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.... .. A pitch for more and better job opportunities for Negroes in ed the editor for helping to bring of our people, the Negro citizens we ever hope to raise the South cannot make] trained electricians of Memphis. We need to upgrade "Too many Negro mein and wom Memphis and the South ware made Monday night by Edward J. about better face relations in Mem to its full economic potential, rake yards, or i$e as construc en are confined to jobs which pro Meeman, editor-emeritus of The Press-Scimitar, and Luther Hodges, phis. , ' ■ them. We must stop thinking there tion latbrers men Who have the duce little flor themselves or for are certain Jobs a Negro can flu.” "We cannot afford to employ in training to be draftsmen. those who employ them —to Jobs Secretary of Commerce, The straight-forward pleas were made In In discussing fate relations In the “We must hire the best m'an, menial Jobs educated Negro men the Grand Ballroom of the Chisca Plaza Hotel at the Second An Which in other parts of the coun Bluff City, 'Mr. Meema npolnted and raise shouldn’t matter." he who are qualified for better jobs. "One of the reasons our per try have been eliminated by ma nual Brotherhood Award Dinner honoring Mr, Meeman. out how buses, parks, restaurants, continued. capita income is so low is the chines, with a resulting rise in a university and the art gallery “We cannot let the talents at a widespread underemployment cf the average productivity and aver Editor Meeman received the Na- About 2;% Negroes attended the had been desegregated here peace Secretary of Commerce Hodges Negro engineer be wasted' in sweep Negroes in our tabor force. Less age incomes of the people in those tlonal Human Relations Award of $25-a-plate dinner. ably and with friotlon. said:: ing floors, in sorting mail, or in than half of our Negro families areas. The National Conference cf Christ In .presenting Mr. Meeman, "Now”, he said "We must find "We cannot continue to waste digging ditches. We cannot use are headed by persons with full- toy, as well sb a dut ians, and Jews. former nuyor Edmund Orgill prais- more and better Jebs for one-third the talents of our Negro citizens if trained stenographers as maids. We time, year-round jobs. “The right to seek a Job tn keep- our sense of fairness .‘8 I I i/ <1 /J A áSlifc' Memphi 1/ VOLUME 31, NUMBER 37 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1963 AT ANNUAL MEETING Urban League's Leadership Role Here Is Praised In its effort to secure mere jobs for Negroes during the last 12 months, the Memphis Urban league contacted 1022 private businesses, 43 privóle agencies and 38 state and federal agen cies, it was revealed Friday night at the league's annual meet ing. The Rev. J. A. McDaniel, executive director, said employ ment was found for 320 persons as the result of these contacts. Dr. C. Eric Lincoln, (ormer Mem phian, was a victim cf toe flu in Atlanta where he is administrative assistant to toe president of Clark Sheriff Hinds College, and was un tale to make the trip here to deliver the feature address. Dr. Paul Tudor Jones, pas Speaks Sunday tor of Idlewild Presbyterian Church, substituted for the ailing Dr. Lincoln and delivered a chal lenging talk on brotherhood . At Miss. Blvd He spoke of toe invisible walls S>.?- ’ V that are beginning to disappear and The Christian Men’s Fellowship, helping to bring about a better together with the congregation of Memphis and better race relations Mississippi Blvd. Christian Church, but he warned that individuals will observe "Law Enforcement Sun must not set up invisible walls be day” March 3. This is in keeping tween themselves and their col with the general practice of many leagues while this change is taking churches setting aside on Sunday place. He paid credit to toe Mem- during the year to call attention aUrban League and to Rev. Mr. to the importance of proper law .¡niels for playing major roles enforcement,*, 7 'in helping to bring about these •itr oclook Wvtete'will fe(ature Sheriff M. A. Hinds as guest speak ehtog«- er. Mr. Hinds has. the reputation of ' In his annual statemapt, the being a sincere churchman. There League’s director told ot ine orga will be good muslo and the public nization’s all-out effort to obtain is invited to share this special serv more employment for Negro citi ice. zens, pointed to the Urban Lea The regular first Sunday morn gue's annual career conferences ing's Men's Breakfast will feature which included more than 19,600 Samuel Peace as the guest speaker city and county school students and at 8 o'clock. Sponsoring committee