Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 804 A review of literature on the qualifying interest species of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in the Firth of Forth and development related influences COMMISSIONED REPORT Commissioned Report No. 804 A review of literature on the qualifying interest species of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in the Firth of Forth and development related influences For further information on this report please contact: Darren Hemsley Scottish Natural Heritage Strathallan House Castle Business Park STIRLING FK9 4TZ Telephone: 01786 435364 E-mail:
[email protected] This report should be quoted as: Woodward, I., Bray, J., Marchant, J, Austin, J. & Calladine, J. 2015. A review of literature on the qualifying interest species of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in the Firth of Forth and development related influences. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 804. This report, or any part of it, should not be reproduced without the permission of Scottish Natural Heritage. This permission will not be withheld unreasonably. The views expressed by the author(s) of this report should not be taken as the views and policies of Scottish Natural Heritage. © Scottish Natural Heritage 2015. COMMISSIONED REPORT Summary A review of literature on the qualifying interest species of Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in the Firth of Forth and development related influences Commissioned Report No. 804 Project No: 15172 Contractor: British Trust for Ornithology Year of publication: 2015 Keywords Natura; Firth of Forth; Planning; Development; birds; HRA. Background Potential developments within, or otherwise affecting, designated Natura sites require Habitat Regulation Assessments (HRAs) that describe likely impacts on the features of interest (‘qualifying interests’) and the mediation action taken to prevent or that will be taken to mitigate against any losses.