Open letter about global political, monetary and financial manipulation – from the perspective of one judge

To: Organization of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, The WorldBank, TheWorld Health Organization, adhesive, judicial and executive organs, and citizens of all countries of the World

„Look at us. It's all twisted up, it's all upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy law, schools destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the mainstream media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality.“

Michael Ellner, American writer (1949 – 2018)


Article 19. General Declaration of Human Rights

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.



The immediate cause of this address to the professional, media and general public is the situation regarding the pandemic caused by the alleged Covid-19 disease.

The pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization back in March this year, but it reportedly continues for more than eight months, and which is even worse, the indications and announcements are being louder that its duration could be extended for at least two, three or more years.

Since the beginning of the declaration of this pandemic, many scientists and experts from medical, legal and other professions have emerged, which have cast doubt not only on the existence of the pandemic, but also all, or certain measures, recommendations and activities that have come from the World Health Organization, as well as from the competent state bodies and their professional bodies ( so called "crisis headquarters"). 2

These numerous and increasingly powerful voices present an abundance of professional, serious and logical arguments, many of which are based on professional, scientific and other studies, research and observations, claiming that the measures taken so far, which are orchestrated around the world in connection with this pandemic, severely damage the mental and physical health of the entire population, especially children, the elderly and sick people, and that all people are unjustifiably, disproportionately and even unreasonably, deprived, restricted or denied some of the most important human rights.

Therefore, it is strange that the appeals of these numerous experts are persistently ignored and neglected not only by official professional bodies and other state bodies in almost all countries of the world, but, even more strangely, by almost all global and local media.

Intolerance to their criticism and opinions is present not only in television, news and other social media, but also on the Internet, video channels and all social networks.

This unwarranted, unreasonable and orchestrated boycott could be one of the reasons why current events could serve as a strong reason for the scientific, professional and wider public in all countries to finally pay much greater attention to the most controversial issues and problems concerning the existence of the world pandemic.

Even more importantly, it seems the need to finally review the increasingly vocal claims and writings of a multitude of individuals and groups who, rather argumentatively, claim that current and future developments regarding this virus are planned in advanced by a small group of individuals and conducted through influential individuals in the World Health Organization, state and international bodies and organizations, and that all this is happening as a part of a secret combat against all of humanity.

Based on the current world events and certain facts, as well as the data and information to be presented below, it seems that Ilenro's claims of the upside of the present World could be confirmed in all its bitter veracity.

And what's worse, it seems that analysis of some significant events over the last 100 years or so suggests the possibility that, behind the terrible upside and degeneration of almost all knowledge and social values, there is a small group of financial oligarchs who organized the largest criminal organization in the world; which includes the owners and managers of the largest banks and other financial organizations and institutions, owners and executives of national and international corporations from almost all fields (especially in the field of information and other modern technologies), politicians, scientists, lawyers, 3 doctors, media, governmental and NGOs, and many other individuals which, for some of its main objectives, has:

1. financial destruction of the entire world economy,

2. biological destruction of most of humanity,

3. structural destruction of all national states and

4. organizing one world state, which would be completely under their control, in which the rest of humanity would be transformed into chipping and programming robots.

Observed from the standpoint of deprivation and restriction of some of the most important human rights and freedoms, undertaken in connection with the alleged pandemic of the alleged covid-19 disease, the situation is becoming more serious, dramatic and uncertain by the day, which is why many see it as the worst state terror and the greatest crime against humanity in the entire history of mankind.

Therefore, it seems, it is the right time to initiate broader scientific and professional discussions in all the most important structures that may influence the final positive outcome of these events (legal, political, sociological, medical, media and others).

In order to make the questions concerning human rights clearer and more understandable, the following provides an author's review of several of the most important legal questions that can help answer this scourge.

These are the questions to which, interestingly, neither in theory nor in practice, there still aren't generally accepted answers:

What is law?

What is justice?

What are "positive" and "natural" laws?

How does law apply properly (fairly, justly)?

What is law?

The general notion of law is greatly unknown, because neither in legal theory nor in the philosophy of law, there is a generally acceptable definition of that concept. 4

Although Kant once pointed out that lawyers "are still seeking a definition for their concept of law", it seems that this seeking is still going on (although there seems to be fewer and fewer such seekers).

Nowadays, the general notion of rights is usually defined as a set of all regulations and rules governing various states, relationships and behaviors.

However, this definition is more suited to the definition of the term "legal system" or the term "positive law", but neither is the same as the law.

In addition, such a definition of law is concretised as a set of human rights and other regulations, which, if they are not just cannot constitute a right, but a non- right, i.e. unjust (bad or inappropriate) laws.

From such a definition, the goal of law is also dropped, which is probably the most important feature of the term, by which the right differs from what we might call wrong.

The main goal, and the most important characteristic of rights, is to establish or maintain justice which is why regulations and rules that do not establish and maintain justice, or that establish or sustain injustice, cannot be considered a law.

Therefore, the general notion should be tied to the general notion of justice, and thus the law could be defined as an instruction, the instruction that individuals and groups are referred to, directed and guided towards socially acceptable acts and behaviours, i.e. behaviour that establishes or maintains justice.

According to this definition, law represents a specific type of knowledge, i. e. knowledge about establishing, maintaining in the functioning of justice, which teaches knowledge to individuals and groups in a society about action and behavior that respects the rights of other individuals and groups.

Therefore, in short, the general notion of entitlement could be presented as a manual for the conduct of justice.

In this way, the adoption of laws and other regulations could be seen as an attempt by the legislative authorities, to extract, revive and concretise those rules that best explain and point to fair action and behaviour in a particular society from the abstract and ideal source of law.

Since people do not have absolute knowledge of everything necessary to prescribe a law that properly regulates certain rights, the quality of the law determines the general level of knowledge of the law and justice that currently exists in those who make laws. 5

If the right is such that it really encourages and enables just action and behaviour, which for individuals and society produces good and desirable consequences, then it is a true, natural or divine law, or something that is close to that.

What is justice?

Here we come to a new and even bigger problem, since the general notion of justice is even more complex and abstract than the notion of laws, which makes defining justice an even more difficult and complex job than defining laws.

Justice is an activity (action , act or behavior) that in certain social situations is given, permitted or approved to members of society by certain regulations and rules, and by which activity in social relations they establish or maintain order, peace and harmony, and thus happiness and satisfaction.

Unlike law, which is essentially passive and in itself an inactive principle (rule, instruction, norm), justice is always active and acting, and operates by applying the abstract law to concrete situations and relationships.

In the legal area, this type of action is conducted through judicial, but also through legislative and executive bodies, although it exists in other social areas, which are not regulated by specific laws, such as friendly, fun, sports and other relations.

Thus, justice could, to put it simply, be defined as an activity that applies law, and by which social relations establish or maintain their order, peace and harmony, i. e. happiness and satisfaction.

In this case, law would be the most important tool for the fair action of all (individuals, groups, state and international organs and organisations).

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato felt that every man was born with a more or less refined sense of justice (which preserves, protects and develops what we most often call conscience), which could be the reason why, the vast majority of members of a society, mostly agree in assessing some action (judicial, legislative, executive or other) as just or unjust.

What are the "positive" and "natural" laws and how to differentiate the law from the non-law?

This is where we get to the essence of the problem that stands at the heart of a valid interpretation of law and justice.

Namely, for a long time, from the ancient Greek philosophers, until the beginning of the 19th century, the law was seen as an ideal, divine or natural creation, which is why it, as such, was not equated with human laws, which were considered to be 6 imperfect and subjective, that is, to depend on who brings them, and that they can often be unjust.

Nowadays, such a view of the so-called divine law is most often known as the „natural law“.

However, at the beginning of the 19th century, influenced by the most influential lawyers at the time (among whom Hans Kelsenis was considered as the most prominent) the understanding of laws prevailed as a "positive law",i.e.a set of applicable laws in a legal system.

Under positive law, courts do not have any ability to deviate from the application of the law, regardless of its apparent unfairness and harmful consequences in the form of violations of basic human rights and freedoms.

Certain laws during the Period of Nazi Germany completely exposed all possible potentials of mality, criminality, and even the possible genocidal concept of "positive law", which is why this idea in interpreting laws, by adopting the European Convention on Human Rights, ceased to be the ruling legal concept in most European countries.

If law and justice are defined and viewed in the way described here, then the law encourages and enables fair action and behaviour, which for individuals and society produces good and desirable consequences.

People can only rise to such knowledge by gaining true insight into the highest knowledge , i.e. knowledge of what we call Nature, World, Reality, Consciousness, Self, etc., which can be determined as God in the shortest word or as the Unity of All That Is.

Such a law teaches people to behave in a way that builds order, peace and harmony for them and others, which further results in individual and social happiness.

Such a law is not violent and does not impose any penalties or sanctions for unjust behavior, but teaches people knowledge of righteous behavior, by which they will for themselves and others gain desirable and acceptable consequences - good health, long and pleasant life, enjoyment, joy, happiness, ..., and, perhaps, the highest happiness and well-being (paradise), whether during this life, or after what we call death, or in some future life ..., and that due to unjust behavior they will be affected by illness, short and difficult life, suffering, sadness, depression, accident ,... and that perhaps, in the course of this life, or after what we call death, or in some future life, they will encounter even greater affliction, suffering and woe (hell). 7

Such knowledge teaches people that their righteous and unjust behavior is governed by the highest consciousness, conscience,God.

This knowledge goes far beyond the existing "scientific" notion of the world as accidentally created, unsettled and haotic universe and man created by the accidental evolution of inanimate matter, whose ancestors are human-like apes.

In communities where people are able to achieve this highest spiritual knowledge exist natural order, peace, harmony, understanding, love and happiness rule.

Such an idea of law in today's civilisation has not yet come to life, even though it existed in ancient Veda (translated into Manu's Law), when there was also a true knowledge of the true nature and essential unity of the world and the highest Jastva (God, Absulut, The Creator, ...).

In contrast, in communities where such knowledge is prevented or disabled (usually through educational and similar institutions), unnatural disorders, riots, hatred, conflicts, wars, and afflictions.

How does law apply properly (fairly, justly)?

According to the highest international and national regulations, there is a very important backstop and supreme legal principle, which protects people from unjust laws and other unjust actions, when they are threatened with the most important (natural) rights, such as the right to life, health, freedom, property, etc.

This very complex legal principle is commonly referred to as the right to a fair trial, but it seems that in case law it is still not sufficiently affirmative, because it is, and occasionally, violated by even some of the highest national courts, which is why its brief clarification will be made here.

