Thomas G. Labrecque C Hairman and C H Ief Executive Officer the C H Ase Manhattan Bank, N .A
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This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas Page 1 of 63 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas Private Sector Council cordiall y welcomes you to our Leadership Awards Dinner Honoring The Honorable Bob Dole Senator fro m Kansas and Thomas G. Labrecque C hairman and C h ief Executive Officer The C h ase Manhattan Bank, N .A. Leadership Award Presentations by Philip B. Fletcher Chairman and Chief Executive Officer ConAgra, Inc. and The Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan Senator from New York Thursday, April 21, 1994 ANA Westin Hotel 2401 M Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. Page 2 of 63 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas A TRIBUTE TO LEADERSHIP A TRIBUTE TO LEADERSHIP Senator Bob Dole and Tom Labrecque are two Bob Dole grew up dur ing the Depress ion in the heart- individuals who have served our nation w ith land of the M idwest in the small town of Russe ll , great distinction. Through their tireless com- Kansas and was the first in his fam ily to attend coll ege. a year at the U niversity of Kan sas in 1942, he mitments, both have excelled in their After enlisted in the U.S. A r my, later becoming a second professions and are held in the highest regards lieutenan t. T h ree weeks before the end of World by their coll eagues and the na tion. Both War II , he was seriously wounded and spent the next leaders have made substantial, sustained con- several years recoveri ng. He later resumed h is educa- tributions to make our government more tional en deavors, earning an undergraduate and law ree from Washb urn Municipal U niversity in T o- effi cient and responsive to its people. For all deg peka, Kansas. Repub licans, attracted by his ste rling they have done to better our nation, we are war record and r ecognizing his tenacity to accompl ish proud to honor these outstanding Americans whatever he set out to do, encouraged Bob Dole to run this evening. fo r the state l egislature, th en for county attorney, fo llowed by fo ur terms in the U.S. Hou se of Represen- Thomas G. Labrecque Sena/or Bob Dole tatives, and finally his election to the U . S. Senate in enting, reengineering, a nd right-sizing in the corporate wo rld, a In this era of re inv 1968. In 1984 he was elected Senate Majority Leader. He h as se rved longe r in Congress , N . A.- through the s trat egic quiet s uccess story is that of Ch ase Manhattan Bank th an all but three other Senators (Inouye, Thurmond, Byrd) . Senator Dole is an old- adership of its "get-things-done" Chairman, Thom as G . Labrecque. vision a nd strong le fas hioned po litician, with good poli tical eyesight, who docs h is own work. His Chase as a leader in the ba nking The ener gy he h as sho wn in directing the success of command of Senate pr ocedure is ou tstanding, his wo rd is so li dly r eliable a nd his noted over the years in all he h as undertaken. He is viewed as a industry h as been relations w ith h is coll eagues clearly exhibit his tale nt as a leader. progress ive thinker in conceptualizing what h as to be do ne to ad vance the banking industry in the 21 st century. More importan tly, he actively promotes the chan ges There is no mi stake th at Bob Dole dominates the Repu blican voice. He is a hard worker nec essary to realize success. and a p ragmatic census builder who h as earned a reputati on fo r his sly wit. He is we ll - known fo r his express ion of humor abo ut the persona lities and the issues of the day, as s bo rn in Long Branch, New Jersey, graduated with a liberal arts To rn Labrecque wa we ll as about himse lf. Name an issue-budge t, crime, health care, econom y, efficien cy dies at American University degree from Villanova in 1960 and pursued g raduate stu in government, taxes - Bob Dole speaks his mind as the leader of the o pposition. He rsity. After four years in the N avy, he jo ined C h ase Manha ttan and New Yo rk Unive has spent his life immersed in politics and has an uncanny ab ility to ge t to the heart of Special Develo pment Program, rapidly advanc ing to upper in 1964 as a me mber of its an