VOLUME 2, ISSUE 2 OCTOBER 2010 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Volume 2, Issue 2 Mt. Rose RW 2 NEWSLETTER Achievement/Sparks 3 Fernley 4 From the President...... Lynne Hartung Membership/Website 5 History/ByLaw 6 To the members of fully about Sharron Angle unseating Harry Reid. We are being asked to help News-Dean Heller 7 the NvFRW: all Republicans throughout the United Legislation/P.E.M. 8 First, I am so proud to States just as other NFRW clubs and announce that the federations are working hard to turn SHRW 9 Nevada Federation of over control of Congress to Republi- ARW 10 Republican Women has cans, including unseating Nancy Pelosi. been recognized by the Having just returned from Guest Mark Amodei 11 Nevada Republican Party Charleston, So. Carolina, for the NFRW for its contributions to the Party’s success. Scholarship/Literacy 12 th Fall Board of Directors, I was able to On September 25 , the NvFRW was listen to Republican candidates in South Membership Retent. 13 honored with one of Carolina – from Congressmen Joe the two Tom Wiesner Wilson to Senator Jim DeMint. I was, awards. I was so as were all the other people in the audi- LIST OF OFFICERS honored to accept ence, so impressed by Tim Scott. LYNNE HARTUNG—PRESIDENT this tribute, presented Running for South Carolina’s First 775-359-2434 by former Gov. List,
[email protected] Congressional District, Scott is dynamic on behalf of the almost 1,400 current and enthusiastic. He believes in the MARAYA EVANS—1ST V.P. members and the thousands of past PROGRAMS traditional values of the Republican 702-293-4478 members.