This principle guarantees a whole set of other, less important rights and principles (such as: The right to access court; The right to process equality of arms, the right to tribunal established by law, the right to independence and impartiality in the trial, etc.).

In the practice of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, as with many of the highest national courts, this principle is interpreted in a way that the application of any law must satisfy the principle of fair proportion (balance, proportionality) between the general or public interest on the one hand, and individual (or group) interests on the other.

The essence of this principle, therefore, is in symbolic weighing (hence the scale, as a symbol of fairness in illustrations depicting the Goddess of Justice) potential general benefits and potential general, group or individual damages, which, in 8 some particular case, may arise by the use of a specific law or on a law based on measures.

Therefore, any specific law, or a law-based measure, can only be applied if it is assessed that their application brings more potential general benefits from potential general, group or individual damage, because only such a law, or such measure, can be considered just and allowed to be applied, which is especially important for assessing the fairness of laws and measures that have been enacted or are adopted in connection with the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

As it will be seen in the Open Letter II, this most important legal principle is, on the occasion of this alleged pandemic, in most countries in the world violated so grossly and unreasonably, that it is simply implausable that such a thing could have happened nowadays.

In order to take a clearer and broader view of the situation in relation to this alleged pandemic, it is necessary to pre-address the issue to be addressed by this Open Letter I.

It is an issue that, in neither scientific, professional and other public circles and gatherings, is almost mentioned, or persistently with silenced and ignored, although it is perhaps the most important issue for all individuals and nations in the whole world:

Is global conspiracy belittled by its labeling as a conspiracy theory?

Although this important topic, so well hidden from the eyes of the media and the general public, has been discussed, many individuals and even two presidents of the United States of America - John Kennedy and Donald Trump (who labels the conspiracy as a "deep state"), it is still persistently avoided today not only in profession and teaching, but even in the most important media.

According to many sources, there are very serious facts and data that prove very persuasively that such a conspiracy not only exists, but also that it has been operating quite successfully for more than 150 years (according to some and much longer), and that the conspirators achieved many of their more important goals, to a greater or lesser extent, as early as the end of the 20th century.

It is therefore strange that the generality of this issue in the legal and other professions, the media and much of the public is still (though less and less) ignored and underrated, and even belittled and ridiculed by its labeling as a "conspiracy theory" (a term that, precisely for this purpose, was conceived and circulated by people who accuse themselves of participating in such a conspiracy). 9

This kind of behavior, especially in the legal (particularly prosecutorial) profession, could be compared to a situation in which a very concrete accusation - in which serious evidence is presented about the existence of a criminal organization - an organized crime group, which wants to cause the deaths of billions of people- is rejected in advance without any questioning, with a rationale that boils down to just one "argument": it is a "conspiracy theory".

In this and the other two letters (one relating to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic and the other to vaccinations), certain information, facts, data and evidence will be presented to the professional and general public, or by no means known, and which, for themselves, or in relation to others, might indicate that humanity really has a very dangerous and invisible enemy for an adversary, but not in the form of the SARS-COV-2 virus, or one of its mutated relatives, but in the form of a small group of people, who spend their secret genocidal plans controlled by the biggest banking, technological, media and other national and international corporations.

If it were found that, even in part, only some of the numerous information contained in this and the other two letters were found to be true, it would indicate the possibility that leading people from the governments of the vast majority of today's countries, with the help of part of the medical, legal, economic and financial and other professions, and the overwhelming support of almost all media, have become or have already become aware or unaware of the global secret organization, which aims not only to destroy the most important human rights (both natural and domestic), but also the creation of a world state and one world government, as well as the biological destruction of most of today's humanity.

Dr. John Colleman - "Conspiracy Hierarchy - Committee 300"

One of the extremely significant individuals who tried to answer the question of whether there is a conspiracy against humanity and who are the conspirators, whose answer seems to be given special attention (because he is perhaps the most complete, honest and clear), is the American Dr. John Colleman, a doctor of historical science and a former senior intelligence officer.

This author states that, as a student, he studied all the secret societies that conspired against humanity at the time, and that, for the sake of disclosure and exposing them, he entered the British secret service OF MI6 and the US CIA, where, as a professional high-ranking officer, he often had access to highly classified documents, which made him try to figure out which force was controlling the British and American governments and which was trying to establish control over all of humanity, so that the number of inhabitants on the planet, in many ways, would be reduced to so called "golden billion."

Colleman collected and elaborated the results of his long-standing field research in the book "Conspiracy Hierarchy – Committee 300",which was first published in 10 the USA in 1992 (which is his first book, after which he wrote a dozen others), in which he presents such facts and evidence in detail and argument that indicates the great possibility of a worldwide conspiracy against humanity.

Colleman also describes the hierarchy of conspirators, their way of working and acting, the way their organizations and institutions work and operate, and gives the names of all the conspirators (who were alive at the moment of publishing his book) and the names of the numerous organizations and institutions they founded, or that they put under their control, or that work for their interests.

Although it was written almost 30 years ago, it is under the impression that this book has lost almost nothing on its actuality and that the events that followed its publication only confirmed the knowledge and conclusions of this author about the plans, objectives and manner of action of the conspirators.

In this book, the author argues that the core of the conspirators is made up of people gathered in an informal institution called, "Committee 300," made up of a group of 300 people, who receive orders to act from an even smaller group of individuals, and who operate through a vast number of informal and formal bodies, organs, organizations, groups, and individuals, spread around the world.

Colleman argues that "Committee 300" has been around for 150 years, and that he took his current form in 1897, but by the time the Tavistock Institute was founded, he had issued all his orders through other institutions, such as britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Nowadays, this conspiracy body has a huge bureaucracy at its disposal, made up of "hundreds of brain trusts and organizations that run a whole range of private companies, and leaders in government circles."

Colleman argues that Committee 300 is under the majority rule of British monarchism- and is made up of " members of a British aristocracy that has business interests and associations in every country in the world, including the USSR" (the book was written before the collapse of the USSR).

From this extremely important book, some of his most important knowledge regarding objectives, plans, and forms and modes of action of certain individuals, organizations and institutions will be presented here, which, according to Collemanin, participate in the most monstrous criminal association and the largest (genocidal) conspiracy against humanity in all human history.

Committee Goals 300

Of the numerous goals of the 300 Committee, which Colleman discovered back in 1969, here we will list only a few: 11

-"limited wars in developed countries and starvation and spread of disease in the Third World countries will cause the deaths of three billion people by 2000", which in connection with the allegations that Committee 300 tasked Cyrus Wens to "write a paper on this topic, i.e. on the best possible way in which such genocide could be carried out" and that the work was written under the title "Global 2000 Report" and that this Report, on behalf of the United States Government, accepted and approved its implementation by then-President Jimmy Carter;

-"weaken the moral basis of the nation and demoralized members of the working class by creating a state of mass unemployment " and "zero post-industrial development", so that demoralized and discouraged workers resort to alcohol and drugs, ... and all with the aim of devaluing and destroying the family, in what sense did the Committee 300, from the Tavistok Institute, commission a project to achieve this goal, and this Institute ordered the Stenford Research Institute to take up the job under the leadership of Professor Vilis Harmon, which resulted in a report that later became known as The Aquarian Conspiracy;

"causea complete collapse of the world economy and thus create a complete political mess";

-"suspending any scientific development, exceptonethat Committee 300 considers useful";

-"give full support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International Court, and as much as possible to reduce the influence of state institutionsuntil they are shut down or brough tunder the auspices of the United Nations";

"penetrate the governments of all states and act subversively from within to destroy the sovereignty and integrity of the countries that these governments represent";

-" organize the world's terrorist apparatus";

-" total destruction of all national identity and national pride";

-'control of each individual person using the means of mind control and what Bžežinski called "technotronics";

"world government - A new world order, with one single church and one monetary system, under their rule."

Committee 300 plans

Colleman also outlines their plans for the situation in this "their" new order, from which some of the most important segments can be extracted: 12

· A state will be unved in which there will be no freedom of the individual or any concept of freedom. There will be no things like republicanism, sovereignty or rights belonging to the people.

· Each person will be fully indoctried, so he believes that the being belonging to the world government- with an identification number that will be clearly indicated on the person in order to be easily accessible, and that information will be in nato'smain computer system database in Brussels - in Belgium, from which each world government agency will be able to obtain data at anymoment.

· Marriage will become prohibited by law and there will be no family life as we know it today.

· Children will be taken away from their parents at an early age and will be raised by institutions as state property. One such experiment was conducted by Erich Honecker in East Germany. The children were taken away from parents who the state deemed ineliguous citizens.

· Pornography will be promoted and mandatory in all theatres and cinemas, including homosexual and lesbian pornography.

· The use of "recreational" drugs will become mandatory and each person will receive a measure of the drug they will be able to buy in world government stores around the world. There will be an expansion of mind-controlled drugs, and its use will be mandatory. It will be fed and/or watered, without or with the knowledge of humans. Drug joints will be opened, operated by world government employees and where the slave layer will be able to spend their free time.

· The economic system will be so regulated that the ruling oligarchy layer will allow only as many productions and services as necessary for the mere functioning of mass slave camps. All wealth will be in the hands of the elite - members of committee 300.

· The industry will be completely destroyed, along with nuclear power systems. Only members of Committee 300 and their elite will be entitled to the country's natural resources. Agriculture will be exclusively in the hands of Committee 300, and food production will be strictly controlled. Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the elderly will become mandatory.

· After housing construction, the car industry, the steel industry and heavy industry are destroyed, housing will become limited, and all types of industries allowed to survive will be under the control of NATO's Roman Club, as well as all institutions 13 for scientific and space research, which will be dealt with only by the elite, under the control of committee 300.

· All central banks, except the International Bank for Calculation and the World Bank, will be banned from operations. Private banks will become prohibited by law.

· Job fees will be paid on a predetemented scale, unique to all countries under the world government. No complaints about salaries will be allowed, nor will deviations from the standard payment scale determined by the world government. Anyone who breaks the law will be killed on the spot.

· Neelita won't have any money in her hands. All transactions will be made by card, which will have its owner's identification number. Any person who in any way violates the rules and provisions of Committee 300 will be suspended, and the duration of the suspension will depend on the type and severity of the offence. When they want to make a purchase, such people will discover that their card is black listed and all types of services will be denied.

· Attempting to sell "old" coins, that is, to sell "old" coins. silver coins of former, abolished states will be considered the most serious crime to punish death. All men will be obliged to hand over coins, rifles, guns, explosives and cars by a certain deadline. Only elites and senior officials of the world government will be entitled to private transportation, weapons, money and cars.