iss ue in a refl ectively truthful way. He h as long b een an ad vocate for de fi cit man agement with a reputation as a trouble-shooter and "doer." During New York C ity's reduct ion, government efficiency and accountability. fiscal crisis in the rnid -1970's, To rn served on the committee offinancial l eaders who he lped to resolve the C ity's fiscal crisis a nd in 1980 participated on the t eam that In h is personal life, Bob Dole re fl ects his caring fo r others thro ugh two special organ- secured the rel ease of American h os tages from I ran. Mr. Labrecque c urrently serves izations. The Dole Foundation, which he established in 1984, is the o nly non -profit on the boards of A lumax, Inc., Pfizer, Inc., and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. fo undation foc using solely on competitive employmen t fo r people with disabilities. It He is al so a me mber of the Pres ident's Advisory Co mmittee on Trade Policy and creates a bridge between the corporate world and the community of 43 million N egotiations. He is a director of the Fund for New York C ity Public Edu cation, Americans w ith disabilities. Locally, Bob and his w ife Eli zabeth Dole are a rdent Treasurer of the United N egro College Fund, Trustee of the University of Notre Dame supporters of Sarah's Circle, an orga ni zation es tablished in 1983 to provid e the el derly and is active in o ther bus iness and civic or ganiza tions. and di sabled with hous ing and other n eeds that affo rds them the opportunity to li ve independently and w ith d ignity in an urban neigh b orhood. Over the years Chase Manha ttan h as contributed to many of the successes that the Private Sector Council cele brates this eve ning by contributing time, knowled ge, For his consistent efforts to make o ur government more e fficie nt and r esponsive to its tale nt, and specia lized ski lls on Private Sector Counc il projects where C h ase executives people, for 45 yea rs of distinguished se rvice to our na tion a nd with d eep respect fo r his have worked coopera tively with government man agers to find creative solutions to leadership, perfo rmance, and abili ty in improving his state and n ation, the Private knotty government problems. By encouraging through words and deeds private sector Sector Council is honored to present Senator Dole with i ts prestigious Pu blic Sector ass istan ce to address public sector problems, T om Labr ecque se rves our na ti on with Leadership Award. great distinction in making government more effi cien t, productive, and be tter man aged. For his strong leadership in business, fo r recognizing the importance of public se rvice T h ese two Americans have successfully man aged cha llenging and in one's life, and for his s upport and de dicated e fforts to improve the operations of pressing issues of our tim e w ith the clear vision that is a m ark of government, we are pleased to present Thom as G . La brecque with the distinquished effective leadership. T he P rivate Sector Council is proud to Private Sector Leadership A wa rd . recognize and pay tribute to Tom Labrecque and Senator Bob Dole. Page 3 of 63 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas Leaders hip Awards Dinner Honorary Dinner Chairmen Dr. John M. Albertine Joseph Mauriello Albertine Enterprises, Inc. KPM G Peat Marwick William 0. Albertini Gr egory May Bell A tlantic Corporation Millbank , Tweed, Hadley & McCloy Sponsors Dwayne 0. Andreas Les G. McCraw Archer Daniels Midland Company F/11or Corporation Archer Da niels Midland Company C. Michael Armst rong The Honorabl e J.D. "Mike" McKevitt A.T. Kearney , Inc. Hughes Aircraft Com/Jan y The McKevitt Group Richa rd M. Bayersdo rfer The Honorable Robe rt H. Michel Bell Atlantic Corporation Price WI aterhouse House Minority Leader The H ono rable William L. Ball, Ill Thomas L. Miller Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas C ity Na tional Soft Drink Associarion Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Kan sas Inc. e Shield of Kansas Inc. Marcus C. Bennett Charles H. Nos ki Blue Cross and Blu Ma rtin Mariena Corporation Hughes Aircraft Company The Boeing Company Pa trick M. Byrne The Honorable Sam Nunn A.T. Kearn ey, Inc. United States Senate Chase Manhattan Ba nk, N .A.