m _ edseodestt whe sepas the letter @t Maysee flaith Bad pinsw0 *ie aft Us enm tsee UP&U bwad wima-&imips1 ed t 000ta by er ber at whnne *ate fad both,"1110r110119"M mudt without. do usht net bb h h la W Wesatm112,0am has e the "am ofterams esm- * 'Dd him come W she said, and then been Ons in 4 bte" a fee-Illmmme a 4bvn--ai Mgea Sone of the maids of he the at thimrtu ofs0 ase a t be 1T. "evhgo de isn- temporary bath led a m dU- wh See waS esat to each m 1er et the esb- went to gli the mesenger Into the lsser who ghter-h&* 'a wwa hs' blood. wof I usaw m of the two tents of festval she added. bath made o she is ToU-q0-- a , bm his- **m7~TheIlulmef aemin cemnib- "And where Is-the'ma r you." Ie a towar the MareemA, BathM 944Wo baentehodAM LaVIARSIXh et PyM,aw atdtismA ~mmn-y. Adigagoswh.gnot tuigase with a, It was Yvette who answered ber. who stood u whSS anTraR TheI to a 100110 s-m 4101 yeaw ag& Some n"4aa 'Do not hear?' she erled, clapping at-the anddea fduf&panm. Vri mosame be itramarred M' aamhabemPto 8m-I he of a you wRi the harbt t t" eamtr Maes, No. of ts and Is her hands with pleasurw "His people are boy, slay YoeIldn 2, Hity, wt He bringing him up In triumph. Do you hear And at the wonhe preciptated Mise rec"neftd as me at the most sette aGd leg. observes: "The o.ndate wa the shout?" upon do X maaeme's 'ef thea' age" werthy to become a Kngtgm bihinan's knMfe and we do not And through' the-gay rataplan of drums But rthan ashing of his "I have had a lette fremeOr , !ar, beneve his appear- there came the cry of . Uat true -sim stber in Ipael, CmVice ebate.afaetbeeedal fair A ae in the Unes of a commada..y wOl which the tables were decorated. She ha I and the blare of trtmets, pierced Mad e CXAPTZ3 ILUL, the strsjge fitful chant of the Camniard "My husband! hushand!" 1 reluWoo&, One ant be is tasisa of th lodge F. Whish mar the correctness of Its fermatie' ven obtained rare fruits frotv a distancA 1. a a she herself the wol e trth, amn w a and Me than one whose front nd the idea that all theme combnations c fpsalm Yvette smiled. -She had heard it With breaking cry Rung ay to sod4iers fogtt benghlems) Popular pretuberance "Ki xe, My Husband!" thousand times. Night and morning she fiercely between and Ida vie- ren to those once the rein=t of eficint Moesr, To him was largely due 5 some sixteen or twenty Inches In a4- it was that the Spider had had Irenius should be spoiled bsy the non-arriva I Her and heaving under A rdmillan." aLqed the suubess which attended Superor Mane of hi. snfelt Perhaps a t had been summoned from her most inter- tim. of the game which she if mere gypsy with a letter sufficed from books which made its lace and lthet.==n==ti madman's WAWithin the psalm was changed. The tune Lodges booth and snoker at the fair. Mr. Fraternal Cr~ n after himself enough watctlng nake her fretful and difficult to please. esting occupations, The and fell c1 Comais ar-atern of Sn- ales a head in fraternal herself so matchlessly . the blood flush hot to read, from agreeable stroke fairly. Mood sprang ame stronger and maore rejolcofely: tho -pqemst; gentle criticism played of letters the frosted 'maple of her dress, as ] 0 shall 111n Of pearor Lodge. He has als taken an active 1y maying that more than one Ilinois dec- So without more thought than the mere company, from the composition upon be lke a Tree pated by the is a ion is her CHAPTER XLV. by means of 'which she had lived the dull scarlet as itself injthe shrine of the altar Water Intemret in Free MaNsnry. NO asem- Incorrect. The Illinois grand com- resolution Yvette drew her hood over days by-letters to ber maiden aunts-only candles. T bat bringeth forth his Freit in hiM Seas ber of New Jerusalem Lodge, No. 9, F. A. nander decided that until a lodge or chap. head, assumed (as easily as she had donned The Night Looks Into the Pavilion. to take In -that chant. Her father "'He Is my husband! I love him!" she "And his daughterT" said Roland, rather A. M., and a companion 99 Mount Horeb Or reives a suspended or expelled brother part Arch and boen an ac- whose application an air of anxiety and haste, and They had waited long. Billy Marshal liked her voice, he said. She hummed a bar cried. -1 ore eagerly. "Verily she was a shoot of Royal Chapter. ha for reinstatement bas the hood) oar closed in a tUve offieer in each of those bodies. He is een rejected) the latter be a the chamber of Maurice I often on the way, had nc t or two now, accentuating the characteris- With a hoarse the Crowd goodly tree-an herb of grace." cannot made descended into hough reported notes and the nasal to tear the murderer to pieces, but with "She is married and her husband a frater of Columbia Conandamy, No. I Templar. become nor remain a deferred was heari a tic grace phine-and happily, K. a nemberKnight a Raith's Imprisonment. trrived. Hope making then laughed bitterly. an. infinitely fiercer 'brandishing of his h now commandant of the same regiment- T.. thirty-second degree member of of commandery. E. Or Walker She entered to find Maurice and Flower- lick-not, indeed, as might have been e3 knife and an exultant shout or "I have " hich, sayeth Patrick Wellwood, is now no the Scottish Rite Lodge of Perfection Coun- lays: "If the brother is already a Tempoar Except the Lord do build the house, her cil, and and a noble of Alnuas Io may continue In If 0'-the-Corn with their positions unchanged. sected. those of the personages principall The builders loge their pain. .! slain her that played the harlot among le'nger called Ardmillan's, but Ratth's Foot conastory good standing he re- - %ews the Lord the , people! 