana State Mr. Kirk has de\·oted hiS tune and llnllcd Wa~ Southta5t Region Un iversity from 1957, to 1962: and III Finance Comml tltt',the Commlnec: talents to the dC\'elopment of He abo serves on the State Sune) the University of Misslppi from on Em'ironment and Public Works, equipment and ~ e rv lces for the Committee for the Towns of 1953, to 195 7. and the Select Committee on handicapped and retuded . Some of Smithfield and J ohnston. Intelligence. He r« ently was named After servmg in the ~ a \l)' as a his designs for walking a ld ~ have Dr. Flanagan feceOlI) wu named radio operator during World War b)' Vice President Mondalc: to the been adopted by manufacturers and executive director of the Rhode II. he attend ed Millsa ps College in ~a t io nal Tr,l.nsportation Policy arc used around the world helping Is land Inde pend e nt Uigher St ud }' Commission. J ackson. Mississippi, and received handicapped people. He has worked EduCli tion Association. He r!.'Sides his B. A. degree in 1949. He earned From 1969 to 1972. Senator closely with rehabilitation in Wa rwi ck with hiS fi ve: child ren an M.A. fr om Louisiana State Chafee served as Secretary to the professionals at Rhode 1 ~land University in 1950 and his Ph.D. NaV)'. He then re turned to the Hospi tal, the Meeting St ree t from the University of California at Doctor of Scie nce in Business practice of law In Providence. School. the C ranston Center for Administration (D.S. in B.A.) His political career in Rhode Berkeley in 1954. He received a Retarded Citizens, and the National We rt hc im FellOWship in Industrial Island began in 1956, when he was Whtclchair Athletic Association. Anne Wexler ele c ted to I he H ouse of Relations from Harvard University Mr. Ki rk's suppon for wheelchair Assistant to the President of the Representatives, where he served for in 1960. he was a Fulbright Research athletics was recognized in 1~76 United States three terms, two of them as minority Scholar in Finland in academic year when he received the United States leader. He was elected Governor in 1955-56, and had a Ford Foundation Anne Wexler, Assistant to the Wheelchair Sports Fund Award in a 1962 and was re-elected in 1964, and Faculty Fellowship in 1954 and 1955. President of the United States, 'Nas ce remony at the 20th National 1966. becoming the state's first Marshall has written and co­ appoi nted to the White House Wheelchair Games. He is one of Republican go\'ernor to be re­ authore d numerous books senior staff by President Carter on COni. to pog' U . col. 5 including; Th, Ro/,ojUniolUinlh, May I. 1975. She is responsible fo r elected since 1930, and the first three· AmrriC'a n EC'()nomy. IIlIman developing and administering term Republican governor in almost R~Jourr' J and Labor MarknJ. and efforts to support and carry out 50 years. While in office, he initiated Th, "'"ro Work". His articles and Presidential priorities including the legislation forming a state medicare monographs ha ve appeared in many involvement of interested groups program fo the elde rly; established labor and economic anthologics and and individuals in sc:ning and five state parks through the ~Green journals, including; Lahar 1.0..... implementi ng policy. Ac res Pro gram": and was Journal. Indus /rial R,lotions. Prior to her appointment, Ms. instrumental in the expansion of the Labor History. AmniC'on EC'onomiC' Wexler had been Deputy Under state's transportation network, R,vi,w. and Worklift . including the construction of the Secretary of Commerce fr om Doctor of Public Service COni . to January, 1977. She was responsible Newpon Bridge and Route 95. His for the coordination of the commitment to education resulted Martha livingston in the new Rhode Island Junior Commerce Department's programs Cha irman, United Way and field operations. acting also as College and the expansion of special assistant to the Secretary for statewide vocational education Mrs. Livingston is the first regional economic coordination and programs. woman to serve as Genera l as chairperson of the President's In 1964, J oh n Chafee was Campaign Chairman for the Un ited Task Force on Women Busincss de s ignated Rhode I sland Way of Southeastern New England Owners. Conservationist by the Audubon in that organization'S 52-year Before: joini ng the Commerce Society; he was named Big Brother history. Hl:r tenure follows a ca reer Deartment. Ms. Wexler wa s of the Year in 1965. Healso servedas in voluntary service that has led her associate publisher of R()lfing Sian, ch.irman of the Republican to numerous posit io ns o f magazine, supervis i ng that Governors Association in 1967-6S. Doctor of Science in Business community leadership includina publ ica tion' s circulatio n . A Providence native. Senator Adminis tration (D.S. in B.A.) severa l ke y poSitions in the Un ited i ubscr iption. promotion. and Chafee graduated from Ya le Way campaig n structure. and has production functions. she also did Unive rsity In 1947, and from William F. Flanagan 8i\'e n her a keen awareness of research on new acqU isitions and Harvard Law School in 1950. Upon President Emeritus of Rh c.de Island community needs from a grass root! '1 corporate diversification. and the entry of the Umted States into Junior College perspective. Doctor .n directed ma gazine syndication World Wa r II, he left Yale to enl ist AI,* ays an outstanding eXponent Admi nlstrallon (D.S. In optCiltions. in the Marine Corps whe re he served Dr. William Flanagan has been a of \olunleerism, "Martie" guidi ng fo rce in actull1i7ing Benjamin L. Hooks Ms. Wex ler has betn act ive on with the orikinal invasion forces at LiVingston panicipated In the numerous na llon.1 and Sillte GU lidalcanal. He was recalled to "education fo r the muses"," Rhode Rhode Island Council for Execute\e Oirecto r. Nalion:!1 committees of the Democtralic active duty in 1951, to se rve in Korea. Island. Named to the prcesidency of Community Scrvi~ study of the Associallon for the Advancement of Party since 1969. Closel)' involved in Senator Chafc:e is married to the slate's first JUnior college in 1964, need for communlt} \oluntc:trs, and Colort'd Pt'ople the 1976 presidential campaign. s,h ... former Vlrgmia Coall:s. and they Dr, Flanagan begsn with a 510,000 in thc subsequent development of a appropriation from the ~tate, a Benj.min I.. Hooh was served on the Democratic i\.auonal have live children Their Rhode volunteer buruu. As a result. ~he Island home I~ in Warwick un.nlmausly det'ted eU'cul;H Commillet in ~~~I (':I"" IIi!! IU' borrowed des.1 10 facult"., and J~5 Cotll. 1(1 pOf!' J. 0. May II. 1979 THE ARCHWAY Paee 5 THE ORGANIZATIONS show- of the year in the Rotunda tions to ou r graduating Senior dinner and the prices are as follows- : might not have been the success that Bryeol from 10:00 a,m. - 2:00 p.m. Order Boa rd 'vtembers. chicken and sirloin at S5 .75, stuffed it \.\ il5. you~ ring now and pay for il nexl shrimp at 56.85. The speaker will be BI)('ol wou ld like 10 congratulate ScplcmberJ Ee-Fin Club Genc Lambardi. the local Sales Inc newest members of its Board of The CC will stay open through Manager from radio s18t lo n May the me mbcrs of the Directors. Rt«ntl y elected Wi!rc: and includIng Friday, May 25. The The f c-Fin Club will hold its last WLKW. Anyone wis hing to attend depa rtment or Legal S tud ie s Suc Caprio. Terry Erz.rnoncil. Bill Boutique WI ll close Thursday night. meeting Tucsda)·. May 15. at 12:00 in can pruchasc a tickct on Friday rrom comme nd these students for their 51. Jean, Miriam Wiesel. J~ff May 24. (Be sure 10 stop in and see Room 244. Ek ctions will be held. 10-2 or at Monday's m«ting at ]'15 s uperb effort. their superb Kaplan. Tom Scanlon. and Sand)' f'l',n'thlng redu ced for the in Room 254. This is the last event Scitsinger. Graduation Sale!) Town House Council Ihat t he Marketing C lub is organil.ntional ability. and their ROSd ror Seniors will be on sale sponsoring this year so lel's end it in $u perb knowledge of the criminal through Sunday ni ght. Dehvery will a banR justice system as perceived and lake place on Thursday. May 24. Be Delta Omega ' delive rcd by our sy stem of sure to order yo urs now - a nd lei L.EA. juri!prudence. your ravorite seni ors know you're Frank J , Russo spoke to a sell-out thinking of them! crowd of 220 Wednesday night at Without the efforts of thc Law The Oryant Players Nex t Tuesday night will be the Vi llage Haven. Like our last Enforcemcnt Association, more The Bryant Playen would like 10 College: itt for Semon at the dinner orthe year, our Mother'S Day s pecific a lly, S teve Sch la mp. Comfort. Present your 1.0. and candy sale was a great suceess. congratuhHe our new officers fo r recel\'C (rce discount tickets. We wo uld like to thank our Presiden t: Nancy Whitcup, Vice 1979-80. They are: President-Ted Tuesday & Wednesday Diegel outgoing officers for their time a nd The Marketing Club is h.ning President; L.auric Rey nold s, Stevens, Vice President-J anct & Clust will be holding its last ring dedicallon and extend congratula- their annual di nner at T he Old Grist Secretar)': Mike Cei. Tre:.surer; DeCrotlola, and Treasurer-John Millin Seekonk. M A on T uesday, An n-Marie Lambcrt , Pulic Stockholm. We are all looking May 15. Cocktails will De at 6:00 and Relallons: Caro l Hines. J ob fo rward to an excell ent summer, and I nternship Program dinner is at 7:00. The choitts ror placement,the fifth annual I aw Da)' doin(; another production ntxt year. M arshall Livingston Wexler Cont, from pogl' 4, eol. 1 ConI. from pag~ 4. eol. J ConI. from /XII' 4. oo/.J In The- Artbway's 20th issue this nume rous and obvious. To date, the HIS writings have covered such became the first chaIrperson of ConnectIcut, Zoning Board of repol1er e.x-mined the Student only Aryant College sponsored d i~erse tOPICS as black employment ~Vo lu n tec:n in Action (VIA1 . ~ Appeals from 1966 to 1971. and on the Se