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To Download This Book in PDF Format 9/11 and The New World Order Mujahid Kamran ALSO BY MUJAHID KAMRAN 9/11 & The New World Order (2013) The Inspiring Life of Abdus Salam (2013) The Grand Deception: Corporate America and Perpetual War (2011) Einstein and Germany (2009) Pas e Parda: Almi Siasat Kay Makhfi Haqaiq (2008) Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: A Quick Introduction (2005) Dr. A.Q. Khan on Science, Education and Technology, Editor (2004) Jadeed Tabiyat Kay Bani (1997) Dr. A.Q. Khan on Science and Education Editor with S. Shabbir Hussain (1997) Jadeed Tabiyat kay Mashaheer (1988) ii All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any way without the written permission of the copyright owner. 9/11 and The New World Order by Mujahid Kamran Copyright@ 2013 Mujahid Kamran Date of Publication: September 11, 2013 Published by the University of the Punjab, Lahore Printed and bound at the University of the Punjab Press First Edition To all those who seek the truth about 9/11 and the assassination of JFK Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth liv- ing, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time. John F. Kennedy, June 10, 1963. On November 22, 1963 JFK was shot dead in broad daylight in Dallas, Texas, in front of crowds that had lined up to greet their highly popular President. After he was hit by the first bullet in his neck, not one of his body guards from the U.S. Secret Service threw them- selves on him to protect him as specified in SOPs. His car, instead of speeding, as laid down in SOPs, slowed down to a virtual halt until 5.6 seconds later a second shot from a different direction, literally blew his brains out. After he had been killed the car speeded up. No one has ever been held accountable either by the U.S. government or punished by the U.S. judiciary. Contents Preface ix 1 9/11 and The New World Order 1 1.1 Coverup . 2 1.2 Mind Control - World Control . 10 1.3 The Elite and False Flag Operations . 16 1.3.1 Operation Gladio . 22 1.3.2 Osama bin Laden and 9/11 . 26 1.4 9/11 and Pearl Harbor Deceptions . 34 1.5 Why 9/11? . 45 1.6 9/11 Wars and Lies . 55 1.7 Elite Agenda and Strategy . 59 1.7.1 The Elite and the Bolshevik Rev- olution . 71 1.8 Impoverishment, Dictatorships & Wars . 77 1.9 \Think Tanks" and NWO . 93 1.9.1 Operation Gladio B . 110 1.10 The Molding of the American Mind . 115 1.11 Poverty, Debt Bondage and Dictatorship . 141 vii 2 The Truth About Pearl Harbor 171 3 The Mysteries of 9/11 199 3.1 Flight AA 11 . 203 3.2 Flight UA 175 . 206 3.3 Flight AA 77 . 208 3.3.1 What Happened to Anti-Aircraft Anti-Missile Systems? . 218 3.3.2 Did Bombs Explode First at the Pentagon? . 222 3.4 Flight UA 93 . 230 3.5 Failure of SOPs . 243 3.5.1 Cheney's Role . 251 3.6 The Destruction of WTC Towers . 258 3.6.1 WTC Survivors' Testimony . 265 3.7 Destruction of WTC 7 . 279 3.7.1 WTC 7 Eyewitness Testimony . 289 3.7.2 The Mysterious Death of Jennings 297 3.8 Whistleblowers, Harassments & Deaths . 302 3.9 Foreknowledge . 318 3.10 Miscellaneous Facts and OCT . 334 Index 357 viii Preface This book has grown out of a lecture that I gave on September 11, 2012 to an audience comprising faculty members of the University of the Punjab. The lec- ture had been organized by the Punjab University Aca- demic Staff Association. It was an off the cuff lec- ture as I did not have the time to sit down and pre- pare a write up before hand. Subsequently I wrote an article based on that talk and put it up on my web site with the title \9/11 - An Analysis". However I felt the need to elaborate many of the things I had stated in the lecture. As a result of this attempt the write up became a fairly long essay, long enough to be published as a small book. 9/11 bears some important similarities to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941. These similarities were noted by 9/11 researchers very early. I then realized that the average reader would not know much about what was really behind the Pearl Harbor attack and that led me to add a chapter on Pearl Harbor. In my lecture I had not discussed the unacceptability of the “official” 9/11 explanation. I assumed that many of those attending were aware of these. In particular the internet documentary Loose Change, aired by the Geo channel in Pakistan, had been watched by many people who had then become aware that the official version of ix events was not acceptable.1 However I realized that in a book of this sort there is a need to summarize the facts about 9/11 and the \holes" in the official version that have been pointed out by 9/11 researchers. This led me to add the final chapter The Mysteries of 9/11. The chapters on Pearl Harbor and on the Mysteries of 9/11 may be regarded as appendices to the long essay titled 9/11 and the New World Order. The chapter on the Mysteries of 9/11 however became a long essay in its own right in view of the enormous information and analysis that had to be compressed in it. Although in- tended as an appendix the chapter on the Mysteries of 9/11 in itself became the equivalent of a small book. I have repeatedly stated in my previous writings that the American people, with their wonderful qualities of the head and heart, are the finest group among mankind at the present stage of human evolution. It were Amer- ican researchers and scholars who were among the very first to point out that 9/11 was a false flag operation. More than any other group, and there are groups of scholars outside the U.S., who have valiantly pointed out the criminal nature of 9/11, it are the Americans who have led the movement to get to the bottom of 9/11. They have fought the Elite controlled government, the corporate media, and the conditioning of the masses by the educational system. The tenacity of the 9/11 Truth 1This 90-minute internet movie, incidentally, was made by three young Americans by spending a mere 2000 U.S. dollars. It was watched by so many people that it was referred to as the first internet blockbuster. x Movement, which includes not just the families of the victims, but increasingly Americans from various profes- sions, such as Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth, Archi- tects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth , Former Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Scien- tists for 9/11 Truth, etc., is a tribute to the strength of character of Americans. The extensive literature on the subject, books and articles posted on various web- sites owned by patriotic Americans, is proof that many Americans are deeply troubled by the actions of their government, and the direction towards which their na- tion is headed. The tenacity of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and the increasing disillusionment of the American people with the official 9/11 position, is the most significant ray of hope in an increasingly darkened world where the \elected" governments lie without batting an eyelid to secure the interests of their corporate masters. The main problem, perhaps the only problem, that the U.S. faces is the deep, hidden and sustained control of its institutions by a group of unimaginably rich families. These families are inter-related by business interests, marriage and blood. These families control global pol- itics by controlling the money line of countries like the U.S. and the U.K. They can do this because, among oth- ers, they own the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, banks which have the power to issue currency. Most of these families remain in the background, and many members of such families do not even reside in the U.S. This group, the Elite, or international bankers, xi as it is called, owns most of the wealth of the world and is driving the agenda for the One World Government, the New World Order (NWO) as it is euphemistically called. The NWO will be a dictatorship of international bankers where thought control will be employed to the fullest possible extent. Throughout the writing of this book I had the sup- port and invaluable help of many people. First and foremost I must thank my wife Shazia Qureshi Ph.D. for her continual input and many valuable suggestions. She read almost everything I wrote, and despite her aca- demic commitments, always came up with original as- sessments and advice. Many of the highly important books that I needed to understand 9/11 and allied is- sues were bought by her during her studies at Lancaster University.
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