Journal of Nursing, Social Studies, Public Health and Rehabilitation 3–4, 2011, pp. 264–269


Alena Kajanová1, Aneta Klečacká2

1University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, České Budějovice, 2A student of MUNI in Brno, branch of study – social work, Czech Republic

Submitted: 2011-03-02 Accepted: 2011-09-12 Published online: 2011-12-15

Abstract The knowledge acquired about the freetechno subculture by the general public in the Czech Republic has been obtained exclusively through its negative image associated with consumption of socially illegal drugs as it is depicted in the mass media and which has also been substantiated with results of addictological and sociological surveys. The objective of our paper is to identify whether there is a connection between the type of drugs used at freetekno parties and the freetekno subculture in the sense of subjectively perceived connection between the type of used drugs and the specific type of a dance party. Another objective is to outline whether the possibility to buy/use a drug represents the priority motivation for visiting a party or only makes the atmosphere of an even as such complete. We selected the qualitative research, techniques of semi-structured interviews and participant observation in the party environment as the research method. The research set comprised of participants in randomly selected freetekno parties (N=10). The results of the research show that music and the overall atmosphere of an event with an accent on its tribal character are stated by respondents as the principal motivation for visiting a party. Respondents perceive drugs that are usually used there as connected with the subculture (or rather the subculture considers some drugs to be appropriate, while rejecting others). Hallucinogens and cannabinoids predominate among illegal drugs at freetekno parties. Although most respondents state they are also able to enjoy a party equally well without them, in their answers, they keep referring to drugs being the very thing creating the atmosphere of a dance party. ORIGINAL ARTICLE ORIGINAL Key words: subculture; freetekno; dance music; motivation; illegal drugs

INTRODUCTION country especially pervitin, LSD, GHB and other) (e.g. Saunders 1996). Dance music The professional as well as general public does not comprise any compact whole, it usually associate dance music not only consists of many trends creating individual with entertainment, but also with using subcultures, the best known among which of various types of socially acceptable and are , trance, house, drum and illegal drugs (cf. Tanec a drogy 2007... base in the Czech environment (Dorážka 2008). Thus, we talk about so called dance 1998), and furthermore such branches drugs (MDMA, but also stimulants; in our as the tekno that we pay our attention

264 Motivation for using illegal drugs at freetekno parties to in our paper. A subculture developed in for any targeted intervention, but also connection with a specific music style also understading of the life-style of a subculture expresses itself through a specific life style as such. (Hedbige 1981). Individual branches of dance The research is based on the bachelor thesis music and individual life styles that may titled “Freetekno a komerční technoscéna develop in relation to them then also bring z pohledu odlišnosti preferovaných drog” along specifics in using illegal drugs (Forsyth [Freetekno and the Commercial Technoscene et al. 1997), which are the special focus of from the Point of View of Differences among this paper. Socially accepted substances, i.e. Preferred Drugs] (Klečacká 2011). especially alcohol and nicotine, can be found at music events of probably all types and are comparably represented there (Tanec a drogy MATERIAL AND METHODS 2007... 2008). While for example the techno scene in various Czech (Tanec a drogy 2007... For the purposes of data collecting, with 2008) as well as foreign (Tossmann et al. 2001, respect to the specifics of the target set and Bogt et al. 2002) studies shows polymorphic to the objective and focus of the research, occasional using of ecstasy, marihuana and we selected the technique of semi-structured pervitine primarily, it is especially synthetic interviews based on prepared circles of and natural hallucinogens and marihuana questions and participant observation, that are found at participants in freetekno i.e. staying directly at a party with its par- parties (Kajanová and Pešek 2009). ticipants for several days. Information was The community built around freetekno, recorded by means of field notes that were which is based on the movement, is subsequently transcribed and analysed. known especially for its protest against Hence, they were research methods and commercial parties and the effort to return techniques corresponding to the combination to nature, tribal traditions and rituals of the sociological and ethnographic research (Wimmer 2006) and in the media discourse which is usually applied to study subcultures. due to the Czechtek festival (Kajanová 2010). Although data collecting for the purposes of Unannounced open-air parties lasting several the paper was conducted during one year, days were traditionally based on the DIY (do it authors had already been establishing contacts yourself) principle, i.e. in principle, they were with the research environment during several gatherings of freetekno fans around so called years before its beginning. soundsystems (mobile sound units). The The subjects of our research interest were party was thus financed from the funds raised randomly selected participants in freetekno by selling food and drinks that were offered parties held in the South Bohemia and West by individual soundsystems to their listeners, Bohemia regions (specifically, they were and admission was free for listeners (Wimmer parties in Borotín, Rožmitál pod Třemešínem 2006). and Růžené) from May to September 2009. The objective of our paper, or rather of the There were addressed ten male (N=5) research the paper is based on, is to identify and female (N=5) respondents willing to whether there is a connection between the testify, at the average age of 22 years. All type of drugs used at freetekno parties and respondents stated that they visited nearly the freetekno subculture in the sense of exclusively events of the same type as was subjectively perceived connection between the one where the interview took place, and the type of used drugs and the specific type of only exceptionally also other dance parties of a dance party. Another objective is to outline a different type. The most frequent range of whether and how important it is for people visits to parties by the interviewed was once a visiting a party to have an opportunity to week to once every two weeks (8 respondents), use a drug there and whether this represents while 2 respondents stated the frequency of the priority motivation for visiting a party once a month. However, we assume a higher or only makes the atmosphere of an even as frequency of visits in summer months when such complete. Understanding the connection the research was conducted. between used drugs and a specific type of At the same time, all the interviewed subculture represents not only a precondition identified themselves with the freetekno