nate's prop osed internship program which resembles a business and I pprentll:cship, rural labor She has bee n ci ted by Brown Bo ard or Directors of the in ternship program is the Brycol development, equal emplo),ment Uni versit y for "nDlable community Connicticu l Mental Health program. Since that tLm e ,,- he H proposal hIlS advanced slightlYrrom Student Services Foundalion. oPpol1 unilY. labor in the South. service and in 1976, she was Association in 1%7. its infancy, and it is possible to have However, t he n u m ber of intem ation l"l l labor mobilit)", and presented the Brotherhood award of A 1950 graduate or Skidmore the program operatinl by the spring management openi ngs at Brycol is labor history. The Nat ional Confcrence of Cotlele. with a bachelor of arts not sufficient to accommodate the Christians and Jews. degrec in history. Ms. Wexler wu umester of next year. Marshall is acti~' e in numerous Bob Reid. a ~nio r senator, hali Because of her intense interest in Bryant students' needs. Austin profeSS i o nal and academic honored in 19n, wiht the college's needs of children and yo uth, Mrs. auained the necessary approval liealey, Senate President, believes organil.8tions. He was president of "Outstanding Alumna Award." Li vingston has been active In the from the facult y. Thus, the need and that if the student body IS to receive the Indust rial Relations Research She is married to Joseph D. Society for the Prevention of the desire fo r an internship program no nclassroom exper iences an Association when nominated as Durrey, Chairman of the National Cruelty to Child ren, in t he has been documented. internshi p p rogram must be Secretary of Labor, and also has Endowment fo r the Humanities. development of the summer day The n(")(t stage ror the program adopted. served as president. National Ru ral They have four sons: Davi d and camp for the Smith Hill Center, of wtll be to get C.D.C.'s (Counsler C e nt e r : c h airm fl n. Federal Daniel Wexler, and Michael and which she was president, and as vice Depanment Chairman) approval. Commillee on Apprentit'e$hip, and David Duffey. This is required if academic credit president of Children and Friend F oreicn Study director, Task Force on Southern can be extended to the s!Udents who Rural IXve lopmenl. Socity. Other youth orga nizat ions pal1icipate. which have benefited from her A caution, at this time, must be Bryant College now has a He has been a member of the service are: Depende-nt and Go Fly A Kite extended. The provam is not yet a Cooperati ve Foreign Study National Council on Employment Neglected Childrens' Servide, the R I realit y. Costs and benefits must still Agreement " ith the Ame-rican Pohcy, president of the Southern Chlldren's Code Commlwon. the be \Io'eighed b)' the administration Economic AUOCLluion land the Child Welfare League or American, "mute for Foreign Stud). Thl) The A!ternati\"c Program (T.A.P) ~nd a favorable decision must be Federal MediatIon and Conciliation and Gordon School. enables students to study at major prescnts a Kite Flyi ng Clinic! received berore the prOlram ca n Euro p ean Univeu i ties i n Service. During World War II, she se rved as 3 Red Cross nurses aid. ReSlstratlon III the ROIunda on begin. In addition area businwes Intcrnational programs. Contact an \1anhall and his ..... ife. the former H must pal1 ic,pate. An a\'ld yatchswo man, " Mat1ie Frid~v Ma} 11th, fee 51. There ... ilI .\cademic A d~isor at the Re-Ibtrar'S Patrieia \\ Ilhlrru., h.a\efive be kite creatmg in the gym on The benefits of this program are Offict: for additional InrormatlOn. children. is prescntl)" in training for a summer sailing trip to England. She and her Saturday. May 12th from 1-4 p.m. husband, Stanley, are the parents of Sunday May I] th the kite nying will three sons, and two daughters. adn take place in the back of the Pub. The Appointments are the grandparents or six children. Prizes wi ll be awarded and it should they reside in Bristol. be a good time! de vel op~nt position. she will be Vice President o r Studtnt Collcge. respo nsible fo r the coordination and A mcmber or the Associalion of Affairs im plementation or all major phases Physicnl Plant Administrators of tHter II most thoro ugh search, of the Bryant Fund. the College's Colleges and Universities, Mr. am pleased to announct' the primary source of annual gi\lng Mtlilktte i) a chaTle r mem ber or its appointment of Mr. I.eshe l. SUp pO I1 . nonhern New England Chapter. LaFond as Vice President for Currently residing in Cranston, He :.nd h i~ wifc have three Student Affair) e-ff«tive August I, Karen isa native of " ovidence wherc tlaughten: Bnd plan to mo\>e 10 1979. Bryant is most fortunate to shc graduated from Classical High Rhode hland ~oon, acquire the f"\ 1Ct:S of someone \Io"ho School. She is a 1965 graduate of the 1$ so \Ioell-quatified and who has 5uch Un ll'ersity of Rhode Island (B.A .). P resident to ser'"e o n Board a range of valuable ("."Cperience. and received an M.Ed . from the I es LaFond is a nathc l\cv. UOI versity of Georgia in 1974. Since Englander who has II \loife and two September 1977, she has been in the Go~·t'mor J J oseph Garrahy sons. He has earned a 8achdor's SpeciaJ F.ducation Division of the rettntl}" appointed the president of Sryam College., Dr. Wilhii m T. Degree from Gordon State College ~or t h Pro\'K!el1ce School System, to Malnt and Masters Degre:es from and 111 September 1978, \\-as O'Hara. to serve a tWO year term on the '\'ew England Board of Higher both the Uni\ er)iIY of Maine. appolllted 10 the faculty of Ihe Orono and Boslon Univenilly. lie IS Speech Communications Dep3n­ Education. The Board. which has eight reS ident members fro m each currently D.:an ofStudcnt AffaIrs at menl at the UUl~e rsit y of Rhode Western Connet:tlcul State College. Island as a clinical instructor. She is stalC. was ellablished to de\clop. His olher prior appointments a member of Kappa Delta PI, the direct, and promote activities that IIlcludc the positions of Director of nll tional honor society in education, ",ould increase educallonal Interview W ith O'Hara Admissions al Western Connttli­ and is past prcsidcm of the Rhode opportunities nnd wou ld ull Ji l e efficiently all or Ihe region's higher cut, Vice presiden t for Administra­ bland Chapter of MENSA. T he first topIC discussed was the Dr. O'Hara reccntly apPolllled a educational racultit'5. A catalytic t;\>c AffaiBat New England Collcge, former Student Senate President ncw \icc-prcjidcnt for the Student agency, Ihe Board initiatcs and and Associnte \0 thc Provost at the O'HarJ spoke strongly or Sharon Affairs Office --Le)lie La Fond. tic devcl0pj ::ucas of cooperation and McGarry. He described her 115 ~tn Uni ... ersi ty of New Hampshire. Director or P hysical Plant talkcd about thc the coming ~ ear; nlutua l interest a mong the more lI ntll Mr. I a fond clln Q~.m me h i~ ex-Ieada. keeping informed of the Dr. O' Hara foresees 1980 as a frui tful thnn 260 univerSIties, col!ege~, :Ind nC"\\ dutie), Peter Barlow will students' nccds lind se n ing as 11 one. !-t oughly, 4.000 ap pl ic3 11 0 n~ J ohn F. Hcc k inger. Vl ct other educitl lonal institutions. bot h continue to serve as Acti ng Vice strong tie bet ..... een him and Ihe have h«n reccived to dllte. SOnle of President for business affairs. has public and private, 10 Ne w England. Sem,tc. rr~idenl fo r Student Affairs until tho)(' a~'{:t pt ed Will be houscd in announced Ihe nppoint ment (If The Board is aut horizcd by the O'Hara anl icipates th ll l John Jul~ 31. 1979. Bry,tnt College owes Dorm III . W,lliam F. Madle\te a~ new :'.ew England Higher Education Hcaly WIlt also be II pO\'loerfulleuder Peler a great debt of gfalllude for Dr O' I-I ora ~po"'e Mronl!h on the Dire<:tor of Ph)" .• ical pla nt for Ihe his un$elfhh yeoman Krvice during Compact. 3 formal agreemt"nt and thai ~A u sti nH will address the support he (ecel\cd from thc',tudent College. among the ~ix States ",hich was problcms laeing the Br)ant the pa~1 )car ~h' thanh aho go to orgJniJations and Ihe Mudent bod)'. ~' Ir Maillellc had held II ~imilar ratificd hy the 1I00ted State~ communlt)". Jcrr) Rllmo~ for hi!> fine job 85 "The student, hre \er} open ~ position 3t '\ew England College in Congtc:M in 1955. The Board is The President be li tve~ thnt At'llns Dlreclor of R"ldence t ifc-. He also would hk.c- to enlar~ the HenOlker, "ew Hamp~hi~ , since charged ..... uh: proHding conllnuou\ vandalism IS Ihe biggest problem on pro!rJms onented to\lo3rds "'oman. Will!llm I O'Uar:t 1973. His prC\'iou5 a$Sociation~ r~earch and ev-alullion rclcvant\o campus. rhe addition of more Some I!e nc~l.l{'ade-mic ehl'o.!:'C$ lire Included thrtc- years 01 )t'rvicc: a5 higher educallon: collecting and security personal may be a ncceslity. abo ellpected Auistanf Director or College marketing reprcsentative for disseminating inrormation JlCrtinent as well:n \Io orkllll! \Io uh the 'iludent Resources In cloling. Dr. O'Hara e~prascd Atlanllc Richfield Oil Company, to the InlUlutions and agencies Affa irs Offitt. (~e relaled article.) hiS gratItude for the interelt sho\lon The Vit'e President for Public and fi\e yea" as o~r.lIing manager concerned \Ioith higher t'ducation; Dr. O'lia ra s upp orts t hc b} the )tudenls and organi731ions in AffairJI i5 pleased to announce the for Montgomery Ward in \;jnou) ser... ing 11$ a veh,('[e for tht' regional (;on~"ersion or WJMF 10 100 \Ioall5. tnc 8T)ant ScholarshIp Fund. He is locations throughoutthccountry. A implcmcntation of rt"der.&tly and He ree ls that the stallon pro \ ldes Ii appointmenl of Karen lkaton­ confident that the dnve v.- ill reach 11\ Simmons as Assistant Director of native of New Ilampshire, he holds a privlItcly finanttd programs relaled good scn. ice 10 the ~tudents and tht l!oal. hoperully e'lcecdin!! it College Resources . I n this B.S. degree from New Englnml to higher cducation. cornow",I)·. ?aile 6