'o her place let her go!" He dis- a name strange to the ear. They are Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He is also a his application to the lodge of chap- Flower-o'-the-Corn was still in Maurice's -oncerned, the bride and bridegroom, bt t Except city member of Martha of the er every six months, no her, kiss- The watchers watch in vain. appeared -into the gash of blackness h ppy In each other and in their children, Chapter. Order matter how fro- arms, and he was mourning over those of the guests of the marriag e the stars familiar b It. he man Was with Eastern Star. and. king of Washington luently he may have been Of a a method of -ather The words were French, of course, but through which peered, adds, the wild that rejected." ing her passionately the while, 'east, who, with hourly improving app4 I the Scots and distant and chill.- ti bem hath gone to abide at a place called Shrine, No. :. White Shrine of Jerusalem. lecislon of the Indiana grand commander from temporary syncope, which. of a like rude simplicity with tears run- E He is as an and ef- to succession recovery not ac- ites, eyed the preparatons in the kitcher s version. and the effect was the same. The Then Nicholas de Baume. the eltonhill." recognised energetic relative In o8ce the District though indubitably ancient, s in from eyes that had been dry for forty And from within came the chorused af- fcient executive, and is popular in all the Taternal correspondent says: "This is with modern medical treatment mnd the cooks, who, white aproned an d tune was -the. march of Spirit Seguier, to ning had several which he In' a learly at cordance the music of which he went, the soul within years. held in his arms the woman who fi rmation, the continuation of the Carols- organizetions of variance with the law." The nor recommended by the faculty. white bonneted, rushed this way and tha her life for his. 81 Lrd's song: member. WIaryland report serers pleasantly to the of Yvette Maurice Raith him "like a well-watered garden," to the given to At the entrance >r, with hands held horizontally above the] r Only once did sherOpen her eyes, once so HiS leaf also shall not risit Baltimore of offoers of the grand turned upon her, hot with wrath and fury, -torture and the stake. wither, At the last of Martha 'ommandery or this his arms. )rows, looked down the road into the sei As Yvette the flap of the tent dark and passionaSt and glorious. And whatever he doeth shall laper. meeting Chapter. jurisdiction last No- holding Frances still closer in laughed, she at Cav- S aS 0 No. 4. 0. E. S.. action was taken as to the rember. The refers in a rent the had "I am sorry." said, looking , Michigan report and looking as if he would have ing sun. lifted, and the girl who gone out. "Do not- let suspension or of those mem- Ileasant manner to limb. snatching her skirts and lace-edged drap- aller, and Flower-O'-the-Corn. "And still,", said Roland, -,"In Spite of disciplining Grand Junior Warden intruder limb from Meantime the marshal had dispatche d let into them marry. It was my fault." an and his the bers' of the chapter who have Identified Prank H. Thomas. who was originally Yvette stood smiling in the doorway. erles out of the way of contagion, her defections, we, themselves with the White Shrine of Jeru- In with my friend," she ,ourier after courier. They were instructe a at once tremendous Something unseen was drowning l1fe B rethren of the Way, hold our defensed mighted Bay City Commandery In which "What is the matter the marquee figure was little stain up1 salem. The question at issue was one of Irand Commander Charles the dear Mademoiselle Well- o bring the letter, if they could not brin 9 in its power and ridiculous by Its flapping deep within. for there g, nlages. The enemy hath not made an In- R. Hawley of said, "with But the was more clever tha the of her dress. rc No, nor Jurisdiction and in no respect affected the now holds membership. In the wood?"I 3illy. gypsy rags of garments-Billy Marshall, the Scot- stuff "If iad. ever will!" members chaiActer, etc. istEichiganof past with her?" he cried. 1 .hem all. He would go himself and delive r tish and messenger of "Be pitiful, Nichola.s!" she said. you "For that give God the glory!" quoth personally as to commanders in Michigan is "What is the .natter gypsy, promised. father tell him that I am your e out No action adverse to the members who !ound the name of D. B. a past "That Is not for you to ask. 1:he letter to the young lady. of-she shoul d Maurice Raith. take my for Catinat, uncovering devoutly. have )Ommander Ainger, indignantly. her! She too iot have it at all. In which case ther e set her hand Instinc- wife. I loved you; Nicholas. I wish And from within that little where AM'iated with the White Shrine was of Columbia Commandery of No-stand off--do not touch Is Flower-o'-the-Corn God-God!" o temple, decided upon. his jurisdiction and as Do-not even would be no marriage. They might plea- e to her heart, and the red florin your sake that I had been-ah, old the templars had held their revels, formerly postmasM- pure for such hands yours. I tively that she was gone. At least the c, L.me the if Washington. The committee of Mssle- look at her! Do not breathe upon her. :hemselves. pieces on her cheek faded utterly away. And with solemn doxology which closed the The fair committee of Decatur than saved by "Search the Re d removed the hand that had been press- leaving of Yvette Foy's life had not mis- h Il-folks' worship: Pythian sippi observes: "Grand Commander Gaill- would rather see her dead him, gentlemen of She Lodge. No. 9, gave a dance last Tuesday of the District of Columbia did the cor- [ouse!" And they searched him, findin g ed upon her breast and held It out. The become her. A for me. thou upholdest me in mine Ier yolu!" A ad me integrity, night in honor of the ladies who assisted *ect thing In the Winfield Scott dis- He hissed the words in his wrath. tobacco, snuff and other contraband of wa: hand of the gypsy met hers fairly, rested settest before thy face forever; Decatur booth at the late fair. The Schley fairly humorous terror. B eased be the