Title Viral and bacterial diseases in livestock in

Author(s) ODONTSETSEG, Namsraijav; MWEENE, Aaron S.; KIDA, Hiroshi

Citation Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research, 52(4), 151-162

Issue Date 2005-02

DOI 10.14943/jjvr.52.4.151

Doc URL http://hdl.handle.net/2115/874

Type bulletin (article)

File Information 151-162.pdf

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Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP Jpn. J. Vet. Res. 52(4):151‐162,2005


Viral and bacterial diseases in livestock in Mongolia

Namsraijav ODONTSETSEG, Aaron S. MWEENE and Hiroshi KIDA*

(Accepted for publication : January5,2005)


This review focuses on the status of infectious diseases that are serious for animal health and have adverse economic effects in Mongolia. Data pre- sented here are limited due to the lack of published or other easily available documents. Foot-and-mouth disease continues to cause substantial economic losses as exemplified by the outbreak of infection with serotype O PanAsia lineage virus. In the case of the2001outbreak, a65% reduction in export reve- nues was recorded. In order to ascertain the free status of Mongolia from rinderpest, sero-epidemiological surveillance has been carried out since2001. In 2004,Mongolia was certified free from rinderpest by Office Interna- tional des Epizooties(OIE).Asharprise in both animal and human brucello- sis incidence has become a serious problem. Rabies and anthrax remain en- demic with occasional human cases. Other prevailing infectious diseases are contagious pustular dermatitis, contagious agalactia, enterotoxemia and pas- teurellosis. The current programs for the control of infectious diseases in live- stock in Mongolia lack a definite policy that would enable rapid implementa- tion. A large-scale surveillance of infectious diseases in animals and manage- ment of appropriate preventive measures are urgently required in Mongolia.

Key words:Infections, Livestock, Mongolia, Surveillance

subdivided into counties . Pastoral animal Introduction husbandry, extremely dependent on climatic Mongolia is located in central Asia and and environmental conditions, has been a tra- covers an area of1.565million sq. km. The21 ditional lifestyle and a major sector of the na- and the neighboring tional economy of Mongolia. Eighteen percent countries are shown in Fig.1.Provinces are of the total population of2.4million in Mon-

Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Disease Control, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hok- kaido University, Sapporo060‐0818,Japan *Corresponding author : Kida, H., Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Disease Control, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Kita18Nishi9,Sapporo060‐0818,Japan Fax:+8 1‐11‐706‐5273,E-mail : [email protected] 152 Viral and bacterial diseases in livestock in Mongolia

Figure 1. Map of Mongolia showing 21 provinces : Dornod (1), Sukhbaatar(2),Khentii(3),Dornogovi(4),Govisumber (5),Tuv(6),Dundgovi(7),Selenge(8),-Uul (9),Umnugovi(10),(11),Orkhon(12),Uvurk- hangai(13),Arkhangai(14),Khuvsgul(15),Bayankhon- gor(16),Zavkhan(17),Govi-Altai(18),Uvs(19), (20), Bayan-Ulgii(21)., the capital city(★). Provinces are numbered for the Table1.

golia are herders13).The livestock sector com- cations and they have hardly been published prises of approximately 13.6 million in international peer-reviewed journals , sheep,10.0million goats,2.4million horses, which is an impediment to the would-be re- 2.3million cattle and317.4thousand camels searchers. This review, thus, focuses on the (Ministry for Food and Agriculture of Mon- status of the diseases that are serious for ani- golia,2001).Intensive poultry and pig farm- mal health and their adverse effects on the ing are rare. About 10 intensive farms are economy of the livestock industry in Mongolia. keeping approximately70,000chickens23).The It is hoped that information provided here total number of pigs is around19,000(Tseren- will provoke further research activities that dorj, Sh., personal communication).Interac- may lead to the development and implemen- tions of infectious and non-infectious diseases tation of appropriate and efficient disease of livestock, availability of feeds and water re- control measures. The infectious diseases in sources are important factors that determine livestock are divided into groups of viral and human settlement and livestock grazing pat- bacterial diseases. terns. Co-existence of wildlife and livestock Viral diseases populations provides conditions that are fa- vorable for the transmission of viral, bacterial Foot and mouth disease(FMD ) and parasitic disease agents. FMD outbreaks occurred in Mongolia in Epidemiological data of animal infectious 1928‐1929 and 1941‐1944.In 1963‐1973,out- diseases in Mongolia are mainly in Mongolian breaks that lasted for the longest period were or available only through personal communi- caused by serotypes O and A17). Namsraijav ODONTSETSEG et al. 153