Nancy Delis Fran Erba J. W . Harrington Jayne M . Harrington Candy LaBombard


liis8 Laine Duane Lefevre Sean McNamee Dean Marchessault Donna Maynard

Kevin McKenna Jay Metzger Richard Morris Dennis O'Connell Jaime O' Connell

John P. O ' Neil Nadine Parker Laurice Piche Donna Racine Pat Williams

Katie Cassels Stephen Furtado G ary Goldberg Darleen Brown Cathy Hanouilla rHE ARCHWAV STAFF Sharon Nicklas Joe Piccone Jay Robinson-Duff III PHOTOS 1978·1979 Elaine Wuertz ------~~-~~~~~------

May II. 1919 THE ARCHWAY Pa!!e 1 The Definitive Recap

By Jay Melzger compcti t ive. Br yant Co ll ege. from selected wi ne and cheese I.el"s move onto more recent Bryantonians staggering arou nd Archwa y St»ff Writer Suffering from the agony of growing nights, and the Alumni Association. developments. Namely the Senior afte r drinking themsel\'es inlo pains. while holding onto an ideal. By the time the answer was found, Class gift. Again it involves WJMF; And so we wind down anol her submission. Im possibl (.' ! And what Maybe it was destiny. maybe it the season of broadcasls was past. but this time we drag in some new other method of esea pe is thefC from year lit our hallowed halls_ M ueh has was fate. Possibly. evcn dumb luck. Hence, the money will be used next players. They are thc Seni or Class happened during Ihe past months. the humdrum existence of college But the irresistable force met the year. Gift Committee and. of course, they We've had slrikcs. hassles. cheat ing. students. None! immovcable ohject. With the arrival But WJM"- s problems were not are seniors. Our play this time deals and II lot of fun. Let's look back at of their new computer. the over. Their tra nsmitter committcd with games people play in pursuit of Ah ycs. the Brya nt College party. these things one last lime. j us t for su icidl: . forcin g "The Sound One of the more fascina ting studies old lime's sa ke:. administr:nion picked the Brycol a goal. House as the new sIte for Business Altena tiv e" into sile nce. The silence The candidates for this year's class in human nature. E~ery weelend The very mInute WI: got back there Affa irs. Brycol would be moved to lasted and lasted. Seems the station gift were a tent for outdoor events, saw that big truck d rive up 10 a was trouble afool. Sttmed Ihal the the tOp fl oor of thc Comfort. again was lIIrappcd with a money and giving WJ MF the money to go dorm. and roll ou t themcans oftheir Fire Ma rshall made mixer a Ihingor Simple, right'! Well. the resulting problem (As they say, "il"$ always 100 watts. (This being in accordance self-destructi on. Twenty at.a time to the past with reduced ca pacity something") OnCe again the school be ConSUOied by the wi lling victims figures. Everywhere onl' looked furor rang through the very with FCC guideli nes.) After an foundation of Bryant. It probably was not toO receptive towards giving informative meeting wit h seniors see king refug e in anoth e r there were signs staling "maximum would have rang throughout Rhode thc station money. Couldn't ask the earlier in a wec k, a vote was taken, dimcnsion. And le t's not forge t that capacity." It was even reponed Island, but certain student leaders Senate either. They already had WJMF was II landslide winner. All ",eed. too. For it is another major that someone's shower had been hit proved that incompetency is not turned them down once, and for Ihat was left was for the gift contributor to thc mass incohere nce, by the disease (But that's II different li mited to a dm inistrat o rs. something which would probably committee to give thei r okay and the when one can gel it. story. ) There was only om: Notwithstand ing that. organiza. cost more mone),. What we re they to money would be: WJ MF's . Thcre alternative, hold mixers ill the The Bryllnt Party is a ritual. a do" was one snag. The committce G YM!! .. AG HHHH ...... cried the tions worked hand in hand showi ng custom: II dapted by a socie ty that At this point. I must correct Bryanlonians from the fou r corners untiy which many people doubted fa vored the tent as thc gift. not can find not hing heller to do on existed. They fought for what they myself. When I say that the school WJ MF. Na tura lly. it wouldn't look of our little world. "We won', go (0 those lonely wee kends. A ceremony was not rcceptive towards money for good if the (t)mmlttee voted mixers in the gym. There's no thought was right . Of course the performed followed by a period of administration fought back just as the stalion. I am wrong. Aftcr goi ng at mosphere in thl.! gym. I would contrary to the seniors. Wha t could withdrawal. before thc cycle is back into the ARCHWA Y archiVes. they do to have things go thei r way? neve r go there for a dance. No way!" hanl. The question was. wh o would repeatcd once more. How many I fou nd that Ihe school did give the How about another vote? "That's it! To ma ke this rather long story short. win? weekends have gonl: past where you station money. after it went through We'll have another vote. but this remem bered everything that we nt the school appealed the new The answer to the precedi ng correct channels. My apologies. . time we won't publicize it. There'll guidelines. The appeal went through on? ques tion is no one. After a rather With the availa ble funds, WJMF and capacity increased. As a result . be one sign on the voting table, but heated meeting with the Prl'sident. purchased a used transmitter from it'll be small and unobtrusive. We're What does the future hold for ""'e pay more to see less people. an ad hOl' committec was fo rmed. Of UR I. But evcrything is not rosey. sure to win that way. If anyone Bryant? Ha mpered by its own ideals, which means the sponsoring coursc. the commi \l(.'"e came up with For now we enter the case of the the College faces a diffieult time organiltltio n loses money, and so complains. we'll iust say that there a lt ernatives. or coursc. the collegt! missing crystal. The Postal Se rvicc wasn't enough interes t. They'll buy ahead. There are money problems. on .... basically rejected them. Well. fi nally (namely in the form of UPS) in one that. And to make sure. wc'lI tcll spaee problems. facili ty problems, During these nex t scnes of a compromise was reached. Brycol of its streaks of brillia nce managed Se niors who'll vote our way. It can't and the us ual " ba g of additional paragraphs. keep in mind that and Business Affa irs would share to lose the crys ta l in a snowstorm. miss!" problcms. What will become of Brya nt College is a Business School. the house. Did I say no one won'! Thi s crystal we· ...e been tal king And so the vo te was held. SUI them? Will they be: solved? Will they That is to say when you finally No ..... we mo ... e to the continuing about isn't ve ry important to the onee again WJ MF won OU t. So go unnotlccd? Will New England ht graduate you will be able to be saga of WJM F. It seemed that there station. It j ust allows them to swallowed up by a giant earthquake? d ftttive and d fieie nt in the busi ness WJMF WI ll now be 100 watts in was always somethi ng happening operate at a freq uenc)' of91.5. Well. Will time stand still'! Will these world . accordance with FCC guideli nes. wit h the station. Way back last the crystal was finally found and the The moral of all this is; If you ca n't questi ons fond answers? The BrycOI hou ~e . A t.:: stimony to semester, the stati on had difficulty station is back on the air. do it righ t rven being underhanded. Eventually. everything comes 10 whut II group ofpeople('an do if they finding money to broadcast its There is one more thing to maybe you should consid er a job an end. If you'\'e made it to the end re lilly want something. The Brycol baskl' tba ll games. -":0 one wanted to mentio n. Thc stat ion is nOI st('(eo. ",elding pipe in Sliudi Arabia .... of my little odyssey, con_tratula· bouse. A symbol and hendquaners give them money. Not e\en the Something to do with II 53 part lions! Hope you enjoyed it. Seninrs to one of the more respected Senate. So there the) were. A Stat ion needed to tune the stereo !!cnenIIOr. Whal wouLd a )'ear at Bryant ha\e fun. J u~t think. in ten yrars orga nilation at Bryant. that wants to serve the students "ilh Keep tuned to lhc on l~ ongoing College be "" ithout pllrtying. "0 1.1' 11 l('lok back and ..... ondcr ""h) Brya nt College. A school with the no way to do ~o. Arter much radio ~ o.,p opera a t Hr)ant Bonng! !low could we get along )'OU came here in the first place. rill need to move fo rw ard and become bickering, the money fina lly came College .... without ne in.R th os-e many next year .... Fast Lane Quiet Hours Secretarial Com. from page 1. col. J Awards first "shon and futile essayH on Thc TrJ.ffic Trauma"! ~Iow could I A$ we all know. May 17 to May 24 otherwise concerned during the commuting. In the 22 peices that forget the Commuter Mea l Pla n a nd is Culmination Period. For all culmination period. 10 remain Nancy Prayzner and Li sa J ane followed, r ... e tried \0 reach out, sleeping on couches because of students this Hnal week is imporlant. considcrate of thosc st udents ..... ho Wrinn have been awarded tbe t hrough hum o r, the t ria ls. Thursday night at The ArchwIY? For many it is crucial! do have work facing them. It is our Adva nced Typewriting Cen ifi ca"\e frustrations. and joys (1) of being a Most of all. I couldn't forgct all of Although some students are not desire that a more academic for having completed the commuting student at Bryant my loyal readers--all of those aware of it. there are many students environment prcvail furing the last typewriting req uirements of at least College. commuteu who actually live Life in on academic probation this week of school. For those stude nt 75 net words a minute. I have explored everything from the Fast Lane. semester. and ma ny more who are who cannot be a little more Na ncy Pra yzner has been T op 40 radio to Christmas Carols approaching it . It should be evident considerate during this crucial awarded th e Elt ptrt Typewriting Of course. in the chance I can't for the commuter. through to al l that a poor culmination period academic pcriod, we recommend a Bracelet for having satisfactorily cross J acobs Drive for next commuter's diseases. I n my more for some students could resuh in severe penalty. completed typewriting requirements semester. then the first week next recent pieces I've given the dismi ss al. Just as important. It shoud be emphasized at this of at least 80 net words a min ute or semester. you wi ll be reading: "Here commuter insigh t into the resident howe\'er. 3re the intcrests of the point that we are firsl and foremost be tter. is another euay in a continuing 5tudenl"s experien<.:e. In all modesty, majority of the students. The job an academic community. Dawn Auren. Eileen Boutin. I hope I've advanced the station of serics of shon and futile essays on market. graduate schools ;tnd law With the above menl ioned commu ting. .. " Ellen Austin. K.atherine Cassels. the average commute r. schools are becoming increasingly conce rn in mind. II period of quiet Edllh Da Graca, Sally Farrell , Next year I may actually be a Evc n though this is hard ly a more competitive. and a good hours has been es tablished. This Michelle Gauvi n, El izll beth Godek . resident st uden t. But don't ea ll me a farewell. the re indeed may never be G.P.A. isjuSi as imp ~ rtant to some period will stan on Sunday evening, I.inda Hunt. Kathy K.ittredge, tra itOr to my causc. How could I anot her HFast La nc" so good luck. students as passing is to those on May 13, and ex le nd to Thursday. Sheryl Lake, Alison Meehin. Robin forge t gas shortllges. auto rcclilis. God Bl ess you and .. probation. May 24. Quiet hours start at 7:00 Morrill, Debbie Moss, La urie and the Bee Gees? How could I The warm weather of the past few p.m. and continue throughou t the Oliveri. Jani s Reed. Doree n Rossi, forget the Seat Bclt Strangle and HAPPY MOTORING!! weeks se~ m s 10 ha ~'e Icd to an rest of the night. J ean ne S u lvucci. a nd J oyce increase in partyi ng. (The excessive Archway Willi am~o n ha ve been awa rded the amount of noise and lilter seems to BRYCOL Advanced Shorthand Cenificate fo r attest 10 this.) This atmosphere is Gree k Letter Council hllving satisfactorily completed the Players'Comments not c. Jucive to an academic LEDGER shorthand requ irements for 140 environment. words a minu te. Cont. from puge 2. col. J Resident Studcnt Judicial Boa rd Thereforc. we. the undersigned Stude nt Senate I ori Ann Boustania. Laurie '-ynn the author of the play; don't waste prod uctio ns- don'tr' Don' get us student organizations. strongly urge Townhouse Council Oliveri. and Ellen Richer have been your breath in The ArchwIY since wrong, it's not that we can't take all student who finish thei r Rad io Station awa rded thc Ex pert Shorlha nd it's 3 waste of resources- espccially constructivc criticism- we love it ­ examinations early. or who arc not Certificate for ha ving satisfactorily with the price of manure the way it but when lhe criticism appears as L ______~ completed 150 words II minute. ts!! only words taking up valuable Ann Fonin. l inda Le\'csque. and Onc last remark in rcspo nse to space. coming frbm lin unqualified Ellen Ric her havc satisfactoril y your eomment "h seemed that the and ig norant source thanks. but Health Day complet. "US pk;l~c Ilon't put ;\n\ marc ~lil" in \\u'\I Iske h) re'o'\ev. ,I ur Cind), ](1)1lc- Inl{lrm.ul()n pctt.1!ning t('l man~ ,ood the b.lrrel' Th,lIlb an,1 Ciuoal uck PUe8 THEARCHWI

For You Who Sit Before Me To A Child by Joanne P Mongeon. Ph. D. Child of non-time what do you see? endless days of sunlit forsythias? timed moments To be a person of dew-dropped grass? of greatness magnified by 3 if I could give you a gift means being full alive: to last you/oreve" but what do we do would give you to get to that state? I To be expectant - myself. to be full of life - giving hope - for I believe I am timeless. too. is a way. I could giue you if you want to go that way. golden coins for the carousel. But that way and I probably will. means getting out of the boat, But I wont to give you more: walking on water. risking all you have and are: and the only more 1 have are you ready for risk? is the joy-lilting laughter When you are, we'l talk. you gave me first.

you stare at me with vacant, bored eyes, as I make my voice dance across transparancies. you take vo[ummou page - filled notes, but not one soulful word being who you are? enters the busy chamber I like you - really like - of your mind. who you are: How? I ask. but I like even more How can I wake you up? the you Suddenly, one of you awakes: I see you becoming Your eyes connect with mine, as your eves dance, and my spirit rejoices - and you awaken to for you have caught my vision, a new dream and my reaJity of who you can be! has begun to become part of yours. Spirit - life soars Alleluia! as the magnetism of wht we begin to know Are you ready now? electrifies Are you read to live - even this glass - encased, to live in joy - peace steel . cold· glass cavern without the props and masks we call a classroom. of indifferent - differences I can tell you are beginning you wear so well? to respond to a challenge: Can you make the leap not a challenge from stage to stage to be great in the way and dare - defy by all of society's greats would say to be great, but to be great by being the best who you are that you can be. H I were to see beyond the you you are to the you of tomorrow, or next year, or the year's year to come, ChaJlenge I would see your greatness as a gift: to be real to you a gift you have begun means to give I go beyond who I am by your all . living to a new dimensior presence life- beyond-lifen. is timeless, caught·up in my life . vision·filled momen Praise God of non·timed wando for that magnetic where 'To Chani' presence I saw the Jaime O'Connell in my life . gap between God o my soul and r Have no taste for Paradise this n i 9 h t , the gap You will 90 there, was real, Obedient to my k>Ye. and when I came to, Tell me of thine eyes to where I a And I will tell thee at thy heart. I know with 1ight -splend ~ Tell me of thy feet that who I am And I will tell thee of thy hands. must become Tell me of thy sieeping more: And will teU thee of thy waking. more living, more peace{u I more of everything Tell me of thy desires which could be a source c And I will tell thee of thy need. for you. • !lAY .. Paee 9

'Fantasies Turning Into Truth' Jaime O'Connell The kings and queens are running wild lonely for each other. Princes galient, are no more they ' re staying under cover_' The jesters' jokes, not even funny poking fun at sorrow. Part n Lords and Ladies hard their riches, by Jay Metzger fit for tomorrow. (Dedicated to all those people who make Knights in chrome, tin-plated, my life a day by day experience.) are looking for a reason. Kingdoms drop so fresh Sunshine drapes itself over the sleepy island. - and they are going out of season. It's rays touching the lives of aU . Revitalizing the soul, heralding the coming of summer. Maidens locked in some far tower, Changing frayed outlooks, turning the page on shattered stay inside forever. dreams. Minstrels rhyming songs of reason, His dreams. changing with the weather. And as he lies beneath the curtain, he recalls a troubled past of bittersVJeet pain .... '* '* • '* Discarded by the very people he called friends. In his mind, the questions swirl around his shredded emotion. - What do you say to express your hurt. To ask the question why. How do you control the anger that seethes inside of you. That wants to let go and spread its wrath. Where do you go when the doors are slammed in your face . The doors you thought were forever open .... A hero to no one but himself and about twenty others. And still answer alluded him. Or how many listened at anyone time. An event that never should have happened? The master at the helm of this tiny spaceship. Or the result of a caustic ignorance inspiried by the belief in Propelled by sound controlled by his whim. what is ri~ht? This spaceship that roars through the air towards the anxious In which direction do the answers lie? public. Better off letting old dogs die; makes life less hectic ... . A voice that is God . ••• • Power. Embraced by the stark concrete, he races through time and To feel it is heaven, to use it divine. space. Energy. Washed away by a wave of music,lying face down on the sand. That drives the depressed into a relayer of joy. Standing up to be knocked down again by the undertow. That makes him strive for perfection, then achieving it. The music is now a tide that hypnotizes . All this found in four letters .... Sleep pulses through his veins. • • • • Memories, reach for the memories ..... Huh, what happened? • • • • Where did the music go? Her face is like a warm breeze. Why is there darkness? So soft and gentle, so inviting. Why is there no light? Everytime I see her, every time I touch her, I'm so happy. Only a gloom that hangs heavy on my shoulders. Does she feel the same? Will I ever return? Will others take her away? My friends, will I see them again? Feeling braver, she kissed me .. .. Go Away! •••• Leave my alone! You win not take me alive. No! .... No! .... Nooooooo •••• There she is again. Coming towards me, taking me in her arms. I am in Paradise. They move together, holding each other, never wanting to let go. Each has found love. He is happy beyond his wildest expectation. They tell him to be careful, but a boyish charm prevails over logic. ss To have something he never had before makes him naive to all r danger. ,ts He has love, that's all that matters .... r, •••• Shattered dreams on a marble pedestal. Swept away by the changing seasons. e. Now is the time to enjoy life! So he sits out in the sunshine with his music. A man possesed by the warmth, reborn with the season. He thinks of those people he calls friends. all the times of joy, of sadness. mnow, Of red wisdom Of the comfort, and reflection. And he thinks, "Yes, I am lucky to have friends like. these." He smiles and begins to sing ......