Lord God of Israel. Lodge's sensation. There is no snobbery In honor- Yvette affected a kind of 'APTER, XLVI. and to ladies Present were Mrs. F. E. Weber, ng a hero at any time." Nebraska's Monsieur the Englishman, do not 'm everlasting everlasting! cor- "Please, I remember The Hunting of a Man. Amen, and ament chairman: Mrs. H. A. Laveson, assistant esondent also discusses the "cork leg de- kill me with your glance! Ah. I (THE END.) chairman: Mrs. Alice Harrington, - Mrs. islon" of P. G. C. Dingman. "We time. not so long ago, either, when "Kill the heretics! Kill! Kill!" cried the Blanche saying: the who thought Worth. Mrs. McElhannon. Mrs. tave seen some formations of commande- knew a young English soldier men of the Malson Rouge, dashing out into Perkins. Mrs. .Hamman. Mrs. Ed Morecock, lea that. could not be marred a otherwise of me. But at any rate, if by man quite not the like a swarm of angry wasps. Mrs. Jacob Faye. Miss Nellie Hayes. Mrs. with two cork legs. and hardly by a man I am not worthy to touch her, would it night LMONG THE G. laid her down on And had it not been for the Catholic of- Albert Freer. Mrs. Stucket, Miss Elsie without any kind of legs. We are Inclined be better if you yourself Worth. Miss Ella Carstens. Miss Minnie be liberal on the question of a bench or on the couch yonder, and poured ficers most of Cavalier's new troops might to physical face and neck." FRATERNITIES Carstens. Miss Martha Metzler. Mrs. Stella lualifications." On the same cork leg sub- a little cold water over her have fallen victims to the opinions which Tolson. Miss Josie Miss Tessie ect the New a moment to let her words Killigan, York correspondent says: She paused they had forsaken. Nay. Jean Cavalier Williams. Mrs. Sill. Mrs. David Pollock. 'Some of the reasons of sink in. and then she added: The Grand F. A. A. its ad- P. G. C. Dlngman would (and in- himself was struck'at and wounded In the3 Lodge. M., at Mrs. Ott. all of the ladies' committee. There Lre not at all convincing to us." To which "Or perhaps you prefer urned semi-annual were one hundred other ladies and kfr. be much more proper) that arm. The marshal In the first moments of J( convention this week about Walker retorts: "Better read thq deci- deed it would ade present and all had a fine time. of own the flance of Mademoiselle Wellwood, Col. his terrible grief hardly noticed anything .n some important changes in the gentlemen sions your grand commander." The of the army, should be and constitution of the Grand of Mr. Fred Helbig furnished the music for :olorado correspondent says of the sal ,e Jean Cavaller king's that went on aboUcLhim, and It was Col. g Lodge the occasion. Decatur Lodge thoroughly decision: "Too sent for to recover her." t is jurisdiction. The dates for the sev- ork-lqg rigid; the days of and at that very Verlat who took Flower-o'-the-Corn and appreciates what the ladies did for them :rusade Templarism have She laughed impishly. er al conventions of the Grand dur- passed." moment Maurice -felt Flower-o'-the-Corn her father back fo the chambers of the Lodge during the fair. Refreshments were served Texas says: "The District of Columbia in his arms. Was it the name which in g the year have been changed. Under the during the evening. The committee In the distinction of having a larher move Marechale's quarters. was of H. Harrell, mnjoys stirred her? Had it reached through the The Camisard regiments had withdrawn n ,w constitution, which it is provided shall charge composed proportionate representation at its annual of faintness which still left her to their whence ts ke effect 1 the Grand chairman; Henry Larisson and G. Albert .onclaves than any other grand jurisdic- glamor her? silently and sullenly camp, August next, Lodge Freer. tIon." heart deathly sick within by swimming the Tarn and scattering over w ill meet In regular convention five times She stared about her wildly and when she darkness but few re- In his general review of the journals of foot the Causses in the Lch year. The convention for the exem- Almas Temple of the Mystic Shrine has saw Yvette she trembled from head to 'mained to hold their leader in countenance ei remplar proceedings in other jurisdictions with of the same approach to P Ification of degrees . will occur on completed grrangements for the annual ex- !raternal Correspondent Walker says: something in the morning. the, cursion down the river. This year It will 'The rigor without which Jean Cavalier never But through all the tumult of the sudden ti e second Wednesday of March of every is legislation of late years In the grand the wife of Nicholas de Baume. of the be to Marshall Hall, and the date fixed mcampment has cleared the approached .assassination and the hubbub camp y ar. On the second Wednesday in every at June 16. The excursion is given in ac- of atmosphere Yvette smiled at this evidence of her power. to her from the man whom for one bri< there were certain who from the first fol- almost every question likely to cause laid Flower-o'-the-Corn down on nurderer. ay a session will be held for the trans- cordance with the yearly custom of Almas ontention or create doubt. of the Maurice moment she had clasped In her arms ar lowed doggedly the track -of the iservance of Ascension day, which we Temple for the purpose of raising funds sally changed by nature Into Manylove. Let us his couch, but she rose up. put Maurice Prominent among these there was that a ust:tionwillof currentmeet withbusiness,generalandapprovalanotherandon grand commanderies ate paying closer at- with a movement of her called her husband. it te fourth toward the usual Christmas charity offer- jotentionbe discouraged.than ever to-Manythe matteran Americanof in- Raith to the side sefgeant major of the Maison Rouge who Saturday In September for aim- cases of hand and fronted Yvette. afar off. There I1 Lr work. The annual business