Congressional Record—House H11234
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H11234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 26, 1996 believe the time has come when we Mr. Speaker, today, once again, the fice to commingle political and office must stand up for the rights of victims Members of this House have a chance resources, guilty; using the House floor of gun violence, not the rights of per- to vote for the release of the outside to advertise his Political Action Com- petrators of gun violence. We Ameri- counsel report. I urge Members to sup- mittee, guilty. cans have a basic right. It is the right port my resolution. To do otherwise is The bipartisan Ethics Committee re- to be safe in our homes, on our streets, to risk being accused of participating buked Speaker GINGRICH because he, and in our churches. in a Newt Gingrich ethics coverup. and I quote, ``capitalized on his office f f and exploited his office for personal gain,'' when he signed his $4 million THE MESS IN HAITI TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE book review with a major Republican (Mr. GILMAN asked and was given BARBARA VUCANOVICH contributor. permission to address the House for 1 (Mr. ENSIGN asked and was given Now taxpayers have spent $500,000 to minute and to revise and extend his re- permission to address the House for 1 investigate his other activities, yet marks.) minute and to revise and extend his re- Speaker GINGRICH has squelched this Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, 2 years marks.) Government report; $500,000 of the tax- ago, President Clinton sent our troops Mr. ENSIGN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to payers' dollars spent on the investiga- into Haiti, spending over $2 billion recognize the accomplishments of a tion, yet Speaker GINGRICH has there, and now calls Haiti a foreign distinguished lady who is retiring after squelched this Government report. policy success. seven terms as a strong voice for Ne- Mr. Speaker, show us the report. Re- lease the report. Three weeks ago, the President vada: BARBARA VUCANOVICH. f rushed 46 armed Federal agents to BARBARA VUCANOVICH has represented Haiti to protect President Preval and the massive Second Congressional Dis- THE 104TH CONGRESS, THE MOST to purge members of Preval's own trict since it was created in 1983. She SIGNIFICANT CONGRESS IN A United States-trained palace guard retains the distinction as the first GENERATION who may have killed two opposition woman elected to Federal office from (Mr. HERGER asked and was given leaders. Nevada. If President Clinton's agents fail, he permission to address the House for 1 Many of you know BARBARA as one of may have to salvage this success story minute and to revise and extend his re- the first women elected to the House marks.) by sending our troops back into Haiti. Republican leadership and as the only Mr. Speaker, the Congress and the Mr. HERGER. Mr. Speaker, this Con- woman to chair an appropriations sub- American people are entitled to know gress has been the most significant committee. just what has gone wrong in Haiti and Congress in a generation. We have But to me and her fellow Nevadans, why. changed Washington and we have ended Regrettably, the President has in- BARBARA is much more than our Con- the culture of spending. voked executive privilege to withhold gresswoman. She is a dedicated, warm, In less than 2 years, we have enacted key documents from our International energetic, caring, public servant whom congressional reform, the Tele- communications Act, the Freedom to Relations Committee's oversight re- her constituents respect and have de- Farm Act, health insurance reform, view. pended on to advocate the issues vital This is a blatant abuse of power hid- to the ``Silver State.'' and genuine reform of welfare. And when the Medicare Board of ing a foreign policy failure. Neither BARBARA has fought for the jobs of Trustees said that Medicare was going President ReaganÐin Iran-ContraÐnor Nevadans by protecting the mining and gaming industries from repeated as- bankrupt, Republicans in this Congress President BushÐin IraqgateÐever used listened and we responded with a plan executive privilege to keep the Con- saults. BARBARA led the fight for over a dec- to save Medicare so that our parents gress in the dark. and grandparents would be protected. Our committee will be holding a ade to repeal the unfair source tax lev- But Bill Clinton vetoed that plan and hearing tomorrow morning to get to ied on retirees. Because of her leadership, the quality liberal Democrats here in Congress the bottom of the mess in Haiti. have resorted to the rhetoric of fear f of life of our Nation's Armed Forces is better than ever. and demagoguery. Mr. Speaker, this Republican Con- URGING MEMBERS TO SUPPORT Most importantly, BARBARA is a pio- RESOLUTION CALLING FOR RE- neer for women. As a brave survivor of gress has a record of accomplishment it can be proud of. We have introduced LEASE OF OUTSIDE COUNSEL'S breast cancer, BARBARA has worked the cool, clear water of common sense REPORT ON SPEAKER GINGRICH tirelessly to educate women about the into a dry and parched land. And we importance of early detection of breast (Mr. LEWIS of Georgia asked and was will continue the fight for a smaller cancer and to increase the availability given permission to address the House Government and a brighter future for of mammograms. for 1 minute and to revise and extend America. his remarks.) Even though BARBARA VUCANOVICH is f Mr. LEWIS of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, heading home, she will continue to as Ghandi once said, ``Noncooperation serve Nevada in other capacities. REPUBLICANS UNIFIED BEHIND with evil is as much a moral impera- Please join me in thanking BARBARA BOB DOLE tive as is cooperation with good.'' Over for her unique contributions and a job (Mr. GUTIERREZ asked and was the course of the last week, I have well done. I wish my good friend all the given permission to address the House stood on this House floor and called re- best. for 1 minute and to revise and extend peatedly for the release of the outside I wish her God Speed and God Bless. his remarks.) counsel report on the ethical violation f Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, peo- of Speaker NEWT GINGRICH. ple are talking behind your back. They CALLING ON ETHICS COMMITTEE My colleague, the gentleman from say that you Republicans are not a uni- TO RELEASE REPORT ON SPEAK- Georgia [Mr. LINDER], has stood repeat- fied party. That you're running away ER GINGRICH'S ACTIVITIES edly to object to my speaking about from the top of your ticket. But, I this matter. I understand why the gen- (Mr. BROWN of Ohio asked and was think you are united behind Bob Dole. tleman would not want me to discuss given permission to address the House Just look at the way that your hand- this issue; it does such little good for for 1 minute and to revise and extend picked Ethics Committee is hiding the his friend, the Speaker. his remarks.) truth about the Gingrich scandals. It's Mr. Speaker, sometimes the rules Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, a page right out of the Bob Dole play- must be confronted in the face of injus- seven times the half Republican, half book. Look at the similarities. Bob tice. This was the case when I partici- Democrat Ethics Committee has found Dole won't tell us the truth about his pated in the sit-ins and the freedom speaker GINGRICH guilty: of using the tax-cut planÐand the Ethics Commit- rides of the 1960's, and it is true today House floor, this Chamber, to advertise tee won't tell us the truth about regarding the outside counsel report. his 1±800 number, guilty; using his of- NEWT's tax-return scam..