All information services and all news media will be in the hands of the worldgovernment. Regularly, control measures of brain washing will be applied, but in the form of "entertainment"- which in the United States has already been implemented to the extentthat it has been turned into art. Children who will be taken away from "unfit parents", will have special development, specially designed to turn into cruel people. The mole of both sexes will be trained as professional prison guards for the world government's system of forced labor camps.

Methods of work before establishing the planned new order

Before establishing the planned new order, the conspirators, according to Collemanin, will specifically "work to strengthen problems and disputes between opposing groups, such as Arabs and Jews, or among African tribes, and then allow themselves to fight wars against each other to extinction, all under the supervision of NATO and UN watchers."

These wars to extinction will be carved out in Both Central and South America, as well as on "all continents where large groups of people such as The Sik, Pakistani Muslims and Indian Hindus.", with the first "increasing and accelerating their 14 ethnic and religious quarrels, after which bloody conflicts will be enshrined to"resolve" these disputes.

According to Colleman,their plan is that the destruction of the world's population should start with the white race, so that the total number of all the planet's inhabitants is eventually down to onebillion, half of which will be made up of Chinese and Japanese, because "these people have been living in regimes that require a high level of discipline for centuries, so they areaccustomed to obedience without question".

Organizations and institutions participating in a conspiracy against humanity

Tavistok Institute

When it was decided in Committee 300 that the Europu should overseeone podity, then britain's Royal Institute of International Affairs established the TavistockInstitute for this purpose , which is the main creator of the establishment of the NATO military alliance(which colleman says was funded for the first five years by the German Marshall Fund).

Colleman also claims that, by methods devised by the Tavistok Institute, the United States of America was drawn into World War II, And that, after its founding, NATO ordered The British Sasex University to establish a resident brainwashing center, which became part of the British Bureau of Psychological Warfare, while the Tavistok Institute produced most of the detailed programs that led to the establishment of the Navy Secret Service Office (Office of Neval Intelligence, for short ONI) - the number one secret service in the United States, which surpasses the CIA in size and reach.

Colleman points out that the United States government has entered into billions of dollars worth of contracts with the Tavistock Institute, that the planners of this Institute make most of what the Pentagon uses, even nowadays, to defend our system, even to this day, and that this Institute in the US has more than 30 scientific institutions (which he detailed in the chart at the end of the book), some of which have "evolved into giant monsters, which have penetrated all the agencies of our government and taken power in deciding".

According to Collemanat Tavistock, the Institute is owned and controlled by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and under its control is the "EagleStar Group" (which atthe end of WorldWar II changed its name to " GroupofStars"), consisting of the largest international companies whose areas of business overlap and overlap with: 1) insurance, 2) banking, 3) real estate, 4) entertainment, 5) high technology, including cybernetics, electronic communications, etc.

Banks 15

The major banks (which Colleman claims are "accounting houses and launderettesof drug money"are: the Bank of England, the US Central Bank (Federal Reserve Bank), the International Bank of International Settlement (BIS) in Switzerland, the World Bank (The World Bank) and Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank), Bank of America Express (Bank of America). Bank), which is used for "recycling drug money",

Italian Commerciale d'Italia, Dutch Bank (Netherlands bank), Bank of England Barclays (Barclavs Bank), Colombian Bank (Banco del Colombia), Ibero- American Bank (Banco de Ibero-America), Italian Swiss bank (Banca della Svizzera Italiana, BSI), which conducts capital outflow operations in the U.S. and the U.S., and others, with each of these banks connected and/or controlled by "hundreds of thousands of large and small banks around theworld".


As some of the most important companies under the control of Committee 300 Colleman lists: Rank Organization, Xerox Corporation, ITT, IBM, RCA, CBS, NBC, BBC and CBC in communications, Ravtheon, Textron, Bendix, Atlantic Richfield, British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell, Marine Midland Bank, Lehman Brothers, Kuhn Loeb, General Electrics, Westinghouse Corporation, United noting that all three of the most important US television networks at the time were supervised by the UK, that all information marketed to Americans " goestoLondon firstfor approval", and that the secret documentof Tavistok, written by the Stanford Research Institute, known as the Aquarius Conspiracy, was funded by donations from the three television networks, which have representatives on Committee 300 and are related to the vast mass communication

Other institutions and organisations under the authority of Committee 300

Among other institutions and organizations under the authority of committee 300 Colleman lists a multitude of special foundations, interest groups, associations and other forms of organizing (such as: Asian Research Institute - Institute for Asia Research, Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation - Bertran Rasel Peace Foundation, Caribbean-Central American Action Group - Caribbean-Central American Action Group, Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs - Chinese People's Institute for Foreign Affairs, Council of South America - Council e for South America, Endangered People's Society - Society of EndangeredPeoples, International Red Cross - International Red Cross, Christian Association - Christian Association - Christian Youth Association, American Bar Association - American Lawyers Association, etc.)

Among the most important U.S. entities under the control of committee 300 Colleman cites the University of Masačusets Institute of Technology - Faculty of Management Alfred P. Sloan, which operates in the following areas: 16

· modern technology,

· industrial relations,

· Levin's psychology group,

· Laboratories for computer research nasa-erc,

· group of the Navy's Office for Research and Psychology,

· System dynamics.

As some of the service providers from this institution Colleman states:

· American Management Association,

· Committee for Economic Development,

· Institute for Defense Analvsis (IDA),


· National Academv of Sciences,

· U.S. Army,

· The U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs,

· U.S. Navy,

· The U.S. Treasury Department,

· Volkswagen company.

Colleman states as the main Tavistok institutions in the US, which are in charge of brainwashing at all levels, including the Government, military, business world, religious organisations and education:

· Brookings Institution,

·Hudson Institute,

· Institute for Political Studies,

· Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

· Rand Research and Development Corporation, 17

· Stanford Research Institute

· University of Pennsylvania Wharton School.

Colleman goes on to list a whole host of larger committee 300 institutions and organizations operating globally, including:

· Bilderberg group,

· The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,

· Canadian Institute for In Ternational Affairs,

· The Atheist Club,

· The Fourth State of Consciousness Club,

· The Royal Institute for In ternational Affairs, RIIA,

· International Institute for Strategic Studies,

· Watergate Committee,

· Order of Skull and Bones,

· Poor Knights of the Templars,

· Socialist International,

· World Council of Churches,

· Trilateral Commission,

· Universal Freemasonrv,

· Universal Zionism,

· Council on Foreign Affairs, ,

· Warren Commission, etc.

Colleman's scheme of major organizations and institutions working for Committee 300:

Some of the most important Collemanof these observations and conclusions from the book Committee 300 (quotes) 18

"Brzezinski has written a book to be read by every American citizen who is interested in the future of America. The book bears the title The Technotronic Era, commissioned by the Roman Club. This book is an open announcement of the ways and methods that will be applied in controlling the United States of America in the future. He also refers to cloning and "robotoids," i.e. cloning. People who act and look like people, but they're not. Speaking to Committee 300, Brzezinski said the United States is entering "an era that is different from all previous ones; we are heading towards a tehnotron age that could easily become a dictatorship." I covered the book The Tehnotron Era in detail in 1981 and mentioned it repeatedly in its newslettes.

Brzezinski also said that our society is "now in an information revolution that is based on the focus on entertainment and spectacle for viewers (continuous television coverage of sporting events), as opium for the growing aimless masses"."


"Brzezinski constantly mentions the need to control the "masses". In one place, it slipped out:

At the same time, the possibility of social and political control of the individual will increase greatly. It will soon be possible to establish control over all citizens, collect and enter the latest data, which with the usual data will contain the most personal details about each person's health and personal behavior. These databases will have to be currently available to authorities. Power will be in the hands of those who control the information. Our existing institutions will be replaced by pre-crisis management institutions, tasked with identifying possible social crises in advance and developing a programme to address them.

(This explains the structure of the FEMA institution, which was established much later.) This will fuel a penchant for the technotron era, dictatorship, over the next few decades, which will leave even less room for political procedure as we know it today. At the end of the century, the possibility of biochemicalmind control and genetic repair/improvement of humans - including beings that will function ashumans, to think like humans - could lead to some difficult questions" (J. Edgar Hoover stressed). K.).

Brzezinski did not write all this as an ordinary citizen, but as President Carter's national security adviser, as a leading member of the Roman Club and Committee 300, as a member of the Council on Foreign Affairs (CFR) and a member of the old Polish black nobility. His book discusses how America must give up its industrial base and enter what he claims is a "whole new historical age".

... 19

In one chapter of the book, The Technotron Era, the author describes how this technology will lead to strong conflicts that will eroticise social peace and world peace in general. That's funny, but we're already in a lot of tension over surveillance. Lourdes in Cuba is one of the places where that's exactly what's happening. Another such place is NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, where a giant computer is located, code-name "666",which can store all kinds of data Brzezinski mentions and has such a large capacity that it can store data on several billion more people than there are on planet earthtoday - if ever that is achieved. But in light of the genocide of the Global 2000 report, such a large memory will never be needed.

In the United States, such data will be easy to obtain, as the number 666 will simply be added to the Social Security number or driver's license number, allowing control over each person, as announced by Bžežinski and his colleagues on Committee 300."


"Today, when the United States of America has failed spiritually and morally, when our industrial base has been destroyed and 30 million have lost its job, when the big cities look like spooky acclaimed atrocities, when the murder rate is nearly three times higher than in any other country, with 4 million homeless, when corruption of power reaches endemic measures, who will renege on the claim that the United States is ready for internal destruction? ready to fall into the hands of the world government of the new Middle Ages?"


Joseph Stiglic - "IMF's Four Steps to Doom", or how the IMF is destroying national economies

Allegations of global financialdestruction ofnational economies - which are also conducted through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) - havebeen widely reported. IMF), directly confirmed by the world bank's former chief economist and winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics. In 2012, he was a professor of economics at Stanford American University, and a former adviser tothe president's council and Bill Clinton, Dr. Joseph Stiglitz.

This most edgy economist of the 20th century gave an interview that, under the original headline "IMF's Four Steps to Damnation"("IMF's Four Steps to

Damnation"),publishedinthe British magazine The Observer, 29 April 2001. It's the first time i' 20

In this article, Stiglic cites how the tkc. Third world countries are financially and economically destroyed in four simple steps, in a unique pattern:

The economy and personnel situation of the state seeking financial assistance are recorded and analysed in detail, after which the government of the country concerned is handed a typed programme containing four mandatory steps.