Table1.Serious viral and bacterial diseases in livestock in Mongolia Animal Control or Disease Distribution* species** intervention*** Viral diseases Foot-and-mouth disease bov, cap, ovi, cml (1‐4,6,8,12,20‐21) Cr, Qf, Qi,Sp,Su,V Rabies bov, cml, ovi, equ, cap (1‐21) Qi, Sp, Su, V Equine influenza equ (1‐21) Z, Qi, V Equine infectious anemia equ (6,8‐9,11‐12,15) Cn, Sp, Qf,Qi,Su Contagious pustular dermatitis cap, ovi,cml (1‐21) Qi, Su, V Bacterial diseases Brucellosis bov,cap,cml,ovi (1‐21) Cn, Sp, V Anthrax bov, ovi,cap,equ,cml (1‐3,6,8‐9,11‐17,19‐20) Cn, Qi, Su, V Contagious agalactia cap, ovi (6‐21) Cn, Qi, Su, V Salmonellosis ovi, cap (1‐15,17‐21) Su, V Glanders equ (2,4,9,14,17) Qf, Qi, Su Leptospirosis bov, equ, cml, ovi (1,4‐6,8‐10,14‐15,18‐19) Tuberculosis bov, yak NA Qi, Su, Te Enterotoxemia ovi, cap (1‐21) V Pasteurellosis bov, ovi, equ,yak (1‐6,8‐9,11‐21) Cn, V Strangles equ (1‐21) Qi, Su, V Blackleg bov (1‐21) Cn, V Listeriosis cap, ovi, bov (2‐5,7,11‐12,14‐15,17‐18,20) Cn, Cr, Qi, V *Datawereobtained from the references in the text and reports of incidences of infectious diseases in livestock (State Veterinary Department, Mongolia,2002‐2003).The numbers denote the provinces as shown in Fig.1. ** bovine(bov),caprine(cap),ovine(ovi),camelidae(cml),equidae(equ),information not available(NA) *** control of arthropods(Cn),control of wildlife reservoirs(Cr),movement control inside the country(Qi), precautions at the border(Qf),modified stamping out(Sp),surveillance(Su),screening(Te),vaccination (V),zoning(Z)

The World Reference Laboratory identi- nod and Khentii Provinces, eastern part of fied a serotype O PanAsia lineage virus as the Mongolia and in the capital city Ulaanbaatar. causative agent of the outbreaks starting in In the same year, the outbreak spread into late1999and2000,in a number of countries12). neighboring Orkhon and Selenge Provinces. This virus lineage had originated in India in In 2002,FMD outbreaks occurred in Bayan- 1990 and spread through the Middle East , Ulgii and Khovd, the western provinces. In Turkey, and Eastern Europe moving east- February,2004,an outbreak of FMD in Dorno- wards into the People’sRepublic of in govi was reported. Cattle were mostly affected 1999and then to Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, followed by sheep , goats and camels15). In Mongolia , and far-east Russia11). On April young animals FMD is fatal. Even though it is 30,2000 an outbreak of FMD that began on not usually fatal to adult animals, debilitation April 15,2000,in (county)of causes significant losses of productivity. To Dornogovi Province was reported to OIE7).In abate the detrimental economic consequences 2001,FMD was detected in Sukhbaatar, Dor- of FMD, control measures, which include di- 154 Viral and bacterial diseases in livestock in Mongolia