ing, and for such other pressing and are formulating blanks for had so long admireYvette meeting need as may come to the knowledge of spections "I have told him!" she said. was one of the If. ted guests, Monsieur ol the Grand Lodge will hereafter be held 'ports of Inspectors that will show every "Well, and what does he say?" smiled to whom she' 1 ithe third in each officials and nobles of Almas Temple with- of excellence a sort which may be supposed to distingul, Bechet of the ml rison, Wednesday December, in our order. Calls the fund :ondition commandery may Madame la Marechale, "glad to escape on brides. Yvette did not leave her even fi had e to make him her al id on Saint John's day (an important upon charity suchwince.dexterityThis tendencythat sheis notis onlyneverinterest-forced A soldier CS scarcely spo have been quite heavy of late and the spe- ng. but most commendable. The such easy terms. I should say! tool. There was in of artillery and N asonic anniversary) In each year the cial fund Is all Potentate Wil- order of is a soldier all the world over!" a subalte foot, to neither. of Grand Lodge will hereafter elect and in- expended. oKnightsrepentTemplarof her investment.assumes to be semi-mil- the Yvette young liam F. Gude has named the following com- tary and there should be It was hardly playing game. whom had she e ered a sentence. Yet at all new grand officers. excursion: something in knew that very well, but the sight of they followed M Foy relentlessly over mittees to have charge of the he way of discipline enforced. There Is Frances Wellwood In the arms of Maurice the rough sharp at eris-up-up The present membership of the Grand Entertainment committee-Samuel W. iothing more annoying to one interested had aroused in her all the baser angers of toward the wide nd of the Larzac. Eoffinncampmentgrand ofemir,KnightsThomasTemplarA. Bynum;of the Stinemetz, chairman; Frank K. Raymond. n the order than to see a commandery, es- had U nited vice chairman; Fred Albrecht, J. F. Blair. 3ecially when in public, to her nature. marquee from the great pavilion there can Ir Yvette herself beat a little faster as the On the way ou mp the fugitive ahedi, StatesJohnsonIs 132,356;.T. Heare;the numbersecretary,of Flond D. C. H. Fred W. attempt go "You think," she said, contemptuously. rushed a deserte house, holding his K nights TemplAr In the world is 139,184. Brooks, Beatty, hrough a drill or Inspection without know- "that it is for the sake of a yellowish haze of illumination. ed In his hand. It T has been a Behrens, Walter A. Brown, H. Clay Brown- ng what to do. Better by far would it to Maurice Raith, great Camisard bere gain during the year of B. Cramer. H. C. Geo. your beaux yeux. my friend, that I have was night, when a certain slackness of dis- 5, D89. The proportion of Knights Templar ing, Harry Espey, )e to abandon all public exhibitions than to Not at all! I am and the under of- to Master Masons W. Evans, J. D. Frasee. Jesse F. Grant. :o make ourselves the stock for brought this pass. cipline was permissible, in the United States is Edward B. S. Porter Samuel laughing married to a man who is worth a dozen of ficers had most of them gone off to see the o1ie to 6.64; the proportion of Knights Tem- Hay, House, rear,hose whoSince arethe expertsdays of Williamin such Renshawmatters. But because I would save p] ar to Hart, Wn. S. Knox, Ralph W. Lee, E S. Whether a person be skilled in drill and you any day. a forms of blue and scarlet and gold. The sight down at the great pavilion. Royal Arch Masons in the United P. Thos. H. McKee. this girl from death-and worse-because I The shout of the single, startled, sleepy 81 ates is In the ratio of one to 1.82. It is Marlow, Thos. Morgan, jothingnilitary newmaneuvershas beenoraddednot, toa thefailuregame.to would save her father-a good man accord- private left in charge was followed by his al i interesting fact the commanderies of Wm. F. RobgrtsJ. Henry Small. Jr., Miles Irill well or to present a good appearance ing to his lights and his thoughts (which instant flight. ti te District of Columbia lead all th6se of R. Speare. Chas. E. Wood. Thos. B. Walker, Probablyipon inspection-the all-roundIs noticeablestandardby thehasmerestim- are not mine), and because I desire to save Whereupon (as was ltiown afterward) the ti te United States In average of member- Edward W. Zea. :yro. The .commanderies should be en- all this people of the Crevennes from a very quietly. madman helped himsdif liberally to arms s kip. The average here Is 299. Next In or- Ticket committee-Harrison Dingman, rouraged to do their best in everything bloody and desolating war to the death." and ammunition. The *eight made him the do r in this respect come the following chairman; Harry Standiford, vice chair- manyhat pertainsyears pasttoat-alltheir theritualbig tournamentsand regula- Then she turned toward Flower-o'-the- easier to come up dih for barefoot, on his gi -and commanderies: Massachusetts and man; Wm. J. Acker, H. 0. , Harry Ions including the number and appear- Corn. said Yvette, laughing. "You will find yoi native Larzac antl carrying no weight, -Rhode Island, 290; Connecticut,- 250; New E. Chaffin, Wm. E. Dennison, John A. El- LnOe of those who attend conclaves in "Frances Wellwood. will you come with ir lys everywhere, splashed in gold on creamy hardly a wolf dojg gd ild have turned him. Y Drk, 212; New Hampshire, 208; Maine. linger, Win. H. Ernest, S. Frank Field, Roe iniform. the manner of opening and clos- ine. who alone have- gone out of my way to And Indeed It Is n6* one'so sure that ei- It 0; Pennsylvania, 175; Ohio, 161; Vermont, Fulkerson, Louis Goldsmith. Wm. M. Ged- ng. rendition of the ritual, etc. a- white. 