Step 1 – privatization

The first thing the victim-country government needs to spend is the corrupt privatisation of large and key state-owned enterprises that bring major revenues to the state.

According to Stiglica, in such a "privatisation" (robbery), individuals from the government receive large commissions for the huge reduction in the value of state assets being privatised.

Step 2 - Liberalisation

The second step follows the enactment of a regulation on liberalisation of market capital, which allows investment capital to enter and exit the country sea sea, with very few real investments entering the victim country, while disproportionately large amounts are draining outside.

After the capital outflow, the IMF asks the country's government-victims to drastically raise interest rates to 30, 50 or even 80%, which completely destroys the country's economy.

Step 3 - Market pricing

Inflation is followed by a dramatic rise in the prices of food, energy, water and everything else, while wages and pensions stagnate or fall realistically.

The bad situation is followed by an IMF protest leading the country-victim to total economic destruction.

Step 4 - "free trade"

The move introduces "free trade" under the conditions of the World Trade Organisation and the World Bank, which trades Stiglic to the famous opium wars, noting that today the World Bank can order a financial blockade that is just as effective and even more dangerous than the military blockades used during the opium wars.

In this article, The Stiglica regarding the IMF and the World Bank worry about two things: that their plans are defined secretly, and absolutistly, without debate, and 21 worse, which never work in practice (in terms of a positive result), but rather bring completely opposite effects (stating that under IMF "structural assistance" Africa's revenues have fallen 23%.

As the only country to escape this disastrous scenario, Štiglic mentions Bocaana, who succeeded thanks to the imf's exile.

Who are they and what are they doing, "economic killers"

The financial and economic destruction of many nations by the financial and corporate oligarchy is witnessed by american John Perkins,who in his book "Confessions of an Economic Killer", reveals how, in developing a strategy to impose loans on other countries, bankers have devised a whole repertoire of legal but also criminal methods, as well as a new occupation: economic killer.

In the same book, Perkins writes, "The undercover economic killer is a top professional, a mercenary in the fusion of big capital, and the goal of his work is to convince third world countries that they are strategically important to the U.S. economy and should accept loans in billions of dollars."

He also argues:"Economic killers are extremely well-paid professionals who take thousands of billions of dollars from countries around the globe. They direct money from the World Bank, USAID (the U.S. Agency for International Development - USAID) and other foreign organizations to "help" the wallets of large American "international" corporations and pockets of members of several wealthy families that control planetary natural resources. Their tools include falsified (fabricated) financial statements, rigged elections, bribery, extortion (blackmail), sex and murder. They play a game that has existed since empires existed, with the difference that the current game, in this time of globalisation, has been further perfected and moved to an even higher terrifying level."

Perkins dedicated this book to two presidents who were his "clients", whom, he says, he respected and considered soul mates: Jaime Roldos - president of Ecuador and Omar Torijos, president of Panama.

Both men claim to have died in plane crashes that were not accidental, namely that they were killed because they "stood up to the brotherhood of corporations, governments and bank heads whose aim was a global empire".

According to Perkins, there are three steps in a "business" involving economic killers.

In the first step, they emerge and convincing the leading people in a state to borrowbillions of dollars in loans for a corporate project - a project that is not of interest to that state, but for a particular US ormultinational corporation. 22

The money is deposited into the corporation's account, and the loan and interest are resused by the victim state.

For consent to such a "job" the leading people of the victim country receive a certain percentage of the value of the loan, with a warning that, in the event of a deduction, they will be killed.

If a statesman rejects the offer, "jackals", as Perkins calls them, or people professionally trained to kill in various covert ways (in traffic or other accidents, etc.), thus activating the second step.

If they succeed, then the injured party usually agrees to the offer, and otherwise military aggression against that state follows, as a third step.

What Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano says about the plot against humanity

This former apostolic nuncio and Vatican ambassador to the US from 2011 to 2016, in an open letter to US President Donald Trump, written on 25.10.2020, regarding the alleged Covid-19pandemic, reads:

"On a daily basis, we anticipate the reproduction of attacks by those who want todestroy the very foundationof society : natural family, respect for human life, love of the country, freedom of education and business. We see that the heads of nations and religious leaders agree to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the basic rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of an urgent health situation that is increasingly revealed as key to establishing non-human idle tyranny."

About banking, money and bankers from the perspective of some well-known historical figures

The quotes below of the letter were taken from the online edition of "Bankers Against Humanity - Find Out How We Are Being Cheated and Robbed and How to Stop Them" by Ans and Eva Jargi.

Josiah Stamp, (1880-1941), svojevremeno direktor Bank of England

Banking was conceived in injustice and born into sin!

Back in 1928. In an informal conversation at Texas University, Josiah Stamp said:

"Banking was conceived in injustice and born into sin. The bankers own the World. If you take away their ownership of the World, but leave them the power to make money, they will quickly make enough money to buy it back. Nevertheless, take away their power to make money, and all those great treasures, like mine, will disappear, and they should disappear, because then the world will become a more 23 beautiful place to live. But if you want to remain a slave to a banker and pay the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to make money.",_1st_Baron_Stamp

Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, (1834 – 1902),

Centuries of problem - people versus bankers

"The problem that has been piling up for centuries and which there will be a fight sooner or later is the people against the banks." ... "Poweraspires to corruption, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

James Madison Jr. , father of the U.S. Constitution and fourth president of the United States

Ready for anything to keep control

"History shows us that bankers have used every possible form of abuse, conspiracy, fraud and violence to retain their control over governments by controlling money and issuing it."

Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826), third president of the United States

Thomas Jefferson, one of the so-called "fathers" of the American nation, author of the Declaration of American Independence, one of the signatories of the constitutional convention and the third president of the United States

More dangerous than the army

"I sincerely believe that banks that are allowed to issue money are much more dangerous than the military on full alert."

"If The Americans ever allow a private bank to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, banks and corporations will grow around them and stifle all the people of their assets, while their children will wake up as homeless people on a continent conquered by their fathers."

Abraham Lincoln, 16th US president

Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865), the 16th president of the United States of America, from 1861 until his assassination in April 1865.

In the hands of bankers money is the master, in the hands of the people servants 24

"The government should create, issue and release all the money needed to satisfy government spending and the purchasing power of citizens. By embracing this principle, taxpayers will save huge amounts of interest. Money will cease to be master and become servant of mankind."

After his government printed $400 million known as the Greenbacks (famous as "greenbacks," which, to differ from Fed dollars, had a background in green), money that wasn't emanalized as debt, he said:

"We have given the citizens of this country the greatest and most beautiful gift possible. Their own paper money with which they will be able to pay their own debts."

Andrew Jackson, 7th Us President (1767 –1845)

Litter of poisonous snakes and the den of thieves

"The shameless attempt by which this bank (think of the Second Central Bank of the United States) sought to control the government is a warning to American citizens not to show confidence in another institution like this in the future."

"Your den is a den of poisonous snakes and a den of thieves. I intend to eradicate you, and God help me, I will eradicateyou"!

When asked what his greatest achievement as president in two terms was, Andrew Jackson replied without a second thought, "I killed the Bank!" (referring to the Second Central Bank of the United States, which ceased to exist in 1836)

Theodor Teddy Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States (1858 -1919)

Issuing money must not be in private hands

"Issuing money should be controlled by the government, and it should be protected from Wall Street dominance. We oppose provisions that would put our currency and currency system in private hands."

"These international bankers and Rockefeller's Standard Oil control much of the press and are doing everything they can to subdue or expel official authorities who refuse orders from the powerful banking cliques that make up the invisible government."

Thomas (1856 - 1924) - the man who left the dollar printing to the Fed

By signing the Federal Reserve bill, he inadvertently destroyed his country 25

A few years after the Fed Bill was signed, Wilson wrote:

"I inadvertently destroyed my country. A large industrial nation is controlled by a credit system. Our money system is concentrated in the hands of a few. The growth of the nation, and all our activities are controlled by these people. We have become one of the worst-managed, one of the world's most controlled governments - no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government elected by the votes of a majority, but a government under the pressure of a small group of dominant people. "

William Lyon Mackenzie King, former Prime Minister of Canada (1874 – 1950)

Any nation that has no control over issuing money is destroyed

"Until the control of issuance of money and loans is returned to the government, as its first and holy responsibility, all stories about parliament's sovereignty and democracy are futile and useless. Once a nation takes control of its loans, it doesn't matter who writes the laws of that nation. When the league takes control, every nation will be destroyed."

John Francis Hylan, from 1918 to 1919, said he was "very sad" by the news. In 1925

An invisible secret government that, like a giant octopus, covers all states and nations

"The real threat to our Republic is an invisible government, which like a giant octopus with its sticky tentacles spreads across our cities, states and nations. To deviate from mere generalization, let me say that at the forefront of that octopus are Rockefeller - Standard Oil and a small group of powerful bankers they call international bankers. A small limited group of powerful international bankers practically outshoot the U.S. government for its own selfish ends."

"These international bankers and Rockefeller-Standard Oil control most newspapers and magazines in this country. They use columns of this newspaper as a beating to expel all employees who refuse an offer from the powerful corrupt cliques that make up the invisible government."

Hylan, like William Jennings Bryan and Charles Lindbergh Sr., argued that bankers exercise their control of the U.S. government through the Federal Reserve.

Carrol Quigley (1910 - 1977) profesor Georgetown univerziteta

Banking goal: political and economic control of the world 26

"Financial capitalism has a far-reach goal: to create a world wide system of financial control in private hands, which will control the political system of every country and economy in the world as a whole, which would be controlled in a feudal manner by the world's central banks that would act under secret agreements." From the book "Tragedy and Hope"

Bertolt Brecht, German poet (1898 - 1956), German poet dramatist and theatre director

Bankers more dangerous than bank robbers

"What is a bank robbery compared to setting up one?" - From the Opera House for Three Grapes

Napoleon Bonaparte,French tsar

Above emperors and states

"When the government is addicted to banking money, then bankers and not the leaders of the people control the situation, because the hand that gives is always above the hand it receives... Money has no homeland; financiers are without patriotism or decency; Their only goal is profit."

Otto Von Bismarck (1815-1898), German Chancellor, after Lincoln's murder

They're going to use america's fortunes to corrupt civilization

"Lincoln's death is a disaster for Christianity. There wasn't a big enough man in America to take his place, and the bankers went for the wealth again. I fear that foreign bankers with their cunning and skillful tricks will establish complete control over America's vast wealth and systematically use them to corrupt civilization." quotations-on-banking/

Reginald McKenna (1863 – 1943), engleski bankar, nekadašnji predsednik Midlands Bank of London.