viding the country into outbreak, buffer, vacci- dogs, sheep, horses and goats in Mongolia15). nated healthy, control and healthy zones have Occasional human cases have also been re- been introduced. These measures are aimed ported9).In Mongolia, infections from rabid at preventing the spread of the disease and wild animals, such as corsac fox, fox, manul facilitating restrictions on the movement of and wolf , frequently occur. These animals susceptible livestock, fresh meat and animal serve as natural reservoirs of rabies28). products, following the OIE control policy rec- ommendations for the affected countries to re- Equine and camel influenza acquire FMD-free status and subsequently, Equine influenza, which had frequently participating in international trade. A vaccine, occurred in Mongolia up to the end of the prepared by the All-Russian Research Insti- 1970’swasidentified to be caused by H7N7 tute for Animal Health, Vladimir, from virus and H3N8influenza viruses2).In the spring of 22) strains of serotypes A22 and O1 has been used . 1993,an equine influenza outbreak occurred Epidemiological surveillance of FMD with the in and spread all over the ter- support of the Asian Development Bank Pro- ritory of Mongolia. In this outbreak there was ject for development of agriculture began in amorbidity of40.6% and mortality of2.1% of 2003in Uvs, Khovd, Govi-Altai and Zavkhan the total of 2.1 million horse population3), and the eastern provinces of Mongolia5). making it the most significant, so far. Nineteen outbreaks of severe respiratory Rinderpest diseases were recorded in camels between1978 Rinderpest in cattle and yaks were re- and1988in61herds in different parts of Mon- ported officially in 1913 in Mongolia . Since golia. During the epizootic of 1979‐1980,ap- then outbreaks were recorded in 1936,1938, proximately 4000 camels exhibited severe 1945 and 1948. The last outbreaks that oc- symptoms,375 died,148 aborted and 270 be- curred in 1991‐1992 in Dornod , Uvs and came extremely exhausted. Between1980and Bayan-Ulgii Provinces, were eradicated rap- 1983 thirteen isolates of H1N1 viruses were idly under appropriate control measures30). obtained from diseased camels. The isolate The freeze-dried live vaccine against bovine was almost identical to a H1N1killed vaccine rinderpest prepared from strain Kabete‘O’by strain reassortant designated as A/Leningrad Biocombinat31) contributed to the eradication /54/1[(A/PR/8/34( H1N1)‐A/Khabarovsk/77 of the outbreak17).The issues about the suspi- (H1N1)]used at that time in the Mongolian cion that a reservoir of rinderpest infection human population. At the same time with the still persisted in Mongolia and northern camel epizootic, an outbreak of infection with China, needed to be resolved10).In order to as- H1N1 influenza virus occurred among vacci- certain the free status of Mongolia from nated Mongolian children. It was suspected rinderpest, sero-epidemiological surveillance that a batch of the vaccine strain was not fully has been carried out since 20015). In 2004, inactivated or that reactivation might have Mongolia was declared free from rinderpest16) occurred. An infected person, who had contact by OIE. with camels, finally might have transmitted such a strain to the new species33). Rabies Rabies remains an endemic problem , Equine infectious anaemia(EIA) which affects mostly cattle followed by camels, EIA was first diagnosed in Khushaat Namsraijav ODONTSETSEG et al. 155