fall ,.....------_.------

Pa2e lO THE ARCHWAY Mall II. 1919 Tlir: r:~Tr:~TAI~Mr:~ T Cinema Critique Woody Takes on the Big Apple THE CALENDAR On( of the problems Wi 1h Intellectual :-':ew YO rKer. played by Friday, MOlY 11 8y John P. O'Neil "" i~ Iha l ils $ I o rylln~ is Diane Keaton. His fric nd Ya le, 12 p.m.-Mass (Auditorium) Archway Starr Writer toO co mplex ;lOU thus; not very hO\\CH' r. had dropped Dianne 12 noon-Mass (Auditorium) Judging from the great audience he hc\"abl('. In addition. some of becau~c he W;l~ mil rried , but I:ttn 12 noon-"Traveler" (Outside Pub) turnout. the positive rC!> ponse Woody's ~o phl s ll C' alcd humorsc:c m ~ wants her back. WhUl does Issac do 3 p.m.-Happy Hour (Country Co mfort) during the fi rm. and the hand of a litt le 100 intellectual for lhe when he lo ~ e~ Di an..-'! '·Iell of course. 9 p.m.- " M cCarthy Richards (Outside Pub) average movie goer. TAke for he goes bad.. to hi s clg ht ~ e n year old applause gi llen at the end, I ca n SaturdOlY. MOlY 12 defi nitely say that many Woody instance one scene whcrc Issac swe~thca r t . 1 p.m.-Kite making session {Gymnasium} Allen fan s lo\'ed " Manhana n." (Woody AllenJ. making fun of hi~ H ow ~ vtr com plicated and Whether you will partly depend~ on attraction \0 women, sa)"s 1hil\ he u n beti~\a blc MManh a tlan ~ is, it still 1 p.m.-" locomotion Circus" (Outside Pub) whether or not you h,we appreciate ~hould receive an Augus t Sirindbtrg has it s momenh of high hu mor and 2 p.m.-Spud Cily (Outside Pub) and e njoyed h is brand of award. II I h,IO nol been curn:n!!y q sual and aud iO power. Us ing some 2 p.m.-Karate Demonstration nimmaking which is CSpecHlit) laking Modern Darma. I would not brau t iful bla c k and whitr 3:30 p.m.-" l ocomotion Circus" (O utside Pub) photography anti George Gershwm e\·ident in hi s last two film~ . have an" Idea who this man was. 4:30 p.m,-"Spud City" (Outsi de Pub) Woody has taken the witt }'. The ' ~ l o }' li nc of "Manhal1ao" music. Woody has successfu ll y ca pt ured the mood orNew York. In 7 p.m.-Blue Horizon (Outside Pub) s ometimes h umo rou s, wa r m centers itself on Ihe trials and 9 p.m.- " Alba l ross" (Outside Pub) storyline of relUlionshi ps with Itihul:llioo of Issac. Issac is a fo rt y­ itddition. he has gotten gc nerally women in MAnni e Hall." added the \\\ 0 year old man who models good p..: rlormances out of his main Sunday, MOlY 13 artistry and tex ture of MInter ion:' ;1 hl m ~e l f afler God, who is wrl\lng a charllc t ..:r ~ . csp,,:clally Diane Keaton. 12 noon-Road Rally (Commuter parking lot) A~ a re~ult. If you do not think George Gers hwin ~ core , and mil de it hook about his "cast rating Zionist 12 noon-Mass (Rotunda) entirely in black and whitt.. Thc end mOl her," whose ex-wife (one of th a t YOli will q lleSl10n t he 12 noon-Kile flying Contest (Behind Pub ) bchc\ abli t ~ of the sturyline. yO li will result is II proo w.: t whic h is ccrtllinly them. any .... a)' ) has b~co m e a Icshin n 2 p.m.-Organized Games (Behind Pub) and is publishing iI hool.. about thl"i r probablycnjoy·· Manhattan" .lfnot. pleasing to look at ;l nd oft ..-n UO p.m.-WJMF IRm C-351) stormy mafTI ag~ . and ..... ho d ro p ~ his "Manhattan" will prohllbly Dc a gl a morou s but s om e what 7 p.m.-S.I.B. (Rm . 269) disappointing. ~Igh tccn -)'c ar old girlfrie nd for :I n disappointment. Monday, May 14 12 noon-Mass (Auditorium) Tuesday, May 15 The Sound Alternative 10 a.m.-Diegus & Clust Ring Show (Rotunda) 12 noon-Mass (Rotunda) 9 p.m.-Senior Nile (Country Comfort) regula tions concerning lO-watt non­ By Jaime O'Connell Pinett e. are pers onu lly contacting Wednesday, May 16 Arehway Staff Writer commercial FM ra dio stations. This people in classes to raise money. left WJ MF with the following Thei r nell t st..- p is to start a tele thon. 10 a.m.-Dieges & Clust Ring Show (Rotunda) WJMF "'as started in 19 73 as the a lt ~ rn a t i v ~s: l. b ~ put off t h ~ ai r if II If the re is any ellcess in funds raised. 12 noon-Mass (Auditorium) radio cl ub BC BS (Bryant Colle ge larger radio station want ~d that the class win decide wh;u to do wit h 9 p.m.-Wine and Cheese (Koffler SlUdent Center) Broadcasting Service), and was part rr e q u~ n cy. 2. chang~ th ~ frequency, the remainder. of the Student Senate until it was ThursdOlY May 17 but that would have t h~ sam~ licensed by the FCC in 1975. It was 12 noon-Mass (AudilOrium) outcome as the firs t altc rn a t iv~. or 3. Because. of the Se nior class, original ly staffed with 40 people and increas ~ the power of WJM F to at WJ M F will cont inue. It will be able fridOlY, M.ill Y 18 was "on the air" Sunday through lI:a5 t 100 waUs comparable 10 that of 10 reach more of the Bryantonians 12 noon-Mass (Audilorium) Thursday 6 p. m. to midnight. It is the la r g~r stations to guaran t ~~ the off ca mpus than ever before. 3 p.m.-Happy Hour (Co untry Comfort) now seven day! a wee k from 7 a.m, permanen t opera tion5 as a pri mary Providi ng them wit h im pon am to 2 a.m. rather than a lI~co nd ar y station. news items such as "schools been Saturday. May 19 Oller the past years WJMF has The 5enior-clan voted that thei r closed fo r the day" and w~ather An m.-Senior Cruise 10 Block Island gone through some changes. It clan gift would be to giv~ WJ MF a re ports. Things like Br yant Thursday, May 24 ehanged from Monoral to Stereo in power boost. The ~qui pm~ nt for the Basketball gam~, and important 12 noon-Mass (Auditorium) September of 1977. In January of pow~r increase consts 57,600. Th~ clients lI ke the blizzard of '78, the 6 p.m.-Senior Class Dinner Dance 1978 major renovations were done Senior clan look pledges for two strike of '79, seryiees like its annual on the studio and equipment set up. years of $100. 550, 525, $10, and craft festival, its public se rv ic~ FridOlY, MilY 2S Ho pefu lly this summer WJM F will dorm dcposits to ntise the moncy. announce ments, specials and news 12 noon-Mass (Audilo rium) be on the air fo r thc first time during Rig ht now thc 35 people on Thc f~atu re s. and of course, functions 2 p,m.-Senior Picnic (Dorm village) the warmer mo nths. Senio r Class Gift Commince, like the Linda Ronstad and Dir~ 9 p.m.-Wine and Cheese (Koffler Student Center) This year the FCC changed its headed by Deanna Gradcr and Scott Straights win be continued. Saturday, May 26 SENIOR LINE UP 10 a.m. Commencement Ceremonies Brycol Boutique Have a nice vualion! I GRADUATION SALE Talent Show

May 14 - May 24 On Friday. May 4, approximatcly audience seemed to enjoy the show, 200 pcople enJoye,d a brea k in the and by the end ofthc two-and-a-httlf usual monotony of Frid ay nights at hour prod uction al most all were Br}'ant College. The women's joining in on the si ng.:i-tong. Associat ion's Potpourri '79, All­ Eunice Kosi kowski. President of College Ta l~nt Show offered an the Bryant Women's A~socitllion, 15% off of all merchandise excel lent 0p0rlunity to view Bryant felt that although not as many students. faculty. admimstrators people attended the show this y~ar and ~ t af f in Thc SpOt Li ght. as co mpared to last year, the ta lent Roughly twent) Bryanto nians was much better. ap p e a r~ d on stage to display their 40% off Napier Sterling and All proo;:eeds from Ih~ Talent various talents. whic h r.tnged Show go to suppOrt th ~ Women's through everything from singing to Association's Scholarship Program. tap dancing. Vermlel Jewel ry Members 01 the A$S oeiation Master of Ceremonies. Pat p rovided b a k~d foods for • Keeley, ke pt the show mO\'ing right refreshmt'nts during intermis~lon. along whe n he wasn't being the procecds of which al ~ o So to the Many great graduation gifts including : interru pt ed by "Zip" theClown! The scholarship fund.

