Београдски историјски гласник 1, 2010 Belgrade Historical Review 1, 2010 UDC: 94:630*8(497.11)”04/14” ; 94:630*8(497.6)”04/14” ID: 180475148 Jelena Mrgić, Ph.D. Assist. Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy Čika Ljubina 18–20, Belgrade
[email protected] SOME CONSIDERATIONS ON WOODLAND RESOURCE IN THE MEDIEVAL SERBIA AND BOSNIA* Despite the lack of direct documentary evidence, the paper points to different possibilities in the historical environmental research in our historiography. It presents certain methodological steps which could, along with comparative approach, yield some new results in the historical knowledge of the Middle Ages. e starting point would be to reconsider the chronological boundaries of the research, which, by all its issues, belongs to the ‘long durée’ processes and must be treated as such. Both historical and anthropological evidence are used in order to reconstruct the traditional and innovative uses of woods in everyday life and industrial production. Key words: woodland, natural resources, sustainability, environmental history, mining . Kључне речи: шуме, природни ресурси, одрживост, еколошка историја, рударство e research of such a broad topic — historical woodland use, demands relying on the results of several disciplines — comparative law and social history, is study is a part of the project ’Насеља и становништво српских земаља у позном средњем веку (14. и 15. век)’ (Settlements and Population of the Serbian Lands in the Late Middle Ages (14th and 15th centuries)) (No. 177010) supported by the Ministry of Science and Techno- logical Development of the Republic of Serbia. is paper originated from the presentation held at the First World Congress of Environ- mental History, Copenhagen 4–8 August 2009 (https://wceh2009.ruc.dk/program).