county of in 1952 and the Bacterial diseases disease was found to be prevalent in horses along Orkhon and Selenge rivers with suit- Brucellosis able environment for vector-borne transmis- Since the early 1960’sintensivecontrol sion . Cases in Khuvsgul , Selenge , Bulgan programs of brucellosis have been executed in Provinces and northern counties of Tuv Prov- Mongolia with testing rates between 50‐60% . ince are still being reported29).Sentsui et al .25) The vaccination program carried out in found 45 positive sera from 144 samples, col- the1980’swas probably the most successful18). lected in the areas where EIA was prevalent In 1966‐1968,cattle population infected with in 1999,by serological tests using enzyme- brucellosis was recorded as 6.5% ,3.3% in linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) and 1971,1.5% in1981,and0.8% in19916).In1969, agar gel immuno-diffusion test ( AGID ). brucellosis in camels was1.2% ,1% in sheep Ninety-five horses near the capital city , and1.8% in goats , whereas it reduced to Ulaanbaatar, were tested and showed nega- 0.8% ,0.05% , and 0.1% , respectively, in tive results. In2002,acountrywide prevalence 198728).In the1970’s, mass vaccination of live- rate of EIA was estimated to be 1.7% . EIA stock successfully reduced the annual inci- was included intheproject ’Maliin zarim ark- dence in humans to less than one case per hag khaldvart uvchintei temtsekh’to combat 10,00019).After1990,under the privatization several chronic infectious diseases, scheduled of the livestock, surveillance of brucellosis has for 2003‐2007 by the government of Mongo- been reduced to 3‐5% , afactorthatcould lia21). have led to a sharp rise in the incidence of both human and animal brucellosis18).In2002, Contagious pustular dermatitis(Orf ) average prevalence rates of brucellosis in cat- Dashtseren30)first detected contagious tle were2% and0.4% in sheep and goats in pustular dermatitis caused by parapoxvirus Mongolia21).Batbaatar et al .1) found that in- in 1962 in Mongolia . In prevalent herds , cidences of brucellosis in suspected herds around 60% (11.8‐81.8% )of lambs and kids were 15.5% and in herds , where abortion were infected from which 25.6% ( 4.8‐ cases were prevalent ,39.3% by the Rose- 39.7% ) were fatal cases. In Mongolia, goats Bengal test. Brucellosis is the second most im- are more sensitive than sheep to orf. In 1979, portant infectious disease of both adults and the disease was found among camels in some children in Mongolia where up to 30% of no- areas of Mongolia. The morbidity in2to3‐ madic livestock herders, including women and month-old camels was between50‐70% reach- children, are infected20).Brucella melitensis ing100% in1‐year olds and10‐80% in adults. appears to be the most common species, which Vaccination with the material containing is isolated from patients9).The current test camel contagious pustular dermatitis virus and slaughter approach has had limited suc- was promising. Incontrast,camels were not cesses due to the low surveillance, and the in- protected after immunization with vaccinia ability to cull positive animals since there is virus and with the vaccine against sheep and no existing policy for the compensation of the goat orf8). owners of the affected livestock. A whole-herd vaccination strategy, sponsored by the Mongo- lian government and World Health Organiza- tion(WHO),and to last for10years is under- 156 Viral and bacterial diseases in livestock in Mongolia