I Internship Pen sets Jewelry I: M r. Paul M areaee io has 47 1 ('n urse, \\hle h all o \\ ~ ,tu,j ":I11~ to complete-d hb intcrn\ hip for theeit) apply thei r cla)SToom learning 10 Bookends Mirro rs o f PnH'l d e- net' In the Ci t) field c x~r l(·nCt!.\. Paul IS an Letter hold ers Bri ef Case Controller\ office. li e has bc:t' ll :n:::counti ng major who hapoC\ 10 I wnrklng for th e Ci ty Co ntr oll~ r , ,\1 r. ~h;lf PCII and enrich hi ~ training by \ te\ en I'it i l ~~i, in the City Ha ll of leartt intt ,Ibout the Rccount ing L Pro\'id('nct'. rr oee du re~ in [he C it) o f Thrnughout t h~ n'rm he h ; l ~ hee n Pro\ Idenee. \Isillllg \ utIO U\ fi nancial iolnd li e i~ now IHili ng a term paper Open Daily - Across from Salmonson Dining Hall :lUdlting i!ge n o;:ie~ otl\en ing lind dewriblll g li nd an; tI ~/lnJ,( hl~ leflrnlllg the operati ons of Ih e­ )(!m~"ter' ) wOlk. ' I f. \b rci.lceio \\ 11I CuntJnller', (Jrllce-. recel\~ Ihrec eredlh [or hi, ~ I he intern,hip '" I OJ .11 oIOIt , we ITlIMrI( 9'-. poocI rond.,oGrI $2S. C ~ II 01 ..1\ ...... 1l1li be W NeY .. tea'. I ",.H lI ..n!!! 510. )'011 111." $Ull\mer. flIlllkiiO/ mailing TIIis year wllil K\1'1$ · llollll1o;1- W. AAt,i-OlAIA FECUlifll: lui! . ill: ucell.,t """"'tion, 125. 111 Ronr: lito go '0 8o.ston Ina drlnlt I CUt OIl'''' ... y_ 1><0.-111: Thanlrs to' 1111011' tIelp and tor t~ 'n " II\IIDOU I Ir' tlmlt,·· rtI miss ylll.... . W...... n .... Lo ... Y'. ~AC "II< 'Ot Btln. m.c115 DelW'ly andlloClllh It.m f'.<4 V. to 1h11los1>C 0.... oM 'IIe Du.l1IO: How IIIUI;It 'n!tlest ~U accu-'IUliled on 1110 22C I· Su'lt32C Dorm ,2· I""", g,uI s.umortr! Low . ..."'"" bell_ • II'IOnlh 19015.01'11 II YOll ~H It .tinl. BeeOl' MAC (6IG1· 11tIi"k EI1< IOII.I...... rII. opinion . Ttho fai,. r I!OOIt SHElf: Woa6on: 5 n.'12 In.":I 11. . ..ttI!lfI l tim •. nd .. Sly Hi ID W"'". only1T'k.e.... YOU .... ,YliIi T,p toIICIi\lOll. $15.. A.sk to< Btln. ~115. Roehtlll SIN illY good "",,'n ., !he FliJstic: Kf,le - -0- • Till btsl I_I.... ~ lo.. y;1! lluckmlll: 00 youru1! 1 Itwo, ..... me __like I FlIrsh ·BlOllU ...." e. flI' ..... sl ltting rIIIleOllld hlllllM 10 su,TUIDAIID" S4II1J CfU: 5-pr, 10m. fftkI.rrlCQ I"" Ly_ • Partne, In crilol,· fllIIl . I~ nt ",I .. you 10 ","cM De""y leI" ploy /lluout. '0 IllI! Ed tiewltl rI>t "'.., L.... . ""'.. _ 1)ItIIftg and 101111"" r;xt ...... (1Ii11 I,iendl) ·You, rell," '" IJ tha, tilly lItolle III ~k til" 1't1' . lI n l~ l""A.Pinb.1I V oy~ ",oc: IlSOhlsa """, ... Pi.otA-' co""iboo * .CIII and 1kr ~ "1 tor ..,, 1 1.P. I'tl. II ,:246-Cniti . IK'"'ry Sandy. ThlksJo,e . ..ytlll\ll """'" ..,.klldO ..lll\GlI1 \'Clif !).tM; l U I nicrhl wli 0/10 o! _ rugIIlsl You maUd'1. Ed • Ulell .ny Ii'" ""lly FUlfill: 11 "Por>ttba<:1r on lhII Nfl! $( 010 !It f'" L...... lIfeon w,-",,- T_ 81d!!!! IItlt" It>ck "", I,,,,,nm lilt "'Aey. Loft 00 I. Eftgiroe Company Ind pd up 8ild< Bf'lifs A~ IR .Ibum? Goi"" to 1IoJo·, in W.rwid< IfIIs -- Oomil • BIISI oj tuck aI"lyi! , ... iM ," ~y miu youj LIM. Lost and Found eIIicl . SUmmll1 See you lilt". -Uult Beepe, 1'\dIa: HappY __MIInling tlti. SUmmer 4i' you 1uMt ...... ,.regard .1>11 1 meIA)i!!! JaV: KHO wriri"ll \'011' tlttfY_ poem, ."" .... _ Rae f,ed' Good kIWIg .AHtclionllely. ~ggt>k k RIder flIli y... - ,·W, 8ryllll"" ....., Ih' w0/1cI!I Joe. HI" I gllitl Sull1m". GooG I,d in !'r.,;d.tnc:,. Hlne lOST, GaII:I binh~lone ,1"11 .ift. I I III", lifton 510ne In 110., you Clm'U.1 Ii.... nie. su"""., flJj & "eVIlS. Lo ... ' Il10 1.""Iy" Ui.o; ...... vt-tlle ..· •• WK IIOUI'IIi ",ry come'. KH!I panylng . ..r.ynct Suillts. w,·" rnorinG 011 "pilllllOllw.Vllllln .... II\OiIt !tOllloi 001 ... 11. M10unol filUm 10 Oormll . Am 212 or 'ilil I Ia .. yOll camilill 232.(1112. R.dfd RicJMiG ... • No. IwiR 1101 "",II lor !/'Ie ARCHWAY _ 1001 t Qn live wil_ 'Ire I.mily 101 lho n.. t 3 ""tits. Lo .. Clildy' Good l udr lit Fe'!l>f01 nu' y .... ')'011' i!says. Hltoey Lee, MO'''''' III till H.mplo",'. bul 110 .... ltrl)ld.y!!-W.J. IIId ....)It . ... 11 .... woodll1ullna ,oa;esstull\rl .... Cltrl$$1' Brotlllt .nd SoIl'llt gir ls .erolS lilt ",U, "" ITIIV 1101 lie lltighbon HQbIOi-Gir_ .'lIKk~ilIIIlIIOIt? ...... !t 1Io,llOII,.Hy. but YIftic:.lly. W.·N .Iw.y. be clOSI "" \OfI wpe ond ""'" .xcil. Sidney tty ~ing . ,..sIIt T",t. • IIIltd )'00 ",d)'Oll' IiIt..- "0"1 rI>t .10.. co .... $I:I1II •• 'uo h'VII bro",., wMoc.p and I !isTet SI'H>W, m.ner 1'10 ... ! ... LoYl VI. NJilcy J.H1· 11010 lDOu1i1 t~t s. .., l ...,tne. E4~t "s betn I shorll..., VUIl but you ""•• dN'" yow ,- ...... e tile W.;".-lac: KHp IfI.t linle PIVOt.1 0111 . , ,110 .... VI''' ..... pft ~t Ih, ..: Gon. loot tllil WIll TIle fed bOx -..ill III gone .<" 1"'''. *,,\, . YOU Kill WE Uf'l '1n, I",,: llIllt 1'Ic:IIe Ed I\o5sH • • g,uI ,"y II you "'" III~ 10 hi", ,.,,,,.,,,, 1$ 1\uIII . Wt/QI .... ,0 Styln!. ""."1I00d limt! KHp .II..., Do 1011 IIwIYS ...,k .UM. 1Id \III $OCt:I' ~eId . t l'IIag. tI\fIl IiIl." ...... ays on ,op?! 711180$l0tl upreso: Dole 11 IfIt Whet! .. ~ "';oIni9hl"l KIpI»' IIIIIMay. JDIIn ,.,, ~ - t IiU ",. .... y )'-1 h o~ you 1\,o'.lg.Nlsonlo, I',u." .. , yf,l' ... illloul ",,"II • I·, . got lI>II K,uptri I;II'~ ~ ..... ';011 B.,* C-. I! 16151 10_' "membe ... IIerfy ~ o""" H."an? c...! e",", ior Got '" tI ..ass lor SptotV ....'MIr1llG!! w. LO.,. AOM 1IuIIntn. ... b.u ... win . Isir .,...u. GrtI1Ihold! SCt\IOtt, • ThI"'" 10/ Inl IIIwt Il0.l1 tie·, nal I nnot' Bong Ind ino I. say to YOU bUl lall !lt lid. irr ""' TIlt 'ItC!M CIA 00 10 IMI· t ...... " Pnttdy . Af' y... arli "fOIj -..to I'ut otn ...... , tI,ult"" yo ... 'Obe' C,G lolbl. c.ro~ GIll ClnaY. Ci'ltJ'fl, I /Iel Pl tty. You iii.. ~-. bHrI ".'IIII ~ lIOfs lllAllks tor ..e

