Arrest Categories Handbook

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Arrest Categories Handbook SECRET SUPREME HEADQUARTERS ALLIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE OFFICE OF ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF, G-2 COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE SUB-DIVISION EVALUATION & DISSEMINATION SECTION ARREST CATEGORIES HANDBOOK GERMANY PART ONE Introduction. PART TWO The Categories of Automatic Arrest and Detention. PART THREE Analysis of the Arrest Categories. .April, 1945 2 3 the Interior, the Nazi Police are thoroughlv permeated by the SS. All person~el of the Gestapo are members o( the SS, and carry SS as PART ONE well as Police ran~; furthe_nnore, m_embership of the SS is a prerequisite for advancement m the Krzpo, and, m general, also in the Orpo. INTRODUCTION 5. Persons _will be subject to arrest: if they have at any time held a _rank or ap~mtment falling ·within the automatic arrest categories, 1. The object of this handbook is to enlarge on the categories with the followmg exceptions :- laid down in the Mandaton- Arrest Directive, and to assist Counter­ Intelligence staffs in carrying out the arrest policy. (a) Persons dismissed by the Xazis, on grounds of political unreliability 2. The handbook comprises :- (b) Persons who retired from such an appointment before 1933. (a) A statement of the categories included in the :\laudatory 6. The fact that a person does not fall within the automatic arrest Arrest Directi,·e categories does not exempt him from arrest if he is indiddually suspect. (b) A brief appreciation of each category, together with a detailed breakdown by rank and/or function of persons 7. It should be noted that feminine counterparts exist for many falling within the category. of the male ranks listed in PART THREE, especially in the Police and the Civil Service. Female ranks haYe been specifically listed for 3. It would be unwise to attempt to lay do"rn any hard and fast the SS-Helferinnen and the BDM. In all other known cases, the female rules for determining priorities between the categories. The Arrest rank, where existing, is the same as the male, with the addition of the Policy has been framed to ensure the security of the occupying forces, normal feminine suffix-in; such ranks will be readilv identified and the liquidation of the German Intelligence Services, the disbandment have, therefore, not been shown. · of the Nazi Party in all its ramifications, and the de-Nazification of German institutions. It is not possible to say, it is indeed unlikely, that the most serious danger to the security of the occupying forces will come from any one of the organisations listed. All that can be said is that it is probable that Himmler will be at the centre of resi.,,tance and that he ,.,,;11 have recruited men and women from some or all of the organisations. 4. It might be possible to give approximate estimates of the numbers involved in each arrest category (an overall estimate for the whole of Germany and Austria would be 300,000), but such estimates serve little useful purpose, since it ,.,,;11 be found that the majority of arrestable persons 'dll fall under more than one of the categories laid down in PART T"·o. This oYerlapping is due to the high degree of integration of the ::-fazi Party with the German State. Under the general heading of "Party" are included not only the ~SDAP proper, but also all its forn1ations (notably the SS) and its Affiliated or Supervised Organisations. Under the heading " State," taken in the most general sense, we must consider not only all l'l'linistry officials, but the Civil Service in general, whether employed b~- the central or local authorities. On all level3, therefore, " State " and " Party " may be found represented in the same person. Thus the leading German officials \\ill not only bold " State " rank, but also " Party " rank; the best example is Himmler, who as Refohsleiter (member of the hig!lest Party directorate), as hllnister of the Interior, and as C-in-C of the SS and German Police, is in effect holding two" State "ranks and two" Party " ranks. Similarly, at regional Je,·el, the Reichsstattlialter (Reich Repre­ sentative at each regional government) is simultaneously, except in the case of Bavaria, the Party Gauleiter of the region. In 1941, 81·9 per cent. of senior Civil Servants at regional level were Nazi appoint ees ; it may be assumed that all these men still hold Party ranks in addition to their Ci,;i Service ranks. The P olice are the best example of this overlapping ; primarily Ch·il Servants in the employ of the Minister of (C55~39) B 2 4 5 PART TWO E. PARA-MILITARY ORGANISATIONS I. Waffen-SS (Armed SS)-All officers and N.C.O.s down to and including th,e rank of ScharfUJ:rer, all ra.nks of the Tounkopfverbande THE CATEGORIES OF AUTOMATIC ARREST AND ( T ~. or D~th s Head Formations) and all SS-Helferinnen or SS­ DETENTION-GERMANY Knegshelferinnen (SS Female Auxiliaries). 