'lhe trumpets sang out yet louder. S. Fred Hohn. Samuel B. Frank a save from death and dishonor both you and "THEN I, MARTIN H AVE SHED cape was the man'spur'pose. 5; Michigan, 133 des, Hege, that"Therein aisgamesuggestionas comparativelyIn some qnartersnew as those I thought dear to you? .Or do you FOY, IlNOCENT BLOOD." H. Hosford, A. C. Jenkins, Wm. H. Jer- hat an effort will be made to have the desire to hear a certain crackling detona- It was in the plain midst of the limestone The Knights Templar burial service now mane, Harry A. Johnson, Carter B. Keene, grand encampment require all candidates - Andrew W. Walter H. .or tion tomorrow morning, and a few min- but not so much as a scrap of writing cox r- thereYvettea tolongbe themomentloveliest.and fellEvenagainthe tobride-his -desert of tlhe largest Causse in France that iV use was submitted in 1858 by Sir Knight Kelley. Klopper, the orders of Knighthood to have re- utes afterward to see the agreeable carcass !ealed about his rags. side. Yvette would have given half of her they hemmed him In-or, rather, perhaps, K illian H. Van Rensellaer of Zanesville, John A. Lacy, Jesse B. K. Lee. Win. E. eived the degrees of Royal and Select of this young man carried past to the Being released, Eilly Marshall laughe d kingdom to hive made sure what it was that Martin Foy kneeled down, looked over 0 bio. As heretofore stated the Ohio Sir Luckett, Edward M. Mix. Geo. L. Merts, &asters in the council. The movement is Protestant cemetery of Millau?" but-I,n theirwishfaces.it were overheandwoulddone accepti'ith." --a thatgroom,passedwith-betweenthe marshalthem. Buton hisshe right,knew his two muskets, and laid out his ammuni- K nights are now proposing a revision. It Thos. R. Marshall, Frank 0. McNew, B. F. lot very ~strong as yet, but a little cloud Yes, H. W. a his nails his own _. that this Marshall was not A man tion ready to his hand. be before the Grand McCaully, John Olcott. S. Olive. kot larger than man's hand is making Maurice gripped finger into hiorse and set forward, but at his pac Billy to ill brought Encamp- E. G. ta palms, and only the knowledge that a call ge was but he was well awai e trifle with, standing there free, his weap- He laughed In gurgling murmurs, chuck- V ent at San Francisco next year. The Oscar J. Ricketts, Schafer, Alex. appearance just above the horison. and stances whocoming,has wished as much!" i- The two parties moved fora-ard to meet as made his W. Thomas. Jas. A. Tanner. io one can tell now from Yvette would bring up the soldiers that nothing could be done without hir j. ons ready to his finger grip and no other ling to himself he prepara- cl ianges are excellent. It Is regarded as Scott, H. Ed- just into what It may of the marshal prevented his upon villanious map within calling distance, to coerce him. tions. c4 rtain that the service will be gar Warfield, Jr.. G. Taylor Wade, A. G. levelop." springing 3o, he explained in French, liI :e he present W&. H. Yerkes, Jr. the girl and clasping that fair white throat the man whom the crowd had come to s So she had to be content with promising "Now," said, smiling triumphantly. cltanged In some important particulatf White, once and for all in a grip of steel. herself that he should be made to "let them come. It Is a fair challenge. I ' be new ritual eliminates a few Fireworks committee-Wm. C. Long, At Its regular session last Tuesday oven- hanged, he could afford to take his time. speak- will theirs proposed Cochran. Robert National of Honor. re- Then Flower-o'-the-Corn turned her about will be without a doubt! afterward. It did not strike her that It try my marksmanship against congruous or harsh expressions In the chairman; Eugene Cook, ng Lodge. Knights and all the died "Hanged you be somewhat too late-afterward. as soon as the light comes." E. H. DanieL 0. B. George, Charles Jacob- nine. After the business meeting a to Maurice, anger sharply cried the exasperated sergeant of the RE 4 might 0 * S* * C e * e rvice and strikes out all reference tb the reved out of his The music ceased. There was that wait- son, Sidney R. Jacobs, Jacobus S. Jones, G. moker was held and speeches were made eyes. House. who had been sent as an escort 1 ir0 the hand of Flower-o'-the-Coru in that of At last out of the cloud slid the moon. h story of the order. In the present ritual Vernon Knox. Edward several members of the or" "Dearest," she said, smiling at him e ing hush which is often more trying to the e "solemn and cere- A. Kneessi. G. Kolb, )y prominent bring him in. "When you get there ti The madman was kneeling on one knee, his expression interesting C. C. M. Loeffler. Charles B. Ler. Refreshments followed. through a mist of tears. "do your part- marshal will be in a temper to skin yc u nerves than the wildest excitement that "n onies" is used. "Interesting" Is regarded Long, Chiarles soon Mine will be distinctive and musket to his shoulder. Not in vain had Matthews, E. C. Peach, Frank A. Sebring, yours Is done. longer In alive and eat you without salt!" peculiar silnce that tells the best shot the b rmany Templars as hardly fitting when the but I will do it! She-(Frances that a great multitude is waiting for our he been accounted among to a burial service. A. C. Steinbreuner. George H. Spransy, Lem doing, "Set a marshal to catch a Marshall!" sa, d men of the Larzac. a company of fighters al )plied in Titles. pointed with open contempt to where "I that a appearance. The orator knows it In the Towers, Clarence Weaver. Speculating Billy oracularly, jaloose gypsy and hunters, all mighty before the Lord. Committee on comfort and order- Yvette stood, smiling her Ironic smile) she to come out well ahead of the be If last'With minutesher bridegroom,before hele facesn-Yvette,his audience.upon Sir Henry R. Ingersoll of Tennessee, an general From Collier's. likely The murderer knows It as his last toilet is "Ah-there! There! Do you see him? George A. Von Dahenhausen, chairman; A. speaks part of the truth. I do this for Frenchman that ever drew the breath i