TBI STRAW BOSS A HOSTALGIC IATIIO t DRIH!IHG ISTABLISS.ZIT Congratulations Graduates! Show your parents and your dates you've acquired good taste with your diploma. Come taste the past at The Straw Boss.

Our Present to 1979 Graduates: • A Free Decanter of Wine with Dinner Positive Bryant ill Required Open 7 Days A Week Ten Minutes From Bryant. Take Lunches 11:30-2:30 Monday-Friday 295 North to Cumberland 122 ... Dinners 5:00-9:00 Monday-Thm-sday Go right... We're 61/2 miles on the 5:00-10:30 Friday & Saturday right. Telephone 401-765-1200. 12:00-9:00 Sundays Pal!e 12 THE ARCHWAY May II. 1979 ...... ,... ,. , . {lon.Goo;' More Personals yGIIf "'01 3.,...... ' 11 111 bJck lor I 10"' lo... l iT fltl h kIC•• 01 , 0lIl ..1'0$ . LO .. lI«ky 00MI Ind K. III, I 11<41 ""00ll I /otgotllll til. JIOOII •• ••• I • • • •• , au ... -~ Cindy. GooCI II:~ I I Gl f ' ml)'bI fil let , OU" DtI Of 11 . 11, 1!\ItII,) 101 IlllponO .. ",,,n my ..Ull oa ~ Ior . lr. 10 seelt19 yOllwitllOIUI IOI"'P' IOII Do CIouII N... A kIII\I tIIlI If. II' '"JOI' 'fOUl S"(!o ~, and IlwIY. ,_ltIaI 110 .. y.... clln>lr "on. Judy ,.",. N_.,.. A 101,. Sheryl' AML ·TIII., you tGflhe tI'I noot! you 'Ill'" It ~ 10 H.... ' 8' 01 L• ••• PHI· St<'Y l l1U'-IPED on'o ~eu bul)'GII (101 .. III, " i y lit 000<1. OoMi MCIInd _f. .~ Bryeot GoaII lid. IrI !lit CQlm O"lg YR' "'. M • rIO 1I0111.P!d' Whal OtIl P" Go 11\<1$1 llO!l. ltvun1 OU/I H GooCIluck ",,111,l1li )D6 . u ' tft.4oft'l j.... wnit Road lilt ...., . 110 . I s..pe' Tn ",!1 Ma,,, HAI'f'"I MOTOIIINC· c. .. ' 001 Illy up 11'I\I "" It~ lIIe ",• .Hr' To !!II Bas~rI ~ 'IS . Ih llfl ~ you ."'10 I'0I0 ••• ODI 1110 tnYdIlPllllla< .,..., H1"00 ' II YIn &ttston t.IIa-M(It·W, Hto . 9fUi I'eil 'llinh lOr "trllllll'lll "flRV "l·! )1,11 ,qtcM.O liMy ChI .. II\I! C"""" Scluelk, · El hylllU. Wflvt'S ~ m1 SIInI)(lI S' """ . , gol 100 "'..... 9.., tor yllll It )IOII1I ~1 ,n IlriSIOI So. yl !It.1 yu , Lo •• 1l-l" '" oIOIt~ lo,~e l yau ~ a .. J dl/lflti. ( O ~ ' LoW. JafIrt S"""5, to "'~ IemjIOIIt'j to'UIllltI!t flk:~ It !"1 go GiJlItDlU~ -_lIIOIIOn Slirl ' bat"!111 ull' Sl\IvfjelIlItr ll ll llo "'~~~ La " . Sh.",1 t.t.t N 4 . alq"'~ l rlt ' ~_"II\I I _ DulJlf-o--Sm'Io ,I .".. Wlm I~ ... SIII'ed. toad or bid, nlll,q,"tf1IIf1IDII< ywI>o1pMl H_, 10 1l1£ MICHWAY's ". 1JIItKI. I _·1510\1l1l(I 1It<,., • 110 't'IIUt h~" Nil. }'Our llI'Od 1.111" 'hI! gOOdt A. IoI, 110 ..I" (UUI "' w ~ KMp .. IOOCfl, La .., SlIt,.,.1 10 millo' _ IwO rtI" s.pec( a1 IlIIMS Lo... ,1 dilldtlg yel! J Ot4Hr. dGoaGf d lY o!ll"".,.1IIflt 1ItI!ef JIOt To "1M bop M. U ck In I.""· '~t" ","y' 2-1 0<_" BerT)' 111.. 1' h Ber,y SlOP Y"'" 11<.0;"'"9 ' III! " MIl in '''''IY•. 9.~ ",'yl E,u....1t\It a< hu. me my own il/ll DI;I ,,,.;tf Mte Int 1,,1 Ont' P S. I sold '/011' ko j'$' ~,t1y To ." lui .... AlICHWA,y '"" """,btlS 1'1&1 .. 10.011 N(> ",,,,,,my 11' ..... "011 0111111 1OIindo. O"knos.! "-r Ratty HoIIOt' htj Kotp", lao.dIOI(' Gooa 1..0. -'1IIt lOlA .... d.", Til io.ndollht 1.... " ,111 .. h 1I00000000S 1'1""1 II AtolL "'1 ,oom.ntld III"'" Thinls 1of ....Y"'''"9 KttJ ,n, .. T OI1tll.~t~ t MIC HWAhll ll f~ lIllill or ..ttytIIif\O",.1 t.t '~"II11 lit _~ Love ~ ... Sc,wDY wnlhllly I", l ..nrkbul","iICI.ll, I ..11/1 youluck Ina tfIeIIo...... INn • VH' _ I 51'"'" htrt, ItMI _ reo III ldgel· lk.iIIay .,,1'III1 tao I !)In YVII lOP "hi' ..,.e1 1>:1 1''''' ",oen' IHII ItIt '''1 DI .... \'fl. In'/ EIIllOl • MId Ilun ...., ~_ wn' l 1'111 d-, ~O!VIlli .),"'. Good lid. 11\ 1II . '~tu"' Lo ... $c,uDDy Go •• I"'" I~ 1tJIa<1Il )I0Il I IKM e " '~1hIn9 G.mtl. Ct,Ql.Woli ,_it. 111. I'll' wlS I qutdI _ . ncI . Tow1lDf1lrftl1~ iyllOllO~ . ~ .,"'"' ryu an lilt"""" lI'Io!llf.. and TESTS! A~ I~ "' IIO"" ~ Ctlllly' $q;It.I~. Slap tnor ..V In I'SYtftOIoo,' XffiI lOt IIIIICII. 1Iti1flllfiy lit, DlSI 1. ,tII ... ~ """ wt111 ..... _I dol".. l _or. $(ruOIlY 1IU 1 11IOf\1~ bul rllt """ tvllyt/llog wift wo,k 0111IIrIe. 'Il" Iteia, HilII' IIlI INlIIICI M!llhfl UfQ' to rnUUIt obsI:rllt A ~ ComJWIV... IKE·' 'uqy 10 lit w ,~ tol 0111' 8a1 ~ .t~ 6', IlUI DIll r. &aft ~og W1H ...... ouI~ ... ·It loo., Saulllrt "*"" pII/Inl til! In Ju" """"" ' CnI ~' "MIen! II IIII' IuI1l lor " " 100I1I- lO .... \'001 Uti''' SU. ' leaSH - " ~1 0111 etIUIuJ_ ",. tr ale ~ ' Lao lr •• "'ml'Me" ~IO/t MeG ~ o. .. Sl1U ..~IIIIinOI Pun WIICII ~ ... t!l yaw DOl lfI.nd1 HIIIIJ KNP IOtI(lU(/l en. J, lhl l .... Milo PrMI'I~ lo FIrmO I'IIo-ClIn I III .... nl tt ....,. 1 • Au, COl d! "-Y """'11)' Yo. ~ .1sI1 ~!llur",... t J I_11II? lOW. ScvCI6I< Sa .., SMt!lorI &00fI IIIC ~ and IfIIII.o lor tour fIIIlIIlHll .lIe. \10, 11"'11' ~A C fiN !oC!,!I. _I all lllobDI. 01 1111 .... 101, !Iy.. ' > SUI U ... ·A,It.. ,~ w.·.... bel. 1ho0lrQ!t IIOIhIftcI_ 'fI.l $/Iaron I'IlIO Wilat 0.11(11 It.", 10 yG~ CMI keep 1fI1~"," LOIIt. lI/tlll tNllf>ItICb/Io ~ uP _ sn:. _ INt .. CIM . .... TD III 1/10 W""",,,- lII,y lilt Lor~ Bien yGol 1M " NP Y"" $t,"tIoby Jtft F (1r0l'0 W.rwIc:k~ III 'C'1 ('I!IIllI1IItry( JUCy & OilCl-Tllllllh I~ ' 11\,0 "'p 101M C ~po. j l .. a ~o'U I . DIKo ;)IICI RS • Queer l1li1 "'II/IIIJI\ 1".I.lY,~ ... _'tIlOSlllOQl1l1 ""'I_ rll t ... IN ~t!I(II ~ lo.0Io UQ "'yall _fl. 1'"iT ml 10... Janer SwMm' Ilooa M__ mlll (liIl!lCl.ly ~ ~ 1'/ III IleR IrI 1\11 100I'I M! ~ •. llwot s 111< ..ecyl hrog'1111l ..l ys rrmembtrlllln Lee C Dato) .... 10111" J¥ F aorn;o'IttIU" ~l'Ulu 11\0 1,1 kMp lit 1.... 11.1 10 .. ' O/rlo ••. Sl>et'/I NIontY. CIndy. 0..... & IIo-eIllH.- lt ..as I OfU I_Itt 1!I71' l it .. '''''''5. ( ':,111 $S. Cauto you keep II 'awn ""111,,,. you tamt I" JI\OIJ III ltQ11lh1 (II 1II'bteuec! ~~bn. 11'1 btln J 101'\1" Iooklllll I...... 10 .,$l!log"f

