Journal of Geek Studies Pokémollusca: the mollusk-inspired Pokémon Rodrigo B. Salvador¹ & Daniel C. Cavallari² ¹ Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, New Zealand. ² Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. Emails:
[email protected],
[email protected] The phylum Mollusca appeared during which include mussels and clams. the Cambrian Period, over 500 million years ago, alongside most other animal groups Curious creatures that they are, mollusks (including the Chordata, the group we be- make nice “monsters” and are constantly long to). There are even some older fossils being featured in video games (Cavallari, that could be mollusks, although their iden- 2015; Salvador & Cunha, 2016; Salvador, tity is still hotly debated among scientists. 2017). One very famous game that features mollusks is Pokémon, a franchise that started Mollusks are a very biodiverse group. with two games released by Nintendo for We do not yet know the precise number of the Game Boy in 1996. More than 20 years species, since many are still unknown and later, the series is still strong, currently on being described every year. However, esti- the so-called seventh generation of core mates go from 70,000 to 200,000 (Rosenberg, games, but counting with several other 2014). And that’s just for the living species. video games, an animated series, films, a As such, mollusks have long been consid- card game, and tons of merchandise. Also, ered the second most diverse group of ani- there’s an eight generation of games on the mals – the first place belongs to arthropods.