265 Alena Kajanová, Aneta Klečacká subculture or actually stated they felt being a never tried it so he could not imagine how he part of the subculture. would be able to enjoy himself. The other respondents stated that a good party did not a priori mean using a drug: “It is definitely possible. I thought it wasn’t, that RESULTS drugs make a part of it somehow as they enable better distraction and perceptions Motivation for visiting a party and the inspired by the music, but it’s not like this. connection between a “good party” and I experienced a party without any drugs, drugs including legal ones, and it was even better First of all, we studied the motivation of than the ‘drug’ ones. One pays attention to respondents for visiting parties, while other things and is there for oneself. When it monitoring whether drug using would be is a quality party, I think it can be enjoyed mentioned among the motivations. equally well with or without drugs.” However, As we presumed, the common deno- they mostly referred to their “saturation” with minator of answers provided by most socially acceptable drugs, especially with respondents was music. Seven out of the ten alcohol. “Yes, it is possible, I have been doing respondents stated that music comes first as it like this for quite a long time, I can do with their motivation. The remaining respondents a bottle of rum or vodka, and it makes no stated the “specific atmosphere” related to the difference to me...” subculture as such and was also mentioned If we work on the hypothetical assumption in the other 6 responses. This included a that participants in a party visit it because it combination of the following responses: “I is easier to obtain illegal drugs there (among feel free there. Without any restrictions.” other things), it will be good to focus on the This was followed up with freedom, fact whether participants look for drugs meeting new people or, as the case may be, directly at a party or bring them in from meeting the existing acquaintances: another place. Respondents usually answered “The atmosphere, mood, people, ‘to clear to a question asked in this manner using a one’s head’, visualisations, decorations, dogs, combination of both possibilities, i.e. drugs when a place is well chosen, the ‘spirit’ of the are available at a party, however this is not a place, but actually the party as the whole, all required condition: its parts fitting together.” “Well, you can mostly come by something, “Of course, good music and sound but it’s a question what you want to get. quality. Then I also like meeting new people, LSD for example, it’s not a problem, but you video projections with crazy hallucinations wouldn’t get mushrooms so easily, so must appearing there which make me quite zonked bring them with you...,” or their quality is not out at the end, and then any diversity of required: “When you don’t know the people, colours, visualisations and decorations...” you don’t know what you may buy from Respondents perceived the “specific them, I wouldn’t like to rely on that...” atmosphere” as the know-how of freetekno All our respondents stated that mostly events, and although their responses were they bring some drugs along with them or differentiated to a certain extent, the main they know somebody at a party who will have characteristics were repeatedly mentioned in them. most of them. The association of a drug did not appear in Drugs used at a party and reasons for any of the responses to the question about the their selection reason for visiting an event. As regards specific types of drugs used at We were furthermore ascertaining the parties, respondents assessed their scene connection between the motivation for subjectively as being different from other visiting a party and drug using by asking a types of parties. We asked about both the question whether it was possible to enjoy a specific party and regular using of drugs at good party without illegal drugs. A negative parties in general. Answers to the questions answer was given by one respondent only, and were largely identical – respondents stated he furthermore referred to the fact that he had they had their “favourite drugs” they usually