. About the latest at Bryant College. The Archway provides the best - and only - weekly newspa per coverage of Bryant. For our lowest subscription rate ever, we'll bring the happenings of Bryant right into your mailbox throughout the '79-'80 academic year!

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Please put my name on your ma ili ng list. Enclosed is a check or money order for $5.00, made payable to The Archway. I have mailed this no later than August 17, to insure getting in on the first issue of the year. Name ______

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Citv ______Stale __Zip ___ -' The Archway, P.O. Box 37. Bryant College. Smithfield RI 02917. May II. 1979 THE ARCHWAY Page 13

, , , I , I I , • I •• • t Q Cor .. IC , Tnlnu '0' 11'II!...".1I1o lim .. or my .. . 10ni ••1111 l .... WI I!:O .. 10 1110 .Iilrt · lar. suil'. Dick M • No Nt.. , I'Good ...... ,"",.'t! Kot ttl I go 10 " N.o '~lIIIar H.~ ...rnoti .... ttn ...... l1li ' UN 1.... You . ~, ..... ill rrrislyOUrnO'tll\anlcoukl,_ blby· l ll', ~k 1o ..lrdlnut yUI h IlIOUld M g'ut. lIlA- WI'IO ""' ."tl'/IfI,,,,, wIIIll WII tfllly 11\0 .. ..rno!' ! 001>- "" OIIty '.IIM" I'm .."Iing 1!IiI is Deeluse "1'GIII', More Personals .Islt. lorl" 1Okl .... !~ II , ••••••••• • ••• Ill. poel." .. cl."I. "'Y mind , I lei you wlilo ino I ..IY JIM F • 1 1 ~ roo to. surn"",' o.l",.utl IoIorfl$' WO·.. IIIO. muttitu.otol",.n-dtt,,,,"OCl and.try Fram. now CNl".,., ..... bool~ . Yo...- ... "'011 ", ..bIo Ih," To WJMf SIIII - Tlllnk. foo heryQl!lIO' il was. V,u! ift): 1_ 0' IdlY WJIIIF · ,.... OIIly"'uncI artetflliiot lfI.l llld 110 ..... nd. T.,.... TlIow V """,*: Thl fli(s! O""' J( ~lltlIO! I lflOUOhts nlhna "" I~ _I.... " :::~ ~I00":'~!'M;';o ~tA~~~:U:"~:r.~~:: YO'" JIM ..,lfIout you. gro'Ie'1. Ind I."",w wo1t .1.. .,. , bI ~ (no! m ...IY I_IC -fU\'M IOO I Sl.CorM'uI-lIuI "",,,,,_.f,"on 1111 T'" AACltWAV • A pjlClwhtrlllCidem,a It. hOIlOy .1I'Id Do .. • You. ,""Irw ailed 1>I000000!,OfI I. occuPillOn l1II1 J.W. JnII Jolly tI\lr>Irj Anyw,y. lit 11I/I1I'I, 1t'I.U IIII! ...... I ""'" UI' '''IIII~ "'0 I'IC!PIo 10 rI .. up """ I ~ the lIat,lC! ...nllS , 1Itrnt_, rm tiler. "" JI)II YOll, Chid 10 ,.y "...nv 1~ 1lI "'• • ~pv BirtMlV' 1"It Gorny Ills! 10 ."d _SLlnd ..u .. ,11 ptoplt Ifts;ot ..1t1I 0.. o;o1.glllll, WOWl Gft ..,th I, Huc_ '" s.IUd.,.,.luk1 _ f,o .. 1lano.1. Study of lIoOOits JaYIll • I lkink rll QOifIQ ,..... yOll v'I'/ "IICII. AllIIn CCW\tr.h.lllr- g' ",*" . Good luck 10 II! ' ''' ~'""". It •. [0.. Y' J\ick's ~1lI(I . 1/IInk Y!III lor Uy'''II !lIIn~ yOli. H,,,,..,t.101 10 me ~pt Joe. dOlll ttlt .. you, stlYlng thi. _end_ fOIl 01 T.. Sulr:olll "'I~ Colurnt>i.,.. '" NOT """'Cot! lilly juslllik ~ill""''' , ... 10011 aglill Tild •. __senem-ios Clrtairlty 1101 01 ..... attn.llrlu. and "-".So,,.,. il .... . T/IInQ 10 """'h 101 •• 1M lu~lIId lMughl"""ess ,ik.1 "os .. you 11 Ii",,, but Illaity do ~ .. in IhI Did l"Iu,", I'IOw mucllyoutoulclll.lky0 g"",' in 00mI1 SuilO)!C. it mit bI III,""", Jam L ,nil Jim L • Best or luck In , ..... Hnior yPI 10 ~ ..o "'''' illOIInd .11 I~II ~Olt !'lt lllisl all our toocr tIrroti IOOOIIlff Buttll· Why dO vou take till ,ound tbOUl"ly thrOUO~ lI\I ISlIP 1I'IInIc S/)( ·~AC K ..as U..lIHlinl'amu.. l.oI ..... ba!1 Kelp h'tr.,...,IIOO"OIM. r.. 1M, So good .....Lly e ...... "rIttlO_s .... I IIIeGI.I ...""n.,.goinglkllll-.-,y RoIWnda? In !IrprI1 telm PM,tory, I'tt" & ""III f'll. & Plul. Btsl 01 luck In tl'll Low . .llnel 1101. veaol "",n Butch · 11 tIIt,o !.11m""., you d0ll1 ..ani 10 se.' LN G Alwayl ,_milo, sIIoII ot \eQU~llIId .",,*,,'11 IN;C' "'j.lonly ,,1ItI.,au CoUdft .... _ .-.ld ...· IIfIUIt V...... got 10 oukl IhI tIeIl ol lile ",11110 y...... y..."." <","n_. Than~s 10< III •••teII.-t1 d"",., GooIIIIuct.I you ...... IOllino ... 1111 J'OII 10,,," 10 mi. l .... , JI.. I LO .... M-V III.L to.... Ir'OI f\;u: WiSh you guys 11'11 bu n 11'1_ ""'1il ~\Qt no .. I'" lIOys .,... ys Il.no tooetllt. it's j.l 11'.111 See Y' 1.1 ... bytllloc $!Illy. 1'1 .ee ,ou mis ...... '1Oh1? P ne_ 'Nlty 100 ~d llIey tI~lllJnd 11_. II,,,,, T. " l tIlow~oooClutk lof ._SI\II thougM you _.1 Stud ....,.w.-,.II Lo ... JIM! Iu/Ut. 'lbur. ro 1110 ltdl;tf lor "I, K.... I.I~""lIIWl .. Jot B: AN I!Io OISI 01 I«~ 10 ya.. ift 1'0<1'111'" 101 1111 Don'lle! Y...... " IoIlI B' ..... Good luck "'it~ tllem III n.. t yoar (l.t.Ikl 'UfI (llCNmlt..... 1WIcy """". JUI' lit "''' and ".,...... y "om any lobi h.... ng lroutoOe-S ..iII ..i~ y., klell ..ittI."""I>tII •. 10 Mon th. ",tuld• . IIo ...mller 10 "'ryo'" ~.tP1I tile ki!&iIen etean, I"m eomlot 10' 0"'''''1 Judy,WUI _III 0IIf fOG'" .... bI Ilk. w;1IIout you-l"lt Dt/WtO·A1 ..ays ,tfI'>ttIIbtr ltdger lWiI!' Don1 "og.1 lo",. Janet ...it. I';tfI. '"'*PVf 8irtMly nm Ind Ol.,·f,... Pit olt .IId lop 017 tit 1l1li N,1l10 _ no~' I'M mi" yo! e.G II.... B,OI,,",",. Good kItIc In tIIO "'Mill 10",. Nlno;y Ja .." h', onty *no.. bIltyfl il _.lilllntupo'-trell kllll"l110 yloU ...,n II il'l only ell"' ~"" ha.. 10 "' iI~ you "d. yOu .... gO! IVtl'fthing Now that you've tried college, Ed MNting lor Junio, Soft.I., _ 10< IMII il l lWI,1 ""iod 0111",,_ T)'Ping 1"0$1 Itw golll(lior ,OU. l o.e. J_t ~pen"OS 'HlI'r fIIII. !MIft tIIOU~~ lIIe1 wor. !"I ",lit" .. 0. FII'" I """ ~ _ .H " ft.t!Id! 'lI$h ill"'. Btsl of IIIdc .. lhe tuIU'. ",til 1'1'''' joll "",",so "''WI & J.ne · you'" c'azy """ leYe lU lt"I "'\ov!MIry "'"h JoattIt. SIr .. I ltf,dlC gi'"!' lOll I YOIy hoeky GIlt. "flUlt lno Illy close "'~ il 111 elllll. l a•• • J_ how about getting an education? JuSI _"'" ,... 1'*'9111 ~ wlS &II. In go 10 • ""rty'8;r) su,o to _ O X~ ill\d .,.. 1 ,lie Uttlo 0.._ .,... . a. 81.eo. _Z XI ~r1."P I Ttl! ycw.wr.wrm COIIIlng lor. se. """. upl .jtV. lint , OO(NII_ wItI'I l.Ufit' H. 11\0'''' r"'tI lido. to"". Jlne! N. yN I ..,It IIOImono1 yck and "., W. ol ~ mn.III" Look Into eleclronlcs. tomorrow's exciting growth field TODAY! "",tyIOvtr.frlt:k'l Bock! SUew\ll ...." wi!I!oul .... Ktlp up IfItllWl'I'III _latl !10m lo",. Janel tI,.ol~Wtlt .... Sr..~lft'_ llItllor>Au.!" .. lOIlO l .... "filii! Ale. "S WlI.lt'N t.a~ 10 y. SIIllr~IY ""..,. CJtol. Wla iol'lblt '" 1IO...ws till! YOU .1oM C'UIOCI .... 'MIl"""1 111 lIIe dol~ lopell.tl1lO !lHII. I."", oil 1110 .. ~ ..~ America's fo remosl electronics school Now in our 60th year. ~~-.-nl'all I11III1 II _ ... plPI'"" "" IhosI "" 1001""11 Accredited by NATTS. ...""_ Hew ... I _k I' -. 10 ,.... fIkJM""''1 & ...... 01 tIllY_~ II,' u.fOII9fIm llesl 01 1100 10 JII\I, DIll _ tIW i00i:' ~ III ""'.... ____-l! '''(It ""'" .... Y"'I 1111'", WIlt "" 110",1 JIII P ~u 1IoO!I~ COI\IOtI'IOI. TItI AlIIuIIIC f'ICI>O hli. 8 -ft" • lei" !do III, J.Dr.t1l Vou' ~ eIII...... i lly eMrleltt If.. IICI III 1Il.-IIIt MiC gill ..CUId _M1 _ II 1IurIIH. III~ ",,,,",tU UI"IIIIII-.rt 01 """'~ " III _ 110 $UllIn'" "'10 in "'" " av """ CI"'9OIII'9IIIIOr""" Juice Smiles' Alii "OSI IIIIfI ,~. 1Tm? liar: ABORTION SERVICES TO oW. W\oIO INOUIIIE: R4C _ NOT. I IlE:PeAI MOT. ' ..IfI ; Is ifill Imilt ,,1!11n? Anony ..OUS ' MI'U(Sa: WHAT I MUNi l/llnkl 10' , gr ..1 yea" TOiliI ~'c . Get...., Ie. tlu" lattly?"!71 Rac I .... ~ up Jet! F 0.8. Top 011 and pi!I 01 tao. 9'''' ! lUI. O,D. _t wttIo T.E. llln. II'N I 10 ...... • I ,B, FREE PREGNANCY TESTING II"l~C . ",,"'·I_1"'? III •• ·1_ ~ you'l r;"or ..... "",arl,,"o• .,11!e 1M 1IIy1lll· S.. Ind DrU9i- Roo;k IIHlI\otl?l? ",""",r?~ .. IinpUtfI Flan ErII. !>andy,.,au, . 0.... Ind II ... 1r1end I.B FllsIrI Pl'1!V","",irIQ G.lid.?!1 0i.I. ... t ...... my ""pllol' t""," S,,"tUIU$I. Gurnbi" A & 8 .... g'oat ~iI,. ""' ...... _. Wildl to .."II , .. 1111 A'eIIWIY?? Yin~ , Irom .... shorl PIlson 10 .... olllto ....,. v,nl PI,!iolll' your .,1I'W'e.! II1II10 lJeepor's IIO""l 10 911 yOll" y oull WIIo • ABORTION PROCEDURES "~..., n . you midi II, Y'" llelrabll · lanl WIIo 1111," III It'I CI9f II'IYWIy? To Jarlll .nd ....rq . 1l1l/I" lor 1111119 wdI0"" triends' W.·.. 1\lCl11ot 01 good li,.,.1 toge1tIer! lOll .... both",... • BIRTH CONTROL COUNSELING BKII ..hili f ' lII .." jusl I ,,"POY II lIryanl. I JaYs !O my ro ..1 yMJat8ry1lll ""lly IIIfIIly and 1'11 ....,lor oe' "'YM ~ . "",s rnan Is.., , 1>01, lit·, going 10 00 plXH thal F'tN .. ,,,".mDt. "" ;,,11'11! !utwl.nd kMjI M lIIudI • COMPLETE GYNECOLOGICAL CARE ... , I kIIow I ",il" Lo ... Umy Dots III" .. ,Ially dO H OIl 1110 coachl Sc!U~, W,illllll'/ 11.",. IIOfIlll "'''tyl '''''' Stiff,! JiINlO. ffQ,,,n 1IOt$"'1 "I~I )'OUI oig ,lick! Me .. )IOu'll II< 1, ..... 0 III U.~ but .tlil -Connecticu! 1Ity. M, W. " 11'0" ,utlyoWog 10 JIm .mtlll$! IMMEDIATE APPOINTMENT I'eej ,nd Souolky . 1Io .. 1o"It dOln It lllte 10 ..ark 10 I~ 111141111 .".. 113Ol 1t1111 .It stm OM"inrj danes 10' Idy.... ,~ts. ft. I,,, ..... la,. -"'"!ltI ~by . WI' eoICI outside' AVAILABLE CALL: 272-1440 Slltlll"., De \'011 ._ ...... ~ou' I hlklr .. art? Mell', 10 'oad mlll'~ lOt. DItI'1 IOIOtl to ",,,It Good lllek Wllh Choedl. 'II. "'," _you CIooordKInt At. !lNeG tlelP' s-...11W!IO .1\11'1 ~nl k 11111"11 ...... 1 "I' ",,1 Pem. Good tuck Ilways IlIuuso you .. ,~" -"" Io"IIf" ..' I ~ ....- Jdl ..."JtIoJ. lIY . . ...1t m.. . ~' 10\1·0 001>1 'IfWN...... 1I 1101 yoo .uIly 'owdy _ 01 G.It - WI\fIIar. roo IIOUIQ tfI;.omo 0 ...... , hOUSt? .... J.n ... LoPII"'~ ~on~ .. kodI..rW.,I' 100 HI GHLAND AVE. - SUITE 104 -~I N.W'II ...... ,au ,0/1, .. ..,,'10 rQY ...10 e- tr.I._·_ JW YOullllll1 .:0 .... ~ 1111 g.llly 11 "'Y ~Ict tlljl __ lM 10 tIIe_,.1IniI\ IIfYOnd Q", _Irlll. ChO(olitt" MIl s.u: DRUGS. alii:! ROCK' AOlllo, ''''V PROVIDENCE; RHODE ISLAND 02906 "".. 1ft -..,.,,tllCfllllNlltfll" flEEPEA ...... J'rI' hII Itt '" SEll. Dl\UGS. ~"" 1I0OI a.. IIO' & !lOll "' ...1 lIIr.u.,...... llOltlllo""", ... )'011 1110 JW. Cond,IIa"en K,nIoy 1"'-1' HOURS: 9-9 Mon. thru Fri., 9-5 Sat. POY ""'" can I uy em ( ...... 1 .. Gf1 ¥OIl' j/\o'IOOl1r.-' 1IonII"". ,.".l1li, sum",tr', CIIo~ IIIoIclV" You cant ell .1._. 1,1 O. btIpI lbI_1I1ht to"" ~ ..:oor 11I I ""' ~"III • .os o..o.a.u. "'" • "" QlI ""' ... _ .... -"* "I"NII"" ,.10 ..wt1_"" 0$1£1\"'. c-·h_ 111 '" .a..r 101 t_. ,,, ... $I9t,~,.,... ~ ,.. ... ,,0...... :1._ ...... 0.,...... rtIIIOk ,I . " r-llIIINI ...... _...... I'0OI mill ..., I ".. IIrI ..,. &.u _ h"1Ct 1I'I1II' -. ....1l-cli IooI .... 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MIl ,..., 114 I m _lilt "'OUOII V-...... thirty-six credit hOll rs. _ "II ,w" 'UI. l ..... ,11irIYW"t Cl!rlilj

lilt.. ,.. ~ 1ft IhI D, III.A 0Ih(:tf1 10< ..., rw ~ a.- N _ II-.. ,~ 0Dnna's--' Gtoft ..0 PtI, Wt _III ..... lit , 0II11nC! • 1M ... 111' I0Il IItJ IlrNltI· !lOw oou lIeIIy '"' »out IIII/ItKe 01.11 ._ ,.Ity tllrllW ~ WlII. ~ _y. pIIHo QNI .... Illy ~ PI"btI _ Ih IMrI1l ...... to .., \'I'~ lilt. IIIQ' ""l1li"" ' 1011 ... IO:SioiI "IQM lilt -llarol" w'r. our In ' !rIp 10 H...... ' " IOWI'Iiw!uH PrI" "" III 0 2O-2Il. _ ...-.eyJIhont CIIII 0111 ";QIII 11Il101...... 10, of """" (lin lIytr. Sc:_ f'It-IIert·IIO SInior Survto.r. eN liroelllQllI Dlrllol '" 1"' """ 1'1 • c"'"" lIoIudltw...cs Contrary to Popular Belief. ..