way18). try into two regions, prevalent and less preva- lent. Dundgovi, Bayan-Ulgii, Arkhangai, Dor- Anthrax nogovi , Zavkhan , Govi-Altai , Uvurkhangai , Establishment of veterinary services in Khuvsgul, Uvs and Tuv Provinces were in the this country enabled the control the high prevalent region . The less prevalent region prevalence of anthrax. But recently, lack of comprised of Bulgan, Dornod, Umnugovi, Se- appropriate vaccination programs, practicing lenge, Sukhbaatar, Khovd and Khentii Prov- voluntary slaughter of infected animals with- inces. He estimated that the loss of diseased out state compensation , and inappropriate animals might have reached around20% . disinfection of dead animals have led to the increase of the prevalence of anthrax28).Be- Glanders tween1989‐2002,anthrax cases were reported In Mongolia, up to the 1940’s, glanders as follows:2,135cattle,90sheep and goats, was one of themostprevalentinfectious dis- 17horses and5camels26).During1978‐1998, eases29).In the middle of the1960’s, diagnos- Arkhangai, , Bulgan, Dornod, tic, therapeutic and preventive projects were Zavkhan, Uvurkhangai, Sukhbaatar, Selenge, carried out against glanders, which greatly Tuv, Uvs, Khovd, Khuvsgul and Khentii Prov- decreased the disease prevalence6).In2002,a inces and the capital city Ulaanbaatar had countrywide prevalence rate of glanders was cattle and sheep epizooties28).Occasional hu- reported to be0.2% 21).In Dornogovi, an aller- man cases of cutaneous or intestinal anthrax gen test detected 118 positive reactors from also have been reported9). 9,977 horses and in Darkhan-Uul ,13 of 93 horses were positive by complement fixation Contagious agalactia test(CFT)in2002. In 2003,32 from 21,078 Contagious agalactia is one of the most horses in Zavkhan,166from19,462horses in widespread diseases in Mongolia . Damdin- Sukhbaatar were positive by the allergen test, suren30) discovered in 1974 that contagious respectively. In the same year,14 were posi- agalactia prevailed in 17 provinces of this tive from 66 horses in Arkhangai by CFT country with the death rates of6.5‐8.2% and (Tserendorj, Sh., personal communication). abortion rates of18.2% .He also reported that Glanders was included in the project‘Maliin 20.1% of ewes ,0.9% of rams ,9.9% of zarim arkhag khaldvart uvchintei lambs,48.6% of does,0.5% of bucks and20% temtsekh’to combat several chronic infectious of kids were infected. The diseased animals diseases, scheduled for2003‐2007by the gov- lost up to10% of their body weight and62% of ernment of Mongolia21). milk production. Leptospirosis Salmonellosis Sebek24) detected a high serological preva- Yondondorj and Baatar30) isolated 57 lence of leptospirosis in cattle(24.82% ) and highly pathogenic strains from sheep and in horses(7.32% ),while only1.56% of sheep lambs where50were Salmonella abortus ovis and0.76% of camels were positive, the goats and six were Salmonella typhimurium .In10 being negative. From the five provinces stud- isolates from goats and kids, nine were Sal- ied, Dornod was the most affected followed by monella abortus ovis. Yondondorj, according Dornogovi , Khuvsgul , Uvs and Govi-Altai . to his research in1977‐1987,divided the coun- The predominant serovars were Hardjo and Namsraijav ODONTSETSEG et al. 157

Tarassovi. The recent serological surveillance on a farm were infected with Mycobacterium, in cattle population by the author(to be pub- all chickens were stumped-out and the farms lished elsewhere)showed that Dornod Prov- were re-stocked. In every season, the test was ince(eastern)was more affected(82.2% )than repeated for certification of a disease-free the central provinces, Arkhangai(33.3% )and status of the new flock. Mongolia was certified Khuvsgul(23.5% ).The causative leptospiral free from avian tuberculosis during the1970’ serovar was Hardjo . Odontsetseg et al .14) s28). found that 31% ,16.7% and2%of the serum Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infec- samples were positive in the horse population tions are not well studied in Mongolia30). in Selenge, Tuv and Umnugovi Provinces, re- spectively. Bratislava was the predominant Enterotoxemia leptospiral serovar in horses in Mongolia. The Sugarragchaa and Tserev30) first diag- second important serovar of Leptospira in nosed enterotoxemia in Mongolia in 1959. horses was Hardjo, which was found to be Dashdavaa isolated 30 local strains of D and prevalent in the cattle population in this Ctypes of Clostridium perfringens.Inhisepi- country. Infection with leptospires of serovar demiological surveillance in1962‐1968,entero- Hardjo from cattle to other species may com- toxemia outbreaks occurred in57counties of monly occur. Further surveillance, isolation of Khuvsgul , Zavkhan , Bayankhongor and local strains, estimation of the affects of infec- Uvurkhangai Provinces between May and the tion on human and animal health, and eco- end of September with mortality rates reach- nomic losses caused by leptospirosis are ing 52.5% in July. The animals over2years needed. were mostly involved, from which80.6‐90.1% were ewes. Mycobacterium infections Mycobacterium bovis infection rates in Pasteurellosis cattle and yaks in the northern part of Ark- In1989,Lundaa28) found that epizootic bo- hangai , Bulgan , Khuvsgul , Selenge , Tuv, vine and ovine pasteurellosis with high mor- Khentii and Dornod Provinces of Mongolia tality rates spread to 115 counties of several were 0.6‐0.9% and 1.1‐1.5% in imported provinces in the forest steppe and plain dairy cattle during1966‐1968. With the help steppe regions of Mongolia, such as Arkhan- of the successful control measures the infec- gai , Bayankhongor, Bulgan , Uvurkhangai , tion rates were decreased to0.01% during the Tuv, Selenge, Khuvsgul and Khentii Provinces. 1970’s28).In 2002,acountrywide prevalence Equine pasteurellosis was rare. He isolated B rate of bovine tuberculosis was estimated to type of Pasteurella multocida from cattle, and be0.1% .Bovine tuberculosis was included in AandBtypesfrom sheep. A pasteurellosis the project‘Maliin zarim arkhag khaldvart epizootic occurred in winter and spring and uvchintei temtsekh’to combat several chronic mostly affected younger animals(83.6% ). infectious diseases, scheduled for 2003‐2007 Yaks and their hybrids were very susceptible by the government of Mongolia21). to this disease. Twenty to twenty-five percent In the surveillance during 1966‐1973,the of the total vaccine volume produced by Bio- average prevalence rate of chicken infection combinat, a national biologics factory, is dedi- with Mycobacterium avium was 7.7% in 14 cated to the production of vaccine against pas- provinces. When5% or more of the chickens teurellosis32). 158 Viral and bacterial diseases in livestock in Mongolia