There!" ninent Knight Templar, pays the follow- Over-speculation in the title market 3 our sake, because I love you. How much- Lfe!" being made In those slow minutes before he im g chivalric tribute to the of E. Burklln, vice chairman; Edward L. emerges on that silhouette of dark Indeed every man of them saw him clear Knights Brice, Charles S. Hyer, Wm. L. W. seems to be waning, like over-speculation only a true woman can know-not a woman grim in the chill moonlight of the Larzac, gray C 3lumbus: Hughes, like her--" beams. tribute ever L. Ashby, Wm. F. Bowen. C. H. Blumer, n Wall street. The Thaw-Yarmouth mar- The of the But none of and frost-tempered with the altitude. "No higher was paid to our F. Frank C. Here Yvette caught herself up from hasty upper part great militai y these could be more trying oi to its fraternity, its and George Brown. Jlerens, Win. L. was a useful object lesson, like the pavilion had been a 4d than that hush to the nerves of Flower-o'- But the also saw his hunters, and 1der, secrecy -age speech with a rapid intake of breath. cleared, table covern it;a lofty Christian purpose and usefulness Conley, John J. Crawford. R. H. Fatt, Win. securities. The She went on without giving him time to wit.h a rich purple velvet cloth, brought, the-Corn. True, there was Mauriee's letter. with a sigh Sergt. Peyrat of the Malson B. Hardy, Walter R. Hill, F. H. Hohoff, hlorgan undigested press, under the Rouge rolled over and lay stIll-very still- ti an the establishment and growth of the :he public and the brother of the Pitts- answer. strictly rose, from the sacristy f She could also feel between her finzers a C;atholic Knights of Columbus within the Charles S. Woodin, Edward E. Jones, Chas. I shall not see Our Lady of Milan by the complaisant cui fine powder, carefully folded, attached ac- with a bitten bullet in his side. W. King, Jr., Hubert G. MeLean, Frederick bride showed a tendency to examine "Good-bye, beloved! you and in her hair,nestled among the weight-e "One!" said Martin Foy. "No, two!" he ci immunion of thp Roman Church and with urg again. You shall go far away, but you will doyen. The thing would please the marqul s, cording to agreement to the interior page of its Sillers, Oscar G. Vogt, Win. A. Voldkman, he real nature of the aristocratic stock I and, what would you, a little holy wat of the letter. After one briefest glance she corrected himself, not without a certnin tI he expressed approval hierarchy. Melvin A. Werts. niot forget me. No. not ever. Though ~r as the shine on Its secrets, of course, we may never know, Uisposed of in the American market. am wedded to another, till the day, the and a dash of incense would fumigate at y thrust the whole back into her bosom. She glee, he marked moonlight Mount Horeb Royai Arch Chapter, R. A. lurking Protestantism out of the tissues breathed a long sigh. The ced flushed up the blade of his knife. b1 at it Is a secret fraternal order, and like hid a large attendance at the The general decision was that the earl imarvelously glad day when I am taken. if All the time, up the sides of the Larnac, us supports the Christian religion and M., conferring And God, who orders all things, will know velvetGod hasandmade.gold. Flower-o'-the-Corn was a again Into her cheek. Her eyes brightened. ci SIt of the Royal Arch degree last night. was listed too high. He might be worth This thrown over a plain deal table mai e No. he had not deceived her. All was well. by the narrow defiles of the Dourbie, men iltivates fraternity among its members. A Masonic visitor of distinction who has better than any. He will not be angry that were men, brave boasts already a membership something, but he was not worth the price I think of you, that I continue to love you. thein white,altar beforewithoutwhichcolor,Flower-o--he-Coisave a. couple n But Yvette was not by any means so well climbing-adventurous It greater lately visited Washington Masons is Ernest Jean Cavalier were to kneel. satisfied. There was men, all eager to shed the blood of the i ian ours, and they are proud of their new Richard Peacock of the Grand or which he was offered-a. pretty Amern- For in the soul and spirit. l' shall be your and Patric kc something behind- murderer of their chieftain's wife. In some features it Lodge of wife, and keep all that is eternal of me. all Wellwood had already taken up his positic n something from which she. Who had plan- pi ivilege. important Victoria, Australia. His title In the frater- an girl with a generous Income of her behind tall, spare, his white hair all, was somehow In an hour they had formed a circle al- ciLnnot hope to vie with Templary. It Is a is the wn. The title was good, the prouspects that is immortal, all that does not go back it, fallir> gned shut or:c. WVell, It some the scanty nity very worshipful president of tile' to reverently over his black Genevan did not matter. Tomorrow she (that Is, most complete, lying on. single order with no such formation as board of general purposes. or a still higher title were excellent, but the worm and the sod, virgin for you- gowa juniper, crawling over the dwarf heath, oa irs. Its candidates are not a select body he other part of the property, the bride- yes, for you alone, my love and my life!" Fiower-o'-the-Corn, with a sad particular others for her) would make Billy Marshall abroad the lavender and sage The annual report of the Grand Coin- As she spoke she had clasped him about ty,skin.hadHerspentripe-wheatthe lasthair,dayswhichmendinghad gvitI espeak. And at any rate Flower--o'-the-Corn spread upon oj men who have been often tried and mandery's committee on foreign corre- room himself, was put down by the ex- rents and holes in it. would be married as firmly as half a sprawling, clinging, gliding and sliding ni iver denied. They are all of identical iminers at a low figure. Still, If she con- the neck