2. Allgemeine SS (General SS)-All officers and N.C.0.s (except A. THE GERMAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICES those who ~old only nominal SS rank by reason of their being in the 1. All personnel of Amur (Departments) I, II, III, IV_. V~. Orpo_ or Kr_ipo, and have not taken an active part in SS work) down to Militarisches Amt (formerly Abwehr) and VII of the Reu;~ssi­ and mcludmg the rank of UnU'l'scharfiihrer and all SS-Helferinnen or cherheitshatlptamt (RSHA, or National Department of Secunty), SS-Kriegshelferinne11. together with the out stations and organisations dependent ?· Stll~nabUilung (SA, or Storm Troops)-all officers down to on or controlled by any of these departments. and mcluding the rank of Sturmbannfohrer. 2. All personnel of the Geheime Feldpolizei (GFP, or Secret Field . 4 .. Hitler ]ugend (HJ, or Hitler Youth}-all officers down to and Police). mcluding the rank of Stammfahrer and equivalents in the Bu11d Deut­ 3. All personnel of ;the R eichssicherheitsdienst (Reich Security scher Madel (BDM, or League of German Girls). Service). 5: Nationalsozialistisches Kraft/ahrkorps (N SK K, or National Sociahst Motor Corps)- all officers down to and including the rank of B. THE SICHERHElTSPOLlZEI (Sipo, or Security Police) Staffelfulirer. 1. All personnel of the Geheime Staa.tspolizei (Gestapo, or Sec~et . 6: Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps (NSFK , or National Socialist State Police), including the Grew:polizei (Grepo, or F rontier Aviation Corps)-all officers down to and including the rank of Sturm­ Police). ba11nfahrer. 2. All officials down to and including the ra.nk of Oberst (Colonel), ?· Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD, or Compulsory National Labour in the Kriminalpolizei (Kripo, or Criminal Police). Service)-all officers down to ~nd including the rank of Arbeitsfohrer. C. HIGHER POLICE OFFICI~ F. NAZI PARTY OFFICIALS 1. High Government Officials in the Police Hierarchy. I. Administrative officials of the Party down to and including the 2. All Polizeiprtisidenum and Polizeidirektoren. post of Amstsleiter at Ortsgruppe level. 3. All Oberprtisidenten in Prussia. 2. All members of the Party down to and including the rank of 4. All Regierungsprcisidenten. Gemeinschaftsleiur. 5. All LandriiJe. 6. All Hohere SS- u11d Polizeifuhl'er. G. CIVIL SERVANTS (Hoherer Dienst) 7. All Befehlshaber der Ordtmngspolizei. 1. All members of the H oherer Dienst (Higher Grade) appointed 8. All Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei. smce 1st March, 1939. Note: For approximate translations of the titles in Category C· 2. ~Civil &:rvants d?wn to and including the rank of Ministerial­ see PART THREE. rat or equivalent, irrespective of the date of appointment. D. THE ORDNUNGSPOLIZEI (Orpo, or Regular Uniformed Police) All officers down to and including the rank of Oberst (Colonel) or equivalent in the following branches :- 1. Schutzpolizei (Sch"po, or Protection Police). 2. Feuerschutzpolizei (F Schupo, or Fire Protection Police). 3. Gendarmerie (Gend, or Rural Police). 4. Wasserschutzpolizei (SW, or Waterways Protection Police). 5. LuftschHtzpolizei (L Schupo, or Air Raid Protection Police). 6. Technische Nothilfe ( Te~. or Technical Emergency Corps). 7. Verwalt14ngspolizei (Administrative Police). 8. Hilfspolini (Hipo or Auxiliary Police). Note: There are no ranks in the Hilfspolizei; see PART THREE. 7 6 The Feldpolizeibeamte ranks are believed to include the following :- Rank Approximate Wehrmacht E.qaivalent PART THREE FeldpolizeicJief der Wehrmacht Oberst Heerespolizeichef Oberstleuf11ant (]) Feldpolizeidirekfor Major · ANALYSIS OF THE AR.RF.ST CATEGORIES Feldpol~ze~kommissar Hauptmann Feldpol1zusekreftir Let1t11a11t A. THE GERMAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICES 3. The Reichssicherheitsdienst Under the general heading" German Intelligence Services" (GIS) :i're~n~ ll_Uormati.o~ on ~e !?eiclissichuheit.sdie11St (Reich Security Service)_IS limited.. This_ service is :esponsible for the personal securitv is understood the vast intelligence network (in the broadest sense) which the Nazi Party have built up, both from previously existing o~ the highest NazJ.S; wJ;iile. accordwg to some sources, it is not subor­ dinated to t he RSH.A, it appears to have a connection with Amt IV organisations and from their own special creations. The trend of this (Gestapo) of the RSHA, and must therefore be included in anv broad " building up process " has always been towards the centralisation of treatment of the GIS. ' the control of all intelligence services in the Party itself, i.e., in the present Reichssicherheitshauptamt (R SHA, National Department of All mem~rs of the Reuhssicherheitsdienst are arrestable. Security). The RSHA today controls not only all political intelligence at home and abroad, but also, since June, 1944, virtually all military B. THE SICHERHEITSPOLIZEI intelligence. It is evident that, for arrest purposes, the scope of the category The Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo, or Security Police) is divided into covering personnel of this essentially Nazi-controlled combination of two bran_ches, ~am~ly, the Ge/i.eime Staatspolizei (Gestapo, or Secret St<Lte Police).wJ:Uch m~Iu?es the Grenzpolizei (Grepo, or Frontier Police).
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