Strangles Discussion Bayarsaikhan and Tsevegmid29) observed in their research in 1972‐1995 that strangles Since the 1950’s, national researchers was one of the widespreadinfectious diseases have been working on epidemiological surveil- in Mongolia, except for Govi-Altai, Dornogovi lances and development of livestock disease and Umnugovi Provinces. They divided the control measures. Several infections such as country into3areas of prevalence: Arkhangai, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia , conta- Bulgan , Dundgovi , Uvurkhangai , Tuv , gious caprine pleuropneumonia and sheep Khuvsgul, Zavkhan and Bayankhongor Prov- pox were eradicated under appropriate con- inces had 17‐33% , Bayan-Ulgii , Dornod , trol measures27).In the middle of1960’s, large Sukhbaatar, Uvs, Khovd and Khentii Prov- expeditions were organized to combat glan- inces,5‐17% , Govi-Altai, Dornogovi and Um- ders , brucellosis and tuberculosis with the nugovi Provinces , up to 5% . Debilitation help of the former Eastern Bloc satellite coun- greatly supports the spread of infection. The tries, and sharply decreased the prevalence of higher prevalence of this infectious disease these infections . Since 1990,Mongolia has among horses in Mongolia is probably due to adopted a new market economic system by the nomadic way of husbandry, which greatly disbanding state collectives and privatizing depends on the environmental and climatic the animal husbandry sector. Under the new conditions, and the milking of mares for hu- system, surveillance is undertaken at only a man consumption. limited extent, followed by voluntary slaugh- ter of infected animals without state compen- Blackleg sation19).Diagnoses of most of livestock dis- Even though the prevalence rate has eases are based on clinical or postmortem ob- been gradually decreasing, the whole territory servations . Thus , definite incidence and of Mongolia is still suffering from blackleg prevalence rates of the diseases are not outbreaks with high mortality rate30).In1996 known. ‐2003,atotal of3,289cases of bovine blackleg During the outbreaks, livestock and their in which59% were fatal were reported15). products, in several cases humans are sub- jected to restriction of movement and zoo Listeriosis sanitary measures are enforced. Vaccination Between 1978‐1992,listeriosis was re- is the most effective means of controlling viral corded in Arkhangai, Bulgan, Govi-Altai, Dor- and bacterial infections of livestock in Mongo- nogovi, Dundgovi, Zavkhan, Khovd, Khuvsgul lia . Since1923,Mongolia has produced na- and Khentii Provinces of Mongolia. Sheep and tional biologics against infections in livestock. goat listeriosis occurs mostly in the winter Today, the state-owned enterprise ’Biocombi- and spring seasons28).Between 1997‐2002,a nat’is producing over60types of biologics for total of 659 cases were reported from which diagnosis , prevention and treatment infec- 553 were ovine and caprine listeriosis. The tious diseases of animals4). rest involved bovine species. The mortality Pasture animal husbandry without rate was approximately 1:2 in sheep and boundaries greatly provides herd-to-herd and goats and1:10in cattle15). animal-to-animal contact, and also wild life provides conditions that are favorable for transmission of viruses and bacteria. Conse- Namsraijav ODONTSETSEG et al. 159