with both hands, oblivious even ilozein hither and thither like lizards on bot rocks, ri spondence literally bristles with Templar to the of Yvette and of her smile, Brilliant and distinguished the officials and the ministers of two religions ligious opinions, members of the same information. It was prepared by Eminent lucts her Investment with executive skill. presence compan: all for the death of one man-a man ci Ifiss Thaw may come out with a balance whieh. indeed, had become less pronounced beyondternately,the likewonthoneyof evenin thethe ceinbheadquarteierr could do It. eager iurch. But they will be better men, better Sir George H. Walker (the present grand a marshal of Also she would be avenged upon MaurIce who asked no better than to dlie. While eliurchmen, better citizens, doubtless, for n the side of the ledger. All she andl ironical. goldof in the bar,France,as yeuadrawnmy meaby thesecuriosit:e there, out on the open waste, knclt Martin master of Masons), and bears -many evi- right Flower-'-the-Corn looked up at Maurice as well as by a desire to witness the ma: Raith, who was fool enough not to know tlieir fraternal association, and we wish dences of the painstaking and arduous useds to do is to reorganise her husband. loading it from anisth =meoae at i when he might have been well off. Love him Foy, a figure of fear, hatless, his long gray ti pleasure and profit In the new order, and her eyes were deep wells of love and riage of so distinguished a Camisard (no hair clotted with sweat and blood, his iem work of that officer. Among the, most in- Lnd almost any wideawake Pittsburg faith. ralliedquays oftoCarthagema.the service of the king). -no, of course not' But, all the same, had alad the service at will require for humani- teresting features of the report are those elress is capable of that. accorc he not kissed his free clothing mere rags and tatters, his white t "Kiss me-my husband!" she said. ing to the rite of the Protestant Church. her-of "wn' will? teeth in the like thcse giving the comments ipade by the corre- She probably likes the earl. A man's A part of the pavilion had been curtaini Well, then, he must pay. Aiready she had showing moonlighit The same gentleman speaking of the an- spondents of other Jurisdictions on the Dis- ittention is attracted to a woman because hina pay! She thought of him of a trapped wolf, now singing by snatches .tal Ascension day service by District off, making an entrance to a smalle rmade writing his Camisard now yellng in the,, trict of Columbia. The report covers one she has violet eyes or a delicate profile. CHAPTER XTJV. marquee, and there rthat letter on the deck of thatt British ship, psalms, amplars sayrs: grand Jurisdiction for 1901, thirty-six for Lnd after a while be loves her for a hun- frot of the-pyio-esFlower-o'-the-Corn, waI and laughed. She had not done with mere joy of madness and the lust of blood. "Our Columbian- fraters are a Good Cathdlics. waiting, with an actual Impatience, tha Mons. Of all that were out the face of the setting 1902 and three for 1908. Ired other reasons. A girl's attention is which, to Maurice Raith. Oh, yes-she, Yvette Foy, upon orthy example to Templars throughout on a because he is Down on the broad swards by the Tarn according promise, was to con Larsac that night he alone made no con- The foreign correspondence committee of ocused youth called ehad a long arm. dis- t ie land by their regular and appropriate in comnmenting on a decision of ..ord Something, and her interest is grad- Side was the stir and bustle of preparation. bide age bsui in little procession entered the great cealment. He sought no shelter. He Alabama, dThe about dained alike and juniper clump. Past Grand Commnander Gibeon of this dis- To the left were the royal regiments, foot .pavilion midway i~s length. On on the fear 0rt touching supension for non-payment Ieither side, with a clear fairw,-.y in the cen- A grim black figure out waste, trict, of the Red House of the This impatience, however, was not of tl he were compelling, the moon shedding a of dues, says: "It seems to us that a by,- girl who puts her money into a mediocre grenadiers King. ter, assembled the massed guests of spent law that at the end of nobleman her affairs with To the on the wider was hthe Marquis and Marquise de misty aureole about him, loading and firing suspends one year 'oreign manages right, straths, r MontreveL. the and Ascalon Temple, No. 81, Drauiiatic Order conflicts with the statutes of the Grand a Opposite was the door through which at as fast as he could send powder the of Khorassan, has elected the Local Levies. moment, and followed with no little cur - the shot down the barrel, yelling in unison with 0I Knights Encampment, in that it inflicts a greater Between these and Dity the d*'ection of Frances Wellwood bride's coming the marsha himself ie following officers: Venerable shiek, punishment at the end of one year. And encampments, apart 8 would lead in the bridegroom. the ring of his ramrod-that was Martint W. Warner from both, were the recruited and Rlances. the -mad Camisard, fighting his last. sorge Heisley; royal yvier, J. a punishent that includes the penalties recently Through the curtain which The time was come. Even the heart of Foy, C for Tennis still far from dependable regiments of Jean separated the fight-the knife, with his daughter's blood provided .only non-payment of dues at Lawn Monotony. trumpets and fies rang Cut. The curtain yet red on the haft,. displayed on the pal- the end of two years. We have a feeling Prom the Lome== 'Tater. (Cavalier. It was among these last that the he lid limestone before -him. that the frater would 'hafe a good case in "They are was lifted by .a cord from within. A haze Lawn tennis is losing in popularity every stir was most pronounced. And when a lighting up," said Yvette. of glorious light fronted