Iy Jay Mnqff The Art-b.a, is not perfect. We do occasionall y make rni5lakes in the production of our fabled journal. Sometimes these mistakes art qUl1e notlClea bic. It is these that we will concern ourselves with. as we­ introduce (with apologiel to M r. BlackweU): '"The Archway's Ten Worst Mistakes." I . U nreadable- B o w l in. Standinas/ wi th picture- : Out first attempt at using the procns camera proved that we know nothing a bout such thi ngs. 2. The Great Mispelling of David Gordam: NOI even II plaque in our office (he was a past Ed itor-in­ Chief) could keep us fro m butchering his name. J . Senator Pell's Pumpkin: A case wh ere two sepcrate projects collided on the same page, making each look bad. 4. March 9th or 6th: We still are-n't really sure which one iJ the- right dlte. S. The Ec-Fin Club Ad : How many people act ually followed the timetable in that ad"? 6. T he Milli ng I nq uiri ng Question: Didn't know that we wete seuing up this wee k's Inquin n8 qUC5t1on, did ya? 7. The Sports File Photo Syndrome: Nobody ever did count the times we used the "Ernie {kWiu COlli. fa pagr 16. col. j T hcColiege is pleaS<.xi to Ix- it part of this growing fiel d which is rapidl y becom ing the num· berone nationa l ind ustry in dollar volume and h.rrowi n ~ numhers of prof<..'SS ional employees. Kirk We are confid ent that the Collef!e and our graduates wiJI be able to play an in tegral role in COni. from pogt 4, roJ. 4 only three people to receive the the developmcnt and expansion of th is complcx and diverse fi eld. award since it was eslabli shed in For more infonnHtion. call or write T he Newport College·Salve Regina. Newport, R.I . 02ll4l), 1960. (401) 847·66,';0. Extension 2(il For the past three years, Mr. Kirk has been deeply involved in the planning and establishment or Edgehill / Newpon . a comprehensive alcoholism treatment facility now under construction in Newpon . - Mr. Kirk is a director of the a h o de Island C hambe r of Commerce Fe-dera tion and a member of its Oil and Gill Task Forte. He is a Corporator or Citiuns Bank and a membc.r of Old - The College-Salve Regina, Stone Bank's business Development Cuunc il. Mr. Kirk is a nati,·c or Rhode to meet the future. Island. now living in Cranston with his wife, Marie. T hey have five childrr n. May II. 1919 THEARCHWAV Page 15 THE SPORTS Bryant Baseball 1979: Wait Till Cross By Bob Todaro On Wednesday, the Bryant Country college baseball team finished a frustrating season by dropping a double- header to BridgewateT State Philip Goss College by scores of7-3and 6-2. Bob Todaro and Paul Mangano each There will be: a meeting for nelU had 3 hits while Dave Lucia hit the fall's cross country team on Indians sixth and final home run of Tuesday, May 15, starting at ] :30 the season. p.m. in Room 242. all present The Indians finished the season members and anyone interested in with a record of 1-22, which is not as joining the team arc req ues ted to bad as it seems. True, the Indians allcnd. only won one game, but they fared Discussi ons o n infomral far beller statisticaly than last year's workouts for those who wish to start squad. The season turned out to be II. gett ing in shape for track will also be course in "this is college baseball" held. for rookie coach Mike McGuinn I would like to take a minute to and his young, agressive Indians note the graduation of three of which feat ured six fres hmen Bryant's lOp cross country runners, starters. Ind ividual performances Sam Blackmore. Bill McKitchen were strong but it stems the team and Jerry Gaynor. j ust couldn't combi ne good hiuing Sam and Bi ll arc junior college and good pitching on the same day. transfe rs who ran J. V. their fi rst The team dropped a lot of tough already started to shop for some new a few weeks and the team would like Photo by Mike Brandl year. last fa ll bOlh moved up to the ballgames this season which is talent. His main concern is to bolster to say thanks for ajob well done and Huber, Doug Cobb; Goats of the varsity level and ran very well. Bill evident by the fact that the Indians the Indian pitching staff; which was good luck for future endeavors. So week: The umpires, Bentl ey'S 9th was the No. I runner for most of the dropped 8 games by two runs or less overworked and unrewarded. The that just about wraps up baseball for inning grand slam, Quinnipiac's season. including 5 losses in the last innings 1979. numerous homeruns, and lack of Jerry has competed fo r Bryant for of play. That all adds up to 1979 squad will probably remain With the addition of some new clutch hilling and pitching: Special fout years. He was captain of the ineXperience and lack of clutch intact for the 1990 season, but of blood and a year's experience under Star of the .week: Coach McGuinn Icam his junior and senior seasons. pe rformance, but as the team gains course, there will be exceptions, two their belts, the Indians should be and the Athletic Office for finally Jerry really came into his own as a more experience, the brea ks should players who have seen their last day much improved next season. coming up with some decent meal runner last fall. He improved his start faliing in the Indians favor. as ~ryant baseba ll players are co­ Stars of the week: Offensively-Paul money. times by fou r to five minutes. That is next season will be the judge of that captains Mike Swillo and Bobby Mangano. Bob Todaro, Matt The "G reat Guys" Award- Both Cont. /0 pog~ 16, col. 4. and coach Mike McGuinn has Mulligan. Both will begraduatingin G rec:nblolt; De fens ively-M ike Mike Swilio and Bobby Mulligan Bryant Golf TOWNHOIlSE

by Stephen A. Furtado Indans followed by Tony Gerardi, 154, for second place, and Senior Ed COIlNCIL Mike Oleksak, Tom Morrone, and Burke fi ni shed third with 156. This past weekend the Bryant Tony Tortorici. Othn teams entered in this firs t ROAD college Golf Team went on the road The Indians then traveled to annual tourney were Cornell, for two important tournaments. Syracuse fo r the Northeast Oswego State. Canis ius. Lemoync. Under the interim guidance of Collegiate Golf Tournament at the Buffalo, Ithaca, utica. Ruffalo State. BALLY Bryant's Intramun,1 Direc tor and Village Green Country Club The Un ive rsity of Roches ter. and Hockey Coach Bob RealI. Bryantonians trailed by six strokes T he team fi nt entered a Rochester Institute of T«hnolog),. Sunday, May 13, 1979 after the first 18 holes of the Bryant ended their scason with a tournament at Yllle University, in tournament. But on the second day Win over division one Brown 12:00 - 4:00 New Haven. The team fi nished of the match Bryant made up 12 University. Congratulations to Leaving From Commuter Parking Lot founh in a field of eight tea ms. The strokes and finis hed first, six st rokes coach Archie Boulet and the Bryant tourney, hos ted by Southern CT ahead of host Oswel!:o State. Goliers for a fine season. Entry Fee $2.50 (Two Per Car) State Coll ege, and titled the Jess Tony Gerardi finished fi rst in the 1;;'~~11~H<:2t"t~ 1 11~,t= Dow Tournament was played on the Tourney with a two-day total of 153. beautiful Ya lc University coune. Tony was awarded the medalist Connecticut College took first trophy for his first place finish. and place in the 18 hole match, wi th host Bryant placed three men on the five Southern CT placing second. Ed man All-Tournament team. Other Burke placed highest among the Bryant finishers were Mike Oieksak, SCHLITZ Intramural Update Salutes Another Softball- Men season and whoever becomes the At the present time seven tcams champ ce rtainly deserved it. 8re still in contention fo r men's title. Ed Bartels ran both leagucs SPRING WEEKEND Defending champ. factory, has nawlessly this spring, great job! moved on to winner of winners' bracket. having swept by six Indoor Soccer opponents without a defeat. Factory is paced by its only returning playr, Again as in softball. we saw somc is paced by its only returning player, highly competitive act ion this spring vetera n Bob Keogh. ace pitchcr. in both women and men's .'tames. The women champ. Joint Effort, TKE. 1.0. K., Top of 4, Tiara, took the h o no rs by goi ng Delta Sig, and the Gashmen IIrc all undefeated. But they we re reall}' put seeking to de-throne the Factory. to the test in the final ga me against The title game is scheduled for the Ultimates, sq uee1.ing OUI a 2 to I Monday, at 3:30. win. Congratulations to aU the wo mcn and especially to Jill Softball-Women Willbe r ~ the joint effort leader. The men's soccer (itle was still up By Ihe lime you read thiS. the for grabs at press time. but thc race women's champ may already be which strted out with 39 teams was decided. down to 4 finatists. Smoke was yn~efeattd Tanqueray was standing by to see who their scheduled to play the winner of the opponent would be out of T.O.K., Ultimates, Golden Gloves Game, on Fire and the Swi llers. Wednesday. KOn Pinto hilS done an excellent The women's teams all displayed Job as commiSSioner of both men great enthusiasm and talent this and women's soccer leagues. THE ARCHWAV Needs YOU to fill this space Think about it. PaSel6 THE ARCHWAY May II. 1979 Intramural Wrap-up Johnny Mangum:

This being the final iss ue: of The Volleyball, Swillers; Basket ball, Hi Rookie of the Year Archway, I would li ke to ta ke Ihis Rollers & Waile rs; Co-cd 0pp0rl un it y to congratulate all the Volley ball, Bul lets. Women : tea m, received the Divis ion II men and wo men who parti cipated. Volleyball, Swillers; Basketball. Rookie of the Year award last week. as we ll as those who played on the Baskelcases; Indoor Soccer, joint Achievements in basketball are not winning teams. e!!'!!!. new to Johnny. He played We saw some thrilli ng action in all basketball at Central High School in sports ri ght from early fall football My special lhanks to Ed Bartels, Pro ... idence where he was named Tim Easley, and Ron Pinto fo r their through 10 the sofl ball and soccer MVP his freshman year and started assistance in making my first year as seasons. playing varsity ball as a sophomore. Below is a summa ry of the learn Intramural Director a pleasant and Once he was on the ... arsity squad, he successful one. championships. made the all-state team each yearl Men: Football, Phi Sigma Nu; Coach Bob Reali Looki ng back on hiS season he feels. " I should have played better. I started o ut slow but t hi ngs Attention All Females graduall y fell into place. I was By Sandy MusumKi women's track tea m has consisted of efforts will be directed solely to the looki ng forward to receiving the no mon: than 8·10 girls. Because of me n's team. award and probably would have Do yo u wa nt to kee p fit? If so, you the lack of partici pation the The women's team must consist of been disappointed if I had n't." Being should consi der joini ng the women's women's team will be banned. Fred enough fe males in order to pursuade named Rook ie of the Year for track team. Now wait, before you go Reinhart, the men's coach, has been the athletic departme nt to hire a Di ... ision I I made J ohnny extremely 10 aeother article just take the time helpi ng girls learn techniques and coach. Every spring up until this happy: " I fe lt like I did something to read this one. workouts. Coach Re in hart has year the gi rls have partici pated in that I had never done before." me n's meets wit h gi rls from Over the past few years the decided that next spring's coaching When it comes to the futun:, opposi ng teams. Due to the lack of Johnny would like to see himself interest M r. Rei nhart has decided playing pro ball on TV, but ri ght nOI to have the girls participate in now ~I'm just tryi ng to set my pace What about the players? men's home meets any longer. For a nd I plan on working hard this this reason the number of girls must summer beeause I see Bryant IU be to Jay Mtfl Ctr poli tics and ridicule. For providing increased in ord er establish our being ra nked No. J neJ[t year." And Archway Sports Editor e:\citcment e: ... ery time you took the own individual team, no longer Photo by Al Bars/ein wit h the playing ability of Johnny field, eve ry time you won, and every directly interferring wi th the men', combined wi th the rest of the team. At various times during the year, Johnny Ma ngum, Bryant 's time you lost. J ust think, without team. they just might by No. I. there have been various complaints you atheletes thert· would be: no Regard less of Mr. Reinhart"s fres hman starter on the basket ball COni. from pagt 14. <'01. J about the Atheletic Program here at sports program complain about endless efforts to recruit girls for this Bryant. But in all the hoopla, there Maner of fact. I wouldn't be Sports past season, the team resuiled with shooting up" picture on the Sport~ seems to be one group left out in the Editor now if it wasn't fOr you. only for girls competi ng. The four COni. from paRi' /5. col. , page. eold; the atheletes themselves. You girls competed in only four meets 8. Upside Down Transmitter a phcnomenlll achievement over the know, the ones who practice: wlth The atheletes, they arC' an throughout the season and Photo: Ther person who noticed thiS course of one year. Not the most wreckless abandon, and then put out important part of Bryant College. established a record of 5 wins and 7 also likes to eount 5Cra t che~ in talented runner, Jerry accomplishes lOO%e ... ery lIme. The oneswhoseem But all 100 often they go without louts. penmes. his goal~ by Slrong self·molivalion [0 surfer from all the inadequecics recognit ion from the Bryant For those e:\~rienced in track 9. Mixed Up Senate Photos: and many mIles of ttalning. This e: ... cryone talks abuut. community, I think it's time thIS and those who would like [0 be, Fortunately, you never forgeta face didication can only help him in his Well they will not go unnOliced. changed. Maybe then, can some of plC'lue consider women's track 81 10. Famous Headlines: UnIted promising future. Thank you 10 all of you. Right the problems can be solved thai Bryant, it might be for you. Formor Pinball, Law Day on the Way, A through from the VKrsity level to the plague Bryant atheletes. Solutions einformation do not hesitate to call On behalf of Ihe squad, I would like to wish Sam, Bill, and Jerry the Symphony In thr Key of Color, and intramural participants. Thankyou that will make Bryant a winner DO Sandy Musumeci at 232-0168 or Ian but not lean. Frost Wanns best of luck Ln their career pursuits. matter what the records might say. wnte to Bo:\ 1814. Crowd The Student Programm ing Board Presents ({The Ultimate Party"

Friday, May 11th 5:15-7:00 (Break) Dinner 12:00-4:00 Traveler 7:00-9:00 Blue Horizon Southern Rock 9:00-1 :00 Albatross 9:00-1 :00 McCarthy Richards Food & Beer Will Be Sold Food Sold: 12:00-4:00 2:00-5:30 & 7:00-1 :00 Beer Sold: [2:00-4:00 & 9:00-1 :00 Sunday, May 13th Saturday, May 12th 12:00-4:00 Kite Flying Contest 12: 00-4:00 Kite Building Wantu Wazuri - - Gym Black Culture t:00-2'00 Locomotion Circus Exhibit Comedy Acrobatic 1:00-4:00 Ultimate Frisbee Act Games 2:00-3 00 Karate Club Bryant vs . Brown vs. Demonstration Worcester Poly 2:00-3 lO Spud City Tech Foot Stompin' Band Soccer Field 3:30-4 ~ O Locomotion Circus 2:00-5:00 Afternoon of Team • I 4:30-5 [5 Spud City Competition