quently, it is needed to establish a more ap- even before clinical signs appear. Thus, to de- propriate and sustainable disease control pol- velop simple, specific and sensitive diagnostic icy that would allow country-wide or regional kits that could be used by veterinarians in the rather than herd disease control programs to field should be encouraged. be implemented rapidly. There is a tendency for most attention be- The disease control efforts are compli- ing paid to the fatal diseases rather than the cated by the fact that Mongolia is a land- milder but economically important ones. Re- locked country. During the outbreak of equine cently, the author found a high serological influenza at the end of1992and at the begin- prevalence of leptospirosis in the cattle popu- ning of1993in Khovd, which spread through- lation, which is an unfamiliar disease for ani- out the country, and rinderpest outbreaks in mal and human doctors in Mongolia . Lep- 1991‐1992 in Dornod, Uvs and Bayan-Ulgii, tospirosis may play an important role in abor- similar outbreaks were also reported in the tion and weak calving , which is not rare neighboring countries. The threat of spread of among bovine species in this country and fur- disease is significant because of high global ther may affect the people with occupational demand for meat and meat products, exten- risks arising from their close contact with ani- sive international trade and transport of meat mals. Therefore, research on unknown dis- and other foods around the world. Therefore, eases, which may cause silent hazards and to effectively combat infections multi-regional economic losses should be extensively studied. disease control programs involving the neigh- There is a huge potential public health boring Russian Federation and People’sRe- problem in Mongolia where people slaughter public of China are required. It is imperative privately for human consumption. Free mar- in preparing for and then handling outbreaks, ket for animals and their products by private to exchange the right data and using it among traders is common in this country. The lack of the countries involved. Because of the speed knowledge of private slaughterers and ineffi- at which infectious diseases such as FMD can cient state compensation for slaughtered ani- spread, the key to controlling an outbreak is mals greatly support the increase of the risks to detect disease at the earliest possible mo- of zoonotic diseases such as brucellosis and ment, and thereafter to diagnose infected ani- anthrax . To develop the public awareness mals as rapidly as possible . Subsequently about the appropriate food processing is im- emergency vaccination would be employed at portant where the safety of the origin is un- an early stage in diseases like FMD so as to known. Easy to understand and interesting ensure that it does not result into an epidemic. propaganda using media should be imple- One major obstacle hindering efficient mented for public training to decrease the dis- disease control measures is the lack of suffi- ease prevalence. cient specialized veterinary personnel espe- Outbreaks of highly contagious infectious cially in rural areas. There are only few labo- diseases or unknown animal health status of ratories, which are able to diagnose suspected acountry impose a trade and export ban on cases of infections in livestock in Mongolia. animal husbandry products, which in turn This has led to the lack of sufficient data for negatively affect the national economy. In2001, the evaluation of the epidemiological situ- because of the FMD outbreak, the People’s ation of infections in animals. There is a great Republic of China, the major trading partner advantage in being able to diagnose a disease of Mongolia, refused import of animal prod- 160 Viral and bacterial diseases in livestock in Mongolia

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