By controlling the money, the bankers control the fate of the people

"Ordinary citizens would not like to know that banks can make money. Those who control the nation's credit policies also control the government, thus holding the fate of the people in their hands."

Henry Ford (1863 – 1947), American industrialist, founder of Ford Motor Company 27

If the people understood banking, a revolution would break out.

"It is good that people do not understand our banking and monetary system, because otherwise, I believe a revolution would erupt tomorrow."

Barry Morris Goldwater (1909 - 1998), Republican candidate for President of the United States in the 1964 election

The Fed is out of congressional control

"Most Americans do not have any real understanding of the functioning of the system of international bankers. Federal Reserve accounts have never been audited by Congress. The Fed exist outside the control of Congress and manages The United States' money."

Charles a. Lindbergh, US Senator (father of famed pilot Lindberg)

Fed law the biggest legal crime in history

After Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, he said:

"This is the establishment of the largest cartel on the planet. When the President (Wilson) signs this bill, the invisible power of monetary power will become legal.... this banking and currency law is the biggest legal crime in history. From now on, depression will be scientifically created."

"To trigger high prices, the Federal Reserve will lower the redicon rate, produce loan expansion and raise the stock market; and then when business people adapt to these conditions, in the midst of prosperity they can raise interest rates arbitrarily. This can lead to a pendulum of growth and falling market interest rates moving slightly back or forward with light changes, or fierce fluctuations in large variations, but in any case they will have insider (internal, first-hand) information about future financial conditions and changes, whether rates move up or down. This is the strangest and most dangerous advantage that has ever been placed in the hands of any particularly privileged class. The system is private, conducted exclusively for the purpose of obtaining the greatest possible gain from the use of other people's money. They know in advance when they're going to create panic to their advantage. They also know when the panic will stop. Inflation and deflation work just as well for them because they control finances. "

James Abram Garfield (1831 - 1881), after Lincoln, the second President of the United States to be assassinated

Money controllers - absolute masters 28

"Whoever controls the amount of money in any country is an absolute master of the whole industry and trade. When you realize that the whole system is very easily controlled by a few people at the top, you won't need anyone to tell you how inflation or depression occurs. "

William Carr:

More dangerous than gangsters

"Al Caponee and his gangsters are gentlemen compared to international bankers." William Gay Carr, in "Pawn in the Game"

Vinsent Vikers, guverner Bank of England

Those who manage money emissions, manage and economy

"Allowing the broadcast and offer of money to regulate the production and consumption of goods is the same as allowing fruit baskets to regulate the fruit offer, or if, say, a lack of bus ticket offers triggered a strike by bus drivers. And yet, the current order in our lives is guided and controlled precisely so that those who manage the emissions of money determine the production and consumption of fruit or any other goods and services. If economists from another planet or a small child of average intelligence explained the current position humanity is in, they would laugh at such nonsense."

John Kenneth Galbraith

Economic hinge masks the truth

"The money-making, more than any other area in the economy, uses complexity not to reveal the truth, but to disguise it or avoid it."

"The process in which banks create money is so simple, the mind refuses to accept it." – American economist John Kenneth Galbraith

LeoTolsty, Russian writer:

A new form of slavery

"Money is a new form of slavery, and it differs from the old one simply by the fact that it is faceless: that there is no human relationship between slave and master."

More about financial banking and other machinations can be found in the aforementioned book "Bankers Against Humanity".

The most important ways in which national economies are plundered 29

Although there are many types and forms by which funds and all other assets are fraudulently confiscated from all individuals and nations of the World, some authors agree that the biggest heist is carried out in three simple ways:

1. Provide real coverage for the primary money show.

Up until the formation of the IMF, states were more or less sovereign in broadcasting their own primary emissions money.

However, after accepting imf rules, they became a necessary cover for this type of emissions in foreign exchange (most often in the dollar), gold or other values.

All other countries to broadcast their own primary money emissions, if they did not have sufficient coverage in foreign exchange and other reserves, had to either sell certain goods or perform services worth the irrigated emissionofmoney , or provide this coverage in another, least painful, way.

The most terrible and painful way was to take out loans and loans,which not only have to be repaid, but are, most often, repaid at high interestrates.

And the main entrustees for providing these loans and loans were most often, in the bottom line, the privately owned banks or institutions of this global financial and corporate oligarchy.

One of the few countries that has retained sovereignty over primary money emissions is China, which today has the strongest economy in the world.

2. Broadcasting the primary money show without (real) coverage

According to reports by financial experts, several countries with the strongest and most sought-after currencies (earlier: the US dollar, british pound, German mark, French franc and Japanese dollar, and after the creation of the Eurozone: US dollar, Britishpound, Euro and Japanese currency) primary money emissions "cover" by issuing government bonds placed on the capital markets.

Although there is no solid cover behind such bonds, in any real value (except the state's promise to pay them off), they are sold on the financial market because almost all international commodity and financial transactions are made in these most sought-after currencies (mostly in dollars) and that many countries acquire them to create their own foreign currency reserves in these currencies.

Of course other countries can use this mode of primary emissions, but they resort to it rarely and to a small extent, since the demand for such bonds is rare and limited, because, for the most part, it is local in nature, which is why emissions based on such bonds at the level of global transactions are completely ignorant. 30

Particularly clear example of issuing money without coverage could be seen in the United States during 2008. (when thousands of billions of dollars were released without coverage, to compensate for the losses of certain large private banks and corporations) and during this year 2020. (when they were also released without coverage for thousands of billions of dollars to "cover" losses caused by the Covid- 19 pandemic).

What is not seen by economic and financial experts in countries outside the United States is the fact that realistic coverage for such a dollar emissions does not yield U.S. government bonds, but rather the fact that all world countries accept such bonds as a real value.

In this way, all these countries are inflicting enormous damage on their economies, and fed owners with unlimited enrichment.

3. Interest – usury

There was a time when any borrowing of money at (any) interest was called lichware, which in most middle-aged countries was strictly forbidden and punishable by death (as prescribed by England's Magna carta libertatum).

In modern times, borrowing money at interest is legitimize almost everywhere in the world, and it is punishable only when the amount of interest crosses a certain limit.

Any system of emissions or borrowing of money at interest in the long term causes the economy to collapse, because the necessary amount of money in circulation, due to interest, must be constantly increased, creating a terrible evil that in economic and financial science is called inflation, by which the owners of central and largest banks rob their own population, because the burden of inflation is rearranged on all money users, where the most damage is done to all money users.

It is similar to loans taken with interest by goods manufacturers and service providers, in which case interest supplements are calculated in the prices of goods and services, paid for by consumers of goods and service users.

In such a system, owners of private central banks have at their disposal a third instrument of looting, through which, even if there are no two previous mechanisms, in the long run, ownership of money, as well as all goods and other values, must inevitably spill over into their hands.

Central banks 31

Although bankers, through interest, did their clients' theft even at a time when there were no so-called central banks, by establishing private central banks, their opportunities for looting and fraud increased a hundredfold, thousands and more.

By establishing private central banks, the states that established them as the biggest thieves gave them a legal opportunity for virtually unlimited looting of the inhabitants of their states (and even everyone else who accepted their currency as a means of payment).

This opportunity has been greatly exploited by bankers and developed very sophisticated systems of legalized plunder not only of their own, but of all the nations of the world.

Because, before the establishment of central banks for the broadcast of money, i.e. giving loans and loans, they had to have some kind of coverage, after the establishment of central banks, money could be broadcast without coverage, as is evident from the founding charter of the Bank of England, which literally states: "This bank belongs to all interest gains on the money it creates from NOTHING (out of nothing)."

The first central banksin The Euro Pi, as private institutions, were established during the18th century, but by the middle of the 20th century, in all countries were nationalised (the last one was nationalised the Bank of England, in 1946, with many arguing that the nationalisation of this and other Eurocentral banks had not beenfully implemented).

Central Banks USA

It is little known that, before the establishment of the current Fed (established in 1913), as private central banks of the USA, there were previously two private central banks.

The First Bank of the United States, as a private institution, operated from 1791 to 1795. Until 1811. While the second, also as a private one, existed from 1816 to 1817. Until 1836. Year.

To protect the U.S. economy, President Andrew Jackson in 1836 joined the United States. Since 1836, he has vehemently opposed the contract extension, so that from 1836 to 1845, he was a president of the United States. Until 1913. In 2013, the second central bank did business as a state.

Federal Reserve - FED - third private bank

Although the first two private central banks of the USA were founded against the unconstitutional and destroyed the national economy, in 1913 for the third time in 32

America a private central bank of the Federal Reserve was established - the Fed, which, according to many, carried out the biggest heistnot only of the American, but also of all nations of the world.

The truth about the Fed: The Fed is a private banking corporation

Most people in the world, including the U.S., don't know the fact that the Federal Reserve is a private banking corporation.

In the introduction to "Secrets of the Federal Reserve," writtenafter 30 years of researching Congressional Library documents, american author Eustas Mullins writes, "Will Americans rebuild our nation, ... Or will we continue to be prisoners of money, Babylonian debt in a system set up by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that will complete our total destruction? That's a question we have to answer, and we don't have much time for that."

Mullins about Rothschild family

In the same book, Mullins writes that the founders of the Fed, back in 1910, were the founders of the Fed. In 2010, they had already taken control of private and state money and loans, so the establishment of the Federal Reserve was only the legalization of their control and allowed it to strengthen even further, but the United States did not gain real economic and financial independence, because all real power rested in London, with the main rothschild banking family, which at the time of the Fed's founding (1913) , through manipulation of gold prices and other machinations on the international market, controlled not only the US, but also the world financial market.

Below are quotes from the book "Bankers Against Humanity", based on a moved book by Eustas Mullins:

"Mullins goes on to write that Henry Clews, a well-known American banker, states in his book "Twenty-Eight Years on Wall Street," that the 1837 panic was engineered by Nathan Mayer Rothschild who was "synonymous" with the Bank of England.

In support of the claim that the Rothschild family has played a key role in international finance for the past two centuries, Mullins quotes Frederick Morton, who writes in "The Rothschild":

"Because of their success in lending not to individuals, but to nations, they have made huge profits."

And more: 33

"Someone once said that the fortunes of Rothschilds consisted of the bankruptcy of the people."

He goes on to quote the EC knuth, who, "In the realm of the city", writes:

"The fact that the House of Rothschild made its money in great falls lead and great wars in the lead, periods when others lost their money, is unquestionable."