them, uni- And thus the man. was bunted-a thou- any court i the Iand." The committee on haughty stalking sergeant of the Royal had not thought it was so dark. I wish U1 'I flashung sand against one, corepndence of California, commenting gypsy would come! It is Infinitely And as and fired, on some observations by Mr. Walker on House met a private of the new corps with -anno, r-massed standards of a score of reginients, Martini W'I~dloaded the hangings of the ef the and as this one aflgthet other. Capt. Toy- solicitation of candidate, for the Templar the gloss yet on his buttons he inquired "I wish so, too!". said Flower-o'-the-.Cor state 'pavillons rat and young and Mon- orders, says: "We don't believe in soliciting 3, great Maison Rouge.. barriered pikes In .Tsi d'Banvile, In the last fifteen years, but for what was the mighty pother In the en- banks and chevaux-de-frise crossed tro- sieur. Becket hagf-slover with the companions to join this or that comman- proved "You have changed your mind, then groan of the between the dery. Of course, It is of little importance, campments of the psalm singers. phies of swords, silken tassels, 'the fleur de bu1Imlcieased has seen the same and the "Our commander is to be married today, to- except in cities where the jueisdtetion is ne players Camisard a better and. more faithful ills, and die- 'it a light thing The absence a rule in such me style of play. It is absurd to suppose and by the king's own orders!"' said the band. I trow, than officer hu concurrent. et man interrogated, as soon as he was as- any of my Los 1d All eyes were upon them. Smiling Yvette the Marshal de M~lttveL.- jurisdictions often leoas to *uouiting' that sured that no insult was intended-ddn Marlborough's staff!" led in the bride. Meet of the judged And at that. mopmtb9 ine come up may as well be called trdnand should n tennis finality has been reached and "I have not changed my mind," said F101 meen i dead in other be Past Grn Comandae hat every possibe stroke has been ex- immediately, "to the best, the most beauti- er-o'-the-Corn, "as you breathless.,aigf .discoraed.' fuil and most accomplished girl in the know very well care to he made iAthe old, soldier,- do Glibson js caikd to account by the fraternal world." thought so. Montrevel, his-al vengeance bright "You are not the first -in your in his hand, :n edX In the great tent in the hollow the cere- circuz e the mony was to be begun. Afterward, to each other In that central aisle that had And he saw his g.-blaec against "I aim the first in my circumstance. ," been kept open. The moved imained mist, leIgand firing, -'With please the king, they were to repair to the said Frances Wellwood, marquis back and the hus- church with the cure Milau quietly. "And I a step. Yvette, with her own smile, expres- laughter siag1.S.being aiong dayen of hope the last also!" sive of the perfection of' triumph, placed and of the wlhsan. andI earing and the civil authorities of the High "But." she said to herself, under h naught for the daet~3that sprang toward Cevennes, and first (to the wonder of all) breath, "God, who knows all, will forgive "~ Jean Cavalier. every one that aduws be shouted, "Fol- they were to be united according to the There was low me! I .am .do the true Calvinist and of a silence within as the mar- Baume, ritual, by the father There was a noise without. Over all arol riage party moved up the aisle, Frncs husband of her*l mnuwderer.lei" -ELG.r.- the bride. the keen, far-reaching hillnn' ha And Ilkd a. -he rushed foll- Maurice Raith was up and over the fron- Coo-ee, half yodel of the shout, the arm of her husband, radiant at the single 'o .there oi' the fiat tier six good days ago, and every moment "He has come!" cried Cevenol. inth rarof glancher grayness of the 9~Martin till that morning his messenger Yvette, sudden the train bea~rrthe Fey had a loade( t ad n had beeqi alert and radiant, "at last!" She was a f expected. But apparently Bily the gypsf in red, like a maple leaf turned sudden reached the altar, eovered simply with Its the Marshal doe was clearblk was rnow really en his way, hot foot from to a flower by one night of autumn from purple cloth, and upon It the great ridged against the shoon aa.be een toWrd him.. Aigues Mortes, whither he had come by cross of gold, Patrick Wellwood, in his The madman could ljav:sht hai dead, as ship from Barcelona, with a letter from black braids, was a single blossom of. ti 7 Genevan gown and the book of God in his Maurice Raith, dated on board her majes- pomegranate, the most gorgeous Shand, moved behind It to receivelr them.i h ty's ship the Royal announcing his scarn Then as he .lifted up .his n Heha doeb tasta safe arrival and receptionDane, by the officers. first solemin benediction of hsreligion the So at least the news went. spots the of a Camisad chant came from Wthiet, weird, sime Eoris which burmi digelike, prescient It was the hour for the sacrifice, and steadily on her .cheeks, high up, where iU fi9tful.Cthan' of marriage rather of death Yvetto, who had schemed and worked so heart's blood,-leaps up under the Ene- fir happinsu: Buthehadhert 11ME A n keenly to bring this had' fer one moment a spaim of ,but,remorse when she the girl her seame, rippled and . 3ii& Base acos hiIec~ looked upon the resigned countenance anonorkigil of Flower-o'-the-Cor.,pals, "For heavens sahe let that w~~dh And because there was still a barrier to t- be removed Yvettb watched more and more il so myrself and .ei it.~ nervously for the of Billy Yes, Billy MarshaRl had coeat last. e as the hour of thecongiwedding drew near.MarshanlNo was In waitig unshaens~ nshe-,1 _____sidid bride ever was eager. Yvette it was w fse" 1th I hya4w aw~ pacent 5- who had orderedmore,and to the arrange- all this eIender lb gan ' .- ment of the men a, who had providedmarrisaeam of c . tMaintitude dm not go to the altar fI* h eg