266 Motivation for using illegal drugs at freetekno parties used at parties and that they had also used or link between the party life and everyday life. planned to use at the specific party, therefore When mentioning illegal drugs, respondents we do not differentiate the answers provided talked about their weekend using and their herein under. The reasons mostly given by connection with a party and the subculture. respondents for using a specific drug (in Seven respondents furthermore mentioned response to the question “Why do you use using marihuana at a party: “Recently, I the specific drug at a party?”) were that it is have cannabis instead of alcohol. One is not appropriate for a party or that using a drug is hungover, effects on health are not so bad...,” a standard there. while three of them also used it outside a Generally, alcohol was prevailing (8 out party environment, i.e. regularly. Marihuana of 10 respondents): “I perhaps don’t know was perceived as a substance comparable to anybody who would not have at least some alcohol as regards frequency of its using. beer or a shot of something at weekends. Ecstasy was mentioned by 5 respondents. This is simply a part of life, and so of a party, While four of them, nevertheless, did not too.” Alcohol (together with nicotine, and in find this drug typical for the freetekno scene: several cases with marihuana in addition to “Ecstasy and pervitin are rather used by it) also belonged among the most frequent people from commercial events, at clubs so polymorphously used substance, specifically as they would be able to stay dancing until in combination with anything, or rather the morning...,” one respondent contrarily respondents stated they did not think about stated that ecstasy as well as hallucinogens combining alcohol with another drug (as were more appropriate for outdoor events: opposed to combinations of other types of “... it’s simply more pleasant to experience substances that we however did not pay closer any hallucinogens and MDMA under the attention to in our research). open sky than in a crowded club at 40 °C...” The same number, i.e. 8 respondents, Stimulants (or more precisely pervitin furthermore stated hallucinogens (natural – and, in one case, cocain appeared in three psilocybe mashrooms as well as synthetic – responses. One respondent stated that he LSD). The reasons given for using them had used opiates (specifically fentanyl) at a included the nature which is a more pleasant party several times. The respondents did not environment for a trip than an enclosed connect these drugs with the subculture at premises of a club: “... because it’s great all and neither did the drugs belong among to have visual or auditory hallucinations substances frequently or commonly used somewhere in the countryside where you at parties. On the other hand, contrary to have places where you can hide away, and these respondents, others stated that they when it’s just the case it starts working badly, had a negative attitude to the abusing of it’s not so terrible as it would be somewhere pervitin at the freetekno scene because of the in a club. But the good thing is you enjoy disintegration of traditional subculture values everything and examine the nature and in participants caused by this substance. It is countryside and animals and everything often the case that leaflets promoting future is somehow different...,” or the “specific similar events contain the “pervitin kills atmosphere” of a party that has already been tekno” phrase. mentioned herein above, completed with visualisations and other sensual stimuli, and presence of nice people, acquaintances: “It’s DISCUSSION also about people who are at the party, and about the atmosphere...” The results of our research, although we Another socially acceptable drug, nicotine, are aware of its limits with respect to its was regularly used by 7 respondents. We qualitative character and the random selection consider interesting that cigarettes were of respondents, provided information on evaluated as a persisting bad habit, addiction, the abusing of drugs which corresponds while none of respondents described other to the results of quantitative surveys (e.g. used substances as an addiction: “And tobacco The National Report... 2005), i.e. these is just a disgusting addiction I can’t get rid include especially alcohol and nicotine, and of.” Nicotinism thus represented kind of a marihuana, hallucinogens and MDMA from

267 Alena Kajanová, Aneta Klečacká among illegal drugs (cf. for example Kučera depicting such parties as events where drugs 2008). Here we would however like to draw are easily available. On the other hand, Weber attention to the fact that the drug scenes in (1999) and Bednaříková (2010) state music the Czech Republic and abroad are difficult and meeting friends to be other reasons for to be compared, although the type of a party joining a party. In other words, parties are is the same, because drugs available there are associated with a higher occurrence of drugs, generally different. For example ketamine, however they are not the only reason for which is commonly used among French and visiting a party. British ravers, belongs among substances that are used relatively less frequently in the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, participants subjectively perceive the preference of CONCLUSION these types of drugs to be connected with their subculture that creates the specific The outcomes of our research have produced atmosphere. The above specified preference several interesting findings that, although we was also expressed in contrast to hypothetical do not want to generalize them, attest more reasons for non-preference of the respective to the fact that there is a connection between substance in a club environment. drug using and a specific type of dance parties. Illegal substances, especially pervitin, or Participants to freetekno parties mention the substances that visitors identify as typical atmosphere consisting of largish amount for other types of dance events – for example of stimuli – be it a location, the feeling of ecstasy as a club drug (cf. Weber 1999, stating freedom, nature, people or drugs. They crack and intravenous use in general to be perceive parties in a complex manner, in the the only dugs not acceptable at the rave spirit of tribality that is one of the principles scene) occur at freetekno parties as much as of this subculture (cf. Wimmer 2006). This the preferred substances. This finding may specific character as well as the character of also be related to the outcomes of the Tanec an event may then determine types of drugs a drogy 2007... (2008) study, stating that (or rather groups of drugs) that are used at despite the high prevalence of using various parties. Although respondents, in most cases, types of drugs, including pervitin, presence were able to imagine a good party without of problematic users among participants in illegal drugs, they emphasized that at least dance parties is low. presence of socially acceptable drugs – alcohol For our respondents, drug use or rather and tobacco – was necessary. availability of drugs on the freetekno scene Apart from the area that was the subject did not represent the primary reason for matter of our research, we came to no visiting this type of events, which is a finding less important outcomes concerning self- contradicting, to some extent, for example identification with the subculture or rather McCaughan et al. (2005) who state the delimitation of the subculture in opposition to presence of so called chemi-kids at parties others (which Hedbige /1981/ considers to be who participate in such events primarily so as the very characteristic feature of a subculture) they could get drugs there. At the same time, or as this was summarized by one of the the authors consider their presence to result respondents who noted: “And write there we from presentation of such events in the media, are not the commercial tweakers from clubs.”


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 Contact: Alena Kajanová, University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, Jírovcova 24, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czech Republic E-mail: [email protected]