Mullins also writes that Nathan Mayer, Freiherr von Rothschild (1777 (1836), known as Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the fourth son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), the "founder" of the family, made his fortune spreading on the London stock exchange fake news about the outcome of the famous Battle of Waterloo. About this famous scam, in which Nathan made an incredible fortune, he wrote Ignate Balla, in "Romance about the Rothschilds" (published by Everleigh Nash, London, 1913).

In this regard, reported on January 1st that The New York Times reported April 1915 reported that Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild in 1914. In 2013, he tried to suppress Ignatia Ball's book by claiming that the stories of Waterloo and his grandfather were untrue and defamatory. However, the court ruled that the story was true, dismissed Rothschild's lawsuit, andordered him to pay all the costs. In particular, the New York Times noted that in this story, the total "Rothschild wealth" is estimated at $2 billion. After the "success" of his Waterloo scam, Nathan Mayer Rothschild gained control of the Bank of England, and then began issuing papers to other central banks in europi. For his success in his speculation, Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild, as he later called himself, said: "Theman who manages British money controls theBritish Empire, and I control British money. His brother James in Paris also achieved dominance in French finance. In "Barun Edmond de Rothschild,"

David Druck writes: "(James) Rothschild's fortune has reached 600 million marks. Only one man in France owned more. It was the king, whose fortune was 800 million. The total wealth of all bankers france is 150 million less than James Rothschild's."

The Rothschilds have established family ties with some imperial, royal and other influential Eurofamilies (German, British, etc.), so they use a combination of finance and politics to win more influence - a trademark of Rothschild from thevery beginning. It was only after World War I that the wider public learned through numerous diplomatic publications how strongly Alfed de Rothschild influenced the politics of the central Europe during the20 years before that war. By controlling the money, the Rothschilds also came to control the media. Mullins mentions how Kent Cooper (1880 - 1965), president of the Associated Press, writes in his autobiography that international bankers at Rothschild House had 34 already gained great influence in three leading Europress agencies at the beginning of the20th century.

So the Rothschilds bought control of the International News Agency Reuters, based in London, Havas in France and Wolf in Germany, which fully control the spread of all news in Europe.

Their pressure on the media is also discussed in the book "Media Monopoly," where author Ben J. Bagdikian (who edited the nation's most influential saturday evening post magazine until monopolies shut it down), described it as " a stunningreport on the 50 corporationsthat control what America sees, hears,reads," controlled by five London banking houses.""

Important facts related to the "US" dollar

Regarding the "US" dollar, it is important to know some very important, and little- known facts to the public:

1, starting in 1913. In 2010 (when, unconstitutionally, a current private institution known as the Federal Reserve - The Fed, which may be considered some sort of US central bank and which institution is privately owned), the US dollaris a private currency owned by the Fed - which the financial institution lends to the US state - at interest.

2. that with the disastrous agreement of the 44 ally countries, reached in Breton Vuds, America in 1944, the US dollar became the only currency for which oil purchases and sales could officially be made (justified by the gold cover that existed at the time).

3. that in 1971 US President Richard Nikson abolished the dollar's gold cover , but that even after that, oil (and even all other types of goods and services), was bought and sold for dollars, except recently, when individual states try to buy and sell goods and servicesin euro, or in their national currencies.

4. To take the United States of America, Thanks to the unscrupulous fraud and looting of American citizens by the owners of the Federal Reserve, starting in 1929 they are in a swimming bankruptcy, which is maintained exclusively in this way, which, starting from the beginning of this economic crisis, Congress has steadily increased the ceiling on indebtedness above which total over-indebtedness (bankruptcy) must be declared,which, according to somedata, Congress has so far done about 70 times .

Some other facts and developments that suggest a global conspiracy may exist 35

Although the existence of a worldwide conspiracy is serious and argumentatively pointed out by numerous other authors, due to the extensiveness of the topic, they will not be discussed here.

The possibility of such a conspiracy can be existed and actively referred to, however, by many events and events during the 20th and 20th century.

That such a conspiracy does not represent a product of imagination tkz. The "theorists" of the conspiracy, rather than a very serious possibility, also point to two suspicious assassinations of two American presidents who seriously opposed this malign financial mafia - Abraham Lincoln and Johon Kennedy.

Lincoln was killed after, as president of the United States, he printed a certain amount of dollars (i.e. "greens"), while Kennedy not only repeated the same "crime" (giving an order to print state dollars, on the surface of silver, which was withdrawn from circulation immediately after his death), but at a press conference just months before his murder, he spoke openly about the existence of these dark conspiracy currents and called on the nation to help him fight the conspiracy.

Of all modern politicians, it seems that the existence of the conspiracy is the most, most direct and openly talked about by the president of the United States of America - Donald Trump, who, for their identification, uses the term "deep state," alluding to secret service officials and state administrations acting on the instructions of the global financial mafia, and not working for the national good (which may have affected it) president who lost the race for a second presidential term).

Corruption of the legislative, political and all other main structures of society

In addition to Colleman,there are other authors who argue that the accelerated and ever-growing financial power of a small number of individuals, which in particular intensified after World War II, has enabled, in almost all modern states, to performan extra-institutional usurpation of legislative, political, police, military, judicial and all other important forms of state.

Further, this enables the management of states and international organisations, as well as decision-making in almost all major spheres of human being, from decade to decade, to be passed into the hands of an increasingly small number of the richest individuals.

This acquired power further serves as one of the main levers for establishing hidden control in education, health care, the judiciary, learn and all other important social activities.

Media manipulation 36

The accelerated development of technical and technological science, as well as all kinds of media for mass communication, which followed World War II, led to the rapid development of the film, newspaper, radio and TV industries, which further improved the possibilities of various forms of social control.

The phenomenon of media poisoning of people's minds is negative, Immoral and violent content was once noted by Eric Fromm, a renowned German social psychologist, psychoanalyst and humanist philosopher, emphasizing how the US government, on the one hand, has an interest in actively engaging in financing the production ofweapons, and, on the other hand, on passivity, i.e. disengagement in financing media content that the human mind would enlighten and enrich.

The rapid development of artificial intelligence and information technologies, with the help of gigantic IT and other corporations and various internet and other social networks, is rapidly leading to increasing surveillance and control not only of the most important political and other social events and events, but also of behavior, desires, reflections and worldview and reality in most individuals.

Thus, we seem to have come to a situation where most of humanity is created daily by this kind of global virtual reality, which, at a given moment, corresponds exclusively to those who create and market such "reality" through the media.

Financial manipulation

Financial manipulation globally and locally, according to many authors, is a key factor in the small financial oligarchy (which is said to command both Committee 300 and all other secret and public bodies and organisations), serves to acquire the growing financial and other assets, the growing military, political, media and any other powers necessary for the gradual establishment of a new world order.

According to some data from any major war or economic crisis, they come out richer by thousands of billions of dollars because, at the end of wars and crises, almost for the bad, they buy failed and bankrupt banks and companies (there are data that tens of thousands of billions of dollars have been profited on this Covid pandemic).

Thanks to sophisticated scams primarily americanand western Evropska, but also all other national economies, which for the most part take place through primary andother money emissions, but also in various other ways, they have, by some estimates, become owners of over 75% or more of all private world assets and hold almost all of the most important banking, industrial, agricultural, technological, media and other corporations. 37

The state assets of almost all countries in the world are completely devalued, so the state property of almost all states now amounts to only a few per cent of the total assets.

But that's not all.

In the last seventy years, most of today's countries have been forced into debt bondage, and they have become the main trusteesof almost all global and local debt (not only public, but also private ), the value of which, by someestimates, is hundreds or thousands of times higher than the value of the total current world assets.

Global Public Debt

According to data from the Institute of International Finance ("IIF") global debt by the end of 2020. In 2014, it will be worth about $277,000 billion.

Of these, about $133,000 billion is debt to the United States and The Euro Zone alone ( USA - 80,000billion, Euro zone - 53,000billion), which means that the two entities are currently the world's most in debtbecause they owe nearly half of the world's total debt and have lessthan 10% of the world's population.

This suggests the possibility that the US and Euro zones may be in unadjuned bankruptcy, or that they are at least close to bankruptcy (which "covers"the constant printing of dollars and euros withoutcoverage).

This debt, however, does not include secondary debt, i.e. debt that is due through the reproduction of primary debt through the issuance of loans, issuance of valuable papers, and all types of commodities and other payments and transactions, which are 100 to 1,000 times the official public debt, according to estimates by some economists.

This means that the world's actual total public debt could be up to 1,000 times more than $277,000 billion.

John David Rockefeller (1915 - 2017)

We need a major crisis to form the St. Etical government and a new St. Etical order.

"We are grateful to , The New York Times, Time Magazine and other major publications whose directors have attended our meetings and honor their promises of discretion for nearly forty years ... It would be impossible to develop our plan for the world if we were subjected to the light of the public during thoseyears. But the world is now more sophisticated and ready to march towards worldgovernment. The supranational sovereignty of the intellectual elite 38 and the world's bankers is certainly preferable to the national sovereignty of the past centuries."

Bilderberg meeting, June 1991. Baden, Germany

Nicholas Rockefeller - the ultimate goal of chipping all the people of the world

Aaron Russo- a film producer and former politician, after some time of close friendship with Nicholas Rockefeller- ended his friendship after Nicholas revealed their plans for humanity to him inthe 1990s:

"The ultimate goal is to install chips in all the people of the world and that these chips contain information about all their money and everything else. And then if anyone wants to rebel against what we're doing or stand up to us, let's just turn off his chip."

Russo made the announcement in a video clip still available online.

More on David Rockefeller

Given that, according to some sources, this billionaire (who died in 2017, after turning 101 and several heart transplants) is credited with funding globalist organizations – the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission - as well asone of the leading positions in the financial-oligarchic conspiratorial structure, here's something else about him, regarding the topic of conspiracy against humanity.

David Rockefeller is also credited with the following statement:

"Ideological extremists for more than a century at both ends of the political spectrum, have used my encounter with Castro for accusations against my family, as well as a messy influence on the world, and claim that we rule American political and economic institutions. Some say that we are part of a secret clique that works against the best interests of the United States and the world, accusing my family and I of conspiring with others around the world as well as building a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will call it that. If that's an accusation, I plead guilty,and even more so, I'm proud ofit becauseyes, we do!"

It is also alleged that in 1994, he was accused of trying to 100 years in prison. At the UN Business Conference, he said:

"We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is one, a real and great crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order for themselves!"