made it known that the League members for the breakfast are Wil investigated 98 relief cases and re liam Hughes, B. G. Olivé Jr., A. M. ferred 845 others to various agen Walker, H. A. Gilliam and E. F. cies. LaMondue Jr. These men are mak Edwin Dilstrom, clxdrmsn of the ing preparations for a large attend board of directors, had this to say: MELROSE 2ND, WASHINGTON 3RD ‘‘There is nothing more important ance at both the breakfast meeting “The Memphis Urban League, than love and it Is the only thing and Uie regular 11 o'clock service. organized in 193? i in the world that one cannot give Mississippi Blvd. Christian by the Communi- ] too much," declared Dr. Clara A. Church is pastored by Elder Blair ty Fund and th Brawner, well-known physician, in Í. Hunt who enjoys a successful Council ci Sccia an address Sunday afternoon be pastorate of the church continu Agencies unde fore a sizeable audience at Metro ously for more than 41 years. toe Communit, politan Baptist Church. Welfare Leagut j has been Uativ She was guest speaker for the wo in obtaining jo men of the church who were cli Girl Seoul Cookie maxing a month of activity. A opportunit i e s pageant, “Oreat Women of the Sab Start« March 1 equal educations facilities, bette. Bible," was presented Sunday even The 1963 Giri Scout Cockle Bule housing, more ing. is. scheduled to start Friday,. March and better recre Serving as general chairman was 1-, an doontlnue through March 12. ational facilitie MTs. Bernice porter. The speaker profit from toe .sale will go to- and vocational] was ably presented by Mrs. Hen- rene A. Jenkins, ward development of toe 1150-acre guidance for Ne Camp site two miles north of Mid gro citizens. Rev. McDaniel dleton, Tenn., on Highway 125, Mrs. “We think it is proper to call HpTTiett Walker is serving as one of the local cookie chairmen. (Continued on Page Four) Misr Edwards III Alumni Of LeMoyna "Miss Lucinda Edwards, assistant professor of physical education at Will Meet Sunday Lemoyne College, is . a patient at E, H. Crump Hospital where she is Memphis alufnni of LeMoyne Col reported recuperating from an at lege will hold their regular monthly Approximately 20 well-kncwn lo tack of pneumonia. meeting this Sunday, March 3, at cal musicians will perform in “Stars 5 p. m. in the faculty lounge bf of Memphis," a tnusic:! extrava 3 AFRICANS KILLED Brownlee Hall. Hosts will be Mrs. ganza which will be presented by LUSAKA, N, Rhodesla-(NNPA) Fairy Peyton Austin and the Wash Memphis alumni of Morehouse Col —At least three Africans were kill burn twins. lege, Friday night, March 8, at Annual Negro History Week and ed and others injured last Satur The body w|ll hear reports on Metropolitan Baptist Chur'eh, Walk the Centennial Decade Celebration day when police used tear gas and plans ot the General Alumni As er and McDowell. The program of school founded by toe American Missionary Association are being night sticks to quell a mob of 50 sociation's annual meeting and re skirts at 8, rioters near a beer hall a*. Living union of graduates of all '3' classes observed jointly this week on toe stone. schedulad for May 31 and June 1. Besides bencfittlng the Memphis campus of LeMoyne College. Morehouse Club's schc'arship fund The observance got underway toe musioal will provide an audi Wednesday and continues through J-U-G-S PRESENTING LIVING ADS ence for toe city’s creative and ar Friday. tistic performers. Floyd Wardlaw Crawford, head of Scheduled to perform are: Mas- toe history department at toe Nor Inside Memphis dames Rosetta Peterson, Leatrice folk Division of Virginia State Col Bell, Esther Pulliam and Hattie lege, will address a general as- Swearlnger; Misses Charolette Own This Fridi ¿SECOND ANNUAL BROTHERHOOD AWARD DINNER honor- Brooks, Billie Joan Baker, Erma (Conlinued on Page Four) The Florence MoCteavi Ing Edward J. Meeman in the Grand Ballroom of Chisca Plaza soclation, ft Maneb of tl (Continued on Page Four) Association of Negro Hotel attracted about 25 non-whitesi Dr. and Mrs. Hollis F. Price, Inc,, will present a Gi Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Olive, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Olive, Mr. and Festival on Friday,. M Mrs. A. B. Bland, Elder Blair T. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. louis B. Hob- 7:30 p. m. in Owen G sdh, Miss Harry Mqe Simons, Rev. and Mrs. John C. Mickle, Rev. DR. JULIA PURNE AKA torluift. The festival O' fefttu and Mrs. J. A. McDaniel, J. A. Beauchamp, Robert M. Ratcliffe, of the following muato Mr. ctod Mrs. Marvin Neeley, Dr. Charles Dinkins, Dr. and Mrs. Leatrice Bell, Mattle B Vasal A.