About funding vaccines for mass sterilization of the population 39

According to some sources, AMERICAN journalist and researcher Jurriaan Meaessen, in a rockefeller fundation, came across a 1968 report by The Rockefeller Fundation. In 2013, the organisation funded vaccine research related to mass sterilizationofpeople, in order to plan for population depopulation.

This one, and many other researchers, argues that this Foundation still funds almost every new vacuum.

Rockefeller's"Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development"

In May 2010, rockefeller foundation and global business network created "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development".

This document envisions a worldwide pandemic of influenzaviruses , which , unlike the2009 Swine Flu virus H1N1 , is "extremelyvirulentand deadly", and which , in just seven months , infected almost 20% of the global population and kills 8 million people.

According to the document, the pandemic was due to start in 2012 and end in 2030, with four possible scenarios of response to the problem being presented, the most interestingofwhich is " Lock step", which irresistibly recalls the events with the alleged pandemic of the alleged Covid-19 disease , which will be discussed in Open Letter Number 2.

The most important forms of global war against humanity

According to numerous and extensive reports available not online, the secret war against humanity, in addition to financial fraud and malware,is conductedwith various other subversive activities, among which, as the most difficult forms,are mentioned:

-vaccines and various other harmful pharmaceutical products (tkz. jatrogen medicine),

-by producing and placing food containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs),

-regulations allowing excessive use of harmful chemical and other means in agriculture and industrial food production (in particular regulations collected in the Alimentaria Code),

- spraying from planes with so-called kemitrails (which, bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms, heavy metals, and various toxic substances are sprayed with air, water, soil, humans, animals and plants), 40

-electromagnetic radiation (especially radiation used in telephone mobile networks - 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, etc. ).

Connoisseurs say that a special form of psychological and propaganda war against humanity is being fought through informationand other modern technologies, as well as through the internet and other electronic media and the largest social networks.

Although all of these forms of action are very dangerous and with unparallelsably harmful consequences for human life and health, many authors see as the most difficult, dangerous and destructive form of action against humanityin vaccinations (which is a special topic that will be discussedmore in Open Letter II, and especially in Open Letter III).

Due to the extensiveness of the subject matter of this letter, not all mentioned forms of warfare against humanity will be discussed in more detail here, so it is recommended that readers be informed more more about it through content currently available online (which, for now, there are still many, even though such content is persistently and systematically removed).

Do certain groups and individuals acquire the characteristics of criminal acts in such actions?

If it were found to be true here (and in many other places) the claims of numerous authors on the way of working, the plans and objectives of Committee 300 and all organizations, groups and individuals subordinate to them or superior, then it may be possible in their actions, both nationally and internationally, to gain the notion of multiple crimes of genocide and more crimes against humanity, whose prosecution is not subject to the outdated , which should be given its opinion by prosecutorsand criminal judges.

Criminal offences under international law

Under international law, such persons may betried under certain conditions by the UN-based International Criminal Court, which was established by the United Nations by the RomeStatute, which came into force on July 1st 2002,for several acts prescribed by article6. (genocide),item a), b) and c) and Article 7. item a), b), c), e), f), g) and k) (crimesagainst humanity)of the RomanStatute.

Crimes of genocide

By article 6. The Rome Statute could be described as the most serious form of genocide, implying acts committed with the intention, as a whole or in part, of destroying all existing national, ethnic, racial and religious groups throughout the world, namely: 41 a. By killing most or all members of most or all groups; b. Inflicting serious physical or mental injuries on all members of all groups; c. Deliberately establishing group living conditions, calculated for their physical destruction in whole or inpart.

Felonies of crimes against humanity

By article 7. Of the Rome Statute, such actions could be described as the most serious form of crimes against humanity, by whichacts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against all or most of the civilian populationswould beimplied, using the following methods: a. Murder; b. Extermination; c. Enslavement;

E. Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical freedom by violating the fundamental rules of international law;

F. Torture;

K. Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to the body or mental or physical health.

The provisions of Article 7 of the Law on The Right stipulate that the Paragraph 2. section b) The Roman statute "Extermination" stipulates that this act includes the intentional deprivation of basic living conditions, including deprivation of access to food and medicine,calculated to bring destruction of part of thepopulation, while the provisions of point e) of the same paragraph stipulate that "Torture" means intentionally inflicting grievous pain or suffering, either physical ormental, on a person in custody or under the control of the accused; except that torture will not include pain or suffering that is inherited only from, inherent or accidental to, lawful sanctions.

These two points of Article 7, paragraph 1, item b) of the Rome Statute may specifically apply to the current activities of the WHO and many national bodies and crisis headquarters that, in violation of all basic legal principles and international and domestic regulations, are taking unreasonable and devastating measures (in the form of the introduction of a state of emergency, curfew, the seizure of freedom of movement, prohibition of work, etc.), against the

Criminal offences under national law 42

Under national legislation, such persons could be tried in competent national courts, under each country's national laws, which regulate crimes committed by association to commit criminalacts, and crimes committed by a criminal organisation.

Who's taking prosecution for acts like this?

According to the provisions of Article 13 of the Law on The Right stipulated by the The Rome statute, the initiation of a criminal investigation by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court can be requested by a state that is a party (i.e. that ratified the Rome Statute), the Security Council, and the prosecutor of that Court.

The prosecutor of that Court launches an investigation on official duty based on information about crimes committed under the jurisdiction of that Court.

That court, according to the provisions of Article 11 of the Code of Justice of the 12th U.S. the Rome Statute, competent only in respect of crimes committed after the degree to force of that Statute, i.e. committed after 01.07.2002.

The statute does not closely regulate who can provide the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court with information about crimes under the jurisdiction of that Court, which means that information, or criminal charges for launching an investigation, in addition to the parties and the Security Council, can be provided to him by individuals, groups, organisations and associations from all countries where such crimes were committed.

Under national legislation, criminal prosecution is undertaken by authorities authorized by domestic legislation, but the rule also applies that information, or criminal charges for launching an investigation, in addition to police and other state bodies, can be delivered to them by individuals, groups, organisations and associations.

Process problems of criminal, material and other responsibility for officials in international bodies and organisations

Given that, both criminal and material and any other responsibility, national laws are quite elaborated and covered, it seems that the trustees have come up with the thought of doing their criminal activities much more safely and efficiently through international bodiesand institutions , which, in addition to the desire to increase the material wealth of their corporations, is one of the main reasons for the creation of global andinternational entities, through which, almost undisturbed, they achieve most of their globalistic goals. 43

Therefore, it is no wonder that until the creation of the aforementioned International Criminal Court there was no possibility of criminal responsibility of the conspirators and their associates, accomplices and obediators operating with international bodies, organs and organisations, such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organisation, etc.

However, due to the non-ratification of the Roman Statute under which this Court acts, it has made it difficult to prosecute them before that Court, since they most often act as citizens of those states that have not ratified the Statue of Rome, and who do not accept the court's jurisdiction for any criminal offences, including the most serious ones.

Suggestions and recommendations

For some of those who agree with claims of a conspiracy against humanity but have no idea how to act in the direction of exposing and suppressing it, potential suggestions, recommendations and suggestions follow.

General recommendation

For people of all professions and professions, the suggestion is that, through e- meil, forums, social networks, or otherwise, they spread this and other information that indicates the possible existence of a conspiracy and possible danger to humanity.

Stopping the harmful actions of banking and other national and international corporations

For lawyers, judges, prosecutorsand others in legal science and theprofession, the recommendation is to examine and study existing national and international regulations and find the best way and procedure to stop the harmful actions of supranational, globalistand corporate bodies, organs and organisations , and bring the main culprits for such behaviour, and their closestestaries, to justice.

As one of the main ways, suitable for the fastest and most efficient action in this direction, it is proposed to urgently confiscate and take over all national and corporate banks, companies, media and other legal entities found to be owned by conspiratorial financial-corporate oligarchy.

It is especially important to take away their financialpower - because it is probably their most important weapon , by which they"buy" all the otherweapons, and the people (politicians, profession and science) and the media, and everything else that can be bought for money. 44

This is the most important thing to do in the USA, because, nowadays, the headquarters of the largest banks, companies, companies, media and other entities used by the conspirators are based there.

Specifically on confiscation in the USA

Since under the U.S. Constitution only Congress (and, in certain cases, the President of the United States) is authorized to issue money , appropriation of this constitutionalfunction by the founders of the Fed, Through an unconstitutional law in 1913, it represents anunconstitutional act, which has robbednot only American citizens, but of all humanity, because the US dollar was used, and still used, as aworld currency, for which everything can bebought and sold.

In particular, issues concerning the protection of privacy and the protection of freedom of thought and expression on the internet and social networks (protection against illegal censorship) should be addressed, as well as the possibility of establishing national or internationalcontrol over the most important technology company, operating globally.

Since the United States houses the headquarters of the most important technology companies and corporations (which are also found to be owned by conspiracies), which deal with the production of software and hardware (such as Microsoft, Apple and others), internet technologies (such as Google and others), social networks (such as Facebook, Twitter and others), through which secret control of Internet users is conducted, in confiscationand download.

Stopping the harmful effects of individual world bodies and organisations

Since the conspirators achieve some of their most important goals and projects through many international and social bodies and organizations, especially through the WorldBank, the International Monetary Fund , the World Health Organization, etc., it is very important to investigate their actions and behavior , and take away their opportunities for harmful action against eated nations or all of humanity.

Combating vaccination and other potential forms of genocidal activity

The recommendation to legal, medical, engineering and other professions is to study the potential harmful effects of vaccines and other pharmaceutical products as soon as possible, genetically modified organisms (GMOs)and excessive use of harmful chemicals and other means in polyuchy and industrial food production (produced according to regulations totaled in the Code of Alimonaryus), spraying fromaircraft with so-called chemicals and electromagnetic radiation, especially those used in telephone cell networks - 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, etc. 45

Related to so-called chemitrails, there are already many reports that humanity , among other things, is being eassed with viruses and other harmful substances that cause poisonings whose consequencesare attributed to the alleged Covid-19 disease, which is why we need to check the need for a more urgent ban on the flyover of national air territories by any means necessary

It is also recommended that more urgent checks on the necessity of using certain frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, especially those used in 5G telephonemobile networks, for which there are already many reports and studies on the harmful effects on human health(in the form of poisonings whose consequences also look like consequences attributed to the alleged covid-19 disease).

Taking national control over primary money emissions and trade

With several of the largest central banks issuing untied money, which is used for international and domestic payments almost worldwide, the recommendation for lawyers and economists is to consider a way to regain control of primary money emissions as soon as possible in national frameworks.

Also to consider is the problem of trade that would exclude the possibility of paying goods and services to certain currencies used as reserve world currencies (US dollar, Euro,British pound,etc.).

Nationalisation of foreign-owned media and prohibition of work by associations, non-governmental other organisations established by foreign capital

According to many information, in addition to political means, the conspiracy is largely carried out, through the media (television, news and other), associations, NGOs and other organizations, the need for their nationalizationand prohibition of the establishment and operation of foreign-ownedmedia, as well as the prohibition of work by associations, non-governmental other organizations established by foreign capital, is also necessary.

Measures to distribute national income more fairly

In the end, in order to function more efficiently in distributive justice and to reduce, for the future, the possibility of such and similar conspiratorial scenarios against humanity, it seems that measures should be considered for a fairer distribution of national income.

In the current system of distribution of national income, which is, on all occasions, organized by the conspirators, it seems that they themselves (although, in relation to all of humanity, according to some estimates there are only about 0.000001 or 46

0.000001%) legally, they allocate about 80% - 90% of the national income, while the rest is shared by everyoneelse.

In this rest, they intended the main part for entertainers - actors, singers, athletes, etc., while everyone else, including workers ,doctors, professors, engineers, judges, etc., remain only crumbs, barely enough to survive.

The exception for these last professions exists in the so-called "most developed" countries, where they are stimulated by significantly higher wages than in other countries, although even if they survive, there may be worse poverty and poverty, if the conspirators succeed in achieving all their plans and goals.

In addition to being unfinished and fearing for their careers and for their work, perhaps this is one of the main reasons why most experts are still largely silent today and are not trying to stop even this potential pandemic attempt at the collective suicide of humanity.

Prosecuting conspirators and their associates, aides and other accomplices

It seems that lawyers dealing with criminal law should consider all possibilities of prosecuting conspirators and their associates, aides and other accomplices who act in domestic and international bodies, bodies and organizations (such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization, etc.), through national bodies andcourts, as well as through the International Criminal Court.

Given the potential difficulties of prosecuting at the International Criminal Court (due to non-ratification by individual states), the possibility of establishing two special international criminal courts , one of whichwould deal with political- financial conspiracies andcrimes , which strip nations offinancial-monetary sovereignty and looting and destroy the economy , may also be considered. while others would deal with medical-pharmaceutical and other conspiracies andcrimes that destroy children and adults ' health and lives( vaccines and various other harmful pharmaceutical products, production and placement of food containing genetically modified organisms (GMO), regulations allowing the over-use of harmful chemicals and other means in polyuch and industrial food production - Code of Alimentarius,airplanespraying – kemitrails, electromagnetic radiation, etc.

Karma: natural (divine) justice

In the end, the general suggestion to all readers is that, regardless of what they think of this Pism, they also consider whether their(good or bad) life and their further and final destiny are more important written laws made by people , to whom such right is referred to by other human laws, or theunwritten natural or divine laws as they were called before the adhesives of current written human laws, and as they were now called. 47

This is primarily the case of the law of Karma,which was applied in theancient Veda legislation, which is thousands of years older than the oldest written laws known today.

According to the law of Karma, human destiny (good or bad) is determined by man'sactions andbehavior, which, depending on the intention, will, consciousness and conscience of each individual, can be good or bad.

Most people, in most life situations, intuitively know what's good and what's not good todo.

However, since it is sometimes difficult to determine how to treat others in a specific situation, then perhaps the so-called goldenrule , whose essence has two forms, positive andnegative, may help:

1. Do to others what you want for yourself!

2. Don't do to others what you don't want to do to yourself!

This rule is universal and rooted in many religions and cultures, and, according to Wikipedia, it was also adopted at the Assembly of World Religions held in 1993,and incorporatedinto the "Declarationof Global Ethics".

Conclusive considerations

Although there are numerous claims that today's conspiracies (and/or their family's ancestry) organized and prepared all wars and revolutions over the last 150 years (including both world wars and the communist revolution in imperial Russia), the dismantling of the former USSR and the former SFRY, almost all civic, religious and other unrest, including various "oranges" and other "revolutions" and "springs", here, due to the extensiveness of the topic, will not be discussed in these types of conspiracies and crimes.

The criminal and lopsided actions of this small group of conspirators against all mankind, in addition to the ad mentioned, are evidenced by a multitude of other texts and books, but it seems that, and what has been put forward so far, is sufficient to conclude that in the XX and XXI century there was a great aberling of the profession, science and morality, and that such a drastic decline was planned, organized and supported by this conspiratorial oligarchy , with the help of financial, media, medical, legal and other instruments.

If, in this regard, the behaviour of science and the profession is observed in the areas of health, law, politics and the media in this alleged pandemic, it is likely that the fiancees, at least in part, have already achieved some of the main goals that Colleman and many other authors point to. 48

Therefore, it seems that in this day and age many individuals, in all the most important areas of human being, do not act for the benefit of their families, nations and humanity, but for the benefit of these conspiracies, as the greatest enemies of families, nations and humanity.

In most countries in the world, national laws are enacted that, at the expense of national ones, favor foreign and international entities, and almost all the most important heads of national bodies behave like ordinary officials, who receive instructions and commands for their work directly from conspirators or their associates and aides.

National borders are being demolished, customs and other duties for the import of goods from their companies are abolished, thus creating conditions that, if all this continues, would undoubtedly lead to the conspiracy to become owners of all private property in the very near future, while state property and private property of other people would cease to exist.

Already in most countries in the world gradually, but faster and faster, almost all national (state, mix and private) are failing. small and large), enterprises and individual and family businesses, and all their capital and assets are slowly taken over by a small number of the largest corporations, interconnected by ownership, which, according to some data, is mainly in the hands of a small number of shadow families, who manage Committee 300, and through them, and their associates and aides, who, further, through corrupt and/or affected individuals, manage the most important national and international bodies.

State authorities have become their clerical apparatus that, in various ways, destroys all the national economy (both state and private), slightly leaving it in their hands, starting from banks to manufacturing and service companies, so that for some time, almost all national economies, and almost all of humanity, have been working just for them.

However, it seems that issuing money without cover has brought them to the door of imminent bankruptcy- which would show everyone that the fake emperor is naked (which many have long warned of), which would significantly affectand disrupt their most important plans.

To avoid bankruptcy, the conspirators, according to estimates by some "conspiracy theorists," have planned a highly transparent scam with the alleged Covid-19 pandemic, which is taking place undisturbed throughout the world, precisely because, in most major countries, they have already established hidden control over the work of the most important political, legal, medical, media and other individuals. 49

The scam appears to be conducted phase by stage, precisely according to their pre- prepared plans, which some "theorists" conspiracies pointed to before (andafter) the alleged pandemic was declared.

Due to the monstrosity of their plan, but also because of media control and hiding from the public the most important facts and information, it seems that most of humanity still does not believe in the existence of such a conspiracy, although it seems that by the end of the realization of their plan there are only two final stages left:

1. Vaccinating the entire population with high-sophisticated vaccines, with nanotechnology chips and material for permanent change of human genetics , which, through computers of the latest technology, would enable absolute control and management of the behavior of eachvaccinated person, and

2. The establishment of a world governmentand state - led by the conspiracy and their associates andaides, with a population of about halfa billion - survivedafter vaccination.

That is why perhaps the following days, months and years, are crucial not only for the survival of human civilization as it has existed so far, but also for the biological survival of humanity, and that is why the message for readers who agree with such a conclusion would be that, after reading this letter, they would deeply imagine and consult with theirconscience and intuition, and then decide whether they, and in what way, can do something to stop and prevent this dangerous and threatening tyranny, the exploitation and destruction of their families, friends, nations andall ofhumanity , which, in many countries, has already begun with the introduction of unreasonable and terrorist "anti Covid" measures against their own people (more of which will be discussed in Open Letter II).

Given the tremendously rapid development of perfect nanos and other technologies (especially informative ones), it seems that people of all professions need a serious warning that if, in the coming days,months andyears, nothing is done to stop the conspiracy, there is a serious possibility that almost all of today's professions (starting with workers in the production and trade of products and services, through doctors, engineers and professors, to the police, the army, prosecutors, judges, politicians, etc.) in the very near future they will be replaced by robotsand machines , and that in such a situation, thefiancees will sacrifice almost all of humanity as redundant and unnecessary ballast (because humans, even now, when they are finished with slaves, are considered useless).

Maybe all those doctors, engineers, professors, policemen, soldiers, prosecutors, judges, politicians,and everyoneelse, who is currently working against their families, nations, humanity, should think about it. 50

Perhaps the time has ripened for humanity to finally take a new path and build a fairer society, in which doctors will protect health, lawyersjustice, governments human rights and freedoms, and the media information, and in which educational institutions and religions will develop the highest spiritualknowledge.

In this sense, the message for the end of thisScripture , which comes from the famousvisionary,who was far ahead of his time:

"The day that the scientist begins to study non-physical (spiritual) phenomena, humanity will prosper more in ten years than in the earlier centuries of its history."

Nikola Tesla

... Author of the letter: 25.12.2020. Predrag Krsmanovic

About the author of the letter

Predrag Krsmanovic, licentiate jurist, with about 40 years of legal experience, mostly as a judge and lawyer.

Currently he is the president of the Administrative Department of the Cantonal Court in Tuzla.

Author of the book "Practicum for litigation" ("Privredna štampa" d.o.o. Sarajevo, 2010)

A longtime educator at the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Centre for The Education of Judges and Prosecutors.

In the field of civil and administrative law, and the application of the European Convention on Human Rights, he published several professional papers in several journals, and a large number of sentences from case law.

As a consultant, he participated in the development of several modules from the civil area in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which, during 2006, were drafted in co- ordination of the Centres for Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska, as well as the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 51

Author of test questions in the field of administrative law for written and oral interviews, which the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina uses when testing persons applying for the position of judge.

Co-author of the "Report on the situation of the judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina in resolving administrative disputes" (made within the "Project for Improving the Efficiency of Courts and Accountability of Judges and Prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Second Phase"), which was adopted at the session of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council Of Bosnia and Herzegovina held in November 2019.

The holder of the Council of Europe certificate for attending a training seminar for judges and prosecutors on the application of the European Convention on Human Rights, held in Strasbourg from 16 to 20 October 2006.


P.S. This open letter was published on the website in the original and English language version. The author apologizes for the possible number of errors in the translation of the letter into English.